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Studi kelayakan bisnis merupakan dasar untuk menilai apakah kegiatan investasi atau usaha bisnis layak untuk dijalankan. Bagi penanam modal, studi kelayakan bisnis dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai prospek bisnis dan seberapa besar kemungkinan tingkat manfaat (Benefit) diterima, sehingga hal ini merupakan dasar dalam pengambilan keputusan investasi. Saat ini kenyataan menunjukan bahwa studi kelayakan bisnis sudah menjadi tolak ukur yang sangat berguna sebagai dasar penilaian keberhasilan suatu rencana bisnis, terutama oleh pihak investor dan lembaga keuangan sebelum memberi bantuan modal. Pembahasan studi kelayakan bisnis dalm buku ini dimulai dari konsep dan pengertian dasar hingga aspek-aspek yang terkait dengan studi kelayakan bisnis. Oleh karena itu, buku ini dapat menjadi pegangan bagi siapa saja yang tertarik dengan studi kelayakan bisnis baik dari kalangan akademik, perencana, dan pelaksanaan bisnis di lapangan.
ISBN : 978-979-493-712-9
PT Penerbit IPB Press
Kampus IPB Taman Kencana
Jl. Taman Kencana No. 3, Bogor 16128
Telp. 0251 - 8355 158 E-mail:
Penerbit IPB Press
Rita Nurmalina
Tintin Sarianti
Arif Karyadi
Studi kelayakan bisnis merupakan dasar untuk menilai apakah kegiatan
investasi atau usaha bisnis layak untuk dijalankan. Bagi penanam modal,
studi kelayakan bisnis dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai prospek
bisnis dan seberapa besar kemungkinan ngkat manfaat (Benet) diterima,
sehingga hal ini merupakan dasar dalam pengambilan keputusan investasi.
Saat ini kenyataan menunjukan bahwa studi kelayakan bisnis sudah menjadi
tolak ukur yang sangat berguna sebagai dasar penilaian keberhasilan suatu
rencana bisnis, terutama oleh pihak investor dan lembaga keuangan sebelum
memberi bantuan modal. Pembahasan studi kelayakan bisnis dalm buku ini
dimulai dari konsep dan pengeran dasar hingga aspek-aspek yang terkait
dengan studi kelayakan bisnis. Oleh karena itu, buku ini dapat menjadi
pegangan bagi siapa saja yang tertarik dengan studi kelayakan bisnis baik
dari kalangan akademik, perencana, dan pelaksanaan bisnis di lapangan.
Rita Nurmalina
Tintin Sarianti
Arif Karyadi
Rita Nurmalina | Tintin Sarianti | Arif Karyadi
Kelayakan Bisnis
Penerbit IPB Press
Jalan Taman Kencana No. 3
Kota Bogor - Indonesia
Rita Nurmalina
Tintin Sarianti
Arif Karyadi
Kelayakan Bisnis
Judul Buku:
Rita Nurmalina
Tintin Sarianti
Arif Karyadi
Muhammad Cahadiyat Kurniawan
Desain Sampul & Penata Isi:
Ardhya Pratama
Nia Januarini
Sumber Foto Sampul:
Sayuran (, Anak Ayam (
Jumlah Halaman:
204 + 14 halaman romawi
Cetakan 1 & 2, Departemen Agribisnis FEM IPB
Tahun 2009 (ISBN: 978-979-19423-2-4) dan 2010 (ISBN: 978-979-19423-1-7)
Cetakan 3, Oktober 2014
Cetakan 4, September 2017
Cetakan 5, Januari 2018
Cetakan 6, September 2018
PT Penerbit IPB Press
Anggota IKAPI
Jalan Taman Kencana No. 3, Bogor 16128
Telp. 0251 - 8355 158 E-mail:
ISBN: 978-979-493-712-9
Dicetak oleh Percetakan IPB, Bogor - Indonesia
Isi di Luar Tanggung Jawab Percetakan
Dilarang mengutip atau memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh
isi buku tanpa izin tertulis dari penerbit
Syukur Alhamdulillah penulis panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT
yang telah memberikan hidayah dan rahmat-Nya, sehingga buku Studi
Kelayakan Bisnis cetakan keenam ini dapat diterbitkan.
Pembahasan studi kelayakan bisnis dalam buku ini dimulai dari
konsep dan pengertian dasar serta aspek-aspek yang terkait dengan
studi kelayakan bisnis. Aspek yang dibahas selain mambahas aspek
nansial juga membahas aspek nonnansial karena keduanya saling
berkaitan. Dalam buku cetakan keenam terdapat beberapa revisi dan
tambahan materi di beberapa Bab, yaitu ada tambahan materi Farm
Budget di Bab 1, tambahan materi Analisis Risiko di Bab 8, tambahan
contoh soal dan ada penyempurnaan pada Tabel Compounding dan
Discounting Factor di lampiran.
Buku ini disusun dalam rangka membantu mahasiswa yang
mengambil mata kuliah studi kelayakan bisnis, baik yang berasal dari
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen maupun Fakultas lainnya di Institut
Pertanian Bogor. Buku ini dimaksudkan sebagai bahan pegangan
mahasiswa dalam mempelajari studi kelayakan bisnis yang diuraikan
secara sistematis dan mencakup keseluruhan materi dari beberapa buku
bacaan yang dianjurkan. Selain itu, buku ini dapat menjadi pegangan
bagi siapa saja yang tertarik dengan studi kelayakan bisnis, baik dari
kalangan akademik, perencana, serta pelaksana bisnis di lapangan.
Pada kesempatan ini tim penulis mengucapkan terima kasih
kepada Dr. Tanti Novianti, P.MSi, Feryanto W.K., SP., M,Si, Nia
Rosiana, SP., M.Si, Hamid Jamaludin, SE, dan Tim dari Penerbit
IPB PRESS yang telah berkontribusi dalam penyempurnaan buku ini.
Terima kasih juga diucapkan kepada Dekan Fakultas Ekonomi dan
Manajemen IPB, Ketua Departemen Agribisnis, dan rekan sejawat Staf
Kata Pengantar
Kata Pengantar
Pengajar Departemen Agribisnis FEM IPB yang telah mendukung dan
berkontribusi dalam penyempurnaan buku ini serta berbagai pihak
yang tidak dapat disebutkan satu per satu.
Diakui bahwa dalam buku ini masih banyak kekurangan, karena
itu diharapkan saran dan kritik yang konstruktif untuk perbaikan.
Akhirnya, tim penulis berharap semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat bagi
mahasiswa dan peminat studi kelayakan bisnis.
Bogor, 1 September 2018
Rita Nurmalina dkk.
KATA PENGANTAR ....................................................................... v
DAFTAR ISI ................................................................................... vii
DAFTAR TABEL ............................................................................. xi
DAFTAR GAMBAR ....................................................................... xii
KELAYAKAN BISNIS ......................................................... 1
1.1 Latar Belakang Perlunya Studi Kelayakan Bisnis ........... 1
1.2 Arti Studi Kelayakan Bisnis ........................................... 4
1.3 Pihak yang Memerlukan Studi Kelayakan ..................... 6
1.4 Siklus Pengembangan Bisnis ......................................... 9
1.5 Budget (Anggaran) dalam Kegiatan Bisnis ................... 13
1.6 Evaluasi ...................................................................... 17
2.1 Pendahuluan ............................................................... 19
2.2 Aspek Pasar ................................................................. 20
2.3 Aspek Teknis ............................................................... 27
2.4 Aspek Manajemen dan Hukum .................................. 34
2.5 Aspek Sosial, Ekonomi, dan Budaya ........................... 36
2.6 Aspek Lingkungan ...................................................... 37
2.7 Aspek Finansial (Keuangan) ........................................ 37
2.8 Evaluasi ...................................................................... 44
Daftar Isi
Daftar Isi
(TIME VALUE OF MONEY) ............................................. 45
3.1 Pendahuluan ............................................................... 45
3.2 Konsep Time Value of Money ....................................... 46
3.3 Pemilihan Tingkat Diskonto/Discount Rate/
Opportunity Cost of Capital .........................................54
3.4 Penentuan Umur Bisnis .............................................. 56
3.5 Evaluasi ...................................................................... 57
BAB 4 PEMBAYARAN PINJAMAN ............................................ 59
4.1 Pendahuluan ............................................................... 59
4.2 Pembayaran Pinjaman ................................................ 60
4.3 Evaluasi ...................................................................... 69
5.1 Pendahuluan ............................................................... 71
5.2 Biaya .......................................................................... 72
5.3 Manfaat ...................................................................... 75
5.4 Tanpa dan dengan Bisnis
(With and Without Bussines) ........................................78
5.5 Evaluasi ...................................................................... 79
LABA/RUGI ...................................................................... 81
6.1 Penyusunan Cash Flow Bisnis ...................................... 81
6.2 Penyusunan Laporan Laba/Rugi Bisnis ....................... 90
6.3 Break Even Point (BEP) ............................................... 92
6.4 Evaluasi ...................................................................... 93
Daftar Isi
BAB 7 KRITERIA INVESTASI .................................................... 97
7.1 Kriteria Investasi ......................................................... 97
7.2 Evaluasi ....................................................................105
BAB 8 ANALISIS RISIKO DALAM BISNIS ............................. 109
8.1 Latar Belakang Pentingnya Analisis Risiko Bisnis.......109
8.2 Analisis Sensitivitas .................................................... 111
8.3 Analisis Nilai Pengganti (Switching Value Analysis) ..... 117
8.4 Analisis Skenario .......................................................118
8.4 Evaluasi ..................................................................... 121
EXCLUSIVE..................................................................... 123
9.1 Pendahuluan .............................................................123
9.2 Laest Cost Method/Cost Eectiveness ............................ 123
9.3 Mutually Exclusive Aliternative .................................. 127
9.4 Evaluasi .................................................................... 132
BAB 10 ANALISIS EKONOMI ................................................... 135
10.1 Pengertian dan Ruang Lingkup Analisis Ekonomi ... 135
10.2 Metode Biaya Sumber Daya Domestik (BSD) ......... 138
10.3 Policy Analisys Matriks (PAM) ................................. 141
10.4 Evaluasi ................................................................... 150
DAFTAR PUSTAKA .................................................................... 153
LAMPIRAN ................................................................................. 155
GLOSARIUM .............................................................................. 197
INDEKS ....................................................................................... 201
PROFIL PENULIS ....................................................................... 203
2.1 Jumlah dana modal tetap ......................................................... 42
4.1 Keterangan mengenai defered annuity, annuity due,
dan grace period ....................................................................... 66
4.2 Penjadwalan hutang contoh 1 .................................................. 67
4.3 Penjadwalan hutang contoh 2 .................................................. 68
6.1 Biaya investasi ......................................................................... 85
6.2 Ketentuan perhitungan pajak penghasilan badan usaha ........... 87
6.3 Bentuk cash ow ...................................................................... 88
6.4 Bentuk cash ow dengan bisnis dan tanpa bisnis dengan
nilai tiap tahun konstan .......................................................... 89
6.5 Format laporan laba/rugi ......................................................... 91
6.6 Biaya investasi ......................................................................... 94
7.1 Perhitungan net present value (NPV) ........................................ 99
7.2 Cara perhitungan gross benet cost ratio .................................. 100
7.3 Cara perhitungan Net B/C (met benet cost ratio) .................. 101
7.4 Cara perhitungan IRR (internal rat of retur) ......................... 102
8.1 Perhitungan nilai NPV pada kondisi normal ......................... 114
8.2 Analisis sensitivitas dengan penurunan produksi
sebesar 30% .......................................................................... 115
8.3 Analisis sensitivitas dengan kenaikan pupuk kimia
sebesar 40% .......................................................................... 115
9.1 Perhitungan Least Cost pada pembukaan lahan dengan
teknologi A (cara tradisional) dan B (cara mekanik)
pada DR 10% ....................................................................... 125
Daftar Tabel
Daftar Tabel
9.2 Perhitungan Least Cost pada pembukaan lahan dengan
teknologi A (cara tradisional) dan B (cara mekanik)
pada DR 15% ....................................................................... 125
9.3 Perhitungan Cross Over Discount Rate pada pembukaan
lahan (jutaan rupiah) .............................................................126
10.1 Matrik analisis kebijakan ....................................................... 143
1.1 Ruang lingkup studi kelayakan bisnis ........................................ 6
1.2 Siklus perencanaan dan pelaksanaan bisnis ................................ 9
1.3 Analisis usaha dalam farm budget ............................................. 16
3.1 Umur bisnis tanaman .......................................................... 56
7.1 Hubungan antara NPV dan IRR .......................................... 102
9.1 Penentuan Cross Over Discount Rate ...................................... 126
Daftar Gambar
... Aspek non finansial pada produksi benih jagung hibrida PT Agricorn Putra Sejati terdiri dari aspek pasar, aspek teknis, aspek manajemen dan hukum, aspek sosial, ekonomi, budaya, dan aspek lingkungan. Menurut Nurmalina et al. (2018), antar aspek-aspek pada non finansial akan saling berkaitan dan tidak bisa berdiri sendiri. Analisis kelayakan non finansial dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua metode, yaitu kuantitatif dan kualitatif. ...
... Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net B/C) adalah perbandingan antara manfaat bersih yang bernilai positif dengan manfaat bersih yang bernilai negatif dalam usaha. Rumus untuk menghitung Net B/C sebagai berikut (Nurmalina et al. 2018). ...
... IRR merujuk pada tingkat discount rate yang menghasilkan NPV sama dengan nol. Menurut Nurmalina et al. (2018), IRR dapat dihitung dengan rumus berikut. ...
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One way to fulfill the corn supply is by increasing productivity using superior seeds such as hybrid corn seeds. PT Agricorn Putra Sejati is a producer of hybrid corn seeds that plans to expand its production capacity. This research aims to determine the feasibility of business development and analyze the maximum changes in fertilizer prices and permanent labor wages. The study uses scenarios : scenario 0 (condition without development), scenario I (development condition with a labor-intensive system), and scenario II (development condition with more machine usage). The research considers non-financial aspects (market aspects, technical aspects, management and legal aspects, social, economic, and cultural aspects, as well as environmental aspects), financial aspects (NPV, Net B/C, IRR, Payback Period), and replacement value analysis. A company will be considered viable if NPV >0, Net B/C >1, IRR >1, and Payback Period >business life. The results show that the company is feasible to develop and will obtain a higher net benefit if using scenario II. Based on the replacement value analysis, the company is more sensitive to an increase in labor wages than an increase in fertilizer prices.
... Menurut Umar (2003); Nurmalina et al., (2018); Takaeb & Kelen, (2021) studi kelayakan usaha atau studi kelayakan bisnis adalah sebuah penelitian dalam mempersiapkan rencana usaha yang tidak hanya menilai layak dan tidak layaknya sebuah usaha yang akan atau telah dibangun, tetapi juga saat nanti ketika dijalankan dengan sebaik-baiknya dalam rangka memperoleh laba atau keuntungan yang semaksimal mungkin yang dapat diperoleh sebuah usaha dalam waktu tertentu yang tidak ditentukan. Hasil studi kelayakan bisnis pada prinsipnya dapat digunakan antara lain: 1) Bertujuan dalam merintis usaha baru, misalnya untuk membuka toko, membangun pabrik, dan lain-lain. ...
... Tantangan utama usaha-usaha yaitu dalam proses membangun serta mempertahankan bisnis yang ada agar tetap beroperasi dengan baik dan memberikan manfaat dalam pasar dan lingkungan yang terus mengalami perubahan revolusi industri. Dengan kata lain pasar sasaran yang dituju dengan tepat akan memudahkan perusahaan dalam melakukan executing strategy (Nurmalina et al., 2018). 2) Aspek Teknis dan Operasi. ...
... Sebaliknya, jika payback period (PP) lebih lama dari payback minimum maka pengelolaan investasi yang ada dinyatakan tidak layak untuk dijalankan, karena investasi belum mampu menghasilkan pendapatan menutup jumlah dari biaya-biaya yang dikeluarkan secara menyeluruh untuk waktu yang telah ditentukan. Payback minimum dapat didasarkan pada umur ekonomis suatu investasi (Nurmalina et al., 2018 Metode kedua adalah net present value, Metode ini menghitung berapa besar selisih daripada presents value aliran kas bersih dengan investasi awal. Suatu usaha layak dijalankan jika nilai Net Present Value (NPV) lebih besar dari 0 atau bernilai positif. ...
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This study aims to analyze the feasibility of investing in freshwater fish farming in Kambera District, East Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. This is done by researchers based on a phenomenon that shows that freshwater fish farming has great potential, but there are still some things that are still considered lacking, especially in business management. This study took a sample of 6 businesses in the Kamera District area using a saturated sampling technique. This research also uses three formulas to analyze the feasibility of business investment, namely: payback period (PP), net present value (NPV), and net benefit-cost ratio (Net B/C). The results show that, based on the results of the study, it can be said that investment in freshwater fish farming is declared feasible for 4 businesses, while 2 businesses is not feasible. The business feasibility assessment using the net benefit-cost ratio (Net B/C) method was declared feasible because 6 businesses were able to generate income from each cost incurred. Meanwhile, the investment feasibility is declared unfeasible by using the net present value (NPV) method, because the operating income has not been able to return the investment.
... The process of capital planning must be implemented from the outset of a business plan. The minimum considerations include the estimated value of the project, cash flow projections and profitability, other business investments, and financial viability 28,29,30) . ...
... The Financial Accounting method was used to analyze the feasibility of a Green Detergent Start-up, "Enzymatic Eco Detergent". This method involves several eligibility criteria 28,29,30) , including: ...
... The payback period formula with a different cash flow per year 28,29,30) . ...
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The most crucial global issue discussed at the Fourth Intergovernmental Review Meeting on the Implementation of the Global Program of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Bali Land Based Activities (IGR-4) in 2018 is the danger of detergent. Up to 45% of Indonesia’s rivers are in the category of being heavily polluted by detergent. Furthermore, Enzymatic Eco Detergent is a new, renewable, and innovative biodegradable product made from vegetable surfactants based on palm oil (MES). It is also enriched with organic enzymes produced by simple biotechnology from processing organic waste, such as fruits and vegetable peels, based on garbage enzyme/eco-enzyme. And it also has excellent potential to be developed on a micro business scale (Start-up). As a new product, conducting a business feasibility analysis is necessary to reduce the risk of failure or loss. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the feasibility of the Eco Detergent factory start-up business with a capacity of 12,000 liters per year based on a financial analysis involving the Payback Period, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, and Return on Investment. The data obtained were analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2013 software. The result showed that the payback period (PP) is three years (2 years and 3 months) faster than the project age of 5 years, hence the Green detergent start-up project, "Enzymatic Eco Detergent," is feasible to be implemented. Meanwhile, the Net Present Value (NPV) criteria have a positive IDR of 1,117,448,350.97. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and the Return on Investment (ROI) obtained are 57.57% and 54%, respectively. Conclusively, the investment is considered profitable with a return rate of 10.37%, hence, it is feasible to be implemented.
... Measuring the revenues and costs incurred is the primary component of financial analysis (Gusasi and Saade, 2006). All cash outlays made to produce output, including both variable and fixed operating costs, are included in cash outlays for operations (Nurmalina et al., 2014). The findings of the study at two restaurants and beach resorts in the marine tourism destination of Ngurbloat beach are shown in tables 1 through 4, where resort A's annual revenue is IDR 103,000,000 and resort B's annual revenue is IDR 264,000,000. ...
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The challenge faced by small and micro enterprises in remote islands is the ability to maintain the consistency of the production and revenue. The marine tourism sector in Kei Islands, like many sectors dealt and is still facing the same roadblock to visitor growth and consistency after the COVID-19pandemic hit and is still recovering. Thus, it is important for the local hospitality sector to measure the projectionof their business. The purpose of the study was to identify the financial feasibility of the hospitality sector in the Kei Islands region. By doing so, two beach resorts and two restaurants were selected as the study cases located in the famous and famous marine tourism spot in the region, which is Ngurbloat Beach. The field survey was conducted in August 2022 by in-depth interviews and questionnaires to collect the field data from owners of resorts and restaurants. The indicators of financing feasibility that were used in this study were B/C, profit, R/C, NPV, IRR, and yearly profitability projection. The result showed that for each beach resort and restaurant, all the criteria showed that those were still feasible for the next five years. Although the results also indicated that for the current stance, the profitability projection for the next five years had a downward trend compared to the present year. Therefore, promotion and the effectiveness of government handling post-pandemic are important insignificantly increasing the profitability of the hospitality sector in the region. Keywords— Hospitality; Financial Feasibility; Marine Tourism; Profitability
... Management is very important during business development. The field of management describes what I learned in it, the duration of the business or business development, who does the business, and when to schedule it [3]. ...
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Hydroponics is cultivated land in agriculture without using soil media, but agricultural activities by operating using water as a soil replacement medium. Dewaponik is one of the businesses engaged in agriculture using a hydroponic cultivation system located in the Yogyakarta area. The main focus of hydroponic cultivation at Dewaponik Yogyakarta is vegetable plants that can be cultivated using a hydroponic system, such as curly lettuce, pakcoy, kale, red lettuce, and romaine lettuce. The cultivation system at the Dewaponik Yogyakarta Company uses an NFT system, namely the Nutrient Film Technique, with a water pump that is used to drain water in a hydroponic installation. If you forget to turn on the pump or there is a power outage/ blackout by PLN, plants that need nutrients and oxygen will die and not grow; solutions for hydroponic plants using the NFT method must be creative without worrying about these problems. One alternative that can be developed is the implementation of solar panels for hydroponic water pumps. Solar panels with solar panels can get electrical energy from the most abundant energy source on earth, namely the sun. The implementation of solar panels for hydroponic agriculture at Dewaponik Yogyakarta is analyzed using a business plan analysis. The increase in income through the implementation of solar panels as a support for hydroponic agriculture in Dewaponik can be applied by Dewaponik with increased production and a wider market so as to provide greater income to Dewaponik companies.
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Buku ini berisikan bahasan tentang Aspek-Aspek Kelayakan Agribisnis.
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Hydroponic Nutrition Garden at Hidayatullah Islamic Boarding School Depok is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program of Kimia Farma that utilizes the potential of Islamic boarding schools to support the development of economic independence at Hidayatullah Islamic Boarding School Depok. The demand for hydroponic vegetables in this nutrition garden continues to increase, but the amount of production has not met this demand, therefore it needs development. The results of the analysis on non-financial aspects state that the development of a hydroponic vegetable business is feasible based on market, technical, management, legal, social, economic, cultural and environmental aspects. Results of financial aspect analysis based on NPV with a value of Rp. 140,052,675 and Rp. 205,508,544, IRR with a value of 57% and 68%, Net B/C with a value of 6.43 and 6.96, Payback Period with a period of 1 year 8 months and 1 year 6 months, and Incremental Net Benefit with a value of Rp. 65,455,869 show that the business is feasible to run either without or with development.
Unit usaha pembesaran ikan lele sangkuriang (Clarias gariepinus) milik Bapak Budi berlokasi di Desa Mekargalih Kecamatan Ciranjang Kabupaten Cianjur Provinsi Jawa Barat. Usaha tersebut berdiri pada Desember 2020 dengan luas lahan 2.100 . Keberlangsungan usaha budidaya pembesaran ikan dapat diukur dengan manajemen usaha. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis manajemen usaha, teknik pembesaran ikan lele sangkuriang (Clarias gariepinus) dan analisa usahanya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah analisis deskriptif, dengan perhitungan analisa usaha menggunakan biaya produksi, penerimaan, keuntungan, Break Event Point (BEP), Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C ratio), Payback Period (PP), dan Return on Investment (ROI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan usaha budidaya pembesaran ikan lele sangkuriang (Clarias gariepinus) dilakukan secara semi intensif dengan menerapkan sistem budidaya yang terkontrol. Pembesaran ikan lele sangkuriang (Clarias gariepinus) layak untuk dijalankan, dengan nilai R/C ratio 1,71. Titik impas dari penjualan ikan lele sangkuriang memiliki BEP(Rp) Rp 7.501.098,- dan BEP(unit) sebanyak 906 kg. Biaya produksi sebanyak Rp 46.756.944,- dengan jumlah pendapatan sebanyak Rp 80.325.000,- sehingga mendapatkan keuntungan per siklus Rp 33.568.056,-Budi's sangkuriang catfish (Clarias gariepinus) rearing business unit is located in Mekargalih Village, Ciranjang District, Cianjur Regency, West Java Province. The business was established in December 2020 with a land area of 2,100 m^2. The sustainability of fish farming business can be measured by business management. The research aims to analyze business management, production processes and business analysis. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis, with business analysis calculations using production costs, revenues, profits, Break Event Point (BEP), Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C ratio), Payback Period (PP), and Return on Investment (ROI). ). The results showed that the growing cultivation of sangkuriang catfish (Clarias gariepinus) was carried out in a semi-intensive manner by applying a controlled cultivation system. Enlargement of sangkuriang catfish (Clarias gariepinus) is feasible, with an R/C ratio of 1.71. The breakeven point from the sale of sangkuriang catfish has a BEP(Rp) of IDR 7,501,098 and a BEP(unit) of 906 kg. Production costs of IDR 46,756,944, - with a total income of IDR 80,325,000, - so that you get a profit per cycle of IDR 33,568,056, -
Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) Jaje Uli sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan di Bali khususnya di daerah Buleleng karena jaje uli sebagai sarana pelengkap upacara yang wajib ada di setiap persembahan keagamaan. Pemasaran yang kurang membuat usaha ini hanya stag di Daerah saja padahal memungkinkan untuk dipasarkan keluar daerah. Untuk itu tujuan dari kegiatn ini adalah memperluas pemasaran UMKM Jaje Uli dengan pembinaan internet marketing. Hasil dari pembinaan UMKM tentang internet marketing terjadi peningkatan keterampilan dalam pemasaran produk melalui media sosial. Pemilik usaha juga sudah mulai berani berpikir positif, berani mengambil resiko, siap dengan segala kritik, dan mulai berani mempromosikan produk di media sosialagar produk yang dijual bisa lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat, karena masyarakat saat ini hampir semua menggunakan media sosial baik itu whatsapp ataupun instagram dan lain sebagainya.
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This study aims to analyze the economic impact on the welfare of the community around the Whale Shark area in the village of Labuhan Jambu. The current condition of the movement of the tourism industry in Labuhan Jambu Village is still not optimal. In addition to weak promotion, there are limited tourism support facilities and limited quality of human resources in managing tourism. The research method uses a quantitative descriptive approach. Source of data consists of secondary data and primary data. Data collection techniques are questionnaires, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique in this study uses structural equation modeling analysis. The results of the study indicate that there is no direct influence felt by the community as a whole from the existence of Whale Shark ecotourism on the community's economy and the welfare of the surrounding community. The direct influence is only felt by chart owners and operators of Whale Shark ecotourism, that chart owners and operators who deal directly with tourists who visit Whale Shark tours in the village of Labuhan Jambu. For tourists who rarely go ashore, the route used is the sea route. The tourists only stop for 1 to 2 hours to see the Whale Shark ecotourism, after which the tourists go straight to the next tourist spot, namely Komodo Island. This makes the community, especially business actors, not get a significant impact from Whale Shark ecotourism.
85 6.2 Ketentuan perhitungan pajak penghasilan badan usaha
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Biaya investasi......................................................................... 85 6.2 Ketentuan perhitungan pajak penghasilan badan usaha........... 87