... • examine microbial life of tellurian caves as Mars analogs (e.g., Boston, 2004;Boston et al., 2006;Léveillé & Datta, 2010;Röling et al., 2015;Selensky et al., 2021;Westall et al., 2015); • model environments of terrestrial and potential martian cave systems (e.g., Schörghofer et al., 2018;Titus et al., 2010;Williams & McKay, 2015;Williams et al., 2010); • improve cave detection capabilities (e.g., Cushing et al., 2015;Hong et al., 2015;Pisani & De Waele, 2021;Wynne et al., 2008Wynne et al., , 2021); • develop and expand upon life detection instrumentation and techniques (e.g., Patrick et al., 2012;Preston et al., 2014;Storrie-Lombardi et al., 2011;Uckert et al., 2020); • expand the number of cave explorer robotic platforms under development (Green & Oh, 2005;Kesner et al., 2007;Morad et al., 2019;Nesnas et al., 2012;Parness et al., 2017;Titus, Wynne, Boston, et al., 2021;Titus, Wynne, Malaska, et al., 2021); • advance robotic sensing and navigational capabilities (e.g., Agha-Mohammadi et al., 2021;Kalita et al., 2017;Kim et al., 2021;Thakker et al., 2021); and, • propose mission concepts (e.g., Kerber et al., 2019;Phillips-Lander et al., 2020;Whittaker et al., 2021;Ximenes et al., 2012) and strategies to optimize future planetary cave exploration efforts (e.g., Rummel et al., 2014;Titus, Wynne, Boston, et al., 2021;Titus, Wynne, Malaska, et al., 2021;Wynne et al., 2014;Wynne, Titus, et al., 2022). values. ...