
Efficacy of denneroll traction on restoring normal sagittal configuration of lumber spine in chronic mechanical low back pain

  • The National Institute of Neuromotor System
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Change of sagittal configuration is one of the most common causes of chronic low back dysfunction Denneroll is an orthotic device designed to passively stretch lumbar lordosis. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Denneroll traction on Absolute rotary angle, pain intensity and functional disability in chronic low back pain patients Subjects: 30 patients of Ages ranging from 25 to 40 years from both sexes divided into 2 groups with equal numbers (experimental and control group). Method: both groups received ultrasound, infra-red radiation and stretching exercise additionally the the experimental group received Denneroll traction all of the treatment procedures where conducted 3 time per week for 10 weeks x-ray, visual analogue scale and Oswestry disability index score where taken at two intervals pretreatment and post-treatment. Conclusion: general attraction in combination with ultrasound and infrared radiation and stretching exercises are considered as an effective structural rehabilitation method that correct absolute rotary angle, decrease pain Intensity and improve functional disability inpatient with chronic lower back dysfunction.

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... A home care regimen was also instituted and consisted of a large lumbar Denneroll (Denneroll Industries International Pty Ltd, Wheeler Heights, NSW, Australia) being placed at T12 with a 3-inch block behind the back 28) . The patient was given an exercise of 50-100 repetitions to block the mid back while standing to his back to the wall and to posteriorly shift his pelvis posteriorly to warm up prior to the home traction (Fig. 5). ...
... SMT was used to improve the ROM and to temporary reduce pain over a total of 36 treatments over 5.5-months. Prior studies have shown that this protocol reduces pain both short-term and long-term and there is correlation to the magnitude of improvement in coronal and sagittal balance to better spine stability, improvements in QOL measures, decreased disability and thus, overall reduction in Global Burden of Disease [14][15][16][17][26][27][28] . The 6 year, long-term follow-up of the patient demonstrated continued success of the treatment when coupled with home care using a simple orthotic device. ...
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Purpose] To present the case of the amelioration of chronic pain and disability in a patient suffering from failed back surgery syndrome. [Participant and Methods] A 27-year-old male with chronic low back pain was treated with a Coflex® intra-spinous instrument, however, it was removed shortly after due to poor outcome including worsening pain and disability. Radiographic assessment revealed significant posterior translation of the thorax complicated by significant loss of the normal lumbar lordosis and a left lateral translated thoracic cage posture. Chiropractic Biophysics® technique was applied over a 5.5-month period leading to structural spine improvements as well as improved pain, Oswestry disability index (ODI) and quality of life (QOL). [Results] There was a 21 mm reduction in posterior thoracic translation, a 6.2° improvement in lumbar lordosis and a 16 mm reduction in lateral thoracic translation corresponding with improved ODI and QOL scores. A 6 year follow-up showed successful outcome despite some degenerative changes in the spine at the prior surgical level. [Conclusion] This case adds to the growing literature showing the efficacy of non-surgical spinal rehabilitative methods in improving outcomes in patients with spinal deformity and associated disabilities. This case also demonstrates necessity of the continued criterion standard of spinal radiography for biomechanical assessment.
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