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A well-organized free time at children and youth can prevent or ease the occurence of serious behavioural disoders and ensure a quality use of free time. The aim of the research is to examine if a well-organized free time has impact on the occurence of internalised and externalised disorders. The research starts with the assumption that students whose free time is organized have less intensity of exposure of some types of internalised and externalised behavioural disorders. The sample consists of 230 primary and secondary school finishing class students, both sex, aged 14-19 years old. The research was conducted at the area of the city of Tuzla. The Scale of self assessment of the youth was used in the research. The results show that students who do not spend a well-organized free time expose the following types of internalised and externalised disorders: anxiety, somatic issues without a clear medical cause, violation of rules at home and school.

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The development of children and youth can be viewed from the perspective of comprehensive narrower and broader social environment that affects their welfare and social adjustment. For a successful and positive development of their is important interaction of the individual and environment, where socialization is the key framework for the acceptance and adoption of socially desirable values and norms of behaviour. Facilities and leisure activities can be associated with a number of positive educational, social and developmental outcomes achieved by students.
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Škola uz obitelj ima ključnu ulogu u razvoju djeteta te je upravo školsko okruženje jedno od ključnih socijalizacijskih okruženja. U školskom okruženju djeca manifestiraju naučeno u svojem primarnom obiteljskom okruženju. U tom testiranju vlastitih snaga, ali i slabosti, školsko okruženje postaje mjesto na kojem se prvi put mogu manifestirati određene poteškoće u ponašanju. Kad je riječ o internaliziranim poremećajima u ponašanju, možemo kazati kako se oni teže uočavaju, teže su dostupni opažanju okoline i u školskom okruženju bivaju često puta zanemareni, a zbog svoje složenosti i kasne detekcije mogu prerasti u ponašanja koja su iznimno opasna za pojedinca i za njegovu okolinu. Ovim radom želi se doprinijeti dodatnom pojašnjavanju ove problematike, i to opisom samog fenomena kao i predstavljanjem postojećih istraživanja u svijetu i Hrvatskoj, uz svijest kako je riječ o metodološki neujednačenim istraživanjima i kako je za implementaciju preventivnih programa potrebna studija epidemioloških pokazatelja. Obrazložit će se zbog čega je uopće važno školsko okruženje i koji su to internalizirani poremećaji u ponašanju posebno prisutni kod učenika.
This study used a three-wave longitudinal design to investigate developmental cascades among social competence and externalizing and internalizing behavioral adjustment in a normative sample of 117 children seen at 4, 10, and 14 years. Children, mothers, and teachers provided data. A series of nested path analysis models was used to determine the most parsimonious and plausible cascades across the three constructs over and above their covariation at each age and stability across age. Children with lower social competence at age 4 years exhibited more externalizing and internalizing behaviors at age 10 years and more externalizing behaviors at age 14 years. Children with lower social competence at age 4 years also exhibited more internalizing behaviors at age 10 years and more internalizing behaviors at age 14 years. Children who exhibited more internalizing behaviors at age 4 years exhibited more internalizing behaviors at age 10 years and more externalizing behaviors at age 14 years. These cascades among social competence and behavioral adjustment obtained independent of child intelligence and maternal education and social desirability of responding.
Longitudinal studies on risk indicators of internalizing problems in childhood are in short supply, but could be valuable to identify target groups for prevention. Standardized assessments of 294 children's internalizing problems at the age of 2-3 years (parent report), 4-5 years (parent and teacher report) and 11 years (parent and teacher) were available in addition to risk indicators from the child, family and contextual domain. Low socioeconomic status, family psychopathology at child age 2-3, parenting stress at child age 4-5 years, and parents' reports of child internalizing problems at age 4-5 years were the strongest predictors of internalizing problems at the age of 11. If these early risk factors were effectively ameliorated through preventive interventions, up to 57% of internalizing cases at age 11 years could be avoided. Predictors from as early as 2-5 years of age are relevant for identifying children at risk of internalizing problems in late childhood. The methodological approach used in this study can help to identify children who are most in need of preventive interventions and help to assess the potential health gain and efficiency of such interventions.
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