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Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research A Prospective Study On The Correlation Between Six Minute Walk Test And Forced Expiratory Volume At One Second In Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients

  • Karuna Medical College


COPD is a major cause of morbidity and mortality around the world. At present COPD is diagnosed and severity is assessed by spirometry base on FEV1 / FEC ratio and FEV1 percentage. In order to substitute spirometry a prospective cross sectional study is conducted to find the correlation between 6MWD and FEV1 for grading of COPD severity as per GOLD criteria. Materials and methods used are, a spirometer, pulse oximeter, bp apparatus, timer and 30meter hall was used to conduct the study from 70 patients diagnosed as COPD according to GOLD criteria. Study was conducted at chest hospital, Calicut, India from 2012 to 2014. Correlation between 6MWD and FEV1 was calculated using Spearmans Rank correlation coefficient. The results obtained are that, there was no correlation between six minute walk distance and FEV1 in COPD patients. There was significant statistical association between FEV1 and SpO 2 , i.e. as severity of airflow obstruction based on FEV1 values increases, chances of de-saturation also increases. And it is concluded that, there was no correlation between six minute walk distance and FEV1 in COPD patients. KEYWORDS: Six minute walk test, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), forced expiratory volume in 1second (FEV1), 6-min walk distance (6MWD), Spirometry, pulse oximeter, GOLD guidelines, Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) INTRODUCTION: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major cause of disability and death all over the world. Its prevalence is increasing worldwide and is now the fourth leading cause of death world over. Factors, including forced expiratory volume in 1second (FEV1), gas exchange disturbances, lung hyperinflation airway hyper-responsiveness, severity of dyspnea, pulmonary hypertension, malnutrition-impaired exercise capacity and health-related quality of life, anemia and other co morbidities have been identified as individual predictors of mortality in COPD. Spirometry is the present gold standard diagnostic tool for diagnosing COPD. FEV1/FVC ratio is generally used to define the presence or absence of airflow limitation, but FEV1 is used to define the severity of the disease. To assess the functional status of patients with COPD a 6-min walk distance (6MWD) test a sub maximal exercise test can be used. 6 MWD test had proved to be reliable, inexpensive, safe and easy to apply. The global and integrated response of all systems involved during exercise like cardiovascular, pulmonary, musculoskeletal and neuromuscular is evaluated by 6 MWD. As spirometry depends on effort, all patients may not be comfortable in doing the test. Very severe COPD patients, based on FEV1 have variable exercise ability. On the other hand 6MWD test is easy to perform as it is representing daily activity. If there is correlation between 6MWD and FEV1, 6MWD test can be used for assessing the severity of COPD where spirometry cannot be done. In this study, the relation between 6MWD test and spirometric parameter FEV1 in patients with COPD is investigated. Aim and objective of this study is to test the validity of 6 minute walk test (6MWT) in assessing the severity of COPD which is measured by means of FEV1 as per the GOLD criteria (Table 1).
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
ISSN: 0975-3583, 0976-2833 VOL 12, ISSUE 03, 2021
A Prospective Study On The Correlation Between Six
Minute Walk Test And Forced Expiratory Volume At
One Second In Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease Patients
Dr. Sanjeev Shivashankaran1*, Dr. Jesin Kumar Chakkamadathil2 ,Dr. C. P. Rauf3
1*MBBS, DNB, EDRM, FAPSR, MNAMS, Assistant Professor, Department Pulmonary Medicine,
DMWIMS Medical college, Wayanad, Kerala
2 MBBS, MD, Assistant Professor, Department Pulmonary Medicine, Karuna Medical College,
KUHS, Palakkad, Kerala
3MBBS, MD, Consultant Physician, Department of Pulmonology, Delhi University
*Correspondent Author:
COPD is a major cause of morbidity and mortality around the world. At present COPD is diagnosed
and severity is assessed by spirometry base on FEV1 / FEC ratio and FEV1 percentage. In order to
substitute spirometry a prospective cross sectional study is conducted to find the correlation between
6MWD and FEV1 for grading of COPD severity as per GOLD criteria. Materials and methods used
are, a spirometer, pulse oximeter, bp apparatus, timer and 30meter hall was used to conduct the study
from 70 patients diagnosed as COPD according to GOLD criteria. Study was conducted at chest
hospital, Calicut, India from 2012 to 2014. Correlation between 6MWD and FEV1 was calculated
using Spearmans Rank correlation coefficient. The results obtained are that, there was no correlation
between six minute walk distance and FEV1 in COPD patients. There was significant statistical
association between FEV1 and SpO2, i.e. as severity of airflow obstruction based on FEV1 values
increases, chances of de-saturation also increases. And it is concluded that, there was no correlation
between six minute walk distance and FEV1 in COPD patients.
KEYWORDS: Six minute walk test, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), forced
expiratory volume in 1second (FEV1), 6-min walk distance (6MWD), Spirometry, pulse oximeter,
GOLD guidelines, Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major cause of disability and death all over the
world. Its prevalence is increasing worldwide and is now the fourth leading cause of death world over.
Factors, including forced expiratory volume in 1second (FEV1), gas exchange disturbances, lung
hyperinflation airway hyper-responsiveness, severity of dyspnea, pulmonary hypertension,
malnutrition-impaired exercise capacity and health-related quality of life, anemia and other co
morbidities have been identified as individual predictors of mortality in COPD. Spirometry is the
present gold standard diagnostic tool for diagnosing COPD. FEV1/FVC ratio is generally used to
define the presence or absence of airflow limitation, but FEV1 is used to define the severity of the
disease. To assess the functional status of patients with COPD a 6-min walk distance (6MWD) test a
sub maximal exercise test can be used. 6 MWD test had proved to be reliable, inexpensive, safe and
easy to apply. The global and integrated response of all systems involved during exercise like
cardiovascular, pulmonary, musculoskeletal and neuromuscular is evaluated by 6 MWD. As spirometry
depends on effort, all patients may not be comfortable in doing the test. Very severe COPD patients,
based on FEV1 have variable exercise ability. On the other hand 6MWD test is easy to perform as it is
representing daily activity. If there is correlation between 6MWD and FEV1, 6MWD test can be used
for assessing the severity of COPD where spirometry cannot be done. In this study, t he relation
between 6MWD test and spirometric parameter FEV1 in patients with COPD is investigated. Aim and
objective of this study is to test the validity of 6 minute walk test (6MWT) in assessing the severity of
COPD which is measured by means of FEV1 as per the GOLD criteria (Table 1).
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
ISSN: 0975-3583, 0976-2833 VOL 12, ISSUE 03, 2021
Table-1: Gold Criteria
FEV1/FVC < 0.70
FEV1 ≥ 80 % Predicted
FEV1/FVC < 0.70
50% ≤ FEV1 < 80 % Predicted
FEV1/FVC < 0.70
30 % ≤ FEV1 < 50 % Predicted
FEV1/FVC < 0.70
FEV1 < 30 % Predicted
1. Spirometer (vitalograph)
2. Pneumotrac spirotrac 6800: flow head, tubing.
1. Countdown timer (stopwatch)
2. Mechanical lap counter
3. Two small cones to mark the turnaround points
4. A chair that can be easily moved along the walking course
5. Worksheets on a clipboard
6. A source of oxygen
7. Sphygmomanometer
8. Telephone
9. Automated electronic defibrillator
Spirometry is performed in a room with the patient sitting comfortably. The procedure is performed
according to ATS guidelines. COPD is diagnosed according to GOLD guidelines (Table-1). The
6MWT should be performed indoors, along a long, flat, straight, enclosed corridor with a hard surface
that is seldom traveled. The walking course must be 30 m in length. A 100 -ft hallway is, therefore,
required. The length of the corridor is marked every 3 m. The turnaround points should be marked with
a cone (traffic cone). A bright colored tap eon the floor which marks the beginning and end of each 60-
m lap, should be marked properly.
1. Comfortable clothing should be worn.
2. Appropriate shoes for walking should be worn.
3. Patients should use their usual walking aids during the test (cane, walker, medical regimen
should be continued).
4. A light meal is acceptable.
5. The patients usual before early morning or early afternoon tests.
6. Patients should not have exercised vigorously within 2 hours of beginning of test.
Patients who are diagnosed to have COPD by histor y, physical examination and spirometry are made
to do six minute walk test on the same day. Patients are selected according to the inclusion and
exclusion criteria. The 6MWT is conducted in ICU of our hospital.
Calculating BMI:
The distinction between overweight and obesity is made on the basis of the body mass index (BMI):
BMI = body weight (in kg) ÷ height (in meters) 2
The BMI can also be obtained from a nomogram, a table, or a calculator Classification of BMI - The
recommended classifications for BMI adopted by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and World
Health Organization (WHO). The definition of overweight and obesity varies by race. The WHO and
NIH guidelines are currently applied to blacks, hispanics and whites. For Asians, overweight is a BMI
between 23 and 29.9 kg/m2 and obesity a BMI >30 kg/m2.. We have considered obesity as BMI
>30kg/m2 and below it as non-obese.
Medical records, spirometric data and six minute walk distance of 70 COPD patients were collected for
analysis from the period October 2012 to May 2014. All eligible patients had been monitored in the
Dept of Respiratory Medicine of Chest Hospital, Calicut. Data regarding age gender and BMI were
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
ISSN: 0975-3583, 0976-2833 VOL 12, ISSUE 03, 2021
analysed.6MWD AND FEV1 is correlated using Spearmanꞌs rank correlation coefficient. All the
associations were calculated with Chi square test. Statistical analysis were done using SPSS version
18. This prospective cross sectional study conducted in Dept of respiratory medicine, chest hospital
Calicut consisted of 73 patients sample size. This study has obtained clearance from internal ethical
committee of the institution. The duration of this study was From OCTOBER 2012 to MAY 2014.
Inclusion criteria: Patient diagnosed with COPD as per gold criteria between age 40 to 85 years.
Exclusion criteria: COPD patients with acute exacerbations within last 6 weeks, Post bronchodilator
reversibility > 12% and >200 ml, Patients receiving domiciliary oxygen therapy, Patients who could
not perform spirometry or walk test, Patients with other diseases affecting respiratory and
cardiovascular systems, Recent thoracic or abdominal surgery/eye surgery or retinal detachment,
Patients who were musculoskeletal pain limiting, claudication pain and syncope, Recent history of
myocardial infarction, and Unstable angina.
Sample size is calculated by using the formula:
n = [Z1-α/2 [√ 2 π0(1- π0)] + Z1- β [√[π1 (1- π1)+ π2 (1- π2)]]²
(π2- π1
n = sample size.
Z1- α/2 π is a constant, if alpha error is 5% its value = 1.96β
Z1- β is a constant, if beta error is 20% its value =0.84
π1 is sensitivity/specificity of a gold standard test =100%
π2 is the expected sensitivity/specificity of this test= 90%
π0 is the average of π1 & π2
n = {(1.96×0.308) + (0.84×0.3)}2
(0 .01)
= 73
By applying this equation calculated sample size is 73.
1. Majority of the patients were males, contributing more than three fourth in this study. Among
70 patients selected for study, 77.1% were males and 22.9% were females. Of the 70 patients,
47.1% were from age group 60-69Yrs (Table-2 and Fig-1).
Table-2: Distribution of age
≥ 80
Fig-1: Distribution of patients according to age group
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
ISSN: 0975-3583, 0976-2833 VOL 12, ISSUE 03, 2021
2. Majority of the patients were normal by BMI. 20% were underweight and 17.1 % were of
overweight or obese (Table-3 and Fig-2).
Table-3: Distribution of BMI
BMI Category
Under Weight
Normal Weight
Over Weight
Class I Obese
Class II Obese
Fig-2: Distribution of COPD patients according to BMI
3. 44% of patients were having moderate airflow obstruction, 37% severe, 14.3% very severe
and 4.3% mild airflow obstruction according to GOLD staging of COPD based on FEV1(
Table-4 and Fig-3).
Table-4. Distribution of severity based on FEV1.
Very severe
Fig-3. Distribution of severity OF COPD based on FEV1
4. 34.3% patients had six minute walk distance of range 201-300 meters. 32.9% patients walked
less than 200 meters, 20% had 6MWD of 301-400 meters, while 12.9% walked more than 400
meters (Table-5).
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
ISSN: 0975-3583, 0976-2833 VOL 12, ISSUE 03, 2021
Table-5: Distribution of 6-Minute Walk distance
6 Minute Walk Distance
5. Most of the patients had 21-30 pack years of smoking (Table-6). p-value obtained is 0.780
using Chi square test. Indicating severity is independent of gender.
Table-6: Pack years of smoking
Pack years
6. Examination of cell frequency shows that majority of patients fall in moderate and severe
group, irrespective of the Gender (Table-7, Fig-4).
Table- 7: Association between FEV1 and Sex
Severity Based on FEV1
Very severe
8 (14.8%)
2 (12.5%)
20 (37%)
6 (37.5%)
23 (42.6%)
8 (50%)
3 (5.6%)
54 (100%)
16 (100%)
Fig-4. Association between FEV1 and Sex
7. p value obtained is 0.994 which is not significant indicating that there is no association
between FEV1 and age in our study ( Table-8, Fig-5).
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
ISSN: 0975-3583, 0976-2833 VOL 12, ISSUE 03, 2021
Table-8: Association between FEV1 and Age
Severity based on FEV1
< 60
≥ 60
Very severe
Fig-5: Association between age and severity of copd
8. As p-value 0.191 there was no association between FEV1 and BMI (Table-9, Fig-6). P-value
of 0.047 was found to be indicating association between 6 minute walk distance and sex.
Table- 9: Association between FEV1 and BMI
Severity Based on FEV1
Under Weight
Normal Weight
Over Weight/ Obese
Very severe
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
ISSN: 0975-3583, 0976-2833 VOL 12, ISSUE 03, 2021
Fig-6: Association between severity of COPD and weight distribution
9. In this study female (56%) patients walked less than 200 meters, while 38.9% of male patients
walked more than 300 meters (Table-10, Fig-7). In patients above t he age of 60 years, 36%
(i.e. 18 out of 50) walked less than 200 meters, similarly 36% patients less than 60 years of
age walked 201-300 meters.
Table-10: Association between 6 minute walk distance and Sex
14 (25.9%)
9 (56.3%)
23 (32.9%)
19 (35.2%)
5 (31.3%)
24 (34.3%)
21 (38.9%)
2 (12.5%)
23 (32.9%)
54 (100%)
16 (100%)
70 (100%)
*p- Value 0.047, significant
Fig-7: Association between 6 minute walk distance and Sex
10. In patients less than 60 years, majority 45% (9 out of 20) walked more than 300 meters in 6
minutes but p value was found to 0.380 which is not significant suggesting no correlation
between 6MWD and age(Table-11, Fig-8) .
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
ISSN: 0975-3583, 0976-2833 VOL 12, ISSUE 03, 2021
Table-11: Association between 6 minute walk in distance and Age
5 (25%)
18 (36%)
23 (32.9%)
6 (30%)
18 (36%)
24 (34.3%)
9 (45%)
14 (28%)
23 (32.9%)
20 (100%)
50 (100%)
*p-value 0.380, not significant
Fig-8: Association between 6 minute walk in distance and Age
11. The correlation obtained between the variable is a low positive one having correlation
coefficient r= 0.089, not statistically significant (p value 0.461). There is no correlation
between six minute walk distance and FEV1 in COPD patients (Fig-9).
Fig-9: Scatter plot of FEV1 and 6 Minute walk distances
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
ISSN: 0975-3583, 0976-2833 VOL 12, ISSUE 03, 2021
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a common preventable and treatable disease is
characterized by persistent airflow limitation that is usually progressive and associated with enhanced
chronic inflammatory response in the lung to noxious particles and gases. Exacerbations and
comorbidities contribute to overall severity in individual patients1. According to the Burden of
Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study, the average prevalence of COPD is 10.1%, with wide
variation2. The prevalence of COPD in India was 3.67% (4.46 and 2.86% among males and females,
respectively). The estimated burden of COPD in India is about 15 million cases (males and females
contributing to 9.02 and 5.75 million, respectively)3,4. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
is the fourth leading cause of death in the world1. In India, COPD causes about 500,000 deaths per
year5. According to the preliminary report of the Million Death Study, CRDs were the second and
the third common cause of death among adults in rural and urban population6. Globally, COPD is the
ninth leading cause of loss of disability adjusted life years (DALYs) according to the Global Burden of
Disease Study (GBDS)7. In India, chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) account for 3% of DALYs, and
COPD is the major cause among CRDs8. COPD also accounts for more than 3 million deaths per year
globally making it the third leading cause of death worldwide9. It accounts for 2.3-8.4% of all deaths.
This proportion is more among men than women, and more among the elderly as compared to the
young10,11 .
Risk factors of COPD mainly includes of smoking. Tobacco is abused in two forms, mainly smoking
and smokeless tobacco, Pipe, cigar and water pipe are various forms of tobacco smoking.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke is the passive exposure to cigarette smoke. The rise in COPD incidence
has paralleled the rise in tobacco smoking throughout the world12,13. There is a strong dose-response
relationship (for amount and duration) between tobacco smoking and COPD14,15. The risk of COPD
increases with increase in the number of cigarettes/ bidis as well as with the duration of smoking. Any
amount of smoking is harmful, although the risks are lower at low dose16. Prevalence of COPD in
smokers with less than 20 pack years was 9.6%, and 18% in smokers with more than 20 pack years17.
In India more than 70% people use biomass fuel for cooking purposes compared to 25% who smoke.
Burning of biomass fuel such as dried dung, etc is associated with various health hazards, including
respiratory problems like COPD which is the biggest risk factor for COPD in India18. About 15% of
COPD cases might be related to exposure at workplace like rubber, plastics, and leather manufacturing,
textile mill product manufacturing; and food product manufacturing 19. AAT deficiency and mutations
in glutathione s-transferase-1 are associated with COPD20. Other risk factors for COPD may include air
pollution, socioeconomic factors, asthma/bronchial hyperactivity, chronic bronchitis, and infections
like Tuberculosis.
Inhaled cigarette smoke and noxious particles causes inflammation of lung which may induce
parenchymal tissue destruction resulting in emphysema, disrupt the normal repair and defence
mechanisms. These pathological change leads to air trapping and progressive airflow limitation.
Oxidative stress and excess of proteinases in the lung modify lung function and is an important
mechanism in COPD. Oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide, 8 -isoprostane are biomarkers of oxidative
stress. Protease antiproteinase imbalance causes destruction of elastin leading to emphysema.
Inflammatory cells: Increased number of CD8+ (cytotoxic) TC1 lymphocytes along with neutrophils
macrophages interact with structural cells in airways, lung parenchyma, vasculature and cause
disease21. Inflammatory mediators like chemotactic factors, cytokines, growth factors are increased in
COPD. Systemic manifestation of COPD include unintentional weight loss, skeletal muscle
dysfunction, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and depression. COPD patients
have raised levels of CRP, fibrinogen, leucocytes, and TNF-a, indicating that persistent systemic
inflammation is present in COPD22.
Inflammation, fibrosis, luminal exudates in the small airways causes reduction in FEV1 and FEV1/
FVC ratio. Peripheral airway obstruction along with destruction of alveolar attachments to airways
causes air trapping during expiration, resulting in hyperinflation. Hyperinflation reduces inspiratory
capacity, increases functional residual capacity, causing dynamic hyperinflation during exercise
resulting in exhertional dyspnea. Gas transfer for O2 and CO2 decreases as the disease progresses.
Reduced ventilation may also be due to reduced ventilator drive which leads to carbon dioxide
retention. These abnormalities in the alveolar ventilation and reduced pulmonary vascular bed worsen
the VA/Q abnormalities23. Hypoxic vasoconstriction causes remodeling of pulmonary vasculature such
as hypertrophy / hyperplasia of pulmonary vascular smooth muscles, intimal thickening and causes
pulmonary hypertension. Endothelia Cell Dysfunction and loss of pulmonary capillary bed in
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
ISSN: 0975-3583, 0976-2833 VOL 12, ISSUE 03, 2021
emphysema contribute to increased pressure in the pulmonary circulation. Pulmonary hypertension
leads to RVH and finally leads to right sided heart failure.
Characteristic symptoms of COPD are chronic progressive dysnea, cough and sputum production that
can be variable from day to day. Cough is often the first symptom to develop. Chronic cough and
sputum production may precede the development of airflow limitation by many years, nevertheless
may be unproductive sometimes. Purulent sputum reflects an increase in inflammatory mediators and
onset of bacterial exacerbation. Dyspnea is the cardinal symptom. Patients describe as sense of
increased effort to breathe, heaviness, air hunger, or gasping which is progressive, persistent and worse
with exercise. Wheezing and chest tightness may vary between days, and over the course of single
day. A diagnosis of COPD cannot be excluded by absence of wheezing or chest tightness. Additional
features include fatigue, weight loss, anorexia. Symptoms of depression or anxiety may also coexist 24.
A clinical diagnosis of COPD should be considered in any patient who has dysnea, chronic cough or
sputum production, and a history of exposure to risk factors for the disease. Spirometry is required to
make diagnosis. Post bronchodilator FEV1/FVC < 0.70 confirms the presence of limitation and thus of
COPD. Classification of severity of airflow limitation in COPD (based on post bronchodilator
FEV1)(Table-11) .
Once COPD has been diagnosed, effective management should be based on an individual assessment
of disease in order to reduce current symptoms and future risk.
Goals for treatment of stable COPD by reducing the symptoms, Improve exercise tolerance and
improve health status. Reduce the risk by Prevent disease progression, Prevent and treat exacerbations
and Reduce mortality. Non pharmacological Treatment includes smoking cessation, physical activity,
pulmonary rehabilitation, vaccination and surgical intervention like lung volume reduction surgery,
bullectomy and lung transplantation. Pharmacological includes inhaled bronchodilators, inhaled
corticosteroids, methyl xanthenes, phosphodiesterase inhibitors, systemic corticosteroids, oxygen
therapy and non invasive ventilation.
Six minute walk test: Stair climbing, a 6MWT, a shuttle-walk test, detection of exercise-induced
asthma, a cardiac stress test, and a cardiopulmonary exercise test25,26 are the most popular clinical
exercise tests in order of increasing complexity. Among this 6 MWT is easy to perform. It is better
tolerated, and reflects the activities of daily living than the other similar walk tests. It requires only a
100-ft hallway and practically a easier test. There is no need of exercise equipment or advanced trained
technicians. Walking is an activity performed daily by all but the most severely impaired patients. This
test measures the distance that a patient can walk as fast as possible on a flat, hard surface in a period
of 6 minutes (the 6MWD). It evaluates the global and integrated responses of all the systems involved
during exercise, including the pulmonary and cardiovascular systems, systemic circulation, peripheral
circulation, blood, neuromuscular units, and muscle metabolism. It does not provide on the function of
each of the different organs and systems involved in exercise or the mechanism of exercise limitation,
as is possible with maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing. The submaximal level of functional
capacity can be assessed by self-paced 6MWT. Patients can choose their own intensity of exercise and
they also can stop and take rest during the test as patients do not achieve maximal exercise capacity
during the 6MWT. The 6MWD may better reflect the functional exercise level for daily physical
activities. The strongest indication for the 6MWT is for measuring the response to medical
interventions in patients with moderate to severe heart or lung disease.
The 6MWT does not determine peak oxygen uptake, diagnose the cause of dyspnea on exertion, or
evaluate the causes or mechanisms of exercise limitation25,26. The data collected from a 6MWT should
be regarded as complementary to cardiopulmonary exercise testing, but not a replacement. Even though
there is difference between these two functional tests, some good correlations have been reported. For
example patients with end-stage lung diseases reported a significant correlation (r-0.73) between
6MWD and peak oxygen uptake.. The reproducibility of the 6MWD (with a coefficient of variation of
approximately 8%) appears to be better than the reproducibility of 1-second forced expiratory volume
in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)27.
Indications for the six-minute walk test includes- Pre-treatment and post-treatment comparisons, Lung
transplantation, Lung resection, Lung volume reduction surgery, Pulmonary rehabilitation, COPD,
Pulmonary hypertension Heart failure, Functional status (single measurement)COPD, Cystic fibrosis,
Heart failure, Peripheral vascular disease, Fibromyalgia, Older patients, Predictor of morbidity and
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
ISSN: 0975-3583, 0976-2833 VOL 12, ISSUE 03, 2021
mortality, Heart failure. Primary pulmonary hypertension. Absolute contraindications for the 6MWT
include unstable angina during the previous month and myocardial Infarction during the previous
If the Patients are having any of these findings he/she should be referred to the physician ordering the
test for individual clinical assessment. The readings from a resting electrocardiogram done during the
previous 6 months should also be reviewed before testing. Stable exertional angina is not an absolute
contraindication for a 6 MWT, but patients with these symptoms should perform the test after using
their antiangina medication, and rescue nitrate medication should be readily available. The 6MWT is a
useful measure of functional capacity targeted at people with at least moderately severe impairment.
The test has been widely used for preoperative and postoperative evaluation and for measuring the
response to therapeutic interventions for pulmonary and cardiac disease.
SPIROMETRY: Spirometry is a physiological test that measures how an individual inhales or exhales
volumes of air as a function of time. The primary signal measured may be volume or flow. Indications
of spirometry can be categorized as diagnostic, monitoring, disability/impairment evaluation and public
health. Under diagnosis evaluate symptoms, signs or abnormal laboratory tests , measure the effect of
disease on pulmonary function, screen individuals at risk of having pulmonary disease, assess pre-
operative risk , assess prognosis and to assess health status before beginning strenuous physical activity
programmes28. Spirometry uses include monitoring of therapeutic intervention, describe the course of
diseases that affect lung function, people exposed to injurious agents and to monitor for adverse
reactions to drugs with known pulmonary toxicity. In public health for Epidemiological surveys,
derivation of reference equations and for clinical research. Contraindications of spirometry includes
Haemoptysis of unknown origin, Pneumothorax, Unstable cardiovascular status or recent myocardial
infarction or pulmonary embolus, Thoracic, abdominal or cerebral aneurysms , Recent eye surgery
(eg, cataract), Presence of an acute illness or symptom that might interfere with test performance (eg,
nausea, vomiting) and Recent thoracic or abdominal surgery.
FEV1 AND FVC MANOEUVRE: FVC is defined the maximal volume of air exhaled with
maximally forced effort from a maximal inspiration, i.e. vital capacity performed with a maximally
forced expiratory effort, expressed in litres at body temperature and ambient pressure saturated with
water vapour (BTPS). FEV1 is the maximal volume of air exhaled in the first second of a forced
expiration from a position of full inspiration, expressed in litres at BTPS. There are three distinct
phases to the FVC manoeuvre, are maximal inspiration, a ‘‘blast’’ of exhalation; and continued
complete exhalation to the end of test (EOT). Many studies have suggested a relationship between the
six minute walk test and pulmonary function test PFT parameters in patients with COPD. In a study by
Hatem FS Al Ameri et al29, in 2006, they found correlation of 6 minute walk distance with DLCO,
FVC and FEV1 published in Iranian Heart Journal 2005. In another study conducted in India by Manoj
Khandelwal et al30 6MWD negatively correlated to breathlessness (MMRC grade), there was
statistically significant association between 6MWD to all spirometry parameters like FEV1 %
predicted, FVC% predicted. The different GOLD stages were found to have positively correlated to
6MWD. A study conducted by Anil Kumar Kodavala31 showed no statistical correlation between
6MWD AND FEV1. Since many studies all over the world showed significant correlation between
6MWD and FEV1 in COPD, this study emphasizes the significance of correlation between 6MWD and
FEV1 in COPD patients.
COPD is one of the most common chronic disorder encountered in day today practice of both
respiratory physician and general practitioner. To confirm a diagnosis of COPD and grade its severity
spirometry is the current gold standard. But since spirometry is a specialized device which requires
certain technical knowledge to operate and perform optimal testing, it cant be made available in
peripheral health systems. To device a simple test which doesnt require any qualified technician and
specialized equipment 6MWT was performed to find the correlation between the distance travelled and
FEV1. This study was conducted whether there is correlation between 6MWD and FEV1 and other
factors. From this study it was found that
1. There was no correlation between six minute walk distance and FEV1 in COPD patients.
2. Female COPD patients have less six minute walk distance as compared to male COPD patients.
3. No significant association was found between 6MWD and BMI.
4. 6 MINUTE WALK DISTANCE in COPD patients was not associated with BMI in our study.
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
ISSN: 0975-3583, 0976-2833 VOL 12, ISSUE 03, 2021
5. No association was found between 6MWD and saturation (SpO2).
6. There was significant statistical association between FEV1 and SpO2, i.e. as severity of airflow
obstruction based on FEV1 values increases, chances of desaturation also increases.
Hence it is safe to conclude that measuring 6 MINUTE WALK D ISTANCE is not sufficient for
assessment of severity of COPD.
1. Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD). Global Strategy for the
Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease(2013). pdf.
2. Buist AS, MC Burnie MA, Vollmer WM, Gillespie S, Burney P.
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Background: Six minute walk test (6MWT) is used as an indicator of the functional capacity in patients with cardiopulmonary
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Background: Measuring disease and injury burden in populations requires a composite metric that captures both premature mortality and the prevalence and severity of ill-health. The 1990 Global Burden of Disease study proposed disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) to measure disease burden. No comprehensive update of disease burden worldwide incorporating a systematic reassessment of disease and injury-specific epidemiology has been done since the 1990 study. We aimed to calculate disease burden worldwide and for 21 regions for 1990, 2005, and 2010 with methods to enable meaningful comparisons over time. Methods: We calculated DALYs as the sum of years of life lost (YLLs) and years lived with disability (YLDs). DALYs were calculated for 291 causes, 20 age groups, both sexes, and for 187 countries, and aggregated to regional and global estimates of disease burden for three points in time with strictly comparable definitions and methods. YLLs were calculated from age-sex-country-time-specific estimates of mortality by cause, with death by standardised lost life expectancy at each age. YLDs were calculated as prevalence of 1160 disabling sequelae, by age, sex, and cause, and weighted by new disability weights for each health state. Neither YLLs nor YLDs were age-weighted or discounted. Uncertainty around cause-specific DALYs was calculated incorporating uncertainty in levels of all-cause mortality, cause-specific mortality, prevalence, and disability weights. Findings: Global DALYs remained stable from 1990 (2·503 billion) to 2010 (2·490 billion). Crude DALYs per 1000 decreased by 23% (472 per 1000 to 361 per 1000). An important shift has occurred in DALY composition with the contribution of deaths and disability among children (younger than 5 years of age) declining from 41% of global DALYs in 1990 to 25% in 2010. YLLs typically account for about half of disease burden in more developed regions (high-income Asia Pacific, western Europe, high-income North America, and Australasia), rising to over 80% of DALYs in sub-Saharan Africa. In 1990, 47% of DALYs worldwide were from communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional disorders, 43% from non-communicable diseases, and 10% from injuries. By 2010, this had shifted to 35%, 54%, and 11%, respectively. Ischaemic heart disease was the leading cause of DALYs worldwide in 2010 (up from fourth rank in 1990, increasing by 29%), followed by lower respiratory infections (top rank in 1990; 44% decline in DALYs), stroke (fifth in 1990; 19% increase), diarrhoeal diseases (second in 1990; 51% decrease), and HIV/AIDS (33rd in 1990; 351% increase). Major depressive disorder increased from 15th to 11th rank (37% increase) and road injury from 12th to 10th rank (34% increase). Substantial heterogeneity exists in rankings of leading causes of disease burden among regions. Interpretation: Global disease burden has continued to shift away from communicable to non-communicable diseases and from premature death to years lived with disability. In sub-Saharan Africa, however, many communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional disorders remain the dominant causes of disease burden. The rising burden from mental and behavioural disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, and diabetes will impose new challenges on health systems. Regional heterogeneity highlights the importance of understanding local burden of disease and setting goals and targets for the post-2015 agenda taking such patterns into account. Because of improved definitions, methods, and data, these results for 1990 and 2010 supersede all previously published Global Burden of Disease results. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
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Background: Reliable and timely information on the leading causes of death in populations, and how these are changing, is a crucial input into health policy debates. In the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2010 (GBD 2010), we aimed to estimate annual deaths for the world and 21 regions between 1980 and 2010 for 235 causes, with uncertainty intervals (UIs), separately by age and sex. Methods: We attempted to identify all available data on causes of death for 187 countries from 1980 to 2010 from vital registration, verbal autopsy, mortality surveillance, censuses, surveys, hospitals, police records, and mortuaries. We assessed data quality for completeness, diagnostic accuracy, missing data, stochastic variations, and probable causes of death. We applied six different modelling strategies to estimate cause-specific mortality trends depending on the strength of the data. For 133 causes and three special aggregates we used the Cause of Death Ensemble model (CODEm) approach, which uses four families of statistical models testing a large set of different models using different permutations of covariates. Model ensembles were developed from these component models. We assessed model performance with rigorous out-of-sample testing of prediction error and the validity of 95% UIs. For 13 causes with low observed numbers of deaths, we developed negative binomial models with plausible covariates. For 27 causes for which death is rare, we modelled the higher level cause in the cause hierarchy of the GBD 2010 and then allocated deaths across component causes proportionately, estimated from all available data in the database. For selected causes (African trypanosomiasis, congenital syphilis, whooping cough, measles, typhoid and parathyroid, leishmaniasis, acute hepatitis E, and HIV/AIDS), we used natural history models based on information on incidence, prevalence, and case-fatality. We separately estimated cause fractions by aetiology for diarrhoea, lower respiratory infections, and meningitis, as well as disaggregations by subcause for chronic kidney disease, maternal disorders, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. For deaths due to collective violence and natural disasters, we used mortality shock regressions. For every cause, we estimated 95% UIs that captured both parameter estimation uncertainty and uncertainty due to model specification where CODEm was used. We constrained cause-specific fractions within every age-sex group to sum to total mortality based on draws from the uncertainty distributions. Findings: In 2010, there were 52·8 million deaths globally. At the most aggregate level, communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional causes were 24·9% of deaths worldwide in 2010, down from 15·9 million (34·1%) of 46·5 million in 1990. This decrease was largely due to decreases in mortality from diarrhoeal disease (from 2·5 to 1·4 million), lower respiratory infections (from 3·4 to 2·8 million), neonatal disorders (from 3·1 to 2·2 million), measles (from 0·63 to 0·13 million), and tetanus (from 0·27 to 0·06 million). Deaths from HIV/AIDS increased from 0·30 million in 1990 to 1·5 million in 2010, reaching a peak of 1·7 million in 2006. Malaria mortality also rose by an estimated 19·9% since 1990 to 1·17 million deaths in 2010. Tuberculosis killed 1·2 million people in 2010. Deaths from non-communicable diseases rose by just under 8 million between 1990 and 2010, accounting for two of every three deaths (34·5 million) worldwide by 2010. 8 million people died from cancer in 2010, 38% more than two decades ago; of these, 1·5 million (19%) were from trachea, bronchus, and lung cancer. Ischaemic heart disease and stroke collectively killed 12·9 million people in 2010, or one in four deaths worldwide, compared with one in five in 1990; 1·3 million deaths were due to diabetes, twice as many as in 1990. The fraction of global deaths due to injuries (5·1 million deaths) was marginally higher in 2010 (9·6%) compared with two decades earlier (8·8%). This was driven by a 46% rise in deaths worldwide due to road traffic accidents (1·3 million in 2010) and a rise in deaths from falls. Ischaemic heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lower respiratory infections, lung cancer, and HIV/AIDS were the leading causes of death in 2010. Ischaemic heart disease, lower respiratory infections, stroke, diarrhoeal disease, malaria, and HIV/AIDS were the leading causes of years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLLs) in 2010, similar to what was estimated for 1990, except for HIV/AIDS and preterm birth complications. YLLs from lower respiratory infections and diarrhoea decreased by 45-54% since 1990; ischaemic heart disease and stroke YLLs increased by 17-28%. Regional variations in leading causes of death were substantial. Communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional causes still accounted for 76% of premature mortality in sub-Saharan Africa in 2010. Age standardised death rates from some key disorders rose (HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes mellitus, and chronic kidney disease in particular), but for most diseases, death rates fell in the past two decades; including major vascular diseases, COPD, most forms of cancer, liver cirrhosis, and maternal disorders. For other conditions, notably malaria, prostate cancer, and injuries, little change was noted. Conclusions: Population growth, increased average age of the world's population, and largely decreasing age-specific, sex-specific, and cause-specific death rates combine to drive a broad shift from communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional causes towards non-communicable diseases. Nevertheless, communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional causes remain the dominant causes of YLLs in sub-Saharan Africa. Overlaid on this general pattern of the epidemiological transition, marked regional variation exists in many causes, such as interpersonal violence, suicide, liver cancer, diabetes, cirrhosis, Chagas disease, African trypanosomiasis, melanoma, and others. Regional heterogeneity highlights the importance of sound epidemiological assessments of the causes of death on a regular basis. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
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The aim of this study is to quantify the burden of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)--incidence, prevalence, and mortality--and identify trends in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. A structured literature search was performed (January 2000 to September 2010) of PubMed and EMBASE, identifying English-language articles reporting COPD prevalence, incidence, or mortality. Of 2838 articles identified, 299 full-text articles were reviewed, and data were extracted from 133 publications. Prevalence data were extracted from 80 articles, incidence data from 15 articles, and mortality data from 58 articles. Prevalence ranged from 0.2%-37%, but varied widely across countries and populations, and by COPD diagnosis and classification methods. Prevalence and incidence were greatest in men and those aged 75 years and older. Mortality ranged from 3-111 deaths per 100,000 population. Mortality increased in the last 30-40 years; more recently, mortality decreased in men in several countries, while increasing or stabilizing in women. Although COPD mortality increased over time, rates declined more recently, likely indicating improvements in COPD management. In many countries, COPD mortality has increased in women but decreased in men. This may be explained by differences in smoking patterns and a greater vulnerability in women to the adverse effects of smoking.
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Field sites in 12 districts in different parts of India. To determine the nationwide population prevalence of and risk factors for asthma and chronic bronchitis (CB) in adults. A standardised validated questionnaire based on the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease's 1984 questionnaire was used to assess asthma and CB prevalence. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to determine the risk factor associations. Estimates standardised to the 2011 population projection estimates for India were used to calculate the national disease burden. A total of 85,105 men and 84,470 women from 12 urban and 11 rural sites were interviewed. One or more respiratory symptoms were present in 8.5% of individuals. The overall prevalence of asthma and CB was respectively 2.05% (adults aged ≥15 years) and 3.49% (adults aged ≥35 years). Advancing age, smoking, household environmental tobacco smoke exposure, asthma in a first-degree relative, and use of unclean cooking fuels were associated with increased odds of asthma and CB. The national burden of asthma and CB was estimated at respectively 17.23 and 14.84 million. Asthma and CB in adults pose an enormous health care burden in India. Most of the associated risk factors are preventable.