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VOL. 05 NO. 02 (2021)
© Telkom University
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e-ISSN: 2580-3050
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RACI Matrix Design for Managing Stakeholders in Project Case Study of PT.
Rahmad Dwi Putra Suhanda1*, Devi Pratami2
1,2 School of Industrial and System Engineering, Telkom University, Indonesia
Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung, 4025, INDONESIA
Article history:
Received 16 June 2021
Accepted 26 July 2021
Published 31 July 2021
Stakeholders are one of the most significant factors in the success of a project. The creation of good
team performance in a project is caused by clear work responsibilities given to each project
stakeholder so that stakeholders have responsibility for their work and can complete their work
correctly. The responsibility assignment matrix is a method for managing the roles of each resource
and describing the relationship between jobs for each job in the project, which is classified into four
parts, namely Responsible, Assignment, Consult, and Informed. In this paper, a matrix will be
designed to manage the work assignments of each stakeholder involved in the case of delays in project
completion at PT. XYZ uses the RACI Matrix method as a guide. The results of the work assignment
matrix design in the case study project of PT. XYZ shows that 12 stakeholders are grouped into four
classifications according to the RACI components, which are arranged based on the level of interest
and responsibility of each stakeholder to the project.
Business Process;
Responsibility Assignment
Matrix; Project
Management; RACI Matrix;
1. Introduction
Projects can be said to be successful when they can achieve the goals that have been set at the beginning of project
planning [1]. The thing that must be done when determining a goal for a project to be carried out is by considering the
quality of the project. The quality management plan is one way that can be used to outline all the activities that must be
carried out by the team as well as other activities such as managing the resources needed to achieve the expected level of
project quality [2]. Delay is one of the things that are not desirable in completing a project. The 85 percent of problems
with project quality are caused by improper management of project resources such as teamwork systems to an
inappropriate division of work responsibilities on teams [2]. Stakeholder management is critical to every project's success
that can affect the result of the project [3]. Stakeholder management is one of the project managers' strategies to streamline
all aspects related to their project [4]. To create a good team performance in a sustainable manner, it is necessary to have
clarity of work responsibilities given to each team member so that each team member has responsibility for their own
work and is able to complete their work well [5]. Stakeholder involvement can be controlled by identifying the roles of
each stakeholder. Stakeholder management is focused on providing the ease of communication needed during project
implementation [6].
In carrying out the project, a document is needed to facilitate the exchange of information. Communication will be
successful if the sender of information is able to convey information well, which results in feedback from the recipient
of the information [7]. Therefore, this study aims to redesign the matrix for managing the roles and responsibilities of
stakeholders as outlined in the responsibility assignment matrix. The responsibility assignment matrix can assist the
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© Copyright by Telkom University 123
project owner in managing the roles and responsibilities of each project stakeholder so that the project can run according
to plan. besides that, responsibility assignment matrix is a simple method, which has high flexibility, so it is very easy to
use by new users and applied to projects that have an uncertain character [8].
1.1. Objective
The development of today increasingly digital human lifestyle also affects project life with increasing virtual media due
to teams scattered in various locations, requiring project managers to communicate in different ways, one of which is
virtually [9]. The increase in the use of virtual meeting applications will automatically increase the number of internet
users significantly. The increase will impact the quality of the internet, which will further decline if there is no increase
in infrastructure on the internet network. PT. XYZ is a company engaged in information and communication technology
(ICT) services and telecommunications networks in Indonesia. In fulfilling the demands of the increasing internet needs,
PT. XYZ is currently modernizing and expanding its infrastructure network. One of the projects is currently being carried
out by PT. XYZ is a fiber optic feeder construction project. Fiber optic feeder is one of the network transmission media,
which is one of the components of FTTH (Fiber To The Home). Fiber optic is a type of cable made of glass fiber or
smooth plastic that can transmit light signals from one place to another. Fiber optic path width is larger and capable of
carrying a lot of data, loading very large information with transmission speeds of up to gigabytes per second, capable of
delivering long-distance information without repetition [10]. The other advantage of using fiber optic is that it has a large
bandwidth capacity than copper cables and is not susceptible to interference, one of which is from electrical frequency
Currently, there are projects underway, one of which is the construction of a fiber optic feeder or what is commonly
known as a feederization project. This project is targeted for completion in June 2021, but in reality, this project has
experienced several obstacles in its implementation, which resulted in the completion of the project not being following
the plan. One of the factors that cause delays is the unclear roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder involved in the
project. The following is the delay data presented in the form of an s-curve. The results of interviews that have been
conducted with one of the project managers said that there were several factors causing the delay in the completion of
the project, which was grouped by type. Delays based on the grouping of human resources in the project are caused by
several factors such as unclear roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder, a lack of understanding of the workforce
regarding the technicalities of the work being carried out, as well as supervision of suboptimal workforce performance.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Resource management
Project Resource Management is a stage in identifying, obtaining, and managing the resources needed to achieve project
objectives. This stage aims to ensure that each project resource has been allocated to the right place. When resources are
not managed and controlled properly, it will increase the risk that can hinder project completion [7]. There are many
methods of data representation used in resource management that aim to document and communicate the roles and
responsibilities of team members. In comparison, the data representation is presented in a hierarchical, matrix, or text-
oriented form. The other purpose of documentation is to ensure that each activity has a clear responsibility and that all
team members clearly understand their roles and responsibilities [7].
2.1.1 Outputs
The resource management plan is something that to do during project management. The purpose is to provide guidance
to the project in managing, allocating, and categorizing the project resources. The following are some human resource
management plans [7].
1. Resource identification: Resource identification is a technique for identifying and considering the human resources
needed for a project.
2. Roles and responsibility such as:
a. Role: The role is the behavior expected of someone who holds the status
b. Authority: The authority is a right to act owned by human resources on the project
c. Competence: Competence is a skill that must have by every human resource involved in the project
d. Responsibility: The responsibility is something that has to be completed by every person involved in the project.
2.2 RACI Matrix
Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed (RACI), or often called the Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM),
is a helpful tool for describing the work responsibility assignment matrix. RACI Matrix can manage the assignment of
resources for each job on the project. The RACI Matrix is usually used to describe the relationship between jobs,
determine the roles, responsibilities, and levels of authority for each activity in the project. [7]. Responsible, Accountable,
Rahmad Dwi Putra Suhanda et al., International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System Vol. 05 No. 02 (2021) p. 122-133
Consulted, Informed (RACI ) has a very strong influence because this matrix can provide ease of communication between
the project manager and his team in determining their role in the project [8]. According to [12] Responsible, Accountable,
Consulted, Informed (RACI) also has several other benefits, such as:
1. Make team communication easy
RACI makes it easy for team members involved in the project to communicate. With this method, the tasks for each team
are clearly defined so that communication between team members is easier to do because each team already knows the
role they are playing.
2. Set the number of teams in one task
The RACI matrix can determine who is the most suitable in carrying out a task according to the position held by the
candidate in charge. Thus, an effective division of roles is easy to do using the RACI Matrix so that there is no excess of
people in certain positions.
3. Adjust the proportion of workload.
RACI also provides benefits in managing the proportion of workload for each team member not to experience overload.
When someone does too much work, it will certainly result in less than optimal performance, so that employees are at
risk for experiencing stress at work caused by high workload pressure. By using RACI Matrix, each team member will
be positioned according to his ability.
RACI functions as a baseline for the communication plan by determining who receives information, how often, and at
what level of detail. The RACI Matrix must be defined at the final stage of the planning phase, which will later be
included in the Project Charter. The definition of the RACI matrix method can be seen below.
1. Responsible
Provides information that the team member is the person who is responsible for carrying out a task until it is completed.
2. Accountable
It is information that members of this team are responsible for all tasks delegated to team members. This person also has
the authority to make decisions regarding the assignment. This role is crucial because this person is responsible for every
decision he has made.
3. Consulted
Those who get this role have expertise in their field because they will be in charge of providing information on the project
being worked on.
4. Informed
Those who get this role is always informed of the progress of a project that is being carried out. Any changes and the
results of decisions taken must be notified to someone who has this role.
3. Methodology
Based on the research objective, which is to design an assignment matrix for each stakeholder involved in the PT. XYZ,
the RACI Matrix method, is used for the solution.
Fig. 1 – Conceptual Model
The conceptual model is a framework that shows the relationship between several ideas to solve a problem. Conceptual
models can explain the relationship between these concepts [13]. Based on the conceptual model in Figure 1 above, it
can be seen how the relationship between each data in this research process in designing the RACI Matrix. At the initial
stage, identifying and collecting project data is carried out and describes the activities carried out on the project following
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the work breakdown structure (WBS), which will be a reference in designing the business process. Based on the business
process results, an assignment matrix is determined using the RACI Matrix, which will result in the roles and
responsibilities of each stakeholder involved in the project. The data collected includes the project stakeholder list, project
organizational structure, work breakdown structure, and project activity list. Furthermore, data processing will be carried
out starting with analyzing business process documents for each job description on the project, which will later be
followed by designing an assignment matrix using the RACI Matrix Method.
4. Data Collection
At this stage, the data collection process needed in this research will be carried out, which will then be processed to obtain
the research results. The following are supporting data in this study.
4.1 Statement of Work
The statement of work (SOW) is a detailed narrative description of all the work to be done on the project. The document
clarifies the project description to be undertaken so that prospective vendors or stakeholders who will complete the project
can decide whether they can complete the project [14]. The following is a statement of work for the PT.XYZ project.
1. Project Owner
The project owner of feederization project is PT. XYZ
2. Company Profile.
PT. XYZ is a company engaged in telecommunications services that provide internet network services to meet the needs
of its customers. With the increasing use of the internet, the impact of increasing customer demand in the use of services
from PT. XYZ. Efforts made by PT. XYZ to meet the needs of its customers, namely by increasing the capacity and
quality of the internet it produces, namely by replacing copper cables into optical fiber as a more effective internet
network distribution medium.
3. Project Title
The project title is Arengka STO Fiber Optic Feeder Development
4. Project Places
The project location is across 7 points in the STO Arengka area, Pekanbaru Riau
5. Project Duration
The project duration starts in February 2021 to June 2021.
6. Project Description
The feederization project aims to increase the slot capacity in the Optical Distribution Cabinet, which will be connected
to the Optical Distribution Point. This project aims to increase the number of users of internet services offered with good
quality internet.
4.2 Work Breakdown Structure
Work Breakdown Structure, better known as WBS, is a hierarchy of all the work that must be done by the teams involved
in the project to be completed so that the objectives of the project can be achieved [7]. WBS is one of the things needed
in project management to provide clarity of work in each project scope broken down into work packages [2]. The
following is a WBS from a case study of the PT.XYZ project.
Based on the work breakdown structure in Figure 2. This shows that the case study of the PT. XYZ divides its project
work into two stages of work, namely the feeder tracking stage and the ODC development stage.
Fig. 2 - Work Breakdown Structure
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4.3 Stakeholders Register
Stakeholder Register is a document used for project management in identifying, assessing, and classifying stakeholders
involved in the project. The Stakeholder Register can provide an overview of the role of each. The stakeholder register
for the PT. XYZ will be shown in the Table 1 as follow:
Table 1 - Stakeholder Register
Stakeholders Classification
Manager Assistant
Site Coordinator
Asset Manager
Work Member
City government
Urban Village
Neighborhood and Hamlet
Land owner or community
Based on the stakeholder register table as shown in Table 1. We know that there are several stakeholders involved in the
case study of PT. XYZ. The stakeholders involved from the project owner point of view are called internal stakeholders,
namely Manager, Manager Assistant, Site Coordinator. Meanwhile, stakeholders who are working partners of the project
owner are referred to as external stakeholders, namely Asset Manager, Vendor, Work Member, City government, Urban
Village, Neighborhood and Hamlet, Landowner or community.
4.4 Project Organizational Structure
Organizational structure is one of the most critical things in a project. With the organizational structure, it will be clear
how the relationship between the team in the project or the relationship between different projects. It will also show the
level of authority, oversight of communication lines, coordination, and collaboration of each project team. The projectized
organizational structure is an organizational structure that gives the project manager great authority to have substantial
control over the project and is also fully responsible for the project's success. Team members are specially assigned only
to manage projects from different departments according to project requirements. This organizational structure builds a
strong focus on running the project and having a good understanding of the project objectives. Large organizations often
use this organizational structure to produce significant, valuable, and long-term projects [15]. The following is the project
organization structure in the case study of PT. XYZ
Fig. 3 - Project
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4.5 Activity List
Activity List is data that contains a description of the project activities. The Activity List also explains the scope of work
and job descriptions for each work package in detail, making it easier for the project team to understand the work
completion. Table 2 has shown the activity list for the feederization project.
Table 2 - Activity List (Part-1)
Job description
Activity List
Government Licensing
1. The field supervisor completes the requirements in applying for a city
government permit.
2. Submit the required documents to the relevant city government.
HDPE Material
Submission of phase 1 materials by the field supervisor to the Asset Manager of PT.
Manhole Construction
1. Carry out a land clearing for the project.
2. Make a cube-shaped iron frame with a side length of 1.5 square meters as a cast
3. To do excavating square-shaped soil.
4. Install the iron frame into the hole.
5. To do Installing the manhole wall castings and trimming the HDPE installation
6. To do casting using cast cement.
7. To do tidying up the area around the construction of the manhole and closing
the manhole.
8. Checking the work
HDPE Installation
1. Installing HDPE
2. Connecting HDPE
3. Installing HDPE accessories (sockets, rings, etc.)
4. Ensure that there are no gaps in the connection
5. Ensure that the HDPE is positioned correctly.
6. Check the installation results.
Feeder Cable Installation
1. Feeder cable withdrawal from nearest STO
2. To do Installing the feeder into the previously made HDPE pipe.
3. Provide spare or allowance on cables under certain circumstances or as a
preventive measure.
4. Doing job checks.
Citizen Licensing
Request permission from a resident or the owner of the land where the ODC is
Procurement of Material
To do Submitting ODC development materials to the asset manager of PT. XYZ by
the implementing supervisor.
ODC Foundation
1. Excavating for the ODC foundation
2. Install the iron frame foundation into the hole that has been dug.
3. Install the ODC buffer as high as 60 cm from the surface area
4. Casting the foundation hole until the mold is complete.
5. To do installing a black ceramic floor on the ODC leg.
Rahmad Dwi Putra Suhanda et al., International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System Vol. 05 No. 02 (2021) p. 122-133
ODC Installation
1. Installation of Dina Bolt
2. Lifting ODC to the feet
3. Locking Dina Bolt
4. Installing the grounding system
6. Checking
Feeder Cable Installation
1. Connecting the end of the feeder cable to the pigtail
2. Install bestray into ODC
3. To do connecting feeder cable that has been linked with the pigtail to the bestray
contained in the ODC.
5. Commissioning Test and Acceptance Test
5. Graphical Results
The following is the result of managing the assignment matrix for stakeholders involved in the PT. XYZ project. The
RACI Matrix is designed into two separate parts, which are classified into two parts, namely the internal stakeholder and
external stakeholders.
5. 1 Activity Diagram Document
An activity diagram is a chart with certain symbols representing the flow of a series of work activities in detail and
describing the relationship between one process and another in an activity. An activity diagram is a tool used to describe
a process in detail. Activity diagrams have symbols consisting of squares, diamonds, and other shapes connected by
arrows. Activity diagrams combine symbols and flow lines to describe an operation on an activity.[16]. The following is
an example of a business process that has been designed for HDPE material procurement activities.
Fig. 4 - Activity Diagram of HDPE Material Delivery
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5. 2 RACI Matrix
The following is a RACI Matrix table that has been adapted to the project business processes. Ten project activities have
been adjusted to the activity list and WBS, and there are nine stakeholders involved in this case study project.
Table 4 - RACI Matrix for Internal Stakeholder
Manager Assistant
Site Coordinator
Government Licensing
C, I
Citizen Licensing
C, I
HDPE Material Procurement
C, I
ODC Material Procurement
C, I
Manhole Construction
C, I
HDPE Installation
C, I
Feeder Cable Installation
C, I
ODC foundation development
C, I
ODC Box Installation
C, I
Feeder cable Installation to ODC
C, I
Table 4 shows the results of the preparation of the assignment matrix based on internal stakeholders from the project
owner point of view. The following will show the results of the RACI Matrix design based on external stakeholders.
Table 5 - RACI Matrix for External Stakeholder
and Hamlet
Government Licensing
Citizen Licensing
HDPE Material
I, R
ODC Material
I, R
Manhole Construction
HDPE Installation
Feeder Cable Installation
ODC foundation
ODC Box Installation
Feeder cable Installation
to ODC
Based on the results of the formation of the RACI Matrix in the table. 4-5. Determination RACI Matrix elements are
formed based on the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder that has been established in the business process. As
for R (Responsible) Provides information that the team member is the person who is responsible for carrying out a task
that he gets to completion. A (Accountable) is information that this team member is responsible for all tasks assigned to
Rahmad Dwi Putra Suhanda et al., International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System Vol. 05 No. 02 (2021) p. 122-133
his team members. This person also has the authority to make decisions related to the assignment. This role is crucial
because this person is responsible for every decision he has made. C (Consulted) is someone who gets this role and has
expertise in their field. Usually, this role is often used as a consultant on project activities. I (Informed) is a person who
always gets information on the project progress being carried out, and every decision taken must be communicated to the
person assigned to this role.
6. Results Analysis
Based on Tables 4 and 5. RACI Matrix above has formulated the roles and responsibilities for each stakeholder involved
in the PT.XYZ project. The management of the work assignment matrix using the RACI Matrix method has been formed.
There are nine stakeholders involved in the PT.XYZ project which is classified into four classifications according to the
components in the RACI Matrix and has been adjusted to the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders sourced from
business processes and activity list projects. The other method used is by observing a series of project activities and
conducting interviews with several parties from the project owner and the project vendor who handles the project.
With the formation of the RACI Matrix in the PT.XYZ project, all roles, and responsibilities of each stakeholder have
been clearly defined. To produce a RACI matrix that can assist project owners in managing all the roles and
responsibilities of project stakeholders, it is necessary to document activity diagrams per project activity as previously
mapped and the organizational structure used in the project. Furthermore, interviews with several experts involved in the
feederization project are also required. If the management of previously an obstacle to project completion has been
resolved, then the project can run normally as planned.
Based on the results of the preparation of the RACI Matrix in Tables and the previous data processing, it can be seen
that to run the project in the PT.XYZ case study it takes five stakeholders who have important job descriptions on the
project, namely Manager, Assistant Manager, Site Coordinator, Asset Manager, Work Members. The roles and
responsibilities of each relevant stakeholder can be seen in the following table:
Table 6 - Stakeholder Job Description
1. Take full responsibility for the sustainability and success of the project.
2. Responsible for maintaining the performance of team members and responsible for
time and cost minimization.
3. Organizing meetings related to project vendors on the project and cost minimization
1. Have the authority to make the right decisions to use on the project
2. Signing the handover document
3. Make a selection in choosing vendors or partners
1. Have high knowledge of project
2. Good analytical skills
3. Have good ethics
4. Ability in influencing
5. Communication skills
6. Ability to lead
1. Have certified in the project field.
2. Has passed the assessment as AOM manager from the PT. XYZ company.
3. Have a leadership certificate
4. Have a minimum S1 diploma in the field of telecommunications or IT
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Manager Assistant
1. Assist the manager in analyzing the data needed for the project
2. Responsible for the master plan design process.
3. Forward every progress report from the field supervisor to the AOM manager.
4. Provide information about the data needed by the team
1. Give instructions to the field supervisor
2. Monitoring and controlling the project
3. Evaluate the performance of each stakeholder
1. Have the ability to communicate
2. Have good ethics
3. Have the ability as a leader
4. Have the ability to process financial data
5. Have the ability in project data documentation.
1. Minimum education degree
2. Have a license or certificate of expertise in operating Microsoft
3. TOEFL certification
4. Have experience as assistant manager
5. Have knowledge and certification in the project field
Site Coordinator
1. Responsible for supervising project work directly at the project site.
2. Checking the quality of the work
3. Make progress reports and project results to be submitted to asman. Construction &
4. Follow the technical instructions for project work based on the direction of the assistant
5. Reporting obstacles that occur at the project site
1. Determining the feasibility of the work
2. Determine the results of the work member performance evaluation
3. Submit a request for material procurement or increase the number of work members
1. Have the ability in quality control
2. Have the ability to communicate
3. Have the ability as a leader
4. Have good ethics
5. Have understanding and experience in the project field
1. Have certification in the project field
2. Have completed the assessment test given by the company as an eligibility
3. Have a minimum diploma S1
Table 7 - Stakeholder Job Description
Asset Manager
1. Responsible for ensuring the availability of goods needed on the project.
2. Check the availability of goods.
3. To do checking the quality of the material to be sent to avoid product defects.
4. To do check the goods to be submitted to minimize material mismatches.
5. Responsible for fulfilling all material requests.
6. Responsible for all warehouse inventory assets.
1. Has the authority to determine the acceptance order from Asman. construction & spv
2. Have the authority to select logistics vendors for the material mobilization process.
3. Has the authority to determine the right supplier in meeting material stock needs.
1. Have high knowledge of project materials
2. Good analytical skills
3. Have good ethics
4. 4bility in influencing
5. Communication skills
Rahmad Dwi Putra Suhanda et al., International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System Vol. 05 No. 02 (2021) p. 122-133
6. Ability to lead
1. Certified in the project field
2. Has passed the assessment as an asset manager from the PT.XYZ company
3. Have a leadership certificate
4. Have a minimum diploma of S1 in the field of telecommunications or IT
Work Member
1. Complete all physical work on project activities
2. Reporting the progress of the work to the field supervisor
3. Report incidents in the project area to the field supervisor
4. Propose procurement following project needs.
Have the authority to accept or reject the work contract for the next project.
1. Have basic skills as a construction worker (builder).
2. Have good ethics
3. Able to operate construction work equipment
1. Have experience in working as a construction worker (builder)
2. Maximum age 40 years old
3. Physically and mentally healthy
7. Conclusion
This research concludes that the human resources on the project must be appropriately managed so that the project
completion is as expected. The RACI matrix can provide convenience in managing stakeholders in this feederization
project. The RACI matrix groups the roles of each stakeholder involved in the project into four components: responsible,
accountable, consulted, and informed. The design of the RACI Matrix on the case study project of PT. XYZ was formed,
starting with conducting interviews and identifying stakeholders involved in the PT.XYZ case study project. With the
formation of the RACI Matrix, the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder in the project will be more precise, and
Job description documents can be more easily determined. The purpose of designing the RACI Matrix is to overcome the
delay factor caused by the stakeholder and resource aspects, the project owner's responsibility as a decision-maker. With
the RACI Matrix, it is hoped that it will facilitate communication between the project owner and all stakeholders involved
in the case study of PT. XYZ and the role for each stakeholder has been well managed so that the risk of obstacles caused
by resource management factors at the next project stage becomes smaller. As for suggestions that can be given to the
next research, namely, to analyze the limitations and efforts at the next research object to implement RACI Matrix. As
for the analysis of efforts to simplify the process of implementing the RACI Matrix on research projects, namely based
on aspects of man, methods, money, machines, time.
The authors whose names are written certify that they have no conflict of interest.
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