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The most important features that we have reached through this study, are shown the cross-section of root were in the secondary growth stage and the epidermis of leaf were studded by stomata complex, the type of it was anomocytic that’s mean no have subsidiary cells around the guard cells, the mesophyll bifacial also the midrib region of leaf like the pear and the vascular bundle located in the center crescent in shape. The cross-sections of petiole ovate shape with two ears in the lateral side and the vascular bundles crescent in shape. The cross-section of fruits circular component of three-layer the outer layer pericarp, mesocarp, and the endocarp, surrounding the ovary or the seeds.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Anatomical study of
Solanum nigrum
L. from Solanaceae family growing
in Iraq
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Ibn Al-Haitham International Conference for Pure and Applied Sciences (IHICPS)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1879 (2021) 022003
IOP Publishing
Anatomical study of Solanum nigrum L. from Solanaceae
family growing in Iraq
Muazaz Azeez Al-Hadeethi1*, Ali T Al-Taie2 and Areej A. Farman Al-Rawi1
1Department of Biology, College of Education of pure Sciences (Ibn Al-Haitham),
University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.
2Continuous Learning Center, Mustansiriyah University, Iraq
Abstract. The most important features that we have reached through this study, are shown the
cross-section of root were in the secondary growth stage and the epidermis of leaf were
studded by stomata complex, the type of it was anomocytic that’s mean no have subsidiary
cells around the guard cells, the mesophyll bifacial also the midrib region of leaf like the pear
and the vascular bundle located in the center crescent in shape. The cross-sections of petiole
ovate shape with two ears in the lateral side and the vascular bundles crescent in shape. The
cross-section of fruits circular component of three-layer the outer layer pericarp, mesocarp, and
the endocarp, surrounding the ovary or the seeds.
Keywords. Solanum nigrum, Solanaceae, Anatomy, Iraq.
1. Introduction
Solanum nigrum, the common name wolf grape, black nightshade or blackberry nightshade, also refer
that it is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the Solanaceae family, it is a widespread species that
contain alkaloids and is considered toxic [1]. The species may reach a meter height, leaves are Flat
with white-colored flowers appear in numbers from four to ten, the fruits of the plant are green in the
first place, and then they become black or blue, juicy, sweet when ripe, and contain many small
kidney-shaped seeds, and are collected in the autumn, the plant distribute in fields, orchards, gardens,
canal banks, deserted places, and spreads all over the world [2]. The whole plant contains Solanine,
Asparagine, Lutein, Tannin, linoleic acid, and Palmitic acid, the plant is used medicinally as a sedative
and skin softening agent. This plant began to be used since its anesthetic and paralytic effect on nerve
endings was known. Fruit juice has a pain-relieving effect by letting a drop of the juice evaporate over
the sore tooth [3]. [4] refers that the fruits of the plant cause poisoning in children when they are eaten,
especially if the fruits are not fully ripe and their color is between red and purple, and too much eating
the loss of the latter cause of memory and consciousness and often leads to poisoning and then death
because they contain steroidal alkaloids. The foliage also harms livestock when grazing on them. This
is not recommended to use the plant internally due to its toxic effects, but it can be used externally to
relieve some pain such as joint pain [5]. There are a few studies and data concerning the anatomy of S.
nigrum in describing some species of the family Solanaceae only original anatomical characteristics
Ibn Al-Haitham International Conference for Pure and Applied Sciences (IHICPS)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1879 (2021) 022003
IOP Publishing
have been given by [6]. [7] also studied the morphological and anatomical characteristics of vegetative
parts of some species belonging to Solanaceae family like S. nigrum, S. americanum, S. sarrachoides,
and S. ptycanthum. They noticed that they varied in relation to environmental conditions. As well as
[8] refers to the Anatomical and Comparative study of selected wild species from the family
Solanaceae in Iraq included S. nigrum.
The aim of this study is to investigate the important anatomical features for the parts of the species S.
nigrum, to recognize the tissues and cells, and to be able to distinguish between the other species in the
same genus.
2. Materials and Methods
The species collected from the herbal garden at AL- Rashidiya city north of Baghdad (Latitude of
Rashidiya: 33, 5528 (3333'10.080"N), Longitude of Rashidiya: 44, 3725 (4422'21.000"E)) at April
2019. The plant material was identified and authenticated by Flora of Turkey [9] and flora of Nouvelle
Flore du Liban et de la Syrie [10]. Firstly the parts of plant like as root, stem, leaves and fruits were
kept in formalin acetic acid alcohol (FAA) for 48 hours, which was prepared according to [11] as
follow: 50 ml of Ethyl alcohol, 5 ml of Glacial acetic acid, 10 ml of Formaldehyde 37 to 40%
concentration and 35 ml Distilled water, then the samples were washed by distilled water and were
kept in 70% Ethyle alcohol. The epidermis of leaves was prepared according to[12] were peeling by a
razor blade and washing with distilled water then put in 5% sodium hypochlorite for 5 mins to remove
the chlorophyll pigment. The sectioning parts of root, stem, leaf, petiole, and fruit were done by hand
section, the procedure was performed according to [13], the fresh material sectioned by a razor blade
into thin and small pieces then put in 0.5% sodium hypochlorite for 5 mins to clear the tissue and
remove the chlorophyll pigment. Finally all the samples are put on the slide and mounted by cover
slides and fixed by Olympus KRÜSS light microscope then photographed using AmScope camera.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Cross section of root
The shape of the outline root is circular, and in the secondary growth stage, that’s mean that this stage
consists of the first annual ring in the plant. The root covered by the periderm, the thickness of it
reached to 16.2 µm followed by several rows of parenchyma tissues longitudinal and ovate cells
known the cortex and they are interspersed the cells of the cortex the ordinary schizogenous
intercellular spaces and the thickness of it 25.4 µm. The vascular cylinder is consist of xylem and
phloem, the thickness of it 266.7 µm, the pith located in the center of the stem filled with parenchyma
cells and the thickness of it reached to 75.8 µm (Figures 1).
Ibn Al-Haitham International Conference for Pure and Applied Sciences (IHICPS)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1879 (2021) 022003
IOP Publishing
Figure 1. Root cross section of Solanum nigrum.
3.2. Cross section of stem
The shape of the outline stem is tetragonal, the cross section of the stem consists of a uniseriate
epidermis covered by cuticle, the cuticle thickness 3.4 µm and the epidermis thickness 18.9 µm, and
the cortex consists of 2 layers, the first one is located under the epidermis and consist of the
collenchyma tissue and after it comes the second layer of parenchyma tissues, the thickness of cortex
34.7 µm. The vascular bundles are collateral and open and take the shape of a stem, consist of xylem
and phloem, the vascular thickness is 107.9 µm, the pith located in the center of the stem filled with
parenchyma cells and the cells circular and the ordinary schizogenous intercellular space among it
(Figures 2), the result agrees with [6].
Figure 2. Stem cross section of Solanum nigrum.
3.3. Study of leaves
The epidermis of the leaf shows the stomata complex, the type of stomata was anomocytic that’s mean
it has no subsidiary cells around the guard cells, the guard cells are kidney shaped and the anticlinal
walls of epidermal cells are wavy, (Figures 3), this agrees with [7] who refer that the stomata of these
species are anomocytic to anisocytic, somewhat larger in S. nigrum, which can be explained by its
polyploidy. The transfer section of the leaf consists of the upper and lower uniseriate epidermis, the
upper epidermis is covered by cuticle with the thickness ranging from 2.1µm, also the cells of upper
epidermis ovule shape and the thickness of it is 35.5 µm, while the thickness of the lower epidermis is
20.4 µm. The leaf described as the bifacial mesophyll consists of palisade layers and spongy layers,
the thickness of palisade layers was 95.5 µm and the thickness of spongy layers was 153.7 µm
(Figures 4). The midrib region of the leaf have a pear-like shape, the epidermis is covered with the
eglandular uniseriate and multicellular trichomes followed by the cortex and the vascular bundle
located in the center have crescent in shape ranged to 195.5 µm include xylem and phloem (Figures 5),
the results agree with [14].
Ibn Al-Haitham International Conference for Pure and Applied Sciences (IHICPS)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1879 (2021) 022003
IOP Publishing
Figure 3. Surface view of epidermis in the species Solanum nigrum.
Figure 4. Leaf blade cross section of Solanum nigrum.
Figure 5. Cross section of leaf midrib of Solanum nigrum.
Ibn Al-Haitham International Conference for Pure and Applied Sciences (IHICPS)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1879 (2021) 022003
IOP Publishing
3.3.1. Petiole cross section:
The cross sections of petiole ovate shape with two ears in the lateral side, the epidermis was uniseriate
covered with a cuticle, the average thickness of it 1.5 µm and many unicellular and uniseriate
trichomes diffuse on it, the average thickness of the petiole epidermis reached to 16.5 µm. And below
the epidermis, the cortex is located, the average thickness of the cortex ranged from 38.2 µm. Whilst
the vascular bundles are crescent in shape and are found in the center of the pith which consists of
xylem and phloem (Figures 6), the results agrees with [8].
Figure 6. Petiole cross section of Solanum nigrum.
3.4. Cross section of fruits and seeds:
The cross section of the fruits have circular component of three layers; the outer layer is
known as the pericarp, followed by the mesocarp, and the endocarp, which (the endocarp) is
the inner layer surrounding the ovary or the seeds (Figures 7).
Figure 7. Fruit cross section of Solanum nigrum.
Ibn Al-Haitham International Conference for Pure and Applied Sciences (IHICPS)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1879 (2021) 022003
IOP Publishing
4. References
[1] Grubb A and Raser-Rowland A 2012 The Weed Forager's Handbook Australia Hyland House
Publishing Pty Ltd. p 35. ISBN 9781864471212.
[2] Ogg A G, Rouger B S and Schiling E E 1981 Characterization of Black Nightshade (Solanum
nigrum) and Related Species in the United States. Weed Sci. 29 27.
[3] Mohyuddint A, Khan Z, Ahmad M and Kashmiri M A 2010 Chemotaxonomic value of
alkaloids in Solanum nigrum complex Pak. J. Bot. 42 653.
[4] North P 1977 Poisonous Plants and Fungi in Colour. Blandford Press 140.
[5] Schep L J, Slaughter R J and Temple W A 2017 Contaminant berries in frozen vegetables New
Zealand Med. J. 122 95.
[6] Metcalfe C R and Chalk L 1957 Anatomy of the Dicotyledons Vol. 2, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
[7] Rogers B S and Ogg, A G 1981 Biology of weeds of the Solanum nigrum complex (Solanum
section Solanum) in North America U.S. Department of Agriculture, Science and
Educational Administration Agricultural Reviews and Manuals 69.
[8] Al-Allalq S A, Al-Musawi A H E and Al-Mousawi A H 2011 Anatomical and Comparative
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[9] Davis P H 1975 Flora of Turkey & the East Aegean Island Edinburg, Univ. Press 5 788.
[10] Paul M S J 1986 Nouvelle flore de liban et de syrie Dar El-Machreo sarl B. P. 946 Beyrouth
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[11] Johanson A D 1940 Plant Microtechnique .1st ed Mc Graw-Hill Book Company, New York and
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[12] Al-Hadeethi M A 2016 Anatomical and palynological study of Myrtus communis L. Diyala J.
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[13] Thammathaworn A 1996 Handbook by paraffin method. Department of biology, Faculty of
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[14] Seithe A and Anderson G J 1982 Hair morphology and the relationships of species in Solanum
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... The plant samples underwent the following steps: dried and compressed by the plant presser and after drying, set on sheets of cardboard, with each sample fixed with a card label containing necessary information, such as scientific name, place of collection, the name of collector, the date of the collection, and information about the environmental factors, such as soil type and altitude, following past studies (Khalaf and AL-Hadeethi, 2020;Al-Hadeethi et al., 2021). Depositing all samples continued in the herbarium at the College of Education for Pure Sciences, Ibn-AL-Hathiam, Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq. ...
... E). These samples, collected from specific regions, are also suggestions in other studies (Al-Hadeethi et al., 2019;Al-Hadeethi et al., 2021;Al-Hadeethi et al., 2022). ...
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Veronica is a prominent genus belonging to the family Plantaginaceae. Six species samples came from different mountainous areas of AL-Sulaimaniyah, Northern Iraq, comprising V. anagalloides, V. anagallis-aquatica, V. beccabunga, V. minuta, Veronica persica, and V. polita. DNA genomic manually extracted from plant leaves, and the specific PCR fragments partially covering the internal transcribed spacer-1, internal transcribed spacer-2, and 5.8S rRNA, and internal transcribed spacer-2 sequences were options for the latest study that proceeded with primers ITS5 (5' GGAAGTAAAAGTCGTAACAAGG-3') and ITS4 (5'-TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATGC-3') to amplify the samples of six different Veronica species. The electrophoresis migration for PCR analysis showed that the length of the amplified segment was about 600 bp for all the studied samples. An assumption from the generated tree was that the detected nucleic acid variants showed a noticeable effect on changing the evolutionary positioning of the investigated samples compared with the wild-type sequences. All the investigated rRNA sequences deposited in the NCBI web server acquired unique accession numbers for the analyzed S1 to S3 sequences. The deposited sequences received the GenBank accession numbers, i.e., OP363796.1, OP363795.1, OP363794.1, OP363793.1, OP363792.1, and OP363791.1, representing the six investigated isolates of the Veronica species, respectively. Key findings: The variation of the rRNA sequences can also help in Veronica characterization due to its possible ability to adapt to variable genetic diversity. The sequencing reactions indicated the precise identity after performing NCBI BLASTn for these PCR amplicons. Concerning the investigated ribosomal amplicons, the NCBI BLASTn engine showed 99% to 100% sequence similarities between the sequenced samples and the intended reference target sequences.
... E). These samples, collected from specific regions, are also suggestions in other studies (Al-Hadeethi et al., 2019;Al-Hadeethi et al., 2021;Al-Hadeethi et al., 2022). ...
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Withania (Solanaceae, Solanoideae) is a widespread genus. Comparative macro-, micro-morphological, anatomical, and molecular features of this genus in Egypt were examined using light and scanning electron microscopy to reassess the conflicted taxonomic relationships between the two studied species. The most significant morphological differences that have been found were: the shape of the lamina, apex, anther, and stigma, and the ratio of calyx tube/lobe; anatomical examination of taxonomic interest are as follows: number of vascular bundles, presence of ears and distribution of accessory vascular bundles in petiole and shape of spongy cells, and number of lower parenchyma in the midrib region of the leaf; trichomes of both species showed no significant differences; pollen, and seed characters are of taxonomic significance in differentiation and characterization between them. Protein profiling revealed that W. somnifera has only conserved proteins, while W. obtusifolia possessed both conserved and additional proteins in their SDS-PAGE banding patterns. Eleven starts codon-targeted (ScoT) primers were applied and produced 96 amplicons with an average of 70.83% polymorphism/primer. W. obtusifolia generated more polymorphic bands and maintained monomorphic ones. SDS-PAGE disclosed that both Withania species were 50% related. While Scot-Dendrogram revealed that both Withania species were poorly related. So, protein and molecular analyses showed considerable genetic variations between these two species.
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In the present research work, detailed micromorphological features study (investigated for foliar epidermal anatomy) for five species of the genus Silene L., belonging to the family Caryophyllaceae. One of the essential anatomical characteristics of the leaf in this genus observed two basic stomata types on both adaxial and abaxial epidermis, diacytic and anisocytic, from five species, three species have distinguished a diacytic type, exception two species S. chlorifolia and S. longipetala appeared to have both a diacytic and anisocytic, also has astrocytic crystals within epidermal cells. Also in the present work, 3 species out of 5 have trichomes on their both surfaces, observed having them multicellular uniseriate. All the taxa were the distinguished shape of the guard cells as reniform-like from a full short reniform in all species. So the general shape of ordinary epidermal cells, anticlinal wall of the epidermal cells, type of stomata cells, collar shape marginal of guard cells, and trichomes. Images enhanced the micromorphological characteristics under study. Information on the locations and dates of the collection was also confirmed. This study revealed that the micromorphological features of the family are taxonomically signi?cant in the accurate identi?cation of species.
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This study detailed the properties of epidermis, leaf transverse sections, petioles and stems of the genus Myrtus communis L. belong the Myrtaceae family. It was clear that the particular anatomical characteristic were noteworthy and very important of this species, like as the multilayered cortex rich of wide idioblasts and taniniferous cells and the cells are a lot of druses crystals, oil pits situated close to both surfaces and unicellular hairs, likewise druses crystals are extremely regular in this species in the epidermis and cortex of leaf, petiole and stem too. The leaf blade has increase in cuticle thickness due to that epidermis waxen in this species.The pollen morphology of this species was elliptical in equatorial side and triangular in polar side also the apertures were tricolporate, mostly syncolpate also the pollen grain narrow colpi. ‫الياس‬ ‫لنبات‬ ‫لقاح‬ ‫وحبوب‬ ‫تشريحية‬ ‫دراسة‬ Myrtus communis L. ‫عزيز‬ ‫معزز‬ ‫الحديثي‬ ‫الحياة‬ ‫علوم‬ ‫قسم‬-‫الهيثم‬ ‫ابن‬ ‫الصرفة‬ ‫للعلوم‬ ‫التربية‬ ‫كلية‬-‫بغداد‬ ‫جامعة‬ ‫الخالصة‬ ‫الشائع‬ ‫اآلس‬ ‫لجنس‬ ‫والسيقان‬ ‫االوراق‬ ‫وأعناق‬ ،‫لالوراق‬ ‫العرضية‬ ‫والمقاطع‬ ‫البشرة‬ ‫خصائص‬ ‫حول‬ ‫الدراسة‬ ‫هذه‬ ‫تفاصيل‬ Myrtus communis L. ‫عائلة‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫ينتمي‬ ‫الذي‬ Myrtaceae. ‫بوجه‬ ‫التشريحية‬ ‫الصفات‬ ‫أن‬ ‫الواضح‬ ‫من‬ ‫كان‬ Anatomical and Palynological Study of Myrtus communis L. Muazaz A. AL-Hadeethi
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The usefulness of features of leaf hairs in distinguishing subgenera and sections is well documented in bothRhododendron andSolanum. In this analysis of the taxa ofSolanum sect.Basarthrum (23 species), and of a sample of closely related taxa from sect.Petota (22 species), it is shown that such features serve to delineate subsectional groups such as series and some species as well. SectionBasarthrum has an unexpected diversity of hair types. Although this group has been characterized by 2-celled bayonet hairs, more than one half of the taxa in the section bear multicellular finger hairs, and 3 species also possess branched hairs. Thus, major rearrangements of the species previously assigned to sect.Basarthrum are indicated or supported by pubescence features. The taxa studied from seriesEtuberosa andJuglandifolia (both of sect.Petota) show hair types that a) are relatively primitive for the section, and b) show linkage between sects.Petota andBasarthrum.
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The comparison of alkaloidal profile of delimited species in the 5 locally available taxa of S. nigrum complex were used to establish the boundaries among close taxonomic groups. Several glycoalkaloids (Solasonine, α-Solamargine, β-Solamargine and α-Solanine) and their aglycones (Solasodine and Solanidine) were analysed that were shown to be a valuable tool to resolve the international taxonomic controversy based on morphological characters. HPLC and GC-MS were used for the first time for the analysis of alkaloids in S. nigrum complex. Qualitative and quantitative comparison by cluster analysis demonstrated significant distances among S. chenopodioides and S. villosum as well as in S. americanum and S. nigrum, in their respective clusters, indicated them as distinct species. But S. retroflexum did not show such a marked difference and hence might be regarded as a variety or subspecies of S. nigrum.
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Many plants contain toxic substances heterogeneous in their chemical composition and diverse in their toxic effects. When classifying plant poisonings, a pragmatic approach is to look at the main clinical effects, but it should be emphasized that few plant toxins produce just one type of symptom, and symptomatology is often multiple, although some features predominate....
The Weed Forager's Handbook Australia Hyland House Publishing Pty Ltd
  • A Grubb
  • A Raser-Rowland
Grubb A and Raser-Rowland A 2012 The Weed Forager's Handbook Australia Hyland House Publishing Pty Ltd. p 35. ISBN 9781864471212.
Characterization of Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) and Related Species in the United States
  • A G Ogg
  • B Rouger
  • E E Schiling
Ogg A G, Rouger B S and Schiling E E 1981 Characterization of Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) and Related Species in the United States. Weed Sci. 29 27.
  • L J Schep
  • R Slaughter
  • W A Temple
Schep L J, Slaughter R J and Temple W A 2017 Contaminant berries in frozen vegetables New Zealand Med. J. 122 95.