
Successful management of status epilepticus with yoga prana vidya healing as a complementary therapy: A case study of atypical febrile seizure

  • Sri Ramana Trust
  • Independent Researcher
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: Epilepsy is one of the most common disorders of the nervous system and affects people of all ages, races, and ethnic backgrounds, and seen more commonly in children. Atypical febrile seizure with Status epilepticus is a disorder known for significant morbidity and mortality. Despite newer antiepileptic drugs, 30 % of subjects are refractory to the conventional treatment with a risk of recurrence and neuro-developmental disorder. This paper presents one such case of a child handled successfully by Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) Energy healing complementarily to conventional therapy. This is a prospective case study of a 2-month-old infant, an emergency case of atypical febrile seizures with status epilepticus, where YPV Healing intervention was done from the beginning while admitting doctors had given a guarded prognosis. This case study reports the normal physical, mental & psychological development of the subject following YPV Healing with 3-year follow up, and the subject was observed to be normal without any recurrence of the disease or neuro-developmental abnormality. : Although the use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) has been evaluated globally, there are few studies available on the use of Energy healing in various ailments. YPV Healing has been emerging as an effective modality of treatment for various physical, psychological ailments without any side effects. It can be effectively used from distance even without physically examining the subject. It has been used as a complementary or alternative modality of treatment in some severe life-threatening emergency conditions, and further studies may be conducted with appropriate sample sizes.

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... Published research articles in the literature show that YPV healing techniques have been applied to successfully heal various ailments like Dislocation of knee cap [2], Hodgkin lymphoma cancer [3], Nephrotic Syndrome [4], Epilepticus [5], Snakebite [6], Urinary Fistula [7], Hyperthyroidism [8], High Cervical disc prolapse [9], Cholesterol and asthma [10], Exostosis of ear [11], Heart Block [12], Diabetes [13], Eye issues [14], Skin allergies [15], Dermatitis [16] and many other difficult medical cases [17]. This paper presents a report of 6 skin ailments healed by different healers successfully using the Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) system of Healing protocols without any medical treatment. ...
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Introduction: Skin ailments are those diseases that affect the skin. They can be triggered either due to some bacteria or fungal infections or some dust or food allergies or imbalances in the digestive system causing eruptions or itching on the surface of the skin. Some skin ailments are also genetic in nature caused due to poor lifestyle and environmental conditions. Material and Method: This study uses the case study method by collecting data from multiple patients and recording their feedback. Results: The skin conditions treated in 6 cases were: Skin Infection, Folliculitis, Warts on the skin, Boils on the skin, Skin allergy, and Fungal moles using YPV healing protocols along with the practice of YPV Sadhana App component, with complete cure resulting after a few weeks of healing. The patients experienced complete cures after the respective healers healed the cases, without any medical intervention. Conclusion: It is observed that the no touch and no drug, distance healing Yoga Prana Vidya modality which is a holistic and integrated energy healing system has been effective in treating a variety of ailments including various skin issues. Further research using appropriate sample and methodology is recommended.
... Under these circumstances, there is little hope for these children and there is a need for a program with a clear outcome-based intervention [7]. Previously, YPV system researchers and practitioners published a study on how successfully a YPV intervention was conducted for mentally retarded children [8], and a case of Status Epilepticus healed successfully by the application of YPV intervention [9]. ...
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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex formative condition, described by tenacious difficulties in social cooperation and correspondence and confined and dreary behavior. There is no solution for Autism and a few treatments are accessible as well as certain drugs to further develop life for impacted youngsters and grown-ups. This paper presents a case of a boy who was treated from the age of 8 years with Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) healing complementarily to other therapies achieving positive progress. This study uses the case study method by going through the patient’s medical records, the healer’s records, and the patient’s mother’s feedback. YPV healing was applied as a long-term intervention spanning 3 years, complementary to home-based “Son-Rise” program therapy. Within the first 15 days of YPV healing, the boy’s improvements were noticeable, and progress began after a stagnant condition over the previous 2 years. After 3 months of YPV intervention, the boy became more receptive to faster learning. After a year of healing, the boy’s condition improved from Grade 1 to Grade 2 of the “Son-Rise” gradation. At the end of the 3rd year, the boy achieved most of the Grade 3. YPV healing is being continued further. The integrated and holistic system of YPV healing therapy was successfully applied to the autism case as a complementary therapy, achieving the patient’s faster progress, and enabling parents to overcome social stigma. Further research is recommended on the application of YPV healing therapy in the treatment of ASD.
... This accelerates the complete healing process helping speedy recovery of the subject. Some examples of ailments successfully treated using YPV healing techniques are, treatment of Dislocation of knee cap, 3 Hodgkin lymphoma cancer, 4 Nephrotic Syndrome, 5 Epilepticus, 6 Snake bite, 7 Urinary Fistula, 8 Hyperthyroidism 9 , High Cervical disc prolapse, 10 Cholesterol and asthma, 11 Exostosis of ear, 12 Heart Block, 13 Diabetes, 14 Eye issues 15 and some difficult medical cases. 16 ...
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: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a consequence of diabetes in patients and causes impairment in vision. Despite advances in science the treatment of DR is challenging. This paper presents a case of diabetic retinopathy treated successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya healing protocols. : Case study method is used in this study going through patient medical records, YPV healer’s records and patient feedback. : Within 8 weeks of YPV healing intervention, blurriness in vision fully reduced, normal vision restored, and the patient could work longer on computer without feeling strain. Eye drop usage reduced upon medical advice to just once or twice daily. Also, the patient’s diabetes condition was very stable and under control, and stress levels reduced greatly as a result of sustained YPV practices. A follow up after 10 months revealed that the patient was able to sustain the changes, stable and happy. : The integrated and holistic system of Yoga Prana Vidya Protocols have enabled the diabetic retinopathy patient to regain normal vision and stable controlled diabetes with lower stress levels. Further research with appropriate methodology and sample is recommended. It will be helpful for frontline health workers to learn and practice YPV protocols to complement their specialties for holistic treatment of patients.
... Some examples of ailments successfully treated using YPV healing techniques are, treatment of Dislocation of knee cap [3], Hodgkin lymphoma cancer [4], Nephrotic Syndrome [5], Epilepticus [6], Snake bite [7], Urinary Fistula [8], Hyperthyroidism [9], High Cervical disc prolapse [10], Cholesterol and asthma [11], Exostosis of ear [12], Heart Block [13], Diabetes [14], Eye issues [15] and some difficult medical cases [16]. ...
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Introduction: Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) refers to the bleeding in the space surrounding the brain and its membrane and occurs usually due to the bulging or ruptures in the blood vessels of the brain. Following SAH, cerebral vasospasm can occur which can lead to sudden death or brain damage if not treated correctly and immediately. This paper presents a case of a 35 years old male patient with SAH & cerebral vasospasm, who completely recovered after a successful surgery, and using Yoga Prana Vidya Healing techniques as complementary therapy. Method: This paper uses case study method going through patient medical records, YPV healers’ records and patient feedback. Results: The patient recovered within 4 hours from a complicated 7+ hours of SAH surgery, was able to recognize people and respond to body movements and also use the washroom comfort ability by himself. Within 14 days of YPV healing, the patient was discharged from the hospital and within 2 months of the surgery the patient resumed office and started leading normal life. Conclusion: It is observed that with Yoga Prana Vidya, which is a no-touch no-drug and distant healing modality, faster and complete recovery of patients takes place when used complementarily to medical and surgical treatments such as this case. YPV Healing techniques have been known to increase the life energy or prana in the energy body of a person thereby helping them with a speedy recovery. There is a great scope for further research on this topic using appropriate methodology and sample size.
... Published research articles in the literature show that YPV healing techniques have been applied to successfully heal various ailments like Dislocation of knee cap [5], Hodgkin lymphoma cancer [6], Nephrotic Syndrome [7], Epilepticus [8], Snake bite [9], Urinary Fistula [10], Hyperthyroidism [11], High Cervical disc prolapse [12], Cholesterol and asthma [13], Exostosis of ear [14], Heart Block [15], Diabetes [16], Eye issues [17] and many other difficult medical cases. [18] Chakrams controlling the gastrointestinal system of the body : Fig 2. shows the major energy centres or chakrams. ...
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Introduction: Fatty Liver is a disease in which there is excess amount of fat stored in the liver. If the condition is not treated, it may lead to serious liver disease. This paper presents a case of a patient detected with non- alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) who was healed successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) system of Healing protocols without the use of any medicines. Material and Method: This is a detailed case study method analysing the pre and post healing medical reports of a 58-year-old male who was diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, who approached Yoga Prana Vidya healers for distant healing. Results: After 2 months of daily healing, the test reports of the patient showed no signs of fatty liver. A follow up test report after 2 years of the healing intervention also showed normal liver. Conclusion: It is observed that Yoga Prana Vidya healing which is a no touch, no-drug healing modality, which includes distant healing, has been used effectively in the treatment of Non- alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). YPV both as an alternative and complimentary medicine has been known to have successfully healed thousands of patients suffering from various ailments. This case is one of its kind as the ailment was treated completely without any other medication. There is a great scope for further research on this topic with appropriate sample sizes.
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p class="abstract">Bones form a vital part of the skeletal system providing mechanical support, strength, structure and protection to the human body. Inability of the bone to resist any kind of stress caused accidently can result in a bone injury or a fracture. This article provides a summary of eleven cases of bone injury and fracture treated successfully by yoga prana vidya (YPV) techniques as a complementary medicine for faster recovery. The study was carried out by two healers who independently healed eleven cases of bone injury and fracture using the bone regeneration techniques of YPV. Further, the data was collected and the results were analysed. By application of YPV healing techniques complementarily, it is observed that full recovery took place within 10 days to 45 days for the 3 hospitalised cases, and within 3 to 8 days for the two patients who had bandage/dressing done at a medical facility. In case of the remaining 6 patients who sought YPV healing help in preference to seeking medical help the recovery took place within 5 to 20 days. helping the patients to lead a normal life thereafter. It is observed that YPV techniques can be used for faster recovery of patients with injured and fractured bones. This paper shows the successful results when the techniques were applied on eleven participants. It is recommended to conduct further studies on a larger scale for the healing of bone related cases such as injury and fractures.</p
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Background: Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) is a chronic potentially debilitating resistant neuropathic pain. This is a single in-depth case study conducted to assess the effectiveness of Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) Healing in the Management of PHN. Experience has shown that YPV is an effective noninvasive non-drug therapy for several ailments and this study has used YPV in the management of this severe painful condition. Methods: One patient suffering from PHN was treated with a set of YPV protocols. He had been treated earlier with conventional therapy consisting of Opioid Analgesic Pentazocin injection, sedatives like valium, tricyclic antidepressant like Gapapentin for four months duration with little relief from pain. The patient was advised to perform self-practice of some YPV protocols including rhythmic yogic breathing 2-3 times a day. Initially healing was done three times a day for 3 days and then once in a day for 4 days. Results: During the first healing session, the patient slept in clinic and got relief in the pain by 20%. On the same day in the night he slept for 7 hours. . Within a week patient was completely relieved of his pain, stopped taking any analgesic, psychotropic drugs, and resumed his daily chores. Conclusions: YPV is an effective alternative noninvasive nondrug, non -touch therapy for the relief of pain in PHN when the conventional therapy may be ineffective. The article also provides some insights into the future possibilities of YPV applications. Key words: Post herpetic Neuralgia treatment, neuropathic pain, Yoga Prana Vidya meditation healing.
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Background: This case study represented a patient"s case with a relatively uncomplicated arterial blockage of the Heart, and after prompt Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) Healing, was successfully treated thereby avoiding costly bypass surgery. Initial medical investigation report stated 90% block in the arteries of the heart and recommended for open heart surgery. Methods: This is a case study method, going through full detailed records of the patient"s health conditions pre and post treatments using YPV healing system observed through lab test records, as well as data collected from follow-up interview of the subject. Results: Analysis of the medical case documents show positive results of improvements obtained with YPV healing method used by healers. Medical investigation after YPV healing confirmed that the arterial blocks disappeared after healing sessions. Conclusion: This case study documents the evidence gathered on the effective uses of YPV in healing and treating arterial blockage. To produce holistic and optimum results, YPV uses a combination of approaches such as, (1) physical exercises including rhythmic yogic breathing, (2) Salt free diet; fruit diet, (3) Meditation techniques, (4) healing by trained and experienced healers, patient participation in group healing, self-healing by patients with regular self-practice of some specified techniques. There is ample scope to conduct further research on the application of YPV as alternatively effective and low cost medicine for various medical conditions.
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Background: Patients with rare and chronic diseases often face a long journey from diagnosis to treatment. Despite scientific advancements in medical field, and surgical methods available, to cure such cases is difficult. Several such cases were handled by Yoga Prana Vidya Ashram, where the patients were healed and now leading normal life with improved health conditions. This paper reports four such cases in detail. Methods: This is a case study method, going through full detailed records of the patients' health conditions pre and post treatments using YPV healing system observed through lab test records, as well as data collected from follow-up interviews of the subjects. Results: Analysis of each case shows positive results of improvements obtained with YPV healing methods used by healers and also, some self-healing techniques practiced by the patients, enabling them to lead normal life. Conclusions: This case study documents the evidence gathered on the effective uses of YPV in healing and treating multiple ailments, besides curing some chronic ailments. To produce holistic and optimum results, YPV uses a combination of approaches such as, (1) physical exercises including rhythmic yogic breathing, (2) Salt free diet; fruit diet, (3) Meditation techniques, (4) healing by trained and experienced healers, patient participation in group healing, self-healing by patients with regular self-practice of some specified techniques. There is ample scope to conduct further research on the application of YPV as alternative, effective and low cost medicine for various other medical conditions.
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Of the 70 million persons with epilepsy (PWE) worldwide, nearly 12 million PWE are expected to reside in India; which contributes to nearly one-sixth of the global burden. This paper (first of the two part series) provides an in-depth understanding of the epidemiological aspects of epilepsy in India for developing effective public health prevention and control programs. The overall prevalence (3.0-11.9 per 1,000 population) and incidence (0.2-0.6 per 1,000 population per year) data from recent studies in India on general population are comparable to the rates of high-income countries (HICs) despite marked variations in population characteristics and study methodologies. There is a differential distribution of epilepsy among various sociodemographic and economic groups with higher rates reported for the male gender, rural population, and low socioeconomic status. A changing pattern in the age-specific occurrence of epilepsy with preponderance towards the older age group is noticed due to sociodemographic and epidemiological transition. Neuroinfections, neurocysticercosis (NCC), and neurotrauma along with birth injuries have emerged as major risk factors for secondary epilepsy. Despite its varied etiology (unknown and known), majority of the epilepsy are manageable in nature. This paper emphasizes the need for focused and targeted programs based on a life-course perspective and calls for a stronger public health approach based on equity for prevention, control, and management of epilepsy in India.
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This concise guidance comprises a distillation of recommendations for the diagnosis and management of epilepsies for non-specialists and is based on updated clinical guideline 137 published by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE). It is intended to provide the generalist at the front line (particularly but not exclusively in the acute hospital setting) with an accessible and up-to-date outline of key guidance on assessment, clinical management, communication and referral. Recommendations abstracted verbatim from the guideline are highlighted. Brief explanatory or supporting comment is given where appropriate.
Introduction: Exostosis of the external auditory canal is a relatively rare lesion but is the commonest tumor of the bony external ear. Canaloplasty alone is the surgical treatment of choice for Exostosis and other lesions of the external auditory canal. This case study presents how a patient with Exostosis was fully healed using Yoga Prana Vidya Healing system without need of surgical intervention. Materials and Methods: This is a case study method, going through full detailed records of a 64 year old female patient diagnosed as having Exostosis,health conditions pre and post treatments using YPV healing system observed through ear specialist’s reports, as well as data collected from follow-up interviews of the subject. Results: Analysis of this case shows positive results of improvement without surgery obtained with use of YPV healing methods by healers and also some self-healing techniques practiced by the patient, enabling her to have normal hearing and overall health. Conclusions: ThiscasestudydocumentstheevidencegatheredontheeffectiveuseofYPVinhealingand treating Exostosis condition, besides healing some other ailments of the patient holistically. To produce holistic and optimum results, YPV uses a combination of approaches such as, (1) physical exercises including rhythmic yogic breathing, (2) Salt free diet; fruit diet, (3) Meditation techniques, (4) healing by trained and experienced healers, patient participation in group healing, self-healing by patients with regular self-practice of some specified techniques. There is ample scope to conduct further research on the application of YPV as alternative, effective and low cost medicine for various other medical conditions. © 2019 Published by Innovative Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
The occurrence of a single seizure does not always require initiation of antiepileptic drugs. Risk of recurrent seizures should guide their use. In adults, key risk factors for recurrence are two unprovoked seizures occurring more than 24 hours apart, epileptiform abnormalities on electroencephalography, abnormal brain imaging, nocturnal seizures, or an epileptic syndrome associated with seizures. In children, key risk factors are abnormal electroencephalography results, an epileptic syndrome associated with seizures, severe head trauma, and cerebral palsy. The risk of adverse effects from antiepileptic drugs is considerable and includes potential cognitive and behavioral effects. In the absence of risk factors, and because many patients do not experience recurrence of a seizure, physicians should consider delaying use of antiepileptic drugs until a second seizure occurs. Delaying therapy until a second seizure does not affect one- to two-year remission rates. Treatment should begin with monotherapy. The appropriate choice of medication varies depending on seizure type. Routine monitoring of drug levels is not correlated with reduction in adverse effects or improvement in effectiveness and is not recommended. When patients have been seizure free for two to five years, discontinuation of antiepileptic drugs may be considered. For patients with seizures that are not controlled with these agents, alternative treatments include surgical resection of the seizure focus, ketogenic diets, vagus nerve stimulators, and implantable brain neurostimulators. Patients who have had a recent seizure within the past three months or whose seizures are poorly controlled should refrain from driving and certain high-risk physical activities. Patients planning for pregnancy should know that antiepileptic drugs are possibly teratogenic.
Status epilepticus is defined usually as a condition in which epileptic activity persists for 30 minutes or more. The seizures can take the form of prolonged seizures or repetitive attacks without recovery in between. There are various types of status epilepticus and a classification scheme is shown in table 1.
The Epilepsies: The diagnosis and management of the epilepsies in
  • Ncg Centre
Centre NCG. Pharmacological Update of Clinical Guideline 20, The Epilepsies: The diagnosis and management of the epilepsies in; 2012. Available from:
Pharmacological Update of Clinical Guideline 20, The Epilepsies: The diagnosis and management of the epilepsies in
  • N C G Centre