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Quantum cryptography technique: A way to improve security challenges in mobile cloud computing (MCC)


Abstract and Figures

Quantum cryptography concentrates on the solution of cryptography that is imperishable due to the reason of fortification of secrecy which is applied to the public key distribution of quantum. It is a very prominent technology in which 2 beings can securely communicate along with the sights belongings to quantum physics. However, on basis of classical level cryptography, the used encodes were bits for data. As quantum utilizes the photons or particles polarize ones for encoding the quantized property. This is presented in qubits as a unit. Transmissions depend directly on the inalienable mechanic's law of quantum for security. This paper includes detailed insight into the three most used and appreciated quantum cryptography applications that are providing its domain-wide service in the field of mobile cloud computing. These services are (it) DARPA Network, (ii) IPSEC implementation, and (iii) the twisted light HD implementation along with quantum elements, key distribution, and protocols.
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Quantum cryptography technique: A way to improve security challenges
in mobile cloud computing (MCC)
Shafiqul Abidin
, Amit Swami
, Edwin Ramirez-Asís
, Joseph Alvarado-Tolentino
Rajesh Kumar Maurya
, Naziya Hussain
Department of Computer Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Emirates College of Technology, United Arab Emirates
Department of Administration and Tourism, Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo National University, USA
Department of Systems and Informatics Engineering, Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo National University, USA
Master of Computer Application, ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Computers, IPS Academy Indore, India
article info
Article history:
Received 4 May 2021
Received in revised form 15 May 2021
Accepted 28 May 2021
Available online xxxx
Quantum cryptography
Twisted light
Mobile cloud computing
Quantum cryptography concentrates on the solution of cryptography that is imperishable due to the rea-
son of fortification of secrecy which is applied to the public key distribution of quantum. It is a very
prominent technology in which 2 beings can securely communicate along with the sights belongings
to quantum physics. However, on basis of classical level cryptography, the used encodes were bits for
data. As quantum utilizes the photons or particles polarize ones for encoding the quantized property.
This is presented in qubits as a unit. Transmissions depend directly on the inalienable mechanic’s law
of quantum for security. This paper includes detailed insight into the three most used and appreciated
quantum cryptography applications that are providing its domain-wide service in the field of mobile
cloud computing. These services are (it) DARPA Network, (ii) IPSEC implementation, and (iii) the twisted
light HD implementation along with quantum elements, key distribution, and protocols.
Ó2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 1st International Con-
ference on Computations in Materials and Applied Engineering – 2021.
1. Introduction
Einstein writes, ‘‘IT can’t believe God plays the cosmos dice,”!
However, quantum mechanics showed him to be mistaken and
an amazing crop for new in’s encryption schemes benefits from
the dices that Einstein found so worrying. While most people
assume that they are science fiction, quantum encryption systems
now operate, with experiments shielding internet traffic in urban
areas. These structures are so modern that they should take a
quantum cryptography distribution (QKD) or best as its third and
last insight into shaping cryptography in the 20th century [1].To
achieve perfect secrecy, it should be using Vernam ciphers, often
know as one-time pads,” for at least as long as this message would
not repeat. In fact, sadly, it was impossible for Vernam ciphers to
transmit one-time pads which would be totally confidential, com-
pletely uncommon, and one-off pads, so it was not commonly
accepted. The most popular techniques today are Diffie-Hellman
key exchangers and RSA prime factor algorithms. These key public
techniques are omnipresent. Unlike Shannon, who thought that
opponents had infinite mathematical abilities, public-key tactics
presume that such mathematical functions are a way in which to
do one thing, but are too hard to reverse in an adversary’s time
[2]. Specialized cryptographic instruments will elicit ever-fluid
streams of random bits whose values are invisible to third parties.
By using these parts as key material for Vernam ciphers, it can
quickly and cheaply attain the ideal of Shannon’s complete secrecy
[3]. In comparison, QKD offers information-theoretical confiden-
tiality, which is strongly founded on physics law, on the unproved
basis of core public technology. The quantum key dissemination
(QKD), first proposed in 1984 by Bennett and Brassard, is a tech-
nique for sending a concealed key. On account of a fundamental
trademark in quantum mechanics known as the no-cloning
hypothesis, any exertion by an outsider to snoop constantly brings
about mix-ups that the sender and beneficiary may distinguish.
Customarily, current QKD frameworks utilize a qubit framework
2214-7853/Ó2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 1st International Conference on Computations in Materials and Applied Engineering – 2021.
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Please cite this article as: S. Abidin, A. Swami, E. Ramirez-Asís et al., Quantum cryptography technique: A way to improve security challenges in mobile
cloud computing (MCC), Materials Today: Proceedings,
to encode data, for example, photon polarization. These gadgets are
immediately sent, and today innovation is promptly accessible to
scramble and unravel data in the qubit state, permitting frame-
work clock speeds under the GHz system. The spatial level of pho-
ton opportunity has as of late been set up as a significant
wellspring of data move [4].
While such encoding plans offer a simple answer for expanding
data ability, as a result of the cross-talk instigated by diffraction
they are inadmissible for long-range optical associations. Diffrac-
tion incites a mind-boggling absence of spread for numerous spa-
tial frequencies, which brings about spatial modular combination.
Cross-talking raises the SER rate and essentially decreases the
ensured key pace of a QKD gadget. The utilization of OAM modes
will limit this unfavorable impact. OAM modes have the alluring
property of being symmetrical when spreading in a gadget with
roundabout gaps due to their rotational symmetry [5].
The occurrence of MCC has created a significant kind of turn-
around on computer science technology including on to the devel-
opers of the phone. MCC is vital technology nowadays, as it is
applicable in diverse services likewise: electronic mobile com-
merce (EMC), electronic mobile learning (EML), electronic mobile
banking (EMB), electronic mobile healthcare (EMH), and electronic
mobile game (EMG). However, mobile devices (MDs) are now
becoming very sophisticated; the reason behind it is the larger
development and application complexity. This offloading task onto
the cloud deals with many issues, including security, mobile appli-
cation development and quality of service.
2. Literature review
Integrity, availability and confidentiality problems are required
to get address as the task gets offloaded by means of the cloud. Pri-
vacy, end-to-end security, and authentication requirements to get
integrated by offloading the architecture kind of framework. It is
essential to be sure about the reliability and security of the task
for transmission of MDs to the cloud, the reason behind it is the
information. Data can get stored and also be moved into the cloud
by means of a wireless kind of connection. Because of the wireless
connection, transferring is now vulnerable for both zones including
the external and internal attacks. Quality of the service (QoS) is
very vital for the relaxation of effective transferring of the task in
the area of the cloud system.
2.1. Quantum key distribution
Modern networks typically rely on one of the two foundational
encryption strategies to ensure that traffic through the grid is con-
fidential and integral: symmetrical key and asymmetric key. In
particular, the best systems of today usually use both public key
signals and hidden ‘‘session” keys and then secure all or part of
the traffic flow with these session keys. Any other systems bring
hidden keys ‘‘out of the channel,” as in the case of traditional cryp-
tography, for instance by courier. Basically speaking, the unitary
dimensions of quantum mechanics theory of uncertainty and a
breach of Bell’s inequality by Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen – now pro-
poses a third model for key distribution: quantum encryption. The
efficacy of this paradigm seems demonstrated by initial studies [6].
In order to ensure the secrecy of transmitted records, basic regula-
tions of design may also be applied if the theoretical models are
verified in the use of the real equipment. QKD consists of a dim
light pulse transmitted from Alice to Bob via the quantum medium,
e.g. as dim light pulses, plus the sorting of the real main content.
This method includes public contact with the advanced QKD algo-
rithms (key agreement protocols) between Alice and Bob on the
public network. The key results can then be used to secure user
traffic, for example, for cryptographic purposes. According to the
laws of quantity physics, any Eva (Eve), which induces snoops on
the quantum canal, causes the flux of individual photons to be
troubling. It can be observed by Alice and Bob, taking suitable reac-
tions and thus the eavesdropping effort by Eve [7]. This creates a
hypothesis that for resisting quantum computer order, new sys-
tems which would not be based on discrete logarithms issues have
to be explored. This is the only way through which data security
can get a guarantee for the future internet in the zone of cyber-
space [8].
Bennett and Brassard, who likewise portrayed the primary QKD
convention called BB84, proposed in 1984 quantum cryptography.
A couple of examination groups the world over had the option to
create and run quantum cryptographic gadgets during the creative
cycle. Apparently, there is also the interest in cryptograms based
on a very different physical phenomenon - intertwining between
pairs of photons produced by spontaneous parametric downgrad-
ing - which is weak, coherent quantum cryptography (SPDC). This
is what it is talking about. Geneva has shown and explored cryp-
tography in many important papers. An excellent summary of
QKD’s present state of the art was presented by the Geneva team
[9]. It highly encourages anybody who wants to get to know more
about this fascinating area.
Quantum data properties: The concept of the whole uncer-
tainty principle was the position of a particle in the world of micro
which is not possible at all to get determined, thus it does exist in
diverse spaces along with diverse chances [10]. It’s proposed that
when a copy of any arbitrary gets deletes in a quantum state isn’t
allowed through the linearity of theory by quantum.
3. Methodologies
Alice sends to Bob an arbitrarily module set of single photons (a
double-sided card here with a random number. Alice picks one
card side by chance and sends the card to Bob by writing random
0 or 1 on that side. Bob also picks a random side and reads the
value of this side. Bob reads exactly what Alice wrote as Alice
and Bob take the same hand. If not, he reads a 0 or 1 at random
overall [11]. Since Bob has read all the photons, Alice is performing
a scanning transaction to discard any situations in which he reads
wrong (basis). It sends Alice the random basis settings list and
informs him which settings are correct. Alice and Bob then deny
any value on which they differ and retain the remaining raw mate-
rial values. Now, what about a ruminant, who is it going to name
Eve? In the first place, Eve is like Bob. She would imagine what side
of the card she’ll be able to read, and the other half will be of ran-
dom importance for the half of the time she reads what Alice sent.
But a little bit of a single photon she cannot surreptitiously sift so
she demolishes it as she reads it. But if this photon is not obtained,
it does not lose; this method of sifting will discard the photon, and
Alice and Bob will not include it in their main stuff [12]. The no-
cloning theorem of Quantum Mechanics states it cannot clone val-
ues on both sides of the card — only the side on which it reads. A
random value may be on the other hand. In actual systems, how-
ever, some channel noise is still present and even though they
require wiping out operations, the cryptographic device may work
with some level of sound. In order to resolve this problem, it uses
reasonably robust error detecting and correction protocols in order
to identify and correct bit errors and the effect is compounded by
anonymity, such that Eve knows just a little bit about the resulting
Alice and Bob values [31,13].
S. Abidin, A. Swami, E. Ramirez-Asís et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
3.1. QKD in systems
In 1992 Bennet and Brassard designed the first rudimentary
QKD apparatus; since then, many systems, including systems built
by Los Alamos, British Telecom, Johns Hopkins University, and IBM
Almaden Research Center, have followed. QKD can run via telecom
fiber or the atmosphere. While their technological specifics vary
considerably, researchers have seen both methods. At a rate of
about 5,000 bits/s at a distance of up to 50 km via telecom or
10–20 km through the atmosphere, today’s devices produce very
high-end main content [14,32]. Although these speeds are not high
enough to secure valuable single pad traffic, they permit the fast
re-encryption of traditional cryptographic algorithms, such as the
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Each device uses a typical
wavelength (1550.12 nm) highly attenuated ‘‘single-photon”
telecommunications laser with phase modulation through Mach
Zehnder unbalanced interferometers and APDs, which detect single
photons [33,15]. An additional Mach-Zehnder interferometer is
contained in the Receiver at Bob, arbitrarily set in one of two
phases for demodulation. Alice often transmits a light pulse, a stan-
dard amount of power for telecommunications that is multiplied
by the same fiber [16].Fig. 1 illustrate the complete functioning.
3.2. Protocols and algorithms
During the production of its systems, it found that QKD optics is
probably the easiest part; electronics are harder than optics and
software is harder than electronics for a practical device. Fig. 4
demonstrates how QKD protocols could integrate into a UNIX
operating system, providing key material for use in cryptography
protecting Internet traffic through standard IPsec protocols and
algorithms for its Indigenous Internet Key Exchange (IKE). BBN
QKD protocol stack is written in C for portability to real-time
devices that are embedded. David Pearson, Gregory Troxel (BBN
Technologies) and IT will explore this deployment more in-depth,
and how QKD communicates elsewhere with IKE and IPsec 8.
Fig. 2 shows the complete functionality. This process happens
by some form of one-way function, such as the digital signatures
implemented using key-public techniques in most modern crypto-
graphic schemes. Authentication is based on mutual secret keys in
classical QKD literature, such as universal hash functionality
3.3. QKD DARPA networks
The DARPA Quantum Network comprises two Alice and Anna
transmitters and two viable receptors, Bob and Boris, with quan-
tum channels associated straightforwardly through the fiber by
means of a two-stage optical switch. For one or the other collector,
either sender may arrange a common key. The switch is optically
aloof: as such, no photons that move through it is distinguished
or enhanced so the quantum condition of the photons that encode
fundamental pieces can’t be disturbed. Where two QKD endpoints
don’t share a direct or exchanged channel, yet are cross-canalized
by confided in transfers, its systems administration conventions
permit them to concur on a mutual key by choosing an organiza-
tion course, creating another R-number and sending a one-time R
cushion scrambled on every association [18]. The following flow
of QKD will be a lot more bizarre than it is today since it will get
important material from sets of many-sided photons. This is in cer-
tain regards the most acceptable of all methods of QKD since it
uses the intrinsic inconsistency and marvel of the universe
[19,35].Fig. 3 shows the complete functionality.
3.4. QKD architectures
As observed, Alice’s transmitter communicates singular photons
with a laser heartbeat of 1550 nm that is unequivocally con-
stricted. Any of them goes through an arbitrarily regulated Mach-
Zehnder interferometer in Alice in one of four focuses, encoding
both a premise and an incentive for the self-obstruction of the pho-
ton. Another Mach Zehnder interferometer is utilized in the Bob
beneficiary, arbitrarily regulated in one of the two stages to pick
a base. The photons gathered travel through the Bob interferome-
ter for one of the two thermoelectrically cooled single-photon indi-
cators to show worth. Alice is likewise communicating light
heartbeats duplicated by a similar fiber, at 1300 nm to give Bob
data about planning and outlining.
Figs. 4-6 exhibit the crucial instrument of its progression encod-
ing framework.
Fig. 5 represents how a genuine photon functions with its heart-
beat from Alice’s 1550 nm QKD source into the Bob locator pair.
Here you can see the photon rather than a molecule as a wave.
Hence the interferometer is taking the two headings as opposed
to choosing a solitary bearing.
Fig. 6 demonstrates the blend of the resultant twofold beat of
the Bob 50/50 coupler before the finders. The beat in the upper
train is pretty much precisely coordinated with that in the lower
train when the interferometers were changed right, which implies
that the two amplitudes are added together. The correct part of the
graph shows a composite waveform before the 50/50 sets of QKD
finders from Bob. At last, it is presently ready to exhibit decisively
how estimations of ‘ and ‘1’ are sent among Alice and Bob utilizing
QKD beats. As it portrayed, it was the blend of twofold heartbeat
that made the focal pinnacle, expecting that interferometers Alice
and Bob are pretty much definitely coordinated.
Fig. 1. BBN quantum cryptography (FD).
S. Abidin, A. Swami, E. Ramirez-Asís et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
3.5. IPSEC implementation
On the off chance that a cryptographic quantic key substance
has been finished, it tends to be utilized as keys for at least one
application. Its first utilization of these key substances is for
IPsec-based virtual private organizations as standard encryption
keys. As needs are, both the preparing way of IPsec and its funda-
mental arrangement convention (IKE) have been extended to uti-
lize basic material acquired with quantum cryptography. Since
both Alice and Bob persistently stream new data, the two of them
can change the key uses pretty much consistently in their crypto-
graphic calculations [36,20]. One of its components, the IKE con-
vention, requires two endpoints to concur on the cryptographic
conventions and calculations that they might want to use for a
given security affiliation, and the other on the keys they use to
encode as well as confirm the accompanying message traffic in this
security affiliation [21]. Inside the IETF, RFC 2409, Internet Key
Exchange, IKE is determined as a standard record (IKE). While
IKE is a generally intricate convention, its essential standards are
clear. Figure 10 uncovers the critical components of the current
kinship between two IKE peers. The utilization of IKE for quantum
encryption is of specific importance for a modest bunch of novel
IKE configuration pieces, which can impact its general gadget plan
[22]. This can without much of a stretch occurs in quantum cryp-
tography since clamor must be noticed and probabilistically
revised in a solitary photon channel. IKE doesn’t have any
Fig. 2. BBN QC protocols.
Fig. 3. QKD Networks.
S. Abidin, A. Swami, E. Ramirez-Asís et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
frameworks to notice or treat certain circumstances. The outcome
appears to have not been appropriately encoding/interpreted for
all security affiliations utilizing key pieces extricated from this
bad data. It will appear to be that this condition will continue until
the security affiliation is reestablished, for example, another secu-
rity affiliation is moved [35,23].
3.6. QKD with twisted light technology
Alice has subjectively chosen two extra bases for her photons in
its framework. A determination of OAM vortex modes is the essen-
tial coding source. The two modes have a setup of extreme focus
and a helical advance profile as follows:
OAM ¼e
A straight blend of OAM record modes with equal amplitudes is
utilized to make the commonly fair-minded premise set as:
exp i2
 ð2Þ
Whereas, in its test the measurements are (D = 2 N + 1 = 7). Because
of their restricted adequacy varieties, it alludes to such modes as
Fig. 4. Paths through unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometers.
Fig. 5. Effects of an unbalanced interferometer on a photon.
Fig. 6. Recombined photon at 50 / 50 coupler just before Bob’s QKD detectors. The central peak is self-interfering.
S. Abidin, A. Swami, E. Ramirez-Asís et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
precise (ANG) modes. As opposed to OAM modes, ANG modes are
commonly lopsided, given as:
d8n;lfg ð3Þ
Through a 4f telescope, which frames a lossless 2 m long con-
tact connect, arrangements are then imaged at Bob’s getting open-
ing [24,34]. The means made in different bases were then disposed
of by Alice and Bob. Now, the key created is known as the screwed
key [25,33]. This is achieved by using a universal hash function to
make the error-corrected key a short random key.
4. Results and analysis
Performance of transport and identification:The efficiency of
the refractive components of the modal sorter is estimated by 85%.
For holograms and the corresponding phase correction feature, two
Holoeye PLUTO phase-only SLM’s are used. Moreover, the SLMs are
fitted with two cylindrical lenses to adapt the look ratio of the
transformed straps. Per SLM is measured at a diffraction efficiency
of about 45 percent. The efficiency of connections between the
converted modes and the fiber spectrum has been estimated at
about 18%.
Classical ability for knowledge: This scheme avoids the time-
less changeover between various spatial modes and makes it pos-
sible to calculate the error rate even more accurately using a large
range of symbols sent and received. But a uniform lack of coordina-
tion and detection does not modify the shared knowledge between
the sifted keys of Alice and Bob as the time-frames are excluded in
the reconciliation protocol without a photon-detection occurrence
IKE security: The Eavesdropper (Eve) tests the status of the
caught photon on an arbitrarily picked premise in a capture resend
assault and afterward sends a photon back that will be in a similar
condition. Eve reliably studies few audits to acquire data about the
fundamentals in a precise attack. From this chart, it is obvious that
its trial SER is far beneath the essential wellbeing limits against
block attempts and reliable assaults [27,31].
High efficiency: When losses rise, the main generation rate
decreases. The protocol also becomes vulnerable to PNS attacks
due to high contact losses. With high-efficiency sLMs or with AR-
coated custom refractive elements the performance of its detection
system can be easily improved. This would mean that the propaga-
tion quality of its experiment would be improved six times. Fur-
thermore, the amount of damage induced by the air dispersion
can be decreased by activity in the near-infrared device.
Mitigation of turbulence: The spatial profile of modes can
degrade as atmospheric turbulence arises. As a result, the nearby
OAM and ANG models are merged. Turbulence has been a target
of detailed studies in OAM modes. The use of all other approaches
to encrypt and use adaptive optics Technologies are standard
strategies for mitigating the detrimental effects of atmospheric
turbulence. Long-range open-space dissemination of OAM modes
with new detection schemes has recently been carried out [28,36].
Longer dimension: More modes improve the amount of infor-
mation that each photon carries which results in a higher protected
bit rate. It previously showed that its Mode Sorter would filter 25
OAM and ANG modes per observed photons with an average
mutual knowledge of 4.17 bits. Consequently, the number of APDs
in this experiment will easily increase the encoded information per
photon [29,30]. Finally, through sizing and receiving apertures, the
amount of modes that the optical communication supports is
5. Conclusion
The DARPA Quantum Network uncovers that quantum encryp-
tion can be utilized truth be told, on a fundamental level, to furnish
virtual private web networks with a ceaseless key dispersion. Any
significant components of the quantum cryptography hypothesis
are still exceptionally bewildering. On the basis of classical cryp-
tography and quantum mechanics, quantum cryptography is a
fresh and new system in the line of cryptography. As compared
to classical cryptography, it has ultimate benefits are in the zone
of an unconditional sniffing detection system along with security.
The characteristics can aid in resolving the security of cyberspace
on the basis of critical issues for the internet. As being specific, it
generates the security for diverse applications, likewise: smart
cities, internet, and future internet as cyberspace. The analysis on
the basis of experiments has shown the conclusion of uncondi-
tional security along with the detection of sniffing on behalf of
quantum cryptography that makes it very suitable for the usage
of the internet in the future. The various assaults and the definite
quantum–mechanical hypothesis behind photon yield, engender-
ing, identification, and so on to put it plainly, it is currently evident
that quantum cryptography is in fact conceivable.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Shafiqul Abidin: Investigation, Supervision. Amit Swami: Writ-
ing - review & editing. Edwin Ramirez-Asís: Writing - review &
editing. Joseph Alvarado-Tolentino: Investigation. Rajesh Kumar
Maurya: Supervision. Naziya Hussain: Investigation, Writing -
original draft.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.
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S. Abidin, A. Swami, E. Ramirez-Asís et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
... Maray et al. [8] present the concept of offloading techniques on mobile edge technology (MEC), along with previous work on taxonomy architecture and previous algorithms that provide different computing services on MCC, with a comparison between MCC and MEC, and its future directions. Abidin et al [9] present modern quantum cryptography direction (QKD) and service provider architectures with the comparison of other previous work techniques for the betterment of the security of MCC. Ali et al. [10] proposed dynamic decision task scheduling and a micro-service-based computational offloading (TSMCO) technique for mobile cloud servers and presented architecture or algorithms for the enhancement of TSMCO framework on different applications, such as health care, games, and augmented reality. ...
... Methodology Type [1] n/a n/a Trusted third party (TTP) [2] n/a Homomorphic encryption technique [3] Enciphering scheme, Modular Encryption Standard [4] n/a Homomorphic cryptosystem technique. [5] n/a CI-based IDs [6] n/a n/a n/a Multi-objective optimization (MOO) algorithm [7] n/a n/a n/a Client-to-client authentication, RQ models [8] n/a Computation offloading, Mobile edge computing (MEC) [9] n/a Quantum cryptography application [10] n/a Task scheduling and microservice-based computational offloading (TSMCO) ...
... This survey analyzed previous works on the security of users' data on MCC. Jegadeesan et al. [1] proposed a mutual authentication scheme; Irshad Azeem et al. [12] proposed an improved incremental encryption scheme; Shamshirband et al. [5] analyzed the computational intelligence (CI) identification technique; Shabbir et al. [3] presented a modular encryption standard; and Abidin et al. [9] analyzed different service providers for quantum cryptography applications, and they claimed that quantum cryptography is new compared to classical cryptography techniques and will be beneficial for future cyberspace. ...
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Mobile cloud computing (MCC) is an emerging concept that is gaining popularity in the IT sector. It is a significant topic of debate because it is being discussed as one of the most important trends for the future. After the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw the rapid emergence of mobile computing, which also created massive hype over mobile application usage. This survey paper’s introduction is a literature review of the latest advanced prominent publications, highlighting its definition, infrastructure, advantages/limitations, and challenges, and is followed up with a discussion and results section, concluding with discussions on the future of MCC work that will be undertaken in the coming years.
... • Man-in-middle attacks transpire when an attacker intercepts the exchange of information between the sender and receiver and deceives one party by posing as the other [29,30]. To QKD to prevent its qubits to the bob over a secure channel, any attempt done by the attacker to access the qubit will lead to an error in the transmission, which can be detected by Alice and Bob, and immediately the transmission will be discarded. ...
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In today's advanced and technologically advanced world, cloud computing has emerged as a popular platform for managing and maintaining data, information, and services worldwide. Therefore, it is essential to deal with security concerns and develop sufficient procedures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of data. This study proposes a secure cloud data access paradigm that uses QKD and attribute-based encryption (ABE) to address these issues. The study uses ABE to encrypt user information and ensure its safety during transmission and storage. Moreover, the quantum key is used to access cloud-based information. In addition, the quantum channel ensures the safe transfer of keys between nodes. The proposed model is simulated using MATLAB. The results are compared to the current state of the art regarding various performance parameters like encryption and decryption time, key generation time, etc. The simulation results show that the suggested model is superior to the current state of the art.
... QKD is robust for employ in each key distribution appliance, which requires higher security. 7,18 The work includes following contributions: ...
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Improvement of privacy and security in data centers is challenging with proficient safety key managing. So as to resolve this issue, data centers require proficient quantum cryptographic techniques with authentication methods that are suitable to improve the privacy and security with lesser intricacy. In addition, quantum cryptography (QC) offers maximal security with lesser complication, which raises the security strength and storing capability of big data. This work intends to introduce a QC oriented data security model in cloud via electing the optimal private key. Here, attribute based encryption (ABE) is performed for ensuring better data transmission among the nodes in cloud. For key generation in ABE, improved QKD is adopted in this work. Depending upon this, the decryption and encryption is done. Moreover, for optimal secret key selection in ABE, self‐modified Aquila optimization (SM‐AO) scheme is deployed. Further, analysis is done depending upon varied metrics.
Cloud computing is a recent technology that facilitates wide access and storage on the internet. Cloud computing faces few challenges like data loss, quality issues, and data security. Data security became a major concern in the cloud domain as the demand for cloud services is increasing drastically due to its scalability and allowance of concurrent access to users for using various cloud resources. As a consequence, malicious attacks and data breaches happen which also affect other cloud users. Cloud security is made possible with cryptography, which protects from malware and unauthorized users. Traditional cryptographic algorithms are often used to provide data privacy, integrity, and confidentiality. Most recently, a new data encryption scheme was proposed for cloud computing that uses quantum cryptography to improve security. The proposed chapter will provide the complete details about need of data security in cloud computing, significance of cryptography in cloud, existing cryptographic solutions, and proposes a generic model for cloud data security.
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Quantum computer development attracts the security experts of software. The rapid development of number of qubit in quantum computer makes the present security mechanism of software insecure. Software developers need to pay attention to the development of quantum computers in terms of software security. Software security evaluation focuses on the fundamental security features of software as well as the quantum enable security alternatives. The software security evaluation is the most crucial part of surveying, controlling, and administering security in order to further improve the properties of safety. It's crucial to understand that performing a security assessment early on in the development process can help you find bugs, vulnerabilities, faults, and attacks. In this quantitative study, the definition and use of the quantum computing security approach in software security will be covered. The cryptographic calculations had to secure our institutions based on computer and network. The Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Situation (Fuzzy-TOPSIS) is to quantitatively assess the rank of the quantum enable security alternatives with security factors. The Quantum Key Distribution, quantum technique of security has got the top priority in the estimation of software security during the era of quantum computer. The quantum mechanism of computing makes the classical computing insecure. The assessment of software security is tried to evaluate factors and its impact on alternatives mathematically.
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Information integration with CPS and industrial advanced technologies, Industry 4.0 will improve the overall quality of industrial production. The "smart factory" is an integral part of the future focused on the implementation of intelligent manufacturing systems and the infrastructure of distributed processes and production facilities across the network. The literature review concludes by searching for some key words. Scopus and Google Scholar were searched to search for these keywords. Some of the sustainable smart manufacturing initiatives in the international arena are using the words "smart manufacturing" and "Industry 4.0". These words are considered interchangeable although there are slight differences in their definitions from each other. All three terms refer to the primary objective of implementing businesses in different countries, which are production ecosystems to integrate and adopt new information and operational technologies, as well as to create new revenue and cost and efficiency business models for profit and operation. Findings from this literature review indicate that current reference models and frameworks derived from these SM initiatives are highly relevant and readily available to MNEs8
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Digital communication is a point-to-point or through point-to-point multidisciplinary communication channel is the physical exchange of data. This is to replace personal messages. In today's world of electronics, digital communication plays an important role. The data transfer rate in digital communications depends on its properties Digital communication provides a seamless experience for customers and partners-eliminating the need for direct communication and digital communication in various forms such as AI, chat bots and automation, making it easier for customers to access companies simultaneously. It is easy, cheap and fast because it can be done over long distances via the internet and other things. Hardware processing in digital circuits Digital is more flexible compared to analog through point-to-point multidisciplinary communication channels and the physical exchange of data. This required more bandwidth compared to analog systems. The development of complex circuits and sophisticated devices is a drawback of the digital system Definitions of digital communication. Electronic transfer of digitally encrypted information (such as storage and processing of computers) similar terms: Data communication
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Intensive work on quantum computing has increased interest in quantum cryptography in recent years. Although this technique is characterized by a very high level of security, there are still challenges that limit the widespread use of quantum key distribution. One of the most important problems remains secure and effective mechanisms for the key distillation process. This article presents a new idea for a key reconciliation method in quantum cryptography. This proposal assumes the use of mutual synchronization of artificial neural networks to correct errors occurring during transmission in the quantum channel. Users can build neural networks based on their own string of bits. The typical value of the quantum bit error rate does not exceed a few percent; therefore, the strings are similar and also users’ neural networks are very similar at the beginning of the learning process. It has been shown that the synchronization process in the new solution is much faster than in the analogous scenario used in neural cryptography. This feature significantly increases the level of security because a potential eavesdropper cannot effectively synchronize their own artificial neural networks in order to obtain information about the key. Therefore, the key reconciliation based on the new idea can be a secure and efficient solution.
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Quantum cryptography is the art and science of exploiting quantum mechanical effects in order to perform cryptographic tasks. While the most well-known example of this discipline is quantum key distribution (QKD), there exist many other applications such as quantum money, randomness generation, secure two- and multi-party computation and delegated quantum computation. Quantum cryptography also studies the limitations and challenges resulting from quantum adversaries---including the impossibility of quantum bit commitment, the difficulty of quantum rewinding and the definition of quantum security models for classical primitives. In this review article, aimed primarily at cryptographers unfamiliar with the quantum world, we survey the area of theoretical quantum cryptography, with an emphasis on the constructions and limitations beyond the realm of QKD.
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Data that is transient over an unsecured wireless network is always susceptible to being intercepted by anyone within the range of the wireless signal. Hence providing secure communication to keep the user information and devices safe when connected wirelessly has become one of the major concerns. Quantum cryptography provides a solution towards absolute communication security over the network by encoding information as polarized photons, which can be sent through the air. This paper explores on the aspect of application of quantum cryptography in wireless networks. In this paper we present a methodology for integrating quantum cryptography and security of IEEE 802.11 wireless networks in terms of distribution of the encryption keys.
Abstract As of late, the Internet of Things (IoT) innovation has been utilized in applications, for example, transportation, medical care, video observation, and so on. The quick appropriation and development of IoT in these segments are producing an enormous measure of information. For instance, IoT gadgets, for example, cameras produce various pictures when utilized in medical clinic reconnaissance sees. Here, face acknowledgment is one of the most significant instruments that can be utilized for clinic affirmations, enthusiastic discovery, and identification of patients, location of fake gadgets. patient, and test clinic models. Programmed and shrewd face acknowledgment frameworks are profoundly precise in an overseen climate; notwithstanding, they are less exact in an unmanaged climate. Additionally, frameworks must keep on running on numerous occasions in different applications, for example, insightful wellbeing. This work presents a tree-based profound framework for programmed face acknowledgment in a cloud climate. The inside and out pattern have been proposed to cost less for the PC without focusing on unwavering quality. In the model, the additional size is isolated into a few sections, and a stick is made for each part. The tree is characterized by its branch area and stature. The branches are spoken to by a leftover capacity, which comprises of a twofold layer, a stack game plan, and a non-direct capacity. The proposed technique is assessed in an assortment of generally accessible information bases. An examination of the method is likewise finished with top to bottom craftsmanship models for the eye to eye connection. The aftereffects of the tests indicated that the example was considered to have accomplished a precision of 98.65%, 99.19%, and 95.84%. Keywords Deep learning, IoT, Cloud, Edge Computing, Deep neural network
Recent advances in quantum computing have made existing public key cryptosystems vulnerable to enormous security threats. Therefore, numerous efforts have been exploring post-quantum cryptographic techniques to address the emergence of quantum computing. We focus on one promising post-quantum cryptography known as “isogeny-based cryptography,” first by reviewing some concepts of the elliptic curve isogeny, and then, we present three major methods for constructing isogeny-based difficult problems. Then, we present some existing isogeny-based cryptographic primitives, such as signature and key exchange, and analyze their advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we discuss a few major challenges of isogeny research that, we hope, will attract more attention to isogeny-based cryptography.
Conference Paper
The uses of computer communications networks technologies have increased the incidents of computer abuse. Because of these incidents, most organizations facing pressure to protect their assets. Most digital networks generally rely on modern cryptosystems to secure the confidentiality and integrity of traffic carried across the network. The current modern cryptosystems based on mathematical model introduce potential security holes related to technological progress of computing power, the key refresh rate and key expansion ratio, the most crucial parameters in the security of any cryptographic techniques. For that reason efforts have been made to establish new foundation for cryptography science in the computer communications networks. One of these efforts has led to the development of quantum cryptography technology, whose security relies on the laws of quantum mechanics [1,2,3,20, 24]. This research paper concentrates on quantum cryptography, and how this technology contributes to the network security. The scope of this research paper is to cover the weaknesses, and the security pitfalls in modern cryptography, fundamental concepts of quantum cryptography, the real - world application implementation of this technology, finally the future direction in which the quantum cryptography is headed forwards.