Conference Paper

Complexity and Interaction in Collaborative Relationships: the Role of Keystones in both Networks and the Organisational Environment

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In this work, Keystones’ role in complex business ecosystems are investigated to show their impact on company strategic decision making and on system developments. Building on complexity theory, network and business ecosystem theory, this paper contributes to the understanding of the behavior of a single actor in the system. The Keystone is investigated by a qualitative case study approach, conducted through a multiple case study analysis. In a new research approach, Keystone behavior is outlined in order to understand its strategy and how it maintains business ecosystem stability. Results confirm that Keystones maintain an important role for the system. The results highlight in a new way that the Keystone influences its environment by certain strategic actions that are aligned between the company and the individual following an open or collaborative strategy to reach their own strategic aims in the system. This work offers a new detailed understanding of Keystone strategy.

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... Capabilities are shaped by certain strategic actions therefore actions of managers in the organisation as well as strategic action of the company are essential to enable strategy making (Tidström and Rajala, 2016;Eisenhardt and Santos, 2000;Jarzabkowski, 2002;Spee, 2009, De Wit andMeyer, 2010). Individual action of managers within their organisation can greatly influence the execution if strategy in the company environment of collaborative relationships (Wulf, 2021). ...
... The action of the agents in the system is again influenced to a great extend by agents characteristics (Wulf, 2021). ...
... Business ecosystem theory already gives a first insight on how certain agents act in collaborative relationships (Williamson and DeMeyer, 2012;Heikkilä and Kuivaniemi, 2012;Wulf, 2017;Wulf, 2019;Wulf, 2021;Rong and Shi, 2015) and try to influence their environment (Rong et al., 2010;Adner, Oxley and Silverman, 2013). They are single components in a bigger system (Butel, 2014). ...
Conference Paper
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In this work, Keystones and Niche players in collaborative relationships are investigated to get a deeper understanding of their characteristics and strategic actions. Business ecosystem theory is used to outline first characteristic encountered in research. Building on that, further characteristics as well as actions leading to strategic action in the network or business ecosystem are researched and outlined. Keystones and Niche players are investigated by a qualitative case study approach in order to further explore their characteristics and actions. Besides having used a multiple case study analysis a multilevel analysis of different agents in the system has been conducted. This ensures a triangulation of the extracted findings. Results show that Keystone and Niche player characteristics and actions can are very complex and aligned to each other and other agents of the system. Research outcome highlights that Keystones and Niche player not only align their strategic action to the environment and use their specific characteristics to do so, they also influence their environment. This is possible due to the alignment of action between the company and the individual acting in the collaborative relationship by following an open or collaborative strategy.
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