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Of irrigation canals and multifunctional agroforestry: Traditional agriculture facilitates Woolly-necked Stork breeding in a north Indian agricultural landscape



Conservation of biodiversity alongside agriculture is now a global priority. Tree-nesting waterbirds have a tenuous relationship with farmlands because their survival requires farmers to retain trees and wetlands amid croplands. Research on such birds is rare on tropical and sub-tropical agricultural landscapes where high human densities and intensive farming ostensibly deteriorate breeding conditions. We explored breeding ecology and nest site selection by the single-nesting Woolly-necked Stork (Ciconia episcopus) in Haryana, north India using 298 nests from 166 locations discovered between 2016 and 2020. We determined the relative strengths of association of nest locations with natural features (trees, wetlands), human presence (habitation) and artificial water sources (irrigation canals) to understand cues used by breeding storks to situate nests. Woolly-necked Stork brood size from 42 successful nests was relatively high (3.1 ± 0.9 SD), with nests close to human habitation and wetlands having smaller broods. Storks showed high nest site fidelity (44.5% of sites used > 1 year), rarely nested on man-made structures (electricity pylons; 8.4%), and distributed nests in a clumped pattern. Woolly-necked Storks situated nests ambivalent to natural features but associated strongly with man-made features (positively with irrigation canals; negatively with human habitation). Contrary to expectations, most nests were not on the tallest trees but on the medium sized, native Dalbergia sissoo though storks situated nests on two tall trees (native Ficus religiosa and exotic Eucalyptus sp.) far more than the trees’ availability. All three tree species were favoured either for traditional agroforestry or local religious beliefs. Traditional agriculture in Haryana supported a substantial breeding population of Woolly-necked Storks facilitated by agriculture-related components rather than existing natural features. This novel scenario contradicts conventional narratives that suggest multi-season small holder tropical and sub-tropical agriculture degrades breeding conditions for waterbirds. Our findings in Haryana reiterate the need to assemble a diverse conservation toolkit of different locally relevant mechanisms supporting biodiversity amid cultivation.
Global Ecology and Conservation 30 (2021) e01793
Available online 2 September 2021
2351-9894/© 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Of irrigation canals and multifunctional agroforestry: Traditional
agriculture facilitates Woolly-necked Stork breeding in a north
Indian agricultural landscape
Swati Kittur
, K.S. Gopi Sundar
Nature Conservation Foundation, 1311, Amritha, 12th Main, Vijayanagar 1st Stage, Mysuru 570017, Karnataka, India
Farmland biodiversity
Habitat suitability modelling
Nest tree preference
Ripleys K-function
Spatial logistic regression
Conservation of biodiversity alongside agriculture is now a global priority. Tree-nesting water-
birds have a tenuous relationship with farmlands because their survival requires farmers to retain
trees and wetlands amid croplands. Research on such birds is rare on tropical and sub-tropical
agricultural landscapes where high human densities and intensive farming ostensibly deterio-
rate breeding conditions. We explored breeding ecology and nest site selection by the single-
nesting Woolly-necked Stork (Ciconia episcopus) in Haryana, north India using 298 nests from
166 locations discovered between 2016 and 2020. We determined the relative strengths of as-
sociation of nest locations with natural features (trees, wetlands), human presence (habitation)
and articial water sources (irrigation canals) to understand cues used by breeding storks to
situate nests. Woolly-necked Stork brood size from 42 successful nests was relatively high (3.1 ±
0.9 SD), with nests close to human habitation and wetlands having smaller broods. Storks showed
high nest site delity (44.5% of sites used >1 year), rarely nested on man-made structures
(electricity pylons; 8.4%), and distributed nests in a clumped pattern. Woolly-necked Storks sit-
uated nests ambivalent to natural features but associated strongly with man-made features
(positively with irrigation canals; negatively with human habitation). Contrary to expectations,
most nests were not on the tallest trees but on the medium sized, native Dalbergia sissoo though
storks situated nests on two tall trees (native Ficus religiosa and exotic Eucalyptus sp.) far more
than the treesavailability. All three tree species were favoured either for traditional agroforestry
or local religious beliefs. Traditional agriculture in Haryana supported a substantial breeding
population of Woolly-necked Storks facilitated by agriculture-related components rather than
existing natural features. This novel scenario contradicts conventional narratives that suggest
multi-season small holder tropical and sub-tropical agriculture degrades breeding conditions for
waterbirds. Our ndings in Haryana reiterate the need to assemble a diverse conservation toolkit
of different locally relevant mechanisms supporting biodiversity amid cultivation.
1. Introduction
Agriculture is a major cause of the ongoing global biodiversity decline (Tscharntke et al., 2012; Dudley and Alexander, 2017;
Stanton et al., 2018). This recognition has prompted research into ways to retain wildlife amid agriculture since most farmlands are
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (K.S.G. Sundar).
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Received 23 July 2021; Received in revised form 1 September 2021; Accepted 1 September 2021
Global Ecology and Conservation 30 (2021) e01793
unlikely to be converted to natural habitats given the burgeoning human population. Research is biased towards agricultural systems
in temperate regions where large land holdings, monocultures and mechanization dominate agricultural practices (Tscharntke et al.,
2012; Dudley and Alexander, 2017). It is frequently assumed that trends of biodiversity declines in temperate farmlands are accen-
tuated in small-holder tropical and sub-tropical agricultural systems (holdings 2 ha; Ricciardi et al., 2018), especially cereal pro-
ducing farmlands where crop yield is maximised by thinning tree cover (Dudley and Alexander, 2017; Fischer et al., 2017). Emerging
evidence, however, has been contradictory, with small holder tropical and sub-tropical farms with traditional agriculture sustaining far
higher non-crop biodiversity relative to large farms, and cereal farmlands supporting signicant levels of biodiversity despite sparse
tree cover and high human densities (Sundar and Subramanya, 2010; Sundar and Kittur, 2013; Kim et al., 2020; Ricciardi et al., 2021).
Detailed information on requirements of different wild taxa living in crowded agricultural systems is, however, still meagre preventing
a nuanced understanding of how biodiversity may be retained within farmed landscapes globally. Nevertheless, there is rapidly
increasing comprehension that a diverse set of well-informed, locally relevant mechanisms can help with maintaining multifunctional
agricultural systems, which calls for much more research in tropical and sub-tropical agricultural landscapes and on the wild species
found within (Perfecto and Vandermeer, 2010; Fischer et al., 2012; Tscharntke et al., 2012; Koju et al., 2019).
One group of animals that share a tenuous relationship with agriculture are tree-nesting waterbirds (here onwards waterbirds; e.
g. herons, ibis, storks). Waterbirdsability to persist on cultivated landscapes depends on various factors including the impacts of
altered hydrology to accommodate farming at oodplain scales (Brandis et al., 2018; Bino et al., 2020), the crops grown, especially the
number and kinds of crops grown annually (Tourenq et al., 2009; Fasola and Brangi, 2010; Sundar and Kittur, 2012), attitudes of
farmers towards waterbirds and nest trees (Fasola et al., 2010; Koju et al., 2019), and the extent of natural habitats retained amid
agriculture (Carrasco et al., 2014). In North America, waterbird colonies in human-dominated areas are regarded as a nuisance
requiring removal (Parkes et al., 2012). Such negative attitudes, hunting for sport and food, and large-scale mechanised monoculture
farming that necessitates removal of trees and wetlands has largely relegated waterbird nesting to wetland reserves, protected riverine
forests, and inaccessible islands (Higgins et al., 2002; Kushlan, 2012; Parkes et al., 2012). However, in some locations across Europe
and Asia a patchwork of traditionally managed agriculture exists characterised by favourable farmer attitudes towards waterbirds,
cropland agroforestry with trees utilized for furniture, making yokes and commerce, cultural and religious practices that safeguard
waterbirds and trees, and cropping cycles benecial to waterbird breeding, all of which have led to these landscapes supporting
signicant populations of waterbirds (Tourenq et al., 2009; Sundar, 2011; Koju et al., 2019; Sundar et al., 2019). The expansion of
breeding waterbird studies to diverse agricultural landscapes have provided contestations of existing generalised narratives that
assumed breeding waterbirds require relatively undisturbed wetlands for nesting and would avoid areas such as tropical and
sub-tropical agricultural landscapes with high human population densities. Generalised and widespread narratives unfortunately
continue to dominate discussions, even driving status assessments of waterbird species reecting the relatively sparse research on
waterbird requirements on crowded agricultural landscapes (Sundar and Subramanya, 2010; Sundar, 2020). There is an urgent need to
develop stronger understanding of such multifunctional traditionally farmed landscapes, particularly from Africa and Asia, that host
substantial numbers of waterbird species but have relatively few studies to identify key characteristics that facilitate or deter waterbird
breeding (Gula, 2020; Sundar, 2020).
Existing research on breeding requirements of waterbirds on farmlands has focused on their interactions with two major categories
of variables persisting natural habitat and human presence. Natural habitats include trees on which waterbirds nest and wetlands that
are important for foraging. Depending on the agricultural landscape and the species, waterbirds show considerable variation in their
reliance on natural habitats for breeding. In some locations, waterbirds situated nests in nearby forests entirely avoiding farmlands
(Nachuha and Quinn, 2010). In other landscapes, waterbirds favoured larger tree patches within or beside farmlands for nesting
(Carrasco et al., 2014). In yet other landscapes, waterbirds used nest trees on farmlands with no apparent relationship with tree
densities on the landscape but favoured larger tree species planted for agroforestry or conserved by religious beliefs (Koju et al., 2019).
Similarly, breeding waterbirds had varying relationships with wetlands on different agricultural landscapes. On some landscapes,
waterbirds favoured nesting close to wetlands or in areas with more wetlands (Fasola et al., 2010). In yet other locations waterbirds
used scattered trees on farmlands to build nests but were ambivalent regarding wetlands around nest sites, likely because farmlands
provided adequate forage (Koju et al., 2019; Sundar et al., 2019). Rarely, waterbirds nested on articial structures such as electricity
pylons in agricultural landscapes. Few studies have investigated this behaviour with existing evidence showing waterbirds prefer-
entially situated such nests near large wetlands and farmlands. This suggests that the same cues could at least sometimes be used to
locate nests irrespective of whether trees or man-made structures were used (Moreira et al., 2018). In addition to natural habitats on
farmlands, articial sources of water such as irrigation canals have long been recognized as important novel habitat for foraging and
breeding of many bird species around the world (Fasola and Ruiz, 1996; Sundar, 2004, 2006; Li et al., 2013; Sueltenfuss et al., 2013;
opez-Pomares et al., 2015; Lin et al., 2020). However, when landscapes retain natural wetlands but also have irrigation canals, it is
not known if waterbirds use both sources of water as cues to situate nests or whether they prefer one over the other.
Choice of nest sites by waterbirds relative to remnant habitat on agricultural landscapes are complicated by human presence.
Hunting and disturbance by farmers in some parts of Europe and North America have caused declines in waterbird populations (Fasola
et al., 2010; Kushlan, 2012). On the contrary, many farmers in Asia have positive attitudes towards nesting waterbirds leading to some
agricultural landscapes supporting globally signicant breeding waterbird populations (Carrasco et al., 2014; Koju et al., 2019; Sundar
et al., 2019). In addition to habitats and human presence, assessments of nest site requirements can be complicated by behaviours such
as nest site delity where waterbirds use the same nest sites for multiple years notwithstanding changes in land use or increase of
human disturbance around nest sites. High site delity is sometimes associated with waterbird population growth that in turn limits
available nest sites (Carrasco et al., 2017). Studies of such sites that are unable to account for waterbird behaviours can provide
potentially incorrect conclusions of nest site associations with landscape scale variables. High site delity was also associated with
S. Kittur and K.S.G. Sundar
Global Ecology and Conservation 30 (2021) e01793
improved breeding success, so understanding how sites used repeatedly differ from those that are used only once can signicantly
improve understanding of species conservation (Vergara et al., 2006).
All the waterbird studies referenced above have focused on colonially nesting species that are easily studied due to relative ease in
nding and monitoring colonies, and due to the importance of few large colonies representing signicant populations of several species
(Kushlan, 2012; Parkes et al., 2012; Carrasco et al., 2014; Koju et al., 2019). Territorial waterbird species that build solitary nests on
trees (or single-nesting waterbirds) are thinly spread out on landscapes making them much harder to locate. The few existing studies
on single-nesting waterbirds have been carried out in forested and wetland reserves where factors affecting nest locations remained
similar over multiple years, and some species demonstrated strong nest-site delity (Vlachos et al., 2008; Zawardzki et al., 2020;
Fandos et al., 2021; Luzuriage-Neira et al., 2021). In forest reserves maintained for logging, Black Storks (Ciconia nigra) demonstrated
long-term exibility by shifting nest sites from large trees to younger stands in response to logging, suggesting that human activities
forced changes in nesting behaviour (Treinys et al., 2008). Other species like the Oriental White Stork (C. boyciana) nesting in wetland
reserves adapted by nesting on articial structures (electricity poles and pylons) that were further from human presence relative to
trees (Cheng et al., 2020). It is not clear if such exibility in nesting habits is also possible on human-modied landscapes where
landscape scale perturbations due to cropping practices and potentially reduced nest sites may occur in unpredictable ways. It is
possible that single-nesting waterbirds on agricultural landscapes are forced to change nest sites more regularly reecting altering
landscape conditions. Large inter annual variations in nest site choice can likely be indicative of unstable breeding conditions, that can
in turn have serious consequences for species survival. However, exceedingly few studies of breeding ecology of single-nesting wa-
terbirds in agricultural landscapes exist (e.g. Sundar, 2011), and none have as yet explored nest site selection.
The Woolly-necked Stork (C. episcopus) is a single-nesting waterbird found across large swathes of Africa, and south and south-east
Asia that has gained increased scientic attention recently (Gula et al., 2020; Sundar, 2020). Woolly-necked Storks were thought to be
imperilled by agriculture and assumed to require forested reserves (Hancock et al., 1992). However, studies from South Africa, South
Asia, and Myanmar have shown that this species primarily breeds and forages in human-dominated and human-modied landscapes,
including sub-urban settings and farmlands (Sundar, 2006; Thabethe and Downs, 2018; Katuwal et al., 2020; Kittur and Sundar, 2020;
Win et al., 2020; Thabethe et al., 2021; Ghimire et al., in press). In South Africa, this species has taken to supplementary feeding and
shown high nesting propensity on exotic trees and man-made structures in urban and sub-urban areas (Thabethe, 2018). Anecdotal
observations in South Asia have shown Woolly-necked Storks nesting on trees inside cities, on articial structures such as cell phone
towers, and spreading to arid areas following new irrigation canals suggesting that the species adapts to novel man-made conditions
(Choudhary et al., 2013; Singh, 2015; Vaghela et al., 2015; Hasan and Ghimire, 2020; Mehta, 2020). Based on these recent ndings and
Fig. 1. Maps showing location of Haryana state in India (a) and the location of Jhajjar and Rohtak districts in Haryana (b). The spatial distribution
of human habitation (grey polygons in c) and Woolly-necked Stork nests located between 2016 and 2020 (black circles) along with the road routes
taken to survey both districts are shown (c). The spatial distribution of principal landscape features of interest (d: irrigation canals; e: wetlands; f:
tree patches) are also illustrated. Nest locations are randomly staggered by ~1 km to safeguard breeding sites.
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Global Ecology and Conservation 30 (2021) e01793
an updated population estimate, the conservation status of Woolly-necked Storks has been down listed from ‘Vulnerableto ‘Near--
threatened, but there is still no information on its breeding requirements particularly from South Asia where a signicant proportion
of its global population is found (Gula et al., 2020; Kittur and Sundar, 2020; Sundar, 2020; Win et al., 2020). Information on breeding
requirements is crucial to understand if this species will require tailor-made conservation strategies to allow its long-term survival on
South Asian cereal farmlands. These are characterised by sparse tree cover, extremely high human densities with small farm holdings,
and articially complicated hydrology that supports intensive agriculture with multiple crops harvested each year (Sundar, 2011;
Ricciardi et al., 2018; Koju et al., 2019; Ghimire et al., in press). On such intensively cultivated landscapes, if breeding Woolly-necked
Storks favour relatively rare natural features such as persisting patches of trees and wetlands as cues for locating nests, it would signal a
need to conserve these habitats. Alternatively, if man-made features such as electricity pylons, irrigation canals and trees planted for
agroforestry are providing ecological value for the species, it would indicate the need to support multifunctional traditional agriculture
to ensure long-term conservation of the species.
In this study, we determined correlates of nest locations of Woolly-necked Stork between 2016 and 2020 in the primarily agrarian
and crowded Jhajjar and Rohtak districts of Haryana state in north-central India (Fig. 1). These two districts are ideal for this
investigation for a few reasons.Year-round densities of Woolly-necked Storks in the two districts are among the highest known for the
species (Kittur and Sundar, 2020). Both districts have a network of irrigation canals that are part of the Western Yamuna Canal system
which was renovated in 1335 CE (Jackson, 1999), and have since been substantially increased while also retaining many
community-managed wetlands (Kittur and Sundar, 2020; Fig. 1). Farmers in the two districts have practiced traditional agriculture for
over a century where tree patches and individual scattered trees are included amid croplands as part of multifunctional traditional
agroforestry with trees used for a variety of social, religious, economic and ecological purposes including silviculture, fruits, woodwork
and forage for livestock (Pandey, 2007; see Fig. 1 for tree patches that persist). Finally, farmers and villages have retained wetlands of
varied sizes, alongside human habitations ranging from scattered tiny villages to burgeoning large cities (Fig. 1). These settings allow a
detailed assessment of whether breeding Woolly-necked Storks mimic waterbirds elsewhere in using natural features as cues (tree
patches, wetlands, tall trees) or whether man-made features (agroforestry, electricity pylons, human habitation, irrigation canals)
inuenced nest location.
There has been no previous study of the breeding biology of Woolly-necked Storks in South Asian farmlands. We therefore rst
provide descriptions of several aspects of breeding biology including an assessment of breeding success to allow for comparisons with
data from other landscapes and waterbird species. With breeding success data, we hypothesized that (1) brood size would reect
habitat quality and would therefore increase with proximity to wetlands and decrease with proximity to human habitation. We then
analysed information focussing on variables that past studies have identied as cues used by waterbirds to situate nests in human
modied landscapes. A-piori we hypothesized that (2) Woolly-necked Storks would situate nests near natural habitats (tree patches and
wetlands), away from human presence (habitations) and be neutral to articial sources of water (irrigation canals). Based on these
hypotheses, we constructed spatially explicit habitat suitability models across the two agrarian districts to evaluate their suitability for
nesting storks. We hypothesized that (3) areas of high suitability for breeding Woolly-necked Storks would be restricted to natural
habitat patches. At the scale of the nest tree, we hypothesized that breeding Woolly-necked Storks would (4) preferentially select taller
nest tree species. After analysing all nests collectively, we evaluated if locations of two categories of nests those with high site delity
(used >1 year) and those on articial structures were closer to natural habitats and further from human presence mimicking be-
haviours exhibited by other single nesting waterbirds in protected reserves. We hypothesized that (5) these two categories of nests
would reect choice of higher habitat quality by being closer to natural habitats (tree patches, wetlands), further from disturbance
(human habitation), and on taller tree species, relative to nest sites used only once and nests on trees, respectively. Where possible we
developed metrics annually and compared inter-annual results to understand whether Woolly-necked Storks displayed exibility in
locating nest sites or whether cues remained stable across years.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Study area
Field work was carried out in Jhajjar and Rohtak districts, Haryana, north India across an area measuring 3579 km
(Fig. 1). The
two districts were formerly one contiguous district but were separated in 1997 and have human densities of 523 and 608 people/ km
respectively (Ofce of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India, 2011). Both districts are primarily agrarian with over
80% of land under multi-season cultivation of crops such as corn, millets, rice, and wheat (Singh, 2011). Agriculture is supported by a
vast network of irrigation canals part of the ancient Western Yamuna Command Network set up during the 14th century (Jackson,
1999). Most irrigation canals are unlined at the bottom but have concrete walls. This causes considerable seepage that, along with
percolation from irrigated elds, contributes to ground water recharging resulting in substantial surface waterlogging during the
monsoon and post-monsoon seasons (Singh, 2011). The climate is sub-tropical, semi-arid, and monsoonal with three distinct seasons
winter (November February), summer (March June) and rainfall or monsoon (July October; Singh, 2011). Annual temperatures
vary between extremes of 245 C in the coldest and hottest days respectively, and average annual rainfall, mostly received during the
monsoon, of 590 mm (Singh, 2011). The landscape has sparse tree cover largely as scattered individual trees with few patches. Over a
century of multifunctional agroforestry combined with additional traditional agricultural practices that include trees with specic
utility both material and spiritual have helped increase tree cover of both exotic and native tree species primarily along farm
boundaries, roads and canals (Hume, 1889; Umrani and Jain, 2010; Handa et al., 2020; see Fig. 2). Wetlands in Jhajjar and Rohtak
districts are rare (1.2% and 0.38% of the land area respectively) with the majority being seasonal, unprotected, community managed
S. Kittur and K.S.G. Sundar
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wetlands (Space Application Centre (ISRO), 2010). There have been exceedingly few ornithological studies in the farmlands of these
two districts (Kittur and Sundar, 2020).
2.2. Field methods
2.2.1. Locating stork nests
Trained eld associates used the existing road network to traverse across both districts covering areas that were accessible in all
seasons (Fig. 1c; see Kittur and Sundar, 2020). Road routes were covered seasonally and continually between 2016 and 2020 using a
motorbike. Woolly-necked Stork nests were located either by directly sighting the nests or using stork behaviour (e.g. carrying nesting
material) to nd nests by following adult birds. The focal species, a representative nest tree monitored during this study and a typical
canal with agroforestry plantation alongside are illustrated in Fig. 2. At each nest, the location of the nest was recorded using a
handheld Global Positioning System and the nest tree species was recorded. Nest fates using robust methods such as repeated nest visits
were not possible due to limited resources. Instead, we provide descriptive metrics of breeding success as the brood sizes of successful
nests that were observed with chicks close to edging.
Fig. 2. The study species, a Woolly-necked Stork (top right), one of the monitored Ficus religiosa nest tree in a crop eld (top left) and a canal with
low water level with a row of Eucalyptus sp. trees planted alongside as part of multifunctional agroforestry (below). Photographs were taken
by authors.
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Global Ecology and Conservation 30 (2021) e01793
2.2.2. Measuring available tree species
Availability of potential nest trees was enumerated by visiting 244 random points in 2014 that were generated using Arc GIS 10.2
providing one point per 12.2 km
and 18.6 km
in Jhajjar and Rohtak districts, respectively. The nearest plausible nest tree in each of
the four cardinal directions from each point was visited, identied to species, and height and girth at breast height (GBH) was
measured. A total of 1220 trees were enumerated to assess availability. None of these trees were used for nesting by Woolly-necked
Storks during the study period and were >300 m from monitored nest sites.
2.2.3. Mapping landscape features
Landsat 8 satellite image from 9 October 2018 (U.S. Geological Survey, 2018) covering the entire study area was classied using
unsupervised classication (Isodata clustering) in ERDAS Imagine version 9.1. Pixels in the image measured 30 x 30 m. The image was
classied into 6 land use classes namely agriculture, human habitation, open areas (unutilised for farming or urbanisation), scrublands,
tree patches (including single pixels classied as trees) and wetlands. The classication was rened by creating area-of-interest
polygons using onscreen digitization and recoding misclassied areas by checking against reference material such as Google Earth
images and ground-truthing. Classied images had a total accuracy of 92.5%. Irrigation canals were manually digitized from 1:50,000
topographical sheets which had been updated between 2004 and 2006 (Survey of India, 2007).
2.3. Statistical analyses
2.3.1. Descriptive aspects of breeding biology
The breeding season is described with focus on the period of nesting (earliest and latest dates each year when new nests were
located) and edging (latest date of chicks edging). Brood size was documented opportunistically and is presented with the caveat
that this information is biased towards successful nests. However, the compiled information represents the largest ever data set on
breeding success available for this species and is therefore worthy of being presented. As a preliminary examination, correlations
between brood sizes at nests with distances to four spatial variables (irrigation canals, human habitation, tree patches and wetlands)
were examined.
Each year, breeding densities of Woolly-necked Storks along road routes were estimated as the number of nests located/ area
covered, using 150 m on either side of surveyed road as the effective transect width. For this estimate we assumed that the storks could
nest anywhere on the landscape and did not bias estimates to include only supposedly high-quality habitats like tree patches or
wetlands. Since road routes traversed human habitations, agricultural areas, and beside wetlands, computed densities were repre-
sentative of the surveyed landscape. Spatial distribution patterns of stork nests (each year separately and all nests combined) were
evaluated using Ripleys K-function. Also referred to as the multi-distance spatial cluster analyses, this function summarises spatial
patterns of points (clustered/ dispersed) over a range of distances allowing an evaluation of whether spatial patterns changed with
spatial scale (Haase, 1995). If the average number of neighbours within that distance is higher than the average concentration of points
in the entire study area, points are clustered. We used the multi-distance spatial cluster analysis tool in ArcGIS 10.7 specifying Ripley
edge correction formula as the boundary correction method and minimum enclosing rectangle as the study area method and ran 99
permutations to generate condence envelopes for each run of analysis. The Ripleys K-functions output are line graphs showing
expected K or random spatial pattern, condence envelope, and observed K or spatial pattern at varying distances. The pattern is
clustered when observed K >expected K and dispersed when expected K values >observed K values at a particular distance. Observed
K values that are outside of the condence envelope have patterns (clustered or dispersed) that are statistically signicant at the 95%
level. We developed graphs for each year and for all nest sites combined.
2.3.2. Modelling nest locations against land use variables
Four spatial layers were generated, each representing distances (m) to the primary variables of interest: irrigation canals, human
habitation, tree patches, and wetlands. These layers were generated using the Euclidian distance tool in Arc GIS 10.7.1. For each year
of eld work, we used spatial logistic regressions using function glm in statistical platform R to understand if distances to these
variables varied between nest sites and randomly generated points. Random points equalling the number of nest locations each year
were generated on surveyed tracks/road routes where nest sites were not present. The road routes within the study area were used as
the constraining feature to generate random points after erasing a buffer of 1 km around each nest location. All logistic regression
models were run after splitting the data into training (70%) and test (30%) datasets to evaluate model performance. We developed
spatial logistic regressions rst for each year to understand cues used by Woolly-necked Storks to locate nests each year, and to un-
derstand if storks used the same cues across years. We also combined all nest sites across years to measure the full strength of re-
lationships during the study period. We combined data sets in two ways. We rst used nests with site delity (nest sites used >1 year)
only once and then also ran a model where nest sites used >1 year were included multiple times matching the number of years they
were observed to be reused. Model output when we used each nest site only once were not representative of models developed for each
year. We therefore only included metrics and the map developed with the model that included nest sites multiple times when they were
used more than once (N =298). We diagnosed model utility by computing model sensitivity (proportion of points evaluated as positive
correctly) and model specicity (proportion of points evaluated as negative correctly) after using the test dataset to make predictions.
We plotted the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve and the area under ROC (AUROC) using package InformationValue
(Prabhakaran, 2016). If selected pairs of observations (one with an outcome of 0, or point with no nest, and one with 1, or location of a
nest) are drawn at random, AUROC is the probability with which the model correctly ranks these pairs of observations. The AUROC
varies from 0.5 (model with no discrimination ability) to 1 (model with perfect discrimination ability). Models with high
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Global Ecology and Conservation 30 (2021) e01793
discrimination capability will have high sensitivity and specicity scores simultaneously, and ROC-curves of these models will be
consistently higher than the 45diagonal line. We computed McFaddens r
for each model, which represents the likelihood of each
observation correctly predicting the outcome of the model. Models that explain all the variation in the outcome will have McFaddens
=1, but this outcome is almost never possible in natural settings given the inherent complexity of conditions. The low probability of
nding variables that would lead to perfect model ts in studies of novel situations further reduces the possibility of getting high values
of McFaddens r
. Rather than using this metric as representing model strength, we use McFaddens r
to identify potential model
latency. Partial dependence plots were developed to document directionality of the effects of variables (positive or negative) using
package pdp (Greenwell, 2018). We did not incorporate or evaluate potential interaction effects between variables. We used the
intercept and beta-estimate coefcients from the logistic regression models using all variables to develop maps of nest location
suitability. We extracted total area in each of four classes of suitability (0 0.25; 0.25 0.5; 0.5 0.75; >0.75) to assess the extent of
inter-annual variations in suitable habitat in Jhajjar and Rohtak for Woolly-necked Storks to situate nests. We improved reliability of
models in three ways. First, we incorporated true absences alongside presence locations, which is critical for modelling robust habitat
suitability at smaller spatial scales (Brotons et al., 2004). Second, we avoided using general climatic variables instead using high
resolution biophysical variables which are often more important determinants of species distribution (Manzoor et al., 2018). Finally,
we avoided extrapolating our ndings to outside of the focal study area since relationships with biophysical variables can vary with
location (Brotons et al., 2004; Manzoor et al., 2018). The methods we use for modelling habitat suitability and model diagnostics are
widely used and well established in ecology (Fielding and Bell, 1997; Brotons et al., 2004).
2.3.3. Nest tree preference
To understand whether Woolly-necked Storks exercised selection of nest tree species, we employed the use-availability framework
(Manly et al., 2004). We used function ‘widesI in R-package adehabitat(Calenge, 2006) which does not require data from indi-
vidually marked animals. The algorithm computed the Manly selectivity measure to test selection of nest tree species using two scales.
The rst scale was for the overall data set estimated using log-likelihood
(or the ‘Khi2L statistic of adehabitat) testing the hy-
pothesis that all available nest tree species were used randomly. The second scale of selection was at the level of the tree species and
used pair-wise Bonferroni tests with use/ available proportions to compute selection ratios. These ratios provided a statistical
assessment of whether each nest tree species was preferred (used more relative to availability), avoided (used less relative to avail-
ability but had some nests) or used in proportion to availability (Manly et al., 2004). The function also provided scaled Manlys
selectivity ratios (B
) for each nest tree species summing to 1 across all nest tree species. This selectivity ratio is interpreted as being the
estimated probability that a tree of a particular species would be the next one selected by storks to nest on if it were possible to make
individual trees of all species equally available (Manly et al., 2004). The value of the ratio would not therefore indicate preference or
avoidance but would help identify species that were important, taking into account the differential availability of the various tree
species. For these analyses, we combined tree species without any nests into one class and excluded nests on articial structures. We
rst analysed the data year-wise to assess whether storks exercised choices similarly each year, and then analysed the data combining
observations across all years since annual variations were minimal (see Results).
2.3.4. Site delity and nests on articial structures
We asked if sites with nest delity (sites used >1 year) were different from sites used only once by contrasting distances to each of
the four variables. We performed non-parametric permutation tests with package coin in R (Hothorn et al., 2021) to compare
distances between nests and the four variables of interest. Using non-parametric tests allowed us to use data sets that did not
Table 1
Descriptive metrics and summaries of distances measured to four primary variables from nests of Woolly-necked Storks in Jhajjar and Rohtak districts,
Haryana. Combined sites include all 298 nests monitored during the study period (2016 2020). Distance values are average ±SD (range).
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Combined
Descriptive metrics
No. nests 67 73 49 53 56 298
Nests km
0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.05
% nest in
1.5 0 4.1 1.9 1.8 1.68
% nest on pylons 8.96 13.73 8.16 15.09 8.93 10.07
Brood size
No. nests 13 12 8 6 3 42
Average±SD 2.5 ±2.5 3.2 ±0.9 3.5 ±0.8 3.2 ±0.8 3.3 ±0.6 3.1 ±0.9
Median 3 3 4 3 3 3
Distances (m) of nests to focal landscape scale variables
Irrigation canals 179 ±207 (0924) 143 ±181 (0932) 162 ±176 (0845) 175 ±187 (0845) 161 ±246
163 ±200
Habitation 757 ±447 (01615) 762 ±435
721 ±496
856 ±524 (02098) 775 ±498
773 ±475
Tree patches 1098 ±574
1176 ±578
1071 ±588
1039 ±490
971 ±572
1078 ±564
Wetlands 655 ±399 (01888) 658 ±382 (01917) 656 ±387
594 ±345 (01557) 631 ±387
641 ±380
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necessarily conform to tests of uniformity.
We tested whether articial structures (electricity pylons) with stork nests varied in their distance to each of the four variables
relative to locations where nests were placed on trees. For these comparisons, we again used non-parametric permutation tests. Nests
on pylons were rare relative to nests on trees each year. To correct for the unbalanced dataset, we specied type III sums of squares
which adjusts the sums of squares to estimate what they might have been had the data been balanced (Milliken and Johnson, 2009).
3. Results
3.1. Woolly-necked Stork breeding biology
Each year, Woolly-necked Storks nested between the rst week of May and last week of October. Density of nests varied little
annually ranging between 0.04 and 0.06 nests km
(Table 1). Each year a small proportion of nests (8.16 15.09%) were located on
articial structures, all of them on electricity pylons (Table 1). Also, each year few nests were found within areas of human habitation
(0 4.1%; Table 1). Average brood size of 42 successful nests was 3.1 ±0.9 SD (annual average brood size range: 2.5 3.5) with a
median of three chicks most years (Table 1). Broods of three and four were the most frequent and two broods had ve chicks each
(Fig. A.1). Univariate correlations between brood size and variables showed statistically signicant smaller brood sizes in nests closer
to habitation (Pearsons product-moment correlation, r =0.34, P =0.03) and wetlands (r =0.32, P =0.04). Brood sizes did not show
a statistically signicant correlation with distance to tree patches (r
=0.25, P =0.11), and were negatively but only weakly correlated
with distance from canals (r
= − 0.07, P =0.68). Taking all nests into account, nests were located furthest to tree patches and nearest
to irrigation canals and these trends did not alter annually (Table 1).
Ripleys K-functions indicated that nests were randomly distributed only at the smallest spatial scales but were otherwise signif-
icantly clumped, with the degree of clumping increasing as the spatial scale of assessment increased (Fig. A.2). Spatial patterns of nest
locations were largely similar across years, and for the full data set.
3.2. Landscape variables inuencing nest locations
Nests were much closer to irrigation canals and further from human habitation relative to random locations (Tables 1, 2; Fig. 3).
Notwithstanding the number of nests located each year, distance to irrigation canals and habitation were the only statistically sig-
nicant variables every year and for the combined data set (Table 2). The directionality of these relationships stayed the same each
year and for the full model, though partial dependence plots showed that directionality of relationships with the other two variables
changed in some years (Fig. A.3). Models showed relatively high sensitivity but varying specicity each year. Area under the ROC for
the combined data set was relatively high at 0.72 (Table 2; Fig. A.4). Annual values of AUROC however showed some variation
(AUROC range =0.610.88; Table 2; Fig. A.4). Despite two variables showing statistical signicance in explaining observed vari-
ability, MacFaddens r
suggested considerable model latency and that the four variables used were explaining only a small amount of
the inherent variability in nest location by Woolly-necked Storks (Table 2). Habitat suitability modelling showed considerable swathes
of the northern and central parts of Jhajjar and Rohtak districts to be moderately (suitability >0.5) and highly suitable (suitability >
0.75) for Woolly-necked Storks to situate nests (Fig. 4; Table A.1). Total area under each of the four classes of habitat suitability varied
substantially among yearly models (
=1851, d.f. =16, P <0.001; Table A.1). Modelled area with the highest suitability was the
most during 2018 (37%; Fig. 4; Table A.1).
3.3. Nest tree species choice
Sampling for availability measured 1220 trees of 46 species with the commonest species (29.5% of all trees measured) being the
native Dalbergia sissoo, a tree with tough wood coveted for making furniture and agricultural yokes. The next two most abundant trees
Table 2
Results of logistic regressions used to measure effects of distances to four primary variables from nests of Woolly-necked Storks versus random lo-
cations in Jhajjar and Rohtak districts, Haryana. Values are beta-estimates for each variable estimated using full models that included all four
variables. Symbols indicate levels of statistical signicance (*
<0.05; **
<0.01; ***
<0.001). Four measures of model diagnostics are
presented to enable model evaluation.
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Combined
Metrics from logistic regression
Intercept -0.2138 -0.3287 -0.6391 0.2078 0.1875 -0.0309
Irrigation canals -0.0017 -0.0048 ** -0.0038 * -0.0024 * -0.0020 * -0.0021 ***
Habitation 0.0012 * 0.0014 * 0.0028 ** 0.0013 * 0.0017 ** 0.0009 ***
Tree patches -0.0003 0.0004 -0.0002 0.0003 -0.0005 0.0002
Wetlands 0.0004 0.0001 0.0009 -0.0013 -0.0002 -0.0004
Model evaluation
Sensitivity 0.722 0.714 0.816 0.765 0.706 0.843
Specicity 0.476 0.667 0.6 0.75 0.526 0.58
AUROC 0.605 0.693 0.813 0.886 0.686 0.716
McFaddens r
0.103 0.226 0.288 0.161 0.166 0.101
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Fig. 3. Ridgeline plots showing differences in distances to irrigation canals (a) and human habitation (b) of Woolly-necked Stork nest locations
(dark grey) versus random locations (light grey) in Jhajjar and Rohtak districts, Haryana. Distances to other land uses were not statistically
signicantly different between nest and random locations and are not shown.
Fig. 4. Habitat suitability of Rohtak and Jhajjar districts, Haryana, for Woolly-necked Storks to situate nests. Variables used were distances to
irrigation canals, human habitation, tree patches, and wetlands. Annual sample sizes and strengths of associations with individual variables are
detailed in Table 1.
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were also both native, Acacia nilotica (11%) and a tree popular for roadside plantations, Azadirachta indica (11%). Woolly-necked Stork
nests, however, were mostly on D. sissoo (30% of 152 unique nest sites that were on trees), Ficus religiosa (a native wild species regarded
as holy and was rare on the landscape see Fig. 2; 29% of nest sites), and Eucalyptus sp. (an exotic species favoured for agroforestry;
25% of nest sites; Figs. 2 and 5). Nests were found on 10 tree species suggesting that, at the landscape scale, Woolly-necked Storks
displayed strong non-random use of available trees (
values in Table 3). D. sissoo, Mangifera indica, Mitragyna parviora and Tectona
grandis were used in proportion to their availability while F. religiosa and Eucalyptus sp. were used much higher relative to availability.
Acacia nilotica, A. indica, Syzygium cumini and 37 additional species were rarely used for nesting (Table 3; Fig. 5). F. benaghalensis had
only one nest. Patterns of nest tree species choice were similar each year (Table 3). M. parviora and T. grandis had the largest scaled
Manlys selection ratios suggesting that Woolly-necked Storks would likely use these two tree species much more to situate nests if the
trees were more abundant (Table 3).
3.4. Nest delity and sites on pylons
Woolly-necked Storks used 44.5% of 166 unique nest sites more than once between 2016 and 2020. Sites with nest delity were
located signicantly further from wetlands relative to sites used only once (Table A.2a). Nests on pylons were reused far more than
nests on trees though the nests reused for three and four years were on trees (Fig. 6a). Nests on trees were located signicantly closer to
irrigation canals relative to nests on pylons but had similar distance to other variables (Table A.2b). Woolly-necked Storks renested on
all three primary nest tree species similarly (Fig. 6b). Two nests that were used throughout the study period were on D. sissoo (Fig. 6b).
4. Discussion
We evaluated the value of two agrarian north Indian districts for nesting Woolly-necked Storks and discovered several aspects novel
to the broad subject of conserving biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Contrary to ndings in protected reserves regarding nesting
behaviour of single nesting waterbirds, the Woolly-necked Stork breeding population in the intensively cultivated and crowded dis-
tricts of Jhajjar and Rohtak was surprisingly high. Additionally, storks situated their nests using cues related to agriculture and were
neutral to persisting natural habitats. We have uncovered a landscape where current agricultural practices retain many elements of
ancient traditional agriculture such as planting and retaining many tree species alongside crops, with an increase in canal-fed irrigated
crops. These are supporting and benetting a waterbird species that, until recently, was incorrectly assumed to be declining due to
4.1. Woolly-necked Stork breeding biology
Most of the aspects of breeding biology we present here are novel since most of the past published observations on this species have
been anecdotes. We recorded Woolly-necked Stork nesting between May and October which is a much wider nesting season than the
June to September season reported earlier for this species in north India (Ali and Ripley, 2001). Woolly-necked Stork nest density
remained similar year-to-year suggesting that breeding birds are resident and territorial. This nding adds to existing information
showing Jhajjar and Rohtak districts supports one of the largest known populations of resident Woolly-necked Storks (Kittur and
Sundar, 2020). Estimated densities also suggest that agricultural areas in south Asia hold the potential to support tens of thousands of
Woolly-necked Stork pairs at the least. It is not immediately clear why nests followed a clumped distribution, though visual inspection
of maps show that locations of habitations and irrigation canals two variables that inuenced nest locations strongly were not
uniformly distributed on the landscape (Fig. 1d,f). These variables may have affected observed patterns of nest distribution.
Fig. 5. Primary nest trees used by Woolly-necked Storks to nest on in Jhajjar and Rohtak districts, Haryana between 2016 and 2020. Three nest tree
species on which storks situated most of their nests are illustrated to allow comparisons in height and crown shapes, and include placement of a
typical nest. Tree heights represented are average values measured for available trees at random locations. Bar-graphs show comparisons of the
availability of the three tree species on the landscape (black) and their use for nests (152 unique nest sites) by storks (white). Selection metrics are
provided in Table 3. (Graphics were created by the authors.).
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Woolly-necked Storks rarely used articial structures to situate nests (Table 1). Pylons in Haryana were usually located away from
human habitation, and it would not have been unreasonable to nd more nests on this substrate. Anecdotal observations of Woolly-
necked Storks using human-made structures such as cell phone towers have been suspected to be related to reduction of nest trees and
to reduced human disturbance (Vaghela et al., 2015; Hasan and Ghimire, 2020). Our documentation does not provide evidence of
either supposition since Jhajjar and Rohtak did not have a paucity of nest trees, and nests on pylons were not further from human
Table 3
Scaled Manlys selection ratios (B
) for tree species used for nesting by Woolly-necked Storks in Jhajjar and Rohtak districts, Haryana. Tree species that
had at least three nests during the study period are listed separately and the rest have been included in Others.
provides results for the test of the
hypothesis that use of all habitat classes was random. Asterisks indicate levels of statistical signicance (* <0.05;
<0.005) and symbols
indicate whether tree species were preferred (+) or avoided (-) relative to their availability. Tree species that were used in proportion to their
availability do not have asterisks or symbols, and species that were not used in a particular year do not have any values. Scaled B
ratios each year sum
to 1. Values in bold highlight tree species that were preferred or avoided by storks. For example, the results for 2016 shows that storks nested on ve of
the listed nest trees, MIPA was the highest ranked nest tree, three tree species were preferred (AZIN; EUCA; FIRE), and two tree species were used in
proportion to their availability (DASI; MIPA) for nesting. (Trees: ACNI Acacia nilotica; AZIN Azadirachta indica; DASI Dalbergia sissoo; EUCA
Eucalyptus sp.; FIRE Ficus religiosa; MAIN Mangifera indica; MIPA Mitragyna parviora; SYCU Syzhygium cumini; TEGR Tectona grandis.).
Trees 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Combined
117.9 * ** 127.6 * ** 101.3 * ** 97.7 * ** 114.3 * ** 305.3 * **
ACNI 0.002 * ** (-) 0.008 0.004 * ** (-)
AZIN 0.006 * ** (-) 0.004 * ** (-) 0.005 * ** (-) 0.002 * ** (-) 0.003 * ** (-) 0.004 * ** (-)
DASI 0.049 0.029 0.025 0.012 0.012 0.023
EUCA 0.121 * (þ) 0.128 * ** (þ) 0.064 * (þ) 0.033 * (þ) 0.067 * * (þ) 0.087 * ** (þ)
FIRE 0.442 * ** (þ) 0.252 * ** (þ) 0.287 * ** (þ) 0.092 * ** (þ) 0.149 * ** (þ) 0.21 * ** (þ)
MAIN 0.061 0.033 0.043 0.062
MIPA 0.378 0.503 0.605 0.275 0.356 0.257
SYCU 0.021 0.013 0.008 0.007 * * (-)
TEGR 0.55 0.356 0.343
Others 0.004 * ** (-) 0.002 * ** (-) 0.001 * ** (-) 0.001 * ** (-) 0.001 * ** (-) 0.002 * ** (-)
Fig. 6. Woolly-necked Stork nest site delity between 2016 and 2020 at Jhajjar and Rohtak districts, Haryana. Bar graphs show comparisons of the
number of times sites were used when nests were located on pylons or trees (a), and when nests were located on different tree species (b). Numbers
in parenthesis indicate number of nest sites. In (b), Otherrefers to nests found on tree species (31 species) other than the three on which most nests
were observed and excludes nests on pylons. (Woolly-necked Stork sketch by Saniya Chaplod.).
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Global Ecology and Conservation 30 (2021) e01793
habitation relative to nests on trees (Table A.2b). Woolly-necked Storks in Haryana nested on man-made structures to a similar extent
as in peri-urban and urban areas in South Africa (8.43% of 166 unique nest sites in Haryana versus 10% of 30 nests in KwaZulu-Natal;
Thabethe, 2018). This is suggestive of the species preferring trees as nesting substrates over articial structures.
Despite the preliminary nature of the data on breeding success, correlations suggest that Woolly-necked Stork nest locations may
confer advantages in terms of brood size. Brood sizes in this study are the highest known for any single nesting waterbird species and
are comparable or higher than those recorded for colonially nesting species notwithstanding the kind of landscapes waterbirds nests in
(Tryjanowski et al., 2006; Vergara et al., 2006; Koju et al., 2019; Sundar et al., 2019; Luzuriage-Neira et al., 2021). A major caveat of
this nding is that we present only observations of successful nests, and it is possible that more robust consideration of all nests may
yield lower brood sizes. Larger brood sizes were in nests that were located further away from human habitation which is suggestive of
negative impacts of human disturbance on breeding birds. It is likely that foraging quality was higher away from concretised urban
areas, especially since observations in South Africa showed Woolly-necked Storks largely provisioning chicks with amphibians
(Thabethe, 2018). The correlation between brood size and distance to habitation matches the results of habitat suitability modelling
for nest locations that showed nests to be located further from habitation. Nests with larger broods were also further from wetlands.
Observations in neighbouring districts have shown extensive illegal conversions of wetlands to sh farms and reduced usage by some
waterbirds, which is suggestive of deterioration of ecological conditions (Sundar et al., 2015). It is possible that conditions at wetlands
are deteriorating in Jhajjar and Rohtak as well and was reected in the choice of Woolly-necked Stork nest sites. A specic assessment
to evaluate the condition of wetlands at large across the two districts will be necessary to clarify this possibility. Brood sizes showed
negative correlations with distance from canals. While the relationship was statistically not signicant, it strengthens the suspicion that
storks select nest locations that maximise provisioning potential. The use of the same cues to situate nests by storks year after year
suggests relatively high stability of conditions for breeding on the landscape. Rainfall intensity and patterns, hydro periodicity in
canals, the main crops on the landscape, and stork territoriality are potential variables that additionally affected Woolly-necked Stork
nest site choice and brood sizes each year. The large brood sizes of Woolly-necked Storks in the largely agrarian districts of Jhajjar and
Rohtak indicate a healthy system supporting a signicant breeding population of a large waterbird.
4.2. Habitat suitability and important variables
Contrary to our hypotheses, Woolly-necked Storks did not situate nests close to wetlands or tree patches on the landscape (Table 2).
Situating nests away from discrete tree patches suggests that Woolly-necked Storks were not averse to nesting on single, scattered trees
or on small lines of trees that were not detected on satellite imageries with the resolution we used (see Fig. 2). Storks did not entirely
avoid habitation but showed a signicant aversion to habitation by consistently nesting away from human settlements in line with our
hypothesis (see Table 1). This habit of nesting within areas of human habitation was likely linked, at least in part, to site delity and
were potentially pairs whose nest sites became part of recent expansions of smaller towns (personal observations). Woolly-necked
Storks in Haryana used nest site selection cues that were different from those shown by the same species in South Africa which had
a strong preference for nesting on trees inside residential yards close to swimming pools (Thabethe, 2018). These detailed studies of
Woolly-necked Storks in Asia and Africa suggest that this species does not show a proclivity to natural wetlands.
The major novel nding of this study was the use of the extensive irrigation canal network as cues by Woolly-necked Storks to
situate nests. This habit appears to be over a century old as noted by British naturalists (Hume, 1889). During our study, Woolly-necked
Storks did not preferentially select trees close to wetlands that are commonly regarded as superior foraging habitats. Most wetlands in
Jhajjar and Rohtak were community waterbodies that experienced considerable use by people and livestock throughout the year
(personal observations). On the other hand, irrigation canals and the small wetlands formed alongside canals due to leakages expe-
rienced much less use and this reduced human presence may have attracted storks to canals. Additionally, wetlands were strongly
seasonal while canals experienced longer hydroperiods relative to most wetlands (personal observations). It was also common to
undertake multifunctional agroforestry along irrigation canals (see Fig. 2), a traditional practice that has been around for centuries.
The combination of reduced human presence near canals, increased year-long availability of water in canals and availability of nest
trees along canals may be responsible for Woolly-necked Storks locating their nests near irrigation canals. Despite statistical signi-
cance of two variables, model diagnostics pointed to considerable latency in results suggesting that the full model used explained only
a little of the overall variation inherent in the system. It is likely that additional variables such as food availability also contribute to
storkschoice of nest location, especially since Woolly-necked Stork diet may not be restricted to species found entirely in wetlands. In
South Africa, Woolly-necked Storks mostly provisioned chicks with amphibians (Thabethe, 2018). In Haryana, amphibians may be
easier to catch in shallow pools, croplands, and canals with low water levels, relative to in deeper wetlands. Future work should focus
on identifying stork diet and the contribution of different habitats in contributing different dietary items. Such work may provide more
insights into why storks are locating nests as observed in this study. Studies over much longer time frames will be needed, alongside
individually marking breeding birds, to understand patterns of site delity of breeding Woolly-necked Storks. Our analyses, and the
study from South Africa (Thabethe, 2018), shows that high resolution annual data and variables relating to individual landscapes are
needed to understand the factors inuencing the speciesnest site selection.
Area modelled as the highest level of suitability varied considerably each year (10 37%; Table A.1). These proportions were,
however, much larger than that estimated for the model with all nests included (5%) suggesting that analyses that combine nests across
years or sites with varied conditions require careful interpretation to avoid misunderstanding the species requirements.
S. Kittur and K.S.G. Sundar
Global Ecology and Conservation 30 (2021) e01793
4.3. Choice of nest trees
In our study we avoided disturbing nests and did not measure nest trees and are unable to provide an understanding of whether
storks preferentially nested on trees of specic size classes. Waterbirds, including Woolly-necked Storks in KwaZulu Natal, are known
to select the largest trees even among preferentially used species, and it is highly likely that Woolly-necked Storks in Haryana also
followed the same pattern (Treinys et al., 2008; Thabethe, 2018; Koju et al., 2019). Woolly-necked Storks in South Africa situated most
of their nests on trees in residential areas, using the tallest tree species that were also mostly exotic species, and included Eucalyptus sp.
(Thabethe, 2018). In Haryana, that Woolly-necked Storks largely nested on a medium-sized tree is likely an indication of the absence of
directed persecution by farmers and appears to be another example of South Asian farmers practising attitudes and farming styles that
favour waterbirds. One of the trees that was used much more relative to its availability was F. religiosa a tree species that is considered
holy by Indian farmers and is not removed despite its considerable size and canopy cover that shades crops and potentially reduces
crop productivity (see Fig. 2). The Woolly-necked Storkshabits of using D. sissoo and F. religiosa trees amid cultivation and along
canals for nesting in Haryana and other parts of north India is not recent. Observations from the 1800s include the following statements
(parentheses are ours): sheeshum (D. sissoo) being their favourite (nest tree), several nests on peepul (F. religiosa) mostly in the
neighbourhood of canals, and nest on a banyan tree (F. benghalensis) in a grove (Hume, 1889). These observations, though anec-
dotal, underscore the long-standing value of traditional multifunctional agriculture for breeding Woolly-necked Storks in north India.
This combination of directed persecution of the birds being absent and traditional agricultural practices that include trees alongside
crops are present in agricultural areas across South Asia, but their value for waterbirds is being documented only relatively recently. So
far there is documented evidence for this combination of factors to be sustaining the largest known breeding population of Lesser
Adjutant Storks (Leptoptilos javanicus) a globally Vulnerable waterbird species (Koju et al., 2019; Sundar et al., 2019) in lowland
Nepal, and the largest known breeding population of Woolly-necked Storks (this study). The majority of investigations on traditional
multifunctional agroforestry in South Asia have focused on economic and material benets of trees retained amid croplands (e.g.
Dhyani et al., 2009), with little work on ecological benets of trees. This lacuna requires correction and improving understanding of
the value of agroforestry to species conservation can assist to reduce assumptions regarding the impacts of small holder tropical
agriculture on biodiversity conservation.
4.4. Nest site delity
There is unfortunately no comparable data set with which to infer whether our observed nest site delity of ~45% is low or high for
single-nesting storks using farmlands. Reuse of nest sites is common in storks (Hancock et al., 1992; Tryjanowski et al., 2006; Vergara
et al., 2006; Fandos et al., 2021), and has been observed in Woolly-necked Storks in South Africa (Thabethe, 2018) and India (Pur-
basha, 2017). This study provides conrmation that reuse of nesting sites by Woolly-necked Storks in South Asia is part of a general
pattern observed in storks. Our data set suggests that nests on pylons were reused to a larger degree relative to nests on trees (Fig. 6a).
Since most nests were on trees favoured in multifunctional agroforestry, it is possible that some trees each year were disturbed by
forestry activities. However, we also observed that storks have similar patterns of nest site reuse on trees regardless of the tree species
or their use by farmers (Fig. 6b). These two ndings suggest that agroforestry practices alone cannot explain higher levels of reuse of
nest sites on pylons.
Nest sites on pylons were, on average, further from canals relative to nests on trees contrary to the overall ndings in the study
(Table A.2a). Woolly-necked Stork behaviour in Haryana also did not match ndings in protected reserves elsewhere where Oriental
White Storks took to nesting on articial structures to avoid human presence (Cheng et al., 2020). However, reused Woolly-necked
Stork nest sites in Haryana were further from wetlands relative to sites used only once (Fig. 3). Long-term studies on other stork
species have shown older birds with more experience reusing nests for longer durations (Vergara et al., 2006). If older Woolly-necked
Storks are also the ones reusing nest sites, then the large number of sites used once would suggest that much of the breeding population
of storks in Jhajjar and Rohtak is relatively young, and breeding pairs are still working on nding the best nest sites. It would also
explain why nest sites used only once were closer to wetlands younger and less experienced pairs could be attracted to wetlands
initially before learning to select sites closer to canals to reuse for multiple years.
4.5. Implications of the study
Multiple lines of evidence underscore the high quality of the ancient agrarian areas of Haryana for breeding Woolly-necked Storks,
and historical literature provide anecdotes that show this situation to be existing since at least the 1800 s. There is no previous study
where waterbird nest location was inuenced by agricultural aspects on landscapes that still retained natural habitats. This indicates
that farming methods and cropping patterns in Haryana are conducive to maintain breeding stork populations, similar to recent
observations from lowland Nepal where farmers follow similar traditional farming (Koju et al., 2019; Sundar et al., 2019). In addition
to conducive farming methods and suitable crops, the critical ingredient for such multifunctional agricultural landscapes appears to be
favourable farmer attitudes that, at the minimum, do not actively persecute nesting waterbirds. Additional aspects common to lo-
cations where storks are breeding in small holder farmlands is traditional agriculture that includes trees amid crop lands. Trees were
grown both for material use (e.g. D. sissoo for furniture and making yokes) and for spiritual purposes (e.g. Ficus species that are
regarded as holy in Hinduism). This combination of factors appears to be invaluable to conserve biodiversity and conservationists
should develop strategies that encourage these factors across agricultural landscapes. These factors are, however, unlikely to be
transferable to other areas including to the developed global north where large-scale mechanisation requires removal of scattered trees
S. Kittur and K.S.G. Sundar
Global Ecology and Conservation 30 (2021) e01793
on agricultural landscapes, and where locals hunt waterbirds or regard waterbirds nesting outside of protected reserves as a nuisance.
The absence of the spiritual element in farmers of the developed countries is a critical lacuna, and conservation efforts in countries such
as India require to embrace these important differences between regions. It is essential that different agricultural regions be evaluated
separately without imposing ndings from one area on the other, or assuming that there are silver-bullet strategies that work with
similar efciency in areas with disparate farmer habits. The continuance and expansion of traditional agriculture that is benetting
wild species, such as in Haryana, should be supported. There is an urgent need to avoid imposing protectionist paradigms at such
locations, instead recognizing the value of existing farmer-nature connections which are easily degraded with the unsustainable but
widely prevalent interventions such as payment-based conservation (Fischer et al., 2012).
In this study, we take a strictly ecological approach biased towards deciphering the needs of breeding Woolly-necked Storks. Model
diagnostics have showcased that these measurements are insufcient to fully explain the observations. We suggest that a multidis-
ciplinary approach that includes social, economic, and agricultural dimensions may uncover a fuller set of mechanisms that favour
waterbird breeding on agricultural landscapes. The number of ecological investigations in agricultural landscapes outside of developed
countries are still sparse and a wider understanding of how different agricultural settings could enable biodiversity conservation still
eludes us. Nonetheless, our discovery of an agricultural patchwork sustaining the largest known breeding population of a poorly
studied waterbird is signicant, as is the observation that its success is driven by features introduced to benet farmers. Natural
hydrological ows are increasingly being harnessed for agriculture and a growing number of locations are witnessing declines in
natural wetland functions and declines in breeding waterbirds (Brandis et al., 2018; Bino et al., 2020). Our work demonstrates that
increasing irrigation can, under certain settings, improve breeding conditions for waterbirds. Learning how to harness this advantage
alongside cultivation can confer signicant long-term conservation benets with minimal additional expenditure. There are several
other waterbird species in Asia and Africa that are currently assessed as species of global conservation concern. The conservation status
of many of these species is based largely on the assumption that farmlands are detrimental to their wellbeing despite an absence of
surveys in agricultural areas (Gula, 2020; Sundar, 2020). Accumulating evidence shows that rather than make such unsubstantiated
assumptions, we require to identify waterbirds whose conservation status cannot be assessed reasonably with existing information and
identify agricultural landscapes that hold the potential to be multifunctional and could be supporting these waterbird species. Like in
Jhajjar and Rohtak, it seems entirely plausible that additional mechanisms that will be novel to scientic literature exist outside of
strictly protected reserves and support waterbird populations. The density of irrigation canals in Jhajjar and Rohtak is perhaps un-
matched in South Asia. However, irrigation canals are a common feature of most South Asian farmlands, as are other features such as
tanks and reservoirs. It is highly unlikely that these existing features are without positive effect on waterbirds. Planning careful work to
suit each landscape is needed to compile diverse and potentially novel mechanisms to enrich existing toolkits towards enhancing
biodiversity conservation amid agriculture. A good rst step towards building such toolkits will be to stop caricaturing crowded small
holder agricultural areas of the global south as being uniformly detrimental to all waterbirds.
The Bryan Guinness Foundation and National Geographic Foundation.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
inuence the work reported in this paper.
For continued support we thank Lata Kittur and Sanjay Prasad. Administrative support was provided by the International Crane
Foundation and the Nature Conservation Foundation. We gratefully acknowledge A.S. Chauhan, R. Ahlawat and D.S. Dalal for con-
ducting eld work towards this long-term monitoring project. Comments and discussions on a previous draft by J.D.A. Grant, J. Gula
and S. Subramanya greatly improved the manuscript, and Saniya Chaplod kindly provided her sketch for use in this work. A previous
draft benetted from the thoughts of three anonymous reviewers.
Appendix A. Supporting information
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the online version at doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01793.
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S. Kittur and K.S.G. Sundar
Distance to:
Tree patches
Distance to:
Tree patches
... Waterbirds in South Asia heavily depend on wetlands and agricultural lands throughout the year for foraging and breeding (King et al., 2010;Kittur & Sundar, 2021;Sundar et al., 2016). These habitats provide abundant food, which enhances their breeding performance and productivity (Janiszewski et al., 2014;Sundar, 2006). ...
... This shows that each stork species has distinct and nuanced preferences for nest trees, as seen in the case of Asian Wooly-necks, which utilize both local trees and invasive Eucalyptus spp. in India (Kittur & Sundar, 2021). ...
... We observed several colonies of the Asian openbill within areas of human habitation and agricultural landscapes, similar to reports for other stork or crane species in South Asia (Katuwal, Sundar, et al., 2022;Kittur & Sundar, 2021;Sharma et al., 2024). This is primarily attributed to the presence of large-sized nesting trees protected by local communities and possibly the abundance of prey species within agricultural landscapes (Hara et al., 2018;Pramanik et al., 2016;Ratanakorn et al., 2018;Sundar et al., 2019). ...
Full-text available
Colonial nesting waterbirds in agricultural landscapes have historically received limited research attention, especially in South Asia. For example, the Asian openbill (Anastomus oscitans) is a colonial species that extensively utilizes agricultural landscapes, yet there is a notable lack of substantial studies despite increasing urbanization across these landscapes. We investigated the factors affecting the breeding ecology of Asian openbills in eastern Nepal. We used a grid‐based approach to locate stork colonies and monitored them throughout the breeding season from May to November for three consecutive years (2020–2022). Altogether, we observed a total of 67 active colonies, comprising 4020 active nests, which successfully fledged a total of 7566 chicks. Additionally, most of the colonies were located within areas of human settlements (40%), followed by community forests (33%) and agricultural land (27%). The Asian openbills primarily preferred large trees, such as Bombax ceiba (72%), for nesting. The mean height of nesting trees was approximately 4 m taller, the diameter at breast height was twice as large, and the canopy cover area was three times greater than that of non‐nesting trees. The canopy cover area of trees positively influenced the colony size, while colony size positively influenced the fledgling's success. Our study underscores the significance of large trees in providing sufficient space for accommodating a substantial number of openbill nests and fledglings. These findings have significant implications for conservation efforts to protect large trees along with wetlands and agricultural lands, as crucial measures to ensure the sustainable breeding of this nationally vulnerable species.
... Ficus trees were important as both roost and nest sites and were retained across the city despite growing to very large sizes due to religious beliefs. Such religious beliefs have been observed to benefit waterbird breeding in other parts of south Asia as well (Koju et al. 2020;Kittur and Sundar 2021;Katuwal et al. 2022). These observations suggest that cultural values towards tree species benefit a much wider set of biodiversity across south Asia. ...
... However, south Asian cities retain numerous bird species of these guilds (Rawal et al. 2021a, b). It appears likely that the practice of retaining waterbodies and other patches of habitats in both rural and urban areas of south Asia (Kittur and Sundar 2021;Rawal et al. 2021a, b), especially the presence of large artificial waterbodies in Udaipur (see Fig. 1), alongside people's attitudes supportive of wild species, assists in maintaining a diverse assemblage of roosting and breeding waterbirds. ...
... Variables having statistically significant associations are indicated by an asterisk. Analyses for individual waterbird species are provided in Supplementary Information 3 species that were hitherto incorrectly believed to be declining due to agriculture and urbanisation (Koju et al. 2020;Kittur and Sundar 2021;Katuwal et al. 2022). Emerging evidence is also showing the capability of tropical urban areas to support high bird diversity contrary to assumptions that high human densities in tropical cities will always lead to lowered diversity (Rawal et al. 2021a, b). ...
Full-text available
Tropical cities provide challenging conditions for resident wild species to undertake critical activities such as roosting and breeding. Tree-nesting waterbirds are widespread urban inhabitants but how they choose sites for these critical activities in urban areas, and whether requirements vary by species, are poorly understood. We assessed whether waterbirds chose roosting and nesting sites using similar cues in a rapidly urbanising small Indian city, Udaipur. Roost sites (N = 78, 17 species especially Ardeola grayii, Bubulcus ibis, Pseudibis papillosa) were located mostly beside roads and wetlands. Nest sites (N = 130, 12 species especially B. ibis, P. papillosa and Anastomus oscitans) were different from roost sites and were located mostly in built-up areas and wetlands. Waterbirds used 23 of 39 available tree species for roosting and nesting, strongly preferring snags and the largest trees of introduced (Azadirachta indica), native (Ficus spp., Vachellia nilotica) and exotic (Eucalyptus sp.) species. Site locations for both activities were associated negatively with built-up areas at the smallest spatial scale. At larger spatial scales they were associated positively with wetlands and built-up areas, with waterbirds entirely avoiding the Aravalli mountains. Individual waterbird species displayed idiosyncrasies in choice of tree species but used similar cues to locate roost and nest sites. Retaining large trees and wetlands across Udaipur city is essential to allow space for waterbirds’ critical activities. The scale and diversity of waterbirds roosting and nesting in Udaipur city is unprecedented suggesting that the ability of small tropical cities to aid urban biodiversity conservation has been overlooked.
... Given that waterbirds can be used reliably as indicators of environmental change (Amat and Green, 2010;Kushlan, 1993), their global trends may underscore the state of wetland habitats and the landscapes that they inhabit. It is increasingly recognised that a one-size-fits-all approach is insufficient for addressing conservation issues related to waterbird conservation, and that region-and location-specific knowledge about waterbirds is required for successful habitat and population recovery (Kittur and Sundar, 2021;Ma et al., 2010;Tománková et al., 2013). However, this requires ecological data about specific species and communities, which may be unavailable for some taxa and in some parts of the world where research has been limited. ...
... However, there have been few independent assessments of whether species statuses are indeed based on at least a minimal understanding of species habits and requirements, and whether there is useful data to base changes in the status of some species over time. As large, conspicuous, and charismatic waterbirds, storks are an ideal representative group for wetland conservation, and several species have already been used to demonstrate their value as ecological indicators of environmental contamination or habitat restoration and as representatives of ancient agricultural practices (Frederick et al., 2009;Goutner and Furness, 1998;Kittur and Sundar, 2021;Naito et al., 2014;Tobolka et al., 2012). Therefore, advancing our scientific knowledge of storks can be an important way to advance the conservation of their habitats and the species with which they share them. ...
... Research in Europe and the USA has exhaustively addressed how variables such as climate and food availability influence the dynamics of Wood Stork and White Stork populations (e.g., Borkhataria et al., 2012;Kamiński et al., 2020;Klassen et al., 2016;Martín et al., 2021;Massemin-Challet et al., 2006). To a much lesser extent, recent work on several Asian species has related breeding success to habitat factors (Kittur and Sundar, 2021;Ramachandran et al., 2017;Sundar et al., 2019), but no such work has been published for storks in Africa. Tropical developing countries have different suites of socio-ecological conditions than temperate developed countries, which means research findings on storks from Europe and the USA should not be extrapolated to inform ecological information, status, or conservation action on tropical storks. ...
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Storks are a conspicuous pan-global freshwater flagship taxon with 20 extant species, all of which have been accorded IUCN Red List status. Red List assessments use a combination of scientific evidence and expert inputs to develop species-level status, but there is little careful evaluation of whether these assessments are comparable across species. Using standard literature databases, we compiled and analysed patterns of research in peer-reviewed literature for all 20 stork species. Our search yielded 989 publications between 1950 and 2022, showing bias in both the coverage of species (66 % covered three stork species) and geographical locations (53.8 % from Europe and the United States of America) despite the highest stork species richness being present in Africa and Asia. Publications on storks, especially from Asia, have increased over time, with 81 % of all studies published since 2000. Most stork research focused on breeding ecology, but was skewed toward only three species. Growing research in Asia showed significant populations of several stork species amid farmlands, suggesting the need to advance similar research in anthropogenically modified landscapes elsewhere. The population and behaviour ecologies of 15 (75 %) stork species remain unstudied. Our review showed scientific evidence varying enormously across stork species, with sparse scientific understanding being the norm. Red List statuses must be made more robust for storks, especially highlighting data-deficient species to help prioritize conservation research, particularly in Africa and Asia, thereby facilitating the development of accurate status assessments for these species.
... Although it is a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance, the Barotse does not have a formal protection status as a national park or reserve. The persistence of large breeding populations of waterbirds in this culturally important landscape, albeit one with pervasive conservation issues (e.g., Cole et al. 2018;Larsen et al. 2018), adds to the mounting global evidence that waterbirds can exist in habitats with great human influence (Thabethe and Downs 2018;Kittur and Sundar 2021;Moulton et al. 2022;Shlepr et al. 2023). Still, little is known about western Zambia's Openbill population and its potential threats. ...
Population data on the African Openbill (Anastomus lamelligerus, hereafter Openbill) are largely lacking. We surveyed Openbill colonies on the Barotse Floodplain of the Zambezi River in western Zambia, describing nest site characteristics, clutch size, and brood sex ratios. We also monitored the movements of a male with the first telemetry transmitter deployed on the species. He travelled an average of 16.4 ± 9.6 (SD) km round-trip during 73 foraging trips from its nesting colony. In July 2023, we surveyed colonies and estimated nest abundance from the air, identifying three large colonies in dense Phragmites spp. reedbeds along the Zambezi River channel. There were approximately 70,000 Openbill nests in the three colonies combined, with the largest colony estimated to have 57,884 nests. This colony also had 546 African Spoonbill (Platalea alba) nests, making it the largest known Openbill and African Spoonbill breeding site in Africa and one of the world's largest known long-legged wading bird nesting sites. Our study provides a snapshot of a globally significant Openbill population but also shows that much more research is needed.
... The sensor node uses specific algorithms to take decisions without human interference. Different kinds of information are collected from the sensor node and transfer the information through electrical signals but supply only limited power units [6]. The sensor nodes are easy to maintain, low cost, automatic, and play a significant role in every sector of human life. ...
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Precision agriculture involves extensive agricultural landscapes with varying terrains and crop types. An energy-efficient routing protocol ensures that data is efficiently transmitted across the entire agricultural area. However, the ability of clustering routing protocol is based on the cluster formation as well as cluster head selection processes. Traditional methods are impractical for such large-scale deployments. In order to conquer the above-mentioned challenges, this paper proposed a novel Ensemble Fuzzy Crossover based Golden Jackal (EFC-GJ) method for enhancing the formation of cluster and cluster heads selection. In the proposed method, the crossover-based Golden Jackal Optimization, Fuzzy c-means Clustering Method, and Ensemble Q-learning are utilized for cluster center initialization, cluster formation, and cluster head selection respectively. The performance evaluation measures such as throughput, jitter, latency, energy consumption, and network lifetime are utilized for the evaluation of the proposed EFC-GJ method and these results are compared with existing methods. The EFC-GJ method attained a PDR of 0.98, throughput of 0.97 Mbps, end-to-end delay of 1.3 s, network lifetime of 5620 rounds, energy consumption of 0.2 mJ, jitter of 0.36 ms, and latency of 1.7 s. The experimental results illustrate the EFC-GJ method’s effectiveness in forming cluster and selecting cluster head.
... White storks frequently use artifi cial nests or artificial structures when nesting (Vaitkuvienė & Dagys, 2015;Bialas et al., 2020) and habitat quality and food availability are regarded as deciding factors for breeding success and positive population trends (Nowakowski, 2003). Numerous studies have shown Ciconia species (or at least C. ciconia, C. boyciana and C. episcopus) favour nesting close to human sett lements and crops and are positively associated with traditional agriculture but negatively associated with pesticide use (Ezaki & Sagara, 2014;Kitt ur & Sundar, 2021;Xu et al., 2021). Our study suggests that Asian woollynecks in Cambodia may have habits similar to the species in Nepal, Myanmar and India where positive associations with agricultural landscapes have been reported (Sundar, 2006;Win et al., 2020;Ghimire et al., 2021b). ...
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We present the first description of the post-release ranging behaviour of four Asian woollyneck storks Ciconia episcopus released in 2019 in the deciduous dipterocarp forests of Siem Pang Wildlife Sanctuary, Cambodia. Three of the birds were rescued from illegal trade as chicks and the fourth was captive bred and rehabilitated in captivity for five years before release. The birds were fitted with GPS trackers to investigate the ecology and habitat preferences of the species after release. We calculated home ranges for each individual using three different methods (minimum convex polygon, kernel-density estimation & Brownian bridge) and studied correlations between recorded positions and the presence of streams, rice fi elds and waterholes. Combining all methods, we found core-use areas as defined by utilization distribution (UD=50%) ranged from 2.3 to 50.6 km2 (x̄=15.66, SD=13.76), whereas home range as defi ned by UD=95% extended from 8.2 to 254.5 km2 (x̄=89.22, SD=66.00). There was a positive correlation with the presence of forest streams and a weaker correlation with the presence of rice fi elds and waterholes. Survival of two birds for four years and successful breeding in the wild demonstrates that rehabilitation of confiscated Asian woollynecks has conservation value and that Siem Pang Wildlife Sanctuary and equivalent protected areas in Cambodia are suitable reintroduction sites.
... Cranes and Brolgas also use treeless agricultural landscapes scattered in wetlands (Mukherjee et al., 2002;Sheldon, 2005;Sundar & Kittur, 2012). Breeding populations of woolly necked Storks are surprisingly high in the intensively cultivated and crowded areas of Jhajjar and Rohtak, India (Kittur & Sundar, 2021). The Black-headed ...
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The landscape pattern of the Black-necked Crane (Grus nigricollis) habitat in China changed at different spatial scales and long-term periods due to natural factors and human activities, and habitat reduction and fragmentation threatened the survival of Black-necked Cranes. The factors driving the habitat landscape pattern and individual population changes of Black-necked Cranes remain to be studied. In this paper, based on remote sensing data of land use from 1980 to 2020, the changes in landscape pattern and fragmentation of the Black-necked Crane habitat in China over 40 years were analyzed from two different spatial scales using the land cover transfer matrix and landscape index. The correlation between landscape and Black-necked Crane individual population was analyzed. The most obvious observations were as follows: (1) Although transformation between landscapes occurred to varying degrees, the area of wetlands and arable land in the breeding and the wintering areas (net) increased significantly from 1980 to 2020. (2) Habitat fragmentation existed in the breeding and the wintering area and was more obvious in the wintering area. (3) The number of individuals of Black-necked Cranes increased period by period, and habitat fragmentation did not inhibit their population growth. (4) The number of individuals of Black-necked Crane was closely related to the wetland and arable land. The increasing area of wetlands and arable and the increasing landscape shape complexity all contributed to the growth of the individual population. The results also suggested that the number of individuals of Black-necked Crane was not threatened by the expanding arable land in China, and they might benefit from arable landscapes. The conservation of Black-necked Cranes should focus on the relationship between individual Black-necked Cranes and arable landscapes, and the conservation of other waterbirds should also focus on the relationship between individual waterbirds and other landscapes.
... There is growing work showing the IUCN Red List information either being too conservative (e.g. for shorebirds; Duan et al. 2022) or too strict (e.g. assuming Woolly-necked Storks Ciconia episcopus to be declining due to agriculture; Kittur and Sundar 2021). Restricting global assessments to species that have adequate ecological information would strengthen the overall reliability of such reports. ...
Closely related sympatric species achieve sympatry using multiple strategies, which includes avoiding competition by sharing some habitats (>1 species using the same habitat at the same time; “syntopy”) while using other habitats exclusively (“allotopy”). The extent to which sympatric species use the syntopy-allotopy strategy relative to other strategies, especially with relation to changing land use and season on agricultural landscapes, is poorly documented in waterbirds. We measured year-long abundance and habitat use of three ibis species on a starkly seasonal semi-arid landscape using an a-priori design covering areas with two dominating land uses (wetlands and agriculture) in north-west India. We hypothesized that ibis abundance and allotopy would be higher in wetter areas and seasons (lower competition, higher resource availability) and that drier areas and seasons (higher competition, scarce resources) would have lower ibis abundance and increased syntopy. Ibis abundance varied by species (Red-naped > Black-headed > Glossy), season (Summer > Winter > Monsoon) and land use (wetland > agriculture). Ibises largely avoided inter-species competition (81% of observations were of single species), one species showed year-long allotopy (Red-naped Ibis used crop fields) and the other two species preferred wetland habitats. Syntopy was rare and occurred mostly in areas with more wetlands (91%) and during summer (63%). Ibises achieved sympatry by employing multiple strategies – avoiding direct competition, divergence in species' habitat use, and increased syntopy during summer. Ibis behavioural plasticity favoured their sympatry across changing landscapes and seasons, but retaining wetlands appears key to their year-long coexistence on mixed use landscapes.
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Effective conservation of animal populations depends on the availability of reliable data derived from rigorous monitoring protocols, which allows us to assess trends and understand the processes they are governed by. Nevertheless, population monitoring schemes are hampered by multiple sources of errors resulting from specific logistical and survey constraints. Two common complications are the non‐visitation of some sites in certain years and preferential sampling (PS), that is, the tendency to survey “better” sites disproportionately more often. Both factors can lead to serious biases unless accommodated into models. We used 22 yr of nest‐monitoring data to develop a dynamic multistate occupancy model, including a PS component to investigate occupancy and reproduction dynamics in a peripheral Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) population in Spain. We analyzed the effects of climate and nesting substrate (tree vs. cliff) on population dynamics and accounted for PS and non‐visitation biases using a model that distinguished three territorial states: unoccupied, occupied without, or occupied with successful reproduction. We found strong evidence for positive PS, and when accounting for this bias, lower population size estimates were generated. Black stork nests had a high probability of remaining in the same state from one year to the next, with successful nests more likely to be occupied again and to be successful the following year than occupied but unsuccessful or unoccupied nests. Nesting substrate and spring precipitation did not influence state transition probabilities or the probability of reproductive success; nevertheless, cliff nest occupancy was overall higher than tree nest occupancy. Our results highlight the importance of correcting for non‐visitation and PS in habitat occupancy models. If these potential biasing effects are not accounted for, inferences of population size may be overestimate. Multistate occupancy models with correction for PS offer a powerful analytical framework for data collected as part of population studies of unmarked animals. These models compensate for common methodological biases in biological surveys and can help implement efficient conservation strategies based on robust population dynamics estimates.
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Protected areas form the backbone of biodiversity conservation especially in southeast Asia which is both a global biodiversity hotspot and is facing extreme developmental pressures. The ability of large waterbirds to use habitats outside protected areas is poorly understood in most southeast Asian countries despite the potential of humanmodified areas such as agricultural fields to provide alternative habitats. We assessed abundance and habitat use inside and outside protected areas of Woollynecked Storks, a large waterbird species thought to be declining due to deterioration of forested reserves, in five regions of Myanmar. Woollynecked Stork abundance (birds/km) and use of three habitats (agriculture fields, forests, wetlands) were compared using transects within and outside protected areas, each monitored six times annually for three continuous years (2016-2018). Specifically, we assessed if abundance and habitat use varied due to protection status and whether location, season (summer, winter, and rainy season) and time of day (morning and evening) additionally influenced measured metrics. Woollynecked Storks were seen in 55% of all transects, but in the 990 total transect runs, were seen in only 44% of transects with a higher frequency of sightings on transects outside (61%) compared to inside protected areas (25%). Encounter rates were, on average, 1.5 times higher outside compared to inside protected areas. Encounter rates also varied significantly with season with most storks being encountered in summers and the least in the winters, and seasonal patterns were similar inside and outside protected areas. Encounter rates showed weak declining trends in the majority of transects with measured declines being more than twice inside protected areas than outside. Woollynecked Storks were mostly observed in wetlands (53%) and in agricultural fields (35%) and used forested areas and wetlands significantly more inside protected areas. Storks displayed plasticity outside protected areas by using agricultural fields. This study provides the first formal comparison of Woollynecked Stork ecology inside and outside protected areas. In addition to continuing to secure protected areas for biodiversity conservation in Myanmar, expanding the conservation paradigm into agricultural landscapes with unprotected wetlands is essential for the longterm persistence of large waterbird species such as the Woollynecked Storks.
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Rangewide distribution patterns and environmental requirements of the African Ciconia microscelis and Asian C. episcopus Woollyneck Storks are poorly understood, which has confounded the ability to develop empirical conservation status assessments for either species. We collated thousands of records for each species to create the first objective distribution maps, and used these data to model environmental suitability at the continental and regional scales in Africa and Asia with the machinelearning program MaxEnt. We found the African Woollyneck to be fairly widespread in southern and East Africa but its distribution in West Africa was fragmented. The Asian Woollyneck had a widespread distribution in south Asia, an isolated population segment in Cambodia and Vietnam, and was sparsely distributed on the southeast Asian islands. Predictions of suitable distributions and responses to climate variables in the MaxEnt models were scaledependent for both species. Annual and seasonal precipitation were most important in Africa, and the most influential variables differed across Asian models. Field studies testing these findings will bolster the knowledge of ecological requirements, as well as help determine how responses to environmental variation influence population dynamics. While our findings indicate neither species are of immediate conservation concern, there is evidence of population declines and range fragmentation and contractions in some regions. Understanding factors that have caused these changes is especially important in the face of ongoing environmental change on both continents.
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Crowded agricultural landscapes of the tropics and subtropics are assumed to be responsible for the decline of many waterbird species. This includes Woollynecked Storks, one of the least studied large waterbirds, with no longterm multiscale information on its ecology. In this study we provide densities, population size, flock size and habitat use of the species in agricultural landscapes across seven districts in lowland Nepal and India using the largest available field data set of Woollynecked Stork observations (N = 8,906 individuals in 3,133 flocks observed seasonally between 2014 and 2019). With this data, we asked whether these metrics showed variation by season and location. Woollynecked Stork densities fluctuated considerably, both with season in each location and across locations. Estimated population of Woollynecked Storks in the study area was 1,689 ± 922 (SD) which extrapolated to the known distribution range of the species in south Asia provided a coarse population estimate of 2,38,685 ± 1,24,471 (SD). Woollynecked Storks were seen mostly in small flocks of 14 birds (86% of flocks) with few extraordinarily large flocks. Flocks were significantly larger in Jhajjar and Kheda districts, in winter, and in fallow fields and wetlands. Most Woollynecked Storks were observed in agriculture fields (64% of 1,874 observations) with much fewer in wetlands (9%). In three locations where seasonal habitat use was measured, Woollynecked Storks varied habitat use seasonally in all locations. Of six locations where habitat preference was assessed, storks preferred wetlands in five locations. Results of this study suggest that the largest known global population of this species is resident in agricultural landscapes, and coarse population estimates suggests that the population size of this species was previously underestimated. Results also showed considerable variations in flock size and habitat use with location and season suggesting that Woolly necked Storks show plasticity in response to changing conditions on agricultural landscapes. These findings will be helpful to revise the species' status assessment and understanding its conservation requirements.
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Asian Woollyneck Ciconia episcopus is a globally threatened stork found across south and southeast Asian countries. In Nepal, it is considered as a fairly common resident species although categorized as ‘NearThreatened’. Here, we report on Asian Woollyneck occurrences in 116 transects (farmland100, forest8, river8) each measuring 500 m across four districts of lowland Nepal (Kapilvastu, Chitwan, Sarlahi and Sunsari) and surveyed in multiple seasons from April 2018 to December 2019 for a total of 985 transect counts. Despite our extensive survey, we recorded Asian Woollynecks in only 14 transect counts of which eight were along the buffer zone of Chitwan National Park (CNP). All sightings were of small flocks with 1-2 storks. Majority of the sightings (85%) were in farmlands, remaining in river but not in forest. We observed one nest on a Sal Shorea robusta tree along the buffer zone of CNP in 2019 from which one chick fledged in early October. Our study adds to the meager information available on Asian Wollyneck in Nepal and indicates that this species is sparsely distributed in the lowland farmlands.
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Provides a detailed background to the conservation status and ecological understanding available on Woolly-necked Storks, and showcases the value of replacing assumptions with field data. Underscores some incorrect assumptions regarding the conservation needs of the species, provides an update (with references from the Special Section of the same issue, and additional references), and provides a roadmap for improving the understanding of this species.
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The Andean Ibis (Theristicus branickii) occurs in the high Andes of Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador. In Ecuador, it occurs primarily in the Antisana Volcano highlands and is currently considered “Critically Endangered” at the national level. Little information is known about its ecology and reproductive biology. The goal of this study was to understand its reproduction patterns. Research was carried out in Antisana Ecological Reserve during November 2017–May 2018. Four active nests were discovered and studied: two from hatching and two after hatching. We used direct observations and camera traps to study parental care and nestling growth. Nests were located near waterfalls in the Antisana River drainage. Andean Ibis hatching was asynchronous within approximately 48 h in the same nest. Preliminary total survival rate was estimated as 50%. The incubation period lasted c. 27 days, and nestlings fledged after 2 months.
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Small farms constitute most of the world’s farms and are a central focus of sustainable agricultural development. However, the relationship between farm size and production, profitability, biodiversity and greenhouse gas emissions remains contested. Here, we synthesize current knowledge through an evidence review and meta-analysis and show that smaller farms, on average, have higher yields and harbour greater crop and non-crop biodiversity at the farm and landscape scales than do larger farms. We find little conclusive evidence for differences in resource-use efficiency, greenhouse gas emission intensity and profits. Our findings highlight the importance of farm size in mediating some environmental and social outcomes relevant to sustainable development. We identify a series of research priorities to inform land- and market-based policies that affect smallholders globally.
Tropical farmlands experience dramatic seasonal variations in landscape conditions and have continuous human presence, providing potentially challenging settings for resident waterbirds. Behavior of the globally threatened Woolly-necked Stork (Ciconia episcopus) was studied for two seasons (monsoon and winter, 2018–2019) in lowland Nepal to assess how storks coped with changing conditions on farmlands. Activity budgets were prepared from 582 min of video, and recursive partitioning was used to identify variables that affected two critical activities: foraging and vigilance. Foraging was a dominant activity (32 ± 33%) with relatively little percent time spent being vigilant (10 ± 19%). Woolly-necked Storks reduced percent foraging time when they foraged closer (25.8 ± 36.3%) compared to farther (35.8 ± 31.8%) from wetlands. Percent foraging time was reduced during the winter (30.6 ± 35.2%) compared to monsoon (35.1 ± 32.2%), suggesting improved foraging conditions. Percent time spent foraging increased closer to humans, suggesting lower efficiency. Percent time being vigilant decreased closer to wetlands, suggesting reduced disturbance. Wetlands and drier cropfields with human presence were relatively high-value habitats. Woolly-necked Storks coped with changing seasonal conditions in lowland Nepal’s farmlands by altering activity budgets in relatively minor ways identical to alterations made by similar species in wild habitats. This work adds to growing literature showcasing the multifunctional value of tropical agricultural landscapes and underscoring the need to move away from assuming that agriculture is uniformly detrimental for large waterbirds.
Agroforestry has high potential for simultaneously satisfying three important objectives viz., protecting and stabilizing the ecosystems; producing a high level of output of economic goods; and improving income and basic materials to rural population. Besides, Agroforestry is capable to conserve natural resources through various systems under different Agroclimatic regions. The livelihood security through Agroforestry and its potential in meeting basic needs viz., food, fuel, fodder, and employment generation are highlighted in this article. From the perspective of different Agroclimatic zone, suitable Agroforestry systems have been compiled along with estimated investment needs for extension/development support and net returns for the same. Among the agroclimatic zones, the highest estimated investment needs are in case of Western plateau and hills (Rs. 2320 crores) followed by Western dry region (Rs. 2072 crores). A breakup of Agroforestry practices has been outlined to increase the area under Agroforestry from its current level of 7.45 million ha to 25.36 million ha by next two decades. The potential of Agroforestry in meeting the deficit of demand and supply in timber, fodder supply, bioenergy sector through tree biomass and meeting the food/fruit security has been enumerated. The direct benefits like employment generation and indirect ones like carbon sequestration and environment restoration have been emphasized in respect of various Agroforestry systems.