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European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 07, Issue 11, 2020
Use Of Technology In English Literature
Harikumar Pallathadka
Manipur International University, Imphal, Manipur, India
Digital technology marks a decisive move forward in modern English. Technology
facilitates teaching languages and studying languages. By enhancing the learning process,
technology allows teachers to develop their teaching. The technique continues to grow to
make it easier for teachers to learn a language for students. Teachers prefer software
teaching systems that can improve students' positive engagement with teachers and
encourage the learning of the entire English language. Most modern English teachers now
firmly support several techniques to promote optimal education. The present study explores
various aspects of English teaching technology by developing groundbreaking abstracts
that take advantage of the latest developments in science and technology and provide
technology to education providers to deliver subjects efficient and quality. A literature
review, a linguistic and traditional description of the technology, and a complete
relationship with existing teaching skills have been performed for this study. Thus, the
researcher describes the fundamental science issue and explains the importance and
implications of research objectives and hypotheses. The article concludes with a series of
recommendations to improve the teaching practices of emerging technology by promoting
widespread use.
Keywords: English language, technology, learning, and optimal education
New technology, software, materials, instruments, systems, and techniques lead to the desired
goals of English teaching. Technology is now an essential part of education and learning,
particularly in French, since it offers many ways to improve the quality and training of
traditional language education. The primary goal is to describe and consider the problem
material for students and/or teachers [1]. The use of advanced systems and devices and new
educational systems and technologies that improve and complete the advancement of learning
are included knowledge about modern technology. Students will develop language skills and
refine them according to established pedagogical theories using professional learning
opportunities. The use of English technology enhances the integrated approach to the digital
media framework and other elements that help students obtain the necessary results. Because
of the unparalleled advances in a wide variety of fields, the application of digital technology
has become essential to education. To enhance language education, the education industry
needs to proceed in line with worldwide technological change, allowing teachers to make
systematic and advanced links to language teachers through state-of-the-art technology such
as computers, multimedia, cellular mobile, audiovisual, and social media applications. The
web provides free access to English language learning, software, applications, and channels
and materials effectively, instantly, and literally. Teachers play an essential role in
implementing various teaching strategies and techniques, as they are readily available. Also,
many of these programs are designed to facilitate efficient English training while at the same
time promoting English between students [1 & 2].
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 07, Issue 11, 2020
The technology of inside and outside is a crucial part of the process of learning. The everyday
use of technology is any language course. English and language teaching have been
supported by technology. The technology helps teachers build up their education strategies
and enhances the teaching process. Technology continues to evolve as a teaching instrument
that motivates students to learn languages. The key focus of this research is on the role of the
emerging technologies in English learning in a second language. Various attitudes were taken
towards developing technology-based learning skills. In this paper, the researcher described
technology and incorporation clarified using technology in language schools and reviewed
previous studies on technology to enhance language knowledge. The literary analysis
demonstrates that the use of modern technologies enhances the language skills of students.
English in a country such as India is used as a second language, and English in certain people
around the world is used as a first language. It's popular in town. The critical subject of the
curriculum in India is English more important than ever [3]. For the growing number of
English students, many teaching approaches have been used to control the progress of the
teaching process. In film, radio, and television, authentic materials have long been used.
These innovations have been substituted by actual conventional teaching.
New times have new challenges and responsibilities for today's teachers. With the remarkable
advent of technology, the English tradition has changed dramatically. Technology is such that
education is much more fruitful and teaching progresses. In the language and shift of society,
technology is a crucial factor. Graddol: Technology is the subject of the globalization process
and integrates education and culture back in 1997:16. Simple to use English since 1960.
Today's condition of the English language and its position in English, a social, political,
socio-cultural, business, educational, industrial, and media language, a library, and
transfrontier communications language [4].
1.1. Technology Used For Teaching English:
The extensive use of English ensures that students can learn the language. Teachers are
naturally using modern methods, but most are traditional teachers. Such forms are neither
harmful nor destructive. They have been accommodating until now. But students can develop
their trust and skill, especially for ESL students who learn more than just for fun. You must
enter the world of multimedia technology to keep pace and be more excited about ELT [5].
1.2. Purpose Of The Study:
During the current education debate, as research indicates that each degree is poorly
conducted, English learning was one of the main issues [6]. Technology has entered the field
of education through the full use of technology. Due to improved learning outcomes,
especially in traditional teaching, technology and/or media education became dramatically
common as today's and future curricula integrate technology. There are some concerns about
obsolete teaching methods:
1. For traditional approaches, precise tests, boxes, and textbooks can be used. Therefore,
the teacher only sends the information without taking good or negative results into
2. Traditional methods are based on simplified techniques that fail to satisfy objective or
essential criteria for learning. As pedagogues, their ultimate aim is to repeat data
without understanding it.
3. Students rely on their pictures and sounds, unlike the presence and conversation of
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 07, Issue 11, 2020
4. The learners are considered to be polite, driving, or loving. There is a greater chance
of early English learning compared to current technical teaching methods with various
By introducing several fresh ideas to English teaching and trying to solve the problem
resulting from previous issues, the research strengthened the roots of this report [6 & 7].
1.3. Growth Of English Language Teaching Through Technology:
The 21st century is a time of globalization, and it is essential to learn numerous foreign
languages. English has been with us for many years and continues to grow in popularity
thanks to the Internet. The Graddol study (2000) shows that the number of English students
was around a billion in 2000, but it doubled a decade later. The prediction shows that English
peaked in 2010 in education. More than 80 percent of the data saved on the site are in
English, the same research reveals. Today ELT has become a significant feature of its
diversity in learners, age, ethnicity, learning history, etc. There are more non-native people
than indigenous people. The new English model of learning is a favorite medium to update
and exploring the new era of multimedia education and audio, visual and animated effects,
emerging and expanding with the rapid growth of science and technology.
English language teaching was an important task. Multimedia technology has shown a
positive role in encouraging student events, projects, and teaching in the English classroom.
Progress in technology is part of English development and improves our form of
communication. The growth of the Internet is relatively indicative of the increase in English,
and computers are no longer limited to a few but can be utilized by many at a time.
Therefore, the literature on the use of technology in English has led to a considerable
evolution. Most of these texts unambiguously involve technology as the critical component of
teaching. In some ways, it was stressed that th e potential role of technology in pedagogy is
ignored by technology in the human aspect. And if we ignore or neglect technological
advancement and maybe never can catch up, irrespective of our expertise or branch.
Language teachers must also understand and know what is available in each given case, the
latest and best equipment. Teachers will provide more lively and engaging lectures using
interactive technology (new Horizons). In different degrees of language analysis, there are
several methods. Some help people learn English, listen, hear and read English, while others
help business people. The instruction philosophy needs to be appreciating the latest
technologies and not putting the instructor in machines or restricting roles in areas and
functions that are decidedly fresh and functional where traditional means are superior. Both
language experts and teachers must consider the use of modern technologies for different
purposes. In this regard, we should also emphasize that innovations are growing and
spreading so fast that they cannot be stopped in any way [8 & 9].
1.4. Past Study On The Advantages Of Language Technology:
Some experiments have been performed on the effects of the English review. Hennessy
shares IT as a catalyst to encourage teachers and students' new approach (2005). Researchers
wanted the critical thinking and actions of teachers to be encouraged. CALL changes the
students' attitudes and creates trust (Lee, 2001). In education and learning, ICTs have many
benefits. ICTs were taken into account [10 & 11]. More data is the main concern of the
students. More autonomous students will meet the following talks. Finally, the students
employ modern language and materials (Costley, 2014; Tutkun, 2011). Work has modified
the application of technology. The learning techniques did not change.
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 07, Issue 11, 2020
Teachers can support and learn directly, and teachers will use this to enhance training
(Riasati, Allahyar, & Tan, 2012). Technology boosts team learning, said Gillespie (2006). To
capture and exchange information, software and photographs can be used. Warsaw has
observed two separate approaches to technology integration (2000a). In the first place,
students will significantly improve their language skills and learn their cognitive approach.
Secondly, the student needs to adapt fundamental skills to natural social environments using a
social approach [12 & 13]. True student activities will do this. Eaton (2010) has suggested the
use of computer-based language learning. Software dialogue, rather than personal touch, is
fairer. Zhao (2013) endorsed that language learning efficiency requires access to authentic
content in the target language. According to Rodinadze and Zarbazoia, the technology
enables students and teachers to view the course materials easily [14]. Technical creativity
plays a vital role in preparing students for jobs in any part of the world. Technology allows
students to learn and serves as a valid instrument for learning. In Baytak, Tarman, and Ayas,
technology played a key role (2011). The results represented technology's use in the
classroom and learning growth. Students have recorded the exciting and increased use of
technology in classrooms [15]. The student established interactivity, fun, and technical
interest. The second result was improved student involvement, social awareness, skills, and
interest in technology [16 & 17].
Erban, al. (2009). The technical aspect of learning has always been significant. It is an
essential element of learning which makes learning easier for students. The term "integration"
is used when describing education and learning technology. It's time to focus on the notion of
technological convergence in our daily lives. Teacher learning from beginning to end is a
critical component of technology. For teachers, this is a considerable challenge.
Arifah, A. (2014). The creation of computer-based knowledge and know-how provides
justice in any context. Born into a rich technology world, students can't be skilled users of
technology. Moreover, technical access alone is inadequate. All students need substantial
professional knowledge to maximize their learning. This paper answers a variety of essential
questions relevant to the technical use of English learning. This involves technology,
technology usage in classrooms, enhancing English students' skills, and professional
instruction by prior exams in technology.
Gençlter, B. (2015). Many scientists have referred to technology. In particular, ISMAN notes
that knowledge is used in a specific field and a system for handling particular tools,
techniques, or skills. The technology operates, and computer hardware and facilities are often
connected in an organized way to other personalities.
Godzicki, L. (2013). Teachers and students in their classrooms can learn more by using
information technology. IT helps teachers meet the educational needs of their students.
Teachers and students can use local and global IT communities to build their expertise. You
continued that IT isn't always working; it's how professional it depends.
Chapelle, C. (1998). Besides learning technology, basic changes have been made in schools
as the crawling and speech systems are not enough to teach English effectively. Report that
students can learn to use the classroom effectively. Better professional training is more
effective than schooling. Teachers must seek ways for their students to use technology
without an M.A. or using technology as a computer expert as a valuable learning tool for
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 07, Issue 11, 2020
Brown, H.D. (2001). The use of technology has improved English learning methods greatly.
The learning process is improved, included, and benefited by so many choices. The teacher
stands in conventional classrooms in natural with a blackboard or whiteboard teaching,
explanation, and teaching. It is important to adjust this approach to construct technology.
Language and vocabulary are familiar to students by the use of multimedia texts in class.
Multimedia applications also improve students' language skills using text in print, film, and
the Internet. Paper, video and internet application allows students to gather and explore
various languages and contexts.
Pourhossein Gilakjani, A. (2017). The technology has been maintained in developing an
environment focused on learners, not an instructor who can make significant changes in turn.
They learned that language schools are a working place, full of practical tasks for the students
to learn and use computer technology. They argue that the use of computer technology is an
authentic experience of learning that strengthens the responsibilities of learners. Technology
helps students understand and make them more transparent. The autonomous use of
technology gives students mobility. The Internet is increasing the interest of students. Using
film in education allows students to understand and improve their subject matter
enthusiastically. Learners may use technology meaningfully by computer and the Internet in
their learning processes. It enables students to acquire higher-quality skills if they are
concerned with technology. The actual combination of multimedia and teaching methods
should be stressed in English.
Beatty, K. (2003). Some studies on the effects of studying English with technology have
been performed. Hennessy pointed out that ICTs are being used in encouraging teachers and
students to new ways of functioning. Researchers agreed that teachers would empower their
students in their autonomy to act and think independently. The use of CALL reinforces the
awareness and self-assurance of students.
Sabzian, F. et al. (2013). This has played a role in the advancement of language learning.
The studies have shown that the incorporation of technology into the classroom has enhanced
learning. Learners have stated that the use of technology is exciting and enriching in
classrooms. The app makes learning immersive and exciting, learner said. The second
outcome of the research was to increase student involvement, social experience, knowledge,
and technology engagement.
Aydin, S. (2013). Computer-based instruction was emphasized as an actual learning
experience to affirm the obligation of the learner. Internet and e-mail users have said that
learning based on learners is urgently needed. Warschauer noted that students should improve
their language skills and create their own. Applied social experiences are structured to make
everyday life possible for students. This is achieved by engaging with students in real life.
Alsaleem (2014) for students who use WhatsApp software, vocabulary, and terms of choice,
English dialogue books. The research shows that based on vocabulary, grammar, and
vocabulary and language alternatives, the teacher's abilities are improved. The motivation and
engagement of the students in the course have been investigated. Study findings also suggest
that when technology is used as a tool in classroom education, students are more likely to be
interested in a classroom. The usability and promotion of technology have grown.
Peregoy et al. (2012) conduct a technical analysis to boost students' abilities in reading and
writing. This research shows that technology tools increase the capacity of students to read
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 07, Issue 11, 2020
and write since it is easier to use. Other research results suggest that the use of technical
resources is superior to conventional methods, provided that the Internet makes learning more
accessible and provides students with new access.
2.1. Statements Of Problem:
The research is intended to improve awareness in many main areas. Second, it identifies
obstacles to conventional training that hinder or inhibit efficient language learning processes,
such that a range of solutions can be built utilizing technical approaches to improve them
[18]. The paper analyses the complexities of the difficulties of teachers using advanced
technology and decides whether more IT skills are required. For prospective researchers in
this area and environment, the following details may be used as a guide and an overview of
the education and education sectors of all modern society's infrastructure. In every field o f
contemporary life, technology has become predominant [19]. Although this worldwide
pattern should not atomize the education process, the research considers the impact of recent
teaching technology rather than conventional approaches that could lead to passive and
repetitive learners. The study shows that the adoption of new technologies helps promote
learning changes and improves learners' ability to speak, read and write with all their
language skills [20]. The study proposes practical solutions to key educational actors and
governmental governments for teachers and students, using new technology in English
teaching [21 & 22].
2.2. Research objectives
The object of the review is:
1. To increase productive English learning, potential alternatives and/or resources for
teachers and students for traditional teaching.
2. To meet the growing needs, appropriate IT training for English teachers is required.
3. The magnitude of the technological contribution towards the development of the
English method.
4. A variety of methods to solve the challenges currently faced by teachers and students
in new teaching technologies.
2.2. Hypothesis of research work
H0: Statistical differences in English-language teaching between traditional and modern
H1: Statistical measures indicate the degree of English student assimilation.
H2: The effectiveness of teachers concerning the use of emerging technologies in language
courses is statistically significant.
The researchers took every approach:
Researchers used overview methods and experimental monitoring to evaluate research
problems systematically and to provide suitable solutions.
They were improving a long-term and spatial evaluation of the impacts of the current
and future trends led to the creation of historical approaches to understanding the
critical research problem and emerging problems and their causes. Effective methods
for gathering, studying, and comparing secondary data were developed and
implemented by special articles, journals, and previous studies [23].
Researchers also performed experiments to correct one variable to study the effect of
changes on the research problem. The thesis has many factors in its influence on
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 07, Issue 11, 2020
research methods in laboratories, such as analyzing the impact of English learning
technologies and the technique of non-laboratory testing employed by a trans-border
student group [24].
3.1. Technical Terminology
1. Modern terminology: Conceived and developed with the latest ideas and methods.
2. Used Technology: Methods, methods, and instruments used for practical purposes as
a product of scientific experience.
3. Teaching profession: Concert exchange of professional skills and experience,
typically grouped into a discipline: stimulating other person's psychological artifacts
and intellectual development.
3.2. Suggestions for efficient technical integration
The researchers will give the students suggestions to develop their language skills using
technology in the following segment [25 & 26]:
1. Teachers should follow integration plans and acquisition decisions technology policy.
2. The technical advantages of teacher advancement remain uncertain to ensure that
teachers learn and improve attitudes.
3. The technology approach needs to be closely matched with curricula. Teachers should
accept the most powerful teaching technology.
4. A significant part of the student-to-student learning process is computer science.
5. Language educators must use technology to encourage language skills as a matter of
6. Universities should accept technology as an essential aspect of education and
7. Technology experts may assist teachers who teach English.
8. Teachers should use computer technology as a model for their students.
9. Teachers should build materials for learning that are technology-integrated. These
materials concentrate not only on technological problems but also on education and
learning [27].
10. Instead of students, educators should find ways of helping them learn technology.
11. Teachers should view the role of their students as guides and educators.
12. Teachers should be provided with appropriate tools and technical assistance to
facilitate the implementation of technology [28].
13. Teachers should be practicing how to use and instruct correctly. It would have to be
14. Teachers should ask their colleagues to assist them through technology to improve
their education [29].
15. Technology is an efficient means of improving the language abilities of students.
16. Teachers can encourage their students to improve their language ab ilities through
technology [30].
The studies indicate that conventional approaches to English teaching are inadequate. The
findings suggest that between 65 and 85% of pupils are dissatisfied with traditional methods,
and 80 to 90% of pupils are unhappy. More than 95% of students are instead more optimistic
and are committed to using immersive English absorption technologies. Statistical data show
a high proportion of English students who use modern technologies rather than conventional
teaching methods such as intelligent panels, computers, and displays [31 & 32]. Random
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 07, Issue 11, 2020
student sample figures show that some students and even other volunteers outside of the
students' perimeter of participation are investigated in both the findings of the student
performance assessments, like private schools not covering state-of-the-art public schools and
technically advanced technologies. Besides, in this study, compared with traditional
education, the perception of teachers and teachers in the classroom changed dramatically
using modern teaching methods, as their meetings with teachers using digital media are more
than 95%.
While the diversity and use of appropriate technology have remained visibly limited in
education and English in general, new technologies in all facets of modern life are becoming
ever more ubiquitous. Therefore recent studies have generated minor student achievement,
compounded by the continuing prevalence of conventional teaching policies, poor use of
technology in education. Since English has become a significant industry, business,
education, engineering, medicine, media, and almost all fields, few Saudi schools regularly
use technology or the Internet. Real technology provides many ways to improve teachers'
effectiveness, methodology, and interest. Besides, the students were more proactive and able
to learn by English studies using technical instruments according to their vital interests and
In summary, although conventional teaching techniques are modernized, they must be
discarded and replaced by more and more obsolete ap