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Abstract and Figures

Athletes are increasingly required to travel domestically and internationally, often resulting in travel fatigue and jet lag. Despite considerable agreement that travel fatigue and jet lag can be a real and impactful issue for athletes regarding performance and risk of illness and injury, evidence on optimal assessment and management is lacking. Therefore 26 researchers and/or clinicians with knowledge in travel fatigue, jet lag and sleep in the sports setting, formed an expert panel to formalise a review and consensus document. This manuscript includes definitions of terminology commonly used in the field of circadian physiology, outlines basic information on the human circadian system and how it is affected by time-givers, discusses the causes and consequences of travel fatigue and jet lag, and provides consensus on recommendations for managing travel fatigue and jet lag in athletes. The lack of evidence restricts the strength of recommendations that are possible but the consensus group identified the fundamental principles and interventions to consider for both the assessment and management of travel fatigue and jet lag. These are summarised in travel toolboxes including strategies for pre-flight, during flight and post-flight. The consensus group also outlined specific steps to advance theory and practice in these areas.
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Sports Medicine (2021) 51:2029–2050
Managing Travel Fatigue andJet Lag inAthletes: AReview
andConsensus Statement
DinaC.JansevanRensburg1,2 · AudreyJansenvanRensburg1 · PeterM.Fowler3 · AmyM.Bender4 ·
DavidStevens5,6 · KieranO.Sullivan7,8 · HughH.K.Fullagar9 · Juan‑ManuelAlonso10 · MichelleBiggins7 ·
AmandaClaassen‑Smithers11 · RobCollins12,13· MichikoDohi14· MatthewW.Driller15 · IanC.Dunican16 ·
LukeGupta17· ShonaL.Halson18 · MicheleLastella19 · KathleenH.Miles20 · MathieuNedelec21 ·
TonyPage22· GregRoach19· CharliSargent19 · MeetaSingh23 · GraceE.Vincent19 · JacopoA.Vitale24 ·
Accepted: 7 June 2021 / Published online: 14 July 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
Athletes are increasingly required to travel domestically and internationally, often resulting in travel fatigue and jet lag.
Despite considerable agreement that travel fatigue and jet lag can be a real and impactful issue for athletes regarding perfor-
mance and risk of illness and injury, evidence on optimal assessment and management is lacking. Therefore 26 researchers
and/or clinicians with knowledge in travel fatigue, jet lag and sleep in the sports setting, formed an expert panel to formalise
a review and consensus document. This manuscript includes definitions of terminology commonly used in the field of circa-
dian physiology, outlines basic information on the human circadian system and how it is affected by time-givers, discusses
the causes and consequences of travel fatigue and jet lag, and provides consensus on recommendations for managing travel
fatigue and jet lag in athletes. The lack of evidence restricts the strength of recommendations that are possible but the con-
sensus group identified the fundamental principles and interventions to consider for both the assessment and management
of travel fatigue and jet lag. These are summarised in travel toolboxes including strategies for pre-flight, during flight and
post-flight. The consensus group also outlined specific steps to advance theory and practice in these areas.
* Dina C. Janse van Rensburg
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
1 Introduction
The modern-day athlete is often required to travel domes-
tically and internationally including high-frequency short
distances (< 3h) and low-frequency long distances (> 3h)
that may involve the crossing of numerous time zones. The
subsequent travel fatigue and jet lag experienced result in
a myriad of shared symptoms, such as daytime fatigue,
decreased concentration and alertness, sleep disruption
and gastrointestinal disturbances [1, 2]. These can lead to
increased illness and injury risk as well as adverse effects
on athletic performance [29].
Travel fatigue and jet lag are two distinct entities that
may co-occur when travelling east or west across three or
more time zones [2, 4, 1012]. Travel fatigue occurs in all
travelling athletes and can be acute following any individual
long journey, or chronic (cumulative) as a consequence of
repetitive travel within a season [4, 10]. It is a multi-domain
disturbance that generally occurs with any travel regard-
less of the direction of travel or the number of time-zones
crossed [2, 4, 10, 13]. It is caused by the demands of travel
itself, such as cramped conditions, prolonged mild hypoxia,
changes in the external environment (trans-latitudinal travel
i.e. winter–summer/summer–winter) and reduced physical
activity [10]. Jet lag is episodic with similar but more severe
and prolonged symptoms compared to travel fatigue and fol-
lows rapid travel across 3 or more time-zones (transmerid-
ian travel i.e. east–west/west–east) [4, 10]. It is typically
characterised by the desynchronisation between the internal
human circadian system and the time at the new destination
[2, 4, 10, 11, 14]. As a result, the circadian rhythm of sev-
eral psychological, physiological and behavioural variables
with a typical early morning nadir and late-afternoon peak is
misaligned with the new local time. Depending on the train-
ing or competition time, this could directly affect athletic
performance [2, 4, 5].
Although the circadian system is well understood and
described in the circadian physiology literature [5, 1519],
it remains difficult to translate and to apply this knowledge
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... Sleep is one of the most essential factors for human health, and the lack of sleep can cause a large amount of diseases [1]. Jet lag is quite different from the travel fatigue [2,3]. Paragliola, R. M. et al have shown that travelers who cross over 6 time zones will suffer much more serious jet lag than short-distance travelers [3]. ...
... But considering the symptoms show no relationship between cortisol level and subjective feeling, the author supposes that there should be another theory which can explain what causes the difference between symptoms. Janse van Rensburg, D. C. et al paid attention on athletes who may cross time zones frequently in 2021 [2]. According to the researchers, athletes from the National Hockey League (NHL) and Major League Baseball (MLB) travel more than 40,000 km every year, which means that athletes are excellent targets for the study of the affection of jet lag. ...
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Circadian rhythm, one of the fundamental laws of nature, plays an essential role in maintaining life processes. However, it is challenged by a modern situation known as jet lag. Jet lag brings disruption to circadian rhythm, breaking people's normal routine and causing troubles to peoples lives. For the past few years, jet lag have been reported frequently. More researchers have realized the importance and complexity of jet lag. Jet lag can arise from travel crossing time zones as well as from shift works, impacting several aspects of life activity including metabolism, mental health, intestinal health et cetera. Beyond the macroscopical symptoms, microcosmic alterations are as important as the symptoms. Gene expression patterns can be varied by chronic jet lag even rewrote by the chronic jet lag and have long-term effects. Fortunately, several researches have revealed the possibility to lessen the influence of jet lag to fitness. Compared to the last century, people live in modern society have more optional methods to enjoy a much more comfortable life. Melatonin therapy and chronotherapy have been presented by scientists to settle the jet lag, But for the treatment of jet lag, there are still lots of details need to be considered.
... In this study, we applied the pilot sleep data obtained by monitoring with an ActiGraph bracelet to analyze the phenomenon that the sleep efficiency of crews did not change much between before and after the flights across time zones, regardless of whether the flights traveled east or west (especially for the westward flights). However, this is inconsistent with the findings of sleep disorders, such as insomnia, in athletes or travelers after flights across time zones [35,36], but consistent with the findings of a stronger tendency to sleep after some shift work [37][38][39]. This latter finding may be related to the fact that with ultra-short layover of 3 to 4 h and the return flight starting immediately afterwards, jet lag cannot occur at all [40]. ...
... The magnitude of the change in drowsiness levels between before and after the flight, as predicted by the SAFE model, was similarly found to be slightly greater when traveling east than west (Fig. 5). This is consistent with numerous studies showing that the human body is less adapted to flying across time zones to the east than to the west [35,36]. For example, it has been reported that sleep after flying eastward across time zones is more erratic and fragmented than after flying westward [44]. ...
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Background There is a lack of data support and scientific validation of the Exemption Approach policy for responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, in terms of protecting the health of flight crews and meeting the requirements for passenger and cargo transportation in emergencies, in terms of its safety and the circumstances that contribute to pilots’ symptoms of jet lag and the risk of fatigue. Methods To assess pilots’ sleep issues related to jet lag symptoms and fatigue, this study evaluated an example of risk management for flight crews on flights across time zones during the COVID-19 pandemic. To evaluate the crew’s sleep status, variations in sleep index changes between before and after the flights, variations in sleepiness levels, and data on sleep indexes recorded by ActiGraph bracelets were collected from 146 crew members before and after flights eastward or westward across time zones. Sleepiness levels predicted by applying the SAFE model were also determined. Results Whether flying east or west across time zones, the crew’s sleep indexes were relatively similar at the end of a flight during a layover. However, a comparison with the pre-flight period showed that the sleep indexes of the crew were slightly more disturbed after the eastward flight compared with those after the westward one. In addition, the SAFE model predicted a higher rate of change in crew mean sleepiness levels between before and after the flight for the eastward flight than for the westward one; however, the Karolinska Sleepiness Score (KSS) of the pilots on either eastward or westward flights did not exceed 5 (“not alert or sleepy”). Conclusion Flight crew adaptation to the Exemption Approach policy during the COVID-19 pandemic was assessed by evaluating the sleep problems of crews flying eastward or westward across time zones.
... Specifically, the tournament took place in different time zones, and some referees had to travel across several time zones to officiate. It is known that jet lag can negatively influence diurnal rhythms in athletes, which in turn can disrupt sleep, cause daily complaints (e.g., gastrointestinal issues), impair cognitive functions (e.g., attention, complex mental tasks), reduce motivation and mood, and diminish athletic performance [57]. All of these factors can collectively impact cardiovascular response and locomotor demands. ...
... Despite being aware of the multiple factors that affect the nomination process, we strongly encourage the FIBA officiating department to nominate referees in a way that allows sufficient recovery time between games (e.g., at least 24 h) and to consider different chronotypes when possible (i.e., assigning "early birds" to early games and "night owls" to late games). Furthermore, we strongly support the department's current practice of organizing pre-competition clinics lasting at least 5-7 days, providing referees from different time zones sufficient time to adapt and mitigate the negative effects of jet lag [57]. ...
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There is little knowledge about within-and between-referee variation (WBRV) in cardiovas-cular responses (CVR) and locomotor game demands (LMD). Thus, the primary aim of this study was to assess the WBRV of CVR and LMD in male basketball referees during elite international games in preparation [e.g., warm-up (WU) and re-warm-up (R-WU)] and active game phases. The secondary aim was to explore quarter-by-quarter differences in CVR and LMD. Thirty-five international male referees took part in this study (age, 40.4 ± 5.4 years; body height, 184.9 ± 5.7 cm; body weight, 85.1 ± 7.5 kg; BMI, 24.0 ± 1.7 kg × m −2 ; fat%, 18.8 ± 4.7% and VO 2max , 50.4 ± 2.2 L × kg −1 × min −1. In total, 76 games (e.g., 228 officiating cases) were analyzed during the FIBA elite men's competition. They officiated 4.5 games on average (range 3-9 games). Each referee used the Polar Team Pro system to measure CVR [e.g., heart rate (HR), time spent in different HR intensity categories] and LMD (e.g., distance covered, maximal and average velocity, and number of accelerations). Results showed that the referees had bigger WBRV during the active and preparation (e.g., W-U than R-WU) phase when variables of higher CVR and LMD intensity were observed (e.g., time spent at higher HR zones, distance covered in higher speed zones). The WBRV, CVR, and LMD were higher during WU than R-WU. Moreover, the referees had a lower CVR and LMD in the second half. In conclusion, the referees should establish and follow consistently a game-to-game preparation routine and attempt to spread their on-court preparation time equally within the crew. A half-time preparation routine should be improved to re-establish a sufficient activation level similar to that achieved in pre-game preparation.
... After transmeridian travel crossing eight time zones, humans require 8 days to resynchronize the circadian clocks when traveling from west to east and 4 days from east to west [160]. A weekly 8 h night shift work schedule resembles chronic jet lag [161]. ...
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Earth’s rotation around its axis has pressured its inhabitants to adapt to 24 h cycles of day and night. Humans adapted their own circadian rhythms to the Earth’s rhythms with a light-aligned awake–sleep cycle. As a consequence, metabolism undergoes drastic changes throughout the circadian cycle and needs plasticity to cope with opposing conditions in the day (when there is an increase in energy demands and food availability), and during the night (when prolonged fasting couples with cyclic changes in the energy demands across the sleep stages). In the last century, human behavior changed dramatically with a disregard for the natural circadian cycles. This misalignment in sleep and eating schedules strongly modulates the metabolism and energy homeostasis, favoring the development of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD). This review summarizes the effects of circadian disruption, with a particular focus on the feeding and sleep cycles in the development of MASLD and hepatocellular carcinoma.
Purpose: This study examined the relationship of prematch travel and in-camp training on ensuing physical and technical match performance of footballers (soccer) competing for a national team. Methods: Match running and technical performance data were obtained from 68 national-team footballers competing in international matches (N = 108). Match performance data were aligned with the confirmed travel durations, time-zone change, travel direction, and time between arrival and kickoff for the travel to the match. In addition, in-camp training load from the 3 days prior to national-team matches was also collated. Linear mixed models assessed relationships between travel and training measures with physical and technical match performance outcomes. Results: Travel variables explained little variance in outcomes (R2 = .02-.16). Traveling eastward was associated with an increase in total (P = .042) and very high-speed distance (P = .030) in matches and a 5% decrease in pass accuracy (P = .012). Greater time-zone difference was associated with increased match decelerations (P = .027), while arriving later for matches was associated with increased total (P = .041) tackles. Increases in training high-speed distance were associated with increases in match high-speed distance (P = .004) and number of decelerations (P < .001). An increase in training total distance was associated with a decrease in match decelerations (P = .002). Conclusions: Prematch travel appeared to have minimal effects on physical and technical performance in this national team. Training loads prior to matches may have some relationship with match running performance, and, thus, readiness to train should be a priority for athletes arriving in national-team camps.
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Athletes frequently compete only a few days after long‐haul travel. Longitudinal real‐world data on athletes’ sleep and sleep–wake cycle in competitive settings remain scarce. This study assessed the impact of a long‐haul travel across ∼13 time zones on sleep patterns, rest–activity circadian rhythms (RAR), and their subsequent effects on neuromuscular function and race performance in the Canadian Short‐Track Speed Skating Team. Nineteen athletes (24 ± 4 years, 11 women) travelled from Montréal (UTC‐5) to Asia (UTC+8, UTC+9) for World Cup races between 2017 and 2019. Actigraphy data were collected before (Baseline) and during travel, during the stay in Asia (SIA), and during competition days. RAR were computed using cosinor analyses on accelerometry data with 24 h phase periods. Countermovement jump height (CMJ) was measured in a subsample (n = 10). Compared to baseline (7:08 ± 0:53), athletes obtained less sleep during travel (6:16 ± 1:27) and competition days (6:35 ± 1:10), and more during SIA (7:32 ± 0:46; time effect P < 0.0001). Sleep efficiency and CMJ were greater in SIA than baseline (P = 0.007 and P = 0.0004, respectively). During SIA, sleep time increased by 9 min per night until the fifth day (P < 0.0001), with a slight decrease in sleep efficiency (P = 0.005) and an increase in CMJ (P < 0.0001). For RAR, mean activity peaked on day 2, shifting from late evening to ∼15:00. Race performance was not different from other races of the same season (P > 0.254). Our results demonstrated that, despite the possible sleep debt from the long‐haul travel, athletes recovered within 5 days, highlighting their adaptability to manage sleep debt and jetlag without impacting competitive outcomes.
The aim of this study was to explore whether National Football League (NFL) coaches show variation in their decision-making on fourth down when traveling through time zones. Data from visiting teams in games from 20 seasons (2000–2020) of the NFL were retrieved from online sources (n = 5360 games). Decision-making was measured with the percentage of offensive plays on fourth down. A factorial ANCOVA was done to verify whether travel direction had an impact on fourth downs in evening games, while controlling for the seasons. A moderation analysis was computed to verify whether the time of game moderates the relationship between longitudinal distance traveled and decisions on fourth downs. Results showed that in evening games, coaches in teams traveling westward called more offensive plays on fourth down, compared to when they traveled in any other direction. Results from the moderation analysis showed that only in evening games, further westward longitudinal degrees traveled predict more fourth downs. For the first time, this study offers insight that circadian misalignment may not only affect player performance but also influence coaching decisions in professional sports. These results beg the question whether other aspects of coaching or staff decisions show circadian variations in professional sports.
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An editorial on "Practical tips to manage travel fatigue and jet lag in athletes". Most evidence on travel fatigue and jet lag management is from non-athletic populations in laboratory settings. We aimed to provide practical tips on pre-travel, during travel and post-travel settings, based on currently available evidence. We included an infographic for ease of reference.
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ABSTRACT Elite athletes are particularly susceptible to sleep inadequacies, characterised by habitual short sleep (<7 hours/night) and poor sleep quality (eg, sleep fragmentation). Athletic performance is reduced by a night or more without sleep, but the influence on performance of partial sleep restriction over 1–3 nights, a more real-world scenario, remains unclear. Studies investigating sleep in athletes often suffer from inadequate experimental control, a lack of females and questions concerning the validity of the chosen sleep assessment tools. Research only scratches the surface on how sleep influences athlete health. Studies in the wider population show that habitually sleeping <7 hours/night increases susceptibility to respiratory infection. Fortunately, much is known about the salient risk factors for sleep inadequacy in athletes, enabling targeted interventions. For example, athlete sleep is influenced by sport-specific factors (relating to training, travel and competition) and non-sport factors (eg, female gender, stress and anxiety). This expert consensus culminates with a sleep toolbox for practitioners (eg, covering sleep education and screening) to mitigate these risk factors and optimise athlete sleep. A one-size-fits-all approach to athlete sleep recommendations (eg, 7–9 hours/night) is unlikely ideal for health and performance. We recommend an individualised approach that should consider the athlete’s perceived sleep needs. Research is needed into the benefits of napping and sleep extension (eg, banking sleep).
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Air travel is a key factor in Super Rugby and can have a negative influence on players’ performance and well-being. The aim of this study was to identify the current practice to reduce the effects of air travel and to understand the rationale behind these interventions. “Travel managers” from eight Super Rugby teams were interviewed and answered a questionnaire. A qualitative description was performed to identify common themes and differences between participants’ answers. To protect the privacy and identity of the participants, all data have been de-identified and represented as two fictionalised amalgams (Bob and Peter). The rationale behind each intervention appeared to be based on a mix of anecdotal, practice and, occasionally, literature, confirming that scientific findings are not always easily translatable to applied settings. Two different approaches, clinical (Bob) and holistic (Peter), were identified. Even if both characters acknowledge that travel variables are too many to control, it appears that team culture and practices are perceived as important as biological interventions in controlling the negative effects of travel on players’ performance and well-being.
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The temporal organization of molecular and physiological processes is driven by environmental and behavioral cycles as well as by self-sustained molecular circadian oscillators. Quantification of phase, amplitude, period, and disruption of circadian oscillators is essential for understanding their contribution to sleep-wake disorders, social jet lag, interindividual differences in entrainment, and the development of chrono-therapeutics. Traditionally, assessment of the human circadian system, and the output of the SCN in particular, has required collection of long time series of univariate markers such as melatonin or core body temperature. Data were collected in specialized laboratory protocols designed to control for environmental and behavioral influences on rhythmicity. These protocols are time-consuming, expensive, and not practical for assessing circadian status in patients or in participants in epidemiologic studies. Novel approaches for assessment of circadian parameters of the SCN or peripheral oscillators have been developed. They are based on machine learning or mathematical model-informed analyses of features extracted from 1 or a few samples of high-dimensional data, such as transcriptomes, metabolomes, long-term simultaneous recording of activity, light exposure, skin temperature, and heart rate or in vitro approaches. Here, we review whether these approaches successfully quantify parameters of central and peripheral circadian oscillators as indexed by gold standard markers. Although several approaches perform well under entrained conditions when sleep occurs at night, the methods either perform worse in other conditions such as shift work or they have not been assessed under any conditions other than entrainment and thus we do not yet know how robust they are. Novel approaches for the assessment of circadian parameters hold promise for circadian medicine, chrono-therapeutics, and chrono-epidemiology. There remains a need to validate these approaches against gold standard markers, in individuals of all sexes and ages, in patient populations, and, in particular, under conditions in which behavioral cycles are displaced.
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Objectives We investigated the management of travel fatigue and jet lag in athlete populations by evaluating studies that have applied non-pharmacological interventions (exercise, sleep, light and nutrition), and pharmacological interventions (melatonin, sedatives, stimulants, melatonin analogues, glucocorticoids and antihistamines) following long-haul transmeridian travel-based, or laboratory-based circadian system phase-shifts. Design Systematic review Eligibility criteria Randomised controlled trials (RCTs), and non-RCTs including experimental studies and observational studies, exploring interventions to manage travel fatigue and jet lag involving actual travel-based or laboratory-based phase-shifts. Studies included participants who were athletes, except for interventions rendering no athlete studies, then the search was expanded to include studies on healthy populations. Data sources Electronic searches in PubMed, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Google Scholar and SPORTDiscus from inception to March 2019. We assessed included articles for risk of bias, methodological quality, level of evidence and quality of evidence. Results Twenty-two articles were included: 8 non-RCTs and 14 RCTs. No relevant travel fatigue papers were found. For jet lag, only 12 athlete-specific studies were available (six non-RCTs, six RCTs). In total (athletes and healthy populations), 11 non-pharmacological studies (participants 600; intervention group 290; four non-RCTs, seven RCTs) and 11 pharmacological studies (participants 1202; intervention group 870; four non-RCTs, seven RCTs) were included. For non-pharmacological interventions, seven studies across interventions related to actual travel and four to simulated travel. For pharmacological interventions, eight studies were based on actual travel and three on simulated travel. Conclusions We found no literature pertaining to the management of travel fatigue. Evidence for the successful management of jet lag in athletes was of low quality. More field-based studies specifically on athlete populations are required with a multifaceted approach, better design and implementation to draw valid conclusions. PROSPERO registration number The protocol was registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO: CRD42019126852).
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Research has demonstrated that induced mental fatigue impairs soccer-specific technical, tactical and physical performance in soccer players. The findings are limited by the lack of elite players and low ecological validity of the tasks used to induce mental fatigue, which do not resemble the cognitive demands of soccer. The current study collected survey data from English academy soccer players (n = 256; age groups - U14 – U23), with questions comprising of five themes (descriptors of physical and mental fatigue, travel, education, match-play and fixture congestion). The survey consisted of multiple choice responses, checkboxes and blinded/unblinded (for duration based questions) 0-100 arbitrary unit (AU) slider scales. Listening to music (81.6% of players), using social media (58.3%) and watching videos (34.3%) were the most common pre-match activities. Pre-match subjective mental fatigue was low (18.7±18.8 AU), and most frequently reported at the end of a match (47±26 AU) and remained elevated 24-hours post-match (36±27 AU). Travel (29±24 AU), fixture congestion (44±25 AU) and education (30±26 AU) demonstrated a low to moderate presence of subjective mental fatigue. These findings provide an overview of activities performed by English academy soccer players pre-match, and demonstrate that mental fatigue is experienced as a result of match-play.
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The sentiments and feelings like the aforementioned may clearly affect the balance between happiness and wellness (Calleja-Gonzalez et al., 2018). In that way, coaches focus on respecting, valuing, involving, engaging in dialogue with, listening to, and supporting players, as well as treating them as human beings, giving them the confidence and feelings of responsibility to try (BarkerRuchti et al., 2014). There is a clear need for more research in this area, although some advances were already made by examining empathy using qualitative methods and identifying factors of empathy between athletes and coaches (David and Larson, 2018). Furthermore, a period of constructive reflection considering the relationship between performance analysis and recovery is strongly recommended (Calleja-González et al., 2018). Thus, there is a gap between research and reality (Buchheit, 2017), because players express that they are more fatigued from traveling than from training or competition, which is the focus of this letter.A shift in the approach to sports performance research seems to be necessary. For example, sleep quality and quantity (Gupta et al., 2017), burden associated to traveling (Fowler et al., 2014), chronobiological disturbance (Drust et al., 2005) are often cited as limiting factors of performance in high level sport, and their impact should be considered and assessed. Further, the additive effect or the means by which one factor influence another should be taken into account (Tobias et al., 2013).Elite athletes are exposed to substantial training loads , however, that is only a (small) part of the key determinants of performance. Current trends in expertise describe the concept as a dynamically varying relationship captured by the constraints of the environment and those of the performer of a task (RW.ERROR -Unable to find reference:4304). Using this approach, the context is key and should not be detached from the content, thus, the guidelines for designing and implementation of a training program will benefit from incorporating environmental information, integrated periodization, mental performance, skill acquisition, or nutrition (Mujika et al., 2018). In addition, using the aforementioned methods in combination with athlete monitoring of training, competition and psychological load, and pooled with assessments of recovery, well-being, and illness . It may enable the achievement of enhanced performance levels.Since extended traveling is common in elite sport (Flatt et al., 2019), it is recommended that coaches and applied sports scientists consider the following key points in order to minimize injury risk, enhance recovery, optimize performance and bring down the effect of traveling and sleep disturbance on performance (Vitale et al., 2019):-Monitor external training load (before, during and after competition) using tracking systems (Fox et al., 2017) with the least possible invasion.-Monitor Internal responses using heart rate measures and biomarkers in blood, saliva and/or urine before, during and after competition (Halson, 2014).-Monitor daily sleep quality, sleep duration, and player wellbeing to inform same day adjustments to training and competition workload (Fox et al., 2019).-Arrive early to competition destination in order to include sufficient time on-site to recover from traveling and adjust to new time-zones, altitudes, climates and environments (Lastella et al., 2019).-Avoid environmental changes because changing physical sleep environments may increase susceptibility to altered sleep responses, which may negatively affect performance (Pitchford et al., 2017).-Develop and apply consistent strategies (pre, during and post-traveling) that may help prevent or ease jet lag (Fowler et al., 2014).-Develop and apply an ad-hoc nutrition plan for traveling .Stress on the body is probably cumulative (Issurin, 2009). Therefore, the development of new variables, such as ratios, that might relate player's fatigue, training demands, match performance, environmental conditions, at home or away, could be an interesting open window to explore. Further, the creation and validation of a travel fatigue scale would enhance an understanding of the travelling effect. Also, a scale of mental fatigue (Russell et al., 2019) that informs about the stress derived from training, competition and environmental stress would be most useful.With the increasing popularity of sport, number of contests, and travel demands on the rise, the importance of athlete load monitoring in combination with nutritional programming, implementation of recovery methods, and proper sleep practices cannot be underestimated. Taking these steps will make for a more effective travel experience and support athlete health and playing career longevity. In the same page, rationalizing the use of measurement instruments and procedures seems also a need, as anecdotally suggests that "strict data-led regimes undermine trust and stifle creativity, shackling a player's natural empathy with the game", thus, "it is vital that those who oversee performance in elite sport consider the consequences on players of such intense surveillance". • Bus/plane traveling (seats ergonomic, number of disposable seats in bus/plane).• Seating positions/dangerous seating positions (players education and control).• Muscle activation during traveling.• Intellectual activity during traveling.• Problem with sleep medicaments (hypotonic effects).• Sleep banking between travels and games.• Designing individual players traveling profile.• Plane/bus vibration effect on athlete's bodies.• Plane/bus engine noise stressor effect.
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To accommodate daily recurring environmental changes, animals show cyclic variations in behaviour and physiology, which include prominent behavioural states such as sleep–wake cycles but also a host of less conspicuous oscillations in neurological, metabolic, endocrine, cardiovascular and immune functions. Circadian rhythmicity is created endogenously by genetically encoded molecular clocks, whose components cooperate to generate cyclic changes in their own abundance and activity, with a periodicity of about a day. Throughout the body, such molecular clocks convey temporal control to the function of organs and tissues by regulating pertinent downstream programmes. Synchrony between the different circadian oscillators and resonance with the solar day is largely enabled by a neural pacemaker, which is directly responsive to certain environmental cues and able to transmit internal time-of-day representations to the entire body. In this Review, we discuss aspects of the circadian clock in Drosophila melanogaster and mammals, including the components of these molecular oscillators, the function and mechanisms of action of central and peripheral clocks, their synchronization and their relevance to human health. Animal circadian rhythms are controlled by central and peripheral molecular clocks, whose components generate oscillations in their own abundance and activity. Insights into how these clocks time the function of organs and tissues is increasing our understanding of animal physiology.
Caffeine is considered a cognitive enhancer at low to moderate doses because it improves alertness, vigilance, attention, and reaction time. However, no previous investigation has assessed the effect of acute caffeine intake on e-sports-specific performance. The aim of this investigation was to determine the effect of the ingestion of 3 mg per kg of body mass on simple reaction time in a color test and on hit accuracy and reaction time during a first-person shooting game. Fifteen professional e-gamers (age= 22 ± 3 years) participated in a double-blind, cross-over, randomized experimental trial. In two trials 3 days apart, participants either ingested a placebo (cellulose) or 3 mg/kg of caffeine in an opaque and unidentifiable capsule. After a 45-min wait for substance absorption, participants performed 5 attempts at a simple reaction time test and completed a first-person shooting game that included 3 attempts at a 2-min game with 60 fixed targets (180 targets in total). Reaction times (in both tests) and accuracy in hitting the targets (only in the shooting game) were measured. In comparison to the placebo, caffeine decreased simple reaction time (0.20 ± 0.01 vs. 0.19 ± 0.01 s, P < 0.01), the mean time taken to hit the targets (0.92 ± 0.07 vs. 0.88 ± 0.07 s, P < 0.01) and enhanced hit accuracy (98.8 ± 0.92 vs. 99.8 ± 0.35% of targets hit, P < 0.01). In summary, the acute ingestion of 3 mg/kg of caffeine reduced the time taken to react to a simple stimulus, decreased the time taken to hit a fixed target and improved accuracy in hitting the target in a first-person shooting game in professional e-gamers. Thus, the caffeine ingestion (3 mg/kg) might be considered as an ergogenic aid for e-sports gamers based on its effect to enhance hit accuracy and time.
Objective measures of circadian disruption are difficult to capture in a free-living environment hence the importance of validating subjective measures of jetlag. We aimed to assess the internal consistency of the 15-item Liverpool Jetlag Scale and its convergent and divergent validity with indicators of fatigue and anxiety in a large sample of air passengers. Online survey of passengers was conducted after travel on a range of long-haul flights. Jetlag was captured using the Liverpool scale, fatigue was measured using the Vitality subscale of the Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36), and the presence of anxiety or worry before, during, and after flight was self-reported. Inter-item correlations and Cronbach’s alpha were calculated to assess the internal consistency of the scale. Exploratory factor analysis was used to examine whether the scale was consistent with one underlying construct of circadian disruption. Correlations between fatigue and anxiety (flying, situational, symptoms) with jetlag were used to assess convergent and divergent validity. Linear regression was used to determine the most important symptoms contributing to subjective jetlag rating. N = 460 passengers (57% female, mean age 50, SD 16 years) were surveyed. Cronbach’s alpha indicated high internal reliability (alpha = 0.85). Jetlag was more strongly correlated with fatigue (rho = 0.47) than any type of anxiety (rho = 0.10–0.22). Exploratory factor analysis indicated responses were consistent with four factors: (i) fatigue/daytime impairment, (ii) sleep disturbance, (iii) changes in appetite and (iv) changes in bowel function. Regression analysis indicated that only changes in concentration, sleep time, fatigue, sleep quality and frequency of bowel motions were independent correlates of subjective jetlag (R² = 27%). The Liverpool Jetlag Scale is internally consistent and demonstrates the expected relationships with fatigue and anxiety. Patterns of response are not consistent with all items being derived from one underlying factor, i.e. circadian disruption. Further, not all items contributed to the jetlag rating, suggesting the single-item rating may be useful for capturing the subjective experience of jetlag, whilst a total jetlag score is useful for also capturing circadian symptoms considered by passengers to be unrelated to jetlag. Validation of subjective jetlag against objective measures of circadian disruption is required.