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Este artículo es la base conceptual del debate sobre la relación 'tecnología-desarrollo' del Programa de investigación "Tecnologías para la Inclusión Social y Políticas Públicas en América latina".
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The access to affordable housing in the Global South is very limited for millions. Many households have chosen for incremental self-construction; herewith sustainability does not have the highest priority. The main question is whether affordable housing for the urban poor and the need for sustainable housing and urban development can be combined. Transference of knowledge to (self) builders is a key issue, as is the role of assistance in self-help housing. It is argued in this paper that sustainable goals for low-cost housing and applications are achievable. Measures concerning the physical development of neighbourhoods, such as urban density and connectivity are equally as important as measures concerning community development. The latter include support for communitybased organizations, small housing cooperatives (or similar forms of cooperation) and individual households – or small groups – that build and improve their houses incrementally. Adequate planning and social organization and cooperation are preconditions for achieving sustainability in incremental housing.
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In Brazil, the contemporaneous housing picture is a result of decades of conflits and fights for a urban land and for dwellings. Some capitals have the major part of it's population in ilegal motionless, builted in slums and clandestin plots. During a long period of time, the State tried to solve the problems trough the construction of town houses and searches in tecnology innovation, that showed little eficiency. In face of the new actions that are beeing implemented in Salvador, this work analised the influence of the technological develepment in quality of popular housing in two groups of dwellings in the city: dwelling self-built and dwellings built in institutional interventions. Techniques of post occupancy evaluation (POE) were used to describe constructive and space types, technique evaluation and satisfaction of the users in relation to dwelling. The analysis of the results indicated that even tough it showed a higher quality on the builted places with the institutional intervention, there is sti ll a need of adjustment in it's program to cure deficience of the project and execution, as so the improvement on dwellings self built, that have deficience caused, specially, by the missing of accessory technique. There is also the conclusion that there is a need of going over barriers and review concepts that make harder the comprehension of the city and the criation of proposes to improve the quality of life in Salvador, as an example of many brazilian cities.
Este livro tem como objetivo aglutinar um conjunto de estudos desenvolvidos e divulgados pelo Ipea, seja por pesquisadores próprios da instituição, seja por outros pesquisadores em parceria ou a convite, que abordam o paradigma da economia solidária em seus múltiplos aspectos. Cada capítulo aqui apresentado se refere a versões revisadas de textos publicados anteriormente, sob distintos canais (texto para discussão, relatório de pesquisa e nota técnica) ao longo dos últimos anos, ressaltando o papel desempenhado pelo instituto como órgão de produção e divulgação de conhecimentos sobre o tema no país.
Sustainable low-income housing in Brazil. Brasil
  • Banco Mundial
BANCO MUNDIAL. Sustainable low-income housing in Brazil. Brasil, 2011. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 8 dez. 2019.
Unidades de seleção tecnológica e inovação na construção habitacional no Brasil
  • M L Castro
  • P G Kruger
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Tecnologia e sociedade: análise de tecnologias sociais no Brasil contemporâneo
  • R F Corrêa
CORRÊA, R. F. Tecnologia e sociedade: análise de tecnologias sociais no Brasil contemporâneo.
Deficit habitacional no Brasil
  • Fjp -Fundação João Pinheiro
FJP -FUNDAÇÃO JOÃO PINHEIRO. Deficit habitacional no Brasil 2015. Belo Horizonte: FJP, 2018.
Programas de melhoria habitacional em favelas pós-urbanizadas: experiências nos municípios de Taboão da Serra e Diadema
  • C Urushibata
URUSHIBATA, C. Programas de melhoria habitacional em favelas pós-urbanizadas: experiências nos municípios de Taboão da Serra e Diadema. 2013. Dissertação (Mestrado) -Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas, São Paulo, 2013.