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An Overview on Herbal Cosmetics and Cosmeceuticals

  • Shri Swami Samarth Institute of Pharmacy Dhamangaon Rly Amravati


The herbal Cosmetics have been the first choice of the customers, For being more potent, easily available and thought to be less side effective. Herbal cosmetics is Fastest growing field of personal care products. Cosmeceuticals is the fastest growing segment of the personal care products these are cosmetic preparations which contain biologically active principles or ingredients of plant origin. In recent years there is an increased demand for the use of herbs in cosmetics due to their mild action and less toxic in nature and they are found to be more effective. The desire of good looking and to be beautiful gave a huge market for the herbal cosmetics. Now a days desire to be look younger than original age, to be look beautiful, fresh, charming and fair have directly increased the demand of herbal cosmetics as well as of the Cosmeceuticals in the market. Hence the review overlooks on the use of herbal cosmetics and cosmeceuticals. It also describes about herbs as cosmetics. Which may desire to be intended for beutifying as well as skin care purpose.
Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 68(1), May - June 2021; Article No. 13, Pages: 75-78 ISSN 0976 044X
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research
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©Copyright protected. Unauthorised republication, reproduction, distribution, disseminatio n and copying of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.
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Prajakta N. Dongare*, Ravindra L. Bakal, Prashant V. Ajmire, Prerna A. Patinge, Manisha P. More, Jagdish V. Manwar
IBSS’s Dr. Rajendra Gode Institute of Pharmacy, Mardi Road, Amravati 444602(M.S.) India.
*Corresponding author’s E-mail:
Received: 10-02-2021; Revised: 12-04-2021; Accepted: 19-04-2021; Published on: 15-05-2021.
The herbal Cosmetics have been the first choice of the customers, For being more potent, easily available and thought to be less side
effective. Herbal cosmetics is Fastest growing field of personal care products. Cosmeceuticals is the fastest growing segment of the
personal care products these are cosmetic preparations which contain biologically active principles or ingredients of plant origin. In
recent years there is an increased demand for the use of herbs in cosmetics due to their mild action and less toxic in nature and they
are found to be more effective. The desire of good looking and to be beautiful gave a huge market for the herbal cosmetics. Now a
days desire to be look younger than original age, to be look beautiful, fresh, charming and fair have directly increased the demand of
herbal cosmetics as well as of the Cosmeceuticals in the market. Hence the review overlooks on the use of herbal cosmetics and
cosmeceuticals. It also describes about herbs as cosmetics. Which may desire to be intended for beutifying as well as skin care
Keywords: Herbal cosmetics, cosmeceuticals, herbs, skin care.
osmeceuticals is the fastest growing segment of the
personal care products, these are cosmetics
products which contains biologically active
principles and ingredients of plant origin. To study the
functions and efficacy of naturally derived ingredients for
the use in cosmetics, a new branch of science is developed
known as “Cosmetic Phytognosy” which deals with
biochemical properties of plant derived ingredients to be
use in herbal cosmetics. According to Drug and Cosmetic
Act 1940, describes as, Any Article or preparation intended
to rubbed, poured, sprinkled or sprayed on or introduced
to or applied to any part of human body for cleaning,
perfuming, beautifying, promoting, attractiveness or
altering the appearance and includes any article intended
for use as component of cosmetics. The use of natural
herbs ingredients in personal and health care product has
been emerged for its better experiences. Recent
researchers proves that herbs while being more effective
as they mild and soothing. Potent synthetic preparation
and chemicals, though effective, constitute a toxic burden
to human body.
Herbal Cosmetics, referred as Products formulated by
various natural herbal ingredients are used in as base in
preparation of effective herbal cosmetic. Herbs do not
produce instant cures. They offer a way to put the body in
proper tune with nature1. The demand of herbal medicines
is increasing rapidly due to their skin friendliness and lack
of side effects. The best thing of the herbal cosmetics is
that it is purely made by the herbs and shrubs and thus is
side-effects free. The natural content in the herbs does not
have any side effects on the human body; instead provide
the body with nutrients and other useful minerals2. The
term Cosmeceuticals was first used by Raymond Reed
founding member of U.S Society of Cosmetics Chemist in
1961. He actually used the word to brief the active and
science based cosmetics. The above term was further used
by Dr Albert Kligman in the year 1984 to refer the
substances that have both cosmetic and therapeutic
benefits3. Cosmeceuticals are cosmetic-pharmaceutical
hybrids intended to enhance health and beauty through
ingredients that influence the skin's biological texture and
Advantages of Herbal Cosmetics over Synthetic5
1. Naturally available
Herbal cosmetics are made by herbs which is easily
available from nature, they are free from all the harmful
synthetic chemicals. Although herbal cosmetics prepared
by naturally available plant parts and plant extracts, they
may as effective as synthetic product. e.g. aloe-vera gel
and coconut oil. They also consist of natural nutrients
like Vitamin E, Vitamin C that beautify skin and provide
nourishment to the skin. For example, Aloe vera is
an herbal plant species belonging to liliaceae family and is
naturally and easily available6. There are number of
consumers concerned about toxic synthetic chemicals,
mineral oils which is may use as ingredients in many
cosmetics. They demand more natural products with
An Overview on Herbal Cosmetics and Cosmeceuticals
Review Article
Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 68(1), May - June 2021; Article No. 13, Pages: 75-78 ISSN 0976 044X
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research
Available online at
©Copyright protected. Unauthorised republication, reproduction, distribution, disseminatio n and copying of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.
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traceable and more natural ingredients, free from harmful
chemicals and effectiveness7.
2. Safer to use
As compared to synthetic products, herbal cosmetics are
safe to use. They are less allergenic, non toxic, tested and
proven by dermatologists to be safe to use. Since they are
made of natural ingredients.
3. Less side effects
The synthetic beauty products can irritate your skin, and
cause rashesh on skin. Sometime they might block skin
pores and make skin dry or oily. With herbal cosmetics, we
need not worry any adverse reactions. The natural
ingredients used assure no side effects; it can apply on the
skin assurely. For example herbal cosmetics are free from
parabens that are the most widely used preservative in
cosmetics and can penetrate the skin8. And are suspected
of interfering with hormone function (endocrine
4. Economical to use
Natural cosmetics are not that expensive. In fact, some of
these products are more affordable than synthetic ones.
They are offered at discounted prices and are sold for a
cheap price during sales. Just need to survey enough to
look for great deals. An estimate of WHO demonstrates
about 80% of world population depends on natural
products for their health care, because of side effects
inflicted and rising cost of modern medicine. World Health
Organization currently recommends and encourages
traditional herbal cures in natural health care programs as
these drugs are easily available at low cost and are
comparatively safe10.
‘Cosmeceuticals’ is fastest growing segment of the beauty
industry. Cosmeceuticals are cosmetic-pharmaceutical
products intended to improve the health and beauty of the
skin by providing a specific result, ranging from acne-
control, sun protection to anti-wrinkle, anti-agening
effects. They are skin protecting as well as skin glowing
Herbs Used in Cosmetics/Cosmeceuticals
There are numerous herbs available naturally having
different uses in cosmetic preparations for skincare, hair
care and as antioxidants, Perfumes as follows.
1. Skin Care
Coconut oil: Coconut oil is excellent as a skin
moisturizer and softener. Coconut oil is derived from
the fruit or seed of the coconut palm tree Cocos
nucifera, family Arecaceae which contains about 60-
65% of the oil. Coconut oil contains a high amount of
glycerides of lower chain fatty acids. The melting point
of coconut oil is 24 to 25°C (75-76ºF) and thus can be
used easily in liquid or solid forms and is often used in
cooking and baking.
Olive oil: This oil is a fixed oil extracted from the fruits
of olea europaea, family oleaceae. The major
constituents are triolein, tripalmitin, trilinolein,
tristearate, monosterate, triarachidin, squalene, β-
sitosterol and tocopherol. It is used as skin and hair
conditioner in cosmetics like lotions, shampoos etc. It is
a potent fatty acid penetration enhancer.
Aloe vera: Aloe vera is an herbal plant
species belonging to family liliaceae. It is an ingredient
in many cosmetics because it heals, moisturizes, and
softens skin. Simply cut one of the aloe vera leaves to
extract the soothing gel2. Aloe vera contains amino
acids like leucine, isoleucine, saponin glycosides that
provide cleansing action, vitamins A,C,E,B, choline, B12
and folic acid and provide antioxidant activity.
Green tea: The tea plant (Camellia sinensis) has been
cultivated in Asia for thousands of years11. The 4 major
polyphenolic catechins present in green tea leaves are
(2)-epicatechin (EC), EGC, (2)-EC-3-gallate, and EGCG,
which is the most abundant. It was found that green tea
extracts or an individual green tea polyphenol (GTPP),
especially epigallocatechin (EGC)-3-gallate (EGCG),
inhibited two-stage chemical carcinogenesis (eg,
induced by 7,12-di-methylbenz(a)anthracene [DMBA]
and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate [TPA]), and
photocarcinogenesis (induced by UVB).
Calendula: Calendula officinalis is reported to have a
remarkable antioxidant activity, anti- inflammatory
activity and wound healing activity12. A previous study
demonstrated that the essential oil of Calendula
consists mainly of α-thujene, α-pinene, 1,8-Cineole,
dihydrotagetone and T-muurolol.
Turmeric: It is a deep yellow-to-orange powder that
comes reduce the number of ultraviolet B (UVB)-
induced sunburn. It is skin protecting agent as well as
antiseptic in nature.
Multani mitts (Fullers earth) : It is mother natures own
baby powder. Clay was one of the earliest substance to
be used as a beauty mask to draw oils from the skin,
natural moisturizers for hairs, teeth, gums, and hairs, to
Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 68(1), May - June 2021; Article No. 13, Pages: 75-78 ISSN 0976 044X
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research
Available online at
©Copyright protected. Unauthorised republication, reproduction, distribution, disseminatio n and copying of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.
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remove pimple marks, treatment on sunburn, helps
unclog pores, to cleans the skin of flakes and dirt.
Oat (Avena sativa) : Oat oil is rich in antioxidants and
natural emollient property. It also use in many lotions,
creams and facial oils.
Chandan: It was used as scrubs and face packs that
were applied on face to remove dead cells. Regenerate
growth of new cells and gives a young look. It also use
as detanning agent in sunburn treatment.
2. Hair Care:
Henna: Henna comes from the plant Lawsonia inermis
family Lythraceae, which contain a dye molecule called
Lawsone, which when processed produces Henna
powder. Besides lawsone other constituents present
are gallic acid, glucose, mannitol, fats, resin (2%),
mucilage and traces of an alkaloid. Leaves yield
hennatannic acid and an olive oil green resin, soluble in
ether and alcohol. Lawsone edible fruit. It is highly
praised both for its high vitamin C content and for the
precious oil, which is extracted from its seeds and pulp
and used as a treatment for hair and scalp problems. It
is used in eye syndromes, hair loss, and children
ailments etc.
Shikakai: Acacia concinna Linn. (Leguminosae) is a
medicinal plant that grows in tropical rainforests of
southern Asia. The fruits of this plant are used for
washing hair, for improving hair growth, as an
expectorant, emetic, and purgative. The powder of
Acacia Concinna Linn shows the presence of saponins,
alkaloid, sugar, tannin, flavanoids, anthraquinone
Amla: Amla is the fruit of a small leafy tree (Emblica
officinalis), which grows throughout India and yields an
characteristics. There are mainly four species of roses
for oil production. These are Rosa damascena Mill., R.
gallica L., R. moschata Herrm. and R. centifolia L. Rose
oil and rose water have many therapeutic effects. Rose
oil helps soothe the mind and heals depression, grief,
nervous stress and tension. It also helps to heal wound
and skin health.
Hibiscus: A Red colour obtained from the extract of
Hibiscus sabdariffa family Malvaceae. Hibiscus consist
of calcium, phosphorus, iron Vitamin B1 used to
stimulate thicker hair growth and prevent premature
greying of hair.
Walnut: Juglance regia family Juglandaceae, leaves are
used in traditional medicine for external applications
such as eczema, loss of hair, scalp itching, peeling and
3. Antioxidants
Tamarind: Tamarind or Tamarindus indica L. of the
Fabaceae, subfamily Caesalpinioideae consists of
amino acids, fatty acids and minerals of tamarind plant
parts. The most distinguished characteristic of
tamarind is its sweet acidic taste due to tartaric acid.
Besides being a rich source of sugars, tamarind fruit is
also an excellent source of vitamin B and contain
minerals, exhibit high antioxidant capacity that appear
to be associated with a high phenolic content, and thus
can be an important food source.
Vitamin C: Vitamin C is necessary for the hydroxylation
of proline, procollagen, and lysine. Vitamin C improves
the changes caused by photo damage. Vitamin C has
been used effectively to stimulate collagen repair, thus
removing some of the effects of photo-aging on skin.
Vitamin E: (Alpha-tocopherol) is the major lipophilic
antioxidant in plasma membranes and tissues. The
term vitamin E collectively refers to 30 naturally
occurring molecules (4 tocopherols and 4 tocotrienols),
all of which exhibit vitamin E activity. Its major role is
generally considered to be the arrest of chain
propagation and lipid peroxidation by scavenging lipid
peroxyl radicals, hence protecting the cell membrane
from destruction.
4. Essential oils
Rose oil: Roses are widely referred to as the world’s
favorite flower in part due to their vast diversity in plant
habitat and floral characteristics. There are mainly four
species of roses for oil production. These are Rosa
damascena Mill., R. gallica L., R. moschata Herrm. and
R. centifolia L. Rose oil and rose water have many
therapeutic effects. Rose oil helps soothe the mind and
heals depression, grief, nervous stress and tension. It
also helps to heal wound and skin health.
Eucalyptus oil: There are around 700 different species
of Eucalyptus in the world, of which at least 500
produce a type of essential oil. It is produced by steam
distillation from the leaves of Eucalyptus species (E.
cinerea F. Muell., E. baueriana F. Muell., E. smithii R. T.
Baker, E. bridgesiana R. T. Baker, E. microtheca F.
Muell., E. foecunda Schau., E. pulverulenta Sims, E.
propinqua Deane and Maiden, E. erythrocorys F.
Muell.) etc. They are widely used in the preparation of
liniments, inhalants, cough syrups, ointments,
toothpaste and also as pharmaceutical flavors.
5. Oral care
Meswak (Salvadora persica): Chewing stick have been
widely used in the Indian subcontinent, Meswak, a
derivative from Arak tree, is used by many people in
different cultures as a traditional toothbrush for oral
hygiene. It is suitable for cleansing teeth, comparatively
cheap, its also found its way into the dentifrices in the
recent years as antiplaque and antigingivitis agent. It is
believed that chewing on these stem facilitate salivary
secretions which possibly help in oral cleaning and
Red Clover (Trifolium pratense): Red clover
mouthwash is healing for irritated and diseased gums.
After making red clover tea, prepare an ointment from
Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 68(1), May - June 2021; Article No. 13, Pages: 75-78 ISSN 0976 044X
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research
Available online at
©Copyright protected. Unauthorised republication, reproduction, distribution, disseminatio n and copying of this document in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.
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the strained blossoms and leaves. Rub the ointment,
which has antibiotic properties, on gums that are
abcessed from sore or root canal therapy or other
dental procedure.
Peppermint Oil: Peppermint contain menthol as a
volatile oil, methyl acetate, tannic acid, and Vitamin C.
Peppermint oil is used to relieve toothache by soaking
a cotton ball in the oil and placing it in cavity or rubbing
it on the tooth. Peppermint mouthwash can be used to
relieve gum inflammation.
Herbal cosmetics are the preparations containing
phytochemical from a variety of botanical sources, which
influences the functions of skin and provide nutrients
necessary for the healthy skin or hair. There is common
belief that chemical based cosmetics are harmful to the
skin which increase the awareness among consumers for
herbal products. Herbal cosmetics are prepared, using one
or more herbal ingredients to treat different skin ailments
and for the beautification. The Cosmeceuticals are the
agent that protects skin and gives nourishment to the skin
which may produce from the herbal drug which are stated
in present review. The cosmetic products are the best
option to reduce skin problems such as hyper
pigmentation, skin wrinkling, skin ageing and rough skin
texture etc. The demand of herbal cosmetic is rapidly
expanding. Hence the herbal cosmetics have the most
advantageous over the synthetic cosmeceuticals due to its
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Source of Support: None declared.
Conflict of Interest: None declared.
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... Also, in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh, inhabitants use coconut milk and carrot juice as anti-ageing cream [8]. The use of plants in cosmetics has advanced over time due to their natural properties that offer a variety of advantages for the skin and hair [9]. Women especially have always resorted to the use of herbal remedies to maintain and enhance their beauty [10]. ...
... Research into the properties and potential bene ts of plants used for cosmetic purposes has increased in recent years, as consumers have become more interested in natural and sustainable beauty products with less or no side effects to the skin, as well as the recognition of the potential health bene ts of these plant-based cosmetics [9]. The cosmeceutical sector is currently expanding due to the addition of natural components to many cosmetic products and the increasing awareness of the harmful effects of synthetic chemicals on their skin and the environment [5]. ...
... Vitamin A is essential for maintaining skin health, promoting cell regeneration, and protecting. Several other authors found the use of these plants for similar purposes as shown in this study [9,26,27]. The use of Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) by the women in this study for skin hygiene can be explained by the proven activity of the extract of his plant which is known to possess natural antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, thereby combating odour-causing bacteria on the skin [28]). ...
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Background Plants with cosmetic properties have been often abandoned in research as they mostly focus on plants with medicinal value or properties and their use as food. The study therefore assessed the use of plants for cosmetic purposes among female residents in Tamale metropolis the in the Northern Region of Ghana. Method A cross-sectional study was thus conducted among women in the Tamale metropolis to specifically identify plants used as cosmetics and determine the level of usage among women. A convenience sampling method was used in selecting the 383 participants from 20 randomly selected communities in Tamale. A semi-structured questionnaire-guided interview was used to collect the data which was then analyzed using Microsoft Excel version 2310 and IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 25.0. The results of the data analysis were presented in tables and graphs. Also, multivariate analysis was used to determine the association between some variables. Statistical significance is assumed at p < 0.05 at a confidence level of 95%. Results A total of 19 plants belonging to 18 families were listed by women in Tamale to be used for cosmetic purposes. Out of the 383 respondents, 228 use plants for cosmetic purposes. The most preferred application areas were skin, hair and private parts whereas the main cosmetic uses were skin smoothening (33.4%), skin protection (8.1%), hair growth (13.3%), treatment of acne (11.7%), body odour (9.9%) and vaginal hygiene (5.7%). Employment status (p-value = 0.325), level of education (p – value = 0.709), the origin of growth (p-value = 0.455) and type of accommodation (p – value = 0.925) which measured the economic status of the women had no association with their usage of plants for cosmetic purposes. Marital status however had a significant association with plant cosmetic usage (p – value = 0.020). Conclusion Shea butter (Vitellaria paradoxa) was the most used plant by females for smoothening the skin and enhancing hair growth. This study provided an understanding of the abandoned areas of plants concerning their cosmetic values. Continuous research is encouraged to record and preserve this indigenous knowledge.
... Different types of herbal formulations are available now a day [4,5,[14][15][16]. ...
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Human being is very much conscious and caring about their beauty and maintains their skin condition from daily hazardless. From ancient time herbal therapy is one of the ways to care the skin condition and largely used in Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha medicine. Mother nature has given number of medicinal plant having different ingredients to cure and protect skin condition. Cosmetics used for skin therapy mainly for smoothing, cooling, cleaning, moistening, toning, nurturing, anti aging purpose. Herbal cosmetics itself suggests these are free from harmful synthetic materials and improve the skin condition comparatively lesser side effect such as itching, burning or irritation the skin with synthetic cosmetics. The current review discuss on advantages of medicinal plants extract which is used as an active ingredients for preparing herbal cosmetics to maintain skin types and conditions.
... They are used to target a changing array of skin concerns from acne to dryness to aging. So toners are now considered as the most useful cosmeceutical items adding benefits in terms of rehydrating skin, adjusting skin pH, fixing skin pores, easing aggravation, and furthermore antisepsis [15]. Furthermore as our face gets contaminated frequently in this polluted environment, it is necessary to wipe out the colonized microbes to get rid of skin problems. ...
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Consciousness of facial care among all age groups has become a global demand. In this scenario Toner becomes a game-changer adding formula to remove impurities, prepares the skin for next skincare steps, balances the pH levels, and restores moisture which is essential for maintaining a healthy and vibrant complexion. As our face harbours a diverse microflora regularly, such products should be tested for their antimicrobial efficacies to establish a scientific bridge. Hence, our study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial effects of some popular toners against face isolates. For this study, bacteria were isolated from the face of ten persons and identified partially through cultural, microscopic and biochemical observations. Also the antibiotic sensitivity pattern of those face microflora was studied against different antibiotics. The isolates were resistant towards Chloramphenicol, Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Penicillin and Cefixime, however they were found sensitive towards Kanamycin, Gentamycin, Ciprofloxacin, Tetracycline, and Azithromycin. For the key work nine numbers of most accepted toners were selected to check their antimicrobial activities against those isolates. Biotique toner showed excellent antimicrobial activity against all the isolates. Hence it is recommended to add toners to every day practices to prevail over microbial accumulation on face leading to various discomforts.
... Sunscreen preparation is applied topically, and its purpose is to heal, prevent or resist skin from painful or harmful effects of sunburn, suntan, sun cancer, and premature skin aging and to escalate the level of Sun Protection Factor (SPF). Its ability to absorb, reect or scatter some of the sun's UV radiation on the skin from extra vagant exposure to ultraviolet radiation Skin melanoma, sunburn, photoaging, skin pigmentation, and various painful or precarious effects are caused by [3,4] UVA and UVB rays. The demand for natural active ingredients as sun protectants not only creates a promising market for consumers who believe in their benets but also hints at the future of natural sunscreens. ...
The primary aim of the study is to develop cream containing herbal extract and assess their effectiveness. The utilization of natural products is of great signicance due to concerns regarding the toxicity and side effects associated with modern drugs. The objective of this study is to formulate sun protection creams that are cost-effective, non-toxic, and efcacious. Glycyrrhiza glabra is renowned for its abundance of natural antioxidants and various phytoconstituents, which are known to possess properties that can shield the skin from the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays. By incorporating these potent botanical ingredients into the cream, aim to exploit their protective qualities to create a product that not only safeguards the skin but also promotes its overall health and well-being. The Prepared formulation showed good spreadability, and good consistency and viscosity. Stability parameters like visual appearance, nature, viscosity, spreadability and fragrance of the formulations showed that there was no signicant variation during the study period. The study on skin moisturization showed very signicant results (p<0.001), while the test on skin occlusion revealed that the formulation had a notable percentage of occlusion (p<0.01). The sun protection factor analysis indicated that the formulation provided signicant sun protection (p<0.01), comparable to the marketed cream.
... Cosmeceutical is usually a combination of cosmetics that are designed to improve the health and beauty of the skin. Cosmeceutical products are preparations containing secondary metabolites from a variety of plant sources that affect the operations of the skin and provide essential nutrients to maintain skin health [2]. Skin care preparations are medicinal preparations intended to be placed in various external parts of the human body that manifest various beneficial topical applications and provide protection against various skin conditions [3]. ...
Chemical, Material Sciences & Nano technology book series aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Chemical, Material Sciences & Nano technology. The field of advanced and applied Chemical, Material Sciences & Nano technology has not only helped the development in various fields in Science and Technology but also contributes the improvement of the quality of human life to a great extent. The focus of the book would be on state-of-the-art technologies and advances in Chemical, Material Sciences & Nano technology and to provides a remarkable opportunity for the academic, research and industrial communities to address new challenges and share solutions.
... Recent studies demonstrate that herbs are more potent but also benign and calming. 3 Cosmetics are developed to reduce wrinkles, fight acne and to control oil secretion. For various types of skin ailments formulations like skin protective, sunscreen, anti-acne, anti-wrinkle and anti-aging are designed using varieties of materials, either natural or synthetic. ...
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The Greek term “kosm tikos,” which meaning having the capacity to arrange and adorn in a dazzling style, is where the word “cosmetic” originates. Here, a number of legal cosmetic chemicals are used to create the products as a base, and one or more herbal substances are then added to provide certain cosmetic benefits. “Herbal cosmetics” is the term used to describe these goods. Everyday items including herbal face wash, herbal conditioner, herbal soap, herbal shampoo, herbal face mask, and others are produced. Numerous herbal plants can be found in nature, and they include a wide range of chemical ingredients that are employed in the creation of cosmetics. Demand has increased as a direct result of the contemporary desire to look younger than one’s true age and to be attractive, youthful, lovable, and fair.
... In recent years, herbs and medicinal plants are increasingly in demand for cosmetics due to their gentle action, low toxicity, and high efficiency [1]. The market size of the worldwide herbal beauty product was assessed at USD 83.52 billion in 2021 and is estimated to reach USD 130.2 billion by 2030 [2]. ...
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Herbal cosmetics are gaining popularity over chemicals for beauty products. However, natural products are often prone to deterioration. Therefore, stability and compatibility testing are the main examinations of the safety and reliability of herbal cosmetics. Liquid crystal structures provide better application performances than conventional emulsion systems in terms of stability, controlled release, and moisturizing. Rice is the most profitable crop in Thailand, and the skin healing benefits of rice have been reported. Thus, the current study aimed to develop a liquid crystal cream containing germinated brown rice extract (GBR) or biological cosmetic active ingredients, to study its efficacy on hydration effects and moisturizer, to identify the active ingredient content, such as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), phenolic content, and to evaluate the physical properties and stability of the product. Results revealed that GBR contained GABA and a total phenolic content of 273.28 mg GABA/100 g of rice and 2.58 mg GAE/100 g of rice, respectively. The GBR-liquid crystal cream had good stability and moisturizing effect. The developed products were statistically significantly in hydrating more than a counter brand product. The product that increased moisture the most was the GBR-liquid crystal cream. The GBR-liquid crystal cream provided a high-efficiency moisturizing effect and reliability enabling it to be a premium commercial product shortly.
Since the old times, there has been mindfulness among individuals in regards to the utilization of plants for the fundamental Need of a solid and delightful skin Herbal definitions have consistently gotten a Ton of interest because they have great action and Have less or no adverse consequences than manufactured Drugs. Since Normal face are utilizes Tropical face washes made of fixings Accessible in nature, a large part of the new writing Review plant deriveding redients, which might Incorporate spices, blossoms, roots, blossoms, and Rejuvenating ointment, the best thing about home grown Beauty care products is that they give the body Supplements and other helpful minerals. The regular Based individual face care market has encountered Fast development. The objective of this exploration was To create and test a home grown recipe. The Point of this study was to figure out and assess the home grown face wash containing concentrates of Curcuma Longa (Haldi), Murraya Koenigii (curry), Santalum Collection (Sandalwood oil) The plants have been accounted for In the writing having great enemy of microbial, against oxidant and calming , hostile to skin break out, against tanning Movement. Arranged definition was assessed for different boundaries like tone, appearance, consistency, pH, strength review and purchaser acknowledgment test
Acne and pimples are treated using herbal face washes. Herbal Facewash eliminates excess oil without eliminating nutrients from the skin and contains rich plant-based components like feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) and neem (Azadirachta indica). The building blocks of finished herbal medicines are known as herbal preparations. These can be comminuted or powdered herbal ingredients as well as extracts, tinctures, and fatty oils of herbal materials. The demand for herbal formulations is rising on the global market. Establishing the herbal face wash with aqueous neem leaf, tulsi leaf, and orange peel extracts is a very commendable effort. As a result of checking and evaluating a number of factors, including colour, pH, consistency, washability, irritation, and spreadability, it was determined from the current experiment that the herbal face wash formulation was more effective than the commercial face wash. Since all of the ingredients in this composition are herbal, they are safe for the skin and trustworthy.
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Background Artocarpus heterophyllus (A. heterophyllus) leaves and Olea europea (OE) fruit oil are natural sources that have been traditionally used for health and skin care purpose. Objective To assess the potential synergistic effect of combining ethanol extract of A. heterophyllus leaves (AHLE) and OE fruit oil in the formulation of clay masks, specifically in terms of their effect on facial skin. Methods AHLE was obtained by the maceration method, while OE was purchased commercially. Total phenol and flavonoid content were calculated and a DPPH assay was conducted to evaluate the antioxidant properties. Furthermore, the four formulas prepared were F1 (AHLE 5%), F2 (OE 10%), F3 (AHLE 5% + OE 10%), and F4 (AHLE 2.5% + OE 5%). Adult women received weekly facial treatments with the formulated mask for one month. The effect of these treatments was evaluated based on several skin parameters, including moisture, oiliness, texture, collagen levels, pigmentation, sensitivity, and the presence of wrinkles. Furthermore, the data obtained were analyzed using the Wilcoxon sign-ranked test. Results AHLE contained total phenolic, flavonoid, and antioxidant activity higher than OE. Clay masks in all formulations showed homogeneity and do not contain coarse grain. After four weeks of treatment, the efficacy of the formulations demonstrated a significant effect. F1 exhibited a reduction in wrinkles by 36.27%, while F3 improved oily skin by 21.39%, enhanced skin texture by 44.32%, reduced pigmentation by 30.30%, and decreased skin sensitivity by 49.18%. Furthermore, F4 demonstrated an increase in skin moisture levels by 27.89% and a boost in collagen production by 32.00%. Conclusion The combination of AHLE and OE at 5% and 10% demonstrated superior effectiveness compared to their individual use.
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Traditional remedies and preparation used for the treatment of skin, or the folk preparations used for healing skin diseases are known to be as Cosmeceuticals and cosmetics. The desire of gook looking and to be beautiful gave a huge market for the cosmetics. This is not a new tradition for human to look good; it has been a long ancient follow through for both the sexes to be presentable by beauty. For now, the desire of both the sexes to look younger than there age, to be fare and charming have directly increased the demand of herbal cosmetics as well as of the Cosmeceuticals in the market. The herbal formulations have been the first choice of the customers. For the reason of being less side effective and thought to be more potent than the synthetic formulations. There has been a long use of turmeric and sandalwood to be applied of face for fairness and freshness. As like many other herbs are used in daily life to be called as cosmetics and the preparation from them to be called as Cosmeceuticals. The above article is an effort to describe clearly both the terms and the relation between them. INTRODUCTION: Cosmeceuticals term was first used by Raymond Reed founding member of U.S Society of Cosmetics Chemist at 1961. He actually used the word to explain the active and science based cosmetics 1, 2 . The above term was further coined used and popularized by Dr Albert Kligman in the year 1984 to refer the substances that exert both cosmetic and therapeutic benefits. With the increase of prescription from tretinoin used for anti wrinkle preparation the term "Cosmeceuticals" gained the ideology as a cosmetic that has or is purposed to have medical properties.
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The association between Ayurveda, anti-aging and cosmeceuticals is gaining importance in the beauty, health and wellness sector. Ayurvedic cosmeceuticals date back to the Indus Valley Civilization. Modern research trends mainly revolve around principles of anti-aging activity described in Ayurveda: Vayasthapana (age defying), Varnya (brighten skin-glow), Sandhaniya (cell regeneration), Vranaropana (healing), Tvachya (nurturing), Shothahara (anti-inflammatory), Tvachagnivardhani (strengthening skin metabolism) and Tvagrasayana (retarding aging). Many rasayana plants such as Emblica officinalis (Amla) and Centella asiatica (Gotukola) are extensively used.
Herbal cosmetic also known as "natural cosmetics". With the beginning of the civilization, mankind had the magnetic dip towards impressing others with their looks. At the time, there were no fancy fairness creams or any cosmetic surgeries.1 The only thing they had was the knowledge of nature, compiled in the ayurveda. With the science of ayurveda, several herbs and floras were used to make ayurvedic cosmetics that really worked. Ayurvedic cosmetics not only beautified the skin but acted as the shield against any kind of external affects for the body.2 Ayurvedic cosmetics also known as the herbal cosmetics have the same estimable assets in the modern era as well. There is a wide gamut of the herbal cosmetics that are manufactured and commonly used for daily purposes. Herbal cosmetics like herbal face wash, herbal conditioner, herbal soaps, herbal shampoo, and many more are highly acclaimed by the masses. The best thing of the herbal cosmetics is that it is purely made by the herbs and shrubs.2 The natural content in the herbs does not have any side effects on the human body; instead enrich the body with nutrients and other useful minerals. Herbal cosmetics are comprised of floras like ashwagandha, sandal (chandan), saffron (kesar) and many more that is augmented with healthy nutrient sand all the other necessary components.
Comparative study of the vegetative characters was carried out on representative samples of different populations of Aloe vera L. Plant samples collected from different locations in Nigeria were separated into four morphologically recognizable groups and brought into cultivation in the screen house of the Department of Crop, Soil and Pest Management, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria. After six months of cultivation, 10 suckers of each morphological group were carefully removed and transplanted into plastic containers already filled with humus soil such that there was only one sucker in each container. The experimental design adopted is the Completely Randomized Design (CRD). New suckers produced were promptly and carefully removed from time to time, leaving only the parent plant in each container. Five years after transplanting, leaf length, leaf width, leaf thickness, stem length and stem thickness were measured using a tape graduated in millimeters and centimeters. Number of leaves per plant and number of roots per plant were counted. Mottle frequency and spine frequency were also determined. Mean values for each morphological group were calculated from five randomly selected specimens. Data collected were subjected to Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means separated using the Duncan's multiple range test. Result shows that the groups are separated into four different taxa, each group occupying a taxon of its own. This finding is at variance with the existing taxonomy of Aloe and therefore, suggests further investigations, particularly in the areas of chromosome behaviour and anatomy, with a view to reappraising the existing taxonomic status of Aloe vera.
The concept of beauty and cosmetics is as ancient as mankind and civilization. Women are obsessed with looking beautiful. So, they use various beauty products that have herbs to look charming and young. Indian herbs and its significance are popular worldwide. Herbal Cosmetics have growing demand in the world market and is an invaluable gift of nature. Herbal formulations always have attracted considerable attention because of their good activity and comparatively lesser or nil side effects with synthetic drugs. Herbs and spices have been used in maintaining and enhancing human beauty since time immemorial. Indian women have long used herbs such as Sandalwood and Turmeric for skin care; Henna to color the hair, palms and soles; and natural oils to perfume their bodies. Not too long ago, elaborate herbal beauty treatments were carried out in the royal palaces of India to heighten sensual appeal and maintain general hygiene.
People are using herbal medicines from centuries for safety, efficacy, cultural acceptability and lesser side effects. Plant and plant products have utilized with varying success to cure and prevent diseases throughout history. Written records about medicinal plants date back at least 5000 years to the Sumerians and ancient records are suggested earlier use of medicinal plants. Due to side effects of synthetic products, herbal products are gaining popularity in the world market. In spite of well-practiced knowledge of herbal medicine and occurrence of a large number of medicinal plants, the share of India in the global market is not up to the mark. The present article deals with the measures to be adopted for global promotion of Indian herbal products. The scenario and perceptions of herbal medicine are discussed.
Tea is the most popular beverage, consumed by over two thirds of the world's population. Tea is processed differently in different parts of the world to give green (20%), black (78%) or oolong tea (2%). Green tea is consumed mostly in Japan and China. The antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic activities of green tea are extensively examined. The chemical components of green and black tea are polyphenols, which include EC, ECG, EGC, EGCG and TFs. This article reviews the epidemiological and experimental studies on the antimutagenicity and anticarcinogenicity of tea extracts and tea polyphenols. In Japan, an epidemiological study showed an inverse relationship between habitual green tea drinking and the standardized mortality rates for cancer. Some cohort studies on Chanoyu (Japanese tea ceremony) women teachers also showed that their mortality ratio including deaths caused by malignant neoplasms were surprisingly low. The antimutagenic activity against various mutagens of tea extracts and polyphenols including ECG and EGCG has been demonstrated in microbial systems (Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli), mammalian cell systems and in vivo animal tests. The anticarcinogenic activity of tea phenols has been shown in experimental animals such as rats and mice, in transplantable tumors, carcinogen-induced tumors in digestive organs, mammary glands, hepatocarcinomas, lung cancers, skin tumors, leukemia, tumor promotion and metastasis. The mechanisms of antimutagenesis and anticarcinogenesis of tea polyphenols suggest that the inhibition of tumors may be due to both extracellular and intracellular mechanisms including the modulation of metabolism, blocking or suppression, modulation of DNA replication and repair effects, promotion, inhibition of invasion and metastasis, and induction of novel mechanisms.
Revision of European Ecolabel Criteria for Soaps, Shampoos and Hair Conditioners
  • M Escamilla
  • A Ferre
  • C Hidalgo
  • N Fuentes
  • R Kaps
Escamilla M, Ferre A, Hidalgo C, Fuentes N, Kaps R, et al, Revision of European Ecolabel Criteria for Soaps, Shampoos and Hair Conditioners, Joint Research Centre European Commission, 2012; 1-40.
Dirty Dozen" Ingredients Investigated in the David Suzuki Foundation Survey of Chemicals in Cosmetics
  • D Suzuki
  • The
Suzuki D, The "Dirty Dozen" Ingredients Investigated in the David Suzuki Foundation Survey of Chemicals in Cosmetics, Backgrounder, 2010 :1-15.
Source of Support: None declared. Conflict of Interest: None declared. For any question relates to this article
  • O O Okoh
  • A P Sadimenko
  • O T Asekeen
  • A J Afolayan
Okoh OO, Sadimenko AP, Asekeen OT, Afolayan AJ, The effects of Drying on the chemical components of Essential oils of Caledula officinalis L. African J Biotechnol, 2008; 7: 1500-1502. Source of Support: None declared. Conflict of Interest: None declared. For any question relates to this article, please reach us at: New manuscripts for publication can be submitted at: and