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The importance of physical activity for the development of motor skills of younger school age children

  • University Children's Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia


Physical activity plays an important role in the motor and psychological development in a pediatric population. The maturation of human motor skills is gradual over the time. It depends on several factors, including but not limited to: individual differences, health condition, quality of neuromuscular structures and stimulating factors. Research included in this review shows that different types of physical activity, including aerobic training, strength training, dance, yoga, and walking programs, improve mood and mental health. Aerobic physical activity has the greatest effect on reducing the symptoms of anxiety and stress. Habits related to the physical activity, acquired in childhood, can be maintained in adulthood, which contributes to the better health and quality of life. Extensive literature indicates that regular physical activity encourages growth and development and has multiple benefits for the mental, physical, cognitive and psychosocial health of children. Children capacities for exercise change in accordance within defined developmental periods. Young children are active at short intervals and their capacity for continuous activity increases as they grow and mature. The health benefits of sporadic exercise at a younger age are not well established, stressing the short-term benefits of physical activity for some aspects of cognitive and mental health, indicating that maximum benefit can be achieved by frequent bouts of exercise during the day.
Mini review article
Bukvić Z. et al. MedPodml 2021, 72(2):34-39 doi:10.5937/mp72-31878
© Editorial board:
e authors declare no conicts of interest.
Zorana Bukvić1, Dragana Ćirović1,2, Dejan Nikolić1,2
1 Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd, Srbija
2 Univerzitetska dečja klinika Tiršova, Beograd, Srbija
Physical activity plays an important role in the motor and psychological development in a
pediatric population. The maturation of human motor skills is gradual over the time. It de-
pends on several factors, including but not limited to: individual differences, health condition,
quality of neuromuscular structures and stimulating factors.
Research included in this review shows that different types of physical activity, including aero-
bic training, strength training, dance, yoga, and walking programs, improve mood and mental
health. Aerobic physical activity has the greatest effect on reducing the symptoms of anxiety
and stress. Habits related to the physical activity, acquired in childhood, can be maintained
in adulthood, which contributes to the better health and quality of life. Extensive literature
indicates that regular physical activity encourages growth and development and has multiple
benefits for the mental, physical, cognitive and psychosocial health of children.
Children capacities for exercise change in accordance within defined developmental periods.
Young children are active at short intervals and their capacity for continuous activity increases
as they grow and mature. The health benefits of sporadic exercise at a younger age are not well
established, stressing the short-term benefits of physical activity for some aspects of cognitive
and mental health, indicating that maximum benefit can be achieved by frequent bouts of
exercise during the day.
physical activity,
younger school age,
motor skills,
children’s development
Medicinski podmladak / Medical Youth
Bukvić Z. et al.e Importance of Physical Activity for the Development of Motor Skills of Younger School Age Children. MedPodml
2021, 72(2):34-39
Fizička aktivnost ima veoma važnu ulogu u razvoju motoričkih sposobnosti i psihološ-
kom razvoju svakog deteta. Razvoj motoričkih sposobnosti čoveka odvija se postepeno
i fazno i zavisi od više faktora, a neki od najznačajnih su individualne razlike, zdrav-
stveno stanje, kvalitet nervno-mišićnih struktura i podsticajno stimulativni faktori.
Istraživanja uključena u ovaj pregledni rad pokazuju da različite vrste fizičke aktivno-
sti, uključujući aerobni trening, trening snage, ples, jogu i programe hodanja, poboljša-
vaju raspoloženje i utiču na poboljšanje mentalnog zdravlja. Aerobna fizička aktivnost
najviše utiče na smanjenje simptoma anksioznosti i stresa. Navike vezane za fizičku
aktivnost, stečene u detinjstvu, mogu se zadržati i u odraslom dobu, što doprinosi boljem
zdravlju i kvalitetu života. Opsežna literatura ukazuje na to da redovna fizička aktivnost
podstiče rast i razvoj i ima višestruku korist za mentalno, fizičko, kognitivno i psihosoci-
jalno zdravlje dece.
Kapaciteti dece za vežbanje menjaju se u skladu sa razvojnim periodima. Mala deca su
aktivna u kratkim intervalima i njihov kapacitet za neprekidne aktivnosti se povećava
kako rastu i sazrevaju. Zdravstvene koristi sporadičnog vežbanja u mlađem uzrastu nisu
jasno utvrđene, ali jesu kratkoročne koristi fizičke aktivnosti za neke aspekte kognitivnog
i mentalnog zdravlja, koje ukazuju na to da se maksimalna korist može postići čestim
naletima vežbanja tokom dana.
Proper development of motor skills is considered
important for the physical, social and psychological chi-
ldren development. There is an evidence of numerous
health benefits that can be achieved by improving mo-
tor skills. It has been shown that well-developed motor
skills affect cardiorespiratory readiness (1, 2) and body
weight (1,3,4,5), which indicates the fact that the timely
development of motor skills can have important heal-
th benefits. There are some indications that over time
(6), the level of motor skills remains stable, and deficits
in motor development observed in early childhood are
also visible in adolescence (7), which highlights the
preschool period as particularly important for the deve-
lopment of motor skills.Early childhood is an age peri-
od in which the development of basic movement skills
is necessary to create a foundation for more complex
movement activities in everyday life and physical exer-
cise in later childhood (8). There are indications of the
connection between motor development and language
development (9-13), executive function (14) and gene-
ral well-being (15).
A group of scientists from Minnesota investigated
the impact of physical exercise on the development of
motor skills of children aged 6 - 12 years and came to the
conclusion that increased physical activity has positive
effects on the development of motor skills in children.
Additionally, studies included in this meta-analysis
showed that prolonged duration and frequency of physi-
cal activity did not have any detrimental effects on the
development of motor skills in children (16).
Most existing studies include only short-term
follow-up, so there is a real need for more longitudinal
studies on the importance of motor skills with long-
term follow-up, including physical and psychological
The human motor skills development
The development of the motoric movements, loco-
motion and statics (balance of the body at rest) take place
in a certain order. The human motor skills development
occurs in stages, and each stage has its own characteristics.
The factors that have the greatest impact on the develop-
ment and improvement of movement in a pediatric po-
pulation are maturation and learning. Solely maturation
is not sufficient for motor skills development and impro-
vement, thus, it is advised to make a planned and directed
impact with physical exercise for the purpose of creating
the possibilities for learning and practicing motor skills
(17). Maturation is a physiological process, and learning
signifies the child’s cooperation with the environment,
allowing improvementof movement habits by repeating
techniques (18). It is very important to align learning with
maturation. If a child is not mature enough, attempts to
learn new skills may be unsuccessful. Thus, learning can
only begin when the child is mature enough. On the other
hand, if the child is mature and capable of mastering new
motor habits, but not given the opportunity to exercise,
developmental delays in various degrees could occure.
The central nervous system (CNS) plays the most impor-
tant role in learning movement, and with the repeating
of ones, both the nervous system and conditioned reflex
actions develop. This way, the experience as well as lear-
ning can be defined as a conscious process of acquiring
knowledge and skills that is most often achieved through
repetition (19, 20). The process of learning motor skills,
unlike the process of learning verbal content and the pro-
cess of problem solving, is characterized by specific laws.
It is relatively independent and autonomous process that
differs from other forms of learning.
According to Piaget (21), for the proper cogniti-
ve development of children, it is necessary for them to
discover their environment through movement. In early
Ključne reči:
zička aktivnost,
mlađi školski
motorne veštine,
razvoj dece
Medicinski podmladak / Medical Youth
Bukvić Z. et al. e Importance of Physical Activity for the Development of Motor Skills of Younger School Age Children. MedPodml
2021, 72(2):34-39
childhood, they learn about their surroundings through
motor activities such as crawling, walking, jumping and
running. According to Gelahju and Ozmun (22), basic
motor skills as fundamental movements begin to develop
at the same time when the child is able to walk indepen-
dently and to move freely in space.
Types of motor skills and their characteristics
At Basic characteristics of motor skills according to
Welford (23) are:
- Stably built and coordinated activities in relation
to the goal or situation, in which the entire chain of motor,
sensory and central mechanisms is involved;
- Learned in accordance with proposed aims in the
form of activities that are gradually built by repetition;
- They represent a series of different actions or pro-
cesses that are aligned in time sequences.
If it is necessary to distinguish between more ski-
lled and less skilled performers of certain motor skills, it
is necessaryto know the three important properties of pra-
cticed behavior in relation to which the assessment would
be performed. These properties that are defined by E.R.
Guthrie (24) are the following: “Skill consists in the abi-
lity to achieve some end result with maximum certainty
and minimum consumption of energy, or time and energy”
(25). Thus, the three essential properties of practiced be-
havior imply maximum confidence in achieving the goal,
minimum energy expended, and minimum time to per-
form the skill.
According to Nicin (26), motor skills represent lear-
ned, acquired movements, as well as those that are gene-
tically inherited in the central nervous system, and imply
natural forms of movement (walking, running, jumping,
throwing, climbing, etc.). Abernet et al., define motor skills
development as changes in the performance of motor ski-
lls over time and processes that emphasize these changes
(27). Physical development and experience in mastering
various motor tasks contribute to the adoption of proper
motor movements (28).
Basic motor skills are divided into three categories (29):
- locomotor skills - walking, running, jumping;
- non-manipulative skills - turning, skipping, step-
ping, sideways movement; and
- manipulative skills (manipulation of a certain
object) - shooting, throwing, catching, guiding, pushing,
Physical activity: through play towards education
Up to nine years of life (preschool and younger
school age), the development of motor skills intensifies
(30 - 32). It is influenced by several factors, among which
the most dominant role is played by physical growth and
development, physical activity, socioeconomic status and
hereditary traits (33).
In the process of acquiring new motor skills, the
goal is to master each new movement so the action is less
controlled by the will, thus in the end, it is performed wit-
hout the participation of the cerebral cortex. The number
of repetitions of a movement or movement pattern used to
create a motor habit is different and depends on age, pre-
vious experience, methodical procedure, motivation, con-
centration, initial level of motor skills and the complexity
of the movement being learned (26, 34). Acquiring motor
habits is a continuous, long-term and multi-year process
(30). During this period, the child should not participate
in competitive activities, so that the focus is completely on
performing the exercise correctly. Motor and skill compe-
tencies in a child depend on other children acceptance and
inclusionof the one in joint activities (31). Basic motor ski-
lls are the basis for developing movements that are specific
to sports games, dance and various recreational activities
(35). A study by Brant et al. (36) showed that the activity
in adulthood depends on the experience gained in mobile
games during childhood. Through play, the child learns
and exercises new movements, along with acquiring ones
own possibilities and limits. By learning new movements,
motor skills and motor abilities are developed.
Physical education is a complex educational proce-
ss that institutionally lasts from preschool to schooling in
higher education institutions (37). There is a lot of rese-
arch that talks about the importance of organized physi-
cal activities on childrens development (22, 28, 31, 35). It
should be emphasized that the impact of physical exercise
on childrens development depends on the intensity, scope,
duration and form of activities.
Physical activity and motor skills relationship
ReIt was stated previously that children who do
not acquire fundamental motor skills by the time they
start school will later have a problem engaging in physi-
cal activities (38, 39). Children who are not skilled eno-
ugh will not be as physically active as their peers, whi-
ch can affect the occurrence of obesity in this group
(39,40). Lubans et al. (41) examined the impact of mo-
tor skills on health, and the obtained results show that
basic motor skills are in a positive relationship with a
self-confidence, physical activity, and cardiorespiratory
condition in a younger school-age children, as well as in
the adolescents. The links between physical activity and
motor skills are dynamic (42). With the development
of motor skills, the engagement of children in physi-
cal activities increases, and more active participation
in physical exercise contributes to the improvement of
motor skills. A moderate and low correlation between
the levels of motor competencies and physical activities
was found in preschool children (42) and younger scho-
ol age respectively (43, 44), meaning that the children at
this age have a tendency to participate in physical exer-
cise regardless of the level of mastered skills. In contrast,
older children who are aware that they are insufficiently
skilled in a relation to their peers, tend to avoid physical
activities, so as not to publicly display their insufficient
motor competence
Medicinski podmladak / Medical Youth
Bukvić Z. et al.e Importance of Physical Activity for the Development of Motor Skills of Younger School Age Children. MedPodml
2021, 72(2):34-39
Physical activity overall benefit
Physical activity also has a positive effect on the
psychological health. A large number of research has been
done on the topic of the influence of regular physical acti-
vity on the psychological status of children and adoles-
cents (31 - 33). Positive associations were found between
physical activity, self-efficacy, and self-confidence (45), as
well as social behavior, motivation, and friendship (46, 47).
Younger school-age children, as well as adolescents, tend
to be accepted by their peers. Those who are motor-skilled,
handy, agile, and can run fast are more popular among the
children of younger school age (48). Along with the imrove-
ment of their abilities among peers, the ego increases in all
dimensions of quality of life (49, 50). Children with acqui-
red skills feel more comfortable when performing physical
activities and they have affection to exercise, which con-
tributes to better health, general mood, and better relati-
onships with family and friends. Previous reports confirm
that children who are physically active, are mentally more
stable than the inactive ones (31, 32, 46). Globally, about
15% of children have some mental illness (51, 52), and in
America, 20% of school children are diagnosed with depre-
ssion, anxiety and other mental disorders (53). According
to some research, children who suffer from mental disor-
ders most often have problems with both body weight
(53 - 55) and school success (55, 56). Physical activity has a
positive effect on a mental health and emotional stability
in both children and adults (57, 58), and, if applied regular-
ly, it can have long-term positive effects on mental health.
Insufficient physical activity adversely affects mood and
mental function. In a study by Petty et al. (59) the results
showed that children aged 7 – 11 years who performed a
40-minute daily exercise program had reduced symptoms
of depression and greater self-confidence compared to the
control group. Regular exercise increases the stimulation
of the production of endorphins, which act on the CNS,
so that the person is feeling calm and good mood after the
activity (60). Previous reports stated that, children who
are more physically active have better physical and mental
health and social functioning (61). It was also stated that
children who are more active show signs of better school
success. There is a growing body of research examining
the link between physical exercise and intellectual abilities.
Namely, a group of Japanese (62) scientists explained the
influence of physical activity on the blood flow in the brain
and on the improvement of the work of neurotransmitters
that affect cognitive abilities.
Recent research indicates the effect of physical exer-
cise, which secretes a hormone called irisin, serves as a me-
mory regulator (63). Bruce Spiegelman, a cytologist from
the Boston Institute, is responsible for the discovery of this
hormone (63).
Summarizing the researched aspects of the influen-
ce of physical activity on the development of motor skills
of children of younger school age, several conclusions can
be reported. Physical activity of children of younger school
age is a recommended category for optimal acquisition of
motor skills, which affects the proper growth and develop-
ment of the child. No negative effects of physical activity
have been determined if the content of the activity is adju-
sted to the characteristics of age and dosed according to
the volume and intensity of the load, in accordance with
the age of the child and his individual abilities. In the first
eight years of life, motor skills develop the most, and in
that period it is desirable for children to organize games in
which the natural forms of movement are dominant - wal-
king, running, jumping, throwing, catching, and climbing.
During these activities, the child learns how to coordinate
and control his body, using the information he receives
from his environment. By exercising regularly, the child
becomes more agile, stronger, faster and more endurable
every day. Physical activity is the basic psychomotor activi-
ty of school-age children, and the degree of health and mo-
tor maturity of future generations depends on the preva-
lence and frequency of physical exercise through the edu-
cational process.
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Medicinski podmladak / Medical Youth
Bukvić Z. et al.e Importance of Physical Activity for the Development of Motor Skills of Younger School Age Children. MedPodml
2021, 72(2):34-39
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... The research conducted by Bukvić, Ćirović, and Nikolić (2021) indicates that participation in structured physical activities can support early childhood development stages, positively influencing motor skill development in children (Bukvić et al., 2021). Previous research used a mixed methods approach, where researchers collected quantitative data and then conducted qualitative analysis related to physical literacy from the perspective of teachers in children (Putri & Syahri, 2022) The research focus in that study is related to the variables of teacher and instructor roles on children's physical literacy abilities and skills. ...
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This study aims to determine the relationship between teachers' perspectives, active teacher involvement and school status in relation to children's physical literacy in Indonesia. This research is a correlational study with a quantitative approach. The sample was taken by purposive sampling. The sample includes 100 teachers from 100 schools accredited A, B, and C. The physical literacy instrument for early childhood uses the Pre-PLAY which consists of three domains, namely physical competence, coordinated movement and motivation and enjoyment. Data analysis in this study is descriptive analysis using linear analysis in the form of validity and reliability tests. The results showed that there is a significant positive relationship between teachers' perception and their involvement with early childhood physical literacy, with significance values of 0.001 and 0.000, meanwhile, there is no significant relationship between school accreditation status and early childhood physical literacy, with a significance value of 0.096. It can be concluded that physical literacy is important to be applied to support the development of young children. Teachers play a fundamental role in implementing the concept of physical literacy in children a teacher's understanding of physical literacy is crucial because it can help children become more active, and their active engagement in applying this concept is equally important as it can enhance physical activity. Keywords: Literacy, Physical, Perception, Involvement, School Status
... Motor skills, encompassing a range of body movement abilities, are crucial for development, with motor skill acquisition being synonymous with behavioural development (Bukvić et al., 2021). Manipulative, locomotor, and stability motor skills are fundamental components of human movement that play essential roles in everyday activities and physical development (Rudd et al., 2015;Sutapa et al., 2021b). ...
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The research aims to assess the validity and reliability of the Motor Competence Assessment (MCA) instrument for 12-year-olds. The validity and reliability test provides a comprehensive framework for objectively measuring motor competence and identifying areas for intervention to enhance motor skill development. The study included 321 participants (156 male and 165 fe-male) from diverse Indonesian elementary school backgrounds. Motor competence assessment involved six test components, each conducted with two trials. Validity was assessed through exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and reliability was assessed via Cronbach's alpha, with raw data converted to a scale for EFA. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) & Bartlett Test results and the Sampling Ade-quacy (MSA) measure are suitable for running EFA because they show more than 0.50. The standards for each item were met in the Communalities test by showing an extraction of >0.50 for each item. The MCA instrument proved valid because each test item (variable) firmly attaches to one instrument. Reliability tests, using Cronbach's Alpha, show that MCA instruments are reliable and usable. The Motor Competence Assessment (MCA) instrument demonstrates validity and reliability in measuring motor skills. Ex-ploratory factor analysis (EFA) identifies two main components: locomotor skills and stability and manipulative motor skills. Cronbach's alpha further confirms MCA's reliability. Its effectiveness in various contexts, including physical education and rehabilitation, supports targeted interventions. Understanding motor skill development with MCA enhances tailored approaches for individu-als, promoting physical well-being and performance. Keywords: physical education, motor skill, elementary school, assessment.
... Kekurangan vitamin A dan zat besi menyebabkan resiko keterlambatan dalam perkembangan motorik kasar dan komunikatif (Celhay et al., 2020). Kesehatan fisik yang baik, asupan nutrisi yang memadai, dan kesehatan otot serta tulang dapat memberikan dasar yang kuat untuk perkembangan motorik yang optimal (Aadland et al., 2017;Bukvić et al., 2021;Webster et al., 2019;Zeng et al., 2017). Hal tersebut terjadi karena aktivitas fisik memberikan peningkatan kesehatan dan mengurangi resiko negative bagi kesehatan (Nuzum et al., 2020), seperti obesitas yang dapat menurunkan mobilitas gerak tubuh (Pojednic et al., 2022). ...
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Child development needs to be monitored as early as possible, as it can contribute to subsequent development. This article conducts a thorough literature review to explain the inhibiting factors that impact on child development, especially motor development in early childhood. Where motor development at an early age is a major milestone for subsequent motor development. This study aims to review scientific literature on inhibiting factors in motor development for early childhood. The database search used ScienceDirect to select articles containing information on motor development in early childhood. The search was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. After the exclusion criteria were met, 13 articles were categorized. In the first group, there were factors that inhibit development in children, such as premature birth, congenital heart disease, and sleeping habits can inhibit motor development in early childhood. The results in the second group informed that the lack of nutritional intake and breastfeeding, as well as the provision of sugary foods can have a negative impact on child development, especially gross motor development. The results of the third group explained that environmental factors, forms of play, and parental knowledge can affect motor development in children, especially fundamental motor skills. Therefore, it is important to have a basic knowledge of the factors that can hinder children's development and the supporting factors that can improve children's development according to their age.
... In the context of physical education programs, these instruments aid physical education teachers in selecting or crafting learning programs that align with the motor skills proficiency of the learners. Therefore, accurate and validated instruments are essential [13]. Teachers are crucial in advancing the nation's civilization and preparing learners with competent and relevant skills [14]. ...
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Background and Study Aim. The assessment instrument for gross motor skills in physical education is crucial in developing fundamental motor skills in elementary school students. This research aims to formulate an assessment tool for gross motor skills tailored to students aged 7-9, aligning with their specific characteristics. Material and Methods. This study adopts a research and development approach utilizing the 4D development procedure (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). It involves the validation process by five experts in motor skills and physical education, comprising faculty members from five distinct universities. The trial subjects encompass 310 elementary school students aged 7-9, while the instrument's effectiveness is evaluated by 35 individuals, including physical education teachers and students. Statistical analyses encompass content validity, criterion validity, test-retest reliability using Cronbach's alpha, and descriptive percentage analysis. Results. This research has produced a gross motor skills assessment instrument comprising 11 movement components: sit and stand up, rolling, one-leg stand, gallop, slide, jump, bouncing a ball, catching, throwing, kicking, and hitting. The content validity result is 1>0.763, criterion validity (rxy) > 0.304, Cronbach's alpha value for all items > 0.60, and the average perception assessment of instrument effectiveness > 93%, falling into the category of extremely high. Conclusions. The assessment instrument demonstrates high validity and reliability, effectively addressing the challenges associated with the need for assessments tailored to the evaluated subject's characteristics, objectives, and relevance. An easily comprehensible instrument, coupled with language accessibility, yields positive outcomes for physical education teachers in the assessment process.
... The importance of gross motor skills for children are improves balance, strength, muscular endurance and coordination (Bukvić, Nikolić, & Ćirović, 2021). By maintaining and developing children's gross motor skills: maintain long-term health, encourage physical literacy (Lopes, 2017). ...
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Motor assessment tests are widely used in many countries, including the Gross Motor Development Test 2 (TGMD-2). TGMD-2 is the most frequently used test to measure children's gross motor development in many countries. The purpose of this research is to be investigated whether TGMD-2 is suitable for measuring gross motor development in Surakarta boys aged 7-10 years. The participants involved in this study were 355 boys aged between 7-10 years, who attended state elementary school. Construct validity was calculated by Exploratory Factor Analysis, and reliability by Cronbach's Alpha. The result of the calculation is average Keyser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value is 0.837. This figure indicates that TGMD-2 is good for confirmation purposes. While the reliability is 0.743, categorized as medium. In conclusion, thus it can be concluded that TGMD-2 can used to assess gross motor development of the studied population.
... 10 The use of the musculoskeletal system in physical activity has a vital role in growth and development, maturation of motor and physiological functions, and cognitive abilities in the pediatric population. 11,12 In childhood, sufficient physical activity is reported to help the development of motor skills. This is because good movement quality requires abilities obtained through habits of physical activity. ...
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Background: Physical activity is vital in growth and development, maturation of motor and physiological functions, and cognitive abilities in the pediatric population. In children, sufficient physical activity is reported to help develop motor skills. This is because to have a good quality of movement, abilities obtained through habits in physical activity are needed. This study aimed to determine the effect of physical activity on the development of motor skills in children aged 3-12 years. Methods: The type of research was a literature review based on the review process of research articles that discuss the effect of physical activity on the development of motor skills in children aged 3-12 years. The search for articles was done from the Google Scholar and PubMed databases. Results: Based on the five selected journals in this literature review, significant positive results were obtained between physical activity and the development of motor skills in children aged 3-12 years old. The specifications of the motor skills that develop in children vary depending on the form, type, and settings of the physical activity. Conclusion: Physical activity seemed to affect the development of children's motor skills. The development of motor skills in children occurs gradually, along with physical development and stimulation of activities that spur better skills.
... En s'appuyant sur des fondements scientifiques, méthodologiques et professionnels, la préparation physique s'emploie à améliorer les qualités physiques, telles que la force, la vitesse, l'endurance et les facteurs perceptifs (Reiss & Prévost, 2013), là où le corps et l'esprit forment une seule unité (Savelsbergh & Wormhoudt, 2018). Dans la pratique, la première opportunité de développement de ces qualités physiques repose sur l'apprentissage des activités physiques (Bukvić et al., 2021;khairuddin et al., 2022) ou plutôt, de la condition physique spécifique. A ce titre, un composé nutritionnel de qualité devrait être encouragé pour aider l'athlète à vivre une récupération de manière optimale après un stress oxydatif lors d'épreuves intenses répétées (O'Connor et al., 2022). ...
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Le but de cette étude était d'élucider les mécanismes du déclenchement précoce de la fatigue physique et mentale lors de la préparation physique prélude aux apprentissages des tâches motrices spécifiques. Pour atteindre l'objectif, la démarche consistait à évaluer les besoins caloriques journaliers au regard de l'intensité de l'exercice sur le facteur âge. Au total, dix-huit participants pratiquant le basketball et l'athlétisme (Age = 42.92±5.71 ans, Poids corporel=69.41±6.43kg, Taille=172.6±3.14 cm; Masse grasse=8.26±4.7 %) constitués des sujets n'ayant pas développé une culture physique (Instituteurs, n=12) et des sujets portant une culture physique (Moniteurs d'éducation physique, n=6) ont été recrutés. Deux tests physiques et deux échelles de type Likert étaient utilisés pour recueillir les données de l'étude. S'agissant des besoins caloriques journaliers, les résultats ont montré que les instituteurs (M=2111.67±156.76 joules) ont plus besoin de macronutriments que les moniteurs (M=2185.83±121.46 joules). Les connaissances spécifiques en nutrition sportive sont déficitaires chez les instituteurs. Par ailleurs, il n'existe aucun lien statistique significatif entre le profil d'instituteur et l'expression des comportements alimentaires (Chi 2 =0.21; p=.65) ou le fait de prendre une collation avant l'effort (Chi 2 =0.44; p=.504). Toutefois, l'impulsion au saut en hauteur présentait des scores similaires, malgré des formations initiales différentes. En revanche, la hauteur du saut vertical a été jugée plus faible chez les instituteurs que chez les moniteurs alors que la puissance des jambes a été plus explosive chez les moniteurs d'éducation physique. Au départ de sprint, le temps de réaction a été trouvé trop long chez les instituteurs, y compris la montée en force-vitesse qui n'a pas été assez explosive chez les instituteurs pendant l'accélération (p <.05). Les résultats mentionnent que les deux groupes auraient des symptômes de troubles musculosquelettiques, lesquels seraient liés à un déficit d'énergie alimentaire suivi d'un résidu d'émotions négatives.
... The development of children's gross motor skills is benefited by organised physical activity, whether it is done exclusively or in conjunction with unstructured activity (Dapp, L.C. 2021). Structured physical activity also appears to have a tendency to improve fine motor abilities (Bukvić Z. et al. 2021). Numerous physical activities, including dance, yoga, aerobic training, strength training, and walking programmes, have been demonstrated to boost children's mood and mental health (Biino V. et al. 2021). ...
... Selain itu hasil penelitian lain menyatakan anak harus memiliki kebebasan dan otonomi, sehingga mereka dapat mengembangkan keterampilan motorik sepenuhnya (Llobet & Mateos, 2013;Prieto et al., 2021). Program terstruktur kelas berdasarkan pendidikan jasmani untuk anak-anak prasekolah membantu untuk memulai aktivitas fisik mereka dan meningkatkan perkembangan motorik mereka (Bukvić et al., 2021;Dapp et al., 2021). Keterbatasan pertama dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa sampel tidak representatif dan oleh karena itu data tidak dapat digeneralisasikan. ...
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Masih rendahnya keterampilan motorik anak pra-sekolah menuntut pendidikan menerapakan sebuah program yang dapat menstimulasi keterampilan motorik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis program kegiatan gerakan terstruktur terhadap perkembangan motorik anak usia tiga sampai lima tahun yang bersekolah di prasekolah. Metode yang digunakan kuasi eksperimen dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini 72 anak Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD). Instrumen yang digunakan dari McCarthy Children's Psychomotricity and Aptitude Scales (MSCA, USA) dan koordinasi lengan. Analisis menggunakan MANOVA 2×2 faktorial. Hasil penelitian menunjukan anak-anak prasekolah pada kedua kelompok mendapat peningkatan yang signifikan dalam kontras pra-intervensi dengan pasca-intervensi dalam koordinasi anggota badan. Perbedaan yang signifikan secara statistik dalam pengukuran pasca-intervensi antara kelompok pembanding dan kelompok intervensi pada koordinasi lengan dan kaki diamati, dimana kelompok intervensi menunjukkan nilai koordinasi lengan yang lebih tinggi dan nilai koordinasi kaki yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok pembanding. Pendidikan aktivitas fisik terstruktur adalah metodologi pendidikan yang lebih baik daripada bermain bebas untuk mencapai perkembangan motorik yang memadai pada anak-anak prasekolah.
الأهداف: هدفت الدراسة إلى تعرف دور التربية الإسلامية في تعزيز الوعي الصحي لدى طلاب التعليم العام بالمملكة العربية السعودية، إلى جانب الكشف عن بعض جهود وزارة التعليم في هذا التعزيز. المنهج: اعتمدت الدراسة على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، بالإضافة إلى تطبيق استطلاع رأي على مجموعة من خبراء التربية، عددهم 62 خبيراً، النتائج: أسفرت نتائج الدراسة ذات الصلة بشأن البيئة المدرسية المعززة لصحة الطلاب ورفاهيتهم، عن الآتي: غرس أهمية النشاط البدني لدى الطلاب، وإطلاق مبادرات لتعزيز الوعي لدى الطلاب بمبادئ التربية الصحية، وإقامة فعاليات لتعزيز الوعي الصحي لدى الطلاب، وتصميم دليل من أجل تعزيز الصحة والارتقاء بصحة الطالب في ضوء منهج التربية الإسلامية. أما النتائج ذات الصلة بالمناهج وتنمية الوعي الصحي لدى الطلاب، فقد شملت: إكساب الطلاب المعارف والمهارات والقيم المرتبطة بالوعي الصحي من منظور التربية الإسلامية، وتدريب المعلمين على إكساب الطلاب المعارف والمهارات والقيم المرتبطة بالتربية الصحية الإيجابية. في حين تضمنت النتائج الخاصة بمحور المشاركة المجتمعية وتعزيز الوعي الصحي لدى الطلاب: أهمية التعاون بين وزارة التعليم والصحة لإجراء مسح طبي للطلاب بداية كل عام وتقديم الرعاية الصحية لهم، والتعاون البناء بين وزارة التعليم ووزارة الصحة في تعزيز الوعي الصحي لدى الطلاب. الخاتمة: تستخلص الدراسة أن التربية الإسلامية لها دور مهم في تعزيز الوعي الصحي لدى الطلاب.
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Background: Childhood adversity (CA) is commonly associated with an increased risk of subsequent psychopathology. It is important to identify potential mediators of this relationship which can allow for the development of interventions. In a large population-based cohort study we investigated the relationship between CA and late adolescent psychopathology and early adolescent candidate mediators of this relationship. Methods: We used data from three waves (n = 6039) of Cohort 98' of the Growing up in Ireland Study (age 9, 13 and 17). We used doubly robust counterfactual analyses to investigate the relationship between CA (reported at age-9) with psychopathology (internalizing and externalizing problems), measured using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire at age-17. Counterfactual and traditional mediation was used to investigate the mediating effects of the parent-child relationship, peer relations, self-concept, computer usage and physical activity. Results: CA was associated with an increased risk of internalizing and externalizing problems at age-17. Parent-child conflict mediated 35 and 42% of the relationship between CA and late adolescent externalizing problems and internalizing problems, respectively. Self-concept and physical activity mediated an additional proportion of the relationship between CA and internalizing problems. These results were robust to unmeasured confounding. Conclusions: Parent-child conflict explains more than a third of the relationship between CA and later psychopathology. Self-concept and physical activity explain the additional proportion of the relationship between CA and internalizing problems. This suggests that these factors may be good targets for intervention in young people who have experienced CA to prevent subsequent psychopathology.
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Objective. This systematic review synthesized current randomized controlled trials (RCTs) examining casual evidence regarding the effects of traditional and exergaming-based physical activity (PA) interventions on motor skill development in typically developed children (i.e., those aged 6-12 years). Methods. We adhered to the PRISMA-P statement and searched electronic databases (Medline, PsycInfo, Web of Science, PubMed, ERIC, Scopus, and SportDiscus) from inception through July 2020. We screened for peer reviewed RCTs published in English between 2000 and 2020 examining the effect of PA on motor skill development in healthy children. Results. A total of 25 RCTs were included, 20 (80%) of which reported significant improvements in children’s motor skill performance. Specifically, 18 studies examined traditional PA interventions and 7 studies examined exergamingbased PA interventions, 83% and 71% of which observed statistically significant improvements in children’s motor skill development, respectively. Conclusions. Findings support the causal evidence regarding the effects of PA on motor skill development in children. Notable limitations of this review included heterogeneity of measurement protocols and assessment tools used to test children’s motor skills across studies, a wide range of PA intervention dose across studies, and the lack of power analyses and long-term follow-up assessments in individual studies to discern appropriate sample sizes and long-term effectiveness, respectively. To further strengthen the evidence in this emerging field, we advocate for future RCTs to employ a priori power analyses, long-term follow-up measurements, and more exergaming-based interventions to allow for comparisons with traditional PA interventions, to explore the dose response and moderating relationships between PA and motor skill development in childhood, and to utilize homogenous assessment instruments to allow for more rigorous, quantitative syntheses.
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Background Evidence suggests that participation in physical activity may support young people’s current and future mental health. Although previous reviews have examined the relationship between physical activity and a range of mental health outcomes in children and adolescents, due to the large increase in published studies there is a need for an update and quantitative synthesis of effects. Objectives The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of physical activity interventions on mental health outcomes by conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis, and to systematically synthesize the observational evidence (both longitudinal and cross-sectional studies) regarding the associations between physical activity and sedentary behavior and mental health in preschoolers (2–5 years of age), children (6–11 years of age) and adolescents (12–18 years of age). Methods A systematic search of the PubMed and Web of Science electronic databases was performed from January 2013 to April 2018, by two independent researchers. Meta-analyses were performed to examine the effect of physical activity on mental health outcomes in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and non-RCTs (i.e. quasi-experimental studies). A narrative synthesis of observational studies was conducted. Studies were included if they included physical activity or sedentary behavior data and at least one psychological ill-being (i.e. depression, anxiety, stress or negative affect) or psychological well-being (i.e. self-esteem, self-concept, self-efficacy, self-image, positive affect, optimism, happiness and satisfaction with life) outcome in preschoolers, children or adolescents. Results A total of 114 original articles met all the eligibility criteria and were included in the review (4 RCTs, 14 non-RCTs, 28 prospective longitudinal studies and 68 cross-sectional studies). Of the 18 intervention studies, 12 (3 RCTs and 9 non-RCTs) were included in the meta-analysis. There was a small but significant overall effect of physical activity on mental health in children and adolescents aged 6–18 years (effect size 0.173, 95% confidence interval 0.106–0.239, p < 0.001, percentage of total variability attributed to between-study heterogeneity [I²] = 11.3%). When the analyses were performed separately for children and adolescents, the results were significant for adolescents but not for children. Longitudinal and cross-sectional studies demonstrated significant associations between physical activity and lower levels of psychological ill-being (i.e. depression, stress, negative affect, and total psychological distress) and greater psychological well-being (i.e. self-image, satisfaction with life and happiness, and psychological well-being). Furthermore, significant associations were found between greater amounts of sedentary behavior and both increased psychological ill-being (i.e. depression) and lower psychological well-being (i.e. satisfaction with life and happiness) in children and adolescents. Evidence on preschoolers was nearly non-existent. Conclusions Findings from the meta-analysis suggest that physical activity interventions can improve adolescents’ mental health, but additional studies are needed to confirm the effects of physical activity on children’s mental health. Findings from observational studies suggest that promoting physical activity and decreasing sedentary behavior might protect mental health in children and adolescents. PROSPERO Registration Number: CRD42017060373.
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The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a program for children aged 4-5 with the main tool of creative movement - dance and its influence on the development of basic motor skills. The aim of the intervention program is to develop "moving" motor skills through an organized intervention program with a variety of creative moves and creative dance. The intervention program aims to create a positive environment in which children can overcome negative emotions and join the team, communicate, experiment, discover, co-decide and create new kinetic dance forms.
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The purpose of the research was to determine the effects of 12-week physical activities based on Cooperative Learning Method on development of basic motor skills of Primary School 1st Graders. Pretest-Posttest Design, Semi-Empirical Research Method and Unequaled Control Group Methods were used in the research. To determine the effects of physical activities based on Cooperative Learning Method on the development of basic motor skills, controlling the ball with feet, controlling the ball with hands, running coordination, agility, promptness and dynamic balance skill tests were used. According to the statistical results, no significant differences were detected in pretest average values of the research and control groups in Independent sampling t-test; however, a significant difference was found in favor of the research group in posttest averages. In the t-test for Dependent Variables, significant differences were found in pretest-posttest averages in favor of the posttest values of Research Group. In pretest-posttest averages of Controls, negative significance was found in controlling the balls with hands, and no significant differences were determined in other motor skills. We believe that students are active in application process, and the long-term planned learning-teaching environments with physical activities based on Cooperative Learning Method might contribute to the development of basic motor skills.
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Objectives Preschoolers 3–5 years of age are in a crucial stage of motor skill competence. While preschoolers develop their motor skill competence through engagement in physical activity, a majority of them fail to meet guideline-recommended physical activity level. This study reviews scientific evidence on the relationship between motor skill competence and physical activity among preschoolers. Methods This systematic review followed the PRISMA framework. Keyword and reference search were conducted in PubMed, Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Inclusion criteria included—age: 3–5 years of age; setting: preschool environment (e.g., preschool, childcare, head start); main outcomes: motor skill competence and physical activity; study design: cross-sectional study, case–control study, retrospective cohort study, prospective cohort study, or randomized controlled trial; language: English; and article type: peer-reviewed publication. Results Eleven studies met the inclusion criteria, including 6 randomized controlled trials and 5 cross-sectional studies. Studies were conducted in 5 countries: United States (5), United Kingdom (2), Australia (2), Switzerland (1), and Finland (1). Eight out of the 11 studies included in the review reported a significant relationship between motor skill competence and physical activity. The specific pattern and strength of the relationship tend to differ by gender, physical activity intensity, motor skill type, and day of the week (weekdays versus weekends). Conclusions An association has been consistently documented between motor skill competence and physical activity. Future research is warranted to elucidate the underlining causal link, examine potential heterogeneity, and determine the role of environment in the relationship between motor skill competence and physical activity among preschoolers.
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Purpose: Recent international conference presentations have critiqued the promotion of fundamental movement skills (FMS) as a primary pedagogical focus. Presenters have called for a debate about the importance of, and rationale for teaching FMS, and this letter is a response to that call. The authors of this letter are academics who actively engage in FMS research. Method: We have answered a series of contentions about the promotion of FMS using the peer reviewed literature to support our perspective. Results: We define what we mean by FMS, discuss the context of what skills can be considered fundamental, discuss how the development of these skills is related to broader developmental health contexts, and recommend the use of different pedagogical approaches when teaching FMS. Conclusion: We conclude the promotion of FMS is an important focus in Physical Education (PE) and sport and provide future research questions for investigation.
The aims of the present study were to analyse the gender differences in balance, catching, aiming and change of direction ability (CODA) in elementary education students and to determine the relationship among these motor skills. Balance, catching, aiming and CODA were assessed in 197 elementary education students (6 to 8). Girls presented higher values in static and dynamic balance tests. However, boys obtained better results in the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2) aiming test and in the Modified Agility Test (MAT). It also seems that the age affects the gender difference, as gender differences in CODA did not appear until older ages (> 7 years). Moreover, the results showed a significant moderate correlation between some tests. Gender could be a differentiating factor in the motor competence of elementary education students. The moderate associations found among different skills showed that, despite they are considered as independent, there is as association between them.