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Elephants evolved strategies reducing the biomechanical complexity of their trunk


Abstract and Figures

The elephant proboscis (trunk), which functions as a muscular hydrostat with a virtually infinite number of degrees of freedom, is a spectacular organ for delicate to heavy object manipulation as well as social and sensory functions. Using high-resolution motion capture and functional morphology analyses, we show here that elephants evolved strategies that reduce the biomechanical complexity of their trunk. Indeed, our behavioral experiments with objects of various shapes, sizes, and weights indicate that (1) complex behaviors emerge from the combination of a finite set of basic movements; (2) curvature, torsion, and strain provide an appropriate kinematic representation, allowing us to extract motion primitives from the trunk trajectories; (3) transport of objects involves the proximal propagation of an inward curvature front initiated at the tip; (4) the trunk can also form pseudo-joints for point-to-point motion; and (5) the trunk tip velocity obeys a power law with its path curvature, similar to human hand drawing movements. We also reveal with unprecedented precision the functional anatomy of the African and Asian elephant trunks using medical imaging and macro-scale serial sectioning, thus drawing strong connections between motion primitives and muscular synergies. Our study is the first combined quantitative analysis of the mechanical performance, kinematic strategies, and functional morphology of the largest animal muscular hydrostat on Earth. It provides data for developing innovative “soft-robotic” manipulators devoid of articulations, replicating the high compliance, flexibility, and strength of the elephant trunk. Video abstract Loading ... (mp4, 19.77 MB) Download video
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Elephants evolved strategies reducing the
biomechanical complexity of their trunk
dElephants evolved strategies reducing the biomechanical
complexity of their trunk
dObject transport is achieved by propagating inward curvature
from the trunk tip
dThe trunk can form rigid segments connected by pseudo-
joints for point-to-point motion
dThe trunk tip tangential velocity obeys a power law with its
path curvature
Paule Dagenais, Sean Hensman,
erie Haechler, Michel C. Milinkovitch
In brief
Dagenais et al. uncover the biomechanics
of the elephant trunk, showing that
complex behaviors emerge from a finite
set of basic movements. Curvature,
torsion, and strain provide an efficient
kinematic representation to decompose
trunk trajectories into motion primitives.
The trunk forms pseudo-joints and its tip
follows a speed-curvature power law.
Dagenais et al., 2021, Current Biology 31, 1–11
November 8, 2021 ª2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. ll
Elephants evolved strategies reducing
the biomechanical complexity of their trunk
Paule Dagenais,
Sean Hensman,
erie Haechler,
and Michel C. Milinkovitch
Laboratory of Artificial and Natural Evolution (LANE), Department of Genetics and Evolution, University of Geneva, 30, Quai Ernest-Ansermet,
1211 Geneva, Switzerland
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, 30, Quai Ernest-Ansermet, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Adventure with Elephants, Bela Bela, South Africa
Twitter: @LANEVOL
Lead contact
The elephant proboscis (trunk), which functions as a muscular hydrostat with a virtually infinite number of
degrees of freedom, is a spectacular organ for delicate to heavy object manipulation as well as social and
sensory functions. Using high-resolution motion capture and functional morphology analyses, we show
here that elephants evolved strategies that reduce the biomechanical complexity of their trunk. Indeed,
our behavioral experiments with objects of various shapes, sizes, and weights indicate that (1) complex
behaviors emerge from the combination of a finite set of basic movements; (2) curvature, torsion, and strain
provide an appropriate kinematic representation, allowing us to extract motion primitives from the trunk
trajectories; (3) transport of objects involves the proximal propagation of an inward curvature front initiated
at the tip; (4) the trunk can also form pseudo-joints for point-to-point motion; and (5) the trunk tip velocity
obeys a power law with its path curvature, similar to human hand drawing movements. We also reveal
with unprecedented precision the functional anatomy of the African and Asian elephant trunks using medical
imaging and macro-scale serial sectioning, thus drawing strong connections between motion primitives and
muscular synergies. Our study is the first combined quantitative analysis of the mechanical performance,
kinematic strategies, and functional morphology of the largest animal muscular hydrostat on Earth. It
provides data for developing innovative ‘‘soft-robotic’’ manipulators devoid of articulations, replicating the
high compliance, flexibility, and strength of the elephant trunk.
The elephantproboscis (trunk) functions as a muscular hydrostat:
the coordinated contractions of antagonist muscles are translated
into torsion, bending,elongation, shortening, and stiffening, notvia
the support ofan articulated skeleton, but through shape changes
that rely almost entirely on the near-incompressibility (constant
volume) of the self-supporting trunk tissues. Remarkably, the
elephant trunk can perform very delicate tasks such as manipu-
lating a singleblade of grass, but it is alsocapable of carrying heavy
loads up to 270 kg.
The proboscis serves elephants in multiple
additional functions: breathing, olfaction, mechanosensation,
vocalization, posture-based communication, siphoning/spraying
water, sprinkling dust, and tool handling.
In principle, a
muscular hydrostat could exhibit a virtually infinite number of de-
grees of freedom. Hence, simplified control for task-specific tra-
jectories is needed to escape the so-called curse of dimension-
The composition of trajectories from building blocks
(motion primitives) provides a solution to reduce the behavioral
landscape complexity in muscular hydrostats.
Here, we combine behavioral, kinematic, and functional
morphology analyses of the elephant trunk and demonstrate
the existence of simplification mechanisms in its integrated
form and function. First, we provide evidence of compositionality
at the behavioral level by showing that the elephant, when facing
the task of grabbing and transporting with its trunk objects of
various shapes, sizes, and weights (Figure 1A), resorts to a finite
repertoire of basic strategies. Our results indicate that the short-
est ballistic trajectories (extension, bending, and twisting) are
concatenated into 17 primary behaviors and that changing the
size or mass of target objects induces robust transitions in
grasping strategies (Figures 1B–1E). Second, we use high-reso-
lution motion capture to track the trajectories of the continuously
flexible trunk and we construct an effective kinematic represen-
tation of prototypical sequences via spatiotemporal maps of cur-
vature, torsion, and longitudinal strain. Reproducible kinematic
features extracted from these trajectory maps are interpreted
as motor primitives, which can be linked directly to the underly-
ing synergetic muscle groups responsible for bending, twisting,
and elongating the trunk. We find that these kinematic primitives
are specific to tasks and/or phases of motion. For example,
when reaching for an object in front, longitudinal strain is the pri-
mary motor ingredient as the trunk elongates and retracts in a
modular fashion, whereas during the transport phase, the
Current Biology 31, 1–11, November 8, 2021 ª2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. 1
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Please cite this article in press as: Dagenais et al., Elephants evolved strategies reducing the biomechanical complexity of their trunk, Current Biology
dominant feature is the propagation of an inward curvature front.
Conversely, when reaching for a target to the side, the trunk can
form rigid segments connected by pseudo-joints, analogous to
an elbow and wrist in an articulated skeleton.
A fundamental problem in analyzing neural control (and in
robotics) is to identify how a specific movement is chosen,
among all possibilities, to achieve a given point-to-point
displacement. A common answer is that motion primitives
might be selected as a compromise between cost func-
such as speed versus accuracy,
precision versus
or velocity versus path curvature.
In this
perspective, we make a remarkable observation: in all analyzed
trajectories, regardless of the specificities of the task, the 3D
tangential velocity of the trunk tip obeys a power law with its
path curvature, similar to human hand drawing movements in
but with a different scaling exponent. Hence, we propose
that the geometry of the path governs the kinematics in
elephant trunk trajectories.
Moreover, we suggest that the passive activity of cross-helical
connective fibers embedded in different planes, described here
for the first time in the trunk, might reduce the trunk energetic
expenditure when working through antagonist muscle groups.
Finally, a non-trivial relation between longitudinal and cross-
sectional strains suggests the contribution of nostril dilation
and contraction during trunk elongation and shortening.
Figure 1. Transitions in prehension strate-
gies of an African elephant trunk with intact
or severed tip fingers (target objects placed
on the ground)
(A) Schematic representation of the experiments.
(B–E) Frequency of occurrence of each behavior
for target objects of increasing dimension, (B and
D) d
= 3.75 cm, d
= 7.5 cm, d
= 15 cm, and d
30 cm, or increasing mass density, (C and E) m
500 kg/m
(wood), m
= 3,000 kg/m
and m
= 8,000 kg/m
(steel), for an elephant with
intact (B and C) or missing (D and E) trunk tip fin-
gers. The color scale is adjusted to highlight be-
haviors for which frequencies are superior to 20%.
The full repertoire of behaviors is also illustrated in
Video S1. Note that the ‘‘distal twist’’ behavior had
a non-zero frequency of occurrence when objects
were handed from above the ground (Data S1B).
See also Tables S1 and S3,Video S1, and Data
In brief, the elephant trunk illustrates
how simplified strategies can be adopted
by muscular hydrostats to negotiate with
their intrinsic complexity. A striking paral-
lel can be drawn with the octopus arm,
which has independently evolved the for-
mation of virtual joints during point-to-
point motion
and the propagation of
a bend when reaching for a target.
As these two lineages (elephants and oc-
topi) are separated by nearly a billion
years of evolution and rely on completely
different nervous systems (a centralized
cerebral motor cortex in the elephant versus a neural control
largely de-localized in the arms in the octopus
), it is tempting
to conjecture that these strategies (making pseudo-joints and
propagating a curvature front) are exceptionally efficient at the
level of biomechanics and/or neuronal control.
We discuss our results in the context of so-called soft robotics,
an emerging new paradigm with the ambition of developing
robotic manipulators replicating the high compliance, flexibility,
and strength of natural hydrostats.
Web applications are
publicly available at
Behavioral strategies
The behavioral experiments (Figure 1A) were performed with two
adult male African elephants: one with an intact trunk and the
second missing its prehensile tip fingers. The animals were moti-
vated to pick and execute a point-to-point transport of various
objects of different shapes, sizes, and densities (Table S1).
Marker-based motion capture allowed us to track 3D trajectories
of the trunk with high accuracy (positional uncertainty < 2 mm).
Basic trunk behaviors and adaptation
The elephant trunk exhibits an impressive versatility in its pre-
hension capabilities, which is built upon a finite set of motor stra-
tegies, combined to compose complex trajectories. Here, we
2Current Biology 31, 1–11, November 8, 2021
Please cite this article in press as: Dagenais et al., Elephants evolved strategies reducing the biomechanical complexity of their trunk, Current Biology
identify 17 basic behaviors manifested by the trunks of African
elephants during the prehension phase of motion (Figure 1;
Video S1;Data S1A). Using this ethogram across all 550 suc-
cessful prehension sequences recorded for both animals, we
estimated the probability of executing a specific basic behavior
when presented with a specific shape (Figures 1B–1E).
We discovered that varying the size or the mass of the objects
induces transitions in behaviors, and that such transitions are
robust across different geometrical shapes. Figure 1B shows a
size-induced behavioral transition: for the smallest objects (d
the animal tends to either pinch them between the two tip fingers
or grasp them with a full tip-grip from the side. The finger pinch is
shape-specific and most probable for the thin cylinder. Less
probable for d
objects is a tip-grip from the top, which becomes
the single most preferred strategy for slightly larger objects (d
and one of two preferred prehension strategies (with suction,
equally probable) for yet bigger (d
) objects. A distal flip is very
frequently used to secure the transport phase after a d
to d
ject has been picked from the ground. The animal transitions to a
distal wrap of the trunk around d
objects to pick them up from
the ground. Bowing the head down in the direction of the object,
pressing it against the ground, or sweeping it closer were some-
times used for largest objects. More rarely, the animal used one
foot to push the big cylinder against its trunk or wedge it against
the tusks before releasing it to the ground in a putative playful
Second, when varying the mass of the manipulated object, we
also observed a transition in prehension strategies (Figure 1C),
although not as sharp as when changing the size, suggesting
that the tested range of weights was less of a constraint than
the tested range of sizes. The combination of tip-grip from the
top and distal flip is the preferred strategy for the spheres and
cylinders of all tested masses, except for the heaviest cylinder,
for which the distal wrap becomes equally probable. Note also
that the heaviest objects (m
) were most often ‘‘kicked’’ and/or
swept closer by the trunk before grasping and lifting. During
the manipulation of disks, the animal systematically replaced
tip-grip by suction, a remarkable solution to the challenge of
grasping such a particular object placed flat on the ground.
Note that this suction behavior tends to be followed by the usual
distal flip. The animal also tends, with a probability proportional
to mass density, to sweep the disk closer to the body and to
use ground relief as a lever to grab it. Other parameters, such
as the initial position of the target and the texture of the object,
were also tested (Data S1B), but had less influence on the
prehension strategies.
The second adult male, whose trunk tip fingers are missing,
provided an exceptional opportunity to analyze behavioral adap-
tations. As this animal could not perform suction, tip-gripping, or
finger pinching, it displayed a more restrained repertoire of be-
haviors (Figures 1D and 1E). The core strategy for this animal
was the distal wrap, which was even used for grabbing very small
objects. The foot was also used more often, with greater coordi-
nation, and in situations unobserved for the uninjured elephant,
e.g., pushing the disk with the foot inside the loop of the distally
wrapped trunk.
The ethological graphs (Figures 1B–1E) do not capture the
chronology of the sequences or the strategies that failed.
Some interesting transitions occurred over time as the same
tasks were repeated: the animals tended to first try the strate-
gies that had worked previously with similar objects, and if
they encountered a failure (i.e., if the object was dropped),
they switched to other tactics until achieving a successful
transport. This phenomenon illustrates the capacity of ele-
phants for learning to execute new tasks in only a few trials
(Data S1C). The largest cone (d
) offered a great example of
this learning process: after three attempts, the elephant with
uninjured trunk tip figured out a robust solution to lift and carry
this unusual shape (Video S2). Finally, despite the fact that the
release phase is more difficult to categorize, due to accidental
drops and spontaneous (possibly playful) movements, it also
involves interesting behavioral transitions, adaptation, and
learning (Data S1C).
These results suggest that an elephant goes down an inter-
nally defined list of grabbing strategies or, for more complex
shapes such as the large cone, eventually explores creative
strategies until successful. The apparent complexity of
grasping behaviors can thus be reduced to a smaller set of
basic modules, accounting for the ability to quickly learn new
strategies by recombining a pre-defined set of primitive
movements. It is likely that such successive choices involve
compromises among gain/cost functions, e.g., the probability
of a successful prehension and transport, energetic input,
number of independent muscle fascicles to activate, or
duration of the sequence.
Motion primitives and kinematic invariant
We decompose trajectories into five phases of motion: (1) reach-
ing, (2) prehension, (3) transport, (4) release, and (5) reaching
back. We use ellipses-and-backbone reconstructions to
quantify the trunk conformations in 3D (Figures 2A and 2B) and
extract the dominant motion primitives in each trajectory phase.
All sequences analyzed here and virtual animations of the African
elephant trunk with projected heatmaps of kinematic variables
are available in the online supplemental material (Video S2;
online application 1). We first examine a prototypical sequence,
in which the trunk uses suction to lift and transport a wooden disk
(Video S2).
Multi-axis deformations
Cross-sectional and longitudinal strains compensate (Figure 2C)
as expected for a muscular hydrostat. Longitudinal strain moves
the trunk end effector front and back without moving the head,
and some distal shortening is associated with lifting the trunk
up. The profile of longitudinal strain is symmetrically reproduced
between the right-to-left and left-to-right sequences (Figure 2D):
the whole trunk elongates during the reaching phase up to a
maximal strain (>30%) close to the tip (at the trunk index
ix0.85, i.e., 85% of the total distance between the first and
last rows of markers). The elongation between ix0.25 and
ix0.55 is maintained for most of the sequence. On the other
hand, the 40% most distal part of the trunk (0.6 (i(1) retracts
during the transport phase but elongates again during the
release phase. While reaching back, most of the trunk progres-
sively shortens. Compared to the analogous octopus arm, which
uses a distally propagating bend when reaching for a target,
the elephant adopts a simpler strategy: modular elongation in the
direction of the object.
Current Biology 31, 1–11, November 8, 2021 3
Please cite this article in press as: Dagenais et al., Elephants evolved strategies reducing the biomechanical complexity of their trunk, Current Biology
Curvature and torsion
External variables describing the trunk position, orientation,
and velocity are shown in Figure S1. This extracorporeal repre-
sentation is useful to disentangle the different phases of motion
and to distinguish between planned and correctional actions
(Data S1D). However, it is tedious to read, and we show below
that curvature and torsion constitute a more appropriate param-
eter space (Figure S2) as they greatly facilitate interpretation of
the trunk movements (Figure 3;Data S1E).
In the majority of point-to-point transport tasks, the trunk
displacement mainly occurs in the sagittal plane; hence, the
dominant ingredients of motion are found in the up-down curva-
ture knb, as shown in Figure 3 for prehension tasks with five ob-
jects (cylinders with increasing diameter, d
, and d
; with
increasing mass, m
and m
; and a sphere with diameter d
Video S2). The rate of the sagittal curvature front displacement
offers a simple framework to distinguish among categories of
movements. Figures 3A–3C illustrate how the trunk adapts to
cylinders of increasing size (diameter d
, and d
). The bend
typically occurs in two steps. First, the most distal part of the
trunk is bent inward during the prehension phase followed by
proximal propagation of this curvature front with similar rates
(z0.3 s
) for all sizes. However, when grasping the largest cyl-
inder (d
), an intermediate step of much slower curvature propa-
gation (z0.06 s
) is observed. Note that the inward bend prop-
agates more proximally for larger objects (30%, 40%, and 60%
for d
, and d
, respectively). For d
, the inward curvature is
delimited by a sharp inflection point on the trunk, i.e., positive
curvature (upward bend) is observed in the remaining proximal
part, resulting in a S-shaped trunk. Moreover, the maximally
curved posture is maintained for longer during the transport
phase. Finally, relaxation from the curved state is quite
BFigure 2. African elephant trunk using suc-
tion to lift and transport a wooden disk
(A) Marker 3D positions superimposed on the
corresponding 2D image.
(B) Virtual backbone and ellipses fitted to the 3D
markers positions, for six equally distributed time
(C) Multi-axis deformations of the trunk: cross-
sectional strain (DD=Dowith Dthe diameter aver-
aged between the large and small axes of the el-
lipses) and longitudinal strain (DL=Lo) compensate
due to the constant volume constraint inherent to
a muscular hydrostat.
(D) Spatiotemporal map of longitudinal strain
along the trunk (horizontal black curves indicate
markers positions); the five phases of motion (i,
reaching; ii, prehension; iii, transport; iv, release; v,
reaching back) are indicated. The color scale bar
indicates the amplitude of the positive or negative
longitudinal strain.
See also Figures S1,S2, and S4 and Video S2.
symmetric for d
and d
, whereas it hap-
pens in two steps for d
, the first one with
moderate rate (0.11 s
), followed by an
abrupt release. The weight of the object
also influences the curvature front propa-
gation: in comparison to the light cylinder
(Figure 3A), manipulation of a heavier cyl-
inder (Figure 3D) causes a faster and more proximal inward bend
propagation, and the trunk stays in its maximally curved state for
a longer time.
Figure 3E represents an impressive behavior executed while
maneuvering the small wooden cylinder (d
): after having
picked up the object with a tip grip, the animal transferred it to
the ventral part of its trunk and performed a full-trunk inward
bend (bringing the tip fingers up to the mouth), while the cylinder
rolled in the middle portion of the curled trunk, nonchalantly in-
termingling two complex activities (point-to-point trunk tip
displacement and point-to-point object transport).
The kinematic profiles of Figures 3C and 3F illustrate the differ-
ence of strategy for grabbing a cylinder and a sphere (both with
the same large diameter d
) using a vertical and oblique wrap,
respectively. The more challenging sphere involved a much
longer prehension phase with the curvature propagating at a
particularly low rate, immediately followed by a two-step
These curvature maps exemplify how intrinsic kinematic vari-
ables can encode the unfolding of trunk conformations in serial
phases of motion. The propagation of a curvature front initiated
at the tip suggests the existence of a propagating front of muscle
activation, analogous to what has been discovered in the
octopus arm during the reaching phase.
Joint-like twist
A ‘‘joint-like twist’’ movement was often recorded while the
trunk reached behind to grab a treat (Figure 4A; Video S2): a
sharp bend about halfway through the trunk length (with the
ventral side of the trunk facing up distally to the joint), followed
by a second bend before the tip of the trunk (with fingers wide
open), creating the illusion of an arm with an elbow and a wrist.
Three independent kinematic ingredients are necessary to
4Current Biology 31, 1–11, November 8, 2021
Please cite this article in press as: Dagenais et al., Elephants evolved strategies reducing the biomechanical complexity of their trunk, Current Biology
properly encode this posture (Figure 4A, right panel): the abrupt
development of a sideway curvature front ðknaÞis combined
with a gradual accumulation of torsion ðtbaÞ, whereas the in-
ward curvature (knb < 0) exhibits two maxima (one just before
the first virtual joint and a second one at the very tip, contrib-
uting to the second virtual joint). The longitudinal strain com-
pletes the picture: the trunk is contracted by 10%–15% every-
where except at the very tip, where it is close to zero. Elephants
were previously described to form a joint at the distal part of the
trunk forming a stiff pillar to apply vertical force and pick up
granular food.
Once more, a parallel can be drawn with the
octopus arm, whose solution for point-to-point movements
(food to mouth) is a combination of virtual joints and stiffened
Sharp self-wipe twist
Another behavior involving a spectacular twist was observed
when the elephant attempted in early experiments to remove
markers by using the trunk to wipe itself (Figure 4B; Video S2).
Note that the capacity of a flexible arm to clean itself is of prime
interest from a robotics point of view. In the first half of the trajec-
tory, the trunk shortens homogeneously across its length (by
10%). Halfway through, the distal part elongates by 20% and
the proximal part (until ix0.6) relaxes back to the reference
length. Concomitantly, (1) a front of sagittal curvature (knb<0)
is initiated at the tip and propagates very fast up to half the trunk
length, (2) torsion (tba) is generated clockwise in a large interval
0.5 < i< 0.9 and anti-clockwise more locally near the tip, and
(3) a slight curvature toward the left (kna< 0) adds the final touch
to the posture (Figure 4B, right panel).
Velocity and path curvature relationship
One key result of our analyses is that trunk tip trajectories exhibit
a power law between 3D tangential velocity and the path curva-
ture (i.e., vtip kp
tip with px2/3; Figure 5). Other values of the
scaling exponent have been measured in various biological sys-
tems such as human hand drawing movements (p=1/3),
man locomotion paths (pwithin [0.26, 0.13]),
human tongue
movements (pwithin [0.55, 0.33]),
and Drosophila larval
locomotion (pwithin [0.24, 0.22]).
Different arguments
have been proposed to link these kinematic invariants with con-
trol aspects of motion such as minimization of trajectory vari-
ance, of jerk, or of mechanical power.
Escaping the high-dimensionality problem
In brief, complex trunk trajectories are decomposed into repro-
ducible piece-wise primitives expressed in the profiles of curva-
ture, torsion, and longitudinal strain. These motion primitives are
highly relevant from a motor control point of view as they can be
mapped directly to the activity of specific muscle groups respon-
sible for bending, twisting, and elongating the trunk. Certain
Figure 3. Trunk curvature maps (knb ) for six trajectories of the African elephant trunk maneuvering different target objects
(A) Grip and flip (cylinder d
(B) Distal wrap in the vertical plane (cylinder d
(C) Distal wrap in the vertical plane (cylinder d
(D) Grip and flip (cylinder d
(E) Grip and flip + full bend (cylinder d
(F) Distal wrap in the oblique plane (sphere d
). Horizontal black curves indicate marker positions. The five phases of motion are as in Figure 2D. Propagation rates
of the curvature front are indicated by dashed lines with corresponding values (in s
). The color scale bars indicate the amplitude of the positive or negative
curvature. See STAR Methods (Kinematic calculations) for the definition of knb .
See also Table S1,Video S2, and online application 1.
Current Biology 31, 1–11, November 8, 2021 5
Please cite this article in press as: Dagenais et al., Elephants evolved strategies reducing the biomechanical complexity of their trunk, Current Biology
mechanical and kinematic parameters uncovered here (Table
S2;Data S1F) can be directly used in a soft robotics biomimetic
Muscular synergies
Using state-of-the-art computer tomographic (CT) scan, mag-
netic resonance imaging (MRI), an in-house developed
macro-scale serial-sectioning method (STAR Methods), and his-
tology, we characterized the anatomy of the African and Asian
elephant trunks in unprecedented detail. A combination of longi-
tudinal, radial, transversal, and oblique muscle groups, traversed
and clothed by nervous and connective tissues
and wrap-
ped in a hyperkeratinized skin,
have been previously identified
in the elephant trunk. Here, we produced high-resolution images
(30 microns/pixel) of transversal (Figure 6), sagittal, and coronal
(Figure 7) sections of the trunks as well as MRI virtual sections.
MRI series are also presented in Videos S3 and S4. In addition,
we generated high-resolution polygon meshes of (1) the skin sur-
face (Figure S3A) and (2) the six muscle groups (Figure S3B). In
the online supplemental applications 2–9, the complete series
of anatomical sections can be examined at full resolution and
meshes can be manipulated in 3D. Anatomists from the previous
century have reported up to 150,000 muscles in the Asian
elephant trunk,
but our images indicate that they were in fact
counting muscle fascicles. Below, we explore the anatomy of
the trunk in relation to each specific mechanical function of
muscular hydrostats,
which present a one-to-one correspon-
dence with the intrinsic kinematic variables described above
(strain, curvature, and torsion).
Elongation and shortening
The basic function of the radial dorsal, radial ventral, and trans-
versal (rectus nasi
) muscle groups (in red, dark blue, and green,
respectively, in Figures 6 and S3B) is to reduce the diameter of
the trunk, inducing its passive elongation. Muscle groups work
in antagonist pairs: contraction of the dorsal longitudinal group
orange in Figures 6 and S3B) or the superficial
and deep oblique groups on the ventral side (pars rimana and
pars supralabialis,
in pink and pale blue, respectively, in Fig-
ures 6 and S3B) causes shortening of the trunk, inducing a
passive increase in diameter. We measured an exceptional
elongation capacity of the trunk of 135% (length ratio between
the longest and shortest trunk states).
The muscles’ relative volumes are very well conserved be-
tween the two species, with 28% and 24% of the total trunk
Figure 4. Special movements of the African elephant trunk
(A) Joint-like twist to reach behind for food and (B) self-wipe sharp twist. For (A), the second (distal) bend occurs close to the last row of markers, such that it is
much more visible in recorded videos (left panel) than in motion capture profiles (central panel). Left: 2D video images with overlaid marker 3D positions. Center:
virtual backbones at six equally distributed time points. Right: signature maps (color bars indicate amplitude) of torsion and curvature (tba ,knb , and kna as defined
in the Kinematic calculations section of the STAR Methods) encoding the main features of motion (instantaneous distributions, A; spatiotemporal maps, B). See
also Video S2 and online application 1.
6Current Biology 31, 1–11, November 8, 2021
Please cite this article in press as: Dagenais et al., Elephants evolved strategies reducing the biomechanical complexity of their trunk, Current Biology
volume occupied by the longitudinal muscle group for the African
and Asian elephants, respectively; 10% and 15% by the super-
ficial oblique; 14% and 15% by the deep oblique; 28% and
21% by the radial dorsal; 13% and 15% by the radial ventral;
and 7% and 10% by the transversal muscle group. Note that
the proximal end of the longitudinal muscle group attaches ante-
riorly on the cranium
(Video S3), similarly to the protruding
tongues of certain animals (lizard, armadillo, opossum, and
pangolin) that originate outside the oral cavity.
The relation between longitudinal and cross-sectional strain is
captured by four components of the strain-dependent Poisson’s
ratio (n), which were estimated from the graphs of Da=aoversus
DL=Loand Db=boversus DL=Lo(where aand bare, respectively,
the radii of the large and small axes of the ellipse cross-section):
naL =0:33, nbL =0:28, nLa =0:38, and nLb =0:35 (Figures S4D–
S4F; Data S1G). These values reflect approximate isotropy be-
tween the cross-sectional and longitudinal directions, as well
as between the two antagonist processes of elongation and
shortening. It is also consistent with the maximal change in vol-
ume of DV=Vo±5% for DL=Lo±15%, which we recorded
(Data S1G). The apparent compressibility of the trunk (nLa +
nLbs1) might be due to the presence of the nostrils, two air-filled
cavities with variable cross-sectional areas.
For example,
dilating the nostrils while contracting the outer diameter would
contribute to the elongation of the trunk without being accounted
for in the overall diameter change (DD=Do), thus causing
Poisson’s ratios to be underestimated.
Embedded crossed-fiber connective tissues play a major role
in shape control (limiting deformations) and elastic recoil during
antagonist movements.
Here, we show that intramuscular
connective fibers in the transversal plane (Figures 6 and S5B;
Data S1H) might store potential energy when the cross-sectional
area of the trunk is passively increased, allowing the trunk to
elongate again with less active force. Note that histological sec-
tions of the large nerve bundles running longitudinally into the
trunk (Figures 6,7,S5C, S6D, and S6E) reveal an undulated
arrangement (Figure S6E) that allows the nerves to sustain large
trunk elongation without undergoing strain-induced damage
(Data S1H).
The fiber angle of the oblique muscle groups (measured from the
longitudinal axis) is determinant for the mechanical behavior:
below or above the critical angle (qc=54440), their contraction
induces, in addition to torsion of the trunk, its overall shortening
or elongation, respectively.
The superficial and deep oblique
muscles show angles q=20–30(Figure 7A). Hence, these
are also trunk shorteners. The concomitant 10%–15% nega-
tive strain that we observed during the joint-like twist and the
sharp self-wipe twist (where torsion plays an important role) is
compatible with this suggestion.
Oblique muscles run with opposite angles on the left and right
sides of the trunk, forming a V-shape with the open side facing
the tip of the trunk for the superficial oblique group and with
the pointy side facing the tip for the deep oblique group. Given
Figure 5. Power law between tangential velocity and path curvature at the trunk tip
Log-log graphs of vtip (in m/s) versus ktip (in m
) measured in the African elephant trunk during six motion sequences, while maneuvering (A) a wooden disk, (B) a
wooden cylinder of medium size (d
), (C) a wooden cylinder of large size (d
), (D) a wooden cone of large size (d
), and (E and F) during two different instances of the
‘‘joint-like twist’’ behavior. Fitted affine functions (black lines) indicate a power law vtip kp
tip with px2/3. The average scaling exponent was obtained from 20
different trajectories. Note that the same relation was observed regardless of the object’s attributes and also for trajectories not involving the transport of an
Current Biology 31, 1–11, November 8, 2021 7
Please cite this article in press as: Dagenais et al., Elephants evolved strategies reducing the biomechanical complexity of their trunk, Current Biology
that these fibers follow the curvature of the trunk surface, the
right and left superficial oblique muscles form a left-handed
and right-handed helix fiber arrangement, respectively, and
inversely for the deep oblique muscles. Therefore, torsion of
the trunk can be amplified by the activation of the fibers with
the same helix-handedness, i.e., in different muscle groups on
opposite sides of the trunk. Note that, because of its more
external location from the central axis, the superficial oblique
group generates larger torque ( r
!) than the deep oblique
muscles, for an equal force.
The superficial and deep oblique groups are tightly entangled
at their junction, displaying a braided design of alternating mus-
cle strands (Figure 7A). The confinement of the muscle groups
responsible for torsion to the ventral side might be a morpholog-
ical adaptation granting greater dexterity to that side of the trunk,
specialized in wrapping, squeezing, holding, transporting, and
pressing items against surfaces. The stress generated by the
ventral oblique muscles can be transmitted to the dorsal side
by the connective tissue wrapped around the muscular core,
with a cross-helical arrangement visible in the most lateral
parasagittal sections of the trunk (Figure 7B), at the junction of
the obliques and longitudinal muscles (with helix angle jx
42). Moreover, the ventral side presents a concave surface
(akin to the palm of a hand), covered with large transversal wrin-
kles (Figure S3A), which aid in gripping and holding objects.
There are two possible mechanisms of bending: either via longi-
tudinal contraction on one side (the dorsal longitudinal or the
ventral obliques for an upward or inward bend, respectively, or
an appropriate lateral combination of those three groups for
sideways curvature) while actively keeping a constant diameter
by contraction of cross-sectional muscle groups (transversal
and/or radial), or via a reduction of the diameter while actively
keeping a constant length on one side, resulting in a passive
elongation on the convex side of the bend.
Accordingly, we
have shown that upward curvature (knb > 0) is accompanied by
a dorsal longitudinal shortening (DL=Lo< 0), and vice versa. For
trajectories involving the propagation of an inward bend from
the tip, we typically observe a negative peak in the longitudinal
strain of about 15% at the location of the inflexion point (where
knb changes sign or goes to zero), indicating that the dorsal lon-
gitudinal muscle group is locally shortened at the curvature wave
Activating both sides (left and right) of the same oblique group
(deep or superficial) or both oblique groups (superficial and
deep) on the same side (left or right) with equal strength would
suppress any undesired torsional effect due to their opposite
handedness. The external location of the longitudinal/oblique
groups allows them to generate greater moment arm for
bending. Note that intramuscular connective tissue fibers
oriented in the transverse plane (Figures 6 and S5B) might help
the trunk to bend with more energetic efficiency, by resisting
the passive increase in diameter imposed by the unilateral longi-
tudinal contraction, and thus reducing the amount of active force
needed from the cross-sectional muscle groups. The muscle ar-
rangements in the dorsal and ventral tip fingers (Figure S7) reflect
a greater ability for bending (Data S1I), compared to a reduced
capacity for torsion.
One additional muscular synergy consists in multi-axial contrac-
tions allowing the elephant to produce localized stiffening of the
trunk. During our prehension experiments, we observed that the
ventral side of the trunk sometimes applied downward forces on
objects, prior to a distal wrap. In this case, stiffening allows
resisting diametrical compression. It is likely that the animal is
finely adjusting the local stiffness of its trunk to control the
surface contact with the manipulated object.
In the present study, we combined kinematic analyses with
anatomical measurements to uncover the fundamental
Figure 6. Muscular anatomy of the African
and Asian elephant trunks
Transversal sections from the tip (top panels),
center (central panels), and proximal base (lower
panels) of the trunks of an Asian (E. maximus, left
halves) and African bush (L. africana, right halves)
elephant. Left column: serial sections of frozen
trunks. Center: MRI virtual sections. Right: MRI
virtual sections with the six muscle groups su-
perimposed: longitudinal (L, orange), radial dorsal
(rd, red), radial ventral (rv, dark blue), transversal (t,
green), deep oblique (do, pale blue), and superfi-
cial oblique (so, pink). Intramuscular connective
tissue fibers are visible as white filaments in
photographed sections (left column) and are
schematized as white lines in the central column.
Arrows: nerve bundles. See also Figures S3 and
S5–S7,Data S1H and S1I, Videos S3 and S4, and
online applications 2 and 5.
8Current Biology 31, 1–11, November 8, 2021
Please cite this article in press as: Dagenais et al., Elephants evolved strategies reducing the biomechanical complexity of their trunk, Current Biology
biomechanics of the elephant trunk. First, we quantified the
prevalence of 17 basic prehension strategies of African elephant
trunks in point-to-point transport tasks, reflecting the composi-
tionality of motion as a crucial simplification mechanism for con-
trolling this muscular hydrostat. Our results highlight robust
behavioral transitions as a function of the size or mass of the
target objects. The catalog of actions reported here only encom-
passes a small subset of all possible trunk behaviors and many
other movements would be worth investigating, especially
focusing on the trunk tip region. Second, we reconstructed the
dynamics of 3D conformations of the African elephant trunk
from high-resolution motion capture data, and we showed that
specific actions are translated as signature patterns in the
spatiotemporal maps of strain, torsion, and curvature. Out of a
virtually infinite conformational space, we identified simple kine-
matic solutions accounting for distinct trajectory phases. This
suggests a potential mechanistic solution for a nervous system
to control the complexity of muscular hydrostats. In particular,
the elephant adopts basic strategies such as successively elon-
gating and retracting specific portions of the trunk when reach-
ing for a target in front, or propagating an inward curvature front
(initiated at the tip) during the transport of objects. We also re-
vealed that the elephant trunk can form functional joints when
achieving point-to-point displacements, reminiscent of a strat-
egy of the octopus arm and reinforcing the idea that joint forma-
tion in soft manipulators is an efficient solution (both in terms of
mechanics and control) for point-to-point motion.
ally, we extracted invariance principles from the kinematic
analyses, demonstrating that a power law exists between the
tangential velocity and path curvature at the trunk tip
(vtip k2=3
tip ), which differs from the relation found in human
hand movements (vk1=3).
Finally, we investigated the internal morphology of the
elephant proboscis with unparalleled precision, revealing the
orientation of muscles and connective fibers and their micro-
scopic structure. By analyzing the anatomical data in the light
of our kinematic results, we draw a strong connection between
the muscular system of the trunk and its biomechanical func-
tions. Electromyographic investigations of the proboscis and
recording of the elephant brain activity would clearly deepen
our understanding of the underlying neuromotor control,
although such experiments would be particularly difficult to
implement in elephants compared to smaller species.
In conclusion, our study offers unprecedented insights into the
anatomy and biomechanics of the largest muscular hydrostat on
Earth: we characterized the elephant trunk motion as a partition
of building blocks, both at the biomechanical level (expressed as
muscular synergies) and at the kinematic level (translating into
trajectories encoded via intrinsic trunk variables). The descrip-
tion of motion based on a finite set of primitives and the identifi-
cation of kinematic invariants can greatly reduce the complexity
of control in animal motion and robotics. Solutions derived from
natural systems can inspire engineers to select proper ap-
proaches, and our study has the potential to guide the design
of an innovative biomimetic soft manipulator (https://www.
Figure 7. Muscular anatomy in the proximal part of an Asian elephant trunk
(A) Coronal sections (MRI virtual sections in left halves and physical sections in right halves) in ventral, central (below the nostrils), and dorsal (above the nostrils)
portions. The white dashed lines highlight the braided arrangement of the two oblique muscle groups.
(B) Sagittal sections (MRI in proximal halves and physical sections in distal halves) in lateral, mid-lateral, and central (intersecting the nostril) portions. Black lines
highlight the cross-helical connective fibers at the junction of the oblique and longitudinal muscles. Muscle groups are indicated as in Figure 6. Star symbol,
proboscideal nerve bundles; arrow, blood vessel.
See also Figure S7,Videos S3 and S4, and online applications 6 and 7.
Current Biology 31, 1–11, November 8, 2021 9
Please cite this article in press as: Dagenais et al., Elephants evolved strategies reducing the biomechanical complexity of their trunk, Current Biology
Detailed methods are provided in the online version of this paper
and include the following:
BLead contact
BMaterials availability
BData and code availability
BMotion capture experiments
BTrunk imaging procedures
BCatalogue of prehension behaviors
BKinematic calculations
Supplemental information can be found online at
A video abstract is available at
Llewellyn Lloyd, Joseph Kamupambe, David Mupupu, Thabo Ramashia, Na-
than Gwangwa, Edward Mabotha, and Oscar Severino assisted with handling
the animals. Roland Pellet (mechanical workshop, physics department, Uni-
versity of Geneva) and Richard Rohart fabricated the metallic and wooden ob-
jects, respectively. We thank the Zoo Zurich (Switzerland) and Antoine Joris
from the R
eserve Africaine de Sigean (France) for providing the trunks of an
Asian and an African elephant, respectively. We thank Ruben Soto and Chris-
tine Bruguier at the CMU (Lausanne, Switzerland); Henning Richter,
Maya Kummrow, and Jean-Michel Hatt at the Tierspital (Zurich, Switzerland);
as well as Franc¸ ois Lazeyras and S
ebastien Courvoisier at the HUG (Geneva,
Switzerland) for CT and MRI scans. We thank Athanasia Tzika and Ebrahim Ja-
hanbakhsh for advice, Adrien Debry and Florent Montange for assisting in
physical sectioning, and Szabolcs Zakany for the development of the xy
motorized imaging stage. We thank Giovanni Landi, Kimmy Costa, and Fabrice
Berger for the implementation of the web-based applications, including the
trunk animations. We thank Jeffrey Thingvold (Qualisys) for helping with the
trunk animation workflow, Gregory Loichot for assembling the webpage with
supplemental material, and Fabrice Berger for the drawing of Figure 1A. We
thank Mathias Bankay (Qualisys) and Nicolas Long (Trinoma) for technica l
assistance with the motion capture set up. We thank Lucia Beccai and Barbara
Mazzolai (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Pisa, Italy), Egidio Falotico (Scuola
Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy), Shlomo Magdassi (The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem, Israel), and Sarah Karmel (Photocentric Ltd, Peterborough,
UK) for multidisciplinary discussions. This work was supported by a Future
and Emerging Technologies grant (FET-Open n.863212 – ‘‘PROBOSCIS,’’, coordinated by the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia,
Pisa, Italy), under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
program. The funding bodies played no role in the design of the study, collec-
tion, analysis, and interpretation of data, and in writing the manuscript.
M.C.M. supervised all aspects of the study. P.D., M.C.M., and S.H. designed
and conducted the behavioral study with assistance of V.H. P.D., V.H., and
M.C.M. performed the anatomical study. Histology was performed by V.H.
P.D. and M.C.M. analyzed all data and wrote the manuscript. All authors
read and approved the final manuscript.
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Received: May 5, 2021
Revised: June 25, 2021
Accepted: August 9, 2021
Published: August 23, 2021
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Current Biology 31, 1–11, November 8, 2021 11
Please cite this article in press as: Dagenais et al., Elephants evolved strategies reducing the biomechanical complexity of their trunk, Current Biology
Lead contact
Further information and requests for resources and reagents should be directed to and will be fulfilled by the lead contact, Michel C.
Milinkovitch (
Materials availability
This study did not generate new materials.
Data and code availability
All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in the paper and/or the Supplemental Information. The online
web applications are available at
Two adult male African bush elephants (Loxodonta africana) were involved in the motion capture experiments, one with an intact trunk
and the second with severed fingers in the prehensile tip as the result of an accident that occurred several years prior to the exper-
iments. All experiments have been approved by the University of Geneva ethical regulation authority and performed according to
South-African law. Two trunks from adult males of African bush and Asian elephants (Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus)
were collected from deceased zoo animals and used for the anatomical study.
Motion capture experiments
Motion capture was performed at Adventures with Elephants ( in Bela Bela, South Africa. The
animals were trained to grasp objects (of various shapes and sizes) with the trunk and transport them from one point to another on the
ground (or from/to the hands of a person). During the experiments, one animal handler was standing on each side of the elephant to
distribute food items as rewards for executing tasks.
Multiple objects were designed for the prehension experiments (Table S1). Four shapes (sphere, cube, cylinder and cone), each in
four different sizes (diameter or side length d
= 3.75 cm, d
= 7.5 cm, d
= 15 cm, d
= 30 cm) were made of wood (plywood and
spruce; fabricated by The cylinders have a length/diameter ratio of 3, the cones have a height/
diameter ratio of 1. To limit the change in mass in that series of objects, the larger shapes (d
and d
) were made hollow with a
Biological samples
trunk of a deceased adult elephant L. africana R
eserve Africaine de Sigean, France CITES certificate
trunk of a deceased adult elephant E. maximus Zurich zoo, Switzerland N/A
Experimental models: Organisms/strains
2 adult male elephants L. africana N/A
Software and algorithms
Qualisys Track Manager
Hugin N/A
e1 Current Biology 31, 1–11.e1–e4, November 8, 2021
Please cite this article in press as: Dagenais et al., Elephants evolved strategies reducing the biomechanical complexity of their trunk, Current Biology
wood thickness of 1 cm. Three shapes (sphere and cylinder of diameter d
, and disk with a 30 cm diameter and 1 cm length) were also
fabricated, each with three different mass densities (m
= 500 kg/m
, wood; m
= 3000 kg/m
, aluminum; m
= 8000 kg/m
, steel). The
aluminum sphere was not tested. The steel sphere (m
) was fabricated in two versions: one with a smooth surface and one with a
carved (rough) surface. The smooth steel sphere was presented to the animal either with a clean surface, or with its surface covered
with lubricant (glycerin and water-based) in order to make it slippery. The metallic objects were fabricated in the mechanical work-
shop of the physics department at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Granular material (rice) was used for additional prehension
experiments. We also tested the ability of elephants to pick up uncooked spaghetti sticks (Data S1A).
We used a motion capture system (Qualisys, Go
¨teborg, Sweden), combining 10 infrared cameras (Oqus 7+, 100 Hz, 12 megapix-
els) with sun filters and two video cameras recording in the visible range (Miqus, 30 Hz, 2 megapixels) positioned in a semi-circle
around the scene, placed on tripods with alternating heights of 1 m and 2 m. Retroreflective markers (1.6 cm in diameter) were
screwed in flexible bands of bio-compatible adhesive kinesiology tape. Eight to 10 rows of markers were placed on the dorsal
side of the trunk with 3 (near the tip) to 6 (at the proximal base) markers per row. Distances in between markers were 5 cm near
the tip and 10 cm at the base. An example of the markers configuration on the trunk can be seen in Figure 2A. The animals accepted
the presence of the kinesiology bands on the dorsal side of their trunk, but not on the ventral side or on the tip fingers. Before placing
the kinesiology bands, the trunk was thoroughly brushed to remove excessive dust. Calibration was performed inside the measure-
ment volume by placing an L-shaped frame with 4 markers on the floor (to set the coordinate system) and by sweeping a wand (with
one marker at each end of its T-shaped end) across the full volume. We obtained very high spatial resolution (uncertainty z2 mm) for
the tracking of the 3D markers positions.
Trunk imaging procedures
Following the approach of the Visible Human Project (, we explored
the internal anatomy of the trunk from adult males of African bush and Asian elephants using a combination of CT scans, MRI
and physical sectioning. The time between death and freezing the trunk was longer for the African elephant sample, resulting in a
more advanced degradation of the tissues which is reflected in the MRI scans but less so in physical serial sections.
The MRI and CT scanning sequences were optimized to reveal the soft tissues (dermis, epidermis, muscles, connective tissues).
CT scan yields a better contrast for dermis and epidermis, and was thus used to extract precise skin morphology. MRI offers better
contrast for muscular and connective tissues than for the skin but also takes a much longer time for comparable resolution (4 h for the
MRI of a full trunk versus 30 min for a CT scan). The trunks were unfrozen a few days before imaging so that they would be at room
temperature during the scans. For the Asian elephant trunk, CT scanning and MRI were performed at the Tierspital (Zurich,
Switzerland). For the African elephant trunk, CT scanning was performed at the University Medical Center in Geneva (Switzerland)
and MRI was performed at Geneva University Hospital (HUG, Geneva, Switzerland). The resolution of the CT scan (pixel spacing)
is 0.75 mm. MRI sequences were acquired with the so-called ‘T2’ protocol, which offers better contrast but can only be acquired
as 2D series, and the ‘Proton Density (PD)’ method which yields slightly reduced contrast but produces a 3D image with isotropic
resolution. The T2 scans were acquired in 3 orientations (coronal, sagittal and transversal) with a slice thickness (i.e., out-of-plane
resolution) of roughly 2 mm and in-plane resolution dependent on the field of view (FOV): from 0.6-0.7 mm (smallest FOV at the
tip) to 0.9-1.1 mm (largest FOV at the head base). The isotropic resolution for the PD sequence is equivalent to the in-plane resolution
of the T2 sequences. Six successive and overlapping portions of the trunk were scanned using different receptor antenna so as not to
displace the antennas nor the trunk during the whole procedure.
The image series (DICOM files) were imported in Amira (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Massachusetts, USA) where the piecewise scans
were stitched and used to segment and export surface meshes for the skin and the six main muscle groups. Segmentation was done
automatically (using an intensity threshold) for the skin, whereas segmentation of muscle groups was manually performed in about 40
selected planes and then interpolated over the full trunk volume.
After CT and MRI scanning, the trunks were frozen again in a straight position before being sliced on a vertical bandsaw in regular
1 cm-thick sections. The African elephant trunk was entirely sliced in about 160 serial transversal sections. The Asian elephant trunk
was sliced in about 130 serial transversal cuts, and the remaining 45 cm most proximal part of the trunk was sagittally divided in two
halves: the left half was sliced in serial sagittal cuts (20 slices) and the right half was sliced in serial coronal cuts (25 slices). Each
trunk slice was washed in tap water, placed over a green background in a plastic container, fully immersed in 2 L of tap water (to avoid
reflections) and covered with a glass plate (to prevent the slice from floating). Physical sections were imaged with the following high-
resolution photography system. A 45 mega-pixel camera (Nikon D850 with 60 mm objective, f16, shutter speed=1/50 s, iso 200) was
fixed facing down over the slice at a distance of 74.5 cm. The plastic container with the slice was positioned on an in-house developed
motorized stage for controlled horizontal (in xand y) movements. Nine overlapping pictures were taken to cover the largest slices
(about 45 cm x 35 cm) whereas more distal sections of the trunk could be imaged with six, four, and one picture. Images were stitched
using the Hugin software ( Alignment and cropping of the green background was done in Photoshop.
This procedure allowed us to generate the same very high resolution (z0.03 mm/pixel) for all images. Note that this resolution is much
higher than for the corresponding virtual section images obtained with CT and MRI scans. This also proved to be crucial for delim-
itating the muscle groups in the tip of the trunk. All serial sections are available (for both species) in high resolution in the form of a
virtual scroller of the internal structures of the trunk (online applications 2 and 5–7).
Finally, small blocks from different regions of the trunk (muscles and skin) were fixed in formalin, and histological slides were pre-
pared with two standard staining procedures: (i) Mallory’s trichrome and (ii) Methyl blue and Acid fuchsin.
Current Biology 31, 1–11.e1–e4, November 8, 2021 e2
Please cite this article in press as: Dagenais et al., Elephants evolved strategies reducing the biomechanical complexity of their trunk, Current Biology
Catalogue of prehension behaviors
Analyzing the 550 recorded prehension sequences (Table S3) for both animals, we constructed an ethogram with 17 basic trunk
behaviors (Video S1). We counted the number of occurrences for each behavior over all the prehension sequences, which can be
used to estimate the probability of executing a behavior when presented with a specific shape.
Kinematic calculations
After post-processing of the motion capture data (cleaning the trajectories with Qualisys software QTM), the 3D positions of all
markers in each time point were exported for analyses of specific trajectories. We fitted an ellipse to each row of markers. Each ellipse
has 8 parameters to be fitted (3 coordinates of its center, 3 angles for its orientation around the 3 cartesian axes and 2 parameters for
the lengths of its axes). The initial guess for the optimization process is based on the real anatomy of the trunk, using the eccentricity
(ratio of large over small diameter) of the trunk at the position of each ellipse. We imposed that the large axis of the ellipses decreases
in length toward the tip. Due to the fact that markers are only present on the dorsal perimeter of the trunk, some deviations are
expected between the fitted values for the two principal axes aand band the real cross-sectional geometry of the trunk.
Nevertheless, despite not having imposed incompressibility (constant volume), this feature is captured by the reconstruction, with
a maximal total change in volume of ± 5%. We then fit a cubic spline through the ellipse centers and extract 50 points from this spline
as an approximate virtual backbone of the trunk. The resulting model can be visualized in Figures 2B and S2A.
The velocity and acceleration are calculated using the virtual backbone spline positions and finite centered differences between
subsequent time frames. A reference sequence was selected in which the trunk was in a relaxed posture for 3 s. Longitudinal and
cross-sectional strains (DL=Lo,Da=aoand Db=bo) are defined using the arc length between subsequent ellipses and the radii
(for the large and small axes) of each ellipse, relative to the reference frame, yielding a local description of the strains.
The curvature and torsion are typically defined in differential geometry using the Frenet-Serret framework.
Preliminary analyses
revealed some pitfalls of this approach while evaluating those quantities across the trunk. Indeed, torsion is prone to artifacts and
difficult to interpret, as very sharp peaks of torsion can appear along the curve without any physical intuitive meaning, as observed
by Miller
in his work on human face shape analysis. Curvature thus defined is also prone to artifacts, especially when the number of
spline segments is small and at the extremities of the curve.
Therefore, we used an alternative definition for the torsion and the two
curvature components, which is much more relevant from a biomechanical point of view. This definition is based on local orthogonal
frames constructed from the ellipses: unit vectors b
band b
apointing respectively along the ellipse large axis (toward the right
of the animal), the ellipse small axis (toward the dorsal side of the trunk) and the axis of the trunk (the cross product being in the
direction of the trunk tip). This allows to define the torsion tba as the tendency of the trunk to twist in a clockwise direction, knb as
the upward/downward curvature component and kna as the left/right curvature component:
n=knb b
b+kna b
b=knb b
n+tba b
a=kna b
ntba b
with videnoting the partial derivative with respect to i, the normalized position index on the trunk, starting at 0 at the most proximal
ellipse and ending at 1 at the most distal ellipse.
Or, in matrix form:
0knb kna
knb 0tba
kna tba 0
These quantities are dimensionless; to obtain the usual units (m
) for torsion and curvature, we must divide by the (time-depen-
dent) trunk length. In the relaxed posture, the dimensionless torsion has maximal values of t0;max =±2.5, or 1.4 m
when normalized
by the trunk length. To avoid including biased torsion coming from an asymmetrical placement of the markers, tba is always
expressed as a relative difference with the reference pose: ðtt0Þ=t0;max . The torsion can be intuitively interpreted as the tendency
of the ellipse cross-section to rotate around the trunk central axis, since ðtt0Þxviq, where qis the rotation angle (in radians) of the
ellipse around its center. For example, ðtt0Þ=2pwould mean that the trunk effectuates a full twist of 2pradians around its central
axis over its full length (from i=0toi=1).
e3 Current Biology 31, 1–11.e1–e4, November 8, 2021
Please cite this article in press as: Dagenais et al., Elephants evolved strategies reducing the biomechanical complexity of their trunk, Current Biology
In addition to the instantaneous curvature of the trunk posture (kna and knb ), we also calculate the path curvature of the trunk tip
(defined in the Frenet-Serret frame), using the time-dependent position r
!ðtÞof the trunk tip (position of the center of the most distal
ktip =
where v
!and a
!are the velocity and acceleration of the trunk tip.
Additional information is provided in Data S1.
Current Biology 31, 1–11.e1–e4, November 8, 2021 e4
Please cite this article in press as: Dagenais et al., Elephants evolved strategies reducing the biomechanical complexity of their trunk, Current Biology
... Moreover, there is evidence that elephant's complex behaviors are produced by the combination of motion primitives and by computational mechanisms that reduce the biomechanical complexity of their body, including the trunk. In particular, the biomechanical analysis of natural movements [8] has shown that (a) reaching and fetching actions of the trunk are obtained by propagating inward curvature from the trunk tip; (b) the kinematics of the trunk tip is characterized by kinematic-figural constraints similar to the human arm gestures; (c) the trunk can form semi-rigid segments connected by pseud-joints during reaching movements. The working hypothesis, already considered in a previous paper on serpentine robots [9], is that general features of elephant motion are just an extension of the features that characterize biological motion in humans [10,11], for both muscle-actuated overt (real) actions and mentally-driven covert actions. ...
... In contrast, if we wish to freeze some part of the kinematic chain during a given action, in order to meet specific environmental constraints, it is sufficient to set to 0 (or to a very small value) the interested DoFs, either of the skeletal or hydrostatic segments. A variation/extension of this strategy is related to the observed capability of the elephant trunk [8] to form semi-rigid segments connected by pseud-joints: this strategy can be achieved by setting to 0 (or very small values) all the DoFs except the DoFs that are supposed to emulate the pseudo-joints. ...
... ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 5 November 2024 doi:10.20944/preprints202411.0278.v18 ...
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Trunk-like robots have attracted a lot of attention in the community of researchers interested in the general field of bio-inspired soft robotics, because trunk-like soft arms may exhibit high dexterity and adaptability very similar to the elephants and potentially quite superior to traditional articulated manipulators. In view of practical applications, the integration of a soft hydrostatic segment with a hard-articulated segment, i.e. a hybrid kinematic structure similar to the elephant’s body, is probably the best design framework. It is proposed that this integration should occur at the conceptual/cognitive level before being implemented in specific soft technologies, including the related control paradigms. The proposed modeling approach is based on the Passive Motion Paradigm (PMP), originally conceived for addressing the degrees of freedom problem of highly-redundant, articulated structures. It is shown that this approach can be naturally extended from highly-redundant to hyper-redundant structures, including hybrid structures that include a hard and a soft component. The PMP model is force-based, not motion-based and is characterized by two main computational modules: the Jacobian matrix of the hybrid kinematic chain and a Compliance matrix that maps generalized force fields into coordinated gestures of the whole body-model. It is shown how the modulation of the compliance matrix can be used for the synergy formation process, that coordinates the hyper-redundant nature of the hybrid body-model and, at the same time, for the preparation of the trunk-tip in view of a stable physical interaction of the body with the environment, in agreement with the general impedance-control concept.
... In particular, the elephant trunk, despite being one of the most prominent examples of active slender structures in nature, remains incompletely understood and is still a subject of active research. Past work involved experimental studies [38,4,5,39,40,41,42] and modeling e↵orts [43,44,45,46,47] which provided invaluable insights into the principles that underlie the elephant trunk's control capabilities and investigated the main features of the trunk that engineers could extract to produce more e↵ective designs in soft-robotic applications. In fact, the sheer versatility of the elephant trunk served as an inspiration for a large range of engineering solutions developed throughout the years [48,49,50,51,52]. ...
... We derive the trunk curvature and extension formulas in response to fibrillar activation and simplify the result for the case of uniform activation and linear tapering. By using magnetic resonance images of the elephant trunk [38], we extract the geometrical and architectural parameters of the trunk muscles, resulting in 28 independently activated muscular subdomains. Further, we incorporate the e↵ects of trunk incompressibility, optimize the computational structure of the model implementation to enable real-time simulation, and define the kinematic principles of the motion of the trunk's proximal base. ...
... We can approximate the architecture of the elephant trunk and the associated fibrillar activation functions using a three-variable piecewise constant construction in R, ⇥, and Z. In particular, we distinguish five muscle groups based on their fiber architecture and location in the cross section: dorsal longitudinal, outer ventral oblique, inner ventral oblique, dorsal radial, and ventral radial [38,4]. We omit the transverse muscle architecture, since its mechanical contributions are equivalent to those of the radial muscle group and it is not straightforward to represent in a cylindrical basis. ...
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With more than 90,000 muscle fascicles, the elephant trunk is a complex biological structure and the largest known muscular hydrostat. It achieves an unprecedented control through intricately orchestrated contractions of a wide variety of muscle architectures. Fascinated by the elephant trunk's unique performance, scientists of all disciplines are studying its anatomy, function, and mechanics, and use it as an inspiration for biomimetic soft robots. Yet, to date, there is no precise mapping between microstructural muscular activity and macrostructural trunk motion, and our understanding of the elephant trunk remains incomplete. Specifically, no model of the elephant trunk employs formal physics-based arguments that account for its complex muscular architecture, while preserving low computational cost, to enable fast screening of its configuration space. Here we create a reduced-order model of the elephant trunk that can--within a fraction of a second--predict the trunk's motion as a result of its muscular activity. To ensure reliable results in the finite deformation regime, we integrate first principles of continuum mechanics and the theory of morphoelasticity for fibrillar activation. We employ dimensional reduction to represent the trunk as an active slender structure, which results in closed-form expressions for its curvatures and extension as functions of muscle activation and anatomy. We create a high-resolution digital representation of the trunk from magnetic resonance images to quantify the effects of different muscle groups. We propose a general solution method for the inverse motion problem and apply it to extract the muscular activations of three representative trunk motions: picking a fruit; lifting a log; and lifting a log asymmetrically. For each task, we identify key features in the muscle activation profiles. Our results suggest that, upon reaching maximum contraction in select muscle groups, the elephant trunk autonomously reorganizes muscle activation to perform specific tasks. Our study provides a complete quantitative characterization of the fundamental science behind elephant trunk biomechanics, with potential applications in the material science of flexible structures, the design of soft robots, and the creation of flexible prosthesis and assist devices.
... The ventral side of the trunk contains oblique muscles that allow the trunk to wrap around and grasp objects 1 . It follows that the ventral surface (or posterior, caudal surface) of the trunk is often the primary point of contact with the substrate during object manipulation 3 . The dorsal surface (or anterior, rostral surface) of the trunk is not often utilized for grasping and is more exposed to external mechanical forces and predators, potentially necessitating a more protective armor-like structure. ...
... In 1970, Spearman published a study discussing elephant skin's basic anatomy, including insights into the different vibrissal hairs on the trunk 4 . More recently, biomechanical studies have made connections between the skin properties and an elephant's ability to grasp and wrap its trunk around various objects, including barbells 3,5 . While the skin on the elephant's body is cracked for thermoregulation 6 , the trunk, in contrast, has wrinkles and folds on its ventral and dorsal surfaces, respectively 5 . ...
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Form-function relationships often have tradeoffs: if a material is tough, it is often inflexible, and vice versa. This is particularly relevant for the elephant trunk, where the skin should be protective yet elastic. To investigate how this is achieved, we used classical histochemical staining and second harmonic generation microscopy to describe the morphology and composition of elephant trunk skin. We report structure at the macro and micro scales, from the thickness of the dermis to the interaction of 10 μm thick collagen fibers. We analyzed several sites along the length of the trunk to compare and contrast the dorsal-ventral and proximal-distal skin morphologies and compositions. We find the dorsal skin of the elephant trunk can have keratin armor layers over 2 mm thick, which is nearly 100 times the thickness of the equivalent layer in human skin. We also found that the structural support layer (the dermis) of the elephant trunk contains a distribution of collagen-I (COL1) fibers in both perpendicular and parallel arrangement. The bimodal distribution of collagen is seen across all portions of the trunk, and is dissimilar from that of human skin where one orientation dominates within a body site. We hypothesize that this distribution of COL1 in the elephant trunk allows both flexibility and load-bearing capabilities. Additionally, when viewing individual fiber interactions of 10 μm thick collagen, we find the fiber crossings per unit volume are five times more common than in human skin, suggesting that the fibers are entangled. We surmise that these intriguing structures permit both flexibility and strength in the elephant trunk. The complex nature of the elephant skin may inspire the design of materials that can combine strength and flexibility.
... Moreover, there is evidence that an elephant's complex behaviors are produced by the combination of motion primitives and by computational mechanisms that reduce the biomechanical complexity of its body, including the trunk. In particular, the biomechanical analysis of natural movements [8] has demonstrated the presence of the following features: (a) reaching and fetching actions of the trunk are obtained by propagating inward curvature from the trunk tip; (b) the kinematics of the trunk tip is characterized by kinematic-figural constraints similar to the human arm gestures; and (c) the trunk can form semi-rigid segments connected by pseudo-joints during reaching movements. The working hypothesis, already considered in a previous paper on serpentine robots [9], is that the general features of elephant motion are just an extension of the features that characterize biological motion in humans [10,11], for both muscle-actuated overt (real) actions and mentally driven covert actions. ...
... In contrast, if we wish to freeze some part of the kinematic chain during a given action, in order to meet specific environmental constraints, it is sufficient to set to 0 (or to a very small value) the relevant DoFs, either of the skeletal or the hydrostatic segments. A variation/extension of this strategy is related to the observed capability of the elephant trunk [8] to form semi-rigid segments connected by pseudo-joints: this strategy can be achieved by setting to 0 (or very small values) all the DoFs except the DoFs that are supposed to emulate the pseudo-joints. ...
Full-text available
Trunk-like robots have attracted a lot of attention in the community of researchers interested in the general field of bio-inspired soft robotics, because trunk-like soft arms may offer high dexterity and adaptability very similar to elephants and potentially quite superior to traditional articulated manipulators. In view of the practical applications, the integration of a soft hydrostatic segment with a hard-articulated segment, i.e., a hybrid kinematic structure similar to the elephant’s body, is probably the best design framework. It is proposed that this integration should occur at the conceptual/cognitive level before being implemented in specific soft technologies, including the related control paradigms. The proposed modeling approach is based on the passive motion paradigm (PMP), originally conceived for addressing the degrees of freedom problem of highly redundant, articulated structures. It is shown that this approach can be naturally extended from highly redundant to hyper-redundant structures, including hybrid structures that include a hard and a soft component. The PMP model is force-based, not motion-based, and it is characterized by two main computational modules: the Jacobian matrix of the hybrid kinematic chain and a compliance matrix that maps generalized force fields into coordinated gestures of the whole-body model. It is shown how the modulation of the compliance matrix can be used for the synergy formation process, which coordinates the hyper-redundant nature of the hybrid body model and, at the same time, for the preparation of the trunk tip in view of a stable physical interaction of the body with the environment, in agreement with the general impedance–control concept.
... For the lateralization (figure 3c-e), we looked at the most distal 15 cm of the trunk shaft and quantified major wrinkles; trunk fingers were excluded from this analysis. This section was examined as the distal non-finger portion of the trunk is primarily used for lateral wrapping around objects [21]. The number of wrinkles was normalized by dividing the number of wrinkles on one side by the total number of wrinkles on this 15 cm trunk shaft. ...
... It has been shown that the distal dorsal part of the trunk contributes the most to trunk stretching and that the ventral side stretches comparably little when the trunk is extended [1]. The distal ventral trunk has been described to be used in sweeping food together [9] and most trunk manipulation movements are accomplished with gripping and grabbing on the ventral side [21]. Specifically, the trunk section just before the trunk tip is used in holding food or other objects, often between the lateral skin ridges that go along the ventral trunk and that have a very high density of whiskers in this distinct trunk part [49]. ...
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The trunks of elephants have prominent wrinkles from their base to the very tip. But neither the obvious differences in wrinkles between elephant species nor their development have been studied before. In this work, we characterize the lifelong development of trunk wrinkles in Asian and African elephants. Asian elephants have more dorsal major, meaning deep and wide, trunk wrinkles (approx. 126 ± 25 s.d.) than African elephants (approx. 83 ± 13 s.d.). Both species have more dorsal than ventral major trunk wrinkles and a closer wrinkle spacing distally than proximally. In Asian elephants, wrinkle density is high in the ‘trunk wrapping zone’. Wrinkle numbers on the left and right sides of the distal trunk differed as a function of trunk lateralization, with frequent bending in one direction causing wrinkle formation. Micro-computed tomography (microCT) imaging and microscopy of newborn elephants’ trunks revealed a constant thickness of the putative epidermis, whereas the putative dermis shrinks in the wrinkle troughs. During fetal development, wrinkle numbers double every 20 days in an early exponential phase. Later wrinkles are added slowly, but at a faster rate in Asian than African elephants. We discuss the relationship of species differences in trunk wrinkle distribution and number with behavioural, environmental and biomechanical factors.
... Broadly, the elephant trunk is composed of 16 superficial and deep muscles (with 8 muscles on each side) (Marchant & Shoshani, 2007). On a finer scale, the number of muscle fascicles has previously been estimated by a few authors as ranging anywhere from 40,000 to 150,000 (Cuvier, 1849;Harrison, 1847;Shoshani, 1982Shoshani, , 1996; however, the most recent estimate extrapolated from segmented microCT data from a baby Asian elephant trunk is roughly 90,000 longitudinal, transverse, and radiating muscle fascicles (Longren et al., 2023) which, when used together in segments, can elevate, depress, rotate, elongate and shorten, bend, stiffen, twist, and curl the trunk to fulfill a desired prehensile motion (Boas & Paulli, 1908;Dagenais et al., 2021;Endo et al., 2001;Longren et al., 2023;Schulz et al., 2023;Shoshani, 1998;Wu et al., 2018). The complexity of the trunk allows for "pseudo-joints" to form to allow for complex and precise motions in picking up and gripping vegetation (Dagenais et al., 2021;Wu et al., 2018). ...
... On a finer scale, the number of muscle fascicles has previously been estimated by a few authors as ranging anywhere from 40,000 to 150,000 (Cuvier, 1849;Harrison, 1847;Shoshani, 1982Shoshani, , 1996; however, the most recent estimate extrapolated from segmented microCT data from a baby Asian elephant trunk is roughly 90,000 longitudinal, transverse, and radiating muscle fascicles (Longren et al., 2023) which, when used together in segments, can elevate, depress, rotate, elongate and shorten, bend, stiffen, twist, and curl the trunk to fulfill a desired prehensile motion (Boas & Paulli, 1908;Dagenais et al., 2021;Endo et al., 2001;Longren et al., 2023;Schulz et al., 2023;Shoshani, 1998;Wu et al., 2018). The complexity of the trunk allows for "pseudo-joints" to form to allow for complex and precise motions in picking up and gripping vegetation (Dagenais et al., 2021;Wu et al., 2018). A majority of the musculature present in the trunk is derived from homologous facial musculature shared by all mammals. ...
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While being the largest living terrestrial mammals, elephants are best known for their highly modified and uniquely elaborate craniofacial anatomy—most notably with respect to their often‐massive tusks and intricately muscular, multifunctional proboscis (i.e., trunk). For over a century, studies of extinct proboscidean relatives of today's elephants have presented hypotheses regarding the evolutionary history of the crania and tusks of these animals and their bearing on the evolution of the proboscis. Herein, I explore major functional characteristics of the proboscidean head. I give a brief review of the anatomy of tusks and dentition, the feeding apparatus, and proboscis in extant elephants and explore their overall bearing in elephant feeding behavior as well as other aspects of their ecology. I also review the evolution of the proboscidean head, with a synthetic analysis of studies and further speculation exploring the interconnected evolutionary roles of tusk morphology and use, feeding anatomy and functional implications thereof, and proboscis anatomy and use in the ancestry of elephants. Notable emphasis is given to the evolutionary role of initial elongation of the mandibular symphysis in the development of the proboscis in many proboscideans. Subsequent secondary shortening of the symphysis and elevation of the temporal region and occiput allowed for a pendulous trunk and proal feeding in living elephants and other proboscidean groups with highly lophodont dentition.
... Animals possess highly flexible appendages across different scales; for example, the prehensile tails of seahorses and chameleons, which span a few centimeters, 1,2 up to the meterlong arms of octopuses and trunks of elephants. 3,4 These appendages enable a wide range of movements for various purposes, including prey capture, locomotion, manipulation, and defense. Bioinspiration has been a key driving force for building soft robots. ...
... It is important to remark that the modeling approach and topological control analysis presented here are not exclusive to octopuses. Rather, they are generally applicable to slender soft organs, from elephant trunks (22) to prehensile tongues (1, 80). Gleaned insights advance not only our understanding of muscular hydrostats, providing testable hypotheses, but also inform translatable 'mechanical intelligence' principles to design and control future soft robots that seek to match the dexterity of their natural counterparts. ...
Muscular hydrostats, such as octopus arms or elephant trunks, lack bones entirely, endowing them with exceptional dexterity and reconfigurability. Key to their unmatched ability to control nearly infinite degrees of freedom is the architecture into which muscle fibers are weaved. Their arrangement is, effectively, the instantiation of a sophisticated mechanical program that mediates, and likely facilitates, the control and realization of complex, dynamic morphological reconfigurations. Here, by combining medical imaging, biomechanical data, live behavioral experiments, and numerical simulations, an octopus-inspired arm made of ∼ 200 continuous muscle groups is synthesized, exposing “mechanically intelligent” design and control principles broadly pertinent to dynamics and robotics. Such principles are mathematically understood in terms of storage, transport, and conversion of topological quantities, effected into complex 3D motions via simple muscle activation templates. These are in turn composed into higher-level control strategies that, compounded by the arm’s compliance, are demonstrated across challenging manipulation tasks, revealing surprising simplicity and robustness.
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Advancements in noninvasive surface and internal imaging techniques, along with computational methods, have revolutionized 3D visualization of organismal morphology—enhancing research, medical anatomical analysis, and facilitating the preservation and digital archiving of scientific specimens. We introduce the SmARTR pipeline (Small Animal Realistic Three-dimensional Rendering), a comprehensive workflow integrating wet lab procedures, 3D data acquisition, and processing to produce photorealistic scientific data through 3D cinematic rendering. This versatile pipeline supports multiscale visualizations—from tissue-level to whole-organism details across diverse living organisms—and is adaptable to various imaging sources. Its modular design and customizable rendering scenarios, enabled by the global illumination modeling and programming modules available in the free MeVisLab software and seamlessly integrated into detailed SmARTR networks, make it a powerful tool for 3D data analysis. Accessible to a broad audience, the SmARTR pipeline serves as a valuable resource across multiple life science research fields and for education, diagnosis, outreach, and artistic endeavors.
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Despite having a trunk that weighs over 100 kg, elephants mainly feed on lightweight vegetation. How do elephants manipulate such small items? In this experimental and theoretical investigation, we filmed elephants at Zoo Atlanta showing that they can use suction to grab food, performing a behaviour that was previously thought to be restricted to fishes. We use a mathematical model to show that an elephant’s nostril size and lung capacity enables them to grab items using comparable pressures as the human lung. Ultrasonographic imaging of the elephant sucking viscous fluids show that the elephant’s nostrils dilate up to 30 % in radius, which increases the nasal volume by 64 % . Based on the pressures applied, we estimate that the elephants can inhale at speeds of over 150 m s ⁻¹ , nearly 30 times the speed of a human sneeze. These high air speeds enable the elephant to vacuum up piles of rutabaga cubes as well as fragile tortilla chips. We hope these findings inspire further work in suction-based manipulation in both animals and robots.
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Significance Although many animal species have demonstrated an ability to differentiate between more and less when presented with different amounts of food, they have done so primarily using vision. In this study, by contrast, elephants showed that they can detect differences between various quantities of food using only their sense of smell. Thus, elephants may be unique in their use of olfaction in cognitive tasks. This research suggests that it is important for psychologists to incorporate into experimental designs the ways in which different animals interact with their environment using all of their senses. Such species-specific paradigms would ensure comparisons about cognition across taxa are fair and relevant.
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The octopus’s arms have virtually infinite degrees of freedom, providing a unique opportunity for studying movement control in a redundant motor system. Here, we investigated the organization of the connections between the brain and arms through the cerebrobrachial tracts (CBT). To do this, we analyzed the neuronal activity associated with the contraction of a small muscle strand left connected at the middle of a long isolated CBT. Both electrical activity in the CBT and muscle contraction could be induced at low threshold values irrespective of stimulus direction and distance from the muscle strand. This suggests that axons associated with transmitting motor commands run along the CBT and innervate a large pool of motor neurons en passant. This type of innervation implies that central and peripheral motor commands involve the simultaneous recruitment of large groups of motor neurons along the arm as required, for example, in arm stiffening, and that the site of movement initiation along the arm may be determined through a unique interplay between global central commands and local sensory signals. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1007/s00359-019-01332-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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The speed-curvature power law is a celebrated law of motor control expressing a relation between the kinematic property of speed and the geometric property of curvature. We aimed to assess whether speech movements obey this law just as movements from other domains do. We describe a metronome-driven speech elicitation paradigm designed to cover a wide range of speeds. We recorded via electromagnetic articulometry speech movements in sequences of the form /CV…/ from nine speakers (five German, four English) speaking at eight distinct rates. First, we demonstrate that the paradigm of metronome-driven manipulations results in speech movement data consistent with earlier reports on the kinematics of speech production. Second, analysis of our data in their full three-dimensions and using advanced numerical differentiation methods offers stronger evidence for the law than that reported in previous studies devoted to its assessment. Finally, we demonstrate the presence of a clear rate dependency of the power law’s parameters. The robustness of the speed-curvature relation in our datasets lends further support to the hypothesis that the power law is a general feature of human movement. We place our results in the context of other work in movement control and consider implications for models of speech production.
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Wild African elephants are voracious eaters, consuming 180 g of food per minute. One of their methods for eating at this speed is to sweep food into a pile and then pick it up. In this combined experimental and theoretical study, we elucidate the elephant's unique method of picking up a pile of food by compressing it with its trunk. To grab the smallest food items, the elephant forms a joint in its trunk, creating a pillar up to 11 cm tall that it uses to push down on food. Using a force sensor, we show the elephant applies greater force to smaller food pieces, in a manner that is required to solidify the particles into a lump solid, as calculated by Weibullian statistics. Elephants increase the height of the pillar with the force required, achieving up to 28% of the applied force using the self-weight of the pillar alone. This work shows that elephants are capable of modulating the force they apply to granular materials, taking advantage of their transition from fluid to solid. In the future, heavy robotic manipulators may also form joints to compress and lift objects together.
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An intricate network of crevices adorns the skin surface of the African bush elephant, Loxodonta africana. These micrometre-wide channels enhance the effectiveness of thermal regulation (by water retention) as well as protection against parasites and intense solar radiation (by mud adherence). While the adaptive value of these structures is well established, their morphological characterisation and generative mechanism are unknown. Using microscopy, computed tomography and a custom physics-based lattice model, we show that African elephant skin channels are fractures of the animal brittle and desquamation-deficient skin outermost layer. We suggest that the progressive thickening of the hyperkeratinised stratum corneum causes its fracture due to local bending mechanical stress in the troughs of a lattice of skin millimetric elevations. The African elephant skin channels are therefore generated by thickening of a brittle material on a locally-curved substrate rather than by a canonical tensile cracking process caused by frustrated shrinkage.
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Several types of curvilinear movements obey approximately the so called 2/3 power law, according to which the angular speed varies proportionally to the 2/3 power of the curvature. The origin of the law is debated but it is generally thought to depend on physiological mechanisms. However, a recent paper (Marken and Shaffer, Exp Brain Res 88:685–690, 2017) claims that this power law is simply a statistical artifact, being a mathematical consequence of the way speed and curvature are calculated. Here we reject this hypothesis by showing that the speed-curvature power law of biological movements is non-trivial. First, we confirm that the power exponent varies with the shape of human drawing movements and with environmental factors. Second, we report experimental data from Drosophila larvae demonstrating that the power law does not depend on how curvature is calculated. Third, we prove that the law can be violated by means of several mathematical and physical examples. Finally, we discuss biological constraints that may underlie speed-curvature power laws discovered in empirical studies.
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A hydrostatic skeleton is a fluid mechanism that provides a means by which contractile elements may be antagonized (1). Hydrostatic skeletons occur in a remarkable variety of organisms with examples not only from invertebrates but also from vertebrates. A hydrostatic skeleton is typically considered to include a liquid-filled cavity surrounded by a muscular wall reinforced with connective tissue fibres. This form of hydrostatic skeleton is seen, for example, in cnidarian polyps, holothuroid echinoderms, echinoderm water vascular systems, many molluscan bodies and organs and annelid, sipunculid, ncmcrtean, and nematode worms (for reviews see refs. 1-7). Comparison of a variety of hydrostatic skeletal support systems shows that the extent and volume of the liquid-filled cavity is variable. In particular, recent work bas identified a number of hydrostatic skeletons, termed muscular hydroslah, that consist of a tightly packed three-dimensional array for muscle fibres (8, 9). Examples of muscular hydrostats include the arms and tentacles, fins, suckers and mantles of cephalopod molluscs, a variety of molluscan structures, the tongues of many mammals and lizards. and the trunk of the elephant.
Drawing movements have been shown to comply with a power law constraining local curvature and instantaneous speed. In particular, ellipses have been extensively studied, enjoying a 2/3 exponent. While the origin of such a non-trivial relationship remains debated, it has been proposed to be an outcome of the least action principle whereby mechanical work is minimized along 2/3 power law trajectories. Here we demonstrate that this claim is flawed. We then study a wider range of curves beyond ellipses that can have 2/3 power law scaling. We show that all such geometries are quasi-pure and with the same spectral frequency. We then numerically estimate that their dynamics produce minimum jerk. Finally, using variational calculus and simulations, we discover that equi-affine displacement is invariant across different kinematics, power law or otherwise. In sum, we deepen and clarify the relationship between geometric purity, kinematic scaling and dynamic optimality for trajectories beyond ellipses. It is enticing to realize that we still do not fully understand why we move our pen on a piece of paper the way we do.
Complex animal behaviors are likely built from simpler modules, but their systematic identification in mammals remains a significant challenge. Here we use depth imaging to show that 3D mouse pose dynamics are structured at the sub-second timescale. Computational modeling of these fast dynamics effectively describes mouse behavior as a series of reused and stereotyped modules with defined transition probabilities. We demonstrate this combined 3D imaging and machine learning method can be used to unmask potential strategies employed by the brain to adapt to the environment, to capture both predicted and previously hidden phenotypes caused by genetic or neural manipulations, and to systematically expose the global structure of behavior within an experiment. This work reveals that mouse body language is built from identifiable components and is organized in a predictable fashion; deciphering this language establishes an objective framework for characterizing the influence of environmental cues, genes and neural activity on behavior. Video Abstract Download video (41MB)Help with mp4 files