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International Conference on Engineering Research and Education
School of Applied sciences & Technology, SUST, Sylhet
xx Month, xxxx
xx Month, xxxx
xx Month, xxxx
pp. 1
Effective Route Analysis of MRT Line-6 Based on Passenger
Feroz*, S. I. and Rahman, M. M.
Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology,
Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology,
*Corresponding author [Shahrul Ibney Feroz]
Mass Rapid
Transit (MRT);
Metro Rail;
Public Transport;
Road User.
Abstract: Dhaka, the capital, administrative and commercial hub of
Bangladesh is subjected to acute traffic congestion, inadequate traffic
management, and high accident rates. This has prompted to the introduction
of Metro rail in order to improve the public transport system of the city. This
has led the current research, where a questionnaire survey has been
conducted to find the most effective route for MRT Line 6. From the
questionnaire survey the socio economic characteristics of the passengers,
the condition of the road, main obstacles during the trip, waiting time; cost
for the trip is analyzed. From user response survey it is found that the
present transport facilities are not adequate. Public transport is already a
popular mode of transport among the low income group of people; therefore,
efforts can be made to retain ridership of this group of travelers by providing
the most effective route for MRT line 6. The proposed route for MRT Line 6
is from Mothijeel Secretariat to North of Uttara. But the route alignment of
MRT Line 6 is not satisfactory according to the questionnaire survey. Only
51% road user uses the proposed route of MRT Line. So different route of
MRT Line 6 is suggested like Sayedabaad to Uttara Airport, Mothijeel
secretariat to Uttara Airport, Sayedabaad to Uttara North. 73% road user use
MRT, which is 22% greater than the proposed route if it is connected from
Sayedabaad Bus Terminal to Uttara Airport.
1. Introduction
The initiative part of massive Strategic Transport Plan (STP) to modernize Dhaka's transport
system, for which the government is planning to spend at least 5.5 billion US dollars by 2024 in
implementing a number of development schemes (The Daily Star, 2010). As Dhaka is also a
developing city, the experiences of other developing cities of introducing Metro Rail may be
applied in Dhaka city. Metro Rail is the most common international term for subway and heavy
rail transit. It is the most expensive form of mass rapid transport per square kilometer, but has
the highest theoretical capacity. It is fully segregated, usually elevated or underground, is often
referred to as an underground railway (Subway), but can, in fact, be any grade separated urban
Feroz, et al., 2019 Effective Route Analysis of MRT Line-6 Based On Passenger Satisfaction
Feroz*, S. I. and Rahman, M. M.; (*
pp. 2
railway, The deal for construction of the 20.1 kilometers (12.5 mi) Line 6, costing $2.8 billion,
was signed by the Government of Bangladesh with the Japan International Cooperation Agency
on 20 February 2013. Each train will hold up to 1800 passengers. With 56 trains to be in service
by 2019, Dhaka Metro is projected to serve more than 60,000 passengers per hour by 2021, with
wait times of approximately 4 minutes. The entire route will be able to be travelled in less than
40 minutes at an average speed of 100 km/h (62 mph).
The proposed route of MRT Line-6 originally projected to start from Uttara North to Mothijeel
secretariat. But the encounter problem is only 51% user use this proposed route. This is
because road users who come to Dhaka Sayedabaad bus terminal by bus wanted to use the MRT
Line 6 have to go to Mothijeel MRT station by using another type of transport. With their bag
and luggage it is sometimes very difficult. For women, old aged person or person with his
family find it difficult. Again at North Uttara the approaches are not well established and the
rate of congestion and side friction is high. In general the female travelers, the middle and old
age travelers and the travelers with comparatively high monthly incomes are reluctant to use
this public transport mode.
To find the most effective route for MRT Line 6 based on passenger satisfaction different
possible routes are considered in this paper. Like Sayedabaad Bus Terminal to Uttara Airport,
Mothijeel secretariat area to Uttara Airport or Sayedabaad Bus Terminal to Uttara North. To
find the effective route questionnaires survey was done. And passenger opinion is most
important here. After analyzing the user response survey of the road users a comparison of these
three different options with existing transport scenario and proposed route of MRT Line 6 has
been observed. From the user responsive survey we find the most effective route for MRT Line
6. Again some recommendation like introduction of subway and developing a mathematical
model is suggested.
2. Methodology
The whole research work is divided into some segments such as Selection of the study area,
Questionnaire survey of personal information of the road user, survey of road user’s opinion
about MRT Line 6, finding deficiencies of the existing road, Analyzing proposed route of the
MRT Line 6, finding the short comings of the proposed route, Suggesting different route for
MRT Line 6, comparison between different routes of MRT Line 6 and finally evaluates the
most effective route for MRT Line 6.
2.1 Selection of Study Area
Study area refers to that particular zone or area which is required or influenced by the data
collection process. For this paper there are three study areas Sayedabaad bus terminal and near
Jatrabari area, Airport and North of Uttara and Mothijeel area.
2.2 Data Collection Procedure
All data pertaining to the study is collected in such ways that the results obtained from the study
may be representative of the actual situation. Data has been collected through passenger opinion
International Conference on Engineering Research and Education
School of Applied sciences & Technology, SUST, Sylhet
Feroz*, S. I. and Rahman, M. M.
pp. 3
survey using a close ended questionnaire. Data are also collected in order to gather information
about various MRT Line 6 options, their relative merits and demerits, limitations and so on.
2.3 Questionnaire Survey
Some questionnaire survey is conducted at the Sayedabaad bus terminal, near Jatrabari area and
Airport area for evaluating the socio economic characteristics, people’s opinion about the
existing road condition, problems of using the road, their opinion about the MRT Line 6, and
effective route of MRT Line 6 etc. The study area selected for this questionnaire survey because
end of the MRT line 6 is situated near this area. Sayedabaad is the largest bus terminal in Dhaka
city and Uttara Airport is the only airport in Dhaka. Everyday lots of people come to Dhaka and
go to different parts of the Dhaka city. So conducting a survey here is easier.
2.4 Data Analysis
Then data analysis was done in MS EXCEL. Graph and pie diagrams were plotted by the survey
data in MS EXCEL. Necessary charts, pie diagrams were plotted and relative comparison of the
different route of MRT Line 6 were shown.
3. Data Analysis and Results
3.1 Existing Route Analysis
Fig. 1 Main Obstacles in the Road
From Fig. 1 53% respondents think that the trip is time consuming. . Sometimes road users have
to wait for several hours in the traffic jam. It is very difficult for the patients who are in the
ambulance to wait in the traffic jam.
Fig. 2 Time duration for waiting at Sayedabaad bus terminal
Again road users have to wait for a long time to get a bus .Their waiting time duration is
mentioned in the Fig. 2. So the trip they made become so time consuming for them.
Fig. 3 Condition of the Road
12% 24% Time Consuming
Dangerous Road
Cost of the trip
All of them
14% > 10min
10 - 20 min
21 - 30 min
< 30 min
11% 11%
9% Completely Usable
Partially Usable
Rarely Usable
Not Usable
Feroz, et al., 2019 Effective Route Analysis of MRT Line-6 Based On Passenger Satisfaction
Feroz*, S. I. and Rahman, M. M.; (*
pp. 4
A significant difference is observed among different mode users while mentioning the condition
of the road in Fig. 3. 11 % respondents think that road they use is completely usable. Most of
the respondents are students. They make a short trip to their Universities. As a result they don’t
have to wait for a long time in the traffic jam. So the road seems usable to them. 11%
respondents think the road is partially usable. Wrong parking is the main problem for them.
69% respondents think that the road they use is rarely usable. The main problem is congestion
at the intersection, wrong parking. Most of the public bus service waits for a long time in the
road to fill the bus. So it is difficult for the road user to use the road. Most of them are bus user,
9% respondent think that the road is not usable and risky. Overtaking mentality of the driver,
teenager driver, old public bus, too much passengers in the bus, big holes in the road are the
main reasons make the road risky.
3.2 Effective Route Analysis
To find the most effective route for MRT Line 6 three different routes are suggested. Then a
comparison is made between the proposed route and suggested routes.
Fig. 4 Shifting to Proposed and Different suggested routes of MRT Line 6
In Fig. 4 it is shown that if the proposed route implemented than 51% respondents shifted to
MRT user. But 73% respondents will use MRT line 6 if it is connected from sayedabaad to
Airport. This is because they don’t have to wait for a long time in the sayedabaad bus terminal
to find a transport for going to their destination. Again people who wanted to use MRT line 6
they have to go to Mothijeel. Some find it difficult to go Mothijeel using another transport. If
MRT line 6 is connected to Uttara airport then people who wanted to use MRT Line 6 they
don’t have to use another type of transport to go to North of Uttara.
Fig. 5 Comparison of Bus user
From Fig. 5 it is seen that 65% passenger use bus if there is no MRT Line 6. 25% road user will
use bus if the proposed route implemented. Most of them are students. Students have their own
University bus service. But only 11% respondents will use bus if option-1 implemented. So
14% more bus user shifted to MRT user if it is connected from sayedabaad to Airport.
•Mothijheel Secretariet area to Uttara North Proposed Route
•Sayedabaad Bus terminal to Uttara Airport Option 1
•Motijheel secretariet area to Uttara Airport Option 2
•Sayedabaad Bus Terminal to Uttara North
Option 3
Proposed Route Option -1 Option -2 Option-3
If there is no MRT Line 6
Proposed Route
Option -3
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
International Conference on Engineering Research and Education
School of Applied sciences & Technology, SUST, Sylhet
Feroz*, S. I. and Rahman, M. M.
pp. 5
Fig. 6 Comparison of Car user
Fig. 7 Comparison of CNG user
From Fig. 6 only 7% respondent uses their own car if option-1 implemented which is less than
proposed route and other options. As MRT have certain fixed stations. Some respondent thinks
that it is difficult for them to use another kind of transport to go to the station. Those who don’t
have car they use CNG for long distance and use rickshaw for small distance. From Fig. 7 and 8
12% respondents use CNG and 4% respondents use rickshaw in case of proposed route. Most
of them are female user. But in case of option-1 the percentage is only 8% and 2%
Fig. 8 Comparison of Rickshaw user
The rate of congestion and side friction is high at North Uttara and the approaches are not well
established. As a consequence the female travelers, the middle and old age travelers and the
travelers with comparatively high monthly incomes are reluctant to use the proposed route of
MRT. Again as MRT is a public transport there is an issue of safety for the female road user.
Fig. 9 Shifting of Female User to Proposed and Different Suggested Routes
Fig. 10 Shifting of High Income Road User to Proposed and Different Suggested Routes
If there is no MRT…
Proposrd Route
0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12%
19% 12% 8% 9% 9%
If there is no MRT Line 6 Proposed Route Option-1 Option-2 Option-3
2% 3%
If there is no MRT Line 6
Proposed Route
0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7%
42% 62% 51% 53%
Proposed Route Option-1 Option-2 Option-3
44% 67% 53% 57%
Proposed Route Option-1 Option-2 Option-3
Feroz, et al., 2019 Effective Route Analysis of MRT Line-6 Based On Passenger Satisfaction
Feroz*, S. I. and Rahman, M. M.; (*
pp. 6
Fig. 11 Shifting of Old Aged Person to Proposed and Different Suggested Routes
From Fig. 9, 10 and 11 it is found that 62% female road user, 67% passenger with high income
and 75% old aged person will use MRT Line -6 if it connected from Sayedabaad to Airport.
And this percentage is higher than the proposed route and other options.
4. Discussions
In this research the most effective route for MRT Line 6 is suggested. This research is based on
passenger satisfaction. Road user’s opinion plays a vital role for the effective use of any new
medium of transport. In this paper about 400 people took part in the questionnaire survey.73%
road user use MRT, which is 22% greater than the proposed route. 14% more bus user, 4%
more CNG user, 2% more car user, 2% more rickshaw user, 20% more female road user, 23%
more old aged road user and 23% more people with high income will be shifted to MRT user if
it is connected from Sayedabaad Bus Terminal to Uttara Airport. So MRT Line 6 will be more
effective if it is connected from Sayedabaad Bus Terminal to Uttara Airport.
5. Recommendation and Conclusion
This paper is based on only passenger satisfaction. This cannot reflect the overall scenario. So a
details survey should be conducted. In this study, no mathematical model was developed. The
mathematical model should be further developed by estimating and incorporating the
parameters simultaneously and thus to increase the fit and efficiency of the analysis. In this
research only questionnaire survey is done for different attributes but no procedure is described
for the implementation or construction of Metro Rail in the selected corridor. The
implementation procedure should be incorporated in the future research. MRT line 6 is alone
cannot solve the traffic problem. Like MRT Line 6 more routes should be developed all around
the Dhaka city to overcome the congestion problem. The suggested route connected from
Sayedabaad to Uttara Airport is found most effective route for MRT Line 6. But it is difficult to
build the route from Mothijeel to Sayedabaad. So underground subway is suggested there.
6. References
BUET (2009), “Willingness-to-pay for Mass Rapid Transit Systems in Dhaka
Metropolitan Area”, Draft Final Report, Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh
University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka.
Choudhury, C., and Enam, A. (2009), “Willingness to Pay for Mass Rapid Transit in
Dhaka City”, Presented at DHUTS Workshop, 22 October, 2009, Dhaka.
Strom, M. (1998). Metro Art, ACR Edition, p. 58.
STP (2005), “Strategic Transport Plan for Dhaka”, Final Report, Louis Berger Group and
Bangladesh Consultants Ltd., Dhaka.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Proposed Route