Point clouds are becoming essential in key applications with advances in capture technologies leading to large volumes of data.Compression is thus essential for storage and transmission.Point Cloud Compression can be divided into two parts: geometry and attribute compression.In addition, point cloud quality assessment is necessary in order to evaluate point cloud compression methods.Geometry compression, attribute compression and quality assessment form the three main parts of this dissertation.The common challenge across these three problems is the sparsity and irregularity of point clouds.Indeed, while other modalities such as images lie on a regular grid, point cloud geometry can be considered as a sparse binary signal over 3D space and attributes are defined on the geometry which can be both sparse and irregular.First, the state of the art for geometry and attribute compression methods with a focus on deep learning based approaches is reviewed.The challenges faced when compressing geometry and attributes are considered, with an analysis of the current approaches to address them, their limitations and the relations between deep learning and traditional ones.We present our work on geometry compression: a convolutional lossy geometry compression approach with a study on the key performance factors of such methods and a generative model for lossless geometry compression with a multiscale variant addressing its complexity issues.Then, we present a folding-based approach for attribute compression that learns a mapping from the point cloud to a 2D grid in order to reduce point cloud attribute compression to an image compression problem.Furthermore, we propose a differentiable deep perceptual quality metric that can be used to train lossy point cloud geometry compression networks while being well correlated with perceived visual quality and a convolutional neural network for point cloud quality assessment based on a patch extraction approach.Finally, we conclude the dissertation and discuss open questions in point cloud compression, existing solutions and perspectives. We highlight the link between existing point cloud compression research and research problems to relevant areas of adjacent fields, such as rendering in computer graphics, mesh compression and point cloud quality assessment.
Efficient point cloud compression is fundamental to enable the deployment of virtual and mixed reality applications, since the number of points to code can range in the order of millions. In this paper, we present a novel data-driven geometry compression method for static point clouds based on learned convolutional transforms and uniform quantization. We perform joint optimization of both rate and distortion using a trade-off parameter. In addition, we cast the decoding process as a binary classification of the point cloud occupancy map. Our method outperforms the MPEG reference solution in terms of rate-distortion on the Microsoft Voxelized Upper Bodies dataset with 51.5% BDBR savings on average. Moreover, while octree-based methods face exponential diminution of the number of points at low bitrates, our method still produces high resolution outputs even at low bitrates. Code and supplementary material are available at https://github.com/mauriceqch/pcc_geo_cnn .