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Abstract and Figures

Foot problems are highly prevalent conditions, being a frequent reason for medical and podiatric consultation. The aim of this study was to compare the differences of quality of life (QoL) related to foot health in people with and without the presence of foot problems. A case–control study was carried out in an outpatient centre, where a clinician recorded data related to sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. In addition, self-reported data on foot health-related quality of life were recorded using the Spanish version of the Foot Health Status Questionnaire. The sample consisted of 498 participants (249 cases and 249 controls), with a median age of 30 years and an interquartile range of 23 years. The differences between the groups were statistically significant for gender, age, footwear, general health, foot health, and physical activity. Cases showed lower scores for the domain of footwear, physical activity and vitality compared to controls. Foot pathologies have a negative impact on quality of life related to foot health, and the domains of footwear, general health and physical activity seem to be the factors that are associated with the presence of alterations and foot deformities.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:14515 | 
Impact of quality of life related
to foot problems: a case–control
Daniel López‑López1,2*, Mónica Pérez‑Ríos1,3, Alberto Ruano‑Ravina1,3, Marta
Elena Losa‑Iglesias4, Ricardo Becerro‑de‑Bengoa‑Vallejo5, Carlos Romero‑Morales6,
Cesar Calvo‑Lobo5 & Emmanuel Navarro‑Flores7
Foot problems are highly prevalent conditions, being a frequent reason for medical and podiatric
consultation. The aim of this study was to compare the dierences of quality of life (QoL) related
to foot health in people with and without the presence of foot problems. A case–control study was
carried out in an outpatient centre, where a clinician recorded data related to sociodemographic
and clinical characteristics. In addition, self‑reported data on foot health‑related quality of life were
recorded using the Spanish version of the Foot Health Status Questionnaire. The sample consisted
of 498 participants (249 cases and 249 controls), with a median age of 30 years and an interquartile
range of 23 years. The dierences between the groups were statistically signicant for gender, age,
footwear, general health, foot health, and physical activity. Cases showed lower scores for the domain
of footwear, physical activity and vitality compared to controls. Foot pathologies have a negative
impact on quality of life related to foot health, and the domains of footwear, general health and
physical activity seem to be the factors that are associated with the presence of alterations and foot
e feet are an essential foundation of people’s health, and due to their complex anatomical characteristics, they
play a key role in posture and ambulation, since they are responsible for the autonomy, independence and well-
being of the individual. Currently, there is an increase in the prevalence of foot pathologies, ranging between 61
and 79%, which is why they constitute an important public health problem1,2. In addition, there are other factors,
such as the diculty in managing foot problems, in part due to their multifactorial aetiology, the discomfort they
can cause, and the high demand regarding these complaints by patients2,3, that could result in their chronicity.
Moreover, the non-existence of two identical cases among people who suer from them should be underlined,
as they are determined by a specic diagnosis, and the characteristics of the structures involved, whether they
are: ligamentous, muscular, bone, vascular and/or nervous4,5, producing an increase in health spending and a
worsening of established cases. us, foot problems can reduce quality of life, lead to loss of balance, make it
dicult to put on shoes, and increase the risk of falling68. All of this can aect activities of daily living, includ-
ing the desire to go outside.
Despite the importance of foot pathologies, both due to their prevalence and their impact on activities of daily
living, there are few studies in Spain that have measured the inuence of quality of life in these patients compared
to healthy subjects and, specically, which facets of quality of life could be most aected by these pathologies911.
e objective of this study was to compare quality of life related to foot health in people with and without
the presence of foot problems.
Departamento de Medicina Preventiva e Saúde Pública, Facultad de Medicina e Odontoloxía, Santiago de
Compostela, Spain. Grupo de Investigación Saúde e Podoloxía, Departamento de Ciencias da Saúde, Facultade de
de Epidemiología y Salud Pública, CIBERESP, Madrid, Spain. Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad Rey Juan
Carlos, Alcorcón, Spain. School of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Podiatry, Universidad Complutense de Madrid,
Madrid, Spain. Faculty of Sport Sciences, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Villaviciosa de Odón, Madrid,
Spain. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing and Podiatry, Frailty Research Organized Group, Universidad de
Valencia, Valencia, Spain. *email:
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:14515 | 
Material and methods
Design and sample. is is a case–control study carried out in a private podiatry centre providing foot
health care services, in the city of A Coruña (Galicia, Spain), between January 2016 and December 2017. e
selection of study participants was carried out through non-random sampling and the recommendations for
the communication of observational studies, known as Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in
Epidemiology (STROBE)12, were followed.
e inclusion criteria for the group of cases were established as interest in participating and completing the
study phases. e exclusion criteria were the following: immunosuppressed people, people with the presence
of systemic conditions, a history of surgery and / or orthopaedic treatments on the feet, lack of partial or total
autonomy in daily activities, as well as those who did not want to sign the consent form or did not understand
the instructions to participate in the research. In the group of controls, the inclusion criteria were the following:
people who attended for a health check on their feet, who did not present any problems with them and who
completed all phases of the investigation. Regarding the exclusion criteria of the control group, they were related
to: presenting foot pathologies, drug use, presenting any systemic disease or inability to carry out the research.
All participants had a median age of 30years, an interquartile range of 23years, with no upper age limit, and
there were no criteria established by gender. All subjects signed the informed consent to be included in the study.
Calculation of the sample size. e sample size required for this case–control study, with specic levels
of condence, power, and groups of equal size was calculated through the Epidat version 4.2 programme (Con-
sellería de Sanidade, Xunta de Galicia, Spain; Organización Panamericana de la salud (OPS-OMS); Universidad
CES, Colombia).
A total sample size of 498 subjects (249 per group) was determined assuming a condence level of 95%, a
power of 0.80, an odds ratio to detect of 2.0 and an expected proportion of exposed of 88.268%, and in the con-
trols of 79%. e actual sample (total of 498 participants) consisted of 249 cases (15 men and 234 women) and
249 controls (45 men and 204 women).
is research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the University of Coruña, with le number
CE 010/2015. All participants were informed about the procedures used in this study to give and sign their
informed consent. Additionally, the guidelines associated with the ethical standards for investigation and experi-
mentation in people as reported in the Declaration of Helsinki, in their last modication and others internationals
institutionals organisations bodies were preserved.
Procedure. In the rst place, an experienced clinician with more than ten years’ providing attention to the
treatment of foot pathologies, recorded the general health status of each patient, the anthropometric variables
(age, sex, body mass index), the medical and surgical history, the presence of systemic diseases and current
Second, a physical examination of the general state of the health of the feet was carried out by means of struc-
tural assessment using palpation, analysis of joint mobility and tests of muscle strength in the foot. In addition,
the clinical history of each patient was accessed to verify any other foot pathology and / or chronic diseases, as
well as complementary tests (ultrasound and X-rays).
ird, for the evaluation of the impact of quality of life related to foot health, each patient anonymously self-
administered the Foot Health Status Questionnaire, in its Spanish version13. is tool contains three sections.
e rst section presents a high degree of validity related to the content, the evaluation criteria and the construct
of the four specic domains to analyse foot health associated with: foot function, foot pain, footwear and condi-
tion of foot health, with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.89–0.95, and high retest reliability with an intraclass correlation
coecient of 0.74–0.9214. e second section was validated and adapted from the Medical Outcomes Study
36-Item Short-Form Health Survey and presents four domains for the assessment of general health, physical
function, social function, and nally vitality15,16. e third section contains the record of the sociodemographic
characteristics corresponding to the clinical history of each participant16. Once the third phase was completed
by the patient, the clinician recorded the information from each questionnaire using the FHSQ soware (version
1.03). is programme provides the nal score for each dimension in a range from 0 to 100, with zero identifying
the worst state of health and 100 an optimal state of health.
Statistical analysis. e anthropometric variables (age, sex, body mass index) and the independent vari-
ables were presented as mean and standard deviation (SD) and with the ranges of maximum and minimum val-
ues. Regarding the categorical variables, they were presented with absolute values and with percentages. Fisher’s
exact test was used to test the dierences in the frequencies of the levels of categorical variables (sex) between the
groups with and without foot pathologies, while the independent sample t-test was used to test the dierences
between the two groups in the form of continuous variables (age, height, weight, BMI, foot pain, foot function,
footwear, foot health, general health, physical activity, social function, vitality). Dierences were considered sig-
nicant when the p value < 0.05. A multivariate logistic regression was performed to predict the case or control
status based on the scores of the items on the scale considered. For this, and to have greater power, each item
was divided into two categories, using the median as the cut-o point and considering the category with the best
result as the reference category. Results were adjusted for sex, age, and BMI and are provided as ORs with 95%
condence intervals. Data were processed with the statistical package IBM SPSS Statistics version 25.
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:14515 | 
A total of 498 participants completed the investigation, 249 cases and the same number of controls. Regarding the
age distribution of the sample, it ranged from 15 to 69years, with a median age of 30years, and an interquartile
range of 23. e sample included 88% of women. e composition of the sample can be seen in Table1.
Regarding the results on quality of life related to foot health among the group of cases and controls, they are
shown in Table2. ese scores were higher for the control group, in the rst section for the footwear domain and
lower for foot pain, foot function, and overall foot health. In the second section, they obtained higher scores in
the domains of physical activity and vitality and lower scores in the domains of general health and social capacity.
e dierences between the groups were statistically signicant for footwear and general health and there
were no signicant dierences for the dimensions of the questionnaire that assessed foot pain, foot function,
general foot health, physical activity, social capacity and vitality.
Table3 shows the multivariate logistic regression, where it can be observed that those people who had worse
scores on the scale items related to footwear, physical activity, foot health and vitality, had a higher probability
of being a case. is association was greater for footwear (OR 4.470 (IC95% 2.569–7.775)) followed by physical
activity. However, general health showed a negative association with the probability of being a case or a control.
e results of this research show that people with foot pathologies have a worse quality of life than the general
population. is is observed with the assessment of the items on the scale used, both globally and individually.
e analysis of the individual items showed that the people with the worst scores in the use of footwear were up
to 4 times more likely to have foot pathologies compared to controls. To our knowledge, this is the rst study to
analyse the quality of life of Spanish patients using the Foot Health Status Questionnaire, in its Spanish version.
e reason for carrying out this study is the high prevalence of foot pathologies in Europe, as reected by
Burzykowski etal. in a multicentre project involving 70,497 patients who presented ranges of 56 to 64% of various
Table 1. Comparison of demographic characteristics of the total sample, patients with foot problems and
controls. BMI body mass index, SD standard deviation.
Total group
Mean ± SD
(n = 498)
Mean ± SD
(n = 249)
Mean ± SD
(n = 249)
Weight (kg) 67.02 ± 14.18
(40–121) 65.04 ± 13.97
(40–121) 69.01 ± 14.15
Height (cm) 1.65 ± 0.08
(1.50–1.98) 1.64 ± 0.07
(1.50–1.93) 1.66 ± 0.08
BMI (kg/m2)24.64 ± 4.78
(16.80–43.51) 24.17 ± 4.84
(16.80–43.18) 25.11 ± 4.68
Sex (%)
Male 60 (12%) 15 (6%) 45 (18.1%)
Female 438 (88%) 234 (94%) 204 (81.9%)
Table 2. Comparison of FHSQ scores of the total sample, patients with foot problems and controls.
Median ± IR (range) and Mann–Whitney U test were utilised. In all the analyses, p < .05 (with a 95%
condence interval) was considered statistically signicant.
Total Group
(n = 498) Cases
(n = 249) Controls
(n = 249) p value
Foot pain 76.81 ± 19.75
(0–100) 78.36 ± 19.07
(0–100) 75.25 ± 20.32
(0–100) .082†
Foot function 82.68 ± 19.52
(0–100) 82.99 ± 18.24
(6.25–100) 82.36 ± 20.76
(0–100) .763†
Footwear 47.20 ± 30.84
(0–100) 42.03 ± 31.99
(0–100) 52.37 ± 28.77
(0–100) .000
General foot health 56.05 ± 24.92
(0–100) 57.66 ± 23.65
(0–100) 54.44 ± 26.08
(0–100) .329†
General health 68.02 ± 22.95
(0–100) 79.50 ± 30.00
(10–100) 56.55 ± 19.96
(0–100) .000†
Physical activity 84.52 ± 20.59
(5.56–100) 84.26 ± 20.47
(5.56–100) 84.79 ± 20.74
(5.56–100) .221†
Social capacity 78.82 ± 24.33
(0–100) 82.52 ± 20.06
(0–100) 75.11 ± 27.50
(0–100) .025†
Vitality 54.73 ± 23.25
(0–100) 53.32 ± 25.28
(0–100) 56.14 ± 20.99
(0–100) .048†
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:14515 | 
pathologies in the feet with and without infection, where they conrm that early diagnosis prevents long-term
structural or infectious sequelae, morbidity and cost associated with foot care17. In addition, several existing
studies indicate lower satisfaction in quality of life related to foot health in people diagnosed with foot problems
and the presence of systemic diseases1823.
However, based on our knowledge, there is a lack of studies that analyse the quality of life related to foot
health in the general population diagnosed with foot problems without the presence of associated risk factors
and without the presence of other systemic diseases that may inuence the negative impact on general health
and specically on the foot. In this way, the ndings of our study are the rst to reveal that foot pathologies in
people who do not have systemic diseases negatively inuence quality of life compared to a group of healthy
people, presenting lower scores in the domain related to footwear.
ese data are consistent with previous studies conducted at dierent stages of life that reect the negative
impact of quality of life and its relationship with the feet8,2426.
For this reason, regular visits to the doctor and podiatrist are key aspects for improving foot health and health
at a general level, being a predictor factor in optimising health spending and contributing to the improvement
of systemic diseases, which individuals can present at dierent stages of life8,27.
In addition, the study shows how people with foot pathologies record a lower value in the footwear domain
score, which is measured specically in the rst section of the questionnaire and is consistent with the prospective
study carried out by Bennet etal. that evaluated the quality of life related to foot health in a 6-month prospec-
tive study conducted in a sample of 140 people with foot pathologies, with a mean age of 48.3years, before and
aer undergoing surgery on the foot28. Gilheany etal. in a prospective study in 122 patients with a mean age of
48years, who attended the pre-surgical consultation for presenting hallux valgus and hallux rigidus, showed low
values in the footwear domain, coinciding with the results of our investigation29.
Regarding the second section of the questionnaire, the dimensions of vitality and physical activity are lower
in the case group, as is the case–control study carried out by López-López etal. in a sample of 150 patients with
a mean age of 49.5years with keratotic foot problems30. e case–control study carried out by Irving etal. in 94
patients, with a mean age of 52.3years with chronic pain in the heel, showed similar results in the case group to
those obtained in our study6.
ere are several limitations to this study. e main one consists of having selected controls who attended
the same podiatric clinic. It is likely that if controls from some other location had been included, the dierences
would have been greater, because although the controls did not have foot pathologies, they could have had them
recently or they could have been worried about having them and therefore have decided to go to the clinic even
Table 3. Factors that aect the presence of pathologies in the feet according to the items of the scale used.
*Adjusted Odds Ratio by sex, age and BMI. (1) Poor Health Status. *e median value has been used for the
cut o points.
Variables of the equation* Odds ratio*
(95% IC) p value
Foot pain (1)
0–81.25 1 .86
> 81.25 .619 (.359–1.070)
Foot function (1)
0–87.5 1 .387
> 87.5 1.284 (.729–2.263)
Footwear (1)
0–50.00 1 .000
> 50 4.470 (2.569–7.775)
General foot health (1)
0–60 1 .042
> 60 1.902 (1.024–3.535)
General Health (1)
0–70 1 .000
> 70 .040 (.022–.073)
Physical activity (1)
0–94 1 .000
> 94 3.281 (1.803- 5.970)
Social Capacity (1)
0–87.50 1 .735
> 87.50 1.100 (.632–1.917)
Vitality (1)
0–50 1 .020
> 50 1.850 (1.103—3.104)
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:14515 | 
though they were healthy. Another limitation resides in having carried out the research in a single clinic, since
some external validity is subtracted from the results obtained. Future studies should include a larger number
of participating centres. In addition, case and control groups were not matched-paired by sex, age nor BMI, the
multivariate logistic regression was adjusted for sex, age, and BMI and were provided as ORs with 95% con-
dence intervals.
Among the advantages is the fact of having used a validated questionnaire to collect data on foot problems
and quality of life, which makes it possible to use a reliable measuring instrument and also to be able to compare
the results obtained with those of other investigations that have used the same questionnaire. Another additional
advantage is the relatively high number of patients included, almost half a thousand, which allows obtaining
relatively reliable estimates. e fact of having comparable subjects in terms of sex and age is also an advantage,
since the observed dierences will not be explained by imbalances in these variables.
Finally, the results presented in this research highlight the need to continue investigating the impact caused
by alterations and deformities of the feet on quality of life, with the aim of optimising therapeutic interventions
related to the feet prescribed by podiatrists and doctors in search of improvements in people’s health, well-being
and autonomy.
Foot problems have a negative impact on quality of life related to foot health, where the domains of footwear,
general health and physical activity seem to be the factors that are associated with the presence of alterations
and deformities in the feet.
Received: 21 January 2021; Accepted: 1 July 2021
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Author contributions
Conceptualization (M.P.-R., D.L.-L., E.N.-F., M.E.L.-I., R.B.-d.-B.-V., C.R.-R., C.C.-L., A.R.-R.); Data curation
(D.L.-L.); Formal analysis (M.P.-R., D.L.-L., E.N.-F., M.E.L.-I., R.B.-d.-B.-V., C.R.-R., C.C.-L., A.R.-R.); Investiga-
tion (M.P.-R., D.L.-L., E.N.-F., M.E.L.-I., R.B.-d.-B.-V., C.R.-R., C.C.-L., A.R.-R.); Methodology (M.P.-R., D.L.-L.,
E.N.-F., M.E.L.-I., R.B.-d.-B.-V., C.R.-R., C.C.-L., A.R.-R.); Soware (M.E.L.-I., R.B.-d.-B.-V.); Results (M.P.-R.,
D.L.-L., E.N.-F., M.E.L.-I., R.B.-d.-B.-V., C.R.-R., C.C.-L., A.R.-R.); Supervision (M.P.-R., D.L.-L., E.N.-F., M.E.L.-
I., R.B.-d.-B.-V., C.R.-R., C.C.-L., A.R.-R.); Writing—original dra preparation (M.P.-R., D.L.-L., A.R.-R.) and
Writing—review and editing (M.P.-R., D.L.-L., E.N.-F., M.E.L.-I., R.B.-d.-B.-V., C.R.-R., C.C.-L., A.R.-R.).
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e authors declare no competing interests.
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... Adequate foot health determines a person's well-being and quality of life. López-López et al. [13] ______________________________ pointed out the currently observed increase in the frequency of foot pathologies, which is a serious public health problem. According to Cauley [4], Puszczałowska-Lizis et al. [20] and Wilson et al. [27], this largely applies to women's feet, which are delicate structures, both in relation to the size of the bone elements and the strength of active-passive stabilizers. ...
... The data obtained suggest that the footwear tested was selected appropriately, otherwise inappropriate selection of footwear could differentiate the evaluation of its comfort and functionality in the two groups of women. This is suggested by the results López-López et al. [13], obtained in a population of seniors from A Coruña (Galicia, Spain), where the comfort rating of those with foot problems was lower compared to those without foot problems, and was associated precisely with inappropriate footwear selection. In contrast, in another study, López-López et al. [12] showed that in a situation of inappropriate footwear selection, foot problems differentiated the evaluation of footwear functionality, especially in terms of stability and wearability. ...
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Purpose This study aimed to evaluation of professional footwear comfort, functionality and style, as well as their relationships with the foot structure among nurses. Methods We examined 120 clinical nurses aged 40-50 years, occupationally active, wearing specific type of footwear at work for a minimum of 7 h a day, for 5 days prior to the research. The study relied on the CQ-ST podoscope for measurements of foot. Perception of footwear comfort, functionality and style scales were also used in the research. The results were analysed with the use of Mann-Whitney U test and Spearman's rank correlation. Results It was found statistically significant negative associations between right and left foot length and overall comfort of footwear (p=0.045, p=0.045), as well as between right and left foot width and arch height (p=0.015, p=0.028). Heel angle positively correlated with safety (p=0.008, p=0.050), ease of donning and doffing (p=0.001, p=0.004), as well as shoe style ratings (p=0.047). Variables determining shoe comfort were positively correlated with most shoe functionality characteristics, as well as with shoe style (p<0.05). Conclusions Tested medical footwear meets the requirements of nurses in terms of comfort, functionality and aesthetics, and the studied features of footwear can be a useful guideline for the selection of shoes for representatives of this professional group. These footwear can be an element of workwear, and even, in the case of women with transverse flat feet - an alternative to ordinary utility shoes. There is a need to consider different widths for the same length size in medical footwear designs.
... Athlete's foot, caused by dermatophytes like Trichophyton rubrum, presents with symptoms such as itching, burning, scaling, and redness (López-López et al., 2021;Liberman and Lefkovits, 2007). It affects a significant portion of the population, impacting the quality of life by causing pain, discomfort in walking, limitations in daily activities, and embarrassment (Katsambas et al., 2005;Harmon et al., 2023). ...
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Study’s Excerpt/Novelty This study investigates the antifungal properties of salicylic acid and palm oil against the dermatophytes responsible for infecting Athlete's foot. By evaluating both the minimum inhibitory and fungicidal concentrations through in-vitro experiments, the research provides new insights into the potential use of these substances as alternative treatments. The significant inhibitory effects observed, particularly for salicylic acid, highlight its stronger fungicidal properties, offering a promising alternative for future therapeutic applications in managing Tinea pedis. Full Abstract Athlete's foot, or Tinea pedis, is a widespread fungal infection primarily affecting the skin between the toes, caused by dermatophytes like Trichophyton rubrum and T. mentagrophytes. This study aimed to evaluate the in-vitro effects of salicylic acid and palm oil on dermatophytic fungus responsible for Athlete’s foot disease. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) and minimum fungicidal concentrations (MFC) were determined for salicylic acid and palm oil. The agar well diffusion method was used to measure the zone of inhibition at various concentrations (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) of both substances. The MIC was assessed using Sabouraud Dextrose Broth at concentrations of 3.12%, 6.25%, and 12.5%. Results indicated significant inhibitory effects of both salicylic acid and palm oil against the dermatophytes causing athlete's foot. The highest zone of inhibition was observed at 100% concentration for both substances: 5.50 mm for salicylic acid and 4.3 mm for palm oil. At 50% and 75% concentrations, the inhibition zones were 3.67 mm and 3.97 mm for salicylic acid and 2.20 mm and 3.00 mm for palm oil, respectively. The MIC for both substances was determined to be 3.12%, while the MFC was 3.12% for salicylic acid and 6.25% for palm oil, indicating stronger fungicidal properties for salicylic acid. Salicylic acid and palm oil show promise as agents against Tinea pedis. Further public health efforts are recommended to raise awareness about the prevention and transmission of the disease.
... Длительный период времени физические упражнения не рассматривались как метод лечения плантарного фасциита (ПФ) в связи с выраженным положительным клиническим эффектом на фоне применения физиотерапевтических методов и инъекций кортикостероидов (КС) [1][2][3]. Однако в первое десятилетие XXI века появились сообщения о том, что упражнения для растяжения подошвенной фасции могут снизить уровень боли у пациентов с ПФ как в остром, так и в хроническом периоде [4][5], но точные биомеханические изменения, которые выступают в качестве причины снижения уровня болезненных ощущений, оставались неизвестными [6][7][8]. ...
Aim: to evaluate the effect of using a medical vibration platform on the severity of pain, quality of life, functional and anatomical characteristics of the foot and ankle in patients with plantar fasciitis. Materials and methods: the study involved 91 patients with plantar fasciitis, among them 73 (80.2 %) women, 18 (19.8 %) men. The patients were divided into two groups: the main group consisted of 43 patients, the control group — 48 patients. In the main group, standard treatment was performed, including shock wave therapy, kinesio taping, standard exercises in the first week and exercises on a medical vibration platform in the second and third weeks, in the control group, exercises in the second and third weeks were performed with the patient standing on the floor. To assess the dynamics of treatment, a questionnaire was conducted using the VAS, the AOFAS scale, and the SF-36 questionnaire. Instrumental methods of examination included the evaluation of Friedland’s podological index, Y -balance test. All parameters were assessed before treatment, after treatment, and 3 months after treatment. Results: the use of exercise therapy on a medical vibration platform in the complex treatment of patients with plantar fasciitis, compared with exercise therapy on the floor, made it possible to statistically significantly reduce the level of pain after treatment ( p < 0.05), increase the stability of the feet and ankle joint ( p < 0.05 ), and in the long-term period allowed to significantly reduce the level of pain ( p <0.05), improve the quality of life ( p < 0.05), increase the stability of the foot and ankle joint ( p < 0.05). Conclusion: the use of physiotherapy exercises on a medical vibroplatform helps to reduce the level of pain after treatment and after 3 months after treatment, improve the quality of life in the long term, as well as increase the stability of the feet.
... Foot pathologies are common and have a detrimental influence on quality of life (1). Plantar fasciitis, in particular, is an orthopedic ailment that affects people of various ages and activity levels, and it is estimated that the condition accounts for over one million medical visits in the United States each year (2,3). ...
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Purpose: Plantar fasciitis is a musculo-skeletal ailment prevalent in people of diverse ages and levels of physical activity. This condition causes pain in the medial side of heel, which is exacerbated by weight-bearing activities as well as in rest or non-weight bearing. The objective of the study was to compare the effects on transverse friction massage and dry cupping on pain, disability and activity limitations in patients with planter fasciitis. Methodology: It was a quasi-experimental study with sample size of 32 and convenient sampling was used to recruit patients in study. Inclusion criteria of study were females and males of age 21 to 35 years, chronic pain in foot for more than 4 months and had positive windlass test. Study duration was 6 months. Out of 32 patients 16 were enrolled in group-A (baseline therapy and Transverse Friction Massage) and remaining 16 were enrolled in group-B (baseline therapy and Dry Cupping). Intensity of pain was assessed by NPRS before and after the treatment of 4 week and functional limitations was measure by Foot Function Index (FFI). Data was analyzed by software SPSS 24.0. Findings: Out of 32 participants 37.5% were men and 62.5% were women. Results demonstrated that median of NPRS in group A before treatment was 6.50 and after treatment it was 3.00. Median of NPRS in group B before treatment was 6.00 and after treatment it was 2.50. Pre-treatment mean of FFI in group A was 64.18±7.40 which reduced to 21.12±9.26 after the treatment of 4 weeks. Pre-treatment mean of FFI in group b was 63.18±7.70 and after treatment it was 23.12±8.24. A statistical significant difference was found in pre and post treatments of both groups p≤0.05). Between group analysis of A and B showed no statistical significant difference (p>0.05). Transverse friction massage and dry cupping showed equal effects in reducing disability, activity limitations and pain in the patients of planter fasciitis. Recommendations: Transverse Friction Massage and Dry Cupping demonstrate equivalent therapeutic benefits for plantar fasciitis patients. Clinicians are advised to consider both interventions, factoring in patient comfort and logistical constraints. It's imperative for policymakers to integrate these findings into clinical guidelines, while also promoting further research to elucidate the specific therapeutic mechanisms involved.
This study studied the intention of consumers to visit a nail shop incorporating the expanded theory of planned behavior to suggest suggestions related to the qualitative growth and marketing strategy of foot health care services. To this end, a measurement tool was prepared through a review of each previous study, and a research analysis was conducted with a total of 300 adult male and female responses through the method of the questionnaire. The main research results of this study according to the above research objectives and methods are summarized as follows. First, as a result of analyzing the effect of the planned behavior theory variable on the intention to visit the nail shop, both attitude and norm and perceived behavioral control had a significant positive effect on the intention to visit the nail shop, and among them, it was analyzed that the positive influence of attitude and norm was stronger. Second, as a result of analyzing the moderating effect of consumer experience characteristics consisting of prior experience and prior knowledge in the influence of the variable of the planning behavior theory on the problem development management of the study subjects on the intention to visit nail shops, both prior experience and knowledge showed no moderating effect. Based on these facts, the conclusions of this study are largely summarized in two ways. First, in order to increase the demand for nail shops that provide problematic foot care services, it is necessary to prepare a management strategy to increase the attitude and norms of problematic foot care service through visits to nail shops. Second, it is necessary to prepare a strategy to positively promote the problematic foot care service in nail shops regardless of new and existing customers.
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Objective: Develop a treatment protocol composed of an association of techniques to resolve neck pain of mechanical origin, and test its effectiveness in terms of pain, disability related to pain and range of motion. Methods: The study consists in a longitudinal experimental research, where ten treatment sessions were carried out, in a sample composed of 11 individuals, the evaluation was carried out before and after the intervention through the visual analogue scale, goniometry, Neck Disability questionnaire Index, and scale Patient Global Impression Change Results: Study participants with an average age of 35.7 ± 11.8 years, the pre and post intervention measurements on the scale visual analogue showed a significant reduction (p=0.000), as well as Neck Disability Index showing an improvement in disability caused by pain. While goniometry significantly demonstrated values of (p= 0.000) obtained gain in range of motion, however, it did not reach the value estimated for normality. Conclusion: The physiotherapy protocol applied to neck pain of mechanical origin generated impressive results decreased comfort from pain and disability, and gain in range of motion. Keywords: Neck pain, Protocol, Therapeutic Treatment.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the foot-health-related quality of life in individuals with versus without lower-limb lymphedema. METHODS A case-control study was carried out in an academic clinic in Lisbon, Portugal. Eighty participants (40 controls and 40 with lymphedema) were included in the study. The researchers examined sociodemographic and clinical data and foot-health-related quality of life in both groups. In the group with lymphedema, lower-limb lymphedema was also characterized. RESULTS Individuals with lower-limb lymphedema had significantly lower scores on all dimensions of the Foot Health Status Questionnaire in comparison with the control group. CONCLUSIONS Individuals with lower-limb lymphedema appear to have a poorer foot-health-related quality of life than the general population.
Flat foot is a common health condition that prevails among children as well as adults. This paper analyses the relationship between age and gender with the prevalence of flat feet among primary school children. The results are validated on 424 primary school children (254 males and 170 females) between the age of 6 years to 10 years in Delhi, India. The foot imprinter plate as well as physical and photographic assessment was used to diagnose the presence of flat feet among primary school children. The number of children diagnosed with completely flat feet was 118, and children diagnosed with partial flat feet were 176. The results show out of every five children, three children were either completely or partially flat feet (69.3%). The results showed that there was a significant association between gender and flat foot. It was concluded that assessment of flat feet should be made available to children and parents at an early age to prevent the condition to be converted into a serious health problem and hindrance in various sports activities.
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Background: The concept analysis of “foot care” is essential for expanding the nursing knowledge base, synthesizing a broader theoretical concept, and guiding more effective care for diabetes patients with and without diabetic foot ulcers (DFU). Foot care in nursing has not yet been comprehensively defined for nurses and other healthcare professionals.Purpose: This concept analysis aimed to elucidate the nursing practice concept of foot care. The study identified surrogate terms associated with the concepts, attributes, antecedents, and consequences by employing Rodger’s evolutionary method in a critical analysis of the relevant literature.Methods: This research used Rodger’s evolutionary analysis. The databases were PubMed (n=188), ProQuest (n=4,790), ScienceDirect (n=292), and Google Scholar (n=7,810) with a total of 13,080 articles identified in this study. The screening process involved evaluating titles and abstracts, followed by a thorough analysis of inclusion criteria, which included full-text articles and the presence of keywords: foot care, diabetes, diabetic foot ulcer. Articles that did not provide a clear definition of foot care were excluded. A total of 45 articles were included. Rodger’s evolutionary analysis stressed inductive investigation and careful analysis of the concept.Results: The results of the foot care concept analysis were: (1) among people with diabetes without DFU, the attributes were foot screening and foot examination, while the antecedents were high glycemic levels, inability of the pancreas to produce insulin, abnormal foot skin condition, and foot-related behaviors; (2) among patients with DFU, the attributes were foot intervention and education, while the antecedents included foot self-care knowledge, motivation, and family and social support. The consequences associated with the concept of foot care included improvement in self-efficacy, quality of life, and self-care behavior.Conclusion: Nurses can use the findings of this foot care analysis in their clinical work by promoting and practicing foot care as a preventative measure that shields patients from ulcers. Additionally, nurses can intervene when patients already have ulcers and provide appropriate wound care. Foot examinations become more manageable when specific practice guidelines are available for diabetes patients.
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Objective: To verify the effectiveness of therapy with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in patients with plantar fasciitis, this prospective, longitudinal, double-blind study was carried out. Methodology: Twenty-three participants with chronic plantar fasciitis aged > 20 years, already treated with conventional methods were included. Participants were randomly divided into platelet-poor plasma (PPP) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) groups. Double centrifugation was carried out to prepare the platelets samples and two millilitres of PPP (supernatant fraction) or PRP (sediment fraction) were mixed with 1mL of 2% calcium gluconate solution and injected in the plantar fascia, as a single dose. A follow-up at 15 days and then every 60 days up to 180 days of application was carried out and a visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain assessment and the quality-of-life scale validated by the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) were used to measure the outcomes. Results: A reduction in pain (VAS 8 to 4), in both groups, was seen in the first 15 days and remained up to the 6th month after the application of plasmas, however, no difference was observed between the groups. No significant improvement was observed in the quality of life of the patients. Conclusion: PPP or PRP were able to reduce the VAS, but the presence of platelets did not have a role in the pain relief. Other factors in the plasma may play a role in reducing the pain caused by plantar fasciitis for a period of up to 180 days.
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Background: Haemophilia is considered as a chronic genetic disease related with alteration in coagulation mechanism which affects to health related quality of life (HQoL). Purpose: The goal compared marks of HQoL, in haemophiliacs with respect non haemophilic subjects. Methods: A population of 74 subjects, were recruited from association of haemophilic illness separated in haemophilic subjects (n = 37) and no haemophilic (n = 37). For subjects who suffered haemophilia were enlisted from the association of haemophilic illness after a seminar of 45 minutes to them and to their relatives about foot health. Control subjects, were recruited from their relatives who live with the patient. The marks of the Foot Health Status Questionnaire Spanish S_FHSQ sub-scales were recompiled. Results: All S_FHSQ domains as foot pain, foot function, tootwear, general foot health, general health, physical activity and social capacity showed lower scores in the haemophilic than non-haemophilic group (P <0.01) except for vigour (P = 0.173). Regarding the rest sub-scale marks of S_FHSQ, showed no significant difference P <0.01. Conclusion: Subjects with a haemophilia showed significant worse foot QoL in all S_FHSQ domains except vigour domain compared with non-haemophilic subjects.
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Background and Objectives: Foot problems may be considered to be a prevalent condition and impact the health-related quality of life (QoL). Considering these Spanish-validated tools, the Foot Health Status questionnaire (FHSQ) may provide a health-related QoL measurement for specific foot conditions and general status. To date, the domains of the FHSQ and Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36 (SF-36) have not been correlated. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to correlate the domains of the FHSQ and SF-36 in patients with foot problems. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out. A sample of 101 patients with foot problems was recruited. A single researcher collected descriptive data, and outcome measurements (FHSQ and SF-36) were self-reported. Results: Spearman’s correlation coefficients (rs) were calculated and categorized as weak (rs = 0.00–0.40), moderate (rs = 0.41–0.69), or strong (rs = 0.70–1.00). In all analyses, statistical significance was considered with a p-value < 0.01 with a 99% confidence interval. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.01) were found between all domains of FHSQ and SF-36, except for the mental health domain of the SF-36 with foot pain, foot function, and general foot health of the FHSQ, as well as between the vitality domain of the SF-36 and the general foot health domain of the FHSQ (p > 0.01). Statistically significant correlations varied from week to strong (rs = 0.25–0.97). The strongest correlations (p < 0.001) were found for physical activity and physical function (rs = 0.94), vigor and vitality (rs = 0.89), social capacity and social function (rs = 0.97), and general health domains of the SF-36 and FHSQ. Conclusions: The FHSQ and SF-36 showed an adequate concurrent validity, especially for the physical activity or function, vigor or vitality, social capacity or function, and general health domains. Nevertheless, the mental health domain of the SF-36 should be considered with caution.
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Background: Asthma may be considered as a non-communicable condition associated with higher bronchial responsiveness that may impair quality of life (QoL). Purpose: The research aim was to compare scores of depression, as well as general and foot health-related QoL, in patients who suffered from asthma with respect to healthy subjects. Methods: A total sample of 152 subjects, median age of 37.00 ± 16.00 years, were recruited from a respiratory and allergy department of a hospital and divided into patients with asthma (n = 76) and healthy subjects (n = 76). The scores of the Spanish foot health status questionnaire (SFHSQ) domains as well as the Spanish Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI) scores and categories were collected. Results: The only statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) was shown for the difference of the FHSQ footwear domain establishing that patients who suffered from asthma presented a worse QoL related to foot health for footwear (lower FHSQ scores) compared to healthy matched-paired participants (higher FHSQ scores). Regarding the rest of the outcome measurements, there were no statistically significant differences (p > 0.05) for the other FHSQ domains scores as well as the BDI scores and categories. Conclusions: Patients with allergic asthma presented impairment of the QoL related to foot health for footwear, which seemed to be linked to the presence of asthma.
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Background: Intellectual disabilities (IDs) usually derive from neurodevelopmental disabilities. They limit intellectual functioning and cause adaptive behaviors and orthopedic problems. These disabilities have harmful effects on health, everyday practical skills and social functioning, and they diminish quality of life. The goal of our research was to perform podiatric evaluations on schoolchildren with and without ID and ascertain their records of foot disorders. Design and setting: Analytical cross-sectional study conducted at a podiatric clinic in the city of Piedras Blancas, province of Asturias, Spain. Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study on 82 schoolchildren affected by ID, compared with 117 healthy schoolchildren, was conducted at a podiatric clinic. Demographic data, clinical characteristics and measurements relating to podiatric examinations were recorded among the participants who completed all phases of the tool that was used in the study process. Results: Almost 90% of the schoolchildren with and without ID presented foot disorders relating to smaller toes, nail disorders, flat feet or lower-limb alterations. Conclusions: The participants showed elevated prevalence of foot disorders. Podiatric evaluations are a significant means for preventing the appearance of medical conditions and/or foot problems, and they also improve general health.
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Introduction: To date, the Foot Health Status Questionnaire (FHSQ) has not been applied to women who suffer from fibromyalgia. The main purpose of this study was to compare both foot and general health-related quality of life between women with fibromyalgia and healthy matched women. We hypothesized that women with fibromyalgia may present an impaired quality of life related to foot and general health. Material and methods: A sample of 208 women, mean age of 55.00 ±8.25 years, was recruited from an outpatient clinic and divided into 2 groups, 104 women with fibromyalgia (for the case group) and 104 healthy matched women (for the control group). Demographic data and the domains of the FHSQ scores were registered. Results: Statistically significant differences (p < 0.001) between case and control groups were found for both all specific foot domains (pain, foot function, foot health and footwear) and all general wellbeing domains (general health, physical activity, social capacity and vigor), showing a worse foot and general health-related quality of life (with lower scores for all FHSQ domains) in the women with fibromyalgia compared to healthy matched women. Conclusions: Impaired foot and general health-related quality of life was observed in women who suffered from fibromyalgia compared to healthy matched women.
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Background: Foot problems are believed to reduce quality of life and are increasingly present. Even among young adults of university age, untreated foot problems can lead to postural and mobility problems. Accordingly, our aim here was to determine the relationship between foot health and quality of life and general health among male and female university students. Design and setting: Observational cross-sectional quantitative study conducted at the Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Clinic of the University of Coruña, Ferrol, Spain. Methods: A sample of 112 participants of median age 22 years came to a health center, where self-reported data were registered, including professional activity, and scores obtained through the Foot Health Status Questionnaire (FHSQ) were compared. Results: In Section One of the FHSQ, the university students recorded lower scores of 66.66 in the footwear domain and 60 in the general foot health domain and higher scores of 84.37 in the foot pain domain and 93.75 in the foot function domain. In Section Two, they obtained lower scores of 60 in the overall health domain and 62.50 in the vigor domain and higher scores of 100 in the physical activity and 87.50 in the social capacity domain. Differences between males and females were evaluated using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test, which showing statistical significance (P < 0.05) regarding the dimensions of footwear and general foot health. Conclusions: These university students' quality of life relating to foot health was poor. This appears to be associated with the university period, regardless of gender.
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Purpose The aim of this study was to investigate health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with diabetic foot problems and compare the HRQoL between diabetic patients with: 1) diabetic foot problems (DF), including diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) or amputation (AMPU); 2) other diabetic complications (COM), such as diabetic retinopathy (DR), end-stage renal disease (ESRD), or coronary artery disease (CAD); and 3) no diabetic complication (CON). Patients and methods A total of 254 diabetic patients were studied in a cross-sectional setting. HRQoL was evaluated using Thai version of the Euro Quality of Life Questionnaire (EuroQoL), with five dimensions and five-level scale (EQ-5D-5L). Utility scores were calculated using time trade-off methods. Results A total of 141 patients in the DF group (98 DFU and 43 AMPU groups), 82 in the COM group (27 DR, 28 ESRD, and 27 CAD groups), and 31 in the CON group were interviewed. The mean age was 63.2±12.1 years, body mass index was 24.9±4.7 kg/m², mean hemoglobin A1c was 7.7±2.1%, duration of diabetes was 13.1±9.9 years, and the mean utility scores were 0.799±0.25. After having DF, 21% of patients had lost their jobs. The COM group had lower utility scores than the CON group. Among the diabetic complications, the DF group had the lowest mean utility scores as compared to the COM and CON groups (0.703±0.28 in the DF group, 0.903±0.15 in the COM group, and 0.961±0.06 in the CON group, P<0.01). There was no difference in the mean utility scores between DFU and AMPU groups. Patients in the DF group reported moderate-to-severe problem in all dimensions more than the other groups. Conclusion DF have the greatest negative impact on HRQoL. Therefore, diabetic foot care should be emphasized in clinical practice to prevent foot complications.
Objectives To check how a thermal‐IR camera can check skin temperature in Gastrocnemius‐soleus Equinus condition and Non‐Gastrocnemius‐Soleus condition in youth soccer players and thus detect association between the extensibility of the triceps‐surae (with Gastrocnemius‐Soleus Equinus and Non‐Gastrocnemius‐Soleus Equinus) and the muscle temperature pattern. Design A Cross Sectional Study Secundary level of care. Methods Sample from an elite soccer academy in Madrid (Spain) 35 healthy male subjects (youth soccer‐players) age 12.82±1.07 years, height 158.68±10.79 centimeters, weight 49.19±9.45 kilograms, body mass index 19.41±2.25. The exclusion criteria were the presence of musculoskeletal and joint injuries, pelvic pain, ankle sprains, low back pain, and use of drugs in the previous week, and scoliosis. Results Temperature value for Gastrocnemius muscles and Achilles tendon were assessed in 35 youth soccer players from an academia before and after training) in both 12‐Gastrocnemius‐soleus Equinus and 23‐Non‐Gastrocnemius‐soleus Equinus soccer players conditions. State absolute for Gastrocnemius soleus condition obtained a 0,34 value (0,19‐0,5) we found a significant increase of temperature among these conditions for the Gastrocnemius (p =0.028) and the Achilles tendon (p= 0.007) (Confidence interval 95%). The temperature of Gastrocnemius‐soleus Equinus for Gastrocnemius and Achilles tendon was increased more than non‐Gastrocnemius‐soleus Equinus in youth soccer players. Conclusions IR imaging captured temperature is associated with muscle pattern activation for lower limb. Based on our findings, we propose that infrared thermography evaluation of the gastrocnemius and Achilles tendon is suitable to differ Gastrocnemius‐soleus Equinus and non‐Gastrocnemius‐soleus Equinus conditions in youth soccer players. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Background Mechanical hyperkeratotic lesions (MHL) are common condition amongst population of all ages. Such problems may be associated with pain, reduction of mobility, changes of gait, risk of falls and is believed to affect to quality of life (QoL), general health and optimal foot health. Objective The main aim of this study was to describe and compare both foot and general health‐related QoL in two groups of participants: 1.) with MHL and 2.) healthy controls. Method A total sample of 150 patients, mean age 49.50 ± 36.50 years, was recruited from an outpatient clinic. Demographic data, medical history and clinical characteristics of overall health were determined and the obtained values were compared by the Foot Health Status Questionnaire (FHSQ). Results The FHSQ scores of the sample with MHL showed lower scores than control subjects in Sections One and Two for footwear, general and foot health, foot pain, foot function and physical activity (P<.01), but not for social capacity and vigor (P>.01). Conclusions People with MHL showed a decrease QoL, based on FHSQ scores, regardless of gender. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.