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Chatbots: Security, privacy, data protection, and social aspects



Chatbots are artificial communication systems becoming increasingly popular and not all their security questions are clearly solved. People use chatbots for assistance in shopping, bank communication, meal delivery, healthcare, cars, and many other actions. However, it brings an additional security risk and creates serious security challenges which have to be handled. Understanding the underlying problems requires defining the crucial steps in the techniques used to design chatbots related to security. There are many factors increasing security threats and vulnerabilities. All of them are comprehensively studied, and security practices to decrease security weaknesses are presented. Modern chatbots are no longer rule‐based models, but they employ modern natural language and machine learning techniques. Such techniques learn from a conversation, which can contain personal information. The paper discusses circumstances under which such data can be used and how chatbots treat them. Many chatbots operate on a social/messaging platform, which has their terms and conditions about data. The paper aims to present a comprehensive study of security aspects in communication with chatbots. The article could open a discussion and highlight the problems of data storage and usage obtained from the communication user—chatbot and propose some standards to protect the user.
Received: 15 January 2021 Revised: 30 March 2021 Accepted: 10 May 2021
DOI: 10.1002/cpe.6426
Chatbots: Security, privacy, data protection, and social aspects
Martin Hasal1Jana Nowako2Khalifa Ahmed Saghair2Hussam Abdulla2
Václav Snášel2Lidia Ogiela3
1IT4Innovations, VSB—Technical University of
Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic
2Department of Computer Science, Faculty of
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
VSB—Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava,
Czech Republic
3Pedagogical University of Krakow, Krakow,
Jana Nowaková, VSB-Technical University of
Ostrava, 17. listopadu 2172/15, 708 00
Ostrava—Poruba,Czech Republic.
Funding information
European Regional Development Fund,
Grant/Award Number:
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic,
Grant/Award Number: TN01000024; Vysoká
Škola Bánská - Technická Univerzita Ostrava,
Grant/Award Number: SP2021/24
Chatbots are artificial communication systems becoming increasingly popular and not
all their security questions are clearly solved. People use chatbots for assistance in
shopping,bank communication, mealdelivery, healthcare,cars, and manyotheractions.
However, it brings an additional security risk and creates serious security challenges
which have to be handled. Understanding the underlying problems requires defin-
ing the crucial steps in the techniques used to design chatbots related to security.
There are many factors increasing security threats and vulnerabilities. All of them are
comprehensively studied, and security practices to decrease security weaknesses are
presented. Modern chatbots are no longer rule-based models, but they employ modern
natural language and machine learning techniques. Such techniques learn from a con-
versation, which can contain personal information. The paper discusses circumstances
under which such data can be used and how chatbots treat them. Many chatbots oper-
ate on a social/messaging platform, which has their terms and conditions about data.
The paper aims to present a comprehensive study of security aspects in communica-
tion with chatbots. The article could open a discussion and highlight the problems of
data storage and usage obtained from the communication user—chatbot and propose
some standards to protect the user.
chat, chatbots, data protection, GDPR, security, virtual assistants
A chatbot, short for chat robot, or bot*, short for chat robot, is an application that interacts with humans through user command. The interaction
is done mostly through voice and text conversations. It is designed to replicate the pattern of human interaction, thus allowing human conversa-
tion with machines.1In 1966, Joseph Weizenbaum developed a computer program that demonstrated the possibilities of communication between
a human and a computer via natural language, and, as such, he introduced the first generation of chatbots.2,3 A chatbot is supposed to work inde-
pendently of the human operator at its end. It tries to understand the queries and provide appropriate responses. If, at any point, the conversation
crosses its current knowledge, it deflects the conversation or passes it to human operators. However, modern chatbots are simultaneously learning
from the conversation using machine learning algorithms to providebetter answers in the future. Studies show that humans have less experience in
*A bot is sometimes referred to as a chatbot, but to be precise, a bot is a computer program (tool) that automates processes. A chatbot is a sub-genre of the bot environmentwith a focus on talking
or conversation. Some companies instead of Chatbot use the name ‘Conversational AI’ or ‘AI chatbots’ to highlight that their chatbot is powered by machine learning and information retrieval
techniques. In this article the term ‘chatbot’is used for all types of chatbots.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2021 The Authors. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experiencepublished by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Concurrency Computat Pract Exper. 2021;e6426. 1of13
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FIGURE 1 The structure of chatbot
interacting with chatbots than with other humans.4Therefore, the comfort level for the user is lower. Chatbots still face unpopularity among users;
users often close the conversation when theyfind out that they are not talking with a real person. Modern chatbots, however, are built upon conver-
sational data from multiple sources. It makes the conversation more natural for the person interacting with the chatbot, which can use typical typos,
such as switched letters, and so forth. In essence, chatbots are nothing more than a programmed input-output system, where the output or input is
presented in a pleasing way through natural language in the written or spoken form. Hence, many companies recognized that chatbots are a great
tool for improving customer relationships as they can operate on many platforms simultaneously, see Figure 1. Nowadays, many customers use dig-
ital communication channels and they appreciate a chatbot’s advantages, such as 24/7 customer service, personalized interaction, and no waiting
time. Forcompanies, chatbots essentially mean cost savings as many processes are repeated and can be automated, and employees can be dedicated
to more complex tasks. Large technology companies such as Google, Facebook, and IBM have contributed to chatbot development and research in
recent years. Naturally, they have access to a large amount of data on which chatbots can be trained. One of the most well-known examples are the
question answering system named Watson by IBM, Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Google’s recent chatbot Meena.5-7 As a
matter of fact, all systems are rather open-domain chatbots,8which can engage in conversation on any topic and understand text and speech. The
primary goal of these companies is to develop voice assistants5based on natural language processing (NLP), information retrieval techniques, and
machine learning (ML) methods. Users can ask their assistants to control home automation devices, play back media via voice, manage other basic
tasks such as email, to-do lists, and calendars with verbal commands.9The options of voice assistants increase everyday.7
Contrary to popular belief, many chatbots used by online stores, banks, industrial technical support, and so forth, are created by small or
medium-sized companies (compared to the companies mentioned above, which also provide services to create closed-domain chatbots). Such
chatbots are called closed-domain chatbots. Usually, they correspond to (or search for) keywords or intents to accomplish specific tasks. Tech-
nical solutions vary from company to company, but they generally use the client’s knowledge, such as a webpage, manuals, FAQs, documents,
human–human transcripts, and so forth; and use this knowledge to create chatbots specific to tasks suited to the givencompany.The differentiation
that big companies create open-domain chatbots and small companies create closed-domain chatbots is not exact. There are companies or scien-
tific teams creating open-domain chatbots,10 but the creation of human-competitive chatbots requires a lot of data and experiencedprogrammers.
The advantage is that both types of chatbots share some methods and technical solutions,10 which can be used by people creating a knowledge base
for other languages,11,12 and to get to level five in AI assistants.
Generally, all chatbots are designed to reduce the necessity of humans in classic conversation, for example, in e-shops, banking, medical advice,
GDPR rules, psychotherapy,13 and so forth. Nowadays, the chatbots also have been shown to be very useful and time-saving in situations such as
hotlines during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.14-16 On the other hand, pandemic situations make people less cautious about sharing per-
sonal data and revealing their fears.17 Chatbots work with user data; chatbots even ‘learn’ from these data. This means they could be considered to
be a security problem. Users mostly do not know how their sensitive personal identifying information (PII) is treated, used, stored, or even shared.
Generally, it is not a good situation and the new General Data Protection Regulation, well known as GDPR18, also raises the problem of security.
The main aim of the current study is to highlight and discuss all the important security, privacy, data protection and social aspects in the usage of
chatbots through the systematic review of the available literature, and to present a comprehensive view to the given problem. Further, the study
indicates challenges in security issues and propose ways to minimize security problems that appear with chatbots’ usage.
The concept of this paper is to provide comprehensive insight into the state-of-the-art of chatbots security issues and challenges. The next
section, a brief history of chatbots, presents important steps in chatbots evolution. It points out the steps related to the present topic. Section 3 gives
an overview of the potential security issues and threats and describes responsivesteps. The comprehensive part of Section 3 covers the problematic next-generation-of- ai-assistants- in-enterprise/. protection_en.
of data storage obtained during communication, which is closely related to the GDPR rules. The summary and identification of critical issues to the
GDPR rules regarding chatbots are also discussed. Section 4 provides a discussion about the explored findings and social aspects and extends the
security topic to the chatbots’ messaging platforms. Finally, in the last section, the entire study description, limitations and outline of future work
are concluded with the authors’ suggestions.
The history of chatbots or social bots (also: socialbots or socbots, agents that communicate more or less autonomously on social media19) concerns
many ideas and technological steps. The whole history of the chatbots10,20 is not presented, but crucial chatbots or steps in developmentwith respect
to security and the knowledge base are mentioned. The discussion can be either by chatting by typing text or speech dialogue using a voice; or some
chatbots can have a visual avatar§which adds facial expressions to the conversation. The processing of the information in both techniques is the
same; speech is converted to text in the case of spoken dialogue; textual information is further analyzed.
The first chatbot (called ELIZA2) was developed in 1966 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It answered some very simple
decision tree questions. A decision tree is a decision support tool that uses a tree-like model of decisions and their possible consequences.21 The
gross procedure program of ELIZA and manyfollowing chatbots is the following: It reads and inspects the text for the presence of keywords.If such a
word is found, the sentence is transformed according to a rule associated with the keyword; if not, a content-free remark or, under certain conditions,
earlier transformation is retrieved.After that, the answer (based on computed or retrieved text and decision tree probability) is printed out. Finding
the right keyword is not an easy task. In detail, sentences can contain more than one keyword in a different form or position in a sentence. Such a
situation requires techniques like parsing, pattern matching, AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language),chat scripts, or even language tricks.20
Such techniques were developed and improved in recent decades.20
The chatbot A.L.I.C.E. (the Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity) introduced AIML,22,23 which is a derivative of XML. AIML technology
is responsible for pattern matching to relate a user input with a response of the chatbots’s Knowledge Base (KB).24,25 A.L.I.C.E. used AIML objects
to simplify conversational modelling, in relation to a ‘stimulus-response’ process. The primary elements of an AIML object (input sentence)are cate-
gories, patterns, and templates. For each category a response template and set of conditions are prepared that give meaning to the template known
as context.24 A.L.I.C.E.preprocesses AIML objects (performs word processing actions to fit the user’s input to a pre-established format) and matches
the input in a KB by pattern matching. If the input is matched, A.L.I.C.E. responds or performs a predefined action. One of the most widely used
standalone human-like chatbots based on AIML is Mitsuku.26 It applies NLP with heuristic patterns and supervised ML. Mitsuku is a multi-lingual
chatbot, but the new data are sent to the human manager for verification, and only accepted data are involved in KB. Mitsuku needs a large amount
of training data to lead an effective dialog.10
The creation of a knowledge base by combining the attributes of two other chatbots is also possible.27 The authors created the Just.Chat plat-
form combining attributes of two other Chatbots. It processed the knowledge bases using three filters to—discard overlappinginteractions, identify
personal questions, and deal with interactions containing unwanted terms or topics. The present method was able to produce a chat corpus with
around 7800 pairs of interactions in total. It helped to improve chatbot design techniques.
The Cleverbot28 chatbot implements rule-based AI techniques.29 Cleverbot is capable of having a natural conversation with a human, whereas
programmers do not predefine its responses. Its KB is based on conversational exchanges with people online through crowdsourcing. It means that
Cleverbot’s responses are based on the user’s inputs and feedback. Cleverbot can learn from historical conversations,4so its responses can vary
over time. Cleverbot has a few disadvantages, such as a sudden change of language (e.g., from English to Italy, if a user writes an Italian phrase), a
change in the discussed topic, unpredictable responses and no ability to have a longer discussion on the given topic. To chat with Cleverbot,the
user must confirm they are over 18 years old since Cleverbot learns many phrases from its users.
Most of the AI chatbots are based on a Deep Learning leverage sequence to sequence (Seq2Seq) model.30 The Seq2Seq model showed great
results in machine translations of other NLP related fields.31 The general strategy is to map the input sequence to a fixed-sized vector using one
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and subsequently mapping the vector to the target sequence with another RNN. Most NLP is now based on
language models produced by machine learning RNN, as the advantage is that RNN is able to effectively use data from previoussteps32 and to model
sequence data. An RNN treats each word of a sentence as a separate input occurring at time ‘t’ and also uses the activation value at ‘t1’ as an input in
addition to the input at time ‘t’. Consequently, RNN predicts the next word in a sentence with more accuracy, based on what the previous words were.
In short, chatbots can predict an outcome (give an answer) based on historical conversations with similar previous texts—text generation. With an
appropriate dataset, which is suitable for modelling long and open-domain dialogues close to spoken human language, open-domain conversational
dialogue systems can be created.33 The more conversational data are availableon a given topic, the better the chatbot is in this topic, but it fails in
others. This is why the past conversations from any sources are so valuable. For instance, many companies use transcripts of human workers and
4of13 HASAL ET AL.
promise that they can ‘automate’it once they’ve collected enough data. Fornow, this is only possible in specific areas—like chat interfaces on booking
web-pages. On the other hand, systems based on RNN can help to assist human workers by proposing and correcting responses. Open-domain
chatbots can ask, for example, the same question several times and subsequently evaluate the best answer.
IBM started the DeepQA project to create a rule-based AI chatbot called Watson.34 Watson is used as an information-retrieval and
question-answering system. It is based on NLP and hierarchical ML method. It finds and assigns feature values (values, names, dates, etc.) to gener-
ate responses based on the score. Watson’s cognitive computing technology involves dealing with complex and unstructured data, finding patterns,
processing text on technologies such as Hadoop and the Apache Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA) framework. Watson
has almost limitless potential, but the complex technology makes it difficult to use without significant effort.
Microsoft also created a few chatbots/assistants, such as LUIS,35 Cortana,36 Tay,37 Zo, Xiaoice, Rinna, and so forth; here only LUIS and Cortana
are mentioned. LUIS is the acronym for Language Understanding Information Service. LUIS uses NLP in big data analyses to find intents from a
sentence.As soon as LUISrecognizesthe user’s intents, theusersupplies examplephrasescalled utterancesfor the intents. LUISrequiresa Microsoft
Azure subscription, as it is integrated with the Azure Bot Service. This makes it easy to create a chatbot which is connected to Azure pre-built apps
and data lakes. Cortana is profiled as Microsoft’s personal productivity assistant, which recognizes natural language and processes all the users’
information, interests, routines, calendars, searches, and so forth, allowing to erase, suggest or improve the user’s search preferences. Cortana is
connected to Microsoft products, Bing, Outlook, Skype, and so forth. Cortana is a working demonstration that chatbots can help users to speed up
work in many domains. Cortana’s connection with Cortana Analytics Suite is interesting. It enables the chatbot to be driven by the outcome of the
ML algorithm.
Chatbots also serve in the healthcare domain, where they help to navigate patients through the treatment procedure. The ViDi (Virtual Dieti-
cian) chatbot interacts with diabetic patients as a virtual adviser.38 ViDi was designed to solve health problems and be the web-based chatbot as
a redesigned version.39 ViDi uses a special pattern to remember past conversational paths. The path is divided into three levels of nine questions
each, and this is done by the Vpath parameter, which determines the patient’s path. The redesigned version of ViDi used a relation database (SQL)
and web programming languages such as PHP, HTML and XHR. Similarly, the MS Azure Bot Service can be used in medical applications.
Threats and vulnerabilities are the two main categories of security issues. A security threat is defined as a risk by which an organization and its
systems can be compromised. Computer security threats40 are identified by a STRIDE model as Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information
Disclosure, Denial of Service, Elevation of Privileges, and many more; every security threat should be reduced by protective mechanisms ensuring
the following properties as Authenticity, Integrity, Non-repudiation, Confidentiality, Availability, Authorization, and many others.41
System vulnerabilities are weakness which can be exploited by an attacker, to cross privilege boundaries (i.e., perform unauthorized actions)
within a computer system.42 The system is vulnerable when it has weak coding, lacks current drivers on the hardware side, has a weak firewall,
and so forth. Human errors mostly cause system vulnerabilities. SDL (Security Development Lifecycle) helps to avoid such errors.43 As many chat-
bots use cloud computing services, which have threats and vulnerabilities very well handled, to store the data,5the following text is focused on the
communication part and different aspects of data manipulation. Companies not using cloud services usually also handle previous topics during the
implementation phase of the chatbot system.
Secure messaging can be divided into two domains. The fist domain concerns security in data transfers, that is, the secure transfer of messages,
voice, and images to a server on which the chatbot is hosted. The second domain deals with the user’s data on the server (backend), that is, how
the data is processed, stored, and shared. Both domains cover the lifecycle of the user’s domain. There are several threats to user messages in the
first domain. The following text analyzes the methods to increase security in chatbot communication. Not all of them are generally used, as it is not
necessary in many cases. If any company processes a user’s data, most of the following methods must be implemented. The following methods cover
any communication with the chatbot, such as a pop-up chat window in a web-browser or mobile application.
Authentication and authorization
Confirmation of the user identity (authentication) is not always mandatory. When the user asks for help, for example, on a shopping website, usually
no authentication is needed. In this case, the system does not require the identification of the user or access to the user’s data. The situation is differ-
entwhen the user asksforhelp and the chatbotworks with user’s data. Atypical exampleischatting with a bankingchatbotabout an account balance.
In this case, authentication and authorization are necessary to identify that a user is verified with valid and secure login credentials. The credentials
aremostly a username, networkaddress, system ID, phone number,biometric identification, certificate,password, and other methodsofverification.
Suchcredentials are sent bythe usertothe system and thesystem creates a secure authenticationtoken,which isused throughout the user’s session.
In the communication with a bank (and similarly protected services), tokens are temporary. The system must create a new token after a given period.
The greater protection of a user’s data and communication is ensured by two-factor authentication,44 for example,the user is asked to verify the
authentication of account credentials through an email and text message. There are also (higher) multi-factor authentication schemes,45 but such
methods are rarely used during the login and conversation with a chatbot. In summary, authorization ensures that the correct person has access to
the right data and services and authorization is necessary when a chatbot works with a user’s data.
The storage and sharing of personal data over the internet is never safe enough. While interacting with the bots, a personal authentication
security (Personal Scan) layerwould confirm the user’s confirmation by the bots. The personal scan would also ensure that in the case of interacting
with a rogue chatbot, the information of the user would not be used by hackers or other phishing agents.46
Malicious chatbots operating on cross-platform instant messaging applications (Viber, WhatsApp, etc.) can contact the user and pretend to be,
for example,a pizza order chatbot. Such a situation is called Smishing.47 From the moment when user responds to the attacker, the chatbot continues
in the conversation.The goal is similar to other phishing schemes to steal personal data. Receiving messages from unknown p eople/services is a good
indication that it is probably phishing. Many online phishing attacks are sent from a hackedaccount into the user’s friends’ accounts. Not responding
to unknown messages and authorizations can protect a user from a smishing attack. Authentication for user applications defends the users’ data
and devices from misuse; that is, when a user loses a phone or computer or leaves them unlocked. If a chatbot window was open, then an attacker
could just ask the chatbot for sensitive information. Here the temporary tokens are necessary.
End-to-End Encryption
End-to-End Encryption (E2EE) is a system of communication where only the communicating parties can read the messages. The conversation is
encrypted in a way that only the unique recipient of a message is allowed to decrypt it, and not anyonein between. Transported data can be tampered
and spoofed by a third party. Hence, it is important to ensure that only the involved parties have access to the cryptographic keys required to decrypt
the conversation.
In the case of public-key encryption, the user’s device generates a pair of keys—private and public. There are different protocols to provide
encryption, like the RSA algorithm.48 The public key is used for encrypting the messages, and the corresponding private key can decrypt those mes-
sages. Naturally, the public key can be used by anyone who sends the message to the private key owner. Simply put, both sides of the chatbot can
share the public key to encrypt the communication. Encryption is sometimes used with authentication and integrity protection schemes. It is very
important to keep the user’s private key safe, otherwise an attacker can decrypt all the messages that are intended for this user.
As in the previous case, chatbots which do not work with personal data mostly do not use E2EE. Many chatbots operating on a website use only
Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS), which transfers data through an encrypted connection by a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport
Layer Security (TSL). HTTPS is ‘point-to-point’ encryption as opposed to ‘end-to-end’ encryption. HTTPS is secure on the user’s connection to a load
balancer, but then the data are decrypted back to plain text. This makes the data open to attack all services after the load balancer#.OnlyE2EE
ensures the safe data transfer between involved subjects.
Article 32 (a) of the GDPR specifically requires that companies take measures to pseudonymize and encrypt personal data|| . Many chatbots
are connected to WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Slack, and so forth. As GDPR requires the encryption of personal data, many chatbots
operating on these networks support data encryption. For example, Facebook Messenger has a feature called ‘Secret Conversations’ that enables
E2EE based on Signal Protocol developed by Open Whisper Systems. Note that there is a ‘law versus privacy’ conflict49 and companies in some
states must design their encrypted products and services whereby governments, acting with appropriate legal authority, can gain access to the data
in a readable and usable format**.
Self-destructing messages
In many cases when Sensitive PII (Personally identifiableinformation) is transmitted, self-destructing messages are a practical solution. Messages
containing PII are automatically erased after a set period. It can involve both sides—the user and the chatbot. Self-destructing messages are an
important security practice in communication with financial (banking) and healthcare chatbots. Specifically, Article 5 (e) of the GDPR states that
personal data shall be kept for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is being processed. General conversation is not personal,
but financial and healthcare data are. It is not easy to distinguish by chatbot what is and what is not personal information (e.g., in communication
with a pharmacy chatbot), but this is also defined by GDPR, and Protected Health Information50 (PHI) defined under US law. According toPHI, any
information about health status, the provision of health care, or payment for health care is created or collected by a Covered Entity and must not be
# end-encryption- vs-https/.
|| measures-you-need-to-consider/.
** end-encryption-and- public-safety.
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linked to a specific individual. GDPR compliance requires an ‘intent level’ of privacy. This means that only the user’s intent will be logged and stored
for audit purposes and the personal information of the user must never be revealed, not even from the backend.
User communication data, backend side
The previous topic deals with secure communication, which is necessary in many cases. Nevertheless, communications with chatbots are mostly
stored on the backend side. The communication and the user’s data are private data which should be stored to resist potential security threats.41
The historical conversations are extremely valuable for chatbot developers and companies. When a customer calls a hotline, an interactive voice
response (IVR) announces ‘this call may be monitored or recorded’. Contact centers can legally record and monitor phone calls in the EU and UK.
The situation is more difficult to answer in the US, where the laws vary across states. The same ‘monitoring’ happens in chatbot conversations,
but the approval is hidden in the website terms and conditions and disclaimers. Companies use the stored conversation for an analysis of their
services and as protection in possible litigation. Chatbot developers analyze communications for the better improvement of a chatbot’s quality, as
ML methods need the data to be trained on and the quality of the model generally grows with the amount of data.51 Most of the companies store
the communication with a chatbot due to the aforementioned reasons. Companies handling PII according to the GDPR definition must take special
actions to store data safely; see the following text for more details. For instance, banks use self-destructing messages, but the system contains logs
and account balance records.
Article 32 (a) of the GDPR specifically requires that companies take action to pseudonymize and encrypt personal data. The communication
with a chatbot can be stored, but without a connection to a given user and user data, or it must be protected. In the first case, the database contains
just the communication and can be shared with the development team; unless it contains information that identifies an individual either directly
or indirectly.9Companies use regular expressions, pattern matching, and entity recognition methods to detect personal data. On the other hand,
Cortana, for its proper functionality, needs to collect a lot of data about its user: it has access to contact lists, an overview of sent and received
e-mails, short messages, and incoming and outgoing calls. In addition, it also tracks where the user is, what he says, what music he listens to, what he
buys, what movies he watches, and what he does in the browser. This data is then sent to the operator’s server for analysis. For these reasons, it is
recommended that anyone who does not intend to use the personal assistant function should turn it off on their device.However, even after Cortana
is turned off, the data it has collected remains stored on the servers, and Bing returns to it when it searches for user requests. This is another aspect,
chatbots can have access to any data on the given platform. Accessibility to many data sources is a potential security risk in companies’ chatbots;
configuration of user control and access permissions is a must. Hence, the communication must be secure and the chat history must be well handled
when personal data are involved. It is manageable in closed-domain chatbots.
A little more problematic is the situation with open-domain chatbots, which are not as restricted as closed-domain chatbots. Note that
closed-domain chatbots working with PII require authentication and authorization, and users agree with terms and conditions. On the contrary,
a user can discuss any topic she/he likes with open-domain chatbots, but the chatbot’s providers discourage people from chatting about personal
details. Someone can admit that free open-domain chatbots are mostly for fun, as they cannot yet lead a serious discussion on any topic. However,
the social-bot52 application Replika, for example, allows you to become friends with the AI,53 then people can share their feelings, more than just
PII by the GDPR definition. Table 1 summarizes the information which is shared with third parties by three popular chatbots—Replika, Kuki, and
CleverBot. It can be seen that all companies share some user data (to third-party tracking and analytic tools, like Google Analytics54 ) and cook-
ies. This helps companies evaluate the type of customers. Chatbots are mostly hosted on cloud-based services, which has their own privacy policy
for user data.55 All companies can read all messages to improve their services. Hence, it is not a private chat by definition. Lastly, many chatbots
can be hosted on many communication channels, see Figure 1; and messages can be duplicated on another server, for example, WhatsApp data are
stored on Google Drive, see Section 4. Currently, on GooglePlay and in the AppStore there are hundreds of chatbot applications, which try to be
the user’s best friends, medical helper, teacher of foreign language by chat, girl/boyfriend, and even oracle from Tarot cards. This is potentially dan-
gerous, because people can send their PII to anonymous services or can get wrong information from untrustworthy services; and all these services
collect data.
3.1 Chatbot security versus the new law in the European Union’s GDPR
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is considered by many to be the golden standard among data privacy regulations and as an example
for other states. Chatbots have access to an increasing variety of PII and personal details on their user base. In this regard, the European Union
formed the GDPR whereby the mandate constructs the people’s fundamental right of privacy and freedom to protect personal data from malicious
use. Malicious use comprises unregulated data storage, authentication without the user’s permission, and the authorization and encryption of the
personal data without the user permissions.56 If a chatbot can access the personal data of a user, the chatbots must have the GDPR mandates and
regulations in place. Article 5 (e) of the GDPR orders that personal data shall be kept for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is
TA B L E 1 Information shared by chatbot companies with third parties
Stored data /chatbots Replika Kuki CleverBot
Name S* S
Other profile information birthday, gender, work status, and so forth N N
Email address, phone number S* S
Facts about you and your life, hobbies and interests N
People mentioned in the chat N
Images sent, voice messages S**
Text chat N S** S (‘starred’)
Usage data—button clicks, search queries, and similar S S S
Cookies S S S
Backend infrastructure Azure, AWS AWS UK company servers
Note: ‘S’ is used for shared and ‘N’ for not shared. Items marked with ‘*’ are mandatory and ‘**’ are items shared without any PII. Notation
‘starred’ means that popular text messages can be shared. Empty cells are not specified in the privacy policy.
being processed. Note that GDPR is enforced only in companies based in the EU or in services processing EU citizens’ personal data. Article 4 (1) of
the GDPR defines ‘1personal data’ as being any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’).
The GDPR defines principles and the lawful bases for processing personal information and also specifies rights for individuals:57 Transparency
in data procession, Data minimization (the personal data processed is adequate, relevant, and limited), Purpose limitation (personal data can be
collected, but not further processed), Storage limitation (personal data are deleted when it is no longer needed), and Download (personal data are
provided on demand), Change (right to change personal data), and Remove (sometimes called Right to be forgotten, i.e., delete all the user’s data).
The new GDPR mandate mentions that every technology that uses personal user data must maintain strict security so that there is no mali-
cious activity of encryption leading to the infringement of personal rights and personal data. The mandate also clearly mentions that the tool or the
software must make sure that it has alternativeoptions in cases of the accidental or unlawful destruction of personal data, unauthorized disclosure
of the personal data and its transmission thereof. Therefore, every chatbot must have ‘appropriate safeguards’ to avoid encryption-based security
challenges. The authentication of personal data and its usage is also mandated in the GDPR. The authentication of personal data must be by bio-
metric data and not photographs of the actual user. This also comes under the personal scan security threats of chatbots. It is the legal obligation
that no personal data can be gathered or used in any form from the authentication process. The controller, the chatbot, in this case, is also obligated
to gather all forms of authentication data entered by a person in order to match the degree of fundamental personal rights. The user’s intents are
logged, can be kept for audit purposes and must be revealed on demand.
Data storage as per the mandate of GDPR is a processing method and must not restrict any user from its usage unless the user violates the code
of conduct (GDPR). A GDPR compliance measure is to have an ‘intent level’ of privacy. Besides, data storage by the controller must not use unlawful
or unfair means to keep secondary storage of the original data. Personal data of any type must fully maintain its integrity and confidentiality. Every
entity must ensure that only the authorized user is allowed to view or use the personal data stored. Therefore, aspects like biometric scans and
authentication methods are a must. Only the user itself can exchange personal information, but the system must not reveal the data.
Therefore, following the mandates of the GDPR in lieu of chatbot developers implicates the need for data protection by maintaining the law-
fulness, fairness and transparency of the stored personal data. In addition, the mandate also indicates the need for accuracy of the personal data,
accountability, confidentiality and storage limitations, thereby reducing the chances of security threats. The mandate of data governance obliga-
tions for authorization and authentication processes may reduce the security challenges of chatbots. Many companies creating chatbot building
platforms added commands similar to ‘Request Download Data’, ‘Delete Personal Data’ or ‘Change Personal Data’, which give users some control
over their personal data.
There are still some open issues with GDPR and chatbots.57 The GDPR provides the ‘right to be informed’ about how the data are processed,
but overallalgorithmic transparency is low. The basic fact about chatbots’ algorithmic construction is known, see Section 2. On the other hand, many
implementation details and knowledge bases (created from collected conversations)will never be revealed bycompanies. Chatbots also do mistakes
as they learn from examples with mistakes. Chatbots based on RNN (see references in Section 2) do grammatical mistakes. Chatbots can go off
the rails like Microsoft’s Tay did.37 Therapist chatbots, best-friend chatbots, finance chatbots, and the like can give wrong advice. Companies must
somehow handle huge amounts of data to make generative models feasible, but so everything can be corrected. The question is who is responsible
when something bad happens, the user blindly relying on a chatbot or incautious developers?
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Big data versus Data minimization and Storage limitation; many companies store data as long as possible, and time-limit is defined by the neces-
sity to keep the data. The right to be forgotten is also complicated in the chatbot field. Past communications can be used to train AI chatbots, but
once (e.g., RNN) a model is created; it is impossible to remove such communications. It should not generally be an issue. If a user can be identified
indirectly or distinguished in the group by some data, then such data are personal according to GDPR (‘profiling’). Similarly, if a user uses a unique
answer, greeting, word, and so forth, then the chatbot can use this phrase and the user’s content can be identified. There are special categories of
personal data in GDPR (e.g., ethnicity or sexual orientation). A chatbot does not have to respect such aspects of conversation. It is difficult to find
the correct strategy to provide reasonable replies and fully respect all aspects of conversation at the same time. The principal aim is to produce con-
sistent answers to semantically identical inputs. One solution could be Persona-Based Conversation Models.58,59 Such models provide consistent
answers and could be a solution for this type of conversation. Contesting decision (Art 22 GDPR) gives a user a right not to be subject to a deci-
sion based solely on automated processing and contest the result of automated individual decision-making. It means that users have the right not
to be subject to automated decision-making (e.g., by analysis of conversation), especially in Persona-Based Conversation Models. Users are mostly
not informed about being a subject of automated decision-making, which is quite natural in AI chatbots. By Art 13-15 (refers to Article 22(1) and
(4)), data processors must inform about the existence of using automated systems, but not about the right of a user not to be subject to automated
individual decision-making. Suppose the user in communication decides not to be subject to automated individual decision-making. In that case, it
won’t be easy to continue in conversation as manyAI chatbots automatically create the user’s profile, especially in open-domain chatbots and voice
The last issue is about settings of cookies and other data collected by third parties. When a user visits a website, he/she is asked to actively
agree to cookies, but this is not the case with many chatbots. Especially those operating on a mobile app, which can also have access to the device’s
hardware information and other data.
Chatbotsare starting to dominatein many areas, as they are efficient,operate24/7,and represent a pleasingwayof giving instructions to acomputer.
As was mentioned in the introduction, chatbots are nothing more than a programmed input–output system and basic ‘recipes’ for how to create
and operate chatbots are known. The usage of chatbots comes with great responsibility and cyber-security risks. In manycases, chatbots work with
‘sensitive information’, and security practices should be implemented. Communication with chatbots is done via already implemented channels and
protocols. Forthe most part, the communication does not present security issues that have not already been discovered and properly mitigated. But
still, not every chatbot communicates through encrypted channels and users should not send any personal data during chatting.
Some security issues come with stored communications and user data. The problem is that communication is extremely valuable and many
companies store past communication. Data can be encrypted on servers, but the ML algorithm cannot be taught on encrypted data. The result would
not make sense; moreover, NLP tools are not prepared to learn on encrypted data. This is one of the moments when communication is revealed
and can be read. Companies must handle such situations according to the GDPR and other similar rules when PII are presented. Companies and
employees would not share the discussion with PII. From a general perspective, chatbots record and learn from previous communication; they later
re-use words, phrases, and complete utterances from conversations when talking with others later.
Another issue is that chatbots can operate on third-party conversational interfaces/networkslike Facebook Messenger, Viber, Facebook What-
sApp, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and so forth. Owners of those app/networks have different policies about what belongs to the user and what
belongs to the company when the user uses their services. For example, there were more than 300,000 activechatbots on Facebook alone in 2018,
which exchanged 8 billion messages between people and businesses. It is four times more than the number of messages exchanged in 2017††. Those
and similar companies evaluate the price of data from chatbots.60 It is not only about using previous communication to train the chatbot’s ML
algorithm; it is about cookies, user preferences, the main discussion topics of different groups, activity, language, positive/negative messages,and
any other features which can be extracted from chatbots and sold to other customers. Note, any of the previous features belongs to the PII cate-
gory, and still are very valuable for personalization and information retrieval.59 For instance, Facebook WhatsApp recently changed its terms and
privacy policy to connect WhatsApp with other Facebook companies and use some information collected from WhatsApp‡‡. It means that business
messages can be used for commercial purposes, and some of them are also stored on Facebook’s servers. As was mentioned at the beginning of this
paragraph, many business messages are created by business chatbots.
When a user chats with a chatbot on popular communication platforms, the platform operator gets information about it. To have a perspective
about the user data stored by the terms policy, for example, WhatsApp stores—Device ID, User ID, Advertising data, Purchase history, Rough place-
ment, Telephone number, Email address, Contacts, Product interaction, Failure data, Performance data, Additional diagnostic data, Payment info,
Customer support, Product interaction, and Other user content.
†† new-tools- for-businesses- and- people-to- deepen-connections- in- messenger/.
‡‡https://www.xda- terms-privacy- policy- mandate-data- sharing-facebook/.
FIGURE 2 Snapshot of conversation with kuki_ai chatbot
Facebook Messenger collects Purchase history, Additional financial information Exact location, Rough placement, Physical address, Email
address, Name, Telephone number, Additional user contact information, Contacts, Photos or videos, Game content, Other user content, Search
history, Browsing history,User ID, Device ID,Product interaction, Advertising data, Further information on use, Failure data Performancedata, Addi-
tional diagnostic data, Other types of data, Browsing history, Health, Fitness, Payment info, Photos or videos, Audio data, Game content, Customer
support, Other user content, Search history Sensitive information, iMessages, Email address, Phone number Search history, and Device ID.
Signal stores no information, except the Phone number (the only personal information) and Signal does not attempt to associate it with your
Telegram stores collected Contact information, Contacts, and User ID. User should know this, because in modern data driven world information
channels can be connected.
Possibly not now, but certainly in the future, people can be recognized by text; similarly to how a neural network identified the specific scenes
in Henry VIII which were not written by William Shakespeare.61 The digital footprints60 of many users can be collected from many sources and
compared for similarity.
There are thousands of chatbots connected to webpages, operating on WhatsApp, Facebook, LinkedIn, Viber and other communications chan-
nels,hundreds of chatbots withtheir own application, andafew very complexchatbots likeCortana operating simultaneously in CortanaIntelligence
Suite, Windows, and many other devices. It is not easy to compare the terms and privacy policy concerning the data processing of all companies.
The issue is that people click to accept and do not read the terms and conditions in all services. There are some regulations (like GDPR) made by a
government or other authority to control and protect people’s personal data which give some level of trustworthiness. People should avoid using
the services which do not follow basic security rules discussed in Section 3. Even kuki_ai chatbot has an opinion about data sharing, see Figure 2.
Social aspects
This article focuses more on the technical solutions of security details around chatbots, but the authors also have to mention the social aspects of
using chatbots to complete the security topic. Social aspects can enlarge because chatbots try to draw user attention and keep the user in communi-
cation. Communication in natural language is an important way of expressing feelings, ideas and concerns between humans. As chatbots learn from
the user, they can take over the user’s rhetoric.One example is Microsoft’s social media-based chatbot ‘Tay’, who ‘evolved’ from a normal teenage girl
to a chatbot displaying anti-Semitic, racist and sexist attitudes in less than sixteen hours.37 Microsoft’s social media-based chatbot ‘Zo’ also picked
up some offensive habits.62
Despite the intention of their designers, many ML implementations have developed harmful human-like biases that cannot be easily
removed.62-66 On the other hand, chatbots can be pre-biased and, for example, trained to influence public opinion and discourse.67-69 Shortly, social
chatbots started to operate on many social platforms to spread pre-programmed information. Even chatbot assistants, who recommend a restau-
rant, flight, financial product, medicament, and so forth, can be pre-programmedto offer users prearranged products. This creates additional income
for the chatbot creators from ‘product placement’ §§, but one has to realize that chatbots work 24/7 and people trust them. Chatbots are designed
to draw a users’ attention by messaging because it is fast, easy, and actually feels like a conversation; and to use targeted messaging (precisely
Conversational Marketing70 ) to help or sell you a product.
Chatbot design techniques are continuously improved,20 and it is more and more difficult to distinguish conversations between a human or a
chatbot. Some chatbots can evenassist as mental health support,71 which requires a really good conversational level by chatbot. Such social chatbots
can obtain valuable information from the user or even make their user vulnerable to infiltration from other chatbots. The annual Loebner Prize1,72
is the world’s longest-running Turing-Test competition. It is a competition in artificial intelligence that awards computer programs considered by
the judges to be the most human-like. No Chatbot has ever achieved the Loebner Prize’s golden medal (responses which cannot be distinguished
from humans). However, some chatbots have scored as highly as 3 out of the 12 judges believing theywere human.20 Huge technological companies
have access to an enormous amount of conversational data and have resources to pay skilful programmers. This, with improving chatbot design
§§Basically, this case is product placement, but this term has not been used before in this context.This topic also has not been publicly discussed by law or companies. Nowadays, voice assistants
search for, for example, restaurantfrom open-source data, when user ask for a good restaurant. The question is what happens when some restaurant franchise will pay for directing the people to
their restaurant.
10 of 13 HASAL ET AL.
techniques, will make chatbot speech more human-like.4This will make chatbots operating on social media more trustworthy,73 and such chatbots
can influence people’s opinion even more.
Chatbots have undisputed advantages, as they work 24/7, lower costs (compare to workers), communicate in natural language, and manage var-
ious tasks. Instant messaging is for many people more user-friendly then in email or web form. Chatbots/voice assistants are operating on social
media, communication platforms, websites, mobile phones, computers, and other platforms; and users use chatbots in communication with banks,
healthcare assistants, online shops, cars, insurance companies, airport companies, and many other subjects. Hence, secure communication with the
chatbot is essential to keep the user’s data safe.
This paper summarizes all the security aspects concerning communication with chatbots. It provides a literature review describing important
steps in chatbot design techniques with respect to chatbot security. The paper also defines the security threats and vulnerabilities; it describes in
detail methods which should be adopted to have a safe chatbot platform. In summary, communication via chatbots does not present security issues
that have not already been discovered and properly mitigated earlier. The main concerns are rather about the user’s data stored on the backend side
and its usage, as chatbots generate enormous amount of data about users. Regulations such as GDPR strictly define the data manipulation methods,
but not everybody lives in the EU under the jurisdiction of GDPR regulations for data protection. All personal informationshould be deleted from
such data in the EU, but it is almost impossible to check if this is true. Only external audits can check this. Also, historical communication is extremely
valuable for chatbot engineers, who use such data for chatbot improvements. Modern NLP techniques can analyze conversational data, and such
analyses can be used, for example, for personalized content and marketing.
There are some concerns about chatbot security discussed in the article (apart from the past communication dataset), which are difficult to
Cookies—many webpages use cookies, which also contain details about chat conversations, and are collected by third parties.
Usage data—button clicks, search queries, and similar data can also be shared with third parties.
User identification—email, name, device ID, and similar data can be send from a chatbot. Mostly in the case when a chatbot performs an external
Messaging platforms—many chatbots operate on external messaging platforms, which have their own terms and conditions. Thus, the details
about communication with the chatbot are recorded elsewhere.
Conversational biases—there can be chatbots (social bots) created to manipulate people’s opinions, for example, during selling, in forums, on
social platforms, during political elections, and so forth. Such malicious chatbots can create huge damage from their violent behavior.
Based on the following reasons, the authors suggest that communication with a chatbot should be identified by some international designation
or word ‘Bot’ close to the name or in the header of the chat window. More precisely, the designation or name ‘BotS’ (similarly to well-known HTTP
and HTTPS) should denote encrypted communication and communication stored on servers by similar (or identical in the EU) rules to the GDPR.
Mainly due to the following reasons:
1. Globally, a huge amount of time is wasted by expressing greetings and describing the situation in communication with a chatbot pretending to
be a human. Most chatbots decompose the sentence and search for keywords,from which they classify the task and prepare the answer.It needs
neither a greeting nor a story.
2. Marked secure communication gives a user some level of trustworthiness to share personal data. The user must read the terms and conditions
to recognize if the communication is safe, the personal data is properly handled, the communication is not shared with third-party services, and
so forth; ‘BotS’ will declare that the chatbot owner follows these principles.
3. Natural language interfaces to computer systems cannot yet simulate the full range of intelligent human conversation.3However, in the future
chatbots will understand sentiment, emotions, and argumentation. It will be more and more difficult to spot a chatbot. This is dangerous in the
case of conversational biases from social chatbots operating on social media and e-commerce. It is not easy, but owners of social media should
take action to recognize chatbots operating on their platforms and automatically mark them. For instance, the B.O.T. Act went into effect in
California last year. Bots are defined as ‘automated online account[s] where all or substantially all of the actions or posts of that account are not
the result of a person’. If companies use a bot to communicate with their customers or with the public online, they must disclose this fact or face
a penalty of $2500 per violation¶¶.
HASAL ET AL.11 of 13
Limitations and future directions
The main limitation is in the area of data manipulation on the provider side. Every company tries to be ‘transparent’ with data manipulation and
processing, but none of them shares the exact processing pipeline, that is, who and how many employees have access to data, what algorithms they
use, which data are sold to third parties or sent to cooperating companies. Hence it is difficult to evaluate the level of a security risk as it represents
a company secret.
This topic is continuously evolving as are the options of chatbots. Recently chatbots told the user ‘what to do’, and today’s chatbots ‘do these
things’ for the user. Definitely, this topic needs to be watched closely in the future, since chatbots are going to be employed in many domains. The
future of chatbots is coming now as they will operate smart homes, command self-driving cars, give medical assistance, replace programming by
typing, perform data analysis and visualization, and many other topics to come.
One topic is still missing in our work. It is chatbot-chatbot communication. Nowadays, voice assistants can help youto order, for example, pizza,
from a pizza company’s chatbot. But in the future, chatbots will communicate to each other to exchange information.
This work was supported by the European Regional Development Fund under the project AI&Reasoning (reg. no. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/
0.0/15_003/0000466), by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic under the grant no. TN01000024, and by the projects of the Student Grant
System no. SP2021/24, VSB—Technical University of Ostrava. The authors would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers for the thoughtful
comments that helped to improve the manuscript.
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analyzed in this study.
Jana Nowaková 0002-5213-3302
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How to cite this article: Hasal M, Nowaková J, Ahmed Saghair K, Abdulla H, Snášel V, Ogiela L. Chatbots: Security, privacy, data
protection, and social aspects. Concurrency Computat Pract Exper. 2021;e6426.
... Media research also shows that mere modifications to the content displayed in social media feeds can influence the online and offline behaviors of human users [4,5], and that human users are sensitive to online social news or social media influence at an early stage [6,7]. In addition, artificial intelligence (AI) is believed to play an evergrowing role in hybrid human-bot collectives [8,9]. Thus, a study of bot strategies in the early stage of the social media war is necessary to comprehend this conflict. ...
... Bots are non-human, automated social media accounts controlled by algorithms. X and Reddit are exemplified as instances of communities that encompass both human and bot participants, capable of either assisting or impeding one another, and such SNSs have reshaped the landscape of communication and information dissemination [8,10]. Social bots exhibit their capacity to carry out various tasks on SNSs, including disseminating fake news [1][2][3][4][5] retrieving private information of online users [6][7][8][9], influencing the attention dynamics of online users [10][11][12][13][14], and engaging with human users to formulate their positions [15][16][17][18]. ...
... X and Reddit are exemplified as instances of communities that encompass both human and bot participants, capable of either assisting or impeding one another, and such SNSs have reshaped the landscape of communication and information dissemination [8,10]. Social bots exhibit their capacity to carry out various tasks on SNSs, including disseminating fake news [1][2][3][4][5] retrieving private information of online users [6][7][8][9], influencing the attention dynamics of online users [10][11][12][13][14], and engaging with human users to formulate their positions [15][16][17][18]. Bots play roles in the spread of low-credibility contents at their early stage, before they go viral [1]. ...
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The Russo-Ukrainian War represents a significant contemporary conflict between two global powers, yet the dynamics of human-bot engagement during this conflict, particularly on social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit, remain underexplored. Existing literature has not adequately addressed how bots and humans interact differently across languages within this geopolitical discourse, nor how these interactions influence the broader narrative. This gap is crucial because understanding these dynamics can reveal how social media is weaponized in modern warfare, influencing public opinion and the course of the conflict. To address this gap, we conducted a comparative analysis of human-bot engagement by examining a longitudinal dataset of tweets and comments related to the Bucha unlawful killings, focusing on three languages: English, Japanese, and German. Our study utilized interlanguage toxicity profiling and network analysis to uncover the temporal trajectories of pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian actors across these platforms. The analysis of over 20 million tweets and 1 million Reddit comments revealed that bots predominantly operated on Twitter (X), while human users were more active on Reddit. Moreover, we found that English content demonstrated Granger causality with cascade size and depth in minor languages like Japanese and German (p < 0.05), with temporal correlations between human and bot posting frequencies significantly heightening toxicity in English compared to the other languages. These findings not only illuminate the specific behaviors of humans and bots in the early stages of the Russo-Ukrainian War but also provide broader insights into the role of language and platform in social media warfare. By elucidating these network dynamics, our study contributes to a deeper understanding of how digital platforms can be manipulated in geopolitical conflicts, offering critical perspectives for future research and policy-making.
... Chatbots in the fashion industry have emerged as potent instruments for delivering tailored experiences to users. Through the utilization of AI and machine learning algorithms, these conversational interfaces have the capability to examine user preferences, browsing history, and purchasing patterns [54]. By utilizing data analysis, chatbots are able to provide personalized suggestions by recommending clothing items that match an individual's specific style preferences. ...
... Users should receive comprehensive information regarding the data gathered, its intended purposes, and the robust security measures implemented to safeguard their personal information. Transparent and succinct privacy policies, readily available inside the chatbot interface, instill confidence in users regarding the confidentiality and responsible handling of their data [54]. ...
... To overcome these issues, it is crucial to continuously enhance the capabilities of NLP, ensure transparent communication on data usage, and implement strong privacy measures. By actively resolving these concerns, developers and organizations may construct chatbots that not only transform the online shopping experience but also prioritize user confidence and confidentiality, cultivating a lasting connection between customers and virtual fashion assistants [61] [54]. ...
The fashion industry, a worldwide sector that includes clothing, accessories , and beauty products, experiences ongoing changes in design, production, promotion, and sales. The complexities of supply chain management, together with the ever-changing impact of fashion events and sustainability trends, determine the dynamics of the market. The growing influence of technology, such as 3D printing, virtual reality, and blockchain, has a profound effect on the future of the sector, promoting sustainability and ethical norms. Chatbots play a crucial role in driving digital innovation and transforming the fashion industry. This research explores the diverse and complex effects of chatbots in the fashion business. By utilizing natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms , chatbots improve consumer experiences by providing personalized interactions , including customized product suggestions, order tracking, and efficient support. With the increasing popularity of conversational chatbots, their usage is expanding beyond the fashion industry to impact the fields of education and customer service. Advanced deep learning models, including RNN, Seq2Seq, LSTM, BERT, and GPT, when combined with different training techniques, highlight their ability to adapt. Within the fashion industry, chatbots fulfill various functions, ranging from offering fashion guidance to streamlining online transactions. An illustrative example is the triumph of ChatGPT, showcasing the extensive range of uses for chatbots. The study emphasizes the widespread implementation of AI, computer vision, and machine vision in retail operations on a global scale. The study highlights the importance of doing thorough testing, utilizing platforms such as Chattest, to assess the functionality of chatbots and guarantee realistic interactions like those of humans .
... As firms adopted chatbots to support online operations, the potential to increase operational efficiency was recognised (Chen et al., 2021). Nonetheless, past studies on customer experience are more focussed on service quality, security, and social aspects (Lars et al., 2020;Hasal et al., 2021). While a study indicated different degrees of liking for chatbots between male and female shoppers in the United States (Rajnerowicz, 2022), there was a lack of research on this topic in Malaysia. ...
... Three limitations are present in this study. Firstly, apart from usability and responsiveness, other attributes of AI chatbots are believed to affect online customer experience, including security level, friendliness, and service quality (Cheng et al., 2022;Hasal et al., 2021;Moon & Armstrong, 2020). These attributes are not investigated in this study. ...
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Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the changes in shopping norms from offline to online and rapid development in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) have redefined customer experience. This change has brought lucrative opportunities for organisations to provide better customer service by interacting with customers using chatbots. Thus, this research was conducted to examine the attributes of AI chatbots that affect online customer experience in the e-retailing market. This paper applied the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to design a research model to investigate the relationship between chatbot usability, responsiveness, and online customer experience. A quantitative method was employed to test the research model, and data were collected from an online survey. A total of 101 usable responses were received and examined using SPSS software. The results show a positive relationship between chatbot usability and online customer experience, while no significant relationship is observed between chatbot responsiveness and online customer experience. The findings of this study offer insights for academics, industry practitioners, and policymakers aiming to utilise the potential of AI chatbots to enhance online customer experience and elevate overall customer satisfaction in the e-retail sector.
... This entails transparently disclosing how user data is used and providing options for users to turn off data logging for training purposes. This recommendation builds upon the privacy and data protection concerns raised by Hasal et al. (2021) and Liao et al. (2019), advocating for a privacy-by-design approach in AI systems that prioritizes the secure storage of personal data. ...
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Scholars are increasingly using generative artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots, like ChatGPT, in research, though concerns remain about ethics, data privacy, bias, and intellectual property. This study adopts a design science research approach to explore how generative AI chatbots can support academic teaching and research, bridging theory and practice. A literature review and expert interviews identified key requirements and design principles that support virtues such as uniqueness, generalizability, and reproducibility. We also introduce a prototype, “AcademiaBot,” to demonstrate these principles in action. Our findings suggest that AI chatbots can significantly aid scholarly work if users are informed and ethical concerns are addressed. Responsible usage can help AI augment human research efforts without compromising integrity. This study provides valuable design knowledge, ensuring AI-based chatbots remain a beneficial tool for scholars.
... While earlier studies have examined chatbot adoption in developed countries (Belanche et al., 2019;Jang et al., 2021), there is a shortage of literature on analysing the barriers related to chatbot adoption in the Indian banking industry. Previous literature focussed on few of these challenges like execution and implementation costs (Hwang & Kim, 2021;Caldarini et al., 2022), deficiency of skilled workers (Nguyen et al., 2019;Zhang et al., 2023), security issues (Hasal et al., 2021;Hardi et al., 2020), the challenges of accomplishing a suitable adjustment between automation and human intervention (Suhel et al., 2020), cross-language compatibility (Rustamov et al., 2021), and the absence of industry regulations and standardised guidelines (Agrawal et al., 2024;Mogaji et al., 2021). Besides, previous literature highlights a few customer-related, technical, and sociocultural issues as critical barriers (Hari et al., 2022;Fernandes & Oliveira, 2021). ...
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Chatbots are becoming popular in the rapidly developing field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to facilitate more effective communication between businesses and customers. AI-powered banking chatbots are gaining popularity and present novel opportunities to provide 24/7 front-line support and customised banking assistance. Despite these advantages, banking chatbots are not widely used and have not been adopted as customer service in Indian banks. This research paper explores the obstacles associated with the widespread adoption of banking chatbots in the financial landscape. As disruptive technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (NLP) continue to reshape the banking industry globally, understanding the specific barriers to chatbot integration becomes imperative. The current research contributes to the AI discipline by holistically examining the barriers to banking chatbot adoption in India using the Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) methodology. The study employs a three-step approach by identifying key barriers to adopting banking chatbots through an extensive literature review and experts' opinions. Then, the Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) methodology creates a hierarchical model. For this, data is collected from subject matter experts to develop the interpretive model. Thirdly, MICMAC analysis is conducted to classify and sort the corresponding variables based on their driving and dependence power. The analysis reveals that the absence of AI guidelines, lack of human touch and lack of audibility and transparency of AI systems are some of the critical barriers to the deployment of AI banking chatbots, requiring special focus to streamline the regulatory framework and anthropomorphic features of AI chatbot for successful implementation and deployment. Recommendations for practitioners and other stakeholders and research limitations are also discussed.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force, reshaping industries through innovation, operational efficiency, and enhanced customer engagement. This systematic literature review investigates AI adoption across various sectors, with a focus on tourism and its intersection with sustainability, ethics, and emerging technologies. Leveraging a robust PRISMA methodology, 115 studies were reviewed to examine opportunities, challenges, and strategies for responsible AI integration. The findings highlight AI's potential to drive innovation, optimize resource use, and foster sustainability. In tourism, AI-powered tools like chatbots and predictive analytics enhance customer experiences and promote eco-friendly practices. However, adoption is hindered by challenges such as ethical concerns, data privacy, cultural barriers, infrastructure limitations, and socioeconomic disparities. Addressing these challenges requires interdisciplinary collaboration, ethical frameworks, and strategic alignment with sustainability metrics. The study underscores the importance of balancing innovation with ethical responsibility by integrating anticipatory ethics, human oversight, and stakeholder engagement. Transparent practices and inclusive policies are pivotal for fostering trust and equitable AI adoption. The review concludes that responsible AI integration can catalyze sustainable development and socioeconomic equity while ensuring technological advancements benefit diverse industries and communities. Future research should focus on scalability, inclusivity, and the ethical implications of AI in emerging global contexts.
The objective is to place the data subject in focus while deciding the course of actions that protect and prevent the misuse of personal information. Often, the data controllers or those processing personal data work towards compliance within prescribed norms. These norms are set according to the legislative interventions and guidelines that jurisdictions provide. While there are common grounds in different jurisdictions, they have added their understanding in framing data protection norms.
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, when individuals were confronted with social distancing, social media served as a significant platform for expressing feelings and seeking emotional support. However, a group of automated actors known as social bots have been found to coexist with human users in discussions regarding the coronavirus crisis, which may pose threats to public health. To figure out how these actors distorted public opinion and sentiment expressions in the outbreak, this study selected three critical timepoints in the development of the pandemic and conducted a topic-based sentiment analysis for bot-generated and human-generated tweets. The findings show that suspected social bots contributed to as much as 9.27% of COVID-19 discussions on Twitter. Social bots and humans shared a similar trend on sentiment polarity—positive or negative—for almost all topics. For the most negative topics, social bots were even more negative than humans. Their sentiment expressions were weaker than those of humans for most topics, except for COVID-19 in the US and the healthcare system. In most cases, social bots were more likely to actively amplify humans’ emotions, rather than to trigger humans’ amplification. In discussions of COVID-19 in the US, social bots managed to trigger bot-to-human anger transmission. Although these automated accounts expressed more sadness towards health risks, they failed to pass sadness to humans.
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Conversational agents open the world to new opportunities for human interaction and ubiquitous engagement. As their conversational abilities and knowledge has improved, these agents have begun to have access to an increasing variety of personally identifiable information and intimate details on their user base. This access raises crucial questions in light of regulations as robust as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This paper explores some of these questions, with the aim of defining relevant open issues in conversational agent design. We hope that this work can provoke further research into building agents that are effective at user interaction, but also respectful of regulations and user privacy.
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We are all together in a fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Chatbots, if effectively designed and deployed, could help us by sharing up-to-date information quickly, encouraging desired health impacting behaviors, and lessening the psychological damage caused by fear and isolation. Despite this potential, the risk of amplifying misinformation and the lack of prior effectiveness research is cause for concern. Immediate collaborations between healthcare workers, companies, academics and governments are merited and may aid future pandemic preparedness efforts.
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Background: Twitter has been used to track trends and disseminate health information during viral epidemics. On January 21, 2020, the CDC activated its Emergency Operations Center and the WHO released its first situation report about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), sparking significant media attention. How Twitter content and sentiment has evolved in the early stages of any outbreak, including the COVID-19 epidemic, has not been described. Objective: To quantify and understand early changes in Twitter activity, content, and sentiment about the COVID-19 epidemic. Design: Observational study. Setting: Twitter platform. Participants: All Twitter users who created or sent a message from January 14th to 28th, 2020. Measurements: We extracted tweets matching hashtags related to COVID-19 and measured frequency of keywords related to infection prevention practices, vaccination, and racial prejudice. We performed a sentiment analysis to identify emotional valence and predominant emotions. We conducted topic modeling to identify and explore discussion topics over time. Results: We evaluated 126,049 tweets from 53,196 unique users. The hourly number of COVID-19-related tweets starkly increased from January 21, 2020 onward. Nearly half (49.5%) of all tweets expressed fear and nearly 30% expressed surprise. The frequency of racially charged tweets closely paralleled the number of newly diagnosed cases of COVID-19. The economic and political impact of the COVID-19 was the most commonly discussed topic, while public health risk and prevention were among the least discussed. Conclusion: Tweets with negative sentiment and emotion parallel the incidence of cases for the COVID-19 outbreak. Twitter is a rich medium that can be leveraged to understand public sentiment in real-time and target public health messages based on user interest and emotion.
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A recent UNESCO report reveals that most popular voice-based conversational agents are designed to be female. In addition, it outlines the potentially harmful effects this can have on society. However, the report focuses primarily on voice-based conversational agents and the analysis did not include chatbots (i.e., text-based conversational agents). Since chatbots can also be gendered in their design, we used an automated gender analysis approach to investigate three gender-specific cues in the design of 1,375 chatbots listed on the platform We leveraged two gender APIs to identify the gender of the name, a face recognition API to identify the gender of the avatar, and a text mining approach to analyze gender-specific pronouns in the chatbot’s description. Our results suggest that gender-specific cues are commonly used in the design of chatbots and that most chatbots are – explicitly or implicitly – designed to convey a specific gender. More specifically, most of the chatbots have female names, female-looking avatars, and are described as female chatbots. This is particularly evident in three application domains (i.e., branded conversations, customer service, and sales). Therefore, we find evidence that there is a tendency to prefer one gender (i.e., female) over another (i.e., male). Thus, we argue that there is a gender bias in the design of chatbots in the wild. Based on these findings, we formulate propositions as a starting point for future discussions and research to mitigate the gender bias in the design of chatbots.
We investigate the task of building open domain, conversational dialogue systems based on large dialogue corpora using generative models. Generative models produce system responses that are autonomously generated word-by-word, opening up the possibility for realistic, flexible interactions. In support of this goal, we extend the recently proposed hierarchical recurrent encoder-decoder neural network to the dialogue domain, and demonstrate that this model is competitive with state-of-the-art neural language models and back-off n-gram models. We investigate the limitations of this and similar approaches, and show how its performance can be improved by bootstrapping the learning from a larger question-answer pair corpus and from pretrained word embeddings.
This survey aims to investigate, analyze, and compare the state‐of‐the‐art chatbots' feasibility and defects for psychotherapy. The survey points out a series of tasks necessary for future psychotherapy chatbots. We searched about 1200 related literature in public databases and selected five typical and state‐of‐the‐art psychotherapy chatbots. Most of the state‐of‐the‐art psychotherapy chatbots use retrieval‐based methods to generate dialogs. Some psychotherapy chatbots incorporate psychological theories, such as cognitive behavior therapy, to solve unique psychological problems. The assessments show that chatbots can preliminarily recognize specific kinds of negative emotions and give relatively appropriate responses. The randomized controlled trials prove that psychotherapy chatbots are useful for some people with a mental health condition. Compared with real psychologists, psychotherapy chatbots have some advantages, such as accessibility without the limitation on time or location. However, some critical technical obstacles limit the usage of psychotherapy chatbots. The limitations require a series of necessary tasks for more effective and safer psychotherapy chatbots, such as collecting standard, valid, real, and rich corpora. In conclusion, current psychotherapy chatbots can hardly replace human psychologists in the short term, but they can improve human psychologists' effectiveness and efficiency as an auxiliary tool.
The versified play Henry VIII is nowadays widely recognized to be a collaborative work not written solely by William Shakespeare. We employ combined analysis of vocabulary and versification together with machine learning techniques to determine which other authors took part in the writing of the play and what were their relative contributions. Unlike most previous studies, we go beyond the attribution of particular scenes and use the rolling attribution approach to determine the probabilities of authorship of pieces of texts, without respecting the scene boundaries. Our results highly support the canonical division of the play between William Shakespeare and John Fletcher proposed by James Spedding, but also bring new evidence supporting the modifications proposed later by Thomas Merriam.