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© 2021 JOURNAL of MEDICINE and LIFE. VOL: 14 ISSUE: 2 MARCH-APRIL 2021 238
Bioresonance therapy may treat depression
Daniela Muresan 1, Andreea Salcudean 2, Daniela Claudia Sabau 3, Cristina Raluca Bodo 4, Iosif Gabos Grecu 5
* Corresponding Author:
Andreea Salcudean, Ph.D.,
Department of Ethics and Social
Sciences, George Emil Palade
University of Medicine, Pharmacy,
Sciences and Technology, 38 Gh.
Marinescu, 540142, Targu Mures,
Mures, Romania.
Phone: +40755690587
E-mail: andreea.salcudean@yahoo.com
Received: 15 January 2021
Accepted: 26 February 2021
The aim of the study was to evaluate if bioresonance therapy can oer quanti-
able results in patients with recurrent major depressive disorder and with mild,
moderate, or severe depressive episodes by decreasing the level of depression due
to the application of bioresonance therapy as independently or complementa-
ry treatment. The study included 140 patients suering from depression, divid-
ed into three groups. The rst group (40 patients) received solely bioresonance
therapy, the second group (40 patients) received pharmacological treatment with
antidepressants combined with bioresonance therapy, and the third group (60
patients) received solely pharmacological treatment with antidepressants. The as-
sessment of depression was made using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale,
with 17 items, at the beginning of the bioresonance treatment and the end of the
ve weeks of treatment, aiming to decrease the level of depression. The study
identied the existence of a statistically signicant dierence for the treatment
methods applied to the analyzed groups (p=0.0001), and we found that the thera-
py accelerates the healing process in patients with depressive disorders. Improve-
ment was observed for the analyzed groups, with a decrease of the mean values
between the initial and nal phase of the level of depression, of delta for Ham-
ilton score of 3.1, 3.8 and 2.3, respectively. We concluded that the bioresonance
therapy could be useful in the treatment of recurrent major depressive disorder
with moderate depressive episodes independently or as a complementary therapy
to antidepressants.
KEYWORDS: bioresonance therapy, depression, alternative medicine, electromagnetic
Author Aliations:
1. Doctoral School of George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy,
Sciences and Technology, Targu-Mures, Romania
2. Department of Ethics and Social Sciences, George Emil Palade University of
Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology, Targu-Mures, Romania
3. Psychiatric Clinic 1, Mures County Hospital,Targu-Mures, Romania
4. Psychiatric Clinic 2, Mures County Hospital, Targu-Mures, Romania
5. Department of Psychiatry, George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy,
Sciences and Technology, Targu-Mures, Romania
Depressive disorders involve feelings of sadness, emotional void, irritability and are accompanied by somatic and cognitive changes that
signicantly aect the individual’s ability to function [1].
Depressive disorders comprise aective disorders with disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, major depressive disorders, including
a major depressive episode, persistent depressive disorders or dysthymia, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, substance or drug-induced
depressive disorders, depressive disorders caused by a medical condition, other depressive disorders, and nonspecic depressive disor-
ders. Depending on the number and severity of the symptoms, a depressive episode can be classied as mild, moderate, or severe [2].
This negative emotional state can persist for a short period or a longer period, with mild, moderate, or severe intensity, which can se-
riously damage one’s health. At worst, depression can lead to suicide. Nearly 800,000 people die each year from suicide [3]. In 2017,
over 300 million people, the equivalent of 4.4% of the world’s population of all ages, suered from depression, with an increase of over
18% between 2005 and 2015. Depression is more common among women than men. Worldwide, the prevalence of depression varies
according to age, exceeding 7.5% among women aged 55–74 and 5.5% among men in the same age group [4].
In Europe, one in twenty people currently suers from depression and one in four will go through a depressive episode at some point in
their lives [5]. In Romania, approximately 5% of the population suers from a form of diagnosed depressive disorder, the subjects in
question being under medical treatment [6]. Health experts estimate that, by 2030, depression will become the most signicant contrib-
utor to the global burden of mental and behavioral disorders. It currently occupies second place in the ranking of diseases worldwide,
following cardiovascular diseases [7]. Although there are known and eective treatments for mental health problems, between 76% and
85% of people from low-income and middle-income countries do not receive any treatment for their condition [8].
In the constant eort to nd solutions, the scientic community addressed the human energy-generating processes. In moments of stress,
sadness, and prolonged despair, the energetic balance is broken, causing a disruption in the inner ow of energy, a disharmony, a distur-
bance or even a blockage, which leads, progressively at rst, to preclinical eects, accompanied by informational, energetic, biophysical
and biochemical changes, and then clinically manifest symptoms appear before the disease settles with the whole clinical picture [9].
Since 1970, bioresonance therapy has been used successfully in various ailments by many practitioners around the world, being inte-
grated into alternative medicine. Bioresonance therapy is a less familiar method of therapy, and most patients nd it dicult to opt for,
while others refuse this type of complementary therapy.
In this study, we aspired to analyze if a new method of therapy, independently or complementary to drug treatment, is suitable and use-
ful for patients diagnosed with recurrent major depressive disorder and with mild, moderate, or severe depressive episodes by decreasing
the level of depression quantied with the Hamilton scale. We aimed to verify the null hypothesis (H0) for each group: the applied
therapy does not accelerate the healing process in patients with recurrent major depressive disorder or those with a mild, moderate,
or severe depressive episode. The alternative hypothesis (H1) was: the applied therapy accelerates the healing process in patients with
recurrent major depressive disorder and those with a mild, moderate, or severe depressive episode.
We included in the study patients diagnosed with recurrent major depressive disorder with a mild, moderate, or severe depressive ep-
isode using the criteria listed in the Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders Five (DSMV). We excluded the patients that had suicidal
attempts noted in their medical history, patients with a peacemaker, and pregnant women. We selected the patients from the Mureș
County Clinical Hospital, the Psychiatry Clinic I, Targu-Mures, Romania, and the specialized outpatient clinic and in the Terapia
Ultramed Bioresonance Therapy Practice within Terapia Ultramed Clinic of Targu-Mures, Romania.
The study was a retrospective study and was conducted between October 2017 and October 2018. Written consent was obtained from
participants after they were informed about the study and its implications. Consent was also obtained from appropriate Romanian
authorities. Data protection was ensured. The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of the Mures County Hospi-
tal from Targu Mures under the number 16462/16.10.2017. The analyzed group consisted of women and men from dierent social
backgrounds, aged between 18–89 years. We split the participants into three groups: group 1 consisted of 40 patients (31 women and 9
men). Seventeen women had mild depressive episodes, and 14 women had moderate depressive episodes. Within the male category, 5
men had been diagnosed with a mild depressive episode and 4 men with a moderate depressive episode. They received solely bioreso-
nance therapy. Group 2 consisted of 40 patients (33 women and 7 men). Two men had mild depressive episodes, 32 women and 5 men
moderate depressive episodes, and one woman had been diagnosed with severe depressive episodes. They received pharmacological
treatment with antidepressants and bioresonance therapy. Group 3 consisted of 60 patients (31 were women and 29 men). All study
participants in this group had been diagnosed with moderate depressive episodes. They received only pharmacological treatment with
antidepressants. The detailed demographic structure of groups is detailed in Table 1.
Demographic aspects of the study groups
Group 1 and group 2 received bioresonance therapy independently and complementary to antidepressant medication, respectively. For
all patients, we aimed to decrease the level of depression, within a period of maximum 2 months, from the rst session to the fth session.
The bioresonance treatment consists of connecting the patient to a Mora Nova bioresonance device, with the help of two-dimension-
al electrodes for hands and feet. The device automatically records the values of the eight quadrants obtained at the rst and second
© 2021 JOURNAL of MEDICINE and LIFE. VOL: 14 ISSUE: 2 MARCH-APRIL 2021 240
measurements during a single treatment session.
During the measurement of the values, the de-
vice emits a sound of dierent intensity, depend-
ing on the values obtained [10].
The duration of a session applied to the patients
in the study was about 20 minutes, with a week-
ly frequency. The therapy was individualized
according to the biorhythm of the patient and
incorporated high and low potencies. Through
biorhythm, the therapeutic method selected
from the device software regulated and con-
trolled the patient’s oscillating information, as
well as his ability to adjust, in order to initiate
precise target healing processes.
Endogenous therapy is included in the principle
of basic bioresonance therapy with the Mora
Nova device and is considered the fundamental
principle of bioresonance therapy at the physical
level. This type of therapy involves the destruc-
tive inference or the so-called “overlapping ex-
tinction” of rigid, isolated vibrations, considered
pathological vibrations with themselves. In this
way, they seem to be integrated into the exible
and dynamic vibrational composition of human
beings through the processes of self-regulation.
The physiological blockages correlated with the
“rigid” vibrations dissolve later. According to
these hypotheses, “pathological vibrations” are
correlated with the disease on an electromagnet-
ic plane. A weak electromagnetic interaction has
a physiological consequence due to the informa-
tive catalytic eect because they are weak interactions in an initially fragile situation. The energy needed to carry out the program must
be provided by the living system itself through the acupressure points of the lower and upper limbs. Bioresonance therapy also promotes
the individual’s potential for self-healing [10]. During therapy, the patient must not carry a smartphone, other electronic devices, metals
in contact with the skin, or mechanical devices. Before and after each treatment session, the electrodes were cleaned with 70% alcohol
[11]. The Mora Nova device is an electromagnetic transceiver, which must be connected to a source of electricity and is equipped with
a backup battery, with a frequency between 0.1 Hz and 480,000 Hz and with a frequency lter from 1 Hz up to 500,000 Hz [12].
We used the Hamilton Scale composed of 17 items (Ham-D-17) for assessing depression, the questionnaire being composed of questions
rated with 0–2 or 0–4 points, 4 being the most severe. The total score of the HAM-D-17 scale varies between 0–52 points. The scale
measured individual depressive symptoms and their general severity, reected by a nal score, which indicated the degree of depression. A
score >25 pointed to severe depression, a score between 18–24 showed moderate depression, a score between 8–17 showed mild depres-
sion, and a score <7 was considered normal.
For calculating the statistical indicators, we used the functions of the Excel program of Microsoft Oce, the Google Docs package, and
the Tukey test. We assessed the change in depressive symptoms from the rst to the last session of therapy, using the Hamilton Depres-
sion Rating Scale with 17 items, the bioresonance therapy being applied once a week. For group 3, we assessed the change in depressive
symptoms after ve weeks of taking antidepressants. The Hamilton score is shown in Figure 1. A comparison of the Hamilton Scale
between the initial and the nal sessions was made for each group.
After conducting the above-mentioned steps, we obtained a signicant value (p=0.0001) for group 1, so the initial mean values of the
Hamilton scale were higher than the nal mean values. We presented the results as a box-plot type graph, expressing the mean and
standard deviation, highlighting the decrease of the mean values between the initial and the nal phase, delta being -3.10.
For group 2, we obtained a statistically signicant value as well (p=0.0001), and the initial mean value of the Hamilton scale was higher
than the nal one, the decrease of the mean values between the initial and nal phase being -3.80. This is the highest dierence ob-
tained for the groups. A statistically signicant value (p=0.0001) was obtained for group 3 as well; the initial mean value of the Hamilton
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 P-value
Female sex 77.50% 82.50% 51.70% 0.0001
Age (years) mean±sd 56.43 64.048 73.28 0.0001
Marital Status
Married 50.00% 57.50% 51.70% 0.56
Divorced 30.00% 20.00% 11.70% 0.003
Unmarried 20.00% 10.00% 20.00% 0.09
Widower 0.00% 12.50% 16.17% 0.0003
Primary 0.00% 0.00% 20.00% 0.0001
Middle school 0.00% 12.50% 11.70% 0.001
High scool 30.00% 25.00% 26.70% 0.70
Secondary education 12.50% 12.50% 3.30% 0.03
Vocational school 5.00% 35.00% 16.60% 0.0001
Higher education 52.50% 15.00% 21.70% 0.001
Rural 35.00% 47.50% 38.30% 0.1 8
Urban 65.00% 52.50% 61.70% 0.18
Table 1. Demographic aspects of the study groups.
scale was higher than the nal one, the decrease
of the mean values between the initial and nal
phase being -2.30, the smallest diminution across
the groups. Tukey’s multiple comparison test was
used to compare the results obtained for each
group, and the results are presented in Table 2.
The current study intended to identify whether
bioresonance therapy has quantiable results in
the treatment of patients diagnosed with recur-
rent major depressive disorder or with a mild,
moderate, or severe depressive episode.
The specialized literature presents several stud-
ies in which bioresonance therapy is successfully
used in the case of various pathologies. To our
knowledge, no study determined and analyzed
an objective evaluation for its eectiveness in the
treatment of depression, as a standalone therapy
or as a complementary therapy.
In 2018, a controlled clinical study was performed
in Russia on 60 patients who were high-perfor-
mance athletes aected by excessive physical
exertion and addressed the regulation of systolic
blood pressure, heart rate, and the reduction of
stress by restoring the psycho-emotional balance;
the intervention group showed better results compared to the placebo group [13]. Bioresonance therapy can signicantly improve gas-
trointestinal disorders, as presented in a randomized controlled study performed in Germany on 20 people with psychosomatic diseases
and gastrointestinal disorders [14].
An observational pilot study that included eight patients with lymphedema and lower limb lipedema demonstrated that bioresonance
therapy in lymphedema and lipedema was eective, leading to reduced edema, relieving symptoms and improving lymphatic drainage,
without side eects [15]. A German prospective controlled clinical study performed on 190 smokers has proven that bioresonance ther-
apy was eective in quitting smoking and has no side eects [16].
In recent years, bioresonance therapy has proven to be a feasible treatment in several pathologies, both complementary to classical
therapy or used independently. After measuring the level of depression using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale for each group,
we noticed dierences between the initial mean values versus the nal mean values in the rst session and the fth session. In group 1,
in which the patients received only bioresonance therapy, we obtained a statistically signicant value (p=0.0001); the mean value was
higher at the initial stage compared to the nal stage, which indicated a decrease in the mean values of delta (-3.10) between the initial
and the nal phase. In group 2, patients were receiving antidepressants and bioresonance therapy (combined treatment). There was a
statistically signicant value (p=0.0001); the average was higher at the initial stage compared to the nal stage, which indicated a de-
crease in the mean values between the initial and nal phases of delta (-3.80), this being the most important dierence among the three
analyzed groups. In group 3, there was a statisti-
cally signicant value as well (p=0.0001); the av-
erage was higher at the initial stage compared to
the nal stage, with a decrease of the mean values
delta being (-2.30) between the initial and nal
phases. This was the smallest decreased amount
the groups but still noteworthy.
Among the patients in the rst group, after apply-
ing the ve bioresonance therapy sessions, 4 men
and 10 women reported reduced depressive epi-
sodes, from a moderate to a mild depressive level.
In the second group, after applying the ve biore-
sonance therapy sessions combined with drug
treatment, 1 woman went from a severe depressive
Table 2. Comparative inferential statistics of the Hamilton scale.
Tukey's multiple
comparisons test Mean dif. 95% CI of dif. Signicance Summary
Group 1
(initial vs. nal) 3.100 1.482 to
4.718 Yes ****
Group 2
(initial vs. nal) 3.800 2.182 to
5.418 Yes ****
Group 3
(initial vs. nal) 2.300 0.9791 to
3.621 Yes ****
p-0.0001 p-0.0001
initial nal nal nalinitial initial
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Figure 1. Comparison of the Hamilton Scale between the initial and the nal
sessions for each group.
© 2021 JOURNAL of MEDICINE and LIFE. VOL: 14 ISSUE: 2 MARCH-APRIL 2021 242
episode to a moderate depressive episode, and 2 men and 6 women went from a moderate depressive episode to an episode of mild de-
pression. A male patient suering from mild depressive episodes recovered completely. Among the study participants in the third group,
both women and men remained with a moderate depressive episode.
The study results conrmed that bioresonance could improve the level of depression assessed with the Hamilton Depression Rating
Scale with 17 items in patients suering from depression, independently or as a complementary therapy to antidepressant medication.
Ethical approval
The approval for this study was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the Mures County Hospital, Targu Mures, Romania (approval
no. 16462/16.10.2017).
Consent to participate
Informed consent was obtained from the participants.
Conict of interest
The authors declare that there is no conict of interest.
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