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Alpine grassland in the Qingzang Plateau: Pattern and process

植物生态学报 2021, 45 (5): 00-00 DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0099
Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology
收稿日期Received: 2021-03-19 接受日期Accepted: 2021-05-09
基金项目: 第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究项目(2019QZKK0405)和国家自然科学基金(41871040)Supported by the Second Tibetan Plateau Sci-
entific Expedition and Research Program (2019QZKK0405), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41871040).
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青藏高原高寒草地: 格局与过程
1,2,3* 刘国华2,3
1中国科学院青藏高原研究所青藏高原地球系统与资源环境国家重点实验室, 北京 100101; 2中国科学院生态环境研究中心城市与区域生态学国家重
点实验室, 北京 100085;
3中国科学院大学资源与环境学院, 北京 100190
孙建, 刘国华 (2021). 青藏高原高寒草地: 格局与过程. 植物生态学报, 45, 00-00. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0099
Alpine grassland in the Qingzang Plateau: pattern and process
SUN Jian1,2,3* and LIU Guo-Hua2,3
1State Key Laboratory of Tibetan Plateau Earth System, Resources and Environment (TPESRE), Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing 100101, China; 2State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China; and 3College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
Sun J, Liu GH (2021). Alpine grassland in the Qingzang Plateau: pattern and process. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 45, 00-00. DOI:
随着全球变化问题的凸显, 如全球温度升高、
海洋水质恶化等, 越来越多的研究者开始关注气候
& Carrier, 2017)。青藏高原是世界上海拔最高、面
积最大的高原, 约占中国陆地国土总面积的26%,
平均海拔4 000 m以上, 被称为世界屋脊” (孙建等,
2019), 是高寒草地格局与过程研究的天然实验室,
和昆仑山, 阻挡了西风对青藏高原的水汽输送,
高原抽气系统的影响下, 印度季风和东亚季风带
从第一阶梯开始, 水汽不断地消耗, 因此在高原面
, 形成了从东南到西北递减的降水梯度(郭柯和
郑度, 2002)。受降水梯度的长期影响, 植被类型分
异明显, 形成了森林、灌丛、高寒草甸、高寒草原
为青藏高原主要的生态系统, 对畜牧业发展起到重
要的支撑作用(Sun et al., 2021), 发挥着极其重要的
气候调节和水源涵养等生态系统功能, 是我国重要
的特点, 高寒草地对环境的变化极为敏感。
目前, 青藏高原整体呈变暖趋势, 导致青藏高
原冰川融化, 湖泊增加, 湖泊总数从由1990年的868
个增加到2015 年的1 207 , 湖泊总水面面积从
38 823.3 km2增加到48 793.0 km2 (Sun et al., 2018)
此外, 持续减少的冻土活动层厚度和增加的大气氮
沉降速率(Wu & Zhang, 2010), 以及不断增加的人
类活动, 如围栏和放牧等生态系统管理措施也在改
变和修饰着高寒生态系统(Sun et al., 2020)。这些全
过程产生深刻的影响, 理解其中的功能变化和过程
机制, 有助于我们深入理解高寒草地的分布变化和
发展趋势, 以推进青藏高原生态安全屏障建设,
撑高原可持续发展, 这对国家生态文明建设等方面
具有重要的参考价值。值得深度关注的是, 大量的
研究都考虑自然过程, 忽略了无处不在的放牧利用
近年来, 国内外学者围绕全球变化背景下的高
并已经取得了重要进展(2)。技术层面上, 随着测
试手段的提升, 研究呈现技术多样性, 如卫星遥感、
2 植物生态学报 Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology 2021, 45 (5): 00-00
1 青藏高原季风与主要山脉格局(A)、多年平均年降水量(B)、多年平均气温(C)和植被类型地理格局(D)
Fig. 1 Pattern of monsoon and main mountains (A), mean annual precipitation (B), perennial mean air temperature (C), geographi-
cal pattern of vegetation types in the Qingzang Plateau (D).
2 青藏高原高寒草地生态系统格局与过程研究概念图。
Fig. 2 Mind map of alpine grassland ecosystem pattern and process on the Qingzang Plateau.
孙建等: 青藏高原高寒草地: 格局与过程 3
DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0099
; 研究尺度从区域、景观、生态系统和群落尺度
发展到微观分子和基因组层面的研究等; 观测指标
更为完整, 从基础指标观测完善为涵盖水分、土壤、
生物、水域和气候五大观测指标体系; 驱动因素考
虑逐渐全面, 涵盖干旱、冻融、鼠害、杂草入侵、
放牧和围栏管理等驱动过程, 从环境因素发展到自
响的考虑; 关注点从营养级、食物网、地上和地下
的链接; 研究机理更为深入, 从单纯的植物和植被
分类, 植被地理格局与环境要素的关联, 发展到植
术和理论, 为青藏高原植被地理格局和过程研究提
基于以上论述的意义和目的, 我们组织了
藏高原高寒草地: 格局与过程专辑, 以期推进后续
的相关研究。本专辑收录了13篇文章, 内容涉及基
于样带尺度上的地上生态系统多功能性, 土壤酶活
性和有机质化学组成变化格局与成因, 以及在降水
梯度对高寒草地养分限制的机制探讨, 同时对海拔
性等动态变化与成因, 涉及人工草地、天然草地、
在多功能性方面, 基于青藏高原地区115 个样
, 综合植物地上生物量, 叶片碳、氮和磷含量等参
数计算多功能性, 讨论了青藏高原高寒草地地上生
态系统功能与环境要素关系(王毅等, 2021), 并针对
(孙建等, 2021), 发现土壤微生物生物量氮和群落地
发挥重要作用。此外, 宗宁等(2021)通过在藏北降水
荒漠草原的氮磷养分添加试验, 发现随着降水量降
, 高寒草地养分限制模式从氮限制逐渐过渡到氮
磷共同限制。颇具实际生产指导的意义在于, 利用
养分添加恢复不同类型退化高寒草地时, 应将氮磷
限制模式的差异考虑进去。此外, 也开展了不同草
, 2021), 马书琴等(2021)研究发现不同高寒草地
基酶和亚硝酸盐还原酶)活性差异显著, 且土壤有
开展热裂解气质联用技术(Py-GC/MS)分析, 并比较
不同类型草地土壤有机质化学组成, 发现高寒草地
活性的重要因素, 而对土壤脲酶活性的影响均未达
到显著水平。海拔梯度上, 向响等(2021)开展了青海
湖流域群落水平植物功能性状的影响, 认为随海拔
能性状变化的主要影响因子, 特别是针对热量的理
, 可为今后相关研究提供理论参考。
针对退化草地, 董利军等(2021)开展了若尔盖
因分析, 认为土壤含水量的降低导致的植物碳潜在
过野外原位试验和水位恢复梯度的设置, 揭示短期
水位恢复并没有改变原核微生物的α多样性, 土壤
群落结构随短期水位恢复过程中的变异, 该研究在
, 确立了冰草(Agropyron cristatum)、臭蒿
(Artemisia hedinii)和小花草玉梅(Anemone rivularis
var. flore-minore)对保护高原鼠兔干扰下高寒草甸
植物群落多样性的关键地位。针对人工草地, 姜鑫
物多样性的影响, 认为在野外条件下高寒草地禾草
筛选出适应高寒生境的草种, 认为土壤营养是维持
高寒人工草地生产力和稳定性的根本。此外, 本专
辑还收录了景观格局演变(薛鹏飞等, 2021)和基于
地上生物量的季节动态(陈哲等, 2021)的研究文章,
致谢 感谢中国科学院青藏高原研究所高原植被地
4 植物生态学报 Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology 2021, 45 (5): 00-00
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责任编委: 唐志尧 责任编辑:
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Aims Vegetation traits are one of the research hotspots in plant ecology and they reflect the strategies of plant survival. According to the CSR survival strategy model, plant species may be classified into three categories: C strategy that can maximize biomass in resource-rich environments (competitive species); R strategy that can rapidly intake resources and reproduce in environments with a high frequency of disturbance (opportunistic species); and S strategy that can maintain individual survival in resource-poor environments (tolerant species). Leaf traits have adaptive changes in response to environmental gradients, which have impacts on plant adaptation. The mechanisms of how leaf traits affect CSR survival strategies in the alpine grassland of Qingzang Plateau remain unclear. The objective of this paper is to investigate the spatial patterns of CSR survival strategies of alpine plants and the mechanisms by which environmental factors influence plant survival. Methods We surveyed a field transect which consists of 53 sample sites in an alpine grassland on the Qingzang Plateau from July to August 2020. Vegetation traits of leaf area, leaf fresh mass, and leaf dry mass were measured and C, S, R values were calculated. Finally, we analyzed the critical drivers and mechanism of plant CSR strategies in response to geographical elements. Important findings Our results showed that: (1) In the alpine grassland of the Qingzang Plateau, 41.6%–96.7% of plants are identified as S strategy. (2) With the increase of the longitude, the proportion of C strategy plants increased gradually from the west to the east, whereas along the altitude gradient, the proportion of C strategy plants decreased with the increasing altitude. (3) Random forest analysis showed that the contribution of precipitation to C strategy is the highest (25.74%), and the contribution of altitude to S strategy is the highest (27.34%). Additionally, both precipitation and temperature had significant effects on leaf area, and leaf water content significantly affects plant CSR strategies. In summary, results of our study highlighted that precipitation is the most critical factor that governs plant CSR survival strategies. This finding has important implications for studying the ecological adaptation along environmental gradients in alpine grasslands.
Alpine meadow is a common vegetation type in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The Extended R-Value (ERV) model was then used to estimate the Relevant Source Area of Pollen (RSAP) and the RPPs of five major plant taxa in the study area. Log-likelihood curves indicated that the combination of the Prentice-Sugita-Sutton model with sub-model 3 provided the best results, with an estimated RSAP of 1235 m. The RPPs of other plant taxa were lower than for Cyperaceae (=1); the RPPs for Asteraceae and Polygonaceae were similar (0.798 ± 0.162 and 0.772 ± 0.121); and those for Rosaceae (0.182 ± 0.076) and Ranunculaceae (0.084 ± 0.102) were much lower. The leave-one-out method and a comparison of the RPPs with the results of previous studies for the study area demonstrated that our RPPs are stable and credible and can be used as a modern reference for pollen-based paleovegetation reconstruction in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
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Aims As one of the major terrestrial ecosystems of the world, a small fluctuation of grassland soil carbon (C) would affect the carbon cycle of the terrestrial ecosystem and ecosystem multifunctionlity (EMF). The carbon accumulation rate (CAR) of aboveground community well reflects the capacity and efficiency of carbon sequestration in a field from the start to the peak of a growing season. The changes in plant CAR could influence the ability of above- and below-ground community. Currently, the majority of studies have primarily focused on the relationship between community diversity and EMF, while the linkages of CAR with EMF were understudied. We aimed to explore the process and underlying mechanism of how CAR affecting EMF in alpine grassland community. Our results would improve the understanding of EMF maintenance mechanism and provide theoretical support for alpine ecosystem management. Methods We conducted a field transect survey which consists of a total of 115 sample sites of alpine grasslands on Qingzang Plateau from July to August 2015. The EMF was calculated from 13 key ecosystem parameters including soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus above- and belowground biomass etc.. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI, 1982–2013) was adopted to obtain the phenology in 2015. We calculated the CAR value. To explore the underlying mechanism of how CAR affecting EMF, the annual total precipitation and temperature were extracted by the method of thin disk smooth spline interpolation based on observations of meteorological stations from 2011–2015. Important findings Belowground biomass, soil organic carbon, total phosphorus and microbial biomass carbon had high weighting for CAR (0.58, 0.80, 0.83 and 0.79) and EMF (1.05, 0.98, 1.02 and 0.97). There was a significantly positive correlation between CAR and EMF (R 2 = 0.45, p < 0.01). Our findings suggested that the synergism of plant community and soil elements affected CAR and further regulated EMF under the influences of precipitation and temperature.
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Aims In recent years, under the background of climate change and human activities, the trend of biodiversity loss is increasing. Such accelerated loss in biodiversity could bring serious consequences to ecosystem functions. At present, the research on ecosystem function ignores the important driving role of carbon and nitrogen cycling in soil and microorganism on the above ground ecosystem functions. Any changes of soil carbon, nitrogen and microorganism may affect the ability of belowground community, which can have substantial effects on the aboveground ecosystem functions. Our aim was to explore the driving factors and key mechanism of aboveground ecosystem functions (AEF) in alpine grassland. Methods From July to August 2015, we conducted a transect survey in alpine grasslands to measure plant community and soil properties across Qingzang Plateau. There were in total 115 sample sites. The aboveground ecosystem function was calculated Based on the aboveground biomass, leaf carbon, leaf nitrogen and leaf phosphorus. The effects of key elements such as soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and biomass on the aboveground ecosystem function were analyzed. Combined with annual total precipitation and temperature, we explored important drivers of AEF and related mechanisms. Important findings Precipitation has a greater impact on aboveground ecosystem functions, while temperature has a minor impact. Annual total precipitation, soil microbial nitrogen and aridity index had relative higher importance to aboveground ecosystem functions. Specificially, Annual total precipitation, soil microbial nitrogen and aridity index accounted for the variations of 21.1%, 10.9% and 10.1%, respectively. The findings indicated that soil properties might play more important roles than plant community and productivity to aboveground ecosystem functions. Considering the cascading impacts of climate factors on soil nutrients cycling and microorganisms, soil microbial biomass nitrogen plays an important role in regulating AEF of alpine grassland, Qingzang Plateau.
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Grazing exclusion using fences is a key policy being applied by the Chinese government to rehabilitate degraded grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and elsewhere. However, there is a limited understanding of the effects of grazing exclusion on alpine ecosystem functions and services and its impacts on herders’ livelihoods. Our meta-analyses and questionnaire-based surveys revealed that grazing exclusion with fences was effective in promoting aboveground vegetation growth for up to four years in degraded alpine meadows and for up to eight years in the alpine steppes of the TP. Longer-term fencing did not bring any ecological and economic benefits. We also found that fencing hindered wildlife movement, increased grazing pressure in unfenced areas, lowered the satisfaction of herders, and rendered substantial financial costs to both regional and national governments. We recommend that traditional free grazing should be encouraged if applicable, short-term fencing (for 4-8 years) should be adopted in severely degraded grasslands, and fencing should be avoided in key wildlife habitat areas, especially the protected large mammal species.
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Around one third of grasslands in Tibetan Plateau are in different extent of degradation, which is severely harmful for the production, livelihood and ecological security. Degradations of grassland, including structural imbalance and function receding of plant community and deterioration of soil physicochemical properties, are usually caused by natural factors like climate change or human activities like overgrazing. At present, the main measures for grassland restoration include fence enclosure, artificial vegetation cultivation and control of rodent, pest and weed, but all of these measures should be adopted according to degradation stage of the particular grasslands. Restoring the degraded grasslands, balancing the ecological, economic and social functions of alpine grasslands, and achieving the sustainable utilization of alpine grasslands are essential for ecological security, region stabilization and economic development, and the measures should be taken from macro-functions division, scientific development of stockbreeding and education of policies. In order to achieve the sustainable utilization of grassland resources and protection of grassland ecosystems, the adaptive management of alpine grassland ecosystems should be based on ecological theories. This special issue embodies the recent researches on the key processes and mechanisms of grassland degradation and restoration, all of which would provide valuable information for protection and
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Future climate warming is expected to have a significant effect on the operation of Earth and Ecological systems. A key concern in the future is water resource availability. In regions such as the Tibet Plateau (TP) lakes and glaciers appear to be highly sensitive to climate forcing and variations in the size and extent of these systems will have profound socio-economic and environmental consequences in South and Central Asia. Although the variety of glaciers and lake son the TP is a heavily researched and discussed topic the interaction between glaciers/lakes and climate change has not been thoroughly investigated. Here we present, through a review of existing studies and original remote sensing analysis, a reconstruction of changes in the spatial coverage of glaciers and lakes on the TP from 1990 to 2015 along with an analysis of climate data for the same period. The results revealed that these systems responded to changes in both temperature and precipitation but the nature of this response, and the controlling factor, was spatially diverse. During this interval, the total number of lakes increased from 868 to 1207, thus a large number of new lakes (n = 339) formed. The total water surface area of the lakes increase from 38,823.3 km2 in 1990 to 48,793.0 km2 in 2015, at a rate of 383.5 km2 yr-1. Over this period intensive glacial shrinkage occurred, primarily driven by increasing average temperature, except in the Karakoram Mountains where a slight increase in glacier extent was explained by low and stable temperatures along with increasing precipitation. The expansion of lakes in the central and northeastern TP can, therefore, be explained by a trend of increasing precipitation and the accelerated melting of glaciers associated with rising temperatures, both of which contributed to the enhanced total basin runoff. The shrinkage of lake areas along the Himalayan Mountains are accounted for by low precipitation coupled with high evaporation and limited basin space. The lakes within the Qaidam Basin express a complex pattern of response in association with fluctuating precipitation and strong evaporation. The pattern of shrinking glaciers and expanding lakes indicate that water cycle processes on the TP have been accelerating during the past 25 years. Under current climates and future climate change, the shrinkage of glaciers and the enlargement of lakes may be expected to continue to accelerate until a “tipping point” is reached when the meltwater of declining glaciers can no longer sustain the enhanced.
Aims As a key factor of nutrient cycling in ecosystems, soil enzyme activity is an important indicator of soil quality and ecosystem function. However, there have been very few studies on the differences of soil enzyme activities among different types of alpine grassland ecosystems. Thus, the aims of this study were to compare the differences of soil enzyme activities among five different types of alpine grassland and to reveal their influencing environmental factors on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Methods Totally, 21 samples of five alpine grassland types, including alpine meadow, alpine steppe, alpine meadow steppe, alpine desert steppe and alpine desert on northern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, were selected for field in-situ investigation and sampling. The activities of 14 enzymes involved in the cycling of carbon