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A Mixed Methods Exploration of Surf Therapy Piloted for Youth Well-Being in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone


Abstract and Figures

Citation: Marshall, J.; Kamuskay, S.; Samai, M.M.; Marah, I.; Tonkara, F.; Conteh, J.; Keita, S.; Jalloh, O.; Missalie, M.; Bangura, M.; et al. A Abstract: Young people in post-conflict and post-epidemic contexts such as Sierra Leone face a range of mental health challenges as part of their daily life. An innovative approach to Sport for Development that could offer support to youth mental health is surf therapy. This research used an uncontrolled mixed methods approach to explore surf therapy pilots run by five youth-focused and community development organizations around Freetown. Four sites provided useable pre/post data using the Stirling Children's Well-Being Scale (n = 58, average age = 12.9). Three sites were associated with significant (p < 0.017) large effects (r = 0.65-0.84) on participant well-being. One site was associated with a non-significant (p < 0.380) small negative effect (r = −0.22). A synthesis of qualitative data within the five evaluations triangulated with quantitative findings and provided important context in terms of challenges to service delivery. This included low attendance as a plausible mediator for why one site saw very different results than other sites. Combined, these processes highlight the need for future research exploring possible dose-response relationships in surf therapy. This study also provides a foundation for more rigorous research in the future. These promising findings support continued and optimized delivery of surf therapy in Sierra Leone to support youth mental health.
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International Journal of
Environmental Research
and Public Health
A Mixed Methods Exploration of Surf Therapy Piloted for
Youth Well-Being in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone
Jamie Marshall 1, * , Sallu Kamuskay 2, Michaella Margaedah Samai 2, Isha Marah 3, Fanta Tonkara 4,
Josephine Conteh 5, Sullayman Keita 6, Oullematu Jalloh 6, Mohamed Missalie 4, Mohamed Bangura 5,
Olufemi Messeh-Leone 3, Messeh Leone 7, Brendon Ferrier 1and Russell Martindale 1
Citation: Marshall, J.; Kamuskay, S.;
Samai, M.M.; Marah, I.; Tonkara, F.;
Conteh, J.; Keita, S.; Jalloh, O.;
Missalie, M.; Bangura, M.; et al. A
Mixed Methods Exploration of Surf
Therapy Piloted for Youth Well-Being
in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone. Int. J.
Environ. Res. Public Health 2021,18,
Academic Editor: Cheng-Fang Yen
Received: 12 April 2021
Accepted: 4 June 2021
Published: 10 June 2021
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Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
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1School of Applied Sciences, Edinburgh Napier University, 9 Sighthill Court, Edinburgh EH11 4BN, UK; (B.F.); (R.M.)
2United Sierra Leone, 9 York Road, Sussex Beach, Freetown, Sierra Leone; (S.K.); (M.M.S.)
Pipul Pikin Foundation, 60 Maxwell Street, Wellington, Freetown, Sierra Leone; (I.M.); (O.M.-L.)
Moseray Fadika Trust Foundation, 154 Wilkinson Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone; (F.T.); (M.M.)
5Job Opportunities for Youth (JOY), JOY Centre, 38 White Street, Tokeh Beach, Freetown, Sierra Leone; (J.C.); (M.B.)
6Young Leaders Sierra Leone, AYV House, 3 Wesley Street, Tower Hill, Freetown, Sierra Leone; (S.K.); (O.J.)
7The Messeh Leone Trust, Malaika Chambers, 17 Off Kingharman Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone;
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +44-7-941-484-587
Young people in post-conflict and post-epidemic contexts such as Sierra Leone face a
range of mental health challenges as part of their daily life. An innovative approach to Sport for
Development that could offer support to youth mental health is surf therapy. This research used
an uncontrolled mixed methods approach to explore surf therapy pilots run by five youth-focused
and community development organizations around Freetown. Four sites provided useable pre/post
data using the Stirling Children’s Well-Being Scale (n= 58, average age = 12.9). Three sites were
associated with significant (p< 0.017) large effects (r= 0.65–0.84) on participant well-being. One site
was associated with a non-significant (p< 0.380) small negative effect (r=
0.22). A synthesis of
qualitative data within the five evaluations triangulated with quantitative findings and provided
important context in terms of challenges to service delivery. This included low attendance as a
plausible mediator for why one site saw very different results than other sites. Combined, these
processes highlight the need for future research exploring possible dose-response relationships in
surf therapy. This study also provides a foundation for more rigorous research in the future. These
promising findings support continued and optimized delivery of surf therapy in Sierra Leone to
support youth mental health.
Keywords: surf therapy; mental health; sport for development; mixed methods; evaluation
1. Introduction
Armed conflict such as civil war has been associated, both directly and indirectly, with
negative mental health among children and young people [
]. The intergenerational nature
of conflict-induced negative mental health means it lasts long after conflicts have officially
ended and in fact spreads within family dynamics [
]. This means young people who took
no active part in historical conflicts are still experiencing associated negative mental health.
Between 1991 and 2002, the West African country of Sierra Leone experienced devastat-
ing civil war, defined by widespread human rights abuses and collapsing infrastructure.
During this conflict, nearly 7000 children are believed to have been recruited as child
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021,18, 6267.
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soldiers [
]. The country also experienced an Ebola epidemic between 2014 and 2016 that
killed nearly 4000 people [
], with a compounding negative impact on mental health [
Priority areas for improving youth mental health in Sierra Leone have previously been
identified as improving positive peer support, delivering effective coping/self-regulation
skills and knowledge, and providing alternatives to risky behaviors [
]. The Messeh Leone
Trust ( (accessed on 5 June 2021)) recently brought together
a collection of youth and community development organizations in Sierra Leone to pilot
surf therapy within Sierra Leone and specifically address these priority areas.
Surf therapy in Sierra Leone is an example of Sport for Development (SfD), with
an explicit focus on mental health and well-being. There remains a lack of rigorous
evidence pertaining to the efficacy of SfD [
], including SfD’s effectiveness in supporting
positive mental health in post-conflict contexts [
]. Despite the lack of rigorous evidence
around SfD in supporting post-conflict youth mental health, promising results can be
seen within organizational evaluations and other non-peer reviewed materials. A recent
review of the evidence on the effectiveness of surf therapy, including supporting youth
mental health, was encouraging [
] but was hampered by a lack of rigor, especially in
terms of control groups and sample sizes. No research has been carried out into the
effectiveness or associated impact of surf therapy for youth mental health within post-
conflict settings. Further research is required to determine the effectiveness and associated
impact claims, both for surf therapy and within the wider SfD paradigm, especially around
youth mental health.
The only research that has currently been carried out on surf therapy within the post-
conflict context explored initial program theory in the Waves for Change (W4C) intervention
in neighboring Liberia [
]. This study highlighted the creation of a safe space, positive
social support, effective transfer of coping skills, and respite from negative emotions while
in the water, as integral to the intervention achieving its associated outcomes. These
elements of the intervention align with previously mentioned priority areas for youth
mental health in Sierra Leone [
]. The findings also triangulate with studies exploring surf
therapy for youth mental health in different contexts [
], especially around the importance
of a safe space, social support, and respite. The initial program theory expounded within
the research carried out in Liberia provided the theoretical framework for the piloting
of surf therapy in Sierra Leone. The aim of this study was to provide a mixed methods
evaluation of the associated impact of a range of surf therapy programs across Sierra Leone.
2. Methods
2.1. Surf Therapy in Sierra Leone; The Wave Alliance
This study is based on evaluation reports produced by 5 separate youth-focused and
community development organizations who collaborated to deliver surf therapy pilot
projects near to Freetown, Sierra Leone. The 5 organizations involved were the Moseray
Fadika Trust (Site 1), Young Leaders Sierra Leone (Site 2), United Sierra Leone (Site 3), the
Pipul Pikin Foundation (Site 4), and Job Opportunities for Youths (Site 5). The organizations
made these evaluations publicly available online, and links can be found in the Appendix
A. All of the organizations already provide youth support around education, employability,
and other contextual challenges. The organizations were brought together by the Messeh
Leone Trust (MLT) in 2019 to collaborate and bring surf therapy to Sierra Leone for the
first time. MLT also provided technical, financial, and programmatic support to partners
on the ground in Sierra Leone. This support included helping with setup, securing safe
spaces/sites, delivery of material support, and monitoring of pilot projects. MLT also
helps coordinate evaluation support from third parties to enable the objective, impartial
evaluation of projects. The initial step was an approach by the organizations to the Wave
Alliance ( (accessed on 5 June
2021)), an incubator program that offers training and ongoing support to start-up surf
therapy organizations within Low-to-Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). The training
is centered on mental health theory, program design and implementation, staff hiring
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021,18, 6267 3 of 11
and training, fundraising, and evaluation. The Wave Alliance framework is based on
the Waves for Change model of surf therapy and includes recent research carried out
into the intervention’s program theory [
]. While based on this model, the training is
not prescriptive and is designed to provide trainees the flexibility to best address the
challenges of their own context, encouraging the generation of new program content. Upon
completion of a 2-week training program in Cape Town, the organizations from Sierra
Leone returned and implemented small surf therapy pilots, running from November 2019
to March 2020. Sessions commenced in January 2020 and ran for 10–12 weeks (depending
on the site), with participants attending surf therapy once a week for two hours. Sessions
consisted of an initial meeting, with a safe space held so all participants could ‘check in’
with how they were feeling. This was followed by a warm-up game and the learning
activity for the day. Activities were based around surfing, but were designed to support
emotional regulation, goal setting, mindfulness, positive socializing, and respite [
]. The
session finished with time allocated to unstructured but supervised surfing/swimming,
followed by a debrief. It is important to note that these learning activities, the safe space,
caring coaches, and positive socializing are identified as integral and integrated within
surf therapy. The surfing component is viewed as a vehicle rather than the focus of the
intervention. In the locations selected, surfing was largely a novel sport. The limited
surfing that was present was largely due to tourism and was inaccessible for the majority
of local communities.
2.2. Sample Characteristics
Participants were recruited primarily through local schools or via local community
organizations. There was no screening process at this initial pilot stage, and the primary
criterion for involvement was referral partners believing individuals would benefit. Each
site worked with a different number of participants based on capacity. There was a
broad spread of age ranges within the sample (7–22), with an average age of 12.9 years.
Attendance was captured using the Teampact app ( (accessed on
5 June 2021)), which uses facial recognition and session timers to promote transparency
around intervention delivery. Table 1offers a breakdown of demographics within the surf
therapy pilots, including pooled national averages and attendance figures. Site 5 data is
not presented due to data collection issues, which are addressed below, but Site 5 had
comparable demographics to other sites (n= 18, average age 13.7, age range 8–17, 9 male
and 9 female).
Table 1. Sample demographics.
Site Number Organization nAverage Age Age Range Average Attendance Male Female
58 12.9 7–22 57.20% 35 23
Fadika Trust 14 13.3 9–20 89.30% 2 10
Sierra Leone
12 15.1 11–18 59.50% 12 0
3United Sierra
Leone 12 12.3 7–16 58.30% 11 3
4Pipul Pikin
Foundation 20 11.7 8–22 37.20% 10 10
2.3. Mixed Methods Evaluation: Phase 1—Quantitative Analysis
To best pragmatically satisfy the aim of this study, an uncontrolled mixed methods
approach was utilized in exploring surf therapy pilot evaluations within Sierra Leone.
Phase 1 of the analysis involved statistical analysis of pre/post data to evaluate associated
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program impacts. To do this, the anonymized pre and post data associated with the pilot
projects were made accessible to the research team. The evaluations utilized the Stirling
Child Well-Being Scale (SCWS) to measure participant well-being before and after the
course. This is a positively worded well-being measure developed by Stirling University in
2010 and has been demonstrated as both psychometrically reliable and valid for children
aged 8 and above [
]. The SCWS involves a 12 item positively worded well-being scale,
divided into Positive Emotional State and Positive Outlook sub-components. The scale
consists of a 5-point Likert format, with totals ranging from 12–60. Higher scores indicate
higher well-being. The scale also includes 3 social desirability items to control for response
set or socially desirable responses. Such data can be subsequently excluded from analysis.
The anonymous dataset was cleaned to remove any unpaired data, such as pre-tests
without corresponding post-tests (6 data items removed). Any scores that fulfilled social
desirability criteria on the SCWS were also removed (6 data sets removed). One site (Site 5)
did not manage to collect the pre/post data appropriately, and its data was removed.
Confusion arose over the anonymous data labelling implemented to protect participant
confidentiality. Mislabeling meant it was impossible to track individual attendance and to
match pre and post test data. While this was disappointing for this evaluation, it was a
valuable learning experience for future data collection.
Given the small sample sizes associated with individual sites, parametric analysis was
deemed inappropriate. Wilcoxon signed rank tests were carried out to test for significance
of associated impact on well-being. Wilcoxon signed rank tests also allow for exploration of
effect size (r = Z/
n), to best provide statistical representation of associated pilot outcomes.
2.4. Mixed Methods Evaluation: Phase 2—Qualitative Analysis
Phase 2 of the analysis consisted of a synthesis of the published surf therapy eval-
uations. The primary aim of this synthesis was to supplement the statistical analysis by
contextualizing surf therapy in Sierra Leone, while also highlighting the pragmatic chal-
lenges that may have had an impact on intervention delivery. Secondary aims included
reinforcing associated impact claims through triangulation and highlighting any reported
plausible mechanisms for comparison to the wider literature. Original data collection
consisted of open-ended qualitative questionnaires provided to all participants and their
parents upon culmination of intervention delivery. This questionnaire had a high response
rate (Site 1 n = 12; Site 2 n = 18; Site 3 n = 10; Site 4 n = 12; Site 5 n = 16). An opportunity for
open-ended reporting of intervention perceptions was also provided to other community
stakeholders, such as local teachers, community leaders, local government officials, police,
and healthcare workers. Trends within this original data were identified and reported
within the evaluation reports. The evaluations also included subjective project coordinator
reports, which captured challenges in delivery and offered interpretations that may not
otherwise have been included in evaluations. A combined thematic analysis of the data
within the evaluations was conducted to support the study’s aims. These different elements
of the evaluations were summarized and tabulated in a descriptive manner in line with the
aims of the synthesis.
2.5. Mixed Methods Evaluation: Phase 3—Comparative Analysis
Phase 3 of the analysis involved comparing and triangulating findings from Phase
1 and 2 to explore contextualized trends or patterns that would not have been possible if
merely considering each phase individually [
]. Further interpretive analysis of findings
from both phases, alongside wider literature from within the paradigm, is included within
the discussion section to address the study aims [15].
3. Results
3.1. Phase 1—Statistical Analysis of Well-Being Data
Initial statistical analysis consisted of Wilcoxon signed rank tests carried out on the
data associated within individual sites. Three of the sites (1,2,3) were associated with
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statistically significant large positive effects on participant well-being, as summarized
in Table 2. Site 4 differed from these other sites and was associated with a statistically
non-significant small negative effect on participant well-being (Z=
0.88, p< 0.380; r=
0.22). For ease of comparison, associated impact on participant well-being by site is
visualized in Figure 1. Data was not pooled for national analysis, given the significant
variation between sites.
Table 2. Breakdown of changes to well-being in Sierra Leone surf therapy.
Site ZAsymp. Sig (p) Effect Size (r)
12.415 0.016 0.65
22.944 0.003 0.84
32.395 0.017 0.69
40.877 0.380 0.22
Figure 1. Mean change in participant well-being by site.
3.2. Phase 2—Evaluation Synthesis
The evaluation synthesis consisted of summarizing and tabulating key qualitative
components of evaluation reports collected from a range of stakeholders, including partici-
pants, parents, teachers, healthcare workers, and project coordinators. Summaries were
structured in line with synthesis aims: Reported Qualitative Impact, Plausible Mecha-
nisms Reported, and Challenges Reported (shown in Table 3). These identified elements
are largely based on individual quotes, and thus definitive conclusions cannot be drawn.
Alongside the changes to well-being described by quantitative measures, different types
of impact were reported within qualitative data, including improvements to socializing
(Sites 1, 3, and, 5) as well as improved mindset and feeling calmer (Sites 1 and 4). Also
reported were increased positive behaviors (Site 2) and reductions in negative behaviors
(Sites 3 and 5). Another notable trend was the reported impact on academic elements of
participants lives, with improvements in attendance (Site 2), effort (Site 4), and perfor-
mance (Site 3) in school all highlighted by a range of intervention stakeholders, including
school teachers.
In relation to plausible mechanisms, a range of program elements emerged across
intervention sites, including peer and social support (Sites 1, 2, 3, and, 5), respite (Sites 1 and
5), provision of a safe space (Sites 3 and 4), learned coping skills (Sites 3 and 4), alternatives
to negative activities (Site 1), and increased physical activity (Site 5). Given the limited
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amount of qualitative data and lack of targeted research exploring these plausible mecha-
nisms, findings may not be generalizable, but their presence adds strength to intervention
impact claims [16].
One of the most important elements the evaluation synthesis considered was the re-
ported challenges to intervention delivery. There were several themes that emerged across
multiple sites, including perceptions of water safety, the need for a feeding component,
and the need for transportation. The evaluations listed how these challenges were over-
come, largely through sourcing community partnerships, local funding for food/transport
provision, and building trust within the community around water safety. One of the sites
(Site 4) had a challenging pilot around consistency, including changes to lead coaches and
change of location, which may have contributed to or compounded low attendance. This
combination of factors may have severely inhibited the associated impact of the program
at the pilot stage.
Table 3. Summary of qualitative reporting within surf therapy evaluations.
Intervention Site Reported Qualitative Impact Plausible Mechanisms Reported Challenges Reported
1Feeling calmer, Improved
New positive relationships, Respite
from stress, Alternative to negative
Perceptions around water
safety, Need for food within
program, Lack of disability
access, Transport to program
Improved academic
attendance, Behavioral
Peer support from other surfers,
Positive social relationships
Perceptions around water
safety, Need for food within
program, Lack of female
participation, Transport to
Improved socializing,
Reduction in bad behaviors,
Academic performance
Peer support from coaches, Safe
space, Coping skills
Perceptions around water
safety, Need for food within
program, Accessibility to
younger (<8) participants
4Improved mindset, Improved
academic effort Coping skills, Safe Space
Consistency of delivery, Low
attendance, Change of
location, Change of lead
coaches, Perceptions around
water safety, Need for food
within program
5Improved socializing,
Reduction in bad behaviors
Respite, Peer support from coaches,
Increased physical activity
Evaluation confusion,
Perceptions around
program aims
3.3. Phase 3—Comparative Analysis
When interpreted in totality, the different phases of analysis offer contextual insight as
to the associated impact of surf therapy pilots within Sierra Leone. Three of the sites were
associated with significant large positive effects on participant well-being. This associated
impact aligned with positive qualitative data that outlined associated positive well-being
indicators such as improved socializing, improved behavior, and improved emotional
regulation. The evaluation synthesis also highlighted the individual challenges reported at
Site 4, which provide context and plausible rational (largely related to low attendance) for
why this site was not associated with the same large positive effects as other sites.
4. Discussion and Implications
Overall, in this uncontrolled study, three out of four surf therapy sites analyzed were
associated with significant large positive effects on participant well-being. These are en-
couraging initial findings for the piloting of surf therapy in Sierra Leone and support
its continued delivery alongside further research. More rigorous research utilizing con-
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trol groups, blinding, and if possible randomization protocols, are required before any
effectiveness claims can be made.
When data were explored by site, the differences of associated impacts observed along-
side other intervention data provide valuable insight. Three sites (1,2,3) had comparable
significant large positive effects associated with participant wellbeing. From the data col-
lected, the noticeable difference between these sites and Site 4, which had a non-significant
associated impact, was attendance figures. Site 4
s attendance was considerably lower
than other sites, which suggests a plausible correlation between attendance and associated
impact on well-being. Such a correlation may indicate a minimum threshold of exposure to
surf therapy that is required before a positive impact can occur. Such a finding aligns with
wider research highlighting a dose-response relationship between physical activity and
positive mental health outcomes [
]. Other plausible mechanisms highlighted within the
evaluation synthesis included the development of social and coping skills, which would
take time to transfer and may account for the correlation between attendance and positive
impact on well-being. Previous research has highlighted how dosage has an important
amplifying effect on activity-based youth development and that further research is required
to explore if there are optimal dosages for different kinds of programs [
]. The findings
from this initial exploration of surf therapy in Sierra Leone suggest prolonged engagement
was key to a positive impact on well-being and should be an important consideration in
intervention design. Research to understand the optimal length of program, frequency of
delivery, and adherence levels would be beneficial. Further exploration of optimal dosage
or possible dose-response relationships within this intervention would be of benefit to both
the surf therapy and SfD paradigms, especially given the complete lack of such research
within LMICs or post-conflict settings.
The evaluation synthesis also allowed for contextual exploration of other challenges
experienced by the interventions at the pilot phase. One site (Site 4) experienced service
delivery issues linked to a required change of location and the absence of a lead coach
due to a family illness. These challenges, alongside the low attendance, appear to account
for the main differences between this site and the other intervention locations. Given the
intervention’s theoretical framework includes the premise of a consistently delivered safe
space [
], it is perhaps unsurprising that these inconsistencies had the impact they did.
Mitigation strategies around similar challenges to consistency should be a priority for all
of the intervention sites in the future.
Two further challenges were highlighted by all intervention sites: the need for a
feeding component to service delivery and the challenges posed by community beliefs
and preconceptions around water safety. All sites reported participants feeling hungry at
the end of sessions, which is unsurprising as even small amounts of the kind of paddling
associated with surfing have been shown to have significant energy costs [
]. Food security
was a reported challenge for some participants and their families. Without including a
feeding component, the interventions may have created an additional burden on local
communities, which would undermine goodwill and the perceived value of surf therapy.
All sites managed to find resources to add feeding components into programming prior to
completion of the pilot phase, and this provides an important pragmatic learning for other
interventions that include similar levels of energy expenditure.
The other challenge faced by all sites were perceptions/beliefs around water safety.
Drowning is a significant health burden across Africa, with children and adolescents
being some of the groups at highest risk [
]. The sites overcame these perceptions by
building trust and helping to improve understanding around water safety for the whole
community rather than just the participants. This included incorporating individuals with
aquatic expertise from the local communities into the service delivery, based on recognizing
the value of local knowledge and community collaboration [
]. Such individuals came
from free-diving or fishing backgrounds and had rescue capability, if not formal rescue
qualifications. A perception that further contributed to intervention hesitancy was the
notion that surfing could only occur in open or deep water. Practitioners demonstrated
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021,18, 6267 8 of 11
to the community that all surf therapy activities happen in standing depth of participants
and that building water confidence and swimming skills were included within activity
planning. This challenge and the integrated community-based method of overcoming it
provide valuable pragmatic learnings for similar intervention designs.
All but one of the sites reported negative changes within well-being to some partic-
ipants; it is important to understand how this related to the surf therapy interventions,
as not doing harm should be a highest priority. Individual negative scores should not be
generalized from; the most negative rankings, and therefore scores, were identified within
Site 4, which was also observed to have had the lowest attendance figures. This suggests
that negative changes to well-being may be related to factors outside of the intervention. As
previously discussed, the negative impact of conflict on youth mental health as experienced
in Sierra Leone is intergenerational [
] and was further compounded by the 2014–2016
Ebola pandemic [
]. Young people in Sierra Leone still face a wide range of challenges
to their mental health in day-to-day life, and these may account for the negative changes
reported, especially given their correlation to low attendance.
Plausible mechanisms identified within the evaluation synthesis add strength to claims
of the positive impact of surf therapy on participant well-being [
]. Identified mechanisms,
including the provision of a safe space, respite, and peer support, align with prior research,
which heavily informed the intervention design [
], alongside other research into surf
therapy for youth [
]. The evidence of participant social and coping skills being
recognized by other community stakeholders alludes to the successful implementation
of a specific skill transfer model [
]. It should be noted that the intervention exists as
a complex intervention, with multiple theoretical mediators [
], and this study does
not explore which mediators are most important to achieving outcomes. Future research
exploring the mediating effect of different components (e.g., coach characteristics, safe
space, social components, coping skills curriculum) within the intervention would be
valuable. The triangulation of previously identified mechanisms for youth well-being
through surf therapy with intervention stakeholder qualitative data lends further support
to the associated positive impact of surf therapy in Sierra Leone.
5. Limitations
The most significant limitation of this exploration of surf therapy in Sierra Leone is the
lack of any control group to compare intervention groups against. This limits discussion to
perceived associated impact and does not allow for interpretation as to the effectiveness
of the interventions. While this represents a substantial challenge to the robustness of the
findings, the importance of the process that led to them should not be understated. As part
of this project the intervention practitioners took ownership over the evaluation process,
from data collection through to evaluation write-up. At the evaluation design phase,
intervention leadership was offered support from academic partners, who also supported
the more in-depth statistical analysis seen within this review. This process supported the
recognized interests and wishes of SfD practitioners to better understand and be able to
conduct their own evaluations [
]. The aim of this process was also recognizing and
addressing concerns around neocolonialist approaches to research within the SfD field
by prioritizing the development of individual and organizational evaluation capacity as
highly as any other evaluation outcome [21].
Future work can build upon this even further with continued capacity building and
locally led research. This work carried out by the surf therapy practitioners deserves to be
recognized and shared, especially the honest reporting of challenges faced and, at times,
the non-significant impact. This process also provides the platform for future, locally
owned, more rigorous research that may have otherwise not been possible. Intervention
coordinators are exploring the potential of a randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of surf
therapy in the future, which would allow for an exploration of intervention effectiveness
that was impossible in this current work. While the challenges of conducting an RCT
within a surf therapy intervention are considerable, especially around the difficulties of
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blinding different arms, a locally led waitlist protocol would be a desirable piece of research
for the surf therapy, SfD, and blue space paradigms [23].
The SCWS is a validated and recognized tool for measuring child and youth well-
being [
]. Despite its successful use in multiple studies, its genesis within a Western
context (Scotland) should be recognized. The challenges of the use of and the predom-
inance of Western mental health tools in different contexts have been acknowledged by
researchers [
]. The process of developing and validating locally informed well-being
and mental health measurements has been previously reported [
], and a similar process
to generate a Sierra Leone–specific measurement would be of significant benefit to future
research in the region. Exploring the physiological measurements associated with well-
being, such as heart rate variability or cortisol, may also offer different ways of exploring
or further triangulating the impact of surf therapy in Sierra Leone.
6. Conclusions
This uncontrolled mixed methods study highlights promising initial findings related
to the positive associated impact of surf therapy for youth well-being in Sierra Leone across
multiple sites and supports continued delivery. The findings highlight the importance
of prolonged participant engagement with surf therapy alongside the value of working
together with local communities in overcoming challenges in intervention delivery. Lessons
learned in the piloting of surf therapy in Sierra Leone offer pragmatic insight into inter-
vention delivery while providing the foundations and initial steps for locally owned more
rigorous research in the future.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization: J.M. and R.M. Data collection and curation:
S.K. (Sallu Kamuskay), I.M., F.T., J.C., M.M., M.M.S., O.M.-L., M.B., S.K.(Sullayman Keita) and
O.J. Formal analysis, investigation, methodology, writing—original draft: J.M. Writing—review and
editing: J.M., R.M., B.F., M.L. and S.K. (Sallu Kamuskay). Project administration: J.M. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
The Wave Alliance training program and an initial distribution of surfboards to pilots
was funded by The Swedish Postcode Lottery ( (accessed on 5 June
2021)) and Comic Relief ( (accessed on 5 June 2021)). The funding,
labor, and resources for the delivery, monitoring, and evaluation of surf therapy pilots was provided
by the Messeh Leone Trust and partner organizations (Moseray Fadika Trust Foundation, Young
Leaders Sierra Leone, United Sierra Leone, the Pipul Pikin Foundation, and Job Opportunities for
Youths—JOY). The Messeh Leone Trust and partner organizations did not receive any funding from
the Swedish Postcode Lottery or Comic Relief, nor vice versa, for this research.
Institutional Review Board Statement:
The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the
Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Institutional Review Board (or Ethics Committee) of
Edinburgh Napier University School of Applied Sciences (Ref. Code: 2751928).
Informed Consent Statement:
Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement:
The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author:
The lead author would like to thank the surf therapy pilot leadership for their
commitment to sharing and publishing the results from their pilots openly, especially around elements
that did not go according to plan. Many of the most important learnings from this study came from
this. A special acknowledgement should also go to the Messeh Leone Trust for their vision and wish
to test the potential of surf therapy in Sierra Leone.
Conflicts of Interest: There are no conflict of interest to declare.
Appendix A Links to Surf Therapy Pilot Evaluations
Moseray Fadika Trust Foundation:
uploads/2020/08/MFT-Evaluation-Report-Final.pdf (accessed on 5 June 2021).
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021,18, 6267 10 of 11
Young Leaders Sierra Leone:
2020/07/Young-Leaders-Sierra-Leone-Surf-Therapy-Report.pdf (accessed on 5 June 2021).
United Sierra Leone:
/07/United-Sierra-Leone-Sierra-Leone-Surf-Therapy-Report.pdf (accessed on 5 June 2021).
Pipul Pikin Foundation:
2020/07/Pipul-Pikin-Sierra-Leone-Surf-Therapy-Report.pdf (accessed on 5 June 2021).
Job Opportunities for Youth Sierra Leone (JOY):
wp-content/uploads/2020/08/JOY-SIERRA-LEONE-SURF-THERAPY-REPORT.pdf (ac-
cessed on 5 June 2021).
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... Considering the diversity of surf therapy interventions operating in culturally and linguistically diverse groups [e.g., war veterans [55], children and adolescents in postconflict zones [56]], researchers should refrain from utilizing surveys designed to assess constructs within a particular culture with other cultural groups [57]. The specificities of surf therapy may vary depending on geographical location, life conditions within the country/ region being assessed, language and culture, participantrelated features (e.g., age, gender, previous experience with surf ), programming parameters (e.g., length, frequency, volume, intensity, and contents of the sessions), and mental-health related features (e.g., specific type and severity of mental health disorder). ...
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Background Surf therapy is gaining popularity for improving mental health. However, there is limited research evidence to substantiate these claims. Therefore, this systematic review aimed to assess randomized or non-randomized studies analyzing the efficacy of surf therapy in improving symptoms of mental illness compared to non-exercising controls and/or alternative intervention, and to identify evidential gaps to inform future research. Methods PRISMA 2020 reporting guidelines were followed. Eligibility criteria included participants of any age and sex, explicitly diagnosed with any mental health disorder, while exposed to surf therapy and compared to non-exercising controls and/or alternative interventions. The primary outcome consisted of changes in symptoms of mental illness scored from baseline to post-intervention. Any randomized or non-randomized trial design was considered. We searched Cochrane Library, CINAHL, EMBASE, PubMed, Scopus, SPORTDiscus and Web of Science databases (December 7, 2023), without language or publication date restrictions and without filters. Risk of bias was assessed using RoB 2. A meta-analysis could not be conducted due to heterogeneity of the studies; therefore, a narrative synthesis of individual study results was performed. Results Of 5,666 records, three randomized controlled studies were included in the review. Overall, the findings of the three studies suggest no robust consistent evidence of improvement in mental health symptoms when comparing surf therapy to wait-list control groups or other nature-based exercise interventions (hike therapy). Certainty of evidence should be considered very low, as it is based on three randomized controlled trials. Conclusion Although we believe that surf therapy provides an interesting approach, robust evidence is scarce. Routes for future well-designed, controlled studies are discussed. Other No funding to report. Registration: PROSPERO CRD42021277060.
... For example, a Capoeira dance/martial arts program for young refugees in Australia had positive effects on interpersonal skills, sense of responsibility, and discipline [30]. Furthermore, a surf therapy program showed improvement in children's well-being [31]. Specific cultural beliefs about physical activity, which often arise from different ethnic identities and exposures, play a strong role in people's decision to adopt a physical activity program [32][33][34][35]. ...
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(1) Background: Adolescent refugees in Lebanon and Lebanese youth are both at high risk of suffering from reduced psychological well-being. Sport is an evidence-based strategy for improving mental and physical health, and climbing is a type of sport that may positively impact both. The aim of this study is to test the effect of a manualized, psychosocial group climbing intervention on the well-being, distress, self-efficacy, and social cohesion of adolescents in Lebanon. In addition, the mechanisms behind psychological changes will be investigated. (2) Methods: In this mixed-methods waitlist-controlled study, we are allocating a minimum of 160 participants to an intervention (IG) or a control group (CG). The primary outcome is overall mental well-being (WEMWBS) after the 8-week intervention. Secondary outcomes include distress symptoms (K-6 Distress Scale), self-efficacy (General Self-Efficacy Scale; GSE), and social cohesion. Potential mechanisms of change and implementation factors are being investigated through qualitative interviews with a subgroup of 40 IG participants. (3) Conclusions: The results may contribute to knowledge of sports interventions and their effects on psychological well-being and will provide insights regarding low-intensity interventions for supporting adolescent refugees and host populations in conflict-affected settings. The study was prospectively registered at the ISRCTN platform (current-controlled trials). ISRCTN13005983.
... Being in blue and green spaces has also been shown to be linked to improved mental health, potentially mediated by being in a healthier environment conducive to social interactions, restoration, and physical activity [8][9][10]. The possible pathways of restoration, social connectedness and support, personal growth, physical activity, and feeling of being in a safe space have also been identified in the surf therapy research but their predictive weight remain to be confirmed [11][12][13]. More research is needed to elucidate the pathways of blue space and surfing leading to improved mental wellbeing. ...
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Surf therapy is increasingly used as a health intervention, but evidence of its mental health benefits remains unclear. This longitudinal mixed-method study assessed the usability and acceptability of a novel online data collection tool and process to measure the impact of a surf programme on acute and chronic mental wellbeing. Fifteen women attending a 6-week surf programme in the UK were asked to complete a tool consisting of video recordings, word association and the Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being scale (SWEMWBS). Usability and acceptability were assessed through focus groups and quantitative data. The data generated in the focus groups, video recordings and word association were analysed via reflexive thematic analysis, and SWEMWBS presented descriptively. Participants perceived the tool as easy to use due to the completion time and its functionalities, and useful for self-reflection. Facilitating conditions such as timing and location, areas for improvement such as increased privacy, accessibility, incentivisation, and factors impacting data generated were further identified. Data collected covered both acute and chronic mental wellbeing and showed a positive relationship between surf and mental wellbeing. Further research is needed to confirm these findings in diverse populations, identify potential moderators, and confirm the validity of this tool and process.
... There are a growing number of studies that evidence the positive health and wellbeing benefits of access to "blue spaces" [14,15], especially surfing and surf therapy programs [16,17]. Various mediators or enabling factors have been identified for realising these health and wellbeing outcomes, among them the creation of safe spaces and social connection [18]. ...
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Worldwide, there is growing recognition of the wellbeing benefits of accessing and engaging with healthy blue spaces, especially seas, coasts, and beaches. However, vast gender inequalities persist that impact women’s and girls’ ability to safely access these spaces for recreational benefit. This is even more pronounced in the context of emerging surf cultures in regions such as Southeast Asia. Using a qualitative and reflective approach, this paper explored how safe spaces for female surfers are created, using case studies from two female-focused surfing programs in Sri Lanka. To facilitate a safe space, the multi-layered challenges that female surfers face were analysed. The common mediators that enable females to participate in surfing were then investigated and identified, including: seeing surfing as an option, supportive families and communities, the group factor, free lessons, an all-female environment, culturally appropriate surf apparel, and a safe and playful methodology. This study highlights pathways for how unsafe spaces of exclusion and fear may be transformed into safe spaces of inclusion, healing, and empowerment. These findings have implications for how safe spaces may be facilitated for other organisations, as well as the sustainability of female access to surfing, beyond the life of surfing programs.
Zusammenfassung: Depressionen gehören zu den häufigsten psychischen Erkrankungen im Jugendalter. Angesichts der hohen Prävalenzraten und der schwerwiegenden Folgen von Depressionen für die Betroffenen, werden alternative bzw. ergänzende Interventionsformen untersucht. In den letzten Jahren geriet die Sport- und Bewegungstherapie dabei zunehmend in den Fokus. Aktuelle Übersichtsarbeiten weisen auf den potenziellen Nutzen dieses Therapieansatzes zur Reduktion depressiver Symptome hin. Eine innovative Methode der Sport- und Bewegungstherapie, die auch die positiven Auswirkungen des Meeres integriert, stellt die Surftherapie dar. Diese kombiniert die Sportart des Surfens mit strukturierten Übungen zur Förderung des psychischen und physischen Wohlbefindens. International findet die Surftherapie bereits Anwendung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit psychischen Problemen sowie bei Erwachsenen mit diagnostizierten psychischen Erkrankungen wie z. B. Depression oder Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung. Erste Studien weisen auf positive Effekte der Surftherapie im Sinne einer Symptomreduktion hin. Die Studienlage ist jedoch noch gering und weitere Forschung ist notwendig. Im Folgenden stellen wir unsere Pilotstudie dar, die die Durchführbarkeit und Effektivität der Surftherapie zur Behandlung von Depressionen im Jugendalter in Deutschland untersucht.
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The aim of this pilot randomised control trial (RCT) was to test, 1) feasibility and acceptability of a surf therapy program to improve symptoms of mental ill-health among children and adolescents, and 2) the design and procedures of an evaluative study. This pilot RCT compared a 6-week mentor-supported surf therapy program with a wait list control group, in Australian children and adolescents aged 8–18yrs (M age = 11.28, SD = 2.34; 15 females), who were help seeking for issues relating to their mental health. Exclusion criteria included if an individual was actively suicidal or experiencing a psychotic episode or being unavailable for program dates. The primary outcome was the feasibility and acceptability of the intervention and study design assessed via 11 pre-defined criteria. A secondary outcome was to investigate the effectiveness signal of the intervention on child indicators of depression and anxiety, assessed via the Revised Children’s Anxiety and Depression Scale-Short Form and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Random allocation was computer generated and while it was not possible to blind participants, researchers collecting assessments were blinded to group allocation. Thirty-six youth were randomised (intervention = 18; wait list controls = 18), representing an 84% participation rate among eligible youth. Of the 11 a priori feasibility and acceptability criteria, 4 of 5 relating to the intervention, and 4 of 6 addressing the study design were fully met, with the unmet factors guiding program revision. At the completion of the intervention, children and adolescents receiving the intervention reported reductions in symptoms of depression (ES = 0.57), anxiety (ES = 0.43), emotional problems, (ES = 0.79), peer problems (ES = 0.56), hyperactivity/inattention (ES = 0.28), and overall difficulties (ES = 0.64). These reductions were not sustained 6-weeks after completion of the intervention. Surf therapy is an acceptable and feasible intervention for addressing symptoms of mental ill-health among children and adolescents. Preliminary evidence suggests that surf therapy improves symptoms of mental ill-health in the short-term but that these improvements were not sustained after the intervention is ceased.
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Surfing is one additional sport proposed by the Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee. Surprisingly, substantial efforts to understand surfing energetics are recent, and the impact of a single surfing paddling cycle on fatigue and energy cost is still not clear. Since surfing paddling technique is highly specific, experiments in real practice conditions are necessary to provide deeper insights. Through a biophysical approach, biomechanical and energetics responses of surfing paddling were quantified and compared from 16 competitive male surfers (23.5 ± 10.0 years old, 65.3 ± 11.4 kg and 1.72 ± 0.01 m) during two sets (PRE and POST) of 10 s all-out tethered paddling plus 20 m sprint paddling, interposed by 6 min of endurance paddling. Faster surfers presented lower energy cost during sprint PRE (r2 = 0.30, p = 0.03) and endurance (r2 = 0.35, p = 0.02) relative surfing paddling velocities. Although the energy cost was higher for a lower velocity at maximal paddling velocity POST, the energy cost of surfing paddling increased with absolute velocity according to a power function (R2 = 0.83). Our results suggest that fatigue seems to occur even following a single surfing paddling cycle. Developing a powerful and endurable metabolic base while reducing energy cost during surfing paddling should be seen as key factors in surfing training programs.
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Surf therapy is a novel form of sport for development (SFD) intervention being utilized to support well-being within post-conflict settings. There is currently little research exploring surf therapy program theory in SFD contexts. Theoretical exploration is important for optimization, monitoring, and further expansion of service delivery. This research utilized pragmatic qualitative methods to explore participant-perceived impacts and outcomes within the Waves for Change (W4C) surf therapy intervention, as implemented in Harper, Liberia, that aims to support youth well-being. Twenty-three past W4C participants (17 males and 6 females, mean age = 15.8 years, SD = 3.6 years, range 11-25 years) took part in semistructured interviews about their experiences of surf therapy. Data were analyzed through constant comparative analysis. Six impacts and outcomes were identified within three intervention domains: Social, Skills Curriculum/Bananas Culture, and Surfing. The findings highlight sport as an adaptable vehicle for improving well-being and skills within successful intervention delivery while providing a foundation for further in-depth exploration of program theory. Furthermore, the findings provide empirical evidence on how to optimize and proliferate surf therapy within other post-conflict settings. The findings also provide transferable conclusions for the improvement of SFD more generally.
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Background There is limited data available on the long-term mental health impact of Ebola virus disease (EVD) on survivors despite the disease experience of survivors meeting the criteria of a traumatic event as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders version IV (DSM IV). This study aimed to assess the prevalence and predictive factors of anxiety, depression and posttraumatic stress disorder among EVD survivors, approximately 2 years after discharge from the Ebola treatment centre (ETC). Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study between May and August 2017 among 197 adults Ebola survivors in Bombali district, Northern Sierra Leone. We collected information about demographics, mental health status and possible predictive factors. The HAD scale was used to measure anxiety and depression. PTSD was measured using the PTSD-checklist (PCL). Chi-square test or Fisher exact two-tailed tests were used to test for associations and the multiple logistic regressions model to determine factors that were independently associated with the outcome variables. Results The mean anxiety, depression and PTSD scores were (5.0 ± 3.9), (7.1 ± 3.8) and (39.5 ± 6.4) respectively. Based on cut-off scores, the prevalence of anxiety (HADs score ≥ 8), depression (HADs score ≥ 8) and PTSD (PCL ≥ 45) among Ebola survivors were ( n = 49, 24.9%), ( n = 93, 47.2%) and ( n = 43, 21.8%) respectively. Older Ebola survivors (≥30 years) were more likely to show symptoms of depression (AOR = 8.5, 95% CI: 2.68–27.01, p = 0.001) and anxiety (AOR = 3.04; 95%CI: 1.2–7.7, p = 0.019) compared to younger ones (< 30 years). In addition, Ebola survivors who experienced a decreased level of exercise post-ETC discharge were more likely to show symptoms of depression (AOR = 2.63; 95%CI: 1.25–5.54, p = 0.011) and anxiety (AOR = 3.60; 95%CI: 1.33–9.72, p = 0.012) compared to those whose exercise remained the same post-ETC discharge. Conclusion Our findings show that anxiety, depression and PTSD are common among the Ebola survivors in Bombali district, Northern Sierra Leone, and that underscores the need to diagnose and manage mental health morbidities among Ebola survivors long after their recovery from Ebola virus disease. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) need to be explored as part of overall mental healthcare package interventions.
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There is increasing interest in the potential use of outdoor water environments, or blue space, in the promotion of human health and wellbeing. However, therapeutic nature-based practices are currently outpacing policy and the evidence base for health or wellbeing benefits of therapeutic interventions within blue space has not been systematically assessed. This systematic review aims to address the gap in understanding the impacts of blue space within existing interventions for targeted individuals. A systematic review was carried out, searching Google Scholar, SCOPUS, PubMed, etc. through to August 2017. Only blue space interventions were included that were specifically designed and structured with a therapeutic purpose for individuals with a defined need and did not include nature-based promotion projects or casual recreation in the outdoors. Thirty-three studies met the inclusion criteria and were assessed. Overall, the studies suggest that blue care can have direct benefit for health, especially mental health and psycho-social wellbeing. The majority of papers found a positive or weak association between blue care and health and wellbeing indicators. There was also some evidence for greater social connectedness during and after interventions, but results were inconsistent and mixed across studies with very few findings for physical health. This is the first systematic review of the literature on blue care. In summary, it has been shown that mental health, especially psycho-social wellbeing, can be improved with investment in blue spaces. Key areas for future research include improving understanding of the mechanisms through which blue care can improve public health promotion.
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Background: Drowning is a leading cause of unintentional injury related mortality worldwide, and accounts for roughly 320,000 deaths yearly. Over 90% of these deaths occur in low-and middle-income countries with inadequate prevention measures. The highest rates of drowning are observed in Africa. The aim of this review is to describe the epidemiology of drowning and identify the risk factors and strategies for prevention of drowning in Africa. Methods: A review of multiple databases (MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Scopus and Emcare) was conducted from inception of the databases to the 1st of April 2019 to identify studies investigating drowning in Africa. The preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis (PRISMA) was utilised. Results: Forty-two articles from 15 countries were included. Twelve articles explored drowning, while in 30 articles, drowning was reported as part of a wider study. The data sources were coronial, central registry, hospital record, sea rescue and self-generated data. Measures used to describe drowning were proportions and rates. There was a huge variation in the proportion and incidence rate of drowning reported by the studies included in the review. The potential risk factors for drowning included young age, male gender, ethnicity, alcohol, access to bodies of water, age and carrying capacity of the boat, weather and summer season. No study evaluated prevention strategies, however, strategies proposed were education, increased supervision and community awareness. Conclusions: There is a need to address the high rate of drowning in Africa. Good epidemiological studies across all African countries are needed to describe the patterns of drowning and understand risk factors. Further research is needed to investigate the risk factors and to evaluate prevention strategies.
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Mental health issues in young people are a priority for health and social care. Surf therapy is an innovative intervention that may help address this health burden globally. While increasing evidence demonstrates the effectiveness of surf therapy, there has been limited exploration as to how it achieves its outcomes. Such theoretical exploration is important for service optimisation, monitoring and proliferation. This research aimed to adopt, for the first time, a rigorous grounded theory approach to explore underlying programme theory within the Wave Project surf therapy intervention. Participants (n = 22, 14 males and 8 females; mean age = 14 years, SD = 3.5, range 8–23) were interviewed about their intervention experiences. Data were analysed through constant comparative analysis and memo writing. Two core categories reflected mediators by which surf therapy may achieve its outcomes: “Self-Selected Pacing and Progression While Surfing” and “Creation of Emotional and Physical Safe Space at Beach”. Three antecedent (linking known inputs to core categories) and three consequent categories (linking core categories to associated outputs) were also identified. These demonstrate theorised pathways from known inputs to associated outcomes within the intervention. These important findings provide plausible evidence on how to optimise the Wave Project’s delivery in tackling mental health burden.
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Human resources are critical to the success of SDP as a field, and yet little is known about the experience and expertise of the growing number of SDP actors (e.g., practitioners, scholars, students). The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a questionnaire designed to enhance our understanding of the SDP field through the eyes (and experiences) of SDP actors. The current state of the field is assessed, from the definition of SDP to information about the field that is actively sought (e.g., measurement and evaluation, program design and curriculum, funding) to concerns about limited support, ineffective and inequitable practices, and unclear impact. By understanding actors' experiences in and expectations of the SDP field, we are able to identify a set of strengths and weaknesses that must be addressed in order to facilitate the field's growth and development. The paper concludes with a set of recommendations about ways the field can be improved, including enhanced access to resources and research, more quality collaborations and partnerships, and meaningful, rigorous research and evaluation.
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Background The growing number of sport-based youth development interventions provide a potential avenue for integrating sport meaningfully into the U.S. public health agenda. However, efficacy and quality must be reliably established prior to widespread implementation. Methods A comprehensive search of databases, peer-reviewed journals, published reviews, and both published and unpublished documents yielded 10,077 distinct records. Title and abstract screening, followed by full-text screening using 6 criteria, resulted in 56 distinct studies (coalescing into 10 sport-based youth development intervention types) included in the synthesis. These studies were then independently assessed and critically appraised. Results Limited efficacy data were identified, with the quality of methods and evidence largely classified as weak. Processes likely to contribute to the outcomes of sport-based youth development interventions were identified (e.g., predictors of ongoing engagement, alignment between target population and intervention, intervention design), although more rigorous research is needed on these and other processes. Physical health outcomes were only studied in 3 of the 10 intervention types. Conclusions The evidence base does not yet warrant wide-scale implementation of sport-based youth development interventions for public health goals within the U. S., although there is promising research that identifies areas for further exploration. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1186/s12889-019-6387-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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Recently published reviews have begun the process of synthesizing the knowledge within the growing Sport for Development (SfD) field, but there is a need to critically evaluate the research on which these findings are based. This systematic review is a critical appraisal of both quantitative and qualitative evidence in academic and grey literature in the SfD field. The strength and quality of the research is assessed to provide a more nuanced understanding of the reported evidence of SfD interventions in six global cities (Cape Town, Hong Kong, London, Mumbai, Nairobi, and New Orleans). The results include several key findings: (a) there is a limited number of academic and grey literature with enough methodological details for critical appraisal; (b) the quality of methods and evidence in individual studies is largely classified as weak; and (c) there is a need for more rigorous, systematic research and evaluation efforts that are openly shared and assessed. These findings provide a foundation from which to suggest ‘next steps’ for SfD organisations and researchers. © 2018 Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand