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Hares in the long grass: increased aircraft related mortality of the Irish hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus) over a 30‑year period at Ireland’s largest civil airport


Abstract and Figures

Collisions between wildlife and aircraft are a serious and growing threat to aviation safety. Understanding the frequency of these collisions, the identity of species involved, and the potential damage that can be inflicted on to aircraft aid mitigation efforts by airfield managers. A record of all animal carcasses recovered from Dublin International Airport, Ireland’s largest civil aviation airport, has been maintained since 1990 where strikes with the endemic Irish hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus), a protected subspecies of mountain hare, are of particular concern despite substantial management efforts from the airfield authority. The first strike event with a hare was recorded in 1997, and strike events have substantially increased since then, with a sharp increase recorded in 2011. Over a 30-year period, a total of 320 strike events with the Irish hare have been recorded at the airfield. To date, no strike event with a hare has resulted in damage to an aircraft. However, carcasses can present as a major attraction to avian scavenger species in addition to posing as a risk of causing foreign object damage in the event of an undetected carcass. Hare strikes are discussed in the context of the rate of civil aircraft movements, possible direct and indirect damage to aircraft, and airfield wildlife hazard management. Here, we demonstrate that not only are strike events increasing by 14% on an annual basis, but that the kinetic energy of such an event has the potential to cause significant damage to an aircraft.
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European Journal of Wildlife Research (2021) 67:80
Hares inthelong grass: increased aircraft related mortality oftheIrish
hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus) overa30‑year period atIreland’s
largest civil airport
SamanthaBall1,2 · FidelmaButler1· AnthonyCaravaggi3· NeilE.Coughlan1,4· GerryKeogh2·
MichaelJ.A.O’Callaghan5· RickyWhelan6· ThomasC.Kelly1,2
Received: 10 July 2020 / Revised: 8 July 2021 / Accepted: 22 July 2021 / Published online: 10 August 2021
© The Author(s) 2021
Collisions between wildlife and aircraft are a serious and growing threat to aviation safety. Understanding the frequency of
these collisions, the identity of species involved, and the potential damage that can be inflicted on to aircraft aid mitigation
efforts by airfield managers. A record of all animal carcasses recovered from Dublin International Airport, Ireland’s largest
civil aviation airport, has been maintained since 1990 where strikes with the endemic Irish hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus),
a protected subspecies of mountain hare, are of particular concern despite substantial management efforts from the airfield
authority. The first strike event with a hare was recorded in 1997, and strike events have substantially increased since then,
with a sharp increase recorded in 2011. Over a 30-year period, a total of 320 strike events with the Irish hare have been
recorded at the airfield. To date, no strike event with a hare has resulted in damage to an aircraft. However, carcasses can
present as a major attraction to avian scavenger species in addition to posing as a risk of causing foreign object damage in
the event of an undetected carcass. Hare strikes are discussed in the context of the rate of civil aircraft movements, possible
direct and indirect damage to aircraft, and airfield wildlife hazard management. Here, we demonstrate that not only are
strike events increasing by 14% on an annual basis, but that the kinetic energy of such an event has the potential to cause
significant damage to an aircraft.
Keywords Airfield management· Air safety· Human-wildlife conflict· Foreign Object Damage (FOD)· Scavenger guild·
Wildlife strike· Wildlife hazard management
Air travel is vital to our global economy. In 2018 alone,
over 4.3 billion passengers globally were carried by aircraft
and revenues for the airline industry exceeded US$812 bil-
lion (IATA 2019). There are over 40,000 airports globally
according to the International Civil Aviation Organisation
(ICAO), many with expanses of semi-natural grassland often
providing unique and productive habitat (Hauptfleisch and
Avenant 2015) that is attractive to a range of wildlife taxa.
The presence of wildlife on airfields can be hazardous to
aviation, resulting in collisions between wildlife and aircraft,
henceforth referred to as ‘strikes’ e.g. (McKee etal. 2016). A
sustained increase in the rate of collisions between wildlife
and aircraft is considered a serious and growing threat to
aviation safety, globally (e.g. Metz etal. 2020; Ball etal.
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Road Ecology
Guest Editor: Marcello D’Amico
* Samantha Ball
1 School ofBiological, Earth andEnvironmental Science,
Distillery Fields, University College Cork, CorkT23TK30,
2 Dublin Airport Authority, Airport Fire & Rescue Service,
DublinK67CX65, Ireland
3 School ofApplied Sciences, University ofSouth Wales, 9
Graig Fach, Glyntaff,PontypriddCF374BB, UK
4 School ofBiological Sciences, Queen’s University Belfast,
19 Chlorine Gardens, BelfastBT95DL, UK
5 Department ofApplied Mathematics, School
ofMathematical Sciences, University College Cork,
CorkT12XF62, Ireland
6 BirdWatch Ireland, Bullford Business Campus,
KilcooleA63RW83, Greystones,Wicklow, Ireland
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European Journal of Wildlife Research (2021) 67:80
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Whilst not all wildlife strikes result in damage, some
wildlife strikes have led to human fatalities and substantial
economic losses for the aviation industry (see https:// avisu r e.
com/ incid ent- datab ase/). For example, bird strikes are esti-
mated to cost upwards of US$1.2 billion to the global civil
aviation industry, annually (Allan 2002). However, whilst the
majority of wildlife strikes involve bird species (e.g. 94% of
strikes in the USA;Dolbeer and Begier 2021), many volant
(bats) and terrestrial mammal species are also struck (e.g.
Crain etal. 2015; Kelly etal. 2017; Ball etal. 2021), as well
as reptiles, amphibians and even insects (e.g. Noaves etal.
2016; House etal. 2020). Strikes involving mammals have
been estimated to cost over US$103 million in the USA alone
(Ball etal. 2021) with some mammal groups (e.g. deer, car-
nivores) being particularly responsible for costly damages
(Biondi etal. 2011; Crain etal. 2015). Additionally, smaller
mammals can attract scavenger and predatory species,
introducing secondary strike risk (Pennell etal. 2016) and
additional ecological complexity to management decisions
(Washburn and Seamans 2013; Hauptfleisch and Avenant
2015). Hence, here we present a case study of mammal
strikes, focusing on the Irish hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus,
Bell 1837) at Ireland’s largest civil airport—Dublin Interna-
tional Airport.
The endemic Irish hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus), a
subspecies of the mountain hare (Lepus timidus, Linnaeus
1758), resides in and around the grasslands at the airfield
at Dublin. This subspecies is considered to be a priority
species for conservation action in Ireland (Reid etal. 2010;
Caravaggi etal. 2017). However, since 1997, strike events
with the Irish hare have been recorded annually. Indeed,
despite foxes (Vulpes vulpes), hedgehogs (Erinaceus euro-
paeus), rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and rats (Rattus
norvegicus) also being recorded at the airfield, there has
only been the occasional recorded incident with these spe-
cies (Bolger and Kelly 2008), as well as the occasional bat
strike (Kelly etal. 2017). Wildlife hazard management
actions for mitigation of hare strikes at Dublin Airport
include deployment of scaring techniques (e.g. pistol),
licensed trapping and translocation, and, subject to safety
considerations, a licenced cull. Notably, since 2014, more
than 650 hares have been removed from Dublin under
licence, whilst a minimum of an additional 191 were killed
by aircraft. Given the conservation status of this subspe-
cies, the Dublin Airport Authority is actively exploring
new, non-lethal technological solutions for hare population
management. Hare population densities are substantially
higher within the airfield environment for both Dublin and
Belfast International airports, at up to 30 hares/km2,than
elsewhere in Ireland (up to 3.19 hares/km2; McGowan
etal. 2019). Hence, the strike events are highly unlikely
to have population-level impacts and are of little concern
with regards to the conservation of the species.
The airfield at Dublin Airport contains approximately
680ha of grassland. Typical of many airfields located
within the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere,
these grasslands have been maintained on the principles of a
‘long grass’ management policy since the 1980s (Bolger and
Kelly 2008; UKCAA Safety Regulation Group CAP 2008)
and consist of a blend of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea)
and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum). The presence of
long grass at the airfield successfully deters avian species.
As hares are present both airside and landside at Dublin, it
is unknown if the presence of long grass impacts on the hare
population or indeed acts as an attractant. However, airfields
elsewhere in Europe have consequently reported long grass
(< 20cm) as a wildlife attractant for mammal species, such
as hares, by providing suitable habitat and shelter (Ball etal.
Unpublished data), demonstrating the complexity of wildlife
management in sensitive airfield environments.
Here, we report on the number of hare strikes recorded
at Dublin Airport over the 30-year period from 1990–2019.
Hare strikes are of great concern to air safety at Dublin Air-
port, not only in their own right, but also due to the second-
ary risks associated with a strike event. These include the
luring of scavenger species to the site of a strike and the
ingestion of an undetected carcass into an engine as for-
eign object damage (FOD). Specifically, airfield operators
have a legal responsibility to reduce wildlife hazard at air-
fields (Mendonca etal. 2017) and are liable for any damages
inflicted. For example, in 2005, Air France was awarded €4
million after a bird strike incident induced by gulls scaveng-
ing from an undetected hedgehog carcass resulted in engine
damage (Dale 2009). Whilst, in the present study, we report
only on instances from one airfield, it is important to note
that strikes with the Lagomorpha are not unique to Dublin
or indeed to Ireland. Other European countries frequently
report strike events with species of this taxon (e.g. Kitowski
2016), as do Australia (ATSB 2019) and North America
(Canada and the USA, e.g. Dolbeer and Begier 2021), with
strikes also reported in countries in Africa and Central
America (Ball etal. 2021).
Materials andmethods
Carcass collection
Wildlife strike events and recovered carcasses from Dub-
lin Airport (Airport Reference Point (ARP): 532517N
0061612W) have been recorded since 1990. Carcasses
were collected from runways following reported strikes or
during mandatory routine inspections (i.e. the ‘recorded
check’), to prevent against foreign object damage (FOD) to
aircraft by debris. Any debris, including that composed of
organic material, is removed from the manoeuvring areas
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European Journal of Wildlife Research (2021) 67:80
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and the conditions surrounding the strike incident recorded
(e.g. date, location). Some strike incidents involved multiple
individuals but were recorded as a single strike event. Car-
casses resulting from collisions with service vehicles were
appropriately labelled and subsequently excluded from anal-
ysis. Post-collection, all carcasses were immediately placed
in cold storage (−20°C) until examination at a later date.
Morphological indicators were used to identify specimens to
species level via consultation of Harris and Yalden (2008).
A total of 54 carcasses had been retained by the airport and,
where possible, specimens were aged, sexed and weighed
(e.g. Ball etal. 2020).
Estimation oftherate ofhare strikes andpotential
impact damage
Incident rates of the Irish hare were calculated as the annual
number of strikes per 10,000 aircraft movements (one
movement = one landing or one take-off) between 1990 and
2019. Bespoke annual aircraft movement data were obtained
from the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) and Dublin Airport
Authority (DAA) records. There have been no damaging
strike events with the Irish hare to an aircraft’s fuselage,
engines, undercarriage or otherwise. The Boeing 737–800
and the Airbus A320 have the greatest number of move-
ments at Dublin Airport (~ 60% of all aircraft movements;
Dublin Airport Authority, Unpublished Data). The potential
impact damage for these two aircraft was calculated in terms
of kinetic energy (KE; joules) and converted to the impact
descriptor of foot–pounds (ft–lbs), where body of mass (m),
in kilograms, moving with speed (v), in meters per second,
is expressed as KE = ½ mv2 (see Kelly etal. 2016, 2017).
We assume maximum take-off or landing speeds for aircraft
(A320 at 268.6 kph; B737 at 260.1 kph, from Kelly etal.
2017) and take the maximum mass for an adult Irish hare
from previous strike events (Online Resource 1), at 3.8kg
(Table1), as an estimate of the maximum potential damage
that a hare strike could possibly inflict on an aircraft during
a typical manoeuvre at Dublin Airport. The kinetic energy of
a strike event with a hare of low (juvenile, 1.3kg), medium
(2.2kg) and high (adult female, 3.8kg) mass for speeds
ranging from 1m/s to the take-off speed of the faster aircraft
(A320) at 75m/s was calculated. Respective masses were
used from hares involved in strike events at the airfield, from
intact carcasses (n = 14, Online Resource 1). The mean of
these weights was used for the medium weight. Under the
same conditions, we also calculate the kinetic energy of a
strike event with two species which scavenge and predate on
hares and are also present at the airfield, namely, the red fox
and the common buzzard (Buteo buteo). Equally, in obtain-
ing these estimates, we have ignored the secondary effects of
the speed of the fauna as they are negligible when compared
to that of an aircraft (Metz etal. 2020).
Statistical analysis
All statistical analysis was carried out in programme R v
4.0.4. As data spanned over a 30-year period, we divided
study periods into three, 10-year intervals (1990–1999,
2000–2009 and 2010–2019). To determine if there was
a significant difference in the median number of strikes
between study intervals, we used the Kruskal–Wallis test
for non-parametric data and used the ‘Dunn’s test’ for
further post hoc analysis between intervals with a ‘Ben-
jamini–Hochberg’ p-value correction (Benjamini and
Hochberg 1995) to allow for multiple comparisons. To
evaluate the trend (% increase) in the number of strike
events over time (years) with hares at Dublin Airport,
we used general linear modelling (GLM), with a ‘quasi-
Poisson’ error structure, implemented within the ‘lme4
package (Bates etal. 2015). To investigate the relation-
ship between the number of strike incidents and aircraft
movements over time, we used a generalised linear mixed
model, with year fitted as a random effect to account
for temporal variation, with a ‘Poisson’ error structure.
Temporal strike data (season, month, time) were avail-
able for 2012–2019. To investigate when strikes occurred
throughout the year, we used a second generalised lin-
ear mixed model, using both season and month as the
response variables and year fitted as a random effect,
and another for time of day. For time of day, light con-
ditions were summarised as ‘dawn’, ‘day’, ‘dusk’ and
‘night’ whereby a strike which occurred within 60min-
utes either side of sunrise or sunset was categorised as
either dawn or dusk respectively. Strikes which occurred
more than 60minutes after sunrise were classified as
day and strikes which occurred more than 60minutes
after sunset were classified as night. Model assumptions
were checked using the ‘DHARMa’ package (Hartig
Table 1 Kinetic Energies of Irish hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus),
red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and common buzzard (Buteo buteo) collisions
with aircraft. Kinetic energies are calculated using the maximum
mass of an adult Irish hare and the maximum speeds observed during
take-off or landing of aircraft
1 Harris and Yalden (2008)
2 Demongin (2016)
Species Aircraft Maximum
Max speed
m s−1 (kph)
Kinetic energy
Joules (ft–lbs)
Irish hare A320 3.8 74.61 (268.6) 10,576 (7,800)
B737-800 3.8 72.02 (260.1) 9,855 (7,269)
Red Fox A320 9.3174.61 (268.6) 25,885 (19,092)
B737-800 9.3 72.02 (260.1) 24,119 (17,789)
Buzzard A320 1.4274.61 (268.6) 3,897 (2,874)
B737-800 1.4 72.02 (260.1) 3,631 (2,677)
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2019) according to Nakagawa & Schielzeth (2013). The
strength of association between strikes and year of inci-
dence was tested with a Spearman’s Rho (ρ).
Strike numbers
A total of 320 strike events with hares occurred at Dub-
lin Airport between 1990 and 2019. From carcasses where
sex could be identified (n = 48% of carcasses), 62% were
male, and 73% of hares struck were adults. Average car-
cass weight was 2172g ± 664 (mean ± SD; n = 14; Online
Resource 1). Whilst some hare carcasses displayed signs of
scavenger interference, no carcass was considered the result
of a predator kill (from n = 54 carcasses). Since 1997, there
has been at least one hare strike per year, with a maximum
of 44 strike events (n = 46 hares) recorded in 2018. There
were 10.66 ± 2.35 (mean ± SE) hare strikes per year across
all years. Increased numbers of strikes between 2010 and
2019 resulted in a higher mean value of 26.5 ± 3.16 strikes
per year (Fig.1). A significant difference between decennial
sampling periods was identified (χ2(2, N = 30) = 23.8, p < 0.01).
Post hoc analyses showed a significant difference between
the median strike number for all three sampling periods,
with a median of zero strikes for 1990–1999, five strikes for
2000–2009 and 25.5 strikes for 2009–2019 (Fig.1). Both
dawn (GLMM y = 1.46, χ2 (1, 3), p < 0.01) and night (GLMM
y = 1.18, χ2 (1, 3), p < 0.01) light conditions had significantly
higher strikes than other times of day. Since the first strike
in 1997, there has been a 14% (CI 9–16%) annual increase in
strike events with the Irish hare (GLM y = 0.128, χ2 (23, 328),
p < 0.05). Lastly, strike events were recorded year-round;
whilst the highest proportion of strikes occurred in May
(12%), strike frequency fluctuated across the year without
any discernible pattern for month or season (Fig.2).
Number ofhare strikes inrelation toaircraft
There were over 5.1 million aircraft movements recorded at
Dublin Airport during the study period. Overall, the number
of strike events has increased year-on-year at Dublin and
the number of aircraft movements has generally increased
(Fig.3). The mean number of hare strikes per 10,000 aircraft
movements over the 30-year study period was 0.55 ± 0.12,
with a peak in 2018 of 1.89 strikes per 10,000 movements
(Fig.3). In 2011, the number of strike events with hares
surpassed one strike per 10,000 aircraft movements and
has been sustained above this level for the remainder of the
study period, except for 2019, where 0.54 strikes per 10,000
Fig. 1 Left: Irish hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus) strikes at Dublin
Airport for each of the three, 10-year study periods. Right: Number
of aircraft movements recorded at Dublin Airport for the same three
time periods. The median number of events (strikes and aircraft
movements) are displayed for each decade. Dots show the spread of
the number of events recorded for each year within the decade
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European Journal of Wildlife Research (2021) 67:80
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aircraft movements were recorded. This dip corresponded
in a reduction in available grassland habitat by approxi-
mately 80ha due to the commencement of construction
works for the installation of an additional runway. There
was a significant positive association between the number of
aircraft movements and the number of recorded hare strike
events, across all years (GLMM y = 1.38, χ2 (1, 30), p < 0.01,
ρ = 0.66). However, the number of aircraft movements only
explained 57% of the model variance, indicating that there
was a strong temporal influence (year) on the number of
recorded strike events, as evidenced in Fig.3C.
Potential ofimpact damage
The potential impact damage caused by a hare strike, to
the two civil aircraft types with the greatest number of
movements at airfields in the Republic of Ireland is dem-
onstrated in Table1. The corresponding kinetic energy of
7800 ft–lbs for the Airbus A320 and 7269 ft–lbs for the
Boeing 737 would likely cause significant metal distortion
and/or mechanical damage in the event of an ingestion into
the moving parts of an aircraft jet engine (European Avia-
tion Safety Agency 2010; Metz etal. 2021). Whilst this is
Fig. 2 A Percentage of strike events with the Irish hare (Lepus timi-
dus hibernicus) recorded at Dublin Airport for each season between
2012 and 2019. B Cumulative percentage of all strike events with the
Irish hare recorded for each month at Dublin Airport, between 2012
and 2019 (n = 224). Spring = March–May; Summer = June–August;
Autumn = September–November; Winter = December–February
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European Journal of Wildlife Research (2021) 67:80
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unlikely, it remains a cause of concern at the airfield, with
an isolated incident resulting in the turning around of an
aircraft over concerns of an ingestion event. The kinetic
energy values obtained for both aircraft types also have the
potential to cause significant damage to the landing gear
(~ 10,000J) of aircraft that strike hares. Damaged land-
ing gear could not only require airside emergency services
to remain on standby at the aircrafts destination but could
potentially result in runway excursions—something which
could be particularly dangerous at high speeds. Addition-
ally, given the mass of a hare (≤ 3.8kg), the hitting of
FOD on the lower wings or underbelly of the aircraft could
cause substantial damage (European Union Aviation Safety
Agency Certification 2020), particularly in an event involv-
ing a large hare (Fig.4). Lastly, the kinetic energy values
of both the red fox (A320: 26,442J; B737: 24,638J) and
Fig. 3 A Number of recorded strike events with Irish hares (Lepus
timidus hibernicus) at Dublin Airport from 1990 to 2019. No strikes
were recorded between 1990 and 1996. B Number of aircraft move-
ments (defined as take-off and landing manoeuvres) recorded at Dub-
lin Airport between 1990 and 2019. C Number of strike events with
Irish hares per 10,000 aircraft movements (take-off and landings) at
Dublin Airport
Fig. 4 Kinetic energies (Joules
and ft–lbs) of collisions
between Irish hares (Lepus timi-
dus hibernicus) of low (1.3kg),
medium (2.2kg) and high
(3.8kg) mass with aircraft rang-
ing from 1 to 75m/s. Weights
were obtained from carcasses
previously involved in strike
events at Dublin Airport, with
the lowest weight recorded from
a juvenile and the highest from
an adult female
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the common buzzard (A320: 3,897J, B737: 2,874J) are
sufficient to cause significant damage to an aircraft (Dennis
etal. 2009).
The number of aircraft movements per annum at Dublin
Airport has increased from 116,000 movements in 1990,
to almost 249,000 in 2019. The rate of increase has not
been constant, with several peaks and troughs over time
coinciding with socio-economic and global events, such as
the 2008 economic crash, which caused air travel demand
to plummet (Franke and John 2011). Further, whilst air
traffic is at least partially responsible for strike events,
some of the variance observed in annual strike rates could
be attributed to fluctuations in the size of the hare popula-
tion in and around the airfield. We suggest, therefore, that
management plans must consider the population ecology
of local species involved in strike events if they are to be
Strike events with hares at Dublin Airport have the
potential to cause significant damage to an aircraft’s engine
if ingested or cause severe damage to the landing gear.
Equally, the mass of an undetected hare carcass from an
earlier strike has the potential to cause significant FOD
to an aircraft. Whilst there have been no damaging strike
events to date, strike incidents have resulted in the turning
around of aircraft. This is particularly concerning given the
14% annual increase in strike events and the simultaneous
increase in the number of strikes per 10,000 aircraft move-
ments from 0.07 in 1997, to a peak of 1.89 in 2018. The
noticeable dip in strikes per 10,000 aircraft movements
in 2019 is likely to be attributed to the commencement of
intensive airside construction works. The overall average
strike rate of 0.55 ± 0.12 per 10,000 aircraft movements
over the 30-year period is relatively low, compared to an
average strike rate of 2.89 ± 0.14 for birds (Kelly etal.
unpublisheddata). Indeed, Irish hare strikes make up an
average of 30% ± 2.71 (2010–2018) of all wildlife strike
events at the airfield and are the only mammal species to
regularly be involved in strike events at Dublin Airport. Fur-
thermore, the rejection of take-offs and/or landing windows
by pilots due to the presence of hares on a runway can incur
additional financial costs and flight delays, as can temporary
closure of a runway for decontamination (i.e. removal of the
debris field). For example, in the USA, terrestrial mammal
strikes are estimated to have caused upwards of 330,500h of
aircraft downtime (Dolbeer and Begier 2021). Strike events
with mammalian species are increasing, with terrestrial
mammals, including lagomorphs, having caused substan-
tial damage to aircraft, globally (Dolbeer etal. 2000; Biondi
etal. 2011; Crain etal. 2015). The increased hare strike
rate per 10,000 movements observed in the present study
suggests that strikes will become increasingly common if
effective mitigation measures are not implemented, thereby
increasing the likelihood of a damage-inflicting event.
Not only are mammals a primary strike threat in them-
selves, but their presence can introduce secondary strike risk
(Pennell etal. 2016) with predatory and scavenger species
(Hauptfleisch and Avenant 2015). This is of particular con-
cern at Dublin Airport, where experience has shown that
there is a scavenger guild of avian and mammalian taxa pre-
sent at the airfield. This includes the common buzzard, her-
ring gull (Larus argentatus), lesser black-backed gull (Larus
fuscus), greater black-backed gull (Larus marinus), the rook
(Corvus frugilegus), hooded crow (Corvus cornix) and the
raven (Corvus corax) all of which are > 500g in weight, in
addition to the red fox. These species—widespread through-
out Ireland (Cummins etal. 2019; Lewis etal. 2019)—are
frequently encountered at the airfield (Kelly, unpublished
data; Online Resource 2), and many have caused significant
damage to aircraft over the 1990–2019 interval. These scav-
engers may have been lured to the airfield by the presence
of a hare carcass, or the debris of edible tissues, resulting
from an earlier collision. Indeed, the debris from a single
strike event has been recorded to cover an area in access of
20 m2 (Bolger and Kelly 2008). Here, we have demonstrated
that a secondary strike event with a scavenger could inflict
significant damage to an aircraft.
Generally, strike frequency with wildlife is considered
to be influenced by local occurrence and abundance of spe-
cies (Schwarz etal. 2014). However, strike events have been
recorded to have occurred for every month of the year at
Dublin Airport, and although May had the highest recorded
monthly proportion of strikes, events were relatively con-
sistent across months with no distinct seasonal patterns.
Further, hares, including the Irish hare, are known to dis-
play inter-annual population fluctuations, which can vary
substantially within short periods of time (Reynolds etal.
2006; Reid etal. 2007; McGowan etal. 2019). This means
that strike events at Dublin cannot be affiliated with a sin-
gle life history stage or event, adding additional complexity
to mitigation measures, as all behaviours and life stages of
the species need to be incorporated into wildlife manage-
ment. For example, mammal strikes have been affiliated with
seasonal increases in food availability (e.g. bats; Parsons
etal. 2009) and the breeding cycle (e.g. canids; Crain etal.
2015). Accordingly, we suggest that management plans must
consider the population ecology of local species involved
in strike events if they are to be effective. Indeed, as some
particularly fecund taxa, such as leporids (Caravaggi 2018),
can require near-continuous management inputs at airfields.
In order to develop targeted and effective strike mitigation,
the ecology and behaviours of mammal species using the
airfield environment need to be understood and incorporated
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European Journal of Wildlife Research (2021) 67:80
1 3
80 Page 8 of 9
into wildlife hazard management plans. Whilst the transloca-
tion of individuals of conservation concern (e.g., Irish hare)
to suitable, low-density areas could help to control airside
population size whilst aiding national conservation efforts,
removal programs on their own may not always be an effec-
tive long-term solution due to rapid recolinisation by a spe-
cies (e.g. Palmas etal. 2020). Therefore, the presence and
activity patterns of animals at airfields can be determined
through the use of modern, remote monitoring equipment
(e.g., camera traps and GPS collars) allowing for the collec-
tion of high-quality data in sensitive, airport environments
(e.g. Scheideman etal. 2017). Additionally, the maintenance
of comprehensive strike data allows for the identification of
increased risk both spatially and temporally, which can allow
for increased staffing and runway patrols to reduce strikes
(Crain etal. 2015). Lastly, a future research priority should
be the development of a suitable risk index (e.g. Soldatini
etal. 2011) for mammal species at airfields. Combined, such
techniques can allow for the implementation of targeted strike
mitigation at the individual airport level.
Strike events with mammal taxa have been recorded to be
increasing in several countries globally. Here, we demon-
strate that the number of annual strike events involving Irish
hares at Ireland’s busiest international airport has increased
since 1990, with a ten-fold increase between 1998 and 2018.
Despite this increase, strikes are of little concern regarding
the conservation status of the species. Whilst the number of
strike events declined in 2019 possibly due to commence-
ment of construction for an additional runway, it is likely that
the strike rate will increase when disturbance has ceased. Not
only are hare strike events disruptive and costly to ongoing
operations, but an undetected carcass can pose a significant
threat to an aircraft as debris or by attracting scavengers.
Strike events with lagomorphs are recorded globally; hence,
the threat that leporids pose to aircraft safety is not unique
to Ireland. Dublin Airport provides a model system to study
strike patterns, associated costs and implications, and miti-
gation measures with leporids. Robust, ecological survey
methods utilising modern technology (e.g., camera traps,
GPS tracking) need to be implemented at Dublin Airport to
better understand hare ecology at the airfield and to inform
the development of targeted strike mitigation measures.
Supplementary information The online version contains supplemen-
tary material available at https:// doi. org/ 10. 1007/ s10344- 021- 01517-y.
Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the
airfield staff and airport authorities at Dublin Airport for compiling the
database upon which this paper is based. This work was conducted as
part of a PhD studentship funded by the Irish Research Council (IRC)
and the Dublin Airport Authority in collaboration with University Col-
lege Cork (project EBPPG/2018/43).
Author contribution The lead author (SB) led writing and data analysis
for the article. Data were collected and collated for 28years by TCK
and for 2 by RW. All co-authors contributed to editing and approving
the manuscript and are listed alphabetically.
Funding Open Access funding provided by the IReL Consortium. This
research is funded by the Irish Research Council (IRC) and the Dublin
Airport Authority (project: EBPPG/2018/43).
Ethics approval This research has received ethical approval from the
University College Cork Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee
(AEEC) (#2019–003).
Consent for publication All parties involved consent to the publication
of this work.
Conflict of interest This work was conducted as part of a collabora-
tive PhD studentship. The lead author (SB) is employed by the Dublin
Airport Authority for the purpose of conducting airside research, for
the duration of the studentship.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
copy of this licence, visit http:// creat iveco mmons. org/ licen ses/ by/4. 0/.
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... white tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus; Biondi et al., 2011) and black bear (Ursus americanus, Scheideman et al., 2017), or even establish populations inside the airfield boundary, where they are relatively undisturbed (e.g. Irish hare Lepus timidus hibernicus; Ball et al., 2021a). The presence of mammals on airfields not only causes disruptions to ongoing airfield operations (e.g. ...
... Hence, understanding the fauna of airfields, as well as the potential attractants drawing taxa to these critical areas, is greatly beneficial in maximising the efficient use of management resources and mitigation of the impact of future strikes. The kinetic energy of a strike event between a mammal and an aircraft is sufficient to inflict considerable damage (e. g. Ball et al., 2021a). Therefore, reducing the opportunity for strike events through landscape management and the implementation of mitigation measures is necessary to reduce wildlife hazard at an airfield. ...
... easy identification may explain why foxes were frequently encountered throughout airfields in Europe. Likewise, airfields are ecologically suitable for several common prey species of the red fox, including rabbits, hares and rodents (Ball et al., 2021a). The presence of mammals at airfields, particularly small prey species, can potentially lure predatory and scavenger species to the airfield (Hauptfleisch and Avenant, 2015), introducing differential strike risk (Pennell et al., 2016). ...
Full-text available
Airfield environments can be attractive to a broad range of wildlife, including mammals, and rates of wildlife-aircraft collisions are generally increasing, globally. It is important, therefore, that the components of an airfield that may be attractive to wildlife and the effectiveness of current mammal-exclusion and strike miti-gation measures, are understood. However, the suite of applied measures and the efficacy thereof differs between airfields. The collation of such information would represent a useful tool in potentially mitigating strike frequency or severity for airfield managers. To this end, an online survey was distributed to personnel responsible for wildlife management at airfields in Europe (Belgium, France, Greece, Ireland, Spain and the UK) between July 2020-March 2021. Mammals were recorded at all responding airfields (n = 22), while mammal strikes were recorded at 21 locations. A mammal sightings index scored foxes (91% of airfields) and rabbits (81% of airfields) as the most frequently recorded species. The presence of specific habitat (mainly heathland/peatland) airside was associated with a high mean mammal diversity at airfields in Ireland, the UK and Belgium which reported the presence of this habitat type. The erection of fencing and grassland management measures were the most frequently implemented mitigation measures, while managing water sources within the airfield environment was ranked as the most successful mitigation measure. Our study highlights the need for Wildlife Hazard Management Plans to consider an integrated management approach that not only mitigates general strike risk but is also adaptable to species of particular concern.
... A population of the Irish hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus, Bell 1837), an endemic subspecies of the Mountain hare (L. timidus, Linnaeus 1758), resides at Dublin Airport in the Republic of Ireland where strike events between hares and aircraft have been increasing by an average of 14% annually since 1997 (Ball, Butler, et al., 2021a). The damage potential of a hare strike (10,576 J; Ball, Butler, et al., 2021a), in tandem with the conservation status (Caravaggi et al., 2017;Reid et al., 2010) of this endemic subspecies, require that effective management strategies be developed to mitigate against strike events. ...
... timidus, Linnaeus 1758), resides at Dublin Airport in the Republic of Ireland where strike events between hares and aircraft have been increasing by an average of 14% annually since 1997 (Ball, Butler, et al., 2021a). The damage potential of a hare strike (10,576 J; Ball, Butler, et al., 2021a), in tandem with the conservation status (Caravaggi et al., 2017;Reid et al., 2010) of this endemic subspecies, require that effective management strategies be developed to mitigate against strike events. Here, we investigate whether motion-activated camera trapsan easily accessible and relatively inexpensive method of monitoringcan be successfully used to identify periods of increased strike risk between aircraft and hares. ...
... runways, taxiways) following a reported strike event or during mandatory routine inspections with the location and environmental conditions surrounding an event recorded (e.g. weather; see Ball, Butler, et al., 2021a). From 2012 onwards, temporal data detailing the date and time of a strike were also recorded, resulting in n = 238 hare strike events with an associated strike time from 2012 until December 2021. ...
Full-text available
Abstract Reported strike events between wildlife and aircraft are hazardous to aircraft and airfield operations and are increasing globally. To develop effective mitigation strategies, the relative hazard a species poses to aircraft, as well as information relating to its life history, are key to the development of effective mitigation strategies in Wildlife Hazard Management Plans. However, given the complex nature of airfield environments with access restrictions and the presence of sensitive equipment, the collection of high‐quality ecological data can be difficult. Here we use motion‐activated camera traps to collect activity data on a population of Irish hares (Lepus timidus hibernicus) inhabiting the airfield at Dublin International Airport, to investigate the link between hare activity and aircraft activity in relation to hare strikes. Camera traps revealed that the hare population at the airfield largely displayed a bimodal crepuscular activity pattern, with activity peaking at sunrise and at sunset. Recorded hare strike times at the airfield were closely associated with hare activity times with a high temporal overlap between these datasets. In comparison, hare activity and aircraft movement activity had a moderate overlap across all seasons, with strikes peaking at times with low aircraft movements. We demonstrate the importance of understanding the circadian and seasonal activity patterns of hazardous species at airfields for targeted strike mitigation.
... Airfield environments are one such anthropogenically modified landscape where the opportunity for human-wildlife conflict arises, due to the occurrence of wildlife-aircraft collisions, or 'strikes'. Strike events can be hazardous to passenger safety, with ~350 fatalities reported for civil aviation as a result of strike events since 1912 (Avisure, 2022). Strikes can also result in economic loss (Dolbeer et al., 2023) and be detrimental to the wildlife species involved. ...
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Understanding how animals move and use space within an environment is vital for the development and implementation of effective management actions. Within airfield environments, animal movement can present a substantial risk to aircraft, resulting in wildlife‐aircraft collisions (strikes) if animals enter into the manoeuvring areas of the airfield, namely the runways, taxiways and areas that connect the two (hereafter collectively referred to as ‘tarmacked areas’). However, reliable ecological data to inform management decisions can be difficult to obtain in such environments, due to access restrictions. Here, we present the first GPS data describing the movement ecology and spatial use of mammals on an airfield – Irish hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus), at Dublin International Airport – through the deployment of five GPS collars. A total of 4571 tarmacked area interactions were recorded between December 2021 and August 2022, with all five hares engaging with tarmacked areas. Between December and August, the highest number of interactions were recorded for the month of April (n = 1073), followed by March (n = 703). There was a mean of 4.3 (range: 0–65) interactions with tarmacked areas, per hare, per day throughout the study period. Hares most frequently engaged with tarmacked areas between 05:00 and 07:59, with some seasonal variation. The greatest cumulative distance moved per month was observed in May (505 km) and April (503 km). We identified that the average home range size of collared hares was 2.8 km² (±SD 0.1 km²), based on 95% Kernel Utilisation Distribution. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the hares incorporate tarmacked area habitat types into their home ranges with up to 13% of one individual's movements incorporating these areas. Our study demonstrates the suitability of GPS tracking devices for studying the movement ecology of high‐risk mammal species at airfields in order to inform airside management practices.
... Perhaps the most quoted wildlife strike cost estimate is the USD 1.2 billion annual global cost established by Allan [3]. Over 20 years later, this figure, often without inflationary consideration, is quoted in support of a variety of research topics such as operational bird strike prevention [8], risk assessment modeling [12], robotic harassment [13], speciesspecific hazard analysis [14], and strike risk prediction [15]. Allan's [3] seminal work was based on the wildlife strike costs, in terms of repair and delay, confidentially recorded by a single airline over a year, averaged over that airline's annual movements, and applied to worldwide traffic numbers. ...
Full-text available
Wildlife strikes in aviation represent a serious economic concern; however, in some jurisdictions, the costs associated with this phenomenon are not collected or shared. This hampers the industry’s ability to quantify the risk and assess the potential benefit from investment in effective wildlife hazard management activities. This research project has applied machine learning to the problem by training a random forest algorithm on wildlife strike cost data collected in the United States and predicting the costs associated with wildlife strikes in Australia. This method estimated a mean annual figure of AUD 7.9 million in repair costs and AUD 4.8 million in other costs from 2008 to 2017. It also provided year-on-year estimates showing variability through the reporting period that was not correlated with strike report numbers. This research provides a baseline figure for the Australian aviation industry to assess and review current and future wildlife hazard management practices. It also provides a technique for other countries, airlines, or airports to estimate the cost of wildlife strikes within their jurisdictions or operational environments.
... Typically, airfields located within the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere tend to maintain grasslands at a height of ~20 cm, in line with the principles of a 'long grass' management policy (Bolger and Kelly 2008). These grasslands generally consist of a blend of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiforum) (Ball et al. 2021). Although the presence of long grass at airfields can successfully deters avian species, land-use practises outside airport boundaries can also affect airfield bird species accumulations and their daily movements (Kelly and Allan 2006;Blackwell et al. 2009). ...
Full-text available
Context: Collisions between birds and aircraft (bird strikes) are a serious threat to aviation safety and these negative human–wildlife interactions are predicted to increase. As the wider spatial use of landscapes by birds can affect aviation safety (e.g. location of foraging and roosting sites), there is a clear need to implement effective management strategies at sites adjacent to airfields to reduce ingress of avian taxa across airfield boundaries. Aims: In the present study, we assessed the efficacy of both an acoustic deterrent (sonic net) and a visual simulated predator effigy, in the form of a fox-shaped model, to disturb and reduce bird accumulations on: (1) agricultural foraging sites; (2) an active airfield; and (3) problematic roof-top roosts. Methods: These non-lethal scare technologies were assessed separately and in combination by using a factorial design. Bird abundances, species richness and behavioural changes were considered. Key results: Although the scare technologies did not reduce bird species richness at treated sites, in most cases, a significant reduction in bird abundances was observed. Equally, the number of birds observed to forage or roost was also generally significantly reduced, as was time spent by birds within treated sites. However, the effects of treatments were not universally across species. For example, a reduction in the abundance of gulls tended to be paired with an increase in the number of corvids for foraging sites. Nevertheless, the combined application of the sonic net and fox effigy caused a considerable reduction in foraging bird numbers, whereas singular treatment types appear to work best for roof-top roosts. Data also indicate that the sonic-net technology can be used to deter night-time roosting on an active airfield. Conclusions: When taken together, treatments resulted in substantial and often significant reductions in bird abundance, foraging and roosting activity, as well as site residency time. However, treatment efficacy tended to be context and taxon specific. Implications: Sonic net and mobile simulated predator effigies represent promising experimental scare technologies. Following further testing, the integration of these technologies into bird management interventions could yield substantial risk reductions for bird strikes, as well as improved non-lethal management of problematic roosting and nesting sites.
... As airport buffer zones attract birds and other wildlife, airport operators must manage bird strike hazards (Ball et al., 2021;Carswell et al., 2021). They do this by deploying three main strategies: (1) directing bird behavior; (2) modifying habitats, and (3) adjusting cockpit actions for landings and take-offs (Dolbeer, 2011;Metz et al., 2021). ...
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Airports stimulate tourism and trade and are a vital link in any country’s tourism infrastructure and economy. Large airports such as South Africa’s busiest airport, the OR Tambo International Airport, in Ekurhuleni, Gauteng, are usually located on the periphery of cities, usually on land that forms part of the peri-urban economy, reserved perhaps for farming or left undeveloped. As a result, such land often becomes a wildlife haven within the more “urbanized” or developed areas. Unfortunately, this places wildlife, especially birds on a collision course with aircraft. So much so that bird and other animal strikes cost the aviation industry millions of US dollars annually. Therefore, it is essential to reduce the number of wildlife strikes, not only lower the risk of damage to aircraft, increase passenger safety and reduce operational delays, but also prevent a decline in local wildlife populations. Thus, this paper argues that South Africa must improve its management of land-use close to airports to minimize the potential for wildlife strikes. In that regard, this study catalogs the different habitats and land-use types surrounding OR Tambo International Airport, identifying potential bird hazard zones using kernel density analysis. This identifies which areas pose the highest risk of bird strikes. Although land-use and land zoning by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) recommends a 13 km buffer zone around airports, this study shows that land-use in the buffer zone must also take potential bird strikes into account. Thus, airport operators need to work with land-use planning authorities and neighboring stakeholders to do so.
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Bird strike prevention in civil aviation has traditionally focused on the airport perimeter. Since the risk of especially damaging bird strikes outside the airport boundaries is rising, this paper investigates the safety potential of operational bird strike prevention involving pilots and controllers. In such a concept, controllers would be equipped with a bird strike advisory system, allowing them to delay departures which are most vulnerable to the consequences of bird strikes in case of high bird strike risk. An initial study has shown the strong potential of the concept to prevent bird strikes in case of perfect bird movement prediction. This paper takes the research to the next level by taking into account the limited predictability of bird tracks. As such, the collision avoidance algorithm is extended to a bird strike risk algorithm. The risk of bird strikes is calculated for birds expected to cross the extended runway center line and to cause aircraft damage upon impact. By specifically targeting these birds and excluding birds lingering on the runway which are taken care of by the local wildlife control, capacity reductions should be limited, and the implementation remain feasible. The extrapolation of bird tracks is performed by simple linear regression based on the bird positions known at the intended take-off times. To calculate the probability of collision, uncertainties resulting from variability in bird velocity and track are included. The study demonstrates the necessity to limit alerts to potentially damaging strikes with birds crossing the extended runway center line to keep the imposed delays tolerable for airports operating at their capacity limits. It is shown that predicting bird movements based on simple linear regression without considering individual bird behavior is insufficient to achieve a safety-effect. Hence, in-depth studies of multi-year bird data to develop bird behavior models and reliable predictions are recommended for future research. This is expected to facilitate the implementation of a bird strike advisory system satisfying both safety and capacity aspects.
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Invasive feral cats threaten biodiversity at a global scale. Mitigating feral cat impacts and reducing their populations has therefore become a global conservation priority, especially on islands housing high endemic biodiversity. The New Caledonian archipelago is a biodiversity hotspot showing outstanding terrestrial species richness and endemism. Feral cats prey upon at least 44 of its native vertebrate species, 20 of which are IUCN Red-listed threatened species. To test the feasibility and efficiency of culling, intensive culling was conducted in a peninsula of New Caledonia (25.6 km²) identified as a priority site for feral cat management. Live-trapping over 38 days on a 10.6 km² area extirpated 36 adult cats, an estimated 44% of the population. However, three months after culling, all indicators derived from camera-trapping (e.g., abundance, minimum number of individuals and densities) suggest a return to pre-culling levels. Compensatory immigration appears to explain this unexpectedly rapid population recovery in a semi-isolated context. Since culling success does not guarantee a long-term effect, complementary methods like fencing and innovative automated traps need to be used, in accordance with predation thresholds identified through modelling, to preserve island biodiversity. Testing general assumptions on cat management, this article contributes important insights into a challenging conservation issue for islands and biodiversity hotspots worldwide.
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The Irish hare Lepus timidus hibernicus is an endemic subspecies of Mountain hare and Ireland's only native lagomorph. The endoparasite community composition of the Irish hare was examined from 22 carcasses opportunistically sourced from wildlife strike events (with aircraft and vehicles) from three counties in the Republic of Ireland. Three parasite taxa were identified from the stomach and small intestines: Trichostrongylus retortaeformis, Graphidium strigosum and a tapeworm belonging to the genus Mosgovoyia. Overall, 50% of hares examined were host to at least one endoparasite taxon and 18% were host to more than one taxon. There was no significant correlation between parasite burden and host weight. This is the first known study of endoparasites in the Irish hare.
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Collisions between birds and aircraft pose a severe threat to aviation and avian safety. To understand and prevent these bird strikes, knowledge about the factors leading to these bird strikes is vital. However, even though it is a global issue, data availability strongly varies and is difficult to put into a global picture. This paper aims to close this gap by providing an in-depth review of studies and statistics to obtain a concise overview of the bird strike problem in commercial aviation on an international level. The paper illustrates the factors contributing to the occurrence and the potential consequences in terms of effect on flight and damage. This is followed by a presentation of the risk-reducing measures currently in place as well as their limitations. The paper closes with an insight into current research investigating novel methods to prevent bird strikes.
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While birds and other vertebrates are well known hazards to aviation at airports, the threat posed by invertebrates is less well understood. Here we present an example of a serious risk to flight safety from the mud-nesting keyhole wasp (Pachodynerus nasidens) which views aircraft pitot probes as an attractive nesting opportunity at Brisbane Airport. Pitot probes measure airspeed, and obstructions can render measurements inaccurate, leading to serious and potentially catastrophic consequences. We undertook experiments over 39 months to determine rates of nesting in pitot probes and the associated risk of blocked probes. We also examined how this risk was reduced by covering probes. A bow-tie risk analysis was completed to assess the safety, reputation, one-off financial loss, and injury and illness costs of a range of incidents of increasing severity, and climate modelling was used to show the potential spread of the keyhole wasp in Australia. The reduction in risk from covering 33% to 75% of all probes on arrival is substantial and made more significant when the costs of incidents are set against those of wasp management. The prospects for eradicating the keyhole wasp and the prospect of it spreading to other parts of Australia with suitable climatic conditions are discussed in view of the substantial risk the species presents.
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Management of wildlife is often a contentious issue in which stakeholders are increasingly influential. The European hare (Lepus europaeus) is a non-native invasive species, now established in Northern Ireland. The European hare impacts the endemic Irish hare (L. timidus hibernicus), a priority species of conservation concern, via competition and hybridisation to the extent that control of European hares is a priority. We conducted a questionnaire survey among members of Countryside Alliance Ireland (CAI)—an organisation that promotes rural interests, including field sports—and non-members, to ascertain the contrasting attitudes to the lethal control of European hares in Northern Ireland; a total of 342 (20%) questionnaires were returned. We hypothesised that: (i) CAI members would exhibit greater support for intervention than non-members; and (ii) respondents in the core invasive range will differ in their outlook when compared to respondents from other zones. CAI members were more likely to be aware of the presence of the non-native species and to support lethal management. Both groups considered the threat posed to biodiversity by the European hare to be important. We conclude that members of rural interest groups may be important advocates of intervention, whilst non-members of field sports organisations may be more reluctant to support any proposed management plan involving lethal control. Active engagement to develop a mutual understanding, prior to developing management options, is crucial in ensuring long-term success.
Wildlife incidents with aircraft cost airports and operators worldwide an average of US$1.28bn annually. In Canada, Airport Wildlife Management Plans (AWMPs) are designed to provide an outline of specific wildlife hazards at airports and recommend countermeasures to minimise strike risk. Wildlife incident reports are a key component in the development of such plans. Here, wildlife incident reports were compiled and compared to data collected using newly-installed digital wildlife camera trap technology at the Prince George International Airport. Seven camera traps were monitored for a total of 2,426 sampling days (9,228 camera days) between 2009 and 2016 and recorded a total of 3,046 animals within 16 different animal species/groups. Airport personnel recorded 4,640 animals and 23 different species/ groups during the same period. Camera traps recorded almost five times as many animals (n = 2,525) on days when no wildlife incident reports were filed than days when wildlife incident reports were filed (n = 521) and camera traps recorded no images. Z-test for proportions analyses indicated that birds (ie flocks) were more commonly observed and reported by airport personnel than were captured by camera traps, while mammals such as moose (Alces alces), black bears (Ursus americanus) and snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) were more commonly recorded by camera traps. These findings suggest that data from camera traps can help in the development of more informed AWMPs.
The number of reported collisions (i.e. strikes) between aircraft and wildlife is increasing globally, with consequences for personnel and passenger safety as well as for industry economics. These are important considerations for airport operators that are obliged to mitigate wildlife hazards at airfields. Incidents involving mammals account for approximately 3–10% of all recorded strikes. However, relatively little research has been conducted on mammal strikes with aircraft outside of the USA. We collate mammal strike data from six major national aviation authorities and a global aircraft database and review the available scientific and grey literature. We aim to identify which mammal families are involved in strike events and how widespread the issue is on a global scale. We also aim to demonstrate the importance of consistently recording strike instances in national databases. We identified 40 families that were involved in strike events in 47 countries. Reported mammal strike events have been increasing by up to 68% annually. Chiroptera (4 families) accounted for the greatest proportion of strikes in Australia; leporids and canids in Canada, Germany and the UK; and Chiroptera (5 families) and cervids in the USA. More mammals were struck during the landing phase of an aircraft's rotation than any other phase. Circa‐diel strike risk was greatest at dusk and circa‐annum strike risk was greatest during late summer, with some international variation. The total estimated cost of damage resulting from reported mammal strikes exceeded US$103 million in the USA alone, over 30 years. Mammal strikes represent a substantial risk in airfield environments. Monitoring of existing wild mammal populations is required to understand temporal trends in presence, abundance, and activity patterns and to inform management decisions. Increased and accurate reporting of strike events globally is needed to inform Wildlife Hazard Management Plans and support effective strike mitigation.
The common approach to the multiplicity problem calls for controlling the familywise error rate (FWER). This approach, though, has faults, and we point out a few. A different approach to problems of multiple significance testing is presented. It calls for controlling the expected proportion of falsely rejected hypotheses — the false discovery rate. This error rate is equivalent to the FWER when all hypotheses are true but is smaller otherwise. Therefore, in problems where the control of the false discovery rate rather than that of the FWER is desired, there is potential for a gain in power. A simple sequential Bonferronitype procedure is proved to control the false discovery rate for independent test statistics, and a simulation study shows that the gain in power is substantial. The use of the new procedure and the appropriateness of the criterion are illustrated with examples.