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The impact of translation modality on user experience: an eye-tracking study of the Microsoft Word user interface


Abstract and Figures

This paper presents results of the effect of different translation modalities on users when working with the Microsoft Word user interface. An experimental study was set up with 84 Japanese, German, Spanish, and English native speakers working with Microsoft Word in three modalities: the published translated version, a machine translated (MT) version (with unedited MT strings incorporated into the MS Word interface) and the published English version. An eye-tracker measured the cognitive load and usability according to the ISO/TR 16982 guidelines: i.e., effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction followed by retrospective think-aloud protocol. The results show that the users’ effectiveness (number of tasks completed) does not significantly differ due to the translation modality. However, their efficiency (time for task completion) and self-reported satisfaction are significantly higher when working with the released product as opposed to the unedited MT version, especially when participants are less experienced. The eye-tracking results show that users experience a higher cognitive load when working with MT and with the human-translated versions as opposed to the English original. The results suggest that language and translation modality play a significant role in the usability of software products whether users complete the given tasks or not and even if they are unaware that MT was used to translate the interface.
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Machine Translation (2021) 35:205–237
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The impact oftranslation modality onuser experience:
aneye‑tracking study oftheMicrosoft Word user interface
AnaGuerberofArenas1,2 · JossMoorkens3· SharonO’Brien3
Received: 13 June 2020 / Accepted: 23 May 2021 / Published online: 22 June 2021
© Crown 2021
This paper presents results of the effect of different translation modalities on users
when working with the Microsoft Word user interface. An experimental study was
set up with 84 Japanese, German, Spanish, and English native speakers working
with Microsoft Word in three modalities: the published translated version, a machine
translated (MT) version (with unedited MT strings incorporated into the MS Word
interface) and the published English version. An eye-tracker measured the cognitive
load and usability according to the ISO/TR 16982 guidelines: i.e., effectiveness, effi-
ciency, and satisfaction followed by retrospective think-aloud protocol. The results
show that the users’ effectiveness (number of tasks completed) does not significantly
differ due to the translation modality. However, their efficiency (time for task com-
pletion) and self-reported satisfaction are significantly higher when working with
the released product as opposed to the unedited MT version, especially when par-
ticipants are less experienced. The eye-tracking results show that users experience
a higher cognitive load when working with MT and with the human-translated ver-
sions as opposed to the English original. The results suggest that language and trans-
lation modality play a significant role in the usability of software products whether
users complete the given tasks or not and even if they are unaware that MT was used
to translate the interface.
Keywords Usability· Machine translation· Human translation· Eye-tracking·
Human–computer interaction
* Ana Guerberof Arenas
Joss Moorkens
Sharon O’Brien
1 Centre forTranslation Studies, University ofSurrey, Guildford, UK
2 Centre forLanguage and Cognition, University ofGroningen, Groningen, TheNetherlands
3 School ofApplied Language andIntercultural Studies, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
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A.Guerberof Arenas et al.
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1 Introduction
The software and localization industries face long-term business challenges.
According to Statista,1 global software market revenue is projected to be 466.8 bil-
lion US dollarsfor 2019, rising to 507.2 billion US dollars for 2021 and according
to Nimdzi’s Software Localization Report,2 the software sector has a growth rate
of 8.3% and is the fastest-growing sector in the global IT industry. Consequently,
there is an increase in the volume of software to localize and this software needs to
run on several platforms and be delivered to the user via a rapid, agile development
cycle, with daily, weekly, and quarterly updates and releases. The market size of the
global language services industry is projected to reach 51.8 billion US dollars in
2021.3 In parallel, there are continuous advances in machine translation (MT) tech-
nology (Vaswani etal. 2017), and full implementations of MT solutions in the trans-
lation workflow.4 It is, therefore, only logical to examine how the use of translation
technology in the localization of software products impacts the user experience and,
hence, the commercial viability of a product.
Large software corporations have implemented MT and post-editing (PE) cycles
as part of their localization processes for some time now (e.g. Microsoft, Google
and Amazon). As MT technology advances, raw, unedited MT is applied to certain
components of the user interface to speed-release to markets with lower translation
costs (Schmidtke and Groves 2019). However, it is widely accepted that raw MT
contains errors and so, where it is employed, we need to understand how linguistic
quality impacts the user experience.
To answer this question, results are presented here from a usability experiment
involving Japanese, German, Spanish and English native speakers using the applica-
tion Microsoft Word while being recorded via an eye-tracker.
2 Related work
MT and PE have been implemented in some large organizations since the 1980s (the
European Commission and the Pan American Health Organization, for example);
however, it is only in the last fifteen years that large corporations have included MT
in their standard localization workflows (Plitt and Masselot 2010; Schmidtke 2016).
According to the 2019 Language Industry Survey by the EUATC (European Asso-
ciation of Translation Companies),5 companies and individual professionals want to
increase the use of MT and this technology and associated automated workflows are
a clear priority for larger companies.
1 https:// www. stati sta. com/ forec asts/ 963597/ softw are- reven ue- in- the- world.
2 https:// www. nimdzi. com/ softw are- local izati on- verti cal- report- full- report.
3 https:// www. stati sta. com/ stati stics/ 257656/ size- of- the- global- langu age- servi ces- market/.
4 https:// euatc. org/ wp- conte nt/ uploa ds/ 2019/ 11/ 2019- Langu age- Indus try- Survey- Report. pdf.
5 https:// euatc. org/ wp- conte nt/ uploa ds/ 2019/ 11/ 2019- Langu age- Indus try- Survey- Report. pdf.
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The impact oftranslation modality onuser experience: an…
In reaction to early commercial implementations of MT there was an increase
in translation and localization research to find out more about translator interaction
with MT in PE (see seminal work from O’Brien 2006; De Almeida and O’Brien
2010; Guerberof 2012; Moorkens etal. 2015). In these studies, the benefits of using
MT to increase productivity while not adversely affecting the final quality of the
product were established depending on certain constraints such as, logically, the
quality of the raw MT output. However, less attention has been paid to the end-user
reception of products translated using MT. The reception of MT output by transla-
torshas generally been the focus of empirical studies rather than byend users, and
although translators are also a type of user, the commercial user might not necessar-
ily be concerned with the same linguistic aspects as translators.
Some research has tried to fill this gap by analysing the usability of MT in differ-
ent contexts. Experiments have been designed to ascertain whether users understood
instructions translated using MT in comparison to those using either the original or
post-edited text (Doherty and O’Brien 2012, 2014; Castilho etal. 2014; O’Brien and
Castilho 2016). The results show that usability increases when users read either the
original text or text that has been post-edited, even with minimal changes (known as
light post-editing), when compared to raw MT output. However, users could com-
plete most tasks using the latter, even if this activity took longer or if the experience
was less satisfactory. Results, however, were not equal for all languages tested.6
Bowker (2015) studied the difference in user experience when reading text on
websites with translatability rules applied (a set of guidelines applied to the source
to improve MT). She found that the user experience of source-language readers is
less satisfactory when these rules are applied, while that of the target-language read-
ers (Spanish, in this case) improves. As a follow up to this research, Bowker and
Buitrago Ciro (2018) replicated this experiment with more participants (Spanish,
French Canadian, and Italian) and reported similar findings. When the text was post-
edited, however, readers preferred the texts that had been translated without translat-
ability rules applied to the source.
The most extensive research to date on measuring acceptability of machine-trans-
lated enterprise content by users was carried out by Castilho as part of her doc-
toral thesis (2016). In this work, Castilho shows that the level of quality produced
through PE has a significant effect on usability for German, Chinese and Japanese
users of enterprise content. She also highlights, however, that the raw MT versions
were usable, and participants were still able to perform the assigned tasks with these
instructions. Because of its relevant content (a Microsoft application) and design,
the research described in this paper draws heavily on Castilho’s work.
Castilho and Guerberof Arenas (2018) explored reading comprehension for Span-
ish and Chinese users when using statistical MT (SMT) and neural MT (NMT)
engines to translate an IELTS (International English Language Testing System) test.
The authors found that users completed more tasks in less time with a higher level of
satisfaction when using translations from the NMT system.
6 This is unsurprising since MT engines produce variable quality for different languages.
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A.Guerberof Arenas et al.
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Using a questionnaire, Van Egdom and Pluymaekers (2019) examined how dif-
ferent degrees of MT post-editing (minimal, light, moderate, and full) impacted the
user who read two different types of texts (informative and instructive) that had been
post-edited. They concluded that different degrees of PE “make a difference” (idem.,
168). However, the distinctions between, for example, moderate and full PE was not
obvious to the users.
Screen (2019) looked at the English and Welsh language pair. He used an eye-
tracker to measure fixations while participants read a post-edited text and a text
produced without the aid of MT. After this task, the participants rated the texts
according to readability and comprehensibility. He found no statistically significant
differences between the two groups.
Other studies have tried to explore how the use of MT can improve or affect com-
munication in collaborative processes in multilingual groups. For example, Gao etal.
(2013) explore whether highlighting keywords (i.e. words or concepts that are impor-
tant) in bilingual communication (English and Chinese) using MT facilitates the com-
munication process. The researchers conclude that highlighting not only brings clarity
to the communication but also improves the impressions of the partner and the quality
of that collaboration. Further to this, Gao and his colleagues (2014)explore whether
consciously using MT in communication has an impact on collaboration between Eng-
lish and Chinese speakers, and they found that, if participants believe that MT was
involved, they were less likely to attribute poor communication issues to their partners.
Wang etal. (2013) analyse whether communication between English participants
and Chinese participants who have English as their second language could improve
by using MT in their native language. The findings suggest that MT helped the Chi-
nese participants to produce ideas in English, but both groups found the English
messages that were not mediated by MT to be more comprehensible.
Lim and Fussell (2017) analyse how people understand social posts in languages
they do not understand. They found that users not only rely on MT to understand
messages, but also on the context of the message by means of visual content (pic-
tures and emojis), contextual and cultural cues, and background knowledge, among
others. Further, when reading the MT content, they would focus on keywords to
make sense of the overall meaning of the post. They also report that MT could also
introduce confusion to the communication when a translation is wrong or obscure.
Pituxcoosuvarn etal. (2018) carry out an ethnographic study in a face to face
communication setting to see how children from a multilingual background (Japa-
nese, Khmer, Korean and English) use MT in a workshop to create an animation
using clay figures. They find that when the MT message is not understandable, the
children employed different strategies, for example: face to face communication in a
common language, drawing, gestures or face to face communication using an inter-
preter as mediator. They also observe that children did not always use MT to com-
municate; sometimes they resorted to common words between languages or even to
the use of objects.
None of the studies above focus on a comparison with an existing human transla-
tion. In many cases the language pairs are challenging for MT and often the MT is
not described in sufficient detail for the reader to know whether it was customized
for its communicative purpose. Studies tend to focus on the impact of using raw MT
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The impact oftranslation modality onuser experience: an…
in collaborative communication and how this might change the perception of the
partner and the technology used for this communication rather than on single users
working with an application, as in this project. However, they are relevant because
raw MT is used in the communication exchange and the studies explore how partici-
pants compensate in the communicative situationwhere MT fails, for example, by
using images or context to understand messages.
3 Methodology
A within-subject experiment was devised to gather enough target language (TL) data
for a statistical analysis to explore the topic of usability and translation modality. To
compare the user experience between the translations and the original source, we
also devised an in-between subject analysis between the source language (SL) and
TL participants. The following sections describe the methodology in more detail.
3.1 Research questions
As mentioned in the introduction, our overall question is What is the impact of
translation modality on the user experience? To answer this overarching question,
the following research questions were devised:
RQ1: Will users complete a significantly different number of successful tasks
depending on the translation modalities (EN, MT or HT)?
RQ2: Will there be significant differences in time in relation to the successful
tasks in the different translation modalities (EN, MT or HT)?
RQ3: Will the participants have significantly different satisfaction depending on
the translation modalities (EN, MT or HT)?
RQ4: Will participants expend significantly different amounts of cognitive effort
when performing the tasks in different translation modalities (EN, MT or
3.2 Measuring usability
Following previous studies on MT post-editing usability mentioned in this paper
(Doherty and O’Brien 2012, 2014; Castilho etal. 2014; Castilho 2016), usability
was defined as per the ISO/TR 16982 guidelines: “the extent to which a product can
be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency,
and satisfaction in a specified content of use” (ISO 2002).7
Effectiveness was measured through task completion. Users were presented
with 6 tasks to complete through interaction with different components of the user
7 International Organization for Standardization. 2002. ISO/TR 16,982: Ergonomics of human-system
interaction – Usability methods supporting human centered design. Available on-line http:// www. iso. org/
iso/ iso_ catal ogue/ catal ogue_ tc/ catal ogue_ detail. htm? csnum ber= 31176 (last accessed December 16th
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interface. The more tasks the user completed following specific instructions, the
higher the effectiveness percentage was (from 0 to 100%). The difficulty of the task
was not given a weight because the intention was to understand the language impact
rather than the usability of a feature, so absolute numbers were used. Moreover, the
same number of users were exposed to the same number of tasks within the same
translation modality to counterbalance the difficulty against the experience of cer-
tain users when working on certain tasks. The formula used followed the work by
Doherty and O’Brien (2012, 2014):
Efficiency was measured by considering the tasks that were completed in relation
to the time it took to complete those tasks. If less time was invested to complete a
task, then the efficiency score was higher, and vice versa. We are aware that this
formula includes Effectiveness, but we wanted to consider not only the time it took
to complete the task, but also the number of successful tasks. Any Efficiency for-
mula that looks to consider these two variables will give a number that might not
be meaningful on its own but is if used to compare the translation modalities. The
formula used follows that in Doherty and O’Brien (2012):
Efficiency was also measured in terms of cognitive effort using an eye-tracking
device. Following Castilho (2016) we looked at fixation duration (total length of fix-
ation in an area of interest or AOI), fixation count (total number of fixations within
an AOI), visit duration (the duration of each individual visit within an AOI in sec-
onds) and visit count (number of visits to an AOI). This is counted between the first
fixation on the active AOI and the end of the last fixation within the same active
AOI where there have been no fixations outside the AOI. Eye-tracking has been
established as an adequate tool to measure cognitive effort in MT studies (as initially
confirmed by Doherty and O’Brien 2009 and Doherty et al. 2010). See Sect.3.7
for specifications of the eye-tracker used in the experiment. The type of equipment
posed certain constraints on other measurements (for example, pupil dilation or sac-
cades) that were not used in this project.
Satisfaction was measured through the IBM After-Scenario Questionnaire (Lewis
1995) containing a series of statements that users rated. This questionnaire was cho-
sen instead of other frequently used questionnaires such as the Software Usability
Scale (SUS; Brooke 1996) or Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire (PSSUQ;
Lewis 1992) because, in this project, only a subset of tasks was assessed while in the
other questionnaires an entire system is rated. The ASQ has three questions to rate
on a 7-point Likert-type scale, where 1 represents ‘strongly agree’ and 7 ‘strongly
disagree’. This questionnaire was modified to address the language factor in two
number of tasks completed successfully
total number of tasks
total task time in seconds
where task successes
total tasks
×100 =
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The impact oftranslation modality onuser experience: an…
questions to differentiate between the quality in the instructions and thatin the appli-
cation, MS Word. The result was as follows:
1. Overall, I am satisfied with the ease of completing the tasks in this scenario.
2. Overall, I am satisfied with the time it took to complete the tasks in this scenario.
3. Overall, I am satisfied with the instructions given for completing the tasks.
4. Overall, I am satisfied with the language used in the Word menus, dialog boxes
and buttons.
Question 3 was added, even if it does not refer to MS Word specifically, because
participants always worked with the Instruction window visible while working with
MS Word (see Fig.2). It was, therefore, important to differentiate the language used
in both windows.
Since each translation modality (HT, MT, EN) represents a scenario within the
software application (as per the questionnaire), both terms are used interchangeably
in this paper.
3.2.1 Retrospective think aloud
Once the participants had completed the tasks, the gaze data was replayed, and they
were asked to comment on what they were doing, thinking or feeling during the
experiment. The participants were recorded using Flashback Express 5. The retro-
spective interviews took approximately 15min. One researcher asked certain ques-
tions to elicit responses from the participants, such as ‘How did you find this task?’,
‘What were you thinking at this point?’, ‘How was the language in this menu?’,
‘Had you done this task before?’, or ‘Did you notice any difference in Word when
you came back from the break in the experiment?’
3.3 Content anddesign
In collaboration with Microsoft Ireland, MS Word was chosen as the optimal appli-
cation for the experiment. This was firstly because the study sought to reach as many
participants as possible and MS Word is the most popular application in the suite,
and secondly, because it was important to measure the impact of the translation
modality as opposed to the users’ computing knowledge and skills, and MS Word is
a relatively easy application to use. The software version used was Microsoft Word
2016 MSO (16.0.9126.2315) 32-bit in English and it was changed to the different
languages using Word/Options/Language/Change display language.
These language versions are a result of the translation delivered by language
service providers to Microsoft. As mentioned above, it is relevant to note that the
localization process might involve translating a segment of text without any techno-
logical intervention, but, in general, it includes the aid of MT and translation memo-
ries,8 among other reference material, as well as a review cycle. At the time of this
8 A translation memory is a repository of previously translated segments.
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A.Guerberof Arenas et al.
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experiment, all software strings were processed by translators in Microsoft’s locali-
zation process.
A specific version of MS Word was created for the MT scenarios, translated from
English using the business partner’s highly customized Microsoft Translator SMT
engine (Quirk etal. 2005).9 At the time of implementing this experimental setup,
customized Microsoft NMT engines were not available. This SMT engine is highly
customized so the quality was high enough to be implemented as part of the locali-
zation workflow in the organization (Schmidtke 2016).
A warm-up task and 6 subsequent tasks were selected. The criteria for task selec-
tion was that the tasks contained enough text, i.e. that they always had at least one
word to select in a series of steps, to measure the translation modality, that they were
coded for telemetry purposes (for a second phase of this experimental project deal-
ing with telemetry and translation), that they were present in all the languages tested
(German (DE), Spanish (ES), Japanese (JA) and English (EN)), and that they were
relatively new or non-standard to minimize the effect of previous user experience
or familiarity with the tasks. For this reason, the users were not allowed to use the
Help or Search functions in Word during the experiment; the intention was that the
users would navigate the application and use the UI text to reach the task goals (see
Appendix 1). It is important to highlight that, although we devised one warm-up
task and 6 tasks, the whole MS Word application was presented in two modalities:
Human Translated and Machine Translated depending on the group (see Sect.3.4).
The warm-up task involved selecting a paragraph and changing the font. The other
six tasks were:
1. Selecting a digital pen and drawing a circle using a defined thickness and colour
2. Changing the indentation and spacing for the paragraph (presented to the users)
3. Automatically reviewing the document (Spell checking)
4. Selecting the option Frequently confused words from the Word Options/Proof-
reading box in the File menu
5. Inserting a section break
6. Finding the Learning Tools option in the corresponding menu and changing the
page appearance.
The task instructions were evaluated by an English native speaker, writer and
researcher from the Connect Centre at Trinity College Dublin to assess comprehen-
sion of the instructions and the environment. These were then translated by Micro-
soft language service providers into German, Japanese and Spanish. They translated
the texts following specific instructions to respect the fluency and accuracy of the
text and the experimental design (e.g. to translate repeated terms consistently and
not replace them with pronouns, not to use the names of menus, dialog boxes or
options if they were not present in the source text, tointegrate the options within the
text and not to use upper case, etc.)
9 https:// hub. micro softt ransl ator. com/.
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The impact oftranslation modality onuser experience: an…
3.3.1 Machine translation quality
It was not possible to analyse the original and translated texts (both human and
machine translated) with standard readability metrics, nor was it possible to do a
straight comparison of the software files because of the way the MS Word applica-
tion is built, thus making it difficult to isolate the text, extract the strings and com-
pare the software files in different translation modalities (SL and TLs). Therefore,
Japanese, German and Spanish native speakers who were language lecturers and
language researchers at Dublin City University (DCU) evaluated the tasks in the
released versions and compared them manually to the raw MT environment. These
evaluators commented on the high quality of the MT versions, and they highlighted
the sentences and words that were not idiomatic, those that were wrong, and those
that were different from the released version in the 6 tasks selected. Table1 shows
the issues found in the MT versions for the 6 tasks in the project. The English in
brackets is provided as reference; the bold options indicate errors in the MT output.
As described later, during the RTA (see Sect.5), some participants did notice
these errors (Table1) because they were required to perform a task that involved
reading and selecting these options, while others did not. Depending on their expe-
rience and problem-solving strategies, they overcame (or did not) the difficulties
posed by these language errors as we will analyse in the discussion ofresults (see
3.4 Scenarios andgroups
The JA, DE, and ES participants were assigned to two groups. In Group 1, they
completed three tasks as (A) HT, and three tasks as (B) MT, while Group 2 was
presented with the same tasks but in reverse order, that is, the first three tasks as (B)
MT, and the last three tasks as (A) HT. This served to counterbalance the within-
subject effect. Between scenarios there was a brief pause that allowed the researcher
to change the MS Word configuration and recalibrate the eye-tracker. Because this
pause to change the application was needed and the 6 tasks were presented in both
modalities in equal numbers, they could not be automatically counterbalanced in the
eye-tracker as we needed to manually control for the translation modality. The par-
ticipants knew that they were taking part in an MS Word usability experiment but
were blind to the fact that MT was being used in three tasks. The EN group was pre-
sented with a warm-up task and 6 othertasks as well. As with the other groups, they
had a brief pause between the tasks.
3.5 Pre‑task questionnaire
The participants were asked to fill in a questionnaire before the experiment. The
questionnaire assessed the experience users had in using the word-processing appli-
cation MS Word, their native language and their level of English, gender, age, edu-
cation level, as well as their experience in doing the tasks that were part of this
experiment. The questionnaire was completed online using Google Forms.
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Table 1 Sample of errors found per task in the MT version
1 HT Draw 描画 (Draw) Zeichnen (Draw) Dibujar (Draw)
1 MT 図形調整 (Arranging shapes) Zeichnen (Draw) Dibujar (Draw)
2 HT Right (as in Right Indent) (Right) Rechts (Right) Derecha (Right)
2 MT そうです (Correct) Richting (No meaning) Correcto (Correct)
3 HT Review 校閲 (Text Correction)
スペルチェックと文章校正 (Spellcheck &
Text Correction)
Überprüfen (to check)
Rechtschreibung und Grammatik
(Spelling and Grammar)
Revisar (Review)
Ortografía y gramática (Spelling and
3 MT レビュー (Review)
スペルチェック&文法 (Spellcheck &
Überprüfung (noun instead of verb)
Rechtschreibung & Grammatik (Spell-
ing and Grammar)
Revisión (noun instead of verb)
Ortografía & gramática (Spelling &
Grammar, ampersand is not correct in
4 HT Proofing/Frequently confused words 文章校正 (Text correction)
よく間違う単語 (Frequently confused
Dokumentprüfung (Proofing)
Häufig verwechselte Wörter (Fre-
quently confused words)
Revisión (Revision)
Palabras que se confunden frecuente-
mente (Frequently confused words)
4 MT 校正 (Correction)
頻繁にされやすい単語 (Words that are
easy to frequent)
Rechtschreibprüfung (Spellcheck)
Häufig verwechselt Wörter (Often
words are confused)
Corrección (Correction)
Palabras con frecuencia confuso
(Words often confusing, wrong gender
5 HT Section Break 区切り (Section break) Umbrüche (Breaks) Saltos (Breaks)
5 MT (New) Zeilenumbrüche (line break instead of
section break)
Saltos (Breaks)
6 HT Learning Tools
学習ツール (Learning Tools)
イマーシブ (Immersive)
Lerntools (Learning tools) Plastisch
Herramientas de aprendizaje (Learning
Inmersivo (Immersive)
6 MT 学習ツール (Learning tools)
没入感 (Immersion)
Lernhilfen (Learn Help)/Beeindrucken
(means Impress instead of Immer-
Herramientas de
aprendizaje/Envolventes (Immersive,
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The impact oftranslation modality onuser experience: an…
3.6 Participants
The criteria for inclusion of volunteer participants was that they were native speak-
ers, that they were willing to participate in the research and sign a consent form,
and that they were frequent users of word-processing applications. The participants
were recruited through advertisements in social media and email lists within DCU,
although participation was not limited to students or people associated with the uni-
versity. The participants were offered a €20 voucher for their contribution. All par-
ticipants received a Plain Language Statement and signed an Informed Consent form
before the experiment (DCU Research Ethics reference REC/2017/200). The experi-
ment took place between August and December 2018.
84 participants took part in the experiment but data from only 79 participants
was analysed and is presented here. Some data were discarded due to changes in
the original set-up (MS Word version was updated accidentally). Other participants
were discarded only from the eye-tracking data due to poor recording quality (see
Sect.3.7). The total number of participants per language is: 18 EN, 22 JA, 19 DE
and 20 ES.
3.6.1 Description ofparticipants
72% of participants identified as women and 28% as men. Although, more women
participated than men, the gender distribution across languages shows no signifi-
cant differences. The age distribution was 73% in the 18–24, 14% in the 25–34 and
13% in the 35–44-year-old bracket. The age of most participants ranged from 18 to
24, the distribution across languages shows no significant difference. If we consider
gender and age, the data is comparable across all languages. The participants were
asked to take a test to measure their English level using Lextale (Lemhöfer and Bro-
ersma 2012). The mean values were EN 94.58; DE 85.92; ES 67.36 and JA 65.17
out of 100 (the equivalent with the Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages the EN and DE group would be classified with the C2/C1 level, while the
ES and JA group with B1/B2). There is a statistically significant difference between
language groups in their English level (H(3) = 45.27; p = 0.00). Post hoc compari-
sons using the Mann–Whitney Test show significant differences between the JA and
the DE (U = 42; p = 0.00) and to EN groups (U = 9.50; p = 0.00), but not with the ES
When participants were asked about their experience using MS Word, there were
statistically significant differences between the language groups regarding the length
of time the participants had been using word-processing applications (X2(6) = 36.23,
p < 0.001); but this was only true if the JA group was included; otherwise, there
were no statistically significant differences between the other languages. When par-
ticipants were asked to rate their level of proficiency (i.e. “How would you describe
your level of proficiency when working with word-processing applications?”) using
a 5-point Likert scale (1 being Novice and 5 being Very proficient), the average val-
ues were: JA = 2.14; DE = 3.37, ES = 3.25 and EN = 3.83. A statistically significant
difference (H(3) = 35.67, p < 0.001) exists between the users per language group
when reporting their experience.
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Finally, participants were asked about their experience in the 6 experimental
tasks that they were going to be presented with during the experiment. They were
simply asked to mark the tasks they were familiar with within 10 word-processing
tasks; these 10 tasks included the 6 experimental tasks. Figure 1 shows the results
per language.
The Japanese group (JA) reported that they had an average experience of 2.14
tasks out of the 6 tasks; the DE group reported an average of 4.05 tasks out of 6; the
ES an average of 3.60 tasks; and finally, the EN group reported an average of 3.78
tasks out of 6. There are statistically significant differences (H(3) = 20.84, p < 0.001)
in the distribution of the variable Percentages_of_tasks_in_experiment according to
the language group. If the JA group is not considered, however, there are no statisti-
cally significant differences among the language groups. As can be observed in this
description, and as was observed in our preliminary results that focused on the Japa-
nese users (Guerberof etal. 2019), the JA group shows significantly lower experi-
ence than the other language groups.
3.7 Experimental setup
The data recording equipment consisted of a Tobii T60 XL wide screen eye-tracker
with a 24-inch monitor and 60Hz sampling rate and a laptop computer (Intel Core
1.7 vProtm, 2.00GHz 2 Core, 4 Logical processors, 8 GB RAM). The laptop was
used for stimulus presentation and eye-movement recording. The stimuli were pre-
sented with a 1600 × 900 resolution. The software used to record and analyse the
data was Tobii Studio 3.4.5 1309, Professional Edition. The fixation filter selected
was an IV-T Filter provided by the manufacturer. The filter has a velocity threshold
of 30 degrees, a maximum time between fixations of 75ms and a maximum angle of
0.5°. Fixations under 60ms were discarded.
The participants were calibrated using a nine-point calibration screen (auto-
matic). The participants were recalibrated if the Tobii system reported a poor cal-
ibration or if the calibration points were not clearly defined within the grid. The
optimal distance to the eye-tracker was set at 67 cm. However, this varied as the
Fig. 1 Experience in the 6 experimental tasks per language
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The impact oftranslation modality onuser experience: an…
participants were not required to use a chin rest to preserve ecological validity dur-
ing the experiment.
To estimate the cognitive effort using an eye-tracker, two Areas of Interest (AOIs)
were defined. One AOI was the Instructions window (26%, 369,516 px) and the
other AOI covered the MS Word application window (74%, 1,065,165 px) to deter-
mine whether participants would consult the Instructions window more often if they
did not understand the text in the MS Word window when using different translation
modalities. One participant in the ES group moved the screens slightly, therefore 6
ES and 2 JA participants had slightly different AOIs sizes for the Instructions (23%,
328,500 px) and for the MS Word application (77%, 1,107,000 px). Figure2 shows
the experimental setup with the two AOIs highlighted in blue (Instructions) and pink
(Word application).
To test the quality of the sample, the gaze data in the Tobii system and the veloc-
ity charts were checked. Moreover, the segments that represented one task per par-
ticipant were exported to calculate the eye validity codes within these six segments.
A minimum of 80% gaze sample was required for a recording to be considered valid.
This meant that each participant had at least one eye or both eyes on the segments 80
per cent of the time.
3.8 Statistical methods
To analyse the results statistically, SAS v9.4 and IBM SPSS Statistics, v24 were
used. The decisions were made with a significance value of 0.05.
For each of the variables explored, we include a bar chart showing the mean per
language and scenario and the confidence interval for this mean.
To determine the effect of the scenario (HT, MT and EN) for the response vari-
able Effectiveness, Efficiency and Satisfaction, a linear mixed model was calculated
Fig. 2 AOIs and fixations window
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according to the scenario and task groups (1, 2, 3 vs. 4, 5, 6) and the interaction
between scenario and language (Type III Test). The tasks and scenarios are con-
sidered fixed factors and the repeated measures of each participant are included in
the model (random effects). For Time, a linear mixed model of the logarithm trans-
formed variable ‘Total time in seconds’ was calculated.
The adjustment for multiplicity was Tukey by default for all variables when the
languages were compared with each other. When the categories were compared with
the English group (EN), the Dunnett–Hsu adjustment for multiplicity was used.
All variables (Effectiveness, Efficiency, Time, and Satisfaction) were contrasted
to see if there were statistically significant differences in the order the scenarios
were shown to the TL participants. As expected because of the within-subject
design, there were no statistically significant differences according to the order in
which each scenario (HT and MT) was carried out.
4 Results
4.1 Effectiveness
The variable Effectiveness represents the percentage of tasks completed. Figure3
shows this variable according to the language and scenario based on the mean val-
ues and the confidence interval for this mean.
Figure 3 shows that the DE group has the highest task completion percentage
overall in the HT scenario, followed by the ES MT scenario (both higher than the
EN group). The JA group has the lowest Effectiveness percentages in both scenarios
compared to all the other language groups (see Appendix 2 for a table with descrip-
tive values). As we saw in the description of participants (Sect.3.6.1), the JA group
has the least experience, so it seems logical that when confronted with new tasks,
the participants in this group completed fewer tasks than the other more experienced
groups. Surprisingly, the ES group shows higher effectiveness when working in the
Fig. 3 Mean Effectiveness according to scenario and language
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The impact oftranslation modality onuser experience: an…
MT scenario. This could be explained by the quality of MT in the English to Span-
ish language pair. The pair English-Japanese shows lower performance in statistical
MT and it is known to be a more challenging language combination than the other
languages involved in this experiment (Doddington 2002).
These results do not appear to be clearly favourable to HT or even favourable
to the original EN version. A linear mixed model was calculated for the group of
tasks (1, 2, 3 vs 4, 5, 6), the scenario (HT, MT) and the interaction of language and
scenario (JA, DE and ES) including repeated measures at participant level (random
effect). This shows that there are statistically significant differences between tasks
(F(1, 57) = 69.37; p < 0.001), and considering the interaction of language and sce-
nario (F(4, 57) = 3.33; p = 0.016), but not solely between scenarios. Although the
differences between the two sets of tasks was not intentional during the experimen-
tal design, it became apparent when running the experiment in the laboratory that
the second set of tasks were more difficult for all languages and this was especially
true for Task 4 (Word/Options).
For the interaction between language and scenario, there are statistically sig-
nificant differences between the modality DE HT and JA MT (t = 3.25, p = 0.002).
There are no significant differences between the other language groups and scenar-
ios. Notwithstanding, DE HT is more effective than DE MT (11.36%), JA HT is
more effective than MT (7.64%), but ES MT is more effective than ES HT (10.42%).
When the English group (EN) is compared to the other languages, statistically
significant differences are observed between tasks (F(1, 75) = 90.94; p < 0.001) and
considering the interaction of language and scenario (F(4, 75) = 3.36; p = 0.014), but
not between scenarios. In this case, there are statistically differences between the
pair JA MT and EN (t = 2.91, p = 0.024). The JA MT group is less effective than the
EN group.
It appears that the experience of the JA participants might have had an impact
on their effectiveness measurement. To see how these two variables were related,
we ran a Pearson coefficient for the variables P_tasks_in_the_experiment (the per-
centage of tasks the participants reported they could do prior to the experiment)
and Effectiveness. The results show a significant positive correlation (r(77) = 0.42
p < 0.001) considered weak to moderate indicating that the higher the percentage in
experience, the higher the Effectiveness in the language groups.
While experience does moderately explain the variable Effectiveness, we know
that the type of task is also an important factor (participants were significantly less
effective for tasks 4, 5 and 6) and it also seems that the translation modality was
especially significant for the JA group when compared with other language groups:
the MT scenario had a slowdown effect in the JA group if compared with the DE and
ES groups (see Guerberof etal. 2019)for a detailed description of the findings from
the Japanese group).
In a similar study, Doherty and O’Brien (2014) found that English, Spanish and
German participants had higher task completion scores than their Japanese group,
and these were significantly higher for the English and Spanish groups. Castilho
(2016), in her study involving Japanese, German, and Chinese participants work-
ing with tasks in Excel, also found that the Japanese group had lower Effectiveness
scores than the German group. She found that the German and Japanese groups were
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more effective when working with the human-translated instructions as opposed to
the MT instructions in her experiment. However direct comparisons with these pre-
vious experiments are not possible since in the previous experiments MT was used
to translate the instructions used to complete the tasks and not for completion of the
tasks themselves as in this experiment.
4.2 Efficiency
Efficiency also considers the tasks completed but it factors in the time spent on com-
pleting them as seen in the formula (Sect.3.2). The higher the Efficiency score, the
more efficient the language group is as shown in Fig.4.
The bar diagram shows that the variable Efficiency is highest in the EN group.
The DE and JA groups have higher Efficiency scores in the HT than in the MT sce-
nario. Here again, the ES group has slightly higher Efficiency scores in MT than in
HT. The JA group has the lowest Efficiency scores in both HT and MT compared to
all the other languages in all scenarios (see Appendix 2 for a table with descriptive
A linear mixed model was calculated for the variable sqrt(Efficiency) according
to the group of tasks (1, 2, 3 vs 4, 5, 6), the scenario (HT vs. MT) and the inter-
action of language and scenario (JA, DE and ES) including repeated measures at
participant level (random effect). The response variable Efficiency was transformed
by the square root because some values were very low (for example for those par-
ticipants that had not completed any tasks, the value was 0) and the distribution
was asymmetrical. Once the variable was transformed, the data was normal with
a slight negative skewness. The results from the model show that there are statis-
tically significant differences between scenarios (F(1, 57) = 4.57; p = 0.037), tasks
(F(1, 57) = 131.83; p < 0.001) and in the interaction of language and scenario (F(4,
57) = 3.76; p = 0.009).
This means that if we consider only the translation modality (HT vs. MT), partici-
pants are significantly less efficient when using MT (t = 2.14, p = 0.037). Par ticipants
Fig. 4 Efficiency by language and scenario
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The impact oftranslation modality onuser experience: an…
were significantly more efficient in tasks 1, 2 and 3 than in tasks 4, 5, 6 (t = 11.48,
p < 0.001). If the interaction between language and scenario is considered, statisti-
cally significant differences are found between the pair DE HT and JA MT (t = 41;
p = 0.002).
If the English group (EN) is included in the model, there are statistically sig-
nificant differences between scenarios (F(2, 75) = 5.27; p = 0.007), tasks (F(1,
75) = 176.54; p < . 0001) and the interaction of language and scenario (F(4,
75) = 3.27; p < 0.0158). In this case, the EN group is significantly more efficient than
MT (t = 2.97, p = 0.011) and if the language and scenario is considered EN is signifi-
cantly more efficient than JA MT (t = 3.81, p = 0.002).
Therefore, the participants working with the EN version are more efficient over-
all. This might suggest that “translation”, regardless of modality, has a negative
impact on usability, at least when efficiency is calculated. Also, the participants are
more efficient in the HT than in the MT scenario overall. And if all the language
and scenario categories are examined, the participants in the JA MT scenario are
the least efficient. The results from the Pearson correlation are logically very similar
to those found in Effectiveness (r(77) = 0.4, p < 0.001) indicating that the higher the
percentage in experience, the higher the Efficiency in the language groups.
Figure5 shows the results for the variable Time on its own without considering
the variable Effectiveness according to language, scenario and tasks.
Figure5 shows clearly that tasks 1, 2 and 3 took less time than the second set of
tasks. In the first three tasks, participants spent more time in MT for all languages.
However, for the most difficult tasks (4, 5 and 6), the results are not equal for all
languages. A linear mixed model of the logarithm Total time in seconds accord-
ing to tasks, scenario, and the interaction between language and scenario finds that
there are significant differences between tasks (F(1, 75) = 90.87, p < 0.001), but not
between scenarios or the interaction between scenarios and languages when time is
In a similar study, Doherty and O’Brien (2014) found that the English group was
also significantly more efficient than the Japanese and the German groups but not
Fig. 5 Mean total time according to scenario, language and tasks
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when compared with the Spanish group. Castilho (2016) in her doctoral study also
found that the English group was statistically more efficient than the other groups
while the other languages were not significantly different.
Fig. 6 Fixation duration instructions AOI
Fig. 7 Fixation duration MS Word AOI
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The impact oftranslation modality onuser experience: an…
4.3 Cognitive effort
As explained in the methodology section, the variables Fixation duration, Fixation
count, Visit duration and Visit count were calculated in two different AOIs, Instruc-
tions and MS Word (see Fig.1). Descriptive data for all these variables is included
in Appendix 3. We are presenting here the results for the variable Fixation Mean
for these two AOIs. The Fixation mean represents the Fixation duration in seconds
divided by the number of fixations, Fixation count. Figures6 and 7 show the Fixa-
tion mean for the Instructions (left) and for MS Word (right) AOIs according to the
three different scenarios, and the four languages.
Figures6 and 7 show that the EN group has a shorter fixation mean in both the
Instructions and the MS Word AOIs, and this could point to the fact that since both
the instructions and the application were originally written in English, this made
reading and identifying options less cognitively demanding for the EN group when
compared with other (translated) languages. We have also seen that the EN group
was the most efficient group; it took the participants in this group less time to com-
plete more tasks. If we look at the Instructions AOIs, the EN group have the lowest
mean (0.17). The rest of the languages in all the modalities have the same fixation
mean (0.19). This means that their cognitive effort when reading the instructions
was similar for all participants.
In the MS Word AOIs, the EN group shows again the lowest fixation mean (0.20),
followed by the JP group in both modalities (0.22), and the DE group in both modal-
ities (0.25). The ES group shows the highest mean in the HT scenario (0.26) while
the MT scenario shows a mean comparable to the DE group (0.25). The surprising
result is that the JP group appears to have a lower cognitive effort, if we take the
mean fixation into consideration, than the ES and DE group even if they appeared
to have struggled more with the tasks. We believe that this has two explanations.
On the one hand, the JP group completed fewer tasks, so they spend less time in the
Word AOI, when they could not complete a task, they simply move on to the next
task. On the other hand, the fixation mean represents the division between fixation
duration and count, hence here the divisor, the count, is higher than the duration, the
JP group shows a higher number of fixations than the duration of these fixations, and
this indicate that JP group concentrated less on a task and more in looking for that
This can also be seen in the pattern of lower Fixation mean values for the second
set of tasks (4, 5, 6) than in the first three (1, 2, 3) even if, as we have seen through-
out the study, the second set of tasks was more difficult to resolve for all partici-
pants. Hence, we believe that the fixation duration might be a more representative
measure of cognitive effort in this case. See Appendix 3 for complementary meas-
urements on duration.
Having clarified this aspect, we can also see that the modalities, except for the EN
group, do not show visible differences, that is, differences between HT and MT in
cognitive effort are not visible by looking at the fixation mean.
To explore the significance of the values, a linear mixed model for the logarithm
Fixation Mean for the AOI Instructions, according to the group of tasks, scenar-
ios and interaction between language and scenario (for the JA, DE and ES groups)
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found that there were statistically significant differences only when the tasks are
considered (F(1, 53) = 4.82; p = 0.032). But also, the logarithm Fixation Mean for
the AOI MS Word shows significant differences according to tasks (F(1, 53) = 90.6;
p < 0.001). However, the scenarios show no significant differences.
Secondly, we explore the effect of having the EN group in the model for loga-
rithm Fixation Mean for AOI Instructions, and there are statistically significant dif-
ferences between the scenarios (F(2, 71) = 6.42; p = 0.003). The EN scenario shows
significantly lower Fixation Mean than the HT and MT scenarios. This means that
the English group fixated for significantly timein the instructions than the rest of the
language groups (as in Doherty and O’Brien 2014). But also, whilstthe logarithm
Fixation Mean for the AOI MS Word shows significant differences according to sce-
narios (F(2, 71) = 7.66, p = 0.001 and tasks (F(1, 71) = 137.85; p < 0.001), the EN
group shows a lower fixation mean in comparison to the other language groups.
4.4 Satisfaction
Satisfaction was calculated using the four questions from the two post-scenario
questionnaires that were ranked per participant on a 7-point Likert-type scale where
1 indicated the most satisfaction and 7, the least (as defined in the ASQ question-
naire by Lewis 1995). Figure8 shows the mean for the variable Satisfaction accord-
ing to scenario and language.
All participants report less satisfaction in MT than in HT. The JA group is the
least satisfied and the ES the most satisfied if compared to the DE and EN groups
(see Appendix 2 for a table with descriptive values). This result is surprising when
it comes to the ES group, since participants were more efficient and effective when
using MT than HT. DE and ES are more satisfied than the EN group, and this is
also surprising, as we would have expected that participants working with the source
language, and showing more efficiency and a lower cognitive load, to be more sat-
isfied (as in Doherty and O’Brien 2014 ) where English had the highest ratings in
comprehension, satisfaction and recommendation), but this could point to the fact
Fig. 8 Satisfaction mean according scenario and language
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The impact oftranslation modality onuser experience: an…
that different cultures and individuals rate satisfaction differently and that the ES
participants, regardless of their performance, noticed linguistic problems in the MT
scenario (see Sect.4.5).
A linear mixed model shows that there are statistically significant differences
for the variable Satisfaction between scenarios (F(1, 57) = 5.90; p = 0.018), tasks
(F(1,57) = 40.81; p < 0.001), and the interaction between language and scenario
(F(4,57) = 7.72, p < 0.001). The estimated mean of Satisfaction is 2.62 in EN, 3.41 in
HT and 3.96 in MT scenarios (a lower score indicates a higher satisfaction).
If we consider only the translation modality (HT vs. MT), participants are sig-
nificantly less satisfied when using MT (t = 2.43, p = 0.018), the difference in the
estimated Satisfaction mean being 0.35, CI95% = [− 0.63, − 0.06]. Logically, as with
all the other variables, participants are significantly more satisfied in tasks 1, 2 and
3 than in tasks 4, 5, 6 (t = − 6.39, p < 0.001). To explore the behaviour according
to language group, the interaction between language and scenario is explored and
statistically significant differences are found between the pair DE HT and JA HT
(t = -3.47; p = 0.012). Also, the contrasts between JA HT and JA MT and the other
languages and language modalities show statistically significant differences, as the
JA group is always significantly less satisfied (see Fig.9).
When the English group (EN) is included in the model with all the language
groups, similar results are obtained, i.e. statistically significant differences between
scenarios (F(2, 75) = 3.32; p = 0.042), tasks (F(1, 75) = 62.30; p < 0.001) and con-
sidering the interaction of language and scenario (F(4, 75) = 7.80; p < 0.001). In
this case, HT has lower values (indicating more Satisfaction) than MT (t = − 2.52,
p = 0.037) and if the language and scenario are considered, and EN is compared to
all the other categories, the JA MT category is significantly less satisfied than the
EN group (t = 4.09, p = 0.001), as Fig.9 also illustrates.
We wondered if it could be possible that participants who had completed fewer
tasks would be less satisfied; a Spearman correlation shows a significant negative
correlation (rs(77) = − 0.29; p = 0.009), meaning that participants who completed
more tasks were also more satisfied, although this is a weak-to-moderate correlation.
Fig. 9 Estimated satisfaction mean per language and scenario
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We also saw in Sect.4.1 (Effectiveness) that the experience in doing these 6 tasks
had a significant positive correlation, although moderate; logically, the higher the
level ofexperience, the more tasks participants completed. Therefore, we can infer
that participants who had more experience and completed more tasks were more sat-
isfied overall, even though this is not the only factor to consider. The scenarios and
the tasks were also a factor to consider, and this is particularly true with the JA group.
Finally, if we look at the question that specifically addressed the language in the
post-scenario questionnaires (“Overall, I am satisfied with the language used in the
MS Word menus, dialog boxes and buttons.”) for the JA, DE and ES groups regard-
less of the tasks performed, participants are more satisfied in the HT (M = 2.64) than
in the MT scenarios (M = 3.28). A Wilcoxon signed rank test shows that HT ranks
significantly lower than the MT scenario (Z = 3.19, p = 0.001) indicating a higher
Satisfaction. The results show that 27 participants are more satisfied with HT; 10
participants with MT, and in 24 cases MT was ranked alongside HT. However, when
the other questions are compared between scenarios (“Overall, I am satisfied with
the ease of completing the tasks in this scenario”, “Overall, I am satisfied with the
time it took to complete the tasks in this scenario” and “Overall, I am satisfied with
the instructions given for completing the tasks”) no significant differences are found
between the language groups, although HT was always ranked higher overall.
Participants found tasks 4, 5 and 6 more difficult than 1, 2 and 3; we wanted to
explore if the task difficulty might affect the participants’ rating of MS Word regard-
less of the scenario, i.e. the translation modality used. However, when the scores are
compared for MS Word, the JA, DE, ES groups do not rate the application signifi-
cantly differently because of the type of tasks. However, when the EN language was
analysed using a Wilcoxon signed rank test, the tasks have a significant effect for the
EN group (Z = − 2.63, p = 0.009) when rating MS Word. Eleven participants were
less satisfied with MS Word in tasks 1, 2, 3; two were more satisfied with MS Word
in tasks 4, 5, 6, and 5 had no preference. This shows that even if the difficulty of the
tasks played a role in how participants rated MS Word for the JA, DE, ES groups,
the language played a more significant role.
4.5 Retrospective think aloud
All interviews were transcribed and coded using NVivo. However, due to the length
of the present article, a summary of themes and findings is presented here.
4.5.1 Different scenarios
Possibly the most surprising comment from the RTA was that the JA, DE, ES
groups did not notice, with only a few exceptions in the JA and DE groups, that the
MS Word application was different after returning from the pause. This might be
expected in the ES group due to quality of MT in this language pair (although the
MT Scenario had two menus with the same name, hence Design and Layout were
translated with the same noun, Diseño), but somewhat surprising for the DE and JA
groups. We speculate that the participants were concentrating on the completion of
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The impact oftranslation modality onuser experience: an…
the tasks, and since they were not informed that there was a change in the applica-
tion, they assumed they were working with the same application. However, this also
refers to the high quality of the MT engine used by Microsoft.
4.5.2 Language intheWord application
Overall, when asked about the quality of the language, the participants stated that it
was “good”, “okay”, “alright”, “pretty clear”, “correct”, “easy” in both scenarios.
However, target language participants did report on words that were wrong, incor-
rect or confusing (as per Table1) in the MT scenario, and these terms created dif-
ficulties when completing the tasks. To overcome these difficulties, they resorted
to their previous experience, checked the context, checkedthe visual icons, or they
back-translated the term (into English), as in Lim and Fussell (2017) and Pituxcoo-
suvarn etal. (2018).
Some participants also commented on the overall MS Word design, they found
that certain options were placed incorrectly, not in the “logical” place, or they were
difficult to find (i.e. Word Options in the File menu), that the naming convention was
at times obscure (i.e. Learning tools), formal or too technical, or that the application
was not user-friendly in comparison to others, such as Google Docs.
4.5.3 Instructions andquestionnaires
Although, participants stated that instructions in their own language were clearover-
all, some preferred step by step instructions (as in a User Guide) rather than an
overall description to achieve a goal (as set in this experiment). Participants also
mentioned that some terms in the instructions posed difficulties such as the term
dialog box or menu (in all languages) which points to the experience in using word-
processors, but also to a different profile of users: a younger generation might be less
familiar with this terminology. Others mentioned that the instructions for the first
three tasks were clearer than those for the second three tasks, but this could also be
related to the difficulty of the task itself.
4.5.4 Tasks
Most participants reported that they found the first three tasks easier to complete
than the second three tasks, and they found task 4 particularly difficult as has been
observed in the quantitative analysis. As per the self-reported questionnaire and the
results, the JA group reported having more difficulties with certain tasks than the
other groups, and less experience with those tasks and MS Word in general. They
also had more difficulties with the English language (see Sect.3.6), so it was harder
for them to explain their experience during the RTA.
4.5.5 Experience
The participants often referred to their previous experience when explaining their
performance, i.e. familiarity or frequency of use. Further, participants who had
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experience and worked quickly through the tasks, explained that they were not really
“reading” the menus, options or buttons. Those that did not have experience refer to
the use of images and emergent menus (those help menus that appear when users
hover over an option) to help them find the solutions.
5 Conclusions
Our overarching question was What is the impact of translation modality on the user
experience?, and we articulated this through four research questions. The results
show that the variable Effectiveness is not significantly different according to the
translation modality although for the DE and JA groups the completion percentages
are higher for the HT scenario. However, the variables Efficiency and Satisfaction
are significantly different according to the translation modality, and this is espe-
cially true for the JA group, with the least experience, when working in the MT sce-
nario. Surprisingly, the ES group is more effective and efficient in the MT scenario,
although participants reported a higher satisfaction in the HT scenario. All partici-
pants noticed words that were wrong, strange, or confusing in the MT scenario, and
they compensated this lack of understanding with context, visuals or backtransla-
tion, and this is what they remembered when rating Satisfaction in both scenarios.
The Satisfaction is also lower for more difficult tasks, and this might indicate that
the less familiar we are with an application—the lower the experience—the more we
need “high quality” translation to help us navigate our way around that application,
and MT might have a negative impact on the user experience. Nevertheless, if MT
is to be used, it seems that applications need to support this translation modality by
having more images or contextual help to aid users.
When participants are asked specifically about the language in MS Word, they
report being more satisfied in the HT scenario, even if it went unnoticed by most
participants that the MS Word setup had been changed during the experiment (from
HT to MT; and from MT to HT depending on the group order). This perceived value
is a key factor when customer experience and retention need to be considered by
software companies when implementing MT solutions, even if it is unknown to the
users that machine-translated content is used.
Another aspect to consider is that when participants complete fewer tasks (Effec-
tiveness) they tend to rate their Satisfaction lower because they feel that either them-
selves, the instructions, or the language is inadequate, and this was significant for
the English group when rating the language in the MS Word application. Their satis-
faction was lower after doing the most difficult tasks, even if the mode of production
for the language (the translation modality) had not changed.
Furthermore, participants’ experience (as may be expected) plays a significant
role, although moderate, in the Effectiveness, Efficiency and Satisfaction scores.
This experience also means that the participants who are very familiar with a task in
an application hardly need to “read” the text to know what to do. The task becomes
automated for them. Therefore, users who are new to a task or an application need
higher levels of clarity and accuracy in the language used, and the use of MT might
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The impact oftranslation modality onuser experience: an…
compromise this for novel users, alternatively the users need more contextual or vis-
ual information to find their way through the application.
Finally, when looking at data from the eye-tracker, participants experienced a
higher cognitive load overall when working in the translated rather than the original
English version; if we look at the Fixation Mean value, the EN group shows signifi-
cant lower values when looking at the instructions and when working with Word. If
we look at the Fixation mean, there are no significant differences between scenarios
(HT or MT), but only between the first and the second set of tasks. This highlights
the fact that the instructions were originally written in English and that the applica-
tion is designed primarily in English, and then translated. It would be interesting to
further test this finding with other applications and their translated versions.
Would this have been different if participants were using a system translated
using NMT? As we can see from the literature when comparing both paradigms
(Bentivogli etal. 2016; Castilho etal. 2017; Castilho and Guerberof Arenas 2018;
Toral etal. 2018; Daems and Macken 2019; Läubli etal. 2019) improvements in
quality have been observed when moving from SMT to NMT systems, but the effect
this improvement has on end-users, if any, has yet to be defined clearly. When read-
ing within a software application (with a focus on completing a task), as in this
experiment, the important factor appears to be key words, i.e. accuracy, not neces-
sarily the fluency of the text, which is where NMT performs better. Therefore, if raw
NMT output is used (especially if compared to a highly customized SMT system as
in this experiment), the results might be similar because users might also notice or
be confused by incorrect or unclear terms and report lower satisfaction scores. This
remains to be tested.
Appendix1: Instructions
Warm up Task: change font.
You will now see a paragraph in a Word document.
Please, do not read the text.
You just need to select the text by clicking three times on the text (do not drag
the mouse to select), and then change the existing font to a different one.
Once you have completed this task, press F10 to move on to the next one.
TASK 1: the digital pen.
At the end of the document, create a circle using a digital pen from the menu
that contains drawing options.
Do not worry if the shape of the circle is not perfect.
Make sure the size of the pen is 0.5mm in thickness. Make sure that the pen
colour is set to dark blue.
Once you have completed this task, press F10 to move on to the next one.
TASK 2: the paragraph.
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1 3
Using the dialog box for paragraph options, specify the indentation for the
given paragraph.
Type 2cm for the left indentation, and 1cm for the right indentation.
In the spacing option, type 12 points to set the spacing after the paragraph.
Once you have completed this task, press F10 to move on to the next one.
TASK 3: review document.
Using the appropriate menu to review documents, select the option to verify
grammar and spelling.
Correct any errors only if specified by Word. Do not correct errors that you
might deem necessary.
Once you have completed this task, press F10 to move on to the next one.
TASK 4: Word options.
Access the Word options dialog box through the appropriate menu.
On the left panel, select the option that allows you to change how Word cor-
rects and formats the text.
In the dialog box, search for the checkbox that allows you to spot words that
are frequently confused for others and select this option.
Once you have completed this task, press F10 to move on to the next one.
TASK 5: breaks.
In the appropriate menu, search for the option that allows you to insert a sec-
tion break in the document.
Select the option to insert a section break, not a page break, to start a section in
the next page after the paragraph.
Once you have completed this task, press F10 to move on to the next one.
TASK 6: the learning tools.
In the appropriate menu, select the Learning Tools.
Make sure the page is set to a black background with white letters.
Once you have completed this task, press F10 to move on to the next one.
See Tables 2, 3, 4 and 5.
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1 3
The impact oftranslation modality onuser experience: an…
Table 2 Effectiveness according
to tasks, scenario and language Tasks/scenario/language N Mean (%) SD (%)
1, 2, 3 HT JA 12 82.64 9.70
DE 9 92.59 10.58
ES 10 82.50 23.39
MT JA 10 74.17 27.06
DE 10 93.33 12.30
ES 10 96.67 5.83
EN EN 18 93.98 12.06
4, 5, 6 HT JA 10 46.67 26.99
DE 10 73.33 27.44
ES 10 55.00 33.38
MT JA 12 40.28 29.05
DE 9 50.00 42.49
ES 10 61.67 36.68
EN EN 18 62.96 34.09
Table 3 Efficiency according to
tasks, scenario and language Task/scenario/language N Mean SD
1, 2, 3 HT JA 12 31.92 13.89
DE 9 43.22 18.74
ES 10 36.81 17.29
MT JA 10 21.13 8.47
DE 10 38.33 14.67
ES 10 35.94 12.09
EN EN 18 48.75 19.27
4, 5, 6 HT JA 10 11.88 9.64
DE 10 24.01 18.71
ES 10 10.6 8.26
MT JA 12 9.11 8.08
DE 9 12.16 11.08
ES 10 15.31 10.58
EN EN 18 21.63 19.94
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1 3
Table 4 Mean fixation duration
in AOIs in seconds Task/scenario/lan-
N Instructions MS Word
Mean SD Mean SD
1, 2, 3 HT JA 10 65.18 29.16 139.84 70.57
DE 9 77.11 21.49 115.43 50.74
ES 10 56.72 17.03 139.62 94.86
MT JA 8 75.33 29.76 173.42 92.75
DE 10 73.56 27.66 148.83 92.27
ES 10 69.64 20.17 150.87 55.23
EN EN 18 54.13 22.16 88.21 44.33
4, 5, 6 HT JA 8 84.18 37.03 190.21 187.73
DE 10 105.94 41.75 213.44 111.06
ES 10 110.34 39.14 339.5 131.07
MT JA 10 117.90 51.85 244.71 100.71
DE 9 94.43 43.90 233.27 123.64
ES 10 93.39 31.91 243.03* 77.38
EN EN 18 78.07 55.02 223.21 215.16
Table 5 Satisfaction according
to tasks, scenario and language Task/scenario/language N Mean SD
1, 2, 3 HT JA 12 3.42 1.33
DE 9 1.75 0.59
ES 10 1.4 0.5
MT JA 10 3.45 1.06
DE 10 2.05 0.82
ES 10 2.13 1.27
EN EN 18 2.14 1.02
4, 5, 6 HT JA 10 3.55 1.21
DE 10 2.8 1.36
ES 10 2.98 1.29
MT JA 12 4.65 1.25
DE 9 3.22 1.14
ES 10 2.55 1.3
EN EN 18 3.24 1.15
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The impact oftranslation modality onuser experience: an…
Appendix3: Eye‑tracking complementary data
Fixation duration
Fixation duration looks at the duration of fixations in seconds within an AOI.
Task/scenario/language Instructions MS Word
N Mean SD Mean SD
1, 2, 3 HT JA 10 65.18 29.16 139.84 70.57
DE 9 77.11 21.49 115.43 50.74
ES 10 56.72 17.03 139.62 94.86
MT JA 8 75.33 29.76 173.42 92.75
DE 10 73.56 27.66 148.83 92.27
ES 10 69.64 20.17 150.87 55.23
EN EN 18 54.13 22.16 88.21 44.33
4, 5, 6 HT JA 8 84.18 37.03 190.21 187.73
DE 10 105.94 41.75 213.44 111.06
ES 10 110.34 39.14 339.50 131.07
MT JA 10 117.90 51.85 244.71 100.71
DE 9 94.43 43.90 233.27 123.64
ES 10 93.39 31.91 243.03 77.38
EN EN 18 78.07 55.02 223.21 215.16
Fixation count
Fixation count looks at the total number of fixations within an AOI.
Task/scenario/language N Instructions MS Word
Mean SD Mean SD
1, 2, 3 HT JA 10 343.50 101.47 631.40 300.09
DE 9 393.22 100.83 413.89 210.46
ES 10 305.70 87.81 489.20 350.66
MT JA 8 402.00 147.46 731.25 336.08
DE 10 385.50 111.79 563.40 351.26
ES 10 354.00 62.96 578.80 176.22
EN EN 18 316.44 101.42 404.06 179.45
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Task/scenario/language N Instructions MS Word
Mean SD Mean SD
4, 5, 6 HT JA 8 448.63 226.25 939.63 963.72
DE 10 545.90 182.18 962.50 491.03
ES 10 550.80 148.98 1510.2 659.94
MT JA 10 585.80 214.14 1175.6 439.54
DE 9 471.22 183.26 1000.2 498.42
ES 10 489.30 145.74 1055.7 318.04
EN EN 18 452.06 287.22 1142.6 918.70
Visit duration
This gives the duration of each individual visit within an AOI in seconds, in other
words, how long participants spent in that AOI before moving to another.
Task/scenario/language N Instructions MS Word
Mean SD Mean SD
1, 2, 3 HT JA 10 88.82 29.52 193.77 90.06
DE 9 96.78 27.17 141.50 68.09
ES 10 73.25 20.50 170.91 115.50
MT JA 8 101.28 42.97 227.32 111.51
DE 10 92.74 27.18 180.86 99.89
ES 10 87.94 19.37 188.80 61.82
EN EN 18 77.52 29.48 133.03 67.44
4, 5, 6 HT JA 8 118.60 68.82 264.16 271.72
DE 10 135.03 41.82 269.16 133.69
ES 10 143.02 45.47 447.46 221.10
MT JA 10 156.23 57.83 341.29 116.66
DE 9 117.17 49.85 285.38 147.25
ES 10 121.12 37.03 314.06 87.62
EN EN 18 112.38 71.21 345.08 275.48
Visit count
This measures the number of visits between the first fixation on the active AOI and
the end of the last fixation within the same active AOI where there have been no
fixations outside the AOI.
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The impact oftranslation modality onuser experience: an…
Task/scenario/language N Instructions MS Word
Mean SD Mean SD
1, 2, 3 HT JA 10 38.20 10.40 38.20 11.23
DE 9 24.67 9.64 25.56 10.06
ES 10 27.10 10.27 28.00 10.39
MT JA 8 39.88 15.18 40.13 13.07
DE 10 30.90 8.94 32.40 11.13
ES 10 28.90 9.68 32.30 11.47
EN EN 18 32.83 11.01 33.06 11.41
4, 5, 6 HT JA 8 40.13 21.96 41.63 25.07
DE 10 34.90 12.37 40.70 16.89
ES 10 40.10 15.54 50.40 18.14
MT JA 10 49.50 18.06 64.80 31.04
DE 9 28.00 13.75 35.67 16.92
ES 10 38.10 12.78 50.30 38.30
EN EN 18 46.11 28.29 48.11 24.56
Funding This research was supported by the Edge Research Fellowship programme, which received
funding from the EU Horizon 2020 innovation programme under the MSC grant agreement No. 713567
and Microsoft Ireland, and by the ADAPT Centre for Digital Content Technology, funded under the SFI
Research Centres Programme (Grant 13/RC/2106) and co-funded under the European Regional Develop-
ment Fund.
Conflict of interest First author received an Edge Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellowship.
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which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as
you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Com-
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... More recently, Guerberof-Arenas, Moorkens, and O'Brien (2021) published a paper called "The impact of translation modality on user experience: an eye-tracking study of the Microsoft Word user interface", researching the impact of different translation modalities on the "user experience". Yet, considering strictly the ISO definition of UX, Guerberof-Arenas, Moorkens and O'Brien (2021) mainly measured usability, considering the following elements: ...
... More recently, Guerberof-Arenas, Moorkens, and O'Brien (2021) published a paper called "The impact of translation modality on user experience: an eye-tracking study of the Microsoft Word user interface", researching the impact of different translation modalities on the "user experience". Yet, considering strictly the ISO definition of UX, Guerberof-Arenas, Moorkens and O'Brien (2021) mainly measured usability, considering the following elements: ...
... Gaze data were then replayed, and translators were interviewed through a think-aloud protocol. Guerberof-Arenas, Moorkens, and O'Brien (2021) concluded that effectiveness was not significantly different when observing different translation ...
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Recent language technology developments have disrupted the translation and interpreting professions. However, the focus has been on using more computational power and training larger language models, often neglecting the users of such technology (do Carmo and Moorkens 2022). To date, the goal of technology development has been the creation of an intelligent agent that emulates human behaviour to increase automation. As a response, a novel technology design framework has gained a foothold recently: human-centered artificial intelligence, where instead of human replacement, the aim is to produce a powerful tool that augments human capabilities, enhances performance, and empowers users, who are at all instances in supervisory control of such systems (Shneiderman 2022). If applied to machine translation (MT), we can talk about human-centered, augmented MT (HCAMT). This shift, moving from emulation to empowerment, places humans at the centre of AI/language technology. This PhD thesis presents the concept of Machine Translation User Experience (MTUX) as a way to foster HCAMT. Consequently, we conduct a longitudinal user study with 11 professional translators in the English-Spanish language combination that analyses the effects of traditional post-editing (TPE) and interactive post-editing (IPE) on MTUX, translation quality and productivity. MTUX results suggest that translators prefer IPE to TPE because they are in control of the interaction in this new form of translator-computer interaction and feel more empowered in their interaction with MT. Productivity results also suggest that translators working with IPE report a statistically significantly higher productivity than when working with TPE. Quality results also indicate that translators offer more fluent translations in IPE, and equally adequate translations in both post-editing modalities. All these results allow for reflection on the potential adoption of IPE as a more HCAMT post-editing modality, which empowers the users, who have been increasingly reluctant to interact with machine translation post-editing in industry workflows (Cadwell, O’Brien, and Teixeira 2018). This PhD thesis establishes the methodology for fostering HCAMT tools, systems and workflows through the study of MTUX. The successful implementation of HCAMT in translation and interpreting may lead to sustainable, diverse, and ethically sound development in MT systems and other technological tools through a wide variety of users and use-cases.
... Consequently, experienced Internet users are expected to interact with advertising banners more frequently than novices. This pattern has been corroborated by other studies, such as Arenas et al. (2021), analyzing the Microsoft Word user interface with eye-tracking, Guo et al. (2021), investigating mobile news apps with eye-tracking, or Joseph et al. (2021), examining smartphone applications. Generally, users with greater technological proficiency find it easier to navigate technology services and products than those lacking such experience. ...
... The present study also found that those participants with experience of purchasing online presented better recall (both partial and full) of the brand logo than those without such experience. This was also found in the previous literature in different contexts-such as Arenas et al. (2021) Therefore, the results point to an interesting avenue for future research on the effectiveness of VRB in terms of paying visual attention and as a result, determining the optimal on-screen location for the logo-may assist in enhancing business processes, considering the characteristics of the customers who use these s-commerce tools. ...
Purpose Higher education institutions are the contemporary embodiment of knowledge-intensive organizations. The role of knowledge sharing among academics in enhancing teaching, research and innovation performance cannot be overlooked. However, a paucity of studies were devoted to uncovering the influencing factors of knowledge sharing among academics in China. This study aims to dig into the factors that influence academics’ knowledge sharing behaviors in the context of Chinese higher education. Design/methodology/approach Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 academics from universities across various regions in China by using a combination of convenience, snowball and purposive sampling methods. Thematic analysis was employed where data sets were examined according to the initial categorization of factors based on a review of the literature while new factors were searched based on frequency of re-occurrence. Findings Perceived loss of power and time and effort significantly hinder knowledge sharing, whereas expected self-development and association are major catalysts of knowledge sharing. The organizational climate in higher education is featured by competition and individualism, which are not conducive to knowledge sharing, while affiliation and trust are essential for cultivating a pro-sharing environment. Technological tools are perceived as user-friendly and useful in facilitating knowledge sharing, but doubts were raised about the effectiveness of online knowledge sharing compared to face-to-face communication. Originality/value Deviating from the conventional quantitative approach, this study provides novelty insights on this topic by revealing some less-investigated factors of knowledge sharing among Chinese academics by taking the qualitative approach.
... The studies, particularly on professional translators, demonstrate that machine-translated text typically demands a higher cognitive load, to varying degrees, compared to human-translated or post-edited content. Earlier user-centered research analyzed raw machine translation, and identified reduced usability of machinetranslated instructions compared to post-edited output (Carl et al., 2011;Castilho, 2016;Castilho et al., 2014;Doherty & O'Brien, 2014;Doherty, 2016;Daems et al., 2017;Ferreiraa et al., 2021;Guerberof Arenas et al., 2021;Hu et al., 2020;Jakobsen & Jensen, 2008;Kasperé et al., 2023;Moorkens, 2018;Stasimioti & Sosoni, 2021;Vardaro et al., 2019). ...
... Most MT research has traditionally focused on examining proficiency levels rather than AoA. These studies have generally revealed that translators exhibit higher cognitive loads and lower acceptability compared to less proficient bilinguals (Carl et al., 2011;Castilho, 2016;Doherty, 2016;Daems et al., 2017;Ferreiraa et al., 2021;Guerberof Arenas et al., 2021;Hu et al., 2020;Kasperé et al., 2023;Moorkens, 2018;Stasimioti & Sosoni, 2021;Vardaro et al., 2019). In the current study, it was observed that late bilingual speakers exhibited a superior ability to detect errors in translations compared to their early bilingual counterparts. ...
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Machine translation (MT) is the automated process of translating text between different languages, encompassing a wide range of language pairs. This study focuses on non-professional bilingual speakers of Turkish and English, aiming to assess their ability to discern accuracy in machine translations and their preferences regarding MT. A particular emphasis is placed on the linguistically subtle yet semantically meaningful concept of evidentiality. In this experimental investigation, 36 Turkish–English bilinguals, comprising both early and late bilinguals, were presented with simple declarative sentences. These sentences varied in their evidential meaning, distinguishing between firsthand and non-firsthand evidence. The participants were then provided with MT of these sentences in both translation directions (Turkish to English and English to Turkish) and asked to identify the accuracy of these translations. Additionally, participants were queried about their preference for MT in four crucial domains: medical, legal, academic, and daily contexts. The findings of this study indicated that late bilinguals exhibited a superior ability to detect translation accuracy, particularly in the case of firsthand evidence translations, compared to their early bilingual counterparts. Concerning the preference for MT, age of acquisition and the accuracy detection of non-firsthand sentence translations emerged as significant predictors.
... Based on these decisions, the number and characteristics of the study participants should be identified and divided into subgroups according to the variations of the studied materials. This segmentation helps in analyzing the impact of specific factors on different user groups, providing a more nuanced [29] ET questionnaire Online shop [52] EEG, GSR, ET, FC none Social networks [63] FC questionnaire, interview, observation Web forms [67] ET mouse and keyboard tracking, questionnaire, Mobile version of the online shop [73] ET user journey Games Tetris [83] EEG questionnaire VR games [28] EEG none Snake [9] EEG questionnaire VR game [3] EMG, GSR questionnaire Educational video game [43] pupilometry none VR games [11] HR questionnaire Simulation game [48] HR questionnaire Game in a VR [33] ECG, GSR, EMG questionnaire Game with exercises [16] EEG, ECG, GSR, ET questionnaire Mobile games [84] ECG questionnaire, in-game events First person shooters (FPS) [38] GSR, EEG, HR questionnaire Dota 2 [10] HR, EEG, GSR interview VR game [12] EEG, EDA, ECG questionnaire MOBA games [35] EEG, ECG, GSR questionnaire VR games with exercises [82] EEG questionnaire Research subject Application Neuroscience method Classical method Text editor [24] ET think-aloud protocol questionnaire Mobile application [34] ET none 3D software [2] ET interview Mobile applicatio [87] ET, EEG questionnaire Other digital products Electronic voting system [59] ET questionnaire Warning window design [76] fMRI, ET none Autonomous car interface [20] GSR questionnaire, interview Automotive on-board computer interface [60] EEG questionnaire CAPTCHA [45] fNIRS none Digital training materials [80] ET questionnaire Source: own elaboration Fig. 5 Aspects of the study. Source: own elaboration understanding of the experiment's outcomes. ...
In the competitive realm of consumer-driven markets, companies strive to meet rising expectations by creating digital products that not only meet functional needs but also evoke authentic emotional responses. In this article, we integrate cognitive neuroscience methods with user experience research, citing them as powerful tools for uncovering users’ subconscious responses and unconscious preferences. Techniques such as eye tracking, GSR, EEG and facial coding combined with traditional UX research methods provide a comprehensive understanding of the user experience. Despite implementation challenges, a review of 64 experiments conducted between 2017 and 2022 highlights the growing use of these methods. A generalized procedure based on these experiments is proposed for designing and conducting UX research using cognitive neuroscience methods. By sharing best practices, this article serves as a valuable guide for researchers exploring the evolving intersection of cognitive neuroscience and UX design, facilitating the creation of impactful experiments in this emerging field.
... In the Translation Studies and the MT fields, research centered on analysing human factors in today's translator-computer interactions is still relatively limited, and the perceptions, user experiences (UX) or feelings of MT users, or even whether these feelings and experiences have any effect on their interactions, have been scarce (Koponen et al., 2020;Karakanta et al., 2022;Guerberof Arenas et al., 2021). In this context, we present the results of a study (part of a larger project) (Briva-Iglesias, 2024) that explores whether translators' pre-task perceptions of MT have any relationship with final translation quality and productivity. ...
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This paper presents a user study with 11 professional English-Spanish translators in the legal domain. We analysed whether negative or positive translators' pre-task perceptions of machine translation (MT) being an aid or a threat had any relationship with final translation quality and productivity in a post-editing workflow. Pre-task perceptions of MT were collected in a questionnaire before translators conducted post-editing tasks and were then correlated with translation productivity and translation quality after an Adequacy-Fluency evaluation. Each participant translated 13 texts over two consecutive weeks, accounting for 120,102 words in total. Results show that translators who had higher levels of trust in MT and thought that MT was not a threat to the translation profession reported higher translation quality and productivity. These results have critical implications: improving translator-computer interactions and fostering MT literacy in translation training may be crucial to reducing negative translators' pre-task perceptions, resulting in better translation productivity and quality, especially adequacy.
... From another point of view, some first steps have tried to address this lack of HCI methods in Translation Studies and MT by introducing more transversal methodologies and methods. An example is the work conducted by Guerberof Arenas, Moorkens, and O'Brien (2021), who introduced a usability questionnaire to assess the impact of translation modality on what the final readers of translated text thought, as well as to devise whether they could perform different tasks with the different texts. Another interesting work was conducted by Koponen et al. (2020), who analysed the experiences of subtitlers when using MT and used the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) developed by Laugwitz et al. (2018) to measure UX. ...
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Perceptions and experiences of machine translation (MT) users before, during, and after their interaction with MT systems, products, or services have been overlooked both in academia and in industry. Traditionally, the focus has been on productivity and quality, often neglecting the human factor. We propose the concept of Machine Translation User Experience (MTUX) for assessing, evaluating, and getting further information about the user experiences of people interacting with MT. By conducting a human-computer interaction (HCI)-based study with 15 professional translators, we present a methodological paper in which we analyse which is the best method for measuring MTUX, and conclude by suggesting the use of the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). The measurement of MTUX will help every stakeholder in the MT industry-developers will be able to identify pain points for the users and solve them in the development process, resulting in better MTUX and higher adoption of MT systems or products by MT users.
This chapter analyses existing research on the ethical implications of using MT in translation and communication, and it describes results from usability experiments that focus on the inclusion of raw and post-edited MT in multilingual products and creative texts with an emphasis on users’ feedback. It also offers suggestions on how MT content should be presented to users, readers, and consumers in general. It finally considers the ethical responsibility of all stakeholders in this new digital reality. If the ethical dimension is an ecosystem, users also have the responsibility to support products that protect language, translators, and future generations.
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This paper presents a user study with 15 professional translators in the English-Spanish combination. We present the concept of Machine Translation User Experience (MTUX) and compare the effects of traditional post-editing (TPE) and interactive post-editing (IPE) on MTUX, translation quality and productivity. Results suggest that translators prefer IPE to TPE because they are in control of the interaction in this new form of translator-computer interaction and feel more empowered in their interaction with Machine Translation. Productivity results also suggest that IPE may be an interesting alternative to TPE, given the fact that translators worked faster in IPE even though they had no experience in this new machine translation post-editing modality, but were already used to TPE.
This Element reports an investigation of translators' use of web-based resources and search engines. The study adopted a qualitative eye tracking-based methodology utilising a combination of gaze replay and retrospective think aloud (RTA) to elicit data. The main contribution of this Element lies in presenting not only an alternative eye tracking methodology for investigating translators' web search behaviour but also a systematic approach to gauging the reasoning behind translators' highly complex and context-dependent interaction with search engines and the Web.
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Usability evaluators used an 18-item, post-study questionnaire in three related usability tests. I conducted an exploratory factor analysis to investigate statistical justification to combine items into subscales. The factor analysis indicated that three factors accounted for 87 percent of the total variance. Coefficient alpha analyses showed that the reliability of the overall summative scale was .97, and ranged from .91 to .96 for the three subscales. In the sensitivity analyses, the overall scale and all three subscales detected significant differences among the user groups; and one subscale indicated a significant system effect. Correlation analyses support the validity of the scales. The overall scale correlated highly with the sum of the After-Scenario Questionnaire ratings that participants gave after each scenario. The overall scale also correlated moderately with the percentage of successful scenario completion. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that these alternative measurements tap into a common underlying construct. This construct is probably usability, based on the content of the questionnaire items and the measurement context.
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Neural machine translation is increasingly being promoted and introduced in the field of translation, but research into its applicability for post-editing by human translators and its integration within existing translation tools is limited. In this study, we compare the quality of SMT and NMT output of the commercially-available interactive and adaptive translation environment Lilt, as well as the translation process of professional translators working with both versions of the tool, their preference for SMT vs. NMT for post-editing, and their attitude towards such an interactive and adaptive translation tool compared to their usual translation environments.
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This paper reports on a pilot experiment that compares two different machine translation (MT) paradigms in reading comprehension tests. To explore a suitable methodology, we set up a pilot experiment with a group of six users (with English, Spanish and Simplified Chinese languages) using an English Language Testing System (IELTS), and an eye-tracker. The users were asked to read three texts in their native language: either the original English text (for the English speakers) or the machine-translated text (for the Spanish and Simplified Chinese speakers). The original texts were machine-translated via two MT systems: neural (NMT) and statistical (SMT). The users were also asked to rank satisfaction statements on a 3-point scale after reading each text and answering the respective comprehension questions. After all tasks were completed, a post-task retrospective interview took place to gather qualitative data. The findings suggest that the users from the target languages completed more tasks in less time with a higher level of satisfaction when using translations from the NMT system.
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We conduct the first experiment in the literature in which a novel is translated automatically and then post-edited by professional literary translators. Our case study is Warbreaker, a popular fantasy novel originally written in English, which we translate into Catalan. We translated one chapter of the novel (over 3,700 words, 330 sentences) with two data-driven approaches to Machine Translation (MT): phrase-based statistical MT (PBMT) and neural MT (NMT). Both systems are tailored to novels; they are trained on over 100 million words of fiction. In the post-editing experiment, six professional translators with previous experience in literary translation translate subsets of this chapter under three alternating conditions: from scratch (the norm in the novel translation industry), post-editing PBMT, and post-editing NMT. We record all the keystrokes, the time taken to translate each sentence, as well as the number of pauses and their duration. Based on these measurements, and using mixed-effects models, we study post-editing effort across its three commonly studied dimensions: temporal, technical and cognitive. We observe that both MT approaches result in increases in translation productivity: PBMT by 18%, and NMT by 36%. Post-editing also leads to reductions in the number of keystrokes: by 9% with PBMT, and by 23% with NMT. Finally, regarding cognitive effort, post-editing results in fewer (29 and 42% less with PBMT and NMT, respectively) but longer pauses (14 and 25%).
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Machine-translated segments are increasingly included as fuzzy matches within the translation-memory systems in the localisation workflow. This study presents preliminary results on the correlation between these two types of segments in terms of productivity and final quality. In order to test these variables, we set up an experiment with a group of eight professional translators using an on-line post-editing tool and a statistical-based machine translation engine. The translators were asked to translate new, machine-translated and translation-memory segments from the 80-90 percent value range using a post-editing tool without actually knowing the origin of each segment, and to complete a questionnaire. The findings suggest that translators have higher productivity and quality when using machine-translated output than when processing fuzzy matches from translation memories. Furthermore, translators' technical experience seems to have an impact on productivity but not on quality.
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Neural machine translation (NMT) has set new quality standards in automatic translation, yet its effect on post-editing productivity is still pending thorough investigation. We empirically test how the inclusion of NMT, in addition to domain-specific translation memories and termbases, impacts speed and quality in professional translation of financial texts. We find that even with language pairs that have received little attention in research settings and small amounts of in-domain data for system adaptation, NMT post-editing allows for substantial time savings and leads to equal or slightly better quality.
In recent decades, post-editing has received its fair share of attention in the industry as well as in academic circles. What has attracted by far the most attention is the question of quality: together, machine translation and post-editing defy long-standing and commonplace notions of quality. In this paper, we try to observe quality from the vantage point of end users, who are believed to have the final say on a text's fitness for purpose. We will report on an experiment in which end users were asked to pass judgment on manipulated machine translations with different degrees of post-editing. Our findings demonstrate that the additional effort associated with higher degrees of post-editing does not necessarily lead to more positive judgments about text quality. The evidence suggests that text quality is context-dependent and is, therefore, subject to a somewhat opaque process of constant (re)negotiation.
This article details a triangulated eye-tracking experiment carried out at Cardiff University, UK. The experiment sought to compare the quality of final texts, from an end-user's perspective, when different translation modalities (translating and post-editing Machine Translation) were used to translate the same source text. The language pair investigated is English and Welsh. An eye tracker was used to record fixations in a between-groups experimental design as participants read two texts, one post-edited and one translated using the same source text, as well as two subjective Likert-type scales where each participant rated the texts for readability and comprehensibility. Following an analysis of fixation duration, the gaze data of the two groups was found to be statistically identical, and there was no statistically significant difference found between the readability and comprehensibility scores gleaned from subjective Likert-type scales. It is argued following this that post-editing machine translated texts does not necessarily lead to translations of inferior quality in the context of the final end-user, and that this further supports the use of Machine Translation in a professional context.
Many people's social media feeds include posts in languages they do not understand. While previous research has examined bilingual social media users' language choices, little research has focused on how people make sense of foreign language posts. In the present study, we interviewed 23 undergraduate social media users about how they consume and make sense of posts in other languages. Interviewees reported that they often did not pay attention to or engage with foreign language posts, due to a lack of relevance and contextual knowledge. When they did actively engage with foreign language posts, interviewees did not rely solely on machine translation output but instead actively collected and combined various cues from within and outside the post in order to understand what it was about. Interviewees further reported different types of goals for trying to make sense of foreign language posts; some focused on simply extracting and understanding the emotional components of a post while others tried to gain a fuller understanding of a post, including its contextual and cultural meanings. Based on these findings, we suggest design possibilities that could better aid multilingual communication in social media.