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Abstract and Figures

Anthropogenic climate change is currently driving environmental transformation on a scale and at a pace that exceeds historical records. This represents an undeniably serious challenge to existing social, political, and economic systems. Humans have successfully faced similar challenges in the past, however. The archaeological record and Earth archives offer rare opportunities to observe the complex interaction between environmental and human systems under different climate regimes and at different spatial and temporal scales. The archaeology of climate change offers opportunities to identify the factors that promoted human resilience in the past and apply the knowledge gained to the present, contributing a much-needed, long-term perspective to climate research. One of the strengths of the archaeological record is the cultural diversity it encompasses, which offers alternatives to the solutions proposed from within the Western agro-industrial complex, which might not be viable cross-culturally. While contemporary climate discourse focuses on the importance of biodiversity, we highlight the importance of cultural diversity as a source of resilience.
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cultural diversity
Ariane Burke
, Matthew C. Peros
, Colin D. Wren
, Francesco S. R. Pausata
, Julien Riel-Salvatore
Olivier Moine
, Anne de Vernal
, Masa Kageyama
, and Solène Boisard
Edited by Dolores R. Piperno, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, and approved June 15, 2021 (received for review May 18, 2021)
Anthropogenic climate change is currently driving environmental transformation on a scale and at a pace
that exceeds historical records. This represents an undeniably serious challenge to existing social, political,
and economic systems. Humans have successfully faced similar challenges in the past, however. The
archaeological record and Earth archives offer rare opportunities to observe the complex interaction
between environmental and human systems under different climate regimes and at different spatial and
temporal scales. The archaeology of climate change offers opportunities to identify the factors that
promoted human resilience in the past and apply the knowledge gained to the present, contributing a
much-needed, long-term perspective to climate research. One of the strengths of the archaeological
record is the cultural diversity it encompasses, which offers alternatives to the solutions proposed from
within the Western agro-industrial complex, which might not be viable cross-culturally. While contempo-
rary climate discourse focuses on the importance of biodiversity, we highlight the importance of cultural
diversity as a source of resilience.
climate change
cultural diversity
climate science
Current efforts to curb global warming have been
largely ineffective and future climate scenarios predict
that global temperatures will rise from +2.6 to +4.8 °C
(and as much as +8 °C in the Arctic) by the end of the
century (Fig. 1) (13). The scope of the ecological
transformations that could occur beyond 2100 CE
under prevailing emission rates is truly alarming
(4). Planning a sustainable response to climate
change requires us to identify the critical climate
thresholds capable of disrupting social, economic, or
political systems and culturally appropriate strategies
for countering such disruptions. Natural climate ar-
chives (e.g., pollen data, sediment records, ice cores)
and the paleontological and archaeological records
offer unique opportunities for observing, measuring,
and understanding how humans have responded to a
wide range of climate events in the past, forming a
sound basis for predicting how climate change could
transform our lives in the future and offering a range of
possible solutions (e.g., ref. 5). The archaeological re-
cord is a valuable source of information that has been
largely overlooked in climate research until compara-
tively recently, however (612). As a result, the sensi-
tivity of human systems to the full range of conditions
predicted under different future climate scenarios
remains largely untested. We contend that a multi-
disciplinary science of the pastan archaeology of
climate change”—provides a solid foundation for
assessing the implications of climate change across
cultures and helps design sustainable development
Climate change and accelerated warming trigger a
complex series of biological feedbacks that pose
economic and social challenges for human popula-
tions. The dramatic transformation of landscapes is
already observable in some regions today and is likely
to accelerate in the near future. For example, in
subarctic regions, species turnover rates are predicted
to exceed 80% in protected areas by the end of the
century (13). These transformations will affect food
security and have far-reaching consequences for
the physical and psychological well-being of human
Universit ´e de Montr ´eal, Montreal, QC H3T 1J4, Canada;
Bishops University, Sherbrooke, QC J1M 1Z7, Canada;
University of Colorado, Colorado
Springs, CO 80918;
Universit ´edeQu´ebec à Montr ´eal, Montreal, QC H2L 2C4, Canada;
UMR 8591 CNRS Universit ´e Paris 1, Universit ´e Paris-Est
Cr ´eteil Val de Marne, 94010 Cr ´eteil, France; and
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de lEnvironnement/Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, 91191
Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Author contributions: A.B. designed research; and A.B., M.C.P., C.D.W., F.S.R.P., J.R.-S., O.M., A.d.V., M.K., and S.B. wrote the paper.
The authors declare no competing interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
This open access article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC BY).
To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email:
Published July 22, 2021.
PNAS 2021 Vol. 118 No. 30 e2108537118
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populations in these regions (6). Contemporary indigenous com-
munities and small-scale subsistence farmers rely on their relations
to the land and access to its natural resources for their economic
and cultural reproduction. Despite their integration into capitalist
modes of production and the global economy, for example, for-
aging activities still play an important economic role for many
indigenous groups (e.g., ref. 14). Furthermore, beyond its eco-
nomic importance, the land represents a locus of cultural repro-
duction, underpinning indigenous knowledge and memory (15,
16). Climate change poses a fundamental threat to these groups,
as they themselves have eloquently pointed out (17).
For the most part, current public discourse about climate
warming revolves around Western, industrialized societies despite
the fact that nonindustrialized societies will likely bear the brunt of
climate change (1820). Furthermore, while maintaining biodiver-
sity is one of the goals of climate change research, maintaining
cultural diversity does not occupy the same space in public dis-
course. However, the loss of contemporary cultural diversity could
represent an existential threat for our species. Human adaptations
are the result of the dynamic relationship between cultural and
biological systems. Natural selection operates on biological vari-
ation, but the archaeological record shows us that the long-term
survival of our species also hinges on our ability to find cultural
solutions to environmental challenges. Given the diversity of bi-
omes currently inhabited by humans and the likelihood that they
will respond differently to climate change, a range of cultural re-
sponses will be required. Cultural diversity, therefore, is the key to
long-term human resilience. It is worth reflecting on the future of
Western, industrialized economic/social systems and considering
the possibility that other forms of social and economic organiza-
tion may prove more resilient in the long run. Respecting, docu-
menting, and conserving cultural diversity, as well as biodiversity,
is therefore an essential step toward building up the resilience of
human systems. Because the archaeological record captures the
breadth of past human adaptations, the archaeology of climate
change is well situated to highlight alternative strategies that have
worked in the past and address the social and economic ramifica-
tions of global warming for a diverse global community.
Archaeology as an Interdisciplinary Science
An archaeology of climate change emerges seamlessly from the
long-standing collaboration between archaeology and the natural
sciences that has provided climatological, environmental, and
chronostratigraphic data critical for archaeological interpretations.
Since the 19th century, this information has been used to provide
a paleoenvironmental backdrop against which past human activ-
ities are studied. More recently, it, along with evolutionary theory
(specifically evolutionary ecology), has provided a rich, if often
implicit conceptual framework with which to study the dynamics of
past humanenvironment interactions.
Unfortunately, archaeology and evolutionary theory have been
somewhat uneasy bedfellows since the late 20th century, when
the postmodernist movement fostered archaeological post-
processualism.Postprocessualists specifically criticized archae-
ological research designed to explore humanenvironment in-
teractions for adopting a deterministic and reductive approach.
This research, they contended, assumes that external environ-
mental processes are the principal drivers of cultural transforma-
tion while failing to acknowledge the power of historical
contingency and denying human agency (21). Environmental ar-
chaeology, human evolutionary ecology, and paleoenvironmental
studies in general were accused of lacking an interpretive
framework capable of recognizing the importance of internal
cultural processes (22, 23). Environmental approaches were also
Fig. 1. (A) Time series of global annual change in mean surface temperature for the period from 2006 to 2100 (relative to 19862005) from
Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) concentration-driven experiments for scenarios RCP2.6 (blue) and RCP8.5 (red).
Projections are shown for the multimodel mean (solid lines) and the 595% range across the distribution of individual models (shading). The
number of CMIP5 models used to calculate the multimodel mean is indicated. The mean and associated uncertainties averaged over the
20812100 period are given for all RCP scenarios as colored vertical bars on the right-hand side. (Band C) CMIP5 multimodel mean projections
for the 20812100 period under the RCP2.6 (B) and RCP8.5 (C) scenarios for change in annual mean surface temperature relative to 19862005.
Adapted with permission from IPCC, 2014: Topic 2Future Climate Changes, Risk and Impacts, in ref. 1.
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criticized for fostering a dualist approach whereby humans and
their environment are treated as separate entities, a fundamen-
tally Cartesian and Eurocentric perspective (24). As a result, while
it might be relatively uncontroversial to suggest that early hominin
adaptations were shaped by natural processes, the suggestion
that the more complex cultural adaptations that characterize
modern humans might be driven by environmental factors is far
from achieving universal acceptance today (25).
The postprocessual critique was a reaction to research that
inferred a causal relationship between global climate events
(increasingly well-documented by the late 20th century) and
contemporaneous shifts in the archaeological record without
exploring the underlying mechanisms or seeking alternative
explanations. The result of this critique, however, was the creation
of a rift within archaeology between practitioners of evolutionary
ecology and researchers experimenting with theories of agency,
phenomenology, and other postmodern approaches. This rift also
expressed itself in some quarters as the abandonment of broad
theoretical frameworks and a retreat from generalization (26). The
21st century has seen a resurgence of interest in humanenvironment
interactions and, with it, similar concerns about environmental
determinism (27).
Methodological advances, particularly in computational ecol-
ogy and archaeology, and better integration of ecological and
anthropological theory, have changed the situation considerably
since the 20th century, however. There are still disputes as to the
relative importance of the internal and external factors that col-
lectively drive cultural change, but as Arkush points out: our
differences lie in the extent to which we stress contingency versus
process, and agency versus conditions, in the making of diverse
human histories(ref. 28, p. 200). An increasing number of sci-
entists are striving to develop research frameworks that integrate
environmental and human systems (e.g., refs. 26 and 2931). In
archaeology, integrative approaches to the study of human
environment interactions are now widely adopted, as reflected in
the use of terms such as niche construction,”“evo-devo,
biocultural,”“socio-natural,”“socioecological,and ecocul-
tural.An emerging consensus among climate scientists also
recognizes that the internal dynamics of human systems should be
considered on an equal footing with the externalnatural pro-
cesses with which they interact (32, 33). Interactions between
human systems and the environment are seen as flowing in both
directions. The archaeology of climate change capitalizes on
these relatively recent developments in archaeology, in addition
to developments in climate modeling (see Climate Modeling and
Environmental Reconstruction), offering an integrative, multi-
disciplinary framework for identifying key aspects of climate
that affect human systems (and vice versa) at different
spatiotemporal scales.
Climate Modeling and Environmental Reconstruction
Over the past few decades, methodological and theoretical ad-
vances in climate research have enabled studies of past human
environmental interactions that move beyond description and
correlation to help reveal the underlying mechanisms of change in
the archaeological record.
The rapid development of climate modeling since the mid-
20th century led to the increased availability of paleoclimate in-
formation. The mutual benefits to be gained from working to-
gether fostered new collaborations between paleoclimate
modelers, Earth scientists, and archaeologists and a revived in-
terest in human/environment interactions. The Stage 3 project,
for example, introduced climate modeling to a large and recep-
tive archaeological audience while investigating the link between
the pattern of human occupation in Europe during marine isotope
stage 3 (MIS 3) (2559 ka) and environmental conditions (34).
The temporal and spatial scales of the simulated climate data
produced by general circulation models (GCMs) and the degree
of resolution that could be achieved were sometimes difficult to
reconcile with the archaeological data, however, especially since
archaeologists lack fine-grained chronological control over much
of the archaeological record.
Increased computing power, the development of more com-
plex climate models (coupling oceanic, atmospheric, and vege-
tation dynamics), and advances in computational archaeology
have greatly improved the situation. Advances in dating tech-
niques have increased chronological control of the archaeological
record (e.g., ref. 35). Archaeologists have adopted the use of
Geographic Information Systems and modeling tools, which are
used to model the dynamic mechanisms underpinning human/
environment interactions. Downscaling and regional modeling of
simulated climate conditions have increased our ability to model
human decision-making at fine spatial and temporal scales (e.g.,
daily foraging activities). Finally, climate researchers are increas-
ingly aware that tracking human responses to past climate change
using the paleoclimate and archaeological records is a means of
assessing future climate risks and formulating a sustainable re-
sponse (5, 8, 3638).
Climate science has clearly had an impact on how research into
the past is conducted. Multidisciplinary, intersectorial research
teams are no longer exceptions and the many teams operating
today are mature working partnerships. The benefits of these
collaborations flow both ways. Climate modelers are interested in
collaborating with archaeologists and other natural scientists who,
in the course of their fieldwork, accumulate and date a wide range
of climate and environment proxies. The pollen and faunal re-
cords, for example, make it possible to test model outcomes and
adjust model design accordingly (3942). This approach, exem-
plified by the Paleoclimate Modeling Intercomparison Projects
(40), has yielded significant advances in the design of GCMs.
Archaeologists and Earth scientists also benefit from the avail-
ability of high-resolution paleoclimate data more suitable for ex-
amining humanenvironment interactions over time.
At the site level, the use of carbon and oxygen stable isotopes
from biogenic carbonates in sediment as well as the calibration of
paleoecological data (e.g., pollen, chironomids, dinocysts, dia-
toms, insects, and mollusks) (4349) based on extensive, modern
training sets has permitted reliable quantitative reconstructions of
environmental variables (temperature, precipitation, sea ice ex-
tent, sea level position) thought to influence human behavior and
evolution through their impact on food resources, freshwater
availability, habitat suitability, and other parameters (5052).
Moreover, an increased emphasis on detailed, high-resolution
sampling of paleoclimatic archives, such as lake sediment cores
and speleothems (where sufficient sedimentation or growth rate
allow), has fostered the development of records with high tem-
poral resolution. This has been driven, in part, by the develop-
ment of analytical techniques such as X-ray fluorescence core
scanning (53) and advances in the modeling of radiocarbon and
other chronological data (54), but also by research questions that
focus on understanding abrupt climate change, climate transi-
tions, and extreme events (e.g., droughts, floods) that occur over
subannual to centennial timescales and are more adequate to
assess short-term human responses to environmental change. At
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coarser spatial scales, paleoecological (e.g., Neotoma, Acer) and
archaeological (e.g., Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Da-
tabase) databases (5557), coupled with large-scale paleoclimatic
syntheses using high-quality, quantitative multiproxy datasets
have facilitated regional- to continental-scale studies (58) that
examine the role of climate and ecological change in driving
cultural and demographic shifts, and have helped characterize
climate variability, especially during the Late Glacial and Holo-
cene at the hemispheric to global scale.
Nevertheless, high-quality, high-resolution paleoclimate re-
cords that consistently span several tens to hundreds of thousands
of years are still relatively scarce. In addition, the spatial distri-
bution of available high-resolution paleoclimatic records leaves
many regions underrepresented, such as the Arctic and the tro-
pics (59, 60). For example, in Europe many records are available
for the Mediterranean domain (61), whereas the vast loess regions
of northern Europe remain underexploited (but see refs. 6264).
As a consequence, data from single locations has often been used
to infer past climate changes not only on regional but also on
global spatial scales (6572). Several major problems arise when
dealing with a limited number of patchy proxy records. For ex-
ample, the signal recorded by proxies may reflect local condi-
tions, rather than regional or global climate changes. In addition,
proxies often record seasonal changes in a given parameter, and a
shift in seasonality of the recorded climate variable may lead to a
flawed comparison between seasons. The development of new
proxy data records from different types of archives such as lake
sediments, speleothems, or loess, may require different ap-
proaches in paleoclimate reconstruction, including a wide range
of micropaleontological, geochemical, or isotopic techniques
(73). Multiproxy approaches are thus fundamental. While in-
creasingly powerful computers facilitate the treatment of huge,
multiproxy datasets, revisiting old datasetssometimes the only
surviving records of past climate and environmental conditions
(74)is also essential as data acquired decades ago often lack
temporal resolution and would benefit from updated calibration
of the proxies as well as finer isotopic and geochemical analyses
now enabled with new technologies.
Another challenge related to the integration of paleoclimatic
and archaeological datasets involves their spatial association. To
what extent are polar ice core records, for example, representa-
tive of climate changes that would be relevant for humans living at
low and mid-latitudes? Ice core records provide a detailed, long-
term frame of reference for past climate conditions: They record
surface air temperature at the top of the ice sheets as well as
descriptions of naturally globally averaged characteristics such as
greenhouse gas concentrations (e.g., ref. 75), and include indi-
cators such as deuterium excess, related to moisture source
conditions (e.g., ref. 76). However, they do not inform us about
local- to regional-scale climate parameters outside the ice sheets.
These are more readily documented by continental paleoenvir-
onmental records, such as pollen, speleothems, or lake records.
Archaeological sites also provide a record of regional and local
climate signals that are critical for bridging global-scale paleo-
climate data and archaeological datasets (e.g., refs. 11 and 77)
offering detailed insights into paleoclimate change at fine spatial
and temporal scales more suitable for investigating human
decision making, in addition to producing controls for climate
model outputs.
One of the main advantages of using proxy data associated
with archaeological remains is that it reduces or eliminates chro-
nological uncertainties between datasets. For example, pedo-
sedimentary and archaeological data from Tell Leilan, Syria,
allowed researchers to identify the so-called 4.2-ky event and
study its human impact (78). This work has since been used to
define the middle to late Holocene stratigraphic boundary (79).
The last decade has also seen considerable advances in the use of
oxygen isotope analyses from archaeological shell middens,
which provide data on climate variability at high temporal reso-
lution [e.g., sea surface temperature (SST) (80) and seasonality
(81)]. These studies are highly relevant for documenting past
environmentalhuman interactions because they specifically re-
cord environmental variables (e.g., SSTs, rainy season length) that
directly influence human subsistence, economy, and lifeways.
That being said, the spatial distribution of shell midden sites is
generally restricted to marine and lacustrine shorelines, and the
radiocarbon dating of shells is affected by reservoir effects,
meaning that these proxies provide only a piece of the puzzlein
the paleoclimatologists toolkit. In summary, paleoclimatic indi-
cators from ice cores, marine sediment cores, and lake sedi-
ments contribute to establishing an environmental context
critical for exploring questions pertaining to human evolution
and adaptation.
As we have seen above, climate models are useful tools for
understanding the mechanisms of past climate change. Paleo-
climate simulations provide insights into how external forcings
modify atmospheric and oceanic circulation, triggering past cli-
mate change. Moreover, climate models can fill the gap in pale-
oclimatic information between local and global scales, leading to
more continuous representation of paleoclimatological condi-
tions. Conversely, paleoclimate reconstructions offer the possi-
bility of testing the climate model outputs for a wide variety of
climate states. For example, an early to middle Holocene thermal
optimum in the Northern Hemisphere (10,0005,000 y BP) is
documented in a variety of paleoclimate archives, showing a clear
summer temperature warm anomaly around 6,000 y BP (60, 82,
83). However, Holocene trends in surface air temperature and SST
reconstructed from proxies illustrate different regional patterns
with regard to the amplitude and timing of the optimum. The
North Atlantic and Norwegian Sea exhibit different patterns
depending on the proxy used: SST records based on alkenones
and diatoms generally show the existence of a warm early to mid-
Holocene optimum, while foraminifer- and radiolarian-based
temperature records show a cooling trend with warmer temper-
ature toward the late Holocene. Using a global climate model to
resolve the discordance between proxies and models (84) shows
that the seasonal summer warming of the sea surface was stronger
during the mid-Holocene, while the subsurface depths (<50 m)
experienced a cooling. The hydrographic setting, therefore, ex-
plains the apparent contradiction between the Holocene trends
exhibited by phytoplankton and zooplankton-based temperature
proxy records, and the modeling work cited above shows how a
climate model helps advance our understanding of the climatic
changes described by these records. Progress is still needed,
however, in order for us to understand decreasing trends in global
temperature over the Holocene. These cannot be represented by
climate models, a discrepancy Liu et al. (85) have called the
Holocene conundrum.At a regional scale, discrepancies
among proxies and between models and proxies may depend, as
shown in the example above, on the distinct climate-related signal
captured by each tracer as a function of the season or water
depth, which also has to be taken into account (e.g., ref. 86).
Furthermore, some climate reconstructions show regional differ-
ences that could be related to fine-scale features, such as ocean
PNAS Burke et al. The archaeology of climate change: The case for cultural diversity
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current properties (e.g., refs. 8789), which would require high
spatial resolution models in order to be adequately represented
(e.g., refs. 90 and 91).
Climate proxy records, most of which rely on biogenic pro-
ductivity driven by climate- and nonclimate-related parameters,
have their own limitations and uncertainties. The predictive ca-
pability of numerical models is constrained by the sensitivity of the
models to changes in forcings and boundary conditions, and to
their ability to represent climate changes at adequate spatial
scales, given the specificities of each climate record. Whereas
both proxies and models have their respective flaws, the con-
frontation of proxy data and model simulations contributes to
identifying critical components of the climate and environmental
system, improving both approaches. Paleoenvironmental data
and paleoclimate modeling are shown to be mutually beneficial,
and together they enable more accurate reconstructions of past
climate events at a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, and
a better understanding of these recorded climate changes.
In summary, as a multidisciplinary and intersectorial commu-
nity, climate scientists are now better equipped to explore the
complex interactions between climate systems and human sys-
tems at multiple scales. There is also a growing awareness within
funding agencies of the need to better fund research that crosses
traditional disciplinary boundaries. This facilitates the develop-
ment of an archaeology of climate change.
The Archaeology of Climate Change
The increasing availability of high-resolution climatological and
ecological reconstructions allows us to study the impact of past
climate change on a human scale, one that is relevant to ar-
chaeological data and enables the reconstruction of past adaptive
responses to specific types of environmental impact, including sea
level change, rapid cooling and warming, climatic instability, and
prolonged drought (Fig. 2). As Boivin and Crowther (92) have
documented, many past adaptations to environmental change
were highly successful and could be readapted to modern
contexts. A comparative, cross-cultural study of the human past
demonstrates that cultural diversity has been, and remains, a key
element of human resilience.
The archaeology of climate change arises from the history of
close collaborations between archaeologists, natural scientists,
and climatologists. It builds on prior efforts to document an ar-
chaeology of environmental change (e.g., ref. 93) and harnesses
21st-century increases in computing capacity and the widespread
adoption of machine-learning and modeling techniques. Com-
putational archaeology, the use of computer-based analytical
methods to study the archaeological record, is uniquely situated
to leverage these developments and forms an intrinsic part of
climate change research in archaeology. Early research on the
impact of climate change on human systems tended to adopt an
inductive approach, focusing on correlating changes in the ar-
chaeological record with climate events. Modeling approaches
are used both inductively and deductively. Models can be
designed to test hypotheses generated from anthropological or
evolutionary theory about the sensitivity of human systems to
environmental change across a range of temporal and spatial
scales. They can focus on the mechanisms underlying human
environment interactions and explore their biological, social and
ecological ramifications [i.e., human niche construction (94)].
Complex systems approaches provide a framework for this type of
modeling, with established methods for exploring mechanistic
linkages across spatial and temporal scales, how human systems
react to environmental tipping points, and how patterns emerge
at the population level from the collective actions of individuals
(95). This includes methods for evaluating the adaptive capacity of
human systems, for example by simulating the effects of changing
decision rules about land use, reproduction, or mobility in re-
sponse to environmental change. Cross-cultural analysis of the
human past illustrates the diverse adaptive choices people have
made and computational modeling allows us to further experi-
ment with the impacts of those choices using specific high-
resolution environmental reconstructions.
Environmental context, biostragraphy
Chronologically controlled data
Fig. 2. A workflow for the archaeology of climate change.
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By way of example, the Hominin Dispersals Research Group
conducts multidisciplinary research on the archaeology of climate
change within an integrative, collaborative research framework.
The group tests anthropologically driven research hypotheses
using the archaeological record, natural archives, and climate
models. Ethnographic information about the decision-making
processes used by contemporary foragers, for example, was
used to hypothesize that climate variability, which affects the
ability to predict the distribution of resources and thus the out-
come of foraging and mobility decisions, would have been a
significant element of ecological risk to which past foragers will
have been sensitive. High-resolution climate model outputs, de-
veloped for the project (96), were used to quantify climate vari-
ability on a subannual scale relevant for forager decision-making.
Climate proxies from archaeological sites were used to test the
downscaled climate model producing valuable information about
the relationship between biogenic isotope signatures and climate
(97). A suite of environmental variables, including climate vari-
ability, was then used to test the hypothesis using the archaeo-
logical record of Western Europe during the Last Glacial
Maximum. The results of this experiment show that seasonal
patterns of climate variability are key predictors of the spatial
behavior of past human foragers (98). The resulting model of
habitat suitability was then used to design an agent-based model
to test how habitat suitability structures patterns of human land
use, population structure, connectivity, and patterns of gene flow
(99) with implications for cultural reproduction that are still being
explored. The implications of the habitat suitability model for the
adoption of different human mobility strategies were then tested
using the archaeological record and lithic retouch frequencies in a
diachronic study (100). The results of this collaborative research
program demonstrate the value of a multidisciplinary approach
for each of the disciplines involved. Climate records and climate
proxies provide detailed, multiscalar information about a diversity
of environmental contexts and anthropologically driven research
questions result in new interpretations of the archaeological re-
cord while allowing broader hypotheses about the mechanisms
underpinning humanenvironment dynamics, e.g., the role of
stochasticity as a factor in human decision-making, to be tested.
Other sources of stochasticity linked to long-term patterns of
climate change have been identified by researchers working
within an archaeology of climate change framework. For example,
in a context of rapid sea level and ecological change during the
last deglaciation, archaeological settlement patterns show that
the ancestors of todays Cree people had a clear preference for
topographically stable locations where the impact of landscape
transformations linked to climate change was lessened (101). Ex-
treme climate events, such as El Ni~
no events, represent another
potentially significant source of stochasticity; while their frequency
is difficult to predict, archaeological data have been used to date
and understand how farming systems in the Southern Hemisphere
adapted to them (102). The frequency and scale of past climate
events can now be modeled at very fine resolutions (91). The
impact of an event depends on the state of the system being af-
fected, however, which means that a cross-disciplinary approach
is required in order to predict the outcome (103).
The generalization that can be drawn from this research is that
human decision-making is shaped by a sensitivity to environ-
mental stochasticity, which is one of the mechanisms through
which climate change affects human populations. This general-
ization has potential applications for understanding the impact of
climate change in contemporary situations as it suggests that
stochasticity, e.g., the frequency of extreme climate events, may
present a bigger challenge than rising temperatures.
The use of archaeological models to predict the impact of
future climate change on contemporary societies is a relatively
new concept that bridges established theories in the social and
natural sciences and rests on recognition of the value of adopting
a long-range perspective in climate change research. To return to
our generalization with respect to stochasticity, in arctic regions
where the pattern of sea ice formation is unpredictable, topo-
graphic uncertainty limits the ability to plan safe transportation
and prevents people from following ancestral tracks across a
landscape transformed by climate change (104, 105). This, in turn,
affects both food security and the network of social interactions
and relations to land that rely on human mobility and form an
intrinsic part of Inuit culture. Understanding the role of topo-
graphic uncertainty in shaping human decisions could prove
useful in planning sustainable development in these regions,
helping to ensure the continued survival of local communities that
contribute to cultural diversity on a global scale.
Humans, as a species, are thought to be uniquely adapted to
dealing with climate variability (106, 107), but human groups differ
in their ability to capitalize on the opportunities offered by environ-
mental change and are not equally successful at adapting to change.
The archaeological record provides evidence of a diversity of strate-
gies adopted by different human groups in response to climate
change and, more to the point, documents their outcomes. A closer
look at the regional archaeological record of Southwest Asia, for ex-
ample, reveals that the transition to farming was not synchronous
across the region during the last Glacial/Interglacial cycle and dem-
onstrates that a single climate event can produce very different out-
comes as a result of social and geographic factors (108). In this case,
Roberts et al. show that periods of favorable climate led to economic
and cultural experimentation, which acted as an investment, making
the society more resilient against future periods of climatic downturn.
Resilience theory, which addresses the dynamics of change in
adaptive systems, has an important role to play in the archaeology
of climate change. The dynamic interaction of ecological processes
and historical contingencyincluding human actionresults in irregular
cycles of stability, change, and eventually transformation (109111).
The study of long-term adaptive cycles in the archaeological record
has proved a fruitful avenue of research, highlighting continuities,
tipping points, and loci of resilience in past socio-ecological systems,
from the Pleistocene to the historical past (112114). This approach
is particularly useful for synthesizing archaeological data, contextu-
alizing past human decision-making,anduncoveringsystemicrela-
tionships between natural and cultural transformations (115, 116).
Because it documents complete cycles of change, instead of being
limited to the study of their historical endpoints, the archaeology of
climate change is uniquely positioned to contribute to resilience
theory (109). Ultimately, it therefore stands to make a substantial
contribution toward planning a sustainable response to global
warming (9, 36, 92, 117).
Natural archives provide a record of ecosystem structure prior
to large-scale anthropogenic modification, i.e., a baseline
against which the scale of human disturbance can be measured
(5). This, in turn, highlights the potential vulnerabilities and long-
term sustainability of past human adaptations. Evidence for past
anthropogenic disturbance in the Neotropics, for example, is best
understood by considering the ecosystems with which the ar-
chaeological data interact (118). Archaeological perspectives are
emerging as increasingly important in informing decision-making
in the context of maximizing food security for the worlds growing
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population (119). The study of early farming communities offers
concrete examples of the contribution archaeology can make to
sustainability. Early farming communities provide models for
sustainable food production, land and water management under
a range of climate conditions that can be applied to contemporary
situations (120). On the other hand, the fates of early farming
communities, played out over the long term, also illustrate the fact
that sustainabilityis a historically contingent concept (120).
Archaeological models for the development of more sustainable,
locally scaled adaptations to ensure food security in the coming
decades include the readoption of multicropping agriculture
based on the three sisters(i.e., corn, squash, beans) in north-
eastern North America (121) and strategies for mitigating risk in
the event of potentially disruptive weather events such as El Ni~
(122). Archaeologys contribution in this sense is twofold, in that it
documents both cultigens and the tools and techniques used to
cultivate and process them (123). Similar studies combining cli-
mate and human behavioral modeling with experimental farming
have been conducted in the American Southwest in collaboration
with Hopi maize farmers (124126) and the long-term coevolu-
tionary relationship between Indigenous people and food webs in
Australia (127).
Thus, in addition to contributing to our understanding of sus-
tainability, the archaeology of climate change demonstrates the
role of cultural diversity as a source of human resilience. It also
contributes to the protection of biodiversity (92). The importance
of cultural diversity in the past also helps to highlight the role of
contemporary diversity. There is growing awareness of the im-
portance of indigenous knowledge for climate change adaptation
(128) and ecosystem-based adaptation and community-based
adaptation are increasingly seen as complementary approaches
(19). Indigenous groups have millennia of experience and an in-
timate knowledge of the land that is critical to planning and
enacting sustainable adaptation. Using traditional knowledge,
indigenous communities manage healthy, biodiverse ecosystems,
providing key services and increasing adaptive capacity (129131).
Indigenous farmers, for example, play a critical role in the mainte-
nance of land races, which act as reservoirs of genetic diversity for
a variety of food crops (132). Several ancient crops have recently
been reintroduced into mainstream Western diets, contributing to
the diversity of crop types included in the food chain, which is one
way of ensuring the resilience of the global food supply under
changing climate conditions (133). In addition, there are impor-
tant ethical reasons for protecting cultural diversity that merit
serious consideration (134).
The archaeology of climate change is an integrated, multidisci-
plinary approach that incorporates resilience theory and operates
within an evolutionary ecological framework. It uses the archae-
ological record to model humanenvironment interactions during
past climate change events with the goal of identifying the social
and ecological tipping pointsthat prompt the reorganization of
human systems and ecosystems at different scales and rates of
change. The archaeological record also allows us to measure the
relative success of past adaptative responses. Finally, it provides
narrative anchors in contemporary dialogues about climate
change that can be used to promote community-based adapta-
tion. The value of adopting a long-range perspective in climate
change research is absolutely essential given the scale of climate-
driven global environmental transformations that are likely to
occur beyond this century (4).
Much work remains to be done, climate variability is expressed
in different ways across the landscape, and other sources of sto-
chasticity, such as rates of community succession of both fauna
and flora, need to be investigated more fully. More locally ori-
ented research will be required to make climate research acces-
sible and foster community-based responses, including active
collaborations with stakeholders beyond academia (32). However,
the research described above demonstrates the promise and the
value of conducting an archaeology of climate change and the
benefits that accrue for the participating disciplines within their
own spheres of research. While it has always been notoriously
difficult to fund multidisciplinary research focused on the past, the
situation has been somewhat alleviated recently through the in-
troduction of new funding streams and growing support from
within climate research.
We have seen that cultural diversity, past and present, is a
valuable source of resilience and climate adaptation. The ar-
chaeology of climate change has an important role to play,
highlighting the importance of cultural diversity and encouraging
scientists, policymakers, and stakeholders to engage with the past
to help plan a sustainable future.
Data Availability. There are no data underlying this work.
We acknowledge the contributions of the Hominin Dispersal Research Group,
which is funded by Fonds Qu ´eb ´ecois de Recherche sur la Soci´et ´e et la Culture
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PNAS Burke et al. The archaeology of climate change: The case for cultural diversity
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... Blinkhorn and others 29 have indeed tried to infer human behaviour from the archaeological record of the Late Pleistocene, while Banks and others 30 adopted more specific environmental and cultural niche modelling techniques to conclude that environmental factors did have an influence on the predisposing occupation of regions most suited to specific cultural adaptations for the prehistoric farmers. Such first quantitative attempts, and the process of exploring and explaining where and why Neolithic populations occurred and settled, and to which extent people's lives were already affected by climatic factors and constraints has rightly become a central focus of debate for an increasing number of archaeological studies, concurrently with the more pressing concern and challenge of the global climate crisis 31,32 . Computational and quantitative modelling techniques come in hand and can be of greatest benefit for archaeologists trying to address large-scale events connected with relevant modern challenges. ...
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The first Neolithic farmers arrived in the Western Mediterranean area from the East. They established settlements in coastal areas and over time migrated to new environments, adapting to changing ecological and climatic conditions. While farming practices and settlements in the Western Mediterranean differ greatly from those known in the Eastern Mediterranean and central Europe, the extent to which these differences are connected to the local environment and climate is unclear. Here, we tackle this question by compiling data and proxies at a superregional and multi-scale level, including archaeobotanical information, radiocarbon dates and paleoclimatic models, then applying a machine learning approach to investigate the impact of ecological and climatic constraints on the first Neolithic humans and crops. This approach facilitates calculating the pace of spread of farming in the Western Mediterranean area, modelling and estimating the potential areas suitable for settlement location, and discriminating distinct types of crop cultivation under changing climatic conditions that characterized the period 5900 – 2300 cal. BC. The results of this study shed light onto the past climate variability and its influence on human distribution in the Western Mediterranean area, but also discriminate sensitive parameters for successful agricultural practices.
... Over the past two decades, significant efforts have been made by archaeologists to highlight the importance of their discipline in the study of the long-term human impact on climate, as well as the impact of climate change on past societies (e.g. Burke et al. 2021;d'Alpoim Guedes et al. 2016;Izdebski et al. 2016;LeFebvre, Erlandson, and Fitzpatrick 2022;Morrison et al. 2021;Rick and Sandweiss 2020;Rockman and Hritz 2020;Sandweiss and Kelley 2012). Both approaches could help to predict the future impacts of climate change on societies living on our planet, and to make much-needed decisions about how to adapt to climate change. ...
... Climate simulations have only been made widely available to archaeologists interested in exploring humans-environment interactions over the last decade, offering insights into climatic variability across wider geographic areas than typically provided by proxies at individual sites (Beyer et al., 2020;Krapp et al., 2021;Leonardi et al., 2023). When employed in combination with ethnographic and/or archaeological data, this offers a broad-scale approach to address such issues (e.g., Grove, 2018;Burke et al., 2021;Albouy et al., 2024). In this paper, we use recently published, downscaled climate models (Timbrell et al., 2024), ethnographic data and chronological information from archaeological sites to model and assess the geographical extent of climate conditions in Northwest Africa between MIS 4 and 2. We adopt a multifaceted approach, following Blinkhorn et al. (2022) macro-refugia model based on ethnographic data and a combined climate-archaeology model following Timbrell et al. (2022) approach. ...
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This paper examines climate conditions in Northwest Africa for Marine Isotope Stage 4, 3, and 2 (71,000-11,000 years ago) and their impact on the distribution of potential suitable areas on a regional scale. The analysis uses climate simulations to model: 1) the geographical extent and variability of macro-refugia based on ethnographic data; and 2) the frequency of suitable areas based on climate ranges obtained at dated archaeological occupations. The results include the production of maps of MSA and LSA site distribution, and annual precipitation and temperature values for each dated human occupation. The macro-refugia models confirm the persistence and low variability of ecological macro-refugia along the Mediterranean coast but reveal limitations in Central Sahara. Macro-refugia models aligned closely with climate-archaeological models, except for Marine Isotope Stage 4. Despite the general spatio-temporal limitations of climate simulations, our study offers valuable data to be integrated with local environmental proxies. These climate frameworks and insights can contribute to the exploration of past human demography, connectivity and human-environment interactions across different scales of analysis.
... An incredible record of the myriad forms of society and community that flourished until relatively recently with no single form of "human nature" (Graeber and Wengrow 2021;Sahlins 1976) is contained within and told through the archaeological record (Burke et al. 2021). Modern urbanism, Western mercantilism, and colonialism would change how many of the societies around the world live. ...
Technical Report
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This report combines the expertise of the Illinois State Archaeological Survey (ISAS) in the state’s heritage resources with the latest climate modeling projections to assess how climate change might affect cultural heritage across Illinois. Significant threats to the state’s cultural resources include increased soil erosion, flooding, and accelerated development. Our effort allows us to make a series of evi­dence-based recommendations of actions Illinois should take to protect the state’s cultural heritage sites.
... Present and future climate change arises from human activities, and its foreseen impacts on many aspects of human activities are spreading on virtually every territories and economic sectors. Early human populations also underwent large, and sometime fast, climate and environmental changes, raising the question of the impact of these on the populations (e.g., Burke et al., 2021). In the following, we give further examples of how current research activities highlighting possible links between climate changes and early human populations. ...
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Paleoclimate information has played an instrumental role in showing how fast climate can vary and how large these changes can be. It provided the first vivid demonstration of the relationships between atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and surface air temperatures, as well as striking representations of climate change impacts and possible feedbacks within the climate system, such as those associated with vegetation or ice sheet changes. Here, a short review of recent advances in paleoclimate studies is provided, with the objective of showing what this information on past climates and environments can bring to research on current and possible future climates. We advocate that (1) paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental information can be leveraged for narratives about climate change, in particular at the local and regional levels, (2) paleoclimate data is essential for out-of-range tests of climate models, since future climates are also out of the range of recent climate information used for calibrating climate models, (3) paleoclimate data, in particular for the last millennia, is essential for taking multi-centennial and multi-millennial variability into account when describing trends related to anthropogenic forcings and attributing climate change signals, in particular for extreme and rare events, and (4) paleoclimates also provide extremely valuable information for initializing the slow components of climate models. In addition, we show how paleoclimate studies can be beneficial to put recent and future climate change into context and improve our knowledge on key processes. They can both benefit from and contribute to models and knowledge based on the study of recent and future climates.
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Resilience—the ability of socio-ecological systems to withstand and recover from shocks—is a key research and policy focus. Definitions of resilience differ between disciplines, however, and the term remains inadequately operationalized. Resilience is the outcome of variable behavioral decisions, yet the process itself and the strategies behind it have rarely been addressed quantitatively. We present an agent-based model integrating four common risk management strategies, observed in past and present societies. Model outcomes under different environmental regimes, and in relation to key case studies, provide a mapping between the efficacy (success in harm prevention) and efficiency (cost of harm prevention) of different behavioral strategies. This formalization unravels the historical contingency of dynamic socio-natural processes in the context of crises. In discriminating between successful and failed risk management strategies deployed in the past—the emergent outcome of which is resilience—we are better placed to understand and to some degree predict their utility in the contemporary world.
Research Proposal
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Table des matières The Epoch Time : La « meilleure trouvaille » : sur la plage, un garçon de 6 ans découvre une hache vieille d’au moins 40.000 ans 2 L’Anthropologie : L’industrie du Paléolithique inférieur du site de Nanposhan, Bassin de Bose, Province autonome du Guangxi Zhuang, R.P. de ChineThe Lower Paleolithic industry of the Nanposhan site, Bose Basin, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Province, P.R. China 4 GEO : Les aiguilles en os préhistoriques: un aperçu des premiers habitants d'Amérique 8 Claire en France : Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie : la grotte Chauvet, l'aventure scientifique, jusqu'au 11 mai 2025 10 News.dayFR : Dordogne. Une plongée dans la grotte des cent mammouths 16 Science & vie : Jouets et adaptation : quand les enfants déterminent le destin des sociétés 18 Cambridge Core : Playing to Survive: Children and Innovation During the Little Ice Age in Greenland 22 Presse Citron : L’incroyable ours géant qui dominait l’ère glaciaire : une bête de 3,35 mètres de haut 49 La : Des humains de la période glaciaire alimentés par la viande de mammouth, selon une étude 52 Les News : La Generalitat connecte le patrimoine culturel à la technologie 55 L’Orient Littéraire : Au départ était la grotte... 60 Sciencepost : Les premières victimes sacrificielles par « incaprettamento » remontent au Néolithique 62 : Découverte impressionnante d'un fossile de crocodile géant 65
Research Proposal
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Table des matières The Epoch Time : La « meilleure trouvaille » : sur la plage, un garçon de 6 ans découvre une hache vieille d’au moins 40.000 ans 2 L’Anthropologie : L’industrie du Paléolithique inférieur du site de Nanposhan, Bassin de Bose, Province autonome du Guangxi Zhuang, R.P. de ChineThe Lower Paleolithic industry of the Nanposhan site, Bose Basin, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Province, P.R. China 4 GEO : Les aiguilles en os préhistoriques: un aperçu des premiers habitants d'Amérique 8 Claire en France : Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie : la grotte Chauvet, l'aventure scientifique, jusqu'au 11 mai 2025 10 News.dayFR : Dordogne. Une plongée dans la grotte des cent mammouths 16 Science & vie : Jouets et adaptation : quand les enfants déterminent le destin des sociétés 18 Cambridge Core : Playing to Survive: Children and Innovation During the Little Ice Age in Greenland 22 Presse Citron : L’incroyable ours géant qui dominait l’ère glaciaire : une bête de 3,35 mètres de haut 49 La : Des humains de la période glaciaire alimentés par la viande de mammouth, selon une étude 52 Les News : La Generalitat connecte le patrimoine culturel à la technologie 55 L’Orient Littéraire : Au départ était la grotte... 60 Sciencepost : Les premières victimes sacrificielles par « incaprettamento » remontent au Néolithique 62 : Découverte impressionnante d'un fossile de crocodile géant 65
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This paper is a reflection on how archaeology can intersect in dynamic ways with activism and protest, reflecting the evolving socio-political-economic-cultural landscape globally. Across diverse regions, from rural spaces to urban centers, activism within archaeology confronts systemic issues such as politics, gender inequality, social disparities, migrations, climate change, and cultural heritage preservation, among many others, challenging power structures. Moreover, archaeologists increasingly recognize their role in addressing broader societal challenges, engaging in activism to promote inclusion. The relationship between archaeology and activism is complex, with scholars navigating ethical considerations and power dynamics inherent in their work. This activism extends beyond academic circles, resonating with diverse communities fighting for social justice and environmental sustainability. Through collaborative efforts, archaeologists and communities strive to amplify marginalized voices, challenge oppressive systems, and foster meaningful change.
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Anthropogenic activity is changing Earth's climate and ecosystems in ways that are potentially dangerous and disruptive to humans. Greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere continue to rise, ensuring that these changes will be felt for centuries beyond 2100, the current benchmark for projection. Estimating the effects of past, current, and potential future emissions to only 2100 is therefore short-sighted. Critical problems for food production and climate-forced human migration are projected to arise well before 2100, raising questions regarding the habitability of some regions of the Earth after the turn of the century. To highlight the need for more distant horizon scanning, we model climate change to 2500 under a suite of emission scenarios and quantify associated projections of crop viability and heat stress. Together, our pro- jections show global climate impacts increase significantly after 2100 without rapid mitigation. As a result, we argue that projections of climate and its effects on human well-being and associated governance and policy must be framed beyond 2100.
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A large scholarship currently holds that before the onset of anthropogenic global warming, natural climatic changes long provoked subsistence crises and, occasionally, civilizational collapses among human societies. This scholarship, which we term the ‘history of climate and society’ (HCS), is pursued by researchers from a wide range of disciplines, including archaeologists, economists, geneticists, geographers, historians, linguists and palaeoclimatologists. We argue that, despite the wide interest in HCS, the field suffers from numerous biases, and often does not account for the local effects and spatiotemporal heterogeneity of past climate changes or the challenges of interpreting historical sources. Here we propose an interdisciplinary framework for uncovering climate–society interactions that emphasizes the mechanics by which climate change has influenced human history, and the uncertainties inherent in discerning that influence across different spatiotemporal scales. Although we acknowledge that climate change has sometimes had destructive effects on past societies, the application of our framework to numerous case studies uncovers five pathways by which populations survived—and often thrived—in the face of climatic pressures. This Review proposes an interdisciplinary framework for researching climate–society interactions that focuses on the mechanisms through which climate change has influenced societies, and the uncertainties of discerning this influence across different spatiotemporal scales.
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Proxy reconstructions from marine sediment cores indicate peak temperatures in the first half of the last and current interglacial periods (the thermal maxima of the Holocene epoch, 10,000 to 6,000 years ago, and the last interglacial period, 128,000 to 123,000 years ago) that arguably exceed modern warmth1,2,3. By contrast, climate models simulate monotonic warming throughout both periods4,5,6,7. This substantial model–data discrepancy undermines confidence in both proxy reconstructions and climate models, and inhibits a mechanistic understanding of recent climate change. Here we show that previous global reconstructions of temperature in the Holocene1,2,3 and the last interglacial period⁸ reflect the evolution of seasonal, rather than annual, temperatures and we develop a method of transforming them to mean annual temperatures. We further demonstrate that global mean annual sea surface temperatures have been steadily increasing since the start of the Holocene (about 12,000 years ago), first in response to retreating ice sheets (12 to 6.5 thousand years ago), and then as a result of rising greenhouse gas concentrations (0.25 ± 0.21 degrees Celsius over the past 6,500 years or so). However, mean annual temperatures during the last interglacial period were stable and warmer than estimates of temperatures during the Holocene, and we attribute this to the near-constant greenhouse gas levels and the reduced extent of ice sheets. We therefore argue that the climate of the Holocene differed from that of the last interglacial period in two ways: first, larger remnant glacial ice sheets acted to cool the early Holocene, and second, rising greenhouse gas levels in the late Holocene warmed the planet. Furthermore, our reconstructions demonstrate that the modern global temperature has exceeded annual levels over the past 12,000 years and probably approaches the warmth of the last interglacial period (128,000 to 115,000 years ago).
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As our planet emerges into a new epoch in which humans dominate the Earth system, it is imperative that societies initiate a new phase of responsible environmental stewardship. Here we argue that information from the past has a valuable role to play in enhancing the sustainability and resilience of our societies. We highlight the ways that past data can be mobilized for a variety of efforts, from supporting conservation to increasing agricultural sustainability and food security. At a practical level, solutions from the past often do not require fossil fuels, can be locally run and managed, and have been tested over the long term. Past failures reveal non-viable solutions and expose vulnerabilities. To more effectively leverage increasing knowledge about the past, we advocate greater cross-disciplinary collaboration, systematic engagement with stakeholders and policymakers, and approaches that bring together the best of the past with the cutting-edge technologies and solutions of tomorrow.
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While agricultural origins have been recently revised in light of new genetic and archaeological evidence, parallel synthesis of subsequent developments in agricultural economies has lagged. This review summarizes recent advances in archaeological theory and method that contribute to an enhanced understanding of agricultural economies. Such advances address topics of persistent interest, including agricultural innovation, the introduction of new domesticates, risk and resilience, agricultural scaling, and the economic and environmental consequences of agricultural practices. Although points of complementarity and tension exist among varied contemporary discourses on agriculture, frameworks of resilience and entanglement offer particularly promising avenues for regional synthesis and worldwide comparison of agricultural economies.
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Paleoenvironmental reconstructions on a (supra-)regional scale have gained attention in Quaternary sciences during the last decades. In terrestrial realms, loess deposits and especially intercalations of loess and buried soils, so called loess-paleosol sequences (LPS) are important archives to unravel the terrestrial response to e.g. climatic fluctuations and reconstruct paleoenvironments during the Pleistocene. The analysis of LPS requires the knowledge of several key factors, such as the distribution of the aeolian sediments, their location relative to (potential) source areas, the climate conditions that led to their emplacement and the topography of the sink area. These factors strongly influence the sedimentological and paleoenvironmental characteristics of LPS and show broad variations throughout Europe, leading to a distinct distribution pattern throughout the continent. We present a new map of the distribution of aeolian sediments (mainly loess) and major potential source areas for Europe. The map was compiled combining geodata of different mapping approaches. Most of the used geodata stems from accurate national maps of 27 different countries. Problematic aspects such as different nomenclatures across administrative borders were carefully investigated and revised. The result is a seamless map, which comprises pedological, geological, and geomorphological data and can be used for paleoenvironmental and archeological studies and other applications. We use the resulting map and data from key geomorphological cross-sections to discuss the various influences of geomorphology and paleoenvironment on the deposition and preservation of Late Pleistocene loess throughout Europe. We divided the loess areas into 6 main loess domains and 17 subdomains, to understand and explain the factors controlling their distribution and characteristics. For the subdivision we used the following criteria: (1) influence of silt production areas, (2) affiliation to subcatchments, as rivers are very important regional silt transport agents, (3) occurrence of past periglacial activity with characteristic overprinting of the deposits. Additionally, the sediment distribution is combined with elevation data, to investigate the loess distribution statistically as well as visually. Throughout Europe, the variations, and differences of the loess domains are the results of a complex interplay of changing paleoenvironmental conditions and related geomorphologic processes, controlling dust sources, transport, accumulation, preservation, pedogenesis, alongside erosional and reworking events. Climatic, paleoclimatic, and pedoclimatic gradients are on the continental scale an additional important factor, since there are e.g. latitudinal differences of permafrost and periglacial processes, an increase in continentality from west to east and in aridity from northwest to southeast and south, strongly affecting regional sedimentary and geomorphic dynamics. We propose three main depositional regimes for loess formation in Europe: (1.) periglacial and tundra loess formation with periglacial processes and permafrost in the high latitude and mountainous regions; (2.) steppe and desert margin loess formation in the (semi-)arid regions; and (3.) loess and soil formation in temperate and subtropical regions. Loess deposits of (1.) and (2.) show coarser, sandier particle distributions towards the glacial and desert regions. In the humid areas (3.) forest vegetation limited dust production and accumulation, therefore, there is an increase in finer grain sizes due to an increase in weathering.
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Anthropogenic activity is changing Earth’s climate and ecosystems in ways that are potentially dangerous and disruptive to humans . Greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere continue to rise, ensuring these changes will be felt for centuries beyond 2100, the current benchmark for prediction emissions to only 2100 is therefore shortsighted. Critical problems for food production climate-forced ‘survival’ migration are projected to arise well before 2100 raising questions regarding the habitability of some regions of the Earth after the turn of the century. To highlight the need for more distant horizon scanning, we model climate change to 2500 under a suite of emission scenarios and quantify associated projections of crop viability and heat stress. Together, our projections show global climate impacts significantly increase after 2100 without rapid mitigation. As a result, projections of climate and its effects on human well-being and associated governance and policy must be framed beyond 2100.
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There is emerging evidence of the important role of indigenous knowledge for climate change adaptation. The necessity to consider different knowledge systems in climate change research has been established in the fifth assessment report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). However, gaps in author expertise and inconsistent assessment by the IPCC lead to a regionally heterogeneous and thematically generic coverage of the topic. We conducted a scoping review of peer-reviewed academic literature to support better integration of the existing and emerging research on indigenous knowledge in IPCC assessments. The research question underpinning this scoping review is: How is evidence of indigenous knowledge on climate change adaptation geographically and thematically distributed in the peer-reviewed academic literature? As the first systematic global evidence map of indigenous knowledge in the climate adaptation literature, the study provides an overview of the evidence of indigenous knowledge for adaptation across regions and categorises relevant concepts related to indigenous knowledge and their contexts in the climate change literature across disciplines. The results show knowledge clusters around tropical rural areas, subtropics, drylands, and adaptation through planning and practice and behavioural measures. Knowledge gaps include research in northern and central Africa, northern Asia, South America, Australia, urban areas, and adaptation through capacity building, as well as institutional and psychological adaptation. This review supports the assessment of indigenous knowledge in the IPCC AR6 and also provides a basis for follow-up research, e.g. bibliometric analysis, primary research of underrepresented regions, and review of grey literature.
The Amiens‐Renancourt 1 site recently yielded one of the most important Upper Palaeolithic human occupations of northern France by the number of flint artefacts and especially by the presence of Venus figurines. All the material comes from a single archaeological layer located in a tundra gley bracketed by loess units. A multi‐proxy study combining a detailed stratigraphy, luminescence and radiocarbon datings and high‐resolution (5 cm per sample) grain size and molluscan analyses was therefore carried out to reconstruct and date the associated environmental changes and to determine the exact context of the human occupation. The chronological frame thus established supports the correlations of the archaeology‐bearing tundra gley and of an underlying arctic brown soil with Greenland interstadials GI‐4 and GI‐3. Composition changes in the molluscan population enabled the identification of transitional and optimum phases and sub‐phases within these two pedogenetic horizons. A conceptual correlation model linking molluscan phases with millennial‐scale variations of Greenland ice‐core and Sieben Hengste speleothem climate records is proposed. The Human occupation appears contemporaneous to the end of the stadial–interstadial transition of GI‐3. Synchronous in Amiens‐Renancourt 1 and Nussloch, subsequent micro‐gleys may also result from a regional/global forcing. Such a level of detail is unprecedented in a loess sequence.
The climate shift of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) strongly impacted the vegetation cover and related trophic chains of western Europe. Harsh, cold and dry conditions then prevailed in most regions, strongly impacting migrations and survival of human beings. Nonetheless, environments suitable for mammalian fauna to survive persisted in SW Europe thus providing refugia for hunters. Tooth enamel from large herbivorous mammal remains from archaeological sites located in southwest France and Spain were analyzed for their stable carbon and oxygen isotope compositions for documenting paleotemperatures and paleoprecipitations. These sites were occupied by humans between 25 ky and 16 ky. Skeletal remains of Cervidae, Equidae and Caprinae suggest colder and drier conditions relative to present-day. Paleoprecipitations were reconstructed from a modern-based transfer function using δ¹³C-values of apatite carbonate, then corrected for the low atmospheric pCO2 value of the LGM. They ranged from ≈250 mm yr⁻¹ on the Mediterranean façade, to ≈550 mm yr⁻¹ on the Atlantic side. Setting the δ¹⁸O-value of the northeastern North Atlantic LGM-surface water to +0.8‰, based on Biscay Golf marine core studies, mean air temperatures inferred from ¹⁸O-data in apatite calcite were close to 14–15 °C (Mediterranean) and 6 °C–10 °C (Atlantic), i.e., about 4–5 °C and 5–8 °C higher than pre-industrial temperatures, respectively. The two areas thus define distinct clusters of air temperatures and precipitation regimes with strong negative offsets vs the Present. These isotopically-reconstructed climate conditions indicate a strong control from proximal surface ocean/marine waters, in particular of mean annual air temperatures.