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Abstract and Figures

Olympic rowing in its current form is a high-intensity boat race covering a distance of 2000 m with fastest race times ranging ~5.5-7.5 min, depending on boat class, sex, and environmental factors. To realize such race times, rowers need strength and endurance, which is physiologically evident in an oxidative Adaption of the skeletal muscles, a high aerobic capacity, and the ability to contribute and sustain a relatively high percentage of anaerobic energy for several minutes. Anthropometrically, male and female rowers are characterized by relatively large body measurements. Biomechanics & Physiology: The sitting position of the rower, the involvement of a large muscle mass and the structure of the rowing cycle, consisting of drive and recovery phase where the rower slides back and forth on a sliding seat, affect the cardiovascular and the respiratory system in a unique manner. In Addition to these physiological and anthropometric characteristics, this brief review outlines the extreme metabolic implications of the sport during racing and training and mentions rarely-discussed topics such as established testing procedures, summarizes data on training intensity distribution in elite rowing and includes a short section on heat stress during training and racing in hot and humid conditions expected for the Olympic Games 2021 in Tokyo.
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What is Olympic Rowing?
Olympic rowing in its current form – at least until
Paris 2024 – is a boat race covering a distance of
2000 m. In sweep row ing, two, four or eight male or
female rowers use one oar either on backboard or
starboard. In sculling boats, one, two, or four male
or female rowers generate propulsion with two
sculls (“oars”) each . In this categor y there is also the
only remaining boat class for lightweight rowers,
the lightweight double sculls, in which no male or
female rower may be heavier tha n 72.5 kg or 59.0 kg,
respectively. Depending on boat class and sex, the
world best times for the 2000 m distance vary bet-
ween 5:18 in the men’s eight and 7:07 in the women’s
sing le. Race times for a g iven boat class in w orld elite
A-nals vary by approximately 0.9-1.1% for crewed
boats or single sculls (70), but duration and
PD Dr. Gunnar Treff
Ulm Universit y Hospital, Ulm, Germany
Division of Sports and Rehabilitation
Leimgrubenweg 14, D- 89075 Ulm
: gunnar.treff@
Trainingsintensitätsverteilung, Aerob, Anaerob,
Tokio, Olympische Spiele
Training Intensity Distribution, Aerobic, Anaerobic,
Tokyo, Olympic Games
Olympic rowing in it s current form is a h igh-inten sity boat rac e
covering a d istance of 200 0 m with fastes t race times rang ing
~5.5-7.5 min, dependi ng on boat class, sex , and environment al
factors. To realize such race times, rowers need strength and
endurance , which is physiologic ally evident in a n oxidative ad-
aption of the skelet al muscles, a high aerobic capacit y, and the
ability to contribute and sustain a relatively high percentage
of anaerobic energy for several minutes. Anthropometrically,
male and female rowers are characterized by relatively large
body measu rements.
Biomechanics & Physiology: e sitting pos ition of the rower,
the involvement of a la rge muscle mass and the st ructure of the
rowing c ycle, consisting of d rive and recovery pha se where the
rower slides bac k and forth on a slid ing seat, a ect the card iovas-
cular a nd the respirat ory system i n a unique man ner. In addition
to these phys iological and anth ropometric charact eristics, th is
brief rev iew outlines the ex treme metabolic impl ications of the
sport during racing and training and mentions rarely-discussed
topics such as e stablished t esting proce dures, sum marizes da ta
on training intensity distribution in elite rowing and includes
a short sect ion on heat stress duri ng trainin g and racing in hot
and humid c onditions expected for the Olympic Ga mes 2021 in
Tok yo.
Das olympische Rudern in seiner aktuellen Form ist ein
hochinten sives Bootsrennen über ei ne Strecke von 2000 m. Die
schnells ten Rennzeiten liegen zw ischen ~5.5 und 7.5 min, ab -
hängi g von Bootsklasse, G eschlecht und Umweltfa ktoren. Um
solche Rennzeit en zu realisieren, benötigen R uderer Kraft und
Ausdauer, was sich physiologisch in ei ner oxidativ adapt ierten
Skelettmusk ulatur zeig t, in einer hohen aeroben Ka pazität und
der Fähigkeit, einen relativ hohen A nteil anaerober Energ iebe-
reitstellung über mehrere Mi nuten aufrechtzuerhalten. Anth-
ropometri sch zeichnen sich männl iche und weibliche Ruderer
durch relat iv große Körper maße aus.
Biomechanik & Physiologie: Die Sitzpos ition des Ruderers,
die ak tive Nutzun g einer großen Muskel masse und di e Strukt ur
des Ruderzy klus, best ehend aus Zug- und Vorrollphase , in der der
Ruderer mit seinem Sit z im Boot zurück- bzw. vorrol lt, beein us-
sen das Herz-K reislauf- u nd das Atmung ssystem au f einzigar tige
Weise. Zusätz lich zu diesen phy siologischen und a nthropometri-
schen Merkma len skizzier t dieser ku rze Überblick d ie extremen
metaboli schen Auswirk ungen des Sports wä hrend des Rennens
und des Traini ngs und erwähnt s elten diskutierte emen wie
etablier te Testverfa hren, fasst Daten zur Tra iningsintensit äts-
verteilu ng im Elite-R udern zusammen u nd geht in einem kurzen
Abschn itt auf den Hitzes tress während des Trai nings und der
Rennen unter hei ßen und feuchten Bed ingungen ei n, wie sie bei
den Olympis chen Spielen 2021in Tokio zu erwar ten sind.
May 2021
Tref f G, Winkert K, Steinacke r JM.
Olympic rowing – max imum capacity over
2000 meters. Dtsch Z Spor tmed. 2021; 72:
doi:10.5960/dzsm. 2021.485
June 2021
Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine,
Ulm, Germany
Olympic Rowing
Maximum Capacity over 2000 Meters
Tre G 1, Winkert K 1, Steinacker JM 1
Olympisches Rudern – das Maximum über 2000 Meter
Article inc orporates the Creative C ommons
Attribution – Non Commercial License. /4.0/
Olympic Rowing over 2000 Meters
variation are substantially inf luenced by environmen-
tal conditions, which are mainly race direction relative
to wind, magnitude of wind and waves, occasionally the
current of the water, as well as water temperature and,
of course, altitude.
To realize such race times , rowers have to accelerate a mass
of approximately 15 kg per person for the boat plus the rower’s
mass at the start. After the start, which is followed by a transi-
tion phase, rowers usua lly change to a race pace. Race tactics in
the middle of the race often include spri nts, where stroke rate is
increased and rowers aim to build a gap to their opponents. In
the na l 500 m of the rowi ng race, speed is of ten boosted and t he
race usu ally ends wit h a spurt. is pacing results in a pa rabolic
racing prole, wh ich is more pronounced in winners of Olympic
races than in their opponents (48). However, pacing strategies
dier a nd some very successful boats du ring the Olympic c ycles
2012-16 and 2016-20 rowed with more homogenou s 500 m. is
takes advanta ge of the fact that a steady pace requ ires less peak
power than a non-steady one, because the resistance of the wa
ter increa ses with speed by the second power, whi le the energy
required increases by 2.4th to 3rd power (11, 81). Model calcu-
lations assume that even the variations in boat speed within
each row ing cycle (caused by the boat’s inconstant propulsion),
increase the 2000 m-race duration by about 5 s, compared to a
boat hypothetically moving at consta nt speed (23). e average
mechanical power output of male rowers within a race ranges
450-550 W (30), requiring a considerable amount of energy to
generate forces of ~ 480 N. is prole of rowing as a strength
dependent, m id-term endu rance sport deter mines the demands
for successful competitive rowing.
During racing, the amount of energy provided by multiple
energetic pathways for several minutes is outstanding. is
warrants a brief summary of the metabolic aspects to under
stand the sport: e energetic pathways during exercise are
(i) anaerobic or non-oxidative pathways (i.e., substrate-level
phosphorylation with and without lactate production) and (ii)
aerobic or oxidative pathways (i.e., oxidative phosphorylation).
Oxidative Phosphorylation depends on oxygen delivery to the
working muscle and sucient supply of reducing equivalents
from carbohydrates and fat. During the race, contributions of
the pathways change considerably, which has already been de-
monstrated experimentally – and theoretically – in the 80’s of
the last century (39, 59) (Figure1).
e schematic row ing race outlined before nicely illust rates
the complex combination of, in simplied terms, those three
main energ y-generating pathways and thei r changing percent-
ages. At the start, a lot of energy is required to accelerate the
boat. is is mainly enabled through directly available ade-
nosine tri phosphate (ATP) stored in the muscle and creatine
phosphate (PCr) al lowing for anaerobic ATP s ynthesis without
lactate appearance. Even though the PCr stores within the
muscle are approximat ely 10-fold hig her than those of ATP, the
directly available PCr stored in the muscle is consumed with-
in seconds. However, it is dicult to specify exactly how long
the stored PCr will last, because the ratio of PCr-breakdown
and -resynthesis largely depends on duration, intensity, and
type (20, 61). Immediately after the start, the anaerobic-lac-
tic (or glycolytic) pathway gains importance, where glucose
is broken down to generate ATP while lactate is produced.
is pathway will relevantly contribute energy throughout
the whole race.
Nevertheless, it is the rel atively slow respondi ng, aerobic sys-
tem that dominates energ y contribution with approximately
67-88%, delivering the main proportions in the 2nd to 4th 500
m race-splits (58, 59). e import ance of the aerobic system for
successful rowing performance is manifold. It is ecient, be-
cause it allows the synthesis 36 units of ATP per unit glucose.
is exceeds by far the ratio from non-oxidative pathways,
which deliver only 2-3 units – but notably with a much higher
ow rate. Furthermore, the aerobic metabolism does not only
have the abil ity to deliver energ y without production of lac tate,
thereby limiting lactate accumulation during the race, it even
allows the oxidation of relevant proportions of the lactate that
is produced in the muscle via the anaerobic metabolism (8, 42).
Hence, it is the aerobic metabolism that keeps lactate concen-
tration and acidosis within tolerable limits during the main
part of the rowing race. On the other hand, the a naerobic lactic
metabolism is indispensable for high-intensity exercise in the
severe domain of ~80–100% V˙O
max, because it compensates
for the longer reaction time and limited energy ow rate of the
aerobic system for the extreme energy demand duri ng the race.
Fat metabolism is virtually not relevant during racing, but
essentia l during tra ining. At moderate intensities, ß-oxidation
of fat resynthesizes a huge amount of 130 ATP per unit sub-
strate and facilitates rowing for 1 h or more, albeit at much
lower intensit y than during racin g. For fur ther reading we refer
the reader to reviews (20, 61).
Aerobic Capacity and Adaptions of the Cardio Pulmonary System
As outlined before, aerobic metabolism is essential for racing.
Unsurprisingly, maximum oxygen consumption (V˙O
which is the standard measure of a erobic capacity, is very h igh
in rowers, ranging between 6-7 L/min and above 4 L/min in
male (44, 51, 75) and female elite rowers (4). V˙O
max is posi-
tively correlated to performance on the ergometer both in
male (25) and female (4) rowers and also related to on water
performance (65, 85). V˙O2max, being the gross criterion of the
cardiopulmonar y system, is the product of cardiac output and
arterio-venous oxygen dierence (Fick’s principle). Since peak
arterio-venous ox ygen dierence di ers not very much between
athletes and non-athletes, cardiac output is the major contri-
butor of a high V˙O
max (36). A V˙O
max of 7 L/min requires a
cardiac output of approximately 40 L/min (81). Even in male
lightweight rowers (i.e., body mass before competition ≤72.5
kg) at a V˙O
max of “only” 5.0 L/min, cardiac output has been
measured as high as 30 L/min (50).
Such high cardiac output is only achievable through struc-
tural and functional adaptions. In rowers, an increase in left
ventricular wall thickness and mass as well as atrial and ven-
tricular enlargement have been reported (1). Notably, cardiac
ultrasound-derived bi-atrial strain assessment indicates nor
mal resting function of structurally enlarged atria in rowers
(62) and maintai ned or even improved left ventricular d iastolic
relaxation velocity despite eccentric left ventricular hypertro-
phy (82). It is worth mentioning that hemodynamics are large-
ly inuenced by the rowing position and the cyclic movement:
Due to the seated position, the large muscles of both legs work
synchronously and are relatively near to the heart, thereby
facilitating venous return to the right heart, which optimizes
cardiac stroke volume via the Frank-Starling mechanism (28).
On the other ha nd, the structu re of the rowing stroke cycle im-
poses Valsalva like maneuvers, because especially at the beg in
of the drive phase (i.e., when the rower applies force to sculls
or oar and moves backward relative to the boat) rowers hold
Olympisches Rudern – das Maximum über 2000 Meter
their breath to stabilize the core, which means an increase in
intrathoracic pressure and high isometric cardiac stress by a
transient increase in LV afterload. In the second part of the
rowing cycle, the recovery phase (i.e., when the rower slides
forward and does not apply forces to the handle), the pressure
is released. e patter n creates considerable va riations in mean
arterial pressure and alterations of the cardiac stroke volume
with a decrease of 25% at the b egin of the drive phase and a si m-
ilar increase during recovery (9, 68). e hemodynamic chang-
es during the rowing cycle and specically the high isometric
cardiac stress m ight also be relevant for some of the di erences
in cardiac remodeling in comparison with endurance sports
discipl ines with low isomet ric stress such as long distance run-
ning. Compared to runners, enlargement of the LV in rowers is
accompanied by thicker left ventricular walls and higher left
ventricu lar mass (82). Furthermore, the mag nitude of hemody-
namic cha nges diers bet ween well-trained and elit e-rowers (1),
possibly because the magnitude of intrathoracic compression
increases with mechanical power output.
e heart’s main function is the transport of blood from the
lung to the brain and skeletal muscle in order to deliver oxygen.
e oxygen transport capacity itself is determined by the total
amount of hemoglobin, which is very high in rowers (75) and di-
rectly aects V˙O
max and performance variables (74). Interest-
ingly, and in contrast to other endurance athletes, where train-
ing-induced plasma volume expansion exceeds the increase of
hemoglobin mass, hemoglobin concentration in rowers is not
lower than in untrained persons (73). is is due to the close cor-
relation bet ween hemoglobin mas s and muscle mass (64), the lat-
ter also being relatively high in rowers (75). e causality behind
this cor relation is the ox idative adaption of a row er’s muscula ture,
containing approx imately 70% to 80% of Type I bers (33, 37, 60).
ese Type I bers have a high oxidative capacity and therefore
depend on sucient oxygen delivery, which is – when rowing in
normoxia – principally determined by hemoglobin mass, blood
volume, and c ardiac output . However, the oxygen dema nd in com-
petitive rowing may exceed its availability, frequently leading to
exercise i nduced arteri al hypoxemia (52), which is a n unmissable
sign of the severity of exercise. However, this phenomenon is not
limited to rowing, as recently reviewed (10).
e aforementioned eects of the rowing cycle are particu-
larly relevant for pulmonary function and breathing mechan-
ics, because the respiratory muscles face a dual demand: they
assist in propulsive force generation and are also an eector of
ventilatory control. Since stroke and respiratory rate increase
in concert, breathing is increasingly entrained. At high work
rates with high respiratory frequencies, the time constraints
on breathing result in high peak ow of more than 10 L/s, a dy-
namic compression of the air way occurs during ex piration, and
tidal volume reaches the at part of the thoracic compliance
curve. e ventilatory response is characterized by restricted
tidal volumes and time and ow constraints for breathing (71)
(Figure 2). Hence, large airways and lung volumes are import-
ant for rowers. Of note, lung capacity has been reported to be
as high as 11.68 L (GB elite rower Pete Reed, according to (13)).
Anaerobic Capacity
e severit y of rowing is al so highli ghted by an ext reme post-ra-
ce acidosis, with pH values as low as 6.74 (49), associated with
whole blood lactate concentrations of 26 mmol/L (own, unpu-
blished data obtained from routine ergometer testing of natio-
nal squa d rowers) and seru m lactate concentrations as high as
32 mmol/L (49). ese data indicate a relevant contribution of
anaerobic , metabolism dur ing racing , which amounts to appro-
ximately 12-33%, based on the inversed data on aerobic contri-
bution mentioned before. However, the magnitude of post-ra ce
peak lactate concentration is a poor measure of non-ox idative
contribution (38), because it is the resu lt of lactate appea rance
and removal (for review see (15)). To estimate non-oxidative
capacity, the maximal accumulated oxygen decit (MAOD)
(41) is currently the method of choice and also post exercise
lactate kinetics may provide a good and minimally invasive
measure of anaerobic contribution to rowing (37). A traditi-
onal method that for the determination of anaerobic lactic
power that has recently been increasingly discussed again is
the maximum lactate accumulation rate (V˙Lamax) (22).
Figure 1
Relative energy expenditure during simulated rowing. Data were obtained in
highly trained GDR-rowers during 7-min all-out tests. Tests were terminated
after 20, 90, 240, 370, and 420 seconds, where rowers were blinded to the
timepoints of termination. Each time point represents the cumulated con-
tribution of each pathway to the respective time point. Adapted from (59).
Figure 2
Tidal volume (VT) as a function of minute ventilation (VE) during rowing at
different work rates. The breaths of four rowing strokes at each work load
are displayed as symbols coded for breath duration, where + represents
>2.0 s, represents 1.5-2.0 s, X represents 1.0-1.5 s, and ◊ represents
<1.0 s. Data obtained in four national team rowers. Figure from (71),
printed with permission.
Olympic Rowing over 2000 Meters
However, its inter pretation is based on several theoretical as-
sumptions and the only data provided for elite rowers is an
average recommendation of less than 0.6 mmol•s-1•kg-1 (21),
but we are not aware of data reporting longitudinal changes.
At least partly related to the diculties in its assessment –
the actual adaptability of anaerobic performance in elite en-
durance rowers and especially its interaction with changes
in aerobic performance appears currently unclear and often
remains anecdotal.
In elite rowers, the aforementioned characteristics are asso-
ciated with a relatively large physique; in fact, some of these
characteristics are directly mediated by body size and high
muscle mass (e.g., cardiac output or V˙O
max). Furthermore,
from a biomechanical perspective, long leverage is necessary
to facilitate high stroke forces and an extended rowing drive
phase (5, 65). Hence, elite male and female senior open class
rowers exhibit a high body mass of ~94.3 kg and ~76.7 kg and a
standing height of ~193.3 cm and ~180.8 cm, respectively (29).
Consequently, body mass, standing height and lea n body mass
are accepted determinants of rowing performance (25, 45). A
recent analysis revealed that anthropometric characteristics
at junior age already aect long-term career attainment even
within elite U19 National Team rowers (84).
Performance Testing
Measures of rowing performa nce have been reviewed previous-
ly (69). ey can be assessed on-water, which is specic, or on
rowing ergometers, which is semi-specic. On-water perfor-
mance measurements include GPS data and mechanical sen-
sors that a llow to measure force s at the oar, the oarlock (i.e., t he
axis around which the oar rotates), and/or the foot stretcher.
Changes in on-water performance may be due to changes in
technical eciency of the rower, uncontrol lable environmental
factors, and/or due to changes in physiological performance.
at is why on-water testing is often used for the technical
training of rowers, but physical performance is generally mo-
nitored on rowing ergometers, during controlled laboratory
An accepted ergometer test, probably applied by all elite
rowing programs in the world, is the 2000 m test, where the
rower aims to cover the virtual distance of 2 km as fast as pos-
sible. Race times are approximately ≤ 5:50 min and ≤ 6:50 in
male and fem ale elite athletes, respectively. e reliabilit y of the
test is good (ty pical error 1.3% [95%CI 0.9, 2.9] and especially in
small boats on elite le vel, the result is clea rly associated w ith on
water per formanc e outcome (47). However, this test is extremely
exhaustive and does not allow for dierentiated diagnosis of
changes, for example, in basic endurance.
erefore, several world rowing programs (personal obser-
vation: G. T.) employ dierent protocols of incremental step
tests on the rowing ergometer, which were developed in the
80’s of the last century. Step tests enable the creation of a lac-
tate power curve for the calculation of established variables
such as power at 2 or 4 mmol/L blood lactate concentration
or individual threshold concepts (25, 46, 79) which have been
identied a s determinant s of 2000 m ergometer per formance (4,
25). Also, t he maximum power output during a 7 x 2-min incre-
mental step test has re cently been shown to be closely related to
2000 m ergometer performance (r = 0.99) and V˙O2 (r = 0.96) (27).
Furthermore, incremental step tests enable the scientic sta
to dene individual intensity zones for endurance training. It
is worth mentioning that data obtained on rowing ergometers
allow for a sucient transfer to on-water rowing (80), however
they need individual validation.
Incremental step tests can be modied and combined with
metabolic analyzers to assess maximum oxygen consumption
on rowing ergometers in step- or ramp-wise protocols (26),
however several characteristics of the wind-braked rowing
ergometers make these tests more dicult compared to cycle
ergometer tests and require advanced technology, at least if
elite populations are targeted (76).
It is worth ment ioning, that t he reliability and validity of the
frequently used rowing ergometers w as not validated i n similar
quality as is the case wit h e.g., cycle ergometer s. at is surpris-
ing, b ecause the few stud ies published sugge st a limited validity
(7, 35) and furthermore a high stroke-by-stroke variability in
ergometer test ing has been obser ved (77). is gap i n knowledge
may be due to the la ck of appropriate testi ng devices, but since
these have been recently developed (43), it is likely that the in-
ternational rowing community will soon receive such results.
Training of competitive rowers general ly includes rowing (ergo-
meter and boat), non-specic endurance training like cycling
or cross-country skiing, resistance training, and additional
training like stretching or yoga . e volume of training increa-
sed over the decades to 1128 (1104–1200) h/year in Norwegian
rowers (16) and we can assume that most elite rowers train
around 25 h/week (16, 44). ere are two reasons or “justica-
tions” for these h igh volumes: First, the development of row ing
technique and crew ecienc y requires suc ient time. Secondly,
the attempt to optimize aerobic endurance performance th-
rough volume-based training; i.e., adaption of the cardio-re-
spiratory system and in particular of the skeletal muscle via
mitochondrial biogenesis (24). Indeed, there is clear evidence
that endur ance performanc e increases wit h training volume in
rowers (16), runners (14), and that very high volumes at low in-
tensity c an prepare for world records in high intensity exercise
Mechanical power output, heart rate, blood lactate, oxygen uptake,
respiratory ratio, and calculated energy expenditure at first and second
lactate threshold in 11 elite rowers during rowing ergometer testing. LT1
and LT2: Lactate threshold 1 and 2 according to (12); [Lac]: blood lactate
concentration; VO2: oxygen consumption; VO2max: percent of maximum
oxygen consumption; RER: respiratory exchange ratio; AEE: activity related
energy expenditure; CHO and LIP: percentage of carbohydrates and fat,
respectively, contributing to AEE. Data from (83).
Mechanical power output (W) 262±24 356±30
Heart rate (min-1)139±10 166±7
Maximum Heart Rate (%) 71±4 85±3
[Lac] (mmol·L-1)0.8±0.3 2.4±0.3
VO2 (L·min-1)4.2±0.5 5.5±0.4
VO2max (%) 65±7 84±6
RER ( ) 0.88±0.04 0.95±0.04
AEE (kJ·min-1)89.6±10.0 118.0±9.2
CHO (%) 61.1±1.2 84.3±1.1
LIP (%) 38.9±1.2 15.7±1.1
Table 1
Olympisches Rudern – das Maximum über 2000 Meter
like 4000 m track cycling (63). On the other hand, considering
the relatively short race duration a nd high intensit y of a rowing
race, such h igh train ing volume may appea r surprisin g, especi-
ally i n the light of resea rch indicating t hat low volume high-in-
tensity t raining ca n induce simila r performance improvements
and metabolic changes in the skeletal muscle as high-volume
low intensity training (19), albeit the ndings on high intensi-
ty training and mitochondrial biogenesis are controversial, as
extensively reviewed Bishop et al. (2).
However, according to the literature and personal observa-
tions in several high-performance rowing programs, it seems
to be consensus that successful elite rowing training necessi-
tates a “certain” volume of ~ 20-25 h/week (even though low-
er numbers of 12-15 h/wk are reported, too (55)), a dominant
proportion of low intensity training, and always a smaller per-
centage of “higher” intensities. e latter is clearly supported
by the literature, indicating that high intensity training in
elite athletes is ex tremely eective, if added on an a lready hig h
training volume (34). It is therefore not surprising that the
training intensity distribution (i.e. the distribution of dierent
training intensities over a given period of time) has received
increased attention in recent years. Figure 3 illustrates that
leading world rowing programs apply a pyramidal intensity
distribution (i.e., the proportion of a particular training in-
tensity zone in the total training decreases with increasing
intensity (78)). To the best of our knowledge, there are no data
available indicat ing that a polarized intensity dist ribution (i.e.,
highest percentages spent in both low-intensity, followed by
considerable amounts of high intensities, exercise but only a
small proportion of tra ining at mid intensities (78)) is superior
to a pyramidal on the long term in elite rowing. In particular,
we have not seen any data suggesting that successful rowers
avoid mid or lactate threshold intensities, which is more or
less a characteristic of polarized distributions. However, po-
larized trai ning may be superior i n individual athletes (79) and
is probably applied by most coaches during certain phases of
a competitive season. It is beyond the scope of this review to
present the current literature on training volume, intensity
distribution, and periodization, but even this brief outline in-
dicates that most elite rowers train “a lot” and that individual
variability within the detailed programs is high.
Rowing training is physically demanding (72), due to the
volume, the muscular eort, but also due to the enormous met-
abolic expense. is is underlined by our own data in Table 1,
indicating that already at a low to moderate intensity around
lactate threshold 1, male elite rowers spend a considerable
amount of energy. Extrapolated to a hard training week in-
cluding 16-h of rowing, this w ill result in a metabolic expense
of 85,584 kJ/week. If accounting for resting metabolic rate and
8 h of additional training like cycling etc., energy expenditure
approximates 110,688 kJ/week (83).
is energy expenditure implicates that rowers depend on
sucient nutr ition to avoid relative energ y deciency in sports
(31). Furthermore, the metabolic strain also poi nts to an upper
limit of t raining volume, which has principally been ca lculated
already in 1977 by A lois Mader (39). Beyond such ceiling, reg res-
sion may occur, as underpinned by current data for excessive
high-intensity training (17). It is worth noting that the only de-
scription to date of an exercise-associated hy ponatremia that
occur red during a training camp w ith multiple, but not in itsel f
long trai ning sessions, wa s also published in the eld of rowin g
where hyponatremia was related to training stress (40).
Heat Stress
e Olympic Games in Tokyo 2021 will be held in hot and
humid conditions with expected Wet Bulb Globe Tempe-
ratures (WBGT) peaking at 28.6 ± 2.8° C (18). Such con-
ditions are not fully compensable even by pre-acclimati-
zed athletes – although pre-acclimatization is highly
Figure 3
Training intensity distribution in elite rowing according to published studies. France (FRA), New Zealand (NZL), NOR (Norway), CRO (Croatia), DK (Denmark),
BEL (Belgium), INT (Various countries); Numbers in brackets represent sample size of the respective publication; zones represent training intensities below
first lactate or ventilatory threshold (zone 1), between first and second lactate or ventilatory threshold (zone 2), and above second lactate or ventilatory
threshold (zone 3) (66, 78); if no separate data were provided for zones 2 and 3, these are presented together.
Olympic Rowing over 2000 Meters
recommended – b ecause in hot and hu mid conditions, met abo-
lic heat production in endura nce events is likely to exceed heat
e Olympic row ing regatta itself will be held in the morn-
ing hours with expected W BGT ranging 25 < 28° C. Neverthe-
less, coaches and rowers fear these conditions, and for good
reasons, because the unavoidable heat stress reduces both
maximum and sub-maximumperformance (53). e good
news is: based on established heat stress models (57) – which
are of course limited for such special populations as high-
ly trained athletes – the core of an acclimatized rower will
probably not reach a critical temperatu re of 39 ≤ 40° C during
a 6-min race, as long as the rower is not “overheated” already
at the start. Hence, it is recommended that rowers reduce pre-
race heat exposition and apply pre- and per-cooling routines
(reviewed by (3)). Notably, we recommend such routines also
for daily training in such conditions, because core tempera-
ture is a function of environment, metabolic heat (and thus
intensity), duration, and heat dissipation.
If dissipation is very low due to hot and humid conditions,
a critica l increase in core temperature is likely also at moder-
ate intensities, if training duration is long and environmental
factors are unfavorable. However, we are not aware of specif-
ic medical or scientic reports on heat illness and -stroke in
Areas of Future Research
Within this brief review some areas for future research were
already mentioned: Met abolic expense a nd consequences for a
factu al limitat ion of training volume, the assessment of ana ero-
bic power and capacity and their potential for adaption in eli-
te rowers, its interaction with aerobic training, and practical
consequences. We are also awa iting research on qu ality criteria
for rowing ergometers validity, which is crucial for anaerobic
power assessment.
ere are some – perhaps eterna l – questions of rowing that
are still not clearly answered, such as the proportions of spe-
cic vs. non-specic endurance training, the optimal dosage
and timing of strength vs. endurance training in a concurrent
sport, or the perfect t raining intensity di stribution for Olympic
rowing. Modern technologies of training data acquisition can
help us to answer more questions here in the future. In the eld
of biomechanics, modern motion capt ure systems increasing ly
allow mea surement of a rower’s movement in the boat and w ill
enable resea rchers to link these data to the e stablished mecha-
nical sensors attached to the boat.
From a physiological perspective, aspects of brain blood
ow remain unresolved (as recently highlighted by (81)), pro-
bably mainly because it currently cannot be measured during
high-intensity rowing due to technical limitations. ere are
also n iche topics left such as the impact of the hi gh hemoglobin
mass of elite rowers on the buering capacity of the blood. A
whole eld of new questions will arise if „coastal rowing“ be-
comes an Oly mpic discipline and if the race d istance should be
cut to 1500 m at the Olympic Ga mes in Los Angeles i n 2028. e
latter, however, would end the uniqueness of this sport in the
form described here.
Conict of Interest
e authors have no conict of interest.
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... Each stroke must be perfectly executed with minimal variation in technique and power [1]. Typically, the race requires the involvement of both aerobic and anaerobic energy pathways and high levels of physical and mental strength to resist pain, delay exhaustion, and eventually win the race [2]. It has been shown that around 77% of total energy demand depends on aerobic energy pathways, while the remaining 23% is anaerobic, with muscle glycogen degradation playing a crucial role [3]. ...
... The post-race lactate spike could be explained by the higher rowing intensity. Lactate production is a result of progressive demand for energy development from anaerobic sources, and it has been shown that anaerobic glycolytic pathways gain importance at the beginning and the end of the race, with aerobic glycolysis dominating in between [2]. During a 6 km rowing ergometer race, athletes sustained high efforts for a prolonged time, topped by a final sprint to reach the best results possible. ...
... These findings follow a 2009 study from de Campos Mello et al. [34], who found that there is no significant difference in peak lactate levels between rowing racing performed on water or an ergometer, with average post-race lactate accumulation higher than 10 mmol L-1 over the 2000 m distance. Although different race lengths were included, both studies recorded significant post-race lactate increases caused by the anaerobic energy demands at the beginning and the end of the race [2]. ...
Full-text available
Rowing races require extreme physical and psychological effort from every athlete. This study aimed to determine the dynamics of the salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase, as well as blood lactate throughout the specific load represented by a 6 km rowing race, conducted on a rowing ergometer. The sample consisted of 11 junior and senior rowers from HVK Gusar in Split (n = 11) who actively competed at club and international levels. Variables consisted of three repeated oral samples of the hormone cortisol and the enzyme alpha-amylase determined in saliva and three repeated blood lactate samples. Potential differences in the levels of the studied variables at different time points were determined using a repeated-measures ANOVA test. The results showed different dynamics of hormonal (cortisol) and metabolic (alpha-amylase and lactates) variables. All variables experienced a significant post-race increase, while other changes were not significant. The results highlighted that high-intensity rowing causes an increase in the body’s cortisol, alpha-amylase, and lactate levels. This should be implemented in rowing training to find the right balance between high and low-intensity rowing, enabling athletes’ progression while reducing the risk of overtraining.
... In a 2,000-m course rowing competition, the rank is decided based on the finishing order. It lasts 6-8 min, with several muscle groups being involved (legs at approximately 65%, back at approximately 25%, and arms at approximately 10%) (1)(2)(3)(4). For rowers to improve their records and win medals, highly developed aerobic and anaerobic systems are required (4,5). ...
... It lasts 6-8 min, with several muscle groups being involved (legs at approximately 65%, back at approximately 25%, and arms at approximately 10%) (1)(2)(3)(4). For rowers to improve their records and win medals, highly developed aerobic and anaerobic systems are required (4,5). Hence, rowers train to improve not only aerobic and anaerobic capacities but lactate tolerance, strength, and power as well as performance (4,6,7). ...
... For rowers to improve their records and win medals, highly developed aerobic and anaerobic systems are required (4,5). Hence, rowers train to improve not only aerobic and anaerobic capacities but lactate tolerance, strength, and power as well as performance (4,6,7). ...
Full-text available
Introduction The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of acute transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on physical and subjective responses in professional rowing during the 2,000-m time trial test. Methods Seven rowers (age 20.86 ± 4.49 years; weight 71.66 ± 7.97 kg) participated in this randomized triple-blind trial with a crossover experimental design. The protocol consists of 2 days with different conditions (anodal and sham). The tDCS anodic stimulation conducted was 2 mA for 20 min in the left temporal cortex (2.5 cm from the F7 zone and 2.5 cm from the T3 zone), targeting the left insular cortex. In the sham moment, the participants experienced 30 s of stimulation. Afterward, they performed a standardized progressive warm-up for 15 min, following the Brazilian Rowing Confederation's assessment protocols, and rested for 3 min before the test started. All procedures were made on an indoor rowing machine, which allowed the capture of performance variables such as time performed, power in watts (W), pace (m/min), and stroke rate (strokes/min). The ratings of perceived exertion [Borg scale (CR-20)] were recorded in each 2-min during the test. Results The results presented differences in power [Z: −2.371; p = 0.018; effect size (ES) = −0.896 (large)] and pace [Z: −2.371; p = 0.018; ES = −0.896 (large)] and time performance [Z: −1.612; p = 0.107; ES = −0.609 (large)] throughout the protocol for the anodal moment. Discussion However, no differences for the other variables were found. According to the results, the current tDCS with the present protocol improved the physical performance at the 2,000-m time trial Test providing ergogenic aid.
... In fact, rowing performance is characterized by a unique pacing strategy, which typically involves an initial spurt, followed by a gradual decrease until the third quarter and finally an increase in the average speed until the end of the 2000 m race [23][24][25] . It is reasonable to assume that high levels of maximal strength and rate of force development (RFD) are necessary to accelerate the boat against water resistance during the start phase, and high force production needs to be maintained throughout the race, despite the metabolic acidosis occurring over the Olympic race distance 10,26 . However, due to a lack of scientific information concerning the contribution of distinct strength determinants (i.e. ...
... Further explanations for the significant role of trunk flexion are linked to breathing patterns, as trunk muscles are auxiliary for breathing. In rowing, respiratory muscles are reported to face a dual demand : On one hand, breathing muscles effect ventilatory control in order to meet the high demands of oxygen during rowing; On the other hand, they assist the propulsive force production as rowers hold their breath to stabilize the core at the initial catch phase 26 . As the breathing rhythm is coupled to the rowing stroke by a ratio of 2:1 (breath:stroke), only little time is available for inspiration during the drive phase, which is even more challenging to meet the respiratory requirements 23,26,40 . ...
... In rowing, respiratory muscles are reported to face a dual demand : On one hand, breathing muscles effect ventilatory control in order to meet the high demands of oxygen during rowing; On the other hand, they assist the propulsive force production as rowers hold their breath to stabilize the core at the initial catch phase 26 . As the breathing rhythm is coupled to the rowing stroke by a ratio of 2:1 (breath:stroke), only little time is available for inspiration during the drive phase, which is even more challenging to meet the respiratory requirements 23,26,40 . Thus, breathing control through adequate levels of trunk muscles might be important for rowing performance, especially towards the end of the race. ...
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Aerobic metabolism dominates Olympic rowing, but research on the relative contribution of strength and power demands is limited. This study aimed to identify the contribution of different strength determinants for distinct phases of rowing ergometer performance. The cross-sectional analysis comprised of 14 rowing athletes (4 female, 10 male, age: 18.8±3.0y, 16.9±2.2y). Measurements included anthropometrics, maximal strength of leg press, trunk extension and flexion, mid-thigh pull (MTP) and handgrip strength, VO2max, and a 2000 m time trial, where peak forces at the start, middle and end phase were assessed. Additionally, rate of force development (RFD) was assessed during the isometric leg press and MTP with intervals of 150, 350 ms and 150, 300 ms, respectively. Stepwise regression models for ergometer performance showed that the start phase wasmainly explained by maximal trunk extension and RFD 300 ms of MTP (R2=0.91, p<0.001) and the middle section by VO2max, maximal leg press strength and sitting height (R2=0.84, p<0.001). For the end phase, a best fit was observed for trunk flexion, RFD 350 ms of leg press, body height and sex (R2=0.97 p<0.001), whereas absolute VO2max, trunk flexion and sex explained variance over the entire 2000 m t ime trial (R2=0.98, p<0.001). It appears that for the high acceleration in the start phase, force transmission through maximum strength for trunk extension is essential, while fast power production along the kinetic chain is also relevant. Additionally, the results support that maximal force complements the reliance on VO2max. Further intervention studies are needed to refine training recommendations.
... In fact, rowing performance is characterized by a unique pacing strategy, which typically involves an initial spurt, followed by a gradual decrease until the third quarter and finally an increase in the average speed until the end of the 2000 m race [23][24][25] . It is reasonable to assume that high levels of maximal strength and rate of force development (RFD) are necessary to accelerate the boat against water resistance during the start phase, and high force production needs to be maintained throughout the race, despite the metabolic acidosis occurring over the Olympic race distance 10,26 . However, due to a lack of scientific information concerning the contribution of distinct strength determinants (i.e. ...
... Further explanations for the significant role of trunk flexion are linked to breathing patterns, as trunk muscles are auxiliary for breathing. In rowing, respiratory muscles are reported to face a dual demand : On one hand, breathing muscles effect ventilatory control in order to meet the high demands of oxygen during rowing; On the other hand, they assist the propulsive force production as rowers hold their breath to stabilize the core at the initial catch phase 26 . As the breathing rhythm is coupled to the rowing stroke by a ratio of 2:1 (breath:stroke), only little time is available for inspiration during the drive phase, which is even more challenging to meet the respiratory requirements 23,26,40 . ...
... In rowing, respiratory muscles are reported to face a dual demand : On one hand, breathing muscles effect ventilatory control in order to meet the high demands of oxygen during rowing; On the other hand, they assist the propulsive force production as rowers hold their breath to stabilize the core at the initial catch phase 26 . As the breathing rhythm is coupled to the rowing stroke by a ratio of 2:1 (breath:stroke), only little time is available for inspiration during the drive phase, which is even more challenging to meet the respiratory requirements 23,26,40 . Thus, breathing control through adequate levels of trunk muscles might be important for rowing performance, especially towards the end of the race. ...
Background Olympic rowing relies heavily on aerobic metabolism, but the demands on strength and power have not yet been thoroughly investigated (Lawton et al., 2011). As the characteristic pacing strategy compounds an initial start sprint, a sustained middle section and end spurt, the neuromuscular and physiological requirements of the particular phases need to be considered more closely (Garland, 2005; Mikulic, 2011). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify strength qualities for distinct phases in rowing performance in adolescent athletes. Methods The cross-sectional analysis of fourteen national competitive rowing athletes (4 female; 10 male) included anthropometrics, isometric and isokinetic leg press, back extension and flexion, isometric mid-thigh pull (MTP) and handgrip strength, VO2max, and a 2000 m time trial, in which peak forces were measured in the start, middle and end phase. The rate of force developments (RFD) were obtained for isometric leg press (150 and 350 ms) and MTP (150 ms and 300 ms). Stepwise regression models were created for ergometer performance in the start, middle and end phases. Results The best fit model for the start phase included isometric back extension and RFD 300 ms of MTP (R2 = 0.912, p < 0.001), while for the middle section it were VO2max, isometric leg press and sitting height (R2 = 0.844, p < 0.001). For the end phase a best fit was observed for isometric back flexion, RFD 350 ms of leg press, body height and sex (R2 = 0.965 p < 0.001), whereas absolute VO2max, isokinetic back flexion and sex explained variance over the entire 2000 m time trial (R2 = 0.975, p < 0.001). Conclusion For the high acceleration at the start, force transmission through maximum back strength seems to be essential, while fast power production along the kinetic chain is also relevant (Baudouin & Hawkins, 2002). In addition to VO2max, produced maximum strength in the leg press explains the importance for the force production of the sustained middle section (Cosgrove et al., 1999). These results indicate that maximal force complements the reliance on VO2max, as well as neuromuscular parameters and maximal force transmission seems to be important for the start phase. Further research through intervention studies is needed to refine training recommendations. References Baudouin, A., & Hawkins, D. (2002). A biomechanical review of factors affecting rowing performance. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 36(6), 396-402. Cosgrove, M. J., Wilson, J., Watt, D., Grant, S. F. (1999). The relationship between selected physiological variables of rowers and rowing performance as determined by a 2000 m ergometer test. Journal of Sports Sciences, 17(11), 845-852. Garland, S. (2005). An analysis of the pacing strategy adopted by elite competitors in 2000 m rowing. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(1), 39-42. Lawton, T. W., Cronin, J. B., & McGuigan, M. R. (2011). Strength testing and training of rowers: A review. Sports Medicine, 41(5), 413-432. Mikulic, P. (2011). Maturation to elite status: A six-year physiological case study of a world champion rowing crew. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 111(9), 2363-2368.
... Rowing performance is highly dependent on maximal VO 2 , which is measured in many rowing programs using incremental step protocols on rowing ergometers. These tests have shown a close correlation with 2000 m ergometer performance [10][11][12] and are very useful for establishing training zones and monitoring performance. Notwithstanding the benefits of using a standard protocol, the development of a specific method to characterize VO 2 in female rowers is of potential value. ...
... Since obtaining physiological, technical and performance data from elite rowers by field testing (on water) is extremely difficult due to small sample sizes, challenging testing procedures and the possibility of equipment damage, their assessment in the laboratory using incremental protocols on rowing ergometers has been accepted as a valid alternative [15,16]. These protocols are also well suited to measuring the kinetics of blood lactate concentration ([La − ]), which allows the determination of the anaerobic threshold and the establishment of different training intensity domains [11,15]. Since rowing is an outdoor sport, with the main competitions being held in summer, information on rowers' core temperature can be critical as it can affect rowers' cardiovascular response to thermoregulation, leading to impaired muscle contraction [17]. ...
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In this study, we quantified relevant biophysical characteristics of two elite rowers across a wide range of intensities. Two <40-year-old male and female Olympic and World Championship finalists performed a 7 × 3 min protocol plus 1 min maximal effort on a rowing ergometer. The intensity increase resulted in maximum values of 79.4 ± 2.4 and 69.7 ± 1.5 mL/min/kg for oxygen uptake, 179.3 ± 5.7 and 152.5 ± 2.9 L/min for ventilation, 170 ± 1 and 173 ± 0 bpm for heart rate, 10.6 and 15.8 mmol/L for blood lactate concentration, and 38.1 ± 0.03 and 38.8 ± 0.03 • C for core temperature for the male and female rowers. The percentage of power corresponding to a previously conducted maximum 2000 m rowing ergometer test and the work at each step increased from 49 to 127 and 42 to 103% and from 226.8 to 398.9 J and 174.0 to 250.0 J, from low to extreme intensities, for the male and female. Concurrently, there was a decrease in cycle length and propulsive time, followed by an increase in maximal handle drive velocity, with the rise in rowing intensity. These world-class rowers seem capable of maintaining physiological and technical profiles (and a remarkable capacity to generate substantial power) at this phase of their careers possibly due to long-term engagement in elite-level training. Biophysical data provide valuable referential information for guiding rowers to improve their performance.
... This ratio is modulated by genetic predispositions, physiological and pathological states, psychological influences, environmental conditions, and lifestyle choices (Tiwari et al., 2021). Rowing is a high-intensity game requiring pronounced force in anaerobic and aerobic capacity (Treff et al., 2021;Held et al., 2023). ...
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This study aimed to assess the impact of physical training on heart rate variability (HRV) in male university ergo rowing athletes and middle- and long-distance track and field athletes. Ninety athletes, aged 19 to 25, underwent an intensive 8-week training program. HRV measurements were taken at baseline, after 4 weeks, and at the end of the 8 weeks using a Polar H10 strap. Results showed significant decreases in HRV across all sports: ergo rowing saw a 60% decrease, middle-distance events a 61% decrease, and long-distance events a 75% decrease from pre- to post-intervention. These reductions indicate a high physiological response to intensive exercise, suggesting that structured training positively affects autonomic function and cardiovascular health. The findings highlight the importance of physical training in maintaining autonomic balance and overall cardiovascular health in athletes.
... Rowing is a competitive sport that requires both anaerobic and aerobic capacity. Although a race lasts only 6-8 min, daily practice sessions are long [1]. In addition, there are lightweight and heavyweight categories, which require different body masses and compositions, requiring individualized nutritional strategies and plans. ...
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To resolve problems in the dietary life of university athletes, education is essential to enable athletes to change their own dietary behavior. The purpose of this research was to verify the effectiveness of sports nutrition education based on self-determination theory (SDT). The participants were 36 male university rowers. A stratified randomized comparison test was conducted by student year (SDT group and control group). Sports nutrition education was held three times, via an Internet conferencing system. Furthermore, group work over social media was used for the SDT group. Four evaluations were carried out based on anthropometric measurements, a brief self-administered diet history questionnaire (BDHQ), sports nutrition knowledge test (SNK), and treatment self-regulation questionnaire (TSRQ). The results showed no differences between the two groups. However, for the intragroup factor, “Protein”, a significant difference was evident in the self-determination theory group (50.0 ± 28.5, 78.6 ± 28.1, 81.0 ± 21.5, p < 0.000, units: %) and improved knowledge (p = 0.002, p = 0.002). And for the BDHQ, the self-determination theory group also showed significant differences and increased their intake of green and yellow vegetables, fruits, and dairy products (159.1 ± 74.2–126.7 ± 70.6, p = 0.009, 306.0 ± 196.2–195.2 ± 146.1, p = 0.020, 257.0 ± 147.0–183.3 ± 167.9, p = 0.040, units: g). In conclusion, sports nutrition education based on SDT improved dietary knowledge and increased food requirements for athletes.
... In competitive rowing, technique and energetics are relevant performance influencing factors and are affected by the type of boats and oars used to train and compete [1][2][3]. In fact, the oars and the shape of its blade directly affect the competition success by optimizing the forces applied by the rower, influencing the hydrodynamic drag and the power loss during the propulsive phase [4][5][6]. ...
Empirical observations supports that the addition of a plastic strip - also known as Randall foils - on the top edge of a rowing blade improve rowing efficiency during the cycle propulsive phase. The aim of the current study was to analyze the effect of using Big blades with and without Randall foils on rowing performance. Twenty experienced rowers performed two 90 s tethered rowing bouts (with and without Randall foils) to assess its impact on force production and physiologic variables. All tests were randomized and a repeated measure design was used to compare experimental conditions. Higher values of peak and mean peak forces (479.4 ± 134.7 vs 423.2 ± 153.0, d=0.83 and 376.5 ± 101.4 vs 337.1 ± 113.3 N, d=0.68), peak oxygen uptake (47.9 ± 7.5 vs 45.3 ± 7.3 mL∙kg-1∙min-1, d=0.19), peak blood lactate concentration (7.9 ± 1.6 vs 6.9 ± 1.7 mmol∙L-1, d=0.16), blood lactate increasing speed (0.08 ± 0.01 vs 0.07 ± 0.06 [(mmol·L-1)·s-1], d=0.27) and lactic anaerobic energy (27.4 ±7.9 vs 23.4 ± 8.1 kJ, d=0.23) were found for Big blades with vs without Randall foils, p<0.05. The current data suggest that the Randall foils can positivly affect rowing performance.
... Therefore, the gold standard to assess direct off-water VO 2max in rowing is through gas analysis in a rowing ergometer (e.g., Concept II). Such off-water VO 2max test have reported maximum values of more of 6 L of oxygen per minute (L/min) or values close to 65 millimeters per kilogram of body weight per minute (mL/kg/min) [18,[30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40], while collegiate female rowers have reported VO 2max values of 58 to 65 mL/kg/min [41]. Being able to measure and track the physical demands of rowers is crucial to both training and success in rowing [26]. ...
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Collegiate rowing performance is often assessed by a cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET). Rowers’ on-water performance involves non-linear dynamic interactions and synergetic reconfigurations of the cardiorespiratory system. Cardiorespiratory coordination (CRC) method measures the co-variation among cardiorespiratory variables. Novice (n = 9) vs. Intermediate (n = 9) rowers’ CRC (H0: Novice CRC = Intermediate CRC; HA: Novice CRC < Intermediate CRC) was evaluated through principal components analysis (PCA). A female NCAA Division II team (N = 18) grouped based on their off-water performance on 6000 m time trial. Rowers completed a customized CPET to exhaustion and a variety of cardiorespiratory values were recorded. The number of principal components (PCs) and respective PC eigenvalues per group were computed on SPSS vs28. Intermediate (77%) and Novice (33%) groups showed one PC1. Novice group formed an added PC2 due to the shift of expired fraction of oxygen or, alternatively, heart rate/ventilation, from the PC1 cluster of examined variables. Intermediate rowers presented a higher degree of CRC, possible due to their increased ability to utilize the bicarbonate buffering system during the CPET. CRC may be an alternative measure to assess aerobic fitness providing insights to the complex cardiorespiratory interactions involved in rowing during a CPET.
... Training intensity distribution, commonly accessed by a three-zone model, has been reported to follow a pyramidal distribution, with~85% low intensity training,~12% threshold training, and~3% spent at high intensities (Plews et al., 2014;Treff et al., 2017). It is worth mentioning that training intensity distributions differ considerably among international rowing programs (Treff et al., 2021b) and shifts towards a polarized distribution during certain phases of the competition period have been reported . ...
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Purpose: Elite rowers have large body dimensions, a high metabolic capacity, and they realize high training loads. These factors suggest a high total energy requirement (TER), due to high exercise energy expenditure (EEE) and additional energetic needs. We aimed to study EEE and intensity related substrate utilization (SU) of elite rowers during rowing (EEEROW) and other (EEENON-ROW) training. Methods: We obtained indirect calorimetry data during incremental (N = 174) and ramp test (N = 42) ergometer rowing in 14 elite open-class male rowers (body mass 91.8 kg, 95% CI [87.7, 95.9]). Then we calculated EEEROW and SU within a three-intensity-zone model. To estimate EEENON-ROW, appropriate estimates of metabolic equivalents of task were applied. Based on these data, EEE, SU, and TER were approximated for prototypical high-volume, high-intensity, and tapering training weeks. Data are arithmetic mean and 95% confidence interval (95% CI). Results: EEEROW for zone 1 to 3 ranged from 15.6 kcal·min⁻¹, 95% CI [14.8, 16.3] to 49.8 kcal·min⁻¹, 95% CI [48.1, 51.6], with carbohydrate utilization contributing from 46.4%, 95% CI [42.0, 50.8] to 100.0%, 95% CI [100.0, 100.0]. During a high-volume, a high-intensity, or a taper week, TER was estimated to 6,775 kcal·day⁻¹, 95% CI [6,651, 6,898], 5,772 kcal·day⁻¹, 95% CI [5,644, 5,900], or 4,626 kcal∙day⁻¹, 95% CI [4,481, 4,771], respectively. Conclusion: EEE in elite open-class male rowers is remarkably high already during zone 1 training and carbohydrates are dominantly utilized, indicating relatively high metabolic stress even during low intensity rowing training. In high-volume training weeks, TER is presumably at the upper end of the sustainable total energy expenditure. Periodized nutrition seems warranted for rowers to avoid low energy availability, which might negatively impact performance, training, and health.
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Preload to the heart may be limited during rowing because both blood pressure and central venous pressure increase when force is applied to the oar. Considering that only the recovery phase of the rowing stroke allows for unhindered venous return, rowing may induce large fluctuations in stroke volume (SV). Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate SV continuously during the rowing stroke. Eight nationally competitive oarsmen (mean ± SD: age 21 ± 2 years, height 190 ± 9 cm, and weight 90 ± 10 kg) rowed on an ergometer at a targeted heart rate of 130 and 160 beats per minute. SV was derived from arterial pressure waveform by pulse contour analysis, while ventilation and force on the handle were measured. Mean arterial pressure was elevated during the stroke at both work rates (to 133 ± 10 (P < 0.001) and 145 ± 11 mmHg (P = 0.024), respectively). Also, SV fluctuated markedly during the stroke with deviations being largest at the higher work rate. Thus, SV decreased by 27 ± 10% (31 ± 11 mL) at the beginning of the stroke and increased by 25 ± 9% (28 ± 10 mL) in the recovery (P = 0.013), while breathing was entrained with one breath during the drive of the stroke and one prior to the next stroke. These observations indicate that during rowing cardiac output depends critically on SV surges during the recovery phase of the stroke.
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PurposeThis review presents a perspective on the expansive literature on rowing.Methods The PubMed database was searched for the most relevant literature, while some information was obtained from books.ResultsFollowing the life span of former rowers paved the way to advocate exercise for health promotion. Rowing involves almost all muscles during the stroke and competition requires a large oxygen uptake, which is challenged by the pulmonary diffusion capacity and restriction in blood flow to the muscles. Unique training adaptations allow for simultaneous engagement of the legs in the relatively slow movement of the rowing stroke that, therefore, involves primarily slow-twitch muscle fibres. Like other sport activities, rowing is associated with adaptation not only of the heart, including both increased internal diameters and myocardial size, but also skeletal muscles with hypertrophy of especially slow-twitch muscle fibres. The high metabolic requirement of intense rowing reduces blood pH and, thereby, arterial oxygen saturation decreases as arterial oxygen tension becomes affected.Conclusion Competitive rowing challenges most systems in the body including pulmonary function and circulatory control with implication for cerebral blood flow and neuromuscular activation. Thus, the physiology of rowing is complex, but it obviously favours large individuals with arms and legs that allow the development of a long stroke. Present inquiries include the development of an appropriately large cardiac output despite the Valsalva-like manoeuvre associated with the stroke, and the remarkable ability of the brain to maintain motor control and metabolism despite marked reductions in cerebral blood flow and oxygenation.
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The training intensity distribution (TID) of endurance athletes has retrieved substantial scientific interest since it reflects a vital component of training prescription: (i) the intensity of exercise and its distribution over time are essential components for adaptation to endurance training and (ii) the training volume (at least for most endurance disciplines) is already near or at maximum, so optimization of training procedures including TID have become paramount for success. This paper aims to elaborate the polarization-index (PI) which is calculated as log10(Zone 1/Zone 2∗Zone 3∗100), where Zones 1–3 refer to aggregated volume (time or distance) spent with low, mid, or high intensity training. PI allows to distinguish between non-polarized and polarized TID using a cut-off > 2.00 a.U. and to quantify the level of a polarized TID. Within this hypothesis paper, examples from the literature illustrating the usefulness of PI-calculation are discussed as well as its limitations. Further it is elucidated how the PI may contribute to a more precise definition of TID descriptors.
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The Tokyo Olympics and Paralympic games in 2020 will be held in hot and humid conditions. Heat acclimation (in a climatic chamber) or heat acclimatization (natural environment) is essential to prepare the (endurance) athletes and reduce the performance loss associated with work in the heat. Based on the 1990–2018 hourly meteorological data of Tokyo and the derived wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) (Liljegren method), Heat Index and Humidex, it is shown that the circumstances prior to the games are likely not sufficiently hot to fully adapt to the heat. For instance, the WBGT 2 weeks prior to the games at the hottest moment of the day (13:00 h) is 26.4 ± 2.9°C and 28.6 ± 2.8°C during the games. These values include correction for global warming. The daily variation in thermal strain indices during the Tokyo Olympics (WBGT varying by 4°C between the early morning and the early afternoon) implies that the time of day of the event has a considerable impact on heat strain. The Paralympics heat strain is about 1.5°C WBGT lower than the Olympics, but may still impose considerable heat strain since the Paralympic athletes often have a reduced ability to thermoregulate. It is therefore recommended to acclimate about 1 month prior to the Olympics under controlled conditions set to the worst-case Tokyo climate and re-acclimatize in Japan or surroundings just prior to the Olympics.
Exercise training positively affects metabolic health through increased mitochondrial oxidative capacity and improved glucose regulation and is the first line of treatment in several metabolic diseases. However, the upper limit of the amount of exercise associated with beneficial therapeutic effects has not been clearly identified. Here, we used a training model with a progressively increasing exercise load during an intervention over 4 weeks. We closely followed changes in glucose tolerance, mitochondrial function and dynamics, physical exercise capacity, and whole-body metabolism. Following the week with the highest exercise load, we found a striking reduction in intrinsic mitochondrial function that coincided with a disturbance in glucose tolerance and insulin secretion. We also assessed continuous blood glucose profiles in world-class endurance athletes and found that they had impaired glucose control compared with a matched control group.
Purpose: To examine the relationship between the maximal power output (MPO) in an individualized 7 × 2-minute incremental (INCR) test, average power in a 2k (W2k) rowing ergometer test, and maximal oxygen uptake (V˙O2max) and to develop a regression equation to predict V˙O2max. Methods: A total of 34 male club rowers (age 18-30 y) performed a 2k and an INCR test in a Concept2 rowing ergometer to determine and compare MPO, W2k, and V˙O2max. Results: No significant difference was found between V˙O2max measured during INCR or 2k test (P = .73). A very high correlation coefficient (r = .96) was found between MPO and V˙O2max and between W2k and V˙O2max (r = .93). Linear regression analyses were developed for predicting V˙O2max from MPO: (1) V˙O2max (mL·min-1) = 11.49 × MPO + 810 and V˙O2max from W2k: (2) V˙O2max = 10.96 × W2k + 1168. Cross-validation analyses were performed using an independent sample of 14 rowers. There was no difference between the mean predicted V˙O2max in the INCR test (4.41 L·min-1) or the 2k test (4.39 L·min-1) and the observed V˙O2max (4.40 L·min-1). Technical error of measurement was 3.1% and 3.6%, standard error of estimate was 0.136 and 0.157 mL·min-1, and validation coefficients (r) were .95 and .94 using Equation (1) and (2), respectively. Conclusion: A prediction model only including MPO or W2k explains 88% to 90% of the variability in V˙O2max and is suggested for practical use in male club rowers.
In the healthy, untrained young adult a case is made for a respiratory system- airways, pulmonary vasculature, lung parenchyma, respiratory muscles and neural ventilatory control system - which is near ideally designed to ensure a highly efficient, homeostatic response to exercise of varying intensities and durations. Our aim was then to consider circumstances in which the intra/extra-thoracic airways, pulmonary vasculature, respiratory muscles and/or blood:gas distribution are underbuilt or inadequately regulated relative to the demands imposed by the cardiovascular system. In these instances, the respiratory system presents a significant limitation to O 2 transport and contributes to the occurrence of locomotor muscle fatigue, inhibition of central locomotor output and exercise performance. Most prominent in these examples of an "underbuilt" respiratory system are highly trained endurance athletes, with additional influences of sex, aging, hypoxic environments and the highly inbred equine. We summarize by evaluating the relative influences of these respiratory system limitations on exercise performance, their impact on pathophysiology and provide recommendations for future investigation.
This study aimed to test if the non-oxidative energy supply (estimated by the accumulated oxygen deficit) is associated with an index of muscle lactate accumulation during exercise, muscle monocarboxylate transporter content and the lactate removal ability during recovery in well-trained rowers. Seventeen rowers completed a 3-min all-out exercise on rowing ergometer to estimate the accumulated oxygen deficit. Blood lactate samples were collected during the subsequent passive recovery to assess individual blood lactate curves, which were fitted to the bi-exponential time function: La(t)= [La](0)+A1·(1–e–γ 1 t)+A2·(1–e–γ 2 t), where the velocity constants γ1 and γ2 (min–1) denote the lactate exchange and removal abilities during recovery, respectively. The accumulated oxygen deficit was correlated with the net amount of lactate released from the previously active muscles (r =0.58, P<0.05), the monocarboxylate transporters MCT1 and MCT4 (r=0.63, P<0.05) and γ2 (r=0.55, P<0.05). γ2 and the lactate release rate at exercise completion were negatively correlated with citrate synthase activity. These findings suggest that the capacity to supply non-oxidative energy during supramaximal rowing exercise is associated with muscle lactate accumulation and transport, as well as lactate removal ability.
Wind braked rowing ergometers are used worldwide for training and testing of rowers, but data on validity and reliability of the calculated mechanical power output are scarce. Studies published so far are based on data generated by human rowers, inevitably adding biological variability without any option to clamp particular variables like stroke structure or force. To this end, we developed a test rig for rowing ergometers aiming to generate valid and reliable stroke structures (i.e. force-displacement curves). Briefly, the rig consists out of a frame connected to the ergometer. The handlebar of the rowing ergometer is attached to a sledge, which can be displaced on a linear drive by a motor that is controlled by torque curves which are derived from elite rowers. A load cell between handlebar and chain and an incremental linear transducer allow criterion measures of force and distance of displacement to calculate mechanical power output. To evaluate the validity of the machine generated force-displacement curves, three different stroke structures were compared to the respective human reference curves. To evaluate reliability, series of 50 consecutive strokes were performed for 10 times. Validity of the curves was indicated by small differences in stroke-force, -distance, and -work (≤ |-7.8|%) between machine generated and human generated curves. Mean power output of the test series was 445±1 W with a coefficient of variation of 0.53% between series. Hence, the test rig allows to generate valid and reliable rowing strokes on wind braked rowing ergometers.