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An experiential learning-integrated framework to improve problem-solving skills of engineering graduates


Abstract and Figures

Purpose Problem solving skills (PSS), an important component of learning outcomes, is one of the desirable skills in engineering graduates as stated by many employers, researchers and government bodies in India for a strong foothold in professional world. There is a need to develop comprehensive understanding and integration of theory (concept) and practice (process) of PSS in the context of experiential learning (EL). Design/methodology/approach The present study is qualitative in nature using a conceptual research design focussing on synthesis and model building framework. The key elements of the study are PSS, EL and their integration. The study seeks to develop conceptual integration of PSS across multiple theories and perspectives. It offers an enhanced view of a concept of PSS by summarising and integrating extant knowledge. It presents the complete and comprehensive meaning/definition of PSS. Subsequently, it also explores EL and synthesises the different variants of EL that can be used to develop PSS. Finally, the study builds a theoretical framework that proposes integration and interplay between PSS and EL. Findings Problem-solving operates at three levels: problem concept (nature and context), process (stages with strategies) and solution (open-ended). EL can be used as a tool to develop PSS in an integrated manner. It is found that EL and problem-solving interplay with each other as both are cyclic in nature and have commonalities strengthening each other. Practical implications The proposed framework can be adopted in engineering education for making the engineering graduates job ready. Originality/value The study proposes a framework based on integration of EL and problem-solving focusing on specific aims and goals of the course, learning approaches, learning strategies and authentic learning (learning environment). This integration would bridge the gap between engineering education and industry requirements. EL integrated problem-solving focus on pedagogical knowledge (knowing how to facilitate discussion among learners and curricular knowledge) and instructional knowledge (knowing how to introduce, organise different methods and assess).
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An experiential
learning-integrated framework to
improve problem-solving skills of
engineering graduates
Kuldip Singh Sangwan
Mechanical Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science,
Pilani, India, and
Rajni Singh
Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India
Purpose Problem solving skills (PSS), an important component of learning outcomes, is one of the desirable
skills in engineering graduates as stated by many employers, researchers and government bodies in India for a
strong foothold in professional world. There is a need to develop comprehensive understanding and integration
of theory (concept) and practice (process) of PSS in the context of experiential learning (EL).
Design/methodology/approach The present study is qualitative in nature using a conceptual research
design focussing on synthesis and model building framework. The key elements of the study are PSS, EL and
their integration. The study seeks to develop conceptual integration of PSS across multiple theories and
perspectives. It offers an enhanced view of a concept of PSS by summarising and integrating extant knowledge.
It presents the complete and comprehensive meaning/definition of PSS. Subsequently, it also explores EL and
synthesises the different variants of EL that can be used to develop PSS. Finally, the study builds a theoretical
framework that proposes integration and interplay between PSS and EL.
Findings Problem-solving operates at three levels: problem concept (nature and context), process (stages
with strategies) and solution (open-ended). EL can be used as a tool to develop PSS in an integrated manner. It is
found that EL and problem-solving interplay with each other as both are cyclic in nature and have
commonalities strengthening each other.
Practical implications The proposed framework can be adopted in engineering education for making the
engineering graduates job ready.
Originality/value The study proposes a framework based on integration of EL and problem-solving
focusing on specific aims and goals of the course, learning approaches, learning strategies and authentic
learning (learning environment). This integration would bridge the gap between engineering education and
industry requirements. EL integrated problem-solving focus on pedagogical knowledge (knowing how to
facilitate discussion among learners and curricular knowledge) and instructional knowledge (knowing how to
introduce, organise different methods and assess).
Keywords Problem-solving skills, Process, Stages and strategies, Experiential learning, Reflection,
Engineering education
Paper type Conceptual paper
1. Introduction
An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems along with other abilities is
an essential skill to be possessed by engineers (ABET, 2014). Problem-solving leads to better
engineering knowledge and skills in real-world engineering (Pan and Strobel, 2013). Thus,
preparing students to solve complex problems is an identified area of need in engineering
education (Kirn and Benson, 2018).
solving skills
This research is sponsored by the Indiana Council of Social Science Research, Ministry of Education,
India, New Delhi through the grant No. 3-29/2019-20/PDF/GEN entitled Assessment of problem solving
and social skills in engineering education: bridging the gap between academia and industry.
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at:
Received 26 February 2021
Revised 9 June 2021
20 July 2021
Accepted 26 July 2021
Higher Education, Skills and
Work-Based Learning
Vol. 12 No. 2, 2022
pp. 241-255
© Emerald Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/HESWBL-02-2021-0033
Problem-solving is one of the most important skills which can be acquired at school and in
life (Jonassen, 2004). Problem-solving skills (PSS) are considered essential in engineering
education by employers, researchers (Minocha et al., 2018;Blume et al., 2015; international
forums (OECD, 2018;World Economic Forum, 2018) and various accredited boards
(International Engineering Alliance, 2013) around the globe. Even industry feel that the
graduate engineers lack specialised knowledge, predominantly PSS (B
uth et al., 2017). The
engineering graduates are not found suitable for direct employment in industry in India
(Reddy, n.d.;ILO Projects Unemployment Rate, 2018;Skill Development in India, n.d.;World
Bank, 2016).
Studies have focused on the possible reasons for lacking PSS such as theory-based
teaching, outdated curriculum and academic environment isolated from industry work
(Minocha et al., 2018; Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and
EY 2016), learnersunawareness (Berdanier et al., 2014), misconception and more practice on
well-defined and structured problems, and limited understanding of the process of problem-
solving (Jonassen, 2000b,2010). In addition to all these reasons, there is also need to pay
attention on the comprehensive understanding of PSS to make it practical in real-life
situations and need to focus more on practice/experience integrated problem-solving than
relying only on theoretical assumptions.
Researchers have discussed PSS in multiple ways and have acknowledged its importance at
multiple levels. By looking at the literature review, it is found that various researchers have
focussed on many aspects of it either adding to or adapting to the already existing one. The
widely used aspect of PSS is its usage as process. The aspects of the process that get
highlighted are stages and strategies (Woods et al., 2000;Woods, 2000). Problem-solving is a
process to find the unknown (Jonassen, 2000b) having different stages, each with strategies
(Woods, 2000). The stages discussed vary as per the context, requirement, problem types, etc.
The minimumstages are two, and the maximum stages are six (seeTable 1). PSS is a systematic
process to deal with real-world problems (Laksov, 2019). It enables the learners to adapt to
provide suitable solutions with available resources. The systematic process emphasises
reflection (Missingham et al.,2018;Thieken, 2012;Woods et al., 2000;Woods, 2000).
The systematic process of PSS comprises different combinations of sub-skills. Problem-
solving comprises sub-skills like information processing memory (cognitive skills) (Khalil and
Author(s) Characteristics-described PSS as a process with stages Limitations
et al. (2020)
Process Plan Monitor Reflect (1) All these
on PSS
only as a
(2) No
focus on
nature of
Kirn and
(m) process
Move from
stages of m
et al. (2017)
Identifying a
Defining the
Greiff et al.
Engage Identify Explore Plan, do it Look back
and Stein
of problems
Looking for
output and
the strategies
back and
Table 1.
Different perspectives
of PSS
Elkhider, 2016;Mayer and Wittrock, 2006;Woods, 2000), constructivist and contextualised
learning (situated cognition) (Jonassen, 2000b), motivational and emotional aspects (Dost
al, 2014),
metacognitive and attitudinal skills (Woods, 2000;Mayer, 1998), and thinking skills
(Carson, 2007).
Process is one of the aspects of PSS that entails its credibility. There are other aspects
which contribute to the development of PSS. In addition to the process of problem-solving, it
is important to understand the types of problem(Jonassen, 2000b) to be solved. Problems
are of different types (Mayer and Wittrock, 2006;Jonassen, 2000b). Solving ill-structured
problems calls for different skills than solving well-structured problems (Shin et al., 2003).
Therefore, before dealing with development and enhancement of PSS among engineering
graduates, an understanding of the concept of PSS is required. Even, Jonassen (2006)
emphasised the role of concepts in learning and instruction. The teaching/learning with
complete understanding of PSS concept will enable the engineering graduates to use PSS in
real-world environment.
At the same time, problem-solving is found to be an integral part of experiential learning
(EL), which is a four faceted process of experiencing, reflecting, thinking and acting (Kolb and
Kolb, 2018). EL develops conceptual understanding, initiates the process of application
(Savery, 2015;Efstratia, 2014) and fosters complex PSS (Marshall et al., 2016;Bernik and
c, 2012). Even, Jonassen (2011) supports problem-solving in problem-based learning
(PBL) (one of the variants of EL). Consequently, various studies stress the implementation of
EL into engineering education (Li et al., 2019;Mehrtash et al., 2019;Gadola and Chindamo,
2019). It is important to comprehend the concept of EL, the association between conceptual
understanding and problem-solving process (procedural) and how to facilitate it in
developing PSS (Morris, 2019).
2. Methodology
The present study is qualitative in nature using a conceptual research approach (Jaakkola,
2020): theory synthesis (Becker and Jaakkola, 2020;White et al., 2019) and model design
(Huang and Rust, 2018;Payne et al., 2017). The key elements of the study are PSS, EL and
their integration in the context of engineering education. As per theory synthesis, the study
has summarised the conceptual integration across multiple theoretical perspectives of PSS
and EL. Based on the synthesis, the study has built the integrated model framework. To
understand the role of different theories and concepts in the study, further domain and
method theory have been applied. PSS is the domain theory, and integrated EL is the method
theory. A domain theory is an area of study characterised by a specific set of constructs,
theories and assumptions (MacInnis, 2011); a method theory is a meta-level conceptual
system for studying the essential features of the domain theory at hand (Lukka and Vinnari,
2014). All the papers were searched from Scopus, Eric, Web of Science and Proquest using
keywords competence, skills, PSS, EL, teaching/learning technique and engineering/higher
education. For inclusion/exclusion criterion, the papers directly focus on the clarity of the
concept and the relationship between PSS and EL in the context of engineering/higher
education. The exclusion criteria were articles not in the context of engineering education, not
focussed on PSS and reports. The remaining articles not related to PSS, and its association
with EL was also excluded. The study seeks to develop conceptual integration of PSS across
multiple theories and perspectives based on the proposed research framework (see Figure 1).
Thus, to address the issue of PSS in the context of EL, the study proposes three objectives
(followed by research questions) as follows:
(1) To develop a comprehensive concept of PSS
What knowledge and skills are required to develop PSS?
solving skills
What are the theoretical and procedural aspects of PSS?
What are the challenges in the development of PSS?
(2) To explore EL and its variants and to identify interplay between EL and PSS
What are the different types of EL?
What are the theoretical and procedural aspects of EL?
Which EL technique/types cater better to the development of PSS?
Which elements of EL and PSS constitute interplay?
(3) To develop an experiential integrated framework focussing on pedagogical
knowledge, curricular knowledge and instructional knowledge
The study aims to present the experiential-integrated framework, with challenges and possible
solutions towards PSS and the interplay between EL and PSS along with instructional
3. Problem-solving skills
The ensuing three sections correspond to conceptualisation, challenges and overcoming.
3.1 Conceptualisation
To understand the concept of PSS across multiple theories, the present study has analysed
existing models (see Table 1) from the 1990s to present. A comprehensive integration of all the
models was done by Carson in 2007; this integration included all the models till 1990s. His
analysis focused on highlighting all the essential gleanings integrating PSS as a process.
The studies (Table 1) have defined the PSS in terms of process comprising stages and
strategies. The focus is on functionality and implementation of PSS in different contexts.
However, these studies focus more on the process and less on the types of problems and
solutions, which is also the requirement for successful development of PSS (see Figure 2).
There are other groups of researchers (Cho and Jonassen, 2002;Woods, 2000;Jonassen,
2000b;Mayer and Wittrock, 2006) who stated that there is a need to focus and differentiate
between the types of problem, different skills involved in problem-solving in addition to
Synthesis PSS in
Model Building
Model Building
(PSS and EL
Synthesis EL in
Application in
EL techniques
EL integrated
framework for
PSS in
Figure 1.
process. In total, 11 types of problems vary according to their structuredness, complexity,
abstractness and situatedness (Jonassen, 2000b). Before looking at the process of problem-
solving, it is important to understand the types of problems. Problems vary in their nature,
context, constraints, components, interactions, etc (Cho and Jonassen, 2002;Woods, 2000).
Problems may be ill-defined/well-defined or routine/non-routine (Mayer and Wittrock, 2006),
ill-structured/well-structured along with differences in cognitive processing used (Jonassen,
2000b). Therefore, all the problems cannot be treated in the same way. The instructional
design should differ as per problem type.
Thus, it becomes important to integrate the theory (problem concept) and practical aspects
(process) of PSS to have concrete and comprehensive conceptualization of PSS. Problem
(nature, context and individual differences), problem-solving process (stages with strategies)
and solution (open-ended) are the three concepts of PSS. Problem-solving is more of a process
than product as both the conceptual (knowledge) and procedural (process) aspects of
problem-solving are integrated. Problem-solving starts with the problem identification,
definition, solution generation, outcome anticipation, solution implementation and reflection.
3.2 Challenges in the development of problem-solving skills
Based on literature review, the development of PSS faces three types of challenges: problem
concept, problem-solving process and influencing factors.
Well-structured problems, at times, are inconsistent with the nature of the problems
typically found at the end of textbook chapters and in examinations that require the
application of a finite number of concepts, rules and principles to a constrained problem
situation (Jonassen, 2000b). This leads to the discrepancy between what learners are required
to know and what learners get to know. Learner-centric learning (Struyven et al., 2006),
problem and project-based learning (Savery, 2015), open-ended learning environments
(Hannafin et al., 1997) focus on developing PSS. The instructional strategies used in these
methods to support the implicit process of problem-solving include authentic cases,
simulations, modelling, coaching and scaffolding, but these strategies do not consider the
nature of the problem (Jonassen, 2000a).
Chronological application of stages does not always lead to successful problem-solving.
For example, reflecting (going back, restructuring and moving ahead) occurs at each level.
Therefore, non-linearity during problem-solving is well accepted (Woods, 2000). The
problem-solving process comprises process and solution. The instructional focus is on
developing what to thinkand then how to think(Snyder and Snyder, 2008). The process of
problem-solving categorises the complete problem into sub-problems (Fernandes and Simon,
1999). Meta-cognitive skills (Guerrero et al., 2014;Shin et al., 2003) along with cognitive
Nature and context
Stages and strategies
Problem identification –
solution generation through
reflection & meta-cognition
Typ es
Open-ended (unknown) and
close-ended (known)
Problem Solving Skills (PSS)
Figure 2.
of PSS
solving skills
processes are required (Jonassen, 2000b). The lack of knowledge of the difference between
process and solution adds to the challenges (Strobel, 2007). These digressions challenge open-
ended solution generation in the problem-solving process.
The cognitive processing in problem-solving includes external factors and internal
characteristics of the problem solver (Smith, 2012). External factors are the variations in
problem type (defined-ill defined) and its representation (context). Internal characteristics
include variations in motivations, beliefs, etc. that the problem solver brings with them.
Knowledge and cognitive process, individual differences (attitude, beliefs, motivation,
metacognition and learning strategy), personal aims and collaborative problem-solving are
the influencing factors of problem-solving process (Chen et al., 2019;Safari and Meskini, 2016;
Lin et al., 2015;Mayer and Wittrock, 2006;Jonassen, 2000b;Woods, 2000;Mayer, 1998).
Therefore, it is important to consider these aspects also in addition to comprehension of
problem-solving concept.
3.3 Overcoming the challenges to enhance problem-solving skills
There is a difference between the structure of the problem and the structure of the process
(Strobel, 2007). The conceptual and procedural aspects need integration; understanding the
process of learning with what is learned (Snyder and Snyder, 2008). There should be equal
focus on both the solution and its process.
The stages of problem-solving process are inter-related and incursive (Strobel, 2007;
Jonassen et al., 2006;Mayer and Wittrock, 2006;Jonassen, 2000b;Woods et al., 2000). Meta-
cognition at each stage demands problem-relevant awareness of ones thinking, monitoring of
cognitive processes, regulation of cognitive processes and application of heuristics
(Hennessey, 2003). The practice of contextualised and ill-structured problems develops
reasoning skills in learners (Jonassen, 2000b). The process of finding the solutions to
problems cultivates creative thinking (Jordan et al., 2018;Scogin et al., 2017). The explicit
questioning techniques, such as what, why and how; practice and feedback, integrated with
monitoring and reflection (Woods et al., 2000) add to the problem-solving outcomes. Defining
and identifying enable the learners to be attentive, active and classify the given information
as per the goal, situation and constraints. The active learners could underline key ideas and
monitor their own process (Woods et al., 2000).
Reflect, evaluate, assess and look back are essential components of a problem-solving
process. Learners can question how to approach the task through this process. Now the
question arises, why reflection is paid attention to at the only one stage and that too at the end.
Reflection is recursive in nature, and process and should occur throughout the process (Barell,
2007). Reflection allows critical analysis of the relationship between theory and practical
application (Howatson-Jones, 2016) and allows the learner and facilitator to reflect on the
knowledge gained (acquisition) and application in EL (Woods, cited in McLoughlin and
Darvill, 2007). Reflection helps solvers to focus on the learning as well as the process (M
and Henning, 2017). Thus, PSS can be developed through experience-based practice.
Thus, answering the proposed research objective one, it has been found that the knowledge
required to develop PSS is to understand the meaning of problem-solving concept: problem,
process and solution. The focus should not be only on process but also on the type of problem and
solution generated. PSS is a multifaceted process with multiple stages. Reflection is one of the
important stages. However, reflection should be used at every stage explicitly as it is recursive in
nature. As the stages of the process are incursive in nature, the process cannot be in linear
sequence always. The skills required in developingPSSarecognitionandmetacognitionwitha
focus on reflection and monitoring about the action taking place to move in the right direction.
The understanding of PSS demands a proper framework with an explicit focus on
Method(approach, design and procedure) (Richards and Rodgers, 2014) in the context of
EL. The approach defines the learning theories, learning styles and beliefs; design defines the
aims, goals, content organisation and role of the teacher/learner/instructional material; and
procedure defines the specific task, practice, technique and activity.
4. Experiential learning and engineering education
There are a number of different learning approaches such as experiential learning,
co-operative learning, adventure learning and apprenticeship with a focus on learner-centric
and active learning (Bates, 2019) used in engineering education. In experiential learning
theory (ELT), knowledge is created through the transformation of experience(Kolb, 1984,
p. 38). ELT has four cyclic stages: (1) concrete experience (experiencing) the learners
engagement in the experience to learn; (2) reflective observation (reflecting) learnersreview
from their experience; (3) abstract conceptualisation (thinking) learners try to apply the
knowledge that they have already acquired to explain and justify through their experience
and (4) active experimentation (acting) the way of learners in making use of what they have
acquired from the experience into future applications.
In experiential learning like PBL, projects help learners to achieve competencies,
interrelate disciplines and identify problems in the process of problem-solving (Edstr
om and
Kolmos, 2014). EL fosters critical thinking skills in learners (Scogin et al., 2017). Experience
leads to deep learning. Deep learning (one of the learning approaches identified in the
literature particularly with engineering education) concentrates on the meaning of what is
learned (Jackson, 2012). Deep learning describes the developmental process of learning that
fully integrates the four stages of the EL cycle (Border, 2007) as learning in EL is viewed as an
integrated process with each stage being mutually supportive of and feeding into the next
(Kolb and Fry, 1975).
In the present study, EL is used for learning techniques based on learning by doing,
experiencing, and reflecting. The six EL techniques include PBL, project-based learning
(PrBL), research-based learning (RBL), case-based learning (CBL), inquiry-based learning
(IBL) and discovery-based learning (DBL). The EL pedagogy is to facilitate the PSS where
learners can develop a deeper understanding and reflect on knowledge through experience.
Constructivism, learner-centric pedagogy, reflection and active engagement are
predominant among all the six EL techniques (Bates, 2019;Lazonder and Harmsen, 2016;
Savery, 2015;Healey et al., 2014;Prince and Felder, 2006;French, 2006;Savin-Baden and
Major, 2004). PBL and RBL develop PSS to the maximum as compared to PrBL (Singh et al.,
2019;Missingham et al., 2018;Efstratia, 2014;Ferreira and Trudel, 2012). The teacher in EL
acts as a facilitator rather than a lecturer, and the teaching becomes learner centric rather
than teacher centric. The role of the facilitator is critical in facilitating and guiding the
learning process (Bates, 2019). The facilitator provides less information related to the problem
in PBL and RBL as compared to PrBL (Savery, 2015) but guides the learners by presenting
several ideas, methods and tools in PBL (Edstr
om and Kolmos, 2014) and acts as a catalyst to
direct the group without leading the learners (Covill et al., 2011). The role of the learner is more
active and self-dependent in PBL and RBL as compared to PrBL. The learners are trained to
use reflection as a method to process the experience. The learners have less autonomy in
PrBL due to inputoutput (product-oriented) approach, as PBL and RBL are based on
process-oriented approach.
PBL enhances deep learning (Dolmans et al., 2016) and metacognition (Sart, 2014;
Downing et al., 2009). The EL process provides sufficient scaffolding (extensive support and
supervision as and when required followed by the gradual withdrawal of the support
provided by the facilitator). Continuous, multidimensional, non-evaluative, supportive,
timely, specific, credible, infrequent and genuine feedback can be a powerful tool in learners
learning (Schwartz and White, 2000).
Due to the change in the role of teacher in EL and unawareness of ELs culture, availability
of motivated and well-trained faculty to take on the role of facilitator becomes more important
solving skills
(Win et al., 2015). PBL is not a simple application of the methodology that can be transferred to
the classroom without making structural and cultural changes (Savin-Baden and Major, as
cited in Da Silva et al., 2018;M
uller and Henning, 2017;Bouhuijs, 2011). The introduction of
EL requires the teacher as well as learner to get familiar with the new cultural aspects of
teaching/learning (M
uller and Henning, 2017). The development of appropriate problem
(variations in nature and context) with open-ended solutions through EL is not simple. The
concept of problemremains a challenge in itself, as facilitators need to rethink in terms of
structured/ill-structured or well-defined/ill-defined. The well-defined and ill-defined problems
require different cognitive processes. Therefore, facilitators should know how to introduce,
organise different methods and consider different instructional models for well-structured
and ill-structured problem-solving learning outcomes. The facilitator should practice the
step-by-step process in their instructions. To develop the EL problems, there should be a
general awareness to the ambiguous problem representations (context), their characteristics
(problem, solution and process) and their consequences in practice. Though EL caters to the
development of PSS, it requires changes in the organisational structure and culture (in terms
of learning environment, role of teacher/learner and strategies).
Reflection, experience and process remain the common elements in PSS and EL.
Therefore, it is important to understand that the teaching/learning needs to adopt reflective
practice (what, why, how). Knowing EL and problem-solving as a learner-centric approach
and adapting the same as a teaching habit to facilitate practice are two different aspects.
Teachers as tutors need to reflect on their present facilitating habits and check whether they
are helpful. The implicit theories, problem representation, problem-solving process and
possible problem-solving outcomes need to be more explicit in nature.
Followed by second research objective, to answer the third research objective, it is
essential to have a framework with a focus on all aspects of any course to be taught: aims
(objective) and goal (learning outcome); learning approaches; teaching/learning strategy and
authentic learning (learning environment).
5. Proposed experiential learning-integrated framework to improve problem-
solving skills
The present study proposes an EL-integrated framework (Figure 3) to improve PSS of
engineering graduates. The integration is required as EL is found to interplay with problem-
solving being both cyclic in nature and have commonalities strengthening each other. The
framework has three distinct features: EL process at the base; four pillars identified in this
research to develop effective problem learning skills in engineering graduates and problem-
solving skill development process for enhanced PSS as explained next. Figure 3 shows the
EL-integrated problem-solving framework (House) for improvement in PSS of engineering
The EL as a base depicts the complete process of learning with its stages which is cyclic in
nature. These stages (engagement, experiment, reflection, thinking and improvement) are
integrated and mutually support each other. Through these stages, the learner may be actively
engaged in posing questions, investigating, experimenting being curious and creative, solving
problems, assuming responsibility and constructing meaning. These can be supported by the
facilitator by setting suitable experiences (in the form of problems), explaining the boundaries
and scope to facilitate the learning. It functions as a strong foundation for developing the PSS.
Without following the basic process of EL, PSS cannot be developed effectively.
The proposed four pillars function as root concepts for developing PSS in engineering
graduates. The four pillars are designed to answer the two research questions proposed at the
beginning. These pillars that function in an integrated manner focus on pedagogical methods
and instructional methodology to be followed for developing and enhancing PSS as explained:
Educational aim and goal: Properly defined aims and goals make the process more
systematic as acknowledged by accrediting boards, academicians and practitioners. It is also
important to associate the stated objective with the learning outcome of a course to monitor
the process and avoid digression. The aim of engineering education should be outcome-based
learning as per emphasis, process, expectations and opportunities. The outcome-based
learning brings more clarity in teaching/learning. A learning outcome defines an ability of a
learner to learn and experience. The goals such as skill development, project development,
research ability, knowledge development, etc. engage the learner in learning through
experience and reflection.
Learning approaches: Engineering education needs to embrace new cultural aspects
of EL (M
uller and Henning, 2017). The learning approaches are the theoretical assumptions on
which the teaching/learning techniques are based. Approaches like open-ended and learner-
centric, meta-cognition, reflection, deep learning, scaffolding, constructivism and individual
differences are required to bridge the between academia and industry (theory and practice).
The teaching/learning based on these approaches engages the student to self-reflect in finding
the solutions to different problems leading to the development of effective PSS.
Authentic learning: The learning environment should be authentic, which means the
learning environment consists inside as well as outside the classroom. The problems vary in
nature and context. The authentic situation is contextual situations; one of the pre-requisites
of problem-solving process. Engaging the learners in authentic learning brings contextual
experiences through training, internships, industrial visits, simulations, learning factories
(LFs) and collaboration. This enables the learners to engage in open-ended, multi-disciplinary
and industry projects. Simulations improve learning outcomes and could effectively serve as
the problemin a PBL designed course (Miller and Maellaro, 2016;Anderson and Lawton,
2004). LF are a paradigm shift to industry partnered, interdisciplinary, real-world problem-
solving in engineering education (Lamancusa et al., 2008). The concept of LF, virtual
laboratories, modelling or simulations in addition to theoretical aspects can be used to
promote a more active role of learners.
Teaching/learning strategy: The three most useful EL techniques in engineering
education are PBL, PrBL and RBL. Problem identification and solving through projects is the
main feature of these three techniques. These learning techniques create new knowledge
acquisition, knowledge application and self-awareness without the fear of failure. Interaction
Problem Solving Skills
Problem Process Solution
Learning approaches
(Deep learning, Scaffolding, Learner-
centric & open-ended, Reflection &
meta-cognition, Constructivism,
Individual differences)
Authentic learning
(Collaboration, Classroom
(lecture/tuts), Industrial visits, Internal
& External training, Virtual labs,
simulation , & LFs, Regular
Teaching/learning strategy
(PBL, PrBL, RBL, Instructional
strategy, Peer feedback, Flexible
assessment, Teamwork)
Experiential Learning
Engage Improve
Experience Reflect Think
Figure 3.
framework for
improving PSS of
engineering graduates
solving skills
with the facilitator and peers allows deeper/critical reflection (Collins et al., 2016). The
facilitator helps learners identify and avoid inappropriate enquiries, frame and ask
appropriate questions, indulge into the process of reflection, ask all the queries, how to seek
answers for probing and leading questions (Covill et al., 2011) and appreciate the process of
learning and also focussing on the solutions (Savin-Baden and Major, 2004). Both learning
process and knowledge acquisition are important in EL and problem-solving. Therefore, the
traditional assessment methods should be flexible, reliable and continuous. Besides written
and oral components, peer feedback, informal feedback via discussion, rubric and reflective
journals (all are continuous in nature) could also be used as an assessment tool. These
assessments can be used in accordance with the individual differences of the learners to get
the desired outcome. Learners and learning differ in terms of intelligence, interest, attitude,
anxiety, motivation, etc.
There is a need to arouse interest and motivation among learners to solve the problem
through reflection based instructional materials. The designing of the problem and task is not
sufficient. The pedagogical expertise (instructional materials) should include observations of
small group discussions, exploratory interactions with tutors and learners, and regular
documentation of the discussion outcomes. In addition, online platforms can be used to
discuss the details of new cases and relevant problems before and shortly after each session.
Debriefing the learners to recall the previous discussions would also help the learners to
associate them with present discussion.
Instead of solving the problem individually, teamwork seems to be a more appropriate
strategy used in developing PSS, as it promotes a collaborative environment, though it is not
easy to structure and manage the teams. In a team, learners can gather information, interact,
discuss and get feedback about the problem and process. The collaborative environment in a
team allows for more critical thinking as learners need to think and reflect on their process
with essential questionsand self-assess throughout the learning experience.
The third part of the framework, the roof as PSS is strengthened by the base and pillars. It
seems to consider the interplay between PSS and EL as both have stages that are interrelated
and cyclic in nature. It also clearly presents the PSS as problem, process and solution, which
are interrelated with each other.
6. Conclusions
The findings reveal that EL techniques are highly effective for development and
improvement of PSS in engineering graduates. The literature shows many challenges in
its implementation due to structural and cultural changes in the teaching/learning
environment. The paper identifies the conceptualization and challenges of PSS. It is found
that the linking of learning approaches and strategies with a real work environment should
be focussed to enhance PSS at the levels of problem, process and solution.
The study proposes an integrated approach to develop the PSS in engineering education
and proposes a house framework consisting the foundation, pillars and roof. The framework
proposes that the aims and goals of the course, learning approaches, learning strategies and
authentic learning (learning environment) integrate EL as a base for bridging the gap
between engineering education and industry requirements. It is found that EL and problem-
solving interplay with each other as both are cyclic in nature and have commonalities
strengthening each other.
Further, there is a need to investigate the impact of newer learning environments as LF
and virtual laboratory through quantitative and qualitative analyses. There should be more
action research on the comprehension of types of problem, process adopted and multiple
solutions generated. An in-depth observation of instructorsstrategy and the attitude and
motivation of the instructor/learner in the EL environment with specific focus to PSS is
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pp. 75-91.
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Kuldip Singh Sangwan can be contacted at:
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solving skills
... In the context of mathematics, experiential learning might involve real-world applications, mathematical modeling, or even field experiences, where students can witness mathematical principles in action (Tong et al., 2020). This approach not only enhances their problem-solving abilities but also instills a sense of curiosity and discovery, making the learning process more engaging and meaningful (Nilimaa, 2023;Sangwan & Singh, 2022). ...
... Experiential learning emphasizes direct experiences as a core element of the educational process (Davidovitch et al., 2014), encouraging students to reflect on concrete experiences, engage in abstract conceptualization, active experimentation, and observation (Ali, 2023;Kolb, 1984;Kolb & Kolb, 2005). Several benefits of this learning model have been emphasized, including a deeper and lasting understanding of study topics (Nilimaa, 2023;Sangwan & Singh, 2022), enhanced creativity (Birgili, 2015), the development of internal dialogue, and increased student activity (Fink, 2003). Although the topic has been extensively studied on the international scene, it remains relatively unexplored in the Slovenian context, especially in the last years of primary school (e.g., grade 8). ...
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The present research investigates the effects of an active and experiential learning approach on eighth-grade students’ mathematics achievement employing a quasi-experimental research design. A total of 231 students from four Slovenian primary schools participated in the study, with 101 students assigned to the experimental group (EG) and 130 to the control group (CG). The study’s objectives included assessing whether students exposed to active learning methods would outperform their peers in solving mathematical problems across three cognitive levels (basic and conceptual knowledge, simple problem-solving, and complex problem-solving). The initial homogeneity test revealed significant differences between the groups, prompting a multivariate analysis of variance to control for school-related influences. Results indicate that the EG, exposed to the experimental approach, exhibited substantial improvements in all knowledge areas compared to the CG. While no significant differences were found in the initial test, the EG outperformed the CG significantly on the final test (η² = .009), across all levels of knowledge, with effect sizes ranging from .006 to .383. The findings support the integration of active and experiential learning in mathematics education, showcasing its positive impact on student outcomes. Policymakers and educators are encouraged to consider and implement such approaches to enhance overall educational effectiveness and foster deeper understanding and problem-solving skills in students.
... The process of assessing learning outcomes provides educators with information about students' progress toward achieving goals and achieving the goals that educators expect. This is strengthened by the fact that learning outcomes are competencies or skills that students can achieve after completing learning activities designed and implemented by teachers in a particular school or class [42]. We investigated the impact of flipbook media on student learning outcomes and found that students were able to follow lessons better. ...
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The aim of this research is to investigate the influence of flipbook learning media, learning interest, and learning motivation on junior high school students' learning outcomes. The method used is the regression method with a quantitative approach. This research was conducted at Junior High School 1 Yogyakarta with a sample of 64 class VIII social studies students. Data collection consists of interviews, observations, and documentation. Prerequisite test analysis consists of tests for normality, multicollinearity, and heteroscedasticity. Hypothesis testing using simple regression, and multiple regression. The research results show that there is an influence: i) flipbook learning media on learning outcomes with a tcount of 73.33, a significance value of 0.000 0.005, ii) interest in learning on learning outcomes with a tcount of 33.678, a significance value of 0.000 0.005, iii) learning motivation on learning outcomes with a tcount of 30.678, a significance value of 0.000 0.005, and iv) flipbook learning media, learning interest, and learning motivation together on learning outcomes with Fcount 47.879 Ftable 2.77 with a significance of 0.000 0.005. The conclusion is that the use of flipbook learning media, increasing interest in learning, and strengthening learning motivation can support each other to achieve optimal learning outcomes for students.
... context (Sangwan & Singh, 2022;Pratama, 2023;Rahman et al., 2023). Therefore, it is important to carry out a study regarding the application of the Project Based Learning model to students' creative thinking. ...
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This research is a qualitative study that uses meta analysis methods. The aim of this meta analysis is to find out whether there is an increase in students' creative thinking in the science learning context after implementing the Project Based Learning model. The data collection process was carried out by searching for journals that had been published in national journals using the Google Scholar platform. The ten journal articles analyzed came from publications in the last three years, namely the 2021-2023 period. This research process involves data collection steps, followed by data analysis. The analytical method used is qualitative analysis by applying the Miles and Huberman techniques. Based on the results of the meta analysis in this research, it can be concluded that the application of the Project Based Learning learning model is able to improve students' creative thinking in the science context.
... The non-sequentiality during the application of stages is in congruence with the literature (Missingham et al., 2018). The importance of process and its stages has to be strengthened in combination with problem and solution (Sangwan and Singh, 2022). ...
Purpose This study seeks insights into the engineering undergraduates’ knowledge of problem-solving process, teamwork characteristics and communication skills. Design/methodology/approach The data for the study were collected through consecutive sampling technique from 78 engineering undergraduates at the Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, Pilani Campus, India on a five-point Likert scale-based questionnaire. Findings Exploratory factor analysis results traced three stages of the problem-solving process. However, the results of teamwork characteristics and communication skills validated the literature-based results. An important finding was that all the three skills were correlated. This means that one skill can be used to develop and promote other skills. The paired sample t -test demonstrated that all the three skills were perceived with a difference, which indicates that these skills worked in collaboration without losing their individuality. Research limitations/implications This study supports that there is a need to engage learners in an active and collaborative environment to improve the engineering undergraduates’ knowledge of skills. Originality/value The conscious effort to make the engineering undergraduates aware would reduce the gap between the graduating engineers skills currently possessed in academia and the required skills at workplace.
... Moreover, the hands-on nature of SWA provided students with practical skills directly applicable to the workplace, making them more competitive candidates in the job market. This experiential learning approach not only enhances their technical proficiency [67,68] but also fosters the development of soft skills such as communication [69], teamwork [70], and problem solving [71]. This result suggests several practical implications, first in terms of recruitment and talent management. ...
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In the contemporary educational landscape, there is a growing recognition of the transformative impact of practical experiences within traditional learning frameworks. This shift reflects a pedagogical evolution that values contextualized learning and the acquisition of practical skills together with theoretical knowledge. In the Italian educational context, School–Work Alternation (SWA) represents a proactive response to the evolving needs of the workforce and the imperative for educational institutions to prepare students for professional life. This study’s objectives include a deep exploration of students’ SWA experience, evaluating its impact on employability perceptions and the sense of agency, examining the influence of Self-Orientation, and contributing insights to the discourse on integrating practical experiences in education. Employing a mixed methodology and a bottom-up approach, 63 high school students of different Italian regions participated in an online in-depth interview and an ad hoc questionnaire designed to measure the experience of SWA in relation to variables of interest, utility, advantage, perception of support, quality of received mentoring, engagement, and satisfaction. The quantitative results indicate that personal choice significantly influences the perceived usefulness of and satisfaction with SWA, with those students guided by curiosity exhibiting higher utility and satisfaction. Qualitative analysis underscores both positive and negative aspects, with respondents viewing SWA as a useful experience bridging work, corporate, and school realms provided that students are key players in the SWA experience’s choice and that the SWA’s partners are motivated to guide them in this practical training. Moreover, results highlight SWA’s relevance in guiding academic and career paths, emphasizing its potential to offer valuable support to students. This study contributes nuanced insights into integrating practical experiences in education, offering recommendations for educators and policymakers to better prepare students for the dynamic demands of the modern job market.
... The meaning of the term above is that as a human being, the obligation to learn starts from the womb to the grave. Learning can be done at any time, anytime, and anywhere [8]- [11]. ...
... Problem solving is a complex yet systematic process with criticality to address a dynamic issue and seek multifaceted and open ended solutions (Priemer et al., 2019). Problem-solving skills is not only about process (stages and strategies) but also about problem (nature and context) and solution (types) (Sangwan & Singh, 2021). ...
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The industry demands skill-equipped engineering graduates who could be efficient enough to adapt to face the challenges of uncertainty posed by a lack of skills and resources. Accreditation boards have identified problem-solving, teamwork, communication, etc. as the workplace required skills. However, industry/employers feel that the engineers seem to lack problem-solving, teamwork, etc. To groom these skills, experiential learning (EL) platform provides hands-on practice. Thus, the study aims to gain insights into the need of experiential learning to integrate learning and experience. The study, qualitative in nature, focuses on the essential skills, specifically problem-solving skills, against the applicability of experiential learning. Experiential learning allows engineering students to get a hands-on approach to practise their acquired skills to understand industrial needs and constraints. In the given context, problem solving helps in knowing what is learnt and what needs to be learnt.
Processability Theory (PT), which organizes the knowledge base of Second Language Acquisition (SLA), offers an explanation of acquisition sequences. The aim of this paper is to investigate validation of PT for Iranian EFL learners for the acquisition of “negation” and “interrogative” structures across five proficiency levels and compared it with the morpho-syntactic structures model suggested by Pienemann. From the 160 participants having distinct proficiency, the needed data was gathered. They were wanted to produce example of oral performance in semi-structured interview and picture description tasks. The Kruskal-Wallis test pointed that both “negation” and “interrogative” emerge in agreement with the order of acquisition forcasted by Pienemann. In other words, as the participants’ level of proficiency level grew, so did their correct use of interrogatives and negation. Thus, PT is validated for EFL students, too.
Purpose With past studies indicating a lack of skill development in engineering education, there is a need for new pedagogical tools that are application and skill-oriented. Hackathons are widely accepted in the corporate world, in the engineering domain for skill development and recruitment but have not gained acceptance in mainstream engineering education. Very few studies have discussed engineering educator views regarding hackathons and their benefits. This paper intends to study engineering educators' perception of the hackathon and its benefits after participating in it. The findings could support hackathons as a pedagogical tool to develop an industry-oriented and skill-based engineering education. Design/methodology/approach A mixed methods design was employed where initially qualitative study was conducted. Its findings were used to conduct survey of 162 engineering educators who had participated in a hackathon. A five point Likert scale was employed for data collection. Findings The findings reveal that engineering educators who participated in the hackathon perceived hackathons to support industry-focused learning, problem-solving and new skill development. They also acknowledged its role in their professional development. The further discussion suggests that engineering educators and institutes may collaborate with industry to design and use hackathons as a teaching tool to develop industry-ready graduates. Research limitations/implications The study was not designed to study how different aspects of hackathon lead to different benefits derived from participating in it. There is a need to study hackathons as a tool of pedagogy and assessment, focusing on how variables linked to it facilitate, moderate and hinder the learning and assessment process in participants. More in-depth studies need to be conducted to adopt the hackathon as a pedagogy and assessment tool in higher education. Practical implications The discussion suggests that designing hackathons effectively as a tool for learning and skill development will result in skilled graduates. Engineering educators should adopt hackathons as a pedagogy for their students. Management and policymakers of engineering institutes should consider hackathons as a part of pedagogy for students besides conducting hackathons for educators for their professional development that will be investment in skills helpful at workplace. Originality/value The notable contribution of this paper is to document perceptions of engineering educators regarding hackathons and their benefits after participating in a hackathon. The paper proposes that hackathons can be introduced in the engineering curriculum as they would offer educators a novel method of teaching and assessment and support engineering graduates in recruitment and making them industry-ready.
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Problem solving and researching are connected activities in the engineering profession and across education. The empirical research presented in this paper considered the effectiveness for teaching and learning of a model that was based on this connection and derived from the parameters of the Research Skill Development framework. The model, devised by students for students, is called the Optimising Problem Solving (OPS) pentagon, and was piloted in a large first-year engineering course in 2014-2015 and in another university in the first half of 2016. This article presents data from formal research conducted on the 2016 offering of the course gathered from pre (n=221) and post (n=169) surveys, and semi-structured interviews of students (n=5) and student/tutors (n=5) sixteen months after course completion. Statistically significant (p < 0.01) changes from pre to post in items with medium to large effect sizes provided student perspectives on which problem-solving skills improved, and the interview data provided rich detail on the nature of changes and how these changes were effected. For the 2016 cohort studied, our evidence suggests that use of the OPS pentagon was associated with improved student problem-solving skills, and tutors’ capacity to teach problem solving.
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As a powerful means of theory building, conceptual articles are increasingly called for in marketing academia. However, researchers struggle to design and write non-empirical articles because of the lack of commonly accepted templates to guide their development. The aim of this paper is to highlight methodological considerations for conceptual papers: it is argued that such papers must be grounded in a clear research design, and that the choice of theories and their role in the analysis must be explicated and justified. The paper discusses four potential templates for conceptual papers – Theory Synthesis, Theory Adaptation, Typology, and Model – and their respective aims, approach for using theories, and contribution potential. Supported by illustrative examples, these templates codify some of the tacit knowledge that underpins the design of non-empirical papers and will be of use to anyone undertaking, supervising, or reviewing conceptual research.
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Paper available at: Customer experience is a key marketing concept, yet the growing number of studies focused on this topic has led to considerable fragmentation and theoretical confusion. To move the field forward, this article develops a set of fundamental premises that reconcile contradictions in research on customer experience and provide integrative guideposts for future research. A systematic review of 136 articles identifies eight literature fields that address customer experience. The article then compares the phenomena and metatheoretical assumptions prevalent in each field to establish a dual classification of research traditions that study customer experience as responses to either (1) managerial stimuli or (2) consumption processes. By analyzing the compatibility of these research traditions through a metatheoretical lens, this investigation derives four fundamental premises of customer experience that are generalizable across settings and contexts. These premises advance the conceptual development of customer experience by defining its core conceptual domain and providing guidelines for further research.
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Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the factors that might affect learning performance and collaborative problem solving (CPS) awareness in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. We collected and analyzed data on important factors in STEM education, including learning strategy and learning behaviors, and examined their interrelationships with learning performance and CPS awareness, respectively. Multiple data sources, including learning tests, questionnaire feedback, and learning logs, were collected and examined following a learning analytics approach. Significant positive correlations were found for the learning behavior of using markers with learning performance and CPS awareness in group discussion, while significant negative correlations were found for some factors of STEM learning strategy and learning behaviors in pre-learning with some factors of CPS awareness. The results imply the importance of an efficient approach to using learning strategies and functional tools in STEM education.
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The engineering graduates should have interdisciplinary knowledge in addition to theoretical knowledge to survive in dynamic industrial environment. Literature reveals that Indian engineering graduates need to develop problem solving, solution development, social skills in engineering graduates. Research-based learning (RBL), one of the outcome-based learning techniques, closes the gap between theory and application. It involves the learner to design, experience and reflect the entire process of learning. Inquiry forms one of the important elements of RBL which also develops creativity and discovering new techniques breaking the monotonous process for solution development. The present study conducted an empirical analysis to examine the role of RBL in skill development of engineering graduates. The participants are the recent graduates of Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, Pilani campus and those who had done thesis/dissertation. Thesis/dissertation involves the learner in research process such as problem identification, hypothesis formulation, design, data collection and analysis, interpretation, critical review, etc. An online survey questionnaire has been used to assess the skills. The results demonstrated that the use of RBL develops and enhances problem solving, domain knowledge, language and communication, communication & information technology, general learning, academic knowledge, attitude, ethics skills. It is also opined that use of RBL and activities will foster to reduce the gap between the skills required in the industry and learned at the university. Thus, it is important to integrate the RBL in engineering curricula to provide exposure and develop required skills.
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This paper explores the ways in which employing experiential learning in the high education in Automotive Engineering by using computer-based simulation. A set of student-center simulation-based laboratory activities has been developed with a pedagogical approach is presented on basis of Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory. The chosen topic to be educated is road vehicle dynamic performance with focused on use of automotive standards and real-world problem in automotive industry. The pedagogical approach presented in this study can represent as a reference point for discussions in experiential learning environment for road vehicle dynamics curriculum, considering the use of the Kolb’s theory as a model for development of teaching-learning process and computer-based simulations as a teaching tool. As part of pedagogical proposal, this study is also focused on development of real-world experience in simulation environment as a concrete experiment in topics related to automotive industries. This paper considers the implication of concrete experimentation, reflective observation, and abstract conceptualization in all developed laboratory sessions for topic in road vehicle dynamics. Finally, some recommendations are recommended in order to help future works.
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Background: Recent developments in STEM and computer science education put a strong emphasis on twenty-first-century skills, such as solving authentic problems. These skills typically transcend single disciplines. Thus, problem-solving must be seen as a multidisciplinary challenge, and the corresponding practices and processes need to be described using an integrated framework. Purpose: We present a fine-grained, integrated, and interdisciplinary framework of problem-solving for education in STEM and computer science by cumulatively including ways of problem-solving from all of these domains. Thus, the framework serves as a tool box with a variety of options that are described by steps and processes for students to choose from. The framework can be used to develop competences in problem-solving. Sources of evidence: The framework was developed on the basis of a literature review. We included all prominent ways of domain-specific problem-solving in STEM and computer science, consisting mainly of empirically orientated approaches, such as inquiry in science, and solely theory-orientated approaches, such as proofs in mathematics. Main argument: Since there is an increasing demand for integrated STEM and computer science education when working on natural phenomena and authentic problems, a problem-solving framework exclusively covering the natural sciences or other single domains falls short. Conclusions: Our framework can support both practice and research by providing a common background that relates the ways, steps, processes, and activities of problem-solving in the different domains to one single common reference. In doing so, it can support teachers in explaining the multiple ways in which science problems can be solved and in constructing problems that reflect these numerous ways. STEM and computer science educational research can use the framework to develop competences of problem-solving at a fine-grained level, to construct corresponding assessment tools, and to investigate under what conditions learning progressions can be achieved.
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Highlighting the important role of marketing in encouraging sustainable consumption, the current research presents a review of the academic literature from marketing and behavioral science that examines the most effective ways to shift consumer behaviors to be more sustainable. In the process of the review, the authors develop a comprehensive framework for conceptualizing and encouraging sustainable consumer behavior change. The framework is represented by the acronym SHIFT, and it proposes that consumers are more inclined to engage in pro-environmental behaviors when the message or context leverages the following psychological factors: Social influence, Habit formation, Individual self, Feelings and cognition, and Tangibility. The authors also identify five broad challenges to encouraging sustainable behaviors and use these to develop novel theoretical propositions and directions for future research. Finally, the authors outline how practitioners aiming to encourage sustainable consumer behaviors can use this framework.