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Barriers to screening, diagnosis and management of hyperglycaemia in pregnancy in Africa: a systematic review


Abstract and Figures

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) complicates pregnancies in Africa. Addressing the burden is contingent on early detection and management practices. This review aimed at identifying the barriers to diagnosing and managing GDM in Africa. We searched PUBMED, Web of Science, WHOLIS, Google Scholar, CINAHL and PsycINFO databases in May 2020 for studies that reported barriers to diagnosis and management of hyperglycaemia in pregnancy. We used a mixed method quality appraisal tool to assess the quality and risk of bias of the included studies. We adopted an integrated and narrative synthesis approach in the analysis and reporting. Of 548 articles identified, 14 met the eligibility criteria. Health system-related barriers to GDM management were the shortage of healthcare providers, relevant logistics, inadequate knowledge and skills, as well as limited opportunities for in-service training. Patient-related barriers were insufficient knowledge about GDM, limited support from families and health providers and acceptability of the diagnostic tests. Societal level barriers were concomitant use of consulting traditional healers, customs and taboos on food and body image perception. It was concluded that constraints to GDM detection and management are multidimensional. Targeted interventions must address these barriers from broader, systemic and social perspectives.
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International Health 2022; 14: 211–221 Advance Access publication 25 August 2021
Barriers to screening, diagnosis and management of hyperglycaemia in
pregnancy in Africa: a systematic review
Thomas Hinneh a,b,,AlbrechtJahn
band Faith Agbozob,c
aDormaa East District Hospital, Department of Nursing, P.O. Box 38, Wamfie, Ghana; bHeidelberg Institute of Global Health, Heidelberg
University, Heidelberg 69120, Germany; cUniversity of Health and Allied Sciences, Department of Family & Community Health, Private
Mail Bag 31, Ho, Ghana
Corresponding author: Tel: +233246981265; E-mail:
Received 8 April 2021; revised 1 July 2021; editorial decision 2 August 2021; accepted 3 August 2021
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) complicates pregnancies in Africa. Addressing the burden is contingent on
early detection and management practices. This review aimed at identifying the barriers to diagnosing and
managing GDM in Africa. We searched PUBMED, Web of Science, WHOLIS, Google Scholar, CINAHL and PsycINFO
databases in May 2020 for studies that reported barriers to diagnosis and management of hyperglycaemia in
pregnancy. We used a mixed method quality appraisal tool to assess the quality and risk of bias of the included
studies. We adopted an integrated and narrative synthesis approach in the analysis and reporting. Of 548 ar-
ticles identified, 14 met the eligibility criteria. Health system-related barriers to GDM management were the
shortage of healthcare providers, relevant logistics, inadequate knowledge and skills, as well as limited oppor-
tunities for in-service training. Patient-related barriers were insufficient knowledge about GDM, limited support
from families and health providers and acceptability of the diagnostic tests. Societal level barriers were con-
comitant use of consulting traditional healers, customs and taboos on food and body image perception. It was
concluded that constraints to GDM detection and management are multidimensional. Targeted interventions
must address these barriers from broader, systemic and social perspectives.
Keywords: Africa, diagnostic tests, gestational diabetes, maternal health services, pregnant women, treatment.
Across the globe, diabetes contributes significantly to the burden
of non-communicable diseases (NCDs).1According to the 2015
International Diabetes Federation report, among the 15.2% of
pregnancies affected by hyperglycaemia in pregnancy (HIP) glob-
ally, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) constituted 85% of all
cases.2Even though the current GDM epidemic affects both high-
and low-income countries, it is estimated that nearly 90% of the
global cases occur in low-income countries.3Pathologically, over
50% of pregnant women who develop GDM progress to develop
type II diabetes within 2–10 y after the index diagnosis.4,5If left
unchecked, GDM might compound the already high burden of
NCDs in the African region, where about 80% of the cases of dia-
betes occur.1,6,7
In accordance with the WHO guideline, GDM is defined as
carbohydrate intolerance resulting in hyperglycaemia of variable
severity, with onset or first detection in pregnancy.8Even though
diabetes in pregnancy (known diabetes before pregnancy) is a
matter of concern, the most common type of HIP is GDM3and,
therefore, understanding the practices associated with screening,
diagnosis and management within the African context is essen-
There is ample evidence that GDM exposes pregnant women
to the risk of caesarean section, traumatic delivery, prolonged
delivery, pregnancy-induced hypertension, pre-eclampsia and
could also lead to maternal and foetal death.9,10 Evidence has
also shown that exposure of the foetus to a hyperglycaemic in-
trauterine environment increases the risk of macrosomia, anen-
cephaly, spinal bifida, cerebral palsy and large for gestational
age.9,1114 Apart from these short-term complications, offspring
born to mothers with GDM are also at a higher risk of developing
diabetes and obesity in later life.1,15,16
Glycaemic control through lifestyle modification and medical
therapy during pregnancy are promising strategies to reduce the
risk of adverse foetal, perinatal and neonatal events.1719 How-
ever, preventing complications and improving disease prognosis
hinge on early detection and effective management. Nonethe-
less, some studies have established the merits of universal
screening for GDM.20,21 However, practical implementation of
© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. This is an Open Access
article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which
permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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T. Hinneh et al.
detection and management approaches may not be feasible due
to multiple constraints. Therefore, identifying these factors would
be essential in informing policy decisions on addressing the bur-
den of GDM.
In this systematic review, we performed a comprehensive lit-
erature search to summarise evidence regarding the barriers to
screening, diagnosing and managing GDM in Africa. We sought to
answer three research questions: (1) What impedes GDM screen-
ing and testing? (2) What are the barriers towards supporting and
managing pregnant women diagnosed with GDM? (3) How can
the experiences of pregnant women regarding GDM testing and
management help to improve care?
Study design
We conducted this systematic review by searching through
PUBMED, Web of Science, WHOLIS, Google Scholar, CINAHL and
PsycINFO databases, taking into consideration the guideline of
‘Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
analyses’ (PRISMA) statement.22 A protocol for the review was
developed a priori and registered with the PROSPERO interna-
tional register for systematic reviews (2020: CRD42020180335).23
Using the PICo framework recommended by the Joana Briggs
Institute (JBI) and Cochrane collaboration as the preferred ap-
proach for developing review questions, search terms for the
review were categorised into three components: P=Population,
I=Phenomenon of Interest and Co=Context. Where appropriate,
Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) terms were used. The search
terms used and the search strategy for each database are in-
cluded (Supplementary Data 1). The review started in February
2019, but the search was completed in May 2020. Eligible studies
included in this review were published from 2012 to 2019 in En-
glish, which captured recent challenges to GDM care in the Africa
region. Reference lists of included studies were also screened for
eligible studies.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Studies considered for inclusion were peer-reviewed, published,
quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods and randomised re-
search papers conducted in any African country or subregion re-
lated to barriers to screening, diagnosis or management of GDM
and/or diabetes in pregnancy (DIP) that focused on the women
and their families, as well as health practitioners, policymakers
and stakeholders involved in the care process. Studies that fo-
cused exclusively on prevalence and risk estimation or involved
postpartum women were excluded.
Study selection and eligibility
We included qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method stud-
ies. Deduplication, title and abstract screening, and reviewing of
reference lists of potentially eligible studies for relevant litera-
ture and full-text screening, was performed by TH. FA also inde-
pendently screened the full-text articles to assess their eligibility.
In instances where a decision could not be reached, discussions
were held with AJ. All studies retrieved were imported to End-
note library where deduplication was performed using Barmer’s
Data handling and extraction
Data was extracted by TH using Microsoft Office Excel. In addi-
tion to the findings of the studies, other data extracted included
the names of authors, aim of the study, year of publication, geo-
graphic zone where the study was conducted, study design, sam-
pling methods, sample size, characteristics of participants, ges-
tational age of participants at the time of screening and level of
healthcare where the study was conducted. TH and FA indepen-
dently reviewed the data extracted for each study using the data
items listed in the review protocol to ensure that the data ex-
tracted were compliant with the review objectives.
Risk of bias and quality assessment
Quality assessment of studies included in this review were in-
dependently assessed by TH using a mixed-method quality ap-
praisal tool (MMAT).24 FA reassessed a subset of the studies (one
in each design category) to verify the appraisal outcomes. The
studies were initially subjected to two mandatory screening ques-
tions according to the MMAT tool. A ‘yes’ answer was obtained for
all of the studies, making it feasible to apply the subsequent ques-
tions based on the study’s design. Overall, the scores obtained as
per methodological criteria and quality assessment ranged from
2 to 5 out of a total possible score of 5. A mark of 5 (represented
by five asterisks [*****]) implied that the study met 100% of the
quality criteria, whereas marks of four (****), three (***), two (**)
and one (*) corresponded to 80%, 60%, 40% and 20% of the qual-
ity criteria, respectively (Table 1). Overall, the studies were of ap-
preciable quality with the final quality rating ranging from 60 to
100%. Qualitative studies incorporated in the review showed ad-
equate interpretation of results supported by specific quotations
from respective participants. There was adequate coherence be-
tween data collected and the interpretation of findings. Three
of the qualitative studies2527 used data saturation as a sample
size determination approach. One common trend observed in the
mixed-method studies was the inadequate integration of quali-
tative and quantitative data sources.
Data synthesis
Given the heterogeneity of the design of articles included in
the review, we followed an integrated and narrative synthesis
approach described by the JBI mixed method systematic review
methodology.28 The integrated synthesis approach allowed com-
bining data extracted from quantitative and qualitative studies
for further analysis into themes. The quantitative studies29,30
were ‘qualitised’ using textual descriptions of the findings. TH
and FA read and re-read the full text of the studies to understand
how the barriers to GDM care were reported in the articles. Fol-
lowing the grouping of the articles according to the three specific
objectives, we performed a thematic analysis of the results.
We then discussed the themes generated until agreements on
the themes were reached. The major themes generated were
health system- and patient-related barriers under objectives
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International Health
Tab le 1 . Result of quality and risk assessment using the mixed method appraisal tool24
Studies Q 1.1 Q 1.2 Q 1.3 Q 1.4 Q 1.5 Q 2.1 Q 2.2 Q 2.3 Q 2.4 Q 2.5 Q 4.1 Q 4.2 Q 4.3 Q 4.4 Q 4.5 Q 5.1 Q 5.2 Q 5.3 Q 5.4 Q 5.5
Mensah et al., 201731 11111
Mensah et al., 201927 11111
Mukona et al., 2017a32 11111
Mukona et al., 2017b25 11111
Muhwava et al., 201933 11111
Muhwava et al., 201826 11111
Woticha et al., 201934 11111
Ugboma et al., 201235 11101
Nwose et al., 201929 10101
Njete et al., 201830 11111
Utz et al., 201639 11111 1011111111
Nielsen et al., 201237*11111 1011111111
Nielsen et al., 201238*10101 1111111111
Mukona et al., 201736*11100 1111101111
Questions for the quality rating
(Qualitative studies) (Quantitative descriptive studies)
Q 1.1. Is the qualitative approach appropriate to answer the research
Q4.1. Is the sampling strategy relevant to address the research question?
Q 1.2. Are the qualitative data collection methods adequate to address
the research question?
Q 4.2. Is the sample representative of the target population?
Q 1.3. Are the findings adequately derived from the data? Q 4.3. Are the measurements appropriate?
Q 1.4. Is the interpretation of results sufficiently substantiated by data? Q 4.4. Is the risk of non-response bias low?
Q 1.5. Is there coherence between qualitative data sources, collection,
analysis and interpretation?
Q 4.5. Is the statistical analysis appropriate to answer the research question?
Q 5.1. Is there an adequate rationale for using a mixed methods design to address
the research question?
(Randomised control trial studies) (Mixed method studies)
Q 2.1. Is randomisation appropriately performed? Q 5.2. Are the different components of the study effectively integrated to answer
the research question?
Q 2.2. Are the groups comparable at baseline? Q 5.3. Are the outputs of the integration of qualitative and quantitative components
adequately interpreted?
Q 2.3. Are there complete outcome data? Q 5.4. Are divergences and inconsistencies between quantitative and qualitative
results adequately addressed?
Q 2.4. Are outcome assessors blinded to the intervention provided? Q 5.5. Do the different components of the study adhere to the quality criteria of
each tradition of the methods involved?
Q 2.5 Did the participants adhere to the assigned intervention?
Key: yes (1 point), no (0 points), cannot tell (0 points).
*Mixed method studies; NB: questions ranging from 3.1 to 3.4 are missing as none of the studies adopted a quantitative non-randomised approach. Studies are arranged in order
of the design; the first five studies are qualitative, the next one is a randomised controlled trial, the next two are quantitative and the last four are of mixed method design.
A quality rating of ***** means that 100% quality criteria were met, **** 80%, *** 60%, ** 40% and * 20%.
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T. Hinneh et al.
Figure 1. Thematic synthesis of results showing a summary of the themes and subthemes. ANC, antenatal care.
one and two. An additional subtheme on sociocultural barriers
was generated specifically under objective two. The themes and
subthemes are summarised and shown in Figure 1.
Search outcome
The search of the various electronic databases and other sources
yielded 548 articles. Sixty-five duplicates were found and re-
moved; 489 articles had their titles screened, of which 417 were
excluded. The remaining 72 had their abstracts screened, and 30
other studies conducted outside Africa were removed. Forty-two
full-text articles were assessed for eligibility, of which 28 were
excluded. Articles were eliminated on the basis of being non-
primary research (n=3) alongside not being relevant regarding
barriers to GDM care or reporting any experience on GDM screen-
ing, diagnosis or management (n=23). Two articles that pre-
sented findings from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)
were excluded because findings specific to Africa could not be ex-
tracted separately. The study selection process is represented in
a PRISMA flow diagram in Figure 2.
Studies included in the review
A total of 14 primary studies were included in this review
comprising 7 solely qualitative articles, 2 solely quantitative
articles, 4 mixed-methods articles and 1 randomised control
trial. The overview of the studies included in this review is pre-
sented in Table 2. Half of the studies employed qualitative de-
signs,2527 ,3134 with interviews and focus group discussions as
the predominant approaches for data collection. Two of the stud-
ies were quantitative,29,30 one was a randomised controlled trial35
and four employed mixed-method designs.3639 The sample size
of the papers included ranged from 10 to 3080, while the total
sample size from the 14 studies was 4006.
In terms of geographical location, five studies were conducted
in Southern Africa,25,26 ,32,33,36 four in either West27,29 ,31,35 or East
Africa,30,34 ,37,38 two in Central Africa37,38 andoneinNorthAfrica.
In addition, two of the studies were multi-country (Cameroun,
Kenya, Sudan),37,38 yielding data reported from 16 countries in
14 studies overall.
Demographic characteristics of participants diagnosed
with GDM and DIP
Participants in the eligible studies were women diagnosed with ei-
ther GDM26,27 ,31,33 or DIP.32,36 Other studies generally focused on
pregnant women attending antenatal clinics where an adjunct
objective was to explore barriers related to GDM screening, diag-
nosing or management.29,30 ,35,39 The age of the women ranged
from 15 to 49 y. Despite the limited evidence on how marital sta-
tus could influence screening and diagnosis of GDM, one study re-
ported that women who were not in any relationship had a higher
chance of not returning for a confirmatory test such as an oral
glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and fasting plasma glucose.30
Healthcare context
In Table 2, we provide details of the contexts under which the
studies were conducted, thus indicating the level of healthcare
at which GDM services are often provided. A key factor that fa-
cilitated service provision for the detection and management of
GDM was the availability of skilled healthcare providers at vari-
ous healthcare levels. Utz et al. and Mukona et al. demonstrated
that women in Morocco and Zimbabwe were referred to tertiary
or advanced levels of healthcare where specialists such as en-
docrinologists and gynaecologists are stationed. However, the
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International Health
Figure 2. Prisma flow diagram illustrating studies included during the selection process and the reasons for the exclusions.
low socioeconomic status of some pregnant women, poor road
networks and work schedules could discourage women from
accessing healthcare at tertiary levels.25,32,36 ,39 Meanwhile, Utz
et al. suggested that decentralising screening, diagnosis and non-
pharmacological management of GDM to the primary level of
care would improve access and mitigate the risk of complica-
tions.39 In six of the eight studies included, healthcare providers
constituted the study participants. In these studies, obstetricians,
nurses, midwives and nurse-midwives were the professionals
most frequently involved in the screening and diagnosing of GDM,
even at tertiary levels of healthcare.29,31,32 ,34,36,39 The healthcare
experience of some of these healthcare providers ranged from 1
to 42 y.25,27
GDM screening, diagnosis and management practices
Detection and management practices for GDM varied substan-
tially across healthcare facilities in Africa. Except for the studies
conducted by Mensah et al., Njete et al. and Nielsen et al., who
reported universal screening in some health facilities in Ghana,
Tanzania and Cameroun,27 ,30,37,39 a selective screening approach
dominated the majority of healthcare settings.25,26,29 ,32,33 ,35,37,38
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T. Hinneh et al.
Tab le 2 . Overview of studies included in the review
country Focus of the paper
Design and sampling
Population and
sample size
Age, y
(Mensah et al.,
Experience with GDM
diagnosis and
purposive sampling,
10 women with
30–42 Primary
(Muhwava et al.,
South Africa
Experiences of lifestyle
changes among GDM
Qualitative study,
in-depth interviews,
focus group
30 women with
(Nwose et al.,
Barriers to GDM
Mixed method study,
clinical observational
of records and
procedures, focus
group discussion
c119 pregnant
women and
34 and
(Woticha et al.,
Barriers to detection
and management of
Qualitative descriptive
study, in-depth
18 obstetricians,
nurses and
health officers
26–48 Secondary
(Muhwava et al.,
South Africa
Perspectives on the
barriers and
opportunities for
delivering an
mother–baby health
Descriptive study,
in-depth interviews
11 key
NR Secondary
(Njete et al.,
Challenges of GDM
study, purposive
433 pregnant
15–49 Tertiary
(Mensah et al.,
Experience and barriers
with nursing
management of
purposive sampling,
8 women with
GDM, 7 nurse-
(Mukona et al.,
Barriers and solutions
of adherence in
antidiabetic therapy
in pregnancy:
patients’ perspective
Descriptive qualitative
study, purposive
sampling, focus
group discussion
35 women with
19–49 Tertiary
(Mukona et al.,
Barriers and facilitators
of adherence in
antidiabetic therapy
in pregnancy:
healthcare workers’
Descriptive qualitative
study, purposive
sampling with focus
group discussion
28 obstetricians,
midwives and
20–60 Tertiary
*(Mukona et al.,
Barriers of adherence
of antidiabetic
therapy in pregnancy
Mixed sequential
design done in two
I57 women with
DIP and 8
Not specified ****
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International Health
Tab le 2 . Continued.
country Focus of the paper
Design and sampling
Population and
sample size
Age, y
*(Utz et al.,
Challenges of screening
and management of
Descriptive mixed
methods, document
reviews, exit
interviews, focus
group discussion
20 informants,
32 pregnant
women and
299 files of
with GDM
NR Primary
*(Nielsen et al.,
Sudan and
other LMICsa
Barriers to screening
and diagnosis of
Mixed methods,
NR GDM projects
in selected
*(Nielsen et al.,
Sudan, Kenya,
and other
Barriers to screening,
diagnosis and
management of
Mixed methods
approach using
questionnaires and
10 GDM cproject
NR GDM project
in selected
(Ugboma et al.,
Importance of
screening and
incidence of
undiagnosed GDM
Randomised controlled
3080 pregnant
NR Tertiary,
Abbreviations: DIP, diabetes in pregnancy; GDM, gestational diabetes mellitus; LMICs, low- and middle-income countries; NR, not reported.
aother LMICs, India, Cuba, China.
bIndia, Cuba, Jamaica, China.
cproject partners for the two projects were healthcare providers, pregnant women and women with a history of GDM.
Studies are arranged in chronological order.
A quality rating of ***** means that 100% quality criteria were met, **** 80%, *** 60%, ** 40% and * 20%.
Regarding diagnostic approaches, 2013 WHO diagnostic criteria
were adopted by some facilities. However, pregnant women ex-
pressed concerns with the tolerability and acceptability of the
test and shortage of diagnostic resources.30,34,37 In a study con-
ducted by Nielsen et al. on compliance and acceptability of
screening and diagnosing procedures, health professionals in
Kenya raised concerns about the nauseating effect of the 75 g
glucose load used for the OGTT. Hence they experimented with
300 ml of sprite (a non-alcoholic drink), which by comparison had
a less nauseating effect.37 In terms of the gestational age for
screening, while some health facilities screened pregnant women
at 24–28 wk, others were screened at 16–34 wk.35 Three studies,
from Morocco, Nigeria and South Africa, reported screening for
GDM at the initiation of antenatal care and sometimes after the
first trimester.26,29 ,39
In assessing management practices, two studies reported in-
sulin and metformin as the medications of choice for manag-
ing GDM and emphasised dietary and lifestyle modification as
an alternative to achieving glucose control.26,39 Beyond medi-
cal intervention, healthcare providers in South Africa mentioned
comprehensive non-pharmacological interventions such as peer
group teaching and group or individual counselling with a dieti-
cian or healthcare professional as effective GDM management
Themes generated from the review
We present the findings in line with the review objectives: (1)
barriers to screening and diagnosis, (2) hindrances to imple-
menting management interventions and (3) the experiences of
women regarding GDM diagnosis and management. Through
the thematic content synthesis, we generated three themes
that contextualised women’s experiences regarding the contin-
uum of GDM care overlapping the three objectives of the review.
These three themes comprised health system, patient-related
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T. Hinneh et al.
and sociocultural barriers limiting GDM screening, diagnosis and
management. Essentially, most of the experiences stemmed
from lack of empathy and inadequate interaction with health
providers coupled with inadequate social support from family and
friends.26,27 ,30,31,35 ,37,38
Barriers to GDM screening and diagnosis
In Supplementary Table 1, we summarise the health system-
and patient-related barriers to initiating screening and diagnostic
strategies for GDM.
Health system-related barriers to GDM screening and diagnosis
Overall, seven studies reported barriers to screening and diag-
nosis of GDM.29,30 ,33,34,37 39 Two studies reported barriers from
the perspective of pregnant women and women previously di-
agnosed with GDM,30,35 whereas the remaining five studies in-
cluded views of GDM programme implementors, as well as health
professionals, in addition to women diagnosed with GDM or
DIP.30,34 ,3739 A few of the studies reported on the shortage of
trained health professionals as a barrier to GDM screening and di-
agnosis,33,34 ,39 which led to healthcare professionals’ inability to
comprehensively provide health education and counselling sup-
port throughout pregnancy.25,27,29 ,30,32 ,33,36 Beyond this, the few
healthcare professionals at post do not have the requisite skills to
provide GDM services.31,33,34,38 Some studies attributed the lack
of requisite skills among professionals to the limited opportuni-
ties for in-service training on the GDM care process33,34,38 ,39 due
to the emerging nature of guidelines on its management.
On the other hand, Muhwava et al. concluded that healthcare
professionals do not satisfactorily explain GDM screening and
diagnostic procedures.33 Often, healthcare providers are unable
to follow up women after the first antenatal visit, even among
those who test positive for glucosuria or are scheduled for subse-
quent testing.30,34 ,39 Although this may be due to the high pa-
tient turnout that characterises many antenatal clinics, it may
be exacerbated by staff shortages, insufficient space or inade-
quate logistics and consumables.34,37 An absence of protocols
and guidelines also hamper screening and diagnosis, especially
among newly recruited health professionals who may not be ac-
quainted with the GDM care regimen.29,34,37 Nwose et al. found
non-adherence to GDM protocols and guidelines despite their
availability in some health facilities.29 This could result in long
waiting hours at antenatal clinics, which could deter pregnant
women who travel long distances from returning for subsequent
antenatal care services. Meanwhile, some pregnant women leave
the antenatal clinics without undergoing the prescribed test, es-
pecially if they are required to fast overnight for 8 h before the
Patient-related barriers to GDM screening and diagnosis
The intention to screen and diagnose GDM commences at the
initiation of antenatal care. However, some women begin ante-
natal visits beyond the 24–28 wk period recommended for GDM
testing.29,34 ,37 Also, pregnant women are unable to accurately
tell their last menstrual date,29 while others tend to under-report
their diabetes risk,37 which potentially affects the decision to test,
especially in settings where a risk-based approach to GDM screen-
ing is practised. Njete et al. reported lost to follow-up among
pregnant women as a significant barrier to GDM screening.29,30
In terms of acceptability of the diagnostic test, Nielsen et al. and
Nwose et al. deduced that the glucose solution used for the OGTT
and the 8-h prerequisite fasting are unbearable for some preg-
nant women.29,35 ,37
Barriers to GDM management
Health system- and patient-related barriers adversely affecting
the provision of management interventions for pregnant women
diagnosed with GDM are summarised in Supplementary Table 2.
In all instances, the gaps we identified were related to the man-
agement of GDM.
Health system-related barriers to the management of GDM
Seven studies sampled the experiences of health professionals,
pregnant women and women previously diagnosed with GDM or
DIP on barriers to the management of GDM.2527 ,32,34,36 ,39 Four
studies highlighted inadequate health professionals at various
levels of care as a significant barrier to its management.25,26,38
Here, too, insufficient knowledge about GDM, its management
practices, as well as inadequate training on relevant skills for GDM
compared with HIV, malaria and TB in the subregion, were identi-
fied as significant barriers to GDM management.25,26 ,33,34,38 In a
study conducted by Nielsen et al., women diagnosed with GDM
cited inadequate knowledge of healthcare providers on menu
planning as the reason why dietary compliance remains a chal-
lenge.38 Regarding health service delivery, poor coordination and
communication lapses between health providers and pregnant
women disrupt the continuity of GDM care and treatment ad-
herence.25,27 ,33,36,39 Within the healthcare system, Nielsen et al.
identified a weak referral system and difficulty accessing special-
ist care as barriers to GDM care.39
Besides human resources, the shortage of medications, glu-
cose strips, glucometers and reagents also poses a significant
challenge to GDM care.25,34 ,38 In two studies conducted by
Mukona et al., healthcare providers mentioned the absence of di-
abetic medications as a hindrance to therapy compliance.25,36
Patient-related barriers to the management of GDM
Three studies identified financial constraints and the absence of
insurance systems as significant barriers to GDM management.
For example, in healthcare settings where the cost of maternal
health services is not covered by any form of insurance, women
within the lower wealth index are constrained in purchasing med-
ications, glucose strips and following the prescribed nutritional
guidelines for managing GDM.27,32 ,36 Also, difficulty in compre-
hending the treatment regimen and painful insulin injections hin-
der adherence to antidiabetic therapy.32,36
Beside medication, women with GDM cited family and societal
support in GDM care. Some studies have linked the absence of
significant support from family, peers and other social networks
with poor treatment compliance and adverse outcomes.27,32 ,36
Patient support goes beyond family to healthcare providers
with whom patients interact regularly. The need for treatment
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International Health
support from significant others emerged in two studies from
Ghana, where women mentioned support from healthcare pro-
fessionals and close relatives, particularly husbands, as a cru-
cial component of GDM management.27,31 Utz et al., who as-
sessed GDM screening and management practices in Morocco,
documented a lack of empathy and understanding by healthcare
providers as a significant setback to its management.39
Sociocultural barriers
Three studies explored how finances, culture, customs and tra-
ditions influence GDM/DIP management. The cheaper cost of
herbal medicine encouraged some diagnosed women to consult
traditional healers. Others mentioned pressure from family and
friends, who believe that GDM is caused by spiritual or mystical
forces, as the reason for consulting herbalists.25,32,36
Furthermore, some cultures and religions forbid women from
eating certain foods, even if they have positive implications for
GDM treatment outcomes.31 Concerning societal barriers, Nielsen
et al. reported the perceptions of women regarding their body
size, particularly during pregnancy, as a barrier to GDM manage-
ment.38 In typical rural settings, losing weight during pregnancy
creates an impression of ill-health and poverty. In such settings,
compliance with dietary guidelines that require optimum weight
gain during pregnancy is often low.38
Experiences of GDM women on detection and
As summarised in Supplementary Table 3, women experience
sadness, anxiety and mixed feelings while accessing GDM ser-
vices, particularly before and after GDM diagnosis, largely due to
the failure of health professionals to explain test procedures.31,33
The mixed feelings were attributed to inadequate interaction with
health providers and a lack of reassurance concerning positive
treatment outcome.36 Given the perceived spiritual connotation
behind GDM, some women might keep the condition a secret for
fear of stigmatisation.31 Few authors have indicated the need
to prioritise the psychological well-being of women diagnosed
through counselling and health education.27,31
This review highlights barriers to screening, diagnosis and man-
agement of GDM and experiences of women with GDM in Africa.
Perspectives obtained from healthcare providers and patients re-
veal barriers to the detection and management of GDM within
the health system. Other key barriers included sociocultural and
religious dimensions that affect health-seeking behaviour. Gener-
ally, the barriers are consistent across the studies included in this
review, except for sociocultural barriers, which differed according
to the country context.
Although the findings of this review cannot be universally ad-
judged, it establishes systematic gaps and inadequate attention
to GDM, which constitutes one of the most significant burdens to
diabetes in Africa.2The foremost barrier to GDM detection and
management is inadequate knowledge. Awareness of the condi-
tion among both healthcare providers and pregnant women will
limit progression to diabetes type II. Other reviews have estab-
lished evidence that a shortage of healthcare providers hinders
GDM detection and management. However, the problem extends
to a lack of knowledge resulting from limited opportunities for
skills-based training.40 Because the majority of health services
are concentrated at primary levels, this review proposes the need
for capacity building at lower levels of care, alongside providing
the essential equipment and consumables necessary to enhance
GDM care.
Prioritising other diseases and programmes such as the pre-
vention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and intermittent
preventive treatment of malaria at the expense of GDM is a con-
cern. These programmes are prioritised and provide health pro-
fessionals with an opportunity for training, but the same cannot
be said of NCDs in pregnancy. While efforts have been made to
improve NCD surveillance and response in LMICs, such interven-
tions need to start from antenatal care clinics, where screening
and diagnostic services start.
The multidimensional nature of the problems associated
with GDM service provision require a comprehensive systemic
revision to improve detection and management practices. As
seen in this review, even in settings where protocols and guide-
lines exist, the feasibility of implementing WHO-recommended
universal screening is problematic due to the scarcity of resources
that characterises many healthcare settings in Africa. Therefore,
there is a need for context-applicable screening and diagnos-
tic protocols that are informed by cost, tolerability, availability,
accessibility and sustainability to increase the uptake of GDM
services.17,37 Otherwise, several pregnant women may go un-
screened, to the detriment of the mother and baby. The few
who test positive and require further testing or treatment are
often not followed up or are lost to follow-up. Poor coordina-
tion of referral pathways is a significant factor given that most
of the cases are managed at tertiary levels, which are grossly in-
accessible to the majority of pregnant women. Inadequate con-
tact and interaction with healthcare providers reduce chances for
health education and counselling, which limit the effectiveness
and satisfaction with care received. Moreover, patient education
and counselling41,42 has been associated with positive treatment
outcomes and facilitates postpartum care, which is key to early
detection of type II diabetes.43 As antenatal care offers an op-
portunity for screening, diagnosing and management, healthcare
providers should leverage this opportunity to enforce behavioural
change through evidence-based interventions such as peer coun-
selling and dietician consultation.
Cultural diversity within the African context is more pro-
nounced, and management of GDM is not spared its conse-
quence. Although several interventional studies have established
the importance of dietary adherence for GDM management,44,45
lifestyle modification is disadvantaged by negative perceptions
about weight gain during pregnancy and taboos and customs
surrounding foods, thereby affecting adherence to the therapeu-
tic regimen. Even in low-resource settings in developed coun-
tries including the UK, it is recommended that health educa-
tion on diabetes in pregnancy incorporates culturally appropri-
ate messages, as there are potential cultural issues, such as lan-
guage and myths or ‘old wives tales’ that affect GDM treatment
Downloaded from by guest on 03 February 2023
T. Hinneh et al.
Strength and limitations
This paper is the first review on barriers to GDM care in Africa and
shows how GDM has received little attention in Africa. However,
because of the growing interest in GDM research globally after
the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes study in
2008, which reported adverse pregnancy outcomes per unit in-
crease in maternal glucose,47 we observed that the eligible stud-
ies included in this review were published recently (during 2012–
2019). The eligible studies included in the review represent the
five subregions and different ethnic groups in Africa. More im-
portantly, the included articles cut across qualitative, quantita-
tive and mixed-method designs, which complementarily provide
a contextual understanding of the challenges to GDM care. A con-
siderable number of studies sampled diverse stakeholders con-
cerned with GDM, thereby allowing a comprehensive description
of the barriers to GDM service provision. All these elements en-
hanced the validity and generalisability of the findings across
Nevertheless, this review has some limitations. Generally,
there was missing information on the gestational age of preg-
nant women at screening and the context of healthcare from
which participants were recruited. The cultural and religious barri-
ers identified may be unique to specific ethnic or religious groups
and could be misleading if generalised because they vary from
country to country and from one ethnic group to another, even
in the same country. Nevertheless, they provide an insight that
some barriers may be culturally inclined.
This review shows the multidimensional factors that interact at
different health systems and societal levels to hinder the detec-
tion and management of GDM in Africa. Insufficient clinical lo-
gistics, inadequate coordination of GDM care, limited human re-
sources capacity and funding deficits grossly affect the testing
and management of GDM in Africa. Women diagnosed experi-
ence anxiety, sadness, stigmatisation and uncertainty regard-
ing treatment outcomes. Family support, customs and taboos
are pertinent at the societal level. Broader consultation with key
stakeholders to address these multifactorial challenges is essen-
tial in improving maternal and child health. The coexistence of
infectious diseases continues to direct training needs, resource
allocation and prioritisation of interventions. Nonetheless, preg-
nancy complications associated with GDM and its linkage with
other NCDs is well established. Therefore, addressing these bar-
riers is key to improving maternal and neonatal outcomes and
promoting NCD-prevention strategies in Africa.
Supplementary data
Supplementary data are available at International Health online.
Authors’ contributions: TH, FA and AJ conceived the study. The study
protocol was designed by TH and reviewed by FA and AJ. The study de-
sign, initial literature search and study selection, quality assessment and
data extraction were carried out by TH and independently reviewed by
FA. Discussions were held with FA and AJ until consensus was reached at
every stage. All the authors read and approved the final version of the
Acknowledgements: We are thankful to Dr. Daniel Boakye, Dr. Nkorika
Chiamaka Ilechukwu, Dr. Nicholas Kyei, Edmund Yeboah, Sneha Bhusari
and Tracy Osei Bonsu for their immense support throughout the conduct
of this review.
Funding: This review received no funding.
Competing interests: The authors have no competing interests to
Data availability: None.
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... Addressing socio-economic challenges of the woman with GDM is crucial to the achievement of positive outcomes when managing GDM, as a commonly cited barrier to GDM management includes financial difficulties [51,52]. In Ghana and similar low-income settings, financial considerations are mainly related to the cost of healthcare, treatment (e.g. ...
... In Ghana and similar low-income settings, financial considerations are mainly related to the cost of healthcare, treatment (e.g. insulin), medical supplies (blood glucose test strips), transport to access healthcare, and the inability to access healthy food [51], which further underlines the importance of involving members of the woman's close support network in GDM management [53]. Further, midwives have a responsibility to use the available resources, such as medical consumables, wisely [54][55][56] and should be trained to educate the women with GDM as well as significant others on how to use these consumables in such a way that efficiency is enhanced. ...
... This lack of emphasis can be explained by the fact that they were clinical guidelines which focused on the clinical aspects of screening and management of GDM as opposed to non-clinical aspects, such as social, cultural or socioeconomic aspects. Furthermore, with the exception of one guideline [20], the guidelines supporting the recommendations were developed mainly in high-income countries and did not consider the socio-economical challenges and cultural aspects of management of GDM, the former which are experienced in many low-incomes countries, such as Ghana [40,51,57]. Globally, the socio-economic and cultural aspects need further exploration and consideration in guidelines related to screening and management of GDM. ...
Full-text available
Objective: To describe the development of evidence-based recommendations for screening and nursing management of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in Ghana and present the recommendations. Design: A qualitative study. Setting: Military Health Institutions in Ghana. Measurements: Data from qualitative interviews with 7 women with GDM and 8 midwives, and an integrative literature review including available clinical practice guidelines on screening and nursing management of GDM, was used to develop the recommendations. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence' steps guided the recommendations' development. Methodological quality of the recommendations was assessed based on an adapted version of the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE II) tool. Six experts reviewed the recommendations and an infographic in support of the recommendations. Findings: Two main recommendations and an infographic were developed, including: 1. Early screening and diagnosis of GDM, and 2. Involvement of women with GDM and their significant others during pregnancy, intrapartum and postpartum management, in a culturally and socioeconomically appropriate manner. Key conclusions: The recommendations and infographic, once reviewed and pilot tested, may assist midwives managing GDM in Ghana, with support of health institution management. Implications for practice: The study highlights the need for recommendations which can be used by midwives to manage GDM in Ghana. The recommendations are the first to be contextualized for the Ghanaian setting.
... Addressing socio-economic challenges of the woman with GDM is crucial to the achievement of positive outcomes when managing GDM, as a commonly cited barrier to GDM management includes financial difficulties [51,52]. In Ghana and similar low-income settings, financial considerations are mainly related to the cost of healthcare, treatment (e.g. ...
... In Ghana and similar low-income settings, financial considerations are mainly related to the cost of healthcare, treatment (e.g. insulin), medical supplies (blood glucose test strips), transport to access healthcare, and the inability to access healthy food [51], which further underlines the importance of involving members of the woman's close support network in GDM management [53]. Further, midwives have a responsibility to use the available resources, such as medical consumables, wisely [54][55][56] and should be trained to educate the women with GDM as well as significant others on how to use these consumables in such a way that efficiency is enhanced. ...
... This lack of emphasis can be explained by the fact that they were clinical guidelines which focused on the clinical aspects of screening and management of GDM as opposed to non-clinical aspects, such as social, cultural or socioeconomic aspects. Furthermore, with the exception of one guideline [20], the guidelines supporting the recommendations were developed mainly in high-income countries and did not consider the socio-economical challenges and cultural aspects of management of GDM, the former which are experienced in many low-incomes countries, such as Ghana [40,51,57]. Globally, the socio-economic and cultural aspects need further exploration and consideration in guidelines related to screening and management of GDM. ...
Full-text available
Objective: To describe the development of evidence-based recommendations for screening and nursing management of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in Ghana and present the recommendations. Design: A qualitative study. Setting: Military Health Institutions in Ghana. Measurements: Data from qualitative interviews with 7 women with GDM and 8 midwives, and an integrative literature review including available clinical practice guidelines on screening and nursing management of GDM, was used to develop the recommendations. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’ steps guided the recommendations’ development. Methodological quality of the recommendations was assessed based on an adapted version of the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE II) tool. Six experts reviewed the recommendations and an infographic in support of the recommendations. Findings: Two main recommendations and an infographic were developed, including: 1. Early screening and diagnosis of GDM, and 2. Involvement of women with GDM and their significant others during pregnancy, intrapartum and postpartum management, in a culturally and socioeconomically appropriate manner. Key conclusions: The recommendations and infographic, once reviewed and pilot tested, may assist midwives managing GDM in Ghana, with support of health institution management. Implications for practice: The study highlights the need for recommendations which can be used by midwives to manage GDM in Ghana. The recommendations are the first to be contextualized for the Ghanaian setting.
... Awareness of risk factors such as family history of diabetes is as low as 30% in most sub-Saharan African settings (11). Moreover, diagnosing GDM requires the resource-and labor-intensive oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), which is seldom performed in African settings due to many constrains (12,13). Consequently, GDM is either not screened at all or is screened using urine glucose, which has been demonstrated to be inaccurate compared to the OGTT (14). ...
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Background The burden of gestational diabetes (GDM) and the optimal screening strategies in African populations are yet to be determined. We assessed the prevalence of GDM and the performance of various screening tests in a Cameroonian population. Methods We carried out a cross-sectional study involving the screening of 983 women at 24-28 weeks of pregnancy for GDM using serial tests, including fasting plasma (FPG), random blood glucose (RBG), a 1-hour 50g glucose challenge test (GCT), and standard 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). GDM was defined using the World Health Organization (WHO 1999), International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Special Group (IADPSG 2010), and National Institute for Health Care Excellence (NICE 2015) criteria. GDM correlates were assessed using logistic regressions, and c -statistics were used to assess the performance of screening strategies. Findings GDM prevalence was 5·9%, 17·7%, and 11·0% using WHO, IADPSG, and NICE criteria, respectively. Previous stillbirth [odds ratio: 3·14, 95%CI: 1·27-7·76)] was the main correlate of GDM. The optimal cut-points to diagnose WHO-defined GDM were 5·9 mmol/L for RPG ( c -statistic 0·62) and 7·1 mmol/L for 1-hour 50g GCT ( c -statistic 0·76). The same cut-off value for RPG was applicable for IADPSG-diagnosed GDM while the threshold was 6·5 mmol/L ( c -statistic 0·61) for NICE-diagnosed GDM. The optimal cut-off of 1-hour 50g GCT was similar for IADPSG and NICE-diagnosed GDM. WHO-defined GDM was always confirmed by another diagnosis strategy while IADPSG and GCT independently identified at least 66·9 and 41·0% of the cases. Interpretation GDM is common among Cameroonian women. Effective detection of GDM in under-resourced settings may require simpler algorithms including the initial use of FPG, which could substantially increase screening yield.
... But there were many lacunae in the health system itself that holds it back from executing its work effectively. Similar finding [15] was obtained from studies done by Wotichaet al. in [16] Ethiopia and Hinneh et al. in Africa, which also shows lack of standards and guidelines and inadequate on job training are among repeatedly mentioned obstacle related to screening and management of GDM. Present study also reveals that health facilities have shortage of supplies & consumables which prevents early detection and management of GDM. ...
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Introduction: Awareness regarding Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) among antenatal women is necessary for early diagnosis and management of the disease for ensuring a safe motherhood and a healthy child. Objective: This study envisaged to assess the awareness regarding GDM and its determinants among antenatal women attending healthcare facilities in a rural area of West Bengal and to explore the perspectives of health workers with regard to gaps in proper awareness generation activities among antenatal women. Method: This mixed-method study was conducted from April 2021 to July 2021 at 4 health facilities in Singur, West Bengal. Quantitative data were collected from 195 antenatal women using a pretested questionnaire which were analysed using SPSS software. Qualitative data were collected via in-depth interviews among 6 health workers working in the health facilities and were analysed thematically. Results: Overall, 75.4% of participants were not aware of GDM. Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that secondary education and below (AOR=3.48, 95% CI=1.63-7.42), no history of GDM among family & relatives (AOR=7.24, 95% CI=2.12-24.66), lesser number of antenatal visits (AOR=3.48, 95% CI=1.63-7.42) and non-receipt of counselling regarding GDM during antenatal visits (AOR= 3.09, 95% CI =1.45-6.58) had a significant association with poor awareness. From health workers' perspectives, lack of reorientation training, shortage of supplies for testing, and overburdening with other responsibilities were the major gaps identified in proper awareness generation activities. Conclusion: Present study revealed majority of study participants possessed poor knowledge regarding GDM. Reorientation training of health workers, organizing awareness campaigns at the community level, and relevant counselling regarding GDM during each antenatal visit should be given utmost priority for improving knowledge about the disease.
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Background Lifestyle change can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes among women with prior gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). While understanding women’s lived experiences and views around GDM is critical to the development of behaviour change interventions to reduce this risk, few studies have addressed this issue in low- and middle- income countries. The aim of the study was to explore women’s lived experiences of GDM and the feasibility of sustained lifestyle modification after GDM in a low-income setting. Methods This was a descriptive qualitative study on the lived experiences of women with prior GDM, who received antenatal care at a public sector tertiary hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. Nine focus groups and five in-depth interviews were conducted with a total of thirty-five women. Data were analysed using content analysis and the COM-B (Capabilities, Opportunities, Motivations and Behaviour) model to identify factors influencing lifestyle change during and beyond the GDM pregnancy. Results The results suggest that the COM-B model’s concepts of capability (knowledge and skills for behaviour change), opportunity (resources for dietary change and physical activity) and motivation (perception of future diabetes risk) are relevant to lifestyle change among GDM women in South Africa. The results will contribute to the design of a postpartum health system intervention for women with recent GDM. Conclusion Our findings highlight the need for health services to improve counselling and education for women with GDM in South Africa. Support from family and health professionals is essential for women to achieve lifestyle change. The experience of GDM imposed a significant psychological burden on women, which affected motivation for lifestyle change. To achieve long-term lifestyle change, behaviour interventions for women with prior GDM need to address their capability, opportunity and motivation for lifestyle change during and beyond pregnancy.
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Background: Unmanaged gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) increases the risk of neonatal and fetal complications and the risk of congenital malformations. Apart from the medications used, non-pharmacological agents such as diet modification, exercise, and patient education can improve the quality of life in GDM patients. The present study was aimed to evaluate the role of patient counselling in the management of GDM in patents.Methods: Unmanaged gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) increases the risk of neonatal and fetal complications and the risk of congenital malformations. Apart from the medications used, non-pharmacological agents such as diet modification, exercise, and patient education can improve the quality of life in GDM patients. The present study was aimed to evaluate the role of patient counseling in the management of GDM in patents.Results: The result showed that there is a slight increase in the QOL of test population with GDM. i.e., there is no significant progression in the disease condition. The result showed that each domain, physical, psychological, social and environmental conditions were improved a lot when compared with the control group.Conclusions: Results suggests a positive impact of patient counseling on the management of GDM in patients.
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Background Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) testing and management in Morocco is associated with delays resulting in late commencement of treatment. To reduce delays and to increase access of women to GDM care, a country-adapted intervention targeting primary health care providers was designed to test the hypothesis that detection and initial management of GDM at the primary level of care improves newborn outcomes in terms of lower birthweights and less cases of macrosomia and impacts on maternal weight gain, glucose balance and pregnancy outcomes. Materials and methods We conducted a cluster randomized controlled trial in two districts of Morocco. In each district, 10 health centers were randomly selected to serve either as intervention or control sites. Pregnant women attending antenatal care in the study facilities were eligible to participate. At the intervention sites, women were offered GDM screening by capillary glucose testing following International Association of Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Groups/WHO criteria. Women diagnosed with GDM received counselling on nutrition and exercise and were followed up through their health center whereas at control facilities routine practice was applied. Primary outcome was birthweight and secondary outcomes maternal weight gain, glucose control and pregnancy complications. We further assessed GDM prevalence in the intervention arm. Statistical analysis was performed on 210 recruited women. Continuous variables were reported using means while categorical variables using frequencies with tests of independence applying chi-squared tests. Differences of outcome variables between the two groups were estimated by mixed-effects regression models and effect sizes adjusted for confounders. The trial is registered under NCT02979756 at Results GDM prevalence reached 23.7% in Marrakech. Birthweight in the intervention group was 147grams lower than in the control group (p = 0.08) as was the proportion of macrosomes (3.5% versus 18.4%; p< 0.001). In the intervention arm, women did two times more follow-ups than at control sites (p = 0.001) and mean follow-up intervals were shorter (11.3 days versus 18.7 days; p < 0.001). Overall, 30% more fasting blood sugar values were balanced (p = 0.005) and mean weekly maternal weight gain 49 grams lower (p = 0.032) in the intervention group. More women from control facilities had a delivery complication whereas more newborn complications were observed in women from intervention facilities. No difference between the two groups existed regarding mode of delivery and mean gestational age at delivery. One of the main limitations of the study was the Hawthorn-effect at control sites that might have led to an underestimation of the effect size. Conclusion A high GDM prevalence in Morocco calls for a context-adapted screening and management approach to enable early interventions. GDM detection and care through antenatal care at primary health facilities may have positively impacted on newborn birthweight but findings are inconclusive. Results of this study will contribute to the decision on a potential upscaling of the intervention in Morocco. Future research could examine long term metabolic changes including diabetes type 2 in the cohort of women and their children.
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Background: Women with a prior gestational diabetes have an increased lifetime risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Although post-partum follow-up for GDM women is essential to prevent progression to type 2 diabetes, it is poorly attended. The need for health systems interventions to support postpartum follow-up for GDM women is evident, but there is little knowledge of actual current practice. The aim of this study was to explore current policies and clinical practices relating to antenatal and post-natal care for women with GDM in South Africa, as well as health sector stakeholders' perspectives on the barriers to -- and opportunities for -- delivering an integrated mother - baby health service that extends beyond the first week post-partum, to the infant's first year of life. Methods: Following a document review of policy and clinical practice guidelines, in-depth interviews were conducted with 11 key informants who were key policy makers, health service managers and clinicians working in the public health services in South Africa's two major cities (Johannesburg and Cape Town). Data were analysed using qualitative content analysis procedures. Results: The document review and interviews established that it is policy that health services adhere to international guidelines for GDM diagnosis and management, in addition to locally developed guidelines and protocols for clinical practice. All key informants confirmed that lack of postpartum follow-up for GDM women is a significant problem. Health systems barriers include fragmentation of care and the absence of standardised postnatal care for post-GDM women. Key informants also raised patient - related challenges including lack of perceived future risk of developing type 2 diabetes and non-attendance for postpartum follow up, as barriers to postnatal care for GDM women. All participants supported integrated primary health services but cautioned against overloading health workers. Conclusion: Although there is alignment between international guidelines, local policy and reported clinical practice in the management of GDM, there is a gap in continuation of care in the postpartum period. Health systems interventions that support and facilitate active follow-up for women with prior GDM are needed if high rates of progression to type 2 diabetes are to be avoided.
Aim: A large percentage of gestational diabetes (GDM) are undiagnosed, and prevalence of postpartum type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is unknown, especially in developing countries. This study assessed barriers to GDM diagnosis and postpartum follow-up; to determine educational needs. Materials and methods: This was a clinical observational study of records and procedures of antenatal services at two hospitals. Laboratory and medical records were reviewed for availability of data on anthropometrics, blood glucose, gestational age, urinalysis, and lipid profile for GDM register. Antenatal clinic protocol was observed for GDM diagnosis. BMI was derived and data were analyzed using SPSS version 20. Results: Critical barriers attributable to health systems included lack of screening for blood sugar as part of routine antenatal protocol, and lack of GDM registers at both facilities. There was 6.5% registration of pregnancies in first trimester, 22% pre-pregnancy obesity, and 2.6% high blood pressure. Positive glucosuria cases were not followed-up for GDM diagnosis. Conclusions: There is neither concerted effort to diagnose GDM, nor systematic records of screening and postpartum follow-up. The gap in diabetology knowledge and practice calls for re-training of antenatal healthcare professionals. GDM screening checklist needs to be established and positive results entered into GDM registers for proper management during and after delivery.
Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) complicates the health of mother and child not only in the short term but also in the long term basis. Addressing GDM through early detection and proper management is vital to improve maternal and child health. Identifying existing barriers for detection and management is important for policy improvement. This study aims to explore barriers for detection and management of GDM in Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted. Health professionals working in antenatal clinic, delivery, and other maternal health services were selected purposively. A total of 18 in-depth interviews were done. The transcripts were imported into NVIVO version 12 software packages. A qualitative thematic analysis approach was used to analyze the data. Results: Screening of women for GDM was done based on the risk factor assessment within 24-28 weeks of gestational age. The participants mentioned that they made diagnosis of GDM based on the World Health organization criteria. Barriers for detection and management of GDM include; lack of standard guidelines and protocols, lack of awareness among mid-level health care providers on GDM, inadequate trained health care providers, shortage of supplies and equipment and late antenatal care visits. Conclusions: Policy makers and health care leadership need to address challenges by availing standard guidelines and protocols, providing on job training for health care providers, fulfilling supplies and consumables and working on early antenatal visits of pregnant mothers.
Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as any degree of glucose intolerance that is observed in the beginning of, or first acknowledged during pregnancy. The prevalence of GDM is estimated to be approximately 15% globally and is expected to increase due to growing numbers of overweight and obesity in women in their reproductive age. The nursing management of GDM in terms of lifestyle modifications (exercise, diet and nutrition) and the taking of diabetes medication, if required, and adherence thereto is crucial to prevent maternal and neonatal-perinatal complications. This qualitative study therefore aimed to explore and describe the experiences of women regarding the nursing management they received after being diagnosed with GDM; and the perceptions of nurse-midwives on their nursing management of GDM in Ghana. Setting: This study was conducted in the military health institutions in Ghana, which includes one hospital and nine satellite clinics referred to as Medical Reception Stations providing antenatal and postnatal care to both military as well as civilian patients. Research on GDM in Ghana is extremely limited. Design: We used a descriptive phenomenological approach to conduct 15 unstructured individual interviews with women that have been diagnosed with GDM (n=7) and nurse-midwives (n=8) providing nursing management of GDM during a six months period (December 2014 to May 2015). Audio-recorded data was transcribed, coded and analyzed using an adapted version of Tesch’s eight steps for coding. Participants: Seven (n=7) women between 28 and 45 years of age, with 1 to 3 offspring each, participated. Most women (n=5) did not have a family history of diabetes. The eight (n=8) nurse-midwives that participated were between 32 and 50 years old with between 2 and 12 years of experience. Findings: Participants in this study reported similar issues that could assist in better management of GDM. The majority of participants indicated the need for education on GDM, but both women and nurse-midwives acknowledged that this education is hugely lacking. Participants generally felt that emotional support for women is critical and it was included in the nursing management of GDM. Both groups of participants acknowledged that involving women and their significant others in the nursing management of GDM is important. Cultural and socio-economic issues, such as cultural beliefs that clashed with diabetic diets, lack of financial and social grants and limited nurse-midwifery staff were mentioned by both groups to affect the nursing management of GDM. Key conclusions: The results demonstrate that, despite the reported challenges experienced by nurse-midwives and women, it was evident that the aim of nurse-midwives was to manage GDM as optimally as possible for women diagnosed with GDM, while considering the constraints established in the results. The challenges identified, specifically in terms of lack of education and cultural and socio-economic issues that affect the quality of and adherence to the nursing management of GDM, need to be addressed in order to optimise care for women diagnosed with GDM in Ghana. Implications for practice: Based on our findings, recommendations are provided that can assist nurse-midwives and other health practitioners to provide comprehensive nursing management to women that have been diagnosed with GDM. Key words: nursing; gestational diabetes mellitus; management; midwifery; interviews; women’s health.
INTRODUCTION: Appraising the quality of studies included in systematic reviews combining qualitative and quantitative evidence is challenging. To address this challenge, a critical appraisal tool was developed: the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). The aim of this paper is to present the enhancements made to the MMAT. DEVELOPMENT: The MMAT was initially developed in 2006 based on a literature review on systematic reviews combining qualitative and quantitative evidence. It was subject to pilot and interrater reliability testing. A revised version of the MMAT was developed in 2018 based on the results from usefulness testing, a literature review on critical appraisal tools and a modified e-Delphi study with methodological experts to identify core criteria. TOOL DESCRIPTION: The MMAT assesses the quality of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods studies. It focuses on methodological criteria and includes five core quality criteria for each of the following five categories of study designs: (a) qualitative, (b) randomized controlled, (c) nonrandomized, (d) quantitative descriptive, and (e) mixed methods. CONCLUSION: The MMAT is a unique tool that can be used to appraise the quality of different study designs. Also, by limiting to core criteria, the MMAT can provide a more efficient appraisal.