Conference PaperPDF Available

Results-Based Financing: A Strategy for Increasing Adolescent Reach for Family Planning

  • Marie Stopes International Organization Nigeria


Background/Objectives In Nigeria, nearly half (48.6%) of adolescents are sexually active and with habitual risky sexual behaviours; thus, increasing the chances of negative sexual and reproductive health outcomes. More so, the median age as at first sexual intercourse in Nigeria falls within peak adolescent years. Whereas there is an existing demand for family planning among 15% of Nigerian adolescents; only 3% of these needs have been met. Between 2017 to 2018, Marie Stopes Nigeria piloted a voucher intervention to provide subsidized family planning to adolescents (15 – 19 years) in Northern Nigeria where user fees were observed to hinder access to quality family planning. The objectives of this study were to document adolescent reach and explore enabling factors for reaching adolescents using voucher interventions. Materials and Methods A mixed method was used where quantitative service data were obtained from Marie Stopes Nigeria’s management information system and analyzed using Microsoft Excel and the Impact 2 tool, and findings where explored using qualitative methods – desk review and key informant interviews with 27 Marie Stopes Nigeria’s Social Franchise personnel. Interview transcripts were coded and analyzed using ATLAS. ti 8. Results A total of 1,985 sexual and reproductive health services were provided to adolescents. The proportion of adolescents reached significantly increased from 5% in 2017 to 33% in 2018; and during the same period, about 1 in every 5 adolescents reached by Marie Stopes Nigeria was achieved through the adolescent voucher scheme. Conclusions Family planning vouchers increase access and utilization of sexual and reproductive health services among adolescent groups, and this behavior is reinforced when adolescents gain positive experiences from their contact with family planning providers. Literature has shown that voucher programmes can produce greater health impacts among adolescents and increase access to adolescent-friendly contraceptive services as it eliminates user-fees for family planning services.
1. Mobilizing resources for family planning.
2. FP 2020 commitment: Gaps and achievement.
3. Impactful strategies to strengthen the FP agenda to post 2020.
4. Meeting the FP needs during the COVID 19 pandemic.
5. Scaling up networking and technology to improve family planning.
6. Adolescents ‘the very visible but hard to reach’ How do we reach them.
7.Gender based violence and family planning during emergencies.
Adaptation. Innovation. Resilience
Utibe Ebong 1 * Moses Odenyi 2 Anne Taiwo 3
Abstract Summary:
Submission Type : Oral Presentation
Authors: Patience Ekpeyong 1 Ibekwe Samuel Ogechukwu 2 Friday Garand 3 *
Abstract Summary :
Objectives: This paper highlights the negative impact of cultural practices on the future of adolescent
girls in hard to reach communities and the role of Family planning in alleviating their plights.
Abstract Title: Cultural Impact on Adolescents Girls – The Ammana I Case Study
Methodology: Marie Stopes Outreach strategy involves utilising community structures and influencers
via visits to sensitise and mobilise potential clients for free family planning services. Home visits by
experienced volunteers drawn from other implementing partners in the region, ensure message
penetration, barrier breaking and behaviour change. Satisfied users also serve as mobilisers to reaching
their peers. The Clinical team visits the community afterwards for service delivery, deploying youth
friendly practices, music and dance to influence and inspire the clients.
Background: Ammana I is a densely populated hard to reach community in Obanliku LGA of Cross River
State. Many families in Ammana I are characterised with having multiple children and a considerably
huge amount of births are by adolescents. "Money Woman" is a cultural practice in which parents betroth
adolescent girls to older men, whereby the proceeds are used in acquiring cash crops, farms or paying off
loans. Marrying the money woman confers on the husband, class and prestige. Such wives are inherited
at the death of husband by family members, leaving them with no prospect of freedom, schooling or
career building, except childbearing. This has resulted in high incidences of female school drop-out,
teenage pregnancy, multiple sexual partnering and unsafe abortions.
Results: 40 Money Women received Long Acting Methods during the first intervention in August
2020 with another visit planned 4 Months post the initial visit. Heightened consciousness was
observed amongst victims of the practice regarding their chances to reclaim their lives and go back to
school with their career prospects not hampered by frequent child births.
Conclusion: Access to sexual reproductive health/family planning services as a fundamental human
right, alleviates the girl child struggles
Oraol-002 - Abstract ID : NFPC121
Results-Based Financing: A Strategy for Increasing Adolescent Reach for Family Planning
Background/Objectives: In Nigeria, nearly half (48.6%) of adolescents are sexually active and with
habitual risky sexual behaviours; thus, increasing the chances of negative sexual and reproductive health
outcomes. More so, the median age as at first sexual intercourse in Nigeria falls within peak adolescent
years. Whereas there is an existing demand for family planning among 15% of Nigerian adolescents; only
3% of these needs have been met. Between 2017 to 2018, Marie Stopes Nigeria piloted a voucher
intervention to provide subsidised family planning services to adolescents (15 – 19 years) in Northern
Nigeria where user fees were observed to hinder access to quality family planning. The objectives of this
study were to document adolescent reach and explore enabling factors for reaching adolescents using
voucher interventions.
Materials and Methods: A mixed method was used where quantitative service data were obtained from
Results: A total of 1,985 sexual and reproductive health services were provided to adolescents. The
proportion of adolescents reached significantly increased from 5% in 2017 to 33% in 2018; and during the
same period, about 1 in every 5 adolescents reached by Marie Stopes Nigeria was achieved through the
adolescent voucher scheme.
Marie Stopes Nigeria's management information system and analysed using Microsoft Excel and the
Impact 2 tool, and findings where explored using qualitative methods – desk review and key informant
interviews with 27 Marie Stopes Nigeria's Social Franchise personnel. Interview transcripts were coded
and analysed using ATLAS. ti 8.
Oral-003 - Abstract ID : NFPC170
YOUNG leaders changing the narrative: Innovative ways to improve youth access to Contraceptive
information and services in Rivers State – Nigeria
Submission Type: Oral Presentation
Abstract Summary:
Background: Understanding the contraceptive behaviours of adolescents and youths (AYs) would
facilitate improved uptake of contraceptive information and services and promote positive ideational
factors that stimulate desired change. According to Flexi-track Household survey(2019), two in five
young persons are using contraceptives, particularly male condom(65.3%), emergency pill (21.8%)and
withdrawal method(19.4%). AYs media habit also ranked radio programs over TV and social media (SM)
as a key source of information with Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram ranking top of the SM options.
This intervention was aimed at supporting youth leaders to develop innovative ways to improve access to
Methodology: from July 2018, The Challenge Initiative's partnership with Rivers State Government
intentionally made efforts to ensure that AYs have improved access to contraceptive information,
services and use. In doing so, certain strategies were deployed to address some of the ideational factors
that hinder contraceptive uptake which includes: increased youth leadership in State structures,
coaching, capacity strengthening on Life Planning for Adolescents and Youth (LPAY), Open Mic events,
youth FP champion decoration, youth led-media chat and social media engagements. Results: Young
leaders have demonstrated ownership which led to notable changes with the following strategic
outcomes: amplified voices in favour of FP; integration of LPAY in 'hip-hop' musical concerts,
development of youth-focused FP song by the youth champion, youth-led media chats and advocacy
engagements with governments, established pool of youth coaches and extended coaching support to
government technocrats. In addition, the most valuable outcome was the establishment of Adolescent
Jennifer Amadi 1 Dorcas Akila 2 Victor Akpomon 3 *
Family planning vouchers increase access and utilisation of sexual and reproductive health services
among adolescent groups, and this behaviour is reinforced when adolescents gain positive experiences
from their contact with family planning providers. Literature has shown that voucher programmes can
produce greater health impacts among adolescents and increase access to adolescent-friendly
contraceptive services as it eliminates user-fees for family planning services.
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