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Direct current pushed by thought force flows in two directions in a single-wire without return at the same time


Abstract and Figures

Thought is force. Thought force can be detected by thought force sensor. If we place two thought force sensors in two separate DC circuits and we connect these circuits with a single-wire without return, we get an unorthodox DC circuit. Here, the two DC circuits are not closed in the ordinary acceptance of the term, yet both thought sensors can be controlled with the same thought force via the single-wire. This is only possible, if current flows in two different directions simultaneously in the single-wire without return that connects the two DC circuits.
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Direct current pushed by thought force flows in two
directions in a single-wire without return at the same time
Dr. Tamás Lajtner
Thought is force. Thought force can be detected by thought force sensor. If we place two
thought force sensors in two separate DC circuits and we connect these circuits with a single-
wire without return, we get an unorthodox DC circuit. Here, the two DC circuits are not
closed in the ordinary acceptance of the term, yet both thought sensors can be controlled with
the same thought force via the single-wire. This is only possible, if current flows in two
different directions simultaneously in the single-wire without return that connects the two DC
Keywords: thought force sensor, DC current, unorthodox DC circuit, single-wire
1. Thought force is a sputnik-like topic
This study contains four facts that today’s mainstream science does not accept or even
explicitly rejects. The mainstream scientists see this topic as an unreal imagination. Saying
this, there is almost no opportunity to present, discuss or publish these facts.
The situation is somewhat similar to the scientific opinion of the American and Western
European mainstreamers before launching the first satellite: the soviet Sputnik. Satellite was
not possible, this was the official position of the Western mainstreamers at the time. At the
time, however, there was a Soviet Union that was not part of the narrow-minded Western
mainstream, therefore it created the Sputnik built on facts and experiments.
The force of thought does not exist in today’s science. In life, however, it exists. And it
has surprising properties. One of these (the 4th) is presented in the following article.
What are these unacceptable, "heretic" views?
1) Thought is force1.
2) Thought force is able to move real objects2.
3) Though force is able control electronic circuits3.
4) These circuits can be unorthodox that cannot be explained by our school knowledge.
These four facts are facts not opinions. And why are they refused? Because of the opinion
of mainstreamers. Opinions stop facts. How is it possible? Because faith moves mountains,
and thought force real objects.
2. Background
Circuit noun (closed system) Physics
a closed system esp. of wires through which electricity can flow
Circuit noun (circle)
something shaped like a circle
The DC circuit in Fig. 1 does not need any explanation. It was put here because it is very
important to understand that the present article shows an unconventional, very special circuit.
This unorthodox circuit does not form a circle.
Figure 1. A simple, conventional DC circuit everybody knows4.
The current flows into one direction.
The new, surprising DC circuit has been found in the research of thought force. The
author has researched the measurable force of thought for more than 25 years. Thought force
is a very irregular topic and it is unwelcomed in today’s academic science. Therefore, there
must be a few remarks given.
1. What is measurable thought? In the science nowadays, it is the
electromagnetic signals of the brain5. These signals cannot mean the thought itself,
since they are created at the discharge of the charges that are created when the
moving positive ions enter the standing i.e. not moving, negative neurons in the brain.
What moves the ions? The force of thought.
2. Thought force cannot be explained by the known fundamental forces6,
therefore the mainstream scientists refuse to accept the existence of thought force.
This attitude is simply false, thought force exists7, it can be proofed. Even more, the
research of thought force shows that thought itself is force.
3. Thought as force acts on real objects it causes measurable or immeasurable
moving or changes on things8. Therefore, it is possible to design thought force
4. How does thought force reach the sensor? She/he needs to concentrate, focus
on this sensor to send her/his thought force to the thought force sensor.
5. How does a sensor detect the force of thought? Via its special movement. This
movement is proportional to the force of thought. The signals caused by thought force
are small, since the force of thought is small too, therefore, we need special sensors.
The detected thought force makes possible to build a thought power meter. The power
and the energy of thought can be measured as well.
6. The author of this paper has invented more kinds of thought force sensors,
they will be presented after the epidemy.
7. Are these sensors about the electromotive force9 caused by thought?
According to the current definition, we can call the electricity caused by thought force
as electromotive force. “Electromotive force is the characteristic of any energy source
capable of driving electric charge around a circuit… One terminal of the device
becomes positively charged, the other becomes negatively charged…” writes
8. More on thought force here:
9. The direct reason for writing this article was a surprising discovery of a very
strange DC circuit. This circuit seems to be contradicted with the basics of electricity,
but it works. Here is no needed a circle-like circuit, all we need is only one single-
wire, and yet it works. The question is why?
3. Thought force sensor in orthodox electric circuit
Nowadays there are many sensors in the shops like fire, smoke, light, sounds etc. sensors.
But there are no thought force sensors at all. If we need a thought force sensor we ourselves
have to produce it. The main characteristic of a thought force sensor is that it is able to make
measurable the force of thought. In the mainstream science thought force does not exist,
because it cannot be explained with the four, known fundamental interactions. It exists, and it
is evincible by the changes of some well-known characteristics of an electric part or circuit
like resistance, voltage, current, etc. Please accept that the author has his business secret,
therefore he may not publish more details of the structure of his thought force sensor.
However, the following can be understood without knowing the structure of thought force
Until last months the author thought a circuit that contains a thought force sensor is an
orthodox electronic circuit. Its only extraordinary specialty is the thought force sensor in it.
Figure 2. Thought force sensor in a classic circuit. In order for it to work, the human being
has to concentrate on the thought force sensor that is marked with the thought picture and
check mark. The arrows with a small thought picture symbolize the flowing force of thought.
Fig. 2 shows a thought force sensor in a known DC circuit. This configuration is new,
because the thought force sensor is unique, but the electric circuit is a common circuit.
4. Thought force sensor in unorthodox electric circuit
In recent months, the author run into a phenomenon that was expected, yet it was
surprising. It was expected because the force of thought is a force like any other force.
According to the physics definition of force is the following: a force is a push or pull
phenomenon that changes the motion of an object. But the following is still surprising.
Thought force needs only one single-wire to change the states of two (or more) thought
force sensors. It is possible to run two thought force sensors that are in different circuits, and
these circuits are electrically not orthodoxly connected. Or saying it differently, one single-
wire connects the two DC circuits, and in the connecting wire the current flows in two
different directions.
Figure 3. Current flows in two different directions in the same single-wire, because thought
force acts on this single-wire. Here thought force sensors are in an unorthodox circuit built of
two conventional circuits. The two conventional circuits are electrically not connected at the
usual way i.e. the DC circuits are not closed in the ordinary acceptance of the term. But they
are not independent, because they have a common part. This common part runs both circuits
at an unconventional way. This common part is not like e.g. a relay10 that have more outputs.
This is a connection using a single-wire with no return. Note it is not a circuit that uses
higher frequencies, this is not Tesla’s "transmission of electrical energy through one wire
without return"11, this is not a tuned circuit i.e. capacitor and inductor are not connected
together as resonator12 etc.
This is in principle new circuit arrangement.
In Fig. 3 both thought force sensors have two legs. The special wire connects one leg of
the “sensor A” with one leg of the “sensor B”. Both thought force sensors can be controlled
by the same thought force that acts on the special wire marked with a thick line. The current
generated by thought force flows in two different directions. This is a DC circuit, where this
phenomenon is new.
Is this really a new phenomenon? Maybe it is not. The idea would be arisen on its own
that the special wire is a common antenna of the two thought sensors, but there is no such
antenna we know. Or it may be called a thought force sensor in the form of wire, which is
also not true.
This is a new phenomenon, where current flows in two different directions at the same
time in this special, single-wire in a DC structure.
How and why does it work?
5. Pressure runs direct current in two different directions
The two electric circuits in Fig. 3 work as one system. It is like a gas pipeline system.
Under proper conditions gas flows in two (or more) directions, although there is only a single
pipe from where the gas starts. Fig. 4 shows a simple gas pipeline system everybody knows.
Here force appears as pressure.
Figure 4. Gas needs no “circuit”.
Gas pressure allows more-way gas flows without circle structure.
According to physics, pressure is a form of manifestation of force. Saying this, the thought
force may have pressure too. And really, the force of thought is able to create pressure that
work the same way like any pressure e.g. like gas pressure.
In Fig. 3 the pressure of thought force changes the proper internal structure of the special
electric wire, which forwards this effect to both properly designed electric circuits. The
pressure i.e. the force of thought creates a gas-pipeline-like electric circuit, where direct
current flows in two different directions.
A DC gas-pipeline-like electric circuit is a new and unorthodox principle. It cannot be
predicted from our school knowledge.
1 Lajtner Tamas, Thought Force Is a New Fundamental Interaction. Physics Essays, Vol 29, No 2, June 2016,
pp. 239-247(9) DOI: 2016.
2 Lajtner Tamas. Thought is force: Life, Love, Soul, God. Kindle Edition. 2019.
3 Lajtner Tamas, Three paradoxes of thought in Integrated Science. Chief editor N. Rezael. Springer. Coming
soon in 2021.
4 Szalay Bela. Fizika. Műszaki Könyvkiadó Budapest 1963.
5 Grau Carles, Romuald Ginhoux, Alejandro Riera, Thanh Lam Nguyen, Hubert Chauvat, Michel Berg, Julià L.
Amengual, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Giulio Ruffini, Mikhail A. Lebedev, C. Grau.”Conscious Brain-to-Brain
Communication in Humans Using Non-Invasive Technologies.” PLoS One. 2014; 9(8): e105225): (accessed
Aug 19, 2014). 2014.
5 ”What is Psyleron?” 2009.
6 ”REG Experiments: Equipment and design.”, 2010.
7 ”Research Summary.” 2009.
8 Lajtner Tamas. 19 false axioms of physics. Kindle Edition. 2021.
9 Tipler Paul A. Physics. New York Worth Pub. p 803. 1976.
10 Gurevich Vladimir. Electric Relays: Principles and Applications. Israel Electric Corporation 2016 DOI:
11 Tesla Nikola. On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena. Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, 1893.
12 Halliday David, Resnick Robert, Walker Jearl. Fundamentals of Physics: Extended, 2018.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Human sensory and motor systems provide the natural means for the exchange of information between individuals, and, hence, the basis for human civilization. The recent development of brain-computer interfaces (BCI) has provided an important element for the creation of brain-to-brain communication systems, and precise brain stimulation techniques are now available for the realization of non-invasive computer-brain interfaces (CBI). These technologies, BCI and CBI, can be combined to realize the vision of non-invasive, computer-mediated brain-to-brain (B2B) communication between subjects (hyperinteraction). Here we demonstrate the conscious transmission of information between human brains through the intact scalp and without intervention of motor or peripheral sensory systems. Pseudo-random binary streams encoding words were transmitted between the minds of emitter and receiver subjects separated by great distances, representing the realization of the first human brain-to-brain interface. In a series of experiments, we established internet-mediated B2B communication by combining a BCI based on voluntary motor imagery-controlled electroencephalographic (EEG) changes with a CBI inducing the conscious perception of phosphenes (light flashes) through neuronavigated, robotized transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), with special care taken to block sensory (tactile, visual or auditory) cues. Our results provide a critical proof-of-principle demonstration for the development of conscious B2B communication technologies. More fully developed, related implementations will open new research venues in cognitive, social and clinical neuroscience and the scientific study of consciousness. We envision that hyperinteraction technologies will eventually have a profound impact on the social structure of our civilization and raise important ethical issues.
According to current, widespread understanding, measurable thoughts are electromagnetic signals of the brain. The spectrum of frequency of the brain's electric signals is known. We made a very simple experiment with force of thought using a paper wheel. We concluded that the energy carried by thoughts (expressed in frequency of energy wave) was eight orders of magnitude beyond the highest frequencies of the brain's electric waves. The brain's electromagnetic signal does not explain all effects of thought; it is just a part of measurable thought. Measurable thought is more than the brain's electromagnetic signal. Thought is a gravitylike force. According to modern physics, gravity is the deformation of space-time. With this definition, however, we can only partially account for the peculiarities of the force of thought. For a complete understanding, we must redefine the concept of gravity; and for this, we must broaden our concept of the “space-time” conceptual system. This broader version is the “space-matter” model. Space-time constitutes a part of the space-matter model. The fundamental difference between the two lies in the definition of time. In the space-matter model, time is created through the action-reaction of space and matter. Time is the wave of space from the viewpoint of matter. Thought manifests itself as a new fundamental force. This new force can be given either as the changes in the frequencies of space waves (and time waves) or as nonspace waves that are faster than light.
Thought is force: Life, Love, Soul
  • Lajtner Tamas
Lajtner Tamas. Thought is force: Life, Love, Soul, God. Kindle Edition. 2019.
Three paradoxes of thought in Integrated Science
  • Lajtner Tamas
Lajtner Tamas, Three paradoxes of thought in Integrated Science. Chief editor N. Rezael. Springer. Coming soon in 2021.
19 false axioms of physics
  • Lajtner Tamas
Lajtner Tamas. 19 false axioms of physics. Kindle Edition. 2021.
On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena
  • Tesla Nikola
Tesla Nikola. On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena. Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, 1893.