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Combination of hyaluronic acid fillers and personalized
skincare as a perfect tool in aesthetic medicine
Wioletta Bara
nska-Rybak | Magdalena Antoszewska
Department of Dermatology, Venereology and
Allergology, Medical University of Gda
nsk, Poland
Wioletta Bara
nska-Rybak, Department of
Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology,
Medical University of Gda
Smoluchowskiego 17 str, 80-214 Gda
Email: wioletta.baranska-rybak@gumed.edu.pl
Nowadays the desire to look younger has increased. The most popular noninvasive
rejuvenation method is hyaluronic acid (HA) filler injection. However, aging of the
skin involves multiple pathological processes, which can be managed by using topical
formulations with sophisticated active agents addressing problems such as extracellu-
lar matrix degradation, textural variances, and dyschromias. A single site experience
trial was conducted to assess the efficacy of HA dermal filler injections combined
with personally prepared, bespoke formulations on epidermis and dermis condition.
A total of 15 female participated in the study. Mid and lower face were treated with
HA fillers injection with volume chosen by the investigator performed with
25G/50mm cannula. The formulations for topical skincare consisted of substances
chosen from 19 active agents, which were scientifically proven. The subjects were
supposed to use them for 6 weeks. Fourteen subjects completed the study, and one
subject was lost to follow-up. The age of the study population ranged from 36 to
58 years. The average amounts of Saypha volume plus, Saypha volume, and Saypha
filler used per subject were 2.8 ml, 2.25 ml and 1.7 ml, respectively. The most typical
skin dysfunctions were loss of elasticity (12 subjects), hyperpigmentation (nine sub-
jects), erythema (eight subjects), and hyperseborrhea with enlarged pores (five sub-
jects). After completing the study all subjects were satisfied. Combined therapies
based on HA fillers and personalized skincare with Universkin™products show prom-
ising results in patients with skin problems due to aging.
aesthetic medicine, antiaging, functional therapies, hyaluronic acid, personalized skincare
The aging process starts at the age of 20 and accelerates after turning
40 years old. It is influenced by genetic factors and lifestyle, especially
sun exposure and smoking. The typical signs of skin aging include dry-
ness, loss of elasticity, roughness, paleness, wrinkles, telangiectasia,
and seborrheic keratosis.
In the young skin, collagen and elastic fibers form a regular net-
work together with a large number of fibroblasts flooded in proteogly-
cans gel rich in hyaluronic acid (HA). In the older skin, collagen, and
elastic fibers are thinner, shorter, and fragmented. The amount of
fibroblasts is much lower, as well as the HA content. The rate of skin
aging also differs among different ethnicities.
HA is a glycosaminoglycan, which has a great ability to bind water
and is completely biodegradable and safe. It has been used in Europe
since 1996 for skin and soft tissue augmentation. Facial volumization
with HA is widely applied for minimally invasive facial rejuvenation.
Croma Saypha HA
products range has been used in the current
study and personalized skincare was based on Universkin™products.
This brand consists of 19 active ingredients addressing eight skin
problems (oxidative stress, dermis aging, inflammation, dryness, kerati-
nization disorders, hyperseborrhea, hyperpigmentation, and skin flora
Received: 12 May 2021 Revised: 28 June 2021 Accepted: 5 August 2021
DOI: 10.1111/dth.15092
Dermatologic Therapy. 2021;34:e15092. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/dth © 2021 Wiley Periodicals LLC. 1of4