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Abstract and Figures

In 2020, the Reptile Database (RDB) and AmphibiaWeb (AW) celebrated their 25th and 20th anniversaries, respectively. Here, we briefly review their history and highlight the biodiversity informatics context in which AmphibiaWeb and the Reptile Database have grown for a quarter century. More specifically, we outline the similarities and differences of each project, their operation and content, and review their histories, activities, users, and shared challenges. Amphibians and reptiles represent almost one-third of all vertebrates, and may contain more species than birds and mammals combined (but see Dickinson and Christidis 2014, Dickinson and Remsen 2014, Barrowclough et al. 2016, Padial and de la Riva 2021). Conservation concerns, a growing body of literature, and the rise of the internet in the 1990s led to the creation of several major efforts to provide online biodiversity databases, including AW and the RDB (Table 1).
Content may be subject to copyright.
Herpetological Review 52(2), 2021
Herpetological Review, 2021, 52(2), 246–255.
© 2021 by Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
A Quarter Century of Reptile and Amphibian Databases
In 2020, the Reptile Database (RDB) and AmphibiaWeb (AW)
celebrated their 25th and 20th anniversaries, respectively. Here,
we briefly review their history and highlight the biodiversity
informatics context in which AmphibiaWeb and the Reptile
Database have grown for a quarter century. More specifically,
we outline the similarities and differences of each project, their
operation and content, and review their histories, activities,
users, and shared challenges.
Amphibians and reptiles represent almost one-third of
all vertebrates, and may contain more species than birds and
mammals combined (but see Dickinson and Christidis 2014,
Dickinson and Remsen 2014, Barrowclough et al. 2016, Padial
and de la Riva 2021). Conservation concerns, a growing body
of literature, and the rise of the internet in the 1990s led to the
creation of several major efforts to provide online biodiversity
databases, including AW and the RDB (Table 1).
wHy dAtAbASES?
The tenth edition of Systema Naturae, published by Linneaus
in 1758, contained data on more than 4000 animal species, which
one could view as the first taxonomic database. As research and
exploration ramped up in the 19th century, so did taxonomy,
the discipline of classifying and identifying species. Taxonomic
advances were facilitated by the founding of the Zoological
Record in 1864, which aided efforts to collect all published
zoological literature. In 1900, the Zoological Record listed about
260 papers published on reptiles and amphibians. By 1925, that
number had reached about 800 per year, with steady increases
throughout the 20th and 21st centuries to what is now thousands
of new articles per year. During the 20th century, data generation
also steadily increased with better technology for research, travel,
and publications, eventually leading to digital publications,
online journals, and databases. Prior to the 1990’s, there were few
alternatives to making daily library forays and searching through
numerous books and journals before the internet revolutionized
information retrieval in the last three decades.
By the early 2000s, numerous projects had started to collect a
diversity of biological data, ranging from taxonomic surveys (e.g.,
Constable et al. 2010, Catalog of Life) and geographic maps (e.g.,
Grenyer et al. 2006), to conservation (e.g., Hofmann et al. 2010)
and DNA sequences (e.g., Schoch et al. 2020). The information
challenge for researchers has moved beyond issues of convenience
and speed and is now a matter of handling increasingly large
data sets and analyses that are organized and easily accessible.
AmphibiaWeb and Reptile Database have been working on these
issues and here we reflect on our success and work yet to come.
But how did it all get started?
The Reptile Database started in 1995 as a side project at the
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg,
Germany, where Peter Uetz was a graduate student from 1993–
1997. EMBL had just set up its first online DNA sequence database
and had already included taxonomic data. While the precursor
of RDB was a simple species list on a static web page in 1995, a
searchable version went online in early 1996 as the EMBL Reptile
Database. While the first few versions of the database had little
more than species names, families, and basic distribution data,
it was already linked to the EMBL DNA sequence database.
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia 23284, USA
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California,
Berkeley, California 94720, USA; e-mail:
Monash University, University of Melbourne, Museums Victoria,
Melbourne, Australia
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia 23284, USA
Florida International University, Miami, Florida 33199, USA
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California,
Berkeley California 94720, USA
School of Zoology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University 6997801,
Tel Aviv, Israel
Scotts Mills, Oregon, USA
Berkeley Natural History Museums, University of California,
Berkeley, California 94720, USA
Karlsruhe, Germany
Ostrava, Czech Republic
Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management,
University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA;
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia 23284, USA
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California,
Berkeley, California 94720, USA
Department of Biology, East Carolina University,
Greenville, North Carolina 27858, USA
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and Department of Integrative Biology,
University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA
San Francisco State University, California 94132, USA
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and Department of Integrative Biology,
University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA
1 Reptile Database
2 AmphibiaWeb
*Except for corresponding authors, all others in alphabetical order;
rst two authors contributed equally
Herpetological Review 52(2), 2021
Unfortunately, EMBL closed the database when the last person
on the original team, Ramu Chenna, left EMBL in 2006; hence,
the RDB had to move to a different server. When Uetz worked at
The Institute of Genomic Research (TIGR), the database operated
briefly as TIGR Reptile Database until he left TIGR in 2010. The
main server moved to the Czech Republic where it has been
operated by Jiří Hošek since then (see Uetz and Etzold 1996, Uetz
2016 for more details).
AmphibiaWebs origin was motivated by a University of
California Berkeley (UCB) seminar on amphibian declines led
by David Wake in 1998, attended by Vance Vredenburg and
Joyce Gross. Vredenburg was then a graduate student studying
declines in high-elevation Sierra Nevada frog species (Rana
muscosa and R. sierrae), and Gross was a programmer for the
UCB Digital Library Project. The seminar participants saw the
need for a central resource for biological, life history, taxonomic,
and conservation status for all amphibians. Simultaneously in
the early 2000s, museum informatics were increasingly moving
information and their access online and were becoming more
robust in aggregating data (e.g., HerpNET, VertNet), allowing AW
to incorporate data-driven, species-level information including
maps as well as other web services. AmphibiaWeb thus began
producing comprehensive snapshots of species information, with
a dedicated web page for every species of amphibian.
Around the same time, Amphibian Species of the World (ASW),
another taxonomic database, came online. ASW was founded and
managed by Darrel Frost at the American Museum of Natural
History and has its 22nd anniversary this year (Frost, pers. comm).
The original Amphibian Species of the World database actually
dates to a book published in 1985 with the same title (Frost
1985). The focus of the ASW database is to comprehensively track
taxonomy and literature. Both AW and ASW reciprocally link to
each other from species pages.
oPErAtionS, FundinG, And GoVErnAnCE
Both RDB and AW continue to be administered from academic
units at the respective universities of the principals, Virginia
Commonwealth University and the Museum of Vertebrate
Zoology at the University of California Berkeley, respectively.
This serves the practical needs of hosting a website, database
maintenance, and providing updated and new content on a
spare budget. Because neither project has independent funding,
direct donations and grant support are essential. Grant support
for “maintenance” is difficult to obtain and this has been true
of the limited grants awarded to AW. With the exception of its
seed funding from the Turner Foundation in 1999, awards to
AW have been to support specific research (e.g., AmphibiaTree)
development and integration projects, mainly from the National
Science Foundation (NSF). Similarly, RDB was initially funded
by the EU through a partner program of the Catalogue of Life /
Species 2000 project (approximately 2004–2006, with follow-
up approximately 2008–2010). Both projects depend on stable
university employment for PIs, support staff, and students.
Equally important are volunteer contributions for governance
and content (e.g., content, literature curation and data collection).
From its launch in 2000, AW has been run as a collaborative
project within the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, where three AW
principals (Director David Wake, Associate Director Michelle Koo,
Coordinator Ann Chang) have appointments. Other leads include
programmer Gross of the Berkeley Natural History Museums and
Associate Director Vredenburg, now a professor at San Francisco
State University. AW is governed by its directors, who consult with
a steering committee made of amphibian experts from several
institutions in the US and Australia. The AW members will often
break into smaller working groups, which may include students
and other volunteers to focus on specific immediate or long-term
RDB is managed by a central Editor (Uetz) who coordinates
with experts, the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), photo editor
Paul Freed, and content contributors. The SAB advises on general
strategic decisions as well as on controversial taxonomic issues.
RDB currently has four part-time core staff who are responsible
for taxonomic content, photos, and technical infrastructure.
tAXonomy trACKinG And SHArinG
A central activity of both projects has been to properly track
taxonomy. Both databases use three main routes to track new
species and the taxonomic literature in general: 1) by following
specific journals and their content alerts (e.g., Zootaxa, etc.), 2)
by using Google Scholar alerts and sources such as Zoological
Record, and 3) by direct communication from experts.
AmphibiaWeb relies on a subcommittee of taxonomists
originally led by David Wake, which includes David Blackburn,
David Cannatella, and Jodi Rowley, to track the literature,
add new species, and make recommendations on taxonomic
updates. They function by consensus and contact experts in
difficult cases (AmphibiaWeb 2020 Taxonomy). AW has explicitly
outlined its criteria for taxonomic decisions, with these central
table 1. Major taxonomic databases for vertebrates, with approximate number of species, accessed 7 January 2021. *Ornithologists have mul-
tiple global species checklists available via Avibase. EBird ( has a searchable database but summary data and species lists
are not readily available.
Database Website Species
Fishbase 34,500
Catalog of Fishes 35,704
AmphibiaWeb 8,275
Amphibian Species of the World 8,275
Reptile Database 11,440
Avibase ~10,720*
ASM Mammal Database 6,513
All vertebrates total ~72,000
Herpetological Review 52(2), 2021
considerations: 1) monophyly; 2) stability of continuing name
associations (this is important for policy and conservation); 3)
expertise of authors; 4) usefulness or general acceptance by the
amphibian community; 5) ranked taxa; 6) degree of divergence
(whether genetic or phenotypic, with respect to time since
separation for its sister taxa), especially balancing long-term name
usage and monophyly; 7) degree of support, which includes the
quality of evidence provided as well as how well supported are any
provided phylogenetic models (AmphibiaWeb 2020 Taxonomy).
The RDB uses similar criteria, although not explicitly written
out, given the heterogeneity of the literature, with each issue
requiring individual, and often preliminary, decisions. Uetz leads
the literature curation at RDB, although he routinely contacts
experts in specific cases, or the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB),
which is made up of taxonomic experts from around the world, for
more general or more wide-ranging decisions (e.g., whether the
~400 species of Anolis should be split into 8 genera, whether lab-
created species should be recognized, how to deal with taxonomic
Literature curation and taxonomic decisions pose particular
challenges for these projects. Inevitably, taxonomic organization,
which almost always relies on incomplete data, can require
subjective decisions. A common issue faced by both projects
occurs when a new publication makes conclusions about the
taxonomic organization of a clade that overreach the quality
or quantity of available data. For instance, species are often
superficially described or documented, sometimes based on
only one or a few specimens (Meiri et al. 2017), or only on
mitochondrial data, which can create misleading phylogenetic
patterns that are later revised when more data become available
(e.g., compare trees in Poe et al. 2017 and Reynolds et al. 2018).
Nonetheless, RDB and AW have to make decisions on whether
or not to include these taxonomic changes, and if so, whether
to include decision-making notes in their comments. With
increasing splitting of species, it becomes more difficult to make
objective decisions about their validity, especially with low DNA
sequence differences or little morphological differentiation, a
problem that is exacerbated by small numbers of specimens or
large geographic variation (e.g., see the recent controversy over
kingsnake classification; Chambers and Hillis 2019).
Although RDB and AW necessarily make taxonomic decisions
as part of their database maintenance, neither project considers
itself a taxonomic authority. Nevertheless, RDB and AW taxonomy
are often adopted as reference taxonomy databases. Hence we
highlight that for controversial taxonomic decisions, users are
encouraged to refer to the primary literature to decide whether or
not they would follow our recommendation. While the RDB and
AW try to represent and reflect the scientific literature, decisions
by the projects can reverberate through other databases and
be adopted by authors themselves, thus risking an unintended
positive feedback loop.
AW and the Amphibian Species of the World (ASW) can
sometimes differ in conclusions; however, these disagreements
on taxonomy are generally few in number. Reciprocal links from
each respective website allow users the opportunity to compare
taxonomies and decisions. In contrast, the RDB often uses
authoritative checklists as preferred data sources (especially for
species names), such as the Turtle Taxonomy Working Group
(2017) or SSAR checklists (Crother 2017) for turtles and North
American reptiles, respectively.
Images, sound recordings, and videos attract users to
biodiversity databases and enhance their value. Both AW and the
RDB have substantial collections of images, either hosted by their
respective databases or by external sources (such as CalPhotos
or iNaturalist). Both projects rely on volunteer contributors who
tAblE 2. Comparing AmphibiaWeb and Reptile Database. Data accessed 20 December 2020.
AmphibiaWeb Reptile Database Notes
Species number / subspecies number 8,268* 11,440 / 2,213 Total ssp. without nominate ssp. *AW does not
track subspecies
Species descriptions 3,338 5,299 Number of species with descriptions / diagnosis
Photos available 41,510* 16,740 *includes habitat photos
Species with photos 4,674 (56%) 5,568 (48%)
Ranges available 6,650 (~80%) ~8,000 maps via IUCN
Synonyms 11,971 ~44,000 Total unique names/combinations
Life history accounts 3,000 ~9,000 *Not separated out into categories
—diet 267
—reproduction 8,819
References 7,703* ~56,000 *Stored in AW database, other references are
tracked in a public Zotero group
Etymology ~ 2,250 6,192
Web Services Taxonomy, Taxonomy,
synonymy (XML, JSON); synonymy (JSON)
species accounts (XML)
Herpetological Review 52(2), 2021
generously share their images and expertise. Both AW and RDB
use CalPhotos, an online image sharing site developed and
maintained by the Berkeley Natural History Museums. In turn,
CalPhotos uses the taxonomy of both RDB and AW, checking
any uploaded identification to ensure that the name exists in the
respective taxonomy. Identifications of any CalPhotos image can
be updated or commented publicly through its online system. As
of December 2020, RDB had photos of 49% of all reptile species, or
close to 70%, when external links are included (Marshall et al.
2020b). In addition to over 41,500 images of amphibians (close to
57% of known species, see Table 2), AW also serves over 510 videos
(on Youtube and in the database) and over 820 sound files. The
sound files are important for identification, especially in frogs,
although videos are as important for all groups to document
behaviors or other dynamic features.
Fig. 1. AmphibiaWeb and Reptile Database users in 2020. Top panel: active users in 1, 7, and 28 day moving windows during 2020. Note
seasonal (and possibly Covid-related) fluctuations, including weekly fluctuations in the 1-day series (with user numbers dropping on
weekends). Bottom panel: most active countries as measured by active users in 2020. Note overlap between databases with only a few
countries not present among the top-10 countries in the other database (shown in gray italics). All data based on Google Analytics.
Herpetological Review 52(2), 2021
From its inception, AW incorporated distribution data into
its species accounts, as either static maps from the literature or
from atlases. Later the website began to display locality data from
HerpNET (later updated to VertNet) as species range estimates in
an interactive web map using a service called BerkeleyMapper.
These range polygons are based on both the IUCN Red List
assessment maps and curated species ranges produced by
AmphibiaWeb GIS assistants or volunteers, mainly for newly
described species, North American species, and species without
Red List assessments. Additionally, AW tracks type localities for
newly described species; these are also viewable from their species
page. Currently over 80% of species have distributional data.
Given the sources of the spatial data (unvetted point data from
collections via VertNet, range maps based on expert opinion or the
literature), some errors are inevitable, but presenting the data with
links to original provenance allows users to decide how best to use
these data. Range maps are still invaluable to species accounts
and for describing family distributions, which are viewable as
cartographic products and downloadable as PDFs on AW. Both
AW and RDB maintain country checklists based on the literature.
While maps are currently not directly available on RDB, locations
are searchable by country (and often smaller subdivisions such as
states) and links to maps on the IUCN site are provided.
How tHE Community uSES tHE rEPtilE dAtAbASE And AmPHibiAwEb
We assess usage data from website statistics (Google Analytics),
direct user feedback, citation data, and focused user surveys. The
AW website currently has an average of 28,000 users per month
making 2.6 million page views in 2020 (Fig. 1). By far, most of the
visitors land on AW after using a search engine (ca. 72% of total
visitors), and then visit AW to search for information on a specific
species (through its species search page). A consistent proportion
(5%) of visitors to AW result from Google searches for ‘amphibian
declines’ or related ‘disease’ or ‘chytrid’ information. The
COVID-19 pandemic has not appreciably changed AW site traffic
except for modest increases overall in users (ca. +5%) and sessions
(+2%); however, there were large increases in page views (+33%)
and pages per session (+30%) compared to previous years. Five
regions comprised over 60% of traffic, namely the US, followed by
Brazil, Mexico, India and Europe. Many AW users were researchers
and students who requested help via emails with identification of
amphibians encountered in backyards or in the wild.
The RDB had about 60,000 active users per month in 2020,
resulting in 2000 to 3000 searches per day. Most of the users hailed
from the US, Brazil, India, and Europe. Perhaps unsurprisingly,
8 of the 10 most active countries on the two sites are the same,
with only two countries not represented among the top-10 on the
other site. It is also encouraging that some of the most biodiverse
countries (Brazil, India, Mexico, Indonesia, Australia, China) are
among the heaviest users of both databases (Fig. 1).
Every year, herpetology courses in the US rely on AW and RDB
as sources of species’ information, and AW has made concerted
effort to include and create content useful to both professors
and students. Material beyond the species accounts used in
courses include family summary pages with richness maps, a
family tree, a primer on amphibians, a primer on taxonomy and
phylogeny including lessons on how to read a phylogenetic tree,
and several articles on conservation and declines of amphibians.
Many of these are downloadable as PDFs. AmphibiaWeb also
engages directly with herpetology courses by offering professors
the option of assigning students to write species accounts. AW
Fig. 2. Number of citations (2005–2020) for AmphibiaWeb and Reptile Database from Web of Science (WoS).
Herpetological Review 52(2), 2021
provides an account template and research tips for students;
these species accounts are edited and reviewed by AW staff before
publishing online with author credit for these students. AW also
runs an undergraduate apprenticeship program through UC
Berkeley where students are trained in writing species accounts,
conducting literature researches, and using GIS to help create and
update content.
The RDB is less focused on authored content, mainly because
the database tries to produce more structured data as opposed
to free text. Hence, RDB focuses on adding data from outside
sources, such as published supplementary data files. Nevertheless,
RDB receives an average of three or four emails a day (>1000 per
year) referring to specific content, requiring frequent updates or
additions to the database.
Another metric of usage is citations of AW and RDB in
publications. Both projects have been increasingly cited since
their launch either as a website (AW) or as both a website and
publication (RDB) (Fig. 2).
wHo uSES rEPtilE dAtAbASE?
Based on a long-term user survey (2016–2020), RDB is used by
professional biologists, students and by a significant percentage
of casual visitors and hobbyists (Fig. 3). However, this survey is not
really representative, given that recipients of the RDB newsletter
(mostly professionals) were actively encouraged to participate.
Professional users are thought to be the most likely to respond to
such surveys.
The most common use cases involved searches for names (or
lists of names), synonyms, distribution data and literature (Fig. 3B).
The most wanted features were distribution maps and help with
species identification. Links to other data such as phylogenetic
trees, GBIF or VertNet were also high on the wish-lists of users.
Among the free-text responses, a variety of “wanted items” were
provided, ranging from sellers of reptile pets and care sheets to
venom information, country checklists, and quick photos guides.
GrEAtESt nEEdS And CHAllEnGES in tHE nEXt 25 yEArS
Scientific publishing.—The limiting step for any modern
scientific database is to convert relevant information from
published papers (or other sources) into a structured, machine-
readable format, so it can be further processed, ideally by both
computers and human users. Currently all data on AW and most
data on RDB are hand-curated by humans, an expensive and
inefficient process. Numerous attempts have been proposed to
automate text-mining but the available tools are not ready for
routine use. Nevertheless, standards have been proposed and will
be incrementally implemented by journals (Leaman et al. 2020).
Importantly, journals need to require authors to structure their
papers in a way that information can be more easily extracted.
Herpetological Review (HR) could become a role model for such
improvements by formatting geographic or natural history notes
by (visible or invisible) tags so that species names, geographic
locations, or certain key words may be easier to extract by either
humans or computers. An early effort to make HR content more
accessible to databases (by Paul Freed) includes a complete
indexed listing of all the scientific names of amphibians and
reptiles from the very first issue of HR to the present (pending),
which would help automated linking of relevant HR content
to AW and RDB. However, we are working with HR to automate
this further so that species names and localities can be extracted
semi-automatically from future articles. Similarly, species
descriptions, published in any journal, need to be standardized, so
that each description has the same minimal data (type specimens,
character tables, localities, etc.), formatted so that information
can be easily imported into a database and displayed spatially
and on species account pages. This is a bottleneck for AW; with
more than 150 new amphibian species described each year, it is
laborious to stay updated. Ultimately, scientific publishing needs
to adapt to modern data processing so that published data can
be more easily transferred into electronic databases (see below).
Other biological data.—A major gap in current biodiversity
databases, including AW and RDB, is the lack of structured trait
data, both morphological and otherwise, such as life history or
genome data (see also Meiri 2018, Grundler 2020). Structured trait
data would allow users to identify species, refine phylogenetic
studies, or do more biological research, e.g., into the relationship
between genotype and phenotype and thus evolutionary
adaptations. Ecomorphology of Anolis is a perfect example for the
evolutionary and biological insights to be gained by integrating
trait data (Losos 2009). Similarly, there is relatively little structured
habitat data, and distribution data is still sparse and not easily
available in machine-readable formats (despite the fact that
Roll et al. 2017 have provided a large number of range maps for
reptiles, but their polygons are still too coarse for many studies).
AmphiBIO (Oliveira et al. 2017) compiled a useful set of 17 traits
for many species of amphibians, using AW as a data source, but for
the vast majority of species, such data are still missing. We predict
that fewer natural history data will be traditionally published in
journal articles but rather directly deposited into specifically
created databases, such as NSF-funded FuTRES (https://futres.
org), which has established itself as a vertebrate morphological
trait database with strict ontology rules. Similar with publications,
we need new attribution technologies, so that small contributions
and deposited data can have authors and thus citations, features
that will remain important especially for academic careers.
Integration of databases and collections.—A critical goal of
biodiversity informatics is to connect the numerous data sets to
their original physical entities, such as the voucher specimens,
DNA samples, associated pathogen or parasite samples, or
localities, often referred to as the “extended-specimen networks
(e.g., Lendemer et al. 2020; Webster 2017). Creating and
maintaining these specimen and dataset networks is especially
challenging with respect to tracking taxonomic histories and
changing species concepts or delimitations, many of which are
not reflected in physical museum collections or their database
management systems. AW and RDB can serve as a central nexus
to support the extended specimen network specifically with an
updated taxonomy and its respective links to these biodiversity
resources (Fig. 4), including genetic and genomic repositories
at GenBank, specimen aggregators (e.g., VertNet), taxonomy
resources (e.g., Catalog of Life, NCBI, Amphibian Species of the
World), species traits (e.g., Encyclopedia of Life), conservation
(e.g., assessments at Amphibian Ark and IUCN Red List), and,
most fundamentally, to the primary scientific literature. AW and
RDB thus become an extended species network serving connected
data for biodiversity research.
Long-term funding and maintenance.—Few agencies
fund scientific databases or their maintenance. Databases
are long-term projects that require regular maintenance and
management, to which funders are reluctant to commit—a
problem that is even true for major model organism databases
(Kaiser 2016). Hence, a large number of databases cease to exist
Herpetological Review 52(2), 2021
after a few years (Wren et al. 2017). Long-term maintenance
is thus critical, especially since new data on species is steadily
Can AmphibiaWeb and Reptile Database help to solve the
biodiversity crisis?—Successful conservation actions require
up-to-date and complete information about species identities,
species ranges, taxonomic nomenclature, and conservation
status. This information is especially important when
conservation is focused on hyperdiverse biodiversity hotspots
where hundreds or thousands of species may occur (Roll et al.
2017). Both the Reptile Database and AmphibiaWeb work with
conservation organizations such as IUCN and Red List teams to
coordinate for correct taxonomies, and they link to conservation
assessment data from the respective websites. However, new
research is constantly changing the landscape of taxonomy.
For example, a new species of amphibian has been described
on average every week from 1980 to the present, and there are
increasing instances of species splitting, which can complicate
Fig. 3. Reptile Database user survey results: A) User types; B) information searched for at last visit; C) most useful features in RDB; D)
most wanted features in RDB. Survey based on ~700 responses [not all questions were always answered], 2016–2020). The survey was
launched both on the RDB website and through its newsletter, with the latter being dominated by professional herpetologists and biol-
ogy students.
Herpetological Review 52(2), 2021
conservation efforts further. Thus, updating taxonomies has
become a critical but ever-increasing challenge that we can
only solve by encouraging close cooperation between scientists
and conservationists. Further, the informatic expertise and
infrastructure our databases can provide may be extremely
valuable for conservation data. For example, emerging
infectious diseases are recognized as a growing threat to wildlife
all over the world (Daszak 2007). For amphibians, the disease
chytridiomycosis, which is caused by a fungal pathogen (Berger
et al. 1998), has decimated many species on all continents save
Antarctica (Fisher et al. 2009). AW has provided overall summaries
of our knowledge on chytridiomycosis, a bibliography on the
fungal pathogen, instructional videos on sampling live and
preserved amphibians for the pathogen, and many more actions
to address this crisis. AW has also provided summaries and links
to peer-reviewed literature and media explaining monitoring
protocols that can be used to test museum or wild specimens
for infection status (e.g., Cheng et al. 2011), and thus track
pathogen invasion over the past century (e.g., Huss et al. 2013;
Vredenburg et al. 2013; Fong et al. 2015; Sette et al. 2015; Talley et
al. 2015; Vredenburg et al. 2019). In 2013, with the discovery of a
second chytrid fungus fatal to amphibians, B. salamandrivorans
(Martel et al 2013), AW principals (Koo and Vredenburg) joined
the international North American Bsal Task Force (https:// to work with governmental agencies
and others to coordinate research, surveillance and chytrid data.
The resulting predictive models (in part using AW data) helped
convince federal authorities to limit international trade in live
amphibians as pets (Yap et al. 2015). Unfortunately, even the best
scientific information can be misused. For example, biodiversity
databases often provide type localities (and other locality
records) and have been suspected of being used by poachers to
harvest newly described species or threatened species illegally
(Marshall et al. 2020a).
Can AmphibiaWeb and Reptile Database address inequities in
science?—Like the extended-specimen network, we represent the
extended-species network (see Fig. 4). And similar to the efforts
to democratize museum collections through digitization, we,
too, see opportunities to correct imbalances of knowledge access
(Drew et al. 2017). Specifically AW and RDB aim to address issues
of equity and inclusion by making scientific species information
freely and openly available. This is especially important in
Fig. 4. Relations between AmphibiaWeb (AW) and Reptile Database (RDB) to genetic, scientific, conservation and taxonomic resources
and websites. Arrows indicate relationship type and direction. Solid Black: data flow direction for both AW and RDB; Dotted Black: web
links on both AW and RDB (e.g., links on species detail pages); Solid and Dotted Orange: Links and data only for RDB; Dotted Blue: Links
only for AW. (CalPhotos images of Hyperolius bolifambae by Brian Freiermuth; Crotaphytus bicinctores by William Flaxington)
Herpetological Review 52(2), 2021
biodiversity hotspots, which, for amphibians and reptiles, are
often in countries where academic resources may be limited,
especially access to literature and scientific references. As a
community-based resource—both projects rely on contributions
of media, content, and feedback from users—we recognize that
some of our most valuable contributions come from students
and citizen scientists from these regions.
How can you contribute?—Databases such as AW and RDB
are made for their users, yet equally depend on them, both for
feedback on utility and needs, but also for content and quality
control. Given the constant funding shortages, volunteers are
a critical part of most database efforts and users like you can
help in many ways, such as submitting data (e.g., papers or
photos) but even more importantly, by helping to curate new
or published data into machine-readable content (e.g., data
tables), and being sure to reference or cite usage of AW and RDB.
More specifically, AW and RDB are increasingly collecting trait
data (morphological and ecological), and AW always needs help
with species accounts. We welcome contributions. As we have
shown (Fig. 2), citations are critical to demonstrate use and
acknowledge the value of our efforts. Please contact the authors
of this paper if you want to get involved, provide feedback on our
sites, or sign up for our newsletters.
Acknowledgments.The RDB and AW thank our many volun-
teers and contributors over the years. The Reptile Database es-
pecially recognizes its longstanding collaborators Shai Meiri and
the GARD team and all colleagues who have submitted their data,
papers, photographs, and other feedback. Mark Herr and Amy
McLeod are acknowledged for managing the RDB Social Media
activities. AmphibiaWeb thanks Darrel Frost and Amphibian Spe-
cies of the World, its many cohorts of UC Berkeley apprentices,
herpetology class students around the USA, and to our friends and
colleagues, who have contributed their energy, expertise, and feed-
back to our efforts.
We dedicate this paper to David Wake, whose intellectual
greatness was only eclipsed by his modesty and generosity.
AmphibiaWeb would not exist without David Wake and his
dedication to amphibians, conservation, and education.
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... O grupo dos quelônios é formado por cerca de 340 espécies, das quais 30% ocorrem em regiões neotropicais, incluindo partes da Ásia e da África. Essas áreas são grandes exportadoras de répteis vivos para mercados internacionais, a exemplo do Europeu (Auliya et al. 2016;Sinovas et al. 2017;Uetz et al. 2021). ...
... A coleta de dados sobre as espécies de quelônios exploradas para fins de estimação foi realizada inicialmente no período de março a setembro de 2017, a partir dos dados geográficos obtidos do website The Reptile Database (2016) (Uetz;Freed;Hošek, 2017). Posteriormente, utilizamos a base de dados Google Acadêmico para compilar artigos, livros, capítulos de livros, teses, dissertações, relatórios técnicos e revisões de literatura abrangendo aspectos sociológicos, biológicos e ecológicos do uso de quelônios neotropicais, publicados e atualizados a partir do ano 2000. ...
Full-text available
Introdução: O uso de animais silvestres como pets é uma prática disseminada culturalmente em todo o mundo. Os quelônios neotropicais se destacam por serem frequentemente comercializados, tanto no mercado nacional como internacional. Objetivos: registrar as espécies de quelônios utilizados no comércio de animais de estimação, identificar as regiões onde essa atividade é mais prevalente e avaliar os impactos na conservação das espécies-alvo. Metodologia: realizamos um levantamento bibliográfico entre março e setembro de 2017, utilizando a base de dados Google Acadêmico. Selecionamos 113 estudos, divididos em dois grupos: aqueles que abordaram diretamente o comércio de quelônios; e aqueles que, embora não focassem no uso e comércio, evidenciaram o fluxo global de espécies. Resultados: identificamos 63 espécies de quelônios pertencentes a 10 famílias, registradas para uso e comércio de pets. Essas espécies foram encontradas em cinco regiões do planeta: América Latina, Ásia, Europa, Oceania e América do Norte. Dentre elas, 37 estão listadas na IUCN Red list, abrangendo categorias que vão de Pouco Preocupantes a Criticamente Ameaçadas. Embora uma grande diversidade de quelônios neotropicais tenha sido registrada no comércio de pets, os dados disponíveis ainda são insuficientes para avaliar a extensão dessa atividade. Conclusão: Observamos uma demanda significativa em regiões onde o comércio é culturalmente enraizado ou em áreas economicamente desenvolvidas, com a Ásia e América Latina destacando-se como os principais centros da rota do comércio internacional. Portanto, são necessárias mais pesquisas etnobiológicas para direcionar estratégias de conservação mais eficazes para as espécies alvo do comércio.
... India is a home to 457 species of amphibians (Frost, 2023) and 900 species of reptiles (Uetz et al., 2023). Owing to the high diversity and recent development in systematics the species richness estimate is not stable and the taxonomy is constantly changing (Biju 2001;Uetz et al., 2021). More than 40% of amphibian species and over a fifth of all reptilian species are currently threatened with extinction (IUCN, 2022). ...
... More than 40% of amphibian species and over a fifth of all reptilian species are currently threatened with extinction (IUCN, 2022). Hence, it is important to regularly update species inventory of any given area to successfully implement conservation efforts (Uetz et al., 2021). Our study provides the first herpetofauna assessment for the Gautam Buddha and Koderma Wildlife sanctuaries in the state of Jharkhand. ...
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We present a herpetofauna inventory of the Koderma and Hazaribagh districts located in Jharkhand state, India. Based in the Chotanagpur ecoregion, the Koderma and Hazaribagh plateaus are represented by moderately sloped hillocks and numerous seasonal streams. These features provide excellent amphibian and reptile microhabitats, yet this region remains under-explored. This study, carried out within the premises of two protected areas in Jharkhand (Koderma Wildlife Sanctuary and Gautam Buddha Wildlife Sanctuary) and adjoining areas of Koderma and Hazaribagh West Forest Divisions, utilises data based on intensive field surveys (visual encounter and opportunistic surveys), bibliographic review and photographic records. We documented 10 species of amphibians and 24 species of reptiles from the study area. Using data from our surveys, we have calculated relative abundance, species encounter rates, and amphibian and reptile species diversity of the two PAs. We have prepared Kernel Density maps to help facilitate conservation-related decisions and define priority areas for species conservation. Lastly, using secondary data from available literature and citizen science platforms (iNaturalist and India Biodiversity Portal), we have enlisted the species that have been recorded from nearby regions but were not encountered during our study period.
... Therefore, we decided to use both databases to include all available occurrences at the current time. We combined the two databases harmonising the taxonomy according to the GBIF nomenclature (e.g., occurrences of Alytes almogavarii obstetricans downloaded from iNaturalist we re-assigned to Alytes almogavarii as specified in GBIF), and we removed all introduced and pet species, and all erroneous data referring to what is available from the IUCN Red List (IUCN, 2024) or classspecific sources (e.g., Birds of the World and Reptile Database; Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 2019; Uetz et al., 2021) when the IUCN Red List was incorrect (e.g., Xenopus laevis native in Italy according to IUCN). We filtered out all occurrences with unranked taxon (e.g., only genus) and data with unknown or unverified basis of record (occurrence status) or other data issues (e.g., presumed swapped coordinates). ...
Full-text available
This report presents an overview of data identification and documentation related to biodiversity, ecosystem services, and the associated drivers, pressures, and response mechanisms. While not systematic nor exhaustive, our effort of data identification and documentation allowed us to describe more than 100 datasets and databases on European biodiversity (most datasets), ecosystem services, the drivers and pressures affecting them, and the mechanisms put in place to address these. These datasets represent nearly 2000 variables and metrics that can be used directly by researchers, land managers and decision-makers, for example for spatial planning in conservation or for further integration into biodiversity and ecosystem services models. Moreover, we also evaluate the completeness of biodiversity data (occurrence, trait and biotic interactions) in Europe across four terrestrial vertebrate classes, and assess potential drivers of data completeness. Despite Europe being one of the richest continents for biodiversity data globally, there are substantial data gaps in species distribution, trait, and species interactions, particularly in Eastern Europe, and for reptiles and amphibians. Results highlight how this heterogeneity in data availability is strongly associated with socioeconomic factors. We found that freshwater systems, data on ecosystem functions and population abundances are overall still under-represented in large-scale biodiversity data repositories and catalogues such as the ones that we consulted to build our metadatabase. In contrast, most of the metrics identified can be classified as species traits (both functional and life-history traits) although those also largely related to static data. By design, most of the datasets that we describe are openly available and easily accessible. Nevertheless, they also vary greatly in formats and standardization efforts which would impair a smooth integration into open workflows that could support the wider adoption of the tools that projects such as NaturaConnect could develop. Moreover, knowledge gaps are unevenly distributed within the European continent showing a strong taxonomic but also geographic bias. Amphibian and reptile data are strongly under-sampled compared to mammals and birds considering the species distribution (Wallacean shortfall), biological traits (Raunkiæran shortfall), and trophic interactions data (Eltonian shortfall). Some general recommendations in the view of these results are: i) there is a need to promote the publication of open protocols that describe in a standardized way the inputs and outputs of models used for decision-making and research in biodiversity conservation and that would limit the risk for redundancy, overestimations and circularity when integrating several datasets from various sources and disciplines; and ii) priority areas for data collection are located in southern and eastern Europe, which are strongly under-sampled compared to central and northern Europe (e.g., France, United Kingdom). Addressing these issues is crucial for advancing biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service management across Europe.
... Chameleons (Chamaeleonidae, Acrodonta, Iguania) have many unique morphological and physiological traits (Tolley & Herrel, 2013). To date, more than 200 species have been described (Glaw, 2015;Uetz et al., 2021). Chameleons have a relatively recent origin, with the basal split from the family Agamidae (Acrodonta, Iguania) dating to approximately 100 million years ago A c c e p t e d M a n u s c r i p t (Mya) (Kumar et al., 2017;Burbrink et al., 2020). ...
Full-text available
The faster-X/Z effect hypothesis states that genes linked to X/Z chromosomes should accumulate mutations faster than autosomal genes. Although faster evolution of X/Z-linked genes has been reported in several plant and animal lineages, conflicting results have been reported in others. We examined the faster-Z effect in chameleons of the genus Furcifer, a lineage with differentiated ZZ/ZW chromosomes for at least 20 million years. We sequenced the genomes of four species of Furcifer chameleons in the Illumina platform and compared the substitution rates of synonymous and non-synonymous mutations and their ratios among autosomal, Z-specific, and pseudoautosomal protein-coding genes. The inclusion of two chameleon outgroups lacking the differentiated ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes allowed us to control for gene-specific evolutionary rates that might confound the testing of the faster-X/Z effect. Significant differences in evolutionary rates were found between autosomal, Z-specific, and pseudoautosomal genes of Furcifer chameleons. However, the inclusion of the outgroups with different sex chromosomes suggests that these genes had different evolutionary rates prior to their incorporation into the differentiated ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes of the Furcifer genus. The results highlight the need to control for differences in the evolutionary rates of individual genes when testing for the faster X/Z effect.
... A great model for sustainable upkeep of taxonomic lists, this database is exceptional in its ability to provide a consistently updated catalog of names and taxonomic concepts in a diverse group. Additional standalone databases curated by taxonomic experts for various groups of organisms include: AmphibiaWeb (AmphibiaWeb 2023), Reptile Database (Uetz et al. 2021), AntBase (Agosti and Johnson 2005), International Plant Names Index (Croft et al. 1999), World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS Editorial Board 2023), and Discover Life bee species guide and world checklist (Ascher and Pickering 2020). These communities are active and successfully synthesize taxonomic lists for public use. ...
Classification of the biological diversity on Earth is foundational to all areas of research within the natural sciences. Reliable biological nomenclatural and taxonomic systems facilitate efficient access to information about organisms and their names over time. However, broadly sharing, accessing, delivering, and updating these resources remains a persistent problem. This barrier has been acknowledged by the biodiversity data sharing community, yet concrete efforts to standardize and continually update taxonomic names in a sustainable way remain limited. High diversity groups such as arthropods are especially challenging as available specimen data per number of species is substantially lower than vertebrate or plant groups. The Terrestrial Parasite Tracker Thematic Collections Network project developed a workflow for gathering expert-verified taxonomic names across all available sources, aligning those sources, and publishing a single resource that provides a model for future endeavors to standardize digital specimen identification data. The process involved gathering expert-verified nomenclature lists representing the full taxonomic scope of terrestrial arthropod parasites, documenting issues experienced, and finding potential solutions for reconciliation of taxonomic resources against large data publishers. Although discordance between our expert resources and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility are relatively low, the impact across all taxa affects thousands of names that correspond to hundreds of thousands of specimen records. Here, we demonstrate a mechanism for the delivery and continued maintenance of these taxonomic resources, while highlighting the current state of taxon name curation for biodiversity data sharing.
... S. modesta (modest ground skink) is a unique group with a wide distribution that spans both temperate and tropical regions ( Figure 1A) (, accessed on 1 September 2024) [60]. The species shows peak activity at temperatures between 23 • C and 25 • C, displays behavior to evade heat when temperatures surpass 28 • C, and enters hibernation when temperatures drop below 8 • C. Their distribution characteristics make them an ideal model for understanding mitochondrial gene-level plasticity in response to climate change under latitudinal gradients. ...
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Continual climate change strongly influences temperature conditions worldwide, making ectothermic animals as suitable species for studying the potential impact of climate change on global biodiversity. However, the study of how lizards distributed at different latitudes respond to climate change at the transcriptome level is still insufficient. According to the Climatic Variability Hypothesis (CVH), the range of climate fluctuations experienced by terrestrial animals throughout the year increases with latitude, so individuals at higher latitudes should exhibit greater thermal plasticity to cope with fluctuating environments. Mitochondria, as the energy center of vertebrate cells, may indicate species’ plasticity through the sensitivity of gene expression. In this study, we focused on the changes in transcript levels of liver mitochondrial protein-coding genes (PCGs) in skinks from the genus Plestiodon (P. capito and P. elegans) and the genus Scincella (S. modesta and S. reevesii) under low-temperature conditions of 8 °C, compared to the control group at 25 °C. Species within the same genus of skinks exhibit different latitudinal distribution patterns. We found that the two Plestiodon species, P. elegans and P. capito, employ a metabolic depression strategy (decreased transcript levels) to cope with low temperatures. In contrast, the two Scincella species show markedly different patterns: S. modesta exhibits significant increases in the transcript levels of six genes (metabolic compensation), while in S. reevesii, only two mitochondrial genes are downregulated (metabolic depression) compared to the control group. We also found that P. capito and S. modesta, which live at mid-to-high latitudes, exhibit stronger adaptive responses and plasticity at the mitochondrial gene level compared to P. elegans and S. reevesii, which live at lower latitudes. We suggest that this enhanced adaptability corresponds to more significant changes in a greater number of genes (plasticity genes).
... W ith over 6000 species, lizards are a diverse group of reptiles belonging to the Order Squamata (Class: Reptilia) (Uetz et al., 2021) and can be found in various habitats worldwide except Antarctica (Cox et al., 2022). They play a crucial role in ecological systems, contribute significantly to biodiversity (Vitt, 2021), and are essential components of food webs, serving as both predators and prey, thus influencing population dynamics and energy flow within ecosystems (Zeng et al., 2014). ...
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Reptiles, like amphibians, are considered an important indicator of the ecosystems health. They are sensitive to changes in their habitat and are used as model animals to understand ecology. Although some work has been carried out on documentation of the squamate fauna of Pakistan, very little or no attention has been given to assessing the environmental variables influencing their geographic distribution, occupancy, and habitat association. We, therefore, conducted the present study to model occupancy and detection probability of Acanthodactylus cantoris (Indian fringe-fingered lizard) and Eutropis dissimilis (striped grass skink) and examine site (substrate, canopy cover, distance to nearest wetland) and survey covariates (time of the survey and shrub cover) affecting their occupancy and detection probability in 24 sites of Southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. We carried out field surveys from March to May 2023 to collect data on the presence of the species. We ran 32 candidate occupancy models using a package unmarked in R. The top-ranked model estimated that the detection probability of Acanthodactylus cantoris was 0.51 ± 0.06 (95% CI 0.38-0.64), while that of Eutropis dissimilis was 0.36 ± 0.08 (95% CI 0.22-0.54). The model did not include the effect of any observation covariates (i.e. time of survey or shrub cover > or < 25%). The top-ranked model for the occupancy of Acanthodactylus cantoris yielded an estimate of 0.75± 0.04 (95% CI 0.006-0.89), while Eutropis dissimilis yielded an estimate of 0.68± 0.12 (95% CI 0.16-0.88). The model included the effect (non-significant) of substrate only. The best-fit models for both studied species passed the goodness of fit tests (P > 0.05). We suggest carrying out more robust studies incorporating more sites and effects of other survey covariates such as season, observer, and temperature.
For all vertebrates, the anterior eye structures work together to protect and nourish the eye while ensuring that light entering the eye is correctly focused on the retina. However, the anterior eye structure can vary significantly among different vertebrates, reflecting how the structures of the anterior eye have evolved to meet the specific visual needs of different vertebrate species. Although conserved pathways regulate fundamental aspects of anterior eye development in vertebrates, there may also be species‐specific differences underlying structural variation. Our knowledge of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the development of structures of the anterior eye comes mainly from work in mammals, chicks, some amphibians, and small teleosts such as zebrafish. Our understanding of anterior eye development would benefit from comparative molecular studies in diverse vertebrates. A promising lizard model is the brown anole, Anolis sagrei , which is easily raised in the laboratory and for which genome editing techniques exist. Here, we provide a detailed histological analysis of the development of the anterior structures of the eye in A. sagrei , which include the cornea, iris, ciliary body, lens, trabecular meshwork, and scleral ossicles. The development of the anterior segment in anoles follows a pattern similar to other vertebrates. The lens forms first, followed by the cornea, iris, ciliary body, and tissues involved in the outflow of the aqueous humor. The development of the iris and ciliary body begins temporally and then proceeds nasally. Scleral ossicle development is generally comparable to that reported for chicks and turtles. Anoles have a remarkably thin cornea and a flat ciliary body compared to the eyes of mammals and birds. This study highlights several features in anoles and represents a deeper understanding of reptile eye development.
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Animal venom and plant extracts have been used since ancient times in traditional medicine worldwide. Natural components, valued for their safety and effectiveness, have been consistently used in cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications. We propose a journey along the boulevard of active compounds from natural sources, where bee venom (BV), cobra venom (CV), and Ficus carica reveal their individual therapeutic and cosmetic properties. The originality of this review lies in exploring the synergy of these bioactive sources, an approach that has not been presented in the literature. Although BV, CV, and Ficus carica have different origins and compositions, they have multiple common pharmacological and cosmetic actions, which make them ideal for inclusion in various products that can be used for skin care and health in general. Their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, neuroprotective, and regenerative properties give them an essential role in the creation of potential innovative and effective products in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry. Although many plant extracts have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, Ficus carica was chosen due to its complex biochemical composition, which provides valuable benefits in skin regeneration and protection against oxidative stress. According to the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI), Ficus carica is used in the form of an extract of fruits, leaves, juice, bark or stem, each having specific applicability in topical formulations; due to the diversity of bioactive compounds, it can amplify the effectiveness of BV and CV, helping to enhance their beneficial effects and reducing the risk of adverse effects, due to its well-tolerated nature. Thus, this combination of natural ingredients opens up new perspectives in the development of innovative products, optimizing efficiency and maintaining a favorable safety profile. In this context, due to the reported experimental results, the three natural sources caught our attention, and we conceived the present work, which is a review made following the analysis of the current progress in the study of the bioactive compounds present in BV, CV, and Ficus carica. We focused on the novelties regarding pharmacological and cosmetic actions presented in the literature, and we highlighted the safety profile, as well as the modern approaches regarding the delivery and transport systems of the active substances from the three natural sources, and we evaluated their prospects in therapeutic and cosmetic use. This paper not only expands our knowledge of bioactive compounds, but it can also generate new ideas and motivations for the research and development of innovative treatments and skincare methods.
Understanding how continental radiations are assembled across space and time is a major question in macroevolutionary biology. Here, we use a phylogenomic-scale phylogeny, a comprehensive morphological dataset and environmental niche models to evaluate the relationship between trait and environment, and assess the role of geography and niche conservatism in the continental radiation of Australian blindsnakes. This fossorial snake group comprises 47 described species and is widespread across various biomes on continental Australia. Although we expected blindsnakes to be morphologically conserved, we found considerable interspecific variation in all morphological traits we measured. Absolute body length is negatively correlated with mean annual temperature and body shape ratios are negatively correlated with soil compactness. We found that morphologically similar species are likely not a result of ecological convergence. Age-overlap correlation tests revealed niche similarity decreased with relative age of speciation events. We also found low geographical overlap across the phylogeny suggesting speciation is largely allopatric with low rates of secondary range overlap. Our study offers insights into the eco-morphological evolution of blindsnakes, and the potential for phylogenetic niche conservatism to influence continental scale radiations.
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Wildlife trade is a key driver of the biodiversity crisis. Unregulated, or under-regulated wildlife trade can lead to unsustainable exploitation of wild populations. International efforts to regulate wildlife mostly miss ‘lower-value’ species, such as those imported as pets, resulting in limited knowledge of trade in groups like reptiles. Here we generate a dataset on web-based private commercial trade of reptiles to highlight the scope of the global reptile trade. We find that over 35% of reptile species are traded online. Three quarters of this trade is in species that are not covered by international trade regulation. These species include numerous endangered or range-restricted species, especially hotspots within Asia. Approximately 90% of traded reptile species and half of traded individuals are captured from the wild. Exploitation can occur immediately after scientific description, leaving new endemic species especially vulnerable. Pronounced gaps in regulation imply trade is having unknown impacts on numerous threatened species. Gaps in monitoring demand a reconsideration of international reptile trade regulations. We suggest reversing the status-quo, requiring proof of sustainability before trade is permitted.
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Data-driven research in biomedical science requires structured, computable data. Increasingly, these data are created with support from automated text mining. Text-mining tools have rapidly matured: although not perfect, they now frequently provide outstanding results. We describe 10 straightforward writing tips—and a web tool, PubReCheck—guiding authors to help address the most common cases that remain difficult for text-mining tools. We anticipate these guides will help authors’ work be found more readily and used more widely, ultimately increasing the impact of their work and the overall benefit to both authors and readers. PubReCheck is available at
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Public databases in taxonomy, phylogenetics and geographic and fossil occurrence records are key research tools that provide raw materials, on which broad-scale analyses and synthesis in their respective fields are based. Comparable repositories for natural history observations are rare. Publicly available natural history data on traits like diet, habitat and reproduction are scattered across an extensive primary literature and remain relatively inaccessible to researchers interested in using these data for broad-scale analyses in macroecology and macroevolution. In this paper, I introduce SquamataBase, an open-source R package and database of predator-prey records involving the world’s snakes. SquamataBase facilitates the discovery of natural history observations for use in comparative analyses and synthesis and, in its current form, contains observations of at least 18,304 predator individuals comprising 1,227 snake species and at least 58,633 prey items comprising 3,231 prey taxa. To facilitate integration with comparative analysis workflows, the data are distributed inside an R package, which also provides basic functionality for common data manipulation and filtering operations. Moving forward, the continued development of public natural history databases and their integration with existing digitisation efforts in biodiversity science should become a priority.
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For more than two centuries, biodiversity collections have served as the foundation for scientific investigation of and education about life on Earth (Melber and Abraham 2002, Cook et al. 2014, Funk 2018). The collections that have been assembled in the past and continue to grow today are a cornerstone of our national heritage that have been treated as such since the founding of the United States (e.g., Jefferson 1799, Goode 1901a, 1901b, Meisel 1926). A diverse array of institutions throughout the United States, from museums and botanical gardens to universities and government agencies, maintain our biodiversity collections as part of their research and education missions. Collectively, these institutions and their staff are stewards for at least 1 billion biodiversity specimens that include such diverse objects as dinosaur bones, pressed plants, dried mushrooms, fish preserved in alcohol, pinned insects, articulated skeletons, eggshells, and microscopic pollen grains. In turn, these collections are a premier resource for exploring life, its forms, interactions, and functions, across evolutionary, temporal, and spatial scales (Bebber et al. 2010, Monfils et al. 2017, Schindel and Cook 2018). Biodiversity collections have historically consisted of physical objects and the infrastructure to support those objects (Bradley et al. 2014). However, the last two decades have witnessed a remarkable wave of digitization that has reshaped the collections paradigm to include digital data and infrastructure (Nelson and Ellis 2018), opening vast new areas for integrative biological research (e.g., a single plant specimen mounted on an herbarium sheet may be analyzed in multitude ways to yield data on flower morphology, DNA for applications from systematic studies to genome sequences, and isotopes for analyses of nitrogen to understand the mechanisms of phenology in relation to nitrogen uptake). In the United States, investment by the federal government through the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections (ADBC) program has facilitated the digitization of approximately 62 million US biodiversity specimens since 2011 through 24 thematic collection networks connecting over 700 collections. These networks have helped to develop a collaborative infrastructure connecting specimen data, human resources, research, and education among institutions. The ADBC program has also provided support to iDigBio (the Integrated Digitized Biocollections), which is the central coordinating unit for the digitization effort. The final ADBC grants will be awarded in 2021. During the last several years, the Biodiversity Collections Network has led an effort to gather input from primary stakeholder communities regarding future directions for collections and their use in research and education. The effort culminated in a workshop held from 30 October through 1 November 2018 at Oak Spring Garden in Upperville, Virginia, during which a strategy was developed to maximize the value of collections for future research and education that builds on and leverages the accomplishments of the ADBC program. The strategy that was informed by stakeholders, refined by workshop participants, and vetted through public comment from scientific community is presented in the present article.
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Many recent species delimitation studies rely exclusively on limited analyses of genetic data analyzed under the multispecies coalescent (MSC) model, and results from these studies often are regarded as conclusive support for taxonomic changes. However, most MSC-based species delimitation methods have well-known and often unmet assumptions. Uncritical application of these genetic-based approaches (without due consideration of sampling design, the effects of a priori group designations, isolation by distance, cytoplasmic-nuclear mismatch, and population structure) can lead to over-splitting of species. Here, we argue that in many common biological scenarios, researchers must be particularly cautious regarding these limitations, especially in cases of well-studied, geographically variable, and parapatrically-distributed species complexes. We consider these points with respect to a historically controversial species group, the American milksnakes (Lampropeltis triangulum complex), using genetic data from a recent analysis (Ruane et al. 2014; Syst. Biol. 63:231-250). We show that over-reliance on the program BPP, without adequate consideration of its assumptions and of sampling limitations, resulted in over-splitting of species in this study. Several of the hypothesized species of milksnakes instead appear to represent arbitrary slices of continuous geographic clines. We conclude that the best available evidence supports three, rather than seven, species within this complex. More generally, we recommend that coalescent-based species delimitation studies incorporate thorough analyses of geographic variation and carefully examine putative contact zones among delimited species before making taxonomic changes.
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The distributions of amphibians, birds and mammals have underpinned global and local conservation priorities, and have been fundamental to our understanding of the determinants of global biodiversity. In contrast, the global distributions of reptiles, representing a third of terrestrial vertebrate diversity, have been unavailable. This prevented the incorporation of reptiles into conservation planning and biased our understanding of the underlying processes governing global vertebrate biodiversity. Here, we present and analyse the global distribution of 10,064 reptile species (99% of extant terrestrial species). We show that richness patterns of the other three tetrapod classes are good spatial surrogates for species richness of all reptiles combined and of snakes, but characterize diversity patterns of lizards and turtles poorly. Hotspots of total and endemic lizard richness overlap very little with those of other taxa. Moreover, existing protected areas, sites of biodiversity significance and global conservation schemes represent birds and mammals better than reptiles. We show that additional conservation actions are needed to effectively protect reptiles, particularly lizards and turtles. Adding reptile knowledge to a global complementarity conservation priority scheme identifies many locations that consequently become important. Notably, investing resources in some of the world’s arid, grassland and savannah habitats might be necessary to represent all terrestrial vertebrates efficiently.
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Current ecological and evolutionary research are increasingly moving from species- to trait-based approaches because traits provide a stronger link to organism’s function and fitness. Trait databases covering a large number of species are becoming available, but such data remains scarce for certain groups. Amphibians are among the most diverse vertebrate groups on Earth, and constitute an abundant component of major terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. They are also facing rapid population declines worldwide, which is likely to affect trait composition in local communities, thereby impacting ecosystem processes and services. In this context, we introduce AmphiBIO, a comprehensive database of natural history traits for amphibians worldwide. The database releases information on 17 traits related to ecology, morphology and reproduction features of amphibians. We compiled data from more than 1,500 literature sources, and for more than 6,500 species of all orders (Anura, Caudata and Gymnophiona), 61 families and 531 genera. This database has the potential to allow unprecedented large-scale analyses in ecology, evolution, and conservation of amphibians.
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Anolis lizards (anoles) are textbook study organisms in evolution and ecology. Although several topics in evolutionary biology have been elucidated by the study of anoles, progress in some areas has been hampered by limited phylogenetic information on this group. Here we present a phylogenetic analysis of all 379 extant species of Anolis, with new phylogenetic data for 139 species including new DNA data for 101 species. We use the resulting estimates as a basis for defining anole clade names under the principles of phylogenetic nomenclature and to examine the biogeographic history of anoles. Our new taxonomic treatment achieves the supposed advantages of recent subdivisions of anoles that employed ranked Linnaean–based nomenclature while avoiding the pitfalls of those approaches regarding artificial constraints imposed by ranks. Our biogeographic analyses demonstrate complexity in the dispersal history of anoles, including multiple crossings of the Isthmus of Panama, two invasions of the Caribbean, single invasions to Jamaica and Cuba, and a single evolutionary dispersal from the Caribbean to the mainland that resulted in substantial anole diversity. Our comprehensive phylogenetic estimate of anoles should prove useful for rigorous testing of many comparative evolutionary hypotheses.