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Updated sustainability status of crystalline silicon‐based photovoltaic systems: Life‐cycle energy and environmental impact reduction trends



This paper provides a comprehensive assessment of the current life-cycle sustainability status of crystalline-based photovoltaic (PV) systems. Specifically, single-crystalline Si (sc-Si) and multicrystalline Si (mc-Si) PV systems are analyzed in terms of their environmental and energy performance, providing breakdown contributions and comparisons with estimates published 6 years ago. Results clearly show the significant environmental improvement in the sc-Si PV system production—mainly at the wafer stage—for which the impacts have been reduced by up to 50% in terms of carbon emissions and 42% in terms of acid gas emissions. The life-cycle cumulative energy demand is estimated to be approximately 48% lower (for sc-Si) and 24% lower (for mc-Si) than previously reported estimates. Energy payback times of currently installed systems range from 1.3 (for c-Si PV) and 1.5 years (mc-Si PV) for fixed-tilt ground-mounted installations at low irradiation (1000 kWh/m²/year), to 0.6 years at high irradiation (2300 kWh/m²/year). The resulting energy returns on investment—expressed in terms of primary energy—range from 22 (at low irradiation) to 52 (at high irradiation) for sc-Si PV systems and from 21 to 47 for mc-Si PV systems. Furthermore, we examine the effects of cleaner electricity grids and grid efficiency improvements on these environmental and energy indicators.
Updated sustainability status of crystalline silicon-based
photovoltaic systems: Life-cycle energy and environmental
impact reduction trends
Vasilis Fthenakis | Enrica Leccisi
Center for Life Cycle Analysis, Columbia
University, New York, NY, 10027, USA
Enrica Leccisi, Center for Life Cycle Analysis,
Columbia University, New York, NY 10027,
This paper provides a comprehensive assessment of the current life-cycle sustainabil-
ity status of crystalline-based photovoltaic (PV) systems. Specifically, single-
crystalline Si (sc-Si) and multicrystalline Si (mc-Si) PV systems are analyzed in terms
of their environmental and energy performance, providing breakdown contributions
and comparisons with estimates published 6 years ago. Results clearly show the sig-
nificant environmental improvement in the sc-Si PV system productionmainly at
the wafer stagefor which the impacts have been reduced by up to 50% in terms of
carbon emissions and 42% in terms of acid gas emissions. The life-cycle cumulative
energy demand is estimated to be approximately 48% lower (for sc-Si) and 24% lower
(for mc-Si) than previously reported estimates. Energy payback times of currently
installed systems range from 1.3 (for c-Si PV) and 1.5 years (mc-Si PV) for fixed-tilt
ground-mounted installations at low irradiation (1000 kWh/m
/year), to 0.6 years at
high irradiation (2300 kWh/m
/year). The resulting energy returns on investment
expressed in terms of primary energyrange from 22 (at low irradiation) to
52 (at high irradiation) for sc-Si PV systems and from 21 to 47 for mc-Si PV systems.
Furthermore, we examine the effects of cleaner electricity grids and grid efficiency
improvements on these environmental and energy indicators.
environmental impacts, EPBT, EROI, LCA, NEA, crystalline Si
A clean energy transition worldwide is being driven by renewable
energy sources. In particular, the solar photovoltaic (PV) market has
been growing rapidly to address this challenge and to meet the
increasing demand for affordable green power worldwide.
PVs entail
several technologies, the most mature being single-crystalline silicon
(sc-Si) and multicrystalline silicon (mc-Si), accounting for approxi-
mately 95% of the total production.
Over the last 57 years, there
has been significant improvement in the material and energy utiliza-
tion in the production of PV wafers, cells, and panels
; therefore,
updating the energy and environmental impacts of PV technologies is
crucial in considering sustainable energy options and for assessing
future scenarios with large penetration of PV into electric grids.
This paper describes the energy use and environmental impact
improvements in manufacturing crystalline Si (c-Si) PV systems over
the last 57 years, detailing the life-cycle impacts of each stage of
their supply chain. A full range of life-cycle energy investment and
environmental impact metrics is estimated and compared with results
published 6 years ago.
In parallel to life-cycle analysis (LCA), net
energy analysis (NEA) is conducted for current Si PV technologies.
NEA metrics include energy payback times (EPBTs) and energy return
on investment (EROI); these are assessed in terms of electricity and
primary energy consumed during their life cycles. In addition, case
Received: 26 March 2021 Revised: 7 May 2021 Accepted: 13 May 2021
DOI: 10.1002/pip.3441
Prog Photovolt Res Appl. 2021;110. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1
studies and sensitivity analyses were carried out, assessing various
scenarios of shifting from predominantly fossil fuel-based energy grids
to cleaner electricity grid mix compositions.
2.1 |Life-cycle analysis
LCA is an analytical methodology widely adopted by the scientific
community for quantifying potential environmental and energy
impacts of a system, service, or product, through its entire life cycle.
LCA is used to quantify all energy and material inputs, outputs, and
emissions in each stage of a product's life cycle from the extraction of
raw materials to the component and product manufacturing, trans-
port, distribution, operation phase, maintenance, reuse, recycling, and
It has been standardized by the Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
and the International Organiza-
tion for Standardization (ISO) Standards 14040 and 14044.
LCA of PV systems, the International Energy Agency (IEA) provides
specific guidelines.
LCA addresses a number of environmental impact categories
such as global warming potential (GWP) and acidification potential
(AP). GWP quantifies the global warming impacts of different green-
house gases, and it is expressed in kgCO
eq units. AP measures the
acid potential impacts of acidifying contaminants (such as SO
O, HCl, NH
, and HF) on soil, groundwater, surface waters,
biological organisms, ecosystems, and substances, and it is expressed
in terms of kgSO
Also, LCA allows the calculation of the total primary energy
harvested from the environmentcumulative energy demand (CED)
normalized per unit of rated electric power output.
In the context of LCA, EPBT measures how many years it takes
for the PV system to generate an amount of electricity which is equiv-
alent to the primary energy invested. EPBT strongly depends on geo-
graphical deployment distribution, in terms of irradiation levels and
associated grid mix efficiencies.
It is defined as
Energy Payback Time ¼Emat þEmanuf þEtrans þEinst þEEOL
where Emat is the primary energy demand to produce materials com-
prising PV system; Emanuf is the primary energy demand to manufac-
ture PV system; Etrans is the primary energy demand to transport
materials used during the life cycle; Einst is the primary energy
demand to install the system; E
is the primary energy demand for
end-of-life management; Eagen is the annual electricity generation;
is the annual primary energy demand for operation and mainte-
nance; and η
is the life-cycle grid efficiency, the average primary
energy to electricity conversion efficiency at the demand side
In this paper, the generalized calculations of EPBT (and also EROI
as defined in the next section) are based on an average thermal to elec-
tric energy conversion efficiency of 30%, which represents a common
grid mix predominantly reliant on thermal technologies. This value may
be low in today's transitioning to high-efficiency gas turbines and
renewable energy generation but is used as a reference case that allows
comparisons with most other literature studies.
These values can
be readily updated for regions of higher grid mix efficiencies.
2.2 |Net energy analysis
NEA is a scientific methodology useful to evaluate the performance of
energy production systems because it measures how effective a sys-
tem is at exploiting primary energy resources and converting them
into usable energy carriers. The purpose of NEA is to quantify the
extent to which a given system or process is able to provide a positive
energy surplus to the end user, after accounting for all the energy
consumption and losses occurring along process chains (such as
extraction, transformation, and delivery) and any additional energy
investments that are required in order to carry out the chain of pro-
cesses in the life cycle of a system.
The principle metric of NEA is the EROI, which is calculated as
the ratio of the energy delivered to society to the sum of energy car-
riers diverted from other societal uses. In this paper, EROI has been
calculated both in terms of primary energy (EROI
) and electricity
delivered (EROI
). Because EROI
(as EPBT) depends also on the
specific grid efficiency, in this work, a sensitivity analysis of different
grid efficiencies has been provided, considering future scenarios in
which a large penetration of renewables into the electric grids is
achieved, in line with global decarbonized targets.
is defined as:
EROIPE ¼lifetime=EPBT ¼EROIel=ηG
The analyzed PV systems are composed of PV panels and balance of
system (BOS) (mechanical and electrical components such as inverters,
transformers, and cables, as well as system operation and mainte-
nance). As mentioned in the introduction, the most mature PV module
technologies have been considered, namely, sc-Si and mc-Si.
The associated manufacturing steps described by the life-cycle
inventory (LCI) data are shown in Figure 1.
The PV system is com-
pleted by the BOS, that is, mounting and supporting structures, power
electronics, and cables.
The LCA starts by normalizing life-cycle indicators in terms of m
of PV module, which is useful to capture directly the material and
energy utilization improvements over the years, it proceeds with using
rated power (kWp) of modules as the functional unit, to capture the
variation in module efficiencies; and subsequently is expressed in
terms of KWh, at the location of deployment, taking into the account
the PV system lifetime, the performance ratio (PR), and the solar irra-
diation conditions.
The PV commercial efficiencies and PR are based on the latest
Fraunhofer report 2020.
The lifetime of PV systems is fixed at 30 years, according to the
IEA guidelines,
and the deployment in regions of low, medium, and
high irradiation (1000, 1700, and 2300 kWh/m
/year) has been
included in the analysis.
End of life (EOL) management and recycling were not included
in the current analysis because we lacked data on optimized
recycling scenarios to represent realistic collection rates and material
recovery fractions in large scales of recycling. However, including
the recycling of the PV components may result in improving the
overall energy and environmental performance as well as economic
benefits due to the high value of recycled aluminum, silicon, and
Also, the contribution of energy storage is not included
in our analyses because it is best assessed at the grid level.
However, it has been estimated that the benefits of PV when dis-
placing conventional thermal electricity (in terms of carbon emis-
sions and energy renewability) are not materially affected by the
addition of lithium-ion battery (LIB) storage.
Specifically, a compre-
hensive life-cycle assessment of a 100-MW ground-mounted PV
system with 60 MW of lithium manganese oxide (LIB)under a
range of irradiation (1000, 1700, and 2300 kWh/m
/year) and stor-
age scenarios (2, 4, and 8 h)shows that EPBT and life-cycle GWP
are marginally affected (increasing from 7% to 30%) with respect to
those of PV without storage. Hence, in terms of carbon emissions,
energy renewability, and net energy performance, PV's significant
advantages over all conventional thermal power generators are esti-
mated to remain unaffected by the deployment of even substantial
amounts of LIB storage.
The analysis was performed using the LCA software package
SimaPro 9 (Pré Consultants, Amersfoort, The Netherlands), and impact
assessment was performed by means of the Centrum voor
Milieukunde Leiden (CML) method
developed by Leiden University
in the Netherlands.
The LCI collection is a fundamental stage in LCA because the accuracy
of each analysis strictly depends on the data representativeness. In
order to be as accurate as possible, all the performance indicators
were calculated based on the same underlying inventory data. The
main background data source was the Ecoinvent V3 Database
(Ecoinvent, Zurich, Switzerland),
and whenever needed, the data
were adapted to the actual production conditions. Specifically, the
Chinese electric mixture was used in the Si supply chain and for PV
module production because the Chinese production represents the
higher share of the current market.
Also, the latest available data in
terms of electricity production have been assumed according to the
US Energy Information Administration
and have been implemented
in the calculations because they influence the amount of primary
energy ultimately required for each production process, as well as the
associated environmental impacts.
Regarding the foreground inventory, all the impacts were esti-
mated based on the latest available datathe IEA-Photovoltaic Power
Systems (PVPS) Task 12 Report,
which have been compared with
the previous data sources released by the same entity.
As typical, BOS data represent ground-mounted
Figure 2 shows the CED reduction expressed per m
of PV panels for
the two c-Si-based technologies, according to production in China.
The stacked bars show the individual breakdown for each life-cycle
stage; these are (1) solar-grade and metallurgical-grade silicon,
FIGURE 1 Flow diagram for manufacturing single-crystalline Si
(sc-Si) and multicrystalline Si (mc-Si) photovoltaic (PV) systems. BOS,
balance of system; Cz, Czochralski; mg-Si, metallurgical-grade silicon;
SoG-Si, solar-grade silicon
FIGURE 2 Cumulative energy demand (MJ/m
) reduction in the
single-crystalline Si (sc-Si) and multicrystalline Si (mc-Si) photovoltaic
(PV) panel manufacturing with the breakdown of each life-cycle
stages. Chinese electricity grid is assumed for all stages. Thicknesses
are listed for all PV panel production [Colour figure can be viewed at]
(2) Czochralski ingot or multi-Si ingot, (3) sc-Si or mc-Si wafer, (4) PV
cell, and (5) PV panel.
Overall, results show approximately a 46% and 20% CED reduc-
tion (per m
) in the current sc-Si and mc-Si PV panel manufacturing,
respectively, compared to 2015 data. In particular, for sc-Si panels,
significant improvements are shown in the Czochralski crystal growth
process and single-Si wafer, which currently require about 260 (80%
reduction) and 112 MJ/m
(61% reduction), respectively. For mc-Si
panels, the main benefits arise from the multi-Si and multi-Si wafer
production stages, which have approximately 69% and 81% lower
CED than previously reported estimates.
Reduced thicknesses and reduced kerf losses (i.e., silicon
manufacturing waste) over the years are taken into account in this
comparative assessment. As shown in Table 1, this significant
improvement in the c-Si production is mainly due to a combination of
1. reduced thickness, from 200 μm in 2015 to 170 (sc-Si) and 180 μm
(mc-Si) in the 2020 productions;
2. reduced kerf losses, from 145 μm for slurry-based sawing to
65 μm in 2020, using industrial diamond manufacturing (2020 data
included also additional losses that are 20.5 μm); and
3. reduced electricity demand in the sc-Si and mc-Si wafer stages,
which it is currently 4.76 (for sc-Si) and 5.56 kWh/m
(for mc-Si).
This new life-cycle assessment also includes a correction in the
2015 IEA PVPS LCI data in the solar-grade Si to wafer allocation
stages, in which the accounting of recycled silicon was inconsistent.
The 2015 LCI database assigned 1580 g of Cz-Si per m
of sc-Si
wafer, whereas the allocation of mc-Si was 1020 g/m
; recycling was
accounted in mc-Si but not in sc-Si wafering.
It appears that the
underlying assumption in these previous results was that the balance
of silicon feed would be recycled material for which, incorrectly, there
were assigned zero energy and environmental impacts. The effect of
this inconsistency was aggregated in the wafer production stage.
These allocations have been corrected in the 2020 IEA PVPS LCI
and are used in the current analysis. As listed in Table 1, the
current reported silicon demand is 595 and 634 g/m
for sc-Si and
mc-Si PV panels, respectively.
As shown in this table, electricity utili-
zation in the solar silicon and wafer production has been reduced over
the last 6 years by 50% or more, whereas electricity utilization in cell
and module production has increased over the same period. However,
the sum of electricity requirements for wafer, cell, and module pro-
duction has not changed as much; it declined from 43.8 to 36.5 kWh/
and from 39 to 37.3 kWh/m
for sc-Si and mc-Si PV correspond-
ingly. Thus, it becomes apparent that there has been a difference in
the stage-by-stage electricity allocation between the 2015 and 2020
Figure 3 shows the CED comparison expressed per kWp of PV
modules for 2015 and 2020 production of crystalline-based technol-
ogy. The average efficiency of PV and modules in the marketwhich
needs to be included when the impacts are expressed per kWpis
based on the reports published by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar
TABLE 1 Comparison between key parameters of crystalline silicon manufacturing in China
Single-crystalline Si
Single-crystalline Si
Multicrystalline Si
Multicrystalline Si
Thickness μm 200 170 200 180
Kerf loss μm 145 65 145 65
Silicon demand for wafering g/m
1580 595 1020 635
Electricity for MG-silicon kWh/kg 11 11 11 11
Electricity for SoG-Si kWh/kg 110 49 110 49
Electricity for Cz ingot kWh/kg 68.2 32 - -
Electricity for mc-Si ingot kWh/kg - - 15.5 7
Electricity for wafering kWh/m
25.7 4.76 20.8 5.56
Electricity for cell production kWh/m
14.4 17.7 14.4 17.7
Electricity for panel production kWh/m
3.73 14 3.73 14
FIGURE 3 Cumulative energy demand (MJ/kWp) reductions in
the single-crystalline Si (sc-Si) and multicrystalline Si (mc-Si)
photovoltaic (PV) systems with the breakdown of each life-cycle
stages. Chinese electricity grid is assumed for all stages. Module
efficiencies are listed for each PV technology [Colour figure can be
viewed at]
Energy Systems.
They are as follows: 20.5% and 18% for sc-Si and
mc-Si modules, respectively, in 2020, up from 17% and 16% in 2015.
The resulting CED of PV system (modules plus BOS) per rated power
is 13,615 and 14,797 MJ/kWp for sc-Si and mc-Si PV system, respec-
tively, which represent a reduction of approximately 48% and 24% of
previous life-cycle energy consumptions. It is noted that the mounting
and support structure data have not been changed and the reduction
is due solely due to the increased module efficiencies.
Figures 4 and 5 show, respectively, the GWP and AP impacts, all
expressed per kWp. Comparisons between the 2015 and 2020 PV
systems are shown along with the contributions of each life-cycle
These new results show that the current carbon emissions of sc-
Si and mc-Si PV systems range from 1010 to 1087 kgCO
whereas the AP impacts vary from 11 to 12 kgSO
eq/kWp. Results
clearly show the environmental improvement in the single-crystalline
PV system production, for which the impacts have been reduced from
49% (in terms of GWP) and 42% in terms of AP impacts. Regarding
the mc-Si PV systems, GWP impacts are down by approximately 32%,
whereas AP impacts are reduced by 14%. As shown, this significant
environmental impact reduction is mainly attributed to material utili-
zation improvements at the solar silicon and wafer production stages.
Regarding the BOS contribution, it is generally low in terms of
carbon emissions, but relatively higher in acid emissions, mainly due
to the amount of copper and aluminum required.
Figures 6 and 7 provide GWP and AP impacts of current silicon
PV systems, expressed per kWh, assuming a PR of 0.85, and a lifetime
of 30 years. This PR represents the ratio of actual to rated module
efficiencies, in ground-mount, fixed latitude-tilt installations. These
figures show results in regions of low, moderate, and high irradiation
levels, namely, 1000, 1700, and 2300 kWh/(m
* year).
It is shown that the GWP caused by crystalline-based PV systems
ranges from 17 to 18 gCO
eq/kWh when installed at high irradia-
tions, 23 to 25 gCO
eq/kWh at moderate irradiations, and 40 to
43 gCO
eq/kWh at low irradiations. The lowest AP impact
(0.19 gSO
eq/kWh) is that of sc-Si PV installed at 2300 kWh/
* year), whereas the highest (0.47 gSO
eq/kWh) is mc-Si PV
located at 1000 kWh/(m
* year).
FIGURE 4 Global warming potential (kgCO
eq/kWp) reduction in
the single-crystalline Si (sc-Si) and multicrystalline Si (mc-Si)
photovoltaic (PV) systems with the breakdown of each life-cycle
stage. Chinese electricity grid is assumed for all stages. Module-rated
efficiencies are listed for each PV technology [Colour figure can be
viewed at]
FIGURE 5 Acidification potential (kgSO
eq/kWp) reductions in
the single-crystalline Si (sc-Si) and multicrystalline Si (mc-Si)
photovoltaic (PV) panel manufacturing with the breakdown of each
life-cycle stages. Chinese electricity grid is assumed for all stages.
Ground-mounted balance of system (BOS) data source is unchanged.
Efficiencies are listed for each PV technology [Colour figure can be
viewed at]
FIGURE 6 Photovoltaic (PV) power plant global warming
potential (GWP) (kgCO
eq/kWh), under three irradiation levels. Small
symbols: 1000 kWh/(m
* year), medium symbols: 1700 kWh/
* year), and large symbols: 2300 kWh/(m
* year). Performance
ratio: 0.85. Lifetime: 30 years. Module efficiencies: 20.5% for single-
crystalline Si (sc-Si) and 18% for multicrystalline Si (mc-Si) [Colour
figure can be viewed at]
As discussed in Section 2.1, the EPBT is estimated from the
energy consumed and the electricity generated over the system's life
cycle. Figure 8 shows a most significant EPBT improvement,
corresponding to almost halving estimates based on the 2015 data.
Currently, for sc-Si PV systems, it takes from 0.6 months to 1.3 years
(depending on the assumed irradiation) to return an amount of elec-
tricity that is equivalent to the primary energy invested, whereas for
mc-Si PVs, it takes from approximately 0.6 months to 1.5 years. It
should be noted that these values assumed a conventional fuel to
electric grid efficiency (30%) that is representative of a generic electric
mix mostly based on thermoelectric technologies. For assessing indi-
vidual PV installations, one should calculate the specific grid efficiency
based on the up-to-date regional grid mix composition.
FIGURE 7 Photovoltaic (PV) power plant acidification potential
(AP) (kgSO
eq/kWh), under three irradiation levels. Small symbols:
1000 kWh/(m
* year), medium symbols: 1700 kWh/(m
* year), and
large symbols: 2300 kWh/(m
* year). Performance ratio: 0.85.
Lifetime: 30 years. Module efficiencies: 20.5% for single-crystalline Si
(sc-Si) and 18% for multicrystalline Si (mc-Si) [Colour figure can be
viewed at]
FIGURE 8 Energy payback times (years) reductions from 2015 to
2020, under three irradiation levels: 1000 kWh/(m
* year), medium
symbols: 1700 kWh/(m
* year), and large symbols: 2300 kWh/
* year). Efficiencies: 17% and 20.5% for 2015 and 2020 single-
crystalline Si (sc-Si) photovoltaic (PV), respectively, and 16% and 18%
for 2015 and 2020 multicrystalline Si (mc-Si) PV, respectively.
Performance ratio: 0.85. η
=0.30 [Colour figure can be viewed at]
FIGURE 9 Energy return on investment (in terms of electricity)
reductions from 2015 to 2020, under three irradiation levels:
1000 kWh/(m
* year), medium symbols: 1700 kWh/(m
* year), and
large symbols: 2300 kWh/(m
* year). Efficiencies: 17% and 20.5% for
2015 and 2020 single-crystalline Si (sc-Si) photovoltaic (PV),
respectively, and 16% and 18% for 2015 and 2020 multicrystalline Si
(mc-Si) PV, respectively. Performance ratio: 0.85. Lifetime: 30 years
[Colour figure can be viewed at]
FIGURE 10 Energy return on investment (in terms of primary
energy) reductions from 2015 to 2020, under three irradiation levels:
1000 kWh/(m
* year), medium symbols: 1700 kWh/(m
* year), and
large symbols: 2300 kWh/(m
* year). Efficiencies: 17% and 20.5% for
2015 and 2020 single-crystalline Si (sc-Si) photovoltaic (PV),
respectively, and 16% and 18% for 2015 and 2020 multicrystalline Si
(mc-Si) PV, respectively. Performance ratio: 0.85. η
Lifetime: 30 years [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.
Figure 9 shows the EROIexpressed in terms of electricity
improvement over the years. At 2300 kWh/m
/year, the resulting
ranges from 16 to 14 for sc-Si and mc-Si PV systems, respec-
tively, showing in both cases significant improvements compared with
previous values. When the EROI is calculated in terms of primary
energyassuming a conventional grid efficiencyit ranges from
52 (for sc-Si PV systems) to 47 (for mc-Si PV systems), as shown in
Figure 10.
As nations are embarking on a transition to clean renewable energy,
we herein examine the impact on EROI
of improved grid mix com-
positions. A case in point is California where the grid is projected to
include 80% of renewable energy by 2030. Thus, we conducted a sen-
sitivity analysis comparing EROIs under a conventional grid with those
at current and projected California grid efficiencies. The results are
FIGURE 11 Sensitivity analysis on energy return on investment
in terms of primary energy (EROI
), considering the variability of grid
efficiency (η
), which is assumed to be 0.30 (conventional grid
efficiency), 0.48 (calculated 2019 California's grid efficiency), and 0.7
(projected California's grid efficiency with 80% of renewable
electricity). Assumed irradiation is 2300 kWh/(m
* year) [Colour
figure can be viewed at]
FIGURE 12 Sensitivity analysis on grid mix compositions: (A) 2014 and 2019 Chinese electricity mixes and (B) global warming potential
(GWP) reductionsexpressed as kgCO
eq/kWpdue to electricity grid mix changes from 2014 to 2019. Efficiencies are assumed as follows:
single-crystalline silicon (sc-Si): 20.5% and multicrystalline Si (mc-Si) 18% [Colour figure can be viewed at]
shown in Figure 11. Specifically, PV EROI
results calculated with
=0.3 have been compared with the following:
1. η
=0.48, which represent a 2019 grid efficiency in California,
2. η
=0.7, which is the projected 2030 grid efficiency in
California, assuming 80% of renewable electricity.
In all the above cases, the assumed irradiation is 2300 kWh/
* year) (south California).
Results of these simulations show a declining EROI with increas-
ing grid efficiency as solar electricity replaces less dirty grid electricity.
However, even with 80% penetration of renewable electricity into the
California's grid (52% of which is generated by PV), the EROI
of c-Si
PV systems is still above 20, whereas in a current Californian grid mix,
it is approximately 30.
We also examine the impact of changing grid mixture in China
where most of the c-Si PV production is taken place. As shown in
Figure 12A, the Chinese electricity grid mix composition has been
slightly changed over the 5 years (20142019). More specifically, PV
and wind's electricity generation shares have been increased from
1% to 3% and from 3% to 6% respectively, whereas the electricity
produced by coal power plants has been reduced from 73% in 2014
to 65% in 2019. Overall, the total Chinese electricity production has
increased from 5388 billion to 7136 billion kWh. Because all these
changes affect the amount of primary energy ultimately required for
the manufacturing production process and the associated
environmental impacts, Figure 12B provides the resulting GWP
variations. Results show a reduction of approximately 1% in the
resulting carbon emissions. The corresponding life-cycle η
in China
in 2019 is 0.35.
This paper describes the sustainability improvements over the last
57 years in the life cycles of c-Si PV systems which currently
comprise about 95% of the PV market. The most significant
achievements are observed in single-crystalline PV where life-cycle
energy consumption and carbon and acidic emissions were reduced
by approximately 49%. Also, significant improvements are assessed
in the life cycle of multicrystalline PV where life-cycle CED was
reduced by 24%, carbon emissions by 32%, and acid gas emissions
by 14%. Contribution analysis shows that the major improvement
was obtained at the wafer production, due to reduced wafer thick-
ness and kerf loss. From a NEA perspective, EROI
for PV installed
at 2300 kWh/m
/year ranges from 52 to 47, respectively, for sc-Si
and mc-Si PVs, whereas PV systems deployed in low irradiation
locations (i.e., 1000 kWh/m
/year) correspond to EROI
in the
range of 21 to 22.
Sensitivity analysis on the electricity grid mix composition shows
that any increase of renewable penetration into the manufacturing
grid corresponds to a reduction of carbon emissions, while accompa-
nied by reduction of the EROI. More specifically, for installations in
California (where 80% penetration of renewable electricity is
expected by 2030), the EROI
of c-Si-based PV systems is reduced
to about 21, which still reflects a large net energy return on energy
Future research will address ongoing PV material utilization and
efficiency improvements that result in life-cycle impact improve-
ments. In addition, future research should entail examination of
metal resource availability in scenarios with ultrahigh penetration
of renewables and associated life-cycle human and eco-toxicity
Vasilis Fthenakis conceived and designed the study. Enrica Leccisi per-
formed the analysis and produced the results and graphics. Enrica Lec-
cisi and Vasilis Fthenakis analyzed the data. Enrica Leccisi wrote the
first draft of this manuscript. Vasilis Fthenakis probed into the details
and refined the manuscript.
BOS balance of system
CED cumulative energy demand
EPBT energy payback time
EROI energy return on investment
energy return on investment in terms of electricity
energy return on investment in terms of primary energy
GWP global warming potential
LCA life-cycle analysis
LCI life-cycle inventory
mc-Si multicrystalline silicon
NEA net energy analysis
PR performance ratio
sc-Si single-crystalline silicon
grid efficiency
Enrica Leccisi
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How to cite this article: Fthenakis V, Leccisi E. Updated
sustainability status of crystalline silicon-based photovoltaic
systems: Life-cycle energy and environmental impact
reduction trends. Prog Photovolt Res Appl. 2021;110. https://
... However, there are significant limitations in the existing literature. For instance, the inventory data of electricity mixes used in previous LCA studies are based on the Ecoinvent datasets (Müller et al., 2021;Liang and You, 2023;Yue et al., 2014;Lunardi et al., 2018;Fthenakis and Leccisi, 2021;Leccisi et al., 2016;Yang et al., 2015;Krebs-Moberg et al., 2021), which provide single-year data and do not reflect the situation of the investigated time frame. Besides, these studies disregard the differences between regional electricity supply in large countries such as China and the US while only evaluating and comparing the national average PV production. ...
... Another vital aspect to note is that most earlier PV LCA studies focused on multicrystalline, monocrystalline (buried contact cells), or ribbon silicon technologies (Liang and You, 2023;Fthenakis and Leccisi, 2021;Yang et al., 2015;Luo et al., 2018;Fu et al., 2015) that are no longer the leading technology. In 2022, Passivated Emitter and Rear Contact (PERC) on p-type monocrystalline silicon was the mainstream technology, accounting for about 80 % of the worldwide market share. ...
... The carbon footprint of manufacturing these solar modules is calculated based on the national average electricity grid, as considered in the "Reference" scenario, for China and North America. The impact of the balance of system (BOS) is estimated based on the literature (Fthenakis and Leccisi, 2021). The lifetime yield of solar electricity is calculated based on the IEA PVPS guidelines, which provide guidance on the methodology of LCA of PV electricity (Frischknecht et al., 2020b). ...
... 5,6 Among the crystalline silicon PV technologies, the single-crystalline (c-Si) PV technology has reached the highest power conversion efficiency (PCE) rate, 26.1%. 7 There have been significant efforts in recent years to reduce the materials and energy utilization in c-Si synthesis, 8 yet, the processing of the c-Si PV is still expensive and less environmentally friendly compared to thin film PV technologies. 9,10 Among emerging thin-film PV technologies, perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have been recognized as one of the most promising PV technologies with the potential to be a low-cost and environmentally friendly alternative to the c-Si PVs. ...
... We further compared the GWP impacts of PSC and commercial PV technologies with recent literature findings. Leccisi 8 Fthenakis reported a GWP of 22 g CO 2eq. per kW h for c-Si, which is B35% higher than the GWP impacts found in our study (17 g CO 2eq. ...
... per kW h). 8 This is because we used a United States electricity mix source compared to the Chinese electricity mixture used in Fthenakis et al. ...
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While perovskite solar cells (PSC) have a high potential of achieving commercial-scale manufacturing, they still face some deficiencies regarding rapid degradation in the presence of moisture, oxygen, and high-temperature exposure. To address these challenges, recent research has identified lower dimensional (LD) materials as promising candidates to improve the stability and power conversion efficiency (PCE) of PCSs. The goal of this study is to analyze the environmental performance of LD material-based PSCs (ld-PSC) through a comprehensive life cycle assessment, comparing their environmental performance with reference PSC and commercial photovoltaics (PV) technologies including single-crystalline (c-Si), copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) and cadmium telluride (CdTe). To achieve this objective, we evaluated five LD materials such as graphene, reduced graphene oxide (rGO), graphene quantum dots (GQDs), molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), and black phosphorus (BP) that are commonly studied in experimental works, and two alternative (Alt) ld-PSC configurations such as Alt-1 and Alt-2, featuring LD materials with lower environmental and comparatively higher among those studied. A comparison of LD materials on a unit mass basis reveals that rGO, graphene, and MoS2 are the most environmentally friendly options. However, their environmental impact changes significantly when incorporated into ld-PSC configurations based on the type and amount of chemicals used for the dispersion which emphasizes the importance of carefully selecting the chemicals used for dispersion. Our results show that the Alt-1 configuration is ∼25% lower and the Alt-2 configuration has ∼15% higher average environmental impacts compared to reference PSCs. Further analyses show that at 20% benchmark PCE, ld-PSC has the potential to outperform the environmental performance of all conventional technologies, even with a lifetime up to 2.5 times shorter. Additionally, ld-PSC has a faster energy payback period compared to commercial PV technologies.
... In 2020, PVPS published updated LCI data corresponding to silicon PV manufacturing in 2018 [13]. The disparities between newer and older versions of PVPS LCI data primarily reflect technological advancements that have improved material and energy consumption [15]. However, it is noteworthy that certain inventory data, specifically materials like aluminum alloy and solar glass used for module assembly, have not undergone updates to represent more recent developments. ...
... Meanwhile, the variation in the electricity grid over time is another critical aspect. China has committed to achieving carbon neutrality before 2060 [20], which may lead to a decarbonized electricity grid and, thus, the decreased carbon footprint of manufactured modules [15]. Thus, it is essential to analyze the carbon footprint of silicon modules manufactured in China over time, considering the changes in electricity generation structure and investigating the influence of manufacturing locations. ...
... In the IEA PVPS 2015 report [12], the accounting of recycled silicon in ingot and wafer production is incorrect [15], where zero energy and environmental burdens are allocated to the recycled silicon from wafer cutting losses. The IEA PVPS 2020 report corrects these allocations in the updated inventory, and the same is corrected in the present study for the reference LCA model built upon the PVPS 2015 report, as detailed in Section A.3 of Appendix A. ...
The growing solar photovoltaic (PV) installations have raised concerns about the life cycle carbon impact of PV manufacturing. While silicon PV modules share a similar framed glass-backsheet structure, the material consumption varies depending on module design, manufacturer, and manufacturing year, leading to varying carbon emissions. However, current life cycle assessment (LCA) studies and public inventory databases of silicon PVs lack an assessment of the variability in commercialized solar module designs and their potential impact on module reliability and carbon footprint. The present study aims to address this research gap by providing a temporal analysis of aluminum and glass intensity in crystalline silicon modules produced from 2006 to 2021. The material inventory data is obtained from specification sheets of 167 crystalline silicon modules produced by 31 manufacturers. Subsequently, we use the collected material inventory to estimate the carbon footprint of manufacturing silicon modules in multiple countries over the past decade. The results reveal a 30% reduction in the aluminum intensity used for frames from 2010 to 2021, while the solar glass thickness remains relatively constant. Additionally, the comparison among manufacturer tiers indicates that more reliable modules tend to use more materials for module production. Moreover, the comparative life cycle assessment of modules manufactured in various countries demonstrates a significant impact of local electricity mixes on the carbon footprint of module manufacturing. Modules manufactured in China exhibit the highest carbon emissions, followed by Malaysia (4-9% lower than China), South Korea (15-16% lower than China), the US (17-18% lower than China), Thailand (19-21% lower than China), Turkey (18-21% lower than China), and Vietnam (25-30% lower than China). Overall, the present study highlights the importance of up-to-date data on material inventory and local electricity mixes in evaluating the environmental impacts associated with PV manufacturing. Lastly, we advocate for integrating the variability of module designs and manufacturing locations within low-carbon solar module criteria and guidelines, recognizing the importance of adaptability in achieving sustainable solar manufacturing.
... In the European context, regulations such as the WEEE Directive are expected to further boost recycling, setting clear targets for material recovery [32]. The PV industry must focus on creating and optimizing recycling systems to close the life cycle of these modules in a sustainable way [41]. ...
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The rapid expansion of photovoltaic (PV) installations across Mediterranean Europe since 2007 has resulted in a substantial increase in the need for end-of-life (EoL) management strategies for monocrystalline PV modules. This paper reviews the technical challenges and opportunities associated with the recycling of PV modules, focusing on the physical, chemical, and thermal processes currently employed. Despite advancements in recycling technology, significant gaps remain in infrastructure and regulatory enforcement, particularly in Mediterranean countries. The recovery of valuable materials such as silicon, silver, and glass presents both economic and environmental benefits, although the costs of recycling remain a key barrier to widespread adoption. Our analysis suggests that optimizing these recycling processes could improve their profitability and scalability, enabling more effective resource recovery. The paper concludes with recommendations for policy and infrastructure development to support the sustainable management of PV waste across the Mediterranean region.
... Fthenakis and Leccisi report a 48% reduction in CED, 50% reduction in GWP and 42% reduction in acidic emissions for monocrystalline Si modules between 2015 and 2020. 22 The main reasons for these improvements were reduced kerf-loss at the wafer stage and increased cell efficiencies. These values were obtained by selecting "recommended plus interim characterization factors" in USEtox. ...
This paper provides a comprehensive assessment of the up‐to‐date life‐cycle sustainability status of cadmium‐telluride based photovoltaic (PV) systems. Current production modules (Series 6 and Series 7) are analyzed in terms of their energy performance and environmental footprint and compared with the older series 4 module production and current single‐crystalline Silicon (sc‐Si) module production. For fixed‐tilt systems with Series 6 modules operating under average US irradiation of 1800 kWh/m ² /year, the global warming potential (GWP) is reduced from 16 g CO 2eq /kWh in Series 4 systems to 10 CO 2eq /kWh in Series 6 systems. For operation in US‐SW irradiation of 2300 kWh/m ² /year, the GWP is reduced from 11 to 8 CO 2eq /kWh and for 1‐axis tracking systems operating in Phoenix, Arizona, with point‐of array irradiation of 3051 kWh/m ² /year the GWP is reduced to 6.5 CO 2eq /kWh. Similar reductions have happened in all environmental indicators. Energy payback times (EPBT) of currently installed systems range from 0.6 years for fixed‐tilt ground‐mounted installations at average US irradiation at latitude tilt installations to 0.3 years for one‐axis trackers at high US‐SW irradiation, considering average fossil‐fuel dominated electricity grids with fuel to electricity conversion efficiency of 0.3. The resulting energy return on energy investment (EROI) also depends on the conversion efficiency of the electricity grid and on the operation life expectance. For a 30‐year operational life and grid conversion efficiency of 0.3, EROI ranges from 50 (at US average irradiation) to 70 for US‐SW irradiation. The EROI declines with increased grid conversion efficiency; for CdTe PV operating in south California with grid conversion efficiency of 49%, the EROI is about 50 and is projected to fall to 30 when the state's 2030 target of 80% renewable energy penetration materializes. Material alternatives that show a potential of further reductions in degradation rates and materials for enhanced encapsulation that would enable longer operation lives have also been investigated. A degradation rate of 0.3%/year, which has been verified by accelerated testing, is assumed in 30‐year scenarios; this is projected to be reduced to 0.2%/year in the near‐term and potentially to 0.1%/year in the longer term. With such low degradation rates and enhanced edge‐sealing, modules can last 40‐ to 50‐years. Consequently, all impact indicators will be proportionally reduced while EROI will increase. This detailed LCA was conducted according to ISO standards and IEA PVPS Task 12 guidelines. The study revealed that the choices of system models, methods and temporal system boundaries can significantly impact the results and points out to the need to include assumptions regarding these choices in the “transparency in reporting” requirements listed in the IEA PVPS Task 12 Guidelines.
... ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 10 July 2024 doi:10.20944/preprints202407.0793.v114 ...
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The transition to renewable energy sources is pivotal in addressing the escalating challenges of climate change and environmental degradation. Solar energy, particularly photovoltaic (PV) technology, stands out as a prominent solution due to its potential for clean and sustainable electricity generation with minimal greenhouse gas emissions. However, accurately assessing the carbon footprint of PV modules is essential for guiding policy, industry practices, and research. This paper reviews the state of current literature and highlights the difficulties in estimating the carbon footprint of PV modules manufactured in China. It emphasizes the inherent limitations of Process-Based Life Cycle Assessment (PLCA), including data collection challenges, dynamic environmental changes, and subjective methodological choices. The study underscores the need for improved transparency, standardization, and reproducibility in Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) to provide more accurate and reliable environmental impact evaluations.
Technical Report
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Requiring no fuel for generation and negligible material/energy for operation and maintenance, photovoltaic (PV) systems have environmental impacts mostly due to the production of modules and the commissioning of power plants. Thus, extending the service lifetime of these systems from 30 to 40 years through an enhanced lamination process for module production potentially reduces environmental impacts per unit energy generated. Life cycle assessment is employed to evaluate the environmental impacts under scenarios for resource utilizations for the new lamination process, operation and maintenance requirements in the extended service lifetime, and degradation rates of the devised modules. Extending the service lifetime significantly reduces environmental impacts across categories, with a 21–27% reduction in global warming potential on the pessimistic and optimistic ends. At least 20% impact reduction is achieved in most impact categories, even under a pessimistic scenario. Considering uncertainty models in the life cycle inventories, samples are generated for scenarios via Monte Carlo simulation, and with significant improvements with large effects in most environmental impact categories, deterministic impact comparisons are supported by ANOVA and Tukey tests. Production strategies for more durable and reliable PV modules have a significant potential in contributing to global sustainability efforts.
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This paper presents a detailed life-cycle assessment of the greenhouse gas emissions, cumulative demand for total and non-renewable primary energy, and energy return on investment (EROI) for the domestic electricity grid mix in the U.S. state of California, using hourly historical data for 2018, and future projections of increased solar photovoltaic (PV) installed capacity with lithium-ion battery energy storage, so as to achieve 80% net renewable electricity generation in 2030, while ensuring the hourly matching of the supply and demand profiles at all times. Specifically-in line with California's plans that aim to increase the renewable energy share into the electric grid-in this study, PV installed capacity is assumed to reach 43.7 GW in 2030, resulting of 52% of the 2030 domestic electricity generation. In the modelled 2030 scenario, single-cycle gas turbines and nuclear plants are completely phased out, while combined-cycle gas turbine output is reduced by 30% compared to 2018. Results indicate that 25% of renewable electricity ends up being routed into storage, while 2.8% is curtailed. Results also show that such energy transition strategy would be effective at curbing California's domestic electricity grid mix carbon emissions by 50%, and reducing demand for non-renewable primary energy by 66%, while also achieving a 10% increase in overall EROI (in terms of electricity output per unit of investment).
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Renewable electricity generation is intermittent and its large‐scale deployment will require some degree of energy storage. Although best assessed at grid level, the incremental energy and environmental impacts of adding the required energy storage capacity may also be calculated specifically for each individual technology. This paper deals with the latter issue for the case of photovoltaics (PV) complemented by lithium‐ion battery (LIB) storage. A life cycle assessment (LCA) of a 100MW ground‐mounted PV system with 60MW of (lithium‐manganese oxide) LIB, under a range of irradiation and storage scenarios, show that energy pay‐back time and life‐cycle global warming potential increase by 7% to 30% (depending on storage duration scenarios), with respect to those of PV without storage. Thus the benefits of PV when displacing conventional thermal electricity (in terms of carbon emissions and energy renewability) are only marginally affected by the addition of energy storage. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Perovskite photovoltaics reached record efficiencies in the laboratory, and if sustainably commercialized, they would accelerate a green energy transition. This article presents the development of life cycle inventory material and energy databases of four most promising single-junction and three tandem scalable perovskite systems with assumptions regarding scalable production validated by industry experts. We conducted comprehensive “ex ante” life cycle analysis (LCA) and net energy analysis, analyzing their cumulative energy demand, global warming potential profiles, energy payback times, and energy return on investment (EROI). LCA contribution analysis elucidates the most impactful material and process choices. It shows that solution-based perovskite manufacturing would have lower environmental impact than vapor-based methods, and that roll-to-roll (RtR) printing offers the lowest impact. Among material choices, MoOx/Al has lower impact than Ag, and fluorine-tin-oxide lower than indium-tin-oxide. Furthermore, we compare perovskites with commercial crystalline-silicon and thin-film PV, accounting for the most recent developments in crystalline-Si wafer production and differences in life expectancies and efficiencies. It is shown that perovskite systems produced with RtR manufacturing could reach in only 12 years of life, the same EROI as that of single-crystalline-Si PV lasting 30 years. This work lays a foundation for sustainability investigations of perovskite large-scale deployment.
As a consequence of the photovoltaic (PV) market expansion in the last 20 years, the cumulative global PV waste is expected to exponentially grow. A proper disposal of decommissioned PV panels is crucial for avoiding environmental risks and for recovering value-added materials. In this study, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was performed in order to assess the environmental performance of a new recycling process for crystalline silicon (c-Si) PV panels, at the End of Life (EoL). The process was developed in the framework of the ReSiELP (Recovery of Silicon and other materials from the End-of-Life Photovoltaic Panels) project, aiming at recovering valuable resources from EoL PV c-Si modules and making the recovered materials readily available for different supply chains, in line with the principles of Circular Economy. A “gate to gate” approach was used to investigate two lines of activities: (i) the Recovery line, dedicated to the recovery of secondary raw materials from EoL c-Si PV panels, namely aluminium, copper, glass, silver and silicon, and (ii) the Glass reuse line, for the employment of the recovered glass in prefabricated building components (predalles slabs). The results highlight energy consumption, chemicals and transportation as the main hotspots of the ReSiELP process. For a comprehensive evaluation, the generated loads were compared with the potential environmental benefits gained thanks to the recovery of aluminium, at the largest extent. Overall, the LCA analysis showed that the investigated process is environmentally favorable, also when compared to other EoL PV panels recycling scenarios reported in literature.
Solar energy has the potential to play a central role in the future global energy system because of the scale of the solar resource, its predictability, and its ubiquitous nature. Global installed solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity exceeded 500 GW at the end of 2018, and an estimated additional 500 GW of PV capacity is projected to be installed by 2022–2023, bringing us into the era of TW-scale PV. Given the speed of change in the PV industry, both in terms of continued dramatic cost decreases and manufacturing-scale increases, the growth toward TW-scale PV has caught many observers, including many of us (1), by surprise. Two years ago, we focused on the challenges of achieving 3 to 10 TW of PV by 2030. Here, we envision a future with ∼10 TW of PV by 2030 and 30 to 70 TW by 2050, providing a majority of global energy. PV would be not just a key contributor to electricity generation but also a central contributor to all segments of the global energy system. We discuss ramifications and challenges for complementary technologies (e.g., energy storage, power to gas/liquid fuels/chemicals, grid integration, and multiple sector electrification) and summarize what is needed in research in PV performance, reliability, manufacturing, and recycling.
Energy return on investment (EROI) is a critical measure of the comparative utility of different energy carriers, including fossil fuels and renewables. However, it must not be used to compare carriers that cannot be put to similar end-use. In addition, combining carriers to arrive at estimates of ‘average’ or ‘minimum’ EROIs can be problematic.
Lead halide perovskites (LHP) are an emerging class of photovoltaic (PV) materials that have drawn intense interest due to their power conversion efficiencies above 23% and their potential for low-cost fabrication. However, the toxicity of lead causes concern about its use in LHP-PV at large scales. Here, we quantified lead intensity and toxicity potential of LHP-PV in potential commercial production. Lead intensity in LHP-PV life cycles can be 4 times lower and potential toxic emissions can be 20 times lower than those in representative U.S. electricity mixes, assuming that PV operational lifetimes reach 20 years. We introduce the metric “toxicity potential payback time” accounting for toxic emissions in the life cycle of energy cycles, and showed that it is < 2 years for perovskite PVs produced by and displacing the same grid mix. The toxicity potential associated with the energy of manufacturing a PV system dominates that associated with release of embodied lead. Therefore, the use of lead should not preclude commercialization of LHP-PVs. Instead, effort should focus on development of low-energy manufacturing processes and long service lifetimes. Additional detailed investigations are needed to quantify the full life cycle of commercial production of perovskites and to minimize potential emissions.