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Personal Bias in Prediction of Emotions Elicited by Textual Opinions


Abstract and Figures

Analysis of emotions elicited by opinions, comments, or articles commonly exploits annotated corpora, in which the labels assigned to documents average the views of all annotators, or represent a majority decision. The models trained on such data are effective at identifying the general views of the population. However, their usefulness for predicting the emotions evoked by the textual content in a particular individual is limited. In this paper, we present a study performed on a dataset containing 7,000 opinions, each annotated by about 50 people with two dimensions: valence, arousal, and with intensity of eight emotions from Plutchik’s model. Our study showed that individual responses often significantly differed from the mean. Therefore, we proposed a novel measure to estimate this effect – Personal Emotional Bias (PEB). We also developed a new BERT-based transformer architecture to predict emotions from an individual human perspective. We found PEB a major factor for improving the quality of personalized reasoning. Both the method and measure may boost the quality of content recommendation systems and personalized solutions that protect users from hate speech or unwanted content, which are highly subjective in nature.
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Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th
International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: Student Research Workshop, pages 248–259
August 5–6, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
Personal Bias in Prediction of Emotions Elicited by Textual Opinions
Piotr Miłkowski, Marcin Gruza, Kamil Kanclerz,
Przemysław Kazienko, Damian Grimling, Jan Koco´
Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, Poland
Sentimenti Sp. z o.o., Pozna ´
n, Poland
Analysis of emotions elicited by opinions,
comments, or articles commonly exploits an-
notated corpora, in which the labels assigned
to documents average the views of all anno-
tators, or represent a majority decision. The
models trained on such data are effective at
identifying the general views of the popula-
tion. However, their usefulness for predict-
ing the emotions evoked by the textual con-
tent in a particular individual is limited. In
this paper, we present a study performed on
a dataset containing 7,000 opinions, each an-
notated by about 50 people with two dimen-
sions: valence, arousal, and with intensity of
eight emotions from Plutchik’s model. Our
study showed that individual responses often
significantly differed from the mean. There-
fore, we proposed a novel measure to estimate
this effect – Personal Emotional Bias (PEB).
We also developed a new BERT-based trans-
former architecture to predict emotions from
an individual human perspective. We found
PEB a major factor for improving the quality
of personalized reasoning. Both the method
and measure may boost the quality of content
recommendation systems and personalized so-
lutions that protect users from hate speech or
unwanted content, which are highly subjective
in nature.
1 Introduction
Emotions are a very important component of natu-
ral human communication. Collectively, we tend
to react quite similarly emotionally to phenomena
around us, but at the level of the individual, some
differences can be discerned in the intensity of the
emotions experienced. Various emotional models
have been used in different studies. In Russell
and Mehrabian (1977), emotional states are located
in a multidimensional space, with valence (nega-
tive/positive), arousal (low/high) and dominance
explaining most of the observed variance. Another
approach distinguishes different number of basic,
discrete emotions, e.g. six by Ekman and Friesen
(1976) and eight by Plutchik (1982).
We can observe continuous interest in sentiment
analysis and emotion recognition within the filed of
natural language processing (Koco´
n and Maziarz,
2021;Alswaidan and Menai,2020;Kanclerz et al.,
2020). Recently, they commonly rely on deep ma-
chine learning methods applied to large amounts
of textual data (Yadav and Vishwakarma,2020;
n et al.,2019b;Koco´
n et al.,2019). Never-
theless, emotion recognition remains a challenging
task. One of the reasons is the lack of high quality
annotated data, where annotators are a representa-
tive sample of the whole population. Commonly,
a small number (usually 2 to 5) of trained anno-
tators are involved. Due to differences between
individual opinions, reinforced by multiple choice
possibilities (6 or 8 emotions), this often leads to
low inter-annotator agreement (Hripcsak and Roth-
schild,2005). Averaging the annotations collected
in such a way can still be a good input for effec-
tive systems recognizing the most likely emotional
responses shared by most people. This, however,
is not suitable to make accurate inferences about
emotions to be evoked in specific individuals.
In this work, we developed a method to pre-
dict text-related emotions that most closely reflect
the reactions of a given reader. In addition to the
classical approach of providing only texts to the
model input, we extended it with our new feature
– Personal Emotional Bias (PEB). It reflects how
an individual perceived the texts they evaluated in
the past. In this way, we switched from averaging
labels for annotated texts to individual text annota-
tions. We tested the impact of PEB on individual
recognition quality of emotion dimensions, also in
a setup including multilingual transformer-based ar-
chitecture for the following languages: Dutch, En-
glish, Polish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese,
Russian and Spanish. Our experimental evaluation
revealed that emotional annotation of just a few
texts is appears to be enough to calculate the ap-
proximate value of Personal Emotional Bias for a
given user. This, in turn, enables us to significantly
improve personalized reasoning. Since texts are
independently annotated with ten emotional states,
each with its own level, we trained and tested both
multi-task classifiers and multivariate regressors.
This work is inspired by our initial idea of
human-centred processing presented in (Koco´
et al.,2021). In addition, in paper (Kanclerz et al.,
2021), we have shown that mixing user conformity
measures with document controversy is efficient in
personalized recognition of aggressiveness in texts.
2 Related work
The studies have shown that the recognition of emo-
tions should take into account the subjective as-
sessments of individual annotators (Neviarouskaya
et al.,2009;Chou and Lee,2019;Koco´
n et al.,
2019a). A personal bias related to the individual be-
liefs may have its origins in the demographic back-
ground and many factors such as the first language,
age, education (Wich et al.,2020a;Al Kuwatly
et al.,2020), country of origin (Salminen et al.,
2018), gender (Bolukbasi et al.,2016;Binns et al.,
2017;Tatman,2017;Wojatzki et al.,2018), and
race (Blodgett and O’Connor,2017;Sap et al.,
2019;Davidson et al.,2019;Xia et al.,2020). The
uniqueness of person’s annotations may also be
derived from their political orientations and not
respecting them can significantly reduce the effec-
tiveness of the classifier (Wich et al.,2020b).
The most common approach to mitigate the im-
pact of personal bias on method performance is
to utilize only annotations provided by the experts
(Waseem,2016). However, we should be aware
that selecting a small group of experts poses a risk
of involving too few annotators for too many doc-
uments (Wiegand et al.,2019) or creating unfair
models, that will discriminate minorities (Dixon
et al.,2018). Besides, it may be difficult to find the
sufficient number of experts. To resolve this, non-
expert annotators can be involved. An average of
annotations from non-expert is enough to achieve
expert-level labeling quality (Snow et al.,2008).
Personal bias also affects the model evaluation pro-
cess. Therefore, annotations from a separate set of
annotators should be used in the training and test
set (Geva et al.,2019).
The high variety of annotators’ beliefs directly
impacts the diversity of their subjective assess-
ments. It often means that there is no single correct
label for a given text (Aroyo and Welty,2013). In
such case, Bayesian probabilistic models can be
used to estimate consensus level, which can then be
converted to categorical values using simple meth-
ods, e.g. thresholding (Kara et al.,2015). Another
solution is to regard disagreement in annotations
as a positive factor that will provide more informa-
tion about single humans. This ambiguity can be
utilized in many ways. Patterns discovered from
differences in annotations can be exploited both to
group like-minded individuals (Akhtar et al.,2020)
and to automatic detect spammers, deliberately in-
troducing noise into their assessments (Raykar and
Yu,2012;Soberón et al.,2013). On the other hand,
too high annotations similarity level may be related
to the conformity bias, which reflects an excessive
influence of the group’s beliefs on its members
(Gao et al.,2019). Moreover, annotation disagree-
ment can determine the ambiguity of a given text
(Aroyo and Welty,2013). The variability between
annotators can also be used to generate soft labels
such as inter-annotator standard deviation, which
may be an additional feature of a given sample (Ey-
ben et al.,2012). Such soft labels can also be a
good source of information about annotators them-
selves, e.g. to estimate the unanimity of a specific
social group in recognizing emotions (Steidl et al.,
2005). Another approach is to leverage the ensem-
ble model architecture to incorporate knowledge
regarding the subjectivity of emotion recognition
(Fayek et al.,2016). In order to reduce the potential
noise caused by relying solely on subjective annota-
tions, a hybrid method can be applied mixing both
individual ratings and majority voting (Chou and
Lee,2019). The final model consists of multiple
sub-models using annotations of individuals sep-
arated and combined. All sub-models are fused
providing one general and non-personalized deci-
The topic of emotion personalization was ex-
plored in the context of social photos (Zhao et al.,
2016) or emotions evoked by music (Yang et al.,
2007). However, in the context of text analysis, it
has not been studied sufficiently yet.
Figure 1: Rating distributions within emotional cate-
gories. All values are normalized to the interval [0,1].
3 Dataset and annotation procedure
To create a Sentimenti
dataset, a combined ap-
proach of different methodologies were used,
namely: Computer Assisted Personal Interview
(CAPI) and Computer Assisted Web Interview
(CAWI) (Koco´
n et al.,2019a). Two studies were
carried out involving evaluation of: 30,000 word
meanings (CAWI1) and 7,000 reviews from the In-
ternet (CAWI2). Reviews cover 3 areas: medicine
(3,130 texts), hotels (2,938 texts), and other (936
texts). In this work, we will focus on the use of
CAWI2 due to the evaluation of entire documents
within the study.
In the CAWI2 study, each text received an aver-
age of 50 annotations. To obtain reliable results,
the following cross-section of the population was
used: 8,853 unique respondents were sampled from
the Polish population. Sex, age, native language,
place of residence, education level, marital status,
employment status, political beliefs and income
were controlled, among other factors.
The annotation schema was based on the proce-
dures most widely used in NAWL (Riegel et al.,
2015), NAWL BE (Wierzba et al.,2015) and
plWordNet-emo (Za´
nska et al.,2015;Janz
et al.,2017;Koco´
n et al.,2018;Kulisiewicz et al.,
2015). Therefore, the acquired data consists of ten
emotional categories: valence,arousal, and eight
basic emotions: sadness, anticipation, joy, fear, sur-
prise, disgust, trust and anger. Mean text rating
distributions within emotional categories are pre-
sented in Figure 1. In total, 7k opinions * average
of 53.46 annotators per opinion * 10 categories =
3.74M single annotations were collected.
The annotation process was carried out using the
web-based system with an interface designed in
collaboration with the team of psychologists to re-
duce as much as possible the difficulty of handling
the annotation process and its impact on grades
or their quality (see Figure 2). The collection re-
sulting from the study is copyrighted and we got
permission to conduct the research. A sample con-
taining 100 texts with annotations and annotators’
metadata with the source code of the experiments
are publicly available on GitHub2.
4 Personal Emotional Bias – PEB and
agreement measures
In principle, we assume our collection (Internet re-
view documents) is split into three partitions: past
), present, and future (Figure 3). The past
texts are used to estimate individual user beliefs
and biases. The present documents allow us to train
the reasoning model, whereas the future reviews
are for the evaluation, test purposes.
To quantify individual subjective emotional per-
ception of textual content, we introduce a new mea-
sure – Personal Emotional Bias,
P EB (u, c)
. It
describes to what extent the previously known an-
of the given user
differ from the
average annotations provided by all others for emo-
tional category
, aggregated over all documents
. Emotional category
, where
{sadness, anticipation, joy, f ear, surprise,
disgust, trust, ang er, valence, arousal}
. Inte-
ger values of the emotional annotations
from the study design, Figure 2, i.e.
, if
vc,d,u ∈ {0,1,2,3,4}otherwise.
First, we need to compute the mean emotional
of each document
in each
over all previously known
’s annota-
tions, i.e. provided by users from the train data,
µc,d =PuUtrain
d|, d Dpast
In the next step, we calculate the standard de-
of each emotional category
for each
document din a similar way:
0 1 2 3 4
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4
This is our favorite place in the Giant Mountains, so we're biased. The cuisine is excellent (fantastic trout or
Hungarian cake), delicious honey beer from our own brewery and the palace is getting prettier and prettier. This time
we used only the restaurant, but next time we will also stay in the hotel again. We will come back here many times.
Figure 2: Emotional annotations for a real example of the hotel review – the CAWI study. Participants scored eight
basic emotions (Plutchik model), arousal and valence on separate scales; varying from 0 to 4 for emotions and
arousal and -3 to 3 for valence. Example review was manually translated from Polish to English.
σc,d =sPuUtrain
d(vc,d,u µc,d)2
d|, d Dpast
Based on the above knowledge, we can estimate
the Personal Emotional Bias
P EB (u, c)
of the user
for the emotional category
. It is an aggregated
Z-score, as follows:
P EB (u, c) = PdDpast
is the set of documents
annotated by user u.
Please note that
P EB (u, c)
may be calculated
for any user, who provided their annotations to any
. It means that we can estimate
PEB for users from the dev and test set, always ag-
gregated over past documents. Nevertheless, com-
are fixed and computed only
based on the previously known knowledge, i.e. for
users from the train set. Obviously, the train,dev,
and test sets are different for each out of ten cross-
validation folds, which forces the recalculation of
all PEB values at each fold.
The PEB measure provides us information about
the unique views and preferences of the individ-
ual user. We suspect PEB to be more informative
in the case of ambiguous texts with relatively low
agreement among the annotators. To measure this
agreement we leveraged two different document
controversy measures: (1) the averaged Krippen-
dorff’s alpha coefficient
and (2) the general
controversy measure.
The former is commonly used; it is resistant to
missing annotations (Al Kuwatly et al.,2020;Wich
et al.,2020a;Binns et al.,2017). According to
our data, we used the variant of Krippendorff’s
alpha coefficient
with the interval difference
δinterval (vc,d,u, vc,d,u0)
which calculates
the distance between the two annotations
for document
provided by two different
users uand u0regarding emotional category c:
δinterval (vc,d,u, vc,d,u0) = (vc,d,u vc,d,u0)2
Our first emotional controversy measure is ex-
pressed by the Krippendorff’s alpha coefficient
separately calculated for the specified emo-
tional category cC.
The alternative second measure
also used to analyze the controversial nature of
any document
. It is the standard deviation of
user ratings averaged over all emotional categories
contrstd(d) = PcCσc,d
5 Experimental plan, scenarios
All experiments were performed for two types of
machine learning tasks, Figure 4:
Multi-task classification
- where each task
was to predict an accurate discrete answer
for each emotional category, i.e. one of the
Figure 3: The CAWI2 collection was divided by the
texts (columns) and the users/annotators (rows). The
past texts (15% of all) were used to compute the PEB
measure. The models were trained on 55% of the
present texts and 80% of all users. They are verified
with the dev set (disjoint from train) and tested on the
test set - both containing 10% of users and 15% of texts
each. The aforementioned proportions were chosen so
that there were at least 1000 texts and more than 500 an-
notators in each section. The user-based split into train,
dev and test is performed in the 10-fold cross-validation
five classes {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} for eight emo-
tions and arousal, and one out of seven classes
for valence. Due to data imbalance (’0’ was
the dominating class for most emotions), the
F1-macro measure was used to estimate the
model performance;
Multivariate regression
- where the task was
to estimate the numerical value of each emo-
tional category. Such approach takes into ac-
count the distances between user ratings. R-
squared measure was applied to compute the
model quality.
In order to investigate the effect of PEB on emo-
tion recognition for individual annotators, the fol-
lowing scenarios of the input data were considered:
- mean value of the annotation (regres-
sion) or most common class (classification)
for all texts compared to the target values; this
scenario is treated as initial baseline;
- text embeddings; it was the main base-
Figure 4: Two approaches to reasoning: (1) 10-task
classification and (2) multivariate regression. In (1),
the output contains 10 out of 52 classes. In (2), the
output contains 10 real values, one for each emotional
category. V – valence, A – emotional arousal.
- text embeddings and annotator
demographic data;
- text embeddings and annotator’s
- text embeddings, demographic data
and PEB;
scenario was performed to exam-
ine the impact of the number of annotated texts in
PEB on the emotion recognition quality.
As a source of text embeddings the following
models for Polish were used: (1) HerBERT, (2)
XLM-RoBERTa, (3) fastText and (4) RoBERTa.
The first one – HerBERT is currently considered
state of the art according to the KLEJ benchmark
(Rybak et al.,2020). Two neural network archi-
tectures were used to perform the experiments:
(1) multi-layer perceptron (MLP) for transformer-
based text embeddings (2) LSTM for fastText-
based word embeddings (with 32 hidden units and a
dropout equal to 0.5) with MLP to combine LSTM
output with additional features. In both cases, the
size of the input depends on the input embedding
size. MLP output for classification is a multi-hot
vector of length 52 (8 emotions x 5 possible ratings,
7 possible valence ratings, and 5 possible emotional
arousal ratings), and for regression – a vector of
size 10 containing real values ranging from 0 to 1
for each emotion dimension.
Ten fold cross-validation was applied as random-
ized non-overlapping partition of users and one
division of texts, Figure 3. Such an approach is
in line with leave-one-subject-out (LOSO) cross-
validation where data is also split according to par-
ticipants (subjects), i.e. data on one or more users
are separated in the test set. Recently, it is com-
monly treated as SOTA approach in emotion recog-
nition (Barlett et al.,1993;Schmidt et al.,2019)
In the SIZE scenario, we verified what incre-
mental gain in model evaluation score we would
achieve by increasing the number of texts in PEB
(Figure 5and Figure 6). The PEB measure denotes
how much emotional perception of a given user dif-
fers from opinions of other users. To examine the
significance of PEB for different emotional dimen-
sions, we calculated the correlation between the
PEB model results (R-squared) and the Krippen-
dorff’s alpha coefficient
for each emotional
category cC.
To investigate the impact of PEB also for multi-
ple languages, we translated Polish texts automat-
ically into 8 languages using DeepL
. According
to our manual tests and evaluation of translation
quality, DeepL is characterized by better context
matching of the target language utterances than
other solutions available on the market. We ap-
plied the original annotations to the translated texts
and then prepared dedicated models using XLM-
RoBERTa. The training, test and validation sets
were identical for all languages. The results are in
Table 5for classification and Table 6for regression.
In order to verify the significance of differences
between the evaluation results of each model in
each scenario, we performed the independent sam-
ples t-test with the Bonferroni correction, as we
tested more than two different models. We also
checked the normality assumptions before its ex-
ecution using Shapiro-Wilk test. If a sample did
not meet them, we used the non-parametric Mann-
Whitney U test.
6 Results
The results for all experimental scenarios and mod-
els, averaged collectively over ten folds are pre-
sented in Table 1for classification and Table 2for
regression. The performance for each emotional
category for all experimental variants for the best
model (HerBERT), is specified in Table 3for clas-
sification and Table 4for regression. The results of
multilingual model (XLM-RoBERTa) trained on
sets translated into 8 languages can be seen in Table
(1) HerBERT 5.97 17.69 21.94 32.02 38.42 38.81
(2) XLM-RoBERTa 5.97 17.30 21.29 31.91 38.20 38.44
(3) fastText+LSTM 5.97 16.48 20.52 32.09 37.25 38.36
(4) Polish RoBERTa 5.97 17.01 20.39 32.05 37.10 37.38
Table 1: Classification performance: F1-macro (%) av-
eraged over ten folds. The best model for a specified
scenario (column) is marked in bold; the best scenario
for a given model (row) is underlined. More than one
marked value means statistical insignificance between
(1) HerBERT -0.17 13.16 14.37 32.27 45.96 45.64
(2) XLM-RoBERTa -0.17 12.11 13.08 32.24 44.76 44.49
(3) fastText+LSTM -0.17 10.93 11.70 32.45 43.74 43.50
(4) Polish RoBERTa -0.17 9.92 10.53 32.26 42.45 42.29
Table 2: Performance of regression models: R-squared
averaged over folds. The best model in a given scenario
(column) is in bold; the best scenario for a model (row)
is underlined. More than one value highlighted means
statistical insignificance between them.
5for classification and Table 6for regression.
Figure 5presents R-squared results of reasoning
for the TXT+PEB scenario and HerBERT model
in relation to the number of texts from the past
set used to estimate personal bias
P EB (u, c)
; av-
eraged over all emotional categories and all users
. The past texts
annotated by user
are either
randomly selected or starting from the most con-
troversial, i.e. with the greatest
among all annotated by
in the past. The compo-
nent results for each emotion and only for random
selection are in Figure 6.
Figure 7depicts the correlation between the an-
notation consistency counted using Krippendorff’s
alpha and the prediction performance in the regres-
sion task on the best model – HerBERT.
7 Discussion
The best results for each model were observed in
the TXT+PEB scenario. The use of demographic
data as additional user characteristics apart from
the PEB measure in the ALL scenario did not pro-
vided significantly better results. HerBERT model
achieved the best results, but differences between
models are not statistically significant (except for
the Polish RoBERTa).
The performance improvement related to demo-
graphic data about individual users was considered
in the TXT+DEM scenario. Demographic features
encode bias for social groups. However, once we
have individual biases (the PEB measure), demo-
graphics becomes redundant and negatively affects
sadness 6.28±0.18 16.47±0.90 21.91±1.08 29.93±2.12 37.85±1.26 37.68±0.94 1.18 0.18
anticipation 6.11±0.32 13.43±0.26 19.14±1.12 36.21±2.00 38.58±1.35 38.68±1.61 1.32 0.06
joy 5.64±0.26 20.58±1.36 25.58±1.22 30.69±1.65 39.13±1.24 39.62±1.74 1.28 0.24
fear 5.20±0.23 16.07±0.29 18.57±1.30 34.58±1.65 38.80±1.25 39.22±1.88 1.07 0.09
surprise 6.45±0.28 13.05±0.31 16.73±1.28 35.07±1.15 36.23±1.04 37.52±1.37 1.30 0.02
disgust 5.22±0.31 17.32±0.80 20.13±1.37 30.31±1.69 36.25±1.07 36.75±0.94 1.13 0.16
trust 5.36±0.27 17.11±0.76 22.71±1.43 30.02±1.45 37.07±1.00 38.94±1.56 1.26 0.19
anger 5.33±0.21 21.09±0.79 24.42±1.30 29.90±1.71 37.91±1.32 38.12±1.19 1.31 0.25
arousal 7.99±0.18 18.80±1.63 24.42±1.30 42.08±1.31 45.48±0.98 44.45±0.72 1.28 0.05
valence 6.10±0.21 23.00±1.42 25.75±1.12 21.45±1.39 36.89±0.82 37.15±1.26 1.58 0.38
Table 3: Classification performance – F1-macro for HerBERT model; last two columns are (1) aggregated standard
deviation (std) and (2) Krippendorff’s alpha coefficient αint
sadness -0.14±0.13 14.08±1.85 14.73±2.27 30.24±3.37 44.93±2.46 44.40±2.74 1.18 0.18
anticipation -0.12±0.13 5.03±0.77 6.60±2.10 44.24±2.66 49.50±2.27 49.21±2.43 1.32 0.06
joy -0.13±0.15 20.20±2.21 21.41±2.19 26.82±2.92 47.66±2.00 47.50±1.97 1.28 0.24
fear -0.22±0.30 6.89±1.41 8.75±1.67 38.77±4.08 46.34±3.38 46.05±3.46 1.07 0.09
surprise -0.14±0.17 1.00±0.55 2.82±2.62 43.20±2.75 44.96±2.58 44.42±2.72 1.30 0.02
disgust -0.25±0.29 12.93±1.58 14.03±1.70 29.38±3.43 43.06±3.02 42.84±3.25 1.13 0.16
trust -0.13±0.21 15.92±1.50 16.81±1.73 29.72±3.25 45.69±2.36 45.57±2.25 1.26 0.19
anger -0.17±0.15 20.04±2.15 20.51±2.31 23.72±2.95 44.61±2.27 44.41±2.29 1.31 0.25
arousal -0.20±0.21 3.05±1.10 4.70±1.28 47.30±1.98 50.87±1.52 50.37±1.70 1.28 0.05
valence -0.16±0.13 32.44±2.75 33.35±2.56 9.32±2.22 41.98±1.61 41.68±1.49 1.58 0.38
Table 4: Regression performance – R-squared for HerBERT model; last two columns are (1) aggregated standard
deviation (std) and (2) Krippendorff’s alpha coefficient αint
Dutch 5.97 17.44 20.83 32.03 37.88 38.24
English 5.97 17.47 21.19 32.20 37.75 38.32
French 5.97 17.13 21.08 32.23 37.48 38.19
German 5.97 17.13 21.04 32.14 37.85 38.13
Italian 5.97 17.12 20.84 31.73 37.66 38.24
Portuguese 5.97 17.35 21.03 31.99 37.70 38.29
Russian 5.97 17.23 21.30 32.32 37.75 38.27
Spanish 5.97 17.42 21.35 32.19 37.75 38.35
Table 5: Classification results (F1-macro, XLM-
RoBERTa) for the texts translated into eight languages.
Dutch -0.17 11.76 12.75 32.29 44.41 44.11
English -0.17 12.04 12.91 32.23 44.70 44.33
French -0.17 11.79 12.67 32.26 44.44 44.13
German -0.17 11.76 12.50 32.30 44.42 44.04
Italian -0.17 11.69 12.75 32.20 44.39 44.11
Portuguese -0.17 11.74 12.60 32.31 44.46 44.11
Russian -0.17 11.74 12.33 32.22 44.35 44.07
Spanish -0.17 11.79 12.66 32.26 44.43 44.08
Table 6: Regression results (R-squared, XLM-
RoBERTa) for the texts translated into eight languages.
the results: compare TXT+PEB vs. ALL.
The PEB measure quantifies the difference in
opinions of a particular user with respect to the
others. In addition to beliefs, user decisions are
also influenced by UI design. Several emotional
categories could prove to be incomprehensible to
individual users, so that their annotations do not
reflect their opinions. Moreover, the scale of val-
ues could be misunderstood by some annotators
who could mark the middle value when they were
unsure whether a given emotional category was
present in the analyzed text at all.
The use of simple statistical methods based on
the averaged opinion about the text presented in
the AVG scenario performs much worse than lan-
guage models combined with MLP. Predicting the
user’s opinion solely upon the text in the TXT sce-
nario (our baseline) results in poor performance.
Therefore, there is a need to exploit personalized
user data. The phenomenon of improving inference
thanks to personalization is the same for each of the
four considered models. It means that the proper
personalization carried out at the stage of input data
is much more important than the language model
Figure 5: R-squared results on TXT+PEB scenario
and HerBERT model in relation to the number of texts
from the past set used to compute P EB (u, c)values
for a given user u, averaged over all emotional cat-
egories and all users. Two text selection procedures
were considered: random and the most controversial –
contrstd (d). The baseline is the TXT scenario. The
results for emotion categories and random selection are
in Figure 6.
or inference model.
In the case of regression models, the complemen-
tary nature of the PEB measure and the text itself
is clearly visible, see the PEB and TXT scenarios
in Table 2, Table 4, and Table 6. This is mani-
fested in a large number of cases in which a higher
quality of inference from the text (TXT scenario)
corresponds to the lower quality of the PEB-based
inference (PEB scenario) and vice versa. In turn,
their combination provides very good results. We
calculated the correlation value for the results of
evaluation over each emotional category and they
are equal to -0.558 and -0,970 for the results in
Table 3and Table 4, respectively. We also analyzed
the correlation between two values: (1) the sum
of the results in the TXT and PEB scenarios and
(2) the result in the TXT + PEB scenario. For the
regression models, correlations are 0.999, 0.995,
0.896 for the results in Table 2, Table 4and Table 6,
respectively. In a similar way, we computed the cor-
relation values for the results of the classification
models; they reach: 0.802, 0.931, 0.257, for data
from Table 1, Table 3and Table 5, respectively.
The performance in the PEB scenario is the low-
est for the valence category, which may result from
the highest agreement level (
c= 0.38
) and
more flat distribution, Figure 1. Simultaneously,
the reasoning based on text only (TXT scenario)
demonstrated an opposite dependency: its perfor-
mance is greatest for the highest agreement (va-
Figure 6: R-squared results on TXT+PEB scenario and
HerBERT model in relation to the number of texts from
the past set, randomly selected to compute P EB (u, c)
averaged over all users u– the solid lines. The dotted
lines of the same color is the baseline for a given cate-
gory (the TXT scenario).
Figure 7: R-squared results on PEB scenario and Her-
BERT model in relation to Krippendorff’s Alpha. Each
data point corresponds to a separate emotional category
from Table 4.
lence) and lowest for low agreements (surprise,
arousal and anticipation). It means that the more
users disagree, to the greater extent we should rely
on personal biases rather than solely on the textual
Even only one document annotated by a user
utilized to estimate PEB can boost the reasoning,
Figure 5. Moreover, only about 5-7 texts provided
in the past are enough to capture the personal user
beliefs. Later on, the gains are much smaller. This
is valid for all emotional categories, Figure 6. The
benefit is greater if PEB is computed for 1-3 most
controversial texts (
) annotated by a given
We have discovered a nearly linear negative cor-
relation between annotators’ agreement level (Krip-
pendorff’s alpha coefficient) and performance of
the regression model based only on the personal
bias (PEB), Figure 7.
8 Conclusions
Summarizing the experiments performed, we can
draw several conclusions related to additional data
that can be gathered during the annotation process.
By means of them, we are able to significantly
improve reasoning about emotional categories, i.e.
prediction of emotions evoked by the given textual
opinion in different people.
The most important conclusion is that the use
of our proposed Personal Emotional Bias measure
allows for a tremendous gain in prediction scores
for the particular annotator. Thus, we have shown
that using the current state-of-the-art methods for
embedding texts and data from just a few annota-
tions made by an individual user, we can infer the
user’s perception of emotions with much greater
effectiveness. This opens up the possibility of cre-
ating dedicated and personalized solutions targeted
at specific social groups and individuals we want
to reach with a given message.
We have shown that demographic data of anno-
tators have a positive impact on predicting their
reactions, however not as much as the answers they
provided during the survey itself. In addition, the
combination of text content, demographic data and
the single PEB feature built on the basis of their
historical ratings is even several times better than
the quality of responses given by the system based
on text data alone.
Such a great influence on the outcome of single-
individual data reveals a completely new direction.
The NLP solutions should focus more on good de-
sign of the annotation process, its flow and single
text-annotation sets rather than on post-processing
and generalization of data, i.e. common class la-
bels received by majority voting. The best proof
of this thesis is the fact that we are able to success-
fully ignore the problem of annotator disagreement
within a given text and fill in these gaps with human
In future work, we want to investigate the effect
of individual PEB vector components on recogni-
tion quality. Additionally, we want to extend the
PEB with information about the averaged annota-
tion value of texts. Finally, the quality of dedicated
models for individual emotional dimensions can be
compared to the multi-task model presented in this
This work was supported by (1) the National Cen-
tre for Research and Development, Poland, grant
no. POIR.01.01.01-00-0472/16 – Sentimenti; (2)
the National Science Centre, Poland, project no.
2020/37/B/ST6/03806; (3) the Polish Ministry of
Education and Science, CLARIN-PL Project; (4)
the European Regional Development Fund as a
part of the 2014-2020 Smart Growth Operational
Programme, CLARIN - Common Language Re-
sources and Technology Infrastructure, project no.
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... Joy Sadness Anticipation Surprise Anger Fear Disgust Trust Experimental results on the WRIME corpus show that our model performs better than both Bagof-Words (BoW) and BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) baselines without personality information, which suggests the advantage of using writers' personality information for subjective emotional intensity estimation. Furthermore, a hybrid model combining the existing personalized method (Milkowski et al., 2021) with ours achieved state-of-the-art performance in emotional intensity estimation. The performance is on par with the performance of our human annotators. ...
... Human emotions are subjective and have personal biases depending on many factors such as the first language, age, education , gender (Bolukbasi et al., 2016;Tatman, 2017), race (Sap et al., 2019;Davidson et al., 2019), and personality (Kajiwara et al., 2021). Due to the nature of such personal biases, writers may express different emotions even if they wrote the same text (Milkowski et al., 2021;Ngo et al., 2022). Taking into account the emotional differences between writers is important for a highquality emotional analysis. ...
... Personalized emotion analysis has been studied in recent years. Milkowski et al. (2021) personalized the emotion analysis by focusing on the labeling variation among annotators. They proposed Personal Emotional Bias (PEB) as a measure of labeling variation and showed that such user-specific information contributes to emotional intensity estimation. ...
... Others are concerned with identifying similar perspectives among groups of annotators based on demographic information (Bizzoni et al., 2022;Goyal et al., 2022;Sang & Stanton, 2022), personality traits (Labat et al., 2022), or annotation behaviour (Akhtar et al., 2020). Finally, some works are concerned with preserving the views of individual annotators' evaluations Milkowski et al., 2021). view this as a continuum from data-to human-centricism, where works that focus on the individual level of annotator granularity sit at the human end of the spectrum. ...
... Modelling human bias The fifth (and last) category is focused on human biases. Milkowski et al. (2021) introduce a novel measure estimating Personal Emotional Bias (PEB) in evaluating opinions. PEB measures the extent to which previously known annotations of a given user differ from the average annotations provided by all others for a given emotional category, aggregated over all documents. ...
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In Artificial Intelligence research, perspectivism is an approach to machine learning that aims at leveraging data annotated by different individuals in order to model varied perspectives that influence their opinions and world view. We present the first survey of datasets and methods relevant to perspectivism in Natural Language Processing (NLP). We review datasets in which individual annotator labels are preserved, as well as research papers focused on analysing and modelling human perspectives for NLP tasks. Our analysis is based on targeted questions that aim to surface how different perspectives are taken into account, what the novelties and advantages of perspectivist approaches/methods are, and the limitations of these works. Most of the included works have a perspectivist goal, even if some of them do not explicitly discuss perspectivism. A sizeable portion of these works are focused on highly subjective phenomena in natural language where humans show divergent understandings and interpretations, for example in the annotation of toxic and otherwise undesirable language. However, in seemingly objective tasks too, human raters often show systematic disagreement. Through the framework of perspectivism we summarize the solutions proposed to extract and model different points of view, and how to evaluate and explain perspectivist models. Finally, we list the key concepts that emerge from the analysis of the sources and several important observations on the impact of perspectivist approaches on future research in NLP.
... All these differences can impact the annotation process. Studies such as Milkowski et al. (2021) have shown that individual differences among annotators can significantly affect emotion annotations in text. These individual differences introduce subjectivity into data assumed to be objective, leading to inconsistencies that can skew the training and evaluation of models designed to predict emotional reactions from text. ...
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This paper investigates the presence of political bias in emotion inference models used for sentiment analysis (SA) in social science research. Machine learning models often reflect biases in their training data, impacting the validity of their outcomes. While previous research has highlighted gender and race biases, our study focuses on political bias - an underexplored yet pervasive issue that can skew the interpretation of text data across a wide array of studies. We conducted a bias audit on a Polish sentiment analysis model developed in our lab. By analyzing valence predictions for names and sentences involving Polish politicians, we uncovered systematic differences influenced by political affiliations. Our findings indicate that annotations by human raters propagate political biases into the model's predictions. To mitigate this, we pruned the training dataset of texts mentioning these politicians and observed a reduction in bias, though not its complete elimination. Given the significant implications of political bias in SA, our study emphasizes caution in employing these models for social science research. We recommend a critical examination of SA results and propose using lexicon-based systems as a more ideologically neutral alternative. This paper underscores the necessity for ongoing scrutiny and methodological adjustments to ensure the reliability and impartiality of the use of machine learning in academic and applied contexts.
... This includes alternative measures, such as majority vote, but also new techniques coming from the field of AI, allowing to capture individual assessment. Here, Miłkowski et al. (2021) propose Personal Emotional Bias (PEB) metric as a measure of an individual's tendency to annotate different categories of emotion. In further studies it could be adopted to the annotation of pathos-related Argument Schemes to investigate those individual differences in the annotation of emotion-appealing arguments. ...
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In this paper, we present a model of pathos, delineate its operationalisation, and demonstrate its utility through an analysis of natural language argumentation. We understand pathos as an interactional persuasive process in which speakers are performing pathos appeals and the audience experiences emotional reactions. We analyse two strategies of such appeals in pre-election debates: pathotic Argument Schemes based on the taxonomy proposed by Walton et al. (Argumentation schemes, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008), and emotion-eliciting language based on psychological lexicons of emotive words (Wierzba in Behav Res Methods 54:2146–2161, 2021). In order to match the appeals with possible reactions, we collect real-time social media reactions to the debates and apply sentiment analysis (Alswaidan and Menai in Knowl Inf Syst 62:2937–2987, 2020) method to observe emotion expressed in language. The results point to the importance of pathos analysis in modern discourse: speakers in political debates refer to emotions in most of their arguments, and the audience in social media reacts to those appeals using emotion-expressing language. Our results show that pathos is a common strategy in natural language argumentation which can be analysed with the support of computational methods.
... This is why rigorous studies are essential before deploying data and models in real-world settings. When creating data, it is crucial to incorporate different perspectives evaluation standards, such as "golden standards" [5], incorporating criteria for evaluating annotators [6,7,8], grouping them according to potential bias factors [9] or using text visualization techniques to analyze annotated datasets [10]. On the model level, explainable AI (XAI) techniques [11,12,13] are being used to demystify complex models and ensure transparency. ...
Conference Paper
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This paper explores the correlation between linguistic diversity, sentiment analysis and transformer model architectures. We aim to investigate how different English variations impact transformer-based models for irony detection. To conduct our study, we used the EPIC corpus to extract five diverse English variation-specific datasets and applied the KEN pruning algorithm on five different architectures. Our results reveal several similarities between optimal subnetworks, which provide insights into the linguistic variations that share strong resemblances and those that exhibit greater dissimilarities. We discovered that optimal subnetworks across models share at least 60% of their parameters, emphasizing the significance of parameter values in capturing and interpreting linguistic variations. This study highlights the inherent structural similarities between models trained on different variants of the same language and also the critical role of parameter values in capturing these nuances.
... This is why rigorous studies are essential before deploying data and models in real-world settings. When creating data, it is crucial to incorporate different perspectives evaluation standards, such as "golden standards" [5], incorporating criteria for evaluating annotators [6,7,8], grouping them according to potential bias factors [9] or using text visualization techniques to analyze annotated datasets [10]. On the model level, explainable AI (XAI) techniques [11,12,13] are being used to demystify complex models and ensure transparency. ...
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This paper explores the correlation between linguistic diversity, sentiment analysis and transformer model architectures. We aim to investigate how different English variations impact transformer-based models for irony detection. To conduct our study, we used the EPIC corpus to extract five diverse English variation-specific datasets and applied the KEN pruning algorithm on five different architectures. Our results reveal several similarities between optimal subnetworks, which provide insights into the linguistic variations that share strong resemblances and those that exhibit greater dissimilarities. We discovered that optimal subnetworks across models share at least 60% of their parameters, emphasizing the significance of parameter values in capturing and interpreting linguistic variations. This study highlights the inherent structural similarities between models trained on different variants of the same language and also the critical role of parameter values in capturing these nuances.
Emotion analysis often relies on annotated data sets, where labels assigned to documents represent the average or majority opinion of annotators. These models are effective in identifying general views but have limited ability to predict emotions experienced by individuals. In our study, we conducted research on a Kannada data set comprising 4000 opinions. Each opinion was annotated by a group of 15 individuals, providing assessments on two aspects: valence and arousal. Additionally, we analyzed the intensity of eight emotions based on Plutchik’s model. This investigation revealed significant variations in individual responses compared to the average. To address this, we introduced a new measure called Personal Emotional Bias (PEB) to estimate this effect. Incorporating PEB proved crucial in enhancing personalized reasoning. Our method and measure have the potential to enhance the effectiveness of individualized solutions and content suggestion systems designed to shield annotators from offensive and undesirable content that is inherently subjective.
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There is content such as hate speech, offensive, toxic or aggressive documents, which are perceived differently by their consumers. They are commonly identified using classifiers solely based on textual content that generalize pre-agreed meanings of difficult problems. Such models provide the same results for each user, which leads to high misclassification rate observable especially for contentious, aggressive documents. Both document controversy and user nonconformity require new solutions. Therefore, we propose novel personalized approaches that respect individual beliefs expressed by either user conformity-based measures or various embeddings of their previous text annotations. We found that only a few annotations of most controversial documents are enough for all our personalization methods to significantly outperform classic, generalized solutions. The more controversial the content, the greater the gain. The personalized solutions may be used to efficiently filter unwanted aggressive content in the way adjusted to a given person.
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Analysis of subjective texts like offensive content or hate speech is a great challenge, especially regarding annotation process. Most of current annotation procedures are aimed at achieving a high level of agreement in order to generate a high quality reference source. However, the annotation guidelines for subjective content may restrict the annotators’ freedom of decision making. Motivated by a moderate annotation agreement in offensive content datasets, we hypothesize that personalized approaches to offensive content identification should be in place. Thus, we propose two novel perspectives of perception: group-based and individual. Using demographics of annotators as well as embeddings of their previous decisions (annotated texts), we are able to train multimodal models (including transformer-based) adjusted to personal or community profiles. Based on the agreement of individuals and groups, we experimentally showed that annotator group agreeability strongly correlates with offensive content recognition quality. The proposed personalized approaches enabled us to create models adaptable to personal user beliefs rather than to agreed offensiveness understanding. Overall, our individualized approaches to offensive content classification outperform classic data-centric methods that generalize offensiveness perception and it refers to all six tested models. Additionally, we developed requirements for annotation procedures, personalization and content processing to make the solutions human-centered.
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In this article we extend a WordNet structure with relations linking synsets to Desikan’s brain regions. Based on lexicographer files and WordNet Domains the mapping goes from synset semantic categories to behavioural and cognitive functions and then directly to brain lobes. A human brain connectome (HBC) adjacency matrix was utilised to capture transition probabilities between brain regions. We evaluated the new structure in several tasks related to semantic similarity and emotion processing using brain-expanded Princeton WordNet (207k LUs) and Polish WordNet (285k LUs, 30k annotated with valence, arousal and 8 basic emotions). A novel HBC vector representation turned out to be significantly better than proposed baselines. URL:
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In this article, we present a novel technique for the use of language-agnostic sentence representations to adapt the model trained on texts in Polish (as a low-resource language) to recognize polarity in texts in other (high-resource) languages. The first model focuses on the creation of a language-agnostic representation of each sentence. The second one aims to predict the sentiment of the text based on these sentence representations. Besides models evaluation on PolEmo 1.0 Sentiment Corpus, we also conduct a proof of concept for using a deep neural network model trained only on language-agnostic embeddings of texts in Polish to predict the sentiment of the texts in MultiEmo-Test 1.0 Sentiment Corpus, containing PolEmo 1.0 test datasets translated into eight different languages: Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. Both corpora are publicly available under a Creative Commons copyright license.
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Social media is a powerful source of communication among people to share their sentiments in the form of opinions and views about any topic or article, which results in an enormous amount of unstructured information. Business organizations need to process and study these sentiments to investigate data and to gain business insights. Hence, to analyze these sentiments, various machine learning, and natural language processing-based approaches have been used in the past. However, deep learning-based methods are becoming very popular due to their high performance in recent times. This paper provides a detailed survey of popular deep learning models that are increasingly applied in sentiment analysis. We present a taxonomy of sentiment analysis and discuss the implications of popular deep learning architectures. The key contributions of various researchers are highlighted with the prime focus on deep learning approaches. The crucial sentiment analysis tasks are presented, and multiple languages are identified on which sentiment analysis is done. The survey also summarizes the popular datasets, key features of the datasets, deep learning model applied on them, accuracy obtained from them, and the comparison of various deep learning models. The primary purpose of this survey is to highlight the power of deep learning architectures for solving sentiment analysis problems.
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In this article we present an extended version of PolEmo – a corpus of consumer reviews from 4 domains: medicine, hotels, products and school. Current version (PolEmo 2.0) contains 8,216 reviews having 57,466 sentences. Each text and sentence was manually annotated with sentiment in 2+1 scheme, which gives a total of 197,046 annotations. We obtained a high value of Positive Specific Agreement, which is 0.91 for texts and 0.88 for sentences. PolEmo 2.0 is publicly available under a Creative Commons copyright license. We explored recent deep learning approaches for the recognition of sentiment, such as Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) and Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT).