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On The Black Sea Surozhian



Some Black Sea researchers still support the idea of no other connection to the Mediterranean Sea between LGM and Karangatian Stage (Riss-Wurm). We try to clarify the source of these disagreements. C14 AMS age data (HERAS Project) made on undisturbed samples from a new Mamaia drilling hole where compared with the classical Black Sea stratigraphic schemes. A first transgressive event (Zone D) is found between 38.00-20.20 m depth. Zone D4 shows a fairly rapid rise of sea level, about 10 m below the present one indicating an inner shelf marine polyhaline environment. AMS age data show 14C ages between 53690-47359 y (MIS 1), corresponding to the "Surozhian Beds" of Popov. The "beach rock" from Zone E marks the decrease of the sea level after the maximum reached in Zone D4. Zone E mollusc shells AMS data, indicate 14C ages of 48724-44604 y, suggesting a long-time reworked material from the previous D4 zone sediments, and represents the beginning of the "regressive Tarkankutian" sequence.The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) led to the retreat of the sea level down to about 100 m below the current one (27-17 ky BP), followed by an retreat of the shoreline to the present position. At the beginning of the Holocene-MIS 1 (8408-8132 cal. y BP), Black Sea brackish water level grew rapidly, up to-14 m below the present one (Zone F: 22, 57-20, 20 m). Zone F deposits could be correlated with the Bugazian strata. Then, a continuous rising of the Black Sea level is recorded up to a maximum of-2 m under the present one, about 6789-7063 cal. y BP, when a transgressive spurt ("Neolithic transgression") may have taken place. After that, given a weak Danubian sedimentary input, coastal erosion intensified. The coarse sandy sediments were reworked and pushed over the previous peat deposits, and suggest a classical "sedimentary regression", not a sea-level decrease. During the last 1.5 ky, sea level has risen towards the current one. Previous C14 dates from "Karangatian stratotypes", show ages between 27390-42120 y BP. Our AMS C14 data on Surozhian mollusk indicate ages between 47359-53690 cal. y BP.
Geophysical Research Abstracts
Vol. 18, EGU2016-11391-2, 2016
EGU General Assembly 2016
© Author(s) 2016. CC Attribution 3.0 License.
On The Black Sea Surozhian
Glicherie Caraivan and Cerchia Corneliu
NIRD Geoecomar, Constanta, Romania (
On The Black Sea Surozhian
Caraivan, G.,1 Cerchia C.1
1 NIRD Geoecomar Constanta, 304, Mamaia Bdv, Postal Code: 900581
Keywords: Black Sea Surozhian, Upper Quaternary stratigraphy, environmental changes.
Some Black Sea researchers still support the idea of no other connection to the Mediterranean Sea between LGM
and Karangatian Stage (Riss Wurm). We try to clarify the source of these disagreements.
C14 AMS age data (HERAS Project) made on undisturbed samples from a new Mamaia drilling hole where
compared with the classical Black Sea stratigraphic schemes. A first transgressive event (Zone D) is found
between 38.00 - 20.20 m depth. Zone D4 shows a fairly rapid rise of sea level, about 10 m below the present one
indicating an inner shelf marine polyhaline environment. AMS age data show 14C ages between 53690 - 47359 y
(MIS 1), corresponding to the “Surozhian Beds” of Popov.
The “beach rock” from Zone E marks the decrease of the sea level after the maximum reached in Zone D4. Zone
E mollusc shells AMS data, indicate 14C ages of 48724 - 44604 y, suggesting a long-time reworked material from
the previous D4 zone sediments, and represents the beginning of the “regressive Tarkankutian” sequence.The Last
Glacial Maximum (LGM) led to the retreat of the sea level down to about 100 m below the current one (27-17 ky
BP), followed by an retreat of the shoreline to the present position.
At the beginning of the Holocene - MIS 1 (8408-8132 cal. y BP), Black Sea brackish water level grew rapidly, up
to -14 m below the present one (Zone F: 22, 57-20, 20 m). Zone F deposits could be correlated with the Bugazian
strata. Then, a continuous rising of the Black Sea level is recorded up to a maximum of -2 m under the present
one, about 6789 - 7063 cal. y BP, when a transgressive spurt ("Neolithic transgression") may have taken place.
After that, given a weak Danubian sedimentary input, coastal erosion intensified. The coarse sandy sediments
were reworked and pushed over the previous peat deposits, and suggest a classical “sedimentary regression”, not a
sea-level decrease. During the last 1.5 ky, sea level has risen towards the current one.
Previous C14 dates from “Karangatian stratotypes”, show ages between 27390 - 42120 y BP. Our AMS C14 data
on Surozhian mollusk indicate ages between 47359 - 53690 cal. y BP.
We argue that “Surozhian” is likely the classic "Karangatian" defined by Nevesskaia that does not correspond to
the Riss-Wurm, but to the Middle Wurm instead. The generally accepted “Karangatian”, placed in the Riss-Wurm
interval is much older. Similarly, the Surozhian (transgressive) cannot be Tarhankutian (regressive).
Caraivan, G., 2010. Studiul sedimentologic al depozitelor de plaj˘
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,i de s
,elful intern al M˘
arii Negre între Portit
,i Tuzla. [Sedimentological Study of Beach and Inner Shelf Romanian Black Sea Deposits]. Ex Ponto, Constanta.
(In Romanian)
Caraivan, G., Fulga, C., Opreanu, P., 2012. Upper Quaternary evolution of the Mamaia Lake area (Romanian
Black Sea shore). Quaternary International 261: 14-20.
Caraivan, G., Opreanu, P., Voinea, V., Pojar, I., Sava, T., Giosan, L. „Holocene landscape changes and human
communities’ migration in the western part of the Black Sea (Mamaia Lake area)”, In: IGCP 610 Proceedings of
the Third Plenary Conference, Astrakhan, Russia, 22-30 September 2015.
Giosan al, 2012. Early Anthropogenic Transformation of the Danube-Black Sea System. Sci Rep. 2012; 2:582
Nevesskaia, L.A. 1965. Pozdrecetverticinîe dvustvorcestîe molluski Cernogo Moria, ih sistematica i ekologhia,
Trudî Pal. Inst., 105, Moskva.
Shcherbakov, F.A., Koreneva, E.V., and Zabelina, E.K., 1977. Stratigrafiia pozdnechetvertichnykh otlozhenii
Chernogo moria [Stratigraphy of the Late Quaternary deposits in the Black Sea]. In Pozdnechetvertichnaia istoriia
i sedimentogenez okrainikh i vnutrennikh morei [Late-Quaternary History and Sedimentogenesis in Marginal and
Inland Seas]. Nauka, Moscow, pp. 46–51.
Yanko-Hombach, V.V., 2007. Controversy over Noah’s Flood in the Black Sea: Geological and foraminiferal
evidence from the shelf. In Yanko-Hombach, V., Gilbert, A.S., Panin, N., and Dolukanov, P.M. (eds.), [The Black
Sea Flood Question: Changes in Coastline, Climate and Human Settlement]. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 149-203.
Semenenko, V. N.; Kovaliuh, N.N., 1973. Absoliutnîi vozrast verhnecertverticinîh otlojenii Azovo-Cernomorskogo
basseina po dannîm radiouglerodnogo analiza, Gheologhiceskii jurnal, T 33, 6, 11-17. [Upper Quaternary sedi-
ments absolute radiocarbon age data from the Azovian Black Sea Basin]. Journal of Geology,T 33, 6, 11-17.
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This paper reviews the geological and foraminiferal evidence collected in course of extensive geological and palaeooceanograpic studies of the Black Sea since 1970 largely by the eastern scientists to examine the Noah’s Flood Hypothesis proposed by William Ryan and Walter Pitman. According to this hypothesis the Black Sea was a freshwater lake with a level ca 140 m below present during 14.7-10 ky bp. At 7.2 ky bp (initial hypothesis) or 8.4 ky bp (modified hypothesis), the lake was rapidly flooded by Mediterranean waters through the Bosphorus, forcing the dispersion of early Neolithic people into the interior of Europe, and forming the historical basis for the biblical legend of Noah’s Flood. In the context of the Noah’s Flood hypotheses, the time span 28-7 ky bp is emphasized and three crucial points are discussed: (1) level and salinity of the Neoeuxinian lake; (2) re-colonization of the Black Sea by Mediterranean immigrants, and, by implication, sea level and salinity changes due to connection/isolation between adjacent basins; (3) “an alternative” to the Bosphorus connection between adjacent basins. It is shown that prior the moderately warm Würm Paudorf (Middle Weichselian) Plenigalcial (prior to ca 27 ky bp), there was a brackish Tarkhankutian basin connected with the Sea of Marmara. At LGM, this connection was lost, and the level of the Tarkhankutian basin dropped to ca-100 m transforming this basin into closed Early Neoeuxinian lake. In a warming climate at ca 17 ky bp, a massive water discharge most likely from the Caspian Sea via Manych Outlet increased the level of the Late Neoeuxinian lake to ca-20 m. The latter must have spilled an excess of semi-fresh to brackish water into the Sea of Marmara and from there into the Mediterranean. During the short climate cooling episode occurring at Younger Dryas, the level of the lake dropped from -20 m to -43 m and than rose again to ca -20 m. After ca 10 ky bp, the level of the Black Sea never again dropped below ca 40 m iosobath, nor exhibited a maximum amplitude of fluctuation greater than ca 20 m. At ca 9.5 ky bp, it reached -20 m again, allowing Mediterranean waters and organisms to enter the Late Neoeuxinian lake. The re-colonization of the Black Sea occurred in an oscillating manner. It was slow at the beginning, becoming most prominent at ca 7.0 ky bp. The connection between adjacent basins was probably not through the Bosphorus Strait, but via an alternative route, e.g., Izmit Bay - Sapange Lake - Sakarya River. On average, the sea level rose gradually but in an oscillating manner to the present level, and perhaps slightly higher, averaging 3 cm per 100 years but certainly not 15 cm per day (almost 55 m per year) as postulated by the Noah’s Flood hypothesis. The increase of the sea level by 3 cm per 100 years would not be noticed by the inhabitants and would not have accelerated their dispersion into the interior of Europe, bringing us to the conclusion that “Noah’s Flood” in the Black Sea is a contemporary legend.
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Over the last century humans have altered the export of fluvial materials leading to significant changes in morphology, chemistry, and biology of the coastal ocean. Here we present sedimentary, paleoenvironmental and paleogenetic evidence to show that the Black Sea, a nearly enclosed marine basin, was affected by land use long before the changes of the Industrial Era. Although watershed hydroclimate was spatially and temporally variable over the last ~3000 years, surface salinity dropped systematically in the Black Sea. Sediment loads delivered by Danube River, the main tributary of the Black Sea, significantly increased as land use intensified in the last two millennia, which led to a rapid expansion of its delta. Lastly, proliferation of diatoms and dinoflagellates over the last five to six centuries, when intensive deforestation occurred in Eastern Europe, points to an anthropogenic pulse of river-borne nutrients that radically transformed the food web structure in the Black Sea.
Late Quaternary climate changes triggered the succession of several sedimentary environments, especially in the areas close to the current Romanian Black Sea shoreline. These have resulted in the succession of continental and marine lithofacies. The Mamaia karst depression consists of a sedimentary fill, which contains two marine transgression sequences (Surozhian and Holocene) divided by a sedimentary break, corresponding to the MIS 2 regression. The samples from two cores from the Mamaia barrier beach were analysed for lithology, texture, mineralogy, and fauna (molluscs, foraminifera, and ostracods).
Studiul sedimentologic al depozitelor de plajȃ s , i de s , elful intern al Mȃrii Negre între Portit , a s , i Tuzla
  • G Caraivan
Caraivan, G., 2010. Studiul sedimentologic al depozitelor de plajȃ s, i de s, elful intern al Mȃrii Negre între Portit, a s, i Tuzla. [Sedimentological Study of Beach and Inner Shelf Romanian Black Sea Deposits].
Holocene landscape changes and human communities' migration in the western part of the Black Sea (Mamaia Lake area)
  • G Caraivan
  • P Opreanu
  • V Voinea
  • I Pojar
  • T Sava
  • L Giosan
Caraivan, G., Opreanu, P., Voinea, V., Pojar, I., Sava, T., Giosan, L. "Holocene landscape changes and human communities' migration in the western part of the Black Sea (Mamaia Lake area)", In: IGCP 610 Proceedings of the Third Plenary Conference, Astrakhan, Russia, 22-30 September 2015.
Pozdrecetverticinîe dvustvorcestîe molluski Cernogo Moria, ih sistematica i ekologhia
  • L A Nevesskaia
Nevesskaia, L.A. 1965. Pozdrecetverticinîe dvustvorcestîe molluski Cernogo Moria, ih sistematica i ekologhia, Trudî Pal. Inst., 105, Moskva.
Absoliutnîi vozrast verhnecertverticinîh otlojenii Azovo-Cernomorskogo basseina po dannîm radiouglerodnogo analiza
  • V N Semenenko
  • N N Kovaliuh
Semenenko, V. N.; Kovaliuh, N.N., 1973. Absoliutnîi vozrast verhnecertverticinîh otlojenii Azovo-Cernomorskogo basseina po dannîm radiouglerodnogo analiza, Gheologhiceskii jurnal, T 33, 6, 11-17. [Upper Quaternary sediments absolute radiocarbon age data from the Azovian -Black Sea Basin]. Journal of Geology,T 33, 6, 11-17.