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Harvestmen (Opiliones) of the Sikhote-Alin and the Far Eastern Marine Biosphere Reserves, Russia



An annotated list of 8 Opiliones species within 3 families, Caddidae (1 sp.), Sclerosomatidae (3 spp.) and Phalangiidae (4 spp.), recorded from the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve, the Far East Marine Reserve and Russky Island of the Russian Far East is presented. 7 Opiliones species are recorded for the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve, 5 species for the Far Eastern Marine Reserve, and one species, Oligolophus tienmushanensis Wang, 1941 (Phalangiidae), is recorded for Russky Island. All species are distributed in the Far East, except Caddo agilis Banks, 1892, also known from North-East America and Japan. A rare and locally distributed species, Homolophus albofasciatus (Kulczyński, 1901), is briefly described and illustrated.
Евразиатский энтомол. журнал 20(3): 148–153
doi: 10.15298/euroasentj.20.3.06
Harvestmen (Opiliones) of the Sikhote-Alin and the Far Eastern
Marine Biosphere Reserves, Russia
Ñåíîêîñöû (Opiliones) Ñèõîòý-Àëèíñêîãî è Äàëüíåâîñòî÷íîãî
ìîðñêîãî áèîñôåðíîãî çàïîâåäíèêîâ
Å.V. Prokopenko*, Ì.Å. Sergeev**
Å.Â. Ïðîêîïåíêî*, Ì.Å. Ñåðãååâ**
* GOU VPO Donetsk National University, Schorsa Str. 46, Donetsk 83054 Ukraine. E-mail:
* ГОУ ВПО Донецкий национальный университет, ул. Щорса 46, Донецк 83054 Украина.
** Федеральный научный центр биоразнообразия наземной биоты Восточной Азии ДВО РАН, пр. 100-летия Владивостока
159, Владивосток 690022 Россия. E-mail:
** Federal Research Center for Terrestrial Biota Biodiversity in East Asia FEB RAS, Prosp. 100-letiya Vladivostoka 159,
Vladivostok 690022 Russia.
Key words: Opiliones, Far East, protected areas, Primorskii Krai, faunistics.
Ключевые слова: Opiliones, Дальний Восток, охраняемые природные объекты, Приморский край, фау-
Abstract. An annotated list of 8 Opiliones species within
3 families, Caddidae (1 sp.), Sclerosomatidae (3 spp.) and
Phalangiidae (4 spp.), recorded from the Sikhote-Alin Nature
Reserve, the Far East Marine Reserve and Russky Island of
the Russian Far East is presented. 7 Opiliones species are
recorded for the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve, 5 species for
the Far Eastern Marine Reserve, and one species, Oligolophus
tienmushanensis Wang, 1941 (Phalangiidae), is recorded for
Russky Island. All species are distributed in the Far East,
except Caddo agilis Banks, 1892, also known from North-
East America and Japan. A rare and locally distributed species,
Homolophus albofasciatus (Kulczyński, 1901), is briefly
described and illustrated.
Резюме. В Сихотэ-Алинском государственном при-
родном биосферном заповеднике, Дальневосточном мор-
ском биосферном заповеднике и на о. Русский отмечено
8 видов сенокосцев, принадлежащих к 3 семействам:
Caddidae (1 вид), Sclerosomatidae (3 вида) and Phalangiidae
(4 вида). Наибольшим видовым богатством опилиофауны
характеризуется Сихотэ-Алинский заповедник, на его тер-
ритории обнаружено 7 видов. В Дальневосточном морс-
ком заповеднике собрано 5 видов, на о. Русский — 1 вид,
Oligolophus tienmushanensis Wang, 1941 (Phalangiidae).
Распространение всех отмеченных видов ограничено Даль-
ним Востоком, за исключением Caddo agilis Banks, 1892,
который также отмечен на востоке Северной Америки и в
Японии. В статье приведён аннотированный список видов
сенокосцев и дано краткое описание морфологических
особенностей редкого и локально распространённого вида
Homolophus albofasciatus (Kulczyński, 1901).
Harvestmen (Opiliones) is a group of arachnids wide-
spread in a wide range of different geographical zones
and biotopes. Currently 8707 species of Opilionidae
have been described [Kury et al., 2020], but the species
diversity of this group is estimated at about 10 000
species [Pinto-Da-Rocha et al., 2007].
The first information on harvestmen of Primorsky
Krai appeared in the work by V.V. Redikortsev [1936]
with a description of Metagagrella ussuriensis Rediko-
rtsev, 1936 (now a junior synonym of Melanopa gran-
dis Roewer, 1910). Almost thirty years later, redescrip-
tion of Mit opus mon golicus Roewer, 1912 and
Homolophus arcticus Banks, 1893 (as Euphalangium
albofasciatus (Kulczyński, 1901)) from the «Ussuriysky
Krai» was published in a paper by W. Staręga [1964].
Later, S.I. Ljovuschkin [1972] described Taracus
birsteini (Lyovushkin, 1972) from the Belii Dvorets Cave
(Partizansky Raion). In the «Katalog der Weberknechte
(Opiliones) der Sowjet-Union» by W. Staręga [1978]
only four species were registered from Primorsky Krai:
T. birsteini, M. grandis, M. m. mongolicus, and H.
arcticus (as Egaenus zichyi Kulczyński, 1901). A year
later, I.I. Gritsenko [1979a, b] listed seven species for
this territory: Hamitergum eobium (Redikortsev, 1936)
(as Lophacantus eus), M. grandis (as M. damila and M.
ussuriensis), M. m. mongolicus, H. arcticus (as E. albo-
fasciatum), Oligolophus tienmushanensis Wang, 1941,
Phalangium opilio Linnaeus, 1761, and Bidentolophus
bidens (Simon, 1880) (as E. transbaicalicum). In addi-
tion, Sabacon makinoi Suzuki, 1949 [Gritsenko, 1979a]
as S. habei Suzuki, 1966 was described exclusively based
on juvenile specimens from the Kedrovaya Pad Nature
Reserve. This finding still requires confirmation [Tril-
ikauskas, 2015].
More recent data on harvestmen of Primorsky Krai
are available from the works of A.N. Chemeris [Chemer-
is et al., 1998; Chemeris, 2000], where several species
Harvestmen of the Sikhote-Alin and the Far Eastern Marine Biosphere Reserves, Russia
are redescribed and Mitopus morio (Fabricius, 1779)
and Psathyropus tenuipes Koch, 1878 are added to the
regional check-list. The record of Nipponopsalis core-
ana Suzuki, 1966 in Primorsky Krai (high number of
specimens was collected in the vicinity of Vladivostok)
is erroneous and should be referred to T. birsteini
[Schönhofer, 2013].
Another species described from Primorsky Krai was
Sabacon rossopacificus Martens, 2015 from Velikan
Cave (Partizansky Raion) [Martens, 2015]. Caddo agi-
lis Banks, 1892 was recorded in the Sikhote-Alin Nature
Reserve in 2020 [Prokopenko, Sergeev, 2020]. This is
the first species of the family Caddidae registered from
continental part of the Russian Far East. To date, four-
teen species of harvestmen from five families are regis-
tered for Primorsky Krai (Table 1).
Although the opilionid fauna of Primorsky Krai is
relatively well known, data concerning the Sikhote-Alin
State Nature Biosphere Reserve and the Far Eastern
Marine Biosphere Reserve are still missed. Thus, the
present paper increases knowledge on the opilionid
fauna of these protected areas.
Material and methods
This paper is based on study of the 55 mature and
the 14 juvenile harvestmen specimens, collected by the
second author during 2015–2020 field seasons in the
localities listed in Table 2. The material was collected
mainly by hands and by the pitfall traps.
All measurements are in mm. Photographs were tak-
en by USB Digital camera Lens Mount attached to a
Zeiss Primo Star microscope and a MBS-10 stereomi-
croscope. All material is deposited in the personal col-
lection of the first author.
Sikhote-Alin State Nature Biosphere Reserve was
founded in 1935 and is the largest protected nature re-
serve in the coniferous-broadleaved forest belt of Eur-
asia and America. At present it is over 400 000 ha and
extends inland from the coast of the Japan Sea, including
the western and eastern spurs of the Sikhote-Alin moun-
tain range. Mountain slopes of different steepness occu-
py up to 80 % of the reserve’s area [Utenkova, La-
betskaya, 2006; Gromyko, 2010]. Flora of Sikhote-Alin
Nature Reserve includes 1094 species of vascular plants
from 504 genera and 135 families [Pimenova, 2016]. Sig-
nificant altitudinal gradient determines seven altitudinal
zones of vegetation, coastal vegetation, belt of coastal
oak forests, belt of pine-broadleaved forests, fir-spruce
forests, stone-birch forests, belt of cedar shrub, and
mountain-tundra vegetation. Forests of other formations
amount about 25 % of the total area of the forest cover.
Herbal vegetation occupies only about 2 % [Pimenova,
2016]. At present, fires are one of the most important
factors causing the transformation of the vegetation cover
of the reserve [Gromyko, 2010].
Far Eastern Marine Biosphere Reserve was founded
in 1978, and includes a group of islands in the Peter the
Great Bay and sections of the mainland shoreline. The
reserve’s territory is about 64 000 ha, about 98 % of
which belongs to the bay water area. Vegetation cover
of the islands differs significantly from that of the main-
land, due to climatic conditions occur. The islands are
strongly influenced by winter winds, and therefore
Family Species
Number of collected specimens
S.-A. Res. F.-E. Res. Russky Island
Sabacon makinoi Suzuki, 1949
Sabacon rossopacificus Ma rtens, 2015
Taracidae Taracus birsteini Lyovushkin, 1972
Caddidae Caddo agilis B anks, 1892 16
Hamitergum eobium (Redik ortsev, 1936) 3 2
Melanopa grandis Roewer, 1910 3 1
Psathyropus tenuipes Koch, 1878 1
Bidentolophus bidens (Sim on, 1880)
Homolophus albofasciatus (Kulczyński, 1901) 5
Homolophus arcticus Bank s, 1893 8 1
Mitopus mongolicus mongolic us Roewer, 1912 6
Mitopus morio (Fabricius, 1779)
Oligolophus tienmushanensis Wang, 1941 5 3 1
Phalangium opilio Linnaeu s, 1758
Table 1. Taxonomic composition of harvestmen of Primorsky Krai and the number of specimens collected in the
Sikhote-Alin Reserve, Far Eastern Marine Reserve and Russky Island
Òàáëèöà 1. Òàêñîíîìè÷åñêèé ñîñòàâ ñåíîêîñöåâ Ïðèìîðñêîãî êðàÿ è ÷èñëî ýêçåìïëÿðîâ, ñîáðàííûõ â Ñèõîòý-
Àëèíñêîì è Äàëüíåâîñòî÷íîì ìîðñêîì çàïîâåäíèêàõ, à òàêæå íà îñòðîâå Ðóññêèé
150 Е.V. Prokopenko, М.Е. Sergeev
creeping forms of tree and shrub vegetation are wide-
spread. In addition, unlike the mainland forests, which
suffer from fires and logging, the human impact on
plant communities in the islands is less pronounced
and the advanced stages of demutation are much great-
er. The islands of the Peter the Great Bay are relatively
small. They located on the continental shelf near the
coast. These islands are spurs of the coastal mountain
rises, which were part of the continent in the Pleis-
tocene, from which they separated between 11 000 and
8 500 years ago. Thus, there is an opportunity to study
the composition and structure of peculiar communities
of terrestrial animals and ways of their adaptation to the
island habitats in a natural experiment [Velizhanin, 1976;
Belyaev, 2013; Legalov, Sergeev, 2018; Sergeev, 2019].
Results and discussion
In toto, eight harvestmen species from five families,
Caddidae (1 species), Sclerosomatidae (3 species) and
Phalangiidae (4 species) were recorded. Opiliofauna of
the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve is the most species-
rich and includes seven species (Table 1). Five opilion-
id species were found in the Far Eastern Marine Re-
serve. Only one species, Oligolophus tienmushanensis
(family Phalangiidae), was registered on Russkii Island.
All species are distributed in the Far East, except
Caddo agilis Banks, 1892, also known from North-East
America and Japan.
The annotated check-list of harvestmen of the
Sikhote-Alin Reserve and the Far Eastern Marine Re-
serve is presented below, and brief morphological de-
scription of the rare local species H. albofasciatus is
Caddidae Banks, 1893
Caddo agilis Banks, 1892
Caddo ag ilis Banks, 1892: Primorskii Krai: Sikhote-Alin
Reserve [Prokopenko, Sergeev, 2020].
Mat erial. Sikhot e-Alin Reserve: natural landmark
«Abrek», Skrytaya River Valley, 3–5.VII.2020, 11$$; natural
landmark «Blagodatnoe», upper reaches of Sukhoi Spring,
slopes of Lysaya Mount, 9–10.VII.2020, 5$$.
Distribution. USA, Canada, Japan, Russian Federation:
Primorsky Krai, Kuril Islands, Sakhalin Island [Suzuki, 1958;
Schear, 1975; Cokendolpher, Lee, 1993; Giribet, Kury, 2007;
Shultz, Regier, 2009; Groh, Giribet, 2015; Shultz, 2018;
Prokopenko, Sergeev, 2020].
Sclerosomatidae Simon, 1879
Hamitergum eobium (Redikorzev, 1936)
Lophacantus eobius Redikorzev, 1936: Gritsenko, 1979b
Primo rsk y Kr ai: Vl adiv ost ok, Kedro vaya Pa d B ios p her e
Reserve, Tigrovoi Village (Partizanskii Raion);
Table 2. Collecting localities and number of specimens collected
Òàáëèöà 2. Ìåñòà ñáîðà ñåíîêîñöåâ è êîëè÷åñòâî ñîáðàííûõ ýêçåìïëÿðîâ
Localities Coordinates Number of collected
Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve:
1 natural landmark «Abrek», Skrytaya River Valley 45,0982° N, 136,6908° E 11
2 Terney Village vicinity 45,0256° N, 136,3714° E 4
3 natural landmark «Blagodat noe», Cape North vicinity 44,5712° N, 136,3248° E 1
4 natural landmark «Blagodat noye», upper reaches of Suk hoy
Spring 44,5857° N, 136,3109° E 10
5 natural landmark «Blagodat noye», near Blagodatno ye Lake 44,5714° N, 136,3250° E 4
6 natural landmark «Golubich noye», near Golubichno ye Lake 44,5430° N, 136,3136° E 6
7 natural landmark «Kunaleik a», cordon «Khanov» 44,8966° N, 136 ,3371° E 2
8 natural landmark «Ust-Sere bryannyi», Serebryanka Riv er Valley 45,0825° N, 136,2243° E 4
9 natural landmark «Yasnaya », Zabolochennaya River Vall ey 44,5325° N, 136 ,2018° E 4
10 natural landmark «Yasnaya », Yasnaya River Valley 45,2370° N, 136,5074° E 1
11 natural landmark «Ust-Prok hodnaya», saltmarsh
«Kaplanovsky», upper reaches of Kolumba River 45,3324° N, 136,1365° E 3
12 natural landmark «Snezhna ya», upper reaches of Serok amenka
River 45,6647° N, 136,1101° E 4
13 natural landmark «Svetlaya», Serokamenka River Valley (at the
confluence with Columbe River). 45,5389° N, 135,9850° E 2
14 natural landmark «Sporny» , headwaters of Serebryanka River
(Sporny Spring Valley) 45,1940° N, 135,9901 E 4
15 Russkiy Island, 0.5 km S of Vladivostok, Ajax Bay 43,0000° N, 131 ,5000° E 1
Far East Marine Reserve:
16 Popova Island, 20 km SW of Vladivostok, Pogranichnaya Bay 42,9543° N, 131,7383° E 4
17 Furugelma Island 42,2800° N, 130,5520° E 4
Total 69
Harvestmen of the Sikhote-Alin and the Far Eastern Marine Biosphere Reserves, Russia
Hamit ergum e obi um (Redikorzev, 1936: Chemeris et al.,
1998) — Kedrovaya Pad Biosphere Reserve, Ussuriyskiy Nature
Reserve; Chemeris, 2000 — near Anisimovka Village, Kangauz
River (Shkotovskii Raion), Chuguev Field Station (Chuguevskii
Mat erial. Sikhot e-Alin Reserve: natural landmark
«Kunaleika», cordon «Khanov», 21.VI.2018, 1$; natural
landmark «Blagodatnoe», Cape North vicinity, 2.VIII.2018,
1$, ibidem, upper reaches of Sukhoy Spring, slopes of Lysaya
Mount, 10.VII.2020, 1$. Far Eastern Marine Reserve: Popov
Island, 3–4.V.2019, 2$$.
Distribution. North Korea, Russian Federation: Chita
Region, Far East [Chemeris et al., 1998].
Melanopa grandis Roewer, 1910
Metag agrella ussuriensis Redikorzew, 1936: Redikortsev,
1936, Roewer, 19 54, Sta ga, 197 8, Gritsenko, 1 979b
Primorskii Krai: Partizansk («the valley of the Suchan River»),
Ked rova ya Pad Biosp here Reserve, Vi nogradovk a Village
(Anuchinskii Raion), Chuguevka Village (Chuguevskii Raion),
Reshetnikovo Village (Pogranichnyi Raion);
Metag agrel la damila Šilhavý, 1976: Gritsenko, 1979b
Kedrovaya Pad Biosphere Reserve, Ussuriyskiy Nature Reserve;
Me la n op a g ran dis R oewer, 19 10: Cheme ris, 2000
Lazovsky Nature Re serve, Andreevka Village and Bryusa
Pen insula, Kru glaya Bay (Khasanskii Raion), Anisimovka
Village, Kangauz River (Shkotovskii Raion), Ussuriyskiy Nature
Reser ve, Ke dro vay a Pa d B ios pher e R eser ve, v icin ity o f
Vladivostok, Peter the Great Bay.
Mat erial. Sikhot e-Alin Reserve: natural landmark
«Snezhnaya», upper reaches of Serokamenka River, 11.VIII.2017,
1$; natural landmark «Sporny», headwaters of Serebryanka
River, 29.VII.2020, 2##. Far Eastern Marine Reserve:
Popova Island, 26.VIII.2018, 1$.
Distribution. Japan, Korea, China, Russian Federation:
Primorsky Krai [Chemeris, 2000; Zhang, Zhang, 2013].
Psathyropus tenuipes Koch, 1878
Psa thyropu s tenui pe s Koch, 1878: Chemeris, 2 000
Andreevka Village (Khasanskii Raion), vicinity of Vladivostok,
Peter the Great Bay.
Material. Far Eastern Marine Reserve: Furugelma Island,
18–20.VIII.2018, 1$.
Distribution. Russia: south Kuril Islands, Sakhalin, Mon-
eron [Crawford, Marusik, 2007], Primorskii krai [Chemeris,
2000]; Japan: Honshu, Hokkaido [Suzuki, Tsurusaki, 1983].
Phalangiidae Simon, 1879
Homolophus albofasciatus (Kulczyński, 1901)
Fig. 1.
Euphal angium albofascia tum Kulczyński, 1901: Staręga,
1964, Gritsenko, 1979a, b: Primorsky Krai: «Ussuriyskiy Krai»,
«Primorye», Ussuriisk, Anisimovka Village (Shkotovskii Raion),
Novokachalinsk Village (Khankaiskii Raion).
Mat erial. Sikhot e-Alin Reserve: natural landmark
«Golubichnoye», near Golubichnoye Lake, 20.VIII.2015, 3##;
ibidem, 18.IX.2018, 1$, 1#.
Distribution. North Korea, Mongolia, China, Russian
Federation: Siberia, Primorsky Krai [Staręga, 1964; Coken-
dolpher, 1987; Snegovaya, Cokendolpher, 2021].
Description. Deatil characteristics see Snegovaya, Cok-
endolpher [2021]. Measurements. Male. Body length — 6.1,
body width 3.9, cephalothorax length2.0, ocularium
width — 0.7, «clypeus» (space between ocularium and front
margin of carapace) — 1.0; chelicera: basal segment — 1.6,
distal segment — 1.8, forceps length — 1.0. Penis: length —
3.2, width at base — 0.6, width in the narrowest part — 0.15.
Length of palp and legs are given in Table 3. Male in nature is
in fig. 1, A, penis is in fig. 1, B–D. Female. Measurements.
Body length — 8.5, body width — 5.0, thorax length — 1.6,
ocularium width — 0.5, «clypeus» — 0.8; chelicerae: basal
segment — 1.0, distal segment — 1.3, forceps length — 0.7.
Length of palp and legs are given in Table 4. Ovipositor as
fig. 1 (E).
Homolophus arcticus Banks, 1893
Eu phal a ng ium al b ofa sci at um (Kulc zyńs ki, 1 901) :
«Ussuriyskiy Krai»;
Egaenus zichyi Kulczyński, in Zichy 1901: Staręga, 1978;
Tsurusaki, 1987 — Primorsky Krai;
Hom olophus arcti cu s Banks, 1893: Chemeri s, 2000
Primorsky Krai: Ussuri yskiy Nature Reserve, Chuguevskaya
Field Station (Chuguevskii Raion), Anisimovka Village, Kangauz
River (Shkotovskii Raion).
Material. Sikhote-Alin Reserve: Terney village vicinity,
«sopka» (hill), broad-leaved forest, 30.VII.2018, 2$$; ibidem,
9.VIII.2 018, 1$; natural la nd mark «Ust-P rokhodn aya»,
Fig. 1. Details of Homolophus albofasciatus, photo by
M.E. Sergeev. A — external appearance of male from vicinity of
Golubichnoe Lake; B, D — glans dorsally (glans are up, stylus
is broken), C — glans laterally, D — penis dorsally, E —
ovipositor dorsally.
Ðèñ. 1. Äåòàëè ñòðîåíèÿ Homolophus albofasciatus,
ôîòîãðàôèè Ì.Å. Ñåðãååâà. A âíåøíèé âèä ñàìöà èç îêð.
îçåðà Ãîëóáè÷íîãî; B, D — ãîëîâêà äîðñàëüíî (ãîëîâêà
íàâåðõó, ñòèëþñ ïîâðåæä¸í), C ãîëîâêà ëàòåðàëüíî, D
ïåíèñ äîðñàëüíî, E ÿéöåêëàä äîðñàëüíî.
152 Е.V. Prokopenko, М.Е. Sergeev
saltmarsh «Kaplanovsky», upper reaches of Kolumba River,
pine-broadleaved forest, 21.VIII.2017, 1$; natural landmark
«Svetlaya», Serokamenka River Valley (at the confluence with
Columbe River), 12.X.2017, 2$$; natural landmark «Yasnaya»,
Zabolochennaya River Valley, 8–12.VII.2018, 1$; natural
landmark «Golubichnoye», near Golubichnoye Lake, 18.IX.2018,
1$. Far Eastern Marine Reserve: Furugelma Island, 18-
20.VIII.2018, 1$.
Distribution. China (Gansu, Xinjiang, Sichuan), Japan
(Hokkaido), Korea, Mongolia, Tibet, Russian Federation:
Chitinskaya Oblast, Yakutia, Commandor Islands, Magadan-
skaya Oblast, Sakhalin Island, Kamchatka, Khabarovskii Krai,
Primorskii Krai [Chemeris, 2000; Staręga, 2003; Snegovaya,
Cokendolpher, 2021].
Mitopus mongolicus mongolicus Roewer, 1912
Mitopu s mong olicu s m ongolicu s Roewer, 1912: Staręga,
1964, 1978; Gritsenko, 1979b; Chemeris, 2000 — Primorsky
Krai: Ussuriyskiy Nature Reserve, Kedrovaya Pad Biosphere
Re ser ve, Res hetniko vo Vi lla ge (Po gran ich n yi Raio n),
Anisimovka Village (Shkotovskii Raion), «Ussuriyskiy Krai».
Mat erial. Sikhot e-Alin Reserve: natural landmark
«Snezhnaya», upper reaches of Serokamenka River, 11.VIII.2017,
1$; natural landmark «Yasnaya», Zabolochennaya River Valley,
8–12.VII.2018, 1#; natural landmark «Blagodatnoye», near
Blagodatnoye Lake, 27.IX.2018, 3$$; natural landmark «Sporny»,
headwaters of Serebryanka River (Sporny Spring Valley),
29.VII.2020, 1$.
Distribution. Mongolia, Russian Federation: Kamchat-
ka, Primorsky Krai [Chemeris, 2000].
Oligolophus tienmushanensis Wang, 1941
Oligolophus tienmushanensis Wang, 1941: Gritsenko,
1979b, Chemeris, 2000 — Primorsky Krai: Kedrovaya Pad
Biosphere Reserve, vicinities of Vladivostok and Ussuriisk,
Peter the Great Bay, Andreevka Village (Khasanskii Raion).
Material. Sikhote-Alin Reserve: Terney Village vicinity,
«sopka» (hill), broad-leaved forest, 9.VIII.2018, 1$; natural
landmark «Ust-Prokhodnaya», saltmarsh «Kaplanovsky», upper
reaches of Kol umba River, pine -br oad- lea v ed forest ,
21.VIII.2017, 1$, 1#; natural landmark «Blagodatnoe», Cape
North vicinity, 2.VIII.2018, 1$$; ibidem, near Blagodatnoye
Lake, 27.IX.2018, 1#. Far Eastern Marine Reserve: Island
Furugelma, 17.VIII.2018, 2$$; Popova Island, 26.VIII.2018,
1$$. Russky Island: 31.VIII.2018, 1$.
Distribution. North Korea, Russian Federation: Kha-
barovskii and Primorskii Krai [Chemeris, 2000].
The authors are grateful for A.N. Chemeris (Tomsk State
University) for the help with identification of harvestmen
Belyaev E.A. 2013. Features of the fauna of moths (Lepidoptera:
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Chemeris A.N. 2000. Contribution to the knowledge of the
harvestman fauna in the Russian Far East and Eastern Siberia
(Arachnida: Opiliones) // Arthropoda Selecta. Vol.9. No.1.
P. 31–4 9 .
Chemeris A.N., Logunov D.V., Tsurusaki N. 1998. A contribution
to the k nowled ge of the h arvestman fau na of Siberi a
(Arachnida: Opiliones) // Arthropoda Selecta. Vol.7. No.3.
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Поступила в редакцию 5.03.2021
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The harvestmen Caddo agilis Banks, 1892 (Opiliones: Caddidae) is recorded for the first time from Primorskii Krai (Russia). It is the northwestern boundary of the family Caddidae in Asia.
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WCO-Lite (with the word “light” restyled as “lite”) is a slenderer, more agile, online version of WCO, aiming to be a public-ready, authoritative reference for taxonomy of all subtaxa of harvestmen worldwide. WCO-Lite is being developed using an integrated web-based workbench for taxonomists called TaxonWorks (, created by The Species File Group and many other contributors. This PDF/A document is the companion text (for nomenclatural purposes) of the electronic version 1.0 uploaded to the internet.
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An annotated list of 55 species in 35 genera of leaf beetles of the Far Eastern Marine Biosphere Reserve is given. The genus Lythraria Bedel, 1897 and three species, L. salicariae (Paykull, 1800), Longitarsus tabidus tabidus (Fabricius, 1775) and Cassida denticollis Suffrian, 1844), are recorded from the Russian Far East for the first time. The genus Pallasiola Jakobson, 1925 and two species, P. absinthii (Pallas, 1771) and Cassida mongolica Boheman, 1854, are newly recorded from Primorskii krai.
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This paper describes 20 new species of the genus Sabacon Simon, 1879 from the Palaearctic region: one from France (S. aigoual n. sp.), twelve from Nepal and partly India (S. schawalleri n. sp., S. maipokhari n. sp., S. relictoides n. sp., S. thakkolanus n. sp., S. rupinala n. sp., S. petarberoni n. sp., S. hinkukhola n. sp., S. sineglandula n. sp., S. nishikawai n. sp., S. beatae n. sp., S. minutissimus n. sp., S. simbuakhola n. sp.), six from China (S. kangding n. sp., S. multiserratus n. sp., S. pauperoserratus n. sp., S. beishanensis n. sp., S. minshanensis n. sp., S. jaegeri n. sp.) and one from Pacific Russia (S. rossopacificus n. sp.). With respect to Sabacon the species set of eastern Nepal and adjoining Indian Sikkim proved to be remarkably diversified. Especially small species (1.4 mm minimum), which are difficult to collect, make this local fauna xtraordinarily rich. All species described here are known from only one or a few additional nearby localities. Exceptions to this general rule are sparse at least within Himalayan species. All Chinese species are known only from the type locality so far. Syntopic occurrences of two species are known from Nepal (Mt. Everest area) and from China (Shaanxi, Taibai Shan). In Nepal, the vertical area belt of all species combined extends from 1900 m to 4600 m, but the belt of single species is largely unknown; that of S. chomolongmae, the most common species, covers 1900 m. The vertical area belts of the two Nepal species groups only slightly overlap: jiriensis- species group (7 species) settles in lower (subtropical) climatic belt, chomolongmae- species group (12 species) beyond in the strictly palaearctic belt. They represent two evolutionary lines. Chinese species include at least two, probably three species groups. One group is widely distributed (7 species) and the other one comprises 2 species (or one each). With respect to genital morphology the new European species (S. aigoual n. sp.) markedly differs from most other European species by its genital morphology.
A key to the members of the subfamily Opilioninae is presented, including the genus Homolophus. That same genus is briefly reviewed, diagnosed, and redescribed based upon a study of approximately half of the described species. Many older museum specimens from the Zoological Institute (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) were identified and all species present were redescribed. A list of the 29 currently accepted species (all from Northeastern and Central Asia) is presented along with a list of another four species that their validity and proper inclusion in the genus are questioned (still need to be investigated extensively). Descriptions and redescriptions with many illustrations are presented for two new species and 15 previously described species of Homolophus: H. albofasciatus (Kulczyński, 1901); H. almasyi (Roewer, 1911); H. andreevae Staręga & Snegovaya, 2008; H. arcticus Banks, 1893; H. asiaticus (Gricenko, 1979a); H. betpakdalensis (Gricenko, 1976); H. charitonovi (Gricenko, 1972); H. chemerisi Staręga & Snegovaya, 2008; H. chevrizovi Staręga & Snegovaya, 2008; H. gobiensis Tsurusaki, Tchemeris & Logunov, 2000; H. kozlovi sp. nov.; H. martensi (Staręga, 1986); H. milkoi sp. nov.; H. nordenskioeldi (L. Koch, 1879a); H. pallens (Kulczyński, 1901); H. silhavyi Staręga & Snegovaya, 2008; H. tibetanus (Roewer, 1911); H. vladimirae (Šilhavý, 1967). New country distributional records are detailed for nine species, not including those for the two new species. Three new combinations with Homolophus (H. almasyi, H. asiaticus, H. charitonovi) are recognized for Opilio almasyi Roewer, 1911, Opilio asiaticus Gricenko, 1979a, and Globipes charitonovi Gricenko, 1972.
Melanopa zhui, a new species from Hunan Province, China, is described. M. grandis Roewer 1910 and M. wangi Zhu & Song 1999 are redescribed. The morphological characters and male genitalia of the three species are illustrated.