
Tabu search tutorial. A Graph Drawing Application

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Tabu search is an optimization methodology that guides a local heuristic search procedure to explore the solution space beyond local optimality. It is substantiated by the hypothesis that an intelligent solving algorithm must incorporate memory to base its decisions on information collected during the search. The method creates in this way a learning pattern to explore the solution space economically and effectively. Tabu search is a metaheuristic that has proved its effectiveness in a wide variety of problems, especially in combinatorial optimization. We provide here a practical description of the methodology and apply it to a novel graph drawing problem. The most popular method of drawing graphs is the Sugiyama’s framework, which obtains a drawing of a general graph by transforming it into a proper hierarchy. In this way, the number of edge crossing is minimized in the first stage of the procedure. Many metaheuristics have been proposed to solve the crossing minimization problem within this drawing convention. The second stage of this procedure minimizes the number of bends of long arcs without increasing the number of crossings, thus obtaining a readable drawing. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach to simultaneously minimize the two criteria: crossing and long arc bends. We apply tabu search to solve this problem and compare its solutions with the optimal values obtained with CPLEX in small and medium-size instances.

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... Since these early proposals, many researchers have developed models and methods, mainly heuristics and metaheuristics (Glover et al. 2021), to provide high-quality solutions to these two problems. From Erkut and Neuman (1989) to Martínez-Gavara et al. (2021), we can find more than 50 papers published in top-ranked journals proposing solving methods for these problems and their variants, where the MaxSum model is the most widely applied. ...
... Extended MinDiff, and therefore we will use a competitive MinDiff solver as a reference in our comparisons. Porumbel et al. (2011) proposed a fast tabu search (Glover et al. 2021) for a model that combines the MaxMin and the MaxSum problems, which can be considered a first approach to solve the Extended MaxSum. In particular, the authors minimize the MaxMin objective function and consider the MaxSum as a secondary objective. ...
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Discrete diversity optimization basically consists of selecting a subset of elements of a given set in such a way that the sum of their pairwise distances is maximized. Equity, on the other hand, refers to minimizing the difference between the maximum and the minimum distances in the subset of selected elements to balance their diversity. Both problems have been studied in the combinatorial optimization literature, but recently major drawbacks in their classic mathematical formulations have been identified. We propose new mathematical models to overcome these limitations, including multi-objective optimization, and heuristics to solve large-size instances of them. Specifically, we propose a matheuristic based on the CMSA framework for diversity and a GRASP heuristic for equity. Our extensive experimentation compares the original models with the new proposals by analyzing the solutions of our heuristics and those of the previous approaches, both from a single objective and a bi-objective paradigm. We also evaluate their quality with respect to the optimal solutions obtained with CPLEX, size permitting. Statistical analysis allows us to draw significant conclusions.
... In the TS-NSGA-II, the NSGA-II is responsible for global search, and a diversification strategy is utilized to intensify the neighborhood hyperparameters of the current best hyperparameter using the WOA diversity performance. As the TS has been proven to be effective in obtaining near-optimal solutions (Glover et al., 2021;Papadopoulos et al., 2013) and capable of utilization with an evolutionary algorithm (Su et al., 2017), it was used to intensify the local search and extend the search scope in every iteration. Fig. 4 shows the flowchart of the TS-NSGA-II. ...
... (2) Moved attribute and tabu tenure According to previous studies (Gao, 2022;Glover et al., 2021), the buffer and machine locations describing the change in capacity and service rate [( 2, 1), ( 2, 1)] are selected as the moved attribute. The tabu tenure employed is expressed as follows: ...
The challenge presented by simultaneous buffer and service rate allocation in manufacturing systems represents a difficult non-deterministic polynomial problem. Previous studies solved this problem by iteratively utilizing a generative method and an evaluative method. However, it typically takes a long computation time for the evaluative method to achieve high evaluation accuracy, while the satisfactory solution quality realized by the generative method requires a certain number of iterations. In this study, a data-driven hybrid approach is developed by integrating a tabu search–non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II with a whale optimization algorithm–gradient boosting regression tree to maximize the throughput and minimize the average buffer level of a manufacturing system subject to a total buffer capacity and total service rate. The former algorithm effectively searches for candidate simultaneous allocation solutions by integrating global and local search strategies. The prediction models built by the latter algorithm efficiently evaluate the candidate solutions. Numerical examples demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach. The proposed approach improves the solution efficiency of simultaneous allocation, contributing to dynamic production resource reconfiguration of manufacturing systems.
... The tabu search algorithm (TS) is a metaheuristic and is widely used in solving optimization problems [27], [28]. Previous studies [29]- [33] applied the TS to optimize manufacturing system resources and verified the effectiveness of the TS in allocating buffers into manufacturing systems. ...
... Tabu tenure is the length of the tabu list, which has an important effect on the solution quality of the TS [27]. To improve computational efficiency, the dynamic rule for the tabu tenure may be useful. ...
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Buffer allocation is an important research issue in the design and optimization of manufacturing systems. One objective of buffer allocation is to maximize the throughput subject to the total buffer capacity in manufacturing systems. Previous studies have proposed many approaches to solve the buffer allocation problem, and tabu search has been proven to be effective in obtaining a near-optimal solution. To further improve the computational efficiency, this study proposes a bottleneck detection-based tabu search algorithm to efficiently solve the buffer allocation problem of manufacturing systems with sufficient solution quality. In particular, the tabu search algorithm integrated with diversification strategies is proposed to maintain satisfactory solution quality of the buffer allocation. The bottleneck detection cooperates with the variable neighborhood structure to search for proper locations for allocating buffers, decreasing the computational time of the buffer allocation. In addition, an existing throughput evaluation method is integrated with the proposed approach to evaluate neighborhood solutions by calculating the manufacturing system throughput. Numerical examples show that the proposed approach can obtain the near-optimal solution more efficiently than the simple tabu search and adaptive tabu search algorithms. This study improves the computational efficiency of buffer allocation in manufacturing systems without losing solution quality, contributing to efficient resource reconfiguration and process management.
... While analogous in compositional terms with mutation operators, their role is however much different: mutation operators are intended to inject diversity in the population, therefore promoting exploration; local-search operators are on the other hand intensifying components, oriented toward exploitation, and fine tuning of solutions. This behavior can be achieved using any standalone method, such as hill climbing, simulated annealing, tabu search, VNS, etc. (Glover et al. 2021;Montes de Oca et al. 2012). However, it is important to note that even though using an off-the-shelf local-search method within the main cycle of an EA can often provide a performance boost, a more sensible approach is required to ensure the cost-effectiveness of such a design decision, taking into account different issues: ...
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The aim of this work is to provide a didactic approximation to memetic algorithms (MAs) and how to apply these techniques to an optimization problem. MAs are based on the synergistic combination of ideas from population-based metaheuristics and trajectory-based search/optimization techniques. Most commonly, MAs feature a population-based algorithm as the underlying search engine, endowing it with problem-specific components for exploring the search space, and in particular with local-search mechanisms. In this work, we describe the design of the different elements of the MA to fit the problem under consideration, and go on to perform a detailed case study on a constrained combinatorial optimization problem related to aircraft landing scheduling. An outline of some advanced topics and research directions is also provided.
... The solution strategies used in the present paper incorporate tabu search, as proposed for graph drawing in Glover et al. (2021). In the form most commonly adopted, tabu search uses a tabu list to prevent revisiting recently encountered solutions as a means to avoid cycling and being trapped in local optimality. ...
... Single-solution-based algorithms iteratively update a single candidate solution so as to push the solution toward a local or global optimum. Some prominent single-solution algorithms include hill climbing [6][7][8], tabu search [9,10], and simulated annealing [11,12]. In contrast to single-solution algorithms, population-based algorithms maintain a population of candidate solutions in the running process. ...
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Image reconstruction is an interesting yet challenging optimization problem that has several potential applications. The task is to reconstruct an image using a fixed number of transparent polygons. Traditional gradient-based algorithms cannot be applied to the problem since the optimization objective has no explicit expression and cannot be represented by computational graphs. Metaheuristic search algorithms are powerful optimization techniques for solving complex optimization problems, especially in the context of incomplete information or limited computational capability. In this paper, we developed a novel metaheuristic search algorithm named progressive learning hill climbing (ProHC) for image reconstruction. Instead of placing all the polygons on a blank canvas at once, ProHC starts from one polygon and gradually adds new polygons to the canvas until reaching the number limit. Furthermore, an energy-map-based initialization operator was designed to facilitate the generation of new solutions. To assess the performance of the proposed algorithm, we constructed a benchmark problem set containing four different types of images. The experimental results demonstrated that ProHC was able to produce visually pleasing reconstructions of the benchmark images. Moreover, the time consumed by ProHC was much shorter than that of the existing approach.
... This is a very well-known metaheuristic strategy with thousands of applications in the literature. The principles behind this strategy are explained in great detail in Glover et al. [35]. Given a function G to optimize (either the initial objective functions f 1 , f 2 , and f 3 or the mixed function F λ ), the TabuSearch procedure is described in pseudocode 4. It must be noted that in this description, it is considered, without loss of generality, that the objective is to minimize G. ...
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In this study, a model for the selection of investment portfolios is proposed with three objectives. In addition to the traditional objectives of maximizing profitability and minimizing risk, maximization of social responsibility is also considered. Moreover, with the purpose of controlling transaction costs, a limit is placed on the number of assets for selection. To the best of our knowledge, this specific model has not been considered in the literature to date. This model is difficult (NP-Hard), and therefore, only very small instances may be solved in an exact way. This paper proposes a method based on tabu search and multiobjective adaptive memory programming (MOAMP) strategies. With this method it is possible to obtain sets of nondominated solutions in short computational times. To check the performance of our method it is compared with adaptations of the nondominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II), strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm (SPEA-II) and multiobjective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO). The results of different computational experiments show that our tabu search-MOAMP method performed best. The quality of the sets of solutions that were obtained and the speed of execution mean that our tabu search-MOAMP can be used as a tool for financial assessment and analysis (including online services). This tool, as we can see in this work with some examples, can take into account the social concerns of many clients and their overall risk profile (very conservative, conservative, moderate, or fearless). This approach is also in line with current legal regulations that oblige financial advisors to take the client profile into account to provide greater protection and propose good financial advice.
... The TS algorithm is an extension of the Local Search (LS) algorithm, a global neighbourhood search algorithm for global step-by-step optimisation. The algorithm imitates the human memory function, marking the found local optimal solution and the solution process in the search process to avoid repeated searches in subsequent calculations [18]. As an intelligent optimisation approach, the TS algorithm can be combined with various other algorithms to improve optimisation efficiency and match various task specificities, such as combining SA [19] and EA algorithms [20]. ...
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In this paper, we propose a rerouting method based on hybrid Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms for managing Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) traffic during their cruise and approach phases. The adopted approach capitalizes upon Four-Dimensional Trajectory (4DT) functionalities, supporting an uncertainty-resilient and flexible strategic deconfliction framework to improve the operational efficiency and security of Demand-Capacity Balancing (DCB) services. The objective is to accommodate future UAM and other autonomous vehicle-based business models by safely implementing traffic management in dense low-altitude airspace around cities and suburbs. The proposed UAS Traffic Management (UTM) system uses metaheuristic algorithm, especially the Tabu-search algorithm, to determine a global optimised rerouting solution. The calculated solutions can be continuously used as labelled data to train and optimise a machine learning process for real-time decision making, greatly improving the computational performance of intelligent UTM systems.
... Modern exact and heuristic techniques are dramatically enhancing our ability to solve significant practical problems. A large number of intelligent algorithms based on artificial intelligence (Glover et al., 2021), social behavior Li et al. (2021) or bio-inspired learning strategies (Feng et al., 2021;Li et al., 2020;Wang et al., 2019) have been extensively researched in the past few decades. In this paper, we consider the variable neighborhood search (VNS) metaheuristic (Hansen & Mladenović, 2005), which has exhibited remarkable performance in many hard optimization problems due to a systematic change in the neighborhood exploration. ...
The problem of maximizing dispersion requires the selection of a specific number of elements from a given set, in such a way that the minimum distance between the pairs of selected elements is maximized. In recent years, this problem has received a lot of attention and has been solved with many complex heuristics. However, there is a recent variant in which the selected elements have to satisfy two realistic constraints, a minimum capacity limit and a maximum budget, which in spite of its practical significance in facility location, has received little attention. In this paper, we first propose mathematical models to obtain the optimal solution of small- and medium-size instances, and then present new metaheuristic procedures for finding approximate solutions to target large-size instances. Specifically, we develop a GRASP and a Tabu Search to obtain high quality solutions in short computational times. We perform extensive experimentation to compare our heuristic proposals with the optimal solutions obtained with the models applied to the Gurobi optimizer, as well as with a previous heuristic. Statistical tests confirm the superiority of our methods.
In spite of its practical application, solution representation has been scarcely used to study maximum diversity problems. In this chapter, we graphically represent the optimal solutions of some diversity models when solving Euclidean instances. These representations help us to understand and differentiate the models and their area of applicability. In particular, we disclose which models are better suited for dispersion and which ones for representativeness.
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Tabu search is a meta-heuristic that guides a local heuristic search procedure to explore the solution space beyond local optimality. One of the main components of tabu search is its use of adaptive memory, which creates an intelligent search pattern based on strategic choices, as opposed to random selections that are widely applied in other methodologies. Tabu search has connections with other memory-based methodologies, namely, scatter search and path relinking, and they have been extensively applied to many combinatorial optimization problems in general and in particular to several diversity models. Memory-based strategies are the hallmark of tabu search approaches, founded on a quest for “integrating principles,” by which alternative forms of memory are appropriately combined with effective strategies for exploiting them. They are based on principles designed to cross boundaries of feasibility or local optimality, which were usually treated as barriers. The methods based on these principles constitute nowadays the area called adaptive memory programming. Over a wide range of problem settings, the strategic use of memory in these methods has proved to make dramatic differences in the ability to solve challenging problems.
Diversity and dispersion problems deal with selecting a subset of elements from a given set in such a way that their diversity is maximized. This study considers a practical location problem recently proposed in the context of max–min dispersion models. It is called the generalized dispersion problem, and it models realistic applications by introducing capacity and cost constraints. We propose two effective linear formulations for this problem, and develop a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm based on the variable neighborhood search methodology, to solve real instances. Extensive numerical computational experiments are performed to compare our hybrid metaheuristic with the state-of-art heuristic, and with integer linear programming formulations (ILP). Results on public benchmark instances show the superiority of our proposal with respect to the previous algorithms. Our extensive experimentation reveals that ILP models are able to optimally solve medium-size instances with the Gurobi optimizer, although metaheuristics outperform ILP both in running time and quality in large-size instances.
The problem of maximizing diversity or dispersion deals with selecting a subset of elements from a given set in such a way that the distance among the selected elements is maximized. The definition of distance between elements is customized to specific applications, and the way that the overall diversity of the selected elements is computed results in different mathematical models. Maximizing diversity by means of combinatorial optimization models has gained prominence in Operations Research (OR) over the last two decades, and constitutes nowadays an important area. In this paper, we review the milestones in the development of this area, starting in the late eighties when the first models were proposed, and identify three periods of time. The critical analysis from an OR perspective of the previous developments, permits us to establish the most appropriate models, their connection with practical problems in terms of dispersion and representativeness, and the open problems that are still a challenge. We also revise and extend the library of benchmark instances that has been widely used in heuristic comparisons. Finally, we perform an empirical review and comparison of the best and more recently proposed procedures, to clearly identify the state-of-the art methods for the main diversity models.
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The boolean quadratic programming problem with generalized upper bound constraints (BQP-GUB) is an NP-hard problem with many practical applications. In this study, we propose an effective multi-wave tabu search algorithm for solving BQP-GUB. The algorithm performs a sequence of search waves, where each wave alternates between the forward and reverse phases, and the transition between two adjacent waves depends on a hybrid perturbation phase. The forward phase employs tabu search to reach a critical solution and the reverse phase follows to reverse previously performed moves and perform an equal number of moves by referring to the search information gathered from the latest search process. The hybrid perturbation phase randomly chooses a directed strategy, a frequency guided strategy and a recency guided strategy to achieve search diversification. Experimental results on 78 standard instances indicate that the proposed algorithm is able to improve the lower bounds for 6 instances and match the best solutions in the literature for most instances within competitive time.
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Evolutionary computing is a general and powerful framework for solving difficult optimization problems, including those arising in expert and intelligent systems. In this work, we investigate for the first time two hybrid evolutionary algorithms incorporating tabu search for solving the generalized max-mean dispersion problem (GMaxMeanDP) which has a variety of practical applications such as web page ranking, community mining, and trust networks. The proposed algorithms integrate innovative search strategies that help the search to explore the search space effectively. We report extensive computational results of the proposed algorithms on six types of 160 benchmark instances, demonstrating their effectiveness and usefulness. In addition to the GMaxMeanDP, the proposed algorithms can help to better solve other problems that can be formulated as the GMaxMeanDP.
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The minimum differential dispersion problem is a NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem with numerous relevant applications. In this paper, we propose an intensification-driven tabu search algorithm for solving this computationally challenging problem by integrating a constrained neighborhood, a solution-based tabu strategy, and an intensified search mechanism to create a search that effectively exploits the elements of intensification and diversification. We demonstrate the competitiveness of the proposed algorithm by presenting improved new best solutions for 127 out of 250 benchmark instances (>50%). We study the search trajectory of the algorithm to shed light on its behavior and investigate the spatial distribution of high-quality solutions in the search space to motivate the design choice of the intensified search mechanism.
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The maximum min-sum dispersion problem (Max-Minsum DP) is an important representative of a large class of dispersion problems. Having numerous applications in practice, the NP-hard Max-Minsum DP is however computationally challenging. This paper introduces an effective solution-based tabu search (SBTS) algorithm for solving the Max-Minsum DP approximately. SBTS is characterized by the joint use of hash functions to determine the tabu status of candidate solutions and a parametric constrained swap neighborhood to enhance computational efficiency. Experimental results on 140 benchmark instances commonly used in the literature demonstrate that the proposed algorithm competes favorably with the state-of-the-art algorithms both in terms of solution quality and computational efficiency. In particular, SBTS improves the best-known results for 80 out of the 140 instances, while matching 51 other best-known solutions. We conduct a computational analysis to identify the respective roles of the hash functions and the parametric constrained swap neighborhood.
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The 0–1 multidimensional knapsack problem is a well-known NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem with numerous applications. In this work, we present an effective two-phase tabu-evolutionary algorithm for solving this computationally challenging problem. The proposed algorithm integrates two solution-based tabu search methods into the evolutionary framework that applies a hyperplane-constrained crossover operator to generate offspring solutions, a dynamic method to determine search zones of interest, and a diversity-based population updating rule to maintain a healthy population. We show the competitiveness of the proposed algorithm by presenting computational results on the 281 benchmark instances commonly used in the literature. In particular, in a computational comparison with the best algorithms in the literature on multiple data sets, we show that our method on average matches more than twice the number of best known solutions to the harder problems than any other method and in addition yields improved best solutions (new lower bounds) for 4 difficult instances. We investigate two key ingredients of the algorithm to understand their impact on the performance of the algorithm.
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Automated graph-drawing systems utilize procedures to place vertices and arcs in order to produce graphs with desired properties. Incremental or dynamic procedures are those that preserve key characteristics when updating an existing drawing. These methods are particularly useful in areas such as planning and logistics, where updates are frequent. We propose a procedure based on the scatter search methodology that is adapted to the incremental drawing problem in hierarchical graphs. These drawings can be used to represent any acyclic graph. Comprehensive computational experiments are used to test the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed procedure.
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Tabu search, also called adaptive memory programming, is a method for solving challenging problems in the field of optimization. The goal is to identify the best decisions or actions in order to maximize some measure of merit (such as maximizing profit, effectiveness, quality, and social or scientific benefit) or to minimize some measure of demerit (cost, inefficiency, waste, and social or scientific loss). Practical applications in optimization addressed by tabu search are exceedingly challenging and pervade the fields of business, engineering, economics, and science. Everyday examples include problems in resource management, financial and investment planning, healthcare systems, energy and environmental policy, pattern classification, biotechnology, and a host of other areas. The complexity and importance of such problems has motivated a wealth of academic and practical research throughout the past several decades, in an effort to discover methods that are able to find solutions of higher quality than many found in the past and capable of producing such solutions within feasible time limits or at reduced computational cost. Tabu search has emerged as one of the leading technologies for handling optimization problems that have proved difficult or impossible to solve with classical procedures that dominated the attention of textbooks and were considered the mainstays of available alternatives until recent times. A key feature of tabu search, underscored by its adaptive memory programming alias, is the use of special strategies designed to exploit adaptive memory. The idea is that an effective search for optimal solutions should involve a process of flexibly responding to the solution landscape in a manner that permits it to learn appropriate directions to take along with appropriate departures to explore new terrain. The adaptive memory feature of tabu search allows the implementation of procedures that are capable of searching this terrain economically and effectively. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013. All rights are reserved.
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This paper proposes a learning-based path relinking algorithm (LPR) for solving the bandwidth coloring problem and the bandwidth multicoloring problem. Based on the population path-relinking framework, the proposed algorithm integrates a learning-driven tabu optimization procedure and a path-relinking operator. LPR is assessed on two sets of 66 common benchmark instances, and achieves highly competitive results in terms of both solution quality and computational efficiency compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms in the literature. Specifically, the algorithm establishes 7 new upper bounds while matching the best known results for 56 cases. The impacts of the learning mechanism and the path relinking operators are investigated, confirming their critical role to the success of the proposed algorithm.
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This is the second half of a two part series devoted to the tabu search metastrategy for optimization problems. Part I introduced the fundamental ideas of tabu search as an approach for guiding other heuristics to overcome the limitations of local optimality, both in a deterministic and a probabilistic framework. Part I also reported successful applications from a wide range of settings, in which tabu search frequently made it possible to obtain higher quality solutions than previously obtained with competing strategies, generally with less computational effort. Part II, in this issue, examines refinements and more advanced aspects of tabu search. Following a brief review of notation, Part II introduces new dynamic strategies for managing tabu lists, allowing fuller exploitation of underlying evaluation functions. In turn, the elements of staged search and structured move sets are characterized, which bear on the issue of finiteness. Three ways of applying tabu search to the solution of integer programming problems are then described, providing connections also to certain nonlinear programming applications. Finally, the paper concludes with a brief survey of new applications of tabu search that have occurred since the developments reported in Part I. Together with additional comparisons with other methods on a wide body of problems, these include results of parallel processing implementations and the use of tabu search in settings ranging from telecommunications to neural networks. INFORMS Journal on Computing, ISSN 1091-9856, was published as ORSA Journal on Computing from 1989 to 1995 under ISSN 0899-1499.
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This paper presents a highly effective memetic algorithm for the maximum diversity problem based on tabu search. The tabu search component uses a successive filter candidate list strategy and the solution combination component employs a combination operator based on identifying strongly determined and consistent variables. Computational experiments on three sets of 40 popular benchmark instances indicate that our tabu search/memetic algorithm (TS/MA) can easily obtain the best known results for all the tested instances (where no previous algorithm has achieved) as well as improved results for six instances. Analysis of comparisons with state-of-the-art algorithms demonstrates statistically that our TS/MA competes very favorably with the best performing algorithms. Key elements and properties of TS/MA are also analyzed to disclose the benefits of integrating tabu search (using a successive filter candidate list strategy) and solution combination (based on critical variables).
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Given an undirected graph G=(V,E) with vertex set V={1,…,n} and edge set E⊆V×V. Let w:V→Z + be a weighting function that assigns to each vertex i∈V a positive integer. The maximum weight clique problem (MWCP) is to determine a clique of maximum weight. This paper introduces a tabu search heuristic whose key features include a combined neighborhood and a dedicated tabu mechanism using a randomized restart strategy for diversification. The proposed algorithm is evaluated on a total of 136 benchmark instances from different sources (DIMACS, BHOSLIB and set packing). Computational results disclose that our new tabu search algorithm outperforms the leading algorithm for the maximum weight clique problem, and in addition rivals the performance of the best methods for the unweighted version of the problem without being specialized to exploit this problem class.
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The linear ordering problem is an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem with a large number of applications (including triangulation of input-output matrices, archaeological senation, minimizing total weighted completion time in one-machine scheduling, and aggregation of individual preferences). In a former paper, we have investigated the facet structure of the 0/1-polytope associated with the linear ordering problem. Here we report on a new algorithm that is based on these theoretical results. The main part of the algorithm is a cutting plane procedure using facet defining inequalities. This procedure is combined with various heuristics and branch and bound techniques. Our computational results compare favorably with the results of existing codes. In particular, we could triangulate all input-output matrices, of size up to 60 × 60, available to us within acceptable time bounds.
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> even if it is worse than x. Repeating this idea creates the possibility of endlessly cycling back and forth between x and x 0 ; to avoid this TS uses the idea of a tabu list of forbidden moves (this is actually a push-down stack of s elements managed in a rst-in/rst-out manner), so that (e.g.) once the move x ! x 0 has been made the reverse move x 0 ! x is forbidden for at least the next s moves. One potential problem with the tabu list is that it may forbid certain relevant or interesting moves, for example those that lead to a better x than the best one found so far. Consequently, an aspiration criterion is introduced to allow moves that would otherwise be tabu to be chosen anyway, if they are judged to be worthwhile. In the second (intensication) part of the
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Scope and Purpose-A summary is provided of some of the recent (and a few not-so-recent) developments that otTer promise for enhancing our ability to solve combinatorial optimization problems. These developments may be usefully viewed as a synthesis of the perspectives of operations research and artificial intelligence. Although compatible with the use of algorithmic subroutines, the frameworks examined are primarily heuristic, based on the supposition that etTective solution of complex combinatorial structures in some cases may require a level of flexibility beyond that attainable by methods with formally demonstrable convergence properties. Abstract-Integer programming has benefited from many innovations in models and methods. Some of the promising directions for elaborating these innovations in the future may be viewed from a framework that links the perspectives of artificial intelligence and operations research. To demonstrate this, four key areas are examined: (1) controlled randomization, (2) learning strategies, (3) induced decomposition and (4) tabu search. Each of these is shown to have characteristics that appear usefully relevant to developments on the horizon.
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Tabu search, also called adaptive memory programming, is a method for solving challenging problems in the field of optimization. The goal is to identify the best decisions or actions in order to maximize some measure of merit (such as maximizing profit, effectiveness, quality, and social or scientific benefit) or to minimize some measure of demerit (cost, inefficiency, waste, and social or scientific loss). Practical applications in optimization addressed by tabu search are exceedingly challenging and pervade the fields of business, engineering, economics, and science. Everyday examples include problems in resource management, financial and investment planning, healthcare systems, energy and environmental policy, pattern classification, biotechnology, and a host of other areas. The complexity and importance of such problems has motivated a wealth of academic and practical research throughout the past several decades, in an effort to discover methods that are able to find solutions of higher quality than many found in the past and capable of producing such solutions within feasible time limits or at reduced computational cost. Tabu search has emerged as one of the leading technologies for handling optimization problems that have proved difficult or impossible to solve with classical procedures that dominated the attention of textbooks and were considered the mainstays of available alternatives until recent times. A key feature of tabu search, underscored by its adaptive memory programming alias, is the use of special strategies designed to exploit adaptive memory. The idea is that an effective search for optimal solutions should involve a process of flexibly responding to the solution landscape in a manner that permits it to learn appropriate directions to take along with appropriate departures to explore new terrain. The adaptive memory feature of tabu search allows the implementation of procedures that are capable of searching this terrain economically and effectively.
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The generalized assignment problem is a classical combinatorial optimization problem known to be NP-hard. It can model a variety of real world applications in location, allocation, machine assignment, and supply chains. The problem has been studied since the late 1960s, and computer codes for practical applications emerged in the early 1970s. We propose a new algorithm for this problem that proves to be more effective than previously existing methods. The algorithm features a path relinking approach, which is a mechanism for generating new solutions by combining two or more reference solutions. It also features an ejection chain approach, which is embedded in a neighborhood construction to create more complex and powerful moves. Computational comparisons on benchmark instances show that the method is not only effective in general, but is especially effective for types D and E instances, which are known to be very difficult.
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We consider the multi-resource generalized quadratic assignment problem (MR-GQAP), which has many applications in various fields such as production scheduling, and constitutes a natural generalization of the generalized quadratic assignment problem (GQAP) and the multi-resource generalized assignment problem (MRGAP). We propose a new algorithm PR-CS for this problem that proves highly effective. PR-CS features a path relinking approach, which is a mechanism for generating new solutions by combining two or more reference solutions. It also features an ejection chain approach, which is embedded in a neighborhood construction to create more complex and powerful moves. Computational comparisons on benchmark instances show that PR-CS is more effective than existing algorithms for GQAP, and is competitive with existing methods for MRGAP, demonstrating the power of PR-CS for handling these special instances of MR-GQAP without incorporating special tailoring to exploit these instances.
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This paper presents the fundamental principles underlying tabu search as a strategy for combinatorial optimization problems. Tabu search has achieved impressive practical successes in applications ranging from scheduling and computer channel balancing to cluster analysis and space planning, and more recently has demonstrated its value in treating classical problems such as the traveling salesman and graph coloring problems. Nevertheless, the approach is still in its infancy, and a good deal remains to be discovered about its most effective forms of implementation and about the range of problems for which it is best suited. This paper undertakes to present the major ideas and findings to date, and to indicate challenges for future research. Part I of this study indicates the basic principles, ranging from the short-term memory process at the core of the search to the intermediate and long term memory processes for intensifying and diversifying the search. Included are illustrative data structures for implementing the tabu conditions (and associated aspiration criteria) that underlie these processes. Part I concludes with a discussion of probabilistic tabu search and a summary of computational experience for a variety of applications. Part II of this study (to appear in a subsequent issue) examines more advanced considerations, applying the basic ideas to special settings and outlining a dynamic move structure to insure finiteness. Part II also describes tabu search methods for solving mixed integer programming problems and gives a brief summary of additional practical experience, including the use of tabu search to guide other types of processes, such as those of neural networks. INFORMS Journal on Computing, ISSN 1091-9856, was published as ORSA Journal on Computing from 1989 to 1995 under ISSN 0899-1499.
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In this paper, we develop a greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP) for the problem of minimizing straight-line crossings in a 2-layer graph. The procedure is fast and is particularly appealing when dealing with low-density graphs. When a modest increase in computational time is allowed, the procedure may be coupled with a path relinking strategy to search for improved outcomes. Although the principles of path relinking have appeared in the tabu search literature, this search strategy has not been fully implemented and tested. We perform extensive computational experiments with more than 3,000 graph instances to first study the effect of changes in critical search parameters and then to compare the efficiency of alternative solution procedures. Our results indicate that graph density is a major influential factor on the performance of a solution procedure.
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We present algorithms for the two layer straightline crossing minimization problem that are able to compute exact optima. Our computational results lead us to the conclusion that there is no need for heuristics if one layer is fixed, even though the problem is NP-hard, and that for the general problem with two variable layers, true optima can be computed for sparse instances in which the smaller layer contains up to 15 nodes. For bigger instances, the iterated barycenter method turns out to be the method of choice among several popular heuristics whose performance we could assess by comparing the results to optimum solutions.
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. This paper presents a tabu search approach for optimizing the link capacities in a dynamic routing telecommunications network. The traffic between any two nodes in the network is routed over a onelink direct path or, if no direct capacity is available, over a two-link alternate path. The alternate routing paths can be changed dynamically from hour to hour as the traffic between pairs of nodes may vary with the time of day. The problem is to determine the optimal capacity level for each link in the network to minimize cost while satisfying the grade-of-service constraints. Although the problem can be formulated as a nonlinear integer programming problem, no efficient solution procedures are available. In this paper, we develop a two-level tabu search heuristic for solving the problem that utilizes probabilistic move selection and coordinated solution recovery strategies. The macro level of the algorithm iteratively determines an hour for possible improvement and then the micro level s...
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. We present a study of using Tabu Search to solve a specific network design problem arising in the telecommunication industry. We develop a Tabu Search heuristic for this problem that incorporates long term memory and probabilistic move selections. Computational results show that the new heuristic consistently outperforms the best local search heuristic currently available, with significantly increased performance differences on more difficult problems. Key words. Steiner Tree-Star, Tabu Search, Heuristic. This research was supported in part by Air Force Office of Scientific Research AASERT grant #F49620-92-J-0248-DEF. 2 Jiefeng Xu, Steve Y. Chiu and Fred Glover 1. Introduction The Steiner Tree-Star (STS) problem is an optimization problem arising in a real world application in private line data network design (see Lee et al [6]). The connections of such a network are permanent and its transmission facilities are dedicated, enabling it to transfer digital data with less interferenc...
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. Generating incrementally stable layouts is important for visualizing dynamic graphs in many applications. This paper describes DynaDAG, a new heuristic for incremental layout of directed acyclic graphs drawn as hierarchies, and its application in the DynaGraph system. 1 Introduction Effective techniques have been developed for some important families of graph layouts, such as hierarchies, planar embeddings, orthogonal grids and forced-directed (spring) models [1]. These techniques have been incorporated in practical user interfaces that display static diagrams of relationships between objects [19, 18, 17]. Static diagrams are not completely satisfactory because in many situations, the displayed graphs can change. Three common scenarios are: Manual editing. Most interactive graph drawing systems allow users to manually insert and delete nodes and edges. Layouts must be updated dynamically to reflect such changes. Browsing large graphs. When only static layout is available, browsin...
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We study the multi-layer crossing minimization problem from a polyhedral point of view. After the introduction of an integer programming formulation of the multi-layer crossing minimization problem, we examine the 2-layer case and derive several classes of facets of the associated polytope. Preliminary computational results for 2- and 3-layer instances indicate, that the usage of the corresponding facet-defining inequalities in a branch-and-cut approach may only lead to a practically useful algorithm, if deeper polyhedral studies are conducted.
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. This paper presents a computational study of a network design problem arising in the telecommunication industry. The objective can be formulated as that of finding an optimal degree constrained Steiner tree in a graph whose nodes and edges are weighted by costs. We develop a probabilistic Tabu Search heuristic for this problem, addressing issues of move evaluations, error correction, tabu memories, candidate list strategies and intensification strategies based on elite solution recovery. Computational results for a test set of difficult problem instances show that the new heuristic yields optimal solutions for all problems that could be solved by exact algorithms, while requiring only a fraction of the solution time. In addition, for larger and more realistic sized problems, which the exact methods were unable to solve, computational results show our method also outperforms the best local search heuristic currently available. Key words. Steiner Tree-Star, Tabu Search, Telecommunicat...
We propose a new algorithm for fixed‐charge network flow problems based on ghost image (GI) processes as proposed in Glover (1994) and adapted to fixed‐charge transportation problems in Glover et al. (2005). Our GI algorithm iteratively modifies an idealized representation of the problem embodied in a parametric GI, enabling all steps to be performed with a primal network flow algorithm operating on the parametric GI. Computational testing is carried out on well‐known problems from the literature plus a new set of large‐scale fixed‐charge transportation and transshipment network instances. We also provide comparisons against CPLEX 12.8 and demonstrate that the new GI algorithm with tabu search (TS) is effective on large problem instances, finding solutions with statistically equivalent objective values at least 700 times faster. The attractive outcomes produced by the current GI/TS implementation provide a significant advance in our ability to solve fixed‐cost network problems efficiently and invites its use for larger instances from a variety of application domains.
Graph drawing is a key issue in the field of data analysis, given the ever-growing amount of information available today that require the use of automatic tools to represent it. Graph Drawing Problems (GDP) are hard combinatorial problems whose applications have been widely relevant in fields such as social network analysis and project management. While classically in GDPs the main aesthetic concern is related to the minimization of the total sum of crossing in the graph (min-sum), in this paper we focus on a particular variant of the problem, the Min-Max GDP, consisting in the minimization of the maximum crossing among all egdes. Recently proposed in scientific literature, the Min-Max GDP is a challenging variant of the original min-sum GDP arising in the optimization of VLSI circuits and the design of interactive graph drawing tools. We propose a heuristic algorithm based on the tabu search methodology to obtain high-quality solutions. Extensive experimentation on an established benchmark set with both previous heuristics and optimal solutions shows that our method is able to obtain excellent solutions in short computation time.
The Cross-Docking Assignment Problem (CDAP) is a challenging optimization problem in supply chain management with important practical applications in the trucking industry. The goal is to assign incoming trucks (outgoing trucks) to inbound (outbound) doors to minimize the material handling cost within a cross-docking platform while respecting the capacity and assignment constraints. A capacity constraint is imposed on each inbound/outbound door and an associated assignment constraint is imposed on each incoming/outgoing truck requiring it to be assigned to only one inbound/outbound door. To solve this NP-hard optimization problem, we develop two novel heuristics based on Probabilistic Tabu Search utilizing a new neighborhood structure applicable both to CDAP and related problems. The proposed heuristics are evaluated on 99 benchmark instances from the literature, disclosing that our approaches outperform recent state-of-the-art approaches by reaching 45 previous best-known solutions and discovering 53 new best-known solutions while consuming significantly less CPU time.
Visualization of information is a relevant topic in Computer Science, where graphs have become a standard representation model, and graph drawing is now a well-established area. Within this context, edge crossing minimization is a widely studied problem given its importance in obtaining readable representations of graphs. In this paper, we focus on the so-called incremental graph drawing problem, in which we try to preserve the user's mental map when obtaining successive drawings of the same graph. In particular, we minimize the number of edge crossings while satisfying some constraints required to preserve the position of vertices with respect to previous drawings. We propose heuristic methods to obtain high-quality solutions to this optimization problem in the short computational times required for graph drawing applications. We also propose a mathematical programming formulation and obtain the optimal solution for small and medium instances. Our extensive experimentation shows the merit of our proposal with respect to both optimal solutions obtained with CPLEX and heuristic solutions obtained with LocalSolver, a well-known black-box solver in combinatorial optimization.
In this paper, we study the visualization of complex structures in the context of automatic graph drawing. Constructing geometric representations of combinatorial structures, such as networks or graphs, is a difficult task that requires an expert system. The automatic generation of drawings of graphs finds many applications from software engineering to social media. The objective of graph drawing expert systems is to generate layouts that are easy to read and understand. This main objective is achieved by solving several optimization problems. In this paper we focus on the most important one: reducing the number of arc crossings in the graph. This hard optimization problem has been studied extensively in the last decade, proposing many exact and heuristic methods to minimize the total number of arc crossings. However, despite its practical significance, the min–max variant in which the maximum number of crossings over all edges is minimized, has received very little attention. We propose new heuristic methods based on the strategic oscillation methodology to solve this NP-hard optimization problem. Our experimentation shows that the new method compares favorably with the existing ones, implemented in current graph drawing expert systems. Therefore, a direct application of our findings will improve these functionality (i.e., crossing reduction) of drawing systems.
A report is presented on a new algorithm that is based on these theoretical results. The main part of the algorithm is a cutting plane procedure using facet defining inequalities. This procedure is combined with various heuristics and branch and bound techniques. The computational results compare favorably with results of existing codes. In particular, the authors could triangulate all input-output matrices, of size up to 60 multiplied by 60, available to us within acceptable time bounds.
We extend our previous work applying first-level tabu search mechanisms to 0/1 MIP problems, introducing probabilistic measures for move selection. These are especially applicable when the move evaluation function is contaminated by noise or contains elements not directly related to the objective function value. We also look at the possibility of replacing tabu memory completely by associated probabilistic guidance. Our approach is designed with the ability to solve general 0/1 MIP problems, and thus contains no problem domain specific knowledge. The outcome improves significantly on the solutions obtained by the first-level tabu search mechanisms previously employed. The probabilistic measures are extremely simple to implement, and can be readily incorporated in standard tabu search designs.
Graph drawings are a basic component of user interfaces that display relationships between objects. Generating incrementally stable layouts is important for many applications. This paper describes DynaDAG, a new heuristic for incremental layout of directed acyclic graphs drawn as hierarchies, and its application in the DynaGraph system.
Graphs are used to represent reality in several areas of knowledge. This has generated considerable interest in graph drawing algorithms. Arc crossing minimization is a fundamental aesthetic criterion to obtain a readable map of a graph. The problem of minimizing the number of arc crossings in a bipartite graph (BDP) is NP-complete. In this paper we present a Tabu Search (TS) scheme for the BDP. Several algorithms can be obtained with this scheme by implementing different evaluators in the move definitions. In this paper we propose two variants. Computational results are reported on a set of 300 randomly generated test problems. The two algorithms have been compared with the best heuristics published in the literature and, for limited-size instances, with the optimal solutions.
We describe a system for the automatic scheduling of employees in the particular setting in which: the number of employees wanted on duty throughout the week fluctuates; the availabilities of the employees varies and changes from week to week; and a new schedule must be produced each week, by virtue of the changing demand for service. The problem which we address appears in a variety of settings, including: airline reservation offices; telephone offices; supermarkets; fast food restaurants; banks and hotels. Previous approaches to the problem have relied chiefly on formal methods, generally involving one or another variation of linear or integer, mathematical programming. We suggest that except in cases involving very small problems (only a handful of employees) that those approaches have not proven promising, especially where union rules and management requirements impose complex constraints on the problem, and that a heuristic approach has proven to be substantially superior. We set forth the general features of our heuristic approach, which we see as an application of artificial intelligence; we show how, in contrast to other approaches, which design shifts as if employees were always available and try to fit those shifts to employees who are not always available, our system design shifts with deference to the employees' limited availabilities; we suggest that, for a given service level, our system produces schedules with a better “fit”—number of employees actually on duty comparing more favorably with the number wanted; and we state that while, for a given service level, a ‘manual scheduler’ may take up to 8 hours each week to prepare a good schedule, our system, on most micro computers, routinely produces better schedules involving up to 100 employees in about 20 minutes. The scheduling of employees is generally considered to be a managerial function, in the setting of the problem we address. When a craft employee is replaced on an assembly line by a machine which performs the same function, we speak of the replacing mechanism as an industrial robot. We suggest that systems like that which we describe deserve a name, to distinguish them from comparable, computer based systems which do not replace, but rather supplement a manager, and we suggest the name ‘managerial robot’ for such systems. We set forth the characteristics which we feel would justify applying the term ‘managerial robot’ to a computer based system, and suggest that classification is basic to understanding and communication and that just as terms such as decision support systems and expert systems prove useful in our increasingly advanced, technological society, so also the term managerial robot has a place in our scheme of things. Decision support systems do not qualify as managerial robots for the reason that managerial robots don't simply support the decision making process, but rather replace the manager in his performance of a function which, when performed by a human being, is considered a managerial function. Nor do we consider managerial robots to qualify as expert systems. While our scheduling system contains an inference mechanism, and could be enhanced to improve the quality of its schedules thru ‘experience’ (and thus to ‘learn’?), that—lacking a knowledge base in the sense of expert systems‐and most of all in replacing rather than supporting the decision maker, the managerial robot needs a term of its own. We elaborate, in this paper, a specific application of our system, and show how the design of shifts, and the placement of breaks, serve to yield a fit whose quality no human scheduler can duplicate.
We propose a metaheuristic algorithm for the multi-resource generalized assignment problem (MRGAP). MRGAP is a generalization of the generalized assignment problem, which is one of the representative combinatorial optimization problems known to be NP-hard. The algorithm features a very large-scale neighborhood search, which is a mechanism of conducting the search with complex and powerful moves, where the resulting neighborhood is efficiently searched via the improvement graph. We also incorporate an adaptive mechanism for adjusting search parameters, to maintain a balance between visits to feasible and infeasible regions. Computational comparisons on benchmark instances show that the method is effective, especially for types D and E instances, which are known to be quite difficult.
Conference Paper
We present a simple, linear-time algorithm to determine horizontal coordinates in layered layouts subject to a given ordering within each layer. The algorithm is easy to implement and compares well with existing approaches in terms of assignment quality.
Two kinds of new methods are developed to obtain effective representations of hierarchies automatically: theoretical and heuristic methods. The methods determine the positions of vertices in two steps. First the order of the vertices in each level is determined to reduce the number of crossings of edges. Then horizontal positions of the vertices are determined to improve further the readability of drawings. The theoretical methods are useful in recognizing the nature of the problem, and the heuristic methods make it possible to enlarge the size of hierarchies with which we can deal. Performance tests of the heuristic methods and several applications are presented.
A study of questions raised by the conception of a tool for computer-aided decision analysis that would facilitate interactive structural systems analysis and the tool itself, named GT1VX, are presented. Focusing on systems known by their elements and the relations among them, two hierarchies that apply to graphs of different types: first, rank hierarchy that is adapted to digraphs with cycles and second, number hierarchy that applies to strongly connected digraphs and to nondirected graphs are presented. Standard forms of representation of these hierarchies are defined, and the question of reducing the number of edge crossings in the drawings is studied. Finally, the software GT1VX is described. It was developed for the automatic display of graphs hierarchized according to the rank hierarchy and to the number hierarchy; GT1VX yields, within agreeable computing times, drawings in the standard forms of representation that have a limited number of edge crossings. Three real-life examples of the application of this tool are also presented.
Parametric combinations of local job shop rules
  • F Glover
Glover F (1963) Parametric combinations of local job shop rules. Chapter IV, ONR Research Memorandum No. 117, GSIA, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Tabu search and adaptive memory programming-advances, applications and challenges
  • F Glover
Glover F (1997) Tabu search and adaptive memory programming-advances, applications and challenges. In: Barr RS, Helgason RV, Kennington JL (eds) Interfaces in computer science and operations research. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, pp 1-75
A simple multi-wave algorithm for the uncapacitated facility location problem
  • F Glover
  • S Hanafi
  • O Guermi
  • I Crevits
Glover F, Hanafi S, Guermi O, Crevits I (2018a) A simple multi-wave algorithm for the uncapacitated facility location problem. Front Eng Manag 5:451-465