Content uploaded by Roger Higgs
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All content in this area was uploaded by Roger Higgs on Jul 26, 2021
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Slide 1
Three proofs of inflated global warming
A. Graphs 1 & 2 claim 2000-2020 was globally
warmer than 1930-50 by 0.6 C deg & the same
amount in the Arctic (red bars = eyeballed
average temp.). This equality is impossible, due
to ‘polar amplification’ (green box).
B. Disproportionate 1920-40 warming vs 1940-75
cooling vs 1975-2020 warming (black bars):
Arctic = 3/4/8
Global = 3/1/9
C. 1975-2020 global warming was supposedly
faster than 1920-40 (Graph 2, compare steepness
of heavy black bars); but the Arctic shows no
change (Graph 1).
‘Polar amplification’ (Wiki): global warming or cooling
is amplified poleward,
e.g. 1975-2020 warming was 2.0 C deg in the Arctic
(Graph 1, green arrow) vs 0.9 C deg globally (Graph 2; in
fact less, see Slide 2)
Graph 1. ARCTIC mean annual surface air temp.
Graph 2. GLOBAL mean annual surface air temp.
Conclusions & Sources
(links) for all graphs:
see Slide 3
1.0 C deg
HadCRUT & NASA-GISS temperature data prove
exaggeration of 1975-2020 global warming
Geoclastica Ltd Technical Note 2021-4 Roger Higgs (DPhil, Geology) 11th July 2021 (amended 26th) 3 slides, 10 minutes
1.0 C deg
1850 2020
HadCRUT4 data
2 C deg
(Graphs 3-5)
‘Divergence Problem’:
“A temperature trend extracted
from tree rings alone would not
show any substantial warming
since the 1950s” - Wiki
Graph 5. NORTHERN HEMISPHERE temperature, based on tree rings vs thermometers. Briffa et al. 1998
Slide 2. More evidence of global-warming exaggeration ...
D. Deliberate inflation of 1980-2000 & suppression of 1930-50 temperatures, e.g. ...
- NASA’s USA chart published 1999 (Graph 3) shows 1930s/40s hotter than 80s/90s, but this difference was erased in successive
NASA manipulations, as portrayed in two 5-second videos ...
Similarly, the current NASA global chart (Graph 4), like the UK Met Office version (Graph 2), shows the 1980s/90s hotter than the
30s/40s ... note reversal of dashed red bars (eyeballed average temperatures) in Graph 4 vs 3.
E. Global land-air supposedly warming twice as fast as ocean; and, equally inexplicably, only since 1985 (see separation in Graph 4).
F. The ‘Divergence Problem’ (blue box), inadequately explained (Wiki), may simply reflect exaggeration of post-1960 thermometric
temperatures (Graph 5, divergence of thin line), e.g. for thin line in Graph 5, substitute Graph 3 & increase its amplitude.
Graph 3. Contiguous USA (world’s densest temp. network?) surface air temperature 1880-1999. Hansen et al. 1999
Graph 4. GLOBAL near-surface air temperature, land & ocean, 1980-2020. NASA-GISS
1930s hot in USA;
‘Dust Bowl’ (Wiki)
Slide 3. Conclusions
1. 1975-2020 global warming (Graphs 2, 4) is artificially high.
2. This may be due to under-compensation for ‘Urban Heat Island’ effect (Wiki; NB Arctic & Antarctic are nearly
3. If the 2000s/10s were indeed warmer than the 1930s/40s (Graphs 2, 4), the amount was very small
(extrapolating from the Arctic’s 0.6 C deg [Graph 1] & reducing it for polar amplification).
4. Alternating global warming & cooling of the last 2,000 years correlate much better with the Sun’s magnetic
output (governing cloudiness) than with CO2, which may in fact be irrelevant to climate change ...
5. There is no climate emergency.
Sources of Graphs 1-5