
Multicriteria analysis of the quality of teaching process in higher education: how to evaluate implementation of critical thinking

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One of the main goals of any higher education system is developing students’ critical thinking. Critical thinking contributes to decision-making and problem-solving skills, whether for professional or personal purposes. Teaching, on the other hand, has been largely influenced by new information technologies which have changed some of the related concepts and tools. The quality of the teaching process is multidimensional which is why no single unit of its measurement has been developed yet, in spite of numerous surveys that have collected massive amounts of information from the existing practice. The aim of this paper is to establish the most appropriate higher education quality measure, which would consist of all relevant indicators from different aspects, including implementation of critical thinking in the teaching process, weighting by two main groups of participants in the process - teachers and students. Multicriteria decision-making has been recognised as a suitable framework for achieving this goal. In fact, the problem of measuring teaching staff performance could be set up as a classical problem of multicriteria decision-making. With this approach the quality of teaching process should be simultaneously estimated by n quality assurance criteria and in accordance with those criteria m alternatives (professors) would be ranked or estimated.

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... At present, each university has a large data warehouse for storing university teaching data. The multi-dimensional data of network distance teaching quality evaluation in universities stored in the data warehouse must be screened and transformed [12], so as to ensure that the data used to evaluate teaching quality is not redundancy and repetitive, and can avoid the wrong data of analysis tools and get incorrect analysis results [13]. Data mining and OLAP are both analysis tools. ...
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In order to effectively extract the multi-dimensional data of teaching quality evaluation and accurately evaluate the quality of network distance teaching quality in universities, an optimal classification algorithm for network distance teaching quality evaluation is proposed. From the perspectives of teaching attitude, teaching skill, teaching skill, teaching content, teaching method and means, the quality evaluation indices of network distance teaching is designed. Combined with the evaluation indices, the multi-dimensional data mining method based on OLAP technology is used to mine the required multi-dimensional data of teaching quality evaluation in the distance teaching data warehouse of universities, the required multi-dimensional data is input into SVM algorithm to solve the optimal classification hyperplane of multi-dimensional data and implement the optimal classification of multi-dimensional data. The quality of distance teaching is evaluated by improving the salp group algorithm and setting the penalty factor and kernel function of SVM algorithm. The experimental results show that the classification accuracy of this method for multidimensional data is over 90%, and the evaluation accuracy is as high as 99%, it can extract multi-dimensional teaching quality evaluation from the network distance teaching data, which has good classification effect and can improve the accuracy of network distance teaching quality evaluation.
This paper presents analysis of already existing and documented models for evaluation of teacher’s quality and performance, supplemented by proposed model for management of quality and performance of teachers in higher education. Proposed and presented model uses multicriteria system for evaluation of performance and quality, covering with its criterions quality of teaching, scientific and research productivity and other activities of teachers. Each criterion has its ponder, evaluation is based on points accumulations during academic year for each course with distinguished approach to teachers and teaching assistants. Depending on the results in respect to number of accumulated points, there is subsystem of financial compensation in form of bonuses. Model is supported by information system with teachers’ and administrative sub-system. Analysis of the model implementation and operation during past three years in accredited higher educational institution reveals its effectiveness in terms results achieved in areas covered with criterions implemented within the model.KeywordsPerformanceManagementMulticriteria modelIncentives
The development of higher education supplies a large number of high-level talents to the society, which is the key to building a harmonious society. At present, the development of regional higher education is extremely uneven, and it is the top priority of education development that it is urgent to clarify the situation of regional higher education. This article constructs a comprehensive evaluation index system of higher education development from a total of 19 indicators from five dimensions of talent training, teacher strength, scientific research output, infrastructure and social services, and then uses entropy and genetic algorithm-projection pursuit model to calculate the weight. GA-BP and BP neural network models are used for comprehensive evaluation. It is found that: (1) The most important factors affecting the development of higher education are technology transfer income and the application of R&D achievements in colleges and universities; (2) Compared with BP neural network, GA optimizes BP neural network in terms of effectiveness, convergence speed, and accuracy. (3) Generally speaking, during the research period, the development of China’s higher education has gradually improved, with an average annual growth rate of 3.5%. In terms of sub-regions, the provinces with excellent higher education development levels have increased from 0 in 2008. The number has increased to 5 in 2019, and the development of higher education among provinces is extremely uneven, and the differences between provinces are gradually increasing.
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This paper presents and discusses previous research on critical thinking in education. The aim of the proposed conference paper is to develop a theoretical framework and identify innovative directions for future research on the basis of previous research analyses of critical thinking in education. The paper includes a review and commentary on critical thinking concepts and previous research within the context of Croatian and international research. The results of previous research show the importance of developing and implementing teaching for critical thinking, as it increases the quality of the learning and teaching. Research shows that the teacher plays an important role in stimulating pupils’ critical thinking, foremost by applying active learning and teaching methods. In the conclusion, on the basis of the definition of the concept of critical thinking and a review of current research, a construct for teaching critical thinking is developed through its categorization and operationalization, which also presents a possible direction for future research.
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p>Critical thinking is recognised as an influential attribute to achieve quality learning and teaching in higher education institutions world over. This interpretive research study explored the critical thinking among PGDE students at the University of Botswana. The aim of the study was to identify factors contributing to the application of critical thinking among teacher trainees. Data was collected from Cohort 2015/16 PGDE students, through one on one interview with 59 students and 2 focus group discussions comprising five students in each focus group between April to June 2016. The findings revealed that the teacher trainees had a lower description of critical thinking during interviews, but refined during focus group discussions; however, the students were wide aware of factors influencing their inabilities to think critically during their training. These finding clearly indicated that most students were not applying critical thinking during their training. Through the interviews and focus group discussion, the study also identified strategies to promote the application of critical thinking in areas of programme content, teaching and assessment methods and techniques, programme logistics and personal attributes. The findings are instrumental to various key stakeholders. Specifically, the findings inform education institutions, teacher educators and students on how to promote critical thinking during teacher training. The study was qualitative, as such the findings will not be generalised. As such a similar study is recommended among the PGDE and other students but using quantitative and or mixed methods to allow inferences and generalisations.</p
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Learner-centered education through appropriate methodologies facilitates effective learning as teaching-learning modalities of the higher education institution are considered to be relevant for the learner group. Although it is true that diversity of learners in respect of their background, abilities and other personal attributes will influence the pace and extent of learning, learner-centered education calls for appropriate methodologies that can be used by teachers to provide a variety of learning experiences, including individual and collaborative learning. In this paper, we have analysed various strategies followed like planning and organising the teaching- learning - evaluation schedules, support structures and systems available for teachers to develop skills like interactive learning, collaborative learning and independent learning among the students to make learning more student-centric, institutional strategy to nurture critical thinking, creativity and scientific temper among the students to transform them into life-long learners and innovators, the technologies and facilities available and used by the faculty for effective teaching. Opportunities given to the students and faculty to advance the level of knowledge and skills, academic, personal and psycho-social support and guidance services provided to students, details of innovative teaching approaches/methods adopted by the faculty during the last four years and the efforts made by the institution to encourage the faculty to adopt new and innovative approaches and the impact of such innovative practices on student learning are also discussed.
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Most current efforts to enhance critical thinking focus on skills practice and training. The empirical research from the fields of cognition and affect sciences suggest that positive mood, even when transiently induced, can have beneficial effects on cognitive flexibility and problem solving. We undertook this study to test this hypothesis in a practical setting. Using an A-B-A-B within subject design, we measured the impact of positive (versus neutral) mood on critical thinking demonstrated on four essay exams in an undergraduate course in personality. There was a significant enhancing effect of positive mood on critical thinking in female students, but not in male students. We discuss possible sex differences that may account for the partial support of the mood-critical thinking effect. Most current efforts to enhance critical thinking focus on skills practice and training. The empirical research from the fields of cognition and affect sciences suggest that positive mood, even when transiently induced, can have beneficial effects on cognitive flexibility and problem solving. We undertook this study to test this hypothesis in a practical setting. Using an A-B-A-B within subject design, we measured the impact of positive (versus neutral) mood on critical thinking demonstrated on four essay exams in an undergraduate course in personality. There was a significant enhancing effect of positive mood on critical thinking in female students, but not in male students. We discuss possible sex differences that may account for the partial support of the mood-critical thinking effect.
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The aim of this paper is to present a general view and a brief literature review of the main aspects related to quality assurance in global higher education. It provides an overview of accreditation as a mechanism to ensure quality in higher education, examines models of QA, and explores the concept of quality. In addition, this paper provides a review of research on the effectiveness of quality assurance practices, with a particular focus on student involvement with quality assurance. In reviewing the concept of quality assurance itself, the author noted there is a need for a common framework for a quality assurance model; however, there is no agreement as to a QA definition or a QA model. Furthermore, although quality is the utmost significant concern for accrediting bodies, accreditation structures are decentralized and complex at both the regional and international level. Another challenge identified revolves around the concerns of faculty members and other stakeholders, such as students, about the QA process. Given that students are at the center of higher education, and invest time and money in the system, the author concludes involving them could improve QA processes. DOI: 10.18870/hlrc.v5i4.257
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The concept of reflective thinking as a precursor for incorporating critical thinking has been not been adequately researched. Most research has not given any effective strategies on how to incorporate these two concepts. There is a constant need to incorporate critical thinking into the classroom without much success. This study will attempt to show a link between reflective thinking and its ability to stimulate critical thinking. Teachers often perceive that critical thinking skills need to be taught, however research has shown that they may not know how to do this effectively. The use of reflective thinking may be a precursor to stimulating critical thinking in teachers. The research questions are on the reflective thinking skills of teachers and how they perceive themselves and their teaching. In this study a total of 60 participants from institutions of higher learning volunteered to answer a questionnaire to determine the level at which they reflected on their teaching practices as an indicator of their level of critical thinking. It was found that most of the teachers did not reflect deeply on their teaching practices. They did not seem to practice the four learning processes: assumption analysis, contextual awareness, imaginative speculation and reflective scepticism which were indicative of reflection. It would suggest that critical thinking is practised minimally among teachers. Further research need to be carried out on how to bring about reflective practices among teacher and how it would enhance the quality of lessons in teams of critical thinking
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Critical thinking is important for shaping the way students learn and think. However, there is a need for a systematic direct instruction aimed at developing effective critical thinking skills.This study aims to investigate the effect of a proposed critical thinking program on developing the critical thinking skills of college students. During a 5-week intervention, 80 second-year female students of the English Department of Princess Noura Bint Abdulrahman Univetsity (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) underwent this program during the thinking skills course. The effectiveness of the program was examined using a critical thinking assessment instrument that evaluated five critical thinking skills: causal explanation, determining the reliability of sources, argument, prediction, and determining parts-whole relationships. The data demonstrated statistically significant gains in the five critical thinking skills tested.Thus, this study provides a framework for creating teaching methods that provide effective direct instruction for the development of critical thinking skills of college students.
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Critical thinking, rooted in critical philosophy, has long been an influential part and parcel of Western education. The present study is an attempt to sketch the concept of critical thinking as a viable cornerstone in language education. First, a number of the definitions of the concept as posited by different scholars are put forth. Second, the typical features of critical thinkers are introduced from the perspectives of education scholars. Third, different standpoints on the teachability of the ability to think critically are reviewed. And finally, a number of classroom techniques, including debates, media analyses, problem-solving tasks, self-assessment and peer-assessment, likely to foster critical thinking skills in language classrooms are proposed.
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The main purpose of the author's research was to investigate whether thinking styles significantly contribute to critical thinking dispositions. Two samples of Chinese university students, one from Beijing and the other from Nanjing, participated in the study. The participants responded to the Thinking Styles Inventory (R. J. Sternberg & R. K. Wagner, 1992) based on Sternberg's theory of mental self-government and to the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (P. Facione & N. Facione, 1992), which assessed the 7 dimensions of the critical thinking construct as defined in The Delphi Report (see P. Facione, N. Facione, & C. Giancarlo, 2001). Results from both samples supported the prediction that thinking styles statistically contribute to individual differences in critical thinking dispositions. These findings have implications not only for classroom instruction and assessment but also for academic and nonacademic program development.
To address the challenge of developing critical thinking skills in college students, this empirical study examines the effectiveness of cognitive exercises in developing those skills. The study uses Critical Thinking: Building the Basics by Walter, Knudsvig, and Smith (2003). This workbook is specifically designed to exercise and develop critical thinking skills. The authors use it as the intervention tool. Freshman students enrolled in a first-year experience course participated in the study; one group used the book, the other did not. Students spent a few weeks in class working through the problems, and at the end of the semester, both groups completed the iCritical Thinking Skills Test. Analysis of final test scores prove the effectiveness of exercises on improving the critical thinking skills of college freshmen.
In this paper, we first offer an analytic perspective on the papers in this volume, framing our discussion within the context of academic development as a discipline and highlighting common lines that cut across the nine contributions. We then offer insights about the current state of research on the evaluation of academic development and suggest directions that are likely to advance our theoretical and empirical knowledge in this area and anchor us firmly in evidence-based practice. We suggest that clarifying the mechanisms of change when professional learning occurs and measuring the changes in student learning outcomes that are associated with professional learning are important avenues for future research.
Although the development and transfer of critical thinking skills are recognized as primary goals for education, there is little empirical evidence to help educators decide how to teach in ways that enhance critical thinking. In two studies, we compared explicit and imbedded instructional modes and assessed critical thinking with the Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment, which uses both constructed response and multiple-choice response formats with everyday situations. Participants were high school students in the United States attending low-performing high schools with large minority enrollment. In both studies, the students receiving explicit instruction showed much larger gains than those in the imbedded instruction group. Grade point average was significantly related to critical thinking scores, but as expected its relationship with critical thinking was much weaker than standardized test scores. These results provide robust evidence that explicit instruction is an effective method for teaching critical thinking skills to high school students.
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