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Helsinki University Hospital
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
FICEBO – Finnish Centre for Evidence-Based Orthopaedics
Faculty of Medicine
Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research
University of Helsinki
Lasse Rämö
To be presented for public discussion
with the permission of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Helsinki,
in Auditorium 1 of Töölö Hospital,
on 13 August 2021 at 12 noon.
Supervised by
Docent Mika Paavola, MD, PhD
Division of Musculoskeletal Surgery
Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
University of Helsinki, Finland
Docent Simo Taimela, MD, PhD
FICEBO – Finnish Centre for Evidence-Based Orthopaedics
Division of Musculoskeletal Surgery
Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
University of Helsinki, Finland
Reviewed by
Docent Antti Eskelinen, MD, PhD
Coxa Hospital for Joint Replacement, Tampere, Finland
University of Tampere, Finland
Docent Inari Laaksonen, MD, PhD
Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland
University of Turku, Finland
Docent Petri Virolainen, MD, PhD
Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland
University of Turku, Finland
The Faculty of Medicine uses the Urkund system (plagiarism recognition) to
examine all doctoral dissertations.
ISBN 978-951-51-7374-4 (print) Unigrafia
ISBN 978-951-51-7375-1 (online) Helsinki 2021
ISSN 2342-3161 (print)
ISSN 2342-317X (online)
To my family
ORIGINAL PUBLICATIONS ............................................................................. 3
ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................. 4
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... 5
TIIVISTELMÄ .................................................................................................... 7
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 9
2 REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ............................................................. 11
2.1 Surgical anatomy and exposures of the humeral shaft ..................... 11
2.2 Epidemiology of humeral shaft fractures and associated injuries .. 15
2.3 Humeral shaft fracture classification ............................................... 16
2.4 Nonsurgical treatment of humeral shaft fractures .......................... 18
2.4.1 Hanging cast .............................................................................. 18
2.4.2 Coaptation splint ....................................................................... 18
2.4.3 Others ........................................................................................ 18
2.4.4 Functional bracing .................................................................... 19
2.5 Surgical treatment of humeral shaft fractures ................................. 20
2.5.1 Open reduction and plate osteosynthesis ................................. 20
2.5.2 Intramedullary nailing .............................................................. 22
2.5.3 Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis .................................. 22
2.5.4 External fixation ........................................................................ 23
2.6 Outcome measures in clinical studies of humeral shaft fractures ... 24
2.7 Adverse events in humeral shaft fracture treatment ....................... 27
2.7.1 Nonsurgical treatment .............................................................. 27
2.7.2 Surgical treatment ..................................................................... 29
2.8 Surgery versus nonsurgical treatment in humeral shaft fracture
studies ............................................................................................... 30
3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS ........................................................................ 34
4 PATIENTS AND METHODS ................................................................... 35
4.1 Patients ............................................................................................. 35
4.1.1 RCT comparing the effectiveness of surgical and nonsurgical
treatments of humeral shaft fractures in adults (I, II) ............. 35
4.1.2 Two-year follow-up of the FISH trial comparing patients with
secondary surgery with patients with successful fracture
healing (III) ............................................................................... 38
4.2 Interventions ..................................................................................... 39
4.2.1 Surgical treatment (II, III) ........................................................ 39
4.2.2 Nonsurgical treatment, functional bracing (II, III) .................. 39
4.2.3 Rehabilitation (II, III) .............................................................. 40
4.3 Follow-up ......................................................................................... 40
4.4 Outcome measures (II, III) ............................................................... 43
4.4.1 Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand score .................. 43
4.4.2 Pain at rest and on activity ........................................................ 43
4.4.3 Constant-Murley score .............................................................. 43
4.4.4 15D quality-of-life tool ............................................................... 43
4.4.5 Elbow range of motion .............................................................. 44
4.4.6 DASH work and sports or performing arts modules ................ 44
4.4.7 General satisfaction ................................................................... 44
4.4.8 Patient acceptable symptom state (PASS) ................................ 44
4.4.9 Clinical recovery ........................................................................ 45
4.5 Ethics ................................................................................................. 45
4.6 Statistical methods ............................................................................ 45
5 RESULTS ................................................................................................. 48
5.1 One-year follow-up (II) ..................................................................... 48
5.2 Two-year follow-up (III) ................................................................... 54
6 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................ 61
6.1 Main findings .................................................................................... 61
6.2 FISH trial versus other trials comparing surgery and nonsurgical
treatments in humeral shaft fractures .............................................. 62
6.3 Clinical implications ......................................................................... 63
6.4 Strengths and limitations of this study ............................................ 64
6.5 Future aspects ................................................................................... 65
7 CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................... 66
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................. 67
REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 69
APPENDIX ...................................................................................................... 84
ORIGINAL PUBLICATIONS ........................................................................... 85
This thesis is based on the following original publications. Roman numerals I
to III are used in the text to refer to these publications, which have been
reprinted with the kind permission of their copyright holders.
I Rämö L, Taimela S, Lepola V, Malmivaara A, Lähdeoja T, Paavola M.
Open reduction and internal fixation of humeral shaft fractures versus
conservative treatment with a functional brace: a study protocol of a
randomised controlled trial embedded in a cohort. BMJ Open 2017 Jul
II Rämö L, Sumrein BO, Lepola V, Lähdeoja T, Ranstam J, Paavola M,
Järvinen TLN, Taimela S. Effect of Surgery vs Functional Bracing on
Functional Outcome Among Patients With Closed Displaced Humeral
Shaft Fractures: The FISH Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA
III Rämö L, Paavola M, Sumrein BO, Lepola V, Lähdeoja T, Ranstam J,
Järvinen TLN, Taimela S. Surgery or Functional Bracing for Humeral
Shaft Fractures: Effect of Healing Problems Requiring Secondary
Surgery After Initial Nonoperative Treatment: A Pre-Specified
Secondary Analysis of the FISH Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Surg
AO Arbeitsgemeinshaft für Osteosynthesegefragen
CI Confidence interval
DASH Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand
FISH Finnish Shaft of the Humerus
HRQoL Health-related quality of life
IMN Intramedullary nailing
LCP Locking compression plate
MIPO Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis
NRS Numerical rating scale
ORIF Open reduction and internal fixation
OTA Orthopaedic Trauma Association
PASS Patient acceptable symptom state
PRNP Primary radial nerve palsy
PROM Patient-reported outcome measure
RCT Randomized controlled trial
RUSHU Radiographic union score for humeral fractures
SRNP Secondary radial nerve palsy
VAS Visual analog scale
Humeral shaft fractures account for 1–3% of all adult fractures. They are
usually caused by simple falls, traffic accidents, and sports injuries.
Historically, the treatment of these injuries has been mainly nonsurgical.
However, there has been a marked increase in the rate of surgical treatment
for humeral shaft fractures in recent years without high-quality evidence
supporting this trend.
The Finnish Shaft of the Humerus (FISH) randomized clinical trial was
planned to compare the effectiveness of surgery versus nonsurgical care in the
treatment of humeral shaft fractures in patients traditionally deemed suitable
for nonsurgical care with functional bracing (Study I).
Patients and methods
Patient recruitment was conducted at the Helsinki and Tampere University
hospitals between November 2012 and January 2018. Consenting adult
patients with displaced, closed, unilateral humeral shaft fractures were
randomized to either surgical care using open reduction and plate fixation or
nonsurgical care using functional bracing. Patients with a history or condition
affecting the function of the injured upper limb, pathological fracture, other
concomitant injury affecting the same upper limb, other trauma requiring
surgery (e.g., fracture, internal organ, brachial plexus, or vascular injury),
polytrauma, multimorbidity with high anesthesia risk, or inadequate
cooperation for any reason were excluded. Altogether, 321 patients were
assessed for eligibility and of these 140 were eligible for randomization. After
informed consent, 82 were willing to undergo randomization. The primary
outcome was the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) score
(range, 0 to 100 points; 0 = no disability, 100 = extreme disability). In Study
II, the patients were analyzed according to the initially allocated treatment
method (surgery group and bracing group). In Study III, the patients were
analyzed in three groups according to their final treatment method: 1) initial
surgery group, 2) bracing group with successful healing, and 3) secondary
surgery group including patients randomized to functional bracing but who
underwent late surgery due to fracture healing problems.
Study II. The mean DASH score was 8.9 (95% confidence interval [CI], 4.2 to
13.6) in the surgery group and 12.0 (95% CI, 7.7 to 16.4) in the bracing group
at 12 months. The between-group difference was -3.1 (95% CI, -9.6 to 3.3). This
difference was not statistically significant, and it was below the predefined
minimal clinically important difference of 10 points. Of the patients allocated
to functional bracing, 13/44 (30%) underwent late surgery due to healing
problem during the 12-month follow-up. In the post hoc analysis, the results
of those with initial surgery were superior to those with late surgery due to
healing problem (between-group difference, -11.1; 95% CI, -20.1 to -2.1) at 12
Study III. The mean DASH score was 6.8 (95% CI, 2.3 to 11.4) in the initial
surgery group (n=38), 6.0 (95% CI, 1.0 to 11.0) in the bracing group (n=30),
and 17.5 (95% CI, 10.5 to 24.5) in the secondary surgery group (n=14) at the
2-year follow-up. The between-group difference was -10.7 (95% CI, -19.1 to -
2.3) between the initial and secondary surgery groups and -11.5 (95% CI, -
20.1 to -2.9) between the bracing and secondary surgery groups.
Study II. Surgery with plate fixation, compared with functional bracing in the
treatment of adult patients with closed humeral shaft fractures, did not
significantly improve functional outcomes at 12 months. However, 30% of the
patients allocated to functional bracing underwent late surgery due to healing
Study III. Shared decision-making between the clinicians and patients with
closed humeral shaft fractures should weigh the prospect that 2/3 of patients
undergo successful healing and have good functional outcomes using
functional bracing against the 1/3 risk of fracture healing problems leading to
secondary surgery and inferior outcomes even at 2 years after the injury.
Olkavarren murtumat muodostavat 1–3 % aikuisväestön murtumista. Tämän
vamman syynä on yleensä kaatuminen, liikenneonnettomuus tai
urheiluvamma. Aiemmin näitä murtumia on hoidettu pääsääntöisesti ilman
leikkausta käyttäen esimerkiksi ulkoista tukilastaa, ns. toiminnallista ortoosia.
Kuitenkin parin viime vuosikymmenen aikana näiden vammojen
leikkausmäärät ovat selvästi lisääntyneet ilman leikkaushoitoa tukevaa
laadukasta tieteellistä näyttöä.
Tässä satunnaistetussa vertailevassa tutkimuksessa verrattiin kirurgisen
hoidon ja ilman leikkausta toteutetun hoidon (ortoosihoito) vaikuttavuutta
sulkeisen olkavarren murtuman saaneilla aikuispotilailla. Näiden vammojen
on perinteisesti katsottu soveltuvan hyvin ortoosihoitoon. Tutkimuksen
menetelmät julkaistiin protokollajulkaisussa (tutkimus I).
Aineisto ja menetelmät
Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin Helsingin ja Tampereen yliopistollisissa
sairaaloissa marraskuun 2012 ja tammikuun 2018 välisenä aikana. Tänä
aikana arvioitiin 321 olkavarren murtuman saaneen aikuispotilaan
soveltuvuus tutkimukseen. Tutkimuksesta suljettiin pois potilaat, joilla oli
aiempi toiminnallista haittaa aiheuttava yläraajan vamma tai sairaus,
pahanlaatuisesta sairaudesta johtuva murtuma, muu kirurgista hoitoa
edellyttävä vamma, monivamma, merkittävä anestesiariskiä nostava sairaus
tai ilmeinen hoitomyöntyvyyteen vaikuttava tila. Yhteensä 140 potilasta
soveltui mukaan tutkimukseen ja heistä 82 suostui satunnaistettuun hoitoon,
missä potilas hoidettiin joko kirurgisesti käyttäen avointa murtuman
paikalleen asetusta ja levykiinnitystä tai ilman leikkausta ortoosihoidolla.
Tutkimuksen päätulosmuuttuja oli potilaan itse raportoima yläraajan
toimintakykyä ja vammaan liittyvää haittaa kartoittava Disabilities of the Arm,
Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) mittari; asteikko 0-100; 0 = ei toiminnan
rajoitetta, 100 = äärimmäinen toiminnan rajoite). Tutkimuksessa II tulokset
arvioitiin sen mukaisesti, mihin ryhmään potilas oli tutkimuksen alussa
satunnaistettu (kirurginen ryhmä vs. ortoosiryhmä). Tutkimuksessa III
tulokset arvioitiin kolmessa ryhmässä lopullisen hoitomuodon mukaisesti: 1)
välittömän kirurgian ryhmä, 2) ortoosiryhmä, joilla murtuma parani ilman
ongelmia ja 3) myöhäisen kirurgian ryhmä sisältäen ne potilaat, joilla
ortoosihoito epäonnistui ja heidät jouduttiin leikkaamaan myöhäisvaiheessa
murtuman paranemisongelman vuoksi.
Tutkimus II. DASH-pisteiden keskiarvo oli 8.9 (95 %:n luottamusväli [CI],
4.2–13.6) kirurgisessa ryhmässä ja 12.0 (95 % CI, 7.7–16.4) ortoosiryhmässä
12 kuukauden kuluttua vammasta. Ryhmien välinen ero oli -3.1 pistettä (95 %
CI, -9.6–3.3) kirurgisen ryhmän eduksi, mutta ero ei ollut tilastollisesti
merkitsevä ja se oli selvästi alle ennalta määritetyn pienimmän kliinisesti
merkitsevän 10 pisteen erotuksen. 30 % (13/44) ortoosiryhmän potilasta
jouduttiin kuitenkin leikkaamaan vuoden kuluessa vammasta
paranemisongelman vuoksi. Jälkikäteen tehdyssä analyysissa heti hoidon
alussa leikattujen potilaiden DASH-pisteet olivat merkittävästi paremmat
kuin myöhään leikattujen potilaiden pisteet. Ryhmien välisen keskiarvojen
erotus oli -11.1 pistettä (95 % CI, -20.1 – -2.1) heti alussa leikattujen hyväksi 12
kuukauden kuluttua vammasta.
Tutkimus III. DASH-pisteiden keskiarvo oli 2 vuoden kuluttua vammasta 6.8
(95 % CI, 2.3–11.4) välittömän kirurgian ryhmässä (n=38), 6.0 (95 % CI, 1.0–
11.0) ortoosiryhmässä (n=30) ja 17.5 (95 % CI, 10.5–24.5) myöhäisen
kirurgian ryhmässä (n=14). Ryhmien keskiarvojen väliset erot olivat -10.7
pistettä (95 % CI, -19.1 – -2.3) välittömän ja myöhäisen kirurgian ryhmien
välillä ja -11.5 pistettä (95 % CI, -20.1 – -2.9) ortoosiryhmän ja myöhäisen
kirurgian ryhmän välillä.
Tutkimus II. Kirurgisella hoidolla ei saavutettu parempia tuloksia
ortoosihoitoon verrattuna sulkeisen olkavarren murtuman saaneilla
aikuispotilailla vuoden kuluttua vammasta. Toisaalta 30 % potilaista, joilla
hoito aloitettiin ortoosilla, jouduttiin leikkaamaan paranemisongelman
Tutkimus III. Olkavarren murtuman saaneen potilaan ja häntä hoitavan
lääkärin tulee huomioida parasta hoitomuotoa valitessaan, että 2/3
ortoosihoidolla hoidetuista potilaista paranee hyvin tuloksin ilman kirurgisen
hoidon haittoja, mutta 1/3:lla on ortoosihoitoa käytettäessä
paranemisongelmia, minkä vuoksi heidät joudutaan leikkaamaan
viivästetysti. Tällöin heidän toiminnalliset tuloksensa ovat vielä 2 vuoden
kuluttua vammasta huonompia, kuin heti leikatuilla potilailla sekä niillä
potilailla, joilla murtuma paranee ortoosihoidolla ilman leikkausta.
Fractures of the humerus account for 7.5% of all fractures in adults (Court-
Brown et al. 2006). Fractures of the humerus are generally divided according
to anatomical location to proximal, shaft, and distal humeral fractures.
Humeral shaft fractures comprise around 15% of all humeral fractures
(Knowelden et al. 1964, Rose et al. 1982, Court-Brown et al. 2006, Bergdahl et
al. 2016). In Finland, the incidence for inpatient care due to humeral shaft
fracture is around 7/100 000 person-years (Somersalo et al. 2014).
Before the 20th century and the advent of modern surgery, the
treatment of humeral shaft fractures was mainly nonsurgical. Surgery was
used in very rare cases, with treatment being nothing short of exotic compared
with modern surgical standards—for instance, rubbing of caustic potash
against the end of non-united humeral shaft ends (Earle 1823). In reports from
the 1930s, a surgical approach was employed in approximately 15% of cases,
using mainly steel plates, screws, and wires (Smyth 1934). The pioneer of
intramedullary nailing, Gerhard Küntscher, introduced his technique in the
1930s, first in femoral and later in humeral shaft fractures (Küntscher 1940,
1958). Another alternative, intramedullary pinning, was introduced nearly at
the same time (Rush et al. 1949, 1950). Plate osteosynthesis with compression
plating was introduced by a Belgian surgeon, Robert Danis, in 1949 (Danis
1949). The technique was popularized by Maurice Müller, a founding member
of the Swiss research group Arbeitsgemeinshaft für Osteosynthesegefragen
(AO) (Müller 1956, 1963). Regardless of advances in surgical care, there were
strong advocates for nonsurgical management of humeral shaft fractures
(Böhler 1965) and even the AO members leading the development of modern
surgical fracture management suggested that good results are achieved with
nonsurgical methods, and this should be considered as the first line of
treatment (Rüedi et al. 1974). The methods for nonsurgical care included
bandages, hanging casts, splints, and shoulder spicas (Klenerman 1966).
In 1977, Augusto Sarmiento published his method of nonsurgical
management of humeral shaft fractures using functional bracing (Sarmiento
et al. 1977). This was later followed by a large retrospective cohort study of
nearly 1000 patients treated with this method, and the publication became a
landmark study for functional bracing of humeral shaft fractures (Sarmiento
et al. 2000). Of the patients, 97% healed with functional bracing without the
need for additional interventions and with good reported outcomes. The study
can, however, be criticized for its large attrition, as one-third of patients were
lost to follow-up. Several studies have subsequently tried to repeat the
excellent outcomes of Sarmiento’s publication without achieving their results
(Koch et al. 2002, Toivanen et al. 2005, Ali et al. 2015, Harkin et al. 2017).
We have witnessed a marked increase in the surgery of humeral shaft
fractures during the last few decades, with up to two-thirds of fractures
operated (Mahabier et al. 2015, Schoch et al. 2017). In Finland, there was a
two-fold increase in the number of surgeries performed for these fractures
from 1987 to 2009 (Huttunen et al. 2012). At our unit—Töölö Hospital (Level
1 Trauma Center, Helsinki University Hospital)—approximately 50% of
patients underwent surgery as the first line of treatment between 2005 and
2009. Of those who were initially treated with functional bracing, one-third
had late surgery to promote the healing of their fracture (Penttilä et al. 2012).
However, there is scant evidence to support the trend of treating these
fractures primarily with surgery. Despite humeral shaft fractures being a
common injury, the first randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing surgery
with nonsurgical care was published only in 2017 (Matsunaga et al. 2017). No
clinically meaningful difference emerged in any of the outcomes. However,
15% of the patients treated initially with functional bracing required surgery
to promote healing of their fracture.
The aim of this thesis was to compare the effectiveness of surgery with
nonsurgical treatment of closed humeral shaft fractures in adults.
Surgical anatomy of the humerus is generally divided into proximally located
head, shaft, and distal end. The head articulates with the glenoid fossa of the
scapula, and the distal part forms the elbow joint together with the ulna and
radius. This section focuses on surgical anatomy related to humeral shaft
fractures. Important structures around the humerus are the brachial plexus
and the brachial artery running medially along the humeral shaft, and the
radial nerve running with the deep brachial artery around the radial groove of
the humerus through the intermuscular septum.
Surgical exposures of the humeral shaft are generally divided into
anterior, lateral, posterior, and (rarely used) medial approaches. The approach
used depends on the location of the fracture, condition of the soft tissues, and
the surgeon’s preference. Here, the three most common approaches for open
reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) are described.
The anterior approach to the humeral shaft was first described by Arnold
Henry in 1924 (Henry 1924). The incision starts from the coracoid process,
following the course of the cephalic vein to the anterior aspect of the cubital
fossa. The biceps brachii muscle is moved medially with the accompanying
musculocutaneous nerve in the posterior aspect of the muscle belly. The
brachialis muscle is divided longitudinally at the outer fourth of the muscle,
exposing the humeral shaft. The radial nerve stays protected on the lateral side
of the brachialis muscle fibers, but it is easily found if necessary (Fig. 1 A). The
term ‘anterolateral approach’ is commonly used in conjunction with the
anterior approach in the literature. The distinction can be made according to
how the humeral shaft is exposed at the distal end of the exposure. In the
anterolateral approach (Fig. 1 B), the plane between the brachialis and
brachioradialis is used, instead of splitting the brachialis muscle (true anterior
approach). Recently, a modification of the approach was introduced to prevent
unnecessary transection of diagonally oriented superficial head fibers of the
brachialis muscle at the distal end of the humeral shaft (Chang et al. 2019).
The anterior approach is a useful option in the treatment of proximal and
middle third fractures of the humeral shaft.
The lateral approach (Fig. 2) was described in the context of humeral shaft
fractures rather recently (Mills et al. 1996). The incision starts from the lateral
epicondyle of the humerus proximally towards the deltoid insertion. The plane
between the brachioradialis and triceps muscles is divided, and the humeral
shaft is exposed. It is paramount to locate and protect the radial nerve as it
pierces the lateral intermuscular septum within 5 mm from a junction of the
middle and distal thirds of the line running from the lateral border of the
acromion to the lateral epicondyle (Fleming et al. 2004). The lateral approach
is mainly used in distal third shaft fractures.
Fig. 2. Lateral approach to the humeral shaft. Copyright by AO Foundation,
Switzerland. Source: AO Surgery Reference,
Fig. 1.
A. Anterior approach to the humerus, where the brachialis muscle is split.
B. Anterolateral approach, where the brachialis muscle is retracted medially.
Copyright by AO Foundation, Switzerland. Source: AO Surgery Reference,
The posterior approach gives good exposure of middle and distal third shaft
fractures. The bone can be exposed either around the lateral and medial border
of the triceps muscle (paratricipital approach, Fig. 3) or by splitting the muscle
longitudinally (triceps splitting approach, Fig. 4) (Gerwin et al. 1996). This
approach gives good visibility to the radial nerve, which should always be
visualized and protected before exposing the humeral shaft. This approach
allows placing of the implant to either the medial, posterior, or lateral border
of the humerus. This approach is useful especially in the cases having both
distal intra-articular humeral fracture and ipsilateral shaft fracture.
Fig. 4. Posterior triceps splitting approach to the humeral shaft. Copyright by AO Foundation,
Switzerland. Source: AO Surgery Reference,
Fig. 3. Posterior paratricipital approach to the humeral shaft with radial (left) and ulnar
(right) windows around the triceps muscle. Copyright by AO Foundation, Switzerland. Source: AO
Surgery Reference,
Approach for minimal invasive plate osteosynthesis
Two separate incisions are made to enable plate fixation above and below the
fracture. The proximal part can be made either through the deltoid muscle
(transdeltoid approach) or using the upper part of the anterior approach
proximally (deltopectoral interval) and the anterolateral approach distally
(Fig. 5). Care must be taken at the distal part to protect the radial nerve on the
lateral side of the incision.
Approaches for intramedullary nailing
An intramedullary nail is introduced to the medullary canal from either the
proximal (antegrade, Fig. 6) or distal (retrograde, Fig. 7) direction. For
antegrade nailing, an approximately 4 cm incision is made from the
anterolateral border of the acromion downwards. The muscle fibers of the
deltoid muscle are split, and the rotator cuff interval is opened. Care must be
taken to avoid excessive opening of the deltoid muscle, as the axillary nerve
runs approximately 7 cm below the edge of the acromion. For retrograde
nailing, a longitudinal midline incision is made over the tendinous part of the
triceps right above the olecranon. Sharp dissection is carried out through the
tendon by splitting the tendon fibers going towards the upper part of the
olecranon fossa.
Fig. 5. Anterior approach for minimal invasive plate osteosynthesis. Copyright by AO Foundation,
Switzerland. Source: AO Surgery Reference,
Fig. 6. Approach for antegrade nail
insertion. Copyright by AO Foundation, Switzerland.
Source: AO Surgery Reference,
Humeral shaft fractures account for 1–3% of all fractures and the incidence is
around 10–30/100 000 person-years (Rose et al. 1982, Court-Brown et al.
2006, R Ekholm et al. 2006, Bergdahl et al. 2016, Oliver et al. 2020). The
incidence starts to rise in people over 50 years of age, reaching 100/100 000
person-years in those aged 80+ years (Tytherleigh-Strong et al. 1998). In
Finland, the incidence of inpatient care due to humeral shaft fractures is
7/100 000 person-years (Somersalo et al. 2014). In the United States, humeral
shaft fractures accounted for 60 000 visits to emergency departments in 2008
(Kim et al. 2012).
Humeral shaft fractures are caused mainly by simple falls, especially in
elderly patients, while sports and traffic accidents predominate as the
mechanism of injury in younger patients (Tytherleigh-Strong et al. 1998).
The traumatic event fracturing the humerus can cause associated injuries
to surrounding tissues, i.e., neural, vascular, or soft tissue injuries. The most
common associated injury with humeral shaft fractures is radial nerve palsy,
found in approximately 12% of cases (Hegeman et al. 2020, Ilyas et al. 2020).
Spiral distal shaft fractures (Holstein-Lewis fracture, AO/OTA 12A1c, Fig. 9)
have been reported to have a rate of radial nerve palsy of up to 22%
(Ekholm et al. 2008a).
Open humeral shaft fractures are rare, with a reported incidence of
0.4/100 000 person-years constituting 3% of all open long bone fractures
(Court-Brown et al. 1998) and 2–5% of all humeral shaft fractures
(Tytherleigh-Strong et al. 1998, R Ekholm et al. 2006, Bergdahl et al. 2016).
At our institute (Helsinki University Hospital), there were 26 open humeral
shaft fractures in 938 cases (2.8%) treated between 2006 and 2016
(unpublished data). Associated injuries to the brachial plexus (Brien et al.
1990) or brachial artery (Gainor et al. 1986) are very rare, and the incidence is
not reported in the literature.
Fig. 7. Approach for retrograde nail
insertion. The medullary canal is opened 2.5
cm proximally from the proximal border of
olecranon fossa (green triangle). Copyright by
AO Foundation, Switzerland. Source: AO Surgery
The most common classification system for humeral shaft fractures is
AO/OTA (Arbeitsgemeinshaft für Osteosynthesegefragen and Orthopaedic
Trauma Association) classification (Kellam et al. 2018). Fractures are divided
into three main types according to their morphology (Fig. 8): type A (simple
fracture line), type B (separate wedge fragment), and type C (segmental
fracture). All main types are further divided into groups: type A in spiral,
oblique, and transverse fractures; type B in intact and fragmented wedge
fractures; and type C in intact and fragmented segmental fractures. Moreover,
fractures have qualifications according to the location of the center of the
fracture (Fig. 9). Even though the severity of bony injury increases from type
A to type C, the AO/OTA classification has not been validated to guide
treatment decisions of humeral shaft fractures.
Fractures can also be classified according to the severity of soft tissue
injury. The most commonly used classifications for soft tissue injuries are the
Gustilo-Anderson (open fractures) and Tscherne (closed and open fractures)
classifications (Gustilo et al. 1976, Tscherne et al. 1982). As open fractures
were excluded from the studies of this thesis and the closed fractures were not
classified according to the Tscherne classification, the classifications are not
introduced here.
Fig. 8. AO/OTA classification of humeral shaft fracture types.
Copyright by AO Foundation,
Switzerland. Source: AO Surgery Reference,
Fig. 9. Groups and qualifications of humeral shaft fractures according to the AO/OTA
classification. Copyright by AO Foundation, Switzerland. Source: AO Surgery Reference,
Treatment of humeral shaft fractures has historically been mainly nonsurgical
(Smyth 1934, Mitchell et al. 1942), with some authors advocating strongly
against surgical care (Böhler 1964, 1965). The rationale behind nonsurgical
care is to splint the broken bone with external support with several suggested
methods. There is no comparative evidence of the superiority of any
nonsurgical treatment method (Mukerjee et al. 2008).
The technique was published in 1933 (Caldwell
1933). The elbow is bent at 90° of flexion and the
cast is molded around the arm, elbow, and
proximal forearm to support the fractured
humerus. A sling is placed around the collar and
the cast to support the hanging cast (Fig. 10). The
weight of the cast pulls the fractured humerus.
Care must be taken to avoid excessive pull of the
fractured humerus with the cast.
Coaptation splint or U-splint was introduced to
prevent an excessive diastasis of the fracture gap
with a heavy hanging cast. A U-shaped plaster is placed starting from the top
of the shoulder, going laterally around the elbow, and ending medially to the
axilla. The splint allows some movement of the elbow, but full extension is not
possible. The hand is supported with a sling around the collar.
2.4.3 OTHERS
The use of a simple collar and hand sling has been suggested to avoid stiffness
of surrounding joints (Spak 1978). Other methods of nonsurgical care used
earlier were open Velpeau-type thoracobrachial or shoulder spica casts (Holm
1970), but these types of weighty casts surrounding the whole thoracic region
are rarely seen nowadays.
Fig. 10. Hanging cast.
Photo credit: Ca ldwell JA. Treatmen t of
Fractures in the Cincinnati General
Hospital. Ann Surg. 1933;97(2):161–76.
The current mainstay of nonsurgical
care is functional bracing. The method
was popularized by Augusto Sarmiento
in the 1970s (Sarmiento et al. 1977). The
technique was first developed for tibial
shaft fractures (Sarmiento 1967). The
technique was soon adapted to humeral
shaft fractures. A custom-made or
prefabricated brace is placed around the
fractured arm, leaving the motion of the
elbow free (Fig. 11). The biomechanical
rationale for functional bracing is that
some motion is needed in the fracture
site to enable the best possible
environment for fracture healing
(Sarmiento et al. 1995). A soft tissue
envelope around the fractured humerus
is supported by the brace (Fig. 12). Early motion of the elbow is advocated to
prevent stiff elbow. The muscle contraction around the fracture is beneficial
for the fracture healing (Sarmiento et al. 1974). The brace should be tightened
regularly to function properly, while avoiding overtightening, as this might
result in pressure ulcers. The brace is kept in place at all times, except during
showering, until radiological and clinical healing is observed (Zagorski et al.
Fig. 11. Custom-made functional brace.
Copyright©2017 Rämö et al. CC BY-NC 4.0 license.
Fig. 12.
A. A 36-year-old male sustained a
humeral shaft fracture (AO/OTA
12A3b) due to fall from a standing
height. The patient was randomized
to functional bracing. The brace was
applied at the emergency department
and the X-ray was taken with the
B. There was some callus formation
at 6 weeks.
C. The arm was pain-free and stable
with a strong callus formation at 3
D. A strong fracture union was
observed at 6 months.
Surgical treatment of humeral shaft fractures has been suggested in several
clinical situations (Table 1). The indications are derived from retrospective
case series. There are no studies validating the superiority of surgical care over
nonsurgical treatment in these situations, but a common sense justifies an
operative approach. According to current literature, the most common
associated injury, primary radial nerve palsy (PRNP) with no other indication
for surgery, is generally not considered an indication for early nerve
exploration (Böstman et al. 1986, Shao et al. 2005, Ekholm et al. 2008b,
Heckler et al. 2008, Liu et al. 2012, Korompilias et al. 2013). However, the
most recent systematic review combining 58 observational studies with
890/7262 PRNPs found that patients with early exploration had a higher
chance of nerve recovery than those with late exploration (89.8% vs. 68.1%)
(Ilyas et al. 2020). This conclusion can be criticized for overestimating the
effect of early exploration. Some of the patients with early exploration could
have recovered without intervention, but the patients with late exploration do
not include those with spontaneous nerve recovery. There are no RCTs
comparing surgery with nonsurgical care in humeral shaft fractures
complicated with PRNP.
Table 1. Generally accepted indications for surgical treatment of humeral shaft fractures.
Clinical situation
Bilateral fracture
Brug et al. 1994
Pathological fractures
Flinkkilä et al. 1998, Laitinen et al. 2011
Floating elbow (arm and
forearm fracture)
Rogers et al. 1984, Sarmiento et al. 2001
Multiple trauma patient
Bell et al. 1985, Brumback et al. 1986
Brachial plexus or artery injury
Gainor et al. 1986, Brien et al. 1990
Open fractures (grade II or III)
Brug et al. 1994, Sarmiento et al. 2001
Symptomatic nonunion
Campbell 1937, Barquet et al. 1989, Jupiter et al. 1998
Originally, the aim of ORIF was to anatomically reduce the fracture by
exposing the fracture site, compressing the fracture either with an
interfragmentary lag screw or by using dynamic compression with the plate
(Müller 1963). Compression is appropriate especially in simple fractures and
has been shown to improve bony union (King 1957). However, in comminuted
fractures, compression of the fracture is not possible. This led to the concept
of bridge plating, where the alignment of the bone is corrected without
interfering with the fracture zone and fixing the plate from both sides of the
fracture (Heitemeyer et al. 1987).
The plate is fixed with locking or nonlocking screws according to the
surgeon’s preference and quality of the bone (Fig. 13). Often use of locking
screws is recommended in osteoporotic bone with three bicortical screws on
both sides of the fracture (Gautier et al. 2003). However, in a cadaveric study
of osteoporotic bone, addition of a third locking screw did not strengthen the
construction (Hak et al. 2010). In a biomechanical study with a bone model,
the construction with two locking screws on both sides of the fracture gap
showed similar biomechanical properties in an osteoporotic model compared
with three nonlocking screws on both sides of the 1 cm fracture gap (Grawe et
al. 2012). In the same study with a good-quality bone model, the construction
with three nonlocking screws was slightly superior to that of two locking
screws. These findings have not been validated in vivo.
The length of the plate is often debated. There is no good evidence for
an optimal plate length. Empirically, in comminuted fractures, a plate length
of 2 to 3 times and in simple fractures 8 to 10 times the length of the fracture
zone has been suggested (Gautier et al. 2003).
A potential benefit of plate fixation of the humeral shaft fracture is that
it seems safe to use the extremity for weight-bearing, as this did not increase
the number of hardware failures, malunions, or nonunions compared with
patients not bearing weight with upper extremity (Tingstad et al. 2000). This
has clinical implications in patients with multiple injuries who have an injured
lower extremity in conjunction with a humeral shaft fracture. It enables
ambulation by using crutches even when weight-bearing of the lower limb is
not permitted. Also, patients depending on the use of canes or other walking
aids can remain ambulatory after fractured humerus.
Fig. 13.
A. A 62-year-old woman fractured her
left humeral shaft (AO/OTA 12A3b)
due to a fall from a standing height.
B. The patient was randomized to
surgery. The fracture was reduced
through an anterolateral approach and
fixed with a locking compression plate
using dynamic compression.
C. The fracture healed uneventfully,
and a strong fracture union was
observed at 6 months after surgery.
Intramedullary fixation was proposed in the 1930s by the Rush brothers (Rush
et al. 1950) with a flexible pin. Gerhard Küntscher popularized the technique
by developing a more rigid intramedullary implant (Küntscher 1940, 1958).
Intramedullary nailing (IMN) became popular, especially in Northern
Finland, where Küntscher served in the German troops during World War II.
Later, an intramedullary bundle nailing technique with several intramedullary
pins was introduced (Hackethal 1961), and this technique is today used in, for
instance, Morocco, Brazil, Cote d’Ivore, and the Czech Republic (Rodríguez-
Merchán 1995, Obruba et al. 2012, Sié et al. 2014, Mohamed et al. 2018). It has
not gained popularity in Finland.
The most common method of IMN in Finland is locked nailing, where
the nail is introduced to the intramedullary canal of the fractured humerus
either from the proximal (antegrade nailing) or distal (retrograde nailing) end
of the bone, as described in the exposures for intramedullary nailing above.
The nail is locked from both sides of the fracture with screws. The fracture site
is normally left untouched but can be opened in the cases with radial nerve
palsy for identification and possible repair of the nerve. The natural benefit of
IMN compared to ORIF is less prominent surgical scars as it can be introduced
with only small incisions.
The use of IMN in humeral shaft fractures has been studied extensively.
There are several RCTs (Chiu et al. 1997, Chapman et al. 2000, McCormack et
al. 2000, Changulani et al. 2007, Putti et al. 2009, Li et al. 2011, C. Wang et al.
2013, Singh et al. 2014, Fan et al. 2015, Akalın et al. 2020) and meta-analyses
(Bhandari et al. 2006, Heineman et al. 2010, Kurup et al. 2011, Liu et al. 2013,
Ma et al. 2013, Ouyang et al. 2013, X. Wang et al. 2013, Dai et al. 2014,
Zarkadis et al. 2018) comparing IMN with ORIF. According to these
publications, the outcomes are comparable, except for the higher risk of
shoulder pain and reoperation with IMN than with ORIF. The popularity of
IMN varies among countries, with less interest than with ORIF in treating
traumatic shaft fractures in Finland and the USA (Huttunen et al. 2012,
Gottschalk et al. 2016, Schoch et al. 2017). For pathological humeral shaft
fractures, IMN has proven to be a valuable tool and is commonly used for this
indication in Finland (Flinkkilä et al. 1998, Flinkkilä 2004, Laitinen et al.
Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) has recently gained in
popularity (Tetsworth et al. 2018). The principle of using MIPO in humeral
shaft fractures was published in 2002 (Fernández Dell’Oca 2002), with reports
of case series following thereafter (Livani et al. 2004, Zhiquan et al. 2007,
Apivatthakakul et al. 2009). The rationale behind MIPO is to combine the
benefits of ORIF and the minimal surgical soft tissue trauma of IMN. The plate
is inserted and attached using two separate small incision without disturbing
the fracture site. The major concern has been the possible secondary radial
nerve palsy (SRNP), as the plate is introduced without visibility to the nerve
(Livani et al. 2009). However, in comparative studies the risk has not proven
to be an issue; in fact, the reported incidences of SRNPs are higher with IMN
or ORIF in studies comparing MIPO with IMN or ORIF (Beeres et al. 2020,
van de Wall et al. 2021). It is noteworthy that in some studies the rate of SRNP
after ORIF is unacceptably high (>30%) (An et al. 2010). The RCTs from
China, Egypt, Brazil, Korea, and the Czech Republic, with low numbers of
participants comparing MIPO with either ORIF or IMN, showed similar
outcomes with regard to complications and function (Lian et al. 2013, Benegas
et al. 2014, Smejkal et al. 2014, Esmailiejah et al. 2015, Hadhoud et al. 2015,
Kim et al. 2015). In Finland, use of MIPO in humeral shaft fractures has not
yet gained popularity.
The use of external fixation (Fig. 14)
in treatment of humeral shaft
fractures was first published in 1907
(Lambotte 1907). The first case
series, including 8 cases, was
published in 1978 (Kamhin et al.
1978). This was followed by a larger
series of 164 patients, where the
method was used for complex
proximal and distal metaphyseal
shaft fractures (Hinsenkamp et al.
1984). More recently, it has been
used mainly as a temporary fixation
before definitive treatment with either plate or nail in patients with severe soft
tissue injuries or polytrauma (Sarmiento et al. 2001, Suzuki et al. 2010). It has
proven to be a valid definitive treatment method in infected nonunions
(Bassiony et al. 2009, Xiao et al. 2016), with some authors, many from Italy,
recommending it in acute noncomplicated fractures as well (Tartaglia et al.
2016, Basso et al. 2017, Alhammoud et al. 2019, Costa et al. 2019). To date, no
RCTs have compared external fixation with other treatment methods in
humeral shaft fractures.
In Finland, external fixation is seldom used even in complicated
fractures. At Helsinki University Hospital, only 4 of 938 fractures were treated
temporarily with this method between 2006 and 2016 (unpublished data).
Fig. 14. Albin Lambotte (1866–1955)
performed the first external fixation in 1902.
Fracture union
One of the most important goals of any long bone fracture treatment is fracture
union. In clinical studies on humeral shaft fractures, the rate of fracture union
or often nonunion is practically always reported. The problem in interpreting
the results from different studies is the lack of a universally accepted definition
for fracture union or nonunion (Corrales et al. 2008, Morshed et al. 2008,
Morshed 2014, Cunningham et al. 2017).
Fracture malunion (i.e., fracture healing in a nonanatomic position)
rate is often reported. However, the definition of malunion and especially its
effect on other outcomes are not well defined. Generally, 20° of antecurvatum
and 30° of varus are considered limits for acceptable alignment, having no
clinical consequences, but these limits are based on a cohort of 32 patients
treated in the 1950s and 1960s (Klenerman 1966). Fracture unions within
these limits were later shown to have no correlation with patient-reported
outcomes and patient satisfaction in a cohort of also 32 patients (Shields et al.
In addition, time to fracture union is often reported. The caveat in
interpreting the union times is the fact that radiographs are taken at intervals
of several weeks. This causes an imprecise estimate of union times, as patients
having a fracture union at any follow-up point are defined as having achieved
fracture union at that time point (Fig. 15). In reality, the fracture union has
occurred between the previous and the current time point. A more precise
method for assessing fracture union time would be to report the proportion of
patients reaching fracture union at different time points (Table 2).
Fig. 15. Time to fracture union from the
Finnish Shaft of the Humerus (FISH)
trial data. This example reflects the
problem of calculating the fracture union
time as the radiographs are taken at
predefined time points and this does not
reflect the true time to fracture union.
The blue and red lines represent the
mean (solid line) and the median (dotted
line) times to fracture union and
individual dots represent patients with
fracture union.
Table 2. Proportion of patients reaching fracture union at different time points.
An example from the FISH trial data.
Pain is generally measured on a visual analog scale (VAS) or on an 11-point
numerical rating scale (NRS) (Revill et al. 1976, Ferreira-Valente et al. 2011).
Some earlier studies on humeral shaft fractures report residual pain on a
dichotomous ‘no pain’ or ‘pain’ scale (Wallny et al. 1997a, 1997b, Koch et al.
2002) or on a verbal scale (Klestil et al. 1997). Unfortunately, only a few studies
on humeral shaft fractures report either VAS or NRS for pain (van Middendorp
et al. 2011, Matsunaga et al. 2017), making a comparison of different treatment
options difficult with regard to this outcome.
Functional outcomes of humeral shaft fracture treatment have been reported
using several outcome measures. In the early publications of humeral shaft
fracture treatment, the functional outcomes consisted of a description of the
range of motion of shoulder and elbow joints (Sarmiento et al. 1977, 2000,
Spak 1978, Balfour et al. 1982, Zagorski et al. 1988). Hunter (1982) used his
own grading for functional outcome, but this simple 5-point scale has been
used only once in later publications (Naver et al. 1986).
One of the first widely accepted functional outcome measures still in
use was developed by Constant and Murley (Constant et al. 1987). The
Constant-Murley Score contains subjective measures of pain and activities of
daily living, and objective measures of range of motion and strength of
shoulder. The scale ranges from 0 to 100, with a higher score indicating better
outcome. The normative values for different age groups have been published
elsewhere (Constant et al. 2008).
Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs)
Upper extremity-specific PROMs
The Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) score is a widely used
PROM to assess the upper limb function and symptoms in daily living (Hudak
et al. 1996). The score ranges from 0 to 100, with lower score indicating better
outcome. DASH score has proven to be a valid tool in assessing outcomes of
humeral shaft fractures (Mahabier et al. 2017, Van Lieshout et al. 2020) and
has the best clinimetric properties out of several shoulder scores (Bot et al.
2004). Currently, it is one of the most popular outcomes measures in humeral
time point
Surgery group
n (%)
Bracing group
n (%)
6 weeks
13 (34)
10 (23)
3 months
26 (68)
28 (64)
6 months
35 (92)
33 (75)
12 months
37 (97)
40 (91)
shaft fracture studies, as all the published and upcoming RCTs comparing
surgical and nonsurgical care use DASH score as the primary outcome (Kumar
et al. 2017, Matsunaga et al. 2017, Hosseini Khameneh et al. 2019, W. M. Oliver
et al. 2019, Berry 2020, Karimi 2020). There is a culturally adapted Finnish
translation of the DASH score without a proper validation study (Hacklin et
al. 2009).
Other functional outcome measures used in reporting results of
humeral shaft fracture treatment are American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons
Shoulder Score (ASES), the University of California at Los Angeles Shoulder
Score (UCLA Shoulder Score), Mayo Elbow Performance Index (MEPI), and
Oxford Shoulder Score. There is no universal consensus on the best outcome
measure in upper limb conditions.
Generic quality-of-life PROMs
There are only 10 studies reporting the health-related quality of life (HRQoL)
after humeral shaft fracture treatment, including two RCTs (Matsunaga et al.
2017, Akalın et al. 2020). The instrument used in these 10 publications was
the 36-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36). The two ongoing RCTs
comparing nonsurgical and surgical care in humeral shaft fractures will use
EQ-5D in reporting HRQoL (W. M. Oliver et al. 2019, Karimi 2020). A 15-
dimensional (15D) tool was developed in Finland (Sintonen 2001) and with
the reported normative values in a Finnish population (Koskinen et al. 2012)
it was chosen as the HRQoL instrument in the FISH trial. None of the HRQoL
instruments are validated and their responsiveness in patients with humeral
shaft fractures is unknown.
Important concepts of PROMs
The minimal clinically important difference (MCID)
The MCID is the smallest difference in the outcome measure that the patients
perceive as important (Jaeschke et al. 1989). This concept may help clinicians
and patients when contemplating different treatment options and the
magnitude of their effect on outcomes. The MCID for DASH has been
estimated to be 10 points in patients with different upper extremity conditions
(Gummesson et al. 2003), 1.5 points for pain on 11-point NRS and 8.3 points
for Constant Score in patients with shoulder conditions (Hao et al. 2019), and
0.03 points for 15D (Alanne et al. 2015). Recently, the MCID of 6.7 (95% CI,
5.0 to 15.8) points in DASH score for patients with humeral shaft fractures has
been reported, but the area under the curve was only 0.66 (95% CI, 0.58 to
0.73; sensitivity 45%, specificity 81%), suggesting a poor discrimination
(Mahabier et al. 2017).
Patient acceptable symptom state (PASS)
The PASS is defined as the level of symptoms below which patients consider
themselves well (Tubach et al. 2005). The PASS is often determined with a
question like: “Considering the activities of your daily life and current
symptoms, including pain and functional impairment, is your current state
satisfactory?”. It has been suggested that achieving PASS is more important to
patients than having a treatment effect above MCID (Tubach et al. 2006). The
PASS has been estimated to be 43 points for DASH score among patients with
rheumatoid diseases undergoing shoulder surgery (Christie et al. 2011) and 1.5
points for pain among patients after total shoulder arthroplasty (Chamberlain
et al. 2017).
Both the MCID and PASS estimates are dependent on medical
condition and patient population characteristics.
As in any treatment, there is a possibility of adverse events or complications
with all of the treatment options for humeral shaft fractures, and these should
be taken into consideration in the shared decision-making process.
Secondary radial nerve palsy
The risk of SRNP in nonsurgical care is 0.4% (Hendrickx et al. 2020). The
suggested mechanisms for SRNP are manipulation of the fracture during
splinting (Shaw et al. 1967, Bleeker et al. 1991) or capture inside the fracture
callus (Soustelle et al. 1970, Vural et al. 2008, Ravinsky et al. 2020). Surgical
treatment for SRNP after initial nonsurgical care is generally suggested
(Holstein et al. 1963, Shaw et al. 1967, Abdelgawad et al. 2010), even though a
recent review (Vaishya et al. 2019) found only 8 cases with SRNP after
conservative management in the recent literature. Thus, no firm conclusions
can be made regarding the optimal management for these patients.
The most common complication of nonsurgical treatment of humeral shaft
fractures with functional bracing is nonunion. The reported nonunion rates
vary from 0 to 33%, with large variation in the lost to follow-up rate (Table 3).
Three recently published systematic reviews report overall nonunion rate of
15–18% with nonsurgical care (B. van de Wall et al. 2020, Lode et al. 2020,
Sargeant et al. 2020). Nonunion (Fig. 16) often leads to prolonged impairment
and is generally treated with surgery, with over 90% healing rate (Peters et al.
2015, Wiss et al. 2020).
Table 3. Nonunion rates of humeral shaft fractures treated with functional bracing.
rate (%)
Lost to
Sarmiento et al. 1977
Balfour et al. 1982
Ricciardi-Pollini et al. 1985
Naver et al. 1986
Zagorski et al. 1988
Wallny et al. 1997
Sarmiento et al. 2000
Fjalestad et al. 2000
Pehlivan 2002
Koch et al. 2002
Toivanen et al. 2005
Radford Ekholm et al. 2006
Rutgers et al. 2006
Broadbent et al. 2010
Denard et al. 2010
Ali et al. 2015
Pal et al. 2015
Singhal et al. 2015
Harkin et al. 2017
Westrick et al. 2017
Basa et al. 2020
Olson et al. 2020
Serrano et al. 2020
Fig. 16.
A. A 27-year-old male sustained a humeral shaft
fracture (AO/OTA 12A1c) due to arm wrestling.
B. Atrophic nonunion at 6 months after injury.
C. Healed fracture at 12 months after surgery.
Recently, a scoring system for humeral shaft fracture union, the
Radiographic Union Score for Humeral fractures (RUSHU), was introduced to
help in predicting fracture nonunion at 6 weeks after injury (W. Oliver et al.
2019). Each of the four cortices receive a score from 1 to 3 according to
radiographic appearance (1=no callus, 2=nonbridging callus, 3=bridging
callus). Those having a sum score of 7 points or less will end up having a
fracture nonunion with 65% probability (area under the curve = 0.84, 95% CI
0.74 to 0.94). This scoring system has been validated with one external patient
cohort, and it seems to be a promising tool for selecting the patients most likely
to end up having fracture nonunion. Surgery could be offered to individuals
with 7 points or less already 6 weeks after injury (Dekker et al. 2021). Also, the
fracture site mobility at 6 weeks is a fairly accurate predictor for fracture
nonunion (Driesman et al. 2017, Dekker et al. 2021).
Functional bracing has been reported to cause cutaneous problems in 1–5% of
cases (Zagorski et al. 1988, Koch et al. 2002, Pehlivan 2002, Jawa et al. 2006,
Rutgers et al. 2006). These are best avoided by careful skincare with creams
and proper hygiene. Rarely, the fracture can threaten skin integrity, especially
in proximal oblique or spiral fractures, where the deltoid pulls the proximal
humerus in abduction (Woon 2010).
Secondary radial nerve palsy
The risk of SRNP after surgical care is around 4–9% (Claessen et al. 2015,
Schwab et al. 2018, Hendrickx et al. 2020). At our unit (Helsinki University
Hospital), the rate of SRNP was 7% (23/323) after initial surgical care of the
humeral shaft fracture between 2006 and 2016 (unpublished data).
Interestingly, MIPO and IMN seem to carry a lower risk for SRNP than ORIF
(Beeres et al. 2020, Hendrickx et al. 2020, van de Wall et al. 2021). However,
comparisons between surgical methods are subject to uncertainty due to the
small numbers of participants and nonrandomized settings in most of the
published data. Recommendations for the treatment of SRNP after surgery
vary from watchful waiting (Vaishya et al. 2019) to early exploration (Schwab
et al. 2018), even though up to 96% have been reported to recover from SRNP
without revision surgery (Hendrickx et al. 2020). Careful surgical technique
and handling of the injured arm during surgery cannot be overemphasized, as
SRNP clearly causes limitations in daily activities often for 3–12 months.
The nonunion rate after surgical treatment varies between surgical methods.
In recent meta-analyses combining RCTs and observational studies, the risk
for nonunion was 8.5% with ORIF, 9.0% with IMN, and 1.2–2.0% with MIPO
(Beeres et al. 2020, van de Wall et al. 2021). However, when looking at the
RCTs only, the rate of nonunion was 2/47 (4.2%) with ORIF versus 0/51 (0%)
with MIPO (Beeres et al. 2020), and 3/42 (7.1%) with IMN versus 1/45 (2.2%)
with MIPO (van de Wall et al. 2021). The small sample sizes of these trials
cause uncertainty regarding the observed nonunion rate. Furthermore, direct
comparison of the nonunion risk with surgical and nonsurgical care should not
be done based on these results since the patients treated in surgical trials
usually have more severe injuries than those in observational studies with
functional bracing.
The reported infection rate with surgical care varies substantially depending
on the injury characteristics of the studies. In a meta-analysis of 14 RCTs and
comparative studies between ORIF and IMN, the rate of infection was 17/357
(4.8%) with ORIF and 6/370 (1.6%) with IMN (Dai et al. 2014). In a relatively
large single-center cohort with 102 patients treated with ORIF (16% with open
fracture), only one patient with open fracture had a deep surgical site infection
and no superficial surgical site infections were observed (B. J. M. van de Wall
et al. 2020).
The incidence of shoulder impairment is higher in patients treated with
antegrade IMN (13%) than in those treated with ORIF (1%) (Dai et al. 2014).
Restriction in elbow range of movement has been reported to be higher after
ORIF (9%) than after antegrade IMN (0%) (Chapman et al. 2000). Injury to
the musculocutaneous nerve has been described during nailing of the humeral
shaft fracture (Blyth et al. 2003). Brachial artery injury is a very rare
complication during humeral shaft fracture surgery (Kumar et al. 2013,
Kyurkchiev et al. 2020). This rare injury has been noted also in conjunction
with nonsurgical care of humeral shaft fracture (Kemp et al. 2014).
Recent meta-analyses summarized the current comparative studies between
nonsurgical and surgical care of humeral shaft fractures (B. van de Wall et al.
2020, Lode et al. 2020, Sargeant et al. 2020). Three RCTs have been published
on this subject prior to the publication of the FISH trial. One is from Brazil
(Matsunaga et al. 2017), one from India (Kumar et al. 2017), and one from Iran
(Hosseini Khameneh et al. 2019). The trial published by Matsunaga et al. was
properly registered in a trial registry and had a protocol publication with
predefined outcome measures and a sample size calculation (Matsunaga et al.
2013). The results of these 3 RCTs and 14 observational studies are
summarized in Table 4.
In summary, there is one RCT comparing MIPO and functional bracing
with proper predefined outcome measures (Matsunaga et al. 2017) that
showed no clinically meaningful difference in DASH at 6 months. Of the
patients randomized to functional bracing, 15% subsequently underwent
surgical care due to fracture nonunion. The other two RCTs have inherent
methodological flaws, and the results of these two trials should be interpreted
with caution.
The observational studies have abundant variation in outcome
measures, follow-up time points, and reporting of adverse events. None of the
observational studies refer to a predefined statistical analysis plan that was
published before the actual study. The nonsurgical and surgical groups are
often not comparable due to the retrospective nature of the studies and the
indication for surgery has usually been at the discretion of the treating
surgeon. In many of the studies, the patients in surgical groups had more high-
energy injuries and open fractures, making comparison between treatment
methods unreliable. Generally, the nonunion rates are higher with nonsurgical
care and there is a trend towards a better functional result at least in the early
phase of recovery. The patients with surgical care have a higher rate for
additional procedures for reasons other than nonunion (B. van de Wall et al.
At the time of planning of the FISH trial (2011–2012), there was no
properly executed trial comparing ORIF and functional bracing, the most
common treatment methods in, for instance, Finland and the USA, in the
treatment of closed humeral shaft fractures. The FISH trial (Study II) was the
first of its kind at the time of its publication (Obremskey 2021).
(Stewart et al. 1955, Neer 1970, Kwasny et al. 1990, Wallny et al. 1997,a, Klestil
et al. 1997, Osman et al. 1998, Jawa et al. 2006, Ekholm et al. 2008,a,
Broadbent et al. 2010, Denard et al. 2010, Ristić et al. 2011, van Middendorp
et al. 2011, Mahabier et al. 2013, Matsunaga et al. 2017, Westrick et al. 2017,
Dielwart et al. 2017, Harkin et al. 2017, Kumar et al. 2017, Hosseini Khameneh
et al. 2019)
Table 4. Summary of studies comparing surgery and nonsurgical care in humeral shaft fractures.
Table 4 continued. Summary of studies comparing surgery and nonsurgical care in humeral shaft fractures.
The aims, research questions, and hypotheses were as follows:
I The first aim was to plan and describe the methods used in the RCT
comparing surgical and nonsurgical care in the treatment of closed
humeral shaft fractures in adults.
II Study question 1: What is the effectiveness of surgical versus
nonsurgical treatment of closed humeral shaft fractures in adult
Hypothesis: There is no clinically meaningful difference in the
outcomes of closed humeral shaft fractures in adults between surgical
and nonsurgical care as measured with the DASH score at 12 months
after injury.
III Study question 2: Is there a difference in the outcomes of patients who
underwent secondary surgery to promote healing of their humeral
shaft fracture compared with patients who had successful fracture
healing regardless of initial treatment method at 2 years after injury?
Hypothesis: There is no clinically meaningful difference in the
outcomes at 2 years after injury.
Adult patients with humeral shaft fractures treated at the Helsinki and
Tampere University Hospitals between November 2012 and January 2018
were screened for eligibility. Inclusion criteria were acute (10 days or less),
unilateral, displaced, closed humeral shaft fracture. Patients with history or
condition affecting the function of the injured upper limb, pathological
fracture, other concomitant injury affecting the same upper limb, other
fracture, internal organ, brachial plexus or vascular injury requiring surgery,
inadequate cooperation, multimorbidity, or polytrauma were excluded. The
fracture had to lie between the upper border of pectoralis major insertion and
the line 5 cm above the upper border of the olecranon fossa (Fig. 17A). Fracture
type in which the deltoid muscle pulls the proximal part in abduction and the
pectoralis major pulls the distal part medially was excluded (Fig. 17B).
The suspected diagnosis was confirmed with X-ray of the arm. A
surgeon member of the FISH study group (Appendix 1) screened the patient
for eligibility and after receiving written consent the patient was randomized
to either surgical or nonsurgical treatment.
Fig. 17. A. The fracture had to be
between the level of the upper
border of pectoralis major tendon
insertion and the line 5 cm
proximally to the upper border of
the olecranon fossa (blue area).
B. The excluded fracture type
where the deltoid muscle abducts
the proximal part and pectoralis
major pulls the distal part
medially. Copyright©2020 Lasse Rämö
A total of 321 patients were assessed for eligibility. After excluding 181
noneligible patients (Table 5) and 58 patients not willing to undergo
randomization, 82 patients remained to be randomized. Forty-two of the 58
patients not willing to participate in the RCT consented to be in the concurrent
prospective cohort (‘declined cohort’). The cohort was introduced to further
support the results of the RCT. Table 6 shows the baseline characteristics of
the randomized and the declined cohort. Originally, we planned to evaluate
the results of the noneligible patients (I), but due to poor adherence to the 12-
month follow-up and large variation in reasons for exclusion, comparisons
between the treatment methods proved unfeasible.
Table 5. Reasons for exclusion of the 181 patients in the FISH trial. Some of the patients
had more than one exclusion reason.
Reason for exclusion
Number of patients
Too proximal fracture
Too distal fracture
Compliance problem
Significant health problem
Other trauma affecting the same upper limb
History of older trauma or disease affecting the same upper limb
Language problem
Pathological fracture
Open fracture
Fracture between deltoid and pectoralis major attachment
Other fracture warranting operation
Periprosthetic fracture
Advancing radial nerve palsy
Needs walking aid
Foreign patient
Fracture not dislocated enough
Plexus injury
Fracture older than 10 days
Bilateral fracture
Floating shoulder
Floating elbow
Vascular injury
Table 6. Baseline variables of the RCT and the cohort not willing to undergo randomization
(declined cohort).
Surgery group
Bracing group
Declined cohort
Mean age, years (SD1)
49.6 (18.2)
[19 to 81]
48.4 (16.2)
[19 to 80]
44.6 (17.3)
[20 to 83]
Mean weight, kg (SD)
83.5 (21.2)
85.0 (15.6)
84.4 (17.2)
Mean height, cm (SD)
173 (9)
174 (9)
175 (10)
Mean body mass index,
kg/m2 (SD)
27.7 (5.9)
28.1 (4.1)
27.4 (4.4)
Smoker, n (%)
12 (31.6)
9 (20.4)
10 (23.8)
Radial nerve palsy, n (%)
3 (7.9)
2 (4.5)
3 (7.1)
AO/OTA classification, type
A (simple), n (%)
34 (89.5)
36 (81.8)
30 (68.2)
B (wedge fragment), n (%)
4 (10.5)
7 (15.9)
11 (25.0)
C (segmental), n (%)
1 (2.3)
1 (2.2)
Fracture location
Proximal shaft, n (%)
2 (5.3)
5 (11.4)
2 (4.8)
Mid-shaft, n (%)
35 (92.1)
37 (84.1)
32 (76.2)
Distal shaft, n (%)
1 (2.6)
2 (4.5)
8 (19.0)
Injury mechanism
Low energy, n (%)
34 (89.5)
38 (86.4)
38 (90.5)
High energy, n (%)
4 (10.5)
6 (13.6)
4 (9.5)
Dominant limb injured, n
20 (52.6)
18 (40.9)
22 (52.4)
Median pre-injury DASH
score, (IQR2)
0.0 (0.0 to 2.5)
0.4 (0.0 to 2.5)
0.4 (0.0 to 1.9)
Mean pre-injury DASH
work module score, (SD) [n]
0 (0.0) [26]
0.2 (1.2) [27]
0.2 (1.2) [28]
Mean pre-injury DASH
sports / performing arts
module score, (SD) [n]
0 (0.0) [23]
0.3 (1.4) [19]
1.0 (3.4) [26]
Mean pre-injury 15D score,
0.95 (0.05)
0.94 (0.05)
0.94 (0.09)
1 standard deviation
2 interquartile range
The 2-year follow-up study consisted of 82 randomized patients of the FISH
trial. The patients were divided into three groups according to the final
treatment method: 1) initial surgery without further surgery (Initial surgery
group), 2) functional bracing with successful healing (Bracing group), and 3)
patients randomized to functional bracing but who had secondary surgery to
promote the healing of their fracture (Secondary surgery group). The number
of patients in each group was 38, 30, and 14, respectively. Table 7 shows the
baseline characteristics of these groups.
Table 7. Baseline variables in the 2-year follow-up study. The patients are divided according
to the final treatment modality.
Initial randomization
in the FISH trial
Randomized to
surgery (N=38)
Randomized to bracing (N=44)
Initial surgery
Bracing group
surgery group
Mean age at allocation, years (SD1)
49.6 (18.2)
[19 to 81]
44.8 (16.7)
[19 to 80]
56.0 (12.4)
[34 to 74]
Mean weight, kg (SD)
83.5 (21.2)
87.4 (16.4)
80.0 (13.0)
Mean height, cm (SD)
173 (9)
174 (9)
172 (11)
Mean body mass index, kg/m2 (SD)
27.7 (5.9)
28.6 (4.2)
26.9 (3.7)
Smoker, n (%)
12 (31.6)
5 (16.7)
4 (28.6)
Radial nerve palsy, n (%)
3 (7.9)
1 (3.3)
1 (7.1)
AO/OTA classification, type
A (simple), n (%)
34 (89.5)
26 (86.7)
10 (71.4)
B (wedge fragment), n (%)
4 (10.5)
3 (10.0)
4 (28.6)
C (segmental), n (%)
1 (3.3)
Fracture location
Proximal shaft, n (%)
2 (5.3)
1 (3.3)
4 (28.6)
Mid-shaft, n (%)
35 (92.1)
27 (90.0)
10 (71.4)
Distal shaft, n (%)
1 (2.6)
2 (6.7)
0 (0.0)
Injury mechanism
Low energy, n (%)
34 (89.5)
26 (86.7)
12 (85.7)
High energy, n (%)
4 (10.5)
4 (13.3)
2 (14.3)
Dominant limb injured, n (%)
20 (52.6)
13 (43.3)
5 (35.7)
Median pre-injury DASH score, (IQR2)
0.0 (0.0 to 2.5)
0.0 (0.0 to 2.5)
0.8 (0.0 to 3.5)
Mean pre-injury DASH work module
score, (SD) [n]
0 (0.0) [26]
0.3 (1.5) [18]
0 (0.0) [9]
Mean pre-injury DASH sports /
performing arts module score, (SD) [n]
0 (0.0) [23]
0.4 (1.6) [15]
0 (0.0) [4]
Mean pre-injury 15D score, (SD)
0.95 (0.05)
0.96 (0.04)
0.91 (0.06)
1 standard deviation
2 interquartile range
The interventions in Studies II and III were prespecified in the study protocol
The patients in the surgery group were operated by or under the supervision
of an experienced orthopedic trauma surgeon within 14 days of injury using
ORIF with 4.5 mm locking compression plate (LCP). The surgical approach,
the mode of the plating (bridging, dynamic compression, or neutralizing), and
the use of either locking or nonlocking screws was left to the discretion of the
treating surgeon. A minimum 10-hole LCP was used with at least 3 bicortical
screws on each side of the fracture segment. Patients were instructed to move
their upper extremity without extra weight after the surgery. Gradual weight-
bearing was introduced after 6 weeks.
In case of secondary surgery, the surgical approach, use of bone
grafting, and fixation method was left to the discretion of the treating surgeon.
All 14 patients with secondary surgery had plate fixation using ORIF.
Patients in the bracing group had a functional bracing applied by a trained
plaster technician. The brace covered the arm from the shoulder to elbow,
leaving the motion of both joints free (Fig. 18). Patients received written and
verbal instructions on how to tighten the brace as the swelling subsided. The
patients were told to wear the brace until the fracture had healed. The
prespecified rehabilitation protocol followed the protocol by Sarmiento et al.
(2000). Some minor modifications were introduced; the patients were
instructed to start immediate active non-weight-bearing exercises of the elbow
and wrist and pendulum exercises of the shoulder. Assisted exercises of the
shoulder were started at 3 weeks, and gradual weight-bearing at 6 weeks.
Fig. 18. The functional brace can be
tightened as the swelling of the arm
Copyright©2020 Lasse Rämö
A detailed rehabilitation protocol (Table 8) was used in each study group.
Patients met with a physical therapist at 3 and 9 weeks.
Table 8. Rehabilitation protocol used in the FISH trial.
The patients had follow-up visits at 6 weeks, 3 and 6 months, and 1 year in
Study II, and at 2 years in Study III. A clinical examination with X-ray was
carried out at all follow-up visits. A physical therapist unaware of the patient
treatment method performed the objective measurements. The flow charts of
the studies are illustrated below (Fig. 19 and Fig. 20).
Surgery group
Bracing group
Active non-weight-bearing exercises of the
upper extremity
Active non-weight-bearing exercises of the
elbow and hand, pendulum exercises of the
shoulder. Patient instructed to tighten the brace
as the swelling subsided.
Visit to physical therapist at 3 weeks
Previous exercises continued
Visit to physical therapist at 3 weeks
Passive ROM1 exercises of the shoulder started
Active exercises of the upper extremity
Gradual weight-bearing started
Visit to physical therapist at 9 weeks
Scapulohumeral rhythm exercises
Free mobilization if no problems with consolidation
1 range of motion
181 Excluded (See Table 5)
91 Fracture outside the predefined fracture zone
30 Significant health problem
30 Compliance problem
14 Other trauma affecting the same upper limb
13 History of older trauma or disease affecting the limb
10 Polytrauma
8 Language problem
7 Pathological fracture
6 Open fracture
24 Other
321 Adults with humeral shaft fracture assessed for eligibility
38 Randomized to surgery
38 Received intervention as
82 Randomized
36 Completed trial
2 lost to follow-up prior to
12-month follow-up
44 Randomized to bracing
44 Received intervention as
42 Completed trial
2 lost to follow-up prior to
12-month follow-up
38 Included in primary analysis
44 Included in primary analysis
58 Declined randomization
42 Consented to
’declined cohort’
16 Declined participation
33 Preferred bracing
9 Preferred surgery
35 Completed follow-up
7 lost to follow-up prior
to 12-month follow-up,
2 of the surgery group,
5 of the bracing group
42 Included in analysis
Fig. 19. Flow chart of Study II.
Fig. 20. Flow chart of Study III.
181 Excluded
91 Fracture outside the predefined fracture zone
30 Significant health problem
30 Cognitive barriers
14 Other trauma affecting the same upper limb
13 History of older trauma or disease af fecting the limb
10 Polytrauma
8 Language problem
7 Pathological fracture
6 Open fracture
24 Other
321 adults with humeral shaft fracture assessed
for eligibility
38 Randomized to surgery
38 Received intervention
as randomized
82 Randomized
44 Randomized to bracing
44 Received intervention as
30 Healed with bracing
38 Included in the analysis as
the initial surgery group
30 Included in the analysis
as the bracing group
58 Refused randomization
16 Declined participation
9 Preferred surgery
9 Included in the analysis
as the initial surgery
5 lost to follow-up (did not
come to 2-y follow-up)
3 lost to follow-up
(did not come to 2-y
5 lost to follow-up
(did not come to
2-y follow-up)
14 Had secondary surgery
0 lost to follow-up
14 Included in the analysis
as the secondary
surgery group
33 Preferred bracing
4 lost to follow-up
(did not come to 2-y
7 Had secondary surgery
26 Healed with
1 lost to follow-up (did
not come to 2-y follow-
26 Included in the
analysis as the
bracing group
7 Included in the analysis
as the secondary
surgery group
Randomized cohort
Declined cohort
42 Consented to follow-up
140 Eligible for randomization
The primary outcome was DASH score at 12 months. DASH is a validated,
responsive, widely used PROM for upper limb-related physical function and
symptoms (Hudak et al. 1996, Beaton et al. 2001). The scale ranges from 0 to
100; 0 denotes no disability and 100 extreme disability. The MCID of DASH
has been evaluated to be 10 points (Gummesson et al. 2003). The patients
filled in the questionnaire at baseline, at 6 weeks, at 3, 6, and 12 months, and
at 2 years post-randomization, with time points other than 12 months being
secondary outcomes. As the patients who were recruited already had a broken
humerus at the time of filling in the baseline questionnaires, they were asked
to recall the situation before the fracture. The DASH score can be calculated if
3 or less values out of 30 are missing.
The patients reported the pain at rest and on activity using a 11-point scale (0
to 10 NRS); 0 on the far left of the scale denotes ‘no pain’ and 10 on the far
right the ‘worst imaginable pain’; MCID 1.5 (Hao et al. 2019). Pain-NRS is an
easy-to-use, responsive, and validated tool for assessing pain (Ferreira-
Valente et al. 2011). Patients reported the pain they experienced at 6 weeks, at
3, 6, and 12 months, and at 2 years post-randomization.
The Constant-Murley score is a widely used instrument for shoulder function.
The instrument contains clinically assessed functions of the shoulder and
patient-reported parts for pain and function in activities of daily living
(Constant et al. 1987). The scale ranges from 0 to 100; 0 denotes extreme
disability and 100 no disability; MCID 8.3 (Hao et al. 2019). Shoulder flexion,
abduction, and external rotation angle was measured using a goniometer;
shoulder abduction strength was measured using a calibrated spring balance.
The measurements were done by a physical therapist unaware of the treatment
allocation. The patients wore a long-sleeved shirt to hide a possible surgical
scar and were instructed not to reveal the treatment method.
15D is a generic health-related quality-of-life tool (Sintonen 2001). The tool
comprises 15 dimensions of various health-related issues such as physical
activity, activities of daily living, and anxiety. Scores range from 1 (no
problems in any dimension) to 0 (patient is dead); MCID 0.03 (Alanne et al.
The range of motion of elbow was measured by a physical therapist using a
goniometer. The results were reported as a single value (the difference of the
angle between full extension and full flexion). The MCID of elbow range of
motion has been reported to be 14.1° using a distribution-based method and
25.0° using an anchor-based method in patients undergoing elbow arthrolysis
(Sun et al. 2021).
DASH work and sports or performing arts modules are optional modules for
DASH. Modules comprise four questions assessing the effect of medical
condition on work, sports, or performing arts. The scale ranges from 0 to 100;
0 denotes no disability and 100 extreme disability. The score can be calculated
if no values are missing.
Patients’ satisfaction was measured at all follow-up time points using the
following scores:
-Satisfaction with shoulder condition, 0–10 NRS (0 worst, 10 best)
-Satisfaction with elbow condition, 0–10 NRS (0 worst, 10 best)
-Satisfaction with the entire upper limb, 0–10 NRS (0 worst, 10 best)
The satisfaction was also assessed at 12 months and 2 years by asking whether
the patient would choose the same treatment again if sustaining a similar
humeral shaft fracture (yes or no).
The proportion of patients with acceptable symptom state was determined
using a 7-point Likert scale. The patients were asked “How satisfied are you
with the overall condition of your injured upper limb and its effect on your
daily life?”. The answering options were:
-“Very satisfied”
-“Somewhat satisfied”
-“Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied”
-“Somewhat dissatisfied”
-“Very dissatisfied”
We categorized the patients answering “very satisfied” and “satisfied” as
having PASS. All other responses were categorized as not having PASS.
There is no definition in the literature for good clinical recovery after humeral
shaft fracture. We decided to categorize those with a DASH score of pre-injury
DASH + 10 points (MCID) or less as having an adequate clinical recovery (e.g.,
pre-injury DASH 6 points; 16 points or less at follow-ups categorized the
patient as having a good clinical recovery). The rationale behind our novel
definition is that if the primary outcome measure between the current and pre-
injury status is within the limits of MCID, the difference should not be
clinically important.
The institutional review board of the Helsinki and Uusimaa hospital district
approved the study protocol (I) of the FISH trial (II, III). All patients gave
written informed consent.
Stata version 15.1 (StataCorp LLC) was used for the statistical analyses. An
independent statistician performed the analyses for Studies II and III based
on a prespecified statistical analysis plan (I).
Study II
Primary statistical analyses were done according to an intention-to-treat
principle. The primary comparison between the treatment groups (surgery
and bracing groups) was performed using a mixed-model repeated-measures
analysis of variance (MMRM ANOVA). Treatment group and time of
assessment (baseline, 6 weeks, 3, 6, and 12 months) were included as fixed
factors and patients as random factors. The model included interactions
between study group and time of assessment. Change from baseline at the
different follow-up time points was estimated with the baseline as a
covariate. The model was used to quantify the treatment effect as the absolute
difference between the group means in DASH score with associated 95%
confidence intervals (CIs) and P-value at 12 months.
A similar model was used to analyze continuous secondary outcomes
(pain at rest and on activity, 15D, Constant-Murley score). For categorical
response variables, effects were analyzed using marginal logistic regression
analysis. Because of the potential for type I error due to multiple comparisons,
findings for analyses of secondary end points were interpreted as exploratory.
The MMRM ANOVA model allows missing data, and no data were thus
imputed. All patients with at least some data were included in the analysis.
In addition, preplanned per-protocol and as-treated analyses were
performed using the same models described above. In the per-protocol
analysis, patients were analyzed in three groups, 1) surgery group, 2) bracing
group with no surgery, and 3) bracing group with secondary surgery due to
healing problem. In the as-treated analysis, patients were analyzed according
to their latest treatment modality during the follow-up visits (the number of
patients increased in the surgery group and decreased in the bracing group as
the patients randomized to bracing had secondary surgery during the follow-
up). The data of the declined cohort were analyzed according to the same
principles as the data of the actual RCT. The threshold for statistical
significance was set at the level of 0.05 with two-sided testing.
Study III
The results of the 12-month follow-up revealed that nearly 1/3 of the patients
randomized to functional bracing had undergone late surgery due to healing
problems, and the results of these patients were inferior to those with
successful healing, irrespective of the treatment method (surgery or functional
bracing). This prompted us to make a pre-specified analysis plan for the 2-year
follow-up data, and the plan was published as a supplement to Study III. We
decided to analyze the patients in three groups (i.e., per-protocol analysis):
initial surgery group, bracing group with successful healing, and a secondary
surgery group with patients randomized to functional bracing but who had
secondary surgery due to a fracture healing problem. Similar MMRM ANOVA
was used as in Study II: Study group, time of assessment (baseline, 6 weeks, 3,
6, and 12 months, and 2 years), and study site were included as fixed factors,
patients as random factors. For categorical response variables, we used
Fisher’s exact test due to convergence problems with logistic regression
In addition, intention-to-treat and as-treated analyses were performed
according to same principles as in Study II. Also, the results of the declined
cohort were analyzed according to the per-protocol principle described above.
Consenting patients were randomized using a block size of 4 by a closed
envelope method. Both study centers had separate randomization lists
generated by an independent biostatistician. Stratification was used according
to radial nerve status (intact, paresthesia, or mild motor deficit; or either
subtotal or total motor palsy) and fracture type (AO/OTA type A [simple
fracture] or either type B [separate wedge fragment] or type C [segmental
fracture], Fig. 8 and Fig. 9). The rationale behind stratification according to
these factors was the assumption of PRNP affecting the early functional results
and the previous finding of type A fractures having a higher risk for a fracture
nonunion (Ekholm 2007, Papasoulis et al. 2010).
Sample size
The study was powered to detect a 10-point difference (Gummesson et al.
2003) in the primary outcome DASH with a standard deviation of 14.7 points
(Hunsaker et al. 2002). With a two-sided error rate of 5% and 80% power, 35
participants per group were needed. With an anticipated 12.5% attrition, 80
patients were planned to be recruited.
A total of 82 patients were randomized, with 78 completing the 12-month
follow-up: 36/38 patients of the surgery group and 42/44 of the bracing group
(Fig. 19).
Primary outcome
The mean DASH score was 8.9 points (95% CI, 4.2 to 13.6) in the surgery group
and 12.0 points (95% CI, 7.7 to 16.4) in the bracing group at 12 months. The
between-group mean difference was -3.1 points (surgery minus bracing; 95%
CI, -9.6 to 3.3) in favor of surgery, but the difference was neither statistically
significant nor clinically meaningful (Fig. 21).
Fig. 21. The DASH scores in the intention-to-treat analysis. The error bars indicate 95% CIs
of the mean estimates.
Secondary outcomes
The results of the secondary outcomes at all time points are given in Table 9
and in Fig. 22. There was a statistically significant difference in the DASH
score in favor of surgery at 6 weeks (between-group mean difference; -9.9
points; 95% CI, -16.3 to -3.5) and at 3 months (between-group mean
difference; -10.1 points; 95% CI, -16.6 to -3.6), the latter reaching the pre-
specified level of MCID. At other time points, the difference was neither
statistically nor clinically significant.
612 26 52
Follow-up, weeks
DASH score (0 = no disability)
No. of patients
reporting DASH
The pain-NRS on activities was 4.4 points (95% CI, 3.6 to 5.2) in the
surgery group and 5.6 points (95% CI, 4.8 to 6.3) in the bracing group, with a
mean difference of -1.2 points (95% CI, -2.3 to -0.1) between the groups at 6
weeks. The statistically significant difference was below the level of MCID (1.5
points) and was not clinically important.
The Constant-Murley score showed a statistically significant and
clinically meaningful difference between the groups at 6 weeks (30.7 points;
95% CI, 22.8 to 38.7), at 3 months (14.9 points; 95% CI, 6.9 to 22.9), and at 6
months (8.8 points; 95% CI, 0.8 to 16.9) in favor of surgery.
The proportion of patients having an adequate clinical recovery was
86% (95% CI, 74% to 98%) in the surgery group and 73% (95% CI, 59% to 87%)
in the bracing group at 12 months. The difference was not statistically
significant (difference 13%; 95% CI, -5% to 31%). The proportion of patients
willing to have same the treatment again was 97% (95%, 91% to 100%) in the
surgery group and 71% (95% CI, 58% to 85%) in the bracing group, with a
significant difference of 26% (95% CI, 11% to 40%) between the groups.
Table 9. Outcomes of the 1-year follow-up at all time points.
Surgery group
mean (95% CI)
Bracing group
mean (95% CI)
mean difference
(95% CI)
6 weeks
DASH score
39.8 (35.1 to 44.5)
49.7 (45.4 to 54.0)
-9.9 (-16.3 to -3.5)
Pain at rest
2.1 (1.5 to 2.7)
1.9 (1.4 to 2.5)
0.2 (-0.6 to 0.9)
Pain on activities
4.4 (3.6 to 5.2)
5.6 (4.8 to 6.3)
-1.2 (-2.3 to -0.1)
Constant-Murley score
53.3 (47.5 to 59.2)
22.6 (17.2 to 28.0)
30.7 (22.8 to 38.7)
Elbow ROM – degrees
125 (119 to 131)
96 (91 to 101)
29 (21 to 37)
15D score
0.88 (0.86 to 0.90)
0.85 (0.83 to 0.87)
0.03 (-0.01 to 0.07)
DASH work module score
61.9 (51.3 to 72.4)
83.6 (71.7 to 95.5)
-21.7 (-37.6 to -5.8)
DASH sports/performing arts
module score
77.6 (65.4 to 89.9)
99.6 (85.7 to 100)
-21.9 (-40.5 to -3.4)
Patients with acceptable
symptomatic state – %
24 (10 to 38)
11 (1 to 21)
12 (-4 to 28)
Adequate clinical recovery – %
6 (0 to 14)
2 (0 to 6)
3 (-5 to 11)
Satisfaction with shoulder
7.1 (6.3 to 7.8)
5.8 (5.1 to 6.5)
1.2 (0.2 to 2.3)
Satisfaction with elbow
7.3 (6.6 to 7.9)
6.5 (5.8 to 7.1)
0.8 (-0.1 to 1.7)
Satisfaction with upper limb
6.5 (5.8 to 7.3)
4.6 (3.9 to 5.4)
1.9 (0.8 to 3.0)
Patients able to return to
previous daily activities – %
68 (52 to 84)
66 (52 to 80)
3 (-17 to 23)
Patients able to return to
previous hobbies – %
16 (4 to 28)
11 (1 to 21)
5 (-11 to 21)
Table 9 continued. Outcomes of the 1-year follow-up at all time points.
3 months
Surgery group
Bracing group
Mean difference
DASH score
23.8 (18.9 to 28.6)
33.8 (29.5 to 38.1)
-10.1 (-16.6 to -3.6)
Pain at rest
1.5 (1.0 to 2.1)
1.3 (0.7 to 1.8)
0.3 (-0.5 to 1.1)
Pain on activities
3.5 (2.7 to 4.4)
4.3 (3.5 to 5.1)
-0.8 (-1.9 to 0.4)
Constant-Murley score
61.9 (56.0 to 67.8)
46.9 (41.5 to 52.3)
14.9 (6.9 to 22.9)
Elbow ROM – degrees
134 (129 to 140)
121 (115 to 126)
14 (6 to 21)
15D score
0.91 (0.89 to 0.93)
0.88 (0.86 to 0.90)
0.03 (-0.01 to 0.07)
DASH work module score
33.0 (22.5 to 43.6)
45.2 (33.3 to 57.2)
-12.2 (-28.2 to 3.8)
DASH sports/performing arts
module score
55.5 (42.1 to 68.9)
83.0 (69.5 to 96.6)
-27.5 (-46.6 to -8.4)
Patients with acceptable
symptomatic state – %
46 (30 to 62)
20 (8 to 32)
26 (6 to 46)
Adequate clinical recovery – %
23 (9 to 37)
11 (1 to 21)
12 (-6 to 30)
Satisfaction with shoulder
6.8 (6.0 to 7.6)
6.1 (5.4 to 6.8)
0.6 (-0.4 to 1.7)
Satisfaction with elbow
7.6 (6.9 to 8.3)
7.4 (6.8 to 8.1)
0.2 (-0.8 to 1.1)
Satisfaction with upper limb
7.1 (6.3 to 7.9)
5.4 (4.7 to 6.2)
1.6 (0.6 to 2.7)
Patients able to return to
previous daily activities – %
81 (67 to 95)
78 (66 to 90)
3 (-15 to 21)
Patients able to return to
previous hobbies – %
40 (24 to 56)
27 (13 to 41)
12 (-10 to 34)
6 months
DASH score
13.5 (8.7 to 18.3)
18.4 (14.1 to 22.7)
-4.9 (-11.3 to 1.6)
Pain at rest
1.0 (0.4 to 1.6)
0.7 (0.1 to 1.2)
0.3 (-0.5 to 1.1)
Pain on activities
2.4 (1.6 to 3.2)
2.5 (1.7 to 3.3)
-0.1 (-1.2 to 1.0)
Constant-Murley score
73.1 (67.1 to 79.0)
64.3 (58.9 to 69.7)
8.8 (0.8 to 16.9)
Elbow ROM – degrees
139 (133 to 145)
133 (127 to 138)
6 (-2 to 14)
15D score
0.93 (0.91 to 0.95)
0.91 (0.89 to 0.93)
0.02 (-0.02 to 0.06)
DASH work module score
12.3 (1.8 to 22.9)
25.4 (14.9 to 36.0)
-13.1 (-28.1 to 1.8)
DASH sports/performing arts
module score
19.4 (6.8 to 32.1)
37.4 (24.6 to 50.2)
-18.0 (-36.0 to 0.0)
Patients with acceptable
symptomatic state – %
71 (55 to 87)
51 (35 to 67)
21 (-1 to 43)
Adequate clinical recovery – %
66 (50 to 82)
48 (32 to 64)
17 (-5 to 39)
Satisfaction with shoulder
8.3 (7.5 to 9.1)
7.0 (6.3 to 7.7)
1.3 (0.3 to 2.4)
Satisfaction with elbow
8.9 (8.2 to 9.6)
8.0 (7.3 to 8.6)
0.9 (0 to 1.9)
Satisfaction with upper limb
8.4 (7.6 to 9.2)
6.8 (6.1 to 7.6)
1.5 (0.5 to 2.6)
Patients able to return to
previous daily activities – %
95 (87 to 100)
93 (85 to 100)
2 (-8 to 12)
Patients able to return to
previous hobbies – %
73 (57 to 89)
60 (46 to 74)
13 (-9 to 35)
Table 9 continued. Outcomes of the 1-year follow-up at all time points.
12 months
Surgery group
Bracing group
Mean difference
DASH score
8.9 (4.2 to 13.6)
12.0 (7.7 to 16.4)
-3.1 (-9.6 to 3.3)
Pain at rest
0.9 (0.4 to 1.5)
0.7 (0.1 to 1.2)
0.3 (-0.5 to 1.1)
Pain on activities
2.2 (1.4 to 3.0)
1.7 (1.0 to 2.5)
0.5 (-0.7 to 1.6)
Constant-Murley score
78.1 (72.1 to 84.0)
76.4 (70.9 to 81.8)
1.7 (-6.4 to 9.8)
Elbow ROM – degrees
143 (138 to 149)
137 (131 to 142)
7 (-1 to 15)
15D score
0.95 (0.93 to 0.97)
0.92 (0.90 to 0.94)
0.03 (-0.01 to 0.07)
DASH work module score
5.2 (0 to 15.3)
8.0 (0 to 18.4)
-2.9 (-17.4 to 11.6)
DASH sports/performing arts
module score
6.7 (0 to 19.3)
27.9 (15.4 to 40.3)
-21.2 (-38.9 to -3.4)
Patients with acceptable
symptomatic state – %
82 (70 to 94)
68 (54 to 82)
14 (-6 to 34)
Adequate clinical recovery – %
86 (74 to 98)
73 (59 to 87)
13 (-5 to 31)
Satisfaction with shoulder
8.5 (7.7 to 9.3)
8.0 (7.3 to 8.7)
0.5 (-0.6 to 1.6)
Satisfaction with elbow
9.0 (8.3 to 9.7)
8.8 (8.2 to 9.4)
0.2 (-0.7 to 1.2)
Satisfaction with upper limb
8.6 (7.8 to 9.4)
7.6 (6.9 to 8.4)
1.0 (-0.1 to 2.1)
Patients able to return to
previous daily activities – %
96 (90 to 100)
91 (83 to 99)
5 (-5 to 15)
Patients able to return to
previous hobbies – %
85 (73 to 97)
80 (68 to 92)
5 (-13 to 23)
Patients willing to repeat the
same treatment – %
97 (91 to 100)
71 (58 to 85)
26 (11 to 40)
Fig. 22. Trajectories of secondary outcomes in Study II.
612 26 52
Constant-Murley score
612 26 52
% in PASS
612 26 52
Satisfaction with upper limb function
(NRS 0–10)
612 26 52
Pain on activities (NRS 0–10)
612 26 52
15D score
612 26 52
Adequate clinical recovery - %
612 26 52
Pain at rest (NRS 0–10)
Adverse events and reasons for late surgery
Two serious adverse events occurred. One patient in the surgery group had a
cardiac arrhythmia warranting cardioversion directly after the surgery and
one patient in the bracing group had pulmonary embolism at 4 weeks. Eleven
patients in the bracing group had late surgery, with fracture nonunion being
the most common reason (8 patients). All adverse events and reasons for late
surgery are shown in Table 10. The mean DASH score of the 13 patients with
delayed surgery due to healing problem was 20.0 (95% CI, 12.3 to 27.7) at 12
months (4.5 to 12 months after surgery), exceeding the MCID of 10 points,
compared with patients randomized to surgery (8.9 points; 95% CI, 4.3 to
13.6) or those with successful healing with bracing (8.5 points; 95% CI, 3.4 to
Table 10. Adverse events and reasons for late surgery.
Surgery group
Bracing group
Serious adverse event
Cardiovascular event
Minor adverse event
Fracture nonunion
Secondary temporary radial nerve palsy
Superficial wound infection
Wound seroma
Shoulder adhesive capsulitis
Loss of reduction
Sensory disturbance in forearm
Reason for late surgery
Nonunion (time range 3–7.5 months)
Loss of reduction (at 6 weeks)
Refracture (at 8 months)
Intolerable pain in fracture site (at 1 week)
Not tolerating the bracing (at 1 and 6 weeks)
Declined cohort
The DASH scores of the declined cohort are given in Table 11. There was a
clinically meaningful but statistically insignificant between-group mean
difference of -13.6 points (95% CI, -27.3 to 0.2) in favor of the surgery group
at 6 weeks only. The nonunion rate was 2/9 (22%) in the surgery group and
6/33 (18%) in the bracing group, with all healing after the secondary surgery.
Table 11. DASH scores of the declined cohort.
Surgery group (n=9)
(95% CI)
Bracing group (n=33)
(95% CI)
mean difference
(95% CI)
4.8 (0 to 15.5)
3.0 (0 to 8.5)
1.8 (-10.3 to 13.8)
6 weeks
36.7 (24.2 to 49.1)
50.2 (44.5 to 56.0)
-13.6 (-27.3 to 0.2)
3 months
28.1 (15.6 to 40.5)
28.0 (22.2 to 33.9)
0.04 (-13.7 to 13.8)
6 months
18.3 (5.9 to 30.8)
13.5 (7.6 to 19.5)
4.8 (-9.0 to 18.6)
12 months
13.8 (2.1 to 25.6)
10.3 (4.4 to 16.1)
3.6 (-9.5 to 16.7)
In the primary analysis of the 2-year follow-up, the patients were analyzed in
three groups as specified in the Methods section above (page 46). Seventy-four
of the 82 randomized patients completed the follow-up, with 33 in the initial
surgery group, 27 in the bracing group with successful healing, and 14 in the
secondary surgery group (Fig. 20).
Primary outcome
The DASH score was 6.8 points (95% CI, 2.3 to 11.4) in the initial surgery
group, 6.0 points (95% CI, 1.0 to 11.0) in the bracing group, and 17.5 points
(95% CI, 10.5 to 24.5) in the secondary surgery group at 2 years (Fig. 23). There
was a statistically significant and clinically meaningful difference between the
initial surgery and the secondary surgery groups (initial surgery minus
secondary surgery, -10.7 points; 95% CI, -19.1 to -2.3) and between the bracing
and the secondary surgery groups (bracing minus secondary surgery, -11.5
points; 95% CI, -20.1 to -2.9). The difference was not statistically significant
between the initial surgery and bracing groups (initial surgery minus bracing,
0.8 points; 95% CI, -6.0 to 7.6).
Fig. 23. The DASH scores of
the 2-year follow-up (Study III).
The error bars indicate 95% CIs
of the mean estimates.
612 26 52 104
DASH score (0 = no disability)
No. of patients
reportin g DASH
Initial surgery
Secondary surgery
Secondary outcomes
The secondary outcomes are shown in Fig. 24 and Table 12. There was a
statistically significant and clinically meaningful difference between the
secondary surgery group and either the initial surgery or the bracing group in
many of the outcomes, in favor of the latter two groups.
612 26 52 104
Week s
Constant-Murley score
612 26 52 104
Week s
% in PASS
612 26 52 104
Week s
Pain at rest (NRS 0–10)
612 26 52 104
15D score
612 26 52 104
Week s
Adequate clinical recovery - %
612 26 52 104
Week s
Pain on activities (NRS 0–10)
Fig. 24. Trajectories of secondary outcomes of the 2-year follow-up.
Initial surgery
Secondary surgery
612 26 52 104
Week s
Return to activities of daily living - %
612 26 52 104
Week s
Satisfaction with shoulder function
(NRS 0–10)
612 26 52 104
Week s
Elbow ROM (degrees)
612 26 52 104
Week s
Return to hobbies - %
612 26 52 104
Week s
Satisfaction with elbow function
(NRS 0–10)
612 26 52 104
Week s
Satisfaction with upper limb function
(NRS 0–10)
Fig. 24 continued. Trajectories of secondary outcomes of the 2-year follow-up.
Initial surgery
Secondary surgery
Table 12. Outcomes of the 2-year follow-up at all time points.
Randomized to
surgery (N=38)
Randomized to functional bracing
Initial surgery
mean (95% CI)
Bracing group
mean (95% CI)
surgery group
mean (95% CI)
mean difference
Initial surgery – Bracing
(95% CI)
mean difference
Initial surgery – Secondary
surgery (95% CI)
mean difference
Bracing – Secondary
surgery (95% CI)
6 weeks
DASH score
39.8 (35.4 to 44.1)
47.9 (43.0 to 52.7)
53.3 (46.2 to 60.3)
-8.1 (-14.7 to -1.5)
-13.5 (-21.8 to -5.3)
-5.4 (-14.0 to 3.2)
Pain at rest
2.1 (1.6 to 2.6)
1.8 (1.2 to 2.4)
2.2 (1.3 to 3.1)
0.3 (-0.5 to 1.1)
-0.1 (-1.1 to 1.0)
-0.4 (-1.4 to 0.7)
Pain on activities
4.4 (3.7 to 5.2)
5.1 (4.3 to 5.9)
6.6 (5.3 to 7.9)
-0.7 (-1.8 to 0.5)
-2.2 (-3.6 to -0.7)
-1.5 (-3.0 to 0.0)
Constant-Murley score
53.3 (47.9 to 58.7)
23.7 (17.7 to 29.7)
20.3 (11.5 to 29.1)
29.6 (21.6 to 37.7)
33.0 (22.7 to 43.3)
3.4 (-7.3 to 14.0)
Elbow ROM – degrees
125 (120 to 130)
100 (94 to 106)
88 (79 to 96)
25 (17 to 33)
37 (27 to 47)
12 (2 to 22)
15D score
0.85 (0.81 to 0.89)
0.87 (0.85 to 0.89)
0.82 (0.78 to 0.86)
-0.02 (-0.08 to 0.04)
0.02 (-0.04 to 0.08)
0.04 (-0.02 to 0.10)
DASH work module score
62.5 (53.0 to 72.0)
77.2 (64.0 to 90.3)
95.3 (76.7 to 100)
-14.7 (-30.9 to 1.6)
-32.8 (-53.7 to -11.9)
-18.1 (-40.9 to 4.6)
DASH sports/performing arts module score
78.6 (67.8 to 89.4)
95.4 (82.1 to 100)
100 (78.4 to 100)
-16.8 (-34.1 to 0.5)
-30.6 (-63.0 to -1.8)
-13.8 (-47.4 to 19.9)
Patients with acceptable symptomatic state – %
Group comparisons: relative risk ratio, RRR (95% CI)
24 (11 to 40)
13 (4 to 31)
7 (0 to 34)
RRR 1.78
(0.61 to 5.21)
RRR 3.32
(0.46 to 23.85)
RRR 1.87
(0.23 to 15.21)
Adequate clinical recovery – %
Group comparisons: RRR (95% CI)
6 (1 to 19)
3 (0 to 18)
0 (0 to 23)
RRR 1.61 (0.15 to 16.90)
Satisfaction with shoulder function
7.1 (6.4 to 7.7)
6.1 (5.3 to 6.9)
5.2 (4.1 to 6.3)
0.9 (-0.1 to 2.0)
1.9 (0.5 to 3.2)
0.9 (-0.5 to 2.3)
Satisfaction with elbow function
7.3 (6.6 to 7.9)
6.4 (5.7 to 7.1)
6.6 (5.6 to 7.6)
0.9 (-0.1 to 1.8)
0.6 (-0.5 to 1.8)
-0.2 (-1.5 to 1.0)
Satisfaction with upper limb function
6.5 (5.8 to 7.2)
4.9 (4.1 to 5.7)
4.0 (2.8 to 5.2)
1.6 (0.5 to 2.7)
2.5 (1.2 to 3.9)
1.0 (-0.5 to 2.4)
Patients able to return to activities of daily living – %
Group comparisons: RRR (95% CI)
68 (51 to 82)
67 (47 to 83)
64 (35 to 87)
RRR 1.03 (0.74 to 1.43)
RRR 1.06 (0.68 to 1.66)
RRR 1.04 (0.65 to 1.65)
Patients able to return to previous hobbies – %
Group comparisons: RRR (95% CI)
16 (6 to 32)
17 (6 to 35)
0 (0 to 23)
RRR 0.97 (0.33 to 2.88)
3 months
DASH score
23.7 (19.2 to 28.2)
29.4 (24.5 to 34.3)
42.8 (35.6 to 50.0)
-5.7 (-12.3 to 1.0)
-19.1 (-27.6 to -10.6)
-13.4 (-22.1 to -4.7)
Pain at rest
1.5 (1.0 to 2.1)
1.1 (0.5 to 1.7)
1.5 (0.6 to 2.4)
0.4 (-0.4 to 1.2)
0.0 (-1.0 to 1.0)
-0.4 (-1.5 to 0.7)
Pain on activities
3.5 (2.8 to 4.3)
3.6 (2.8 to 4.5)
5.7 (4.5 to 7.0)
-0.1 (-1.3 to 1.1)
-2.2 (-3.7 to -0.7)
-2.1 (-3.7 to -0.6)
Constant-Murley score
61.9 (56.4 to 67.3)
52.3 (46.3 to 58.3)
35.5 (26.7 to 44.3)
9.6 (1.5 to 17.7)
26.4 (16.1 to 36.8)
16.9 (6.2 to 27.5)
Elbow ROM – degrees
134 (129 to 140)
129 (123 to 135)
103 (94 to 111)
5 (-3 to 13)
31 (21 to 41)
26 (16 to 37)
15D score
0.87 (0.83 to 0.91)
0.91 (0.89 to 0.93)
0.81 (0.77 to 0.85)
-0.04 (-0.10 to 0.02)
0.06 (0.00 to 0.12)
0.10 (0.04 to 0.16)
DASH work module score
33.4 (23.9 to 42.9)
35.2 (22.0 to 48.5)
64.4 (45.8 to 83.0)
-1.9 (-18.2 to 14.5)
-31.0 (-51.9 to -10.1)
-29.2 (-52.0 to -6.3)
DASH sports/performing arts module score
56.2 (44.5 to 67.9)
81.3 (68.4 to 94.1)
74.3 (43.8 to 100)
-25.1 (-42.7 to -7.5)
-18.2 (-50.8 to 14.5)
6.9 (-26.3 to 40.2)
Patients with acceptable symptomatic state – %
Group comparisons: RRR (95% CI)
47 (30 to 65)
27 (12 to 46)
8 (0 to 36)
RRR 1.76 (0.88 to 3.53)
RRR 6.12 (0.90 to 41.58)
RRR 3.47 (0.48 to 24.97)
Adequate clinical recovery – %
Group comparisons: RRR (95% CI)
24 (11 to 42)
14 (4 to 32)
8 (0 to 36)
RRR 1.76 (0.59 to 5.24)
RRR 3.15 (0.44 to 22.76)
RRR 1.79 (0.22 to 14.52)
Satisfaction with shoulder function
6.8 (6.1 to 7.5)
7.1 (6.3 to 7.8)
4.0 (2.9 to 5.2)
-0.3 (-1.4 to 0.8)
2.7 (1.4 to 4.1)
3.0 (1.7 to 4.4)
Satisfaction with elbow function
7.6 (6.9 to 8.2)
7.9 (7.2 to 8.5)
6.5 (5.5 to 7.6)
-0.3 (-1.2 to 0.7)
1.1 (-0.2 to 2.3)
1.3 (0.1 to 2.6)
Satisfaction with upper limb function
7.0 (6.3 to 7.8)
6.3 (5.5 to 7.1)
3.6 (2.4 to 4.8)
0.7 (-0.4 to 1.8)
3.5 (2.1 to 4.9)
2.7 (1.3 to 4.2)
Patients able to return to activities of daily living – %
Group comparisons: RRR (95% CI)
79 (62 to 91)
87 (69 to 96)
62 (32 to 86)
RRR 0.92 (0.87 to 1.08)
RRR 1.29 (0.81 to 2.05)
RRR 1.41 (0.90 to 2.21)
Patients able to return to previous hobbies – %
Group comparisons: RRR (95% CI)
39 (23 to 58)