
Comparative Study on seismic analysis and Retrofitting of an Existing Building

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The target of this undertaking is to examine and comprehend the impact of utilizing retrofitting strategies on a structure against the seismic unique burden. The investigation is completed on four models of a G+4 building. Model 1 was not exposed to any seismic burden and was discovered to be protected against the arrangement load and live burden and its blend. Model 2 was exposed to dynamic seismic burden and its mix and the disappointment of primary individuals was noted. Accordingly retrofitting was done in the following two models. In Model 3 the structure was retrofitted with bracings were as in Model 4 section jacketing and in Model 5 shear divider were utilized. Boundaries like removal, time history, firmness and base shear were chosen subsequent to leading a careful writing audit. Time-frame of the structure was ascertain according to IS1893-2016, and Zone factor was chosen as 0.1 and 0.16 alongside significance factor as 1 and Soil type as II from a similar code. Then, at that point the same static examination and reaction range investigation was completed on Models 2,3,4 and 5 individually and there results were arranged. In light of the outcomes acquired for the given boundaries and dynamic stacking condition it was reasoned that retrofitting the structure will in general decrease the impacts of dynamic stacking on the design. Further it was noticed that retrofitting the structure with shear divider gave the best suitable outcomes. As it diminished the time-frame of the structure by 32.72% and furthermore lessen the sidelong relocation and story float in both X and Y heading by a decent edge.

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The aim of this paper is to evaluate the possible improvement of seismic performance of existing reinforced concrete building (the 5th Building of UNS Engineering Faculty) by the use of steel bracing. Three methods of seismic evaluation are employed for the purpose of the study i.e. Nonlinear Static Pushover Displacement Coefficient Method as described in FEMA 356, Improvement of Nonlinear Static Pushover Displacement Coefficient Method as described in FEMA 440 and dynamic time history analysis following the Indonesian Code of Seismic Resistance Building (SNI 03-1726-2002) criteria. The results show that the target displacement determined from nonlinear pushover analysis of the existing building in X direction is 0.188 m and in Y direction is 0.132 m. The performance of this building could be categorized in between Life Safety (LS) - Collapse Prevention (CP) and plastic hinges occur in columns. It is also indicated that the story drifts in Y direction exceed the serviceability limit criterion when the recorded El Centro accelerogram was used for dynamic time history analysis. The performance of the existing building could be improved if steel bracings are utilized for seismic retrofitting. It is shown from the nonlinear pushover analysis that target displacements in both directions are reduced by 16%-55% if the proposed steel bracings are used. Furthermore, dynamic time history analysis points out that the story drifts of the retrofitted building are within the limit criteria. Meanwhile, the size of steel bracing elements do not significantly affect the seismic performance of retrofitted building.
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