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Recommendations for Conducting
Longitudinal Experience Sampling
Niels van Berkel and Vassilis Kostakos
Abstract The Experience Sampling Method is used to collect participant self-
reports over extended observation periods. These self-reports offer a rich insight
into the individual lives of study participants by intermittently asking participants
approach introduces a variety of concerns regarding the data contributed by partici-
pants. A decrease in participant interest and motivation may negatively affect study
adherence, as well as potentially affecting the reliability of participant data. In this
chapter, we reflect on a number of studies that aim to understand better participant
performance with Experience Sampling. We discuss the main issues relating to par-
ticipant data for longitudinal studies and provide hands-on recommendations for
researchers to remedy these concerns in their own studies.
Keywords Experience sampling method ·Ecological momentary assessment ·
ESM ·EMA ·Self-report ·Data quality ·Reliability
1 Introduction
Responding to an increased interest in studying human life more systematically
than traditional surveys—and in a more realistic and longitudinal setting than pos-
sible through observations—Larson and Csikszentmihalyi introduced the Experi-
ence Sampling Method in 1983 [1]. Researchers using the Experience Sampling
Method (ESM) ask their participants to intermittently complete a short question-
naire assessing their current state, context, or experience over an extended period of
time (typically a couple of weeks). Questionnaires are typically designed to ensure
that participants focus on their current experience rather than to reflect over a longer
N. van Berkel (B
Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
V. Kostakos
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
E. Karapanos et al. (eds.), Advances in Longitudinal HCI Research,
Human–Computer Interaction Series, 030-67322- 2_4
60 N. van Berkel and V. Kostakos
period of time, thus minimising the effects of participants’ (in)ability to accurately
recollect past events [2].
Early ESM studies focused on capturing the daily activities and corresponding
experiences of study participants [3]. In those studies, participants were asked to
answer what they were currently doing repeatedly. Collecting self-reports at random
slots throughout the day, as opposed to a one-off survey or interview, ensured that
responses are collected during the participant’s “interaction with the material and
social environment”[3]. In other words, the idea to collect self-report data in situ
and thereby increase the ecological validity of a study was motivated by a desire to
increase the reliability of participant responses.
Method, with a focus on (personal) mobile devices [4]. The use of mobile devices as
opposed to paper-based questionnaires provides a number of advances in terms of
control over participant entries (e.g. prevent ‘parking lot compliance’ [5]), interactive
design opportunities [6,7], and contextual sensing possibilities [8–10]. We discuss
how these opportunities provided by mobile devices can be utilised in the assess-
ment, improvement, and analysis of the reliability of participant data in longitudinal
experience sampling studies.
1.1 Longitudinal Experience Sampling
The timescale of ESM studies varies significantly, with a recent literature review
(analysing 461 papers) reporting studies ranging between 1 and 365 days [4]. The
median duration of an ESM study was found to be 14 days, while a majority of
70.9% of studies reported a duration of less than one month [4]. The one-day studies
in the sample are mostly trials to investigate the (technological) feasibility of a
given study configuration (e.g. Westerink et al. [11]). The longest study, totalling a
year, investigated long term patterns in location sharing among a large sample of
Foursquare users [12]. The typical range of ESM studies is in the duration of weeks
rather than months as researchers aim to find a “balance between study duration and
intervention frequency”[13].
Longitudinal experience sampling is relatively short-term when compared to
cross-sectional repeated surveys (also called periodic surveys or simply a survey
using a longitudinal design), typically covering months or years [14]. These survey-
type designs are often used to investigate changes in attitudes or behaviours over
extended periods of time [14], for example in consumer research [15] or within pro-
fessional organisations [16]. In addition to their usual shorter duration, there are a
number of other key differences between repeated surveys and longitudinal experi-
ence sampling: the frequency of the questionnaires, the reflective nature of surveys vs.
the in-the-moment perspective of ESM questionnaires, and the fact that ESM ques-
tionnaires are collected ‘in the wild’ aiming to cover a variety of contexts. The ESM
shares many of the same challenges encountered in other methodologies employing
human sensing [10,17], such as citizen science or situated crowdsourcing.
Recommendations for Conducting Longitudinal Experience Sampling Studies 61
1.2 Challenges
The sustained effort required of participants over an extended period of time intro-
duces a number of challenges. First, the motivation of participants is likely to decrease
over time as initial interest drops. Techniques to maintain a base level of motivation,
whether through intrinsic or extrinsic motivation, are therefore key in enabling suc-
cessful longitudinal use of the ESM. Participant motivation, or lack thereof, plays
a key role in relation to data quality and quantity, the two remaining challenges.
Second, adherence to study protocol—typically quantified as the number of ques-
tionnaires that have been answered—has been shown to decline over time due to study
fatigue [18]. Another concern is the variance in the number of responses between
participants, which could skew the analysis of ESM results—a critical type of bias
introduced by such variance is ‘selective non-responses’, in which the responses of
specific groups of the study’s sample are over- or under-represented [19]. An anal-
ysis of four recent ESM studies reveals significant differences across participants
in terms of their response rate [20]. Third, ensuring a sufficient level of response
reliability is key in collecting participant responses, and critical in generating sound
study inferences. Novel sampling techniques and filtering mechanisms can support
the increase in reliability of participant responses.
Here, we discuss these three challenges in detail and provide concrete recom-
mendations for researchers to address these challenges in their own studies (Sects.2,
3,and4). Following this, we discuss analysis techniques specific to the analysis of
longitudinal response data (Sect. 5)aswellanumberofconcreteguidelinesforthe
design and subsequent reporting of ESM studies through a ‘checklist for researchers’
(Sect. 6). Finally, we present a number of future trends in the area of longitudinal
experience sampling studies (Sect. 7)andconcludethischapter(Sect.8).
Larson and Csikszentmihalyi classify the “dependence on respondents’ self-reports”
as the major limitation of the ESM, while simultaneously highlighting examples that
show how these self-reports are “averyusefulsourceofdata”[2]. Regardless of
whether we consider the quantity or quality of participant responses, participant
motivation is key in ensuring a successful study outcome. Given the longitudinal
and oftentimes burdensome nature of ESM studies, a number of research streams
have explored how to increase and maintain participant motivation over time and its
subsequent effects on participant responses. Here, we distinguish between intrinsic
and extrinsic means of motivation.
62 N. van Berkel and V. Kostakos
2.1 Intrinsic Motivation
Intrinsic motivation has simply been defined as “doing something for its own
sake”[21] rather than expecting a direct or indirect compensation. It is, however,
incorrect to state that researchers can therefore not (positively) influence a partic-
ipant’s intrinsic motivation. As already stated by Larson and Csikszentmihalyi in
their original publication on the Experience Sampling Method: “Most participants
find that the procedure is rewarding in some way, and most are willing to share their
experience. However, cooperation depends on their trust and on their belief that
the research is worthwhile”[1]. Here, Larson and Csikszentmihalyi refer to what
they later classify as ‘establishing a research alliance’. This research alliance aims to
establish a vested interest of the participant in the study and the research outcome.
However, identifying how to give concrete form to such a research alliance remains
under-explored in the current ESM literature. Related methodologies such as citi-
zen science face similar challenges and have investigated how to build and sustain
engagement among participants. These results show that interest and curiosity, per-
ceived self-competence, and enjoyment in the task all contribute to an individual’s
intrinsic motivation [22,23]. Furthermore, Measham and Barnett found that fulfilling
ipant’s engagement [24]. Although direct empirical evaluations of these factors are
scarce for the ESM, given the methodological overlap we can hypothesise that these
factors have a similar positive effect on participation motivation in ESM studies. We
note that the potential side effects of increasing participants’ motivation have not yet
been sufficiently explored, and could potentially influence study results.
Recommendation 1 Provide rich feedback regarding the study goals and the partic-
ipants’ contribution to those goals. Provide information throughout the study period.
Recommendation 2 Target participant recruitment to communities with a vested
interest in the study outcomes.
2.2 Extrinsic Motivation
Extrinsic motivation, which Reiss defines as “the pursuit of an instrumental goal”
[21], consists of various methods of motivation, including (financial) rewards or a
competition between participants. Although earlier work in Psychology stated that
extrinsic motivators would undermine an individual’s intrinsic motivation (cf. the
self-determination theory [25]), recent work largely refutes this claim [21].
(45.7%) [4]. The effect of different financial compensation structures on participant
motivation has not been extensively explored, in part due to incomplete reporting of
study details [4]. These initial reports do highlight, however, that the use of micro-
compensations (a small payment for each completed response) motivates participants
Recommendations for Conducting Longitudinal Experience Sampling Studies 63
in responding to ESM questionnaires. Although already applied by Consolvo and
Walk e r i n 2003 [26], this compensation structure has not been widely adopted in the
HCI literature [4]. Mushtag et al. compare three different micro-compensation struc-
tures but do not contrast their results with, e.g. a fixed compensation [27]. Although
the use of micro-compensation warrants further investigation, we note that this com-
pensation structure may not be applicable to all studies due to potential negative
effects on the study’s ecological validity. As highlighted by Mushtag et al., partici-
pant reactivity to micro-compensation may confound self-reports in studies focusing
on participant affect. Stone et al. warn of using excessive financial incentives, which
could attract participants solely interested in the monetary reward rather than partic-
ipating in the study [28].
Recommendation 3 Avo id exc e ssive finan c ial co m p ensa t ion and c o nsid e r t he use
of micro-compensation when applicable.
The literature on the ESM has also explored a number of extrinsic motivation
techniques besides financial compensation, with promising results. Hsieh et al. show
that providing participants with visual information on their provided self-reports
increased participant adherence by 23% over a 25day period (study with desk-
top users) [6]. The visual feedback provided by Hsieh et al. allowed participants
to explore their prior answers on questions related to interruption or mood. The
authors state that such visualisations “makes the information personally relevant
and increases the value of the study to participants”[6]. Van Berkel et al. studied
the effect of gamification (e.g. points, leaderboard) on participant responses in a
between-subject study. Their results show that participants in the gamified condi-
tion significantly increased both their response quality (quantified through crowd-
evaluation) and their number of provided responses as compared to the participants
in the non-gamified condition [7].
Recommendation 4 Include interactive feedback mechanisms in the study protocol
to keep participants engaged and motivated.
Participant adherence to protocol, i.e. the degree to which the questionnaire notifi-
cations are opened and answered, is critical in ensuring an informative study out-
come. In Experience Sampling, study adherence is typically quantified as ‘response
rate’ or ‘compliance rate’, defined as the “number of fully completed questionnaires
divided by the number of presented questionnaires”[4]. Unsurprisingly, studies typ-
ically report a decrease in study adherence over time, see for example [29–31]. As
researchers can expect a decrease in participant adherence over time, it is key to
consider the trade-offs when designing a longitudinal study. Balancing the number
of daily questionnaires, number of questionnaire items, questionnaire scheduling,
64 N. van Berkel and V. Kostakos
and duration of the study, as well as other factors such as participant compensa-
tion and availability, in accordance with the research question is key. A number of
studies have aimed to systematically study the effect of these variables, see, e.g., a
recent study by Eisele et al. on the effect of notification frequency and questionnaire
length on participant responses [32], or Van Berkel et al.’s investigation on the effect
of notification schedules [31]. We argue that any researcher should consider these
study parameters in relation to their research question and population sample. As
such, there is not one study configuration that would be applicable to every study.
Below, we outline some of the decisions that can motivate the balancing of these
3.1 Questionnaire Scheduling
The literature describes three global techniques for questionnaire scheduling: signal
contingent, interval contingent, and event contingent [33]. In a signal contingent
schedule configuration, notification arrival is randomised over the course of a given
timespan. In an interval contingent configuration, notification schedules follow a
predefined interval, for example every other hour between 08:00 and 17:00. For
event contingent configurations a predefined event is determined which triggers the
notification (typically as recognised by the questionnaire system, but can also refer
to a ‘detection’ by the participant) [4,33–35]. The use of an event-based notification
system enables more advanced study designs, and allows researchers to optimise the
moment of data collection to contexts which are most relevant.
In a direct comparison between the three aforementioned scheduling techniques,
results indicate that an interval-informed event contingent schedule, in which ques-
tionnaire notifications are presented upon smartphone unlock with a maximum num-
ber per given timespan, result in fewer total notifications sent but a higher over-
all number of completed responses as compared to a signal or interval contingent
schedule [31]. Kapoor & Horvitz use contextual information to predict participant
availability and find that using such a predictive model outperforms randomised
scheduling in terms of identifying the availability of participants [36]. Church et
al. recommend researchers to adjust the questionnaire schedule to match the par-
ticipant’s schedule [26]. Rather than imposing an identical start and end time on
all participants, this approach would allow for custom start and end times, e.g. in
the case of nightshift workers. Other work has explored more active-based schedul-
ing techniques, where the presentation questionnaires are determined based on the
participant’s current contextual information. For example, Rosenthal et al. calcu-
late individualised participant interruptibility costs [37], Mehrotra et al. expand on
this through the notion of interruptibility prediction models [38], and Van Berkel et
al. show that contextual information such as phone usage can be used to schedule
questionnaires at opportune moments [39].
Regardless of the chosen scheduling approach, the timing of questionnaires can
have a significant impact on participants’ ability to respond to a questionnaire and
Recommendations for Conducting Longitudinal Experience Sampling Studies 65
therefore the respective data being collected. The aforementioned scheduling tech-
niques all have their own strengths and weaknesses. Signal contingent scheduling
(i.e. randomised) can be used to capture participants spontaneous (psychological)
states but can be skewed towards commonly occurring events. An interval contingent
configuration is useful to capture events which are expected to occur regularly and
provides a consistent sampling strategy which allows for the modelling of time as a
factor in relation to the answers provided by the participant. Due to the regular sched-
ule with which notifications are presented, it increases the risk of (over)sampling the
same event (e.g. start of a lecture). Finally, event contingent configurations are use-
ful for capturing isolated or infrequently occurring events that can be detected either
through sensor data or manually by the participant. Event-based schedules can result
in an incomplete view of the participant’s life if the event of interest only occurs in
a limit variety of contexts [40].
Recommendation 5 Carefully consider the effect of the chosen questionnaire
scheduling approach on the selection of participant responses.
3.2 Study Duration
The literature on ESM study design has recommended roughly similar maximum
durations for ESM studies, e.g. a minimum duration of one week [1], two weeks [39],
and two–four weeks [28]. Determining an appropriate study duration is a careful
consideration that involves a variety of factors such as the frequency with which the
phenomenon of interest occurs, the required effort to complete the questionnaire,
and expected levels of motivation among the participant sample.
Researchers interested in longitudinal studies of extensive duration, e.g. months
or years, will find that participants are likely unable or unwilling to repeatedly answer
burden in ESM studies, we advise against the collection of self-reports across the
entire duration of studies of this duration. Instead, researchers should consider the
collection of manual responses for a (number of) period(s) within the duration of the
entire longitudinal study—embedding the ESM within a larger study design. As such,
researchers can combine the insights obtained through frequent ESM questionnaires
with the information gained from repeated data collection over an extensive period of
time. This approach, which has been called as ‘wave-based’ experience sampling, has
been successfully employed in emotion research in a decade-long study consisting
of three one-week sampling periods investigating the effect of age on emotion [41].
Similarly, already in 1983 Savin-Williams & Demo ran a one-week ESM study with
The use of modern mobile devices allows researchers to passively collect an exten-
sive amount of sensor data from study participants [9]. This data is collected unob-
trusively and without additional burden to the participant, and can provide additional
insights to the researcher. The unobtrusive nature of this data collection stands in stark
66 N. van Berkel and V. Kostakos
contrast to the continuous effort required from participants in human contributions
and can provide a continuous long-term data stream simply not feasible with manual
data collection. As such, we recommend that researchers interested in extensive lon-
gitudinal studies combine both continuous passive sensing with intermittent periods
of extensive questionnaire collection. Recent development work shows the possi-
bility of changing ESM questionnaire schedules throughout the study period [43],
enabling the possibility of intermittent periods of questionnaires.
From a participant perspective, being enrolled in a longitudinal study makes it
easy to forget that sensor data is being collected. We stress that, given the poten-
tial sensitive nature of the unobtrusively (naturally following participant’s informed
consent) collected sensor data, researchers should aim to remind participants of any
ongoing data collection. A practical approach for this in the context of smartphone-
based studies is the continuous display of an icon in the smartphone’s notification
bar, reminding participants of their enrolment in the study and the active data col-
lection [18]. Researchers have also allowed participants to temporarily halt data
collection, see, e.g., Lathia et al. in which participants can (indefinitely) press a
button to pause data collection for 30 min [40].
Recommendation 6 Combine longitudinal passive sensing with focused periods of
ESM questionnaires to obtain both long-term and in-depth insights.
4 Response Reliability
report data by reducing the time between an event of interest and the moment when
ability to recall past events [1]. Although this approach has been widely embraced in
ESM studies cannot be expected to be consistently of high reliability [18]. This is an
important concern for longitudinal studies, as response quality reliability typically
degrades over time. As such, recent work in the HCI community has explored tech-
niques to infer and improve the reliability of participant responses. Here, we discuss
the use of the crowd, quality-informed scheduling techniques, and the application of
additional validation questions to infer response quality.
4.1 Use of the Crowd
Although the ESM traditionally collects data on observations or experiences as cap-
tured by participants individually, recent work has drawn out creative ways of com-
bining the contributions of multiple individuals to increase the reliability of the
collected data.
Recommendations for Conducting Longitudinal Experience Sampling Studies 67
One strain of work has explored the use of ‘peers’ to obtain multiple datapoints
on one individual. Using this approach, which has been labelled as ‘Peer-MA’ [44],
ipant’s current state with regard to the concept of interest. As described by Berrocal
&Wac,thisapproach“has the potential to enrich the self-assessment datasets with
peers as pervasive data providers, whose observations could help researchers iden-
tify and manage data accuracy issues in human studies”[44]. Chang et al. show how
the use of peer-based data collection can also increase the quantity of the data col-
lected [45]. By recruiting a sufficiently large (and motivated) network of participant
peers, researchers may be able to distribute the burden of questionnaire notifications
and thereby sustain data input for a more extensive period of time—increasing the
prospective of longitudinal ESM studies. A critical open question with regard to this
novel approach is the assessment and interpretation of the contributions of peers
and the potential biases introduced through, e.g., different peer-relationships and the
(absence of) peer physical presence.
In contrast to the aforementioned perspective in which the crowd contributions
are focused on individuals, others have applied the crowd to increase the reliability
of observations. For example, the aforementioned work by Van Berkel et al. not
only asked participants to contribute a label regarding a given place, but also asked
participants to judge the relevance of the contributions of others [7]. Based on these
relevance labels, the quality of participant contributions can be quantified. Another
example is the work by Solymosi et al., in which participants generated a map indi-
cating a crowd’s ‘fear of crime’ through repeated and localised experience sampling
data collection [46]. A main advantage of this approach, in which the quality assess-
ment is done by participants, is that the quality of contributions can be assessed
without the need for a priori ground truth on the presented data. From a longitudinal
study perspective, integrating crowd assessment into the study design may enable
the study population to rotate, i.e. for participants to drop out and new participants
to join, as study fatigue emerges.
Recommendation 7 Consider whether participant data can be validated or augment
through the use of the crowd.
4.2 Quality-Informed Scheduling
Literature on questionnaire scheduling has primarily focused on participant avail-
ability following from a motivation to increase participant compliance. However, as
pointed out by Mehrotra et al., an ill-timed questionnaire might lead participants to
respond to a questionnaire without paying much attention, reducing the overall reli-
ability of respondents’ data [38]. In addition to increasing the quantity of responses,
researchers have therefore also explored how the scheduling of questionnaires can
affect the quality of participant responses. In the study by Van Berkel et al., par-
ticipants completed a range of questions (working memory, recall, and arithmetic)
68 N. van Berkel and V. Kostakos
while contextual data was being passively collected [39]. Their results show that
participants were more accurate when they were not using their phone the moment
when participants are actively using their phone may, however, negatively effect
the quantity of answered questionnaires. Previous work shows participants are more
likely to respond to questionnaires (i.e. focused on response quantity) when question-
naires are presented upon phone unlock (as compared to randomised or interval-based
schedules) [31].
Recommendation 8 Introduce intelligent scheduling techniques to avoid interrupt-
ing participants when they do not have time to respond.
4.3 Validation Questions
Here, we discern two types of validation questions: explicitly verifiable questions
(also known as ground truth questions) and reflective questions.
In order to assess the reliability and effort of online study participants, work
on crowdsourcing has recommended the use of ‘explicitly verifiable questions’, also
known as ‘golden questions’ [47]. These explicitly verifiable questions are often—but
not always—quantitative in nature, relatively easy to answer, and the responses can
be automatically assessed to be correct or incorrect. For example, Oleson et al. asked
crowdworkers to verify whether a given URL matched with a given local business
listing [48]. Kittur et al. describe two main benefits of using these questions. First,
explicitly verifiable questions allow researchers to easily identify and subsequently
exclude from data analysis those participants who do not provide serious input.
Second, by including these questions participants are aware of the fact that their
answers will be scrutinised, which Kittur et al. hypothesise may “play a role in both
reducing invalid responses and increasing time-on-task”[47].
Although widely used in crowdsourcing, the uptake of explicitly verifiable ques-
tions in ESM studies is thus far limited. A challenging aspect for the uptake of
explicitly verifiable questions in longitudinal ESM studies is the need to provide
participants with varying question content. This would require the creation of a
question database, use of an existing and labelled dataset, or automated genera-
tion of verifiable questions (see, e.g., Oleson et al. [48]). An earlier ESM study
with 25 participants included a simple, and randomly generated, arithmetic task as
means of verification [39]. In this task, participants were asked to add two numbers
together, both numbers were randomly generated between 10 and 99 for each self-
report questionnaire. Results showed a remarkably high accuracy of 96.6%, which
could be indicative of differences in motivation and effort between online crowd-
sourcing markets and the participant population often encountered in ESM studies.
However, whether the motivation of the respective study population indeed differs
between online crowdsourcing and ESM studies requires further investigation across
multiple studies as well as evaluation across a wider variety of explicitly verifiable
Recommendations for Conducting Longitudinal Experience Sampling Studies 69
Another approach which has seen recent uptake is the creation of verifiable ques-
tions based on participant sensor data [39]. This includes, for example, passive data
collection on the participants’ smartphone usage and subsequently asking partici-
pants to answer questions on, e.g., the duration of their phone use. The answer to this
question is verifiable, is variable (changes throughout the day), and often challenging
to answer correctly. Assessing the correctness of participant answers does, however,
also raise questions. In particular, answer correctness should not be quantified as a
binary state as it is unlikely that answers are completely correct.
Recent work has also explored the use of ‘reflective questions’ in increasing
the reliability of participant contributions. In this approach, participants reflect on
earlier events while supported by earlier data points—either collected actively by
the participant or passively through, e.g., smartphone sensors. Rabbi et al. introduce
‘ReVibe’, introducing assisted recall by showing participants an overview of their
location, activity, and ambience during the past day [49]. Their results show a 5.6%
increase in the participants’ recall accuracy. Intille et al. propose an image-based
approach, in which participants take a photo or short video and use this material to
reflect on past experiences [50]. This concept was further explored by Yue et al., who
note that the images taken by participants can also provide additional information
and insights to researchers [51].
Recommendation 9 Consider including additional questions (verifiable, ground
truth, or reflective) to increase the reliability of participant answers.
5 Analysing Longitudinal ESM Data
Longitudinal research faces a unique set of challenges in the analysis of participant
data not typically encountered in short-term or lab-based studies. The longitudi-
nal nature of a study can alter a participant’s perception or understanding of the
variables of interest, and may result in an increasing inequality of the number of
responses between participants and different contexts. Here, we discuss these three
challenges—respectively known as response shift, compliance bias, and contextual
bias—as faced in the analysis of longitudinal ESM studies.
5.1 Response Shift
Response shift can either refer to an individual’s change in meaning of a given con-
struct due to re-calibration (a change in internal standards), re-prioritisation (change
in values or priorities), or re-conceptualisation (change in the definition) [52,53].
As studies often focus on the same construct(s) for the entire study period, partic-
ipants may experience a shift in their assessment of this construct. As an example
by Ring et al. illustrates: “a patient rates her pre-treatment level of pain as 7 on a
70 N. van Berkel and V. Kostakos
10-point pain scale. She subsequently rates her post-treatment level of pain as 3.
This is taken to indicate that the treatment has caused an improvement of 4 points.
However, if she retrospectively rates her pre-treatment pain as having been a 5, the
actual treatment effect is 2. Likewise, if she retrospectively rates her pre-treatment
pain as having been 10, the actual treatment effect is 7.”[54]. Similar to a change in
various constructs as carrying higher or lower importance as compared to the onset
of the study. By asking participants to rate the relative importance of individual con-
structs prior and following the study, the degree of re-prioritisation can be assessed.
Finally, re-conceptualisation can occur when participants re-evaluate the meaning
of a concept in relation to their personal circumstances. For example, a patient may
re-conceptualise their quality of life, either following their recovery or by adjusting
their perspective when confronted with a chronic disease.
A commonly used technique to identify the occurrence of response shift among
participants is the ‘thentest’, also known as the ‘retrospective pretest-posttest design’.
At the end of the study, participants complete a posttest questionnaire immediately
followed-up with a retrospective questionnaire asking participants to think back to
their perception of a construct at the start of the study. By collecting these data points
at almost the same time, participants share the same internal standards during ques-
tionnaire completion. Therefore, the mean change between these two questionnaires
gives insight into the effect of time or treatment. For more details on the thentest, we
refer to Schwartz & Sprangers’s guidelines [55].
Recommendation 10 Include a thentest in the design of your study when participant
perception of a given construct may change over the duration of the study.
5.2 Compliance Bias
Inevitable differences between participants’ availability and motivation will result
in a difference in the number of collected responses between participants. As such,
the experience of response participants can skew the overall study results, a phe-
nomenon known as compliance bias [20]. Participants with a higher than average
response rate may have a more vested interest in responding to notifications, for
example as they are personally affected by the phenomenon being investigated. Sim-
ilarly, participants with a high or low response rate may have different psychological
characteristics or simply different smartphone usage behaviours. It is not unlikely
that these factors are a confounding factor in relation to the phenomenon being
studied—capturing responses primarily from a subset of the study population may
therefore decrease the reliability of the results. Although not widely reported, recent
work that re-analysed four independent ESM studies finds substantial differences
between study participants in the number of responses collected [20]. Researchers
can reduce compliance bias by balancing data quantity between participants during
the study through intelligent scheduling techniques—i.e. increasing the likelihood
Recommendations for Conducting Longitudinal Experience Sampling Studies 71
that questionnaires will be answered by targeting notifications to arrive at a time and
context suitable to the participant. Although this requires considerable infrastructure
implementation and researcher ought to be careful not to introduce other biases,
reducing compliance bias can increase the usefulness and reliability of a collected
Recommendation 11 Use intelligence scheduling techniques to improve response
rates among low-respondents to balance response quantity between participants.
Recommendation 12 Analyse and report the differences between the number of
participant responses post-data collection.
5.3 Contextual Bias
The schedule through which questionnaires are presented to participants, i.e. the cho-
sen sampling technique, can significantly bias the responses of participants towards
a limited number of contexts over time. As stated by Lathia et al., “[...] time-based
triggers will skew data collection towards those contexts that occur more frequently,
while sensor-based triggers [...] generate a different view of behaviour than more a
complete sampling would provide”[40]. These concerns are amplified for longitu-
dinal studies, in which researchers typically aim to cover a wide variety of contexts
and identify longitudinal trends. If participants, however, only provide self-reports
at contexts most convenient to them (e.g. by dismissing questionnaires arriving in
the early morning or while at work), resulting data can be heavily skewed towards
collection. The risk of contextual bias can be reduced by taking into account the con-
text of completed self-reports in the scheduling of questionnaires. By considering
to context in which individual participants have already answered questionnaires,
researchers can diversity the context of collected responses.
Recommendation 13 Diversify the context of collected responses by scheduling
questionnaires in contexts underrepresented in the existing responses of a participant.
In order to increase a study’s replicability and allow for a correct interpretation of
presented results, it is critical that researchers report both the methodological choices
and the outcomes of a presented study in detail. Current practice does not align with
these standards, with prior work indicating that the majority of studies do not report
on, e.g., the compensation of participants [4]. As compensation can affect participant
motivation and compliance [28], it is important to report such metrics.
72 N. van Berkel and V. Kostakos
Building on previous work [4,26,56], we present a list of study design and result
decisions which should be considered by researchers. We hope that this ‘checklist’
proves a useful starting point for researchers designing their ESM studies, as well as
an overview of the variables we consider key in the reporting of the results of ESM
Study design
1. Consider the target participant population and their potential interest in partici-
2. Determine the duration of the study, taking into account the study fatigue of
prospective participants. Extensive longitudinal studies can combine longitudi-
nal passive sensing with focused periods of self-report data collection.
3. Determine the most suitable questionnaire schedule in light of the respective
trade-offs and benefits of scheduling techniques [31,40].
4. Determine the length and frequency of questionnaire items, aiming for a short
completion time of the questionnaire [18,26].
5. Determine the timeout time for individual questionnaires, especially when sam-
pling participant responses following a predetermined event as to reduce partic-
ipant recall time.
6. Consider whether it is valuable to assess response shift in participant responses
and consider including a thentest in the study design.
7. Consider the use of verifiable, ground truth, or reflective questionnaires to assess
the quality of participant responses.
8. Consider whether it is important to achieve a balanced number of responses
between participants. If desired, implement intelligent scheduling techniques to
increase response rates among low-respondents.
9. Assess how participants can be best motivated to enrol and maintain compliance
throughout the study period.
10. Assess the possibility of using the crowd to either assess or compare the contri-
butions of participants.
Study results
1. Report both the number of participants who completed and dropped out of the
2. Report the (average) duration of participant enrolment.
3. Report the number of completed, dismissed, and timed-out responses.
4. Report the overall response rate.
5. Analyse and report the difference in response rate between participants [20].
6. Analyse and report any significant differences in the context of completed
responses (e.g. time or location of completion) [40].
7. If relevant, analyse and report on the (differences in the) accuracy of participants
on ground truth questions.
8. If relevant, analyse and report on any changes in the participants’ perception of
the study’s construct, e.g. with the help of the thentest [55].
Recommendations for Conducting Longitudinal Experience Sampling Studies 73
6.1 Overview of Recommendations
Finally, we present an overview of the recommendations introduced in this chapter
in Table 1.Theincludedreferencesofferadditionalinformationonthemotivation,
methods, and guidelines with regard to the respective recommendation.
Tabl e 1 Overview of recommendations with references for further reading
No. Recommendation References
1Provide rich feedback regarding the study goals and the participants’
contribution to those goals. Provide information throughout the
study period
2Target participant recruitment to communities with a vested interest
in the study outcomes
3Avoid excessive financial compensation and consider the use of
micro-compensation when applicable
4 Include interactive feedback mechanisms in the study protocol to
keep participants engaged and motivated
5 Carefully consider the effect of the chosen questionnaire scheduling
approach on the selection of participant responses
6Combine longitudinal passive sensing with focused periods of ESM
questionnaires to obtain both long-term and in-depth insights
7 Consider whether participant data can be validated or augment
through the use of the crowd
8Introduce intelligent scheduling techniques to avoid interrupting
participants when they do not have time to respond
9Consider including additional questions (verifiable, ground truth, or
reflective) to increase the reliability of participant answers
10 Include a thentest in the design of your study when participant
perception of a given construct may change over the duration of the
11 Use intelligence scheduling techniques to improve response rates
among low-respondents to balance response quantity between
12 Analyse and report the differences between the number of
participant responses post-data collection
13 Diversify the context of collected responses by scheduling
questionnaires in contexts underrepresented in the existing responses
of a participant
74 N. van Berkel and V. Kostakos
Since the introduction of the Experience Sampling Method in the late 1970s [1],
its main use has been in the application of intensive but relatively short-term data
collection (i.e. weeks rather than months). In this foundational work, Larson & Csik-
szentmihalyi describe a typical ESM study to have a duration of one week. Technolog-
ical and methodological developments have had, and continue to have, a significant
impact on how the ESM is used by researchers throughout their projects. For exam-
ple, the introduction and widespread usage of smartphones has enabled researchers to
collect rich contextual information [8,9]. Similarly, researchers have come up with
novel scheduling techniques to increase the sampling possibilities offered through
the ESM. Following the impact of these developments on how the ESM is applied,
we expect future innovations to increase the ability for researchers to apply the ESM
in a longitudinal setting.
From a technological perspective, recent work has pointed to the further integra-
tion of self-report devices in the participants’ daily life. This includes (stationary)
devices physically located in a participant’s home or work location [57], integration
of questionnaires in mobile applications already frequently used by participants (e.g.
messaging applications [58]), or through the use of (tangible) wearables [59,60].
Although the effect of these alternative questionnaire delivery techniques on (sus-
tained) response rate and input accuracy still needs to be explored in more detail, these
alternative input methods can reduce participant strain as compared to a smartphone-
based approach (retrieving phone, unlocking, opening a specific application, locking
away the phone). Future studies can also consider the collection of questionnaires
across multiple platforms, such as the use of a stationary device at home and work,
combined with a mobile device or application for on-the-go.
Methodologically, a number of under-explored avenues may prove useful in
enabling longitudinal ESM studies. In Sect. 3.2,wereferto‘wave-based’experience
sampling, in which participants actively contribute only for a number of (discon-
tinuous) periods within a larger duration consisting of passive sensing. Although
already explored in the early days of the ESM [42], this approach has thus far not
been extensively applied. Furthermore, although prior work shows the positive effect
of including extrinsic motivators [6,7], the studies were limited to weeks. Further
works is required to study the impact of these incentives in longitudinal settings.
Finally, we note that an extensive amount of work has explored ways to infer partic-
ipant availability and willingness to answer a questionnaire, both within the scope
of ESM research [38,61]aswellasthebroaderresearchonattentionandavailabil-
ity [36,62–64]. Translating these findings into practical and shareable implemen-
tations which can be readily used by other researchers remains a formidable chal-
lenge. Addressing this, e.g., by releasing the source code of these implementations,
allows for experimentation with advanced scheduling techniques while simultane-
ously enabling research groups to validate, compare, and extend these scheduling
Recommendations for Conducting Longitudinal Experience Sampling Studies 75
Numerous open questions regarding the use of the ESM beyond a couple of weeks
(e.g. covering months of active data collection) remain. In this chapter, we outlined
both practical suggestions which are applicable to researchers today when designing
their studies, as well as offer a number of potential areas for future work in the domain
of longitudinal self-report studies.
8 Conclusion
The Experience Sampling Method has enabled researchers to collect frequent and
rich responses from study participants. Enabled by the wide uptake of mobile devices,
researchers can deliver a highly interactive and increasingly intelligent research tool
straight into the hands of participants. Our overview shows that the introduction of
smaller and more connected mobile hardware alone is not sufficient in enabling a
push towards truly longitudinal studies. In order to extend the viable duration of ESM
studies, further development of methodological practices is required. Investigating
the effect of novel hardware solutions and study design configurations, both in the
lab and in situ, will require a focused effort from the research community.
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