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The extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway governs cell proliferation, differentiation and migration, and therefore plays key roles in various developmental and regenerative processes. Recent advances in genetically encoded fluorescent biosensors have unveiled hitherto unrecognized ERK activation dynamics in space and time and their functional importance mainly in cultured cells. However, ERK dynamics during embryonic development have still only been visualized in limited numbers of model organisms, and we are far from a sufficient understanding of the roles played by developmental ERK dynamics. In this Review, we first provide an overview of the biosensors used for visualization of ERK activity in live cells. Second, we highlight the applications of the biosensors to developmental studies of model organisms and discuss the current understanding of how ERK dynamics are encoded and decoded for cell fate decision-making.

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... Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), divided into ERK1 and ERK2, is one of the family members of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and involved in many biological reactions such as cell proliferation and differentiation, cell morphology maintenance, cytoskeleton construction, apoptosis and cell malignant transformation [10]. The basic composition of the ERK pathway is a typical three-layer cascade reaction, including Raf, MEK, and ERK. ...
... Our experimental results showed that the expression of Notch1 and Jagged1 increased after Ang II stimulated VSMCs proliferation, indicating that Notch1/ Jagged-1 was involved in the proliferation of VSMCs. ERK1/2 is the most important pathway mediating cell proliferation effects, and is involved in signal transduction from the plasma membrane to the nucleus [10]. After activation of ERK1/2 into p-ERK1/2, it enters the nucleus and acts on transcription factors such as Elk-1, c-myc, c-fos, c-jun, NF-κB [33]. ...
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Aims To explore the role and mechanism of Notch signaling and ERK1/2 pathway in the inhibitory effect of sacubitril/valsartan on the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Main methods Human aortic vascular smooth muscle cells (HA-VSMCs) were cultured in vitro. The proliferating VSMCs were divided into three groups as control group, Ang II group and Ang II + sacubitril/valsartan group. Cell proliferation and migration were detected by CCK8 and scratch test respectively. The mRNA and protein expression of PCNA, MMP-9, Notch1 and Jagged-1 were detected by qRT-PCR and Western blot respectively. The p-ERK1/2 expression was detected by Western blot. Key findings Compared with the control group, proliferation and migration of VSMCs and the expression of PCNA, MMP-9, Notch1, Jagged-1 and p-ERK1/2 was increased in Ang II group. Sacubitril/valsartan significantly reduced the proliferation and migration. Additionally, pretreatment with sacubitril/valsartan reduced the PCNA, MMP-9, Notch1, Jagged-1 and p-ERK1/2 expression.
... More complex ERK dynamics such as oscillations were postulated [19] but only became clearly observable with the development of fluorescent ERK biosensors [26,27]. These reporters are briefly summarized in the following section and have been reviewed in depth elsewhere [28]. ...
... Advances in measuring ERK activity and remaining challenges ERK dynamics are most easily detected by fluorescent protein-based ERK activity reporters (i.e. biosensors) which have recently been reviewed in detail [28]. The main categories of reporter include FRET-based (EKAR series), translocation-based (ERK-KTR; ERK-FP fusions), and degradation-based (FIRE) (outlined in Table 1). ...
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Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) has long been studied as a key driver of both essential cellular processes and disease. A persistent question has been how this single pathway is able to direct multiple cell behaviors, including growth, proliferation, and death. Modern biosensor studies have revealed that the temporal pattern of ERK activity is highly variable and heterogeneous, and critically, that these dynamic differences modulate cell fate. This two-part review discusses the current understanding of dynamic activity in the ERK pathway, how it regulates cellular decisions, and how these cell fates lead to tissue regulation and pathology. In part 1, we cover the optogenetic and live-cell imaging technologies that first revealed the dynamic nature of ERK, as well as current challenges in biosensor data analysis. We also discuss advances in mathematical models for the mechanisms of ERK dynamics, including receptor-level regulation, negative feedback, cooperativity, and paracrine signaling. While hurdles still remain, it is clear that higher temporal and spatial resolution provide mechanistic insights into pathway circuitry. Exciting new algorithms and advanced computational tools enable quantitative measurements of single-cell ERK activation, which in turn inform better models of pathway behavior. However, the fact that current models still cannot fully recapitulate the diversity of ERK responses calls for a deeper understanding of network structure and signal transduction in general.
... Then, the role of ERK in various developing and growing vertebrate tissues with four examples, based on recent advances in live imaging analysis, is discussed. This review provides the current state of knowledge and fills the gaps that remain unexplored in previous reviews on ERK signaling pathways in development [3,4]. Throughout this review, protein symbols I have used the first letter uppercase for the zebrafish and all uppercase for the mammalian species (the exception being ERK). ...
... Researchers have developed several different strategies to monitor ERK activity in living cells, most of which depend on the engineering of various fluorescent proteins [3,[50][51][52][53]. Genetically encoded reporter proteins enable us to repeatedly measure signal activity in live cells under less harmful conditions. ...
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The chemical and mechanical responses of cells via the exchange of information during growth and development result in the formation of biological tissues. Information processing within the cells through the signaling pathways and networks inherent to the constituent cells has been well-studied. However, the cell signaling mechanisms responsible for generating dynamic multicellular responses in developing tissues remain unclear. Here, I review the dynamic multicellular response systems during the development and growth of vertebrate tissues based on the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway. First, an overview of the function of the ERK signaling network in cells is provided, followed by descriptions of biosensors essential for live imaging of the quantification of ERK activity in tissues. Then adducing four examples, I highlight the contribution of live imaging techniques for studying the involvement of spatio-temporal patterns of ERK activity change in tissue development and growth. In addition, theoretical implications of ERK signaling are also discussed from the viewpoint of dynamic systems. This review might help in understanding ERK-mediated dynamic multicellular responses and tissue morphogenesis.
... These cell fate decisions are determined by the temporal activity patterns of ERK, motivating the need to quantify ERK activity at the single-cell level. Fluorescent biosensors have revealed significant insight into the signaling activity of ERK, providing real-time activity readouts with little perturbation to normal kinase function [3]. For example, ERK activity often occurs in radiating waves originating at discrete points, both in vivo [4] and in various cell culture models [5][6][7][8]. ...
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Cell fate decisions are regulated by intricate signaling networks, with Extracellular signal-Regulated Kinase (ERK) being a central regulator. However, ERK is rarely the only signaling pathway involved, creating a need to study multiple signaling pathways simultaneously at the single-cell level. Many existing fluorescent biosensors for ERK and other pathways have significant spectral overlap, limiting their ability to be multiplexed. To address this limitation, we developed two novel red-FRET ERK biosensors, REKAR67 and REKAR76, which operate in the 670-720 nm range using miRFP670nano3 and miRFP720. REKAR67 and REKAR76 differ in fluorophore position, which impacts biosensor characteristics; REKAR67 displayed a higher dynamic range but greater signal variance than REKAR76. Mixed populations of REKAR67 or REKAR76 displayed similar Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR), but in clonal cell populations, REKAR76 had a significantly higher SNR. Overall, our red-FRET ERK biosensors were highly consistent with existing ERK FRET biosensors and in reporting ERK activity and are spectrally compatible with CFP/YFP FRET and cpGFP -based biosensors. Both REKAR biosensors expand the available methods for measuring single-cell ERK activity.
... However, its efficiency strongly depends on the distance and direction between the donor and recipient proteins, which results in a very limited dynamic range of its response (Hirata and Kiyokawa 2016). KTR probe is a biosensor based on a single fluorophore, which can measure ERK activity through brightness changes caused by subcellular translocation (Nakamura et al. 2021). It is mainly composed of nuclear localization signal (NLS), nuclear output signal (NES), and fluorescent protein. ...
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Calcium (Ca²⁺) is a universal second messenger in eukaryotic cells, and extracellular regulated protein kinases (ERK) are the core component of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling cascade. Both are involved in numerous physiological and pathological processes, such as organogenesis, tumorigenesis, proliferation, migration and apoptosis. Over the past decade, it has been found that calcium signaling can regulate the ERK activity through multiple mechanisms, and conversely, ERK signaling transduction can also affect the triggering and intensity of calcium signaling. However, there are few reports on how to perform real-time synchronous detection of these two signals. Here we described a method for dynamically and synchronously recording calcium signals and ERK activity in living cells, utilizing stable expression of multiple genetically-encoded probes and multi-channel synchronous detection technology using confocal microscopy. The protocol can be useful to address the spatiotemporal encoding dynamic mechanism of calcium signaling and ERK activity in single or multiple cells, and to reveal the interaction and causal characteristics of these two signals.
... In many tissues, ERK signaling is highly localized and temporally dynamic (17), but such patterns have not been investigated in the airway. Given ERK's known roles in the airway epithelium, a possible function for spatially localized ERK signaling is the coordination of cytokine production with epithelial barrier permeability, creating focal points for immune cell entry. ...
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RATIONALE Spatially coordinated ERK signaling events (“SPREADs”) transmit radially from a central point to adjacent cells via secreted ligands for EGFR and other receptors. SPREADs maintain homeostasis in non-pulmonary epithelia, but it is unknown whether they play a role in the airway epithelium or are dysregulated in inflammatory disease. OBJECTIVES (1) To characterize the spatial heterogeneity of ERK activity in response to pro-inflammatory ligands, and (2) to assess the effects of pharmacological and metabolic regulators on cytokine-mediated SPREADs. METHODS Live-cell ERK biosensor activity and SPREAD events were measured in human bronchial epithelial cell lines (HBE1 and 16HBE) and primary human bronchial epithelial cells (pHBE), in both submerged and biphasic Air-Liquid Interface (ALI) culture conditions (i.e., differentiated cells). Cells were exposed to pro-inflammatory cytokines relevant to asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and to pharmacological treatments (gefitinib, tocilizumab, hydrocortisone) and metabolic modulators (insulin, 2-deoxyglucose) to probe the airway epithelial mechanisms of SPREADs. Phospho-STAT3 immunofluorescence was used to measure localized inflammatory responses to IL-6. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS Pro-inflammatory cytokines significantly increased the frequency of SPREADs. Notably, differentiated pHBE cells display increased SPREAD frequency that coincides with airway epithelial barrier breakdown. SPREADs correlate with IL-6 peptide secretion and localized pSTAT3. Hydrocortisone, inhibitors of receptor signaling, and suppression of metabolic function decreased SPREADs and local STAT3 activation. CONCLUSIONS Pro-inflammatory cytokines modulate SPREADs in human airway epithelial cells via both secreted EGFR and IL6R ligands. SPREADs correlate with changes in epithelial barrier permeability, implying a role for spatiotemporal ERK signaling in barrier homeostasis and dysfunction during inflammation. The involvement of SPREADs in airway inflammation suggests a novel signaling mechanism that could be exploited clinically to supplement corticosteroid treatment for asthma and COPD. One Sentence Summary We demonstrate that proinflammatory cytokines cause spatiotemporally organized ERK signaling events called “SPREADs” in human airway epithelial cells, correlating with conditions that disrupt epithelial barrier function. At a Glance Commentary Scientific Knowledge on the Subject: Airway epithelial cells play a critical role in the innate immune response to pro-inflammatory conditions. This response must coordinate the recruitment of adaptive immune cells and permit their trans-epithelial migration. ERK signaling is required for these events and has been shown to modulate cell fate outcomes via temporally dynamic activity. Pro-inflammatory conditions may therefore rely on spatially and temporally specific ERK signaling to coordinate immune responses. However, the occurrence of spatially localized signaling events in the airway epithelium has not been investigated. What This Study Adds to the Field: Combining live-cell ERK biosensors with multiple human airway epithelial models, we demonstrate that pro-inflammatory cytokines induce spatially localized ERK signaling. In addition, we find that the common anti-inflammatory treatments tocilizumab, gefitinib, and hydrocortisone suppress cytokine-induced SPREADs. These findings suggest that localized ERK signaling coordinates the innate immune response via spatially restricted cytokine release and regulation of airway barrier permeability.
... The triple kinase cascade of the mitogen-activated protein kinase signal transduction pathway is involved in many cellular processes, from extracellular stimulation to the corresponding biological effects on cells (Nakamura et al., 2021). Enamel formation is highly dependent on kinases, and MAPK phosphatase 1 (MKP-1) plays a key role in regulating ERK-associated kinases. ...
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Fluoride is commonly consider as a “double-edged sword” because low consumption of fluoride can effectively prevent dental caries, but excessive consumption of fluoride can cause fluorosis. Dental fluorosis (DF) is a characteristic feature of fluorosis in the oral cavity that is manifested as tooth color changes and evident enamel defect. Presently, the pathogenesis of DF remains unclear. Herein, we have summarized the research progress in the pathogenesis and mechanism of DF in the past 5 years.
... The dual phosphorylation of ERK is activated via a series of cascade reactions. As a result, ERKs stimulate kinase activity and catalyze the phosphorylation of a variety of substrates involved in cell proliferation, differentiation, cell motility, and tumorigenesis [46]. In recent years, it has been discovered that the ERK signaling pathway plays an important role in regulating trophoblast cell migration and invasion. ...
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Preeclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy-related disorder that is a leading cause of maternal death. The failure of spiral artery remodeling due to insufficient trophoblast migration and invasion is critical in the pathogenesis of PE. Recently, the CC motif chemokine ligand 21 (CCL21) has been widely linked to cancer cell invasion and migration. However, their potential mechanisms are still unknown. In this study, we found that CCL21 expression was significantly lower in the PE group than that in the control group. In vitro experiments revealed that recombinant CCL21 could promote trophoblast cell epithelial-to-mesenchymal transitions (EMTs) and improve migration and invasion. Furthermore, an inhibitor of the ERK1/2 signaling pathway inhibited the CCL21-induced EMT process. Finally, a PE mouse model was established using the NOS inhibitor L-NAME, and we obtained similar results, with downregulated CCL21 and EMT biomarkers and upregulated CCR7. Taken together, these findings suggest that the CCL21/CCR7 axis influences EMT by activating the ERK1/2 signaling pathway, thereby affecting trophoblast cell migration and invasion, which may play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of PE.
... Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy is a feasible approach to measure WWOX function in a real-time manner. FRET can be utilized to determine spatial proximity among proteins either at a single or multiple protein levels in cultured cells in a real-time mode [18,43,44,[55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62]. For example, binding of a CFP (cyan fluorescence protein)-tagged bait (or donor) protein with a YFP (yellow fluorescence protein)-tagged target (or acceptor) protein results in energy flow from the donor to the acceptor. ...
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Tumor suppressor WWOX inhibits cancer growth and retards Alzheimer’s disease (AD) progression. Supporting evidence shows that the more strongly WWOX binds intracellular protein partners, the weaker is cancer cell growth in vivo. Whether this correlates with retardation of AD progression is unknown. Two functional forms of WWOX exhibit opposite functions. pY33-WWOX is proapoptotic and anticancer, and is essential for maintaining normal physiology. In contrast, pS14-WWOX is accumulated in the lesions of cancers and AD brains, and suppression of WWOX phosphorylation at S14 by a short peptide Zfra abolishes cancer growth and retardation of AD progression. In parallel, synthetic Zfra4-10 or WWOX7-21 peptide strengthens the binding of endogenous WWOX with intracellular protein partners leading to cancer suppression. Indeed, Zfra4-10 is potent in restoring memory loss in triple transgenic mice for AD (3xTg) by blocking the aggregation of amyloid beta 42 (Aβ42), enhancing degradation of aggregated proteins, and inhibiting activation of inflammatory NF-κB. In light of the findings, Zfra4-10-mediated suppression of cancer and AD is due, in part, to an enhanced binding of endogenous WWOX and its binding partners. In this perspective review article, we detail the molecular action of WWOX in the HYAL-2/WWOX/SMAD4 signaling for biological effects, and discuss WWOX phosphorylation forms in interacting with binding partners, leading to suppression of cancer growth and retardation of AD progression.
... Many approaches have been taken to visualise ERK activity in vivo, starting with the development of an antibody that specifically recognises ERK phosphorylated on threonine and tyrosine residues (Yung et al., 1997), enabling the observation of patterns of ERK activation in fixed tissues (Gabay et al., 1997a,b). More recently, reporters have been developed to study the kinetics of ERK activation in live tissues, including Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) sensors, fluorescent fusion proteins for transcriptional effectors of the pathway, and phase separation-based kinase reporters (Lim et al., 2013;Moreno et al., 2019;Nakamura et al., 2021;Ogura et al., 2018;Peláez et al., 2015;Zhang et al., 2018). One particularly promising approach is the development of a new class of kinase activity reporters, termed kinase translocation reporters (KTRs) (Regot et al., 2014;Spencer et al., 2013). ...
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Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) lies downstream of a core signalling cascade that controls all aspects of development and adult homeostasis. Recent developments have led to new tools to image and manipulate the pathway. However, visualising ERK activity in vivo with high temporal resolution remains a challenge in Drosophila. We adapted a kinase translocation reporter (KTR) for use in Drosophila, which shuttles out of the nucleus when phosphorylated by ERK. We show that ERK-KTR faithfully reports endogenous ERK signalling activity in developing and adult tissues, and that it responds to genetic perturbations upstream of ERK. Using ERK-KTR in time-lapse imaging, we made two novel observations: firstly, sustained hyperactivation of ERK by expression of dominant-active epidermal growth factor receptor raised the overall level but did not alter the kinetics of ERK activity; secondly, the direction of migration of retinal basal glia correlated with their ERK activity levels, suggesting an explanation for the heterogeneity in ERK activity observed in fixed tissue. Our results show that KTR technology can be applied in Drosophila to monitor ERK activity in real-time and suggest that this modular tool can be further adapted to study other kinases. This article has an associated First Person interview with the first author of the paper.
... Many approaches have been taken to visualise ERK activity kinetics, including Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) sensors, fluorescent fusion proteins for transcriptional effectors of the pathway, and phase separation-based kinase reporters (Lim et al., 2013;Moreno et al., 2019;Nakamura et al., 2021;Peláez et al., 2015;Zhang et al., 2018). One particularly promising approach is the development of a new class of kinase activity reporters, termed kinase translocation reporters (KTRs) (Regot et al., 2014;Spencer et al., 2013). ...
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Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase (ERK) lies downstream of a core signalling cascade that controls all aspects of development and adult homeostasis. Recent developments have led to new tools to image and manipulate the pathway. However, visualising ERK activity in vivo with high temporal resolution remains a challenge in Drosophila. We adapted a kinase translocation reporter (KTR) for use in Drosophila, which shuttles out of the nucleus when phosphorylated by ERK. We show that ERK-KTR faithfully reports endogenous ERK signalling activity in developing and adult tissues, and that it responds to genetic perturbations upstream of ERK. Using ERK-KTR in time-lapse imaging, we made two novel observations: firstly, sustained hyperactivation of ERK by expression of dominant-active Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor raised the overall level but did not alter the kinetics of ERK activity; secondly, heterogeneity in ERK activity in retinal basal glia correlated with the direction of migration of individual cells. Our results show that KTR technology can be applied in Drosophila to monitor ERK activity in real-time and suggest that this modular tool can be further adapted to study other kinases. Summary Statement We describe a reporter to study the dynamics of ERK signalling in Drosophila, use it to measure signalling in individual cells over time, and monitor development.
Raf protein kinases act as Ras-GTP sensing components of the ERK signal transduction pathway in animal cells, influencing cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival. In humans, somatic and germline mutations in the genes BRAF and RAF1 are associated with malignancies and developmental disorders. Recent studies shed light on the structure of activated Raf, a heterotetramer consisting of Raf and 14-3-3 dimers, and raised the possibility that a Raf C-terminal distal tail segment (DTS) regulates activation. We investigated the role of the DTS using the Caenorhabditis elegans Raf ortholog lin-45. Truncations removing the DTS strongly enhanced lin-45(S312A), a weak gain-of-function allele equivalent to RAF1 mutations found in patients with Noonan Syndrome. We genetically defined three elements of the LIN-45 DTS, which we termed the active site binding sequence (ASBS), the KTP motif, and the aromatic cluster. In the context of lin-45(S312A), mutation of each of these elements enhanced activity. We used AlphaFold to predict DTS protein interactions for LIN-45, fly Raf, and human BRAF, within the activated heterotetramer complex. We propose distinct functions for the LIN-45 DTS elements: i) the ASBS binds the kinase active site as an inhibitor, ii) phosphorylation of the KTP motif modulates DTS-kinase domain interaction, and iii) the aromatic cluster anchors the DTS in an inhibitory conformation. Human RASopathy-associated variants in BRAF affect residues of the DTS, consistent with these predictions. This work establishes that the Raf/LIN-45 DTS negatively regulates signaling in C. elegans and provides a model for its function in other Raf proteins.
Raf protein kinases act as Ras-GTP sensing components of the ERK signal transduction pathway in animal cells, influencing cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival. In humans, somatic and germline mutations in the genes BRAF and RAF1 are associated with malignancies and developmental disorders. Recent studies shed light on the structure of activated Raf, a heterotetramer consisting of Raf and 14-3-3 dimers, and raised the possibility that a Raf C-terminal distal tail segment (DTS) regulates activation. We investigated the role of the DTS using the Caenorhabditis elegans, which has a single Raf ortholog termed lin-45 . We discovered that truncations removing the DTS strongly enhanced lin-45(S312A) , a weak gain-of-function allele equivalent to RAF1 mutations found in patients with Noonan Syndrome. We generated mutations to test three elements of the LIN-45 DTS, which we termed the active site binding sequence (ASBS), the KTP motif, and the aromatic cluster. In the context of lin-45(S312A), mutation of either the ASBS, KTP motif, or aromatic cluster enhanced activity. We used AlphaFold to predict DTS protein interactions for LIN-45, fly Raf, and human BRAF, within the activated heterotetramer complex. We propose distinct functions for the LIN-45 DTS elements: i) the ASBS binds the kinase active site as an inhibitor, ii) phosphorylation of the KTP motif modulates DTS-kinase domain interaction, and iii) the aromatic cluster anchors the DTS in an inhibitory conformation. This work establishes that the Raf/LIN-45 DTS negatively regulates signaling in C. elegans and provides a model for its function in other Raf proteins.
Injury induces systemic responses, but their functions remain elusive. Mechanisms that can rapidly synchronize wound responses through long distances are also mostly unknown. Using planarian flatworms capable of whole-body regeneration, we report that injury induces extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Erk) activity waves to travel at a speed 10-100 times faster than those in other multicellular tissues. This ultrafast propagation requires longitudinal body-wall muscles, elongated cells forming dense parallel tracks running the length of the organism. The morphological properties of muscles allow them to act as superhighways for propagating and disseminating wound signals. Inhibiting Erk propagation prevents tissues distant to the wound from responding and blocks regeneration, which can be rescued by a second injury to distal tissues shortly after the first injury. Our findings provide a mechanism for long-range signal propagation in large, complex tissues to coordinate responses across cell types and highlight the function of feedback between spatially separated tissues during whole-body regeneration.
Through investigating the two different enhanced cell division stages, we tried to clarify the switch from the growth to differentiation in the wing disc of the last larval instar of Bombyx mori. The response to insulin and 20E in vitro was stage specific. Bmmyc expression in V1 wing discs showed differences after being cultured with and without insulin. Bmmyc expression in V5 wing discs also showed differences after being cultured with and without 20E. Cell cycle-related genes, BmE2F1 and BmcycE, were upregulated with insulin or 20E in cultured wing discs of V1 or V5, respectively. Bmwnt1 and Bmras1 showed upregulation with 20E in cultured wing discs. Bmwnt1 showed upregulation with insulin in cultured wing discs, but Bmras1 did not show clear upregulation with insulin treatment. In contrast, Bmdpp showed upregulation with insulin, but did not show clear upregulation with 20E. The addition of PI3K or TOR inhibitors inhibited the upregulation of Bmmyc expression that was upregulated with insulin or 20E. The upregulation of Bmmyc and Bmwnt1 with insulin or 20E was inhibited with the addition of Myc or Wnt inhibitors, respectively. Genes related to matrix metalloprotease showed upregulation with 20E, and the upregulation was inhibited by the addition of Myc or Wnt inhibitors. From the present results, we concluded that cell division during the feeding stage occurred through PI3K/TOR cascade, and that at the wandering stage occurred through ecdysone and PI3K/TOR cascade; the former is for growth and the latter for differentiation.
Three-dimensional mammary epithelial acini are a model for understanding how microenvironment-driven signaling coordinates cell behavior and tissue morphogenesis. In this issue of Developmental Cell, Ender et al. use live-cell imaging to capture dynamic spatiotemporal patterns of ERK activity that instruct cell migration and survival fates in developing acini.
Chemogenetic methods enabling the rapid translocation of specific proteins to the plasma membrane (PM) in a single protein-single ligand manner are useful tools in cell biology. We recently developed a technique, in which proteins fused to an Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase (eDHFR) variant carrying N-terminal hexalysine residues are recruited from the cytoplasm to the PM using the synthetic myristoyl-d-Cys-tethered trimethoprim (mDcTMP) ligand. However, this system achieved PM-specific translocation only when the eDHFR tag was fused to the N terminus of proteins, thereby limiting its application. In this report, we engineered a universal PM-targeting tag for mDcTMP-induced protein translocation by grafting the hexalysine motif into an intra-loop region of eDHFR. We demonstrate the broad applicability of the new loop-engineered eDHFR tag and mDcTMP pair for conditional PM recruitment and activation of various tag-fused signaling proteins with different fusion configurations and for reversibly and repeatedly controlling protein localization to generate synthetic signal oscillations.
It has long been known that FGF signaling contributes to mesoderm formation, a germ layer found in triploblasts that is composed of highly migratory cells that give rise to muscles and to the skeletal structures of vertebrates. FGF signaling activates several pathways in the developing mesoderm, including transient activation of the Erk pathway, which triggers mesodermal fate specification through the induction of the gene brachyury and activates morphogenetic programs that allow mesodermal cells to position themselves in the embryo. In this review, we discuss what is known about the generation and interpretation of transient Erk signaling in mesodermal tissues across species. We focus specifically on mechanisms that translate the level and duration of Erk signaling into cell fate and cell movement instructions and discuss strategies for further interrogating the role that Erk signaling dynamics play in mesodermal gastrulation and morphogenesis.
Fluorescence microscopy is a broadly used technique within a variety of different fields, including life sciences and medical research, and its quantitative aspects are becoming emphasized. The challenge now lies in improving the accuracy and precision of the measurements obtained from fluorescence microscopy. Improving these will facilitate the comparison of results between different instruments/institutions and therefore ensure the reproducibility of results. In this review, recent standardization procedures, including the benchmarking of the instrument performance and the standardization of the image itself, as well as the reference materials for calibration are summarized, and an overview of the advances in fluorescence microscopy standardization and the current limitations are presented. A procedure for the comparison of the image data obtained using different instruments, by different analysts and/or at different times, should be developed to improve the standardization of this data. The standardization of image data would lead to the development of new applications of fluorescence microscopy not only in academic research but also in regulatory science. SharedIt link:
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Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) plays a pivotal role in collective cell migration by mediating cell-to-cell propagation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activation. Here, we aimed to determine which EGFR ligands mediate the ERK activation waves. We found that epidermal growth factor ( EGF )–deficient cells exhibited lower basal ERK activity than the cells deficient in heparin-binding EGF ( HBEGF ), transforming growth factor alpha ( TGFα ) or epiregulin ( EREG ), but all cell lines deficient in a single EGFR ligand retained the ERK activation waves. Surprisingly, ERK activation waves were markedly suppressed, albeit incompletely, only when all four EGFR ligands were knocked out. Re-expression of the EGFR ligands revealed that all but HBEGF could restore the ERK activation waves. Aiming at complete elimination of the ERK activation waves, we further attempted to knockout NRG1 , a ligand for ErbB3 and ErbB4, and found that NRG1 -deficiency induced growth arrest in the absence of all four EGFR ligand genes. Collectively, these results showed that EGFR ligands exhibit remarkable redundancy in the propagation of ERK activation waves during collective cell migration.
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What regulates the spatiotemporal distribution of cell elimination in tissues remains largely unknown. This is particularly relevant for epithelia with high rates of cell elimination where simultaneous death of neighboring cells could impair epithelial sealing. Here, using the Drosophila pupal notum (a single-layer epithelium) and a new optogenetic tool to trigger caspase activation and cell extrusion, we first showed that death of clusters of at least three cells impaired epithelial sealing; yet, such clusters were almost never observed in vivo. Accordingly, statistical analysis and simulations of cell death distribution highlighted a transient and local protective phase occurring near every cell death. This protection is driven by a transient activation of ERK in cells neighboring extruding cells, which inhibits caspase activation and prevents elimination of cells in clusters. This suggests that the robustness of epithelia with high rates of cell elimination is an emerging property of local ERK feedback.
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The formation of new blood vessel networks occurs via angiogenesis during development, tissue repair and disease. Angiogenesis is regulated by intracellular endothelial signalling pathways, induced downstream of Vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) and their receptors (VEGFRs). A major challenge in understanding angiogenesis is interpreting how signalling events occur dynamically within endothelial cell populations during sprouting, proliferation and migration. Erk is a central downstream effector of Vegf-signalling and reports the signalling that drives angiogenesis. We generated a vascular Erk biosensor transgenic line in zebrafish using a kinase translocation reporter that allows live-imaging of Erk-signalling dynamics. We demonstrate the utility of this line to live-image Erk activity during physiologically relevant angiogenic events. Further, we reveal dynamic and sequential endothelial cell Erk-signalling events following blood vessel wounding. Initial signalling is dependent upon Ca ²⁺ in the earliest responding endothelial cells, but is independent of Vegfr-signalling and local inflammation. The sustained regenerative response however, involves a Vegfr-dependent mechanism that initiates concomitant with the wound inflammatory response. This work reveals a highly dynamic sequence of signalling events in regenerative angiogenesis and validates a new resource for the study of vascular Erk-signalling in real-time.
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Current studies of cell signaling dynamics that use live cell fluorescent biosensors routinely yield thousands of single-cell, heterogeneous, multi-dimensional trajectories. Typically, the extraction of relevant information from time series data relies on predefined, human-interpretable features. Without a priori knowledge of the system, the predefined features may fail to cover the entire spectrum of dynamics. Here we present CODEX, a data-driven approach based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that identifies patterns in time series. It does not require a priori information about the biological system and the insights into the data are built through explanations of the CNNs' predictions. CODEX provides several views of the data: visualization of all the single-cell trajectories in a low-dimensional space, identification of prototypic trajectories, and extraction of distinctive motifs. We demonstrate how CODEX can provide new insights into ERK and Akt signaling in response to various growth factors, and we recapitulate findings in p53 and TGFβ-SMAD2 signaling.
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Direct targeting of the downstream mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway to suppress extracellular-regulated kinase (ERK) activation in KRAS and BRAF mutant colorectal cancer (CRC) has proven clinically unsuccessful, but promising results have been obtained with combination therapies including epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibition. To elucidate the interplay between EGF signalling and ERK activation in tumours, we used patient-derived organoids (PDOs) from KRAS and BRAF mutant CRCs. PDOs resemble in vivo tumours, model treatment response and are compatible with live-cell microscopy. We established real-time, quantitative drug response assessment in PDOs with single-cell resolution, using our improved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based ERK biosensor EKAREN5. We show that oncogene-driven signalling is strikingly limited without EGFR activity and insufficient to sustain full proliferative potential. In PDOs and in vivo, upstream EGFR activity rigorously amplifies signal transduction efficiency in KRAS or BRAF mutant MAPK pathways. Our data provide a mechanistic understanding of the effectivity of EGFR inhibitors within combination therapies against KRAS and BRAF mutant CRC. Ponsioen et al. use a FRET‐based ERK biosensor EKAREN5 in patient‐derived organoids to show that EGFR activity amplifies signal transduction efficiency in KRAS or BRAF mutant MAPK pathways.
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Cells can encode information about their environment by modulating signaling dynamics and responding accordingly. Yet, the mechanisms cells use to decode these dynamics remain unknown when cells respond exclusively to transient signals. Here, we approach design principles underlying such decoding by rationally engineering a synthetic short-pulse decoder in budding yeast. A computational method for rapid prototyping, TopoDesign, allowed us to explore 4122 possible circuit architectures, design targeted experiments, and then rationally select a single circuit for implementation. This circuit demonstrates short-pulse decoding through incoherent feedforward and positive feedback. We predict incoherent feedforward to be essential for decoding transient signals, thereby complementing proposed design principles of temporal filtering, the ability to respond to sustained signals, but not to transient signals. More generally, we anticipate TopoDesign to help designing other synthetic circuits with non-intuitive dynamics, simply by assembling available biological components.
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A notable example of spiral architecture in organs is the mammalian cochlear duct, where the morphology is critical for hearing function. Genetic studies have revealed necessary signaling molecules, but it remains unclear how cellular dynamics generate elongating, bending, and coiling of the cochlear duct. Here, we show that extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activation waves control collective cell migration during the murine cochlear duct development using deep tissue live-cell imaging, Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based quantitation, and mathematical modeling. Long-term FRET imaging reveals that helical ERK activation propagates from the apex duct tip concomitant with the reverse multicellular flow on the lateral side of the developing cochlear duct, resulting in advection-based duct elongation. Moreover, model simulations, together with experiments, explain that the oscillatory wave trains of ERK activity and the cell flow are generated by mechanochemical feedback. Our findings propose a regulatory mechanism to coordinate the multicellular behaviors underlying the duct elongation during development.
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Regeneration is a complex chain of events that restores a tissue to its original size and shape. The tissue-wide coordination of cellular dynamics that is needed for proper morphogenesis is challenged by the large dimensions of regenerating body parts. Feedback mechanisms in biochemical pathways can provide effective communication across great distances1,2,3,4,5, but how they might regulate growth during tissue regeneration is unresolved6,7. Here we report that rhythmic travelling waves of Erk activity control the growth of bone in time and space in regenerating zebrafish scales, millimetre-sized discs of protective body armour. We find that waves of Erk activity travel across the osteoblast population as expanding concentric rings that are broadcast from a central source, inducing ring-like patterns of tissue growth. Using a combination of theoretical and experimental analyses, we show that Erk activity propagates as excitable trigger waves that are able to traverse the entire scale in approximately two days and that the frequency of wave generation controls the rate of scale regeneration. Furthermore, the periodic induction of synchronous, tissue-wide activation of Erk in place of travelling waves impairs tissue growth, which indicates that wave-distributed Erk activation is key to regeneration. Our findings reveal trigger waves as a regulatory strategy to coordinate cell behaviour and instruct tissue form during regeneration.
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Protein kinases control nearly every facet of cellular function. These key signaling nodes integrate diverse pathway inputs to regulate complex physiological processes, and aberrant kinase signaling is linked to numerous pathologies. While fluorescent protein-based biosensors have revolutionized the study of kinase signaling by allowing direct, spatiotemporally precise kinase activity measurements in living cells, powerful new molecular tools capable of robustly tracking kinase activity dynamics across diverse experimental contexts are needed to fully dissect the role of kinase signaling in physiology and disease. Here, we report the development of an ultrasensitive, second-generation excitation-ratiometric protein kinase A (PKA) activity reporter (ExRai-AKAR2), obtained via high-throughput linker library screening, that enables sensitive and rapid monitoring of live-cell PKA activity across multiple fluorescence detection modalities, including plate reading, cell sorting and one- or two-photon imaging. Notably, in vivo visual cortex imaging in awake mice reveals highly dynamic neuronal PKA activity rapidly recruited by forced locomotion.
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A large fraction of human cancers contain genetic alterations within the Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) signaling network that promote unpredictable phenotypes. Previous studies have shown that the temporal patterns of MAPK activity (i.e. signaling dynamics) differentially regulate cell behavior. However, the role of signaling dynamics in mediating the effects of cancer driving mutations has not been systematically explored. Here, we show that oncogene expression leads to either pulsatile or sustained ERK activity that correlate with opposing cellular behaviors (i.e. proliferation vs. cell cycle arrest, respectively). Moreover, sustained-but not pulsatile-ERK activity triggers ERK activity waves in unperturbed neighboring cells that depend on the membrane metalloprotease ADAM17 and EGFR activity. Interestingly, the ADAM17-EGFR signaling axis coordinates neighboring cell migration toward oncogenic cells and is required for oncogenic cell extrusion. Overall, our data suggests that the temporal patterns of MAPK activity differentially regulate cell autonomous and non-cell autonomous effects of oncogene expression.
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A variety of different signals induce specific responses through a common, Extracellular-signal regulated kinase (ERK)-dependent cascade. It has been suggested that signaling specificity can be achieved through precise temporal regulation of ERK activity. Given the wide distrubtion of ERK susbtrates across different subcellular compartments, it is important to understand how ERK activity is temporally regulated at specific subcellular locations. To address this question, we have expanded the toolbox of Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)-based ERK biosensors by creating a series of improved biosensors targeted to various subcellular regions via sequence specific motifs to measure spatiotemporal changes in ERK activity. Using these sensors, we showed that EGF induces sustained ERK activity near the plasma membrane in sharp contrast to the transient activity observed in the cytoplasm and nucleus. Furthermore, EGF-induced plasma membrane ERK activity involves Rap1, a noncanonical activator, and controls cell morphology and EGF-induced membrane protrusion dynamics. Our work strongly supports that spatial and temporal regulation of ERK activity is integrated to control signaling specificity from a single extracellular signal to multiple cellular processes.
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Tissue damage can resolve completely through healing and regeneration, or can produce permanent scarring and loss of function. The response to tissue damage varies across tissues and between species. Determining the natural mechanisms behind regeneration in model organisms that regenerate well can help us develop strategies for tissue recovery in species with poor regenerative capacity (such as humans). The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is one of the most accessible vertebrate models to study regeneration. In this Primer, we highlight the tools available to study regeneration in the zebrafish, provide an overview of the mechanisms underlying regeneration in this system and discuss future perspectives for the field.
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Mammalian embryos change shape dramatically upon implantation. The cellular and molecular mechanism underlying this transition are largely unknown. Here, we show that this transition is directed by cross talk between the embryonic epiblast and the first extra-embryonic tissue, the trophectoderm. Specifically, we show via visualisation of a Cdx2-GFP reporter line and pharmacologically mediated loss and gain of function experiments that the epiblast provides FGF signal that results in differential fate acquisition in the multipotent trophectoderm leading to the formation of a tissue boundary within this tissue. The trophectoderm boundary becomes essential for expansion of the tissue into a multi-layered epithelium. Folding of this multi-layered trophectoderm induces spreading of the second extra-embryonic tissue, the primitive endoderm. Together, these events remodel the pre-implantation embryo into its post-implantation cylindrical shape. Our findings uncover how communication between embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues provides positional cues to drive shape changes in mammalian development during implantation.
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To delineate the ontogeny of the mammalian endoderm, we generated 112,217 single-cell transcriptomes representing all endoderm populations within the mouse embryo until midgestation. By using graph-based approaches, we modelled differentiating cells for spatio-temporal characterization of developmental trajectories and defined the transcriptional architecture that accompanies the emergence of the first (primitive or extra-embryonic) endodermal population and its sister pluripotent (embryonic) epiblast lineage. We uncovered a relationship between descendants of these two lineages, whereby epiblast cells differentiate into endoderm at two distinct time points, before and during gastrulation. Trajectories of endoderm cells were mapped as they acquired embryonic versus extra-embryonic fates, and as they spatially converged within the nascent gut endoderm; revealing them to be globally similar but retaining aspects of their lineage history. We observed the regionalized identity of cells along the anterior–posterior axis of the emergent gut tube, reflecting their embryonic or extra-embryonic origin, and their coordinate patterning into organ-specific territories.
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FPbase ( is a free, open-source, web-based, community-editable database for FPs and their properties.
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The reproducibility of embryonic development is remarkable, although molecular processes are intrinsically stochastic at the single-cell level. How the multicellular system resists the inevitable noise to acquire developmental reproducibility constitutes a fundamental question in developmental biology. Toward this end, we focused on vertebrate somitogenesis as a representative system, because somites are repeatedly reproduced within a single embryo whereas such reproducibility is lost in segmentation clock gene-deficient embryos. However, the effect of noise on developmental reproducibility has not been fully investigated, because of the technical difficulty in manipulating the noise intensity in experiments. In this study, we developed a computational model of ERK-mediated somitogenesis, in which bistable ERK activity is regulated by an FGF gradient, cell-cell communication, and the segmentation clock, subject to the intrinsic noise. The model simulation generated our previous in vivo observation that the ERK activity was distributed in a step-like gradient in the presomitic mesoderm, and its boundary was posteriorly shifted by the clock in a stepwise manner, leading to regular somite formation. Here, we showed that this somite regularity was robustly maintained against the noise. Removing the clock from the model predicted that the stepwise shift of the ERK activity occurs at irregular timing with irregular distance owing to the noise, resulting in somite size variation. This model prediction was recently confirmed by live imaging of ERK activity in zebrafish embryos. Through theoretical analysis, we presented a mechanism by which the clock reduces the inherent somite irregularity observed in clock-deficient embryos. Therefore, this study indicates a novel role of the segmentation clock in noise-resistant developmental reproducibility.
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During vertebrate development, extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) is activated by growth factors such as fibroblast growth factor (FGF), and it regulates the formation of tissues/organs including eyes, brains, somites, limbs, and inner ears. However, an experimental system to monitor ERK activity dynamics in the entire body of the vertebrate embryo is lacking. We recently studied ERK activity dynamics in the pre-somitic mesoderm of living zebrafish embryos injected with mRNAs encoding a Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based ERK biosensor. In this study, transgenic zebrafish stably and ubiquitously expressing the ERK biosensor were generated to monitor ERK activity dynamics throughout embryonic development. The system allowed the identification of ERK activation domains in embryos from the late blastula to the late segmentation stage, consistent with immunostaining patterns obtained using anti-phosphorylated ERK antibody. A spatiotemporal map of ERK activity in the entire body during zebrafish embryogenesis was generated, and previously unidentified activation dynamics and ERK domains were identified. The proposed system is the first reported method to monitor ERK activity dynamics during vertebrate embryogenesis, providing insight into the role of ERK activity in normal and abnormal development in living vertebrate embryos.
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During mammalian development, the challenge for the embryo is to override intrinsic cellular plasticity to drive cells to distinct fates. Here, we unveil novel roles for the HIPPO signaling pathway in controlling cell positioning and expression of Sox2, the first marker of pluripotency in the mouse early embryo. We show that maternal and zygotic YAP1 and WWTR1 repress Sox2 while promoting expression of the trophectoderm gene Cdx2 in parallel. Yet, Sox2 is more sensitive than Cdx2 to Yap1/Wwtr1 dosage, leading cells to a state of conflicted cell fate when YAP1/WWTR1 activity is moderate. Remarkably, HIPPO signaling activity resolves conflicted cell fate by repositioning cells to the interior of the embryo, independent of its role in regulating Sox2 expression. Rather, HIPPO antagonizes apical localization of Par complex components PARD6B and aPKC. Thus, negative feedback between HIPPO and Par complex components ensure robust lineage segregation.
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The plasticity of developing tissues relies on the adjustment of cell survival and growth rate to environmental cues. This includes the effect of mechanical cues on cell survival. Accordingly, compaction of an epithelium can lead to cell extrusion and cell death. This process was proposed to contribute to tissue homeostasis but also to facilitate the expansion of pretumoral cells through the compaction and elimination of the neighboring healthy cells. However, we know very little about the pathways that can trigger apoptosis upon tissue deformation, and the contribution of compaction-driven death to clone expansion has never been assessed in vivo. Using the Drosophila pupal notum and a new live sensor of ERK, we show first that tissue compaction induces cell elimination through the downregulation of epidermal growth factor receptor/extracellular signal regulated kinase (EGFR/ERK) pathway and the upregulation of the pro-apoptotic protein Hid. Those results suggest that the sensitivity of EGFR/ERK pathway to mechanics could play a more general role in the fine tuning of cell elimination during morphogenesis and tissue homeostasis. Second, we assessed in vivo the contribution of compaction-driven death to pretumoral cell expansion. We found that the activation of the oncogene Ras in clones can downregulate ERK and activate apoptosis in the neighboring cells through their compaction, which eventually contributes to Ras clone expansion. The mechanical modulation of EGFR/ERK during growth-mediated competition for space may contribute to tumor progression.
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The Ras-ERK signaling pathway regulates diverse cellular processes in response to environmental stimuli and contains important therapeutic targets for cancer. Recent single cell studies revealed stochastic pulses of ERK activation, the frequency of which determines functional outcomes such as cell proliferation. Here we show that ERK pulses are initiated by localized protrusive activities. Chemically and optogenetically induced protrusions trigger ERK activation through various entry points into the feedback loop involving Ras, PI3K, the cytoskeleton, and cellular adhesion. The excitability of the protrusive signaling network drives stochastic ERK activation in unstimulated cells and oscillations upon growth factor stimulation. Importantly, protrusions allow cells to sense combined signals from substrate stiffness and the growth factor. Thus, by uncovering the basis of ERK pulse generation we demonstrate how signals involved in cell growth and differentiation are regulated by dynamic protrusions that integrate chemical and mechanical inputs from the environment.
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Precise regulation of signaling pathways in single cells underlies tissue development, maintenance and repair in multicellular organisms, but our ability to monitor signaling dynamics in living vertebrates is currently limited. We implemented kinase translocation reporter (KTR) technology to create DREKA (“dynamic reporter of Erk activity”) zebrafish, which allow one to observe Erk activity in vivo at single cell level with high temporal resolution. DREKA zebrafish faithfully reported Erk activity after muscle cell wounding and revealed the kinetics of small compound uptake. Our results promise that kinase translocation reporters can be adapted for further applications in developmental biology, disease modeling, and in vivo pharmacology in zebrafish.
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Unravelling the dynamic molecular interplay behind complex physiological processes such as neuronal plasticity requires the ability to both detect minute changes in biochemical states in response to physiological signals and track multiple signalling activities simultaneously. Fluorescent protein-based biosensors have enabled the real-time monitoring of dynamic signalling processes within the native context of living cells, yet most commonly used biosensors exhibit poor sensitivity (for example, due to low dynamic range) and are limited to imaging signalling activities in isolation. Here, we address this challenge by developing a suite of excitation ratiometric kinase activity biosensors that offer the highest reported dynamic range and enable the detection of subtle changes in signalling activity that could not be reliably detected previously, as well as a suite of single-fluorophore biosensors that enable the simultaneous tracking of as many as six distinct signalling activities in single living cells.
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Dopamine (DA) is a central monoamine neurotransmitter involved in many physiological and pathological processes. A longstanding yet largely unmet goal is to measure DA changes reliably and specifically with high spatiotemporal precision, particularly in animals executing complex behaviors. Here, we report the development of genetically encoded GPCR-activation-based-DA (GRABDA) sensors that enable these measurements. In response to extracellular DA, GRABDA sensors exhibit large fluorescence increases (ΔF/F0 ∼90%) with subcellular resolution, subsecond kinetics, nanomolar to submicromolar affinities, and excellent molecular specificity. GRABDA sensors can resolve a single-electrical-stimulus-evoked DA release in mouse brain slices and detect endogenous DA release in living flies, fish, and mice. In freely behaving mice, GRABDA sensors readily report optogenetically elicited nigrostriatal DA release and depict dynamic mesoaccumbens DA signaling during Pavlovian conditioning or during sexual behaviors. Thus, GRABDA sensors enable spatiotemporally precise measurements of DA dynamics in a variety of model organisms while exhibiting complex behaviors.
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Imaging dopamine release in the brain Neuromodulator release alters the function of target circuits in poorly known ways. An essential step to address this knowledge gap is to measure the dynamics of neuromodulatory signals while simultaneously manipulating the elements of the target circuit during behavior. Patriarchi et al. developed fluorescent protein–based dopamine indicators to visualize spatial and temporal release of dopamine directly with high fidelity and resolution. In the cortex, two-photon imaging with these indicators was used to map dopamine activity at cellular resolution. Science , this issue p. eaat4422
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Little is known about how the sizes of animal tissues are controlled. A prominent example is somite size which varies widely both within an individual and across species. Despite intense study of the segmentation clock governing the timing of somite generation, how it relates to somite size is poorly understood. Here we examine somite scaling and find that somite size at specification scales with the length of the presomitic mesoderm (PSM) despite considerable variation in PSM length across developmental stages and in surgically size-reduced embryos. Measurement of clock period, axis elongation speed, and clock gene expression patterns demonstrate that existing models fail to explain scaling. We posit a "clock and scaled gradient" model, in which somite boundaries are set by a dynamically scaling signaling gradient across the PSM. Our model not only explains existing data, but also makes a unique prediction that we experimentally confirm-the formation of periodic "echoes" in somite size following perturbation of the size of one somite. Our findings demonstrate that gradient scaling plays a central role both in progression and size control of somitogenesis.
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During somite segmentation, clock genes oscillate within the posterior presomitic mesoderm (PSM). The temporal information ties up with the posteriorly moving FGF gradient, leading to the formation of a presumptive somite within the PSM. We previously investigated Erk activity downstream of FGF signaling by collecting stained zebrafish embryos, and discovered that the steep gradient of Erk activity was generated in the PSM, and the Erk activity border regularly shifted in a stepwise manner. However, since these interpretations come from static analyses, we needed to firmly confirm them by applying an analysis that has higher spatiotemporal resolutions. Here we developed a live imaging system for Erk activity in zebrafish embryos, using a Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based Erk biosensor. With this system, we firmly showed that Erk activity exhibits stepwise regression within the PSM. Although our static analyses could not detect the stepwise pattern of Erk activity in clock-deficient embryos, our system revealed that, in clock-deficient embryos, the stepwise regression of Erk activity occurs at an irregular timing, eventually leading to formation of irregularly-sized somites. Therefore, our system overcame the limitation of static analyses and revealed that clock-dependent spatiotemporal regulation of Erk is required for proper somitogenesis in zebrafish.
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Despite the identification of numerous regulators of regeneration in different animal models, a fundamental question remains: why do some wounds trigger the full regeneration of lost body parts, whereas others resolve by mere healing? By selectively inhibiting regeneration initiation, but not the formation of a wound epidermis, here we create headless planarians and finless zebrafish. Strikingly, in both missing-tissue contexts, injuries that normally do not trigger regeneration activate complete restoration of heads and fin rays. Our results demonstrate that generic wound signals have regeneration-inducing power. However, they are interpreted as regeneration triggers only in a permissive tissue context: when body parts are missing, or when tissue-resident polarity signals, such as Wnt activity in planarians, are modified. Hence, the ability to decode generic wound-induced signals as regeneration-initiating cues may be the crucial difference that distinguishes animals that regenerate from those that cannot.
Development Biology presents exciting developments in this field. The first few chapters look at patterns and processes of becoming and provides a framework for understanding animal development. The text then turns to an examination of gametogenesis and fertilization. The next few chapters tackle early development: cleavage, gastrulation, and axis formation. There follow chapters about building with ectoderm and building with mesoderm and endoderm. The next few chapters cover postembryonic development. Finally, the last part looks at development in wider context including an examination of development in health and disease, and the environment, and evolution.
Cells employ intracellular signaling pathways to sense and respond to changes in their external environment. In recent years, live-cell biosensors have revealed complex pulsatile dynamics in many pathways, but studies of these signaling dynamics are limited by the necessity of live-cell imaging at high spatiotemporal resolution. Here, we describe an approach to infer pulsatile signaling dynamics from a single measurement in fixed cells using a pulse-detecting gene circuit. We computationally screened for circuits with the capability to selectively detect signaling pulses, revealing an incoherent feedforward topology that robustly performs this computation. We implemented the motif experimentally for the Erk signaling pathway using a single engineered transcription factor and fluorescent protein reporter. Our “recorder of Erk activity dynamics” (READer) responds sensitively to spontaneous and stimulus-driven Erk pulses. READer circuits open the door to permanently labeling transient, dynamic cell populations to elucidate the mechanistic underpinnings and biological consequences of signaling dynamics.
Cell death events continuously challenge epithelial barrier function yet are crucial to eliminate old or critically damaged cells. How such apoptotic events are spatio-temporally organized to maintain epithelial homeostasis remains unclear. We observe waves of extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and AKT serine/threonine kinase (Akt) activity pulses that originate from apoptotic cells and propagate radially to healthy surrounding cells. This requires epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) signaling. At the single-cell level, ERK/Akt waves act as spatial survival signals that locally protect cells in the vicinity of the epithelial injury from apoptosis for a period of 3–4 h. At the cell population level, ERK/Akt waves maintain epithelial homeostasis (EH) in response to mild or intense environmental insults. Disruption of this spatial signaling system results in the inability of a model epithelial tissue to ensure barrier function in response to environmental insults.
Activation of a canonical EGFR-Ras-Raf-ERK cascade initiates patterning of multipotent Vulval Precursor Cells (VPCs) of C. elegans We previously showed that this pathway includes a negative-feedback component in which MPK-1/ERK activity targets the upstream kinase LIN-45/Raf for degradation by the SEL-10/FBXW7 E3 ubiquitin ligase. This regulation requires a Cdc4 phosphodegron (CPD) in LIN-45 that is conserved in BRAF. Here, we identify and characterize the minimal degron that encompasses the CPD and is sufficient for SEL-10-mediated, MPK-1-dependent protein degradation. A targeted screen of conserved protein kinase-encoding genes yielded gsk-3/GSK3 and cdk-2/CDK2 as required for LIN-45 degron-mediated turnover. Genetic analysis revealed that LIN-45 degradation is blocked at the L2 stage due to cell cycle quiescence, and that relief of the block during the L3 stage relies on activation of CDKs. Additionally, activation of MPK-1 provides spatial pattern to LIN-45 degradation but does not bypass the requirement for gsk-3 and cdk-2 activity. This analysis supports a model whereby mpk-1/ERK, gsk-3/GSK3, and cdk-2/CDK2, along with sel-10/FBXW7, constitute a regulatory network that exerts spatial and temporal control of LIN-45/Raf degradation during VPC patterning.
Despite the noisy nature of single cells, multicellular organisms robustly generate different cell types from one zygote. This process involves dynamic cross regulation between signaling and gene expression that is difficult to capture with fixed-cell approaches. To study signaling dynamics and fate specification during preimplantation development, we generated a transgenic mouse expressing the ERK kinase translocation reporter and measured ERK activity in single cells of live embryos. Our results show primarily active ERK in both the inner cell mass and trophectoderm cells due to fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling. Strikingly, a subset of mitotic events results in a short pulse of ERK inactivity in both daughter cells that correlates with elevated endpoint NANOG levels. Moreover, endogenous tagging of Nanog in embryonic stem cells reveals that ERK inhibition promotes enhanced stabilization of NANOG protein after mitosis. Our data show that cell cycle, signaling, and differentiation are coordinated during preimplantation development.
FGF/ERK signaling is crucial for the patterning and proliferation of cell lineages that comprise the mouse blastocyst. However, ERK signaling dynamics have never been directly visualized in live embryos. To address whether differential signaling is associated with particular cell fates and states, we generated a targeted mouse line expressing an ERK-kinase translocation reporter (KTR) that enables live quantification of ERK activity at single-cell resolution. 3D time-lapse imaging of this biosensor in embryos revealed spatially graded ERK activity in the trophectoderm prior to overt polar versus mural differentiation. Within the inner cell mass (ICM), all cells relayed FGF/ERK signals with varying durations and magnitude. Primitive endoderm cells displayed higher overall levels of ERK activity, while pluripotent epiblast cells exhibited lower basal activity with sporadic pulses. These results constitute a direct visualization of signaling events during mammalian pre-implantation development and reveal the existence of spatial and temporal lineage-specific dynamics.
The proteins extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 (ERK1) and ERK2 are the downstream components of a phosphorelay pathway that conveys growth and mitogenic signals largely channelled by the small RAS GTPases. By phosphorylating widely diverse substrates, ERK proteins govern a variety of evolutionarily conserved cellular processes in metazoans, the dysregulation of which contributes to the cause of distinct human diseases. The mechanisms underlying the regulation of ERK1 and ERK2, their mode of action and their impact on the development and homeostasis of various organisms have been the focus of much attention for nearly three decades. In this Review, we discuss the current understanding of this important class of kinases. We begin with a brief overview of the structure, regulation, substrate recognition and subcellular localization of ERK1 and ERK2. We then systematically discuss how ERK signalling regulates six fundamental cellular processes in response to extracellular cues. These processes are cell proliferation, cell survival, cell growth, cell metabolism, cell migration and cell differentiation. Extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 (ERK1) and ERK2 relay cell growth and mitogenic signals to multiple substrates, and thus control essential physiological processes. This Review discusses the regulation of ERKs, and their control of cell proliferation, cell survival, cell growth, cell metabolism, cell migration and cell differentiation.
During collective migration of epithelial cells, the migration direction is aligned over a tissue-scale expanse. Although the collective cell migration is known to be directed by mechanical forces transmitted via cell-cell junctions, it remains elusive how the intercellular force transmission is coordinated with intracellular biochemical signaling to achieve collective movements. Here, we show that intercellular coupling of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)-mediated mechanochemical feedback yields long-distance transmission of guidance cues. Mechanical stretch activates ERK through epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) activation, and ERK activation triggers cell contraction. The contraction of the activated cell pulls neighboring cells, evoking another round of ERK activation and contraction in the neighbors. Furthermore, anisotropic contraction based on front-rear polarization guarantees unidirectional propagation of ERK activation, and in turn, the ERK activation waves direct multicellular alignment of the polarity, leading to long-range ordered migration. Our findings reveal that mechanical forces mediate intercellular signaling underlying sustained transmission of guidance cues for collective cell migration.
Complex, time-varying responses have been observed widely in cell signaling, but how specific dynamics are generated or regulated is largely unknown. One major obstacle has been that high-throughput screens are typically incompatible with the live-cell assays used to monitor dynamics. Here, we address this challenge by screening a library of 429 kinase inhibitors and monitoring extracellular-regulated kinase (Erk) activity over 5 h in more than 80,000 single primary mouse keratinocytes. Our screen reveals both known and uncharacterized modulators of Erk dynamics, including inhibitors of non-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) that increase Erk pulse frequency and overall activity. Using drug treatment and direct optogenetic control, we demonstrate that drug-induced changes to Erk dynamics alter the conditions under which cells proliferate. Our work opens the door to high-throughput screens using live-cell biosensors and reveals that cell proliferation integrates information from Erk dynamics as well as additional permissive cues.
Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) are transmembrane kinases that receive signals for intercellular communication to help organize body plan and sustain tissue homeostasis. These signals converge into the major signaling module of ERK, which transduces signals to the cytoplasm and nucleus. How this module responds to multiple RTK signals, and specifies unique outcomes in each cell, is still poorly understood. Recent technological advances in the quantitative imaging of ERK activity and its manipulation have yielded significant information on the cellular logic behind ERK activation and its readout in the context of Drosophila development. While in the pregastrulation stage, ERK plays a decisive on/off switch; its role changes to modulatory functions of morphogenesis and tissue quality control in the late embryonic stages.
Genetically encoded Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based biosensors have been developed for the visualization of signaling molecule activities. Currently, most of them are comprised of cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins (CFP and YFP), precluding the use of multiple FRET biosensors within a single cell. Moreover, the FRET biosensors based on CFP and YFP are incompatible with the optogenetic tools that operate at blue light. To overcome these problems, here, we have developed FRET biosensors with red-shifted excitation and emission wavelengths. We chose mKOκ and mKate2 as the favorable donor and acceptor pair by calculating the Förster distance. By optimizing the order of fluorescent proteins and modulatory domains of the FRET biosensors, we developed a FRET biosensor backbone named "Booster". The performance of the protein kinase A (PKA) biosensor based on the Booster backbone (Booster-PKA) was comparable to that of AKAR3EV, a previously developed FRET biosensor comprising CFP and YFP. For the proof of concept, we first showed simultaneous monitoring of activities of two protein kinases with Booster-PKA and ERK FRET biosensors based on CFP and YFP. Second, we showed monitoring of PKA activation by Beggiatoa photoactivated adenylyl cyclase, an optogenetic generator of cyclic AMP. Finally, we presented PKA activity in living tissues of transgenic mice expressing Booster-PKA. Collectively, the results demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of Booster biosensors as an imaging tool in vitro and in vivo.
Vertebrate pigment patterns are diverse and fascinating adult traits that allow animals to recognize conspecifics, attract mates, and avoid predators. Pigment patterns in fish are among the most amenable traits for studying the cellular basis of adult form, as the cells that produce diverse patterns are readily visible in the skin during development. The genetic basis of pigment pattern development has been most studied in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Zebrafish adults have alternating dark and light horizontal stripes, resulting from the precise arrangement of three main classes of pigment cells: black melanophores, yellow xanthophores, and iridescent iridophores. The coordination of adult pigment cell lineage specification and differentiation with specific cellular interactions and morphogenetic behaviors is necessary for stripe development. Besides providing a nice example of pattern formation responsible for an adult trait of zebrafish, stripe-forming mechanisms also provide a conceptual framework for posing testable hypotheses about pattern diversification more broadly. Here, we summarize what is known about lineages and molecular interactions required for pattern formation in zebrafish, we review some of what is known about pattern diversification in Danio, and we speculate on how patterns in more distant teleosts may have evolved to produce a stunningly diverse array of patterns in nature.
Epiboly is a conserved gastrulation movement describing the thinning and spreading of a sheet or multi-layer of cells. The zebrafish embryo has emerged as a vital model system to address the cellular and molecular mechanisms that drive epiboly. In the zebrafish embryo, the blastoderm, consisting of a simple squamous epithelium (the enveloping layer) and an underlying mass of deep cells, as well as a yolk nuclear syncytium (the yolk syncytial layer) undergo epiboly to internalize the yolk cell during gastrulation. The major events during zebrafish epiboly are: expansion of the enveloping layer and the internal yolk syncytial layer, reduction and removal of the yolk membrane ahead of the advancing blastoderm margin and deep cell rearrangements between the enveloping layer and yolk syncytial layer to thin the blastoderm. Here, work addressing the cellular and molecular mechanisms as well as the sources of the mechanical forces that underlie these events is reviewed. The contribution of recent findings to the current model of epiboly as well as open questions and future prospects are also discussed.
Activation of the ERK signalling pathway is essential for the differentiation of the inner cell mass (ICM) during mouse preimplantation development. We show here that ERK phosphorylation occurs in ICM precursor cells, in differentiated primitive endoderm (PrE) cells as well as in the mature, formative state epiblast (Epi). We further show that DUSP4 and ETV5, factors often involved in negative-feedback loops of the FGF pathway, are differently regulated. Whereas DUSP4 presence clearly depends on ERK phosphorylation in PrE cells, ETV5 localises mainly to Epi cells. Unexpectedly, ETV5 accumulation does not depend on direct activation by ERK but requires NANOG activity. Indeed ETV5, like Fgf4 expression, is not present in Nanog mutant embryos. Our results lead us to propose that in pluripotent early Epi cells, NANOG induces the expression of both Fgf4 and Etv5 to enable the differentiation of neighbouring cells into the PrE while protecting the Epi identity from autocrine signalling.
The Erk mitogen-activated protein kinase plays diverse roles in animal development. Its widespread reuse raises a conundrum: when a single kinase like Erk is activated, how does a developing cell know which fate to adopt? We combine optogenetic control with genetic perturbations to dissect Erk-dependent fates in the early Drosophila embryo. We find that Erk activity is sufficient to “posteriorize” 88% of the embryo, inducing gut endoderm-like gene expression and morphogenetic movements in all cells within this region. Gut endoderm fate adoption requires at least 1 h of signaling, whereas a 30-min Erk pulse specifies a distinct ectodermal cell type, intermediate neuroblasts. We find that the endoderm-ectoderm cell fate switch is controlled by the cumulative load of Erk activity, not the duration of a single pulse. The fly embryo thus harbors a classic example of dynamic control, where the temporal profile of Erk signaling selects between distinct physiological outcomes.
Cellular signaling networks are the foundation which determines the fate and function of cells as they respond to various cues and stimuli. The discovery of fluorescent proteins over 25 years ago enabled the development of a diverse array of genetically encodable fluorescent biosensors that are capable of measuring the spatiotemporal dynamics of signal transduction pathways in live cells. In an effort to encapsulate the breadth over which fluorescent biosensors have expanded, we endeavored to assemble a comprehensive list of published engineered biosensors, and we discuss many of the molecular designs utilized in their development. Then, we review how the high temporal and spatial resolution afforded by fluorescent biosensors has aided our understanding of the spatiotemporal regulation of signaling networks at the cellular and subcellular level. Finally, we highlight some emerging areas of research in both biosensor design and applications that are on the forefront of biosensor development.
The extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway leads to activation of the effector molecule ERK, which controls downstream responses by phosphorylating a variety of substrates, including transcription factors. Crucial insights into the regulation and function of this pathway came from studying embryos in which specific phenotypes arise from aberrant ERK activation. Despite decades of research, several important questions remain to be addressed for deeper understanding of this highly conserved signaling system and its function. Answering these questions will require quantifying the first steps of pathway activation, elucidating the mechanisms of transcriptional interpretation and measuring the quantitative limits of ERK signaling within which the system must operate to avoid developmental defects.
The dynamics of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling underlies its versatile functions in cell differentiation, cell proliferation, and cell motility. Classical studies in Drosophila established that a gradient of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-ERK signaling is essential for these cellular responses. However, we challenge this view by the real-time monitoring of ERK activation; we show that a switch-like ERK activation is essential for the invagination movement of the Drosophila tracheal placode. This switch-like ERK activation stems from the positive feedback regulation of the EGFR-ERK signaling and a resultant relay of EGFR-ERK signaling among tracheal cells. A key transcription factor Trachealess (Trh) permissively regulates the iteration of the relay, and the ERK activation becomes graded in trh mutant. A mathematical model based on these observations and a molecular link between ERK activation dynamics and myosin shows that the relay mechanism efficiently promotes epithelial invagination while the gradient mechanism does not.
Understanding how individual cells make fate decisions that lead to the faithful formation and homeostatic maintenance of tissues is a fundamental goal of contemporary developmental and stem cell biology. Seemingly uniform populations of stem cells and multipotent progenitors display a surprising degree of heterogeneity, primarily originating from the inherent stochastic nature of molecular processes underlying gene expression. Despite this heterogeneity, lineage decisions result in tissues of a defined size and with consistent proportions of differentiated cell types. Using the early mouse embryo as a model we review recent developments that have allowed the quantification of molecular intercellular heterogeneity during cell differentiation. We first discuss the relationship between these heterogeneities and developmental cellular potential. We then review recent theoretical approaches that formalize the mechanisms underlying fate decisions in the inner cell mass of the blastocyst stage embryo. These models build on our extensive knowledge of the genetic control of fate decisions in this system and will become essential tools for a rigorous understanding of the connection between noisy molecular processes and reproducible outcomes at the multicellular level. We conclude by suggesting that cell‐to‐cell communication provides a mechanism to exploit and buffer intercellular variability in a self‐organized process that culminates in the reproducible formation of the mature mammalian blastocyst stage embryo that is ready for implantation into the maternal uterus. This article is categorized under: • Gene Expression and Transcriptional Hierarchies > Cellular Differentiation • Establishment of Spatial and Temporal Patterns > Regulation of Size, Proportion, and Timing • Gene Expression and Transcriptional Hierarchies > Gene Networks and Genomics • Gene Expression and Transcriptional Hierarchies > Quantitative Methods and Models
Visualizing dynamics of kinase activity in living animals is essential for mechanistic understanding of cell and developmental biology. We describe GFP-based kinase reporters that phase-separate upon kinase activation via multivalent protein-protein interactions, forming intensively fluorescent droplets. Called SPARK (separation of phases-based activity reporter of kinase), these reporters have large dynamic range (fluorescence change), high brightness, fast kinetics, and are reversible. The SPARK-based protein kinase A (PKA) reporter reveals oscillatory dynamics of PKA activities upon G protein-coupled receptor activation. The SPARK-based extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) reporter unveils transient dynamics of ERK activity during tracheal metamorphosis in live Drosophila. Because of intensive brightness and simple signal pattern, SPARKs allow easy examination of kinase signaling in living animals in a qualitative way. The modular design of SPARK will facilitate development of reporters of other kinases.
Although kinases are important regulators of many cellular processes, measuring their activity in live cells remains challenging. We have developed kinase translocation reporters (KTRs), which enable multiplexed measurements of the dynamics of kinase activity at a single-cell level. These KTRs are composed of an engineered construct in which a kinase substrate is fused to a bipartite nuclear localization signal (bNLS) and nuclear export signal (NES), as well as to a fluorescent protein for microscopy-based detection of its localization. The negative charge introduced by phosphorylation of the substrate is used to directly modulate nuclear import and export, thereby regulating the reporter's distribution between the cytoplasm and nucleus. The relative cytoplasmic versus nuclear fluorescence of the KTR construct (the C/N ratio) is used as a proxy for the kinase activity in living, single cells. Multiple KTRs can be studied in the same cell by fusing them to different fluorescent proteins. Here, we present a protocol to execute and analyze live-cell microscopy experiments using KTRs. We describe strategies for development of new KTRs and procedures for lentiviral expression of KTRs in a cell line of choice. Cells are then plated in a 96-well plate, from which multichannel fluorescent images are acquired with automated time-lapse microscopy. We provide detailed guidance for a computational analysis and parameterization pipeline. The entire procedure, from virus production to data analysis, can be completed in ∼10 d.
The biophysical framework of collective cell migration has been extensively investigated in recent years; however, it remains elusive how chemical inputs from neighboring cells are integrated to coordinate the collective movement. Here, we provide evidence that propagation waves of extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK) mitogen-activated protein kinase activation determine the direction of the collective cell migration. A wound-healing assay of Mardin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells revealed two distinct types of ERK activation wave, a “tidal wave” from the wound, and a self-organized “spontaneous wave” in regions distant from the wound. In both cases, MDCK cells collectively migrated against the direction of the ERK activation wave. The inhibition of ERK activation propagation suppressed collective cell migration. An ERK activation wave spatiotemporally controlled actomyosin contraction and cell density. Furthermore, an optogenetic ERK activation wave reproduced the collective cell migration. These data provide new mechanistic insight into how cells sense the direction of collective cell migration. Aoki et al. investigate the role of intercellular propagation waves of ERK activation in collective cell migration during wound healing. ERK activation waves propagate from the wound edge and are required for collective cell migration in the opposite direction. Optogenetics-induced synthetic ERK activation waves are sufficient to reproduce the behavior.