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Optimizing iron adequacy and absorption to prevent iron deficiency anemia: The role of combination of fortified iron and vitamin C



Iron is a vital nutrient to promote the availability of tissue oxygen, cell growth and control of differentiation, and energy metabolism. Preventing Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) is necessary because iron is vital to central nervous system growth and development especially in the first years of life. Iron-rich complementary foods are recommended in infants around 6 months of age because iron store is depleted. Better understanding of iron absorption process and factors affecting its absorption and bioavailability is necessary to prevent iron deficiency and can be a dietary strategy to mitigate iron deficiency. Meat and iron-fortified food are the main sources of iron in the diet, and it is essential to introduce supplementary food to improve iron absorption. Additional foods such as cereals, cow milk and soybeans such as phytate, polyphenol and calcium are inhibitors which require care to prevent IDA. Ascorbic acid is an effective iron-absorbing enhancer, which is useful to reduce the effects of any known nonheme iron inhibitor. In iron-fortified foods, Combination use of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is recommended in molar ratio of 2:1 (with cow's milk and low-phytate cereal foods) and higher molar ratio of 4:1 (with higher phytate such as soybeans).
World Nutrition Journal |eISSN 2580-7013
World.Nutr.Journal | 33
Received 27 May 2021
Accepted 15 June 2021
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Optimizing iron adequacy and absorption to prevent iron
deficiency anemia: The role of combination of fortified iron and
vitamin C
Ray W. Basrowi1, Charisma Dilantika1
Danone Specialized Nutrition, Indonesia
Iron is a vital nutrient to promote the availability of tissue oxygen, cell growth and control
of differentiation, and energy metabolism. Preventing Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) is
necessary because iron is vital to central nervous system growth and development
especially in the first years of life. Iron-rich complementary foods are recommended in
infants around 6 months of age because iron store is depleted. Better understanding of
iron absorption process and factors affecting its absorption and bioavailability is necessary
to prevent iron deficiency and can be a dietary strategy to mitigate iron deficiency. Meat
and iron-fortified food are the main sources of iron in the diet, and it is essential to
introduce supplementary food to improve iron absorption. Additional foods such as
cereals, cow milk and soybeans such as phytate, polyphenol and calcium are inhibitors
which require care to prevent IDA. Ascorbic acid is an effective iron-absorbing enhancer,
which is useful to reduce the effects of any known nonheme iron inhibitor. In iron-fortified
foods, combination use of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is recommended in molar ratio of 2:1
(with cow's milk and low-phytate cereal foods) and higher molar ratio of 4:1 (with higher
phytate such as soybeans).
Keywords iron, iron absorption, vitamin C, iron deficiency anemia
Iron is a precondition for all human cells and is part
of almost all the living cells. Iron is required to
promote tissue oxygen, cell growth and the
regulation of differentiation and energy metabolism.
Body iron levels are mainly managed by controlling
iron absorption in small intestine, enabling accurate
absorption to match unregulated losses. Depending
on physiological demand, mechanisms regulating
iron absorption often allow appropriate increases or
decreases. Iron bioavailability is also limited, which
explains why people vary in iron and iron stores.
Various abnormalities and diseases can also
influence regulation of iron absorption rate and iron
storage. Therefore, dietary iron absorption by the
proximal intestine is regulated precisely by cellular
and systemic factors to ensure adequate body iron
Body iron present at birth is necessary in the first
six months of life for the physiological requirements
of infants with an adequate birth weight. The infant
relies quickly on readily absorbed iron. The body
iron content could increase around 70% in between
4 and 12 months. The average dietary daily
requirement for iron in 7–12 months age was at 0.69
mg. The requirements reduced after 12 months, an
Corresponding author:
Ray W. Basrowi
Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera
Email address:
World.Nutr.Journal | 34
average 0.63 mg/day for a child aged 18 months.
Breast-fed babies with adequate weight rarely
experience iron deficiency by 6 months. However
there is a rapid rise in risk for those who remain
breastfed for the next three months when there is no
rich supply of iron in other dietary products.2
The World Health Organization estimates that an
iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is an estimated 25 %
of the world population. Most of this anemia due to
lack of iron diet, but iron absorption and available
iron can also be reduced due to infectious diseases
and other chronic inflammation. Micronutrient
deficiency is found worldwide, and iron deficiency
(ID) is the most common. Young children have
higher risk since they need high iron requirements to
grow. Some risk factors include higher IDA
prevalence, underweight baby birth, excess cow's
milk, small intake of iron-rich complementary
foodstuffs, low socioeconomic status, and
IDA prevention is needed, since iron is important
for the growth of the central nervous system mainly
throughout the first year old. In vivo experiments
have demonstrated that iron is important for several
brain development aspects, eq. Myelination, activity
of the neurotransmitter, neuronal and glial energy
metabolism and dendritogenesis of the
hippocampus.4 Some studies show strong
correlation between infancy IDA and long-term low
cognitive and behavioral performance. Children
with IDA also have long term behavior issues such
as discomfort, reluctance, and outsourcing and
internalizing problems. ID without anemia was
suggested to be correlated with poor
cognitive/behavioral results, but this needed further
research. There is still a lack of research connecting
dose-by-dose indicators with later cognitive
ID and IDA risk factors in infants include birth
weight underweight, early cord clamping, male, low
socio-economic status, low intake of iron ingestion
and iron fortified foods and excess consumption of
milk from cows. [3] In Indonesia, several problems
with hygiene and chronic infection worsen.
Suggested ID prevention interventions are
supplementation during pregnancy and infants,
delayed umbilical cord clamping, meat products,
cow's milk avoidance formula with fortification
and/or complementary food, also iron-fortified milk
use. A meta-analysis shows that iron
supplementation has a modest positive effect on
mental development and motor development.3,6
To prevent IDA, it is important to uunderstand
the sufficiency of iron and how to improve it. High
iron intakes can adversely affect iron adequate
infants, so it is crucial to diagnose iron status in
young children and understand intervention
strategies such as enhancer or iron absorption
inhibitors to achieve optimum iron adequacy.
The importance of iron adequacy and its
During early infancy, the small iron in human milk
meets iron requirements. Iron is found mostly in
hemoglobin in the neonate, but a healthy infant has
iron stores that depict 25% of total body iron. At
birth, newborn goes to transition from hypoxic
environment in the uterus to rich oxygen
environment. This transition stopped hemoglobin
synthesis and reduced hemoglobin to 120 g/dL in 6
weeks infants. Recirculating iron in erythrocytes is
transferred to iron storage augmenting it size. After
6 weeks, iron is transferred back from the storage to
blood as the infant continue to grow and expand
their blood volume. This regulation maintains infant
iron levels by themselves when they most needed it
to grow at around 4 to 6 months of age. Exclusive
breastfeeding during this period are adequate to
fulfill iron requirements eventhough breast milk
have low iron concentrations.3
Between age of 1 and 6 years old, the body iron
content is again doubled. Between the age of 6 and
24 months, infants rely on complementary dietary
iron and, due to higher requirements in growth than
during any other lifespan. Iron levels between 6 and
24 months needs to be doubled from 300 mg.3
Growth spurt in adolescents are also the time in need
of more iron. Girls usually spurt before menarche,
but boys shows increased hemoglobin concentration
during puberty which marked rise of iron
The iron role in brain development has been
revealed by over 50 human studies, including
observational studies, supplementation and iron
therapy studies. The development of normal fetal
brain anatomy, myelination, and dopamine,
serotonin, and norepinephrine systems is important
World.Nutr.Journal | 35
with iron. The sooner the brain is prevented from
being inferior to iron the better for instance, in
prenatal and early infancy. Various findings have
indicated that mothers who had iron
supplementation during pregnancy, their children
achieved better in multiple intellectual, executive,
and motor tests than placebo. Moreover, mistimed
or excessive iron can lead to worse
neurodevelopmental outcomes, as shown in a
decade follow-up study in a Chilean iron baby
supplement. In the study, children aged 6 months
receiving iron-enforced formulas with high
haemoglobin performed in a series of
neurodevelopmental tasks much poorer 10 years
later and children receiving iron-enforced medicines
with low-hemoglobin performed much better. These
results emphasize that the nutrient benefits differ at
one dose and can be toxic at another.8
The role of iron in neural transmitter synthesis
makes it antenatally and postnatally important for
brain development. Iron also alters brain epigenetic
landscape. Iron deficiency could result in reduced
myelin development, decreased synaptogenesis and
decreased basal ganglia performance, adverse
development of psychomotors and mental capacity.5
Some research suggests that anemia is correlated
with poor cognitive functions such as concentration,
intelligence, memory and learning skills. A research
by Hurtado et al. (1999) showed that the risk of
moderately mentally delayed children below the age
of a decade with IDA was increased. It was not based
on maternity, gender, nationality, birth weight,
social class, age and education. Children with
hemoglobin below 100 g/dL with an IDA have a low
score for international primary school development
rates. These results show how important childhood
anemia is to be monitored.9
Emotional and psychological behavior are also
affected by iron deficiency. This linked to persistent
changes in dopamine metabolism, GABA, function
and structure of the hippocampus, and
myelinization. Studies also shown that early iron
deficiency can significantly impact cognitive and
behavior also irreversible disturbance in motoric.
Other consequences of iron deficiency anemia is
extensive such as poor growth and development
which also school accomplishment.10 It is therefore
important that the iron deficiency is monitored and
detected as soon as possible.
It is critical to meet the daily intake of iron as the
impact of iron deficiency on brain development
may be irreversible. Recommended daily intakes of
iron are as follow: 11 mg for 6 to 11 months, 7.0
mg for 1 to 3 years, 10 mg for 4 to 6 months, and
10 mg/day for 7 to 9 years.11 This recommended
daily intake (RDA) for children is directed towards
children after 6 months as many authorities
recommend exclusive breast feeding, but exclusive
breast feeding after 6 months is strongly related to
IDA. The iron-rich complementary food is
recommended to avoid iron depletion after six
months of age. This comprises meat, iron-enforced
follow-up formulas and other iron-enforced
products, such as cereals. There is some evidence
that enhanced formulas reduce the risk of anemia in
comparison with pure cow's milk (unmodified).
Pure cow's milk should be avoided in infants under
12 months of age.3
In order to prevention ID and IDA in children, the
early introduction of these iron rich additional foods
such as meat and iron-fortified foods is likely to be
important. Several analyses have assessed the
effects of complementary iron-fortified foods on
iron conditions in children. Iron-fortified
complementary foods (6.2 g/L higher than controls)
significantly affected hemoglobin. It is shown to
reduced risk of anemia (defined as Hb<105 or 110
g/L), by 50% (95% CI 0.33–0.75) with
complementary, iron-fortified food. High-meat
supplementary foods are shown to improve
hemoglobin. One study shows that a substantial
meat intake affects the status of iron like iron-
fortified cereals, even though the cereal group's
daily intake is about five times higher. This is
compatible with previous studies which show that
the absorption of iron from meat is multiple times
higher than cereals.12 Supported by evidence, the
European Society for Hepatological and Nutritional
Paediatric Gastroenterology (ESPGHAN)
recommends that all infants 6 months and older
should be given supplementary food rich in iron
(meat products and/or iron-enforced foods).3
Since the focus of ESPGHAN recommendation is
on nutrition, the family availability of meat
products, a low socioeconomic status, especially in
Indonesia, is more sensitive to unmet iron adequacy.
Indonesia is a low-to-middle-income country; in
2017, 10.6% of its population remained poor.
World.Nutr.Journal | 36
Poverty is the main cause of most undernutrition,
such as iron deficiency. Children and adolescents
with poor socioeconomic status are more vulnerable
to iron deficiency due to low intake of iron, mainly
eating plant-based diets (predominantly non-Heme
iron sources) and low-level iron diets (mostly tofu or
tempeh eating, which may inhibit iron intake),
which are further compounded by chronic blood loss
due to parasite and malaria infections. Other factors
like chronic menstrual loss of blood and
gastrointestinal iron malabsorption can cause IDA in
older children and teenagers.6
The main goal of adequate iron intake is to
prevent childhood delays and cognitive impairment.
Iron is well absorbed in human milk but not enough
to satisfy the needs of infants for 6 months old.
Additional foods besides human milk must be
developed to accommodate the needs of the child
without replacing human milk. As additional foods
are intake limited especially when the iron
requirements are highest, it is crucial to provide the
iron in a highly bioavailable form. Iron rich
supplementary foodstuffs (meat products and iron-
fortified foodstuffs) are recommended in infants
after 6 months, but in the low socioeconomic status
families this challenge is obvious.3
Iron absorption to achieve iron adequacy and
how to obtain it
Most iron absorption takes place in the small
intestines through polarized intestinal epithelial cells
or enterocytes. Iron absorption is performed via
divalent metal conveyor 1 (DMT1), member of the
transported membrane protein solution carrier
group. It is then transferred into the blood through
the duodenum mucosa to produce red blood cells
(RBC) in the cells or in the bone marrow. Feedback
mechanisms are in place to improve the absorption
of iron in iron-deficient individuals. Hepcidin is one
pathway of reducing iron absorption in people
overloaded with iron. Ferroprotein is also known to
control iron absorption from the mucosal cell into
the plasma.7
The iron state in the duodenum influences greatly
its absorption. The iron ferrous (Fe+2) is quickly
oxidized to the ferrous insoluble (Fe+3) at the pH of
physiology. Gastric acid lowers the proximal
duodenum pH.13 This improves the solubility and
absorption of iron ferric. When the production of
gastric acid is impaired, the absorption of iron
decreases considerably. Dietary heme can also be
transported by unknown mechanisms via the apical
membrane and subsequently metabolized by heme
oxygenase 1 (HO-1) in enterocytes to release Fe+2.
This process is more efficient than inorganic
absorption of iron and is pH-independent.14
Two forms of dietary iron are heme and
nonheme. Hemoglobin and myoglobin from animal
meat (cow, chicken and fish) are the primary sources
of heme iron, while nonheme iron is made from
cereals, legumes, fruit and vegetables. In contrast to
heme iron with high bioavailability (15-35%) and
unrelated nutritional conditions, non-heme is easily
altered by other food elements and less bioavailable
(2-20 %). This magnifies the problem as the amount
of non-heme iron is plentiful in most meals. Iron
nutrition is more influenced to non-heme iron intake
than heme-iron despite the low bioavailability of
nonheme iron.15
Animal meat contains well absorbed heme and
promotes further absorption of iron from the diet.
Vegetables, however are rich in factors which inhibit
non-heme iron absorption. If the gastric juice can
pass through a meal containing nonheme iron, it
goes into a common pool. The interaction of iron in
that pool is more absorbed than the others by iron
inhibitors or enhancements in other food
components. Vegetable foods, especially in
developing countries, have inhibitory factors.
Phytates in cereal grains, peanuts, and polyphenols
in tea, coffee, cocoa, and certain vegetables and
grains are the most important. The absorption of
nonheme iron is reduced by calcium ,vegetable
proteins and animal protein other than its flesh.7
Increasing iron needs after 6 months of age can
be replaced by complementary food, but promoting
breastfeeding remains the main nutritional intake
during infancy and early childhood. It is important
to make sure that supplemental with additional foods
do not replace human milk. Iron source that used in
fortification must be readily available because the
quantity of complementary meals are small.2 The
incorporation of meat or fish products should be
encouraged where possible due to their heme iron's
high bioavailability. 25-50 % of the iron provided as
heme is expected to be absorbed in children because
World.Nutr.Journal | 37
they don’t have any significant iron storage.15
Methods to enhance non-heme iron bioavailability
are therefore important, particularly for
complementary foods used in cereals. The balance
between different dietary factors in weaning foods
that influences iron bioavailability must be
examined in order to identify ways to improve iron
balance during the weaning period. Recent studies
showed that increased meat intake in the weaning
period is associated with better iron nutrition. Infants
are unable to chew properly thus providing infant
with meat and in a form that can accommodate this
problem is tricky. Fine ground form of meat in
weaning foods are expected to have a favorable
effect in maintaining iron balance. Generally,
prolonged breastfeeding during weaning can
provide a small bit of iron but has other benefits.12
Some dietary factors that increase iron
absorption, such as fructose, copper, vitamin A and
b-carotene, major enhancer of the absorption of all
ascorbic acid, are also noted for further strategies to
enhance iron bioavailability.1 Contrary to the
striking effect of ascorbic acid on iron absorption, it
was debatable to improve iron condition in extended
vitamin C supplementation.16
Vitamin C and its Role in iron absorption
Ascorbic acid is the most effective iron absorption
enhancer. Moore and Dubach (1951) first
demonstrated ascorbic acid's enhancing properties.
They reported dose-related enhancing properties and
dependent on ascorbic acid in the upper
gastrointestinal tract lumen. Ascorbic acid acts as a
common nonheme pool ligand, increasing the
absorption in gastric fluid of both innate food iron
and iron fortified food. It works only when it is eaten
with food. In a report, 500 mg ascorbic acid taken
with the test meal was absorbed six times, compared
to a low absorption in 4 and 8 hours before meal with
the same quantity.2
The effect of all identified inhibitors of nonheme
iron absorption including phytates, polyphenols,
calcium, vegetable and certain animal proteins is
useful in reducing ascorbic acid. Cereal grains,
cow's milk and peanuts (especially soybeans) are
generally used as supplementary foods in
developing countries. Food sources and additional
food can be combined.12 Phytate is the major
inhibitor of iron absorption in cereal foods and is
expected to be the main inhibitor of these foods.
Ascorbic acid reverses the inhibitory effects of
phytate. Interaction among phytate, ascorbic acid
and iron interest researchers in order to develop
effective early childhood fortification strategies with
specific recommendations for phytate removal and
ascorbic acid addition to the cereal complementarity
Cook et al.18 more rigorously evaluated ascorbic
acid efficacy to improve iron absorption from
several different cereal grains. From a practical
perspective there is a need to measure how much
iron is absorbed from complementary food such as
cereal under optimal conditions. This measurement
predict how much ascorbic acid are adequate to even
lowest phytate level. Full-term infants averaging 32
weeks absorbed iron 8.5% of low-phytate meal from
wheat flour and grain enhanced with 2.7 mg iron
sulfate and ascorbic acid (ascorbic acid molar ratio
to iron, 2:1). The food included 25 g of cereal. Lynch
[2] stated that in food containing phytate (70-140
mg/d in additional products designed to supply
enough of iron to meet the average calculated breast-
feeding requirements) the molar ratio between
ascorbic acid and iron should be between 2:1 and
Human milk is better absorbed than cow's milk.
The reason is that the milk of cows is higher in
calcium and the milk protein prevents the
consumption of iron. The addition of ascorbic acid
is shown to improve iron in the cow's milk or cow's
milk-based formula significantly. The addition of
ascorbic acid to cow milk containing sulphate
ferrous in a concentration of 100 mg/L (ascorbic
acid-iron molar ratio, 2:1) increased absorption
approximately double. Soybean protein is different
for complementary foods or for milk with lower iron
absorption. Studies show that more ascorbic acid is
needed to ensure adequately bioavailable iron in
complementary soy foods than in cow's milk or
cereal-based foods. The molar ratio of 4:1 ascorbic
acid to iron should be used when weaning high
amounts of soy bean protein products in high phytate
cereals, cerenic foods containing polyphenols or
complimentary foods.2 Iron level in human milk is
very small and so it is important to have iron
fortified foods with high bioavailability. The
Estimated average requirement (EAR) and
World.Nutr.Journal | 38
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) iron
requirements for infants aged 7 to 12 months are 6.9
mg and 11.0 mg for selecting the iron fortification
content in supplementary foods of all children.
Noted that complementary foods used in developing
countries are less bioavailable. The fortification iron
is required at 170 µg/g for meeting the EAR and 275
µg/g for meeting the RDA for infants aged 7-12
months (daily consumption, 40 g). For children aged
13-24 months (daily use, 60 g) 115 and 183 µg/g are
required, respectively.19
We can conclude that enough iron fortified in
additional food should be added to ensure the
infant's diet. Ascorbic acid is useful in reducing the
effect of nonheme absorption inhibitors in cereals,
soya, polyphenols and calcium in cow's milk, for
example. Experimental studies have shown that
absorption levels of approximately 10% for cow's
milk and low-phytate or dephytinized grain foods
can be anticipated if the iron molar ratio of 2:1 in
ascorbic acid is increased by ascorbic acid and
ferrous sulphate, while a molar ratio of higher 4:1 is
required if inhibitors foods such as soya are used.
Iron belongs to nearly all living cells and is a
necessity for all human cells. IDA prevention is
important because iron is critical to the growth and
development of the central nervous system,
especially during the first 12 months of age. In
infants around 6 months of age, iron rich
supplementary food is recommended because iron
shops are depleted. Meat and iron-fortified foods are
the main iron sources of dietary use and it is essential
to introduce complementary foods early to improve
iron absorption. Ascorbic acid is a good iron
absorption promoter and is useful to reduce the
impact of all known non-hemic iron inhibitors that
can help prevent IDs. Foods like cereal, cow's milk
and soya contain iron inhibitors such as phytate,
polyphenol and calcium. It is recommended that the
molar ratio of ascorbic acid 2:1 (for cow's milk and
cereal products) and the higher molar ratio 4:1 be
added to the ratio (for higher phytate, such as
Conflict of Interest
The authors declared no conflict of interest
regarding this article.
Open Access
This article is distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
source, provide a link to the Creative Commons
license, and indicate if changes were made.
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... Despite efforts to improve access to iron supplementation and healthcare services, the prevalence of IDA remains high. This underscores the need to explore the challenges associated with IDA in this specific population and identify effective interventions that can be implemented to alleviate the burden of anemia in breastfeeding mothers [2,3]. By understanding the unique factors contributing to IDA in Indonesia and implementing tailored strategies, we can strive towards better health outcomes for mothers and infants in the country, potentially serving as a model for addressing IDA in similar contexts worldwide. ...
... Sample included an unknown number of infants born <2.5 kg and/or mothers using supplements (unknown number and type). 2 50% of the total sample took supplements (unknown type).3 Included anemic and non-anemic women. ...
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Anemia in breastfeeding women is a neglected global health issue with significant implications for maternal and child health. Despite its widespread occurrence and adverse effects, this problem remains largely unknown and overlooked on the global health agenda. Despite efforts to improve health access coverage and provide iron and folic acid supplementation, anemia persists. This underscores the need for a comprehensive approach to address the problem. Urgent action must be taken to prioritize education and awareness campaigns, ensure access to nutritious food, and enhance healthcare services. Education programs should focus on promoting iron-rich diets, dispelling cultural myths, and providing practical guidance. Improving healthcare services requires increasing availability, ensuring a consistent supply of iron supplements, and providing adequate training for healthcare providers. A successful implementation relies on a strong collaboration between the government, healthcare providers, and community. It is crucial that we acknowledge that high coverage alone is insufficient for solving the issue, emphasizing the importance of targeted interventions and a strategic implementation. By adopting a comprehensive approach and addressing the underlying causes of anemia, Indonesia can make significant progress in reducing its prevalence and improving the overall health of its population, particularly among breastfeeding women.
... 2 Pomelo contains a lot of vitamin C, which helps increase iron absorption and prevent anemia. 3 Pomelo peel contains large amounts of cellulose, pectin, vitamins, and other bitter substances. 4 Cellulose is essential in improving body shape, reducing blood fat, and preventing the accumulation of fat that causes obesity. ...
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Objective: This study aimed to determine appropriate parameters for encapsulating pomelo peel essential oil (Citrus maxima) using the alginate/chitosan complex. Methods: The investigated parameters included the concentration of sodium alginate solution (2 ‒ 3.5% w/v based on the volume of mixture), the concentration of pomelo essential oil (20 ‒ 40% w/w based on dry matter of wall marerials), the concentration of Tween 80 (0 ‒ 20% w/w based on dry matter of wall marerials), the concentration of CaCl2 solution (0.5 ‒ 3.5% w/v based on the volume of mixture), time (10 min – 20 min) and speed of emulsion homogenization (489-4402 × g), the concentration of chitosan solution (0.5 ‒ 2% w/v based on the volume of mixture), and pH of chitosan solution (4 ‒ 6). Results: The results showed encapsulation yield (EY%) and encapsulation efficiency (EE%) of 91.64% and 85.18%, respectively, when using the concentration of sodium alginate solution as 3% (w/v based on the volume of mixture), the concentration of essential oil as 30% (w/w based on dry matter of wall marerials), the concentration of Tween 80 as 15% (w/w based on dry matter of wall marerials), the concentration of CaCl2 solution as 1.5% (w/v based on the volume of mixture), homogenization time as 10 min and homogenization speed as 4402 × g, the concentration of chitosan as 2% (w/v based on the volume of mixture) and pH of Chitosan solution as 5. Conclusion: The alginate/chitosan complex was proven effective in encapsulating pomelo essential oil (Citrus maxima) on a laboratory scale. The resulting encapsulated particles had a relatively uniform size and a high ability to retain essential oils in the core of the particles. Further studies should be conducted to elucidate the mechanism of the encapsulation process and to additionally evaluate the physical and chemical properties of the encapsulated particles.
... It is essential for diets to include iron rich foods such as meat, poultry and fish which have great bioactive iron needed for the metabolic activities of the body (Biesalski, 2013(Biesalski, , 2016. It is also reported that ascorbic acid rich foods enhance iron absorption in the body (Kennedy et al., 2003;Basrowi and Dilantika, 2021;Piskin et al., 2022). It is therefore good to diversify one's food intake to include fruits and vegetables that will enhance the absorption of iron for the metabolic activities of the body especially during menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding and the initial growth period of an individual. ...
... According to Ray W. et al (2021), vitamin C enhances iron absorption. Therefore, it is best to take vitamin C during meals along with iron containing food. ...
Book series on Medical Science gives the opportunity to students and doctors from all over the world to publish their research work in a set of Preclinical sciences, Internal medicine, Surgery and Public Health. This book series aim to inspire innovation and promote academic quality through outstanding publications of scientists and doctors. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to publish the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Medical Science. It also provides a remarkable opportunity for the academic, research and doctors communities to address new challenges and share solutions.
... Studies have primarily focused on the effect of vitamin C on ferrous sulfate absorption, especially in meals containing iron absorption inhibitors. (9). A study in Turkey by Aycicek et al. reported that after 45 days of therapy, the serum haemoglobin level was 12 ± 1.4 g/dL in the ferrous sulfate group and 11.6 ± 1.9 g/dL in the ferrous sulfate and vitamin C group. ...
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Iron deficiency is the single most common cause of anaemia worldwide. Treatment consists of improved nutrition and oral, intramuscular, or intravenous iron administration. Objective: To compare the outcome of monotherapy with ferrous sulphate and combination therapy with ferrous sulphate and vitamin C in children with iron deficiency anaemia. Methods: This randomised controlled trial was conducted in the Department of Pediatric Medicine, The Children's Hospital and The Institute of Child Health (CH&ICH), Multan, over six months from January 20, 2022, to July 20, 2023. A total of 166 children with iron deficiency anaemia were included in the study. Participants were randomly assigned to two groups: Group A received ferrous sulphate 5 mg/kg/day Fe²⁺ orally on an empty stomach plus vitamin C 6.3 mg/kg/day, while Group B received ferrous sulphate without additional vitamin C. Baseline and post-treatment measurements of haemoglobin, serum ferritin, and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) were taken. Data were analysed using SPSS-20, applying descriptive statistics and Student’s t-test for comparison, with a significance level set at p≤0.05. Results: Of the 166 children, 111 (66.9%) were male, and 55 (33.1%) were female. The mean age was 24.55 ± 16.23 months. Rural residents accounted for 67 (40.4%), and urban residents were 99 (59.6%). Socioeconomically, 100 (60.2%) were from poor backgrounds, and 66 (39.8%) were middle-income. Among the mothers, 81 (48.8%) were illiterate, and 85 (51.2%) were literate. Post-treatment mean haemoglobin levels increased from 11.95 ± 1.02 g/dL to 12.74 ± 0.83 g/dL, serum ferritin levels from 30.73 ± 4.29 ng/mL to 32.87 ± 4.80 ng/mL, and MCV from 70.36 ± 3.81 fL to 74.49 ± 3.59 fL. Conclusion: Combination therapy with ferrous sulphate and vitamin C in pediatric patients with iron deficiency anaemia is well-tolerated and results in significant clinical improvement with minimal adverse reactions. This approach should be considered to enhance clinical outcomes, reduce morbidity, improve quality of life, and decrease healthcare costs.
... To achieve the declared RDA, cereal grains must have an additional 40-60 mg kg − 1 of Fe and Zn and around 50-100 mg kg − 1 of AA [122]. The recommended molar ratio of AA to Fe in food was 2:1 [135]. However, increasing it to 4:1 ratio may be impractical for the cereal-based food due to instability of AA during cooking and processing and unwanted sensory changes [37]. ...
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The relationship between malnutrition and climate change is still poorly understood but a comprehensive knowledge of their interactions is needed to address the global public health agenda. Limited studies have been conducted to propose robust and economic-friendly strategies to augment the food basket with underutilized species and biofortify the staples for nutritional security. Sea-buckthorn is a known “superfood” rich in vitamin C and iron content. It is found naturally in northern hemispherical temperate Eurasia and can be utilized as a model species for genetic biofortification in cash crops like wheat. This review focuses on the impacts of climate change on inorganic (iron, zinc) and organic (vitamin C) micronutrient malnutrition employing wheat as highly domesticated crop and processed food commodity. As iron and zinc are particularly stored in the outer aleurone and endosperm layers, they are prone to processing losses. Moreover, only 5% Fe and 25% Zn are bioavailable once consumed calling to enhance the bioavailability of these micronutrients. Vitamin C converts non-available iron (Fe³⁺) to available form (Fe²⁺) and helps in the synthesis of ferritin while protecting it from degradation at the same time. Similarly, reduced phytic acid content also enhances its bioavailability. This relation urges scientists to look for a common mechanism and genes underlying biosynthesis of vitamin C and uptake of Fe/Zn to biofortify these micronutrients concurrently. The study proposes to scale up the biofortification breeding strategies by focusing on all dimensions i.e., increasing micronutrient content and boosters (vitamin C) and simultaneously reducing anti-nutritional compounds (phytic acid). Mutually, this review identified that genes from the Aldo-keto reductase family are involved both in Fe/Zn uptake and vitamin C biosynthesis and can potentially be targeted for genetic biofortification in crop plants.
... Reducing agents, such as ascorbic acid, citric acid, other organic acids, and amino acids (cysteine and histidine), may increase endogenous stomach acid production, thus stimulating iron absorption [84]. Dietary nutrients such as ascorbic acid and meat improve non-heme iron absorption [85]; polyphenols, calcium, and phytic acid hinder it [8]. The duodenum and upper jejunum are significant areas for intestinal iron absorption (90%), whereas the stomach accounts for < 2% of this process [8,86]. ...
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Background One-third of the world's population has anemia, contributing to higher morbidity and death and impaired neurological development. Conventional anemia treatment raises concerns about iron bioavailability and gastrointestinal (GI) adverse effects. This research aims to establish how iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) interact with probiotic cells and how they affect iron absorption, bioavailability, and microbiota variation. Methods Pointing to the study of the literature and developing a review and critical synthesis, a robust search methodology was utilized by the authors. The literature search was performed in the PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases. Information was collected between January 2017 and June 2022 using the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis) protocols for systematic reviews and meta-analyses. We identified 122 compatible research articles. Results The research profile of the selected scientific articles revealed the efficacy of IONPs treatment carried by probiotics versus conventional treatment. Therefore, the authors employed content assessment on four topics to synthesize previous studies. The key subjects of the reviewed reports are the characteristics of the IONPs synthesis method, the evaluation of cell absorption and cytotoxicity of IONPs, and the transport of IONPs with probiotics in treating anemia. Conclusions To ensure a sufficient iron level in the enterocyte, probiotics with the capacity to attach to the gut wall transport IONPs into the enterocyte, where the maghemite nanoparticles are released. Graphical Abstract
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Latar Belakang: Anemia merupakan salah satu permasalahan gizi di Indonesia. Perempuan yang berada dalam rentang usia 14-50 tahun memiliki risiko lebih tinggi mengalami anemia. Anemia defisiensi zat besi merupakan penyebab umum kejadian anemia. Defisiensi zat besi dapat berpengaruh pada otak sehingga dapat mengakibatkan terjadi gangguan regulasi tidur, perkembangan mental, kinerja motorik, kemampuan kognitif, hingga perilaku. Tujuan: mengetahui hubungan status anemia dengan kualitas tidur dan kemampuan kognitif pada remaja putri usia 12-24 tahun di Indonesia. Metode: Penelitian dengan desain penelitian cross sectional ini menggunakan data sekunder dari IFLS gelombang lima dengan subjek penelitian berjumlah 2016 orang remaja putri yang berusia 12-24 tahun. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah chi square Hasil: Diketahui bahwa prevalensi anemia pada remaja putri usia 12-24 tahun sebesar 39,93%. Di akhir penelitian, ditemukan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan antara status anemia terhadap kualitas tidur yang terdiri dari gangguan tidur (p=0,624) dan kualitas tidur (p=0,693) serta kemampuan kognitif (p=0,702). Kesimpulan: Status anemia tidak memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan kualitas tidur dan kemampuan kognitif.
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Iron is a fundamental element in human history, from the dawn of civilization to contemporary days. The ancients used the metal to shape tools, to forge weapons, and even as a dietary supplement. This last indication has been handed down until today, when martial therapy is considered fundamental to correct deficiency states of anemia. The improvement of the martial status is mainly targeted with dietary supplements that often couple diverse co-factors, but other methods are available, such as parenteral preparations, dietary interventions, or real-world approaches. The oral absorption of this metal occurs in the duodenum and is highly dependent upon its oxidation state, with many absorption influencers possibly interfering with the intestinal uptake. Bone marrow and spleen represent the initial and ultimate step of iron metabolism, respectively, and the most part of body iron circulates bound to specific proteins and mainly serves to synthesize hemoglobin for new red blood cells. Whatever the martial status is, today's knowledge about iron biochemistry allows us to embrace exceedingly personalized interventions, which however owe their success to the mythical and historical events that always accompanied this metal.
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Background A national health survey in Indonesia conducted in 2013 showed that the prevalence of anemia in school-aged children and adolescents tripled from a survey conducted in 2007. Children and adolescents are particularly susceptible to iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and iron deficiency (ID) because of their rapid growth and puberty. Teenage girls are at risk because of their menstrual bleeding. Low socioeconomic status in children and adolescents is also a strong risk factor for experiencing iron deficiency. Studies regarding the prevalence of ID and IDA in Indonesia still vary and are lacking. This study aims to describe the prevalence of anemia in children and adolescents with low socioeconomic conditions. Methods This is a cross-sectional study conducted at two schools in the suburbs of Jakarta on children and adolescents aged 6–18 years old. Personal data and laboratory identities (complete peripheral blood count, reticulocyte hemoglobin content, ferritin, transferrin saturation, and C-reactive protein) were collected to determine iron status. Analysis was performed using SPSS program version 22.0. Results The overall prevalence of anemia was 14.0%. The prevalence of IDA, ID without anemia, and iron depletion was 5.8%, 18.4%, and 4.3%, respectively. The prevalence of IDA, ID, and iron depletion was higher in females than in males. Conclusion The overall prevalence of anemia in children and adolescents is lower than the national data. Special consideration needs to be taken for the female population, who are more at risk of developing ID and IDA.
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More than 25% of the world’s population is affected by anemia, of which more than 50% suffers from iron deficiency anemia (IDA). Children below 7 years of age are the population group that is most vulnerable to iron deficiency. Iron is an essential element in brain metabolism. Iron deficiency can cause changes in neurotransmitter homeostasis, decrease myelin production, impair synaptogenesis, and decline the function of the basal ganglia. Therefore, IDA adversely affects cognitive functions and psychomotor development. Research has shown that iron deficiency is a frequent comorbidity in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder. Iron deficiency may also induce or exacerbate deficiency of other essential nutrients, which may have a negative impact on the developing brain and other organs in infants. Many nations of the world have programs to control IDA based on the use of iron supplementation, intake of fortified food and drinks, improved food safety, and monitoring of dietary diversity. Based on the current recommendations of the World Health Organization on cost-effectiveness (WHO-CHOICE), iron fortification and iron supplementation programs can be considered cost-effective or even highly cost-effective in most countries of the world to averting cognitive impairment.
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Iron is an essential element for numerous fundamental biologic processes, but excess iron is toxic. Abnormalities in systemic iron balance are common in patients with chronic kidney disease and iron administration is a mainstay of anemia management in many patients. This review provides an overview of the essential role of iron in biology, the regulation of systemic and cellular iron homeostasis, how imbalances in iron homeostasis contribute to disease, and the implications for chronic kidney disease patients.
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Iron deficiency (ID) is the most common micronutrient deficiency worldwide and young children are a special risk group because their rapid growth leads to high iron requirements. Risk factors associated with a higher prevalence of ID anemia (IDA) include low birth weight, high cow's-milk intake, low intake of iron-rich complementary foods, low socioeconomic status, and immigrant status. The aim of this position paper was to review the field and provide recommendations regarding iron requirements in infants and toddlers, including those of moderately or marginally low birth weight. There is no evidence that iron supplementation of pregnant women improves iron status in their offspring in a European setting. Delayed cord clamping reduces the risk of ID. There is insufficient evidence to support general iron supplementation of healthy European infants and toddlers of normal birth weight. Formula-fed infants up to 6 months of age should receive iron-fortified infant formula, with an iron content of 4 to 8 mg/L (0.6-1.2 mg(-1) · kg(-1) · day(-1)). Marginally low-birth-weight infants (2000-2500 g) should receive iron supplements of 1-2 mg(-1) · kg(-1) · day(-1). Follow-on formulas should be iron-fortified; however, there is not enough evidence to determine the optimal iron concentration in follow-on formula. From the age of 6 months, all infants and toddlers should receive iron-rich (complementary) foods, including meat products and/or iron-fortified foods. Unmodified cow's milk should not be fed as the main milk drink to infants before the age of 12 months and intake should be limited to <500 mL/day in toddlers. It is important to ensure that this dietary advice reaches high-risk groups such as socioeconomically disadvantaged families and immigrant families.
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Iron absorption from various cereal grains was evaluated in the present study to identify possible preferences for the preparation of infant weaning foods. In six separate studies, four radioiron absorption tests were performed in each of 57 volunteer subjects by using a sequential double-isotopic method. Serum ferritin concentration was used to adjust for the effect of differences in the iron status of subjects participating in separate studies. Identical commercial processing and test meal composition were used to evaluate iron absorption from 50 g cooked cereal prepared from rice, wheat, maize, oats, millet, and sweet or bitter quinoa. In an initial evaluation of cereals fortified with 2.5 mg Fe as FeSO4, geometric mean absorption values were uniformly < 1% for all cereals and were not significantly different. In subsequent studies, percentage iron absorption was enhanced by either eliminating the fortifying iron or adding 50 mg ascorbic acid to the test meal. The effect was similar for most of the cereals tested with a composite mean increase in absorption of 37% when fortifying iron was removed and 270% when ascorbic acid was added. There was a strong inverse correlation between iron absorption and the phytate content of different cereals. Except for a modestly lower absorption of iron from quinoa and a remarkably higher absorption from one lot of maize, we conclude that the type of cereal grain has little influence on iron bioavailability of infant cereals. On the other hand, modification in the milling and processing methods for cereal grains that reduce their content of phytic acid is likely to improve iron availability significantly.
Iron is required for appropriate behavioral organization. Iron deficiency results in poor brain myelination and impaired monoamine metabolism. Glutamate and GABA homeostasis is modified by changes in brain iron status. Such changes not only produce deficits in memory/learning capacity and motor skills, but also emotional and psychological problems. An accumulating body of evidence indicates that both energy metabolism and neurotransmitter homeostasis influence emotional behavior, and both functions are influenced by brain iron status. Like other neurobehavioral aspects, the influence of iron metabolism on mechanisms of emotional behavior are multifactorial: brain region-specific control of behavior, regulation of neurotransmitters and associated proteins, temporal and regional differences in iron requirements, oxidative stress responses to excess iron, sex differences in metabolism, and interactions between iron and other metals. To better understand the role that brain iron plays in emotional behavior and mental health, this review discusses the pathologies associated with anxiety and other emotional disorders with respect to body iron status.
Intestinal iron absorption is a critical process for maintaining body iron levels within the optimal physiological range. Iron in the diet is found in a wide variety of forms, but the absorption of non-heme iron is best understood. Most of this iron is moved across the enterocyte brush border membrane by the iron transporter divalent metal-ion transporter 1, a process enhanced by the prior reduction of the iron by duodenal cytochrome B and possibly other reductases. Enterocyte iron is exported to the blood via ferroportin 1 on the basolateral membrane. This transporter acts in partnership with the ferroxidase hephaestin that oxidizes exported ferrous iron to facilitate its binding to plasma transferrin. Iron absorption is controlled by a complex network of systemic and local influences. The liver-derived peptide hepcidin binds to ferroportin, leading to its internalization and a reduction in absorption. Hepcidin expression in turn responds to body iron demands and the BMP-SMAD signaling pathway plays a key role in this process. The levels of iron and oxygen in the enterocyte also exert important influences on iron absorption. Disturbances in the regulation of iron absorption are responsible for both iron loading and iron deficiency disorders in humans.
Iron differs from other minerals because iron balance in the human body is regulated by absorption only because there is no physiologic mechanism for excretion. On the basis of intake data and isotope studies, iron bioavailability has been estimated to be in the range of 14-18% for mixed diets and 5-12% for vegetarian diets in subjects with no iron stores, and these values have been used to generate dietary reference values for all population groups. Dietary factors that influence iron absorption, such as phytate, polyphenols, calcium, ascorbic acid, and muscle tissue, have been shown repeatedly to influence iron absorption in single-meal isotope studies, whereas in multimeal studies with a varied diet and multiple inhibitors and enhancers, the effect of single components has been, as expected, more modest. The importance of fortification iron and food additives such as erythorbic acid on iron bioavailability from a mixed diet needs clarification. The influence of vitamin A, carotenoids, and nondigestible carbohydrates on iron absorption and the nature of the "meat factor" remain unresolved. The iron status of the individual and other host factors, such as obesity, play a key role in iron bioavailability, and iron status generally has a greater effect than diet composition. It would therefore be timely to develop a range of iron bioavailability factors based not only on diet composition but also on subject characteristics, such as iron status and prevalence of obesity.