Conference Paper

How to Accompany the Evolution of the Management of Administrative Staff in a Hospital Environment

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What Stages for Change Management in Hospitals ? The problematic of change management in health care organizations is fundamental to take up the numerous challenges they have to face. This article analyses the change process focusing on the different stages lining the progress of a change plan. The research is based on an action-research undertaken in a French university hospital in order to reorganize the ophthalmologic outpatient service. It allows to identify four stages helping to achieve the change process and to compare the research findings to the literature.
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Practitioners find little value in academic research. Some see it as a knowledge flow problem; others see practitioner and academic knowledge as unrelated. Van de Venand Johnson propose a pluralistic collective of researchers and practitioners using "engaged scholarship" and intellectual arbitrage to create practitioner-meaningful research. It's a nice dream, but not a solution; bias, disciplines, and particularism remain. Neither discipline-centric nor practitioner-driven research offers a solution. Earthquake science offers a better model for business school research.
The many challenges of the healthcare sector lead to a reconsideration of Human Resource Management (HRM). Longtime deterritorialized, the HRM is now opening up to new joint spaces with several organizations combining logics and public as well as private stakeholders. With networking, HR practices are anchored at the interface of several organizations and may extend to partnerships with local economic and social actors. The Forward-looking Employment and Skills Management (GPEC) is the main instrumentalisation of this HRM that territorializes itself. The research presented in this article, concern a case of territorialization of the GPEC that offers promising results but also reveals some weaknesses. The study shows, through a framework of contextualist analysis (Pichault, 1993, 2009), that the GPEC territorialization of the private healthcare and medico-social sector with commercial status is a long path. With regard to the analysis grid of Loubès and Bories-Azeau (2016), the results demonstrate that a GPEC device extended to the territory (GPEC-T) has made it possible to build a territorial skill through a collective approach. The results show it is a collaborative work that facilitates the setting up of a GPEC-T tool “built” by a collective of actors (Mazzilli, 2016). The results also underline the need to consider the setting up of a GPEC as an open, continuous and contextualized process to facilitate its appropriation (Grimand, 2012). In addition, it seems that appropriation of this tool is part of a multidimensional perspective, and is linked to permanent adjustments that go beyond the prescribed territories. Concerning this GPEC-T device, it would therefore be an iterative mechanism of construction and appropriation, integrating the alternation of design and use phases, in a continuous process of readjustments (Grimand, 2012).
Piloting the payroll system through the HR function in the public health establishments : evidence from a collaborative research A huge context for standardization and mastering costs and performances in the French health sector has compelled the public health establishments to modernize the management of their payroll system by the HR function over the last few years. Based on a collaborative research asked by the French Department of Health, the paper gets through a range of hypothesis to cope with those new constraints. The value-added of the research is particularly significant on two sides. Firstly, the results of the research show that the HR function should improve its ability to better manage the payroll system through a tighter cooperation with the management control function. Secondly, the results shed light on the importance for the HR function to come up with a model of organization which is both decentralized and synchronized. As a matter of fact, such a model would allow the HR function to better create value as well as manage standards and norms which are actually invasive in the field of the health sector.
This article discusses epistemological and methodological problems brought forth during the study of management practices in companies and organisations based on an ethnomethodological approach. Ethnomethodological issues and knowledge in organaisation management and the complexity of the involvement of the researcher will be discussed by way of analysis of six controversial reports on the involvement of the researcher. Our aim is to clarify the nature of the work carried out by the researcher. Therefore the questions of the neutrality of the researchers and the dialectical immersion-distancing with regards to the objects being studied will be discussed. The aim of this article is to show the theoretical and epistemological interest of the organisation ethnomethodology in a constructivist perspective with regards to management sciences research.
The abstract for this document is available on CSA Illumina.To view the Abstract, click the Abstract button above the document title.
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