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Knowledge of the diversity of the bryophytic ora of the Tafoughalt massif in north- eastern Morocco is insucient and poorly
known. The present study is the rst bryological work on this massif. The bryophytic exploitation, which lasted three years
(2015-2017) during periods favourable for sampling, revealed the existence of 30 bryophyte taxa, 27 of which belong to the
Mosses and 3 to the Hepatica, divided respectively into 21 genders and 10 families (90%) then 3 genders and 3 families (10%).
The most represented families are the Pottiaceae, Brachytheciaceae and Bryaceae. The most species rich genera are Bryum
and Tortula. Four species are the most abundant in this massif, including three mosses and one liverwort:Grimmia decipiens,
Orthotrichum rupestre, Pleurochaete squarrosa and Targionia hypophylla. We report the presence of two species new to the
bryophytic ora of Morocco. These are Amblystegium serpens and Oxyrrhynchium speciosum. These two species are very rare
in our study site according to the ecological signicance index (ESI). There are ve species newly observed in the region. The
majority of taxa (more than 90% taxa) are saxicolous and/or terracolous.
Keywords: Bryoore, Tafoughalt Massif, Beni Snassen; Morocco.
Khalid Achoual, Aomar Dabghi, Jamila Dahmani and Nadia Belahbib*
Laboratory of Plants, Animals Productions and Agro-industry, Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Tofail University, BP 133, Kénitra 14000,
(Date of Receiving-17-01-2021; Date of Acceptance-04-04-2021)
e-ISSN:2581-6063 (online), ISSN:0972-5210Plant Archives Volume 21, No 1, 2021 pp. 821-828
DOI Url:
Numerous oristic studies have explored the vascular ora
of eastern Morocco (Khalil, 1999; Ben El Mostafa et al.,
2001; Achhal et al., 2004; Chambouleyron et al., 2015).
The number of vascular taxa recorded in this region is 1114
species, belonging to 490 genera and 86 families (Khalil,
1999). On the other hand, bryoora has not presented
any studies in this region apart from the census of a few
species cited during passing botanical expeditions carried
out between 1931 and 1934 (Ahayoun et al., 2013), where
nine species (2 mosses and 7 liverworts) were identied.
This present work is the rst in the region concerning the
ecological study and biodiversity of the bryophytic ora
in northeast Morocco.
Our study station is located in the rural commune of
Tafoughalt (or Taforalt); it belongs to the Beni-Snassen
chain, a site of biological and ecological interest in eastern
Morocco (Denis, 2014). The choice of this study area is
based on their bioclimatic characteristics and oristic
diversity, which seem to be favourable conditions for the
installation and proliferation of bryophytes. Thus, the
aim of this study is to know and determine the specic
diversity of the bryophytic ora of the Tafoughalt massif,
then to establish a list of the taxa collected and also to
verify if there are any new bryological taxa for Morocco.
Presentation of the study site
The study site is located in the rural commune of Tafoughalt,
18 km south-west of the town of Berkane (Denis, 2014),
in the Eastern Rif region of Morocco, at an altitude of
about 850 m (Dakki et al., 2003). Tafoughalt is part of
the Beni Snassen massif, known as a site of biological
and ecological interest (SIBE) and archaeological (Denis,
2014). It is a small chain of dolomitic limestone with a
core of primary schists (Chaker, 1991). The SIBE is
located on the Moroccan-Algerian border and is bounded
to the north by the Tria plain which descends to the
Mediterranean coast, to the south by the Angad plain, to
the east by the Garbous pass and to the west by the Oued
Moulouya (Fig. 1). The massif extends as far as western
Orania (Algeria) by the Felloussène and Traras mountains
(Tayebi et al., 2011). This region presents climatic
and edaphic conditions and also numerous wetlands
(waterfalls, springs, wadis), which allow vegetation to
proliferate and consequently a diversication of the fauna.
The site of Tafoughalt, according to Emberger’s
climagram, belongs to a Mediterranean climate with a
sub-humid bioclimatic level (Achhal et al., 2004), but
characterised by infrequent rainfall and very variable
over time (monthly and annual) (Acherkouk et al.,
2011). It receives an average rainfall of 344 mm per year
and records an average annual temperature of 15.4°C
(Climate-data, 2020). Temperatures range from 1.9°C
in January, the coldest month, to 28.5°C in the warmest
month (July) (Dakki et al., 2003). This implies a certain
climatic coolness of the massif compared to other regions
of the SIBE.
The plant cover of the SIBE of Beni Snassen presents
a matorral dominated essentially by: thethuya, Aleppo
pine, holm oak, kermes oak, cypress, rosemary, juniper
Khalid Achoual, Aomar Dabghi, Jamila Dahmani and Nadia Belahbib
and esparto (Boumeaza, 1985; Achhal et al., 2004;
Tayebi, 2006; Denis, 2014). This massif was reforested
with Aleppo pine and Eucalyptus from the 1950s and
then again in the 1970s; these reforestations were very
successful in Tafoughalt (Tayebi et al., 2011). The holm
oak constitutes a dense stand in some places, whereas
the Aleppo pine stands, which grow on marly-limestone
soils, are generally degraded. This vegetation cover
is very sensitive to degradation caused by anthropo-
zoogenic pressure (Cagniant and Galkowski, 2013) and/
or temporary periods of drought (Tayebi et al., 2011).The
vegetation cover in Tafoughalt occupies about 2876 ha (Et-
Tobi et al., 2000), with a very high cover rate near water
sources. On the other hand, it is less important in dry and
sunny places and in areas of articial reforestation: alep
pine and eucalyptus.The vegetation cover observed during
the sampling in the Tafoughalt massif is mainly made
up of varied herbaceous vegetation such as Lavandula
dentata, Drimia maritima, Rosmarinus ocinalis, Urtica
pilufera and Cistus villosus. The tree matorral is dense
especially in humid areas with the remarkable presence
of Rosmarinus ocinalis and some g trees, cork oak and
holm oaknear the village of Tafoughalt.
Collecting plant material
The sampling of bryophytes in the study site is organised
according to the climatic conditions favourable to the
growth and fruiting of these plants. As far as possible,
species are sampled with sporophytes to facilitate their
identication. Harvesting was carried out in two periods,
each lasting three days: in winter (January 2015) and
spring (April 2017). Each sample is kept in a paper or
plastic bag and then left to dry to avoid any risk of fungal
contamination. All information relating to each harvest
is noted: geographical coordinates (longitude, latitude,
altitude) using GPS, date and place of harvest, ecological
conditions and the nature of the substrates. Species
identication was carried out in the laboratory using
appropriate optical equipment based on macroscopic and
microscopic characteristics. The oras used were those
of: Augier (1966), Smith (2004), Pierrot (1982), Casas
et al., (2006), Casas et al., (2009) and also specialised
bryological glossaries (Chavoutier, 2016). The taxonomic
nomenclature adopted for the species identied is that of
the bryophytes of North Africa (Ros et al., 1999).
The species inventoried in the Tafoughalt massif are
grouped in Table 1 by phylum and then by family in
alphabetical order of taxa. For each species, the nature
of the substratum from which it was collected is noted
[saxicolous “S” (on rocky substratum), terricolous “T”
(on soil), epiphyte “E” (on tree bark), corticolous “C” (on
tree trunks)] and the GPS coordinates of the survey. Some
species are marked with a symbol : (*) for taxon new for
Morocco, (**) new for the Eastern Rif region, compared
to the checklists published by Ros et al., in 2007, Ros et
al., in 2013 and Ahayoun et al., in 2013.
Data analysis
Data processing was carried out using the Microsoft
Oce 2010 Excel spreadsheet to assess the centesimal
specic frequency and the ecological signicance index
of bryoora at the study site.
The specic centesimal frequency (FSCi) expressing
the presence or absence of a species is calculated by the
following formula:
FSCi = (ni / N) x 100.
Where (ni) is the number of records in which the species
(i) is present and (N) is the total number of records.
The relative abundance of species collected in the
Tafoughalt massif was estimated using the Index of
Ecological Signicance (IES) (Lara & Mazimpaka, 1998;
Albertos et al., 2001). It is based on the combination of
relative frequency and specic area coverage in the study
site, and is calculated according to the following equation:
IES = F (1 + C).
Where (F) the relative frequency of species = (100 x/n),
and (C) the mean coverage of species in the surveys =
Σ(ci)/x, where (x) represents the number of surveys
containing the species, (n) the total number of samples,
and (ci) corresponds to the coverage class of the species
in each survey.
Coverage classes were estimated according to the
following scale: 0.5 (<1%); 1 (1-5%); 2 (6-25%); 3 (26-
50%); 4 (51-75%); 5 (> 75%). Then, the values of this
index (IES) were combined in class frequency as follows:
very scarce (<25), scarce (26-50), moderately abundant
(51-100), abundant (101-200) and dominant (> 200).
The study of the bryological ora of the Tafoughalt massif
enabled us to identify 30 bryophytic taxa belonging to
two classes, Mosses and Hepatics (Table 1), based on 51
samples. These taxa are divided into 13 families and 24
genera (Fig. 2). The family Pottiaceae is best represented
in this study with 7 genera and 9 species (30% of the total
taxa identied), followed by the family Brachytheciaceae
with 5 genera and 6 species (20%) and then by the family
Bryaceae with a single genus Bryum and 3 species (10%).
Thus, these three families alone constitute 60% of the
bryophytic taxa in the Tafoughalt massif (Fig. 2). Next,
the families Bartramiaceae and Grimmiaceae each have
two species (or 6,67%) and the other families each have
only one species (3,33%) (Fig.2).
The bryological inventory revealed the existence of 27
species of mosses of which 56,67% were acrocarpous and
43.33% pleurocarpous. Concerning the class of Hepatics,
Contribution to the inventory of the bryological ora of the Tafoughalt massif, north-east Morocco
sampling of this study area revealed the presence of
three families, each with only one species belonging to
three dierent genera (Fossombronia, Lunularia and
The exploration of this area has enabled us to identify
two species new to Morocco: Amblystegium serpens and
Oxyrrhynchium speciosum. In North Africa, they are cited
in Algeria and Tunisia for the rst species and only in
Algeria for the second species (Ros et al., 1999; Ros et
al., 2013; Ahayoun et al., 2013). They are less frequent,
respectively 5.56% and 11.11%, and classied as very
rare in this site with IES values of 7 and 23 respectively.
These two species are the subject of a separate publication
that is in progress. The genus Amblystegium has a narrow
ecological distribution in the Mediterranean region; it
is represented only by Amblystegium serpens (Ros et
al., 2013). In Morocco, it is represented by two taxa:
Amblystegium licinum subsp. formianum (Fior.-Mazz.)
J.J.Amann and Amblystegium tenax (Hedw.) C.E.O.Jensen
observed near water sources on limestone rocks (Ahayoun
et al., 2013). Thus, the Mediterranean region currently
has two species and a variety of the genus Amblystegium.
The genus Oxyrrhynchium has three species and one
variety in the Mediterranean region: Oxyrrhynchium
hians (Hedw.) Loeske, Oxyrrhynchium schleicheri
(R.Hedw.) Röll, Oxyrrhynchium swartzii (Turn.) Warnst
var. rigidium (Boulay) Barkman (= Eurhynchium hians)
and Oxyrrhynchium speciosum (Brid.) Warnst (Ros et al.,
1999; Ros et al., 2013). In Morocco, it was represented
only by Oxyrrhynchium pumilum (Wilson) Loeske
(Ahayoun et al., 2013) and with the determination of
this new species (Oxyrrhynchium speciosum) this genus
becomes represented by two species.
Three species are classied as rare in Morocco based on
the same lists (Ahayoun et al., 2013; Ros et al., 2013):
Cirriphyllum crassinervium, Pseudoleskea incurvata and
Eurhynchium hians. Indeed, in our study site, the value of
their IES is 30, 33 and 10 respectively, classifying them as
rare for the rst two species and very rare for the last one.
This study also led to the discovery of ve new species for
the Eastern Rif: Calliergonella cuspidata, Eurhynchium
hians, Scorpiurium circinatum, Pseudoleskea incurvata
and Homalia lusitanica, in comparison with the species
listed in the Ahayoun catalogue (Ahayoun et al., 2007;
Ahayoun et al., 2013).
The taxa inventoried are found on four dierent types of
substrate with unequal proportions: Saxicolous species are
the most represented (43,34%), followed by Saxicolous
and Terrestrial species which are less represented (36,67%)
and Terrestrial species with a smaller proportion (10%),
the other substrates are found with the same proportion
(3,33%) (Fig. 3).
The most frequent species in the massif are Orthotrichum
rupestre (72,22%) and Grimmia decipiens (61,11%)
which are both saxicolous and classied by their index
value as abundant (IES=167 and 133). They are followed
by Targionia hypophylla (50%), Pleurochaete squarrosa
(50%) and Bryum capillare (44,44%) which are
respectively abundant and moderately abundant with their
IES index values of 113, 113 and 93. These last ve species
are capable of adapting to a temperate and dry microclimate
(Denayer, 2000; Mazimpaka et al., 1993). They are
classied as thermo-xerophilic taxa, with the exception
of Homalothecium sericeum, which is found in wetlands
(Mazimpaka et al., 1993). These plants are well adapted
to the climatic, topographical and edaphic conditions
of the study area by their adaptive characteristics and/
or by their mode of dispersal (vegetative multiplication
and high spore production) (Bajon, 1987). Analysis
of the IES ecological index revealed the abundance
of three mosses and one liverwort in their sampling
station: Grimmia decipiens, Orthotrichum rupestre,
Pleurochaete squarrosa and Targionia hypophylla. In the
Tafoughalt massif, ten species are noted as rare according
to the value of the IES index, which varies from 27 to
47 (Table 1), for example: Cirriphyllum crassinervium,
Pseudoleskea incurvata, Homalia lusitanica, Bartramia
stricta, ect. While Amblystegium serpens, Fossombronia
angulosa, Didymodon tophaceus, Eurhynchium hians,
Oxyrrhynchium speciosum, Tortula ruralis, Timmiella
barbuloides and Trichostomum crispulum are very rare
species in the Tafoughalt massif (IES ranging from 7
to 27) and rare to relatively rare in the Mediterranean
region (Ros et al., 2013; Gabka et al., 2014), with a very
restricted distribution in the harvesting environment.
For Hepatics, Fossombronia angulosa, Lunularia
cruciata and Targionia hypophylla are the only species
encountered in the study area. Fossombronia angulosa is
very rare (IES=7) and its frequency is very low (FSCi =
5,56%), whereas for the other two species the value of their
FSCi is high. It is 38.89% in Lunaria cruciata and 50% in
Targonia hypophylla, and they are moderately abundant
(IES=77) and abundant (IES=113) respectively in the
massif. These liverworts are found on damp rocks and soil
forming more or less dense patches. Sometimes they live
on substrates exposed to the sun; they are therefore able to
withstand dry conditions (Denayer, 2000).
The bryophytes of this massif are essentially made up
of saxicolous and terrestrial species with a percentage
of 90% due to the dominant components of the study
environment. The soil on which bryophytic species live
remains moist for a long time, favouring the installation of
pleurocarpous species which are mosses that prefer moist
substrates (Mazimpaka et al., 1993). On the other hand,
acrocarpous species are often found on rocks exposed to
sunlight. The epiphytes and corticolous (6,66%) appear
to be less distributed compared to a study conducted in
the eastern Middle Atlas where they represent 34% of the
bryophytes in the environment (Saadi et al., 2020). This
is probably due to the fact that the plant cover is open,
Khalid Achoual, Aomar Dabghi, Jamila Dahmani and Nadia Belahbib
Table 1:List of bryological species collected with the corresponding family, the nature of the substrates and the index
ecological signicance (IES).
Families Genus Species
FSCi (%)
Altitude (m)
Phylum ofMosses
Amblystegiaceae Amblystegium Amblystegium serpens
(Hedw.) (*) ++- -
very rare
Bartramia stricta
Brid. ++- -
Philonotis Philonotis fontana
(Hedw.) Brid. + + - -
Bryum argenteum
Hedw. ++ + -
34°79’5998 ‘’N
Bryum caespiticium
Hedw. + + - -
Bryum capillare
(Hedw.) + + - -
Cirriphyllum crassin-
(Taylor) Loeske & M.
Fleisch (**)
++- -
Eurhynchium Eurhynchium hians
(Hedw.) Sande Lac(**)+- - -
very rare
Homalothecium seri-
ceum (Hedw.) B. e. ++-+
Scorpiurium circina-
tum (Brid.) Fleisch. &
Loeske(**)+- - -
Scorpiurium deexifo-
lium (Solm.) Fleisch.
& Loeske +- - -
- 2°40’90629’’W
Oxyrrhynchium spe-
ciosum (Brid.) Warnst
(*)-+- -
very rare
Grimmiaceae Grimmia
Grimmia decipiens
(Schultz) lindb +- - -
Grimmia orbicularis
Bruch. +- - -
Hypnaceae Calliergonella
Calliergonella cuspi-
data (Hedw.) Loeske
(**) + + - -
very rare
Contribution to the inventory of the bryological ora of the Tafoughalt massif, north-east Morocco
Leskeaceae Pseudoleskea
Pseudoleskea incurva-
ta (Hedw.) Loeske(**) +- - -
Neckeraceae Homalia
Homalia lusitanica
Schimp (**) - - +-
-2°39’28301’’ W
Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum
Orthotrichum ru-
pestreSchleich. +- - -
Barbula unguiculata
(Huds.) Hedw. + + - -
Didymodon Didymodon topha-
ceus (Brid.) Jur. ++- -
very rare
Eucladium Eucladium verticilla-
tum (Smith)B.E. +- - -
Pleurochaete Pleurochaete squarro-
sa ( Brid.) Lindb. ++- -
Tortula norvegica
(Web.F.) Wg. +- - -
Tortula subulata
Hedw. + + - -
very rare
Tortula ruralis Ehrh.
+- - -
Timmiella Timmiella barbuloides
Brid.+ + - -
Trichostomum Trichostomum crispu-
lum Bruch. -+- -
very rare
Phylum of Liverworts
ceae Fossombronia Fossombronia angulo-
sa(Dicks.) Raddi -+- -
very rare
Lunulariaceae Lunularia Lunularia cruciata
(L.) Dum. + + - -
Targioniaceae Targionia Targionia hypophylla
L. + + - -
Where (*) taxon new for Morocco, (**) new for the Eastern Rif region, “S”=saxicolous, “T”=terricolous, “E”=epiphyt-
ic, “C” =corticolous.
Khalid Achoual, Aomar Dabghi, Jamila Dahmani and Nadia Belahbib
mainly in the form of matorral, which does not favour the
installation and distribution of bryophytes.
Despite the great biological and oristic diversity of
the Tafoughalt massif, the number of bryological taxa
inventoried remains low in relation to the surface area
exploited. The eect of the microclimatic conditions,
more or less unfavourable, is characterised by the period
of drought which has become longer, from summer to the
end of Autonomy, by the open plant cover and also by the
dominance of articial reforestation of Aleppo pine in the
massif (Tayebi et al., 2011). Water decit and temperature
contrasts also play a major role in the functioning and
distribution of bryophytes (Mazimpaka et al., 2004).
Thus, all of this has contributed to the low bryological
diversity in this environment. On the other hand, this
study has contributed to elucidating the diversity and
ecology of the bryophytic ora in the Tafoughalt massif,
eastern region of Morocco. This ora is characterised in
this region by a large specic representation of Mosses
(90%), species that are capable of withstanding the
climatic conditions of exposed environments. In fact,
60% are mesophilic species, belonging to the families
Pottiaceae, Brachytheciaceae and Bryaceae. Whereas the
Hepatics that are most dependent on the freshness and/or
humidity of the biotope represent only 10% of the species
recorded in the massif. The study of the bryological ora
of the Tafoughalt Massif has also made it possible to
enrich the list of bryophytes in Morocco as well as in the
Mediterranean basin by the identication of two species:
Amblystegium serpens and Oxyrrhynchium speciosum
where they are very rare. From an ecological point
of view, the bryophytic ora of the Tafoughalt massif
consists essentially of Saxicolous and Terrestrial taxa.
The distribution and frequency of bryophytes depends on
three factors: a cool microclimate, the degree of humidity
and the density of the plant cover.
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Garilleti (2004). Aperçu sur la bryoore épiphyte
des thuriféraires et autres forêts d’altitude du Maroc.
Naturalia Maroccana, Revue du Muséum d’Histoire
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Mazimpaka, V., F. Lara and C. López-García (1993). Données
écologiques surlabry of lore dela ville de Cuenca
(Espagne). Nova Hedwigia. 56: 113-129.
Pierrot, R. B. (1982). Les bryophytes du Centre-Ouest :
classication, détermination, répartition. Bulletin de
la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest.N° spécial 5.
Ros, R. M., V. Mazimpaka, U. Abou-Salama, M. Ale, T.L.
Blockeel, M. Brugues, R.M. Cros, M. Dia, G. M.
Dirkse, I. Draper, W. El-Saadawi, A. Erdag, A. Ganeva,
R. Gabriel, J.M. Gonzalez-Mancebo, C. Granger, I.
Herrnstadt, V. Hugonnot, K. Khalil, H. Kurschner,
A. Losada-Lima, L. Luis, S. Mifsud, M. Privitera, M.
Puglisi, M. Sabovljevic, C. Sergio, H.M. Shabbara,
M. Sim-Sim, A. Sotiaux, R. Tacchi, A. Vanderpoorten
and O. Werner (2013). Mosses of the Mediterranean,
an annoted checklist. Cryptogamie, Bryololgie,
Lichénologie, 34: 99-283.
Smith, A.J.E. (2004). The Moss Flora of Britain and
Ireland(second edition) Cambridge University
Tayebi, A.(2006). Vulnérabilité des ressources en eaux
karstiques en milieu méditerranéen semi-aride : le
massif des Béni Snassen (Maroc oriental). Approche
pluridisciplinaire et utilisation des méthodes «SIG».
Thesis, University of Grenoble‚ France. 388pp.
Tayebi, A., S.Jaillet, D. Gasquet andM. Bouabdellah (2011).
Analyse temporelle de la vulnérabilité des ressources
en eaux karstiques d’une moyenne montagne
méditerranéenne : BeniSnassen (Maroc oriental).
9ème colloque d’hydrogéologie en pays calcaire,
Besançon. 463-466.
Données écologiques surlabry of lore dela ville de Cuenca
(Espagne). Nova Hedwigia. 56: 113-129.
Pierrot, R. B. (1982). Les bryophytes du Centre-Ouest :
classication, détermination, répartition. Bulletin de
la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest.N° spécial 5.
Ros, R. M., V. Mazimpaka, U. Abou-Salama, M. Ale, T.L.
Blockeel, M. Brugues, R.M. Cros, M. Dia, G. M.
Dirkse, I. Draper, W. El-Saadawi, A. Erdag, A. Ganeva,
R. Gabriel, J.M. Gonzalez-Mancebo, C. Granger, I.
Herrnstadt, V. Hugonnot, K. Khalil, H. Kurschner,
A. Losada-Lima, L. Luis, S. Mifsud, M. Privitera, M.
Puglisi, M. Sabovljevic, C. Sergio, H.M. Shabbara,
M. Sim-Sim, A. Sotiaux, R. Tacchi, A. Vanderpoorten
and O. Werner (2013). Mosses of the Mediterranean,
an annoted checklist. Cryptogamie, Bryololgie,
Lichénologie, 34: 99-283.
Smith, A.J.E. (2004). The Moss Flora of Britain and
Ireland(second edition) Cambridge University
Tayebi, A.(2006). Vulnérabilité des ressources en eaux
karstiques en milieu méditerranéen semi-aride : le
massif des Béni Snassen (Maroc oriental). Approche
pluridisciplinaire et utilisation des méthodes «SIG».
Thesis, University of Grenoble‚ France. 388pp.
Tayebi, A., S.Jaillet, D. Gasquet andM. Bouabdellah (2011).
Analyse temporelle de la vulnérabilité des ressources
en eaux karstiques d’une moyenne montagne
méditerranéenne : BeniSnassen (Maroc oriental).
9ème colloque d’hydrogéologie en pays calcaire,
Besançon. 463-466.
Données écologiques surlabry of lore dela ville de Cuenca
(Espagne). Nova Hedwigia. 56: 113-129.
Pierrot, R. B. (1982). Les bryophytes du Centre-Ouest :
classication, détermination, répartition. Bulletin de
la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest.N° spécial 5.
Ros, R. M., V. Mazimpaka, U. Abou-Salama, M. Ale, T.L.
Blockeel, M. Brugues, R.M. Cros, M. Dia, G. M.
Khalid Achoual, Aomar Dabghi, Jamila Dahmani and Nadia Belahbib
Dirkse, I. Draper, W. El-Saadawi, A. Erdag, A. Ganeva,
R. Gabriel, J.M. Gonzalez-Mancebo, C. Granger, I.
Herrnstadt, V. Hugonnot, K. Khalil, H. Kurschner,
A. Losada-Lima, L. Luis, S. Mifsud, M. Privitera, M.
Puglisi, M. Sabovljevic, C. Sergio, H.M. Shabbara,
M. Sim-Sim, A. Sotiaux, R. Tacchi, A. Vanderpoorten
and O. Werner (2013). Mosses of the Mediterranean,
an annoted checklist. Cryptogamie, Bryololgie,
Lichénologie, 34: 99-283.
Smith, A.J.E. (2004). The Moss Flora of Britain and
Ireland(second edition) Cambridge University
Tayebi, A.(2006). Vulnérabilité des ressources en eaux
karstiques en milieu méditerranéen semi-aride : le
massif des Béni Snassen (Maroc oriental). Approche
pluridisciplinaire et utilisation des méthodes «SIG».
Thesis, University of Grenoble‚ France. 388pp.
Tayebi, A., S.Jaillet, D. Gasquet andM. Bouabdellah (2011).
Analyse temporelle de la vulnérabilité des ressources
en eaux karstiques d’une moyenne montagne
méditerranéenne : BeniSnassen (Maroc oriental).
9ème colloque d’hydrogéologie en pays calcaire,
Besançon. 463-466.
Données écologiques surlabry of lore dela ville de Cuenca
(Espagne). Nova Hedwigia. 56: 113-129.
Pierrot, R. B. (1982). Les bryophytes du Centre-Ouest :
classication, détermination, répartition. Bulletin de
la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest.N° spécial 5.
Ros, R. M., V. Mazimpaka, U. Abou-Salama, M. Ale, T.L.
Blockeel, M. Brugues, R.M. Cros, M. Dia, G. M.
Dirkse, I. Draper, W. El-Saadawi, A. Erdag, A. Ganeva,
R. Gabriel, J.M. Gonzalez-Mancebo, C. Granger, I.
Herrnstadt, V. Hugonnot, K. Khalil, H. Kurschner,
A. Losada-Lima, L. Luis, S. Mifsud, M. Privitera, M.
Puglisi, M. Sabovljevic, C. Sergio, H.M. Shabbara,
M. Sim-Sim, A. Sotiaux, R. Tacchi, A. Vanderpoorten
and O. Werner (2013). Mosses of the Mediterranean,
an annoted checklist. Cryptogamie, Bryololgie,
Lichénologie, 34: 99-283.
Smith, A.J.E. (2004). The Moss Flora of Britain and
Ireland(second edition) Cambridge University
Tayebi, A.(2006). Vulnérabilité des ressources en eaux
karstiques en milieu méditerranéen semi-aride : le
massif des Béni Snassen (Maroc oriental). Approche
pluridisciplinaire et utilisation des méthodes «SIG».
Thesis, University of Grenoble‚ France. 388pp.
Tayebi, A., S.Jaillet, D. Gasquet andM. Bouabdellah (2011).
Analyse temporelle de la vulnérabilité des ressources
en eaux karstiques d’une moyenne montagne
méditerranéenne : BeniSnassen (Maroc oriental).
9ème colloque d’hydrogéologie en pays calcaire,
Besançon. 463-466.