
IRS‐Assisted Localization for Airborne Mobile Networks

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The use of intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS) in next‐generation mobile networks is currently a hot topic. At the same time, next‐generation mobile networks are going airborne as heavily discussed in this book. Since the base stations and users both are meant to be mobile in this setting, this chapter explores the possibility of using IRS in airborne networks (ANs) for localization of users and base stations. Positioning is an important aspect in present and future wireless networks, where it augments the network operations and assists in multiple localization‐based applications. This chapter outlines the use of IRS in AN in different settings and gives an overview of potential positioning using pilot symbols in beyond‐5G (B5G) mobile networks employing IRSs.

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... Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS), also known as metasurface or intelligent reflective surface, is a core technology of the 6G mobile communication, which can improve the quality and range of commu-nication, and enhance the wireless positioning effect [110][111][112]. Besides, RIS also has the advantages of low cost and easy deployment, which can be deployed on the surfaces of stationary or moving objects [113][114][115][116][117]. RIS has been applied in various fields as an emerging technology, for example, communication networks [118,119], positioning systems [120][121][122][123][124][125][126]. In [120], the positioning and orientation mean square errors of the RIS assisted millimeter wave positioning systems were evaluated, indicating that the studied adaptive phase shifter design scheme has better performance compared with random phase and exhaustive search schemes. ...
... 2. The emerging positioning algorithms that integrated with matured traditional algorithms played roles in positioning field, such as neural network positioning method with anti-interference, fast running speed and high positioning accuracy characteristics [90][91][92][93], which can effectively solve the influence of multi-path effect and noise on the positioning effect. On the other hand, RIS, an emerging technology in 6G, can be used to enhance the communication quality, communication range ability and the performance of wireless positioning, thus RIS assisted positioning technologies were studied in millimeter wave systems [121], smart radio environment [122], multi-user systems [123,124], near-field propagation environment [125], UWB systems [126]. ...
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The development of the fifth-generation (5G) mobile communication systems has entered the commercialization stage. 5G has a high data rate, low latency, and high reliability that can meet the basic demands of most industries and daily life, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), intelligent transportation systems, positioning, and navigation. The continuous progress and development of society have aroused wide concern. Positioning accuracy is the core demand for the applications, especially in complex environments such as airports, warehouses, supermarkets, and basements. However, many factors also affect the accuracy of positioning in those environments, for example, multipath effects, non-line-of-sight, and clock synchronization errors. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the existing works about positioning for the future wireless network and discusses its key techniques and algorithms, as well as the current development and future directions. We first outline the current traditional positioning technologies and algorithms, which are discussed and analyzed with the relevant literature. In addition, we also discuss application scenarios for wireless localization. By comparing different positioning systems, the challenges and future development directions of existing wireless positioning systems are prospected.
... However, more recently, developments to address such scenarios are centered around reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) and intelligent sensing and communication (ISAC) systems. RISs improve the reliability of communication networks by providing alternate "LOS-like" communication channel where the primary LOS of the communication network has been disrupted [102]. This alternate communication path maintains the QoS and can be used to provide reliable connectivity in the presence of conditional disruptions. ...
Cellular communication standards have been established to ensure connectivity across most urban environments, complemented by deployment hardware and facilities tailored for city life. At the same time, numerous initiatives seek to broaden connectivity to rural and developing areas. However, with nearly half the global population still offline, there is an urgent need to drive research toward enhancing connectivity in areas and conditions that deviate from the norm. This article delves into innovative communication solutions not only for hard-to-reach and extreme environments but also introduces “hard-to-serve” areas as a crucial, yet underexplored, category within the broader spectrum of connectivity challenges.We explore the latest advancements in communication systems designed for environments subject to extreme temperatures, harsh weather, excessive dust, or even disasters such as fires. Our exploration spans the entire communication stack, covering communications on isolated islands, sparsely populated regions, mountainous terrains, and even underwater and underground settings. We highlight system architectures, hardware, materials, algorithms, and other pivotal technologies that promise to connect these challenging areas. Through case studies, we explore the application of 5G for innovative research, long range (LoRa) for audio messages and emails, LoRa wireless connections, free-space optics, communications in underwater and underground scenarios, delay-tolerant networks, satellite links, and the strategic use of shared spectrum and TV white space (TVWS) to improve mobile connectivity in secluded and remote regions. These studies also touch on prevalent challenges such as power outages, regulatory gaps, technological availability, and human resource constraints, where we introduce the concept of peri-urban hard-to-serve areas where populations might struggle with affordability or lack the skills for traditional connectivity solutions. This article provides an exhaustive summary of our research, showcasing how 6G and future networks will play a crucial role in delivering connectivity to areas that are hard-to-reach, hard-to-serve, or subject to extreme conditions (ECs).
... Therefore, there's a different way whereby IRS reveals the fields of wireless studies of which the attention focuses on addressing multipaths to designing it. Researchers lately investigated that IRS-aided solutions may greatly improve present vehicular and mobility networks' energy efficiency capacity, and coverage [2], [3], [4], [5], - [6]. In this regard, different types of metasurfaces are as follows: ...
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Both unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS) are gaining traction as transformative technologies for upcoming wireless networks. The IRS-aided UAV communication, which introduces IRSs into UAV communications, has emerged in an effort to improve the system performance while also overcoming UAV communication constraints and issues. The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of IRSassisted UAV communications. First, we provide five examples of how IRSs and UAVs can be combined to achieve unrivaled potential in difficult situations. The technological features of the most recent relevant researches on IRS-aided UAV communications from the perspective of the main performance criteria, i.e., energy efficiency, security, spectral efficiency, etc. Additionally, previous research studies on technology adoption as machine learning algorithms. Lastly, some promising research directions and open challenges for IRS-aided UAV communication are presented.
... From the point of view of the key performance matrix energy efficiency (EE) and as influencing fact, the trajectory of the UAVs have a direct impact on the reliability and seamless connectivity of the airborne network [47,48]. Considering the opportunities created with the advancement of IRS, its deployment in airborne platforms is gaining significant attention from researchers around the world. ...
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Future generation communication systems are aiming to provide a tremendous high data rate with low-latency high reliable and three-dimensional coverage. To achieve such a challenging goal, it is required to have very precise location information related to the mobile terminal. The advancement of signal processing techniques and communication technologies enables the path for improving localization performance. Recently, intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) has been widely considered as the key element for the future generation of wireless communication. Over the past few years, the performance of IRS-assisted networks is extensively investigated from the point of view of communication purposes and its improvement. However, by virtue of its potential, IRS finds its application for wireless localization. In this paper, we discuss and summarize the works that have already been carried out targeting localization performance improvement. In addition, we figured out the associated challenges and the opportunities to scale up the localization accuracy. Particularly in this paper, the authors have discussed the challenging issues such as channel modeling, channel estimation, system architecture, hardware impairment, IRS deployment strategies, phase optimization, mobility management, and near-field environments. Although these challenges are associated with opportunities to make the IRS-assisted system more effective and efficient.
... Therefore, there's a new way whereby IRS reveals the fields of wireless communications studies of which the attention focuses on addressing multipaths to designing it. Researchers lately investigated that IRS-aided solutions may greatly improve present vehicular and mobility networks' energy efficiency capacity, and coverage, [2], [3], [4], [5],and [6]. Additionally, there are new ideas where IRS has been presented in the literature, some of which are listed below: ...
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Aerial platforms are expected to deliver enhanced and seamless connectivity in the fifth generation (5G) wireless networks and beyond (B5G). Alternatively, reconfigurable smart surfaces (RSS), which smartly exploit/recycle signal reflections in the environment, are increasingly being recognized as a new wireless communication paradigm to improve communication links. In fact, their reduced cost, low power use, light weight, and flexible deployment make them an attractive candidate for integration with 5G/B5G technologies. In this article, we discuss comprehensive approaches to the integration of RSS in aerial platforms. First, we present a review of RSS technology, its operations, and types of communication. Next, we describe how RSS can be used in aerial platforms, and we propose a control architecture workflow. Then several potential use cases are presented and discussed. Finally, associated research challenges are identified.
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The concept of Smart Cities has been introduced as a way to benefit from the digitization of various ecosystems at a city level. To support this concept, future communication networks need to be carefully designed with respect to the city infrastructure and utilization of resources. Recently, the idea of ‘smart’ environment, which takes advantage of the infrastructure in order to enable better performance of wireless networks, has been proposed. This idea is aligned with the recent advances in design of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs), which are planar structures with the capability to reflect impinging electromagnetic waves toward preferred directions. Thus, RISs are expected to provide the necessary flexibility for the design of the ‘smart’ communication environment, which can be optimally shaped to enable cost- and energy-efficient signal transmissions where needed. Upon deployment of RISs, the ecosystem of the Smart Cities would become even more controllable and adaptable, which would subsequently ease the implementation of future communication networks in urban areas and boost the interconnection among private households and public services. In this article, we provide our vision on RIS integration into future Smart Cities by pointing out some forward-looking new application scenarios and use cases and by highlighting the potential advantages of RIS deployment. To this end, we identify the most promising research directions and opportunities. The respective design problems are formulated mathematically. Moreover, we focus the discussion on the key enabling aspects for RIS-assisted Smart Cities, which require substantial research efforts such as pilot decontamination, precoding for large multiuser networks, distributed operation and control of RISs. These contributions pave the road to a systematic design of RIS-assisted communication networks for Smart Cities in the years to come.
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The use of large arrays might be the solution to the capacity problems in wireless communications. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) grows linearly with the number of array elements N when using Massive MIMO receivers and half-duplex relays. Moreover, intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs) have recently attracted attention since these can relay signals to achieve an SNR that grows as N2, which seems like a major benefit. In this paper, we use a deterministic propagation model for a planar array of arbitrary size, to demonstrate that the mentioned SNR behaviors, and associated power scaling laws, only apply in the far-field. They cannot be used to study the regime where N∞. We derive an exact channel gain expression that captures three essential near-field behaviors and use it to revisit the power scaling laws. We derive new finite asymptotic SNR limits but also conclude that these are unlikely to be approached in practice. We further prove that an IRS-aided setup cannot achieve a higher SNR than an equal-sized Massive MIMO setup, despite its faster SNR growth. We quantify analytically how much larger the IRS must be to achieve the same SNR. Finally, we show that an optimized IRS does not behave as an “anomalous” mirror but can vastly outperform that benchmark.
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In this paper, to further improve the coverage and performance of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) communication systems, we propose a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-assisted UAV scheme where an RIS installed on a building is used to reflect the signals transmitted from the ground source to an UAV, and the UAV is deployed as a relay to forward the decoded signals to the destination. To model the statistical distribution of the RIS-assisted ground-to-air (G2A) links, we develop a tight approximation for the probability density function (PDF) of the instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Thanks to this distribution, analytical expressions of outage probability, average bit error rate (BER), and average capacity are derived. Results show that the use of RISs can effectively improve the coverage and reliability of UAV communication systems.
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This letter proposes a novel hybrid relay and Intelligent Reflecting Surface (IRS) assisted system for future wireless networks. We demonstrate that for practical scenarios where the amount of radiated power and/or the number of reflecting elements are/is limited, the performance of an IRS-supported system can be significantly enhanced by utilizing a simple Decode-and-Forward (DF) relay. Tight upper bounds for the ergodic capacity are derived for the proposed scheme under different channel environments, and shown to closely match Monte-Carlo simulations.
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Computation off-loading in mobile edge computing (MEC) systems constitutes an efficient paradigm of supporting resource-intensive applications on mobile devices. However, the benefit of MEC cannot be fully exploited, when the communications link used for off-loading computational tasks is hostile. Fortunately, the propagation-induced impairments may be mitigated by intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS), which are capable of enhancing both the spectral-and energy-efficiency. Specifically, an IRS comprises an IRS controller and a large number of passive reflecting elements, each of which may impose a phase shift on the incident signal, thus collaboratively improving the propagation environment. In this paper, the beneficial role of IRSs is investigated in MEC systems, where single-antenna devices may opt for off-loading a fraction of their computational tasks to the edge computing node via a multi-antenna access point with the aid of an IRS. Pertinent latency-minimization problems are formulated for both single-device and multi-device scenarios, subject to practical constraints imposed on both the edge computing capability and the IRS phase shift design. To solve this problem, the block coordinate descent (BCD) technique is invoked to decouple the original problem into two subproblems, and then the computing and communications settings are alternatively optimized using low-complexity iterative algorithms. It is demonstrated that our IRS-aided MEC system is capable of significantly outperforming the conventional MEC system operating without IRSs. Quantitatively, about 20 % computational latency reduction is achieved over the conventional MEC system in a single cell of a 300 m radius and 5 active devices, relying on a 5-antenna access point.
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Aerial-ground interference mitigation has been deemed as the main challenge in realizing cellular-connected unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) communications. Due to the line-of-sight (LoS)-dominant air-ground channels, the UAV generates/suffers much stronger interference to/from cellular base stations (BSs) over a much larger region in its uplink/downlink communication, as compared to the terrestrial users. As a result, conventional inter-cell interference coordination (ICIC) techniques catered for terrestrial networks become ineffective in mitigating the more severe UAV-induced interference. To deal with this new challenge, this letter introduces a cognitive radio based solution by treating the UAV and terrestrial users as secondary and primary users in the network, respectively. In particular, the LoS channels with terrestrial BSs/users endow the UAV with a powerful spectrum sensing capability for detecting the terrestrial signals over a much larger region than its serving BS. By exploiting this unique feature, we propose a new UAV-sensing-assisted ICIC design for both the UAV downlink and uplink communications. Specifically, the UAV senses its received interference and the transmissions of terrestrial users in the downlink and uplink, respectively, over the resource blocks (RBs) available at its serving BS to assist its RB allocation to the UAV for avoiding the interference with co-channel terrestrial communications. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed UAV-assisted ICIC outperforms the conventional terrestrial ICIC by engaging the neighboring BSs for cooperation only.
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Intelligent reflecting surfaces can improve the communication between a source and a destination. The surface contains metamaterial that is configured to “reflect” the incident wave from the source towards the destination. Two incompatible pathloss models have been used in prior work. In this letter, we derive the far-field pathloss using physical optics techniques and explain why the surface consists of many elements that individually act as diffuse scatterers but can jointly beamform the signal in a desired direction with a certain beamwidth. We disprove one of the previously conjectured pathloss models.
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The future of mobile communications looks exciting with the potential new use cases and challenging requirements of future 6th generation (6G) and beyond wireless networks. Since the beginning of the modern era of wireless communications, the propagation medium has been perceived as a randomly behaving entity between the transmitter and the receiver, which degrades the quality of the received signal due to the uncontrollable interactions of the transmitted radio waves with the surrounding objects. The recent advent of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces in wireless communications enables, on the other hand, network operators to control the scattering, reflection, and refraction characteristics of the radio waves, by overcoming the negative effects of natural wireless propagation. Recent results have revealed that reconfigurable intelligent surfaces can effectively control the wavefront, e.g., the phase, amplitude, frequency, and even polarization, of the impinging signals without the need of complex decoding, encoding, and radio frequency processing operations. Motivated by the potential of this emerging technology, the present article is aimed to provide the readers with a detailed overview and historical perspective on state-of-the-art solutions, and to elaborate on the fundamental differences with other technologies, the most important open research issues to tackle, and the reasons why the use of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces necessitates to rethink the communication-theoretic models currently employed in wireless networks. This article also explores theoretical performance limits of reconfigurable intelligent surface-assisted communication systems using mathematical techniques and elaborates on the potential use cases of intelligent surfaces in 6G and beyond wireless networks.
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The presence of a high-rate, but also cost-efficient and scalable, backhaul/fronthaul framework is essential in the upcoming fifth-generation (5G) wireless networks & beyond. Motivated by the mounting interest in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for providing communications services and the recent advances in Free-Space Optics (FSO), this article investigates the feasibility of a novel vertical backhaul/fronthaul framework where the UAVs transport the backhaul/fronthaul traffic between the access and core networks via point-to-point FSO links. The performance of the proposed innovative approach is investigated under different weather conditions and system parameters. Simulation results demonstrate that the FSO-based vertical backhaul/fronthaul framework offers data rates higher than the baseline alternatives, and thus can be considered as a promising solution to the emerging backhaul/fronthaul requirements of the 5G+ wireless networks, particularly in the presence of ultra-dense heterogeneous small cells. We also present the challenges that accompany such a framework and provide some key ideas toward overcoming such challenges.
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Positioning within a local area refers to technology whereby each node is self-aware of its position. Based on empirical study, this paper proposes an enhancement to the path loss model in the indoor environment for improved accuracy in the relationship between distance and received signal strength. We further demonstrate the potential of our model for the WiFi positioning system, where the mean errors in the distance estimation are 2.3 m and 2.9 m for line of sight and non line of sight environments, respectively.
In this letter, improving the security of an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) assisted multiple-input single-output (MISO) communication system is studied. Different from the ideal assumption in existing literatures that full eavesdropper's (Eve's) channel state information (CSI) is available, we consider a more practical scenario that no Eve's CSI is available. To enhance the security of this system given a total transmit power at transmitter (Alice), we propose a joint beamforming and jamming approach, in which a minimum transmit power is firstly optimized at Alice so as to meet the quality of service (QoS) at legitimate user (Bob), and then artificial noise (AN) is applied to jam the eavesdropper by using the residual power at Alice. Two efficient algorithms exploiting oblique manifold (OM) and minorization-maximization (MM) algorithms, respectively, are developed for solving the resulting non-convex optimization problem. Simulation results have been provided to validate the performance and convergence of the proposed algorithms.
In intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) assisted communication systems, the acquisition of channel state information is a crucial impediment for achieving the beamforming gain of IRS because of the considerable overhead required for channel estimation. Specifically, under the current beamforming design for IRS-assisted communications, in total KMN+KM channel coefficients should be estimated, where K , N and M denote the numbers of users, IRS reflecting elements, and antennas at the base station (BS), respectively. For the first time in the literature, this paper points out that despite the vast number of channel coefficients that should be estimated, significant redundancy exists in the user-IRS-BS reflected channels of different users arising from the fact that each IRS element reflects the signals from all the users to the BS via the same channel. To utilize this redundancy for reducing the channel estimation time, we propose a novel three-phase pilot-based channel estimation framework for IRS-assisted uplink multiuser communications, in which the user-BS direct channels and the user-IRS-BS reflected channels of a typical user are estimated in Phase I and Phase II, respectively, while the user-IRS-BS reflected channels of the other users are estimated with low overhead in Phase III via leveraging their strong correlation with those of the typical user. Under this framework, we analytically prove that a time duration consisting of K+N+max(K1,(K1)N/M)K+N+\max (K-1,\lceil (K-1)N/M \rceil) pilot symbols is sufficient for perfectly recovering all the KMN+KM channel coefficients under the case without receiver noise at the BS. Further, under the case with receiver noise, the user pilot sequences, IRS reflecting coefficients, and BS linear minimum mean-squared error channel estimators are characterized in closed-form.
This paper presents a literature review on recent applications and design aspects of the intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) in the future wireless networks. Conventionally, the network optimization has been limited to transmission control at two endpoints, i.e., end users and network controller. The fading wireless channel is uncontrollable and becomes one of the main limiting factors for performance improvement. The IRS is composed of a large array of scattering elements, which can be individually configured to generate additional phase shifts to the signal reflections. Hence, it can actively control the signal propagation properties in favor of signal reception, and thus realize the notion of a smart radio environment. As such, the IRS’s phase control, combined with the conventional transmission control, can potentially bring performance gain compared to wireless networks without IRS. In this survey, we first introduce basic concepts of the IRS and the realizations of its reconfigurability. Then, we focus on applications of the IRS in wireless communications. We overview different performance metrics and analytical approaches to characterize the performance improvement of IRS-assisted wireless networks. To exploit the performance gain, we discuss the joint optimization of the IRS’s phase control and the transceivers’ transmission control in different network design problems, e.g., rate maximization and power minimization problems. Furthermore, we extend the discussion of IRS-assisted wireless networks to some emerging use cases. Finally, we highlight important practical challenges and future research directions for realizing IRS-assisted wireless networks in beyond 5G communications.
In this paper, we investigate the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-aided simultaneous uplink and downlink transmission networks, where one UAV acting as a disseminator is connected to multiple access points (AP), and the other UAV acting as a base station (BS) collects data from numerous sensor nodes (SNs). The goal of this paper is to maximize the system throughput by jointly optimizing the 3D UAV trajectory, communication scheduling, and UAV-AP/SN transmit power. We first consider a special case where the UAV-BS and UAV-AP trajectories are pre-determined. Although the resulting problem is an integer and non-convex optimization problem, a globally optimal solution is obtained by applying the polyblock outer approximation (POA) method based on the problem’s hidden monotonic structure. Subsequently, for the general case considering the 3D UAV trajectory optimization, an efficient iterative algorithm is proposed to alternately optimize the divided sub-problems based on the successive convex approximation (SCA) technique. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed design is able to achieve significant system throughput gain over the benchmarks. In addition, the SCA-based method can achieve nearly the same performance as the POA-based method with much lower computational complexity.
In this paper, we apply the large intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) technique in beyond fifth-generation (B5G) cellular internet of things (IoT) to satisfy the requirements of massive connectivity, low power and wide coverage. First, we design a framework for the large IRS aided B5G cellular IoT, including channel estimation, uplink data transmission, downlink data transmission. Then, we analyze the performance of the proposed framework, and reveal the impacts of key parameters of the large IRS on the spectral efficiency. Next, we propose a low-complexity time-length allocation algorithm to minimize the total energy consumption of B5G cellular IoT. Finally, extensive simulation results validate the accuracy of the derived theoretical expressions and the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
This paper investigates the use of a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) to aid point-to-point multi-data-stream multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communications. With practical finite alphabet input, the reflecting elements at the RIS and the precoder at the transmitter are alternatively optimized to minimize the symbol error rate (MSER). In the reflecting optimization with a fixed precoder, two reflecting design methods are developed, referred as eMSER-Reflecting and vMSER-Reflecting. In the optimization of the precoding matrix with a fixed reflecting pattern, the matrix optimization is transformed to be a vector optimization problem and two methods are proposed to solve it, which are referred as MSER-Precoding and MMED-Precoding. The superiority of the proposed designs is investigated by simulations. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed reflecting and precoding designs can offer a lower SER than existing designs with the assumption of complex Gaussian input. Moreover, we compare RIS with a full-duplex Amplify-and-Forward (AF) relay system in terms of SER to show the advantage of RIS.
In wireless localization systems, location information with respect to anchors will be exposed to untrusted target or third party inevitably leading to location privacy leakage. Differential privacy based techniques can provide theoretical guarantee to privacy preservation, while such privacy preservation will degrade localization accuracy. We note that the quantitative relationship between localization accuracy and privacy level is still unclear. In this paper, we derive the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) about the target location when the anchors take a privacy preservation mechanism satisfying geo-indistinguishability, which is an application of differential privacy on Euclidean metric. The closed-form relationship between the target localization accuracy and the anchors' location privacy level is provided respectively for range-only and bearing-only localization. Numerical results in further verify our theoretical results.
One of the main challenges slowing the deployment of airborne base stations (BSs) using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is the limited on-board energy and flight time. One potential solution to such problem, is to provide the UAV with power supply through a tether that connects the UAV to the ground. In this paper, we study the optimal placement of tethered UAVs (TUAVs) to minimize the average path-loss between the TUAV and a receiver located on the ground. Given that the tether has a maximum length, and the launching point of the TUAV (the starting point of the tether) is placed on a rooftop, the TUAV is only allowed to hover within a specific hovering region. Beside the maximum tether length, this hovering region also depends on the heights of the buildings surrounding the rooftop, which requires the inclination angle of the tether not to be below a given minimum value, in order to avoid tangling and ensure safety. We first formulate the optimization problem for such setup and provide some useful insights on its solution. Next, we derive upper and lower bounds for the optimal values of the tether length and inclination angle. We also propose a suboptimal closed-form solution for the tether length and its inclination angle that is based on maximizing the line-of-sight probability. Finally, we derive the probability distribution of the minimum inclination angle of the tether length. We show that its mean value varies depending on the environment from 10° in suburban environments to 31° in high rise urban environments. Our numerical results show that the derived upper and lower bounds on the optimal values of the tether length and inclination angle lead to tight suboptimal values of the average path-loss that are only 0-3 dBs above the minimum value.
Intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) is a promising new technology for achieving both spectrum and energy efficient wireless communication systems in the future. However, existing works on IRS mainly consider frequency-flat channels and assume perfect knowledge of channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter. Motivated by the above, in this paper we study an IRS-enhanced orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system under frequency-selective channels and propose a practical transmission protocol with channel estimation. First, to reduce the overhead in channel training as well as exploit the channel spatial correlation, we propose a novel IRS elements grouping method, where each group consists of a set of adjacent IRS elements that share a common reflection coefficient. Based on this method, we propose a practical transmission protocol where only the combined channel of each group needs to be estimated, thus substantially reducing the training overhead. Next, with any given grouping and estimated CSI, we formulate the problem to maximize the achievable rate by jointly optimizing the transmit power allocation and the IRS passive array reflection coefficients. Although the formulated problem is non-convex and thus difficult to solve, we propose an efficient algorithm to obtain a high-quality suboptimal solution for it, by alternately optimizing the power allocation and the passive array coefficients in an iterative manner, along with a customized method for the initialization. Simulation results show that the proposed design significantly improves the OFDM link rate performance as compared to the case without using IRS. Moreover, it is shown that there exists an optimal size for IRS elements grouping which achieves the maximum achievable rate due to the practical trade-off between the training overhead and IRS passive beamforming flexibility.
Thanks to the line-of-sight (LoS) transmission and flexibility, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) effectively improve the throughput of wireless networks. Nevertheless, the LoS links are prone to severe deterioration by complex propagation environments, especially in urban areas. Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs), as a promising technique, can significantly improve the propagation environment and enhance communication quality by intelligently reflecting the received signals. Motivated by this, the joint UAV trajectory and RIS’s passive beamforming design for a novel RIS-assisted UAV communication system is investigated to maximize the average achievable rate in this letter. To tackle the formulated non-convex problem, we divide it into two subproblems, namely, passive beamforming and trajectory optimization. We first derive a closed-form phase-shift solution for any given UAV trajectory to achieve the phase alignment of the received signals from different transmission paths. Then, with the optimal phase-shift solution, we obtain a suboptimal trajectory solution by using the successive convex approximation (SCA) method. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can considerably improve the average achievable rate of the system.
This letter studies the energy-efficient unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) communications to support ground nodes (GNs). The system considers the UAV working as a relay while there is a base station (BS) on the ground. We analyze the UAV energy consumption model to design the energy-efficient UAV trajectory path. We formulate the energy-efficient UAV relaying communication, which considers both throughput and UAV propulsion energy consumption. We optimize joint transmit power of UAV and BS; UAV trajectory, acceleration, and flying speed to maximize the energy-efficient UAV relaying problem. We also introduce a constraint named as information causality constraint (ICC). The main idea of ICC is to guarantee that the UAV receives information from BS in any time slot and forward the only received information to GNs in remaining time slots. The formulated energy-efficiency maximization problem is not convex. Thus, we solve it sub-optimally using the iterative method. Finally, we present the simulation results to validate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm.
In the intelligent reflecting surface (IRS)-enhanced wireless communication system, channel state information (CSI) is of paramount importance for achieving the passive beamforming gain of IRS, which, however, is a practically challenging task due to its massive number of passive elements without transmitting/receiving capabilities. In this letter, we propose a practical transmission protocol to execute channel estimation and reflection optimization successively for an IRS-enhanced orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system. Under the unit-modulus constraint, a novel reflection pattern at the IRS is designed to aid the channel estimation at the access point (AP) based on the received pilot signals from the user, for which the channel estimation error is derived in closed-form. With the estimated CSI, the reflection coefficients are then optimized by a low-complexity algorithm based on the resolved strongest signal path in the time domain. Simulation results corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed channel estimation and reflection optimization methods.
We investigate transmission optimization for intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) assisted multi-antenna systems from the physical-layer security perspective. The design goal is to maximize the system secrecy rate subject to the source transmit power constraint and the unit modulus constraints imposed on phase shifts at the IRS. To solve this complicated non-convex problem, we develop an efficient alternating algorithm where the solutions to the transmit covariance of the source and the phase shift matrix of the IRS are achieved in closed form and semi-closed forms, respectively. The convergence of the proposed algorithm is guaranteed theoretically. Simulations results validate the performance advantage of the proposed optimized design.
In this letter, we study the on-demand UAV-BS placement problem for arbitrarily distributed users. This UAV-BS placement problem is modeled as a knapsack-like problem, which is NP-complete. We propose a density-aware placement algorithm to maximize the number of covered users subject to the constraint of the minimum required data rates per user. Simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm in a real environment with different user densities. Our numerical results indicate that for various user densities our proposed solution can service more users with guaranteed data rates compared to the existing method, while reducing the transmit power by 29%.
In this paper, we consider a single-cell cellular network with a number of cellular users~(CUs) and unmanned aerial vehicles~(UAVs), in which multiple UAVs upload their collected data to the base station (BS). Two transmission modes are considered to support the multi-UAV communications, i.e., UAV-to-infrastructure (U2I) and UAV-to-UAV~(U2U) transmissions. Specifically, a UAV either uploads its collected data to the BS through U2I overlay transmission or offloads the data to a neighboring UAV through U2U underlay transmission when facing on-board battery outage. We formulate the subcarrier allocation and trajectory control problem to maximize the uplink sum-rate taking the delay of sensing tasks into consideration. To solve this NP-hard problem efficiently, we decouple it into three sub-problems: U2I and cellular user (CU) subcarrier allocation, U2U subcarrier allocation, and UAV trajectory control. An iterative subcarrier allocation and trajectory control algorithm (ISATCA) is proposed to solve these sub-problems jointly. Simulation results show that the proposed ISATCA can upload 20\% more data than the one without U2U offloading, and 10\% more than that obtained by the random algorithm.