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The 15th UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (COP15) will be held in Kunming, China in October 2021. Historically, CBDs and other multilateral treaties have either alluded to or entirely overlooked the subterranean biome. A multilateral effort to robustly examine, monitor, and incorporate the subterranean biome into future conservation targets will enable the CBD to further improve the ecological effectiveness of protected areas by including groundwater resources, subterranean ecosystem services, and the profoundly endemic subsurface biodiversity. To this end, we proffer a conservation roadmap that embodies five conceptual areas: (1) science gaps and data management needs; (2) anthropogenic stressors; (3) socioeconomic analysis and conflict resolution; (4) environmental education; and (5) national policies and multilateral agreements.
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Received: June  Accepted:  July 
DOI: ./conl.
A conservation roadmap for the subterranean biome
J. Judson Wynne1Francis G. Howarth2Stefano Mammola3,4
Rodrigo Lopes Ferreira5Pedro Cardoso3Tiziana Di Lorenzo6
Diana M. P. Galassi7Rodrigo A. Medellin8Bruce W. Miller9
David Sánchez-Fernández10 Maria Elina Bichuette11 Jayant Biswas12
Cory W. BlackEagle13 Chaichat Boonyanusith14 Isabel R. Amorim15
Paulo Alexandre Vieira Borges15 Penelope J. Boston16 Reynold N. Cal17
Naowarat Cheeptham18 Louis Deharveng19 David Eme20 Arnaud Faille21
Danté Fenolio22 Cene Fišer23 Žiga Fišer23 Samuel M. ʻOhukaniʻ¯
Gon III24 Forough Goudarzi25 Christian Griebler26 Stuart Halse27
Hannelore Hoch28 Enock Kale29 Aron D. Katz30 Ľubomír Kováč31
Thomas M. Lilley3Shirish Manchi32 Raoul Manenti33 Alejandro Martínez4
Melissa B. Meierhofer3Ana Z. Miller34 Oana Teodora Moldovan35
Matthew L. Niemiller36 Stewart B. Peck37 Thais Giovannini Pellegrini5
Tanja Pipan38 Charity M. Phillips-Lander39 Celso Poot40 Paul A. Racey41
Alberto Sendra42,43 William A. Shear44 Marconi Souza Silva5Stefano Taiti45
Mingyi Tian46 Michael P. Venarsky47 Sebastián Yancovic Pakarati48,49,50
Maja Zagmajster23 Yahui Zhao51
Department of Biological Sciences, Center for Adaptable Western Landscapes, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
Hawaii Biological Survey, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii
Finnish Museum of Natural History Luomus, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
DarkMEG—Molecular Ecology Group, Water Research Institute, National Research Council of Italy, Verbania Pallanza, Italy
Centro de Estudos em Biologia Subterrânea, Setor de Biodiversidade Subterrânea, Departamento de Ecologia e Conservação, Universidade Federal de
Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystem of the Italian National Research Council, Florence, Italy
Department of Life, Health & Environmental Sciences, University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy
Instituto de Ecologia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México
Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx Zoo, Bronx, NY (Ret.) and Bat Sound Services, Canadian Lakes, Michigan
 Departamento de Ecología e Hidrología, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spain
 Laboratório de Estudos Subterrâneos, Departamento de Ecologia e Biologia Evolutiva, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, São Paulo,
 National Cave Research and Protection Organization, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
 Department of Geosciences, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
©  The Authors. Conservation Letters published by Wiley Periodicals LLC
Conservation Letters. ;:e. 1of6./conl.
2of6 WYNNE  .
 School of Biology, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
 Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes/Azorean Biodiversity Group and Universidade dos Açores, Faculty of Agrarian and
Environmental Sciences, Azores, Portugal
 NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California
 Runaway Creek Nature Reserve, Belmopan, Belize
 Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
 Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
 IFREMER Centre Atlantique, Unité Ecologie et Modèles pour l’Halieutique, Nantes, France
 Stuttgart State Museum of Natural History, Stuttgart, Germany
 Center for Conservation and Research, San Antonio Zoo, San Antonio, Texas
 SubBio Lab, Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
 The Nature Conservancy, Honolulu, Hawaii
 Department of Environment, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
 Department of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology, Division of Limnology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
 Bennelongia Environmental Consultants, Perth, Australia
 Department Center for Integrative Biodiversity Discovery, Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute for Research on Evolution and Biodiversity,
Berlin, Germany
 Ecomate Management Ltd., Boroko, NCD, Papua New Guinea
 Engineer Research and Development Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Champaign, Illinois
 Department of Zoology, Institute of Biology and Ecology, P.J. Šafárik University, Košice, Slovakia
 Conservation Ecology Division, Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History, Coimbatore, India
 Department of Environmental Science and Policy, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy
 Laboratório HERCULES, University of Évora, Évora, Portugal and Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Sevilla, Consejo Superior de
Investigaciones Científicas, Seville, Spain
 Emil Racovita Institute of Speleology, Cluj-Napoca Department, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
 Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, Alabama
 Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
 ZRC SAZU Karst Research Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia and UNESCO Chair on Karst Education, University of Nova Gorica, Vipava, Slovenia
 Space Science and Engineering Division, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas
 The Belize Zoo and Tropical Education Center, Belmopan, Belize and School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Florida,
Gainesville, Florida
 Centre for Ecology and Conservation, University of Exeter, UK
 Colecciones Entomológicas Torres-Sala, Servei de Patrimoni Històric, Ajuntament de València, València, Spain
 Departament de Didàctica de les Cièncias Experimentals i Socials, Facultat de Magisteri, Universitat de València, València, Spain
 Department of Biology, Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden Sydney, Virginia
 Istituto di Ricerca sugli Ecosistemi Terrestri CNR-IRET, Museo di Storia Naturale, Sezione di Zoologia, Firenze, Italy
 Department of Entomology, College of Plant Protection, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China
 Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions, Government of Western Australia, Washington, Kensington, Australia
 Laboratorio de Socioecosistemas, Departamento de Ecología, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
 Consejo Asesor de Monumentos Nacionales de Chile - Rapa Nui, Chile
 Manu Project, Rapa Nui, Chile
 Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
J. Judson Wynne,Department of Biological
Sciences, Center for Adaptable Western
Landscapes, Northern Arizona University,
Flagstaff, AZ .
The th UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (COP) will be held
in Kunming, China in October . Historically, CBDs and other multilat-
eral treaties have either alluded to or entirely overlooked the subterranean
biome. A multilateral effort to robustly examine, monitor, and incorporate the
WYNNE  . 3of6
subterranean biome into future conservation targets will enable the CBD to fur-
ther improve the ecological effectiveness of protected areas by including ground-
water resources, subterranean ecosystem services, and the profoundly endemic
subsurface biodiversity. To this end, we proffer a conservation roadmap that
embodies five conceptual areas: () science gaps and data management needs; ()
anthropogenic stressors; () socioeconomic analysis and conflict resolution; ()
environmental education; and () national policies and multilateral agreements.
biodiversity, caves, convention on biological diversity, hypogean, indicator species
The th UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
(COP) (UNEP, )willbeheldinKunming,China
in October . Historically, CBDs and other multi-
lateral treaties have either alluded to or entirely over-
looked the subterranean biome (Sánchez-Fernández et al.,
). Importantly, while the post- global biodiver-
sity framework (IUCN, ) briefly mentioned subter-
ranean ecosystems, the need for an effective protected area
network to safeguard biodiversity, freshwater, and ecosys-
tem services had been strenuously and broadly empha-
sized. Globally, only % of the modeled extent of the sub-
terranean biome overlaps with protected areas (Sánchez-
Fernández et al., ).
As the upcoming CBD meeting will be held in the
South China Karst, a region supporting the highest diver-
sity of subterranean-adapted fishes, beetles, and millipedes
globally (and likely to emerge as a subterranean biodi-
versity hotspot), we provide this roadmap for conserving
the world’s subterranean resources. Through a multilateral
effort to robustly examine, monitor, and incorporate the
subterranean biome into future conservation targets, the
CBD will further improve the ecological effectiveness of
protected areas by including groundwater resources, sub-
terranean ecosystem services, and the profoundly endemic
subsurface biodiversity (Elshall et al., ; Mammola
et al., ,). To this end, this roadmap embodies
five conceptual areas: () science gaps and data man-
agement needs; () anthropogenic stressors; () socioeco-
nomic analysis and conflict resolution; () environmen-
tal education; and () national policies and multilateral
Perhaps even more than surface ecosystems, the terres-
trial subterranean biome is riddled by extensive knowl-
edgegaps(Box,Figure). For example, for most known
subterranean-obligate species, we have little more than
observational data from a few human-accessible locali-
ties (Mammola et al., ,); this makes assessing
species for protective management extremely challenging.
While the importance of ecosystem services associated
with groundwater quality and cave-roosting bats is rela-
tively well-documented (Elshall et al., ; Griebler et al.,
; Mammola et al., ), a substantial effort will be
required to quantify the scope, importance, and habitat
requirements of subterranean bioindicator and ecosystem
service species (Elshall et al., ).
Natural history information on the subterranean biome
lags equally behind. Data deficiencies to be addressed
should include developing a network of voucher speci-
men collections available both in brick-and-mortar loca-
tions and as digital archives. Additionally, the creation or
adoption of an array of digital archives, tantamount to
the World Karst Spring hydrograph database (Olarinoye
et al., ), will provide conservationists and resource
managers with the data to identify research needs and fos-
ter international and interdisciplinary collaborations. Such
archives must house information on the geospatial extent
of subterranean habitats, reference barcode/genetic and
functional trait data on subterranean species, and syner-
gistically contribute to or augment existing archives (Frick
et al., ) (e.g., GBIF, iDigBio, and BoldSystems).
Although researchers have qualitatively summarized
most of the likely anthropogenic stressors threatening sub-
terranean biodiversity and ecosystem function (Box )
(Elshall et al., ; Griebler et al., ; Leclère et al.,
; Mammola et al., ), their potential impacts have
not been quantified (Mammola et al., ). Strategically
focused, global studies to examine key impacts (in par-
ticular, surface habitat loss) (Hedrick et al., ) should
be conducted across a range of subterranean habitats, a
panoply of associated indicators, and ecosystem service
and short-range endemic species. Through such a coordi-
nated effort, researchers and policymakers can amass the
information required to develop mitigation strategies to
optimize decision-making.
Solutions (Box ) will require scientists and legisla-
tors to work closely with local communities and munic-
ipalities to both ameliorate future land-use disputes and
to find sustainable and economically viable pathways
4of6 WYNNE  .
FIGURE 1 Conservation roadmap flows from addressing data gaps and data management needs (green ovals with callout box) to policy
development and implementation (blue). Data acquisition and management moves in two directions: () toward a feedback loop of
monitoring, adaptive management, and local resource policy development with monitoring and management iteratively improved as
scientific data dictates; and () to providing information necessary to create educational outreach programs (yellow), which are further
sculpted by human activities (red). Socio-economic analyses (purple) aim to both characterize and lessen anthropogenic impacts and
stressors. This information then feeds into local resource management formulation; national policy and multilateral agreements are both
shaped and influenced by local decision-making
forward. Importantly, % of humans rely on groundwater
for consumption, while % use it for agricultural purposes
(Elshall et al., ). As we increasingly convert natural
ecosystems to agriculture, pastureland, and human habita-
tion, surface biodiversity, and ecosystem function (Gibson
et al., ), as well as aquifers and other groundwater habi-
tats will become increasingly threatened and degraded. To
maximize effectiveness and reduce conservation conflicts,
improved dialog between social and natural scientists must
occur so that social, political, and scientific contexts are
well articulated, and stakeholders can negotiate with com-
plete transparency (Gibson et al., ).
WYNNE  . 5of6
Successful environmental and conservation education
programs (Box ) should be crafted to: (i) address local
problems/topics; (ii) establish partnerships and programs
with local researchers and resource managers; (iii) empha-
size action focused projects (e.g., ecological restoration,
cave cleanups, and monitoring bioindicators and bat/bird
roosts); and (iv) create targeted projects that quantify
and report program outcomes (Redpath et al., ).
Educational efforts must be established in partnership
with local schools and universities, scientific organiza-
tions, indigenous and community groups, businesses, non-
governmental organizations, and government agencies.
Conservation policies (Box ) to protect significant
subterranean habitats are lacking at most regional and
national levels (Mammola et al., ). However, poli-
cies have been implemented to better manage local and
regional groundwater resources (Elshall et al., ).
Barring the European Union’s Habitat Directive (which
marginally considers subterranean habitats; EU, ), no
multilateral agreements have been adopted to specifically
include the subterranean biome (Sánchez-Fernández et al.,
). Solidly integrating surface with subsurface con-
servation targets through equitable stakeholder participa-
tion represents a foundational next step toward optimally
securing the groundwater supply (Elshall et al., ), safe-
guarding ecosystem services (Frick et al., ; Mammola
et al., ), and protecting subterranean diversity.
While numerous lacunae exist concerning subterranean
resources, sound directives can be enacted promptly with
adaptive management. This roadmap represents a viable
framework for near-term and longer duration conserva-
tion actions to protect the world’s subterranean ecosys-
tems. Formulating targets to further reduce threats to the
subterranean biome is essential to this year’s CBD meeting
in Kunming. We must act now.
J. Judson Wynne and Stefano Mammola conceived the
project. Francis Howarth developed the initial roadmap.
All other authors contributed to roadmap development
and finalization.
No data collection or scientific inquiries requiring ethics
considerations were undertaken. Thus, this work complies
with appropriate ethical standards.
We did not collect any primary data to develop this
manuscript. All references that aided in refining our posi-
tions are provided.
We declare no conflict of interest with this work.
J. Judson Wynne---
Stefano Mammola---
Diana M. P. Galassi---
David Sánchez-Fernández--
Maria Elina Bichuette--
Jayant Biswas---
Cory W. BlackEagle---
Chaichat Boonyanusith--
Isabel R. Amorim---
David Eme---
Samuel M. ʻOhukaniʻ¯
ohiʻa Gon III
Ľubomír Kováč---
Thais Giovannini Pellegrini-
Stefano Taiti---
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How to cite this article: Wynne JJ, Howarth FG,
Mammola S, et al. A conservation roadmap for the
subterranean biome. Conservation Letters.
... We currently have a limited quantitative understanding of population trends for subterranean insects and the threats affecting them (Mammola et al. 2019aWynne et al. 2021). Large-scale studies and long historical data series are missing, and our knowledge is biased in its geographic and taxonomic coverage (Nanni et al. 2023). ...
... Large-scale studies and long historical data series are missing, and our knowledge is biased in its geographic and taxonomic coverage (Nanni et al. 2023). As global monitoring programmes for insects are exceedingly rare (Cardoso et al. 2020), let alone for subterranean species (Wynne et al. 2021), it has been suggested that expert opinion may be the only valuable tool for understanding current threats until hard data becomes available (Fitzgerald et al. 2021;Miličić et al. 2021). Concerning subterranean insects, experts agree that the most significant threats to subterranean invertebrates are land use change at the surface, pollution, and partly climate change, poaching, and diseases ( Figure 24.3A). ...
... Inevitably, this chapter has been speculative in the discussion of threats and conservation measures, a direct consequence of the fact that cave and other subterranean environments are some of the least studied ecosystems on the planet Nanni et al. 2023). Thus, to make evidence-based decisions for the conservation of subterranean insects there is an urgent need to accelerate basic scientific research to document subterranean diversity, explore the abiotic and biotic factors that drive its distribution patterns across space and time, as well as establish effective monitoring programmes (Wynne et al. 2021;Box 24.2). Such basic knowledge is central to inform and support practical conservation, but also to conduct extinction risk assessments (Borges et al. 2019), to define conservation priorities given a scenario of limited resources invested in ...
This chapter addresses the multiple threats faced by subterranean insects and their conservation. Subterranean insects are intrinsically vulnerable to anthropogenic threats due to their small distribution ranges, small population size, restricted habitat, and limited physiological and behavioural plasticities. Although we lack a quantitative understanding of population trends and long-term series of data, experts agree that habitat modification at the surface and climate changes are the most pervasive threats that may negatively affect subterranean insects. Beyond acquiring basic knowledge about subterranean insects and establishing monitoring programmes, their future conservation will be best achieved by (i) expanding protected areas’ coverage of global hotspot of subterranean diversity; and (ii) increasing awareness about subterranean insects and the important nature’s contribution they provide to people.
... In Europe, a latitudinal cave and groundwater fauna "biodiversity ridge" has been observed between approx. 42° N and 47° N, where both metazoan biodiversity and the number of known biodiversity hotspots is comparatively high (Culver & Sket 2000;Culver et al. 2006;Deharveng et al. 2009;Eme et al. 2017;Pipan et al. 2021;Zagmajster et al. 2023). This pattern reflects the maximum extent of glaciations during the last ice ages (Riss/Würm ice age), during which most aquatic species living in glaciated areas either became extinct, sought refuge in groundwater habitats or migrated southwards (Thienemann 1950;Culver et al. 2006). ...
... In parallel, species extinction risk should be assessed and threshold values for anthropogenic stressors defined to provide guidelines for the sustainable use of groundwater. Finally, an integrative groundwater management strategy should be implemented based on biological and ecological criteria and anchored in national and international legal frameworks (Wynne et al. 2021;Griebler et al. 2023a). This should specifically include standardized monitoring and sampling methods and guidelines for sustainable groundwater use (Ferreira et al. 2022). ...
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The terrestrial subsurface harbours the largest available freshwater reserves on our planet: In particular, shallow aquifers are home to a vast but insufficiently explored biodiversity. Whilst biodiversity research gained a strong momentum in the past decades, threats to groundwater ecosystems increased as well and we may lose species before their discovery and formal description. Negative impacts to groundwater fauna mainly encompass groundwater pollution, warming, and habitat loss. Given their peculiar adaptation to the usually dark and energy poor environment including a slow metabolism and low reproduction rates, as well as further special characteristics of groundwater fauna like their fragmented distribution, and high number of endemic species, groundwater invertebrates seem to be specifically at risk. We firmly propose to establish ecological measures in routine groundwater monitoring and to take action in the development of biodiversity conservation strategies and groundwater ecosystem protection.
... Groundwater ecosystems harbour essential water resources for many people and other dependent ecosystems around the globe [1], yet the rare and mostly endemic species which are restricted to these environments are poorly understood, and consistently overlooked in management strategies [2][3][4]. Impacts of rapid climate change and anthropogenic activities that induce modifications in the physicochemical parameters of the environment (i.e. temperature, salinity and oxygen) are expected to affect groundwater communities [5][6][7][8][9], however, the impacts of these changes on groundwater species vary among species and the particular environmental change itself, which makes accurate projections for the future very difficult [4,6,[10][11][12][13]. ...
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Anchialine systems are coastal groundwater habitats around the world which host a unique community of cave adapted species (stygobionts). Such communities are expected to be separated by haloclines into either fresh or saline groundwater communities, hence climate changes (e.g., eustatic sea level shifts) and anthropic driven changes (e.g., salinization) may have a great impact on these stygobiont communities. Here we used cave-restricted species of Typhlatya from the Yucatan Peninsula as models to identify physiological capacities that enable the different species to thrive in marine groundwater (T. dzilamensis) or fresh groundwater (T. mitchelli and T. pearsei), and test if their distribution is limited by their salinity tolerance capacity. We used behavior, metabolic rates, indicators of the antioxidant system and cellular damage, and lactate content to evaluate the response of individuals to acute changes in salinity, as a recreation of crossing a halocline in the anchialine systems of the Yucatan Peninsula. Our results show that despite being sister species, some are restricted to the freshwater portion of the groundwater, while others appear to be euryhaline.
... Troglobitic species are characterized by their remarkable sensitivity and high degree of endemism (Wynne et al. 2021). It is common to find examples of troglobitic cixiids that are confined to a single cave, as evidenced by previous studies (e.g., Fennah 1975;D'Urso & Grasso 2009;Hoch & Ferreira 2012;Hoch 2013;Le Cesne et al. 2022). ...
Notolathrus sensitivus holds the distinction of being the first cave-restricted planthopper species documented in South America, and currently stands as the sole known troglobitic Fulgoromorpha species in Argentina. This paper presents a comprehensive supplementary description of N. sensitivus, incorporating newly collected male and female specimens. Notably, this study provides the first-ever description of females for this species. In addition to photographs of structural details, we include images showcasing live specimens within their natural habitat. Furthermore, we highlight the primary threats that pose risks to the species’ survival. Based on these significant findings, we strongly advocate for the inclusion of N. sensitivus on the Argentine endangered species list, emphasizing the urgent need for conservation measures.
... Conserving caves is a challenge even in protected areas (Bejec et al., 2020). In fact, subterraneans ecosystems are among the most fragile, neglected and threatened in the world (Mammola et al., 2019;Sánchez-Fernández et al., 2021;Tanalgo et al., 2018;Trajano et al., 2016;Wynne et al., 2021). Therefore, regardless of the priority indicated by the BCVI, we believe that all the caves studied are important and unique, requiring urgent interventions to define priority areas for conservation, actions to strengthen and maintain protected areas and regulate anthropic activities in the region. ...
The Carajás region is home to the largest number of iron caves in Brazil, but studies that integrate elements of biological diversity and landscape characteristics are scarce. We present the first study based on the bat cave vulnerability index (BCVI), which uses bats as a key species for prioritizing caves in South America, whose objective was to assess the biotic potential and vulnerability of caves in the Carajás region, determining priority sites and the most effective conservation actions. The study took place from August 2021 to March 2023, where an inventory of the chiropterofauna of 12 caves was carried out. We recorded 16 bat species, two of which are vulnerable to extinction – Furipterus horrens (Cuvier, 1828) and Natalus macrourus (Gervais, 1856) – and two endemics to the Amazon region – Hsunycteris aff. thomasi (Allen, 1904) and Phyllostomus latifolius (Thomas, 1901); as well as one species with insufficient data to delimit its endemicity or threat status (Lonchophyllinae sp.). Mining is the main anthropogenic activity in the region, but tourism is also present and acts as a potential source of disturbance to the caves. The BCVI revealed three high priority caves for conservation and four with medium priority, indicating that these habitats are vulnerable to species loss and population decline due to exposure to anthropogenic activities and habitat destruction, thus requiring more effective conservation strategies. Considering the uniqueness of the subterranean habitats, we recommend re‐evaluating the proposals for expanding mining activities, implementing controlled tourist visitation plans and conducting ecological studies and long‐term monitoring.
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Stygobionts, namely animals with strong adaptations to subterranean environments that are unable to complete their life cycles outside groundwater, can be observed in spring ecotones, but their occurrence is generally considered accidental. The aim of this paper is to assess if stygobiont occurrence in springs is linked to specific environmental conditions or if it is random, irrespective of their features. For three years, we surveyed 59 spring sites recording the occurrence of vertebrate and invertebrate stygobiont species and assessing if spring features were related to their distribution. Moreover, we recorded the escape reactions of two easily identifiable stygobiont species. We detected six taxa usually considered as strictly stygobiont based on their troglomorphic features. Two of them were quite widespread: the salamander Proteus anguinus and the shrimp Troglocaris planinensis. Environmental characteristics were significantly related to the distribution of stygobionts. Hydroperiod and occurrence of flooding were the factors that played the strongest role in affecting occurrence. Our study suggests that the occurrence of stygobionts in springs is linked to specific habitat features rather than being a random mechanism and that the exploitation of ecotones can be important for the lifecycle of some species usually assumed to be strictly associated to caves.
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The Rusty-spotted Cat Prionailurus rubiginosus is distributed across India, Sri Lanka, and Nepal, with India harbouring the larger part of its global population. During a rapid survey of three abandoned gold mines in Kappatagudda Wildlife Sanctuary in Gadag, Karnataka, India, we found a dead Rusty-spotted Cat in one of them. The identified individual was taken to Gadag Zoo to determine the cause of death. The gut contained a whole partly digested bat (Microchiroptera) of unidentified species. Our observations suggest that the elusive and little-known Rusty-spotted Cat contributes to this human-made subterranean habitat in various ways. The presence of the Rusty-spotted Cat, a ‘Near Threatened’ and Schedule-I species, in a human-made subterranean habitat demonstrates possible high conservation value of such abandoned subterranean systems and calls for additional research to explore underground ecosystems across the cat’s distribution range.
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Documenting population trends is pivotal to identify the underlying drivers of biodiversity changes and setting conservation priorities. Ascertaining trends often requires long-term, standardized, monitoring data that are not always available. Historical data provide important information on past species distribution, but their integration with recent data to obtain trend estimates is challenging. Here we show how site occupancy-detection models (SODMs) can allow combining data from recent monitoring with historical ones from the gray literature. Using data on the endangered cave salamander, Speleomantes strinatii, we tested whether SODMs can provide reliable trend estimates if i) historical data include repeated within-season surveys enabling the estimation of past detectability, or if ii) information on detection/non-detection is not available. We conducted repeated surveys across 40 caves covering the species range, for which historical (1940-1982) biospeleological data were available. We then developed Bayesian SODMs i) estimating species detectability from both recent and past surveys, and then assessing trends; ii) in absence of estimates of past detectability, assessing trends by comparing scenarios on the potential misdetection rate during historical surveys. Salamanders were widespread in the study sites. SODM estimated high detectability for both recent and historical surveys and suggested a growing occupancy. Changes in occupancy were unrelated to landscape modifications. Even without historical detection/non-detection data, realistic scenarios of past misdetection consistently suggested an increasing or stable trend. The application of tailored analytical approaches is fundamental to exploit the vault of information available in historical data, and can be linked to adaptive management to promote efficient conservation actions.
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Background Domitius lusitanicus (Fage, 1931) is a troglobiont spider, endemic from caves in the largest karst massif in Portugal, the Estremenho. It was the first described cave-adapted species from Portugal, but the male of the species was only described in 1988. New information Over the last two decades, the knowledge on the distribution of D. lusitanicus increased significantly. We assess the conservation status of D. lusitanicus, providing new information on its extent of occurrence and the anthropogenic threats and present a IUCN Red List profile. D. lusitanicus faces various anthropogenic threats, such as habitat loss, agriculture, pollution and tourism impacts. Despite a large part of its distribution is included in a Natural Park, it expands outside of the areas deemed for protection in the Natura 2000 network. This species has the widest spread distribution of all troglobionts in the Estremenho Massif; therefore, it may be used as an umbrella species for the protection of other cave-adapted species of invertebrates of the massif.
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Domitius lusitanicus (Fage, 1931) is a troglobiont spider, endemic from caves in the largest karst massif in Portugal, the Estremenho. It was the first described cave-adapted species from Portugal, but the male of the species was only described in 1988. Over the last two decades, the knowledge on the distribution of D. lusitanicus increased significantly. We assess the conservation status of D. lusitanicus , providing new information on its extent of occurrence and the anthropogenic threats, and present a IUCN Red List profile. D. lusitanicus faces various anthropogenic threats, such as habitat loss, agriculture, pollution, and tourism impacts. Despite a large part of its distribution is included in a Natural Park, it expands outside of the areas deemed for protection in the Natura 2000 network. This species has the widest spread distribution of all troglobionts in the Estremenho Massif, therefore it may be used as an umbrella species for the protection of other cave-adapted species of the massif.
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Neotropical efforts for arthropod conservation are still insufficient. Some species from the Neotropical region have been assessed by the IUCN Red List criteria (IRL), while others have been assessed using local red lists (LRLs). Unfortunately, these two lists are completely unconnected, even when they use similar criteria to evaluate extinction risks. Therefore, an overview of arthropod conservation using the IRL and LRLs to determine general and common patterns for arthropods in the Neotropical region is still missing, and this was the main goal of our study. The LRLs provided significant information about the species under threat in the Neotropical region, particularly on endemic ones. Both the IRL and LRLs determined that habitat loss (agricultural use land than more 50%) is the most critical threat of arthropod diversity in this region, but other main threats were also found. The conservation efforts for arthropods in Neotropical countries have been developed heterogeneously. Special efforts are necessary to countries without red lists as large countries, islands, or island-like bioregions. So far, the most threatened arthropod diversity in the Neotropical region belongs to the Caribbean islands. Insect conservation is not just about red-listing. It is also crucial to conduct conservation action as habitat management and restoration, citizen science or specific policy to fight the illegal trade. The integration of LRLs with the IRL helped identify common threats to arthropod conservation and also facilitated the macroscopic evaluation of this topic. It is crucial to conserve Neotropical arthropods to protect animal biodiversity. Implications for insect conservation The homologation of the LRLs in the IUCN would increase the representation of endemic arthropods generating (1) an increase in funding for research and (2) for local conservation policies such as ecological restoration, and their use as bioindicators of environmental impact on investment projects in agriculture, mining, forestry, and urbanization.
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Increased efforts are required to prevent further losses to terrestrial biodiversity and the ecosystem services that it provides1,2. Ambitious targets have been proposed, such as reversing the declining trends in biodiversity³; however, just feeding the growing human population will make this a challenge⁴. Here we use an ensemble of land-use and biodiversity models to assess whether—and how—humanity can reverse the declines in terrestrial biodiversity caused by habitat conversion, which is a major threat to biodiversity⁵. We show that immediate efforts, consistent with the broader sustainability agenda but of unprecedented ambition and coordination, could enable the provision of food for the growing human population while reversing the global terrestrial biodiversity trends caused by habitat conversion. If we decide to increase the extent of land under conservation management, restore degraded land and generalize landscape-level conservation planning, biodiversity trends from habitat conversion could become positive by the mid-twenty-first century on average across models (confidence interval, 2042–2061), but this was not the case for all models. Food prices could increase and, on average across models, almost half (confidence interval, 34–50%) of the future biodiversity losses could not be avoided. However, additionally tackling the drivers of land-use change could avoid conflict with affordable food provision and reduces the environmental effects of the food-provision system. Through further sustainable intensification and trade, reduced food waste and more plant-based human diets, more than two thirds of future biodiversity losses are avoided and the biodiversity trends from habitat conversion are reversed by 2050 for almost all of the models. Although limiting further loss will remain challenging in several biodiversity-rich regions, and other threats—such as climate change—must be addressed to truly reverse the declines in biodiversity, our results show that ambitious conservation efforts and food system transformation are central to an effective post-2020 biodiversity strategy.
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Concerns over groundwater depletion and ecosystem degradation have led to the incorporation of the concept of groundwater sustainability as a groundwater policy instrument in several water codes and management directives worldwide. Because sustainable groundwater management is embedded within integrated, co-evolving hydrological, ecological, and socioeconomic systems, implementing such policies remains a challenge for water managers and the scientific community. The problem is further exacerbated when participatory processes are lacking, resulting in a communication gap among water authorities, scientists, and the broader community. This paper provides a systematic review of the concept of groundwater sustainability, and situates this concept within the calls from the hydrologic literature for more participatory and integrated approaches to water security. We discuss the definition of groundwater sustainability from both a policy and scientific perspective, tracing the evolution of this concept from safe yield, to sustainable groundwater management. We focus on the diversity of societal values related to groundwater sustainability, and the typology of the aquifer performance and governance factors. In addition, we systematically review the main components of an effective scientific evaluation of groundwater sustainability policy, which are multi-process modeling, uncertainty analysis, and participation. We conclude that effective groundwater sustainability policy implementation requires an iterative scientific evaluation that (i) engages stakeholders in a participatory process through collaborative modeling and social learning; (ii) provides improved understanding of the coevolving scenarios between surface water-groundwater systems, ecosystems, and human activities; and (iii) acknowledges and addresses uncertainty in our scientific knowledge and the diversity of societal preferences using multi-model uncertainty analysis and adaptive management. Although the development of such a transdisciplinary research approach, which connects policy, science, and practice for groundwater sustainability evaluation, is still in its infancy worldwide, we find that research towards groundwater sustainability is growing at a much faster rate than groundwater research as a whole.
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Karst aquifers provide drinking water for 10% of the world’s population, support agriculture, groundwater-dependent activities, and ecosystems. These aquifers are characterised by complex groundwater-flow systems, hence, they are extremely vulnerable and protecting them requires an in-depth understanding of the systems. Poor data accessibility has limited advances in karst research and realistic representation of karst processes in large-scale hydrological studies. In this study, we present World Karst Spring hydrograph (WoKaS) database, a community-wide effort to improve data accessibility. WoKaS is the first global karst springs discharge database with over 400 spring observations collected from articles, hydrological databases and researchers. The dataset’s coverage compares to the global distribution of carbonate rocks with some bias towards the latitudes of more developed countries. WoKaS database will ensure easy access to a large-sample of good quality datasets suitable for a wide range of applications: comparative studies, trend analysis and model evaluation. This database will largely contribute to research advancement in karst hydrology, supports karst groundwater management, and promotes international and interdisciplinary collaborations.
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Natural history collections (NHCs) are the foundation of historical baselines for assessing anthropogenic impacts on biodiversity. Along these lines, the online mobilization of specimens via digitization—the conversion of specimen data into accessible digital content—has greatly expanded the use of NHC collections across a diversity of disciplines. We broaden the current vision of digitization (Digitization 1.0)—whereby specimens are digitized within NHCs—to include new approaches that rely on digitized products rather than the physical specimen (Digitization 2.0). Digitization 2.0 builds on the data, workflows, and infrastructure produced by Digitization 1.0 to create digital-only workflows that facilitate digitization, curation, and data links, thus returning value to physical specimens by creating new layers of annotation, empowering a global community, and developing automated approaches to advance biodiversity discovery and conservation. These efforts will transform large-scale biodiversity assessments to address fundamental questions including those pertaining to critical issues of global change.
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Effective environmental education represents more than a unidirectional transfer of information: rather, this suite of tools develops and enhances environmental attitudes, values, and knowledge, as well as builds skills that prepare individuals and communities to collaboratively undertake positive environmental action. Environmental education also facilitates connections between actionable research findings and on-the-ground practices, creating synergistic spaces where stakeholders collaborate to address dynamic environmental issues over time. Because of this commitment to application and iteration, environmental education can result in direct benefits to the environment and address conservation issues concretely. Yet, the path to achieving those tangible impacts can be winding, with robust data documenting changes challenging to produce. To better understand the research-implementation spaces where those environmental education outcomes occur, are measured, and are reported, we undertook a systematic review of research on environmental education's contributions to conservation and environmental quality outcomes. Given the variation in research designs and data, we used a mixed-methods approach to the review; analysis of the 105 resulting studies documented strongly positive environmental education outcomes overall and highlighted productive research-implementation spaces. Chi-square analyses revealed that programs reporting direct outcomes, compared with those reporting indirect outcomes, differed on primary topic addressed. A narrative analysis indicated that environmental education programs documenting direct impacts included: a focus on localized issues or locally relevant dimensions of broader issues; collaboration with scientists, resource managers, and/or community organizations; integrated action elements; and intentional measurement/reporting structures. Those themes suggest program development and documentation ideas as well as further opportunities for productive research-implementation spaces. Full Text Available:
The 2019 United Nations Global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services estimated that approximately 1 million species are at risk of extinction. This primarily human-driven loss of biodiversity has unprecedented negative consequences for ecosystems and people. Classic and emerging approaches in genetics and genomics have the potential to dramatically improve these outcomes. In particular, the study of interactions among genetic loci within and between species will play a critical role in understanding the adaptive potential of species and communities, and hence their direct and indirect effects on biodiversity, ecosystems and people. We explore these population and community genomic contexts in the hope of finding solutions for maintaining and improving ecosystem services and nature’s contributions to people.
Five decades ago, a landmark paper in Science titled The Cave Environment heralded caves as ideal natural experimental laboratories in which to develop and address general questions in geology, ecology, biogeography, and evolutionary biology. Although the 'caves as laboratory' paradigm has since been advocated by subterranean biologists, there are few examples of studies that successfully translated their results into general principles. The contemporary era of big data, modelling tools, and revolutionary advances in genetics and (meta)genomics provides an opportunity to revisit unresolved questions and challenges, as well as examine promising new avenues of research in subterranean biology. Accordingly, we have developed a roadmap to guide future research endeavours in subterranean biology by adapting a well-established methodology of 'horizon scanning' to identify the highest priority research questions across six subject areas. Based on the expert opinion of 30 scientists from around the globe with complementary expertise and of different academic ages, we assembled an initial list of 258 fundamental questions concentrating on macroecology and microbial ecology, adaptation , evolution, and conservation. Subsequently, through online surveys, 130 subterranean biologists with various backgrounds assisted us in reducing our list to 50 top-priority questions. These research questions are broad in scope and ready to be addressed in the next decade. We believe this exercise will stimulate research towards a deeper understanding of subterranean biology and foster hypothesis-driven studies likely to resonate broadly from the traditional boundaries of this field.
In light of recent alarming trends in human population growth, climate change, and other environmental modifications, a "Warning to humanity" manifesto was published in BioScience in 2017. This call reiterated most of the ideas originally expressed by the Union of Concerned Scientists in 1992, including the fear that we are "pushing Earth's ecosystems beyond their capacities to support the web of life. " As subterranean biologists, we take this opportunity to emphasize the global importance and the conservation challenges associated with subterranean ecosystems. They likely represent the most widespread nonmarine environments on Earth, but specialized subterranean organisms remain among the least documented and studied. Largely overlooked in conservation policies, subterranean habitats play a critical role in the function of the web of life and provide important ecosystem services. We highlight the main threats to subterranean ecosystems and propose a set of effective actions to protect this globally important natural heritage.